7 Night Wilderness Camping Adventure With My Dog [EXTENDED VERSION] (Part 1 of 3)

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[Music] oh [Music] so [Applause] ah [Music] [Music] meat look at a big monty what the heck we haven't even started what are you doing oh okie dokes safety first safety first you know yeah well hello ladies and gentlemen i am out with the one the only mr first made pee poops mctoots uh he's kind of hiding his head behind the uh seat there because as you saw he jumped in the water and got stuck he actually jumped out which was surprising anyways we've just embarked on a seven night wilderness adventure we are going to be paddling portaging fishing and eating and sleeping and enjoying and hopefully there's rain and moose and we catch a walter larry peter bobby we get them all i want to do it all i want to see a moose i want to see uh otters loons all of it i want to see it all i would say we got a late start but we got a whole 45 minutes of extra time because we made good time so i mean 45 minutes that converts it from a late start to how do we get this early so it is abnormally warm for this time of year we've got a pretty warm streak so that is going to bring some weather it's looking like it's just a 50 chance of rain every day uh thunderstorms are in the mix it's just gonna be all over the board there's gonna be some cooler days there's gonna be some hot days we're gonna see some sun some rain hopefully some lightning and thunder not too close but just the right amount of clothes so i was talking with monty on the way here and uh i suggested that he doesn't do the thing that did the thing and he said as long as when i catch the thing i don't do the thing with the thing that's my first chasm and then i was like hopefully my uh thing don't go thing and then he said cool with all that as long as i don't have to wear the thing and you know there's just nothing i can do about that it's probably gonna happen so now that we've got that all figured out we are moving towards our first portage of the trip and uh we've got two lined up for the day potentially we have paddled to camp in the dark before hopefully today is not that day and then i'm not gonna fish until we do those two portages and we're on our lake for the evening so let the adventuring begin there's a nice down tree there's a i thought i can i can't i can't i can't i can't i can't okay oh my gosh oh my gosh what is happening right now what just what just happened how did that even happen oh my god jeez first cast come on no first cast fish that sounds like thunder ah okay okay maybe just like five more casts and then we should just get moving because if that's a thunder we're definitely not going to want to really be on the water if we get a storm and again we could catch a fish that might just be a plane oh oh we got a snag okay we got it free okay we're just we just we should just keep moving it's kind of hot here and there's no wind right here [Music] yeah okay all right there he is there he is our monty he's our hero gonna bring that over by 200 from zero cause see how big it is monty you can't close your mouth you can't close your mouth i'm sorry i'm sorry it's like already started with that crap oh it's gonna be a long way oh that breeze feels nice we already had a swarm of black flies and we both got a mosquito filled up with blood already and the breeze just takes away the bugs and it feels nice because it's like 76 degrees out right now fahrenheit uh and i'm wearing black muck boots and long pants and yeah it's it's a little warm for my liking but it is what it is and uh we're gonna be a little sweaty on porridges so that means we're probably gonna be jumping in the lake a couple times this trip yeah i just hope that the breeze keeps coming when we're done with portages because that'll help a lot let the portaging commence we got a false morale come on mr stink let's go go down this way no don't jump from there right here come on you can do it oh there you go that was graceful i was super grateful mister oh well two black flies just bit me okay all right okay okay all right oh okay i don't know if you can tell or not but there is a swarm of black flies around me and monty and um they were biting us up pretty good and getting us getting into my ears and eyes and everything and i tried out i've been waiting to try this in in this sort of black flies because this is this is nasty they're they're pretty rough right now um so i tried out this new lotion a bug lotion let's just get it out really quick [Applause] [Applause] this stuff right here and i've been waiting to see because i've heard it works for black flies and i was super sweaty from doing the porridge and it was kind of sunny i was getting bit up i put it on laddered over my face i put a little bit on monty's tips of his ears and a little bit on the top of his head so he can't lick it and i will say there was a noticeable difference definite noticeable difference and i just mentioned i got bit by two it's because i didn't put it under here i just went to the top really quick because they were getting pretty bad i should probably put under my whole arm and they both bit under my arm and they're flying around but they're not really landing on me as much they're like they'll touch my face every once in a while but having them run into your face is completely different than when they go in for a full blown land in your ears and eyes i used to think that like when they were going in your eyes and stuff they're just kind of touching your face and stuff but no they're they're trying to land and like right now with the lotion it seems that uh they're just they're just kind of floating right there and just bumping into me but not trying to land which is awesome i'm sure i'm gonna have to keep applying it because i'm sweating but that's okay i've got two bottles now one thing i want to mention quick these this is the same thing right no it's not look at the back one of them says off botanicals insect unique formula uses a plant-based ingredient and one says unique formula is based on an ingredient with the insect repellent properties found in lemon eucalyptus so the one i use and i know is the better one or that works is the lemon eucalyptus off botanicals i guess they look a little different this one's oh i guess they do look a little different on the front either way one's got the lemon eucalyptus and one does not the one with the lemon you go eucalyptus is harder to come by um so i don't know how the other one works if it's gonna do the same thing this was my first test with this a real test now i get to try the other one when this stuff wears off or the next day when we have bad black flies i'm gonna try the other one and we'll see if it does the exact same thing or better or worse we will find out we will debunk this but so far the first one i am definitely not going to be going in black fly weather without that that's for sure you know bug nets are definitely the most effective way to be you don't even feel them on your face you just have the crappy vision and it's kind of a little warmer if it's muggy out because you'd think that it just you'd breathe right through the mesh but it it keeps in some air and warmth but those are definitely the most effective bug nets but the reason i try i've been trying to go without a reason i've been trying to go with a bug net lately is this this stinker back here he can't really wear a bug net he would not he he would hate that he would absolutely hate it so i figure i can't just sit here comfortably in the terrible bugs like just like oh there's nothing going on monty's just back there suffering so i got to find a solution for both of us that works equally and so far this is it put a little bit on the tips of his ears he was like shaking his ears and just like doing his little ear flutters then i put it on there and i haven't really seen him do it once so it's definitely keeping him away enough to where he's not getting bothered by him which is great i feel like we should be fishing oh no no no no no no let's just let's just one more portage and then we can fish our way to a campsite yeah that's what we're gonna do i am getting a little thirsty though i'm gonna wallow water soon and since we i might as well get a little blabbing out of the way a lot of the blab in the beginning because i mean i'm gonna be blabbing the whole time so let's let's be honest here i'm gonna just it's we might as well call this a blabbing adventure a blood venture cause i'm a blab a lot anyways i've got the legionator 5000 which as you can see is a highly sophisticated container with holes that i melted with a hot nail so that i can dunk this and get fresh water easily and keep my leeches alive