Asmongold First NO RULES Transmog Competition - EU HORDE

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we've made our way back across the ocean over to eu today we have a slightly different transmog competition set up for you guys today there are no rules in this competition you can do whatever you need to do to win today i expect to see some people thinking outside the box and people doing things a little bit different and a little bit more unique man look at the sheep this has got to be like illegal somehow alrighty let's start lit storms end wow what an incredible and amazing combination of gear using the helmet right there from mythic emerald nightmare for dks and also the shoulders and the uh and the boots there from uh and the belt there from heroic sorry throne of thunder for paladins the tabard there from the shadowhorn quest line the gloves in the legs there from the warrior hellfire citadel set actually i think that's specifically the wild gladiator set with that weapon right there which is cataclysm zed to drop some archimonde and hellfire citadel with one of them at the void edge enchant and the other one with mongoose on it so here's what's really cool about your set the fact that 50 other people have sworn this same set in a competition do you truly believe that this is the first time that anybody has ever thought to combine that helmet with those shoulders do you look cool yes you do but here's what i don't like your one weapon being enchanted with the shadowlands pre-expansion uh pre-order thing you're really gonna just change it in the middle is this really what you're gonna do you're gonna go in the middle i said there's no rules but this is i no rule you don't what's it we're gonna do that just for this guy but nobody else can come in here with two different sets all right [ __ ] your rules this set is [ __ ] awesome what the [ __ ] the set is way but why didn't you just start with this one yeah why didn't you just start with this set so that those axes right there are the uh that's the horde version of the corrupted gladiators axes with a blood-draining enchant on them the helmet and the shoulders right there come from yeah the helmet and shoulders only come from the uh heroic heart of fear and then all the rest of his pieces besides of his belt are from the mythic nighthold set for warriors and that belt right there comes an lfr version of hellfire citadel this is a badass set i don't know why you didn't start with this one this is really cool why didn't you just do this save no rules yeah we can only come with one set okay that that is a rule i forgot to actually mention that i think i should go without saying oh the coke is [ __ ] terrible that coke right there is the word you're called from antorus what a [ __ ] of a set okay listen man this is much better than the first set this is actually a really nice set and i will count it because i didn't say that it was the rules beforehand so we will count this set even though i said before that you can only come in here with one set yes i will let it count gehenna from the guild elysium with the shoulders right there on the gloves and the belt right there all these are pretty much legion uh demon hunter items those shoulders i believe come from the uh nighthold set for demon hunters and all the rest of the pieces are class order hall pieces and uh just other assorted uh you know transmogs okay so what is this supposed to be what are you supposed to be here are you supposed to be like [ __ ] illidan it's getting kind of close to uh uh kind of close to halloween is this like whenever every girl exactly okay all right get on your mount if you have one and that sword right there is obviously lava spine i believe from bologna and thrallian in a uh bastion of twilight yeah this is a decent looking set i mean here's the thing guys is we've seen so many of these we've seen so many of these i'm not i'm not particularly impressed like you you have to have like a crazy badass demon hunter transmog for me to get excited over it and this one is all right and that's all it is it's all right let's see them out okay that was a bad decision that was a really bad decision there are no rules but maybe there should be let's go to the next one ranger cutie the proven hero from the guild humble lunatics wow you look like a level 45 shaman trainer so that uh let's see this shield right here is roomless gladiator or it could be also the raffle gladiator shield wall and also that axe right there comes from that's the axe from gorfind and hellfire citadel i think that version is from mythic specifically and those shoulders there come from the emerald nightmare set for shamans and all the rest of the pieces are just random assorted shaman items from throughout the game besides the gloves that come from the same place shoulders do this set is okay i think they're also all for more draenor actually this is an okay looking set i think it fits together relatively well but i don't really know how this how this shield matches i like the shield a lot but does it really match with the rest of the set i'm kind of uh i'm kind of on the fence about this let's just say that i'm kind of on defense about this it's nice but it's not amazing [ __ ] the shield show the feet shut up let's see the [ __ ] mount do you have a mount do you have a mount all right decent this is definitely decent but i'm gonna be honest guys it's not that good you're gonna have to probably try a bit harder it's gonna be uh you if if i took listen let me tell you something we've looked at three people so far you would make it into the top three okay so just keep that in mind you would definitely make it into the top three let's go on to the next one fin div the dreamer from the guild defenders of justice so we've got some of the old deer items right there the shoulders and i really like this i i really like this and that's the helmet that's the blood elf heritage armor helmet with the waste of time with the tabard from the uh the army of the light yeah i really like this and then the daggers are really clean so the only thing that i'm not really a big fan of is the way that the helmet is like red the helmet being red is a little bit awkward because all the rest of the gear is like solid gold and black with the weapons being green so besides that i actually think this is decent the red ruins it the red is definitely a problem but i really like this set this is primarily the old deer set for uh for weather wearers and then this this what is this dagger is are these the artifact weapons they are okay i thought so i wasn't 100 though those look really really good the dagger looks awesome all right let's see your mount [Music] okay so i don't think this was the right decision xd yeah um that's kind of what i was thinking too here's why this is a bad mount because at this point you're wearing so many different colors you're basically a seam girl you've got red purple yellow and green you're halfway to being a christmas tree we don't need that it's not 2009 anymore so let's go ahead let's improve next time and let's come in with a more defined color theme what a joke dude what a [ __ ] joke dude it's a christmas tree yeah it's not 2009 yeah it's not anymore okay i know it makes me very oh wow afterward i've been trying to get into your transmog comp since the first time on eu one thank you for doing them holy [ __ ] the shoulders right there for the tier four warlocks with the chest piece right there for uh priests in antorus with the weapon obviously that's the uh the demonology warlock artifact weapon with this oh my god that cloak holy [ __ ] [Music] this is this is good witness the mount oh my god with that cloak [Music] oh dude [Music] man holy [ __ ] that's a good one that's a [ __ ] good one dude the red matches the black dude this is clean as a [ __ ] this is really really nice man i like this a lot thank you for letting me come much love that's exactly what i would expect to hear from a vampire riding on a [ __ ] intergalactic space serpent thank you so much this is [ __ ] amazing man i love this set i'm going vinther i would have never guessed yeah this is really really [ __ ] badass i love that cloak too this is really really good nice [ __ ] job man amazing [ __ ] job sent this patron of war that axe right there is relentless gladiators decapitator from season seven and wrath of the lich king no shoulders there the antora's shoulders for warriors the chest piece there is the heroic version of the trial of valor chess piece for warriors as well and the gloves and the belt there and also the legs are all from the mythic version of the nighthold set for uh dks which is the offset and those boots right there are the kul tiras boots or the offset items that you're able to get into dungeons so this is a decent set i i don't think this is a bad set it's decent now is it amazing i don't know if it's amazing but i think that it's decent now let's look at the cloak we'll see if he's got a good quote or not usually cloaks are yeah that one's fine uh that that's not like it doesn't make it any worse or any better it's just kind of a cloak okay that's really what it comes down to uh it comes uh yeah it's just it's a quote comes down to that i really like this weapon with these uh these gloves here i think this is really really nice so let's see your uh let's see your mount do you have a mount okay okay um all right so i think this is decent so it's obviously like invincible was so overused that i think people just have a predisposition to dislike it but i actually think this is a really good usage of invincible now the colors don't really match that well and i think that there's a way you could do it even better than this but i'm going to accept this as acceptable in terms of a usage of a mount and i don't think orc on a horse matters okay like you have general nazgrim that's riding on a horse because he's one of the new four horsemen it is what it is uh wait what are the question marks question color theme is pretty good i