Asmongold Reacts To WoW's Most Disappointing Moments - MadSeasonShow

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there it is ward or crafts most disappointing moment so we're gonna start at the beginning right there dude that's one one of the mountain no no disappointment sadness or displeasure caused by the man fulfillment of one's hopes or expectations throughout World of Warcraft's history there have been huge highs from its launch in 2004 it soared to new heights with the great Burning Crusade expansion ultimately peaking in the Wrath of the Lich King were detained an all-time high of around 12 million subscribers with every high and there's also a low however and the gamers had a number of disappointing events in its 15 year and so far moments were fans expectations were soaring in the heavens but when the time came to deliver and they were left soured that not only world Warcraft but Blizzard Entertainment as a whole in this video will chronicle some of the biggest disappointments in the game's history a [ __ ] picture dude I love that [ __ ] 2019 players endured a trip to the past with blizzards official recreation of the game in its original state in 2004 to 2007 often referred to as vanilla [Applause] they were thrilled to re-experience the world as it once was with video abduction I never uploaded up skills talent systems ranks the reminisced on the early days of raiding in particular those were the days maximum cap was 40 players those one day just looking for raid or ella far were entirely absent a difficulty sitting that's often seen as being too easy requiring minimal effort or thought to complete it in classic is the classic had one just one difficulty there were no easy options players thought you know just like the old days only the most hardcore would be able to survive that's right players are garbage at the game six days 42 minutes we deaf people help nineteen man Onyxia visit Manila was saying that only with the stream and numbered but they're rather quite easy yeah they were doesn't in for to 2007 was a different time it was during the dawn of the in car dude people had those nerds pretty all the revolt sounds YouTube or pornhub didn't exist yet or we're still in the early stages database websites were extremely eliminated as young as we're add-ons and a lot of the information and strategies for bosses were shared through word of mouth or online text guides yep combine this with the fact that the World of Warcraft was the first MMO for many people and for some their first game period set an unrealistic expectation of the difficulty of these old raids you don't know the first time is the most awkward it's a low experience for everyone involved for many we mybinding in lung and wonderful journey and for others it lasted a few days five seconds yes I'm gonna hurt it before I'd need to go into specifics the molten core is well likely junk by the guild Apes this is also taking into account the tenant took to even level the characters Young had many members weren't even level 60 yet this was really impressed that the factory didn't this rating scene to the most hardcore but in general yeah coming from someone who had no life and rated back then it's undeniably easier your optimizations the up rotation optimization loot distribution add-ons all of it nope everything spinning up the ball is such an insane degree that there's hardly anything hard anymore it's just - I mean what's the alternative suck intentionally guys yeah I think people do that they play bad specs that's what they do yeah obviously the game is way [ __ ] easier yeah it's way [ __ ] easier like itemization makes it a little bit easier I think the MC got nerfed and once if they bring out TBC I do hope that they make sure they release all the bosses and everything with all of their pre nerf values - the care is n ones because those were over tuned like night Bane was super over tuned maybe even gruel is kind of over tuned but besides that like I want to have ever with their original preen our values marui yes even marui i think murder will be a lot easier now than this - vash see I didn't do vash whenever it just came out and so I didn't do actually karin-san hardly when run came out either but I don't think that would be it unnerved Cale yeah put it out there see what happens we're doing a little too well here for the next place I think they should have done that with a backpedal it just comes with the territory with recreating anything in life really you can never really truly recreate your very first time no you can't even going outside of optimization for a while the fights themselves are rather straightforward compared to today so you have multiple phases on top of more complex rotations and everything yeah mechanics is understandably nothing it was the early stages of raiding before there was a set standard but something that's aged pretty poorly it's not bad it's just easy a lot of these fights feel like trash mobs they go down faster than current subscription numbers only time will tell if the upcoming rates will share similar fate to the players all right as this video is made in just a new release of the black-winged there aid knowledge and skill we've collectively created okay the past 15 years was something that was surely taken for granted by players yeah we're disappointed to realize that it wasn't the mechanics of the actual boss fights that stopped them back then but rather the lack of experience with the game people sucked back then like that's what it is oh god Sylvanas have you ever read a really bad fanfiction of your favorite TV show or anime yeah I got a fantasize a representation of themselves within these fantasy worlds commonly referred to as self inserts you know a lack of skill in writing and storytelling often results in these characters being ultimately powerful and falling victim to common fictional tropes yeah no matter what seemingly insurmountable odds they face they always seem to come out as the victor like when you played cops and robbers with your friends and to get them that they claim that they have some invisible ghost should force field or something you can't beat the Hulk manager Sylvanus Windrunner yep I'm so tired of this [ __ ] man I haven't been established in the Lord for many years many would believe her her I'm so tired of her with the release of the battle for Azeroth expansion she's become a key player in the story of the game as the new Warchief of the Horde she goes on a savage campaign slaughtering many innocents along the way in a disney-esque villain like fashion murdering civilians burning down capitals betraying her own faction executing comrades the only thing that's missing on her bucket list