Asmongold Ranks Every Single WoW PATCH & EXPANSION | Final Tier List

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three multi-boss raids with secret heroic only end bosses for sinestra and yeah of course you're falling asleep let's find out why mcconnell was falling asleep i'm gonna pull up your [ __ ] logs from back then right now oh i can't do it yeah of course you don't well i did and i was a [ __ ] god back then because it would meant something it meant something to be good back in cataclysm over these years we've had some patches and wow some good some bad some decent some okay but now the definitive list of the champion of azeroth me by the way will be made i would say the original burning crusade patch the first patch that burning crusade ever came out burning crusade was the greatest expansion that blizzard has ever made and wrath of the lich king and all the other ones are not even remotely close whenever burning crusade came out it was like a new world it was it reinvigorated the game it brought everybody together and it had some of the best grades of all time and it's so good that people are coming back to play it even now so we're gonna put burning crusade as a [ __ ] s this is a straight up [ __ ] s this is the best one that you can possibly imagine and that's all there is to it okay it's the best one black temple black temple i would say that black temple was actually not that good of a patch i do not think black temple is a good patch here's why i don't think so because the tier vi content was not that good oh yeah uh i love mount hi joel uh my favorite part about it was the trash well i would hope so because that was the whole [ __ ] thing the raid was trash like literally and metaphorically okay it was a trap it was a trash ass raid it was a trash ass raid and i remember i was so excited for mount hyjal because it was just the way it was like oh it's the warcraft 3 mission oh and i love warcraft 3. and so i wanted to play it i played it i afkeed hydrill the first time i did it the first time i did it we got to wave like four and i'm like oh [ __ ] it that dude without me don't do it without me i said [ __ ] that [ __ ] dude i don't want to deal with it i don't want to see it so i'm going to put black temple i want to put that as a it's a b it's maybe maybe a c that's a c or a b but like illidan was a cool fight some other stuff was cool and people are going to mauled out if i put it any lower so we're gonna put black temple as a b okay guys black temple b patch voice chat now whenever they added voice chat to burning crusade i remember this day because it lasted for one day people watched the voice chat and they tried to use it for about six minutes and nobody could get it to work it was complete garbage it was really annoying this patch is i think one of the worst patches that blizzard has ever made this is beyond f for what the voice chat patch and burning crusade oh yeah nobody used that [ __ ] nobody used it it was absolute dog [ __ ] you know what i know it everybody knows it all right the next one is the zulumon now what came out with the zulaman patch was it just za because i actually think za was one of the best patches like one of the best raids ever like i loved za like za was a badass patch now the thing is like i don't know if it's really gonna fill it's gonna be as good as the other ones in the future though but like i think za is really really a big patch it's a massive [ __ ] patch the guild bank wait no the guild bank came out in za 2.3 was the guild bank okay so if it was the guild bank that enabled me to have a lot of fun i had a lot of fun with the guild bank patches probably uh honestly i probably had more fun with the guild bank than i did with the raid so we're gonna put za as an a this is an a patch 100 in a patch fury of the sunwell fury of the sunwell patch 2.4 it brought in not only sunwell but also the isle of quel'donis one of the best areas in the game at that time at least not necessarily i mean nowadays doesn't stand up quite as well but back then it was [ __ ] amazing everybody was happy to see it sunwell was incredibly [ __ ] hard they added in let's see sunwell was really good for i like sunwell all right so sunwell had actual pvp items that you're able to get off of twin eredar it had the legendary bow it also had the set pieces that allowed you to mix and match the tier six items it had new crafting levels with the hardened corium you were able to do trash runs as well and i remember uh dekina palodini got the rising fury whichever the offhand fist weapon i did not get the pole arm however and uh yeah i think that overall sunwell fury of the sunwell was an s tier patch fury of the sunwell was an absolutely s tier patch it was really really good one of the best ones i think that fury of sunlight was not as good as burning crusade release in terms of the patch cycle but it was still [ __ ] amazing that's a bit oh and matches terrace i forgot all about magister's terrace i gave it an s tier without even thinking about one of the big factors so i think that there you go it makes it very obvious that sunwell should be an s tier one okay yeah and you get the white cockstrider very very true now next wrath of the lich king release okay so let's talk about this there's a lot of people that are putting other than this take off the nostalgia goggles and see it for what it really was two one boss raids and a reused raid but divine storm one-shotting literally everything that lowers it that raises it big time and also death knights were complete [ __ ] dog [ __ ] they were so broken it was they were so broken it was insane god they were amazing it was stupid that dude all right it was so bad it was so bad dude [Music] they would turn into a ghoul and if you blew somebody up with the ghoul suicide explosion in arena even though the ghoul killed himself she would win the game you would win even if you killed yourself to kill the other guy it was so [ __ ] terrible the first patch of wrath was garbage it was absolutely garbage it was so terrible i'm gonna give it i'm gonna give it a [ __ ] sea it is a sea [Music] everybody knows it and i know i have to make the hard call but i'm sorry but two one boss raids which by the way sartherian i thought was a very good boss to be honest especially with three drakes but all of the other ones and also redoing max ramus to be a joke of a loot a bunch of loot pinatas the first time that my guild ever did 25 man kel'thuzad we one shot that [ __ ] it was so easy it was a joke man and that was [ __ ] wrong you're out dude death knights at the beginning of rat i mean honestly throughout wrath but at the very beginning were they were so amazingly fun it was just pure unadulterated overpowered fun at the expense powered every other class everything everybody was everybody was overpowered or art [ __ ] mages had the arcane barrage they were going around literally wondering no that was i was only at level 70 during the pre-patch mcconnell like i don't remember dude i'm telling you they were opening and wrath too and they were going around they were spell stealing the mobs and knacks and clearing knacks in like three minutes no that's not even what happened that's not even what happened yes they would spell steal the [ __ ] bone armor from the dude and then they'd [ __ ] go clear it i know that listen i i remember watching this [ __ ] video there it is right there yes so basically what would happen is is these he would he would attack these guys and he would spell steal bone armor and it would make him invincible so there's bone armor see it just popped up he spell steals it and now he just