Asmongold on "Was Warlords of Draenor Really That Bad?" | By Hirumaredx

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all right let me see here was warwick's draenor really bad really that bad of an expansion am i going to get mad watching this video like am i going to get am i going to get angry watching this video because i think that there's a pretty big possibility that could happen all right here we go warlords of draenor one of wow's most infamous expansions whenever something bad happens in world of warcraft generally they'll use warlords of draenor as a measuring stick just say sure this new feature is kind of it's the brown standard instead of the gold standard world's draenor is the brown standard if it's shittier than wad then that's really bad bad but it's not as bad as this thing for more warlords of draenor and to an extent it deserves some of that criticism yes themselves even apologized for the expansion they should have but was it really that bad yes when willards of draenor first launched you might be surprised to hear that it set records for returning players there was almost nothing but positivity about the expansion online once people were able to play the game anyway although rocky launches aren't exclusive to warlords of draenor so why every game has bad launches now like there's almost never a game that comes out that doesn't have a completely scuffed launch so i'm not worried about that at all why were people so jazzed about the expansion at first let's dissect the questing real quick what had this system called draenor perks where when you were leveling up every two levels or so they would just give you a boost to one of your main damages that was so just something that you use all the time shadow priests they would get a perk that allowed their mind flay to channel 33 percent faster which is just straight up a damage boost to one of their main filler spells they also received a feature which enhanced shadow orbs warriors got the whirlwind thing too it was [ __ ] awesome for dps back then yeah because it meant it was much harder for them to cap their main resource i thought they were also giving the ability to generate that resource with another skill and allowed to use their main defensive cooldown more often yeah mm hunters received a base bonus to their focus by dude these were so cool whenever you leveled up and you actually felt that like you got this new bonus the the perks were great i i i was disappointed whenever we lost a few of them 20 survival hunters got a straight up one second increase yeah explosive shot which is huge for their main damage dealing ability at the time mages got a speed boost after using blink arcane mages got it buffed are they arcane blast which allowed them to cast it faster every time they gained a stack nobody basically every class and spec received huge boost to their damage or utility yeah while leveling up that's awesome and got to keep these boosts for the entire expansion so it was one of the last expansions where your character actually felt stronger as they leveled up rather than getting weaker i feel like in legion you felt a lot stronger whenever you leveled up but you're right after legion in bfa i felt weaker and in shadow ends i felt weaker because you lost like the heart of azeroth and you lost your azerite traits and stuff so yeah i would say that legion was the last expansion where you actually felt stronger phones themselves also contributed to this yeah every single zone in warlords of draenor had the very specific zone perk and when you started off in frostfire ridge or shadowmoon valley you would get a specific ability in the open world that was really default when you got it allowed you to basically summon a small army to help you fight something yup when you moved over to gorgron they would let you choose between two abilities one of them allowed you to summon a mech suit that was actually very effective at most insane and even gave you the niche ability to fly for a short amount of time yep it was a huge legitimate gps increase to be able to use the mech shredder 5000. but i would use the next rider to solo the elites i remember i had like a whole strategy on how i would do it whenever i was leveling up characters is so good only available to this one zone yeah he also had access to the champion's honor which would summon a champion to help fight for you and then give you a buff after he went away in a minute which would be stronger based on how many enemies you killed while the ad was out dumb in the spires of iraq you have the option between picking an extra hearthstone with a reduced cooldown that also increased your experience gained by twenty percent or your rare npc vendor who there's like literally no like anybody who didn't go for the experience boost was just a [ __ ] like i'm sorry but there were some of the options and like one of them was like a thousand times better than the other one some in every 10 minutes the rare goods vendor he sold like one rare toy and so you had to have an alt that did it so you get the toy and that was it which would sell you a whole bunch of buff items that would directly increase your damage almost everyone picked the hearthstone because of the increased xp exactly but both of them were great options to pick in the grand you can the extra hearthstone combined made aspires of iraq one of the fastest leveling zones yeah in talador you had the option between two different dps cooldowns one of them would someone a guardian that would come out of electrical enemies and the other one was three charge artillery strike which was off cooldown where the option to pick either a siege engine you can summon once every 10 minutes just like the mech suit from gorgrun or you could pick a mound that you could ride in combat one of those fight mobs in combat on the mount like that dude wide level dude wad i mean honestly man like wad leveling was [ __ ] amazing i i really do think wod for all the faults that it had the leveling and warlords of draenor was in my opinion probably the best leveling in the game outside of classic i think that it was better than shadowlands it was better than legion it was better than any other any other expansion it was the it was the best leveling and also like for its time i think it was better too because it was the first expansion that really integrated in-game cinematics into the storylines and then on top of that it had treasures that you could find as well like by legion legion didn't have any treasures that gave you experience except for like three of them and in wad you could go for treasures the rares you had all these really cool bonus events that you could do there were the main quest lines or the alt quest lines there were different rares you could kill that would give you quests to turn in wrath dude you're right yeah there's the wrath cinematic wrath leveling was terrible like it was i don't know if it was terrible it was it was the same as bc like it was the exact same as pc the only difference with wrath leveling is that you could fly halfway through whenever you were done leveling so it was like level 77 or whatever it was all right i guess wrath was good like right yeah rather was okay but wod was way better than wrath leveling it just was like it was so much more dynamic there were so many more things you could do and i know people can get mad i know you came back i think wad leveling was the best leveling the game's ever had since classic wow wow i can't i cannot believe that i said that i i cannot believe i said that but i really believe