7 Day Canada Wilderness Living Survival Challenge "The Movie"

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There is only one rule to this survival Challenge, Survive of only what we can catch and Cook. If we can not gain or maintain our body wait going in after surviving only of what we catch and cook we loose the challenge. That is the Wilderness Living Challenge.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/ffoowwlleerr 📅︎︎ Jul 27 2020 🗫︎ replies

Hey Zach! Awesome stuff as always :) I also loved the 30 day challenge you did with Greg Ovens. Do you have any more challenges with Greg planned?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jul 27 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] here we go [Music] uh [Music] nice look at that i thought i missed the first one but there's actually two yeah all right not a bad start we just barely pulled down the road there's some grouse we see him going to the bushes we go into the bushes after him boom poor grouse i found a spot i'm not even gonna really be roughing it for tonight taste the water and tell me how many fish are in there dirty yeah clear water though clear clear water super clear water [Music] hey guys i just want to take a quick second to talk to you about our sponsor for this video curiosity stream it's a documentary streaming app like none other twenty dollars a year and i know maybe some of you you're first done is documentaries i'm not too into it me i'm a bit of a sci-fi nerd but after spending hours of watching and picking through uh all the other streaming apps and not finding anything all that satisfying anymore i found curiosity stream to be quite the opposite of all that if anything my problem now is which one to pick because they all look good documentaries on science nature food travel a little bit of everything for the entire family download the app on your phone and you can cast it to the tv and watch it there or find it on your smart tv or the majority of other streaming platforms my latest favorite is this one on the black sea rex i mean being able to go on an adventure with these documentaries and go places i could never go the ship would have sailed during the ottoman empire probably around 300 years ago and my girls and i love to watch the nature ones the beautiful underwater footage and that's uh it's two different documentaries there's a shark one that's not the dolphin so if you're interested in watching something that's for the whole family it doesn't leave you the bad taste in your mouth check out curiosity stream linked in the description below a little bit of something for the entire family thank you for your time and i hope you enjoy this special 4k movie edition of the wilderness living survival challenge canada we're going to do a weigh-in at the beginning at the end i'm going to remove my 140.4 so that's my official weigh-in weight if i lose any weight whatsoever during the challenge i officially lose 205.6 it's consistent all right there you go weighing in at 205.6 it's not gonna work there we go clean up look what mess that shotgun makes of it it'll be good though all right so i let him have first blood the birds are coming out pretty good but i still think a head shot with a slingshot would have been a lot cleaner [Music] all right so already you can see a little bit of competition strategy going on here chris has got it figured out the point is to lose the least amount of weight to win and he's got me doing all the sawing and all the work and he's like i'll pluck the grouse who's burning more calories i'll let you decide this is not going to be your typical survival challenge the day before we actually went out with fast track kennels and harvested a bear so we're going into this with some staples kind of like a modern day settler situation check out the link in the description below if you'd like to see the bear hunt and check out the wooded beardsmen channel if you'd like to see the beavers you trapped before i got here so now starts the true challenge can we gain or maintain our body weight while pushing further into the canadian wild and continuing to provide new food and catch and cook something different every day there we go we've added the chanterelles we got some bear fat the what's that a roast yep from the bear fair loin i think fair loin we got the birds from earlier the bear from yesterday the chanterelles for while we're out in the bear hunt and the cheat sugar salt and salt they people would have carried salt with them all over the place though so i don't think it's cheating seasoning salt all right look at that beautiful all kinds all four birds in there and the bear fat and the bear meat that's gonna be awesome the big reveal how'd we do oh beautiful pretty good it looks like we were just about to be low on water i probably could have had some more liquid in there you can eat it i'm gonna eat just a big old chunk of fat well because you're in ketosis you can do it if i did it it might go blow through me hard-earned bear meat let's see is there any cooked all the way through oh it's gotta be good and good and safe yeah gotta be cooked by now oh good that is good that's good what does it taste like is it like beef i find it like a loose beef like a not a tough beef like a loose beef i feel like there's some other flavor there almost like a yeah you get like a lamb chop or something you know it's like like a wildy wild eat yeah that wildly tastes but it's not gross in any way it tastes really good i think this is the way we cook it it tastes like a a roast like any beef roast that you did yeah it's a roast like yeah it tastes big flake yeah it's very beef like the fat is very juicy very good it really works works well here's a big old chunk of fat right that needs to be rendered more but you're ready to go i'm going for it a big old chunk of fat how many calories in that chunk right i don't know there's more calories in fat right absolutely and that's the thing and this is you know when being a ketogenic i'm trying to eat 60 fat in my diet so um first day really living off of our food we got a lot more to come oh the bird didn't turn out so good my biggest fear is we got so much bear we got you know like a hundred pounds of bear and two giant beavers my biggest fear is that i get so sick of eating it all right refilled the pot for breakfast there's a big old beaver rear end tail would come off there top of the beaver going that way and put that on the fire the dutch oven and five inches four or five inches of hot coals so the cold coals will burn down dutch often will settle beaver cook wake up warm it up again beautiful tender juicy beaver for breakfast 40 chance to rain [Music] oh still a little bit drippy and drizzly but mostly just from the trees [Music] you have a chance for showers or thunderstorms and also little disservices roughly long this thing will bring us a chance for rain expect rain to be heavy at times especially this evening and then once again late tonight so be prepared for that 40 chance for rain bit of a chances start wet morning fire didn't want to take we got it though what do you think i think that looks good what do you think yeah it looks looks really good i mean it looks like it's tough too but uh she's just cooked through just uh i don't know breaking it right breaking the bread apart that's not bad yeah you don't mind my hands and your no i'm not worried about it not at all she'll be good that'll be good yeah no that's good i'm glad we put this on last night yeah yeah that would have been that was a good by putting it on last night that must have been a good i don't know what five hours of kind of stewing away through the night softened her up and a little bit of a warm up this morning throw some more of these chanterelles in and some bear fat and we'll put her on the fire once that's hot enough we can put some coals on top and get it warmed up to a boil rolling rolling boil and we'll be able to have ourselves some brunch there we go breakfast is on what you got there seasoning's hot the seasonings are a secret wooded beardsman ingredient ingredient and it does a heck of a job tenderizing the meat and making it palatable when you're eating it a ton yeah right and i mean you can the if you're by the ocean obviously you can have salt yeah you could have brought salt for me yeah i could have brought some sea salt but uh the only other salts you get from wild food is the salts and stuff that are in the bones i rig my slingshot up with some heavier bands guaranteed take down for the grouse and go with a thera-band get tuned up because i've been shooting other slingshots a lot lately but i really think the axiom is going to be the winner for the uh