2 Nights of Canoe Camping With The Dogs

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hey loon [Music] there we go right off the bat um [Music] [Music] meat at a big old region [Music] [Music] oh my gosh the bag just fit it that was so perfect definitely got some space okay rogues no no no no get out get get out out come on come over here all right [Applause] gotta drip dry your rooms there we go all right [Applause] watch your roofs come here i'm gonna get you away i don't know if i want my feet in my boat until we get out there okay we are off oh this is i'm gonna have to buy feet in the boat layla what are you doing uh your dog's uh layla come here come on i think i'm gonna wait come here leila well hello ladies and gentlemen i am out with first mate pee poops mctoots first mate rugas tucuspot badugus captain teeny trout and uh firstnet first mate layla she's gonna get a better nickname towards the end but uh yeah we're gonna spend a couple nights out here doing a little canoe camping we're gonna try to stay at two different sites and maybe catch some fish eat some good food and have a good time so as you can see lucas has brought along his pup laila and she's a first time he's taken her in the canoe before but never uh doing something like this is the first time so we're going to see how it goes and i've never done a trip with both dogs so we're going to see how that goes rugis has been in the boat before but i've never normally i'll just go to like one lake but we're gonna try to move in portage so i'm gonna have to be pretty careful rugs is a good boy so he'll probably stay pretty good for he'll probably stay pretty good for the most part but uh you may be wondering who is layla where did she come from so i guess we'll tell a little bit of a story so a long time ago before ruger was spayed and before monty was neutered they had a little pup and they only had one and that pup turned out to be a girl and that girl was given to captain tini trout well sold i'm being quite honest and that turned out to be layla so that's her true original story where she's come from so she's got a destiny that is great and she will she will become a canoe dog one day they could be the greatest canoe dog of all who knows but i think that's monty but anyways we're going through some lily pads right now we're going to get out a little ways and then we're going to let the dogs swim because they're all hot back there so the boat is a little tippy i'm going to have to be quite careful so let's get going so there's a good boy rose they're doing so good rogues this is a vast improvement over last time mystery yes you're just chilling right out i think he knows the drill that's a good problem but you're being a good boy as usual i don't even need to say it ruger just laid down i didn't even ask him to i was asking monty to look at that hey yeah i guess you can see you can sit up as long as you guys aren't standing i think we're good all right we're going to attempt to let them out but you got to be careful when you got two dogs in the boat ruger's going to want to just jump out and if he throws off our weight too much either of them do we're flipping we do not want that so ruger you stay there both you stay stay until i can get a solid grounding okay be good don't don't embarrass me on the old camera all right stay there stay stay okay go ahead go ahead monty i'm good boys that was that was painless all right wait we'll wait for the old good captain certini trout okay so a good little tidbit about the boys here monty obviously he's a veteran he will follow the boat he will swim across lakes he will stay by my side ruger will stay by my side too except if i go too far out in water so if i try to paddle and get him to swim across a small area he definitely in the past would not do it we'll attempt it once today once or twice i don't think it's going to happen but maybe you know as he learns to swim and it's hot he might not want to come back in the boat but he might also ask to come in the boat and then we'll just have him come back in the boat we'll let monty do his thing layla's you stay there come on stay just stay stay stay you stay you stay little lady stay there until you get the command go ahead layla come here layla come on come here oh now that she's get to go ahead she doesn't want to jump out we got another muskrat all right [Music] but to be honest the more swimming they do the better get those dogs doggone tired [Applause] well you can go over to shoreline it's probably easier than going through the lily pads oh oh they figured it out okay good boys i'm surprised rooks came swimming out he might actually follow the boat today i'm just hurting i'm just hurting the uh i've heard the herd i'm hurting the herding dogs that's what i figured rooms would do huh good boy rooks nope he's just like come on rooks well call him over start paddle ahead of me just start paddling in front we knew there was going to be challenges monty and layla are about to face one oh oh oh hey they're doing pretty good layla's doing just fine we need to drip dryer ropes clear my teeth [Applause] okay [Applause] oh you're heavy monty okay okay yeah it's definitely gonna be interesting trying to fish there's a lake where i know we can uh let them out and just do some fishing [Applause] we're coming up to the footage number ready hey boys okay okey-dokey let's add a simple little it's a method monty oh geez so excited for fishing [Applause] so as you can see it is blue skies out right now uh it's about 86 degrees it's as hot as hot can be 86 degrees fahrenheit that's like 50 celsius right layla you're okay you're okay layla it's fine everyone's fine over here okay hey layla layla you're a good girl okay be good girl let's go girl you're fine so we're not doing much fishing right now um we want to get to a spot because i don't really i don't fish with ruger in the boat when he's right between my legs because he likes to go for things and i don't want to hook him lucas is definitely not going to be fishing with layla in the boat between his legs so we're probably going to wait till we get to a spot where the dogs can either chill on the shoreline or we'll just see how much fishing we do this is a this is an experiment layla's first time out that's that's what the focus of this trip is introducing layla to this canoe trip and stuff so we'll see how much fishing happens we'll definitely try to catch them a fish dinner okay we're just leaning into me and monty's leaning on this side oh geez oh geez yeah she'll get used to it i think you just think that you guys are like getting away and that's what yeah prime fishing time did you bring a dog brush yeah i brought funk's nice slicker brush and she was like you be careful with that i don't know it's got fine little metal things that i've said yeah i think i've already bent some bristles what do you think about this these guys coming on your canoe trip huh you think they're you think they're ready for this monty you think they're ready are they gonna turn into just like you i think ruger would be pretty good if he sat in the back but uh he's the only one that can fit in between my legs so he'll do just fine that's a good boy yeah this is kind of working out great rogue's laying down between my legs rogueliu groogs yeah he's just chilling it is a little weird we got oh this is just a it's a disaster waiting to happen i got rogues leaning hard on the right side and monty laying hard on the left side if they both stand up at the same time we could have a disaster on our hands part of the reason i only bought what brought one pole i was like if i do end up going down i'd rather lose one hole in that two rugas what are you doing oh just got the shirt wet dunked my head feels pretty damn good layla don't try to run me over we can definitely take a few casts here where is it if you guys want check out my instagram i've just posted a picture of me catching a big old 36 inch pike my personal best to date that was caught right here probably like another hundred feet up let's try for old time's sake before the dogs get in there yeah i don't think there's any hope of me catching uh in the middle of the day like 90 degrees in shallow water ruger you gonna get that stick come here roots get the stick roofs go get the stick right there the beaver home it's it's a it's a just a gold mine of sticks go ahead there you go rogues he doesn't know