it cool down dps boost the other one is such an incredible convenience and i'm sure many people wish they could have it as a default option for leveling yeah but when it came to the actual combat and leveling in the zones getting a whole bunch of really strong abilities as you leveled up as well as getting really strong zone abilities really made the levels a lot more fun from just a gameplay point of view it was so they really knocked out the park which is giving you fun things to do that you're basically only going to use while leveling yep and i'm not sure why they didn't follow up and try to do this again outside of what they did with the covenant to build lazy but honestly all of the covenant abilities are very tame compared to what the zone perks would give you although it wasn't just the player's power while leveling uh sure you were really strong while leveling in warlords of draenor but also warlords really went all out with treasures they're introducing the bonus objective system yes while you're randomly questioning you'll see the doctor that pops up and if you complete it they will just give you a crap ton of experience it was so much experience that you could skip lovely normally and just do bonus objectives it was so cool man like they completely redid leveling it was so so good i remember at the beginning of wod man i was so dude i would try to play the game all day i was so happy same with treasures there was a whole bunch of treasures littered throughout all of the zones and while the treasures themselves only gave minor cosmetic items or a little bit of garrison resources they give you they also give you about as much experience as completing a quest yep before blizzard sometimes leveling through warlords of draenor was the fastest old expansion to level through because you could just skip traditional leveling entirely yep by just collecting treasures and bonus objectives it was so cool and that was on top of the leveling itself also being excellent now i know warlords of draenor gets lots of crap for some of the worst writing of all the expansions and for how tired everyone knows of the garrisons that's true but these were both actually really good at the start while you first built a garrison you could recruit followers that would help you out for missions out in the open world and since the original scout was around 20 followers that men need to go out and collect a lot of different people in order to hit that first soft cap i thought it was cool being able to go out and collect all the followers did you guys like that because now the way you get followers is it's like oh well you know what we just gonna go on over to tour guest and oh look who it is it's the new follower and that's it and like now sorry like then like there were actual little quest lines that you would do to rescue each follower there's like one guy that was in a cage it's like admiral taylor and a few other ones that was cool yeah these were actually like really this is like really cool yeah solaire is a follower yeah you could get solaire vanderhall from the yeah you could get the lunar fall in that would allow you to like uh to bring to bring in more followers and most of them were creatures you would find out in the world that you just helped with side quests which really gave you a lot more of an incentive to want to do side quests because there wasn't always an option that it might be a follower yeah and since you needed so many of them more than half the time it was a follower you could recruit i don't think wow has really incentivized doing side quests as much as a drain or that's true because they led to either a new follower for your guerrillas that's something good a huge amount of extra experience with a side objective or just a normal big amount of experience for finding a treasure even doing the little puzzle that was required in order to get to most of them without flying and then there was also the story which was actually pretty good in the leveling experience warlords was the only expansion that had full cinematics for every zone and some of them were very iconic and memorable to this this is [ __ ] [ __ ] cinematic i want to say this right now like i i get so mad whenever i watch this cinematic because thrall is such a he's such a [ __ ] man like he played like such a [ __ ] it's like imagine if garrosh just went out and got a gun and just shot thrall like instead of like having the the [ __ ] the sword fight he just like he pulls out his axe and then he pulls out his [ __ ] sub machine gun and he just pops he pops that stupid bald ass off really i'm serious i get like people would have been pissed off they're like man this is [ __ ] but somehow whenever thrall does it everybody's like yeah [ __ ] that man this cinematic was such [ __ ] garrosh should have brought a gun today especially the ending to negrand which had those shoot them in the dick fight each other it's probably one of the most well known and loved in-game cinematics not one it was shown at the end of a leveling zone yeah there's also the whole story with gennar where for the horde question for frostwire ridge you go around helping out durotan's brother who was the uncle of thrall and throughout the zone he'll come in and help you fight back the iron horde and he does such a successful job at it that he thinks he should be the one that leads the frostwolf clan so halfway through the zone story he goes up to durotan and challenges him to a makara in order to be the new chieftain and instead of durotan getting mad at him or just talking him out of it peacefully by saying yeah we're brothers we shouldn't be fighting or something else what he actually does is he just throws down his weapons and walks up to him and basically just tells him to do it he just says if you want to be warchief so bad just kill me but see how many people follow you after you kill your brother in cold blood and since gennar wasn't expecting this like at all he just put his weapons away and says damn son that's not how it's supposed to go down okay and then begrudgingly follows dear [ __ ] for the rest of the zone where you go around trying to clean up the third oldest brothers mess that's that was [ __ ] that's smart g checked him yeah he got g checked that's actually i didn't remember that i i only went through the horde storyline like once so i didn't even pick up on that yeah i was [ __ ] five head as he's the one who's leading the iron horde in the area wow at the very end of the questline in the zone the iron horde is about to send their army through a passage in order to help reinforce in the final battle the frostwolf clan is incredibly outnumbered and it was crazy for them to want to fight back in the first place so they try to tactically have one of their legendary shamans drekthar basically collapse the valley which would allow them to clean house on the other side with the lower numbers and basically take the area for themselves before reinforcements could find another way around however the men were getting real close to the shaman in order to stop this whole plan from happening and the frost wolf were losing men very quickly so durotan knew the only way for them to win was if he took a small group of their most elite soldiers to just basically stall for time but at the cost of dying along with the rock collapse and gennar held them back and just runs in by himself and then the cinematic for the zone the [ __ ] which details gennar's solo suicide charge into the ranks fighting the battle he knows he can't win which won them the battle ultimately