for the grouse hunting so see what she can do i want to make sure my aim is dead on i don't want to hurt or wound anything so oh yeah look at that fogging it right up with all the steam coming off of that looks nice chanterelle fat that is going to be oh that's going to be one delicious i'm going for that one right there that looks all fatty and meat all that seasoning salt mmm makes it it's so much to chew i wish i cut that in half but it's so good it really is chris has made applesauce looks looks really good this is like walking up to the buffet help yourself so we've got uh chanterelles we got bear fat we got beaver meat it's seasoned to perfection and then over here you have dessert this is applesauce oh that beaver is just falling right apart now even i mean you tore it up but like it comes right to pieces that's that's definitely done good all right [Applause] so you would recommend people eat beaver oh yeah yeah yeah just eat it dive right in there that's better than rabbit um it's it's as good as goat which is like my favorite meat uh it reminds me a little bit of goat leg it's like the stringier part of the leg where it's like kind of but like cooked really well stewed down like this it just melts in your mouth it tastes pretty sugary yeah yeah it's like real applesauce oh yeah wild apple applesauce that's all left for me i don't know if i could eat all that we're gonna eat it no that is good isn't it that's a wild appetite we find those in southern ontario on the farm fields they're everywhere like that and nobody will bother with them because they look kind of gross you know they're all buggy and you got to do a little bit of work to cut all that stuff out but there's nothing wrong with them you make an apple just more protein protein a little bug protein in there was a funny story behind the uh jeremy actually ate one raw and i think it made him sick one time oh really yeah he was even throwing up so i always make sure i cook these because there's bugs literally all through it leaving all sorts of you know what so yeah it's what you get when you don't use pesticides though organic wild apples no spray see some grace and dig in some more lord thank you for this food this beaver really is good enough that it i feel like you could serve this in like a a fancy restaurant easily and it would people be loving it until you told them what it was [Laughter] all right stew's on for dinner we're gonna head on down the road see if we can get some grouse you guys want to hear the best sound in the world we're going to see if we can cruise around some of these back roads walk around a bit get some grouse for the slingshot and some more with the shotgun and have some fun [Applause] chase after them but got him we got him successfully let's see if we get some more whoa look at the size of that wow that is one big beaver lodge that thing is 12 feet tall i don't think i've ever seen one this big there's not even a pond here this is amazing wow the beavers that live in this must be like 12 foot across what a good eating that would be huh well only one grouse today with a slingshot that's all right we got plenty of bear to eat this will taste pretty good if we cook her up with the uh bear fat and i found some lobster mushrooms which are like this cool mushroom that is not its own mushroom it basically colonizes other mushrooms they're really easy to identify if you look them up there's like you can't miss it when you find them and they're a good tough like stewing mushroom so it should be really good so i took it down to the water got it which is just a cut and pull out its insides i left the heart in there and i took the gizzard and cut that open and cleaned the rocks out and now i just got to peel out this tissue here from the gizzard it's a little tough to eat and inside here these two mussels of the gizzard it would there's some rocks in there and the bird will grind with the rocks and the food until it's able to work that uh to it into its digestive system [Music] yummy well it doesn't look as appealing in the dusky light of uh dusk but i'm sure it tastes just as good as before everything's broken down so much from was it like a third cooking now on this beaver yeah um all right tastes just as good the beavers still hitting the spot oh it is hell especially after trekking around all day it's better than it was before it is it's softer and juicier and it tastes wicked good after trekking around all day and trying to get all those grouse and stuff so i guess i won that challenge just because we didn't see many but uh that was a blast yeah that's fun it was hard hun it was disappointing that we weren't able to find more but you know the weather's not helping us out no no it's too rainy and miserable for birds to even want to show themselves probably we just deserve a pat on the back for not just sitting around when it was rainy and miserable all day getting out there and trying stuff trying stuff see what we could make work kind of thing keep ahead of our food yep [Music] every day brings new life to help us on our way [Music] always taking my breath whether sun or rain the wind will carry us over that horizon we see is [Music] is moments like this nice it's gonna be a good day bright sun [Applause] big shot this is [Music] there we go fire in no time it's all about the prep work higher up the dryer up you go to the trees like the uh hemlocks or pines you get some branches from up in underneath where they're protected you bring those down with the smaller fine tips get a little pile of those going like you saw at the end and then a lot of small stuff especially in this wet area like there's a lot of small stuff faster you get it going the faster you can get your coffee on all right so it's day three of eating the stuff that we brought with us and the grouse that we got and we're gonna do a weigh-in before we head up the river for six more days out there so let's see what i what i weigh in at i weighed uh 205.6 i think it was okay 203 losing weight we've been eating a lot too you're down 10 pounds according to the scale so if we were just saying 205 it's like i'm down two pounds yeah down two pounds i'm losing the challenge for those of you that care you might be wondering how we do this with all the cameras and all the batteries chris he brings lots of batteries i on the other hand have less batteries but i have a solar charger and a power pack unit right here once i wash my hands this morning with soap i didn't but i gotta get it done so dismantle this make it in nice chunks so that we can actually eat it and all the bones go back in everything goes back in we don't waste anything here it all gets stewed and rendered down and we make this beaver go as far as we possibly can [Music] nice i haven't done instant coffee in like over two and a half years so but it's got the caffeine that i need so i don't end up grumpy and biting chris's head off so that's the most important thing it'll suffice all right how'd we do oh we did pretty good looks great put the beaver ribs in there yeah little beaver ribs spare ribs yeah and big old hunks of fat can i have myself some of that that is excellent uh are you tired of beaver yet no no not at all oh and that broth is so rich that tastes so good i just i feel so good i woke up this morning and i just felt so rested sleeping in my hammock eating like this i feel like this is i'm getting a [Music] recharge [Music] boom nailed it all right so we just jumped to grouse driving down the road we're going to head out into the woods and see if we can't get it see if we can find a way to get in here this woods is thick [Applause] [Music] right there beautiful shot yeah that's a better shot didn't wreck it this time some good eating here we are down at the river time to load out pair down head upstream let's do it all right i paired down my huge pile to one bag two bags three bags that's the camera bag trap basket with my tools and different things drone in two little packs inside of there for my pot and stuff like that this has got clothes and my charging gear and my hammocks and things and then my shotgun over there all right you ready [Music] oh [Music] [Music] yeah nice yeah nice that's my first stuck on the wing yeah [Music] [Applause] there we go there you go one duck [Music] [Music] [Applause] we found a campsite we had come past this earlier and decided to turn around come back to it because there just wasn't much doing on the lake and we keep seeing those ducks on our way up the river so we thought we'd come back and post up here we can head up to the lake do some fishing come back down do some duck hunting at dusk and dawn there we go let's see what we got going on here nice nice