Asmongold Reacts to "10 WoW Abilities REMOVED Quickly for Being Too Powerful" | By Hirumaredx

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10 abilities removed for being too quickly uh removed quickly for being too powerful sometimes in world of warcraft they'll introduce new abilities or talents to the game which are too difficult to balance so they just completely alter them to something else or remove them completely from the game and in this list we'll go over which one of these abilities were removed the fastest in this way okay and at number 10 we have void tendrils which existed in the game for two expansions before being removed and this will be oh dude yo i [ __ ] hated this [ __ ] oh my god dude i [ __ ] hated this so much man i forgot this was like cataclysm wasn't it oh dude this made me so [ __ ] mad absolutely the longest out of all of the abilities i get kited like the ability was still in the game for two expansions even after it was heavily altered and nerfed you see what void tendrils did was it was a very innocuous priest cc ability which would route nearby target to the priests for the standard pvp duration or 20 seconds in non-pvp scenarios yeah and what was unique about these roots was that they did not break on damage like pretty much every single other route in the game because they had a little gimmick you had to kill them you see in order to break the roots of void tendrils you had to literally attack and kill the void tendrils which were rooting you in place i thought that was really cool like theoretically that sounds really cool but as a warrior that sucked like it was the most annoying [ __ ] thing that you could ever imagine because you had to like switch targets and swap over and it was like yeah basically totems and since the route was counted as a target you had to defeat they couldn't be dispelled either which gave them all kinds of advantages over normal cc abilities yeah this ability basically removed melee characters from the fight and allowed you to attack them with imputing from range which is kind of why other roots break on damage they could also be considered a full form of protection as the melee character would have to attack the void tendrils for a bit if they wanted to break them exactly which meant they had to stop their attack on anything else the void tendrils were also pretty beefy as they had 20 percent of the priest's health so it was like attacking through a fifth of a player's health bar in order to get through them which meant you couldn't easily one shot them to get out quickly and they of course had a short 30 second cooldown and could affect up to five targets and it was one of the first talents a priest could pick up and could be used alongside other cc's they had they weren't like it wasn't crazy in pve it was really good but it wasn't crazy but it was like ridiculously [ __ ] annoying in pvp funny thing is avoid tendrils because the npc's would attack powered because this all happened in mississand area and miss the pandaria is when pvp crowd control was at its most power crept version in the game's history i remember back in mists of pandaria i watched a video of this guy that sat in a cc chain in a 2v2 match for two minutes two minutes this dude was locked out of the [ __ ] game like i i feel like back in mists of pandaria i almost wanted blizzard to refund me a penny every single time that i got stuck in a cc chain because i'm playing i'm paying to play the game you know i can't even play the game at a certain point like you literally can't [ __ ] even play the game it's insane it's kind of the point in wow that they never wanted to get to again yeah with every class having a ridiculous cc and since it existed in this time period it kind of flew under the radar a little bit only a little bit because as soon as warlord's a draenor hit the ability received all kinds of nerfs it wasn't moved to a higher level in the talent tree so you can no longer get it at low levels they lowered the health of the tendrils in half and made it so any damage you dealt to the rooted target also dealt damage to the tendrils so you can no longer attack melee targets caught in it within putin and all of these nerfs made the ability kind of useless which is why they later buff the hp of the void tendrils by thirty percent and then eventually just removed them at legion rather than trying to deal with this problem yeah i told you legion was a good expansion see this proves it right there shadow priest got [ __ ] ability so really it only existed in its prime for one expansion yeah and only lasted as long as it did because everything else was kind of broken in the same time period makes sense and at number nine we have glyph of unleashed lightning this was a glyph that only existed for 1.25 expansions before it was just removed and converted into something that wasn't this like in mr pandaria or can't see what this glyph did which was added to the game in late cataclysm simply allow shamans to cast the lightning bolt spell while moving see like that's basically like what it was is like vanilla wow it's like you had part of your class burning crusade you had more of your class rather lich king you had all of your class sorry cataclysm you had some of somebody else's class mr pandaria you had all of everybody else's class and all of your class and also you were able to cast all of your abilities while you were moving