because i've got live bait yes when i did my trip with my dad and my brother we had really great success catching walters with leeches i always knew leeches worked i just didn't realize how hardy leeches are and you know i was thinking 80 degree weather the leeches are gonna die not if you keep their water clean if you keep changing your water the water is cold enough right now or since i've got all these holes i just go like this we'll just show you see it leaks out and then i just dunk it and i've been changing it every portage and it will keep these guys fresh and they will catch me many fishes uh yeah i definitely plan on using leech and slip bobber a lot um i'm still gonna cast my normal weight with my white twisters and whatnot some spoons but if i'm struggling to catch fish i'm gonna throw a slip bobber and leech and i know i'll catch them there's there's a i'm going to catch fish with the slip bobber and leech is going to happen live bait always works well [Music] do you want a tree there's a good boy you're gonna get so many treats this trip monty i mean it i actually brought you some streaks for breakfast and dinner on top of your treats and then we'll get you treats on top of the treats on top of treats yeah treat yourself [Music] we got a beaver we got a wet beaver so looks like voluntary wet monty on night one means wet towel and if it rains means it doesn't dry out it means wet stinky monty wet stinky monty leads to one thing at the end of the trip monty you don't know what yet but i do yeah come on go ahead this is your vessel good job you're the best okay we are on our lake for the evening here we are oh monty shift oh settle and monty so the black flies have returned um they're trained what was that or something um they're definitely they're definitely landing back on me again so it kind of wore off sweating i was sweating a good amount for these two small portages they were only like a quarter mile each so and it's not even the hottest day or the hottest part of the day it's more towards the end of the day so we're gonna have some sweat in the head and some black flies and if we get rain we're gonna get mosquitoes too it'll be enjoyable so we've got an hour and a half of some hour and 15 minutes till the sun sets maybe a little bit longer maybe it could be more you know i'm not really sure it's it's around there so we're definitely going to be taking a couple of casts on our way to camp i would just not feel right if i didn't you know gots to take some casts there's a nice damn tree right here if i can get my already split that one it is still pretty early saving there's no uh you know no lily pads nothing the weeds aren't really for me yet so it's it's definitely chillier things might be a little shallower than normal who knows could be tough fishing i don't know only time will tell i will be a little disappointed though if i don't catch a fish today i sure will be this right here this is where legends are born i had a 72 and a half inch pike on right here near this tree 72 and a half inch i couldn't really see it but i just knew that's how big it was i once had a 81.3 inch pike on right here this time i brought a steel leader casey's still lurking here hopefully he is come on no i bet he's still there i think he's waiting right there he just doesn't want it he knows better he knows this time i bet he's there [Music] he's like nope i don't feel like messing with that guy today i might have won once and got lucky get lucky again we're gonna do one more cast with this and then we're gonna switch to a leech real quick because i feel like if there's a bass or walleye or something sitting near these trees and they see that leech they're gonna bite it maybe not this all right let's let's let's give a leech a try let's just let's just let's just see what happens let's shake things up a bit all right slip bobber on a leak [Music] let's see if it's i don't usually wait a ton of time unless i'm like fishing at night or something let's see i also might have the set too deep or there might not be fish in these spots right now unless it's hitting bottom oh that's a fish yeah i don't know what it is it feels like a vassar oh that is a nice old walter yeah there we go there we go first fish of the trip is a walter walter the walleye there we go first fish of the trip now i would eat this guy but i got about one hours of sleep last night i drove eight hours i did some porridge and paddling we've got an hour and a half light i'm just gonna catch and release tonight i'll i'll do fish dinner another night we're just gonna have some fun okay i'm gonna i'm gonna feast on something else tonight so let's get a fish release cam let this guy go all right that's a good omen now i did bring enough leeches to where i can catch a release and not worry about it too much i can just have some fun i don't have to conserve them i brought i got i got a bunch of leeches because i wanted to make sure i'm catching some fish [Music] there we go another fish oh this one seems decent [Music] yeah what are you oh that's a nice old bobby oh bobby bass [Applause] oh that's a chunky bobby that's a piggy oh that's a big old bobby bass oh that's a piglet oh he's barely hooked [Music] oh look at that chunky bobby bass all right oh this is great it's already great [Laughter] all right let's let this guy go all right one more cast and then we're gonna we're gonna do some trolling on the way to a campsite okay all right all right okay all right okay hi monty okay so sometimes when you see me i'm trolling a lot but sometimes i'm not and what i'm going to start doing is uh trolling this lure this is the the floating shallow chartreuse slayer the reason i don't always troll constantly is because sometimes uh i just go over spots that don't seem deep enough and i don't feel like dealing with snags oh we've got some loons up ahead they're just right here oh they're there hi lil [Music] he came right next to me and checked me out he was who he came he swam they swim so fast like he was far away then all of a sudden he was just like right there and he was like super low like he thought he was being sneaky but uh i've definitely had loons just swim around my boat before um i just like i remember there was two different times i remember it uh where they were just like going nuts it almost seems like they're trying to tell you to get the heck out of there i was going down a channel because that's where the campsite was and i just got to a spot where it kind of went up to uh like in between two deep spots and they were both right there and they just like appeared out of nowhere and then all of a sudden they were just like going around my boat and just underneath and all around and then in front of a campsite with me and captain teeny trout same thing happened there was a loon that just kept going underneath my boat and popping up he didn't seem like he was angry at me or anything the second one the first couple they definitely were just like get out of here but uh yeah when they want you out of there they just like splash so we still got about 40 minutes of light left uh depending on how i'm feeling when i get to camp i might not have a fire tonight uh like i said i've had a very long day and i didn't get a ton of sleep and i feel like as soon as i get set up and i sit in a chair or something i want to get a little tired right now i've got like a extra energy but uh it'll it'll run out so we'll see we'll see how i'm feeling maybe there'll be a big pile of firewood and i just i'll just think okay all right oh my gosh look at the size of that downed tree oh no i just got a snag dang it oh no the wind's blowing [Music] dang it just as i was about to say that was like the most epic downed tree ever what's going on here we're gonna fish no way oh i got a stick i got a stick pike see big ol stick pike 40 incher right there so good at guesstimating sizes the fish anyways um it looks like the most epic down tree but it's like not even a foot of water so i just got snagged i saw how shallow it was i was just focused on the tree and i looked down it's all super shallow oh well i wish you were deeper in the water [Music] okay so um we've got about 15-ish minutes or so sunlight um i do see a campsite right there i just want to check another one to see which one i like better so we're gonna pick between one of these two over here there's definitely one right there it just seems a little open and i'm i'm pretty sure it's gonna rain tonight into tomorrow morning and we're probably gonna have to pack up in the rain so a big open campsite is just little but we'll see at the same time i've got the tarp so as long as it's not crazy windy it i guess it wouldn't matter as much we'll see so yeah i'm gonna pick one of