Asmongold Reacts to "Was WotLK Really That GOOD?" | By WillE

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hello ladies and gentlemen willie here a lot of people yeah for the lich king in fact it's looked back upon now as the absolute peak of world of warcraft and factually at least subscriber wise from the information blizzard gave us it was but myself however i'm often asked what was my favorite expansion or favorite period in world of warcraft's history i don't think there's any entire expansion yeah stand clearly head and shoulders above the rest in fact i struggled to say that i like one in its entirety from start to finish for example in wrath i can already tell you when it happens in our classic timeline that revamped max rammus 25 and 10 man is going to be a bit of a shocker the value in it back in the day was because barely anybody saw the place fully through in actual vanilla nowadays quite significant well i think a lot of people it was a shocker for even 40 knacks because people went into 40 knacks and they thought it was going to be like this massive huge super hard thing and yeah there were some guilds that struggled on it but overall it really wasn't as hard as it used to be portion of the population did to some extent at least i've seen it in there and it's been greatly nerfed we're going to be left with southern slur and the eye of eternity which are quite similar to gruel and maggot too pretty fast to wrap up raids yeah not too much difficulty there and then we have trial of the crusader of course which is when blizzard made the most optimal way to play your character to complete the raid on four separate difficulties each week so unless they change things there we have that to look forward to if i were to try and pick some of my favorite times from world of warcraft the first tier of cataclysm were absolutely incredible i love the nighthold and the suramar story progressing through all of that and i even liked siege of orgrimmar and the timeless i release initially when i was playing my resto druid then well i liked it before it went on for over a year that is i'm gonna give my thoughts on this before the video comes out i want to go ahead and explain like i think rather lich king in like a vacuum was pretty good but overall i think rather lich king set the stage for so many things that made the game worse like just over time wrath made the game way way worse king the final in the big three of the classic expansions the peak of world of warcraft sub count as it gradually rose over the 10 million mark and as we make our way through our classic timeline it is to this day one of the most fondly looked back upon times in wales was great a perfect storm of different themes within the game coming together following up the end of the warcraft 3 story for the rts fans i think also another reason why people like wrath is like wrath was probably the first time that a lot of people really got the opportunity to really be good at the game because like wrath was whenever a lot of people who were young that started playing the game got old enough to like really fully process and understand how to [ __ ] play it the right way and they got enough free time to be able to raid and take it seriously so like wrath had like all of these like external reasons of why it was a good expansion which i don't know as i said like wrath of the lich king classic wow is just not in my opinion it it it's not going to be as good as it was like i feel like wrath is going to die in like a week and a half you hero class in the death knight the first and new year it'll die like way faster than two illusions of classes to make them much more well-rounded new pvp content and some of the most memorable raids and some of the least looking you ruby sanctum world of warcraft has ever seen yeah if you never played back then as somebody who did myself it was pretty good overall i'd say the thing with ruby sanctum though ruby sanctum wasn't that bad because they put in ruby sanctum as just something else for players to do like they basically just threw it in there randomly because the cataclysm was taking so long because like rather lich king was the first time that because of all the catch-up mechanisms and everything that were in the game there were so many people who were sitting and farming icc all day and they were just bored of it and blizzard had never really had that happen before because in burning crusade most of the people that had quit the game had quit because they just got bored of the game and didn't like the game not because they ran out of rating content or content to progress their character with because you had to do like you know like karazhan gruel like ssc tk black temple sunwell right and you had a lot of things you had to do but in rather rich king all you really had to do at the end of it was level up do some dungeons do toc a few times then you get right into icc it was super [ __ ] fast and because of that people hit that wall so fast and they got bored of it a lot of things right that the player base really responded well to it's no surprise that it was the peak it also did a lot of things which are now very much looked down upon which seemingly are often very casually looked over so not to tarnish the perfect memory exactly yeah you've seen how people approach the radiant classic right and in tbc so far and i was a little curious as to how the raid content would shape up having never raided in actual vanilla or the majority of tbc we always heard that the game was hard back then and then we got to mc and it was beaten within the first week from level one and then you'd hear velstraz in blackbeard that was the next big wall and it was beaten within all of 30 seconds then wait for aq that fell over wait for knacks it was beaten day one within one hour and 20 minutes i believe maybe i'll do a