is drowning a basket of kittens that's four shadow ants have you guys ever noticed that almost every single female character and Wow goes through a crazy arc you have Jaina Sylvanas your L like I really like if you think about it they all go through a crazy arc Tyrande yep there you go Illyria yeah I mean she literally got possessed by an old God nobody ever talks about this you know what I mean you Sarah yeah look at that but surely this madness will come to an end surely out of the millions of inhabitants of Azeroth someone could put a stop to her reign of terror yep of course it would be the entirety at the Alliance army including Jaina Proudmoore in her magical boat and also Anduin Wrynn armed with shallow mane or maybe the king of furries Genn Greymane no no no hmm well if let them it's definitely the combined might of the Archdruid Malfurion Stormrage and Tyrande Whisperwind yep nope hmm well maybe sorry nobody thought sorry nobody thought that was gonna happen [Applause] on disregarded and dispatched with a smile in just one single scratch hey making personal kid well if not any of them about the king of all undead the ultimate evil jailer of all unliving in the entire world and the focus of an entire two-year expansion in unending evil the Lich King Andie's down seriously I got it that like bull bars not as powerful as Arthas but this was stupid like this was this was stupid I don't see Sylvanas his plans are so they're so int she's so secretive with her plans that the writers don't even know what she's gonna do next she tricks even the writers and I don't know what the [ __ ] to say about this but I'm really upset about what happened with bolĂ­var this was I know I would like the cinematic looked cool but I was so angry watching this cinematic its it was so [ __ ] upset about it firstly he didn't even put up a fight no any most powerful beings since the beginning of the games history you don't even get a single hidden and was left crying on the floor over his broken toy pathetic essentially being toyed with the entire fight as if it were an episode of Naruto yeah players for years have been eagerly awaiting the return of the lich king who was once ner'zhul and then Arthas Menethil and now involve our floor dragon he was the focus of an entire expansion of what many consider to be the height of the game since the expansions end he's been the jailer of all undead in the world lording over his kingdom in the ice creeeeam Citadel I was delivered by a thread I was so [ __ ] my Legion expansion commending the death Knights of Azeroth to fight against the Burning Crusade y'all seem like Blizzard had big plans for him so when the cinematic foreshadow Lance came out and people saw him getting ready to face off against Silvanus they flipped out surely he would be the one to end her reign of terror undead King versus undead but not only did he fail the stopper the thing is completely embarrassed this didn't even need to happen the funny thing about it is they literally could have had both of our beat Sylvanas and this same storyline could have happened it's so [ __ ] stupid the people like oh whoa heat heat he didn't have the powers like oh really so he just made that blizzard because he's a paladin give me a [ __ ] break yeah she is a girl that's true I forgot about that I mean it was really necessary that he looked to be on the verge of tears by the end of it will be worse this world is a prison it's not a phase god ten years players waited over ten years to see one of their favorite villains making y'all turn to the big screen and this is what they got it's like jeez is he still love a lady or something what's going on here this isn't as much ground remar Sylvanus as it is making one of the most storied villains in Warcraft history look like a chump they explained in the lore just why Sylvanus is so strong yeah she's made a deal with an unnamed of shield in the shadow lands where she grows in power as people die but that doesn't mean it's good storytelling or that the Phantom is a stupid ultimately powerful and undefeatable villains are shallow and boring characters no matter the reasoning behind them I mean why do we have certain gears banished right now so then this is so goddamn strong there's a release let her do her anime combo and she'll surely dispatch them just as easily as the others yeah of course on the next episode of Silvanus ballsy the time for games are over his home of the dreaded Lich King I think little did he know though she came prepared and remember cool banshees don't look at explosions will anyone ever stop her does anyone even care anymore find out on the next exciting episode of Silvanus balls [ __ ] ridiculous and number six we have the disappointing moment when the lich king was made into the [ __ ] king i'm not happy about it [Music] stepping outside the effort not about space the past couple of years of scandals for God it seems like every few months there's this huge controversy there at the center at more credible towards the banning of blitz Chung omits the Hong Kong protests yeah and the price pull scandal since 2008 Blizzard has officially held a competitive eSports event for world Warcraft called the arena World Championship where teams of players score off against each other for prizes and glory in the games arena mode PvP system the prize pool for the winners ranged from 120,000 in 2008 to 280,000 in 2018 all funded by Blizzard themselves and two hundred and eighty thousand dollars split four ways so that's what a hundred and 140 divided by two it's 70,000 $70,000 about half of its going to go to taxes for prize pool winnings so you come out of it with about 40 grand so you either can be a McDonald's manager or win Blizzcon split between all places weights Whibley teen all places 280k total I don't know what I was thinking you're right and since then with the advent of mythic plus oh my gosh and of another event called the mythic dungeon internationalize pool for 2019 however the stakes had been raised they sure had Blizzard announced the release of two toys in the world of warcraft cash shop and we advised them 25 percent of the proceeds would contribute towards 2019 arena world 25 percent and then i even defended this 25 percent number because that's the same thing that dota used I even [ __ ] defended this because it was an industry standard I'm mad dungeon international guaranteeing that at least 250,000 would go towards each event so this led players to believe that this would come out of blizzards end 25 percent from the sales of the toys would be added on top of that however [ __ ] Indians to announce the prizes are so stupid outraged to learn that unlike every eSport event previous to 2019 Blizzard