what to do there's what yeah i guess there is dogs everywhere what are you gonna do all right let's catch something i won't be satisfied with the day if i don't catch a fish oh yeah the other good thing about uh being out here is the mental stimulation of just like all the smells sights like ruger does it takes a lot to get rid rigor exhausted but you you take him for an overnighter when he goes home he's out what is that what is that on shore what is that the heck is that oh it's a rooks hi rooks what you doing little lady good boy rogues come on come hunty i don't know there they got some endurance ruger's shooting the gap look at him i never thought i'd see it good boy rooks good boy i thought he was gonna try to go around but it is it's complete swamp back there i'm glad he didn't this way rogues over here boys come on yeah that's definitely gonna be one fried sausage right there [Laughter] layla are you gonna be a fried sausage [Applause] it's right here layla good dogs look at you two oh you little stinkers it's just gorgeous day a little bit warm but uh that's just gonna make swimming so much sweeter so much sweeter we got this porridge and one more for the day at least that's the plan we'll see if we change our minds but yeah let's do it [Music] stay there rooks back up my g ruger right here all right good boy all aboard all right monty you're up go ahead jump in the end that's good times y'all vessel good boy now i will attempt to get in as well oh boys i'm starting to get a dense booty too oops there goes a lure i think dang i wasn't fishing oh no it's still on there a few casts and see if i can get a bite all right ruger you leave it this is very scary i've never fished with a loaded down boat with ruger in between my legs before like this rogues i will try near some big downed trees i'm not gonna you doing good layla you good girl are you are you canoe camping layla you sure are a little lady all right sit down yeah it'll definitely get better with time all right rogues lay down or sit sit you're fine okay i'm gonna cast we got a big old downed tree we got two stinky dogs well three stinky dogs but only two in this boat let's see if we can get a bite this might be a little bit of a gamble here ruger's not appreciating the casting right by his face this is definitely a risk right now we're risking it for the bisque in it see how he's drinking water like that it's because he's like anxious about the the lure so he's just drinking water compulsively i mean he's thirsty but he's i feel like he's doing this more because he's anxious about me casting our rooks twirl twirl twirl all right good boy all right you're fine i'm not gonna cast we're gonna give it a rest okay good boy all right good boy that's a good boy yeah you're doing great you're doing great there's plenty more sticks swimming fun ahead of us i mean we got a whole day oh i forgot to mention we got an early start today i mean wow right how often does that happen it's that captain tina trout getting me up at the crack of dawn like we better get out there before the sun rises or i'm going home i don't think that's anybody that's a reasonable person leave it okay leave it good boy you leave it right there [Music] you leave it and i might even treat you to something okay you'll be a good boy and you'll get great things it's okay rugas okay it's okay it's okay rugez leave it rogues leave it good boy it's just because he wants he thinks this is a toy leave it rubes you're doing good he thinks it's a toy that i'm throwing that he's not allowed to get oh don't rock the boat don't rock the boat lay low don't rock the boat don't tip the boat over hi layla hey definitely way less like anxiety inducing when you're up here just because yeah you can control more out here oh no why'd you just we got loons oh yeah we got loons up ahead oh yeah they're loons it oops leave it leave it hey loon how's it going oh you're fine those loons definitely did not like us they had little babies with them but the babies went under and swam away and like we're going it's a it's a long narrow lake so like we were going right towards them towards the portage and uh they don't they were just upset the one just came splashing around i don't know how to tell i'm i don't know how to tell which one's male which one's female but uh yeah i don't know if it's the male's bigger or the females bigger for loons yeah the one of them was yeah real big the other one was small the big one sometimes it's like that i know in certain animals the females are the bigger ones oh look at that he's got a big old leech on him [Laughter] the snapper decided he wanted the perch and you're gonna get it buddy i just uh oh he's got a big old leech on his back look at that that's a big leech big old leech on his back look at that that's a big leech big ol leech on his back look at that that's a big leech big old leech on his back look at that that's a big leech big ol leech on his back look at that that's a big leech big ol leech on his back look at that it's a big leech big ol leech on his back look at that that's a big beach big old leech on his back look at that that's a big leech big old leech on his back look at that it's a big leech big old leech on his back look at that that's a big look at that his back look at that that's a big okay what's a mushroom and then we got this one over here i think this is called like poison i can't remember i think it's like poison oak i feel like we rubbed our legs against this is that poison ivy i know it's i don't think it's poison ivy but it's like sennac or i don't know what it is definitely looks weird and i i we we might have rubbed our legs on this and i think it's like poison oak just rinse it real good in the water yeah we might want to because i don't know what that is someone identify this or 200 people identify this not just one and now i want 200 people to identify this what is it is it a mushroom is it a fungi well motions are fungi is it a manga is it a moss i don't know it smells like straight up farts good boys okay okay that's five portages for the day and i think we are going to be staying on this lake today it is beautiful hot sunny calm uh the bugs don't seem too terribly bad right now so i think what we're gonna do is paddle on over yonder and jump in that water and get wet and it's gonna feel nice oh my gosh is that a layla laying down that's a lay in layla did she do it on her own oh my gosh laila you're learning look at you little lady look at you that's a good puppy yeah you're probably super tired oh there's something jump right there probably a big old gill yep it was definitely a longer one arugus is figuring this out too ah there you go i've got uh some yummy pond water nothing better than the top water in the middle of a still hot sunny day hey we got a loon up there well here we are boys okay go ahead rose oh yeah oh yeah [Music] dang it who's dry i definitely didn't make them sit like this they did this on their own honest to god we did not make them sit like this monty just picked this spot and river came and curl up right in them two beautiful little brothers passed out a hard day's work uh it's so precious this is gonna be just the best thing ever it actually feels kind of silly oh yeah it's just it does feel amazing though oh my gosh huh looks like i'm still it's freezing this is the coldest one i've ever visited hey get away from me sing a free ball in with a high-pitched voice [Music] he doesn't like that song maybe he liked him that's why bruce come on out here come here come here buddy come here buddy hi yeah we're all swimming come here rooms that's a good boy yeah it's a good boy don't run into each other i know you guys like to drown each other sometimes we're getting this little afro on her butt that's a little bit about the hair yeah bro that's funny [Applause] [Applause] oh hi hi doggies hi hi layla ruber oh see now that it's like hot it's not so bad that we're here right once you're here you're at the campsite everything's good now we don't have to swelter oh yeah i'm gonna get all my parts you gotta get your face before your butt i wasn't saying in case whatever that was if it was a poison oh yeah yeah poison sumac i feel like that's what it was it's something like that i think so i think sumac does have like uh like a berry thing going on i don't think that's it maybe i don't know i think snowmax looks really rare layla is like a he's got