when they successfully collapsed the valley that's so badass this zone has one of the best that's so cool man it goes from you having to rescue gennar when he's shoveling poop with an iron horse dude he's just popping off watching him challenge his brother to a death duel to seeing him give up his life in order to save him instead and i was so impressed by the story that i even made a video about gennar back in warlords of draenor that's so cool specifically to share with everyone else this is why people used to play the horde these stories are why people used to play horde now why do people play horde like now they play horde because there's better racials or some [ __ ] because it's sylvanas because they're [ __ ] simping for an elf they're furries you believe that dude like it's sad what's happened to the horde man it really is sad missed it it's not an exaggeration to say that the leveling in world order to drink bad ass the best new content expansion level true it's at the peak for how to start off a new expansion and just like how the timeless aisle set the standard for how to create a new zone in an expansion it basically did everything right it provided multiple avenues to load up your character and gave you a whole bunch of strong new abilities that you could use just long enough to like them but then given you a new one immediately to play with it increased the power low of your character encouraged exploration with how much experience the treasures gave and how almost all the side quests would award a follower and had interesting stories to tell there's also the story of ishkar and the spires of iraq the story with velen and shadow moon i thought story maraude in town the villain one was stupid like i i hate it whenever there are stories that have two versions of the same character like in my opinion i think any time that you have two versions of the same character i'm always mad it's always stupid it's always confusing there's always some sort of like weird [ __ ] suspension of disbelief that you have to have because the time you know [ __ ] continuum thing doesn't make any [ __ ] sense it's silly man so you don't like dc no i've always thought like the multiverse theory and all of that i think it's ridiculous i feel like it's completely i i didn't like the in-game ending like marvel in game i i don't any time where you go back in time to do something it always annoys the [ __ ] out of me and i don't like it okay i no the movie was good right i just didn't like the plot that's all of course the movie of course the movie was good but i just didn't like the plot it's annoying there's always hollywood which topped off with full-length cinematics at the end you can see why there was nothing but positive words to be said about the leveling experience true and really but that's not the only thing they did right while warlords of draenor only had three raids in the entire expansion yeah two of the raids are some of the best raids we've ever gotten even the third raid highmaul was also a good rate but if you were to ask highmaul was amazing what the [ __ ] is this guy high like dude uh [ __ ] high imprader margok in my opinion on mythic is one of the best boss fights of all time like it's up there with like kale thoughts it's up it's better than illidan it's like i remember whenever my guild first did it i wasn't in for the first kill i forgot why i i don't know it's like a long fight and want to do it but it was like a 17 or 18 minute fight imagine that a 17 or 18 minute fight and you finally kill him and then cho'gall shows up and then you have to [ __ ] 1v1 or 1v20 really cho'gall it was so badass man to be my absolute favorite raid in wow's history that i've personally done i love i would probably have to say blackrock foundry the second ray that was released brf was brutal blackrock foundery did something that no other raid has done since yeah they went ham on unique boss fights honda franz is still wholly unique in its belt mechanic i remember whenever this came out remember back whenever i first started streaming if any of you guys watched me back then and i would do this boss fight and i would say avoid every single time that we would have to do the stamps and people would get hit by him every single time and dude it was so [ __ ] fun man like brf the thing with brf is like it was really really hard like i don't know if you guys remember this but that [ __ ] used to be difficult it was not like a joke raid and even after you kill a mythic black hand was just like mythic blackhead was so much harder than any of the other bosses that really if you killed mythic blackhand the rest of the raid would be a joke because your guild would be that good but even for like guilds that had most of the raid on farm those farm bosses were not a they were not a pushover yeah but do you guys remember blast furnace i would spend two hours doing blast furnace every single night because i used to do these runs for the iron hoof destroyer for people so they would get them out and we would do blast furnace and it was such a [ __ ] disaster dude every single time it was a [ __ ] disaster always on blast furnace because nobody knew how to do it where basically you're fighting two bosses at the same time and while you're fighting them you're in a room which has a constant conveyor belt going back and forth on the conveyor belt there's stamps that will occasionally come down and either damage you on lower difficulties or instantly kill you while there were little sections of the fight where you could stand still and not be on the conveyor belt occasionally void zones would come out and would force you to get on the belt anyway yep there's even a section of the fight where you basically just have to do the safety dance and just move this is so [ __ ] funny man the conveyor belt still going back and like the best thing about this about these fights i love things like this like the safety dance is because you get to see who the real idiot is you get to see who the real [ __ ] stupid [ __ ] is you get to see what the real [ __ ] dumbo dick sucker dumbass is and you get to see him and he's running up and then you see his little corpse oh oh it was amazing i i love that fight back and forth there's also or gorger which had you fighting a little man periodically which made the entire raid have to run around the little maze and dps crates so that he would eat the ore in them and end the phasing it was really good this is another fight which is wholly unique because you had to split up the raid in order to run around and dps all the crates and of course avoid the boss was rolling around trying to kill you so that you could have enough in order to end the phase before he rolled over and just killed everyone blackhand himself the final boss was also pretty unique for the time while the fight itself was pretty generic they did have a gimmick to the fight where every phase of the fight happened on blackhand was also i think blackhand is probably one of the best in-game boss fights of all time as well because it was the complete opposite of high imperator so a high operator was a a 17 and a half minute dick clincher black hand was a seven minute dps race if you go back and you watch the world first kills for blackhand and you watch the optimization that they had to do in order to actually do the damage against the boss it was unreal man like you had to have different uh hunters using this aspect of the [ __ ] fox or whatever where you could run and cast while at the same time you had moonkins using stampeding roar so they could