video looking a bit more into this but i did actually yeah i remember like this was one of the funniest things in classic wow is watching the classic andes slowly have to have to walk back all the positions that they had they're like oh well you know uh classic wow i mean even dude you couldn't even get to 60 unless you were really good at the game like only the most dedicated and strongest survive in classic wow and then immediately everybody got 60. and then well molten core that's whenever you really got tested because you needed all this fire resist and you had to like farm with your guild and there was like this thing you had the mind control and blackrock spire then you had to put that on your tanks and if you didn't do that you just die because it did so much damage and then obviously people just went in there and [ __ ] destroyed it and then oh well yeah of course they did it was under tuned but whenever bwl comes out you'll see veil guilds are going to wipe on veil for months because they don't have the gear for it and then people are just one-shotting veil and just killing veil was one of the easiest bosses people would use veil for the buff it wasn't even a boss it was like oh this is the boss that we charge up our buff so we can clear the real boss which is the trash box after the after veil and then after that they're like oh well that was easy because you know it wasn't balanced the right way they had too many debuffs on the boss whenever aq comes out it's gonna be totally [ __ ] different you'll see and then aq comes out people [ __ ] destroy it and vicidus visit us was kind of hard because people didn't know how to use like the little venom sacks to cleanse themselves and then like see see see i told you it's hard you wiped once on it i told you it's i told you it's [ __ ] hard you wiped and this is how they looked at it and then finally max ramos came out and this was the one thing that everybody was like all right so max was like the [ __ ] gold standard that everybody thought was this [ __ ] impossible like you could not beat this raid and people went in and they were clearing it on the first week like all of these guilds were clearing in the first week and they're like oh well uh blizzard listen blizzard is too easy but it was way harder back then they they didn't they didn't tune it right and there were all these excuses every time no sorry asthma you're really wrong here i mean the numbers agree with me i'm sorry to say but i i i believe that i have the numbers on my side we raid in raffle lich king yeah the whole way through i never completed all the content on the hardest difficulty possible but i felt as though i saw it and how they actually roll out the rate is going to be really interesting to see as well because something changed with the format of raiding in each separate tier of wrath in fact thinking about it i am looking forward to raph a bit less than i was initially because i have raided fully through the entire expansion but back on track raph the lich king for all the good that it did that's one of the things that i feel about wrath is like i already beat wrath of the lich king like i i beat heroic lich king back in the day i the only thing i didn't do i i did on 10 man i didn't do it on 25 ma'am that's just because we didn't have enough people uh i just like i already i beat like yog0 i got herald of the titans there's like a few little challenges that i'd want to do like getting like argent defender doing like tribute of uh of immortality that that would be cool but other than that i mean it's not really show achieve date no i i got yog zero during during rat or during icc i didn't get it during uh during old war but uh i did get it i mean still and uh death's demise it's just i i don't know man i just like wrath doesn't have like i guess it's like i was most hyped for classic wow raiding because like i had never really done all of classic while raiding i had only done like some zg and you know 20 man raids and for ra for burning crusade i'm hyped up for burning crusade still i like raiding and burning crusade way more than i did in classic 100 however i already did a lot of the burning crusade raids before you know i'm looking at the burning crusade classic like this is my victory lap this is what i this is what i'm doing like i'm going back into the uh i'm going back into high school and i'm just styling on all my old teachers i'm walking in there wearing my hat sideways like they always used to tell me not to and i'm sitting there listening to my music i'm on my phone and like i'm just i'm going in there and i'm like i own this place now like this is bro i'm i'm beyond this that's the way i feel like going back and playing burning crusade classic it brought in some real controversial stuff under the hood we had dual spec which is now being widely asked for actually in tvc to ease up access to get into heroics or to flip between pvp and pve backyard it was added in the first major content patch cost 1 000 gold and you needed to be level 40. different from how things are on tvc where when you change spec you need to change around your bars your gear your talents in wrath you also had to change your glyphs pretty huge deal for your power levels from retail today where they've just turned into cosmetic things and prior to dual spec you had to carry around glyphs in your bags that you could redo them whenever you needed to if you were trying to push the performance of your character i think that glyphs kind of sucked i i mean i'm gonna be honest i think they could i thought they kind of sucked but like i mean they were cool in a way because they made they were ways that you could augment your spells like they were cool in practice but what it really came down to was you just had your three main glyphs that you used for raiding and you just put those on and that was