the energy of ruger but the laziness of monty yeah she's somewhere in the middle she's definitely got the barkiness on monty when they're playing yeah she's a playful barker she doesn't bark any other time except for when she's like yep playful that's pretty much what monty does montyo bark if i'm like attacking him with a sleeping pad or pointing a stick at him or if he's playing but other than that he's pretty quiet and chill or if he hears a mouse fart then he's just it was like dog heroes or something it was a movie all about dogs with like jobs they saved people like rescue dogs yeah it was really cool one of them though was like this i have like webbed feet and i swear to god they said this thing could tow like oh yeah it was like it was an absurd one you were telling me that we were like thinking about it i can't remember what it is whatever the number we gotta look at i wouldn't believe it it's an absurd number it's hundreds of pounds for sure right i think it was like you told me like a thousand pounds i think that's what it was it was like six times its body weight and this is like a hundred plus pound dog yeah it was like ten times its body weight it was a lot we'll have to look into that because i remember you telling me that it was like you're telling his dog to pull like 2 400 pounds or something ridiculous maybe if it was a boat yeah it was a [Applause] all boat um uh [Applause] so [Applause] she just chilling it's funny when they just go limp they're just like yeah this is actually sweet it's like a like observer she's just like yeah then you got roots over there hello what do you think about canoe camping what do you think about canoe camping huh are you tired my dear did you say treat i can't tell did you say trade i don't know like you might have got something that you might like check this out you know i like nestlin like nestling my gear oh yeah what happened no just clearing the throat i got this sent by a subscriber oh yeah i saw that and my jetboil fits just perfectly into that just like it was meant to be amazing it's almost like you feel like you're not even bringing anything extra yeah okay yep little pathfinder pot just goes perfect with that jetboil it's only it's a little bit tall i bet if i take if i take this out oh yeah it's just here put that in there oh my god it's pretty close oh something in the tummy i mean we're snacking you guys want to snack good work nick snack you guys want smack [Applause] layla yeah that's up to your dad over here layla all right go ahead boys go ahead layla oh are you setting up that hammock are you setting up or the the cot oh yeah oh what is this sorcery you're saying there's something better than just a squishy super expensive sleeping pad yeah this thing this sleeping setup costs more than the mattress that i slept on first of all it weighs the same amount as my chair how is that impossible [Music] that's what he's do he popped both these sleeping pads and that's what he did on the bed oh yeah you know and it popped he went he was vindictive he went into the the tent went and did that on my sleeping pad popped it and immediately jumped to the other side pad and laid down immediately just like he did it on purpose ruin that one better try this one he's gotta make it nice it's definitely a little extra set up time yeah but it's worth it well we'll see well i'll be the judge of that i think monty doesn't care about your he is cut building an empire over here there you go lie down on that now all right i'm going to do it once it's pretty nice just by i'm going to do it without the pad it looks a little short but like i don't extend myself fully can i you kind of want to i mean what do you do just like you know if you step right into one spot you will go to the ground i want to see how close to the ground you are oh man that is that's not bad you know hey no lick get out of here yeah you're on it i mean well let me se you're close i guess how about there a couple inches i don't know it's it's pretty comfy it's a nice like platform oh yeah i could just once you get the pad on there though yeah it's comfy as is yeah this is pretty comfy i could i could definitely fall asleep like this yeah for sure probably i mean i'm a side sleeper so this is this is a little annoying for me like having my because i got long elbows so i have to like i have to like position all right but one thing at the sleeping pad i think it's gonna be different so you don't want to like just kneel in one spot i haven't seen that it's probably fine you got your fat you can't you can't use your breath like a normal human no way it's too much work and breathing and i don't get all kinds of fit inside my airplane that's true i mean i've i've heard people let those things get stinky man from i've heard people say it's gonna you know put air crystals in your pad it's gonna this and that like like you're saying it's gonna get stinky while it makes sense it's never happened i've gone camping in winter all sorts of temperatures all sorts of seasons i've never ever seen any evidence of that actually happening i mean let's be real i don't care about any of that i'm just too lazy to blow the thing yeah no i don't know i know you're just we're just you're just trying you're trying to say hey this is my question is how is layla going to react to a don't know what's going on sleeping pad attack i don't know she almost didn't react and react until ruger barks scared me okay all right you guys stop messing up captain tina's trolls tent still got to be a clear knight yep [Music] [Applause] all right that is gonna be comfortable okay we're just setting up here i'm sleeping under the stars like this this is my bug weather setup for sleeping with the stars and then what we got two hours and 40 minutes of light left we might do some fishing towards evening right now we're just kind of taking our time it's so hot out we're just relaxing enjoying ourselves trying out his fancy a cot here and uh yeah we're gonna probably collect up some firewood here dogs are just chilling and uh yeah we'll check back out with you but we're just going to relax and sit up so that's it oh yeah that's some hair oh oh gosh that's some set up hair i want to get a picture of layla in here chilling with the lights on ah this is for her not me is it it is i was like i bought these so long ago and i've never used them but now the layla's gonna be out here i'm getting picture [Music] i'm ready to sleep on this comfy thing so playing this cat right now right i feel like there's like a lot watch out dogs i'm looking for maximum comfort oh geez already even with it blown up i normally have to take out some air oh that is pretty comfy hyrums tight not bad right high that is pretty and get rude get on my face get out of here hey hold on ruth let me just enjoy this for a minute okay rugas stop licking the salty skin stop it hey don't look at my face all right i'm gonna i'm gonna let out some air like i would normally yeah i mean you're kind of on an angle but it looks like it is a little slippery yeah you're gonna have to make it level but still i will say like so first of all it is way comfier because like normally my pad is firm on the ground but this is like giving that give yeah so it like makes it so like even though my pad's blowing up and it feels kind of hard it's like it's got that slight squish so i can you're sliding all over the thing yeah like your feet are it's just your feet see that's that's the only problem is like i do this like i do this concept so if that's not level that's what i was gonna say like i feel like but downgrading the pad like you were saying that felt like a bad that felt pretty comfy i i would find it if i get one if i don't know so the problem is i would i looked into these ever since he mentioned it and there's a version that is twice the weight but it's got the option to put leg extension so it's like a full-blown cot that you can stick stuff underneath now that will be great for the hot tent especially deer camp when we need all the room but this is a little tent here you're gonna want the shorter version so it's like can i can you justify the two and a half pounds and it's more expensive i don't know we'll we'll see oh yeah i'm always sleeping good tonight boys yeah i'm so excited to use this i'm going to hear you just ripping logs and i'm going to be jealous that is pretty comfy though i don't i don't know if i can help