guess like so whenever i think of invincible and like what it should match with i think it should match with like kind of the like darker blue and like purplish instead of like the very top area but if you want to just look at that alone then yeah it definitely does look really good sure and like i i can see both sides i can see both sides of this this is decent but um you guys in the armor it's about the gold things yeah i get it i mean i've i i would say this is decent sure this is also my opinion okay so i'm not really taking it that seriously but uh overall i think this is a pretty good combination and using a very common mount like invincible that everybody has um it it's good because you're using something that that's not original and you're making it more original by doing something that is original and i like that good job let me go on to the next one vehicles i am a trophy hunter i tracked down my parade and mount their skulls in my armor last week i hunted two gnomes and mounted their skulls on my bow and my belt wait i think we might have to give this guy a win just for the fact that he kills gnomes i i hate gnomes i've always hated them so with this guy yeah i kind of like this a lot maybe just yeah he's this is a really really [ __ ] gnome people that play gnomes are usually they think they're much funnier than what they actually are like anybody that plays in gnome is like considers themselves to be like a stand-up artist or stand-up comedian but they're actually not you know they're actually not listen this set's really nice okay you've got the uh the helmet right there i think that's from words of draenor and then the uh the shoulders there from tier 14 for uh hunters that belt right there comes obviously from tomb of sargeras for hunters as well and all the rest of the pieces oh sorry the legs there come from trial of hour and then this weapon i think comes from uh where does this weapon even come from is this from uh plunder blow of the oh yeah so this comes from i guess uh comes from island expeditions but it's a reskin yeah okay because the original one came from i think icc okay i was confused there for a second the plunder means that it's it's always there all right let me see here this one's actually pretty [ __ ] good man rich plays gnomes though yeah listen there's a lot of people that make mistakes there's a lot of people that make a lot of mistakes yeah he's a sit down comedian yeah exactly this is a pretty nice looking set i like it let's go to the next one oh [ __ ] weffy iron bane from the guild scientific using a combination of three different sets right there the shoulders right there or the uh i think that's the warmongering gladiator or the wild gladiator shoulders for warriors the chess piece there is the lfr version of the old deer chess plays for warriors and then also so are the legs the belt and also the gloves and the boots there are all the i think that's the pvp or the antorus set for uh warriors as well this is a combination of three different sets and i kind of like it i think this is pretty good uh mount oh [ __ ] i forgot about his mount yeah give me a minute vehicles get on your mount sorry i i forgot get on your mount yeah it's all right i mean the eyes match the eyes on his head match the eyes on the mount i think that's probably the best and most positive thing about it okay yeah this does look pretty good uh what do you guys think about this mount i i think it's all right my mouth yeah yeah yeah i think that it does look pretty good and uh pretty good but the chest sucks ah chest is kind of bare you're right about that but overall i do think this does look pretty decent and and i like it pickles good job all right so let's see what his weapon is obviously thunder fury and this oh wow we never see anybody use that [ __ ] shield holy [ __ ] that's the warlords of draenor challenge mode shield god damn look at that dude look at that dude all right let's see the mount the sky golem hmm what do you guys think i think it almost works it almost works i don't know if it does work but i know it almost works looks out of place with a tauren yeah i mean he's a it's a little bit of a tight fit up in there so that's definitely true i don't know really if this is gonna be if this is gonna be a winner or anything like that but it's okay yeah probably should get back on the sky golem uh yeah that one kind of sucks uh anyway so it doesn't work either way yeah probably not but i do think the skyla golem was a better choice the transmog itself is decent it's nothing like super special or super amazing but i do like it and i think the mount is okay as well but i do think the mount does overall bring down the quality of the set now let's go on to the next one [Music] b block the chosen from the guild hand thrall [Music] wow i kind of like this that helmet right there comes from dragon soul for uh for warlocks those shoulders there come from tier 14 those gloves i think are just like vanilla wow gloves the weapon here what weapon even is that i always forget what the [ __ ] this is uh what is it again let me see a jaded iris i don't even know what the [ __ ] that is holy [ __ ] and he's got the fan oh the fan is so good look at the fan and he's got a backpack too this is actually really really good i've never seen somebody use the fan the backpack is a little bit awkward though to be fair now let's see the mount you know what i i don't think this is that bad of a choice like i i think the colors match very well i think this mount this mount just by itself doesn't really do itself any favors like this mount is just kind of shitty in general and i don't know exactly how you can you know kind of move past that but i do think the mount does have a little bit of improvement to go i'm not a big fan of the mount but the transmog i like a lot and what do you guys think the mount's amazing i don't know i guess maybe it's because i think it's really boring or shitty but overall i do think that it matches very well in terms of colors with the uh with the transmug itself john grant the mod i think that a lot of people like the mount and i can see why okay i'll give that i'll give that to them for sure okay it doesn't match at all yeah maybe the mount ruined it i don't know i i don't think it was really that much better with the uh with the mount than without it okay let me go to the next one artisan i am fast well it seems like you spent uh you're fast putting this transmog together together right way i mean this is like this is like a a two minute transmog this is literally a two-minute transmog [Music] i mean is this no rules well no the no rules means you can use anything it doesn't mean to use anything it means you just can do anything that you want so he's using the cursed vision of sargeras the shoulders from island expedition to the recoilers of the tier 11 druid set that [ __ ] weapon i think is from pvp or something like that it's a pole arm i forgot even where the [ __ ] is this weapon even from is this a relentless gladiators one or a head lopper skull scythe uh i don't remember where the [ __ ] this one's from and then the war walkers to bard dude this is pretty [ __ ] bad okay this is this is an n a spy it could be okay let's see your mount you've got to get on a ridiculously good mount man like a ridiculously big dick mount okay so that's not what you needed that is 100 not what you needed that is a that is a dog [ __ ] ass mountain this is the worst mount combination i've ever seen in my entire life why did you get on this mount why why would you why did you do it because i we need to figure out we need to get to the bottom of this why did you do it i don't know me either sad maybe i'm giving them too much responsibility maybe i'm giving them too many options and because of that they don't know what to do i don't know this is sad let me go to the next one what is this maladaari nothing personal kiddo wait okay all right that's hello asman all right that's pretty [ __ ] good i i like it a lot okay so overall i do think this transmog looks really good i think that like for any undead rogue transmog it has to look a little bit ragtag and if you have like a very well put together undead rogue transmog it's almost like it's not an undead rogue at that point it's something different so i'm okay with this set i think that it looks really good and overall i think like using i think that's a vicious gladiator shoulders and then these weapons are [ __ ] great i love these weapons i've never even seen these used before i think this is the artifact weapon right um yeah the king slayers exactly like where the [ __ ] does these even come from why have i never seen these before these are awesome what the [ __ ] dude uh yeah that looks really really good um yeah where do you get those rogues yeah yeah it's p oh they're the pvp ones okay that makes a lot of sense then yeah this set does look really good using the belt right there from antorus i like that too uh the helmet here that comes from bfa i think that's just like a world quest helmet or something like that and then this coke here comes from i really like the cloak too the way like the uh the bones come into it and um the quote comes from obviously uh i think this one specifically comes from a world boss but it's from the old deer set plasma splattered great cloak no this one comes from plasma spider great quote comes from i believe fed a developer uh it could also be uh vectors but i'm not sure regardless i like this set a lot what do you guys think and let me also see the uh let me see the mount it's good why [Music] wait why i'm so confused why did you decide to go with that one why i i don't understand i mean it matches the weapons like that's definitely true it does 100 match the weapons there's fire in the mog yeah but like there's a little bit of fire in the mog and then how about this oh okay i see what's going on here you guys are real [ __ ] cute no no not that one either okay listen moari nice try big surprise that the guy who was the mailmuncher