fire pit second fire pit there we go we can have separate fires if we don't want to spend time together we get a little sick of each other's company look at this there's even a camp table [Laughter] gonna have to repair that you're going for a cover photo somewhat yeah what are you doing over there stealing my secrets just watching you do your thing this is how i do my cover photos a little behind the scenes there if you wonder how he does it now you know i just stand there he's a minimalist like amazing what he does with just two cameras i have i don't even know how many cameras i have on me it's embarrassing now that i see him do everything with two [Applause] looks like a little clearing through here it might be nice for my little homestead for the next six days all goes well [Music] all right all done i can stand in it up here both the wings are pulled out on the hammock one where you put your gear in the other side so you can breathe my underquilt is on and my other kit and gear and bag are down here i'm all set so if it's raining heavily i can take the uh take the wing in and bundle this up and out of the way and i have all of this all of this space around me to be able to utilize and hang out free of being rained on directly [Music] so we just added a first camp creation here down log that i cut off right over here and i cut all of the sticks you see them coming down like this all of them so they approximately be flat with the ground and it makes a bench and then you just bring it over to where you want it stomp on it till it settles and you got yourself a comfy two-person sitting spot so we could sit somewhere nice by the fire and pluck the birds [Music] cheers bieber lots of bear fat everything growing boy needs [Music] there's the bear fat and beaver meat with every meal so far sorry i'm a little high on my fat you're a little fat high yeah did you just get like a rush yeah like yeah you shouldn't do that too often you should because it's good for you at the same time just let it settle in there good morning i've been awake for like an hour just laying here i feel sick thinking about fever and bear fat stew we got ducks i don't want to waste anything i feel like i've been eating a little bit less every day it's like that's so much more and more filling i don't really need as much with all that fat a little bit of a headache one thing that's gonna solve that is getting up and getting going getting some liquids getting some coffee [Music] let's get this day going [Music] looks like an early bird beat me to the worm he's already down here posted up do you see anything i wasn't set up in time i had one fly right over here so i thought i'd sit up on this side watch them come up the uh channel oh oh here's some keys [Music] [Music] [Music] there we go [Music] [Applause] i had to move it smoke's going that way i'm like a bucket of coffee for breakfast it's it's just a regular cup of coffee inside of there but i have so much other junk i'm toting around with me i'm trying to be like a minimalist with the uh my pots and coffee cups and all that stuff you know chris he he goes all out in another direction you see here his uh his pot and pan collection he's got quite the pot and pan collection for all the stuff and uh so we pretty much have the same amount of gear except for mine is all the extra cameras beyond his i have three more cameras than he has the drone and then the charging system for all that and the solar panel that rolls out beautiful cool morning to sit by the fire for a little bit read my waterproof bible what do you think you guys give up or you're thirsty for more they hungry i think it's time to invite the community because we can't eat this anymore that's not a good sign let me tell you that it's nasty finally we've reached our limit on beaver stew yeah so last night let me cover this back up last night i felt really sick and i woke up i was trying to hold it down and i woke up i'm like i gotta go walk and see what happens so end up walking around a little bit and i was dry heaving a little bit and i find a spot for myself and kind of curl up on the ball uh crouched over and uh nothing happened and then i you know came out the other end i thought that's good maybe that was the problem so you know how much tmi for your audience right it was a squirt anyway squirting a bit it was it was tarry it was black but i had a good one the other day so i thought it was all good anyway got that out i felt a little bit better and then i got the shivers i'm like this actually feels good just to shiver in the cold so i think i just had to burn some calories off and then i'm like oh maybe i'll try to throw up a little bit because my stomach was like huge from eating all that stuff last night so i threw up a little bit yeah what a handful and i'm like that's good then went back to bed and everything was good fine after that so you felt good when you slept yeah i felt fine after i slept yeah yeah well after i threw up a little bit just a handful and does it so you're hungry for it now i'm not hungry i don't know it's hard to say if i'm hungry for it now i'm not hungry right now i still the fun of eating i i didn't throw up but i felt like for the last three hours before i got out of bed i felt a little nauseous like yeah like motion sickness zack says he's not feeling too well he's not a he's not a boatsman he's a boat builder but he's not too all about cadoos and stuff yeah yeah i've done plenty canoe trips and things so i've never i don't know just not feeling well i just yeah i feel a little hinky not bad but just like a little just like a like a five percent just enough that like you know what i don't feel like eating um it doesn't make me feel like i'm lagging or anything i feel body wise it feels strong i feel 100 percent like i can do physical activity i don't feel ill like i don't feel weak i just feel no not at all not hungry like overly full like you eat uh not like you ate a turkey dinner and you want to take a nap but like i don't know like satiated like so satiated that i'm like all set and i think that a lot of people get carried away with like oh it's it's meal time let's let's eat breakfast you know and oh okay it's uh lunch time let's eat you know but like maybe when you're eating the right foods and you eat enough of it you know you don't need to overeat you can you eat enough satiated you go and burn it off we'll go paddle or we'll go hiking look for grouse we'll burn it off and we'll come back with an actual appetite yeah so that's where we're at on the wilderness living challenge we're excessive to the point of gluttonous yeah you gotta just tone it back a little bit and listen to what our body tells us but as far as i know that we've been like that from the beginning and i was still as of yesterday i had lost you know like three pounds so let's see how it goes towards the end i just saw something what is that i didn't notice this last night when i was setting up there's my little spot oh hammocking up in here all nice and cozy but i just seen something up here there's some what is that some ribbon out here in the woods what in the world oh there's a giant pit wow there's a big old pit down there [Music] that's like i don't know like eight feet deep i wonder how deep the water is underneath of there that's kind of creepy must be like a mining test hole or something i'm camped just over the hill from this creepy hole like something from the ring i think i hate horror movies don't watch horror movies but i think i watched the ring oh stuff crawling out of wells that's gross i'm going to picture that tonight while i'm in my bag but i hear noises out here something crawling up out of here coming after me in the night oh why'd i have to think about that now i got the willies i gotta explore some more so i know what it's here for so i don't think about stuff like that yikes gonna be thinking about zombie mooses coming out of there all ticked off that they fell in a whole man-made hole my dad told me a story about when he was a kid he watched uh deliverance and he was afraid to go in the woods for like a month and before i went to patagonia for 87 days surviving out there i watched a sasquatch a scary sasquatch movie and uh i had some nightmares out there you hear the thumping on the trees uh i don't know what it was and there wasn't supposed to be anybody in any of those directions and i heard thumping in the woods and you hear the mountains crumbling all the time and you hear rocks coming off the tops of the mountains out there but but the thumping was just a bit unnerving so i don't recommend watching scary movies not fun all right so we're making grouse ducking since we don't have a stuff to