myself i don't i just don't know [Applause] [Applause] oh hi boys i knew you're coming out yeah i know i know i needed this i needed this monty i was sweating and you guys are stinky doggy so you might as well do a little more swimming we don't want it left yeah come here come here come here what's this okay there you go but he's killing the roots remind us what you were doing before good morning i'll stay there it's okay it's okay let me just hold your butt up oh boy isn't that nice this much so so that was naughty hey we'd be fine right now all right all right all right fish i want to be close to shore i didn't bring anything i'm ready for this thing to capsize when this fish has landed come on well go ahead go ahead big daddy let's go catch fish burger i'm sorry there's only one pad [Applause] right off the bat all right we are heading out for the evening fish i left my watch on the shoreline but the sun is getting close to setting let's see what we can pick up i don't know if we're gonna keep anything we don't need fish for our dinner well let's see what happens my that was a fart rocks i just would have never thought rookie toogy would just be laying down all willy-nilly willingly whatever you want to say you're such a good boy rugs you i think you know you appreciate this don't you how will we catch a fish we're going to see how you act then all right you want to catch a fish well i'ma catch fish you just you just watch you're gonna get a front row ticket you know it's okay you get that furled lip i'm gonna catch a fish okay look at your little t-verse [Music] i know that wasn't the best thing ever [Music] all right sit down [Music] you're gonna have to leave it you're gonna this is a part of being a canoe adventure dog a big part of it is fishing okay you know what i mean so i mean if you want to continue to do this [Music] you gotta you gotta accept the fishing for what it is oh there we go i felt to take that one i was just dinking around oh this feels like a log i think we got a mr pike right now oh this feels like a nice pike whatever it is it's not fighting it is just pulling oh i think i got something decent i think it's a pike oh it's definitely a pike oh that's a that's a good-sized pike this thing is about to take off what is it why is it so slow it's about 24 incher nothing huge oh it's right in the corner of his mouth rugas i don't want to lose it oh i got the lure out of his mouth i might be good oh that's a that's a nice pike that's this is healthy but he is so slow moving oh geez oh okay that's a decent pike right there oh super down simmer down simmer down some simmer some summer well that's like a that's like a 28 inch pike look at that guy oh i'm getting slime all over my legs oh jeez i don't know what is going on with this pike but he is like slow moving right there skipper okay let's let this guy go it's definitely like a 28 to 30 inch pipe [Music] so that last pike i just cast out like this and i was dinking around paddling just let it sink i felt it nail it let's just try that again when all else fails you must whopper plop wipe your plate that's not too bad rogues all right leila's about to meet that her first fish she's seen fish what is that oh good girl layla get in the boat stay oh my god get back leave it leave it layla oh my goodness layla leave it you're tipping the boat leave it leave it oh my god okay leave it look it look it just a fish good girl layla a little baby large mouth that cute layla and i will release him very gently goodbye farewell that was a pretty nice 31 inch pike i got earlier oh there we go oh that's a mess that's a booby boomer buberto bubba oh that's a jump hooey that was a bass fire i was a bessy fart there we go we got a bobby and a pizza bobby and peter you did pretty good there but uh that's a nice fish right there we're gonna give him a kiss it's kind of gross don't you think let's let him go [Music] [Music] um got another one on the flapper looks like a pike not a pike layla layla sit sit sit it is a foul-hugged bass layla sit sit jeez goodness layla get back please stop to kill him he's got a mouthful of hook oh you better sit your big butt come here scooch gotta show the camera a little nicer than the first one you don't like it do you okay bye bye sorry buddy there it is [Music] little failure leave it leave it just a little fella say bye leila you got a belly though also i know it sounds like i'm probably yelling at her and like i'm being mean to her but that is not the case this is all just very exciting for her and you definitely have to use stern commands when when you know you're trying not to flip your boat so i'm not being mean to it she gets plenty of love she's a good girl but you know i'm trying to land a fish she starts acting crazy i'm gonna get a little firm with her tell her how to act right she's having a good time not many dogs are as chill as monty you could just throw them in a boat they just lay down and just hang out for hours on end that's that's not a normal dog he's a wild animal but he's tamed he's a perfect girl there we go there it is oh it's a nice bobby there it is this oh nicer than the last bobby bobby there you go oh that guy's got a messed up gill yes the joy of catching another fish quite the thing what is hard to explain the feeling that you get but when you catch another fish you don't feel good we're gonna let them go see ya cause it's getting too dark for fish release cams right now okay [Music] this is going to be interesting all right we gotta get back my skills are coming all right hey lula yeah it's really i mean she was chilling this whole time over there as soon as we get to the party the party barge burger's doing very well just laying down right now when i'm casting he starts to get she was fine when i was cast or when i brought the fish in she definitely was way over the edge of the boat look at those eyes there's a good girl who's a good girl all right there's nothing better than a redemption story sir captain tina trout here needs to redeem himself [Laughter] i've never been good with the backs of these knives hey i just heard you 30 seconds ago say with birch bark it's easy whoa aren't you gonna actually you know i'm not gonna give you anything i'm gonna i'm gonna light this birch part you gotta you gotta crumple the birch bark and get it so it's powder you know okay okay i wouldn't say i'm a pro but i've definitely started if you've done the one strike so yeah the legendary one strike oh this is just widen it up there we go it might be wet because it was in my pocket oh yeah there we go give me some wet birch bark hey you can you can start come on oh so close there we go there you go now you want it the best thing you can do with the fire is smother it that's mine right on top of it okay okay look at my twins though oh i literally just ate the mosquitoes i'm gonna take this just because layla's putting her cute little face down i don't remember like resting so layla definitely needs her own towel layla oh yeah just trying to think of other things i would have brought i was i didn't even do a checklist i just started throwing oh no when i go camping like this i literally just grab stuff and i'm just like yeah i don't know how i was that's why i forgot an algae yeah it's fine all right rogue since you just came right up and monty's big booty over there is just lazy you get the first the first run since you're being a good boy and you haven't gone back in the water once so please don't go back okay don't go back here big guy yes don't do it so tonight we're gonna try a new brush it's funk's fancy slicker brush she said to try it she said this is what you need and i was like taking it and she's like don't take my nice brush i was like oh i won't break it and then she was like you're gonna probably break out okay i'll buy a new one if i do and that was what made it fine so this is not a camp brush yeah i mean as long as i don't ruin it we're good but the only thing i worry about is those i'm gonna definitely smash those bristles in my bag here monty yeah you like the towel yeah i think layla i ordered one of those drier things you guys got oh did you get the big one uh i don't think it's as nice as yours but it's like a middle of the road i think it was 100 and something there wasn't there's like some 60 70 dollar ones on there i went better than that but yeah that'll be nice because i don't like the dave layla because she's