had not funded their own prize pools used the entirety of the toy sales to serve as a reward for 2019 tournaments totaling three hundred and thirty thousand dollars for each event and I gave them the benefit of the doubt with this remember remember whenever this have a murmur very coolly I was getting carried in BRD on my warlock and I was like I don't know what this is true or not and snut [ __ ] messages me hey quo no because I'm like there's no way Blizzard can do something this [ __ ] stupid there's no way there's absolutely no way and you know what snut scums on and he I was wrong I was wrong you still remember that I remember everything dude like San Pasquale no I'm not here's here's like a line of logic that I use right and so so I have like a general like uh like like a way that I see the world and expect the world to go and whenever things go outside of the the window that I expect them to go in right like - well or too badly I assume something weird happened outside of just a normal situation right and it makes me question as to whether what I'm seeing is real or not okay you said I'm saying that's autism no it's not that's common sense it's like if I randomly see something crazy happen it's like oh wow an alien came down from space well I'm going to just assume that that probably didn't [ __ ] happen you know what I mean because it's outside of the normal window of what happens on an everyday basis and what my rational mind has led me to believe and expect will happen inside of the world that we live in but and so like I expected I'm like there's no way boys would would do this like how could anybody say this is a good idea who's there a blizzard sitting there like ah yes so we're just gonna take the money yeah [ __ ] him again through the wording of the initial announcement it was believed that blizzard it was a peculiar in 50,000 for deliberately manatee 25% of the proceeds from the toy sales would contribute towards the price pool to play their game Mariana could you define the last contribute for us contribute to give our supply in common with others to give or supply in common with others I guess the funding it's like being invited to a party and everything's a la dee da and all of a sudden you're paying for everything oops sorry about that didn't mean to enjoy with you mm-hmm many believe in that once they saw the success of the toy sales they decided to save themselves some extra doll and put the responsibility of funding the price pool of their own tournament on the playerbase a sentiment that was later confirmed by participants of the tournament I felt as if the rug was pulled out from under them by a billion-dollar corporation to abuse the charitable nature of their own customer base and to save some money to pay all of their hard-working employees some extra oh [ __ ] never mind that okay yeah I mean that was pretty bad I think that the worst part about it is that the players were misled if Blizzard had said ahead of time that they were just gonna have that replace the prize pool like some people would have been disappointed about that but nobody would have been like that it would have been better like if they had just said that beam but you know why they didn't do that you know what I believe is because if they had done that it would have been encouraged to less people to buy the toys because they wouldn't be taking as much taking advantage as much of good people's faith or people's good faith sorry I [ __ ] confuse myself there I think they intentionally misled people to allow them to buy the toys and the funny thing about it is that they probably would have made more money if they just put in the $1,000,000 because now they can never do another crowdfunded event again because people are gonna be super skeptical of it and nobody's gonna buy them they were keeping 70% 75% of the money and now the next time they do this which is probably gonna be never they're keeping 0% the money it was such a stupid decision for them to do that III don't people still buy a lot less people will buy and people will actively discourage other people from buying short gains it's all they care about hey I'm gonna run before we have the battle for Azeroth expansions the final path it's like the whole thing is finally out weak not like all one part it doesn't the whole thing it's 2017 the Legion expansion is coasting along you know fairly well in fact a smooth recovery from that expansion and players are comparatively having a good time muskan rolls around regions were as expected we get a preview of the new expansion the battle for Azeroth now that Sargeras has been dealt with and his Burning Crusade over the horn and Alliance are at each other's throats and the major features of the expansion will follow this theme engage in epic scenarios against the opposite faction called war fronts in a game-mode reminiscent of the old strategy games it's all I was so I've devout our salute over a new resource called heart affairs right I like how they just call an artifact now a filter system like expeditions where you team up with two allies in three versus three supermarket sweep or as much as right as you can carry it is you collect a special resource to power up special armor pieces known as as radar I like as the right armor I think a developers went on to explain that where to receive three different pieces of this armor all layered with different tiers of special ethics it's cool more answered you collect the more powers you unlock creating layers of customization isn't sure what not wind lair has the same experience the idea but you continue that when the day came players eagerly awaited to sink their teeth into this new revolutionary and it's just a bunch of passives increase your mastery versatility there's an X chance to increase my staff yeah some of the some of the the tier 3 stats are bad but I think that as ride armor improved a lot over the expansion and some of the azurite traits do change the way that you play the game and wow I don't have a like I don't like as right do I like it more than to your gear no no I do not like it more than to your gear I would rather have to your gear than as right here that being said I like the customization that as the right armor gives you but the way that it was implemented was bad and not put not player friendly you might find a power that makes you think twice about using a talent that you'd previously written off and you will certainly find combinations that reinforce your favorite way to play your character nearly every single one of these affixes would be boiled down to a simple DPS healing like this or mitigation increase and didn't change anything really what was promised to be a new and