make a bushcraft you're ducking fully it's just gonna be a two bird grouse ducking i'm gonna take the grouse jam it inside the duck sounds so funny first you take the grouse you clean your grouse got your duck you clean your duck and you jam it inside the duck and i'm gonna cook it over the fire to burn off the little bit of duff on her that we haven't gotten off completely it was a hard pluck this one but uh she's ready to go and i'm gonna use some of chris's adobo as my seasoning spice for all of this and she's in adobo on the outside of the duck all right so chris hasn't seen this part this is the secret part of my secret recipe for my grouse ducking is i got a big old hunk of bear fat so it's almost a grouse bear ducking i guess i'm gonna jam that in there so it gets in gets a as it melts down and while it's cooking it it's like putting butter inside of a burger and making a really juicy burger that way just get it in there this isn't creepy or weird at all is it oh all right there we go nailed it [Music] [Music] my bird is on got my adjustable sticks here and here so i can raise and lower it at different levels and bring it closer or further from the fire i got high hopes for this being like the most delicious grouse ducking ever made so there's our moth there we go that pretty much does it nice little in-ground refrigerator now we can feel secure that our meat will be safe we won't be wasting anything [Music] [Music] here [Music] i'm ready [Music] so [Music] you want to walk the trail over there yeah let's check it out if there's any groves all right splitting up the team to cover more ground [Music] increase our odds of actually getting a grouse or at least increase my odds of getting a grouse he's always out in front taking all the shots of the ducks look at that big old moose track and the moose isn't the only thing that's out here we got some wolf tracks right there what a beautiful place i haven't heard anything from chris's direction so i'm guessing he hasn't had any better luck oh man would you look at that i wish i could take that home with me the perfect giant slingshot nice another grouse there we go all right just jam them in there we'll clean up the mess another time there we go perfect one bird try not to make a mess no worries that's what the satchel's for all right so we got our platypus here with the dirty water and we just barely hooked up it's already running down through the filter into the clean bag and filled that much water purified and when you're done you simply unhook this here and that's what you use to fill your water bottles and just there's your close-off valve open it up fill your bottle or your pot your cook pot whatever close it off again let's see how the grouse ducking is doing not too bad a little bit on that side cooked but we weren't here to tend the fire so it uh still needs a lot of work oh here we go nice to close the fire that should do foreign oh doesn't that just look delicious but it's bear meat so we don't want to be eating it when it's pink and rare we got to make sure it's fully cooked through because with bare meat you can get trichonosis so you got to make sure it's cooked fully through some adobo that's the good stuff right there bring out the flavor [Music] all right it's done look at that oh right there look at that doesn't that just look delicious cooked in bear fat oh that is so good that's adobo yeah we're double double adobo is a brand wooddog was my brand oh yeah what do you think it's good fresh oh it's good fresh like the the one that we stood in the pot the first night was so tough compared to this this is the way to win right here we're frying it right up in the bear fat [Music] fresh gross and bear fat crippy dog and madobo all right she's done been cooking for about six hours let's see how i did if it comes apart it's cooked all the way through oh look at that yep there we go grouse ducking looks like it's cooked through i'm seeing uh you know the meat comes right off the grouse so it's juicy it's actually it's actually pretty juicy it melts in your mouth um maybe that has a lot to do with that look at that big old chunk of bear fat right there still hanging out inside it's been melting and and dissolving its uh fatty goodness into the into the meats and um the grouse actually is really good with the uh adobo spice on it let's try the duck duck's a bit on the dry side [Applause] it's not coming apart all that great but a little duck leg not too shabby gross ducking bacon wrapped grouse stuck in now that would be awesome just like that yeah just like that just grab onto the spit there and which would you recommend the growth of the duncan actually the grouse is probably the better of the two it if it needed some more adobo or something because it kind of got rubbed off or something but because of the bear fat it it smells good it cooked it cooked good that's fine that's good there you go all right well you can eat it yeah you can eat it i don't know that did it end up a little on the chewy side but it's always chewy when you spit roast yeah yeah congratulations i think i just had some shot or something 6 30 gonna do some early morning did [Music] all right we're up we're moving [Music] coffee water's on go wait for my shot some ducks [Music] i'm ready sounds like we're not the only people out here here feels like just like being at home in the woods in maine now dueling chainsaws going on over there [Music] whoops i forgot to turn the mic on when i switch cameras i'll just have to dub something over it for you that's good good stuff early morning stuff that uh instant coffee will really puts hair on your chest almost feel it growing i knew i shouldn't have forgot that blackout coffee that's good stuff would have been so much better after drinking this swell for seven days i won't nope i won't forget again to bring my blackout coffee hey how's it going and you know there's some trees over there they're really big ones big you wouldn't believe how big they are and you get up to them and then you can see them like right over right over there and over there a couple more over there and i i was looking at them and i think they're pines a couple more up up up that way too woods is full of pines i like the pines they're my favorite tree you know what's your favorite tree i bet you're more of an oak yeah i like oak yeah i like uh any tree i can make a slingshot out of you know me speaking of slingshots i saw a jackalope last night he ran across the other side of the river it was pretty awesome i mean i only ever seen them stuffed there should be some fat globules which you will be excited about um that tastes so good isn't it little globules of that are just like grizzled up in the pan they taste so good and you guys might think we get the runs from this but we don't get the runs from this no actually my body's handled this a hundred percent uh ninety percent there was one night where not over eight and uh that wasn't that was a mistake so i ended up throwing up a little bit and uh having the runs was only slightly so getting the right ratios is key and after you go through the adaptive phase which is you think about five or six days or something like that yeah it's really good that that duck that i did over the the grouse ducking actually tastes so much better chopped up today and back in here it's got a lot of juice back into it it doesn't taste dry like it did a little bit yesterday bear fat the bear fat yeah bear fat for the win big ol moose poops oh maybe he's been uh this is where he's been coming this is where he came through last night when chris woke up and heard him crashing through the woods that looks like that's fairly fresh pounded through here all right i'm gonna head back i'm gonna keep in the sun right here at one o'clock two o'clock somewhere in there but i wanna come back and end up a little bit upstream so i'm not covering the same trail so i'm going to keep my the sun right on my left i want to end up a little upstream so i'm not covering the same not covering the same pathway which would be over that way i kind of circled this way and now i'm heading that way let's see how i do there we go nailed it is that a duck or a loon all right i just got a duck on the wing all right now he's got to get the canoe and retrieve him [Applause] grieving the loss of my duck so looking forward to you know getting a duck on the wing it was there and then i i we went out canoed i flew the drone look for it with the drone i can't imagine where it could have gone you know unfortunately you know this is the wild animals go down somebody will benefit from it somewhere along the line some animal will and uh but i also walked up the bank on this side