still she's just you know that wet dog smell they don't smell good until they're dry and with her yeah she's wet and it just stays wet wet like that's what i was saying i gave her a bath and like her neck is still you got to get in there like you got to scratch it with your fingers and then if you smell your fingers it's like they definitely still have some fault on them it's just her neck though everywhere else totally fine but i mean she she did it to herself she could have had an easier day but i know she was when she's swimming distance like that just wearing her out like she was working i could hear her breathing hard i felt bad and like i wanted her to tomorrow easier i think she'll be better about just chilling in the boat she's not going to have a the we're going to want to make them swim right in the morning from here over there because they're not going to have an opportunity after that yeah until we're at camp yeah because the the next lexus it's like you don't really swim and then the lake we're gonna try to stay on is way too big to swim across i know monty alright so it's official whatever this brush is is not the right brush for this because this is definitely worse for drying them out so they're going to be stinky dogs that need bats look at the hat oh my gosh look at this guy this is captain tiny trout's take on wilderness camping he's got the lights in here he's got you can't really see it but there's a car in there with the sleeping pad he's got this let's just we gotta hit the lights i mean look roughing it look at the size of that pillow i mean i think my pillow at home is smaller than that i mean look at it in here he's got even a carpet on the floor what is that [Laughter] and then yeah the lights you even put up in a little square pattern that's so fancy oh it's okay it's okay it's okay it's okay it's okay all right come on i gotta do this oh monty i'm not even pulling look i'm barely i'm going so light i'm i'm going so light monty i'm barely brushing i'm not even brushing you're fine i guess you're staying wet so for dinner tonight we are having ribeye steaks and instant mashed potatoes not just any ribeye 25 yeah apparently beef is through the roof yeah something is going on with beef uh when he told me we have like 25 30 steaks i was like uh would you get like three pounders they're like not even i don't know yeah they're probably not even a pound something's going on with beef where it's insanely priced so what we've got here before we have our delicious dinner before we start cooking we are going to give the matthew pose official authentic expert professional super duper beer review these were some icicle brewing company alpane alpine hayes hazy ipa uh brewskis that were sent to me by a subscriber so i'm going to give my beer review like i said already ipas are the worst kind of beer you can get them but i'm gonna drink it anyways because ain't no beer like a free beer um well it smells kind of it's got like a a beer smell to it yeah it's definitely ipa i mean this actually isn't bad for an ipa i mean oh yeah this isn't a bad idea it tastes like beer yeah this is beer 100 i mean it's six percent but 100 or 600 6.3 beer it definitely tastes like beer i am going to say 10 out of 10 it tastes like a beer fair enough all right this thing is pretty and rusty yeah yeah we're gonna want to take like a stick and like clean that because we don't got tin foil yeah two ribeyes here one is nice and thick and fat and the other one is kind on the thinner side yeah so what we're gonna do i don't know who picked those out we're gonna we're gonna split them up down the middle evenly so we're gonna sprinkle a little montreal here so wait a minute are we splitting them because you're concerned about portion no okay i would say more so because one's gonna be a little juicier than the other because they were the same exact about the same exact price they're the same size i mean if you want the thinner steak i will totally take the thicker one but i'm assuming we both want the thick one because it's just six yeah are like a thicker this one's gonna like cook faster i have taunts dude you want those oh now you offer the tongues huh now they have to have already burnt myself ah where's those tongues lucas all right oh you're clinking up [Music] like this yeah oh and i just put the raw meat on it as fast as a jet huh probably as much as i could if i was just rinsing it in the water that is a that is a steak cooking right there what nothing oh rub this thing in the dirt remember i'm not gonna probably gonna silently judge you if you think you can you think you pull fast on me so this right side is definitely the one for you i definitely know that i'm looking at it i think it was a little lap sided whatever you give me one i'll take it all right thank you sir how is she i'm not bad yeah it's hard to go wrong with the rib eye even if it's overcooked and thin it don't really matter that's pretty good for yourself um [Music] layla want this layla come here this is a good amount of food i don't want oh this is way more than a cup and a half all right monty come over here come over here monty what come over here all right mighty over here over here sit come here you're staying i'm sorry you already ate your dinner laila i'll give you some tickles they're like simultaneous just like you're okay i bit my cheek don't you lick my potatoes okay that's that's definitely done layla get away from there get yeah we can do that that no jesus okay ooh that's pretty good i'll leave that for you we'll take this right here all right this is you just give me some of this for the dogs okay that i think the first one was better i took like a i had no fat on my piece though and the first one [Music] well i had the i ended up being a little fat okay let's just all right it is time to feast on the second steak get back monty back up all right sit stay all right go ahead go ahead boys all right they're getting their second road of steak it is my turn to feast on all my food let's get some mashed potatoes no about hawk all right let's see i'm gonna take the big juicy um this one's like definitely like greasier fattier i think it's chewier i i don't like as much fat though so i think that's why i like the first one this one was definitely fattier it might have been your half this place is tender it's tender i'll do that [Music] well i don't um if you can have all that it's a lot i'm all about that second one do you want to give this to monty or i don't want to give her any more she's had a couple if nice chunks to split it you can split it and give it to these boys there you go yeah clean that plate you already know here get my fingers you don't want to town anything can't get the grease off the thing looks brand new here you go layla get that clean my fingers all right before i finish eating relax watch the stars because they're out um okay right here we're gonna bet steak success oh [Music] it's morning [Music] i did not sleep very good last night it took me forever full seat oh hi layla yeah i think it's because i i laid on that dang cut and then i was just jealous of the comfiness and i couldn't get comfortable had to be it damn you're caught you're a monster when you're let out the tent this morning just when she's chasing the squirrels and when we let them out she's running around yeah she came right up to my tent tried to get in she was like i was just i was on a slight slant and my my hip was like digging into the ground and it was like it was like a poison once i laid on that cot it was game over all i wanted was that cot all right since we're uh i'm a little sleepy this morning we're doing lazy breakfast you know normally we we do some scenes i'm doing a lazy style today i didn't even have any oatmeal or anything so lucas brought me a mountain house breakfast skillet and i'm not even gonna pay him for it uh what what do i need to do here monty you want breakfast don't you are you hungry monday only that you are oh oh yes yes okay i'll feed you first that's right all right go ahead ruiz monty back it up back up back it up back it up all right go ahead boy good boys i'm gonna need to all i need is a big old copper strong hey whoa she just see lawless out here there are no rules for layla yeah hey she hasn't been this physical like this much exercise in her life probably there are no rules it's all free it's all free the flavor is just the wateriness