run around in a circle and avoid all the casts watch it i'll show you just the first uh what do you call it the first phase okay this is how ridiculous this fight was you destroyed my furnace now my furnace will destroy you so basically those bombs you just needed to pretty much not get hit by those they were super easy to deal with and then he's going to do this demolition where i think he knocks the tank back and this is where everybody runs see they're all running and they're moving in a circle avoiding all the different swirly boys while they're all casting that's why they have all the hunters rotating aspects of the fox and then immediately as soon as that happens yeah look at this so they had to use that and then immediately they had the boss moving over there and they were clearing bombs right there obviously you can see they move right behind the uh behind the debris and they're able to uh to get away from those casts as well and then he does demolition again watch watch the range watch the range it's like watching [ __ ] synchronize swimming and they're just moving out of every single one of them this fight was so intense that you couldn't even really bring a warrior or a dk at the very beginning that's how hard it was second potions and you would also see that the entire ground was getting smaller like everything was uh there was fire everywhere and so if you didn't kill them fast enough you would literally just burn to death from the environment it was so insane man and so then also i'll show one more thing as soon as so they basically got through the phase after you get through the third one it's pretty much gg but if you get a fourth one it's also gg because you literally can't go out there yeah we will rebuild this place so right here whenever they fall down they're using moon boys in order to flap in order to already get to the balconies where these npcs are at and then look at everybody's health by the way look at the raid frames there everybody's health is like literally like [ __ ] two and one percent health that's how brutal it was so you would go down here and the moon boys would be flapping and they would get up to the balcony and automatically start killing the uh the npcs at the top to put you back together and then you also had like hunters disengaging over to deal with them as well because these guys would like shoot at the uh at the range yeah dude this fight this prototype has double armor plating this fight was [ __ ] ridiculous and also if you stood in those little fire things i forgot to even mention that you said those little fire things that gave you a diva if you had the cleanse and if you had like more than one debuff you would just get instantly deleted basically and so yeah like and also like oh by by the end of the fight i'll show this part too by the end of the fight you ha you're stuck on this crucible here and the entire room the entire room is completely covered in fire because he knocks everybody back and also everybody has to get knocked back too i still haven't spoke on that so look at that like it was one of is this is like one of the best fights ever i'm not even kidding like this is this is one of the best fights and he also did the knockback so you had to position yourself so you didn't get that knock back too look at look [Music] i like how that guy broke a plate [Applause] that was that was probably one of the coolest fights ever and like the reason why it was so [ __ ] badass the reason why i think it was so badass is because it was so completely different than any other boss fight than we had ever really had for an in-game boss fight nobody expected that it would just be ridiculously [ __ ] hard like everybody expect like boss fights to be super long like 20 minute boss fight or whatever and this was the complete opposite of it it was amazing different level of the boss room phase one would be on the top level when you transition he would just break the floor and take you to the second pool yeah you break the floor again and take it to the bottom level where you had to deal with knock-back mechanics that could instantly kill you if you fell off into the lava yeah we had that it was such a love final boss fight it was kind of softly copied again for castle and atheria and blackhand was appropriately difficult in its hardest difficulty being one of the hardest boss fights of all time i never thought about what and then there's everyone's favorite boss fight of the expansion operator thogar this was actually i think probably the coolest fight i remember they did like a poll wow head to the poll on this or somebody and this was the coolest boss fight that everybody voted for and by the way i never got hit by the trains on this one i never did you would fight him in a room with four train tracks and periodically throughout the fight trains would just come out and kill anyone that was in its path and sometimes trains would come and stop in order to deposit ads that should fight and basically the entire fight was just dodging trains and killing ads that came from those trains and if you didn't kill them fast enough then too many trains would come in and kill you while you were trying to get the others and on mythic they were just instantly unique boss fights can be a good or bad thing people complain a lot about hans and franz for giving them motion sickness yeah that's probably but blackrock foundry was a testament to creative boss mechanics i don't think our rate has really matched blackrock foundry's level of just pure amount of unique fights since so i used to be i used to be really good i'm going to show you guys this real quick look at this this was back in the day that was that was your boy asthma gold right there i used to raid back then i was big dick in it the thing is the raid after hellfire citadel was also a top tier race how far citadel you see and hellfire citadel blizzard made some of the most complicated fight mechanics that we've ever made in boss fights hellfire citadel was awesome the reason why people don't like hellfire citadel is because it lasted for like uh two years or something the raid was good objectively and they were so complicated because add-ons at the time allowed them to show you a lot more information inside of raids than they do today i still have some footage from back in the day when we were doing mythic where there was a phase where everyone in the raid had to run into a specific assigned void zone in order to soak yeah and the way you would do this mechanic was just to have an add-on to literally have a hated screen that would point you exactly where you needed this is so stupid as it was set up before the fight started during the final fight with archimonde there was a mechanic where it shoot lasers through people oh dude the mythic mechanic so apparently the blizzard intended way of doing it was for everybody to fight archimonde in a huge circle and so nobody would like chain and so everybody would be staggered out but players didn't even do that they just developed add-ons so where you could just stand still and just move slightly i'll be right back where you only wanted the lasers to go through the two people selected so you had to coordinate yourself in a way so it would only pass through those two people not anyone else yeah and in the mythic difficulty this basically went on everyone at once this possible coordinate the entire raid in order to not allow a single laser to overlap and hit anyone which was basically accomplished through an add-on there's also a shadow lord ish car which had a mechanic where you