fresh way to customize your character ended up falling victim to the same problem the game has faced since its birth in 2004 there's no real choice because there will always be a best yeah it's like differences for universes that's true but like I don't think there's any system that Blizzard can ever do that's gonna fix that like there's always gonna be a best no matter what like corruption gear in a lot of ways kind of isn't like that though like I mean you can hate corruption gear all you want but there are a lot of people that they want to use infinite stars there are other people that want to use like stat they're like stat boosters where it's like 12% other people want to use Twilight devastation for like you know a 2 pack or something like that or hive mind like [ __ ] the corruptions actually is blizzards best shot that they've taken in the last five years to muddy the waters and make it harder to sim and just pick out what the best one is to pop yeah yeah single target for certain pieces mr. box a lie between yawn really altered how you played the game as promised he's installed boiled down to stay stationary and wait for procs burning Lobster story of the as erectile dysfunction as for war fronts players were disappointed to learn that there is no pvp mode to be has erectile the entire expansion based on faction war offered a game okay where you could only face-off against it that's race and with a difficulty setting even easier than raiding in classic World of Warcraft it's quite common in fact must be my alter K outer running into a wall yeah really impossible it's all I would gain mode nearly the whole team would have to be afk I like how whenever they introduced war fronts and remember whenever we all got a we got a raid together or people and we intentionally lost the war front before that there was like and we're back in like [ __ ] 2005 2006 where people would talk about how the get ashbringer or something like that or some rare item in the game and everybody had like a friend of a friend of a friend who had a story about it happening to them I feel like that same mystique was built around losing a war front that's how rare it was as for island expeditions these words advertised but there's a little depth behind the changing environments and enemies as each instance could be boiled down to rush to get X as rain before the other team the experience was also hampered by the reward system which was mostly once nestled RNG and an insanely small chance to get a mount which was the main reason for doing them other than that as right yep combining this with the advent of loot caches and Titan foraging ended even more RNG to an already overladen RNG loot system and left quite a foretaste in people's [ __ ] picture did like biting into a chocolate to find a coconut that bad system was not carefully that received so negatively that they got makeovers and later patches but all of this would only come nearly one year after the expansions release see like that's the main thing that I don't want them to do in shadow ants because I feel like it's manipulative and intentionally disrespectful to players time I think if they want to introduce a system if they introduced the system without obvious quality of life features and then choose to withhold those of life features until later on to wear enough threshold cross a threshold where they feel like it's useful to now introduce the quality of life feature to then rien Center buys people to use the system again I'm gonna be really upset like that's gonna be one of the only things that might actually get me to just like probably like not really give a [ __ ] about the game because it's just so I don't know it's just so like on the nose disrespectful to players time care about now yeah yeah I care about the game by this time many players had already dropped the game as the expansion's main features fell flat on their face when Blizzard failed about their promises and as for the dailies oh boy and the dailies yeah what I've talked about this before well don't look at me I got to get my daily complaining in it gives +100 depression oh that's right I don't think that these are that bad there's so much daily and weekly stuff in this expansion but the problem was a full what what he's saying now is true it's not about this stuff no listen listen to what I'm saying it's not that the 8.3 dailies are too much it's that all of the dailies in the game that you're simultaneously expected to do are too much that's the problem in my opinion like if I only had to do the 8.3 dailies and that was it and nothing else mattered it would be fine it's like an hour of time a day I mean you guys remember back in Burning Crusade if you played back then all the time like the first thing that you do whenever you log on is go around and do the Isle of kveld honest dailies and like that was kind of fun so it's not like yeah oh grow our dailies yeah or whatever and yeah an hour I do them in an hour yeah probably less than that actually so it's not like this is a new thing or anything like that it's the fact that the responsibilities and things you need to keep up with in BFA compounded on each other and now I remember I would have like whenever I was on break on streaming I would probably spend like I've literally got a list right there I'll show you guys like why don't I just show you guys just a second that's a list of things I shouldn't I needed to do every day Nash guitar nashit are an Horde Mecca GaN arachnoid Harvester garrison Garden blacksmith daily crashed coupon dire horn seething Shore battle for NASA guitar and then the crates as well so I literally made myself a list of all the things that I needed to do each day and I didn't even put like like fifty seventy percent of the things on that list and I didn't even warn that like I would spend like [ __ ] five hours a day doing Wow shores it was disturbing list in fact we have daily world quests on seven zones a daily emissary daily quests and Mecca gun daily quests and a strict daily quests in the to asana those are on the list daily mini vision your daily mission table missions your daily work friend contribution quests yep and if you control the war fronts daily quests in two more zones a daily faction incursion yep and as for weekly we have the island expedition bar world bosses and five Psalms yep basically fa2 warfarin buses Nash your target Sothis all you have to warfarin scenarios and two difficulties yep you have the latest grade on four difficulties yeah weekly grader assault bar your weekly call to arms Cox your weekly PvP chest yes weekly mythic Plus chest your weekly adventure guide quest yep ooh this weekly is to complete Hayley's nice you also have