18 Acre Island Survival Challenge - No Food, No Water, No Permission to... Dual Survival Challenge!

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whoa whoa so big so maybe he's getting a bit lost and i have to come back out and do a night rescue i don't know to get in before this storm hits it's like chasing me oh no [Music] i'm zachary fowler and you're watching fowler's makery and mischief [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] welcome to 18 acre island a little mini survival adventure dual survival adventure we got chris with us is this time and uh we're just out here no food no water put up some shelters and have a fun time see if we can't catch and cook something to eat for dinner but before we get into all that i'd love to introduce you to our sponsor and my last meal before i came out here are you hungry sick of that same old stuff in your fridge and it kind of smells in there what are you gonna do about it check out our sponsor green chef to get started just pick your dietary preferences how many people you're trying to feed and how many meals you want to come a week choose the meals you want to come each week or let them pick for you this one looks good [Music] [Applause] meals will arrive at your door ready for you to cook each week you don't have to go to the grocery store you don't got to figure out what you're trying to make that week and it gives you something new to cook each week these recipe plans are so easy to follow my favorite part is you're learning something new every time you cook one of these meals it turns you into a chef in your own [Music] home [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] this looks so good mmm wow that's so different than anything i've ever cooked before thank you green chef this is so good and this has been the fourth fifth meal that i've had from that every single one of epic i highly recommend them check out that link in the description below for our sponsor green chef let's get on with the rest of the video or you can i'm gonna stay here and eat this is oh my goodness you gotta try this mat wow huh yeah that's just so good worth having zach keep me here until 10 pm yeah it's not 10 pm look at the light outside oh yeah and one more thing green shaft is a usda certified organic company dishes for a variety of lifestyles including vegan vegetarian paleo and keto go to dot us forward slash 90 fowler and use the code 90 fowler to get 90 dollars including free shipping off your first box all right so let me show you what i brought with me and we'll get set up and then we can go do some fishing i know chris is we got to get stuff we got to get supper on we gotta get we gotta catch some supper chris already caught first fish there we go stay on joker first fish well can't be don't call it too soon oh little baby i'm gonna let the first one go but that is a clean beautiful little largemouth bass see you later but we let him go cause for good luck for good luck yeah so if we let one go we usually catch a lot more later and something bigger too that wouldn't that wouldn't have fed us both that one right there yeah slim picking so got my pack right there and instead of the shovel this time i got what this crazy machete from robert that made that neck knife that i use crazy machete and the usual just regular tackle box two poles and in the front here i did bring a another fishing pole my telescoper my bat dry bag with my rain gear and a sleeping bag we do also have tarps and the hammocks just in case the bugs were so bad and we weren't sure because we had permission to be here by the landowner on their 18 acres how much that we could actually cut and get away with for shelter building um so we got to be very cautious about that we can't get carried away and build forts up in the trees on this adventure and uh what do you got with you basically the same setup i've got same thing one of your blackbird hammocks you've been so kind to let me use oh and you got the saw got the agua folding saw yeah your tackle box tackle this is all tackle gear in here probably way too much tackle and stuff filming gear and then that's bedding and you got the same thing as me like a pot your pot looks like it needs cleaning single guys there you know like probably don't do our dishes until we need to right definitely went camping and yeah i don't know if you can hear them on the camera but the bugs are already the sun is still up yeah it's gonna i think once that slides down it's gonna be no it's gonna be murder murder okay that we might have to do the hammer we can just build shelters and then sleep in the hammock you wanna walk up in some treasure i found a flip-flop i like this little spot right here on the point we got like a nice spot for pulling the kayaks up there or where we already were which is right there dipping into the water going for a swim i'm gonna have to go for a swim it is so nice out this is the first time second time this year it's actually been really warm and as beautiful as this i'm feeling the urge to swim look the tree's got a ball huh this tree got a another growing out of it not a tuma i want to like snap it off and like carve it it is it's got all kinds of curvy grain it's already dead that's cool i gotta carve a lure out of it and catch something that would be awesome how cool would that be that it would float like a bobber too oh yeah maybe it makes a good bobber bobber i don't have to sand and like sand and varnish that up and put it in my old man case as my little memory of our special time crispin with me on 18 acre island oh this is really cool oh falling over tree base those can make great shelter spots where you can build off of it and if they tip just a little ways you can it's a complete shelter all on its own that wasn't falling all the way over ready-made shelters could literally