at any time like that's basically what happened and like it just got to the point where like everybody just had everything and it was insane like the game was cool in a way but like some of the like this was in [ __ ] ridiculous it was [ __ ] ridiculous and that's it it just allowed them to cast their filler spell on the move at the cost of giving up one of their glyph slots you see in the time period a lot of casters were getting a lot of mobility and this is when they were starting to loosen the rules and abilities that let casters do stuff on the move and this glyph was kind of an experiment of letting one of the casters use their filler spell all the time on the move just to see how it affected the game yeah i assume because warlocks could also get kil'jaeden's cunning very shortly after which also allowed them to cast filler spells while in the move hunters were given the ability to cast evidence a really great ability man i love that ability it was super fun very exciting primarily yeah it was [ __ ] awesome i i love that [ __ ] everything on the move and priests were given shadowy apparitions which in their very first form had a super increased chance to spawn if they were on the move and what do you know everybody loved the glyph every shaman took it it was probably one of the most when would you ever not take that as a glyph well that might be a little bit of hyperbole yeah most classes only had a handful of good glyphs anyway but you kind of get the point well that's what it was there was like 12 glyphs in the game and one of them was like you can cast lightning bolt while moving and the other one was whitening both has a different animation so guess which one people went with it was like the glyphs were they were not necessarily amazing like there were obvious like they're the three best glyphs that you would go with and then you just always use those things like i wish that there were good glyphs in the game now like i liked glyphs i thought they were really interesting but making all the glyphs cosmetic is probably a good idea like realistically making them all cosmetic is probably a better idea than what they had before it was so good that they had to nerf it a little bit it missed the pandaria it was changed to actually have a downside to the cast yeah where it would impose a five percent hastily moving this was supposed to make it so that you couldn't do full damage while on the move and had to take some kind of five percent less damage five percent that wasn't really enough shamans kept moving while doing their full rotation so only had to sit still for a handful of moments exactly but for the most part this glyph made them one of the most mobile casters in the game and since warlocks had to take up one of their precious talent points in order to gain similar mobility they decided to remove it from the game in patch 5.3 and instead replace it with glyph of lightning shield and shamans have been sad ever since and always ask for the return of the glyph in some way warlocks also lost the ability to castle movie blizzard changed their mind hardcore after miss abandon area and kind of took away all caster's abilities to do stuff while moving that was that was a good thing i feel like the caster like the idea of being a caster should be that you cast like there should be some abilities that you can cast and you can move but the majority is that you stop moving and you cast because really if you can move and cast you're basically a melee character that just has a longer range i i don't know i thought it was a good decision like sitting there and like being smart about the way that you cast i think the way that it should work is that you you it's harder to cast an ability but if you get the [ __ ] off it does a lot of damage that's how i think it should work hunters yeah hunters are like an exception right and you don't want to have every class like a hunter except hunters they just kind of made one of the specs have to stand still for a bit instead so since the glyph was added in the second patch in cataclysm and then removed in the third patch in mist of pandaria it was only in the game for about one and a fourth expansion give or take yeah i'm not doing actual math on this since this is the only ability on this list which was added and removed mid expansions yeah and at number eight we have clash a brewmaster monk ability this ability added with the monk class when they were introduced to the game simply allowed the monk to charge a target while also death gripping the target to their location and then they would meet like halfway and then stun everything else around them at the point of impact dude so it was half a charge half a pool and was an excellent tool for monks to give them even more maneuverability as they were one of the most mobile classes in the game at the time really however with the shift in warlords of draenor to remove a ton of class maneuverability and scenes so they're adding it back because yeah i was about to say this guy's into shadow and beta right now so they're adding this overpowered ability back for monks clash kind of hit the cutting room floor because it was both of those things it could be considered a gap closer and acc because that's exactly what it was so this ability only existed in the game for one expansion right now just like voy tendrils it wasn't really causing any problems but that's because it was mr