of it like even if it were a plain cream i guess all cream has like sugar in it but no it does not shoot i don't even know where i've gotta have some biscuits layla's definitely gotten over her uh thing with me casting them oh really yeah she doesn't really care anymore that's good that was quick yeah or ruger still cares how many times has he been out with you fishing um decent amount but she was interested in the fish well at least you wouldn't have to battle i think i've done the biscuits and gravy too many times i have to mix it up i might start doing oatmeal i i feel like every trip i always bring oatmeal and i never eat it but like i love my oatmeal it's a good hearty breakfast like that is like as you know like an oatmeal that's going to come out a nice clean solid poop this i beg to differ but yeah i guess you have a t-bone or a rib eye and whatever yeah the night before nothing's going to hold that together this just feels like it weighs me down like i feel like i can eat some oatmeal and like not feel like you know i just drank a bunch of gravy not bad oh yeah oh ha-ha flower i think i need to sit for a minute oh that was hard hopefully i'm gonna try to get munt or ruger i don't think he's gonna swim but i'd like to get him to swim anyways there's a it's enough recording us in this position uh i'm gonna eat my breakfast here drink my coffee and we're just gonna chill out for a bit and then we're gonna pack up and get moving [Applause] ah okay puppy hi critter are you a happy dog [Music] nitro cold brew and a dark cocoa sweet cream cold brew heck yeah you want to split them or what are we doing here you want one yeah i know you can choose i don't care vanilla sweet cream sweet thank you premium coffee drink we got our starbucks we got pumpkin spice i need to take a selfie i guess i think you actually might supposed to yeah you're supposed to like gently shake it before you open it okay careful though the dark cocoa is definitely tastes like chocolate milk oh yeah it's not bad yeah we're definitely um we're gonna want to drink all this today yeah we this guy's always bringing out coolers ice cold coca-cola sausage cracker cheese trays living lard oh she's she likes it in there it's just so cozy she couldn't make up her mind this one she kept one in and out and like she literally just comes up when she wants out she just starts bashing the walls of the tent with her head she's trying to slam her way out she does what she wants oh i'm gonna go make a poop and we are gonna see what comes out come here come here over here can dogs be allergic to bees probably yeah let me see where to get you where to get you monty hey it's okay monty bit the one of the wasps looks like it's on his tongue or the roof of his mouth stay there it's okay hey i'm here to help where'd i get you oh oh that could be that right in the center of his mouth i can't tell all right boys come on let's go this way come on come on good boys we're going straight across here come hunty come on i want you this way oh my god is that thing recording oh hey monty all right so we've got a couple portages to take care of today we've got a hot sunny blue surprise day there's a few clouds up there but uh it's nice so far it's super hot rooves is uh back on shore staring at us right now i'm gonna let monty get across i'm gonna go pick them up rooms is refusing to come across come on riggs see you rogues have a good one i feel so vulnerable good boy my team ruger hasn't moved he's just like he'll come and get me i swear i know he'll come back he's right his actions will be justified so i'm trying not to jinx it by talking too loud but as soon as i got to shore a certain little critter decided he might have been being left behind and he just made the crossing and this is a first for ruger he's never uh swam across a gap and he just did it that's him right there in the water good boy rogues there he is hey rugas but he was just sitting over there and as soon as we got to the shore he kind of moved a little bit then he just decided this is a huge step for him once he realizes that this is okay and if we can get him to do it again sometime like this is huge good boy roos come here good boy that was huge mr rooks you're such a go you're such a good boy good boy rogues hi i hope you're not too mad at me good boy rogues hi good boy [Music] i just wanted to be known that i know rogues is a good swim he's a great swimmer he's not sure himself but i had the boat ready to cruise over in case i uh i couldn't mess up the uh the moment because if i would have gotten that boat he would immediately turned around so he did good ruger come here rooks you're such a good boy i'm so proud of you ruth i'm so proud of you you went dougie i'm so proud of you go boy that's a good point you know what you deserve a stick throw you're ready for a stick real quick a quick stick a quick stick good boy go get it boys get him on t [Applause] good doggies [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh geez lawless so [Music] so [Music] oh little skipper [Music] oops sorry arugus okay we are sweating we are on our lake for the evening uh we're not letting the dog swim across this one it's gonna go right across the middle but uh yeah we're gonna paddle across to camp and then probably jump in this water because it is just a beautiful blue sky's day the work for the day is done we've got a cool cooler that lucas is so happy oops sorry monty just elbowed monty in the face all right no look no no licking my sweaty salty skin that's gross don't worry we're gonna get you guys we're all gonna go swimming we're gonna do great great things are coming so yeah we'll be doing some fishing later but for now it's getting over there getting out of this hot heat for a second then getting back into it in the water that was some soup nasty portaging poza said there was one medium portage that was like mile plus of just swampy beaver i rubbed a spot on my toe i don't know if you can see it but that man that just hurt oh look at them chicken toes yeah that little red spot is rub raw and it was just burning the whole time you got a first name picked out for her yet lawless layla first mate lawless layla oh geez monty your booty swings a lot of weight and i don't appreciate when you just flop down like that huh oh i got it i got it first mate zero fluffs given yeah have you seen the bottom of my feet yeah you got baby feet i got reptile feet i got like yeah they're they're haggard on the bottom you think these little patches are rough wait till you see the bottom of my feet with all the tasty oh the test is oh [Applause] i don't know [Applause] hi puppet dogs and puppy dukes de mountain dude look at your little tail is that even a what is that it's like a little twig little rat tail why don't you get that little thing yes she picked up the layla and she was a puppy her tail was so gross looking oh there's just a chili oh it's chilly right here this lake gets a little deep [Music] [Music] okay so [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you well this is what's better than this so you're saying this lake's not that great of fishing huh you're saying this lake wasn't that great for fishing no this was good i mean there's just all the little bass and gills and perks layla's head away i'm getting way out there i can cast these things on it's a little warm because there's shallow water yeah but they're still hanging let's we're doing another official beer review here gotta send another brewski i think this would have the same what i can't remember the same person was um it was a very tasty ipa i'm trying to think of the brewery it was like icicle or something like that or it was probably northern icicle snow winter this one's north country brewing the other one is probably northwest country brewing ice brewing north coast we've got a sour berries slippery rock pennsylvania blueberry cobbler this sounds better than the last one we got a paint i'm going to try my best to split this oh it smells very looking yeah it's actually really good it's very fruity i think you got i don't think i got half here i don't think i got half now that i look at it i'm just kidding feel that's fine let me see yeah i mean it feels like it's like right yeah i'm just kidding this is good though i actually like this it's a sour i like sours but you know that is sour sour beer blueberry sour beer it definitely tastes 10 out of 10 like a