Aѕmongold Reacts To The "Top 10 Strongest Raid Bosses Based on Lore in WoW" | By Hirumaredx

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strongest raid boss is based on lore in this video we'll be going over the strongest raid bosses based on lore and at number 10 we have archimonde from the battle for mount hyjal and the hellfire citadel all right maybe it's actually kind of hard to determine the number 10 spot on this list yes it's not as clear cut as the next nine spots because it has also been said that kil'jaeden is just as strong as archimonde although archimonde has slightly more feats of strength to fall back on archimonde was able to snap the neck of malorne like a twig and malorne was one of the most powerful wild gods who are equivalent of strength to the troll loas with the most powerful of which possibly being a tie between malorne and hakkar and that's not his only accomplishment he was also able to destroy the city of dalaran at a distance although there's three other characters in the game that kind of fit the same feats of strength leishin the thunderlord was able to defeat a wild god in one-on-one combat though he is he also had the accomplishment of defeating a titan keeper before stealing his powers and then we have queen azshara who was stated in lord to possibly have the power to rival both archimonde and kil'jaeden i don't i don't know about the humanoid form and then we have mythrax the cathraxi who was so powerful aloha had to blow herself up in order to kill him which destroyed the surrounding zone and created the desert of voldun and even that didn't actually destroy his body so they had to create a temple around his body so that no one would try to revive that as it was constantly regenerating energy okay so if an explosion strong enough to destroy an entire zone only puts him into a stasis created by one of the old gods i'd say that puts them around the same tier as the other people who could also defeat a wild god so it's really hard to choose which one is the strongest i don't think the wild gods are that archimonde does have the achievement of killing a wild god the easiest whereas kil'jaeden's biggest feat of strength is creating the lich king which doesn't really involve him using power i have to give the number one spot to arc yeah i would say that's pretty fucking speaking of power scaling i couldn't really ask for a better sponsor for today's video than crunchyroll as power skills and anime go hand in hand now crunchyroll is a great place to watch anime on any device you might have never seen me watch it on my ipad whenever i'm eating i've never watched like real i've never watched anime seriously i don't know why i never have i could just never get into it i know some people like they love it i just i don't know man like there's something about it that i can just never really fucking get into and i've pretty much been an active user of the site for over eight years now so if you use my sign up link crunchyroll.com red x and start your two week free maybe i can start watching all kinds of anime with super powerful characters as well all 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keepers after which the contracts he became the old goddess was pretty powerful but even then a single elemental lord definitely suffers sure as when it came to the battle between the titan keepers and the elemental lords it took the combined might of three of the titan keepers working together in order to defeat a single alec here and he was hard countered too as he was fighting raw den thorim and hodir who were able to control the storms and weather just as well as he could and literally just turned his powers back on him and the titan keepers themselves are pretty strong individually i would say required of them who specifically countered his abilities gives alec here a pretty high feat of strength and allows him to easily take a high spot on this list just much lower compared to all the monsters who appear at the very top of this video i don't know many should definitely be higher i think like i i really think that uh i i think i think rags should be higher in my opinion i i would say so dude what do you think dude right yeah i think it should be higher russ was another one of the elemental lords and considered the strongest by chronicles as it took two of the strongest titan keepers fighting together in order to take him down tyr and odin they were also able to hard counter his fire abilities by basically just being immune to it now while alakir did require three titan keepers to take him down and lor it is stated that ragnaros is the strongest and most destructive because he killed alec so i have to put him a little bit higher even if he's possibly not that much stronger yeah sure now ragnaros shares a distinction that few raid bosses have where he was defeated multiple times the first time in the very first rate of the game in the molten coast exactly and then again in cataclysm in the firelands the two times killed in his own domain exactly so now he's considered dead dead in lore as well until they run out of ideas and then they're bringing him back and at number seven we have a deathwing that's the dragon seven of earth from the dragons at seven yeah deathwing actually worked alongside ragnarok here in the cataclysm as they were all minions of n'zoth with given the most amount of old god juice out of all of them so much so that him erupting from the planet towards no and while a group of adventurers were able to kill both alec here and ragnaros and their homes yeah right in order for them to defeat deathwing they had to go back in time in order to steal the dragon soul with an elaborate time heist and