sleep underneath that thing tonight without getting wet if it was raining and everything find anything nothing crazy just these rocks are the coolest thing i am looking as i go to see if there's any mushrooms or anything that we can forage as well beautiful view to the lake you gonna go all the way to the end i think this is the farthest that go the whole mentality thing up there wouldn't be any different but i found some nice forage right here oh this is a tasty treat so those are a wintergreen berry all these little green plants right here are just covered and they're just super mild but very very delicious maybe we can try and do our fish with that i don't know if that'll be very good they're pretty mild there's like a it tastes like a dried out as if you took like winter green gum and turned it into light fluffy foam and then ate it but not in an intrusive way in your mouth like toothpaste is if you like just like sucking on it cool those are good nothing too spectacular out this way tons of resources for building a shelter if we're here longer i think we'll head back and set up where it's comfortable by the point and we can go out and have some fishing i found a hardwood and a sausage that i'm going to hook up onto right there okay and there is one piece of uh fall but hopefully we don't have any widowmakers tonight yeah i set up right there and i got a beautiful view of the lake but if i sit up over there i gotta be a view of sunrise sunset or sunrise you know i'm setting up over here because i'm going to tie a line to my toe when i sleep see if i can't catch a fish if i'm on this side then i can be fishing all night long that side's kind of shallow there we go i walked all the way around the place and i come back to right by the kayaks but it's a beautiful little spot and the sun will be rising somewhere over there in the morning maybe over there but i'll be getting first light and maybe first catch right out of my hammock catching and i think i'm going with a hammock this place is nasty with skeeters there we go that's the uh i'm calling the murder shetty made for me by robert his special design for a machete just need to nip a couple little things out of the way of my hammocking that thing's fun i cannot remember the last time i was able to set up a hammock like right on the water's edge like this this is gonna be cool you got the one with the carabiners through beauty oh yeah just giving her just getting it a little close to the ground but we're just getting it nice i'm the ones you tied the miserable knots in enjoy it i sleep in that naked normally chris took my hammock [Music] ugh [Music] oh that's a million times better so hot hammock is all set up got my gear underneath of it and uh not putting on my over tarp my my tarp that goes over because i don't think it's gonna be raining trees protect me from the dew i think it's time to go catch some fish catch catch some fish i can't even say it i'm so hungry let's go catch fish i don't know what it is about some people and bugs my kids everybody some people just get nailed by them have you been eating a lot of bananas maybe that's is that a good thing potassium type things i think it is makes mosquitoes all over you maybe that's but but i also think you're just probably tougher because when you were talking to the camera you had like five on your arm and you didn't even notice but one lands on me and it really irks me oh really yeah i'm tougher he said it he said it i'll give you that he said drive a man crazy and we're off all right rig up for bass collision imminent all right fish up through here and then try to hit the trout spot and hopefully we don't have to eat just bass for dinner i've been watching like 80s bass uh documentaries it's so funny there we go come on stay pinned no stop popping off you greaser what a beautiful day for it oh did you chuck under that dock yet go out into the wild and try to find all the wild you can and then you go find a dock and throw your lure at it and catch a bigger fish there's fish we just gotta find them what fishy smelling isn't like it smelling your own breath that's gonna be murder there's a lot more people on this lake if we go by and we start smelling stuff grilling this is we might have to revert to piracy that's it we're just gonna have to pirate the next speed boat that comes through and see if they have any snacks is that really a survival technique piracy [Music] it's starting to feel like a better better option now we only just started just teasing so we got plans for a video where we make electric one-man bass boats and now i'm thinking i wish we had done that video first and then done this video it's not that bad it really isn't it's kind of it's a beautiful day for it but at the same time knowing that we were planning on doing that video at some point and then not doing it like man that would have been cool like just being out here and just kind of buzzing around on an electric boat that we built ourselves let me know leave in the comments below should we bother to do that video i kind of put it off so it's not it might not be that interesting for people but build a boat catch and cook is that a good idea leave in the comments below i haven't caught a fish yet but i am having fun i hope you're having fun watching this is what it's all about you know it's not always magical moments i haven't been singing my uh fish song oh lord won't you give me a fish for dinner my friends all have cheeseburgers i'd like a winner i can look at this get it right in there bites yes that's more like it right in the grass as soon as i get into the grass that's the only thing i don't like oh yeah come on oh yeah oh he's all wrapped up in the grass but that's okay oh yeah come on there we go that's a fish that's a that's a record for today yes all right right in the weeds