these two sites here i think i'm thinking i'm stinking [Music] i just had another thought i could see both of them um that one definitely seems so the one is super open and the one is very enclosed now for the wind and the rain the enclosed one's gonna be better but that is going to be better for the black flies and i've already had a couple of mosquitoes getting on me it's going to protect the mosquitoes so that'll be nice and mosquitoey because it's all thick and trees so i'd rather deal with a little wetness and not get eaten live by bugs we can set up a wind block for the morning i just don't yeah we will definitely get mauled okay we're taking the open campsite let's do it i know the sun setting but i got to make sure that there's not a fish that's just sitting right out in front of camp quick before i slide my boat and make a bunch of racket you know i just i gotta make sure all right all right seems coast is clear coast is clear [Music] oh man even in this wind the black flies are relentless right now i'm gonna try that other lotion oh man they're just getting on my face actually you know what we're gonna we're gonna quickly put on the hoodie here so one quick thing i want to talk about right now i'm gonna i'm gonna set up camp and chat for a minute but uh a lot of people ask me what i do about ticks how do i deal with text with me and monty well normally i uh oh jeez i just checked myself a lot and that's what i usually do is just keep checking myself and uh you know sometimes i'll get bit every once in a while and you just got to make sure to check yourself and i always feel them crawling on me but with that being said i did get bit by a deer tick in the old stomach right here i just was scratching my stomach and i felt you know i felt the tick and i looked and i there was and i got him out good and there was i could see that he was drew blood and it was all red and it looked infected and it felt like a bruise i've never i've got lots of tick bites but i've never had one be red and feel painful so i might have been infected with limes but either way i'm on antibiotics right now because i wasn't taking any chances i talked to my doctor the doctor was like yeah i would recommend getting antibiotics for that so yeah so check yourself and if you think you got bit by a tick and you're getting some infection don't just let that stuff go because limes is curable if i did happen to get it it'll be cured if i uh hopefully it uh yeah it just looks it just looks like it doesn't look like anything crazy right now but uh yeah all right hold on before i put any more lotion on i'm gonna get some water and start filtering i'm trying something new um this is a gravity filter it's the same one it's kind of pretty much the same brand and everything as they normally get except this is a 10 liter version so i can scoop up more water and not have to make as many trips because they don't make the same version and my bag is a little ratty but i wanted to try this out so let's see if it does its job i was gonna say this bag seems like it's a little bit flimsier than my normal bag of course it came with a leek brand new so this is great for uh filtering water luckily i've got a bunch of duct tape and cool the funny thing is i was telling myself i was like don't go out in the woods for a week without with some unproven gear like don't do it and i was like you know what it's it'll be fine yeah i'd rather have my other one oh well yeah we're gonna have to try to fix that one monty so the mosquitoes and the black flights are out right now just going ham on me and monty even in this wind i just couldn't imagine being in the other spot or out of the wind so let's try this other stuff for both mosquitoes and black flies we're gonna put a little bit on monty's tips of his ears give him a little protection there you go there you go hunty see if that helps the sweatshirt's too warm for right now i'm gonna probably regret having myself exposed with these mosquitoes but i'd also like to test this stuff since they're pretty bad right now let's just see [Music] oops see i don't like d i know d works but it just ruins your gear and it makes your this feels like lotion and since i got psoriasis as you can tell i'm used to putting that lotion all the time so this doesn't bother me one bit and it doesn't smell bad kind of feels nice you know it doesn't feel greasy oh this thing is filling up fast seems like it got the black flies to stop i'm not really seeing any mosquitoes on me they're not bothering monty huh maybe this stuff works too i don't wanna do what do you what do you think all right you want some water king monty king montes no i don't want your crap water you suck you want it you have to earn it now punk punk oh this thing's i can't i can't keep up i need to set up camp what am i even doing right now okay so it's been 15 minutes since i thought the sun would set so maybe it doesn't set for another 15 minutes so it's like a half hour more than i thought anyways i am definitely being pokey um that water filter filled up the water way faster than my previous filter it's the same type of filter i think it's just because it's got uh let's see over double 2.5 yeah 2.5 times the amount it holds two point it holds 10 liters the other one holds it held four so all that pressure is just forcing the water through faster which makes it filter faster so that's kind of awesome so i'll probably return this one when i get home and uh get the same thing again because i like how fast it just filled all my bottles up super quick faster than the other one i mean it's brand new so we'll have to see if it gets clogged down but it's not going to hold water for now so i'm about to fill it and let it drain but anyways enough blabbing i'm going to start setting up here oh [Music] yep huh yes there you go you win you defeated it okay all right stop stop parking jeez great we are going to have to organize this a little bit [Music] right there where were you late [Applause] oh don't don't you get all bent out of shape mister [Applause] so i finally got to the uh footprint that was made for my tent and i don't know why i didn't do it sooner um it let's see here what's going on here oh this makes it it makes it so much nicer because now i can just move it around why does it seem so tight what's going on here anyways yeah now the uh see the footprint will move with it i can just switch it around however which way i want and the footprint will be perfectly where it's supposed to be okay i think the tiredness is officially starting to set in because i'm just like taking way too long to set up right now i'm just like uh oh that feels so good oh my gosh i don't know why i didn't do that right when i got to camp oh my gosh that is heavenly okay so um i'm gonna just shut off the camera here and uh get this all set up um yeah we're gonna need to brush our monty i don't know if i'm gonna make a fire we'll let's just let's just i'm gonna finish we'll check back in with you guys in a minute oh my god [Applause] so [Applause] so okay we are all set up other than my tarp and i have decided that i am going to have a fire because right behind the tent were these nice pieces of wood just ready to be processed they're just kept over there to stay dry so how can i not i mean it's so convenient so for this trip for our saw we are using the agawaya canyon boreal 15. this was actually sent to me by the company they're just like hey you want this and i was like yes i do so here it is so i like the 21 and the 24 the 24 is my new favorite but for the weight this one weighs a little bit less than the silky what is it the silky which one do i get silky big boy big bite i don't know anyways we're gonna see how this little guy does [Laughter] it seems to do just fine okay so we're just gonna process up some of this quick and then we're gonna spark up a fire we don't need anything crazy just a nice little ambience you know we gotta have a fire on our first night i was thinking about it i was like you know what and then i saw the wood and i was like you know what you know what [Music] [Applause] got some birch bark i collected from earlier right off the portage trail that's how i always get it out here it's just all over the porch trails always got the nicest pieces [Applause] so monty are you a good boy what a good little stinker got the fire going even is fully settling in moon is kind of out it's a little foggy as you can tell um the water i'm filtering it did end up staying the leak is pretty small the reason it was spewing out so much is like i said this is a 10 liter bag so when it was full there's a lot of pressure and now it's barely dripping so it's a very small leak i could probably patch it up i don't even know if i'm going to