then when they had this super powerful artifact created deathwing still had enough power after being shot twice by it to fly to the center of the world and nearly destroy the planet so deathwing had planet buster capabilities which so they fucking he flies around does whatever he wants and then on top of that they use the pancake on him he still doesn't get fucking pancaked and then you summon all the teeth sometimes all the tentacles and then all the aspects have to attack them and they lose all their power and then they use the pancake on him a third time and then finally the and he reshapes the entire fucking world and deathwing's so goddamn powerful even in the books it's like they would attack deathwing you wouldn't even take damage he's so fucking powerful like definitely it's like it it's like the difference like deathwing in the other aspects is the same difference between like deathwing and galakrond it's like a fucking universe of difference there's no fucking way man no fucking way definitely puts them on a highway although both illidan and ner'zhul were also able to destroy planets though they both require the aid of super powerful artifacts in order to do that whereas deathwing had the capabilities of doing it with his bare hands which is why he gets a higher spot than the elemental lords who are considered the strongest minions of the old gods yeah and at number six we have the artificial old god g'huun from old deer g'huun was the result of the titan construct mother experimenting with ways to solve the old gut problem in which case she accidentally created her own and while not as strong as the naturally grown old gods g'huun would still more than powerful enough to influence the world around him in ways very reminiscent of the normal old gods which definitely implies he's in the same realm of power scaling as the other old gods what do you mean what do you mean that's like the size of deathwing's head deathwing would fucking breathe fire on this thing and it would go it would go away he just set him on fire he's the size of all of nazmir and this guy got kept easy he sits on in a cage give me a break size doesn't matter yeah right if it's that big he just he literally would set g'huun on fire think about the purification protocol what is that probably it's really hot and i guarantee you deathwing breathed on g'huun he'd be dead the g'huun is like it's a fucking knock off an old god it's it's a not it's a knockoff man that's like you go to the flea market and you buy something that says supreme but they spelled the words wrong that's ghoon what a joke man if probably the weakest of the bunch give me a sense he was able to control mythrax who's a super powerful old god minion as well as all of his worshippers led by zuul who successfully released him from his prison and was only stopped thanks to the help of some titan technology specifically designed to counter him the old gods themselves are massively powerful beings where even an artificial one could definitely end all life on azeroth if he was able to escape properly yeah which probably puts it at a little bit higher on the list of power scaling than deathwing although since an artificial old god it's probably safe for them to kill him off for good rather than how all the other old gods are basically just pushed back into their prisons or their avatars are destroyed and not their real bodies and at number five we have n'zoth from nialatha okay now the old gods are super massive powerful aliens from space created by the void lords for the sole purpose of trying to corrupt a titan and their real bodies span content and what you fight in any raid is basically just an avatar version of them or a small portion that they were able to get out of the number five no no but it comes off as like the least powerful of all the old gods he's he's sneaky but he's the least powerful so yeah i would say n'zoth number five is fine it's not though he was fully freed from his prison but thankfully was the weakest of all the old gods and even then when you do fight him in the raid the entire raid is basically just nizan's body and it's only thanks to the powers of the dagger of zalath and the heart of azeroth that you're able to kill him for the time being even so being a real old god puts him above g'huun but canadically he is considered the weakest of the bunch right and since he does appear as a raid moss makes the list below all the other old gods switch spoilers will be the next two spots on this list of course and at number four we have c'thun from aq4 obviously another one of the old gods fucking awesome is the first old gods of players ever face in game and is considered one of the hardest raid fights of all time basically because of the bugs that made the fight unkillable and in lore they don't really give c'thun a proper power scaling but i am able to place him because of something i'll talk about in the next section good one but basically because c'thun's specialty was creating the akira the incident sorry about pre-nerf man we had kevin jordan come on the fucking show and he said that shit would have gotten rolled over it's a joke that's the guy that made the fucking ball he played and worked at the company he said that's just a joke he got rolled over toyed monsters that accompanied him in his raid he was a great crafter of flesh while also being a super massive powerful alien from space whose body probably takes up a full continent yeah though that's all underground and it's suspect whether he's still alive or not after the sword of sargeras was stabbed into him at the end of legion but he is considered stronger than n'zoth as n'zoth was considered the weakest of the bunch the number