thinking maybe if it came try to tuck itself into the bushes and as i was doing so a duck flew from the other side of the river up and away maybe i just rung his bell and he popped up scooted over there rested up a bit as we paddled by he didn't move and then when i walked over there he finally said i'm good and he took off and he flew right from across from right where i shot him so i guess he he either lived hopefully he lives to fight another day ooh probably going on four or five days now and we had it frozen initially we let it defrost this meat is freezing cold in our primitive cooler there is almost no risk of spoiling for at least two or three weeks by my estimation you can always do a sniff test if it starts to look green it's probably not edible anymore but this stuff this will keep for two weeks and then probably it's even becoming more tender as the bacteria starts working on the meat breaking it down all right bare meat and bear fat with some adobo a little bit of water that's gonna be good oh i'm looking forward to this [Music] there we go that's gonna be delicious [Music] [Music] feels weird not using my shovel but i'm trying out the patches of a sent [Music] this will be in deep water so it won't matter too much but uh it's best to have a hobo reel be smooth at the top so you can zing your line out there and let it slide off the end of here you see what i'm talking about when i rig it up this one's also for batoning or clubbing unfinished ducks it's a survival hatchet so inside of course is a myriad of different tools did i unscrew the right part to find the right tool i did [Music] and then wind it on to the end for casting here we go and one hobo reel and all our glory let's go fishing [Music] oh [Music] so [Music] that was an epic cast there's like 13 feet that's not bad for a canoe i could do it from the shore and get like 40 feet but so no luck on the fish but we finally made it up to the main lake check it out here it's just spreads out before us we never made it all the way up here the other day and there's some like cliffs over there kind of going down into the water some ledges and over here it's really steep so it's probably a lot better fishing but we see a little clearing here maybe a building through the woods i want to take a peek to see if it's like an old old hunting shack or something like that that'd be kind of neat to see is it a shack or is it a palace let's see oh my goodness looks like a palace beautiful little shelter here out in the woods look at the uh see we got a little skylight there so it's not too old the bubble skylight and looks like it's had some damage over the ears see a lot of a little bit of rot going on and a lot of these a lot of what looks like claw marks just taking some abuse from the local bear population or something i imagine they probably come in with a boat though i don't we didn't see anything else on the mount map out this way this means like a full-on resort in there [Applause] oh cranky you got that oh man you got me good ugh i was just looking up i was just looking like like i was like man it probably was built from all these large pines right here and there this clearing was probably made and then turned into this build this beautiful place that's right crazy you so creepy looking in there it's all locked up and boarded up yeah it does sort of look like something from a like something from a stephen king movie yeah this is like the perfect place to film a horror movie yeah it's like isn't it giant fireplace it's just like they got that building like scary things could come out of any any one of those windows yeah the horse back here in the remoteness there's a couple canoes in there though that makes me think that weird people don't live here because they have canoes they have canoes modern canoes not like this old cedar strip wow this is a neat little place wouldn't this be a nice little uh cabin to come to for a couple weeks during the year and go out there and fish in and have the whole family out here playing running around cooking stuff considering the size of these pines they really probably didn't have to cut any more than where that clearing is for the log cabin and then just build it that is such a neat thing how fun would that be oh it's too hot to lift oh it's all wow look just look at it would you look at this yeah look at that it's really really hot look at that oh that's like a layer of yellow melted rendered fat oh my goodness it just dissolves perfect there's like nothing piece of meat dissolved it's like yeah it's just it's like baby food oh man it's like it's so cooked it just like melts on your tongue you know that's amazing i would like a side of rice with this please oh and some veggies that does sound good that would be just done mm-hmm noodles i was you know some oh oh some of those fat wiggly noodles there though yeah yeah just to soak up all the extra like the kind that people put in beef stews and stuff in there all right looks like the rain's coming in so we have to cut the short i don't want to stop eating it's so good chris is running around putting his stuff in his tent i'm trying to think if there's anything i have out oh my solar charger early to bed early to bed is early to rise might be able to get a duck in the morning if it's not raining and then we're changing lodgings [Music] um [Music] once again the most beautiful part of the hammock last thing comes down is your covering if it had been raining during this packing process i would have been safe and secure until i rolled up the last piece of my gear and i could even take it with me just loose and covered stuff up in the boat love this warbonnet hammocking thing awesome stuff and i would tell you what i would just be happy to be aware from sleeping next to this uh blair witch hole creepy hole thing next to me it's been sticking in my craw [Music] yeehaw on to new places [Music] there we go we're out of here try to leave every campsite i come to better than it was when i arrived and little bits of garbage [Music] looks good let's get out of here [Music] [Music] when you're determined to go fishing and your ex-wife's car won't make it up into the bushes [Applause] says no parking not no re-landscaping so you can drive around said fence nailed it right here at our new location catfishing central on the river looks to be good beautiful spot just like all of them here in canada look at that so i figured i could set my hammock up or i could do a bit of fishing i decided fishing was a better bet so i'm just going out here with a little worm nothing too special chris says there's some bass in here and some fall fish fall fish we could use for bait for the catfish and uh bass we could use for eating all right got my first fish here in canada a uh smallmouth bass and uh yeehaw see if i can do it again definitely we're gonna be eating this guy tonight i am hungry for something besides the huge oh oh another small bass there we go somebody's got fish envy i got two and he's got no i'm just kidding another one another fighter there we go three this one's a little small putting him back [Music] it's just something so manly about pushing over a tree go on the woods have a nice walk find a dead tree push it over be careful though because sometimes the tops will crack if they're really rotten and fall back on your head so you got to be good at it lifetime practice right here quick way there we go doing it the fast way all set up so we can go catfishing no bites yet no bites this is a little worrying about your bell i'm always concerned that there's not a bite and there should be a bite yep bell's got a bell his uh line fishing pole headed out nice you got another bell for me nope you gotta make your own oh okay i found that one in the tree all right so i gotta go uh hunt myself down a bell i think a soda can would do it yep see what i can find all kinds of chip bags and other garbage there better be there's got to be one beer can i can make a bell out of oh there we go [Music] [Music] it's always a relief to get the first fish then you know there's actually fish around not a big one but we'll see once it gets closer so uh you got you feel you felt the bite right i felt it nibbling when you walked away and it swam toward us so that's why the bell didn't keep going yeah so it was always there all right see if we can get this man now it's alive coax it into the net there we go first fish we're not skunked my friend beautiful fish isn't it my new favorite fish it's a it's pretty close to eating trout love them when you hold the catfish you hold it like i'm holding right underneath uh thumb finger the reason you do that is because they have very sharp barbs here like that's