it i remember like there was one warrior in my guild there was a heroic strike glyph that would like give you rage back whenever you did something with rock strike i forgot what it was and as soon as i put that glyph on i did like 500 more dps and i was like okay well that i'm not taking this off now okay that was it she was introduced to allow players to teleport directly from anywhere in the world to a dungeon cross server and it did get pretty toxic on release since on one hand you were having the more casual player base who either didn't do dungeons or who put the word heroic up to a dungeon which was going to be really difficult like it was in heroic raiding and then you had the more hardcore cena players who may be leveling an alt or re-rolling or just trying to get some badges for their daily something like that well the thing is also like the heroics in wrath of the lich king weren't as hard as the heroics and burning crusade like there were a few of them like uh the [ __ ] the angel in the room was actually pretty hard whenever it came out but most of them were were pretty [ __ ] easy and also another reason why they were easy is that people just got better gear way faster same content and there's a bit of clashing between the two different play styles there we had heirlooms to speed up leveling as well we had paid faction transfers towards the end of wrath i wonder if that'll be in from the start of wrath dungeons were just a lot easier way up to the end of the pit of siren forge of souls i think they should have never added faction transfers they should like adding in faction transfers was probably the dumbest thing that blizzard has ever put in the store besides the wow token because like why because at that point i think it took away a lot of character identity because like up until then like you playing on hoarder alliance really kind of was meaningful and then just taking that away it's like oh you just pay money and then you swap to the other one it made it mean a lot less but that's like kind of an rp thing so that's whatever but the truth is like the reason why it was so bad is it made it to where serious guilds would transfer and they would play at that time they would want to play with the best racials and this became a really big problem in uh in cataclysm because i remember it was like heroic cho'gall had like this one mechanic where you would just like be able to aoe interrupt it and if everybody was stacked up and it was so [ __ ] easy on horde because you had like the blood elf silence and the the war stomp for tauren and before that uh people had to just figure it out and yeah that's why blizzard added it was more money yeah but like now what they're having is like alliance is pretty much dead which sucks paul's a reflection in the icc patch if you wanted hard pv content though the raids did end up making up for it big time yeah there's essentially a gear reset in each patch with a new set of badges being brought out which any player could work towards very powerful gear from and then yeah that's what happened which in some way gave birth to the link x achievement if you want to have done something you know the story how do you get into a raid or you need the achievement but how do you get the achievement you need to have done the raid and also from that to some degree as well as the badges giving anybody really good access i don't think that was that big of a problem because like what was it in classic wow like how did you get invited into raids in classic wow you rolled the healer you bought gear you had pretty best gear score yeah i feel like it was kind of all the same stuff right i mean having yeah you would just go to stormwind and they would invite you and you either join or not based off of if they thought you were good a guild yeah you just show up i don't think that you could sneak in easily because it's 40 man raid like i don't is that good though that like the raids were so easy that people could just clear them so you would just get invited even if you were bad and you could just get carried through like i don't think that's really good design i i i yeah i think that's like kind of that that's bad design too like even in uh in burning crusade now what i what i know that people do is they still gear check you like so gear score and getting gear checked for me are pretty much the same [ __ ] thing because most people don't understand what they're looking for and they'll think somebody who has like a shitty trinket is actually just having a shitty trinket but it's actually very good for their class or something like that after really good gear came the gear score add-on yes as we all know the more people i had six point one gig the item that people are wearing the better player they are were some of these better persons in the slowing of the growth of a better person over they the ones keeping it afloat over 10 million subs for well anything is kind of insane and world of warcraft was by no means on a downwards trend moving into cataclysm but it also just kind of stopped growing during that first patch bravo the lich king was very much the peak and the plateau so what other negatives were nothing for people to look forward to that's why there's nothing else really for people to do 6.6k bro you probably had shadowmourne if you had 6.6k i remember shadowmourne added like 500 onto your score and i would actually take extra items just so whenever somebody would i would whisper somebody for an invite i would take like a heroic icc item just so i could equip it to my character to get into the raid it was so [ __ ] stupid man like the gear score add-on was just so dumb and like you do that now right with keeping things with high eye level uh you even still do that now and wow because like they've made eye level matter so much that's one of the good things about classic