pandaria and everyone was broken yes currently blizzard has plans in return that was one of the good things about mr pandaria is because everybody was so brokenly overpowered they could just add a new overpowered ability into the game and nobody would care because it's like oh yeah i already have five of my own abilities to counter it who gives a [ __ ] to the game in shadow lands as monks have the ability on the beta yeah and it's only a slightly nerfed version of its mystipandaria counterpart as it still basically does the exact same thing it no longer has an aoe stun component to it like it used to instead it roots all the targets that are nearby when you and at number seven we have symbiosis this was so cool like this ability was [ __ ] awesome i don't know why they got rid of this like this was a badass ability it was like unique it was different for everybody there was like so much to it that was awesome this is a druid ability that only existed in mists of pandaria you've got to be seen a theme here with all of these removed abilities and was only in the game for one expansion i don't think i've ever seen an ability balanced and fixed and tuned as much as symbiosis despite the fact that it was only around for a single expansion yeah they literally give you other classes abilities that's what i was saying it's like in mr pandaria you then become another class on top of your class it's [ __ ] insane because what it did was probably more than any other ability in the game's history essentially it allowed the druid to learn one of 40 new abilities depending on which class they use the ability on i'll have a whole list of them on screen and it would also grant the ability to another class it was used on that is cool it was an ability that required a flow chart to make best use of yeah and it was a nightmare to balance they constantly make bad adjustments to it throughout its entire history before just giving up on it in the very next experience this is massive if anything i'm sure they wanted to remove it even faster than that but since it was one of the hallmark abilities that jurors were supposed to obtain well it wasn't just a hallmark ability it was a cool as [ __ ] ability like this is a badass ability all things considered this was really really cool and it's like it's always like that's always going to be like the balance between like making something really [ __ ] overpowered versus making something really good or like really fun or like really balanced that new expansion they were probably obligated to stick it out until the end of the expansion this one was definitely removed because of balancing nightmares no not because it was overpowered i'm sure most groups thought it was just a fun neat little thing druids could do that most people never really bothered with it didn't really impact world first races that much and since everything else was broken in pvp in that expansion it didn't really stand out on that front either now i actually bring this ability up a lot in other videos that talk about removed abilities because this ability was so unique that it just kind of gets brought up a lot in these kinds of things and at number six we have gladiators resolve this was a town that only existed for one expansion in warlords of draenor and basically gave prot warriors a new stance called gladiator stance yeah i'm remembering this the damage reduction of the defensive stance by i like gladiator sensors they wanted some use of it outside of its new gladiator stance but while in gladiator stance which replace gladiator stance was [ __ ] amazing the reason why gladiator stance was trash is because there was like a stat in warwick's a draenor called bonus armor or like bonus something and because bonus armor increased your attack power if you were gladiator stance it made it to where you did way more damage with bonus armor gear and it made gladiator stance warriors compete with tank warriors for damage and that's what made them so bad that's what made it so annoying it was amazing with trash yeah it's like if they made it to where gladiator warriors were not competing for tank gear against tanks i think it would have been fine placed a battle stance it increased their damage by five percent gave them a 50 increase to their mastery and replace their shield with a shield charge ability this is pretty [ __ ] fun and there was also a little caveat to the ability where you could not change into or out of the stance during combat yep so if you picked gladiator stance you were stuck in it so why was this ability removed well it essentially gave protection warriors two specs within a spec in the same way that feral druids used to work before they were split into two separate specs guardian and veril for their tank and dps builds for protection warriors there was the normal defensive stance build okay just one second i do want to say gladiator's resolve and the gladiator stance was really really cool i like this ability a lot and this is basically like whenever you're thinking of like like an ancient like roman or like a spartan warrior you're not thinking of some guy with a giant two-handed weapon you've got some guy with a [ __ ] short sword and a shield so gladiator's resolve was supposed to be like kind of pursuing that fantasy but the problem was that like the functionality of the class just didn't really work and then the gladiator stance build which did more