delivery service couldn't come up with an original amount no rules so all right what's no rules i travel by foot what oh he doesn't have a mouth right okay fine fine you travel by foot okay can i have a selfie oh come on yes fine all right let's go give me a minute there we go let's get this out of the way yeah yeah yeah all right let's go to the next one so this is the guy that we he was our rand i am the spirit of the true horde i stand for honor and beating the living [ __ ] out of people not this furry [ __ ] we have today bringing back garrosh make the horde great again haha this is [ __ ] awesome i love it this is oh [ __ ] yeah dude so this is a magikarp or if he's using the helmet right there from the laughingstock and also the tusk manor off and the gloves and the shoulders and the sorry the gloves and the belt and the boots right there from the maghar uh heritage armor with the [ __ ] standard and what's his weapons oh dude those are the new weapon this is [ __ ] badass the spirit of the horde what do you guys think like yeah what do you guys think about this set here i i like it a lot this is really really [ __ ] nice man okay let me go ahead and see your mount let me see your mount okay here we go oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] god damn dude okay okay this is the i this is [ __ ] badass this is actually a badass [ __ ] set man i i like this a lot okay garage was said no to the vulpira yeah he just kicked them right the [ __ ] out of orgrimmar literally like that's what garrosh would have done yeah this is the old [ __ ] warchief man exactly the spirit of the horde thanks man longtime fan well i appreciate that and uh yeah this set is [ __ ] awesome this is what it means to be horde not playing a [ __ ] furry okay you know i think that maybe do you think that maybe blizzard felt like there was too much degeneracy on alliance between worgen and you know the gold shire in and draenei and you know all the other [ __ ] that they gave uh something for other sexual deviants to migrate over the horde because there's becoming too much of a faction imbalance between sexual degeneracy i think that's probably the biggest reason why they gave horde volpira it makes a lot of sense whenever you think about it let me go to the next one maylin's the uncorrupted just kill the boss i'm part of the degenerate side of horde oh my i just real one okay okay dude all right so the helmet right there come back run [ __ ] the helmet right there i think comes from the uh isn't that the hellfire citadel mage gear and then the shoulders there come from blackrock foundry from ages the belt comes from the preset from uh hellfire citadel or sorry a nighthold um for a full pirate transmog this is not that bad okay like most vulpira transmogs are complete trash and i think this is pretty much the same thing but um overall i i will accept this okay now let's go back over let's go back over and see the mount mainlands let's see the mount okay malence let me explain something to you this is i think one of my mods malens has a hunter and classic wow that has spell power he has nelt's tier and a bunch of other spell power gear he is unironically a spell power hunter spell power and vanilla hunters match better than your transmog and your mount it's not good enough it's not good enough at all it's an ouch i had to do it to him somebody had to do it to him he's dead already you're probably right because he's playing a hunter malence this is a good attempt i'm not really sure how high you're going to get into the competition but he's doing his best and he's trying his hardest what are you doing playing games on me shadow master arunica from the gold wombles of the world so he's got this green little tint on him so i guess he's like fell corrupted the sword right there sorry tabby right there is the blood elf tavard and uh the belt there comes from i think that could actually just be the legendary belt from legion or also just one of the questing items and then the weapon here what weapon is this oh the corrupt sorry the uh which squad eater is this notorious gladiators sword okay i like that a lot and let's see the shoulders here come from the primal gladiators aspirant shoulders and because they're the separate color this is the horde only version and then the gloves are from the same place as well the leggings there come from mr pandaria five-man dungeons and the boots come from words draenor with the helmet card from the shadow man shadowpan questline as well this is a decent looking set i'm okay with this i really like the long sword and what i like the most about the long sword is how long it is so overall i think this is actually pretty [ __ ] nice it's not necessarily amazing or anything like that but it's pretty [ __ ] nice it's not gay okay it's it's nice now let's see the mount runica get on your mount get on your mount so why do you have the green oh the mount is green and then he's green damn that's [ __ ] good holy [ __ ] that's big dick you know like at the beginning i thought that green [ __ ] i'm like the [ __ ] are you doing that for but this is [ __ ] awesome oh my god this is wow i really really like this a lot runica like this is [ __ ] impressive like the green the green undertones on the mount and then you've got the [ __ ] the red broad this is perfect like very rarely do we ever have a set that i think is like perfect i don't think there's anything wrong with the set this is just a clean ass [ __ ] set this is going to be a hard competition guys we've got some real big dicks in here runica nice [ __ ] job great [ __ ] job this is what you get whenever you go to eu the belt and the tavern are a little bit off yeah but they're not really that big of a of a thing i think the helmet and shoulders are obviously the most important key items and overall i really really like this a lot like really great job man samsel from the guild hold my flask so he's obviously corrupted he's got the void edge in chan on the sword that comes from hellfire high city uh hellfire high council and then the helmet and the shoulders there that come from uh blackrock foundry mythic for warlocks and then the chess piece there this chess piece is extremely rare very few people use it let me make sure it is the gown of spiritual wonder i believe either comes from tier six high jaw or it could come from the vendor in uh i think uh in shattrath so this is a very interesting set i i kind of like it all right sam hit us with the mount [Music] hmm relatively predictable you're right about that i don't think this is particularly impressive i think this is just another one of the same sets that we've seen a million times before and i don't really i don't know like it this does not excite me this does not give me a big dick this is just like it's okay and the mount was predictable the set is to be honest kind of mediocre because you can't really tell anything else about the set besides the helmet the shoulders and those are a full set so i just don't really think that it's there like you did a good job overall i'm not saying that it's terrible but i'm also not saying that it's good either nothing will give you a big dig uh i already used your mom joke today all right sorry i filled my quota for today never mind um regardless what is this here was this was this a weird person doing weird [ __ ] listen overall it's all right not amazing but it's all right let's go to the next one t jammin men harold of the titans from the guild mini one this there's a lot going on here with this set this helmet right here comes from siege of orgrimmar for hunters the shoulders i think are just leveling shoulders and then the chess piece is from the dark shore warfront for male wearers what the [ __ ] and then you're using a belt right there from i think that's also the siege of orgrimmar belt what the [ __ ] is this supposed to be what weapon are you using wait oh you're a shaman that's doomhammer oh my that's actually cool now that he pulls out the weapon what the [ __ ] that's actually cool holy [ __ ] the weapons really make this the weapons pulled this [ __ ] together i like it all right t jammin i don't want you to be nervous but i want you to understand this your entire placement in this competition relies on you getting on the correct amount you need to get on the correct mount right now if you do not you fail choose wisely i don't have a mount okay that's fine that's fine he doesn't have a mount yeah that's okay no if he doesn't have a mount he doesn't need to have a mount okay like everybody else can go and use a mount if they want but they don't have to the thing is that if you choose to use a mount you can go with a mount but you don't have to go with the mount it's completely up to you and you get to make the decisions on whatever you want to go with versus not okay so that's basically it um overall i like your set a lot it's really good and you're not going to be uh considered using the mount so we're going to move on we're going to go to the next one okay yeah he's the green goblin uh that actually is right that actually does make a lot of [ __ ] he's got okay that's actually perfect wow i never even thought of that okay yeah you guys you got me there okay uh yeah this set does look really really good a lot uh i just i'm not a fan of the chess piece i think chess piece is a little bit odd because it just like kind of protrudes in that way but it's okay that's the only thing that's a problem everything else is fine what the [ __ ] is this the trash is this so let's go and look what he's got going on here it's obviously shadow one right there the belt right there and also the gloves there comes from the myth again torres set for dk's at helmet there comes a normal death knight set for uh dragon soul so shorts there come from mythic black foundry set for death knights as well the chess piece there comes from the uh that's also the normal blackrock family sorry i dark no dragon soul uh except for dk's and i don't know man i don't know man it's just all