absorbs literally everything and he's fighting resuvious and it doesn't even matter so he was literally soloing the entire [ __ ] raid this is how overpowered it was like this is everybody dude everybody could do opie [ __ ] man this was no it was a bug it was a [ __ ] bug wait can we please pretend not pretending like this isn't it deserves better than c it deserves at least a [ __ ] at least if you're not gonna put in a or s i would put in s obviously because i played red but if you're not gonna at least put in a you should put it in b it belongs in b [ __ ] you name one thing that was good about that patch that wasn't completely [ __ ] busted besides start therian dk's rep paladins i said not busted rhett was not busted it was just right rent was [ __ ] insane just right it was just insane it was so good and it was right where it needs to be look i cannot believe that you guys are sitting there debating me on this to get a re like you really want me to s tier a re-released raid with nerfed content and the only real new content for raids was two one boss raids you really want me to estee or that are you crazy it's a [ __ ] sea and let's say you're tired of raiding you're done with raiding you hate raiding you're like [ __ ] this i i'm gonna go pvp and then you get killed by a death knight that got turned into a ghoul that still does more damage than your actual character horseshit absolute horse it's a c oh all i'm gonna say is you've tainted the rest of this list now for me you've tainted it secrets of all the war secrets of old war now what else happened in the secrets of old war besides the rape i'm trying to remember if there's anything else that happened like was there anything else that happened to like wintergrass man where grass was in the game originally um toc dailies i don't think that happened until later on and next year released no i don't think that was until like toc or something like that old war was the best no no onyxia no onyxia was not old war patch i can guarantee you when nikki was not old war patch because onyxia had to have been trialled the crusader patch because of the item level gear that it dropped onyxia dropped 232 item gear on tin man and 245 item mobile gear on 25 men which mirrors the trial of the crusader rewards which means that it probably came out after old war secrets of old war is obviously an asteroid uh it's obviously an s t raid yes uh or estee right s to your patch like this was in my opinion i think old war was the best patch or uh best raid really of all time yeah i i really think that i've always thought that and um there it is i think it's pretty much the best one yeah all right trial of the crusade patch 2.3 let's look at this right here trial of the crusade trial of the suck my [ __ ] dick trial of the [ __ ] you trial of the you ruined ulduar by adding in an easier version of the fights into trial of the crusader that already invalidated all the content and progression that people put into uldawar that completely cut the raid tier short even though people were still progressing through it but you added a new raid that completely halted progression so not only not only did you [ __ ] over uldawar but you also brought out a [ __ ] raid this is the worst patch of all time this is the worst this is the worst one there has never been a patch that sucked more dick than this patch because not only did it [ __ ] up was it a [ __ ] patch argent no to be fair though the argent tournament grounds were cool like the little horsey and then the music and you know it was fun but like other than that the raid not only was it a [ __ ] raid but it re it removed the other raid effectively for most people's progression cycles even though it was one of the great raids i actually think that it was worse than a selfie patch and the reason that i think that it was worse than the selfie patch is the fact that it [ __ ] up prior content the selfie patch you can ignore it but this one [ __ ] up odor and also this was the beginning of four raid difficulties trial of the crusade was the first [ __ ] raid that had four raid difficulties you were able to do normal normal 10 men heroic 10 men 25 men and 25 men heroic this was the first raid that had four raid difficulties four you spent all that [ __ ] time in that little circular room it's like you were in an insane asylum disgusting worst patch of all time i liked it no you didn't yeah no oh and then another thing jesus christ look at the gear look at the [ __ ] gear the gear was the only bad part what about the fact that invalidated all the war how about that oh boo [ __ ] who oh boo [ __ ] who just endowed into the best rate of all time huh so what grow up what about the fact that you had four raid difficulties i liked uh multiple raid difficulties actually it was good okay it gave uh it gave people more options to uh to decide where they fit in you know what i mean yeah well this one fits in an f it's [ __ ] absolute [ __ ] [ __ ] complete garbage nobody liked it mcconnell is lying whenever he says that he liked it fall of the lich king patch 2.3 or 3.3 whatever the [ __ ] it was 3.4 i don't remember i think that fall of the lich king i've said this before i think that icc was not that great of a raid and i also didn't like how the five-man dungeons invalidated all of the other previous raid content below uh trial of the crusader and 25-man world war oh [ __ ] look at jack it was a hey yo boys welcome to the real world welcome to the truth welcome to the fact that most of the icc bosses had three [ __ ] mechanics they had three mechanics and and one of the mechanics you could usually just ignore like merogar look at meroguard all right let's look at the first boss all right so you've got merrelgar he spins bonestorm also he puts fire on the ground but if you stack directly underneath marigar the fire never hit you so you didn't even need to worry about the fire you didn't even need to do that and then he would impale people which wouldn't matter either because everybody was stacked so they would just be immediately cleaved down by the 18 different fury warriors and rep paladins that were using shadow's edge at that time or brim troll or whatever the [ __ ] they would just get immediately [ __ ] deleted and then after that he also did a saber lash which is like a tank attack that hit three targets and so you just have three tanks standing on top of each other listen oh it's only the first boss enjoy the first boss okay okay you're [ __ ] out of your mind dude no i'm not merigar is so iconic because he looks cool that yeah he looks because he played it was a cool it was a cool fight bonestorm is itself it was iconic that's true i mean the whole thing is just it's it's legendary as an introductory fight there's no way yeah sure maybe some of the [ __ ] was simple it was like so [ __ ] what it was extremely simple mccollum like come on it was so simple like are you kidding me like half of the other raids look at sarfang starfame was incredibly [ __ ] simple like so many of the fights were just so simply designed like they were incredibly simply designed i understand all right you're right dude how come how come we can't just have every fight be [ __ ] uh mythic ashara that's what they should do every fight should just be mythical all over the place how about how about they just go back to the like try out the crusader had more interesting fights secrets of all the war although heroics were much more interesting than that i'm not even comparing it to mythic ashara i'm comparing it to the raids that are in the same expansion my point is that just because it was simple doesn't mean it was bad i think there