had to throw around an item that gave you an extra action button in order to interact with all the mechanics of the fight you know in case it may not be as good as blackrock foundry it was still also an excellent raid it was basically the upper limit for how difficult boss mechanics could be there hasn't really been a raid with mechanics as difficult as hellfire citadel since but oh mechanics is difficult as hellfire citadel sense yeah tumor sargeras yeah tumor sargeras was [ __ ] ridiculous also uh yeah ashara's eternal palace was really hard and i think like mythic helia is like three of it's like three two of sorry or sorry three hellfire citadel bosses put together like mythic hell yeah i thought was awesome oonat yeah well unnots like one boss yeah the same as hell yeah it's like one boss vanilla knacks is harder true dude that was whenever the good players played the game all the good players quit at the time they weren't that big of a deal because of how great add-ons were yeah and instead they were just kind of well-liked and archimonde himself proved to be a huge challenge as a final boss because i think he took number eight on my list of the hardest bosses of all time took him like 400 attempts or something when it came to raid contests that was actually excellent the reason the raids aren't talked about as much as some of the more iconic ones like baby old war or icc is because the expansion itself has a negative wrap which means it's not a good idea to talk about the positive aspects true because talking about negativity just straights up gets more clicks and views and talking about positives even if people did talk about the positives they just aren't heard by as many people as all the negatives and there's i think that uh generally negativity doesn't i've always disagreed with the idea that negativity is like fundamentally more attractive to people in some way or another i've just never i've never agreed with that i think that there's plenty of positive videos that are also very popular but other than that yeah it's it's generally it's generally true i don't know you got people like drama but like also i mean look at some of the most popular videos on youtube they're like cat videos and like they're not negative either so i don't think it's really that simple also lots of features that were introduced in wad that many people still enjoy to this day warlords was the expansion that upgraded the heirloom tap which basically allows you to equip heirlooms on brand new characters without having to mail them yeah they also added a tab for toys and tabard so you no longer need to hold them in inventory warlords also improve the flight path before we load to draenor if you wanted to fly from one place to another and there wasn't a connecting flight path discovered then you would be unable to fly there until you got the connecting path but with wad they made it so even if you did not have just go right past it you just can't you could still fly to the path you did have and with the new stop flight button a button so useful they even added it to the no changes classic wow this button appears when you get on a flight path and when clicked automatically cancels your flight causing you to stop flying where that's going to land at the next stop that you have known i always liked it forgot to get something in your bank mid-flight well cancel and go back no longer have to wait for your entire flight to finish they also added a thing called mercenary mode see sometimes one faction has way more players than the other in pvp sometimes one faction i wonder which faction that is [ __ ] horde man ep and because of this that one faction has insanely long pvp cues so merc mode allowed players of the opposite faction to queue up for pvp member of the other faction in a way to help reduce queue times this feature was so well liked that players have been asking for it to be usable in pve modes as well that's true cut back on how there's been a lot of conversations about that recently what was awesome when they updated character models from all the vanilla and tbc races oh yeah these models kept true to their original feeling while updating them into the new era i i think that now like now that the new models have been in the game for so long i do think the new models are definitely better they're better than the old ones there's some of them that are a little bit [ __ ] up but many of the new models are pretty good i didn't like the way my character looked as his new model though i changed them slightly bringing them up to line with the more updated wow art style people like this change so much yeah and the biggest feature they added garrisons was a light version of player housing that people have been asking it was actually too heavy of a version while it did not fulfill the role of player housing it did allow for players to build their left well garrisons yeah a base they controlled what buildings got made where they got placed and where the buildings got various perks and buffs like a portal to any zone you wanted a faster mount speed or being able to cut down trees so i think covenants are a better version of garrisons in a lot of ways because you want to go to your covenant to do stuff but there's not the incentive to just sit there all day there's the incentive to go there but not to stay there i think that's an improvement i think class order halls work the same way generally uh class order halls they gave you the incentive to go to the class order hall but not necessarily just to sit there all the time these are capture animals and one of the things players liked was if you combo specific buildings together dude you were able to get tens of thousands of gold a week on each character my mom has buildings together you were my mom has i'm not even kidding you two guild banks full of war or to draenor materials because she had like eight characters with full garrisons and she would do the garrison on every single character every single day it was insane yeah she was super serious about it guys it was nuts able to get tens of thousands of gold a week on each character to build up a nice stockpile simply by recruiting followers who had special traits that doubled gold for missions and then sending three followers all on the same gold missions and by doing that that's why i would level up all my characters to get them uh to get the max level and then you would get that one trait that doubles the gold and you'd have three of them on there and you would just get like 10 000 gold from one mission and you had five characters doing it or 10 characters doing it every single week and you would just log on every single day like it was a money printing machine i had so much fun doing it it was awesome her characters messed up so much gold oh yeah yeah she had like millions of gold it was insane and like that was nothing like as i said like back in like bc she had the equivalent of like 20 million gold daily quants from some of the buildings all of which could be done in about five minutes per character yeah and was the easiest gold making you could possibly do without having to sell stuff on the auction house you know the weekly events we have in modern wow yup well those were actually added with the world of the draenor and were called bonus events at first these events ran every friday to monday and had all sorts of things to them like bonus loot from dungeons oh yeah battlegrounds and arenas pet experience from pet battles and bonus apex's crystals later changed into world quests wow it also had this fancy new thing