two when it comes to the weakest of the old gods which is why he gets a higher spot than his own fucking and at number three we have yogg saron from ulduar this is the last of the old gods but what you got to understand is like whenever we fought him there that's like us fighting a pimple that's literally us fighting a pimple of yogg-saron like the actual yag was the size of northrend imagine like how good you feel whenever you pop a pimple that's like killing this fight this guy was yog was fucking super super fucking powerful he was taking over titan keepers he's doing whatever he wanted second one you fighting game does anything now yongsaran was considered the second strongest revealed guts as the first strongest was always considered yashiraj who was killed by the titan of manthul before they realized they couldn't actually kill the old gods without also destroying the planet so they instead sent their titan keepers after all the old gods individually to put them in prison and with the combined mind of the titan keepers and their armies working together they were able to imprison both n'zoth and c'thun pretty easily though yongsaron gave them so much of a problem that he almost won the war for the old gods by himself that's right you see yongsaron created the cathraxi who are super powerful old god minions that are able to use magic and are super intelligent so with the cathraxi commanding the army of the old guys they were able to employ actual tactics and magical faints against the super powerful and magical titan keepers but eventually the titan keepers were able to win because odin came up with a gamble where he commanded logan to use his most powerful illusion spell to transform the cthrax and yogg-saron into versions of their enemies and then while the old god forces were confused by the illusions they would mount a suicidal charge of literally all of their forces into their banks at once which paid off the catharsia were confused and attacking each other and the combined might of the entire titan keeper army they were able to finally stop yogg-saron in his prison yogg-saron was also the one who created the emerald nightmare since one of the world trees roots seeped into his prison and is involved in a lot of wait what really that shit happened so he turned that shit in that that's he did all this whole thing for real he made them so he he made the whole raid yoga's even more powerful than what i fucking thought yeah he literally mind fucked him i didn't even know that major lore events throughout wow's history he was also not a big fan of the lich king so the lich king was probably happy when adventurers were able to take him down in old war so for being considered the second strongest old god and actually being a boss player's fight in the game it takes the number three spot on this list just a note the strongest old god yashiraj never appears as the raid boss since he's dead before wow starts yep so he will not be on the list and at number two we have agramar from antorus the burning throne this is like now angrimar is the corrupted form of a titan and titans are pretty much the second strongest beans in warcraft lore only beaten out by the voidlords who can't actually enter the universe so finding one is thought to be near impossible well i thought that i thought like this wasn't really aggramar this is like a shade of aggramar like that's what that's what it'd be like it's a it's an avatar of him so it's not even actually avatar or agramar is the revived from death and twisted into a dark titan version where his powers are nowhere near what they once were actual bodies exactly the planet however even in this incredibly weakened state he's still a huge powerhouse and the only way players are able to defeat it is thanks to two incredible power boosts one of them is thanks to the help of another legendary known as eonar who gives the players a helpful boon and fights alongside them and thanks to the fact that all of the characters who fight aggramar are holding literally the most powerful weapons in existence that's true as when you walk up to agrabah's boss room the normal ads you have to fight are corrupted titan keepers so the minions to his boss room are strong enough in lore to be their own raid bosses yeah that that was fucking like dude i think like people didn't understand like how much of a big deal taurus was i don't think enough people respected it like they didn't take it seriously enough like that was like basically you went to the fucking the top of the top of the top it's like you were fighting through like the elite burning legion champions and like the second half of it was like fighting through like the strongest nathazim and then you fucking fight a titan like it was insane heck the ads are actually more powerful more wise than a majority of raid bosses in the game so even in its super weakened state it's still one of the strongest raid bosses in history and you have to remember that when we fight the old gods themselves we don't actually fight their real bodies and kind of like an avatar version of them it doesn't really matter since when you do defeat those avatar versions it definitely harms the real body as well but be confident that aggramar would definitely be able to defeat any of those old god avatars by himself which easily puts him at the number two spot on yeah probably and at number one we have argus from taurus the bernie sanders 100 argus is a baby titan who has had his powers drained from him for years in order to fuel a demon army so he's nowhere near as strong as a normal titan but even so he has more power than aggramar and requires the combined efforts of all of the awakened titans plus the