sour beer no this is a good summer this is a nice hot weather i could drink these in the sun all day that ipa that's a little heavy i don't know you'd probably want to pair that with like a you know a big steak or something i guess we had monty i don't know what does an ipa go good with when you want to drink a beer yeah this is like refreshing this is this is like a fruity juice layla and monty are just the bug police if it's just a horse fly it's fine but if it's a wasp i don't want him going after it but he got definitely upset like he is ready to attack now where's that stupid thing i'm gonna get it i'm gonna kill it i will not be tested whoever you are if you happen to know where this is and you're the person that cut this branch at this place i don't like you i love this branch it was perfect for hanging my water right from here i'll have previous videos hanging just like towels and it was a perfectly straight branch it went right across right here if you're watching this me and monty disapprove and we shame you you should you should feel shame for cutting this branch off this tree the amount of disappointment i i feel in this moment is too much to handle here i got an idea i got an idea there's a bite hey rooks there's a high chance you're gonna help the fishing along the reeds because you're so stealthy stealth it's the name of ruger's game stay hey rooks hey buddy we're gonna stay there hey stop it you gotta you gotta let me fish first before you go up okay and how else am i gonna catch the fishies oh we got something what is that something small oh it's a bass that's not too small rose good boy rogues you help me catch that one nice little bobby let's let him go [Music] who wants to get towel dried first who's who's up is it is it roots i can't tell if rose or monty won i think a rogue's one i think a rogue one i think a rogue's one even though rogues will go back in the water soon i think i've rigged one i think a rude one i think a rose vaughn but he'll go back in the water soon look at that booty we're driving that booty we're driving that dog now monty is going to take this opportunity to completely dry out and he doesn't want to get back in that water because he is a big fluff monster oh it was greasy in the second pass ready it's definitely floaty it is it's super lightweight oh yeah he's gonna rip a hole right in it i'm just like here let's take your brand new cotton let's throw it you're just like oh yeah it sounds nice if bugs didn't exist if bugs didn't exist yeah so as you can see we are back into boat fishing uh it if you know there's been a lot of chilling at camp when it's just super hot and we've got all the dogs with us you know we don't really want to make them sit on the sun um but uh right now we've got about an hour and a half of of light ruger if you don't sit down we're gonna flip the boat sit sit good boy as i was saying now the sun's not so hot and high in the sky it'll start to set fast and get a little cooler but they've been wet and stuff so they're fine for the time being but like an hour ago and before that i didn't really want to have him in the boat because it is just too hot but now it's finally bearable for me so it'll be bearable for the boys you get this guy that just won't stop chasing lures this guy that won't stop chasing dreams dream on monty dream on you big cute floofy poofy robert you're doing great it's just there's a few things okay sit down lay down lay lay down good boy whoop what was that [Music] oh i got something there we go feels like a bass it's got to be a bass oh yeah there we go all right sit down rooks sit down it's okay it's just about sit down sit good boy oh he's blind in one eye check this out see there's his normal eye and there's his definite blind eye like that is very obvious i mean that's that stinks but he's decent size for now oh look at that bobby it's just a little boy leave it there's a little filler hey it's had one and it spit it trying to turn the camera on we'll get another one there's a bunch of tiny bass up in these weeds that you guys can't see but believe me there's some weeds there's one there we go the little feller that was a big old bluegill dang that's not bad okay come here i don't think i've ever put a bluegill on a stringer all right oh you better sit sit oh i just had a bite thing oh there it is something small little bobby junior ruiz sit down did you lick it you don't lick the fishies [Music] what is that they gonna fish instantly oh it bit it the second it touched the water i thought i got a snag oh it's a little baby bobby jr what's that little bobby oh jeez oh look how layla got us another nice bluegill look at that layla watch out there's a nice bluegill in here that's a solid nine and a half inch bluegill not bad too bad we ain't eating them got another tiny bass plenty of these oh hello layla leave it good girl goodbye the tip of my tail this is like a three inch tail if this was like a one inch and like a 32 32 ounce jig i'd just be killing these bluegills but they're hitting this thing like crazy they just can't quite get a hold of it but it's the smallest i got so oh look at this giant bluegill things the size of my head jk bye-bye they keep getting the dang tail there we go there we go it feels small again could be a panfish though oh it is there we go that's one for the boys yep we're gonna keep that for the boys here that's a decent size there we go [Music] oh i got away [Music] it's a monster it's a monster brugus what's this is this a baby bobby jr there you go see that's why you never cast like this the proper way to cast an open face reel is to open the bail pinch the line with your right hand and cast with your left hand anybody who casts with their right hand if you're right-handed that's weird hey rooker stop it you're not supposed to do that you never want to cast with your right hand always pinch the line like this and then throw it together this is the proper way to cast a a fishing pole good boy stay there and you can watch it now isn't that nice yeah so just stay there be good boy we got a big old downed tree oh that was either a bite or a snag potential oh there we go we got something oh that's got to be a bobby let's go be a burbert [Music] we're gonna sit down we're going to sit down well let's do bobby look at that another tiny bass oh man this bass is the size of my head jk saw something just surface right out here yeah we might just troll for some boop i'm getting a that's definitely oh it's a bass where is it it's got to be a bass sad so sad dang it no that was like a perch or something sit ropes there are so many teeny baths in here okay so what we're going to do is some trolling we're getting close to sunset the sun is behind the trees at least um i've got the chartreuse slayer on one side and on the other side are gonna roll with a shallow rapala that's got the blue chartreuse and orange and then we're gonna set this up and river should relax because then there's nothing for him to chase so we're into a little trolling around and see what we come up with so [Music] that's about the same size as mine the second one was definitely bigger i think this one's a little bigger maybe this is not much but the second one was nice which is my teeth looks like he's got to be geez that didn't work hi rugas hello rugis are you a rookie studios layla's getting brushed hi leila lucas is brushing we've got uh you know a lake out there there's uh well let's go over here let's taste the freshness of that lake yeah that's i mean that's a fresh fresh lake out there look at that fresh wilderness tasty wilderness look at the fish as they surface look at that i mean that's just wonderful oh there they are look at them come on surface you fish do it do it fish do it oh there's there's one right there surface your fish do it do it fish do it okay oh my gosh fire this is how you bush craft a fire that's push craft bushcraft do some more bushcrafting wait for this big boy to get going don't call me a big boy that's how you do it bushcraft i think you smothered it it just put it right out it scared the hell out of ruger too yeah sorry that was way easier was it definitely go ahead and mother what are you doing with that stick there uh bushcrafting bushcraft one on one there we go all right dogs you're in for a treat tonight fresh fish caught by your fathers and for dinner tonight i am having a pad thai with chicken backpackers pantry