added in warlords of draenor called time walking time walking allowed players at max level to scale down to heroic versions of old dungeons in later rates dude where is it where's my old video about time walking the big unannounced feature of war rewards of draenor what's up y'all it's me it's your boy asthma gold and today we're going to be talking about something that first time i heard about it opened up a whole can of oh [ __ ] now blizzard just a couple days ago was talking about uh if they had talked about their big unannounced feature for wards of draenor and that's because somebody asked about that they said no but i think they've already talked about it talked about a couple times in interviews and they've talked about it in uh in post blue posts and i think that i know what it is and i'm going to tell you guys why i think that and what it is obviously right now but one second i'm going to do something real quick just so realistic okay we're going to be talking about time walking and time walkers all right i [ __ ] dude i [ __ ] i guess that [ __ ] i guess that [ __ ] back in 2014 back in the [ __ ] day back in the [ __ ] day 2014 the big unannounced feature of war lords of draenor it launched with burning crusade around the lich king and cataclysm filled with dungeons to do with a currency called sanguine that could be used to buy all sorts of stuff from toys pets transmog and even rep from old expansions and don't worry by the way the bonus events were increased from just the weekend to all week to be the weekly events we have today yeah the time walking currency introduced in this expansion is one of the few currencies that transcends expansions and is just as valuable as it was back then that's a good point wow so with all of these great features of warlords of draenor why does it go down as one of the most infamous expansions it doesn't have a scrub progression system like azerite armor it didn't remove the old world like cataclysm trump didn't introduce a controversial race like the pandaren in fact it just introduced a whole bunch of features that a lot of people really liked yeah it even had borrowed power without anyone knowing it was borrow power exactly and no one ever complains about the draenor perks of world of the draenor when discussing things like artifacts the heart of azeroth or covenants it seems to be one of the few expansions that did borrow power from the expansions correctly yeah because everybody had tears and the final boss would drop a trinket that was so impactful to your class that it was basically like having a new talent oh yeah the archimonde trinket dude you know what i really liked is remember you had the ring in wod and you could choose to use the ring whenever you wanted so like you could use the ring at the beginning or like let's say you're gonna go into like the hard phase of the boss and you know your guild sucks at it and you pop the ring for that phase you pop everything and then you skip the phase you get really you know you get fast past the phase really fast dude the ring was so good i love the [ __ ] ring man like i yeah i i loved the [ __ ] ring i didn't like how you got the ring but like using the ring and the usage of the ring and like the way that it functioned was cool and some of those trinket effects were so good they basically change your entire rotation around them yeah so the gear and the expansion was like i think too the arms one of the most infamous moments of warlord's draenor was definitely its patch 6.1 the selfie in this patch it's one of the few major content patches which added the least amount of new content allegedly it basically just added a whole bunch of minor things like the mentioned heirloom upgrade a few things for garrisons a couple of new toys and twitter integration well the thing is like this was right like you gotta remember this is back in 2014 so or 2015 i guess yeah and this was right whenever social media and video games started getting that integration where you had you know like you could connect your twitter account to something in a video game and you know wow players are boomers okay like we're all [ __ ] boomers and there's the one thing that boomers hate is change people hate change so whenever they see their beloved game that gets selfies which back then like selfies were still it was still like nowadays you can take a picture of yourself in public and nobody it's like socially acceptable to do that but back in the day going and taking pictures of yourself in public was kind of [ __ ] weird because people didn't really get it right nobody was like connected to the internet all the time people didn't understand that it's like you see somebody taking a picture of yourself what the [ __ ] and so anyway uh now it's not as weird it's more socially acceptable but back then like so then not only is blizzard adding in [ __ ] the selfie thing but they're enabling it in the game and then you take the selfie and you put it on the worst place ever twitter that's still weird no it's not you it's it's completely different like it it's it's much more socially acceptable now than it was back then like don't don't [ __ ] with me here everybody knows what i'm saying yeah people mauled it out over this thing they mauled it the [ __ ] out it was commonly meme that this was the selfie patch as it was the patch that introduced the selfie cam toy it was although what's largely forgotten when this patch is brought up is the fact that blizzard had stated beforehand that with warlords of draenor they wanted to go back to naming minor patches after full numbers rather than as like 0.5 normally when they had a minor patch they would just add a 0.5 to the end of whatever the current patch was yeah so currently as of making this video shadow lands is in its patch 9.0.5 yeah and that's because they did a minor patch update which added a couple of new features but nothing major like a new raid or dungeon a blizzard named the patch which introduced the valor system as patch 9.1 for example people would get really mad because they're used to numbered patches being big as 9.0.5 no one cares about that patch 6.1 was them they had this was the same as it was back all the way in in like except in vanilla like every expansion has that like the big numbered patches where the big patches were like crazy [ __ ] happened yeah i mean like that that's all i i think that the way they do patches and the way they announce them now is better and the way that they label them is better because if you see like patch you know 9.2 or 9.1 it's like oh [ __ ] it's a big patch but if you see 9.0.5 it's like okay this is a minor patch i think that the denotation is a better idea trying to go back to just naming content updates that don't have something major with just full numbers this is something they used to do in vanilla wow and the burning crusade in the burning crusade patch 2.2 was literally just adding the voice chat integration and a lot of the patches of vanilla this this was probably there was never this was probably the worst thing that blizzard ever tried to add into the game this was such this was like basically it was bad that's what it was it was bad it was so bad we tried to use it on the first day and then we just went right back to vent wow just had game right back to the convent as vanilla wow ended off on patch 1.12 but didn't have 12 reigns that released for example but since people were so used to full numbered patches having a raid or something else major yeah there was a huge backlash at them for daring to call it patch 6.1 people were