and the rocks i kept saying that's a juicy spot but then i felt this one i really felt it i was like that's the spot hopefully chris got something but if not this is kind of enough for the two of us i'd say that's a big decent size yes love fishing love fishing well i've waited for chris as long as i care to i have to come back out and do a night rescue i don't know oh that doesn't sound good that doesn't sound good for us this may be a wet wet night whoa i'm just getting blown down the lake right here i'm not even doing anything let's see get the flashlight out of the camera bag i'm gonna put that out for chris doesn't look that bad on the camera you can see pretty well in low light but it is getting dark and stormy looking i mean that just looks like that's all dark clouds it's all dark rumbly clouds if i put the flashlight right here for him you can see his way maybe a little further around the corner don't fall in should be coming from that direction so see where to pull in for the camp sheesh hope it makes it back soon this is more my style when we're talking pass first cast boys there we go yes come on okay now we just gotta land them that's all that matters we won't go too crazy first cast on the better grassy looking area oh this is a good fish too whoa cool looking bird right there he's buried me in the weeds i think we gotta pick it up oh come on don't go get in the boat there we go we got food guys thank the lord we have some food ripped my worm right in half big old slimer guys zach doesn't like it i don't think when i call him that we've got some shoulders on him and that's gonna be meat right there that is meat i'm shaking a little bit i mean that's just a pickerel but that supper is what it is too i hear a bullfrog good whacking oh there's a couple oh there's one got one that'll eat that'll eat frog on baby been a while since i've had frog legs that'll be delicious guys awesome okay guys i gotta start paddling back as you can see it is getting dark quick i don't know if the gopro is showing it wow this guy's like pink right now okay so the hope and the prayer right now is that once i get around oh my goodness guy guy guy guy i'm sorry i know oh are you kidding me are you kidding me there's no freaking way i just lost my frog no freaking way i was looking forward to that frog man oh this might just have gotten bad two times in a row can i not get through here oh mylanta thunderstorm clouds brewing behind me i've got very little battery left i'm losing light very fast i have to get in before this storm hits it's like chasing me i'm barely keeping pace okay is this the gap please don't have brought me to some weird spot if you guys notice i'm talking a lot it's cause i'm a little nervous just talking to myself through it you know having a good old time this is the island right here but we're at the other end of it is where we're camped of course that's okay we're gonna make it we're gonna make it the only question is is i can get my rain fly up before it starts to downpour all right i better get my cover on but i don't see him on this side either paddling for camp here comes the sprinkles chris there he is i hear him coming you went the wrong way i'm working on mine it's not raining under the trees just yet you're okay you got time i freaked out bad i went the wrong way i need a flashlight zach could i get a hand when you're done with yours please i'll help you i'll be right there i'm just putting one tie on mine they'll come over strain and here i come i'm just gonna tie it around the trees for now no no here i'll help you we'll get right from the center hole you're right it's right here i see it yep and then snap it in i got rope right here so just a nice day out camping and fishing i don't where is it on a different shoreline yeah i got it i'm bolted by that light take that and get under there oh i am fully soaking wet now it's still rolling holy lightning boys and to think we're gonna eat good oh you got a good one yeah nice all right yeah go sit under your tarp i'm gonna sit under my tarp i am soaked now put the boat over so it doesn't get any wetter i guess oh yeah yeah the last of my strings ah oh poor camera oh camera bag's damp on the outside but i think it's okay huh i am drenched why is there stuff dripping off of my hammock oh no man that came down hard i am so soaked i could ring my shirt out right now i could have checked just as easily it's just and i didn't think it was gonna rain it felt so nice out it was the nicest day ever but it was muggy i tuck into my hammock all natural and stay nice and warm i don't know about cooking tonight though might as well just go to bed and have breakfast that's something crawling on me there get lost i think the camera's okay microphone's dry enough she's not a waterproof camera but uh we're definitely testing that out today i am in i got lucky a little bit damp on the top but i got uh i had my long sleeve striker shirt and my swim trunks so uh hey i'm gonna be going to bed dry so i don't see any point in staying up to wait and see if this rain will stop i mean get a fire going and just sit around wet it wouldn't be fun if it was easy i'm gonna get some sleep i'll see you guys in a couple seconds for me it'll be a night see you guys in a couple seconds in the morning that ended up being a pretty interesting night hit day here tucked in thankfully i'm dry none of my clothes are dry but i suppose we'll deal with that in the morning oh good morning it's about 5 15. there's some crackling creatures are stirring chris mainly sounds like you've got a fire going and uh mosquitoes sound like they're thick as uh thick as the clouds were last night all i can hear is like they woke me up more than anything else just i had a bit of a headache when i fell asleep last night because we didn't cook and we didn't boil some