The WORST Raid of All Time! Asmongold & Mcconnell VS Gruul's Lair | Classic TBC

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oh no no don't you [ __ ] die on me what whoa [ __ ] i'm dead help me the trash respawn dude this is brutal this is the worst raid we've ever had another person we need another person right now now i'm gonna reserve the wrists and the tear shoulders okay so like two you want to do two reserves each yeah how about three well actually i don't know like puts because i want the risk too whoa boy i can't wait till we argue about this for 15 minutes and then it gets uploaded to youtube and i have to sort through over 3 thousand comments and read them all oh i can't wait they said it couldn't be done they said we'd never find the group but guess what we did guess what here we are in gruel's lair on the second week of the expansion ready to raid ready to pop off ready to win ready to loot this dungeon is very hard rule the dragon killer is a difficult boss but he is also the easiest boss in the game so don't worry stay focused listen to my calls do what i need you to do and we're going to kill this boss this [ __ ] came out 15 years ago people killed this computer on a people killed this [ __ ] boss on a computer with a pentium 3 processor they killed this boss on an eye machine all in one they killed this boss on the family computer with a mouse that still had a ball in it we're better than that now [Music] we're more prepared there's no excuse to fail boy oh roy pulled all right go let's go let's go let's go all right get on blind eye let's go quake get him to the edge big heels on quake boy's dead it's totally okay this is total everything's totally fine guys really really good job there guys really good job that was actually really good i know some people might not really understand why but that was actually really good all right that was horrible so good that was so good those traps that was a great pull this is gonna be we're gonna kill this right we're clearing this right guys one let's go get him in position that's such a good pull i can handle this i can handle this i can handle this i can survive it all right now i get ready for the interrupt aggro i got you i got you i got you i got you i got you intervene the [ __ ] there we go oh they're good good good good keep it up keep it up keep quake up keep quake up he's at 500 out get [ __ ] get kill point he'll quake kill quake keep it up keep it up yik baka's down why why wait what the hell what was that got knocked back in yeah let's not worry about get on a keg or range can get on range can get on crash range can get on crash range can get on crash everything's fine everything's fine it's okay i'll get k i'll go i'll get mulgar i'll get mulgar i've got last stand up heal me heal me okay oh no dude yeah let's just do that's what what benko1337 he said you are so bad la mao in all caps huge heels on loy huge heels on loy keep it up okay all right nerd okay quake's dead quake's dead quake's dead let me go ahead and pick the boss up okay cock-ass what is going on dude we can't even kill the first boss everything's going so well guys i'm super proud of you guys do it do it do it keep quake up keep quake up keep quake up come on come on come on get his [ __ ] out get his [ __ ] ass get his [ __ ] ass get his [ __ ] i'm gonna get that interrupt boom there it is somebody get next interrupt somebody next up uh beating you wonk so we get next interrupt wait quake get big heels on kuwait big heels on quake good okay um get on everybody get on home get on all i'm going to stay here if quake goes low i g i immediately intervene intervene that's how good i am the second he goes low i intervene keep it up don't let one lock die get on home everybody get on home let's go i don't have it up right now keep big heels on quake huge heels on quake huge heels on quake kill ohm kill home he'll own and get on king or after this taking a lot of damage here okay now i'll wait for this if he gets low at all i just intervene i immediately intervene i'm ooh that's how fast i am that's how fast kill giggler range get on crash melee get on melee get on mulgar melee get on mulgar melee get on mulgar [Music] melee on mulgar run out for whirlwind range get on cross this is the kill this is this actually is the kill run out big heels on quake heels on quake i better not have to start bandaging ranged on frosh melee don't go into crush all right fat fast fast all i do is sit here and wait quake you're not gonna die quake you're not gonna die does it intervene [Music] we need big heels on quake big heels on quake [Music] finish off cross and then we're gonna get on mulgar [Music] don't don't like quake die don't like quake die like quake die [Music] don't let quake die all right everybody is on malgar run out get out bash cutter what the [ __ ] are you doing oh my bash dick sucker man what the [ __ ] is wrong with you how do you die to that everybody on heal everybody heals on quake everybody heals