your weekly against overwhelming odds question if you're outnumbered and finally you have your weekly vision loot I had multiple tears okay that's only for an average player for a loser like me there's tons of other things that you have to do to write to get like all the completion ISM content as well that's what's so crazy about it is that you talk about like this is what an average player does I need to do this times five it's crazy the only thing that's missing are daily quests to complete dailies oh wait those are emissaries they're so good I never even thought about my gun wow it's been nearly everything is tied to some sort of daily or weekly lock on the decision it's short to do I'm some experience to get you to log in every day to feed into engagement metrics rather than really so that's what I was saying you're a failure of the previously mentioned features the battle for Azeroth is a lukewarm expansion at best which tries desperately to maintain a player base with 400 forms of daily and weekly busy work to make up for it and it didn't live up to the standards and expectations set by Legion for many players accurate RPG gaming role-playing game character design progression all these terms are synonymous with the genre development of video games with role-playing that's not a genre happen as much staples out every single RPG in history sorry create your own character your own story and through a lot of time and effort grow them in power skill or knowledge wise ride the Master Sword yeah Legend of Zelda learning high-level spells and Final Fantasy or gaining another skill plane in runescape got our character leveling and progression is paramount to any RPG in existence I'm a mostly cabana and if you force a kid I you see Dylan stole it he stole my game I don't know where it is anymore [Music] detectives enter the level boost Oh miss 2014 the mists of pandaria expansion zone the game has been bleeding subscribers it needs a way to recover financially the head many avenues asset accomplice RPG routes as proven with the classic rerelease this jolly of this approach they could reverse the destruction of the loot system no no not always to make it more command or above well the answer is none of the above the answer was to forsake everything sacred to the RPG genre that's to buy progression throughout its lifespan and with the ever-growing focus on the cash shop the services like race transfer yep faction transfer or customer faction those are promised like the race change I don't care about the [ __ ] the level boost in my opinion I think that the faction change is more harmful and detrimental to the game than the level boost III I genuinely think that the outcome and the culture that the faction transfer created is why do I think that oh ok and I'm only speaking from like a max level semi hardcore perspective the problem is because players are expected to kind of move factions and if one faction is slightly balanced more powerfully than the other one because the option to change is so easy it immediately hurts the other faction in a massive way and that's why you see now the Alliance hall-of-fame sometimes doesn't even get filled up for an entire tier and that affects PvP massively it affects PvE in an even worse way and it has like a cascading effect and that actually affects everyone's gameplay the level boost effectively only allows the player to cheat themselves out of an experience but the faction boost creates a culture and a society inside of the game that hurts everyone that's why I think that it's more harmful but I don't think either one is particularly good if I had a wand I would waive both of them away so that players would never be able to buy an advantage bell cosmetic or as harmless as a server transfer fast forward to the date of February 18th 2014 a day that'll live in infamy because it's when Blizzard betrayed the RPG genre and began selling character progression the up called the character boost players would be able to pay Blizzard some money in exchange to boost any character to a desired level yep cash shops are the big ticket these days they sure are I played games role in the dull mobile games whose sole purpose is to drain your bank account can make more than triple e releases it's actually mind-blowing that World of Warcraft has the payment model of both you have to pay a subscription it's and it has an in-game shop with no what do you mean you have to ban says you also have to buy the [ __ ] game it's buy to play pay to play with paid microtransactions mounts character services level boosts gold buying same in the paid level booster serves no purpose in an RPG setting absolutely not and it acknowledges that you failed in creating 11 years will pay money to skip an important aspect of your game you ever use a gameshark card game genie and an RPG game back in the day I did you level up to the max you gain invincibility in every spell and then you questions foreing well it's fun for about 10 seconds because you realized you've earned two nothing there's nothing left to do but to bully every enemy in the game yeah I was just get past the main point of any RPG and that's character progression and rich storyline mm-hmm imagine buying level bus and Final Fantasy 7 at the start of the game skipping to risk 3 yep [Applause] but this games that I hear you say it's a bad comparison because when a single player and the other is multi player well I agree Ivan worse because that player seemed there it is hearing competitiveness time to everything in one way or another you're competing against everyone else no longer is it a golden capture story and get a credit screen but rather to get the best gear and be better than everyone else and when you start introducing ways to pay to get ahead of other players you lose a big part of what makes MMO special and on to that the ability to buy gold and the sagir and many other things if you like the problem like that's the issue now is it like do you think we can ever really have the integrity of BOE items in the game again now that we have the while token because like I like the idea of being able to farm gold and buy bo YZ because it gives casual players a way to gain raid progression progress but the issue now is that because you can just buy them the it muddies the water so much and buying tokens is such a common and accessible thing it's gonzo yeah I mean like I wish maybe it would be better if Blizzard made it to where you can only buy like one a week if you could only buy one a week I would be a lot more ok with it and and like actually yeah only a week yeah yeah one a week I think is reasonable one a month listen like I mean if you guys want to say one a month III okay that's