hard as a rock here sharp as a knife both sides and the dorsal fin as well if you get jabbed with that i've never been a jabba foot so i can't vouch for how much it hurts but i've been told it feels like a bee sting or a wasp thing so it's not permanent it's not going to kill you or anything but it does hurt so that's the how the fish uses what the fish uses to protect itself against predators all right all rigged up to get in on the catfish action basically got at the end of your line you got trouble and then you got another one tied on just a little bit below that inch and a half two inches piece of yummy beaver meat trading a few calories for a bunch more calories once we catch a catfish put both hooks into your piece of beaver meat i'm going to send it out there and see if i can't catch a catfish just playing with it ah just playing with it i missed him bam we got him oh shoot oh shoot oh shoot the hook's not hooked properly there we go nailed it that was so oh no we're good we had two hooks in there that scared me though good job there we go three for chris you can get him all right and get the fire going [Music] all right look at that bass right up in bear fat and i got a couple pieces of bear fat crispy bear fat i'm gonna have with it first fish catch of the season four wilderness living challenge fry up and bear fat oh all right coals are just right flames have died down so we're going to put the catfish on boom there you have it right on the hot coals cook it up oh ready to be eaten i'm so hungry skin peels right back protected it while it cooked on the coals that is so good catfish is awesome [Music] good morning world i don't think so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] we're changing lodgings boys [Music] hmm just want to make sure we get a boil on this every day every 24 hours to boil off any bacterias that are starting to build up in there that can make us sick bone marrow for breakfast good like like that sure catfish over there yeah looks like the breakfast of champions i just found some chanterelles look at that score yummy delicious chanterelles but always make sure you know exactly what you're picking for mushrooms you don't want to pick the wrong mushroom i don't care [Applause] hmm wow that is rich that is good cool yeah that's good there's some calories in there yeah i got all over my beard do i basically all those delicious sounds that's the fat and and stuff there the marrow getting all gushed up and try to rake it out of there with my chopstick oh also have the air bladder from the catfish i'm going to throw that onto a hot rock and sizzle that up it's got a lot of fat in it that'll be a tasty little treat looks kind of like a tongue but that's the air bladder from the catfish yeah the key ingredient to every bushcraft meal is the adobo spice his own special recipe now that came from a thing called adobo um you want the long story the short story the short story okay so i went to dominican and i tried to figure what spicy uses they used and they called it um adobo when i researched it and i started researching adobo and then gave me a list of spices imitated it and it came up with this spice so i and then somebody else called it instead of calling it adobo they called it wood dough bowl because wood wood beard so yeah basically it's a blend of spices and it works on everything every wild game that so far that i've eaten fish bird bear it just complements everything it has like this little hint of mexican food slash thai food slash i don't know every time i have it i feel like i i bring some other memory up of a delicious meal from some different place i've been or different restaurant type of restaurant italian it's like whatever's on your mind at the time it detects what you're craving and makes it for you look at that flaky juicy catfish cooked over the coals a little bit of the wadobo that is that is awesome this is [Applause] delicacy delicacy being out here amazing mmm it just melts in your mouth so much flavor i always thought catfish was like a muddy you know bottom feeding gross thing this has to be one of the most delicious fish i'd almost say i preferred over like the shard of the rainbow trout because of the the way just the meat breaks off and there's so much of it and then there's none of those bones and bone issues that you have with rainbow trout there's so many bones it's like it's so tasty but so so much work so far six days very content with eating just wild foods and the energies i'm getting from them makes me feel like i should just be doing this all the time so i'm missing the greens oh broccoli i love broccoli fresh broccoli on my salad so those things i'm missing those a little bit out here but this food is very sustenant rich energy rich food definitely a way to win catfish bladder it's going to be chewy so it's a warning fair warning you can eat the bladder the bladder is good it's fatty it's what makes the fish float but it's chewy yeah it's really chewy so ready one two three go it has like no flavor whatsoever no flavor at all it doesn't taste fatty necessarily no not necessarily fatty but this is a race so you can chew their chewy piece up first yeah yeah it's a little uh little chewy a watch away and the true nature of a hunter-gatherer we are picking up moving to a new location so we're going to go for pike oh such a good fish [Applause] moving locations isn't an easy thing it means lots of packing so we're utilizing what we have the car [Applause] back up you're going to hit the tree watch it yeah me yeah watch the stuff in the front okay hold up hold up hold up okay good we made it [Music] all right we are at a new location the pike spot once again fairly remote and full of moose tracks look at the size of those moose tracks all through here coming down to your drink maybe we'll see something in the night here i'm coming out here for a drink in the morning or something like that wouldn't that be fun [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] look at that big old hunks of wiggly bear fat [Applause] for some reason it's just getting myself to sit down and take that first bite and then i'm all all about it everywhere i go i just make myself some chopsticks the easiest thing to make and once you get the hang of them you're good thanks chris today on backwoods iron chef we have bear meat we're gonna stew it steak it fry it mix it with some grouse and some catfish and eat it oh wait there's more a bunch of fat that's right yeah how's that look awesome [Laughter] so that that a pile of fat right there was about what three times that size when we started the challenge oh at least at least three times the size of this boo so we've been just gonna pick a few hairs off no worries yeah few hairs go ahead yeah yeah here we go there's one nice little steak [Applause] oh [Applause] all right steaks are done what do you think it's good good tough it was chewy chewy yeah that's what we figured right yeah we knew that was going to happen yeah yeah i just kind of wanted the taste of a steak right yeah the flavor's amazing actually you know what i usually do in situations like this the trick is to have two pieces of steak use your bottom piece of steak as your cutting board for your top piece of steak and you're good to go and i went down and i washed my knife i had a little camp soap i keep with me wash my knife and my chopsticks so we're not contaminating it with raw cuttings i think the trick is going to be small pieces yeah like how small like they're too big bites swallow size pieces swallow size now you know why we stew actually no that's not not too bad that's not bad i i expected it to be as bad as that first one after a little bit i think my piece is too big probably why it's gonna be trickier dime size diameter that's the trick right there all right enjoy your steak i'm going to bed all right good night it's wet out here it's wet wet wet it's getting wetter by the second i've had enough of this find my hammock there we go ah it's dry under here it must only be like 7 30 but moving days moving camp cooking food dragging out firewood making it stew that we weren't even going to eat but we have to to to preserve our food so we don't waste any all of it takes a great deal of effort which is very rewarding so i just woke up it's the wind woke me up calm down for a second this thing's bouncing all over the place like a micro blower something coming through here it's i'm worried about that tree in the camelot oh no here it comes again get a little motion set from all of them slight rocking the heavy wind thunder and lightning out there it's so loud and there's so much wind and so much rain holy cow [Applause] whatever oh good morning all