worry about it right now because i still i just filled another analogy and there's still oh there's not much in there but it was a lot faster so anyways what i'm gonna do right now is probably between these two trees here i'm gonna set up the tarp because the wind is coming this way uh so when it's it's i'm anticipating rain so i want to have this tarp set up so i'm going to do that quick and then so as i'm doing this i am going to start making our food so we're going to boil some more let's let's get to that okay it's time to get some food going so we're gonna heat this this pan is officially monty's pan right here so we're gonna eat my dips water because he deserves a hot meal and what we are having for dinner if you know you know and if you don't you're about to find [Applause] out so [Applause] my homemade dehydrated spaghetti oh yeah if you're uh looking how to make your own dehydrated spaghetti left for link it'll be up in the corner left for me uh oh i'm not even pointing why am i even saying that it's gonna be on the right top for you but yes this is delicious homemade spaghetti and i love it we're gonna make it extra soupy we're gonna feast so i always add a lot of extra water and then i boil it and kind of simmer it for a minute so i'm gonna get my lid on here yeah we're gonna bring this up to a simmer i'm gonna get that tarp set up and then we're gonna relax oh yeah let's check spaghett oh my gosh it is it is doing what i wanted to oh yeah oh that's perfect see i like to simmer for a minute i feel like it helps to get extra saucy all right so monty's is done we're going to mix monty's up i'm going to let this simmer for another minute and we're going to set off to the side and let it start cooling oh yeah we're going to get a nice healthy portion of kibble we're gonna of course give him his pumpkin powder he loves some pumpkin powder and then on top of that because he's an extra extra good boy he gets his supplements one's this one's a joint supplement for his joints and this one's for his fur it's a fish oil he loves those he he uh when he goes for dinner at home he walks up and asks for his supplements before he eats every time without fail of course you gotta stir it with a nice stick get it all up in there pumpkin oops so we're losing a few pieces about d we can't have that oh that feels nice all right let's see here you know what that feels pretty good have you been a good boy go ahead go ahead get it there you go oh it feels good to rest the back so the first night out huh oh clouds are rolling in i am i'm surprisingly still still here even though you can't see behind that smoke i'm still here i'm not so tired that i'm just incoherent there's been a few times where uh go ahead oh he might need a little here let me he might want a little water might be a little sticky let me help you monty ah as i was saying there's been a few times where i've been incoherent when i got the first night because that drive it's uh yeah it's a long drive and when i'm out when i'm not doing a lot but i'm not getting a lot of sleep just because i'm excited for the trip and i just can't stop thinking going to bed it's just oh yeah [Music] but luckily these were pretty easy porridges i feel like the one time i was the worst off was when i got here and i ended up having to go a completely different area for whatever reason and in order to get to where i had originally mapped out i had to do some extra portages and like super far paddle uh the first day and i like wasn't expecting it and i just like got to camp after the sun had set and i was just like just hauling it the whole way just oh man just going for it and yeah just got there and i was exhausted by the time i just like got sat down and started working on food oh you know what i hear i hear a toad orgy going on hear it off in the distance hopefully we can we can see that tomorrow we'll go up close show you guys a total orgy and if i don't end up uh seeing one a good one we'll show you uh last year's toad orgy we're gonna find out what this noise is even though i know it's frogs we're gonna find out what this noise is oh it just stopped oh it's it's toads they're just trying to mate in the water look at them all that's what that noise is it's toads you can see like 30 toads right there [Music] i guess they mate underwater look at this so oh so [Music] so so so so so so all that noise means there's a tor toad orgy is going down [Music] [Music] so [Music] good just thousands of these little tadpoles just this looks like oil or bugs or something there's just there the whole shoreline is crazy it was it was a sight to see to say the least it just started it just just now it just happened just now i'm starting to just now oh okay yeah it's yep oh and here's the spaghetti oh yeah it's a little soupy which is perfect for me did you not find the soupy i am so ready to burn my mouth with this oh that does not look too bad i'm just okay yes if it seems like i get overly excited for food it's because i do this is just nothing better than eating i love it you know what i'm saying oh my gosh especially when you're super tired oh here we go oh wow it's still pretty hot out dang it oh why can't it just be ready i'm so hungry and now i know what it tastes like almost in hell i always inhaled that one i just want to kind of add some cold water and just make it extra soupy just to eat it i'm sorry [Music] what's done is done i'll drink the spaghetti if i have to [Music] that did not help much dang it i guess i'm waiting extra poofy right now like super goofy like a big fat puff but look at that thing look at that is that even why do you look so thick right there is it just no you definitely looked you're embarrassing me don't show me at that angle what's wrong with you wow okay wait an extra 15 minutes feel a definitely something on my tongue for me and that have food gotta be careful you know safety first all right okay that's reasonable [Music] here we go okay [Music] still a little hot all right now i'm going to smash this clean up camp and then it is bedtime hopefully it starts raining soon and i can just be put to bed by just thunderstorms i haven't heard any thunder yet so we'll see but i'll show back a little bit nice stuff things stuff things quiet i'm hunting night quality watch out wait what are those two doing oh my gosh these ones are being naughty oh i had to stop that oh no monty dang it monty there's one just don't monty's now chasing he's seeing him with his little teeny beady eyes and he's like what the heck is that monty it's a june bug in may no my god run away run away run away run away [Music] free i mean look at that thing dear god set close your mouth monty what's wrong with you didn't you ever learn how to close your mouth geez i mean look at that it's so open i mean it's like you're not even trying that doesn't look right ahead yep that's this is life now wrapping your tail all right come on right here my dad left some air out so it's more squishy for you come here over here monty he doesn't like how squishy it is all right you want more air in it hold on i thought you'd be more comfy all right come on come here come here around you later there you go that's just the best donkey look at this floofy floofy floof blue okay um i have got the same thing going i am very tired um i made eight ounce portions of spaghetti and i just i could still eat so that's that's a hair unfortunate i thought i did eight last time but as soon as we get a fish dinner we'll we'll have a couple portion and a half or so we'll be able to feast but anyways i'm i guess i'm satisfied i shouldn't complain it's it's fine but anyways yeah we're gonna pass out hopefully we get some raid tonight and then oh my gosh that's the stinkiest nastiest breath audrey please please i brush my teeth you don't unless i force you to which all right anyways guys it's time to pass out so i'll catch you in the morning good night everybody [Applause] foreign [Applause] hmm hmm [Music] yes oh yes mr monkey yes wait a little boy oh i smell pretty good long as i normally do it's been raining on and off but it seems to stop for a little while here and it's a little windy it got a little dry on the outside of the tent there oh [Music] so i think why she wants to get a glass eye all right it's time to get up make some breakfast make it as poop and do other stuff let's do it hi mister oh don't bounce too much crazy hi you want to show him your new trick monday show me a new trick clap your legs look at him he's clapping oh now he's kicking he's swimming he's like he's clapping his legs look at that fluffy butt look at that thing good boy good boy oh you're dead what are you saying you want huh what are you trying to say huh what are you what are you trying