damage but it wasn't supposed to be competitive with a pure damage build exactly even though with the right gear and theory crafting it could do pretty well for itself it's not that it could could do pretty well it was the best warrior spec in the game uh at the beginning of high mall it was the best warrior spec in the game gladiator stance was it was insane i remember having to play it and it was so annoying because you had to hit like [ __ ] like 120 abilities uh what was like the apm for the class was like super super [ __ ] high people loved the gladiator stance as it was essentially providing a force back to warriors but in legion they were removing stances from the game and it was a nightmare to balance yeah so instead of trying to incorporate into the game as they force back like they did with druids they just kind of got rid of it since it wasn't really that different anyway and at number five it was disappointing man it really was i actually really enjoyed the ability and i wish that they had tried one extra expansion to make it a little bit better like i feel like a lot of times they have something like symbiosis or something uh that they could like maybe water down and make a cool ability but they just like kind of throw their hands up in the air and like ah you know what [ __ ] it let's throw it away uh it sucks if we have d materialize a monk passive ability which only existed in the game for one expansion in mr pandaria and what this ability did was when you were stunned you would phase out of existence temporarily for two seconds causing tax to miss you on a 10 second cooldown oh dude oh my god this is oh dude i remember this one oh god i oh i was dude you just these and like i remember you'd have warriors that would like stun them and you'd be killing them and then they'd go [ __ ] invulnerable this this is why i hated monks okay people are like yeah a 10 second icd like this is like you stun them eight nine you do it again and they just [ __ ] dematerialize again it was so [ __ ] bad man like i hated this [ __ ] ability so much it actually made playing in mr pandaria against monks so unfun it was the worst ever and what this essentially meant was a monk was all but immune to abilities for two seconds after they got stunned which kind of made them softly immune to stuns as in pvp situations you would generally dump all of your damage onto a target as soon as they got cc'd and it'd be very difficult to remember that you had to hold back on monk specifically for two seconds after a stun took place so that all of your cooldowns wouldn't miss it was so bad it was such a good passive ability that it was changed pretty quickly within the expansion and given all kinds of nerfs before they just removed it from the game completely as soon as they could in the next expansion yes and it's probably one of the strongest passive abilities that has ever been added to the game it was because of just how huge being immune to tax for two seconds after being stunned it's [ __ ] broke since that's one of the main ways people crowd control someone before laying in heavy damage it was [ __ ] broken dude like it was insane i don't even know what else to say about it besides that it was just [ __ ] insane and at number four we have prismatic crystal a mage town that only existed for one expansion in warlords of draenor what this ability did was on a cooldown you could place a crystal on the floor next to a target and then you could attack it for 12 seconds every time you attack the crystal it would pulse the damage to everything around the crystal for i actually really like this ability i i know some people weren't like big fans of it but i really like the ability because it rewarded it rewarded placement and rewarded planning and yeah obviously like for bosses it was kind of boring but it was like that extra thing that you could do it's like i'd like to see prismatic crisp crystal come back because it was a great pve ability that good players could take advantage of and bad players were not able to and i think that's kind of like the hallmark of like if an ability is good or not is if it can separate good players from bad players exactly the amount of damage you put into it and it would also increase the damage dealt to the crystal so it could essentially turn all of your abilities into an aoe for 12 seconds now funny thing about the crystal [ __ ] awesome it replicated all of the damage you dealt including the damage from trinkets so towards the end of the expansion mages were able to use this aoe trinket called the prophecy of fear which would put deboss on the target for 10 seconds that would pulse aoe damage every time you dealt damage to the target that had the debuff so if an arcane mage just pumped a whole bunch of arcane missiles that proc the hell out of the trinket it would deal its aoe damage around the crystal and then deal the damage again from the crystal itself replicating the damage which essentially allowed them to double up on the damage and allowed groups of mages to kill bosses in under 30 seconds so this is how it worked right it's like back then you had like your legendary ring and because legendary ring like made you do so much damage watch how fast this was a mythic raid boss just keep that in mind this right here is a mythic raid boss the expansion when they kind of overcame the stuff anyway look at that the crystal wasn't a very well