was a great as if it was bad because it was no there's like a benchmark there's a benchmark that if it's this simple it sucks it was too simple it didn't suck and the [ __ ] axes dude every part of this is is is is memorable the axe itself if you were if you were [ __ ] sure maybe you had shadow's edge or whatever but like the axe is cool the boss is cool the bone storm is cool everything about was cool just because you think it was simple doesn't mean it was bad [ __ ] off i cannot wait for four years from now whenever we're doing icc on wrath of the lich king classic and we are so [ __ ] tired of doing that raid because it's so easy it's so brain dead and it's a complete joke is a complete [ __ ] joke you're totally right dude yeah let's go back let's judge let you know what that's a good idea let's judge meroguard based on over 10 years of more of wow experience i literally compared it to el noir we were [ __ ] we're jaded veterans i compared it to old awards look at it like oh this was so simple it was so boring it could also a newbies like perspective dude you gotta look at it from a different perspective well yeah if you don't know any better that's you you don't have anything to base it off of yeah of course you're going to think of it differently no [ __ ] but compared to aldawar it was trash it was trash compared sure but if you compare everything to ulduar then everything is just f-tier automatically you're comparing you're comparing everything to the what you would consider to be the absolute best job that blizzard has ever done and you're trying to compare it to that okay which raid do you think had worse bosses than uh than icc well toc for one easily uh i would agree with that yeah which is also by the way rated an f also rated an f okay what else besides that i i thought it was better than black temple which was rated to be yeah so i would put this if you're not going to be willing to put icc i'm going to go to the most i'm going to give it an a okay fine like it's an it's an a like i was going to give it an a like i'm just saying it's not as good as old war and i don't think the raid is as good as people remember it i don't even think it's in the top 10 raids of all time the only reason it would ever be in the top 10 raids of all time is because of how much how how iconic it was in the story but yeah i'm going to give it i'm going to give it a low a it's a low way and oh my god it added dungeon finder okay oh wow okay i mean that's that was a big [ __ ] up sure but that doesn't that had nothing to do with [ __ ] icc yeah but it's part of the patch i mean yeah i guess so i think that we're going to take it down to a b then yeah we're going to take it down to a b because we didn't know how bad it really was we didn't know how bad things could truly get at this point we thought everything was okay we were optimistic we were happy we were excited it was going to be super cool and super fun and then this horseshit happened and that's what ended up going with it man next world of warcraft cataclysm the release of cataclysm [ __ ] f here [ __ ] cataclysm release not only rbgs a completely revamped azeroth i'm not really counting the leveling process as well the only good part about kata was the revamp talents the talents were [ __ ] i cool as [ __ ] it's actually funny to me to hear you say that because i'm internally laughing at how wrong you are you're wrong i cannot imagine being as wrong as as mcconnell is right now it is incredible how how wrong mcconnell is dude the talents were [ __ ] cool like of course of course like wrath and you know what else was who having three raids three multi-boss raids with secret heroic only end bosses for sinestra and yeah of course you're falling asleep let's find out why mcconnell was falling asleep i'm gonna pull up your [ __ ] logs from back then right now where is it oh i can't do it yeah of course you don't well i did and i was a [ __ ] god back then because it would mean something it meant something to be good back in cataclysm so wait no no way so you're gonna judge the you're gonna judge the patch based on how you performed during the patch which made you feel better about yourself no i'm gonna judge the patch on how much it inspired me to be good reasoning just like just purely based on how it made you feel okay sure let's go ahead and use some objective reasoning um let's see sinestra being a heroic only end boss is really cool am i right about that yeah okay um rbgs are they cool wrong try again they were bad try again they're bad they were great rpgs were amazing and uh also on top of that season nine pvp was incredible as well there was so much participation you saw people already getting up to 3k rating in the first first season of the expansion it was insane everybody was pvping everybody wanted to have fun everybody was outside of stormwind pew pew that's whenever every single pee appear look at mitch jones [ __ ] soda popping reckful [ __ ] everybody started making content around them wait every pvp legend began almost in cataclysm summon wrath i agree but back to rpgs if we're judging if we're judging a patch based on what a feature of the patch became such as uh looking for group then you you also have to apply the same standards to rpgs okay which rbgs turned into uh they were cool and then one literally one expansion later turned into a doxing and d-dosing fest where people's lives were being [ __ ] ruined over raiding and then it turned into the same thing it is today except it's completely dead but that is not the dungeon finder is fundamentally harmful to the game rbgs are not fundamentally harmful to the game skype was fundamentally harmful to the game that is something completely different yeah it was skype because you could get people's ips from skype that's what it was and also on top of that cataclysm said you know what you said you wanted five-man dungeons that were hard again well guess what blizzard got up and they put their dick on the table and players players got upset about it but you know what i think i think those five-man dungeons were just fine i think they were just okay they cried and they bitched and they complained and they moaned about it all day long and finally blizzard got rid of it and the only reason that happened is because they kept doing the [ __ ] pre-made five-man groups in the dungeon finder that ended up setting themselves up to fail because blizzard did that cataclysm the beginning of cataclysm i think was one of the best parts of the game it was amazing you had all the five-man dungeons you had all three raids that you were able to do that had equal relevancy for different things all of the raids were incredibly good you had a secret hard mode only raid boss that dropped even better gear you had the introduction of rbgs you could fly all around azeroth for the first time ever and that's why the cataclysm free pat first batch is getting a [ __ ] s it's a [ __ ] ass that's right you're insane that's right no dude that's right it's a [ __ ] s and i know it and you know you know it chat you know i'm right everybody knows i'm [ __ ] right that's right that's right you're goddamn right next one is rise of the zandalari rise of the zandalari added two five-man dungeons it added the new zg and the new za zg was originally removed in the rather lich king pre-patch i believe or no it was around no it's cataclysm pre-patch because it was going to be re-added later on these two five-man dungeons introduced item level 353 gear and it was the first epic gear that you get from dungeons and it was very early into the patch the reason why i believe they added that in is because