right all right that's all right it's okay what do you guys think this is a decent one he's got two other amount more ideas to show besides this trash dude if you want yeah let's get him out of the way man yeah listen this is okay i just feel like the shoulders don't fit they're a completely different color and this set would look awesome if you had a uh oh wait you can't afford the mount oh my god okay um yeah it's all right but it's not okay next yep next i know i've seen it next uh we don't need any thottery in this competition [Music] every single one of your sets is almost good and i think that's really where we're at here every single one of your sets is almost good and i understand obviously you know you can't come up with a perfect one if you combined all three of your sets into one set you would have one good set but unfortunately you have three okay sets that's pretty much where i'm at i think the first one was the best personally i like the one almost good is still bad yes almo no there's a gradient okay it's a gray area it wasn't terrible and overall i think this was decent but i'm pretty sure this one isn't going to see a placing let's go to the next one oh [ __ ] varesh of the iron vanguard this sword right here is called the troll butcher and it drops from drachtharon keep in wrath of the lich king i think it's from the first boss troll gore that helmet right there is from the uh that's from the class order hall for warriors those shoulders are the blood wake pauldrons that drop from island expeditions the leggings there are from the uh let's see that is based off of the colorations that is the mythic mythic version of the antorus warrior set the chest piece there just comes from mythic dungeons it's one of the ashvane's offset items the belt there comes from mythic i'm sorry lfr uh hellfire citadel and the boots there come from the uh where do the boots come from uh tomb of sargeras for dks i really like this like i i really like this set guys i've never seen somebody use this before i am very very [ __ ] impressed if you get on a bad mount i will be physically angry with you do not disappoint us okay good well running expectations okay all right okay all right okay all right okay all right okay all right [Music] this does not upset me this does not excite me this is a neutral effect the mount is not good okay it doesn't fit the theme of your set it doesn't make sense in the context of your set either this or this what is this yeah uh time to go back to the drawing board yeah uh the two of the i think you just kind of pulled these two out of your ass and um you know how i can tell because they're [ __ ] transmog looks really good now it's not so much let's go to the next one the [ __ ] is this hello as my name i fell samurai i love your streams using the world breakers shoulders and belt and boots okay with the chest piece as well with the gloves and the leggings there and the helmet from the malevolent gladiator set from misa pandaria with the sword there which is the corrupted aspirant sword with the uh what's that green enchant breath of yuan on it with the tabard i kind of like this i have never seen anyone use the the world defiler set in a way that looks good this is the first time i've seen somebody use the world defiler set and combine it with something else that actually looks good sonara this is nice don't you [ __ ] me and get on a bad mount so i don't think this is a very strong combination i think that obviously you tried you did try and i think that's great it's always good to try but whenever you take into account trying you have to take into account the outcome and the outcome with this try is primarily a fail the mount doesn't fit the more subdued and subtle color of your set i didn't really want to use a mount you don't have to use a mount if you don't feel like you have to use a mount don't get on a mount get off the mount get off the mount i need to take a piss i'll be right back [ __ ] get the [ __ ] back in there get in there what are you doing what do you do get out of the way get out of the goddamn way get get out of the way get get back in there [ __ ] idiots man you you leave them away for just a few seconds then they just go crazy man the fella drake yeah maybe the fella drake would work maybe something else would work but i don't really think that the uh the fel talon would work either wash hands why would i wash my hands i got a clean dick why would i do that let me look at this guy the honorable fang call oh [ __ ] so this guy all right we got two green boys here so this is primarily the set from this is the emerald nightmare set for warriors pretty much all the pieces are from that minus the oh the legs actually are from uh that's the i think that's the heroic version it's one of the versions of the blackrock foundry warrior set and then the belt there is also from the belt and yeah oh the belt and the boots of the world the fireworks set the same guy that this was using same thing this guy was using and then the sword right here is the i think that's the pvp version of the artifact weapon swords for fury this actually looks pretty good what do you guys think about it it's almost a full set though that's what i'm kind of bothered by what do you guys think no rules well do no rules count with like full sets yeah did no rules count with full sets i don't know i'm just trying to decide i'm not really sure man looks like for warhammer 40k chaos bit too edgy ah i can see why you say that but i don't think it's like super edgy i think it's just a decent looking set all right let's see the mount get on the amount why is this the war song that no it's not the worst on dire fang which one even is this train snarler this is from the [ __ ] yeah why this was not first choice then why did you get on it couldn't find a good mount to match so then it was your first choice you know there's more mounts in the game besides wolves right like you don't have to you don't have to get on a wolf it's not necessary you get on other mounts too it's fine oh my god okay of course because i didn't want to use the mount then say you didn't want to use a mount they say that why you the mount dude get off the [ __ ] mount because you get on the mount and then see here's the thing if you don't want to use a mount then say that before you get on the mount because if you get on the mount and then you get a bad rating because of the mount then i don't know if you actually didn't want to use a mount or you're just saying that after the fact that you got rated badly for using a bad mount you see what i'm saying so you have to say it beforehand fancall your set is okay it's it's decent but overall i think it's you know the mount sucked okay the mount an amount [ __ ] sucked man backpedaling andy's not a backpadder okay he's a good boy now let's go to the next one may i show you another set yes sure sure let's go let's see the other set now let's see here we have any good ones okay we've seen this a lot obviously this is a tuscan manor transmog i think it's badass yeah obviously this is a badass set i mean like we've seen a lot of these before though it doesn't really excite me a whole lot i mean tess the manor off with gorehowl i mean i know that's a pretty wild and crazy thing but overall i think it's okay yeah it's decent i'm glad that you went with the first one though because this one is kind of boring at this point and i'm glad that you chose something that's a little bit more original so nice try at least i'm not using the mag heritage set that's overdone yeah but it's not that it's not as overdone as this one is though i i feel i don't know maybe it is maybe it isn't like i've used this set myself so maybe i'm a little bit biased okay let's go on to the next one hi chat margo hmm so those shoulders right there are the tier uh that's the tier seven 10 man shoulders oh with valinar bro i don't think we've ever seen somebody use valinar before this is really nice bro this is good this is actually really really nice so you're using down here as well with the shoulders and also the belt right there from hellfire citadel and then the offhand from throwing the thunder i really like this what do you guys think this is [ __ ] great all right margo please get on a good mount please get on a good mount i cannot bear to see you get on a shitty mount okay i'll accept this the the uh the pandaren phoenix okay i'll i will accept this it's not amazing but it's okay i i will definitely accept that uh the karen haircut though that doesn't matter i don't give a [ __ ] about that regardless i think this set does look really really really nice i like it a lot unique colors yeah you never see get off the mount um yeah you never see these color themes used before like we've never seen it's actually crazy now that i think about it we have never seen somebody use valinir before in the competition and you also have like the uh the the dress there looks obviously really good and then on top of that using the weapon as well with the off hand and then these shoulders i think this is a really really nice looking set this is a unique color theme and i think that it looks really good good job good job brewmaster professing shout out to whiskey in sins of the mini outland all right um i would say shout out to your transmog but it kind of sucks sorry this this set's not that great i'm going to be honest i think the set's not really that great it's average you've got the war walkers to bard you've got the double dick belt you've got the helmet right there from the i think that's one of the the tier sets for monks as well with the shoulders and then these weapons i think are the this is one of the artifact weapon weapons isn't it i'm pretty sure it is yeah it is so this is the artifact weapon fist weapons i just i don't know man dude like it's just it's average like we've seen a lot of these sets i don't think the belt really fits that well this just seems like somebody with a bad sense of style that just just tries to come up with a monk transmog