liked talent it was good and kind of overpowered if you optimize for it but it was kind of clunky to use and required a target to be mythic to get the full benefit out of it oh and by the way that was a current mythic great boss not like a mythic raid boston first tier and you're in last year no that was a current myth of grade boss like i'll show you guys some some videos let me i'll go back i want to watch it again watch this motherfucker's health this is iron reaver iron reaver and allowed groups of mages to kill boxes in under 30 seconds at the rate of the expansion when they kind of overhear the stuff anyway look at this and the crystal wasn't a very well liked team it was good and it's just kind of overpowered if you optimize for it but it was kind of clunky to use and required a target to be near it for 12 seconds i like that full benefit out of it yeah so not too many people were super sad to see it go away when it was removed in the very next expansion so they no longer had to try to balance it yeah honestly they could kind of balance it pretty easily by just allowing only mage abilities to work on it yeah or only certain kinds of abilities to be transferred through similar to how atonement works for disc priests and at number three we have aspect of the fox version 2.0 which was added to the game in warlords of draenor in one of the earliest patches dude this was so [ __ ] op man this was so [ __ ] op because what you would do is you you needed like three or four hunters for mythic blackhand and the strategy used to be to spam aspect of the fox in the first phase so you could just avoid all the aoes on the ground and you would have the entire raid rotating around fighting the boss it looked really really cool but this [ __ ] was broken man this was absolutely [ __ ] broken before being removed two patches later in 6.2 now amplify magic also makes the spot on the list since it kind of fit in the same theme as aspect of the fox you see in warlords of draenor they wanted to give a couple of the pure gps classes utility inside of the raid in the form of raid wide cooldowns so what they did for mages and hunters was give them two abilities that they no longer had and retool them to work in a way similar to how they used to work when they were part of their classes yeah aspect of the fox was the aspect hunters used to happen that would allow them to cast all movies before they just let them cast while moving baseline and kind of remove the idea of aspect dancing from the game and amplify magic was a very niche ability aspect dancing was like kind of like a cool thing in classic wow like for example whenever you had it back in a day you would like go between like uh you know aspect of the of the hawk and aspect of the cheetah to like kite somebody but i don't really know if like all those kinds of things are like things that you need to carry forward like at a certain point it's okay like i don't think that you should have to change aspects rotationally like that sounds stupid to me but it should be something that you can do if you're in like a really niche situation and you want to be able to take advantage of it that's like kind of my take on it based off of you know my my time playing hunter my [ __ ] no aspect of hawk not my aspect of my konk wages could cast on people that would increase the amount of healing they received but also increase the amount of magic damage they took so what the new raid wide ability hunters received did yeah was on a three-minute cooldown it would allow everyone in the raid to cast while moving for six seconds and for mages on a two minute cooldown it would increase the healing everyone in the raid receded by ten percent for six seconds and these are both good effects i forgot about implement magic why were they removed in the game well for two reasons for one hunters and mages didn't like using them they didn't play those classes in order to give the raid buffs they wanted to just focus on dealing damage yeah because they're [ __ ] selfish like see i don't know what else is like exactly yeah these are no really they didn't want to use the abilities because here think about it like this said no one ever i would not want to use it as hunter here's why if i use the ability that makes everybody else do more damage that means that i like i comparatively do less damage because if they do more damage and even if i'm doing more damage than they are so like if i'm doing 10 000 dps and they're doing 8000 dps and then me using a cooldown makes them go up to 9000 dps now they're only 1000 dps lower than me and my ego isn't as big as if they were 2000 dps lower than me so that's why you don't want to use it because you want to make sure you want to kill the boss right but beyond killing the boss you want to keep everybody as low as possible except for you and the abilities didn't increase their damage at all they were helpful to the raid sure but they weren't exactly excited about being able to use them yeah [ __ ] them and for two aspect of the fox was really strong it allowed raiders to kind of trivialize certain mechanics by allowing all of the casters and healers to move for that incredibly limited time duration sure amplify magic was good too it's always nice to have extra healing but the ability to give everyone the raid movement while casting was kind of broken and since players didn't really like using the ability anyway they just