the first dungeons first raids i mean in sunwell or not jesus christ in cataclysm bastion of twilight you know all the other ones uh blackwing descent they were very hard and so they gave people a little bit more gear to get inside of it i think that rise of the zandalari for me personally was a b because i sold so many bear mounts it was actually disgusting like i i was i was it was crazy it was ridiculous i do think that the old zg and the old za are better they're better rates but i think that blizzard made zg and za the new ones that they made were as good as they could have done i think that overall they were decent improvements i am going to give rise of the zandalaria c it did only introduce two five-man dungeons but overall was not a major huge intensive patch it was just more of the same next one rage of the firelands rage of the firelands patch 4.2 a beautiful time a beautiful moment let me explain why it was so great because not only did it introduce one of the best raids of all time firelands i loved firelands it was [ __ ] amazing but also it introduced the entire revamped hydraul with the outdoor zone as well as the molten front defensive that was a multi-week long server-wide event and [ __ ] investment of continuously building up more materials and more things and unlocking more stuff as a server together i am going to say for this one time i will be a fire lands andy i will say that the molten front was [ __ ] amazing growing that tree inside of the heart of [ __ ] ragnaros's domain flying around on the phoenix's destroying the stuff going through the different pathways unlocking the different achievements and finally getting everything up to exalted and doing it every single day and on top of that they also introduced tons of new hunter pets that you could capture as well that were in the different areas that had different challenges that hunters could do this was an incredible patch one of the best patches of all time and i'm gonna say that rage of the firelands is a solid high a tier patch it was [ __ ] amazing it might even be lowest here i it's so close it's hard for me to say i really don't know it is an a tier patch [Music] it's an s you guys think it you guys think it's an s all right i'll do s i'll do it i'm man enough to do it i'll i'll do it you know what i'm gonna do something else that's gonna make you guys mad i think it's better than someone patch [Music] i think it's better than someone will patch you you have lost it dude i'm not doing it just make it yeah it was it was better like the truth is that the sun will patch the only reason why the sun will patch is better okay suddenly patch could be better i can make this argument okay son of a patch could be better if you're talking about the time that it existed in so like for example if you're talking about because someone was the first one to have one of those daily zones and like yeah that's kind of cool right but objectively objectively if you look at two of them side by side rage of the fire lands was [ __ ] better it was [ __ ] better and also on top of that on top of that sunwell was an overtuned raid that was so ridiculously [ __ ] overtuned that you couldn't even bring paladins into the raid for the beginning of it people had paladins outside the raid in group six buffing people with with uh the different blessings before they zoned in so what what the [ __ ] do you care about paladins why are you using my class as a [ __ ] measurement if paladins can't go to a raid you're happy about it if they can go to a raid you're saying they're [ __ ] overpowered oh no there is no pleasing people like you [ __ ] off no that's not true at all what do you mean it's completely true it's not true i'm trying to i'm trying to help you i was trying to help you and now you're [ __ ] bringing this [ __ ] up oh [ __ ] off don't try to gaslight me it's not my [ __ ] fault that paladin sucked like it's blizzard listen every class should be valuable to some extent sunwell was ridiculously [ __ ] hard it required people to do a bunch of contrived strategies in order to beat it i don't think it's going to be that hard in tbc classic but back then it was and i think that it probably was too hard and if it was hard enough to where some classes couldn't really be in the raid relative like as much as other ones and you needed the class stack for like iridar twins for much spread damaging like three resto druids for that then yeah it's probably too [ __ ] hard but again on rage of the fire lands heroic ragnaros was also [ __ ] ridiculous so it's hard to say let's go to the next one hour of twilight patch 4.3 [Music] now this was an hour of twilight it was hour of twilight of the game it was not just an hour of twilight of oh this is a nice patch oh this is so nice and fun and exciting suck my big fat [ __ ] dick hour of twilight added in three new dungeons that were admittedly relatively fun to do it added in in time it added in hour of twilight the dungeon and it also added in the well of eternity which in my opinion was one of the best dungeons that blizzard has ever made especially in terms of how much they put design into it and it put transmog into the game and i'm not gonna say transmog is that bad i think transmog's done a number of good things for the game but it's also done bad things too but you know why this patch really sucks the biggest fat [ __ ] dick why does it suck the biggest fat [ __ ] dick tell me right now looking for raid i don't think lfr is that bad really lets more people see the content lfr is the stupidest thing blizzard might have ever done i remember whenever lfr came out and the reason why i thought that they brought it down is because blizzard was sad that so many dog [ __ ] dick sucking players that they had in their group or they had to play in their game i've said too many dicks there's been too many dicks that have sucked today i've gotta find another metaphor lfr sucks i'm gonna give hour of twilight the worst patch of all time what the [ __ ] did it is the worst patch of all time because not only trial of the crusader killed the worst raid this one killed every [ __ ] raid it killed every [ __ ] raid and it also brought out dragon soul look at dragon soul look at this [ __ ] okay the first boss more truck is a re-skinned from a stone court from yes stone court five-man boss warlord zanoz is just a re-skinned [ __ ] boss from ulduar you go and you look at your sarge there's 50 different your assassins running around he's not special hagar the storm binder is just a dumb ass [ __ ] eye they didn't even think to make a new a new area to fight her in you just fought her in the eye of eternity and then what is she a shaman that's using tier two what a joke and then also warm master blackhorn is just a torn and then oh you get to beat on deathwing's back oh yeah you love that get the [ __ ] out of here you're just mad because they didn't make the [ __ ] dragon mount uh drop and they added the [ __ ] heart of the aspects i forgot about that see that's what you're mad about i'm mad now i am now i am look at this horse [ __ ] i'm gonna pull it up right now once you play your video no i'm not gonna play the video i don't wanna get banned let's see here um what is this what's it called chromatic champion look at this look at this look at this [ __ ] this is an achievement right here this is an achievement that blizzard added into the [ __ ] game in in [ __ ] patch 4.3 and look at that look at this picture right here look at this picture right here what what is the [ __ ] problem what a [ __ ] [ __ ] dude i can't believe this guy's a big streamer on twitch holy [ __ ] what i i got so mad