on quake huge heels on quake you can do this bro whatever it is intervene no there's no way you're going to take any damage i'm so fast all right beard big heels on quake huge heels on quake huge heels on quake i'm feared dude just heal quake it doesn't matter just heal him okay come on [Music] come on guys you guys can do this huge heels on quake we've got this this is an easy boss [Music] i'll wait i'll wait for the attack i'll wait for the attack the moment he does the attack i intervene the moment he does the attack i intervene the moment he does the attack i intervene i'm the inner being god it doesn't matter [ __ ] just get back on him just pick pick him back up pick him back up it's fine pick him back up pick him back up [Music] wait how did i get him just run out just run away just run away just run away just kill him just run away quake pick it up after this quake i got you bro i got you bro i got you storming i got it come on i got you bro i got you bro hit him hit him see what happens see what happens here it is yes yes yes holy [ __ ] i [ __ ] hate you i hate you so much i [ __ ] hate you mcconnell yes i hate you yes yes baby all right mcconnell yeah they're gonna roll on these bracers wait what we're rolling on these bracers but you just you i said i raised them yeah you tell them you said dps you get you get the bracer in the tear you're just mad because nothing dropped for you don't be an [ __ ] congrats my phone i'll get the next game the next one for sure all right all right let's go i think it's kind of [ __ ] but it is kind of [ __ ] we killed high king mulgar on record speed this is something that nobody expected to have happen and trust me i don't blame them but we're up he can't rule the dragon killer roll has three different mechanics that you guys need to watch out for number one he has an ability called slam slam is going to knock everybody up in the air and then people are going to slowly slow down like imagine like it's like a 20 slow that goes up every second so like after five seconds you're rooted and then he does an ability called shatter shatter makes everybody deal like aoe damage to everybody else around them so that means that whenever he does the slam you want to be spread out as much as possible from everybody else in the raid so you don't have to worry about shattering and hitting other people that's the way it works it's a really easy fight that's the main thing also gruel does more damage over time so make sure that you guys spread out whenever he does the slam the slam is what wipes us okay i just want to let everybody know the tank damage will not wipe us because you know it got me tanking i'm gonna ready to check and we're gonna pull perry it's not good for me i've got a lot of pairs getting a lot of pairs okay he's right here he's gonna be right here the whole fight right here the whole fight right here the whole fight no fighties right here big dick on boss big dick on boss big dick boss big dick boss big dick and boss don't pull aggro though okay there's this grow it's that simple guys that's how it works this is the whole fight he's gonna do a knock back pretty soon get ready for the uh get ready for shatter there it is i'm always right underneath the boss don't die don't die don't die okay all right that was a really really really good pull what are you guys doing what are you guys doing you're going to kill each other wait somehow nobody's dead wait what somebody don't know he's dead all right get everybody healed up everybody healed up you're already healed up get ready to heal up i don't know how that happened somehow nobody's dead holy [ __ ] all right dude we're learning so fast we're learning so fast quake could have that but everything else is good also [ __ ] it does matter just think about it all right you don't need to expose armor let me just keep sunders up it's easier for you and you can spend more damage on damage it doesn't matter if he does a lot of damage i'll just heal it just just heal it just heal it just heal the damage okay it's a wipe move in move in let's do it again go just go just go just go just go what is he doing somebody pulled early i don't know who pulled it doesn't matter but like yeah somebody pulled italy randomly i'm dead this is so [ __ ] just i'm just gonna go back to the bench get in the entrance get what are you guys doing like i literally said to get to the entrance you're not doing it hold i'm gonna kick him let's go let's go let's go easiest boss in the whole game hey yo potato potato get to the back of the [ __ ] boss get their back enough freaking boss the [ __ ] what killed me what killed me i'm dead this shatterer killed you man the same thing that kills you every time it goes through bubble surprise that's bull that's not fair that shouldn't be allowed so wait you thought you were gonna just bubble and ignore the mechanic hell yeah and don't die don't die don't die there it is they're dead guys let's talk about that let's talk about sucking dick