to say i think i know what you're trying to say i think i know what you're trying to say i need this to do what you want me to do watch out get back [Music] what do i got here you asked mr hey okay [Music] oh [Music] now whoa jeez you gotta be careful of this one he's secretly a sith lord my name is come to the dark side [Music] oh [Music] [Music] um [Music] father he hasn't got to play stick in so well i just i can't i can't not throw the stick for him okay so now we're gonna pack up and uh we're gonna kick off the trip with a good old-fashioned coffee oatmeal sequins and if you're wondering why i'm wearing white t-shirts because i put on a brand new clean white t-shirt as you can see um it actually is brand new or clean it's just stained from previous trips it's just a little it's a little more moisture wicking and if the sun comes out i won't be dying and i'll just put on my rain jacket it's supposed to be raining but it's not but anyways let's copy cue [Music] packing [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] there you go good boy stephen don't you bite me stephen stephen soupy [Applause] well it's always nice when uh you get to pack up out of the rain i was fully expecting to pack up in the rain instead uh mostly the tent and the tarp work kind of dried off from all this wind i think it's going to rain again today it's going to probably be off and on there's supposed to be scattered thunderstorms later we'll see the weather's the weather it's gonna do whatever the heck it wants but as long as it doesn't get any crazy thunder uh fishing should be really good today so we're definitely gonna be taking some casts along the way i'd like to catch another fish on this lake the goal for the trip is to catch at least one of my four favorite fish and a fish every day except for the day we go home because i usually don't because i gotta drive and all that so i don't i just kind of get out of there i'll take a couple of cats but that doesn't count anyways so we gotta catch we already caught our bobby we already caught our walter now we need a pizza and a larry larry is the most elusive gotta catch that larry but uh yeah we need all four but i'd rather catch a fish every day and lots of them over uh all four but i want a bowl so we'll see what's gonna happen anyways i'm mostly packed up uh i just gotta eat this oatmeal clean up a little bit get everything together we're gonna get in the boat and get to moving paddling fishing all of all the ss good times this is good times is now boarding come on good boy and we are off [Applause] so we have got i think let's see one two three four five cute tiny teeny little porridges potentially six very small all under a quarter mile so pretty easy day that means we're definitely gonna have some time for fishing um the plan for today is a fish dinner i would love a fish dinner tonight um so what we are going to do is we're not going to keep anything until we get closer to the lake that we're going to stay on tonight because first off i'm feeling pretty confident this trip with these leeches my confidence goes from just like so uh yeah i'm not worried about catching fish the only things that'll uh rain on my parade is a thunderstorm right before thunderstorm would be crazy so if we can get to camp at the right time go for them walters ah there's potential we could just slam so we'll see but anyways we would like to get a fish dinner i would love walleye and i'm not sure which lake we're gonna stay inside we've got a couple options we'll see how we're feeling when we get to our spot you know if it's thunderstorming uh we'll probably end up camping a little sooner or drizzle has started it's gonna be raining on and off i don't know if i'm just gonna throw on the rain gear right away i'm gonna wait a bit but i see a little downed tree and we do need to start the day off right so we kind of need to catch a fish it's just it's the right thing and it's just there's just it's got to happen so let's get over to this these few downed trees put on a leech and then catch a fish then we'll probably do some trolling i love it when it's cloudy like this this is a good temperature it's a little muggy for portaging but right now i feel great after we do some of these little porridges we'll feel sweatier but that's okay i'm fairly confident we're gonna catch a fish right here oh all right i'm fairly confident we're gonna catch a fish right here [Music] i mean in this little little section here maybe not this cast right here in particular but oh [Music] no okay all right next one there's gotta be one right here there's just gotta be what no no don't don't don't do this [Music] no fish i just i don't even believe it what in the heck [Music] well so much for that i thought there was for sure going to be this is a tree right here [Music] huh disappointing i needed a fish to start my day off right this is not happening all right we're gonna do some trolling until we get to the next tree [Music] ah too shallow blue shallow maybe not maybe not maybe not [Music] rock [Music] uh [Music] so so so there's one there's one oh my drinks are too loose yes that a bass is it a walleye i think that might be oh oh that's a bobby that's a bubby it's it bubby it's a nice boobie oh booby boos come here boobie come here booby come to me he does not want to get into the net yes yes indeed daughter's a nice booby bass little booby bass there we go got our fish for the day we're done for the trip no so [Music] [Music] [Music] there we go oh dang it [Music] oh dang he bit again oh he took my leech a light rain has begun [Music] i ain't gonna worry about it for right now we're getting close to the portage and uh it don't feel too bad i'm like a perfect temperature i've got slight a slight chill which is perfect that's what i want going into these poor edges if i can get just a little chilly right before the portage then when i start working it'll uh warm me back up and i'll be just set again for the next lake so i'm gonna take a couple more casts here at the end of the lake and uh we're gonna see if we can pick up another fish and then we're gonna take care of this pornage all right it's starting to rain let's do this partage [Music] what time is it monty it's your favorite time what time is it is it poncho time it's pancho time it's your favorite time can you believe it because it's poncho time [Applause] give me that creepy slender face there you go monty now you're just a champion [Music] good boy trying to figure out your life figure out this new life [Music] ugh so [Music] so [Music] [Music] this is not a bad rain it's nice and steady but it's just it's just light enough to where uh it's not bothersome at all it's just like you know we'll get wet like my pants are gonna get a little wet i don't got my rain pants on but i don't worry about it unless it's like a downpour uh because my body heat because i'm kind of running warm it'll dry it out kind of keep it at a nice level if i feel a couple drips you know work their way down to my balls then we'll probably switch to rain pants but until then it's all kind of just getting absorbed a little bit it's not so bad i've got an extra pair of pants and i don't mind wearing my wet stuff to uh dry it out [Music] so for right now it's more about being comfortable because i barely wanted to put this rain jacket on because like i said it's a little warm i'm sure monty doesn't appreciate the poncho for temperature but he definitely likes being dry so not much seems to really bother him he seems like he's just living life right now you know what do you want you want the use of your ears [Music] there you go you can have your ears back but that feels nice unless you want him covered when he puts his ears back it makes me think he wants them covered but when they're sticking up he's definitely wants to use them okay they seem a little they seem a little back monty all right we'll put the hood back in put activated there's also a chance we might see some moose today potentially it's always potentially because moose would be always be moosing doing their moosey things like a big old moose but with it being kind of warmer it's cloudy and uh it's rainy they might be on the move you might be able to see one i hope so i'd love to see when it's been a minute i haven't seen a moose in a minute i don't know what to do there's a loon over there on the shore i can tell she's nesting she's on her nest so i don't want to get close but we we do want to be polite and say hello she didn't say hi back but that's okay [Music] so [Music] i took all my stinky's poncho off because it's just very light rain and it's just so warm and muggy you know i wanted to be comfortable and i just i mean look at him he seems content with whatever i do i