heroes of azeroth holding the most powerful weapons in existence and he still beats him because it was a white remember that they beat him and even then halfway through the raid kills everyone except they constantly resurrect you exactly exactly that's exactly because there's no way you'd be able to defeat even a baby with the help of other titans now considering both aggramar and argus are from the same rate it kind of makes sense that they are both the two strongest raid bosses since you kind of need the help of the artifact weapons and the titans in order to have a chance at facing these two monsters as remember canonically some of these artifact weapons have the power to destroy planets i think the legion version of player characters are probably the strongest versions of players in lore well fuck yeah it is like you go up on the top like you think about how like think about the power scaling that happened in legion okay you fucking go if you go into the emerald nightmare and you defeat xavius the nightmare lord after overpowering the demigod sargeras fucking cenarius then you go into the nighthold defeat a fucking time-wielding fucking elisande deep dick gul'dan and defeat illidan as the avatar of sargeras then you go over to the throne of not throwing the trial of our you beat odin you beat helya who's like a big fucking deal i don't even know what she does but she's a big deal and then you fight kill jaden and then you before you even fight cochin you fight an avatar of sargeras himself that aegwynn destroyed back a long fucking time ago and then at the end of that after that you go to argus and you fight a titan directly it's like a bfa uh yes so what they're you know i said there's four old gods or there's a fifth one but he's fake you gotta go kill him oh you did that all right go kill your faction leader that all right uh shit uh okay you know like it's fucking ridiculous man i just jane ashara was ashara was definitely a threat and i can't see them ever really topping that so the fact that two of the strongest boss fights in the game's history appeared in that expansion definitely makes sense and is very fitting so unless they have us fight another titan i can't really see something topping this spot on the list though based on some spoilers it seems as if the jailer is stronger than a single titan so this list might become outdated once we get to that fight in the shadowlands all right and that's the list as with any power scaling video there's definitely going to be some vast inaccuracies as blizzard kind of decides how strong the character is depending on how strong they need them to be at the moment and they sometimes even retcon the power levels of characters later on and there's also the possibility that i just forgot about someone so if you think i forgot about someone super important i'd love to hear about them down in the comments as well as their feats of strength this video was edited by the flying buttress links to his channel in the video description and also did you know only about 30 of people who watch these videos are actually subscribing yeah go make it 31 boys go give them a sub listen i like this i like this video a lot i love these because i feel like they're always so fucking contentious like there's always somebody like no bro dude illidan would have beat him man oh a hundred percent like there always always somebody who's fucking talking about lee shin dude like that's the thing is like all right where would lee shin dude i bet lee shin could beat the fuck out of alec here like i bet he could beat the fuck out like especially archimonde dude we shouldn't have punched archemon right in the dick like i don't think at least really powerful like i don't know b is powerful these guys right let me see the rest of these a hogger yeah right uh let's see if murmur is uh readable attacks planet busting element award yeah nobody gave a shit about murmur though uh that was just a random ass fucking five-man boss i i don't know man odin or helya could have been disputed at the spot yeah i mean i feel like hell yeah maybe something like that i don't know dude there's nothing wrong with disgustingly soon after ahmad thul died he passed his powers to raw then which raw then stored away and those are the powers that lee shin stole so full power lee shin had the power of a literal titan not a titan keeper dude lee shin i don't know if we i feel like lee shin could fucking beat beat g'huun like no like g'huun i hate g'huun that's just some that's both that g'huun is like you know whatever they have like a story and there's like an established fucking lore in the story and then they just invent some other new shit that comes out of fucking nowhere and then suddenly it's supposed to be like the new challenge and worry that's the way i feel about with g'huun you know like it's like what the fuck is that like where the fuck is g'huun coming from i i don't know man like but it's like wait but wait there's more yeah exactly man [Music] you
Channel: Aѕmongold TV
Views: 414,274
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, daily dose of asmongold, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold best, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, asmongold classic, classic wow, asmongold hirumaredx, hirumaredx top 10, wow top 10, asmongold top 10, wow strongest, hirumaredx asmongold, hirumaredx, wow raid bosses, wow raid, asmongold raid, strongest boss, wow raid boss, top 10 raid, top 10 boss, top 10 bosses, top 10 wow
Id: KrFU69nyELs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 54sec (1434 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 20 2020
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