wow i think and even burning crusade to a lesser extent that you had so many items from like the previous raid tiers that were good throughout the expansion or throughout like multiple raid tiers like i thought that was cool like onslaught girdle thing well it started to erode away the social aspects of the game more and more with the likes of the lfd for dungeons and heirlooms which allow players to easily zoom through solo or group content huge interaction between players it was the first time that content started to become irrelevant during the same expansion we didn't have any achievements anymore and badge gear created an easy path to re-roll or revisit the game during each separate major content patch there was a real car by the plague in the retail version of the game where it almost feels seasonal to play during a patch instead of a continuous thing your class started to offer less on an individual basis no that's actually that's absolutely what it was the game did over time it became less and less it became less and less of a expansion game and it became more more of a patch game and this happened in in rather listening for the first time and the real [ __ ] turning point was trial of the crusader and i hope he talks about this in trial of the crusader that's whenever you were able to get better gear in five mans than you could get in max ramos so it just completely put knacks in the garbage there was no reason to ever do knacks other than to get like maybe a couple of cool trinkets or just for the achievements or something like that it was so [ __ ] bad then after that you had uh what do you call it you had like icc come out and then the five-man dungeons from there invalidated all of all the wars so you didn't even need to do that and then cataclysm comes out by the time dragon soul was out you never needed to do the tier 11 dungeons and then you guys know what happened to mr pandari and onwards from there so this became a bigger issue over time gone were the days as we've seen in tbc where you need xyz class to provide and optimize your raid now several different roles could provide a like for like buffs or debuffs you didn't just need a shadow priest and only ever a shadow priest for mana regen anymore a retribution could provide a similar buff or a frost mage at a push and for the entire raid no less on top of this man i think this was an improvement personally the burning crusade buffs are really cool but i find them to be kind of restrictive in a way and it's like i would say like the best buff meta is like in between burning crusade and and wrath like a little bit more homogenized than burning crusade but a little bit less homogenized than wrath like somewhere in the middle there that's where i thought things were the best it's a matter less and less for healers and one final point which i just can't ignore is somebody at blizzard really liked mounted combat yeah more than any player has ever liked it it was absolutely everywhere in wrath of the lich king brand of the ancients flame leviathan i have eternity the oculus questing so why on earth was this expansion it was a cool idea okay mounted combat was a really cool idea so popular then if it was riddled with things which were problematic what did wrath of the lich king do that made it so good people it turned out like a story people like arthas people like the lich king a lot even those who didn't play warcraft 3 he was the central antagonist of the expansion and everybody knew about the rich king my dad knows who happened it was impossible not to know who he was and that he was now attacking the world and we're going to have to be at defending it from him and us having a raid here trial of the crusader which its sole purpose law wise at least was to prepare the heroes of azeroth to assault icc was pretty epic and at the end of the expansion we do actually definitively take out the big bad guy ourselves and see that the journey is complete it was very satisfying into the story it became much easier than it ever has been to pick up a new class or specialization due to the gearing path and badge gear that we went over prior this on top of the leveling journey being continually sped up through the likes of heirlooms most classes felt better despite showing a lot of buffs and debuffs and more fleshed out there weren't really any total meme specs anymore which just kind of weren't good for anything though some were definitely better ah were there really no meme specs i mean arms warriors sucked in icc i remember that but they were also really good in pvp so it's like were they really that bad i don't know like moonkin moonkin was not amazing but it was still good um overall and moon can also gave a pretty unique buff i think too so like there's still a reason to bring moonkins cans etc but like yeah i i think icc and like wrath just like in general did improve classes a lot and i think that classes in wrath of the lich king felt complete like what i think that they did after wrath of the lich king is like from from vanilla wow to burning crusade to to wrath is they made classes more complete and then i felt like after rather rich king into like cataclysm and mystic pandaria the way that blizzard iterated and they made classes more interesting is they gave them the abilities that other classes already had so like you know warriors got evasion with die by the sword uh warriors got uh you know hand of justice with the throw down right and you would start getting abilities that other classes had and in rather lich king every class still had a lot of uniqueness to it yeah mage has got heroism uh a bunch of other examples yeah that's whenever things started getting homogenized was in cataclysm and i think cataclysm was still okay but like by mr pandaria you just had so remember like warriors had like three different banners they could throw