pissed when all they did was consolidate all the heirlooms into a more convenient interface that could be used in all new players and gave people the selfie cam even though we had a full patch in the burning crusade which just added voice chat that no one used that is to say wow fans of what they do best and basically blew a minor complaint way out of proportion where it's still talked about as a bad part of world war the draenor to this day and because people freaked out so much about 6.1 yup blizzard doesn't do that anymore and more appropriately just adds one more decimal point in smart when they have a minor patch update usually in the form of 0.5 patches that's what they do now another big complaint about warlords of draenor was the garrisons themselves people really liked the garrisons for the first month while they were still questing through the excellent zones getting all the followers but at a certain point you were just kinda done the garrisons were fun when you were advancing them but you can completely max them out and finish the content in your garrison after about a month or two yeah people like the first month of wad was better than the first month of mr pandaria or the first month of cataclysm it was better than the first maybe better than first month of legion it's about the same like the first month of wad was insanely [ __ ] good a lot of people don't remember that uh they don't they don't appreciate that but wad was really good unironically until they added highmaul and then after they added highmaul the game went downhill and so once people hit this threshold they were mad that the garrisons didn't do more you could still do the dailies in your garrison every day in order they did do more they added the shipyard or gold without having to use the auction with the shipyard guys at any other point in watching but people really wanted more to do with the garrison yeah and since they kind of hit the wall of available content pretty early they instead got tired of it and just called it a bad feature they also didn't like how major cities were unoccupied because everyone was just in their garrison that's true they made the garrisons really convenient for doing pretty much everything as you could even get an auction house npc in one of your garrison buildings there wasn't really a reason to visit major cities anymore and so with a combination of making it feel like the open world had less people in it and because they wanted more cosmetic options for the garrisons they kind of turned against it midway through the expansion people didn't like there was nothing wrong with the garrisons themselves other than the fact that they were too useful they provided ore and herbs so long as you didn't mind clearing out your herb garden or mine every day you didn't really need ored herbs from the auction house because you could just get your own there was even a building that allowed you to disenchant your gear so you didn't need to be an enchanter and it even had access to a bank so you could just kind of have a mini city inside your garrison that's basically what it was i think that the garrison should have stopped at level two the garrison looked so much cooler at level two for alliance than it did at level three level three it was like you were just in stormwind but level two it felt like you had like this cool [ __ ] outpost where you know you got your [ __ ] out there or some you know some grass and it was just so much better yeah i i liked it a lot guild garrisons i would have loved if they had done guild garrisons but they didn't garrisons were originally planned to be in all the different zones like you could put your garrison wherever you wanted but they scrapped it and with how popular classic wow is with how much people were excited about them taking away conveniences basically the biggest sin of the garrison was just being a big convenience it was too much they just went back and reiterated the garrison system to be more cosmetic focused i'm sure people would love having more say in the cosmetics in their pseudo player house although funny enough i think people would also be happy if they removed a lot of the conveniences that the garrison had that way it was purely a cosmetic place and not as useful as it was in world of draenor exactly and there is also the end game content in warlords of draenor basically the previous expansion mr pandaria was chock full of daily quests blizzard removed the daily quest limit in that expansion and then went crazy with giving daily quest to basically every zone that you needed to accomplish in order to unlock the valor vendors yeah and wad was trying to rectify that problem by not requiring people to have dude the miss pandaria like at the beginning of the expansion you had to play mr pandario like four hours a day at least just to keep up with like the mandatory fun the the mandatory fun mechanisms it was crazy it was crazy to grind out dailies in order to unlock vendors that they needed for rate progression and instead you could do it for basically cosmetic rewards in fact the reputations were just for cosmetics as well and since the end game daily system didn't force you to do it a lot of people just never did it and then complained that there was nothing to do even though the endgame of warlords of draenor was basically the same as every other expansion before it i i i'm gonna have to say um the wod endgame was complete garbage like it was so bad there's nothing there there's nothing even remotely close to how bad it was and like everybody that says oh oh i used to love playing wad no you didn't because if you were actually playing it you'd run out of [ __ ] to do the end game's [ __ ] terrible was non-existent absolutely non-existent it had raiding dungeons pvp holiday events challenge modes gold making pet battles think about like this i actually stopped i s i stopped raiding seriously i'm not really really in what i i started streaming in wod because the game was so boring like i i was so bored of the game that i started streaming i was like okay this is if there's nothing for me to do i might as well just turn on the stream and run around and talk with mcconnell and [ __ ] play with these idiots that was it like that was literally the entire idea because i'm like what else am i going to do yeah a lot yeah i do a moose run hey he wants to do another brf run wants to do another moose runner you know tons of other stupid ass [ __ ] that's all i would do back in the day man so wait was it because of wod that i started streaming holy [ __ ] wow wod made you it was actually not true back in mists of pandaria i did one stream where i went live at like two in the morning and i soloed nefarian and on i sold heroic nefarian in mists of pandaria i just barely killed them and i celebrated by putting on a burger king cardboard crown and i went downstairs and i got a piece of chocolate cake and i ate the chocolate cake wearing the burger king crown listening to we are the champions from queen there was like 800 or a thousand people there which was like a huge like back then like my streams at the very beginning popped off really really fast like there was i didn't really do a whole lot of streams where i had like you know two or three viewers like the first stream i ever did i got 250 viewers second stream i i did one stream before i did anything else but yeah i got 250 viewers a first stream and then after that i got up to like a thousand like really fast and then like by the end of wod after like maybe a few months of streaming i was getting like five to