think he's just happy to be out here he's definitely he always is just when we get to like the spot where we put in uh he always gets so excited and then uh when we get to our first campsite he gets excited again he's all super happy he's always happy at the campsite but i think he's he's been ready for an adventure like this for a while now because he's had to take it pretty mild for quite a while now this is for him this is probably yeah more rewarding than i can imagine because he got to play with the stick for the first time in a long time too i know he was happy about that he hasn't got to do it actually no we did it towards the end of winter we played once oh yeah i forgot but it is just peaceful out not a ton of wind the light rain the birds chirping uh spring is in full effect right now though cruiser budding super green lush forest now we just need [Music] oh so so [Music] creepy just a light sprinkle now so we're holding out for fishing until we get to uh not the next lake but the lake after that and then we're gonna fish very hard or good or well or whatever the word you want to use is we don't fish hopefully we don't catch like some walters i'm not sure if we're i'm not sure if we're gonna stay at that lake or we're gonna keep moving go to the next lake after that why it depends it depends how we're feeling it depends if we catch a bunch or if it's like tough fishing because if it's a little tougher and i don't catch as many i'm probably going to want an evening fish there but if we catch a bunch right away and we got our fish for dinner we might move to the next lake because that's a larry lake so we shall see [Music] so so [Music] okay we have a little beef jerky little cheese granola bar um some captain's wafers yeah about to get a couple captains wafers because he's a first mate and i'm the captain so we both needed them um so we're on our lake not for the evening i've decided i think unless i have a really hard time and i don't catch a single fish um i kind of want to have a smorgasbord of fish tonight i'd like to catch a walter two and a larry so in order to catch a lair we have to move on to the next lake they're probably in here too but the next lake's a bigger lake and yeah so i think what we're going to do is fish here try to catch a walter to smaller ones i don't want to catch like a monster walter and a small one because if that happens then we're just going to eat walleye but we definitely want to have a nice feast so we're gonna see how it goes we might not even catch any fish the rest of the day but uh i'm gonna fill up analogy because i'm trying something new uh last time i did a solo trip i decided i need a little something extra throughout the day because i only eat granola cheese beef jerky and snacks throughout the day i don't eat a meal and i do you know what i'm working um and i did protein powder whey protein last time and it was good it definitely it definitely gave me a little something extra but i it made my nalgene disgustingly stinky uh by the end and it never smelled quite the same so i had to get rid of it so this time i'm gonna try uh electrolyte powder so just like some powerade electrolyte powder i'm about to fill up a nail gene and drink some i know it'll taste good um and i think right it'll be better than just plain water so as i'm doing this trip we'll see if i like it i'm sure i will and yeah so we're going to get out here for up and nalgene and then we're going to do some fishing okay okay so i've actually got these little propel vitamin boosts and i realize the whole analogy needs two of these and i was gonna have two different flavors so i'm actually gonna have to mix them we're gonna have berry kiwi watermelon citrus so let's see how this okay tastes pretty good in my mouth so hard [Music] hmm okay i like that yeah that's gonna some sometimes i don't drink enough water too and jake is always saying that um he always flavors his water because it makes him drink more and yeah that's i'm gonna guzzle this down by the time we're done fishing okay let's put on a leech we got some downed trees and i think there's a fish nearby let's catch them we're gonna definitely try casting out all over um and if we have no luck we will troll for a bit this is what we are going to do [Music] let's try doing a little deeper we're gonna go out a little bit [Music] no bite so far hmm [Music] trees why why no fish bite why [Music] okay i think what i'm gonna do is put on a leech and we're gonna troll with an eerie theory because i'm not getting many bites like this and i'd like to cover a little ground then we'll try a few more spots with a slip bobber but i want to do a couple passes trolling see if we can catch anything just work the drop offs and whatnot all right i've got the eerie dairy with a big old leech on there let's do some trolling foreign [Applause] [Music] so so no bites yet i trolled around the main part of the lake for a while um kind of went across the middle casted this along some trees now i'm working a channel and still haven't got a single bite so it might be a little early i mean it's there's still five hours of light left so it's not quite evening and it's it is kind of bright out for it being cloudy so that could be making them not so active right now but i don't know there is a spot at the end of this channel that i'm definitely gonna give a try that i think we should be able to pick one up there at least but i am getting nervous i want my fishies oh come on fishes sun's out a little bit now it's not raining [Music] [Music] maybe there will be no fish dinner today i'll regret letting that booby go [Music] we still got time and we've always got larry's in the next leg we don't have walters you know any fish is good [Music] mr peter pike is the lowest in the totem pole for me and that's personal preference there's nothing wrong with pike you gotta deal with the bones but you can debone them but uh the flavor's delicious it's just that's my pike i'm just i've eaten so many pike i'm just like me i like my walleye my bath my uh lake trout well now that's not raining and it's not windy the sun's peeking out i'm starting to feel a little warm where the heck are the gosh darn walters oh there's goes my leech i thought i i thought i saw um something nib at it my leech is gone so i could have just gotten a bite and i just grabbed the leech and i ripped it right off i didn't have it hooked good i guess i was reusing that leech so actually it was probably just messed up [Music] i didn't hit those notes very well that is the white throated sparrow uh i was like that i can hit him there's still hope there's some moving water at the end of the lake here and i always love moving water for uh any type of fish because they got bait and stuff moving it's a good spot for everything [Music] i'm sure if i just sat in one spot like because this is a nice like channel it's fairly deep if i just left my slip bobber in this channel especially towards dark because while i are going to be cruising through here so i could definitely catch him that way but i am on the move i do not like sitting and fishing that's why i am terrible at ice fishing i like to keep it moving casting trolling still no hashtags uh-oh uh oh this is scary no fishy monty no fishing oh there's two turtles up on that log hey hey turtles where's the fish i'm gonna come say hello if there's no fish here why the fishies do this why why do they do this [Music] [Music] oh dive dive dive hey steve steve oh oh jeez did he get the boat monty uh oh he just got in the boat [Music] so we're at the end of the lake we tried we didn't get anything yet but there's one last chance and there's moving water coming from the next lake and i always like these spots i feel like there's going to be one here but i don't want to say it so i'm going to knock on wood and we're going to give it a shot we'll cast right into the moving water we'll cast out we'll we'll spend a good like half hour here and if we don't get anything we're just gonna move to the next lake and then troll for some larry's it's a shame it is a shame okay here we go [Music] [Applause] oh there we go i always had a bite [Music] dang it [Music] dang it i just had a bite poop there's hope just got another bite i feel like whatever's biting is not walleye oh another bite there's no way these are walleye while i would have swallowed this by now oh there's another bite it's got to be some kind of little pan fish like a rock bass it's probably rock bass [Music] don't want rock bass want walleye [Music] well i'm not having any luck poop i think what we're going to do is we are going to move on to the next i'm going to take a couple casters these down trees over here and if i have no luck we're going to move on to the next