great but at least like one a week would be fine with me and just see how it happens or see how it changes the economy cuz I don't know I feel like there's so much there's so much potential that you could have in the economy that you just lose out on whenever you take the integrity out of it and I think that's what the while token really did and that's why it was such a problem whenever they had the corruption gear is because the integrity was completely broken with the game and a games integrity is ultimately what makes a game matter it's like whenever you play a [ __ ] BR like how many BR games has there been where a month at release whenever you die there's always a thought in your back in your mind I wonder if that person was cheating and whenever you have that thought in the back of your mind that replaces the thought of how can I get better at the game and it's just it's an awful scenario to be in and I think that Wow kind of has created it for themselves Call of Duty warzone well yeah it's happening in war zone a lot now it happened in every game much two key features in the MMORPG genre the integrity of the game is the only thing that really matters it's only for the sake of money they had nothing to the game if it doesn't have any Tiger vital important destiny accomplishments and the EU as a whole suffers under the influence of the mighty dollar yep and number three in our list we have when Blizzard force I killed pub G sure [ __ ] lying players to pay for progression a mimosa live and die and content updates it's a big elephant in the room with classic although successful right now the big question is after the final rate tier X Ramos releases what then new raid BC Burning Crusade or nothing yeah let's see BC there's any credit screen in any game for most players there's a foreseeable end were they consider it to be completed yeah maybe G a certain rank in PvP they finished a gear set in the e and the only thing left to do is to move on to the next thing for mmo's I'm of course referencing expansions here but the drought between the final major patch and the next big thing is critical just taking a look at the games history here between the final package of vanilla one point 1 2 and the Burning Crusade release we have less than 5 months this is a special case that eyes were going from a huge base game with 60 levels math was a little slower the final major Burning Crusade patch was 2.4 and nobody gave a [ __ ] about this do you guys remember this like if you played at the end of BC like nobody cared really except for like Sunwell guilds and like some bt guilds that were stuck on brutalus or something and they couldn't figure out how to do some well nobody cared because the majority of the player base wasn't at that [ __ ] guy so it didn't matter how long the content drought was if the players never finished the content in the first place I wanted TVC the last longer yeah like weep we were well we cleared Sun well but we clear we got up to fell missed I think we killed fell must before 3.0 came out and then obviously we just like [ __ ] rolled it over whenever 3.0 came out and I think they pug dit and they got a fast Akina but before that like we had wanted to be able to finish the raid and after nerf no we killed Bert I was pretty nerve I even had [ __ ] screenshots it was the first time ever rated with my guild it was a big deal to me so but before besides out like even us like as a more hardcore guild we'd raid like four or five days a week and even we had more things to do in BC that's the beauty of progressive raid content and progressive content is it a new player coming into the expansion a year after it comes out has a year's worth of content and now Blizzard just rolls that over every [ __ ] patch it's like they're deleting their own content the 2009 I am sorry release was of course November of the same year so less than eight months this time okay a little long players thought yeah workable especially considering how good the Burning Crusade was players didn't really mind that much yep maybe they had a hiccup in development and surely they'll have mastered the process for the next one between the final patch of breath really some Cataclysm first had to wait a whole year no no no what do you mean is a years years turn in 65 days man I hate this fake news dude mad seasons just trying to push an agenda here this is not a whole year what do you mean that's not a whole year that's less than a year I remember I made this joke about how you could literally have a kid and be doing ICC like get a girl pregnant and be doing ICC and have the kid and also still be doing ICC and Zach like a like a you know McLaury be he reminded me we have a mutual friend Hayden Hayden did Hayden literally had a kid like got like hooked up with his girlfriend had a [ __ ] kid he was doing ICC whenever they were dating and he was doing ICC whenever they were [ __ ] having the kid dude it was the funniest [ __ ] ever well it is on such a grand scale I mean not only are we getting new zones all of the old stones are being reworked cabinet a lot of successes are also being changed as well it's a big expansion with big ambitions so surely at the next one weapon skill wasn't that great okay ten months for pandas well we had Diablo 3 come out then so it was more okay a little did players know they haven't seen anything yet good old Raph baby yeah well maybe I guess they actually were used to seeing nothing at this point maybe just tapping their foot taking in the wonders of furry Disneyland waiting for the next big thing [Music] sixteen was it oh never mind is when you're waiting 14 months this time for Draenor with me [Laughter] and I had no problem waiting by the way I had absolutely no problem waiting words a Draenor like I thought was gonna be great siege of Orgrimmar was pretty good and the end of like mop got really boring yeah but it got boring a lot slower and after the final major Patrick trainer 14 months for Legion although some may argue that Legion was at least worth the way it was was the one to death punch and knocked out a large amount of the subscriber base as a game was a stagnant as my sex life and players were disappointed to learn that a long way does not equate to a good expansion or displeasure cuspids hopes or expectations it's 2014 Oh jars have suffered through 14 months of drought since the final patch for the mists of pandaria expansion what a great expansion this must be it looks awesome I thought it was going back to Outland well the drain art this time actually I was gon think changed to what we saw in the Burning Crusade ah the Burning Crusade thought by many to be the prime of the game it had all of the conventions from classic