kind of removed them rather than trying to rebalance them to something that wasn't game breaking that's probably amplify matter just kind of got taken down alongside aspect of the fox even though it wasn't as broken so while technically these two abilities did exist in the game for a long time beforehand they were essentially two they got they got changed to where they were just completely [ __ ] uh they were like completely like broken at the end right aspect of the pack dude remember whenever you had a hunter with aspect of the pack and an lfr run and they wouldn't turn it off i remember like in throne of thunder so it in throne of thunder you know like whenever you go from the first box to the second boss and there was like the wind area well there would be a hunter that would keep on aspect of the pack and then the moment that like somebody would get hit they would try to move out but since they were dazed they couldn't move out of the wind fast enough and the wind would just push them off the edge it was one of the funniest [ __ ] things that i ever saw like i loved that man aspect of the days yeah it was really really really annoying new abilities added to the game that were just given the names of old abilities that used to exist yeah so they definitely count for this list and only existed in the game for two patches and at number two we have blood fear a warlock town that only existed in early mop for two patches really this ability was in the game for a slightly shorter amount of time than i don't remember this at all which is why it gets a higher spot despite them both technically you see what this ability did was it would replace the warlock fear ability with a new ability called blood fear which basically did the exact same thing it would fear a target for 20 seconds it was instant however with two differences it had a five second cooldown where the original fear had no cooldown and it was instant cast that is instead of having a cast time like theoretically that sounds like a badass ability like i'll say yeah yeah that sounds like a badass but i really really like the idea of it it's really cool and the fact that this version of fear was instant cast was kind of broken of course this ability existed in mystic instant cast disability is kind of the hallmark of how crazy pvp was in that expansion oh it was [ __ ] not giving warlocks an instant fear was an okay thing to do yeah [ __ ] here's the thing about spammable cc's with no cooldowns they're kind of balanced around the counter play of that cast time and the fact that they have diminishing returns so with the cast time there is the opportunity to play around it by running behind a pillar or just interrupting the ability exactly and even then those abilities are super strong that's the other thing right is that this is what i don't like about healing now is like healing now is always [ __ ] instant like people healers can go up 30 health 40 health with an instant cast what the [ __ ] is the counter play to that what's the counter play that you just instantly cast an ability what the [ __ ] i hate that man i absolutely [ __ ] hate that do more damage that's trash game boy the absolute trash gameplay he or should have to heal they should have to cast abilities that can be interrupted and then dps should have to either interrupt those abilities or stun them and do more damage there's nothing fun about just like attacking a target that's randomly healing to full health that you have no control over outside of your your stun window that's every like half a minute historically classes that have spammable ccs like warlocks and mages have seen tons of play in arena and other pvp because of how strong those things are so if you take an already strong ability like fear and make it even stronger by removing the only counter play option you have to it it's good then what you have is one of the most broken in the game's history which is called blood fear yes not the most broken mind you that would still probably be glyph of death and decay the glyph that early wrath death knights used to have but definitely on season 5 wrath dk's man holy [ __ ] i forgot all about that i forgot all about that man oh my god like it would literally just fear you it was so bad like death and deca like death knights were so broken in season five it was absolutely just it was the worst probably the most overpowered class in any season in any expansion period the same scale basically the ability was so strong that it was just removed from the game in the middle of the expansion that had the most amount of cc out of any expansion and you know something is broken when it's considered too strong for mr panderia so when they removed the ability from the game they replaced it with an ability called a blood horror which would cast the debuff on yourself to take the next target that hit the warlock with the dude i [ __ ] love this ability because if you saw the [ __ ] warlock pop this [ __ ] you casted spell reflect and you could reflect their own blood horror back onto them man like it was the best [ __ ] ability ever like i forgot that for dude i haven't thought about that ever since i did it like that was so [ __ ] good man they attacked for four seconds so nowhere near as good as the broken blood fear and blizzard went very far in the other direction of not allowing any classes to have instant cast cc's without long cooldowns in the