lake and go for lake trout we might have to wait for mr walter for another night ratro so [Music] [Music] foreign i don't think i've ever seen an animal as willing to be picked up as monty i mean just just look at this thing he just like falls in my arms look at he looks look at that he just just [Music] doesn't care goes limp just like a 70 pound teddy bear look at this thing i mean just just doesn't even my teeth look at that booty good boy oh geez that frog came out of nowhere it seems like you could you know i could use this camera angle to talk to you guys you know to change it up but this is this is not the side monty wants to be shown he's got his one good side so he always sticks to that side so we're gonna go ahead and put you over on monty's good side [Music] there see now he just he turned around so he gave me his backside so apparently we're just not going to see the monty right now um yeah so we are on our lake for the evening we got a big old lake um there is definitely larry's in here so we're gonna get out to the big open spot and we're gonna start trolling until then we're just gonna paddle do a little patlin do a little patellin and uh see what kind of weather comes up i mean they were supposed to be scattered with thunderstorms all day or starting at least hours ago two three hours ago nothing not a single rumble of thunder uh you know there's still potential it's coming tonight i hope it comes tonight when i'm all set up that'd be awesome just down for uh yeah but it's it's super peaceful and the bugs like the bugs are out but they're really not that bad the worst was definitely yesterday when i was sweaty and portaging that was by far the worst right now they're just they're there but they're really not that bad you know i'm swatting a few away but it's nothing crazy nothing crazy at all i got a little redness going on from my bag straps when i'm dropping them on the ground with my my arm [Music] [Music] [Music] come on [Music] so oh okay okay it is time to finally equip the one the only the chartreuse slayer we're gonna let out about about a hundred feet of line and we're gonna troll for some larry's as we look for a campsite we're gonna focus more on trolling rather than looking for a campsite because it's a big lake and there's lots of them so we'll figure it out we've got three hours of light left so we're in troll for like an hour looking for a camp or right around there then we'll set up camp and then we'll come back out if we don't have any luck by then so let's catch larry so [Music] the sun has come out oh no only larry will come out come on larry where are you at what really i'd rather have the larry than the sun i'll be honest a couple of loons right in your camp i just saw one catch a fish these kind of popped up out of nowhere anyways yep we uh didn't catch any fish didn't have any bites uh we're gonna set up camp quick and uh monty just got a snack i ate a snack gave him some food because he looked hungry and he ate it all because he's a porky piggy and yeah we're gonna set up camp then we're gonna do some more fishing well you know right exactly where i'm gonna set up and you lay right right where i'm gonna set up yes you do yes you have a magic power you're so good at it yes yes oh you stinker what do you do what are you doing okay we're gonna set up right here a couple rocks poking up but otherwise pretty flat lay like this i think i'm gonna set up a tarp as well because it looks rainy i'm just going to keep setting up the tarpon unless it looks like it's just going to be clear skies what do you got there oh jeez oh man first critter okay so i'm gonna probably do one of two things tonight we're either going to catch fish and we go back out and have a walter larry dinner or we're not gonna catch fish and i probably won't even have a fire because there's a nice bluff up here a rock bluff and uh we'll go sit up there and cook dinner and probably just hang out up there potentially potentially it's all potential because i always you know i get to change my mind if i want i can change my mind i can do what i want this is my wilderness trip and i'll do what i want i got a slip bobber with a leech right out of my boat right there no bites yet let me just double check yeah it's just it's just sitting right there no bites so [Applause] so where are we okay you're getting too bouncy you're getting too bouncy mister get too bouncy hey hey oh you gotta fluff your butt so so okay okay all right i can't stop no monty no we gotta be careful we can't overdo it we can't overdo it listen okay so hmm i see your eyes open when i crinkle that food bag don't treat it's just the dog food that you didn't eat good boy [Applause] okay we are back in the boat we've got an hour and ten minutes of light left we're gonna do some trolling for some lakers and then maybe some casting for walleye we don't have any luck hopefully we picked something up okay to increase my chances i've decided i'm gonna try to try swivel deal so this is going to be the bottom one all right so i made two liters off of this swivel here oh whoops i guess it doesn't really matter which one goes on first [Music] this one oh geez i almost just spilled a bunch of leeches in my boat okay now they're both on there [Music] all right so i'll put the chartreuse layer on the longer one and that's gonna kind of go off the back so i'll have that floating off the back and then on the bottom to weight it down and try to pull it down i'm going to use the eerie deery with a big old leech on there because that's like three quarter ounce so i'm gonna just gently now i'll just start slowly letting out line as we get moving and then we control for walleye and uh lake trout at the same time so i'm just gonna one-handed do this and get a decent amount of line out and then we're trolling i gotta pick up a couple leeches that i spilled my boat we just had a fish on i don't know if it's still there or not oh no [Music] dang it we definitely just had one it is still there we definitely got a fish on it didn't feel like a fish for a minute there [Music] oh this is gonna be a tangled mess oh it's pulling oh come on it's decent [Music] it's a larry oh simmer down larry larry [Music] that's my first chasm he's gone we got hillary and the other one oh my gosh [Music] we had two on at the same time and i lost one oh my gosh i don't know how to feel about that but i'm happy we we got one we're having fish dinner [Music] that's awesome okay let me deal with this [Music] i was just messing with getting the lines back in the water and something just bit it right next to the boat [Music] okay that's awesome that's so awesome oh my gosh okay we need to deal with this mess all right i'm gonna set this one more time for fun we are having an actual feast tonight oh yeah monty's gonna get a ton i'm gonna get a ton it's gonna be so good we are just heading back to camp now that was a big old mess i can't believe that so we had a two on the one line at the same time and then we had i was just messing around trying to get it back in the water and immediately got one just right next to the boat i wasn't even moving i was just kind of sitting there we're gonna go get some firewood uh we're gonna head back to camp and i will check back in with you guys when we're getting to processing uh unless i catch another fish on the way back which we're gonna release but yeah this is awesome we are having fish dinner oh yeah double larry okay we're gonna need a decent amount of firewood for tonight so i've got some pieces here to process up let's get to processing so i know i totally messed up the double larry uh because i got too excited on the uh the one but that's okay we still got our two i've never had that before in my canoe a double larry that was that was crazy this one yeah this is punky this is we don't want this that was no good oops i barely dig that one okay okay got a little cushion for my knees [Laughter] uh oh the mosquitoes are coming out bad okay i'm not messing around with this i'm gonna use the deet i'm not getting swarmed right now i decided we're going to give the lemon eucalyptus stuff one more try or with a try with mosquitoes work for the black flies now let's try lather it on mosquitoes i mean i don't hear him right this [Laughter] second this isn't the best firewood in the world um but it'll do it's a slightly punky huh so we're just gonna have to we're just gonna have to use birch where i can get these wet twigs burning because it's not gonna be the best centers but once it gets going anything will work there's just birch bark everywhere there's so many birch trees all over the ground and this stuff's all wet so we're going to need some of this let's get our coal bed started though oops so all right so