it tries to come up with a monk transmog and this is what we get out of it now prophecy get on your mouth get on a good mount get on a reel mount i like how the weapons show at the mount okay i do really like that that is cool but i still feel like this is kind of a [ __ ] of a set i'm gonna be honest i just feel like it's a [ __ ] of a set and there's nothing too special about them like that's all there is to it man it's like so does monk transmog i'm not sure but overall i don't think this is particularly amazing i think it's just average at best and you know mediocre at worst it's just kind of whatever to me i don't know what do you guys think the weapons are the only cool part of this set which the mount definitely doesn't power but the leggings and the boots are just too awkward and the belt i don't think really fits together that well i think you just took uh it's just like very very it's just very mediocre in like a bunch of different ways let's go to the next one expedition leader bilbo that staff right there the pole arm right there that comes from mythical deer i like that a lot and i'm also quite jealous that comes from i think that's uh uh that's like the one boss the zone is it zanoz it's the guy the the kalaxi guy and um the shoulders there are the tier 6 shoulders for rogues uh tavern i don't even know what tavern that is overall i think this looks pretty good what do you guys think yeah i like this yeah what do you think it's sick yeah i think this is really really good man so he's using obviously one of the falcosaur mounts i actually think this is pretty decent so these are these mounts are added in patch 7.1 i believe and i think this fits pretty well with the set and it's kind of like the more uh you know more wild version of like i don't know though but like the weapon is like it's just the weapon's like super [ __ ] high-tech and then you you're riding on a bird you're riding on a goddamn [ __ ] bird okay let's go to the next one all right give me one second oh wow the relentless gladiators tabard you hardly ever see that what the [ __ ] that's super [ __ ] rare okay so we've got the shoulders and the uh and the belt right there from the tier uh tier 11 set for um for shamans and then this guy is also a dread gladiator so let's see how many pvp achievements this guy has oh it doesn't even show it oh that's so [ __ ] annoying because i don't have them unlocked on my own i can't even compare his that's such an annoying piece of [ __ ] thing to have but it is what it is i think it's okay but the thing is that like many of these pieces like why do i really why do i really like this set it's because obviously of the tabard because i've never really seen it before like you hardly ever see this tabard so whenever i see something that's super rare i'm impressed by it but is the rarity necessarily translating into uh quality i don't really know the weapon obviously in the shield are okay as well the shield comes from i think that shield comes from uh siege of orgrimmar and this weapon i forgot what the weapon comes from i think it's blackrock foundry but i could be wrong let me go ahead and double check molten edge fish yeah that one's blackrock foundry um regardless i like it a lot i do like it a lot i think that it's unique it's different let's see the mountain gladiator mount the demonic sorry the dominant gladiators dragon that is pretty [ __ ] good i i'm impressed by this what do you guys think like i i'm genuinely impressed by this this looks really really nice what do you think like i like it a lot i mean the tusks are really good like he's using a mount that's super rare like nobody ever has this [ __ ] mount nobody ever uses this [ __ ] mount so just on that alone i'm impressed this is awesome like the color coordination i've been in glad since tbc by the way well i'm very jealous because that means you have a bunch of mounts that i don't have so yeah uh regardless i think this looks really really good i i feel so stupid not getting gladiator all those seasons yeah i did i feel so stupid i guess i just have to get it every season from now on that's really what it comes down to head shoulder and weapon shield ruins it i just i feel like it's a good set overall i don't know if it's a top ten yeah i've done the same thing um but uh it's it's top five but i think it would be definitely a top 10 we'll see though we've got a lot more to go go through so we'll have to find out let me go to the next one woke up my name is yvonne love you well evon oh oh i don't know i don't know about i'll know about this one uh okay yvonne i hate to say it i hate to say it but this is pretty well done it is pretty well done am i wrong gentlemen am i wrong the colors are very well put together the shoulders match very well with the uh the weapon uh the shoulders match very well with the chest as well everything about this matches quite well this is really good so let's see the mount we'll see if we can come up with something that's really good here i don't know but we'll uh we'll cross our fingers the mount might not be the perfect match but it is what it is all right let's see it you're right it wasn't the perfect match you're very right about that um so obviously it looks okay i don't know what do you guys think i i'm kind of like i don't think it's that amazing okay i'm pretty much like that's all right but that's about all it is it's all right uh it's good middle of the road yeah i mean it's it's a decent looking set it's nothing amazing nothing special nothing unique nothing incredible but it is what it is and i think that's good enough drop of his head it's good transmog yeah i mean oh chop off his head it's a good try okay all right i see um regardless i do like it this is a decent looking set and using the uh i think that's the arcane mage uh artifact weapon challenge appearance from the mage tower that is a really good usage of it as well i like that a lot so overall i do think this is a cool looking set and i do think the mount probably detracts a little bit too far away from it but overall i do like it should i use lego woven carpet yeah there's a few other things as well what the [ __ ] is this sindragosa hero of dazarawar what the [ __ ] let's look at your armor so that felt right there's a waste of time the lake is right there of the emerald nightmare leggings that come from uh the first boss i believe and then also the weapon of course is the size of the unmaker the shoulders and the gloves there come from mythic and uh and taurus the burning throne for paladins the helmet there comes from the questing areas in uh zandalar and the chess piece i don't know where the chess piece comes from and i hope that stays that way because i think it sucks and let's see what the cloak is the coke is i don't i think that's the blood elf cloak or the blood elf heritage coke i'm not 100 sure though let me go ahead and double check cinderella cloak yeah there you go so what were you going for with this set each color tells a story okay what what story does it tell actually it's a long story and every character i create has a story which is connected to my other stories okay well i'll tell you a story once upon a time syndronosa came to asthma gold's transmog competition with a bad set and he lost the end add that to the list let's go to the next one demon slayer casamak the helmet's a little bit odd yeah i i don't know about the helmet guys what do you think about the helmet uh okay all right so let's look at the rest of the pieces okay the shoulders right there are obviously from the mythic tumor sargeras set the helmet there is the fel steel uh fel steel war helm that comes from the uh the void reaver or sorry a fell reaver whatever the [ __ ] it's called uh in the eye and uh the the kale those raid and then the chess piece there and the legs and the boots and the belt and the gloves all come from the lfr version of the dk set from antorus and then the weapons of course are from flame bender cagras and heroic blackrock foundry so what do you guys think oh the guy didn't get on his mount i let the guy get on his mount in a second okay uh yeah actually syndra gross to get on your mount i travel with my own wings and my angel follows me with hers oh okay that is cute all right to be fair that is actually cute so we'll we'll allow it usually stuff like that i consider just complete clown behavior but overall i i do like this it's pretty good so yeah we'll let it pass let's go to the next one demon slayer kosumak i think this is okay i mean this is an okay looking set but i've seen it before and i do think the helmet is very low res i would love to see blizzard make a better version of that helmet because i think it's one of the coolest helmets in the whole game and this set is one of the coolest sets in the whole game but i really don't think the helmet fits that well with the rest of the pieces just because of how low res it is compared to everything else so we'll see what this guy gets on for a mount and overall my expectations are very low let's go the infernal direwolf castle mac i don't know what kosomak is i have no idea what the [ __ ] that means um anyway i think this is an okay looking set not amazing the mount is just i don't know it's green like he obviously got on it because it's green why not because it's red because it's green skull borer yeah sure whatever but uh it's still just a boring green mount i'm sorry to say but i'm not particularly impressed by this i just think it's the same usual [ __ ] that we've seen a hundred times before i don't really give a [ __ ] about it it's whatever uh it's a cuss word well maybe it is as long as it's not something that will get me banned i don't give a [ __ ] regardless this is a decent looking set and it's certainly better than the last one so i'll have to give that to him as well let's go to the next one zilli from the guild mist what the [ __ ] do you know what this looks like this is like really specific but you know whenever you have like people that have lost like two or three