that was sent to me by a subscriber oh yeah it's going to be good it's got some steps you know gotta add stuff and things and then there's one crucial step that step is now done we got the doggies fish cooking the newest recruit in the wilderness doggy pack is passed out and done he's no stranger to the wilderness but i've never double dogged it before and it's it's kind of taken a toll on the rooks as well he's pretty he's pretty puppy pooped and then of course there's this guy just gotta to get his attention all you do is say do you want to treat there's a mosquito above your left eye that's not a treat is it you're getting a treat i'm working on it i need here two cups of boiling water and since we like it a little soupy [Music] we will do more than that so we're gonna add in this and our peanut butter hey got that in there what do we have to do next make sure lee let sit for 15 20 minutes okay so let me just uh leave it oh it didn't mush there you can serve it to like that did you want more than that i mean yeah you can give her a little bit all right let's see there's four fillets there's three dogs that was four fillets yeah i guess a lot of it souped up into the that's good enough i mean it's just not much fish when this they're just a few gills see i turn it into a slurry so that the little fish goes a longer way with the boys they get the flavor and the juices what'd you cook there lucas some gourmet lasagna from a bag that looks exactly like lasagna i would pay oh what would i pay in a restaurant i don't know oh yeah it's hot i would pay someone to shut them down if they served me that that's what i paid you are you you want to sit down you want to you're just going to stay there all right go ahead boys go ahead i dig this oh yeah they're all good they're all delicious i just like to be dramatic but yeah the backpackers pantry chicken alfredo and then the mountain house chicken olive king is my next favorite one it's pretty good it's like a creamy mushroom chicken sauce noodles now we got that stuff in there it said to uh add a little bit of what is this sriracha to taste i know you don't like it too spicy yeah i'm pretty sensitive with the spice i like to call myself a spicy oh no yeah we're definitely going to add this whole thing max spice and i said to add this crystallized lime packet to taste so we're going to add the whole thing that don't look too bad what then we gotta decorate it with peanuts you trying to get that in my how mad would you have been i mean i wouldn't let the crunch stay oh my gosh look at that gourmet cooking in the woods let's eat there's some food in here i'm glad i made a little soupy because it was a little bit a little dry here we go oh man i can't stop farting now wow that's pretty good that's not bad it's not bad the backpackers pantry pad thai with chicken pretty good pretty not bad spicy yeah i think it's a little spicy like hmm that's hot spice hot or hot hot hot i don't really taste the spice as much right now i just called in an owl i just started making the noise and i was wondering if it would work but there's now over here going your butt's out i'm not looking up there i'm looking at monty shadow puppets yeah we got a frog a classic dog i actually do a good rabbit but it takes both my hand it's easier to do if i don't have to hold the light there we go you did a great job monty hunty do you want to go to bed monty treat do anywhere about monty monty do you want to go to bed monty are you alive monty treat okay he's alive let's go to bed monty come on come on monty come here come come hunty there you go figure out your reliable creatures all right lay down lay down boys i know it's cooler out there but there's no mosquitoes in here there you go rogues rogues likes the floor come on do you lay down hi i don't like you're gross yeah it tastes like bug lotion isn't that nasty oh you're juicing there we go okay i got a big fat fluffy doggy and a ruger and there's mosquitoes getting in so we're going to be passing out and getting ready for bed uh it's kind of early earlier than normal but i didn't sleep much last night so i'm trying to make that up tonight um yeah so we're getting out of here bright and early we had a couple portages and yeah that that's that so catch you guys in the morning good night everybody no she's just laying here it's like it's right above me i think it's the caesar she's doing anything how long has he been doing that i don't know for a minute now oh i think he's done oh it's always funny because burger leave them alone you'll be sitting there trying to be perfectly still and you have a squirrel like crawl on your leg and then you'll move and then they start doing that they freak out lucas leave the poor monty alone he didn't hurt anybody look at him he stole my sleeping pad piglet all right roll over rooks roll over roll over there you go all right now you take my d spot oh we returned all right you know what go get that squirrel go get him i slept so much better last night than the first night well i think we're going without coffee and oatmeal and breakfast and we're gonna um pack up here soon a couple portages to take care of and then we gotta go get the car anyways we're gonna get out here soon brugus don't get wet okay please don't get wet today [Music] ugh i don't think layla cares i think she is a millionaire in her eyes like she's got everything she wants she's got her lackey to pull around the canoe now feed her shelter her [Applause] foreign [Applause] you're going on there it's a crazy world out there you got phones that are cameras more than phones pretty soon you're gonna have cameras they're gonna be they're like now you can talk on your camera yep she's just like a little just [Applause] take a poop turn it into a plop now all right we're packing up this dslr we are all ready to go it's time to partage paddle and not fish because we're heading out of here we got early morning so let's do it okay well we just got our last little paddle of the trip here it is another just hot sticky morning the second you get out into the sun after doing a portage is just like wow and just immediately sweaty and hot again so uh yeah we just got a little bit of a paddle another mile-ish across the way here and then we got one more portage and we back the truck so this was a nice little trip you know we ate good the first night we had some other meals the next night good snacks uh laila got her first little wilderness taste of a trip canoe trip she did super good uh the only thing is like she'll probably come on adventures in the future it's just she needs still needs work because uh this was super calm uh you know hot sunny weather this was not like windy big waves so that there's a big difference and that's the other reason rugs is here i would not have brought him if it was going to be super windy and treacherous because you know with both these stinkers in the boat here i'm pretty weighed down ruger moving around making shifts especially when he's you know just doing whatever that that definitely swings a lot of weight so all in all this is a pretty sweet trip though ruger never got the he hasn't got to do a trip like this one it's just me if phone comes along you know we she brings one of them and it's no problem but i've never double dogged it so this is a dog on good time but we are gonna finish our portage and then head back to the car and get on driving home so as always guys if you liked the video hit the like button if you want to see more stuff like that hit the subscribe button and i will catch you guys at the next video [Music] [Laughter] i'm sorry i'm sorry [Music] you
Channel: Matthew Posa
Views: 111,609
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: camping, wilderness, wilderness area, camp, how to camp, adventure, adventurer, bushcraft, bushcrafter, bushcrafting, campfire cooking, cooking, campfire, fire, fire skills, fishing, canoe, canoeing, bwca, canoe camping, fall camping, fall, dog, dog training, camping dog, boundary waters, nikon d5500, canada, backpacking, survival, survival skills, gopro, going camping, wilderness adventure, winter camping, paddling, canoe paddle, canoe trip, outdoors, forest, funny, hilarious, silly, gourmet cooking
Id: yGgeE_KdaqA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 151min 8sec (9068 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 22 2021
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