right wow i've been in here for about 12 hours in my hammock well the world sounds like it was blowing apart around me it's still windy as all get out let me get out and see what's happening out there [Music] give them back to me your aisle it's too late there they are they're wet boots are dry that's a little damp i didn't do too bad i didn't do too bad there's my repair i had to make just before bed the uh tree that i had tied up to decided to crack and rip out of the ground partially and it leaned over against another one oh i guess in the dusk when i set it up there wasn't needles it was just all moss and things growing on it whoops oh my goodness look at this that was not that's across my trail that came down right here that one came down over there and your chris's tent over that's like it that missed him by feet holy cow it's just a couple more degrees and there had been no more wooded beardsmen i know this guy who used to sit and play video games all day he gets what he wants so he never has to work for anything he gets this seems like clock in the beginning but slowly turns into something that can't be revived now days go by while his [Music] i didn't want to hit the canoe i saw that yeah beauty great grab some chanterelles for breakfast you know if i was sitting around camp i wouldn't have got it right right you'd be like what no no not ready yeah there you go there it is breakfast that doesn't that just look make your mouth water not so much [Music] have you thinking that your future's secure if you have a high hope you don't have to grab it cause it'll just come yeah you're destined to have a complacent life with no steps taken to try and realize [Music] is [Music] the truth will win time [Music] is [Music] is all right we got our grousing chanterelles catfish get a pan clean there was some fresh bear fat into the pan to fry everything up in and get our cook on that'll do it all right we're just gonna pop out the fat bits now that we've rendered enough to cook in and that way we can fit the catfish in there all right now we gotta just get the catfish all fit in there [Applause] just enough room for one catfish little snack while i wait and crackled up fat there probably rendered for cooking our food in yum um so good oh we're good look how new i was just going to show you how much rain we got last night you see this it's like eight inches of water down there whew that was all from last night that was a lot of rain there we go now the catfish has cooked a bunch and then flipped once i'm gonna add the smaller stuff the uh chanterelles and rose to the beans let them cook with it too what a tasty breakfast little grouse heart in there some chanterelles that's that all around that'll be good oh yeah [Applause] wonderful that stuff was awesome probably get it below in the description and we're selling it now on fowlersmakerymischip.com oh yeah we think that's good that looks amazing all your coffee's showing that's just cheap actually cheating cheating zach's been upfront about eating eating coffee yeah in his water yeah i eat my coffee it's beautiful no anyway yeah there we go looks good cracklings oh see that goldeny catfish right there well we might have done the chanterelles a minute too long that was a chanterelle epic fail yeah there's some of the grouse nice and crispy goldeny on the outside oh oh we can't eat it it's spoiled no no good no oh look at all the fat in the bottom oh drink it ah you can't even oh man man let's dig in [Music] [Applause] thank you lord for this grouse and the the catfish that you've given us and all this food that you've given us through this whole challenge and thank you for chris and he uh inviting me up here in just in jesus name amen dig in all right catfish oh coffee is good dip it right in the fat hot yup that fat is hot oh this is the best breakfast we've made so far i think you know that's a trick well yesterday's catfish was really good mm-hmm yeah nice to have some variety now we're moving on to fat to frying from uh stews yeah there's not too many people watching that would eat this and not like it no i don't think there's anybody no be like no that's gross this is like awesome little crisped up tran trail um those are one of the best mushrooms no these are the best parts right here i love fish like this this is my favorite way to do fish fry it up get the spine in the middle the back part of the fish and you just pick it up and you just eat the whole thing around the spine all crispy and juicy and that wadobo is so good oh tipping our chanterelle pride to the outside of it hmm even that tail fin and just crunch it right up because it's fried up all nice i like the fish the grocer's good but i think because you waited so long for the fish to cook the gross is probably overcooked yeah yeah that's what i'm getting from it i i wanted to do the fish and then take it out and put the grouse in but then i was like i'm hungry so i threw it all in got anxious yeah so now it's all the grouse is really crispy tastes good but a little overly crispy and the chanterelles are just a little crispy like cracklings basically now which isn't bad nice variety i don't know i somewhere i heard like an old wives tale getting a fish bone stuck in your throat sideways and and then remembering tom hanks and in the burbs and he's like and i just picture myself being out there alone gagging on a catfish not a catfish bone but a trout bone and uh having to tap out because i you know i got a bone stuck in my throat for a week and i just couldn't stand it any longer going nuts well i'm reaching my limit there's a lot of food that's a lot of calories right yeah one more bite got him ugh oh man this is this one we're breasting out for sure another grouse or half a gross so zach was teasing me about my shot on the gross the whole clean clean clean shot with the slingshot while he switched over to the gun turn it around we want to see there's some salvageable bits on it i i cleaned it i i got it i gutted it it got it and everything was one shot you're looking at my bum you get a little nutty after you spend several days together alone in the wild well for those of you that are bummed that i haven't built anything outside of a bell a seat and i can't even think of anything else i'm sorry he doesn't let me sit still long enough it's catch and cook so we can maintain or gain weight while living off of wild food so he doesn't give me more than 10 minutes to like all right you done catching your breath let's go let's go run run rest rest run run now it's not as bad as that more food more food he's like shoot more shoot more more food new location we ate everything that was here let's go [Music] foreign [Music] so chris just got one we're in the right area but the problem is fighting the wind it's pretty nasty out here that's one to one it's not a competition nope mine's mine's bigger fishing hasn't gone so well i got my one fish chris got a tiny one he put back and we spooked some ducks over there and they went to this side so take what you got when given to you i'm trying to make the best of it here we go one pike to pull yourself together drift away like dreary weapons [Music] pretty much just using my thumb and fingers to pop the meat off of the last bones here and then slice it up there we go it's not too bad there's one grouse breasted out right there and the pieces of meat that you get from it [Music] [Applause] uh [Music] so all right so you want to clean a dirty pike right so zach obviously never cleaned one because he never caught one right right all right so you got to find the back of the skull like that pretty easy right down to the spine you should be using a fillet knife but we don't have a pulley knife so you're going to go back until you reach that fin there and then you're going to come up that's your one fillet but there's still going to be bones in the middle so you got to work that out then then you're going to follow from about this point here this is the best fillet this you can just harvest without having to worry too much about anything because there's no bones in it so that is boneless you can eat that straight out let's get to the edge here no bones in that piece but of course the knife is so sharp that zach sharpened for me that he went through the skin so that's one piece of me that's good now the tricky part this screws everybody up so there's a ball ouch that hurts right so there's a y bone in there which is why people hate pike if you see it runs right down there and there right down there so what you got to do is feel for it and then you have to go on the opposite side of it here okay sometimes you mess it up i might mess this up we'll see the final product will tell us