i had to eat a cookie hour of twilight worst patch of all time hour of twilight was the hour of twilight for wow horseshit and it lasted for a year imagine getting slapped in the face for a year like that all year you get to log on you find out you know what you know what it wasn't that bad stop stop acting like it was bad it wasn't that bad i i hear myself it's not that bad so quit crying quit crying listen a whole year you had to spend this [ __ ] and you know what happened is you couldn't unsub because you bought the one year blizzard did this thing back in cataclysm because they knew that they were going to take their sweet ass time with mr pandaria and so they said you know what we've got this idea for an annual pass we're going to give you diablo 3 for free we're going to give you tyrio's charger for free all you have to do is sign on this dotted line your deal with the devil the storm mount devil and we're gonna let you we're gonna make you pay the game for 12 months and you know what i said to that i said that sounds like something that my dad would want to do and i signed my dad up for that and he paid my whole year of my annual sub and i still have materials charger and i still got my free diablo 3. my dad paid for that [ __ ] for me the whole time and he had no [ __ ] idea he didn't even know so listen i had that happen yeah that was that was kind of good but i was stuck being subbed and so people would log on and they would get pissed off i'm gonna say that is the worst patch of all time and there's nothing even close miss the pandaria [Music] the miss of pandaria this is it right here dude so good i might surprise you guys i might confuse you guys i might make you think wait what do you mean it's an st or patch i said what do you mean challenge modes weren't amazing what do you mean having eight different factions that you could farm reputation out that admittedly did take a long time but it was still content what do you mean three separate raids with tiered lockouts that you could do throughout the entire week with multiple different modes to them and hard modes built on top of the hard mode of the game with the elite protectors of the endless on heroic what do you mean that it's not nst or patch and you got the farm jesus christ that's a big that that's that's one of the best patches of all time i think it was better than the beginning of it was about the same it's hard to say if it was better than mr pandari or not i don't know it's about the same i'll put it ahead of cataclysm at the beginning challenge modes were [ __ ] amazing my group was the server first group to get all gold challenge modes we stole it from intent [ __ ] you intent and they spent the next two years rationalizing why they lost [ __ ] those guys yeah losers losers i remember that night that fateful night in storm stout brewery where we got it and everybody else messaged us they said you did it and i said we did it it was [ __ ] amazing that will be in the story for mr pandaria mr pandaria was an s-tier patch at the very beginning and they followed it up by one of the weakest patches that they've ever added should rename that to land fail what the hell was this this patch was a joke this patch the only thing that this patch did it's just yours was good but more like landfill right ah all right all right that was better all right that one's better yeah true true look this was one of the stupidest patches that blizzard has ever made and also here's another reason why it was shitty that a lot of people might not even realize is it it made tyrande look like a dumb [ __ ] tyronda in my opinion is one of the coolest characters in wow she is the [ __ ] elite moon priestess of the loon and she looked like some warmongering crazy [ __ ] next to varian wren who's supposed to be basically the alliance version of garrosh hellscream at that point so i don't want to hear about it it [ __ ] up her character it served no purpose it added no content except for a random zone that nobody cared about because the gear from it sucked dick [Music] it was so bad it was trash it did add the brawler's guild though somebody said that that was nice i i do i love the brawlers and the reason why it added the reason it added the brawler's guild i am going to say that landfall is a c patch if it wasn't for the brawler's guild it would be our first d patch but it was a c patch brawlers feels really good yeah brawler's guild was really really good it was really really good um yeah i think d you guys really think you guys really think that it's a d i really don't think no no no no no i i think i think i think c is completely fine like brawler's good was [ __ ] amazing it's been revived multiple times it's been an expansion feature for a long time i think brawler's guild keeps it out of c if it wasn't for brawler's guild it would be a solid [ __ ] d next the thunder king patch 5.2 dude that's that's a that's the patch that i added you what they say yeah i don't know where it is it shows on it i'm not sure okay the point is that yes mcconnell and i met around this same time okay it was the thunder king patch now this was an incredibly great patch i love this patch it was [ __ ] amazing and it also added in the isle of the thunder king which was one of the better outdoor zones you had multiple rares that you could kill and also summonable rares that drop specific special items that were the same item level as mogushon vaults also on top of that which was 476 by the way but mutton milgram vaults lfr because mogustin vault's normal mode was five sorry 489 and then yeah it was 489 so um anyway the point is yet it also gave warlocks green fire as well and then on top of that it gave you the treasure event and it had nalak nalak this this patch has content that i'm still doing today against my will by the way i'm gonna give the thunder king patch i'm gonna say it was better than old war patch nice i'm gonna say it was better than the older patch the reason for this that is this i think that all the war is a is a better patch a better rate i mean it's a better raid but the thunder king patch brought in so many other things on top of that that i think collectively as a patch thunder king comes out ahead and i honestly think i i genuinely think this that if there's ever ever a raid i i think throne of thunder is almost as good as old war and i can if somebody thinks it's better i can respect that opinion yeah it was absolutely [ __ ] incredible it was one of the best raids of all time but however it did add in thunder forging that is a very good point oh oh no it's not we're dropping to an a dude no it's just it's behind no one that's off i swapped it by 1p yeah that's it that's it i i still yeah boiled more than it's still it's still an s like it honestly the raid is still just such an incredible raid i will never forget doing throwing a thunder king it was so fun man like i i i had so much fun doing this raid it was amazing i wish i could show some videos from there but like they were all on my other computer and a bunch of other [ __ ] oh it also had isle of giants i forgot about that oh man and isle of giants too holy [ __ ] okay um come on dude oh my god it still has like you're forging though yeah but they took it out so it's it's a it's a it's they took it out dude it's it's gone from the game they took it out like you know now uh is it be is it a header below old war mcconnell you make a call you make the call i mean i'm biased dude but i i put it ahead all right i love miss this was dope dude there it is notice there it is i'll take it i'll do it yeah this is a bets bash of all time i forgot all about the aisle dude there