hundred pounds and then they wear the clothes that used to fit them but they don't fit them anymore because they're really skinny now that's exactly what this set looks like to me look at the [ __ ] boots and look at the legs like that's [ __ ] massive man no it's not me because i never lost the weight like i've always been skinny it's completely different is that your legs no mine are a little bit skinnier but regardless this is pretty much what we're looking at here so we've got the helmet right there from the shadow pen set the shoulders from the uh what's that the siege of orgrimmar warrior set which are always really shitty shoulders my opinion and built from the same place the leggings and the chest piece eric from come from the old deer set and the boots and the gloves there come from the heroic version of the paladin set from antorus with the sword coming from the third boss and uh i think that's from throne of thunder but this could actually be the yeah yeah it's from thorne thunder it's the council boss what do you guys think about this set i think that it's shitty i i don't know i i don't think it's really that amazing what do you guys think asthma on cosplay yeah something like that uh it's [ __ ] uh yeah it's okay it's all right well let's see the mount sileaf let's go get on the mount hopefully we have something good here i guess we have to find out [Music] hmm uh the tomb stalker i don't really think it's that particularly amazing i'm gonna be honest i think that it's okay but it's not really that great it doesn't fit very well with the set i think the colors are at least average but other than the colors i think this is pretty much whatever to me and fits with undead yeah it kind of fits with the undead but at the same time i don't really think it's [ __ ] amazing uh it's just average and i guess yeah if it's undead with the guy also being undead can i show you another set yes you can go ahead and get on your other set [ __ ] it let's do it okay let's see if this guy gets on a better one after this my expectations are very low but i could be surprised why do you go with the leggings like you're not thick why are you wearing the thick like what is that bro that looks like some [ __ ] photoshop that's like if a girl photoshops her hips to be bigger than what they are it looks like it's [ __ ] photoshop man what is this dude it's crazy i cannot do i cannot [ __ ] get over the the leggings man it's so weird yeah that looks a thousand [ __ ] times better i don't know why you didn't just go with that at the beginning okay yeah the guy is much better all right so overall it's okay but i think the first set and the second set are about the same i do think this one looks better than the uh than the first one though especially as a male okay what's he getting on oh he's getting on this mount ah i don't know if that one would have really done any much more better but um you know the first one was okay and i can see kind of why you got on the mount at least so we'll give it we'll give that a a a bit of a pass let's go to the next one reminisce dead champion of the frozen waves from the guild yep smile okay so this is basically a combination of the two dk sets this is a very very low effort set okay like this is the um what are you doing what are you doing with all the [ __ ] corruption gear on man okay so he's got obviously so basically do you know how to make the strands transmog i'll tell you how to make the transmog make a death knight that's literally all you have to do you don't have to do anything else besides that it's just yeah make a death knight and that's it okay and you've also got it wow your jokes are just as unoriginal as your transmog that's hilarious let's see what mount you're going to get on oh get get on get on your mount remix get on your [ __ ] mount stop it okay real [ __ ] funny remix real [ __ ] funny why so cruel what a [ __ ] idiot listen you did that you did your best and look it looks nice okay it's just the fact that it's so low effort that i'm not going to give it a very high placing i'm sorry to say it's just it's a low effort transmog that's all there is to say about it i'm sorry guys but those are just the realities now let me go to the next one and we'll see if we can pick out anybody else that looks really good okay if that's his best and yeah yeah exactly all right let me go to the next one korokai of the deeps from the guild breakfast club i feel like i've seen this one before what the [ __ ] this is good i like this a lot what do you guys think yeah what do you guys think about this i really kind of like this this is really really nice okay let's look at what he's got going on here hi osmond what's up dude so he's using his shoulders right there from i believe mechagon and those are the tank buster pauldrons that come from the fourth boss the helmet right there comes from the uh uh that's from the tomb of sargeras set for war for dks actually and then the chess piece and the gloves there and also the boots all come from the mythic set for dks from highmaul and also blackrock foundry and the legs come from just any of the questing gear uh that you're able to get from barales and then the belt gear is i think the wild gladiators uh aspirants or gladiators belt with the weapons here of course being the uh that's the freehold weapon on his right hand and then her left hand and then this is a mace that comes from uh siege of orgrimmar and on his right hand i think this is okay i actually do i think this is an okay badass looking set what do you guys think why those weapons though because these weapons are a combination of kind of like work workman's weapons like for you know repairing something and they're also like under seized weapons because they have like a hook attached to them so i feel like the weapons are actually a very great choice and overall i like this a lot i think this is great gorakai get on the mount this is my person personal ocean traveling mecca gundam okay okay dude listen this is this is actually pretty decent yeah this is actually a pretty decent looking set because the colors fit together really well i do definitely feel that way as the colors are extremely strong with this set and the mount i call it uh fm2ak well i don't know what the [ __ ] that means so i'm just gonna call it cool so this set looks really good uh the mount fits very well with it especially if it's like an under seas mount and i think the weapons look great overall i think this is really good he stole it from a subreddit i don't know it stands for fail muncher attempts 2000 i'll have you know that it was only 200 okay yeah this was only it was only 200 failed attempts it was not 2 000. i don't know what the [ __ ] you guys are talking about but regardless gorica this does look really [ __ ] good i like it a lot good job all right let's see uh we'll go to the next one yeah about all i have to say about him oh i love this holy [ __ ] this is badass this is badass dude look at that dude holy [ __ ] what do you guys think i like this a lot holy [ __ ] yeah this is really really badass okay uh card marking yeah this is really really good i like the shoulders and the gloves there the weapon i think fits really really well i hardly ever see people using this weapon i think this weapon's actually removed from the game but it could be another version of it that wasn't bone volley mace holy [ __ ] and it's actually a two-handed mace i didn't even know that oh my god yeah and then the chess piece is the dragon riders chess piece from island expeditions this is really nice cod cod banker please get on a good mount please save us and get on a good mount we deserve this okay okay you guys don't like it a lot of you guys don't like it i feel like yeah this is like an original warcraft 2 death knight or something like that yeah i i kind of like this do you guys really not like it orcs don't ride [ __ ] horses orcs on horses or shitty i don't think so man it's an undead horse so i think that makes it acceptable i like this a lot i think it looks [ __ ] awesome man yeah i i really like it a lot i feel like the mount fits very well the colors fit very well into the mount and this reminds me again is like the old school death knights the old school work death knights that would ride in on [ __ ] undead horses the old death knights were the coolest [ __ ] thing in the game man like there's no way i'm gonna rate this badly okay this is really really cool i like it a lot so good job good job cod banker let's go to the next one [ __ ] is this stylist forearms i'm gonna go brutal force whoa you woke me up buddy why don't you take a step back before i stab you with my bottles that wait what the [ __ ] is it what is this like a drunk homeless guy what yo what the [ __ ] man this is this is some scary [ __ ] nice to meet you on forearms this is my riding camel bella i'm an alcoholic hipster lost in the sands of old i'm trying to find my way back home okay that's that's clever that that's very very cute and very clever all right i i like it good job forearms okay uh yeah decent enough and i think it actually fits very well he's got a little story that goes along with the character love you so much chat yeah i bet you do because they're saying good things about you regardless this does look really [ __ ] nice i like it a lot and i think forearms actually did a good job on it yeah overall i think this is good now the mount doesn't really match very well in terms of color with this set but i think in theme it definitely definitely hits the mark and i like it a lot so good job forearms i'm proud of you good job oh [ __ ] speed dater hero of desira war from the guild the night raiders hello azman i am the true spiritual leader of the zandalari the high shaman the stormbringer and the hero of desire allure holy [ __ ] he's got the fist of raw den with the the shoulders the helmet and also the belt right there from mythic argus or mythic antorus i mean this is pretty [ __ ] cool and that dude the cloak holy [ __ ] the cloak this