of course it never lies um sometimes it's nice to just actually use this as the guide so i'll do that just to be safe it is a small fish small fish are harder to clean than bigger fish but you're trying to make it go as far as possible so now we're down at the spa in there which is what we want position and we're going to go from here and i'm just going to scoop out along the ribs and i'm going to feel here no bones because the bones are up in this section here that's the y bone section and we want to make sure we don't go through the rib cage so we're going to get the rib cage here we're going to come out and scoop out and scoop so the ribs are in this part here if we push too hard we're going to go through that rib see the ribs there another bunch of bones right down there so we're going to work our way all the way back here and down to the bottom here okay so that's done that's boneless you feel it it's boneless it's boneless if you feel the bone you pull it out so now we'll just finish that site off like so and then that's boneless that's boneless that's boneless is bone okay so let's go back to this that's the back part so we want to find there's bones here and then there's bones there which is so darn annoying because you actually have to take out a big section of this in order for it to be boneless which is ridiculous so we're gonna do that and then we're gonna find the bones on the other side which are here and we're gonna cut those out so on a bigger fish you're gonna get a lot more meat from the back like this whole section is edible but it's also full of bones and because we can't i mean maybe we can hold back here you could also just go here and then scoop forward here and then this unfortunately is bait and you're going to get those couple pieces here which are good to eat so i'm going to continue get oh i went too deep again all right forget that i'll clean that one later the same thing down and then we'll scoop it out going too fast okay good same and this is our final half which we'll finish right now all right there you go compare that to the size of my dirty hand seven days of dirt grime barely a not even a baseball sized chunk of meat off of this fish there's all of our meat for tonight all right so column a goes in column b [Music] hmm it's fish bites good it's fine there's nothing wrong with it people just complain about the bones the taste of pike is 100 fine there's nothing wrong with pike yeah you wouldn't know the difference between walleye and pike i don't know do you ever have walleye no no no it's like a choice fish but if you put walleye and pike up against one another you'd have no idea it's like if it's not trout or salmon then it's just not it's it's just fish yeah but we already engrossed which is like you know the upper tier of all game game birds right it's the trout of the woods the trout of the woods the trout of the bird family anyway i'm going to find out if we um thrived i think we survived i don't feel different i think we thrive did we match our weight or lose weight or gain weight i don't we weighed halfway through i wasn't doing so well they're spike back to eating yeah copious you know 50 to 60 percent blobs of fat like weight wise per you know each you know meal you guys are going to come up with your own theories i'm sure put them down at the bottom if you uh you don't want to discuss those things i'm feeling good i feel i feel like i can continue this pace forever i feel like i can continue eating fats and proteins forever i don't feel short on energy my digestion is 100 percent good i'm not getting no honestly in table talk but i'm not getting the runs it's i'm eating blobs of fat just like you are and i'm the type of person that i can't eat bacon like in the mornings i cannot eat bacon it goes right through me really yeah so well now you have to go home and try that and see if it goes through you know it would it would be fine right yeah now now i'll be fine i think so something's happened to my body it's switched over and now it's just working so i it's got something to do with ketogenic you know it's got something to do with dumping the processed uh carbohydrates and i've been eating apples and apples has always been like one of those things that if i eat bacon and apples for breakfast i'm like through yeah it's the weirdest thing but digestion is you know what's even weirder is that you chose to eat yeah right the fat and apples that's all we have yeah we had we took from the environment what was available at the time and this is in the fall yeah bears the hunting seasons are all in we could have gone for deer in a couple weeks that's opening up that's really lean though yeah it's a lean bear bear is crucial for this year's wilderness living challenge so if you want to survive in the y go find some go find copious amounts of fat good luck with that right yeah right otherwise what else is there every time bear bore beef i mean you can find a wild cow moo somewhere okay you know this is a big one all right i gotta put this down heavy oh yeah we're gonna dig dig down here oh yeah finish doing this i gotta weigh in i got each wig on my end i'm gonna jump on the scale now i weighed in at the start was 140.4 or 140.8 one of the two so if i'm higher than that i win so let's check it out all right hop on i got my shoes off i got the same clothing when i was wearing in the start let's see 142.2 32.2 that means i gained a pound eight or ish or something like that anyway the real value's gonna be on the bottom i gained two pounds is that right does that make any sense i have to pee a little bit and my stomach full we just ate so there's probably two pounds in change there to uh on top of it because on top of my water all the whole time we had salts we had everything we needed so hey man we smashed it at the park they've got look how long how do you carry that stuff around all day the wazoo utility belt like batman there's a full survival kit inside of here as well as 50 pieces of slingshot ammo are you expecting to be marooned yeah 205.6 201.2 so about five pounds so you've leveled you've plateaued out because we weighed you two days ago and you were down about five pounds so you're down about five pounds now so i started i leveled out you leveled out yeah you leveled out on this diet and so compared to him i lost right but uh i mean i think in the long run you know if we were to not count the first transition days we probably both of us with the what we've been eating we could maintain our body weight stay active full of energy continue to harvest food and be healthy oh i almost took home a nice set of arrows i found in my gun case there's even a fancy stone tipped one in here ray fletcher ray fletcher like not the best looking slingshot but i had a hard time finding a really good one this will work great though it will wanted a keepsake memories we're losing track of days we're just having so much fun being so busy yes tmi for your audience right it was just and you jam it inside the duck [Music] determined to go fishing and your ex-wife's car won't make it up into the bushes i got two and he's got no i'm just kidding [Music] yeah this will do all right thanks man for having me i learned a lot check out the wooded beardsman down below the link is there we got some seriously awesome adventures now i gotta head back to maine [Music] i missed you so much where's abby she's already in there trying to watch tv isn't it you like them they're canadian gummies say thank you thank you wooded beardsmen [Music] and don't forget to check out our sponsor curiosity stream with documentaries on everything from science technology and wildlife it's got a little bit of something for everybody in the family available on the majority of all major streaming platforms and you can get all this for only twenty dollars a year check out that link in the description below and get unlimited access to content like you haven't already seen
Channel: Fowler's Makery and Mischief
Views: 699,046
Rating: 4.845346 out of 5
Keywords: fowlers makery and mischief, fowler survival, fowler, survival, fowler survival challenge, survival challenge, 7 day survival challenge, canada survival, surviving 7 days, surviving, how to survive of wild food, Wilderness Living, living in canada, surviving in canadas wilderness, surviving in canada, surviving in canadian wilderness, surviving alone in canada, wilderness living challenge, wilderness living challenge season 4, the wilderness living channel, catch and cook
Id: VsO6eLUlZAg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 127min 31sec (7651 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 26 2020
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