were so many things in the game that i actually forgot about them yeah let's go ahead and we'll stick with that when was the time was i'll added it's not going to be for a little bit longer okay escalation what wait what patch 5.3 what the [ __ ] is this what what's escalation [Music] wait are you do you mean that stupid [ __ ] that happened in the barons dude what yeah it was a barren patch that's what it was it wasn't a barons patch it was dog [ __ ] okay like no i'm not i'm not having it i'm gonna this is i actually alright here's how bad this patch is i forgot what it even was it's a date the reason why it's not an f voice chat probably should be a d as well to be fair but um f tier patches actively made the game worse it actively made the game worse it's the horde breaker achievement yeah it's garbo man it's absolutely [ __ ] garbo so yeah we're gonna put escalation as a d tier patch now we're going to go on to the next one everybody knows it's fine it's whatever right it's a d tier an introduced keep one gorge so f tier no i actually really liked deep wind gorge deep wind gorge if anything keeps it out of f tier because i thought deep wind gorge was the first bat it was the first bg think about this it was the first bg where you could actually come back from a loss and you could take points away from the enemy's team and you could have a legitimate comeback to where you're not just oh we're too far behind you could actually turn things around it had a completely new dynamic of moving the carts back and forth and the only reason why deep went gorge was bad is because demon hunter tanks were overpowered in a future expansion deep wind gorge original was [ __ ] amazing the new deep wind gorge it's a it's a it's a wheelbarrow full of dicks siege of orgrimmar the siege of orgrimmar but is it really the siege of orgrimmar or is it the greatest outdoor zone to have ever existed the greatest moment in our lives the moment where i was able to kill members of my own faction and message them thank you and then even after they had the debuff for the bloody coins i would kill them again and i would say thank you and they would say you already killed me and i said i know i'll do it again and again and again because i will screenshot your responses and all the times you got mad and i will make a massive collage of thousands of messages that i got and i will put them together to take pride in the mental anguish and anger that i caused in my server siege of orgrimmar is an s to your patch it's better than rage of the fire lines it's one of the best patches of all time and uh i i don't really know i think it's probably about right here or so for ester siege of orgrimmar was [ __ ] amazing dude it was so good dude oh my god all right so we've gotten through mr pandaria some of the best patches of all time two of the shittiest patches of all time as well and now we go in to one of the more contemporary expansions warlords of draenor [Music] here's what i think i think that the first patch and the beginning of world wars of draenor [Music] was okay i think the problem with war wars of draenor is not that there wasn't content it's that there wasn't enough content people liked the game they wanted to play the game and they couldn't the fact is that we did get our garrisons and while garrisons were reductive to the overall player experience i agree they were interesting and blizzard did take a chance with that and i think that was good number one number two the leveling in warlords of draenor is the best leveling of all time in wow wod had the best leveling besides classic wow right i thought that was better it was the best leveling of all time and you know what if you're wrong if you if you're disagreeing with me it's not even close it's not even close it was so good on top of that it was the first time that blizzard introduced cut scenes into fought into questing content it was also had challenge modes as well with special cool weapons and the yeti mount and also on top of that it introduced one of my top five best raids of all time black rock foundry and highmaul i think was also [ __ ] amazing as well that's a good time for the stream it was a great time for the stream i would spend all day in the garrison complaining and talking [ __ ] running dragon soul with mcconnell at 3am in the morning the wad raids were [ __ ] amazing that's very true you're wrong rathgate was the first in-game cinematic what did i say goose did i say the first time for them to have a cinematic at the end of a questline or did i say the first time for all the questlines in all the zones to have cinematics i said full cinematics for all of the different quest lines gotta learn to listen you have to read what words i'm saying out of my mouth warlords of draenor the very first patch this might make people angry but i think that the first two raids from wod put it as an a to your patch the very beginning it was an a tier patch the launch was a mess that's true that's very very true there are a lot of amazing things that wad did and i know some people might get mad and all i have to say to the mad boys is you're wrong also patch 6.1 patch 6.1 [Music] don't patch 6.1 brought in a number of very important innovations in world of warcraft such as the selfie cam and twitter integration this was the time where a lot of those old players who now play classic who hate screamers and hate social media this was the time that they realized that their game was dead the patch 6.1 killed the boomers i'm going to give patch 6.1 an f tier because it's worse than the voice chat patch the voice chat patch was fine because we had plenty of other content and burning crusade to go off of and six point it was like well whatever ah they did something it didn't work out [ __ ] it we'll just use vent right but 6.1 was on the heels it was on the heels of a content drought and blizzard released this new patch and it was nothing it was nothing hair wound tab [ __ ] it it's still an f i don't give a [ __ ] that's everything that changes out let's see maybe an a or b yeah no if there's any way to say if this is a bad if it's a bad patch it didn't even have a [ __ ] name next patch patch 6.2 fury of hellfire what do you think mcconnell [Music] this is uh this is an interesting time for the stream at least hellfire citadel [Music] was a great raid true the legendary ring was really cool 10n jungle sucked yep 10 and jungle was like it's like you give somebody timeless aisle and you say do this again but the person that you give it to is actually a crazy crackhead who lives under a bridge that doesn't even know what [ __ ] programming is and you know what they come out with something that is still somehow better than what we got with 10n jungle the only cool thing about tannen jungle was the fact that they had all the elite mobs up at the top and all the dreadlords had different names i thought that was cool some of the pets were cool too but overall it was trash and there were our texas crystals who here likes a pexus crystals can we get some poggers and chat for pexus crystals models bob no i don't think so mods ban anyone who [ __ ] puts a pog for a texas crystal i don't want to see it we're gonna take fury of hellfire and we're gonna put it as a [ __ ] sea and it's not because the patch was just bad it's because it lasted for over a year oh yeah it was the longest patch of all time combined with the least amount of content from any expansion i talked to somebody from blizzard and i said what were the subs like he said it was bad it was bad it was bad gentlemen that's a [ __ ] sea that's whenever people gave up this was the first time it really