is a winner winner chicken dinner i don't know if it's a winner winner chicken dinner but we'll see all right i like this set a lot what do you guys think it's a full set my favorite kind of lower is a kunda which is coincidentally my hero of my country's senile president only check boys who understand akunda i believe is the frog right no that's crack i don't even know which one akanda is is it the uh all right whatever get on your mount it's the lizard okay that's really [ __ ] nice that is really really [ __ ] nice that's the spiritual uh spirit uh yeah i think it's a spiritual whatever the [ __ ] uh p pterodacts this comes from i think talanji's expedition after you get exalted it's like 90 000 gold this is a really badass mount i like it a lot but yeah you're right is it actually a full set like let me double check here okay gloves have been right i feel like it's almost a full set but it's not an entire full set the the p is silent no well then why'd they put it there i was right behind you yeah i think that it's decent man it actually is pretty [ __ ] decent it's a full set listen if it's a full set no rules anyway okay fine yeah we'll let it pass but i i don't really know how highly i'm gonna rate something that is a full set okay but i do like what you have to get what you put together and i think it actually looks really really good so don't get me wrong i think this does look great so keep that in mind now let me go on and we're going to move on to the next one okay death speaker the faceless one from the guild waves guy in a fur what the [ __ ] is going on here i am a hunter and this is my pet oh i don't know about that man that's a little bit creepy so we got we got right here corrupted gladiators helmet the shoulders and the belt right sorry the gloves in a belt right there from the old deer set and then the legs and the boots from wrath of the lich king leveling with the glaive of goon tash what are the [ __ ] it's called from manoroth i think that's the heroic version a normal version of mana roth weapon so guy in a fursuit with this guy's i don't know boys what do you think yeah let's see the mount do you want me to mount him no no no oh no not come on no just i'm gonna get banned oh my no he's he's trying to get away let him get away man see he's trying to get away from you what that what the [ __ ] is this man jeez this is not no no that a winner are you [ __ ] kidding me dude are you really think that i would let a legit oh my [ __ ] god this is it's making me sick absolutely sick look at that see he just keeps trying to get away from him at least this [ __ ] at least this this sheep knows what's going on absolutely no rules yeah well this is why society has rules okay this is why right here keep it in mind he's trying to eat a sheep's ass um hey asman it's andrea from moscow what up wow this actually looks pretty good damn this actually does look pretty good so that sword right there comes from i believe that's the uh that's a sword that drops from it's you loot to sword out in like a lake in tanan jungle look at all the red crystals on my cloaks shoulders and gloves and sword holy [ __ ] this actually is really nice now he's using the helmet of thunder king which i like that one a lot now obviously it's a blue it's a blue one which doesn't really make a lot of sense with the red but we're going to let that pass using a normal trial of our shoulders and then also the chest piece there and the leggings and the boots there from uh mythic uh no sorry normal mode oh dear the time the theme of my transmog is servant of the titans or the titans defender yeah i like it now the the gloves here are a little bit odd but i do think they work these gloves are from the conqueror siegebreaker set from old deer or sorry old war there's a lot of ols the title sounds cooler than russian it's unattained untainted by corruption okay i see what do you guys think you guys like it man yo chill give him a bro like oh my [ __ ] god all right you know i'm sorry i'm sorry you have to be around this degeneracy yeah i very i very much apologize for it do you have a mount you have a mount that goes with this set or not absolutely disgusting i have 557 amounts but i still don't have my mount the amount that matches the titan theme sag what theme is it what mount is it i mean yeah what is the amount that you're trying to go after and uh we'll see what it is so i better not use it that's okay you don't have to use anything just decide what you want to go with and then you know we'll go from there which one is it what is it this one's good the titan defenders don't need mounts okay all right so we're not gonna see him out okay we get it so i won't get on any mount that makes sense you know what i do like your set a lot i think that it looks really really good and overall i think this is a really good combination and anytime somebody uses the uh the thunder king helm with any other item i get impressed because i hardly ever see people that come out with oh you guys just switched [Music] all right what the [ __ ] is happening i don't know man glady oh wow gladiator what's your name uh elandrin from the guild easylabs holy [ __ ] so obviously i feel like the weapons completely out of place that's the hellscreams pig sticker and this is from the uh that's from the old days right from the old uh war high warlord weapons now these shoulders though the shoulders are extremely [ __ ] rare these shoulders are the elite primal gladiators dk shoulders and that chest piece right here that tabard is one of the pvp tabards and i believe that's the warmongering gladiators to bard but i could be wrong regardless actually i think it's primal gladiator yeah i think it's actually primal because it's red am i right yeah primal gladiator and um all the rest of these pieces do look really wait are you trying to flex on us wait a minute this guy is using all removed from the game elite set armor from the old pvp seasons this is not the tyrannical gladiators boots that are available in game these are the special boots that you're able to get only from being high rating it's the same also with the vicious gladiators legs too this is all [ __ ] this is all flex set this is all just a massive flex set okay get on your mount let's see it let's see the mount come on i'll be honest man i was expecting a guardian around i was not expecting that i'm gonna be honest if you were half as good at transmog as you are getting pvp titles and removed from the game sets you'd probably be winning this competition but unfortunately you're not this mount doesn't really fit with anything else you have on your set the weapon you're using is completely out of place and all the pieces that you're using however rare they are they don't really match very well the transmog shoulders that you have are [ __ ] amazing i can't even imagine having those transmog shoulders and then defiling them by combining them with misopandaria tyrannical gear this is an absolute ascock okay like i love those shoulders so much and i'm mad that why didn't you just why didn't you just get on that one i don't know why not just get on that one man it looks way better what the [ __ ] listen no rules no you can't just keep getting on different mounts okay no [ __ ] rules you guys are so stupid man look at the sheep this has got to be like illegal somehow i mean this is this is this is i i i did all right this set it looks a lot better with this mount but what do you what is all right let's go to the next one okay good job jesus peter dk vengeance incarnate from the guild the misfits i just want to say what do you want to say i like dogs okay that's great so anyway um let's look at the armor he's got going on here that's obviously the uh yeah that's great i was very worried about what was gonna happen there but um the belt right there of course is from the emerald nightmare myth except for dks the gloves and then also yeah just the gloves are from the summer sargeras set for dks the chess piece and also the shoulders are from the heart of fear set for dks again and then also the helmet is from the store the weapons are the starting weapons for dks the leggings and the boots are from the heroic trial of our set and then the cloak there i believe is also uh which cloak is this i don't know which cloak this is but i like it a lot that's a really badass looking cloak regardless i do think this does look pretty nice and i like it overall it's not amazing can why wait what the [ __ ] does that mean yeah i don't even know what the [ __ ] that means regardless let me go back over to the next one next slide oh it's fine uh yeah there's no wagon just check there's no wack okay not gonna wait the cloak oh oh mechagon okay i see so it's using who on hmm i don't know what do you guys think i feel like huon doesn't really fit here like that's the thundering onyx cloud serpent but i just don't feel like it fits i can see why some people might believe so but i just don't think so i really just don't think so at all like it doesn't work um okay this one is okay it's the class order hall mount for dks as well i like this mount but i never really feel like it's used properly and i feel like it's not used properly now either uh yeah it's okay but it's not amazing i i feel like this is very hard to get into a top five with this composition because of how good a lot of the other sets are i think there's a lot of really really good sets now it's all right it's decent but we're gonna go to the next one you did well you tried your hardest you need to do better with your transmog transmog [ __ ] sucks what the [ __ ] is this what the [ __ ] is this oh my god what the [ __ ] is going on here so we've got the belt and the shoulders there from the uh let's see the belt and the shoulders from the mythic emerald nightmare set everybody loves this set apparently the chess piece there from the tomb of sargeras actually that's from the world boss over in the broken isles because that's the only way you can get that chess piece in the game and the