okay this guy's he always got a big dick oh this guy's got a really big dick oh that's a big dick oh yes oh my god that's so big wow keep it up we only have four people dead this is a great pull god i parried i parried i paired oh you're dead why are you dying why are you all doing it wrong stop doing it wrong just i'm tired of people doing it wrong start doing it right stop doing it wrong all right i know why we're not killing it why it's [ __ ] antifa man what happened oh i'm dead help me the trash respawn dude i didn't see it i was reading chat guys we just had to reclear trash the reason why we reclear trash is because we know as long as all of us know we all know that we're about to kill this boss okay so everybody's dead again arsenal i want you right now to target ja ja mage i want you to target him i want to see you targeting him he's in group six i want you to look at your replacement if you [ __ ] this up again i want you to i want you to see him no you're not oh man this is good [ __ ] let's just [ __ ] go let's just [ __ ] go don't use a bag of marbles on him unless he's like 10 or something command quake command you have to command salon's gonna probably be taking hatefuls you said i could attack dude i thought you could i really did i i really i thought you were able to but let's go ahead it's fine it's fine it's fine it's fine salon you shouldn't have been there but it's okay that's a lot of damage on me i'm dead okay all right run back do it again we're we're regressing i i did not have righteous fury on i literally don't know what's going on man dude mcconnell i'm mad at mcconnell you i literally i can attack i didn't attack 12 seconds doing nothing while everybody else was attacking and everybody else had threat and then i attacked and then i instantly just [ __ ] died so what do you want me to do and everybody that's calling me bad everybody wants me out of the race what do you want me to do nothing i just want quake to not die listen i'll explain what happened okay so this is just for everybody that knows like obviously we got a lot of people watching and there's some people that might not understand the way the fight works okay so there's something in world of warcraft called a hateful strike the idea of a hateful strike is damage that is dealt to the person who is second on agro now i am supposed to be second on agro and quake is supposed to be first on agro because quake died i then became first on agro and then mcconnell then became second on agro because mcconnell was third on aggro mcconnell can be third on aggro that's not his fault he shouldn't have died it should not have happened and also if mcconnell didn't die another one of the dps would have because quake had just gotten rezzed and he didn't have a chance to build up aggro again which is how often you attack the boss this is going really really well damage is [ __ ] insane damage is unreal i'm alive [Music] did i kill people okay good good good nobody dead nobody dead oh no no no no don't you [ __ ] die on me what whoa [ __ ] listen guys we've been in here two hours two hours under one raid stay focused guys stay focused salon's dead it's all on me it's all on me big heels on me let's go big heels on me melee are going to drop okay i'm dead nom nom got me killed if this is a wipe kick him he's failing simple mechanics is failing simple mechanics why were you failing simple mechanics wait nominal is the [ __ ] hunter that stole our our quest when we're requesting man let's go nomination way to go man hey nice one nominal you [ __ ] dick [ __ ] get the [ __ ] out of here i remember yeah level 63 yeah i was eating pizza [Music] yeah he better not steal the st big dick there it is first one i'm dead i'm dead i'm dead i'm dead holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] that was like eight people is this a dick sucking competition like what are you guys doing run back again this boss came out 14 years ago 14 years ago people figured this [ __ ] out they figured this [ __ ] out on a pentium 3 processor on an all-in-one e-machine on a macbook sitting around using a mouse that still had a ball in it and you can't figure it out on your [ __ ] flat screen led monitor with your 30 90 with your 189 fps six consoles cold soul you just want me to kick cold soul an innocent man at 300 dps dude check out check check out his gems consoles [Music] do you have any other gems [Music] [Music] gold soul we really gotta what we got let me tell you something called so i used to screenshot people with bad gems all the time back in the day better than nothing am i right no bro no no man no bro wait wait no i really don't [Music] he said in party chat auction house is light on gyms oh okay matt roy or aggro can you all get with this guy and figure something out for him this is [ __ ] sad cold soul we're gonna have to have a conversation about this game are you in a guild joined a guild yesterday quit your guild right now we're gonna invite you to olympus [Music] [Music] help