misa pandaria people were okay with the game they just didn't like the theme there are some people didn't like it people didn't like cataclysm either people finally for the first time gave up with this they gave up on wow with this it was a sad moment it did also add time walking yeah i wish i could have used time walking to go back to burning crusade whenever i played that [ __ ] patch it was trash to be fair time walking used to be really funny it's funny yeah actually pretty fun you get like all the set bonuses the legendaries yeah i was [ __ ] badass dude i loved doing time walking dungeons back in the day and it just got worse from there so let's go ahead we're gonna we're gonna give it a pretty low rating all right the first patch of legion the first patch of legion patch 7.0 i'm going to say the first patch of legion it had emerald nightmare in it it had the nighthold it was pretty incredible it really was it was a great patch but it had endless artifact power grinding it had legendary rng that determined your raid spot in some extreme circumstances [Music] those two things were absolutely [ __ ] garbage but it had a legendary soft cap i forgot about that it was so bad and it also added mythic plus which mythic plus back in legion if you didn't play you missed out nighthold was point one was knighthold 7.1 yeah dude huh i didn't know that i thought it was oh it was okay all right so then uh it's gonna be an a it's a low a if it has emerald nightmare because mythic plus was so good but some of the other systems were really really bad it also had suramar as well yeah yeah there you go uh emerald nightmare not nighthold yeah okay that's fine you not all right look at this okay look at what he just said oh come on dude look what he just said come on dude look what he just said you're really gonna you really gonna put that on me you could [ __ ] say that [ __ ] to me [ __ ] you i'm not gonna show his name [ __ ] him you already did [ __ ] him how dude i don't understand how you can sit there in front of all these people and say oh dude if you didn't do mythic plus when it first came out you missed out dude it's true when yeah but all you did was [ __ ] run maw of souls over and over and over on stream for [ __ ] ap that's all you did sometimes you would turn your stream on and that's all you did for an entire stream was all calls do it eight hours a day yeah i would do the same dungeon for eight hours a day it was so bad it was so bad how do you say that it was so bad and i remember i was like on by all right guys you're ready to go to work that was so bad man oh my god yeah yeah it's the same dungeon well no sometimes i would do i actually can prove this let me see if i can pull it up right now uh i'll get on my uh actually can i check my statistics is there statistics on helya defeats on mythic maw of souls 212. look at that [ __ ] 212 and i also did court of stars i i alternated back and forth i would literally log on and this is all i would do is maw of souls in order to get my max traits it was crazy i would do it like it was my [ __ ] job it was pretty bad and i remember i had like three or four k viewers return to karazhan was 7.1 right so return actually you know what yeah i guess i'll keep it as an eight year return to all right so move it to b the first patch was trash yeah i mean so is the first patch i am actually thinking right now that we should move legion to b then because if it only had emerald nightmare if it only had emerald nightmare i think it's a b patch because like there were so many other systems in the game that were [ __ ] terrible now absolutely [ __ ] terrible so yeah i'm gonna say that it's a b patch okay guys sorry to say yeah it's it's a b patch it was awful for alts too yeah there was so many things that were wrong with it return to karazhan what did you guys think about return to karazhan mcconnell what do you think huh that was okay a little car it had nighthold in it it had trial of valor in it it had the first mega dungeon of all time it added in the um i'm gonna say it's an a i think it was cool and the mount was cool but until everybody started getting them out like after two days i would say it's at least decent though the new midnight mount the mage tower i thought that was 7.2 i'm pretty sure that was 7.2 right yeah wasn't the wasn't the mage tower 7.2 yeah i thought it was 7.2 so uh listen to sargeras i think tomb of sargeras brought in the mage tower tumor sargeras was a good raid the reason tumor sargeras was an incredibly good raid it was just really annoying if you uh it was really annoying if you were doing mythic and some of the bosses were super bad because of how many things you had to soak and how contrived it was so that was why it was bad overall though i think that tomb of sargeras is an eight sorry this patch because of the mage tower and because of the broken shore which i think was at least okay i think that oh and it was also a class mount it was also a class mount that's really good too and uh great tier sets too yeah the tier six revamp oh yeah and they brought out the dungeon i forgot about that what was that dungeon even called i'm sending thanks for ten dollars appreciate it man well i forgot even what it was called uh cathedral eternal night yeah there you go so it's gonna be an at your patch i would say that it was is it better than returning to karazhan probably not but it was decent okay i would say it's definitely an a so yeah two of sargeras is pretty much an a to your patch mage tower equals s dude yeah but the is the mage tower good enough on its own to carry the shortcomings of was it good enough to carry the shortcomings of mythic tomb of sargeras and a number of other things as well that happened with the patch all right i'm gonna do this to make you guys happy there is that good it is the highest a tier that we can have without it being s tier all right how about that good wait is this mage tower yes oh i will put that nest here okay all right test here all right there it is so listen next one patch 7.3 argus 7.3 argus i think this is where legion really came into came into its own and became a great patch i really really really liked 7.3 it was [ __ ] amazing it added in argus which to be honest was not as good as i had hoped it would be but it did add in argus and it was [ __ ] amazing it had all of those cinematics that were incredible it brought back turalyon and uh valeera or not for we were uh [ __ ] illeria hilarion turalyon and then also it brought in seed of the triumvirate that brought in the most legendary moment in all of mdi history of the plus 18 seat of the triumvirate that nobody expected to have to do that took the entire groups hours and hours to do this was supposed to be a 20-minute speed run on the mdi and you had the best teams in the world wiping over and over and over against it in front of thousands of people showing how ridiculously [ __ ] broken it was and it added in allied races and the toy that i don't have it's going down to a d now and listen the argus patch was [ __ ] amazing i really really liked it i'm gonna give the argus patch i'm gonna say it's an s to your patch i'm gonna say it's an s to your patch and it showed sargeras for the first time and it [ __ ] showed sargeras for the first time i am gonna say that the argus patch is i'm gonna put it right here i'll put it right there yep that's about where it stands decent enough and yes he did illidan blocked turalyon's sword with his hand which forever put into perspective the power of a paladin no i'm not a demon hunter so i thought shut the [ __ ] up battle for azeroth battle of azeroth we thought it was