except there was some semblance of class balance memorable raids GDP ok that was a pretty good two-year prank they pulled with us on the mists of pandaria expansion right yeah yeah the good old out of season April Fool's joke he's like finally get back to our roots people were hyped don't believe me well the subscriptions 64 course at this point the game had the biggest surge in subscribers the highest it's been ever since its turn everybody thought was gonna be a rise of some expansion almost her wrath levels in fact yeah just the atmosphere at the time was something he had to witness was kind 2015 and people already I'm never waking up when I watch the cinematic with my mom listen to me a garrisons those sound awesome you have your own building nodes so we don't have to compete with other players you have your own herb garden so you don't have to compete with other players you can make your own profession buildings so you don't have to interact with other players and you can run mobile gaming missions and even recruit your own followers so that you can pretend that you have friends after - I actually I didn't really dislike the follower system I just dislike that they made you do it like the Legion or sorry the bf a follower system I think is great it's completely optional there's no real impact that it has in the game but it's something optional that players can do if they want and that's completely fine like just add in something for people that like being able to micromanage the different units and followers like that's cool I have no problem with that but in [ __ ] quad you had to do it for the legendary lukewarm expansions at best players were ready for a return to their roots yep the good old days some called it troubles arose right from lunch however we got here just like the old days oh all the [ __ ] that I [ __ ] play on offline again not that this was really on Blizzard but they came under distributed denial-of-service attack so I remember this happened to me is that I was the first warrior like one of the first warriors on the server and like I was in like I think the top ten people to like hit 100 on my server and I log off and I log back on and there was a [ __ ] 20 like [ __ ] our queue there's a 20 hour it's a cap you want a real cap for that that was the worst I'd done in multiple expansions the past three expansions my group has been realm first so I mean you can just go literally watch the vod's or look it up like we've been round first every [ __ ] time so I being number 10 was actually a downgrade to me I'm only referred to as a deed os the act of flooding a service not so much artificial traffic and that the server's get overloaded with leg in the crash and leg and crash she's like the loading screen the audience cream is awesome I liked it a lot really really the lunch was the worst in the game's tenure history at that point and it took serve like things mental things finally stabilized once players got in however what awaited them was a lackluster expansion at best yeah the garrison system that just not all there he had few reasons to leave it yeah road was just empty there's nothing to do him that arose from the Garrison's themselves and also the massive hemorrhage of subscribers due to the sparse and sluggish release of new content you know salty past three raid tears throughout its two-year run many features ended up being scrapped due to time constraints I heard that a high mall was supposed to be its own raid I talked to somebody told me that and the the thing is with WOD like why I really think WOD deserves to be number one here is because of everything that it could have been because it's not it's not war to Warcraft's biggest fuck-ups its warden workouts biggest disappointments and the fact is that WOD highmaul was a raid oh sorry what I meant by own raid is that it was it would be its own raid tier and not like basically highmaul and Blackrock foundry sheared a raid tier even though almost all of the gear from Blackrock foundry replaced the high mall gear I didn't sorry I didn't say that correctly but the issue with WOD is that it could have been like it could have been the return to form that we were all looking forward to and it's a huge disappointment that it didn't happen because Blizzard had an opportunity to rewrite a lot of the history and make the game amazing I won't go over all of it as it's a bit much and this video is already like 30 minutes long a screw it major cities were replaced by small footholds outside I forgot about that yep cut scenarios a new arena system was scrapped pet breeding which I can't talk about any tube will double garrison locations throughout Draenor so you could play with yourself wherever you wanted abandoned storylines including an appearance for medivh plus accessories a transportation system with a grim rail Depot since they originally evolving yeah that changed once the five people still playing threaten to quit so as Ingram are sown which they cleverly just turned into a sea in fact to Isaiah our water script along with the whole raid tear out of the writing bubble in talador I was supposed to open up at some point but something suddenly came up yeah you can find an easter egg in your garrison graveyard here you'll find the burial site of ray d tier player housing has always been a huge request yep and the common excuse to not bring it to the game is that it would require so much work that they would have to skip an entire raid tear a funny little reference but maybe closer to the truth than we think and consider that always was after a 14 month wait the joyful cheers of Glee and quickly soured first sod the expansion about what it was and as of the game's 15-year run so far it remains to be the biggest disappointment they broke records odds are like three point three million copies but with subscriptions drop back down to seven point one and the second quarter there are five point six which was the lowest since its initial rise in 2005 it stopped releasing how many subscriptions they had and shame stating that there are quote better ways to gauge success yeah like by micro genzyme you know the Detroit Lions aren't actually a bad team you guys there's no success based off of wins is so archaic in determining what makes a good team yeah there are better ways of measuring success I mean come on you're the best team in the NFL is the one who sells the most jerseys and as for the content that was patched in well it sucked guys everybody hates Garrison's oh they say it feels like a single-player game and they can't stand it what do we do ooh I know how about another garrison system right oh my god the shipyard and entually it was huge oh my god the level boost was