there's a lot of wet stuff in there we're just going to try to keep it alive with birch bark right now see if what we got going is enough to dry out some of that and get it burning see if there's a success or fail it doesn't look like a success right now i think there's hope though replace some of this wet stuff that was sitting here on the fire to dry out [Laughter] [Laughter] okay we've got plenty of wood um yeah monty's pooped i think that fire is not going out now so we can just put on wet crap it'll be fine i am going to flay up our fish now because i'm kind of hungry so i want to get uh preparing dinner maybe have a little bit earlier dinner so i'm gonna get that fish played and once we get a coal bed we're actually gonna probably start cooking pretty soon here because i'm hungry oh yeah so okay before we start cooking we need to prepare one thing for our fish we are going to cook it up with some white onion so we're going to save uh two thirds of this in case we have more fish dinners we'll use we're gonna have a healthy portion tonight now we'll go a little bit thicker oh that's almost half that looks pretty good we're gonna add this to our pan and then we're also going to add something else i brought out some amish roll butter instead of my normal sticks of butter i love this stuff so we're going to add just a little bit now and we'll add a good amount we're probably gonna oops we'll probably make a little extra buttery this time that's some good butter oh yeah okay now we just need to get the fish portioned up and then we're going to start cooking okay there is our beautiful larry we are going to feast and because i'm true to my word monty's not going to eat much more than this but he's going to get an entire fillet that is a lot for monty we're going to pretty much give him this with his treats and a little pumpkin and just a touch of kibble that's going to be a chunk so i'm going to start cooking the onions and the butter get these cooked up a little bit and then we're going to add in the fish and then we are going to season it and yeah let's get going it's time to cook water from monty this is for baby red instant mashed potatoes need two cups of water oh smokey okay okay okay i think we have a little bit more butter and then we're going to throw in our fish oh yeah our waters our water's almost ready for the taters and yeah okay oh before i add the fish though i gotta add one other thing i have right here some dehydrated morel mushrooms that were wild caught that i found before this trip [Music] flash yeah i went out and got some realm mushrooms uh yeah i found them for the first time this year so we're gonna add a few of these and these should be delicious oh yeah we're gonna need to cook these up for a minute probably gonna add let's just do a bunch of them tonight and then we'll have a little bit more for another night okay we need a little bit more butter in there they're black morels hmm oh that's gonna be so good okay and then our idaho and instant babies mm-hmm these will thicken i didn't really make them soupy it just needs it's a little clumpy so just need to absorb all that water okay all right we're gonna set these off to the side to cool let's see what we got here oh yeah okay it's time to add in our fish there's going to be too much here which will be just the right amount it's going to be fun to cook but it's also going to be fun to eat okay now on top of that we are going to sprinkle montreal all over that okay a little bit more another little chunk of butter oh yeah let's check monty's here all right monty's is done so we're going to add in a little bit of kibble some other goodies we're going to keep it a little less watery for him so it's a little more flavorful all right a little bit more kibble he can feast too all right let me go stir monkeys and he'll be good oh you're just frying up this fish in this butter oh that looks so good oh it is almost time oh yeah okay i think this fish is done okay it is time to feast oh yeah okay okay i'm gonna add my instant mashed potatoes right on in here oh now that is a feast with the fork of approval yeah let's eat i'm sorry i didn't mean to fart in your face much i'm sorry all right give you a little water make sure it's nice and cool and there's a little a little more not dry oh that is a feast for old monty oh oh my do we lost a little bit yeah you are gonna love that oh he's drooling like crazy oh go ahead go boy oh i am so excited for this i uh sliced up a lemon here i know this isn't gonna mix with the mushrooms very well but so be it uh i love lemon fresh lemon on fish i'm gonna just drizzle some on as i eat it okay time for that first glorious bite of fish hmm oh man oh i got a morale hmm oh the morales are so good in there oh me hot auntie i think you're such a good boy i have a little bit of my scraps of mashed potatoes oh this is so good all right i'm gonna shut up that camera enjoy my meal uh without that bright light on and uh yeah eat and i'm just gonna relax for a bit so uh i can't stop farting that is all right anyways yeah i'm going to keep eating the balloons are going nuts that was filling but i still want some dessert so what i've got right here for my dessert is starburst my favorite uh candy for when i'm on the wilderness trip now these are very special starburst these are my absolute favorite tropical starbursts but not only that uh one of you guys my subscribers found out that the orange tropical starburst is my favorite and they sent me a whole bag of just orange tropical starburst and that's what i've got this is just all my favorite candy yeah all of them are going to be the best flavor hmm oh yeah this guy he devoured his food and he was begging hard so i did this new trick where i uh gave him his dinner like that and then when he's done begging or right after i put some more kibble in his bowl and he didn't want nothing to do with that so he's not starving he just wants snacks which is understandable but that covers my end because then that i'm not worried that he didn't get enough food because if he if he really was hungry he would have ate it but no he just wanted more delicious stuff he wanted to eat until he's sick like me not might you what yeah well but oh well i'm just going to sit here and snack on some candy for a minute my fire's kind of just smoldering down clean up camp all right good night trying to get rid of about it's getting close to that time mm-hmm this has got to be some sick game monty why would you do this to me why would you do that i can't believe what you just did he literally just walked onto the sleeping pad and did his stupid little nesting thing he did two scratches ripped a hole in this sleeping pad right there there it is ripped a hole in it and then he went late on this one because that one lost air he just walked up there when his scripts grip and it popped and then he i can't believe he just did that you're actually a jerk right now oh my gosh i gotta see if i can fix that you can look at all the lines he oh my gosh monty yeah i'm dealing with this tomorrow uh i'm getting the sleeping pad because monty purposely scratched it and popped it and uh yeah i when i'm on these week-long trips if monty doesn't need the insulation to like stay warm i'm taking the sleeping pad because he's fine he's got this sleeping pad he's gonna make it um so now we have to be careful because his nesting i didn't think i can't believe he just did that he just walked onto it oh and then he just sat on the other one like whoa no that wasn't a good idea just immediately went and laid down on the other one yeah we're gonna see if we can repair that it doesn't look good he tore through the first layer and the inner stuff i've got clear duct tape normal duct tape we'll duct tape it up so it's very blurry anyways i'm a pass out now i don't want to deal with that i will catch you guys in the morning good night everybody you did this to yourself monty you did this to yourself [Music] you
Channel: Matthew Posa
Views: 167,386
Rating: 4.9141078 out of 5
Keywords: camping, wilderness, wilderness area, camp, how to camp, adventure, adventurer, bushcraft, bushcrafter, bushcrafting, campfire cooking, cooking, campfire, fire, fire skills, fishing, canoe, canoeing, bwca, canoe camping, fall camping, fall, dog, dog training, camping dog, boundary waters, nikon d5500, canada, backpacking, survival, survival skills, gopro, going camping, wilderness adventure, winter camping, paddling, canoe paddle, canoe trip, outdoors, forest, funny, hilarious, silly, gourmet cooking
Id: _YXyoqDo14k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 174min 28sec (10468 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 01 2021
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