going to be against each other but it actually was the developers now what happened at the beginning of bfa what was added the beginning of bfa diarrhea dog [ __ ] diarrhea old deer [Music] azorite bugs misery just garbage dude warfronts i don't mean to repeat myself go ahead just just stop just every okay boom boom boom boom just have f it was [ __ ] terrible it was absolutely [ __ ] terrible all right yeah it was it was awful everybody hated it was really bad tides of vengeance battle for azeroth tied to vengeance brought in b.o.d b.o.d for many people's perspective was the best raid of all a battle for azeroth it was pretty good i would say that because it brought in such a good raid i think that it at least deserves a c i i think tied to vengeance deserves a c battle yeah it deserves a c four and also it had the reaping affix which was [ __ ] badass man how are you going to say it's not a d though come on it added g mold it was a good patch it's a very very good patch not amazing but it's a good raid i didn't mean to say patch was good good raid very good raid now tides equal the wrath of the witch king thai tip engine sequel the wrath of the witch king um let's see one good raid versus three bad raids uh i don't know it's hard to say or sorry one good raid versus one good boss okay 8.8.2 patch 8.2 patch 8.2 brought in ashara's eternal palace it brought to a culmination a struggle of over ten thousand years between ashara and her master the old god n'zoth it brought in two completely new zones najdatar the sunken world of the elves and the world of the naga and also mechagon as well as the new mega dungeon mechagon itself patch 8.2 rise of ashara is an s-tier patch oh you're [ __ ] i am not even kidding i am not even kidding it is an s to your patch it added in essences as well which incentivized players to do all types of game play it was an incredibly great patch it added in dozens of different mounts it added in multiple reputations multiple things that you could farm tons of they added in the dungeon as well it added in the raid which was an incredible raid it was amazing it was a great patch it added in a crab mount really how could it have a crab mount and not have it be good the benthic gear no i think that rise of ashara was a [ __ ] s it was so good it was the only good part about bfa patch 7 8.2 was one of the best patches that blizzard has ever done it was incredible and i know that a lot of people hate bfa reflexively but let me offer you a counter point you're wrong and i'm right it was a good patch it added in tons of content a massive amount of content more content in any one patch than if you compare it almost any other patch before it two completely new zones a new mega dungeon and a new raid it's massive huge gigantic visions of n'zoth patch 8.3 or should i say patch 4.0 because they re-released all them again i'm gonna say patch patch 8.3 i'm going to say it's not an f tier i think that corruption got better over time i think that visions of n'zoth were interesting to progress through until you actually got to the point where you had to consist consistently farm them for sockets there were a lot of good things with 8.3 but there were also a lot of bad things with 8.3 the truth is patch 8.3 had a rough start it had a rough middle and had a rough end but the end was not as rough as the beginning and i'm going to say that 8.3 got better over time and it is a d patch i actually might say it's an ape it's like a low it's a low c we haven't had a whole lot of ds so let's go ahead we're going to go with the d patch yeah so the final one [Music] world of warcraft shadowlands the first patch the first patch of shadowlands was okay i actually think here's what happened with the patch of shadow ants i think it started it started here and three months ago it went to here two months ago it went to here and now now it's here here's why the shadowhands pre-patch i want you to understand this okay the problem is not it's it lasted too long it is the same problem of fury of the hellfire listen pvp is in the best state that it's been in since warlords of draenor the covenants are genuinely good and interesting outside of the abilities for making you feel like you have to do a certain thing the storyline of shadowhands is incredible the questing for shadow ends is better than it was in the previous two expansions i would say that shadow ends could be a b but i just can't really put it above wrath i i can't put shadow lens above wrath for the first patch i just i can't do it like it's almost there i would say like it let's put it over let's put it right here let's let's do right here this seems pretty pretty good to me yeah i would say so shadow answers e no i don't think so wrath should be a b i don't think it should be a b i really don't think so you guys are crazy you guys are absolutely [ __ ] crazy [ __ ] [ __ ] no i'm not okay here's here's the facts so this is the this is the patch list which one do you guys disagree with me on i want to hear it actually wait a second yeah actually i feel like this is more accurate yeah okay um yeah this is this is a better list because i can move both of these up to a b i feel like they're both about equal though this this does seem okay rather lich king the beginning of wrath i genuinely think was bad i really do wintergrasp was terrible the only main raid was just a reused raid from level 60 the other two raids only had one boss in it pvp was completely broken and there was almost no world content to do outside of that in shadow lands the actual content itself is great but it suffers from the same problem that the hellfire patch had which is it it took forever siege of orgrimmar had so much content there was so much to it that people didn't worry about it taking so long and we were so excited for warwick's draenor that we didn't think about it as much shadow and that's why it to be it's not a b because the content was bad it's a b because there wasn't enough of it why didn't you rate vanilla patches because i didn't play during this time enough to really appreciate and understand what each patch brought to the table does that make sense so like i played during vanilla i got 60 during vanilla but whenever each patch came out i didn't understand the game enough to really appreciate what those patches really brought does that make sense yeah so i i didn't want to uh i didn't want to rate them whenever i started in vanilla wow the naxxramas pre-patch had just come out uh that's whenever i started castle and atheist with danathrius as a boss was good i thought so too i definitely think so mcconnell are you ready yeah is it time yeah all right okay this right here is the tier list and i want to make it very clear i want to make it very very clear this is the objective tier list this is the tier list volvo is estier the best lich king in wow history don't change my mind what are you crazy [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 502,049
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, world of warcraft, asmongold tv, ZackRawrr, shadowlands, asmongold tier list, asmongold ranks, tier list, wow tier list, world of warcraft tier list, wow patch, shadowlands patch, world of warcraft patch, wow expansion, world of warcraft expansion, wrath of the lich king, cataclysm, mists of pandaria, burning crusade, warlords of draenor, legion, battle for azeroth, ulduar, icecrown, sunwell, black temple, mcconnell, asmongold mcconnell
Id: 1RXvtrqFZBo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 24sec (4704 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 16 2021
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