introduced in late Pandaria Wow all about this regard for the full duration I'll bet you be a fame was also a huge financial success due to the same thing and also that wombocombo of allied races paid race changes they have going on how it converts a shame people used to go to these conventions with huge expectations yeah lizard as a company was one of the few bastions left in gaming that seemed to put their fans first they ran on credit they could seriously make a game about a walking turd and people would about it what was once a company held in the highest regards by some of the most passionate and loyal fans in existence is now met with pessimism and low standards by the very same people all right all right Mad Season like let's be real people thought the game sucked in 2005 too I mean everybody always thought the game sucked like you can find people that say the same thing nowadays about what he call it about the current game like there's wow has always been dying for it even came out why was dead before it even released ok but the difference is that they weren't wrong like or sorry that they they were wrong then the game was good that's why people continued to keep playing it but now they're not wrong it's like if you go and you tell somebody else their game sucks like go tell a Final Fantasy 14 player their game sucks and they're gonna try to like eat your ears or like bite your ears off or something like that you go tell somebody about overwatch being shitty or something like that and they'll accuse you of being racist if you tell somebody that whatever your [ __ ] game is you know counter-strike sucks so just say it's just because you have bad aim but if you tell somebody that plays wow that their game sucks they'll agree with you that's the difference it's almost too much to keep up with yep the making of this video the whole war crack three reforged Fiasco started up and people are pissed that paid 30 bucks for what's basically a texture mod with updated DRM hey at least all of the bugs are now week this chance on these Drac Hawks at this point but this can I assume dolls ain't dropped but the other coin was on the way to holding the citta oh you're benched [Music] and looks like another drug just happens and that's where Y is in development by the way oh wow you know they just wanted to put on their good old Blizzard polish this time goes on the benchmark for disappointment seems to be becoming lower and lower as controversy after controversy transpire and one of the biggest rise and falls in gaming history it's a sad tale but maybe this is just a law in the company's history soaring high or maybe we're just setting ourselves up for disappointment I don't know I mean like here's the thing is that it's like every company nowadays is a is a [ __ ] disappointment like a Bethesda you know like every company sucks somehow the only companies that are that are good are companies that make one game if you make one game or actually or maybe CD Projekt RED okay that that's a good good counter but besides that I feel like if you make more than one game you're gonna have some problems Rockstar well weren't people really mad about Rockstar working people to death and [ __ ] Red Dead Redemption - I remember that being a big thing and from software okay you know what yeah you guys are coming up with some other exceptions I guess yeah you know maybe maybe I am wrong about that but I feel like Blizzard can bring it back like that they can bring it back whenever they want they they can bring it back whatever they want just start making good games again it's easy just just make good games and everybody would be happy just make the games people like them respect the players boom it's done problem solved game is happy if players are happy I want to show you guys so I remember whenever this [ __ ] drop for wad happened where is it [ __ ] yeah this one right here I don't know if you guys watched me back then as mongold Wow sub numbers wad what's up y'all it's me - boy osman gold and today we're going to talk about the fact in the first quarter of 2015 World of Warcraft has lost 2.9 million subscribers and so just to put that into perspective everyone here that means in a three-month period they've lost over 1/4 of their entire subscriber population you know the only real question I have to ask here is is anyone really surprised does anyone really surprised whenever people decide that they're not gonna pay money to play farmville anymore is anyone really surprised when people get tired of running the same treadmill on full of different difficulties is anyone really surprised that people get burned out of an MMO that you don't even need to interact with another player in order to kill the last boss of the game it is honestly is a huge disappointment to me it's a huge disappointment to a lot of other people like if you go a twitch TV look look guys if you want to compare us in here runescape has more viewers than world of warcraft ok I don't really think that I need to say anything more in this video but it's gonna be a little bit longer that's just what I was pissed I was [ __ ] pissed and the fact is whenever I wasn't streaming that happened like we would literally see times were like like random [ __ ] games like let me see but what we'll see if I can find it here so Wow has 97k viewers and like let's subtract how many do I have like let's say 50,000 right and so 47k like we'd be getting beat by Animal Crossing like we'd be losing to Animal Crossing we would lose to this teamfight tactus we lose to [ __ ] poker that it's it's embarrassing guys it really is and there would be times where like these rant like smite would be ahead of WoW randomly like let's say miss kif played smite or something like that and it's beating Wow beating World of Warcraft a geoguessr you know something like that FIFA yeah FIFA and Castro is offline and FIFA's still want a FIFA is still beating Wow like I saw that I went to have to take a nap [Music]
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 1,562,812
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, daily dose of asmongold, asmongold twitch, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold moments, asmongold best, asmongold funny, catdany, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, asmongold world of warcraft, wow, asmongold madseason, asmongold madseasonshow, madseason, madseasonshow, wow most disappointing, asmongold most, asmongold mad season, mad season, wow disappointing moments, wow worst moments
Id: 9GxAldSmX3Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 39sec (3699 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 05 2020
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