help cold soul tell him what to do if you have any questions or anything [ __ ] just ask us here's what i'm gonna do i'm going to say scurry and then whenever i say scurry everybody is going to spread out around this room go go go go go go go spread out bodegro come on man come on man good good uh uh uh uh there you go that's a little bit better good good good good good good good wrong good good good all right everybody group back up we're going to do it one more time go to a different place [Music] old pulse do you like [ __ ] small gnomes in the ass because if you don't i have very unfortunate news for you you just did get these low deeps out of here man who's the bottom three besides the two people that died it's you i'm just i'm so nervous man i'm so nervous [Music] we gotta beat his ass come on boys come on how much longer do we have to do this right let me actually see how much longer we have this instance is scheduled to reset in five days 17 hours and and 18 minutes i think that we'll have time we have five days and 17 hours left guys i will we'll survive will i survive had to leave [ __ ] that guy did top damage no no no no no no no no no no no no no no please don't leave [ __ ] man listen i want you guys to remember the trash can respawn it can respawn again four [ __ ] times i wish this had a reputation because if it did we would have cleared enough trash to get exalted nobody's dead nobody's dead nobody's dead we're still in the game we're still in the game boys let's oh [ __ ] somebody's dead trinity's dead okay um don't rest trinity don't res trinity but she's the one no that's neo that's the wrong one no neil wasn't actually the one that was agent smith that was one yeah it sounds like [ __ ] to me this is it guys come on focus you got a shield ball heal no no don't shield well don't shield ball don't shield well unless he's like really really low no no no this is this is still still too uh it's too precarious of a run just just be patient potato don't honk [Music] keep going guys keep going 15 000 damage right there we are so close we are so [ __ ] close man my gear is broken [Music] need a repair bot just kill this one here kill skull i'm dead we're just kidding oh he's dead never mind all right run back do it again this is a clown fiesta dude really i didn't know that why did you put down a portal oh move away now two people took the portal two just zone you know the cool thing about uh the cool thing about today is if we don't kill it today your youtube channel is going to get a nice little cliffhanger and we'll we're going to have to kill tomorrow how is it that we can't figure this out like it's been like it i was gonna say years it feels like it's been years like we've been we've been doing this boss for how long this is brutal this is the worst raid we've ever had another person we need another person right now this is good it's good oh no oh jeez just wipe it wipe it wipe people leaving the raid guys [Music] if you have [Music] any if anybody wants to come in we need a dps and a good healer we're very close to killing it oh [ __ ] devastate left no we need two healers and two dps okay i'm sure they're out there i'm calling the red calling the red we've gotten god [Music] we've gotten gone after seven hours of rule we couldn't do it today we are going to come back and we are going to kill this boss we're not ending this lockout without a dead [ __ ] gruel i don't want to hear about any of this [ __ ] i don't want to hear about oh i don't want to come back too [ __ ] bad we are killing this boss this week [Music] man spend the next two days or however long it takes for us to do it to think to yourself how can i not stand next to somebody else [Music] we're not giving up we're not going to let this boss beat us people had to leave it is what it is we're coming back we're going to come back stronger and harder than ever yeah we got god that's what happens sometimes you get god that doesn't matter it's not about how many times you got you get god into how many times you get and all we have to do is get more often than we get god tomorrow we come back we do karazhan we masturbute all of the gear to me huh damn mcconnell get like one item so until next time boys follow my twitter peace peace [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 1,273,378
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, world of warcraft, asmongold tv, ZackRawrr, classic tbc, classic the burning crusade, asmongold tbc, classic tbc wow, wow tbc, asmongold classic tbc, burning crusade, gruul's lair, classic tbc gruul, gruul raid, asmongold gruul, asmongold gruul's lair, gruul, classic tbc raid, Classic TBC Loot, tbc classic, burning crusade classic, wow classic tbc, worst raid, asmongold worst, wow worst, world of warcraft worst, raid worst, tbc
Id: D15aw66ozig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 24sec (1704 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 10 2021
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