leggings there come from i think that's like a legion i believe and then the boots there come from eternal palace which are very rare i never see anybody using the eternal palace transmog gear and the helmet there comes from 10 man ulduar and the mesa's come from i think that's the dark shore warfront for horde what do you guys think i think this is okay and i do like a favorite helm i like the helmet a lot too okay i respect the helmet it's okay yeah i would say it's okay let's see the mount wadia hit us with the mount i think he's gonna have a good one hmm okay what do you guys think i kind of like it i feel like it's interesting overall it's not bad not amazing but not bad either this is okay looks like a homeless viking yeah i would say so sure matches the shoulders well yeah overall i think that it's pretty good why doesn't the mount glow i don't think it glows either i think it just depends on what uh what graphic setting you have on but overall i do like this it's pretty decent let me go to the next one shout out to my sugar daddy zutz what the [ __ ] okay next one junkyard scandemarian hmm i want to like the shield but i feel like the shield is so weird like am i wrong for thinking that that the shield is just really weird what do you guys think boring yeah i don't know maybe it's boring i just think overall it's kind of mediocre uh this is a decent looking set so the shoulders there come from mr pandaria valor vendor the chess piece and also yeah just the chess piece comes from the 25 man heroic icc the weapon there comes from i think that's somewhere in misopandaria the belt there comes from the antorus set for warriors and then the leggings there come from 25 man knacks the boots there come from a five-man dungeon words of draenor sorry wrath of the lich king and then the shield i don't even know where the [ __ ] this shield comes from honestly i have no idea and the cloak i don't really feel actually the coke does match in like an odd way i think the cloak does match in like this really odd and weird way maybe i'm wrong about that but i think that it looks really really good it's rfk oh maybe it is all right scandinavian get on your mount let's see the mount mardon for the shield [Music] you know i think that's decent i really do and the only thing that i'm not a big fan of is the fact that i think the shield looks really good with the mount the shield looks great with the mount but overall i feel like this set is a little bit too dark for the mount but that's like such a minor thing that overall i think this looks really good like all things considered it does look really good and the colors look great everything looks great so i like this what do you guys think thoughts positives or negatives where are you at the mount makes it look decent yeah i think that it's okay man all right of all time yeah i thought that's okay it could be better but it is okay i like the set i think it's unique the only thing that i don't like about the set is the midriff i think the midriff is just really kind of scuffed now i understand maybe some people think it's sexy but for me i just think that it's scuffed all right boys get on your mounts i'm gonna rate you it's time let's go get on the mounts and i'll pick out my top five fifth place in the no rule horde trans mount competition for eu is going to go to gorokai of the deeps i love this set i think that it fits very well together and you know what i think that it deserves a placing this is a great looking set it looks awesome all the pieces fit together very well and i think this absolutely deserves the placing in the set in the competition because of how well put together this set is and how cool and interesting it is i like it a lot and i think he deserves fifth place for it gorokai what country are you from can i show you something cool i got this week sure [Music] ah not oh no now you better not get on gmod all right so spectral tiger yeah you see look he turns him so i can see the armor on the tail dude what a little piece of [ __ ] what a little [ __ ] you fifth place you're getting fifth place [ __ ] good job great try great job great job [ __ ] idiot piece of [ __ ] let's go to the next one fourth place sweden by the way yeah what a surprise i'm gonna blame izzy for you it's her fault that you exist fourth place [Music] birthplace this is a no rules transmog competition and i can't think of anybody else who's willing to break the rules than someone who eats the ass of a sheep death speaker sheep ass eater i know i know sheep ass eater i'm going to give you fourth place you know why because a lot of you guys came in here and you had just the same old boring worn out [ __ ] that we've seen a hundred times before and this guy he did something different in the worst kind of way but i'll tell you something three months three months from now four months from now you will remember the sheep [ __ ] what country are you from germany i'm also part german [ __ ] [ __ ] wow with increased size before catching a pet it bugs out and stays permanently with increased sides if you made transmorph oh i didn't even know that i guess for your uh for your um uh lifestyle uh that's more useful isn't it now let's look at the next one third place third place is a transmog that in just the slightest way changed from being average to being incredible and that said is runica set right here this is an incredible combination of gear with the green tinting on the armor fitting so perfectly well into this mount that i think that he deserves nothing else than third place this is an incredible bad like bad ass set this is an incredible [ __ ] amazing badass set i love it it fits together so well and it's so incredible runica you absolutely deserve third place for this i was almost gonna rate you even higher for how clean and well designed the colors are and how great they fit together this is [ __ ] amazing and i like it a lot misgendered rip well i assume that everybody that watched like listen 90 90 something percent of my viewers are all dudes like almost everybody that watches my stream is guys like so i assume that anytime somebody is playing a female character they're simply playing a female character and that's it i assumed i did assume veronica good job good second place second place is going to go to somebody who shares the heart that i do second place is going to go to me or me mad the fallen spirit of the horde a once proud race of great warriors and champions eager to overtake and conquer the lands has been reduced to a bunch of simps for an undead elf that's the horde that's what it is now this is what it used to be you know what me work me mad you deserve second place i will ask the guy his country in just a second i did forget you did great i'm proud of you you did amazing i'm german too i feel weird well you know what you did a great job i love your set it's [ __ ] amazing it fits together really well and there's even a story that tells too much of a story runica what country are you from okay that's my favorite city okay uh there you go man yeah it's pretty decent germany yeah yeah yeah he calls he's from brexit okay great brexit is my city first place first place in the competition first place and second place are about the same but to me i think first place will go to taft george ward of the reigns this set is absolutely incredible they get out of the way you [ __ ] idiot this set is absolutely incredible it looks amazing this guy's already been there his mount fits perfectly the colors with the mount are amazingly well done everything else about the mount fits well with this character everything about it works and to me gets take the thing off everything about it guys stop uh everything about it to me looks [ __ ] amazing but stop man just stop um like let give the guy give the guy his turn man go go sit down this did great i love this set and i think that you deserve first place this is [ __ ] incredible the mount is absolutely equally incredible it fits perfectly with your set and i think that's why you're going to get first place you know what's so funny is people say purple equals win whenever the set's red you guys need to get your eyes checked let's get a round of applause for taft jord and also all the other winners boys amazing [ __ ] job amazing amazing mate get out of the way amazing [ __ ] job i really like it a lot game was rigged from the start listen this guy was pretty much the same like if you if if this guy can be first place in your heart okay but i think in my mind this guy is what first place really means to me i like this set a lot tattrod what country are you from yeah we forgot to ask that i always forget about this because i'm stupid thank you so much yes i am norwegian there you go go outside all right i'll go outside give me one second let me go outside and holy [ __ ] oh my god this one is so good this is incred i screenshotted it it's so good like i i love this wow this is in no rules it's the winner i'm really impressed i am genuinely like incredibly [ __ ] impressed with this set this is [ __ ] amazing man i love this oh my god [ __ ] wow this is really really good holy [ __ ] man guys thank you very much for watching i really appreciate it until next time until next time [Music] peace [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 863,974
Rating: 4.8774776 out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold eu transmog, asmongold wow, asmongold transmog competition, asmongold eu competition, asmongold transmog, asmongold transmog comp, asmongold eu contest, world of warcraft, asmongold tv, asmongold transmog contest, asmongold eu, asmongold competition, asmongold eu horde, asmongold horde, eu transmog, eu transmog competition, asmongold no rules, no rules transmog competition, no rules transmog, asmongold no rules transmog, asmongold no rules competition
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 103min 48sec (6228 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 04 2020
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