like i almost got 10 000 viewers a few times like back then youtube viewers to be honest yeah a lot of them are from youtube but there's a lot of other people from youtube that try to stream on twitch and their channels are dead because they're [ __ ] boring like that's the truth like it just lacked mandatory daily it was insane but still had daily quests as well so you guys remember the day that i hit 5 000 viewers there we're gonna have a bit of a speech here whenever i was a 16 year old nub whenever i was just a little little this is back in 2016. now that's why i'm not going to play the video because i'm pretty sure that i probably said something that would get me banned now i'm just assuming because it's a a four-minute unedited clip of my stream so i mean there's probably like two or three times where i could have gotten banned now off of that so uh yeah i remember i had five thousand viewers a day that i got uh and i would have these donation goals buying common sense for blizzard i raised 89 and and look at the time it's 5 16 a.m five in the morning and i was streaming it was a beautiful time it really was that's why blizzard decided to add the bonus events which eventually became the weekly events yeah they did try to add new stuff because it turns out people like to be told what to do otherwise they just won't do anything there was also the content drought of one which was the worst ever content drought in the game's history so they gave on the expansion halfway through to work on legion we're working on the second after the last patch of 6.2 there was a huge gap before legion finally came out the thing is though the gap was only about a week or two longer than the gap from mr pandaria to warlords of draenor the difference is you had way more content in mop timeless aisle was way better yeah thai masaya was way way way [ __ ] better how many youtube subscribers did you have when you started twitch oh like ten thousand i had like ten thousand i think i did the stream i remember i had more viewers than followers on twitch because we did a stream on twitch where it was me and zach telling stories about burning crusade and zach telling his story about how there was a roach on the wall while he was trying to play burning crusade at my house yeah it was a it was a good time man you streamed on youtube once too i did yeah i did stream on youtube once you had more than 10 again youtube no way no i remember because i i it's on like my old facebook page that i posted that i was like celebrating that i had gotten 10k subscribers and that's why i did the stream it might have been 20k it's one or the other and only a month longer than the gap from bfa to shadowlands yeah the content drought was not really as long as it's remembered because sure technically the longest content drought in the game is true but not by very much funny enough counting the total boss counts of the three raids in world of draenor and comparing it to the boss counts of raids from other expansions yeah it actually has the second least amount of bosses total in expansion with cataclysm actually taking the number one spot and having the lowest boss count for its expansion wait despite i love wad now what the [ __ ] yo wad's awesome by the way um having five total rate number one second least amount of bosses total expansion with cataclysm actually taking the number one spot and having the lowest boss count for its expansion that's actually not true because sinestro would technically be number five because bastion of twilight had four bosses it had uh uh what is it a [ __ ] alphas warbreaker the twin dragons uh ascended council and then cho'gall and then sinestro was actually number five and then also you had baroden hold which was four extra bosses so uh world warcraft cataclysm had more bosses than that it's just it's not true sinestrous rook only yeah but it's a boss despite having five total rates yeah it's barrett and whole there's also the notion of cut content from the game where they promised a lot more stuff with world of drawing blizzcon than what we actually got but that's kind of true for a lot of other expansions as well there isn't a single expansion that doesn't happen content even vanilla had a whole bunch of stuff planned according to the wow diary yo i forgot i didn't do the burning crusade quiz i'll do that after this book they wanted to add old outlands northrend the emerald dream the dragon isles and the south seas of koltaros and zandalar with the base game but they were all cut in development they were just more open about planned content in world of the radar and because of the backlash they received from not including some of the content they talked about they just were more tight-lipped on what they were planning justin dude wad could have been if everything that wod wanted to release got released wod could have been one of the best expansions of all time i'm not even kidding if we got the third raid tier of pharaoh on if we got better outdoor content if we got garrisons everywhere if we had blade spire and karabor as the main cities like wod if wod had the content that mr pandaria had with wod's theme it would be regarded as the best expansion of all time i i genuinely believe that like that's a and i understand that's a big if that's a big if but it is true i think it definitely is true okay for example in bfa when they were announcing a new patch yes they basically only had a couple of screenshots of it for promotional material pretty much and people thought the patch was nowhere near completion because of lack of info yeah but then they released the entire thing about a week later they had the whole thing done and ready to go they were just so conservative about releasing any information that might possibly be yeah people mauled that out because they didn't want to repeat of warlords of draenor so there were definitely some negative aspects of world to draenor but they were heavily exaggerated and made to be much a bigger deal than they had dude i love now and a lot of the content of the world of the draenor was some of the best work you've ever done it really is a gem of an expert wad actually did have the best marketing of any expansion like i really think like wad had better marketing than any expansion they've ever done and any expansion they've done after that too it was so [ __ ] it was so [ __ ] good that had one too many scratches on its surface that people complained about until they looked like valleys so was warlord de joiner really that bad of an expansion not at all it was one ray tear away from being one of the best what the [ __ ] i love wod now what the [ __ ] oh my god this is uh i might have to lay down in a little while man like i'm getting stressed out about this this is upsetting me do i so i really i like wod check date for the video april 1st in this video we'll be going whoa my [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 843,915
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, world of warcraft, asmongold tv, ZackRawrr, hirumaredx wow, hirumaredx asmongold, asmongold hirumaredx, warlords of draenor, wow worst, wow best, wow worst expansion, wow best expansion, asmongold wod, hirumaredx wod, hirumaredx warlords of draenor, asmongold warlords of draenor, world of warcraft expansion, world of warcraft worst expansion, warlords of draenor good, wod good, wow bad, wow expansion
Id: jyOop3AJ56E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 17sec (3677 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 07 2021
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