down you needed to use like in rage regeneration you could use shield wall spell reflect shield block like uh rallying cry like it was just like all this like it was it's like is the [ __ ] jackie chan meme right it's like what the [ __ ] is going on oh my god it was crazy than others and there was more reason to class stack now than there was in tbc but you had a much wider birth of what you actually wanted to play those who like their collections and other meta content were given tabs stuff in achievements to do that's a real game compelling reasons to engage with activity that wasn't just solely raid or pvp rates and raf got off to a shaky start but rafa the lich king gave us ulduar an icc and the start of real hardcore raiding in world of warcraft which are new or returning players something to aspire towards as well and of course it just had the highest player base which is generally good for an mmo everybody was so excited good arena population lots of raids and pug content and just well other people if you think back to one of your favorite times in world of warcraft part of it was probably who you were playing with at the time not just because of the expansion people make mmos good and raph the lich king had a lot of people honestly the responsibilities dude it was so good like you guys remember if you played back then do you remember whenever blizzard would put out the annual like quarterly earnings report and like they would say like oh wow is up to [ __ ] you know 3 000 or not 3 000 like you know 8 million 9 million [ __ ] 10 million subs you know oh we're up again and like everybody in trade chat so y'all forget this but like everybody in trade chat used to talk about like wow was like what was popular it's not like now where it's like wow is played by like dads and a few soccer moms like it was super popular because those dads and soccer moms were in high school back then and so they were so hyped up it was like that was the new and happening thing it was so cool i remember like nixian brought that up in a video one time and i i i couldn't stop thinking about cbc so far has put a bit of a dampener on the whole thing to be honest with people looking away from well to other mmos at the moment i think that initial sparkle of the big three has really started to erode a little bit with us moving from classic into tbc i know blizzard may do fresh it's not going to be anything remotely similar and blizzard hasn't exactly helped the scenario either what with the 58 boost the micro transactions and all the scandals which they seem to just constantly pile on themselves remember those comments a few months back saying classic wow no that's just the tbc waiting room i wonder how early we're to see that tbc is the wrath of the lich king waiting room starting to crop up overall i think that a lot of people will think that for pvp there are a lot of pvpers who will genuinely enjoy rapid lich king more than burning crusade for pvp and i think they're right to feel that way i think wrath of the lich king pvp was just objectively better than burning crusade pvp i think burning crusade pvp was garbage to be honest with you i really do i think that it was it had all of the same like problems that classic wow did but there was a rating system attached to it as well uh it was just like they had like these like the random stuns like just random like resists and just like like rng gameplay that was like super not fun like in in rather lich king i think pvp was probably at least for its time at its absolute peak in like season seven and season eight because at that time like almost every class was good in some way or another and any class could one shot any class if you had the right buffs and you could outplay almost anyone wrath of the lich king pvp was [ __ ] insane but rather king pve i think was like objectively inferior to burning crusade i think burning crusade rating was way better just because of the way that it was uh it was set up and designed a solid expansion as somebody who played it i don't think i'm going to get nearly the same experience out of it the second time around though and by that time other competitors on the market should have some interesting releases out too a bit of a shake-up in the mmo genre so rather than constantly revisiting the past we have something to look forward to something unknown in the future if you started world of warcraft a bit later than raph you'll probably like it if you do end up giving it a go it combines some of that retail-esque convenience yeah with the class design and raids of old i can see now why it was looked back upon so well but at the same time it kind of gives me a don't meet your hero vibes free win for blizzard though right surely rather the witch king uh was it was good for its time but it set the stage for every bad problem the game has now anyways let me know your thoughts whether you played wrath or not and what you thought about the positives and negatives i brought up here as always guys thank you so much for watching and listening in and i will see you on the next one very soon i was tbc i think tbc set the stage cataclysm did nope definitely not cataclysm sorry from late cataclysm no cataclysm just made it worse okay [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 530,229
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, ZackRawrr, asmongold ffxiv, asmongold final fantasy, wrath of the lich king, wotlk, asmongold wrath, asmongold wrath of the lich king, wrath of the lich king classic, lich king, best wow, wow best, best wow expansion, best expansion, woltk expansion, wotlk classic, wow classic, classic plus, WillE, asmongold wille, wow wille
Id: ISzKBxHsFis
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 46sec (1666 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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