future yeah and at number one we have shadow of death a death knight talented ability from early wrath of the lich king which was only in the game for a single patch definitely the shortest amount of time now this work i'm be i don't know if he's gonna say this but i'm gonna say it this ability if disability had like a thing you could cast a spell with this guy and you would explode and you would explode yourself and you would do damage to everything around you if you were doing an arena match and you casted the explosion ability and you killed yourself but you killed the opposing player you would win the game it was so [ __ ] broken time and ability was removed for being too powerful yeah so what did the ability do well if the death knight died they came back to life as a ghoul for 45 seconds and they also didn't lose the lich king death knights used to have this ability to raise other party members as ghouls after they died before they were just given a normal battle res which gave them their own that was pretty cool action bar allowed them to do some decent damage for a bit this was really it was kind of like playing a hunter's pet with its own set of abilities exactly and since death knights would just gain this ability passively when they died it allowed basically any death knight who took this town to stay in the fight and keep performing raid mechanics after they normally would be dead and by the way these things actually did a lot of damage it wasn't like oh you know it just a little slippy slappity and no these did real like [ __ ] big dick damage like they were basically like a it was like having level 75 warrior attacking you like an entire other class like a level 75 warrior attacking you not doing any dps and also allow death knights to just change mechanics which would normally kill the raid because they can come back as ghouls and help out anyway yep it also worked in arenas for some reason where death knights were already the most powerful class ever added to the game yeah and if he did manage to kill the overpowered early wrath death knight they came back as a ghoul for 45 seconds to finish you off anyway yep so the ability was very powerful so they actually nerfed it mid-patch to reduce the duration from 45 seconds to 25 seconds before then just removing the ability with the first major patch in three point one took it out they also nerfed a whole bunch of the other death knight abilities because they were very overpowered in early wrath but most of the abilities still stayed in the game in just nerfed versions shadow of death was one of the ones that was just straight up removed rather than trying to balance out an ability so i thought it was a cool ability like the thing is like blizzard put it in the game because it sounded really cool like early rather lich king death knights were a badass class to play they were a really fun class to play all things considered definitely a fun class to play but it was just too overpowered man it was just too broken like it's one of those things like it sounds really cool and it is really cool like in a vacuum but like never other classes don't have the abilities to counter it there's just nothing you can do allowed them to sell fresh every time they died so for being in the game for only one patch and being removed for being powerful yes there have been others existed in the game for the single patch that just weren't as good this is why shadow of death takes number one spot on this list it was broken all right and that's the list are there any other abilities that were super powerful and removed from the game quickly that i may have missed if so i'd love to hear about them down the comments as well as ideas for future videos just like this one and also did you know fun fact only 35.7 of people who watch these videos are subscribed to the channel what only 35 percent what let's make it 36 here here watch the video give him a like give him a sub it's up to his [ __ ] channel that's a it's a good video man it definitely was it's like this was [ __ ] amazing like some of these abilities were so [ __ ] good man uh sorry as we got on click links oh okay um so yeah like i i don't know like it's crazy to see like all the old abilities in the game like i think for me void tendrils you don't i like the idea of void tendrils unleash lightning i thought was trash because it was just like you can cast and move clash was just like it's okay i guess symbiosis i thought was really really cool i wish blizzard still had that in the game gladiator's resolve like gladiator stance was really cool too i really like that dematerialized was just absolute garbage i hated this ability it's complete skill-less ability um let's see here uh this prismatic crystal i thought was really fun aspect of the fox was just not very good blood fear theoretically sounds cool but in realistically it just it's too [ __ ] strong like it was just way too [ __ ] strong and this was just [ __ ] disgusting like this was just absolutely [ __ ] disgusting and there's no other word that you can possibly use for it [Music] you
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Rating: 4.8877339 out of 5
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Id: dIf76bAsa2U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 21sec (2241 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 27 2020
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