water or do anything and uh probably make some coffee if we're going to do that because uh i wouldn't want to waste some water why not turn it into coffee well nothing ventured nothing gained let's get at it [Music] oh look at how wet those are oh wow beautiful oh i knew there was a reason for picking my spot right here this would have been awesome if i hadn't had to have my tarp on looking out from my hammock in the morning this is nice everything is wet not sure if there's any point in taking it over by the fire to dry it out oh i thought you had a fire going on oh i didn't smudge pot i didn't go get uh any rocks yet and this is this ground is like pure pith and like pure root fire waiting to happen so yeah we want to build a fireplace we can we better build a fireplace then if we're gonna we're gonna have coffee where are we gonna fish for a bit this morning i was thinking coffee and then fish yeah like coffee fish and then make breakfast probably honestly the best stones are right next year yeah all right i'll get stones [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] um [Music] ugh [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign yeah cheers to making it back to the island i know right oh you're gonna have a laugh at that footage of me getting a little bit panicky on my way back yeah dang that's a nice bass man hmm during coffee's so hot i can't drink it yeah let's go put some more like water in it yeah i know right put some more giardia in it i heard a beaver out here speaking of beaver fever he did yeah he smacked at like probably three or four this morning huh tell you what though hooking that frog made me want to have a dedicated frog hunt yeah whether it be with a blow gun or a slingshot or just with a rod and reel right all i did was just took a little tip of my green and white um senko worm and put it on my regular freaking basshook just dangled in front of them they were going crazy over it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] dear diary [Music] i've survived a lot of storms and i've never been struck by lightning they say that you're more likely to get struck by lightning to win the lottery but i've been out in a lot of storms so does that make me more likely to get struck by lightning next time i'm out or win the lottery of course i'd have to actually buy lottery tickets to begin with if i'm gonna win and if i did start buying lottery tickets would that make me more likely to get struck by lightning next time i'm out or less likely unless i won in which case i'd be more likely next time i go out to get struck by lightning i think i'll play it safe and just not buy any lottery tickets try to get away from shoring these skeeters i think i'm bringing them with me get all right i don't see chris anywhere he headed out before me oh this is a good fish oh he's being on me just throwing that little rapalo that i was trolling before probably seven five we'll let him go see you later buddy rig up see if we can't catch some fish for breakfast i mean we got fish but we did want something else besides bass we're always catching bass love to catch a nice rainbow trout or something it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood now we just need a special sauce go catch some fish good luck on the trolling there we go fish on oh fish off oh chris says he's got something big but his camera is dead so we want to see it we got to pull hard and get over there oh my goodness brother now that's a slab holy crap give him a drink that is a insane so big of a black crabby dude i've never in my life never i've never in my on a senko yeah on a ripped up torn up sanko oh man i would love a crappie for breakfast but that's kind of that's a big one that's huge all right you keep the medium sized ones the middle there are smaller ones right that is a dinner plate that's not for the dinner plate yeah is the gopro gonna like show like that thing yeah right about there 15 inches okay two point two two two two two two whoo [Music] i wanted to go the other way yeah headed back home nice job holy mackerel there we go fish on little guy little guy oh that's gunked not skunked ha ha there's still copy now time to make some breakfast to go with that coffee probably should have hung up my trousers they could have been dry by now it's hot as it is in the sun these rain pants don't breathe very well i'm afraid to strip down my swim trunks i'll be eating alive out here and outside of smoke from a fire there's not a lot you can do about mosquitoes bug nettings or you just go for it and yeah you bug dope up when i do use bug dope i try to always use it just a little bit on my clothes and stuff more than anything else and then if it still is too bad then i then i go and bathe in it you know just get right in there just whoa make sure you ingest some and those mosquitoes will leave you alone okay who's next [Music] [Music] me [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] that was impossible a little stinker oh that smoker idea was a bad idea you saved them they're not burnt too bad how do they look actually they look still looks good to me pretty looks looks pretty perfect yeah yeah we gotta take care of this let's put that out oh just got mud tried to get some dirt oh yeah we got it just put them back on the sticks well just gonna show you when you think your fire is out uh it only takes a couple seconds that birch bark some fiery stuff it's great for starting fires with and i thought it would make a great little smoker shield and since it was almost out we'd be fine but we saved the kebabs chris saved the kebabs did you burn any arm hair off no no i'm fine yeah we still got breakfast this this turned out to be a lot more of an ordeal for such a simple thing than uh i don't think then we've ever experienced before it was just the rainstorm stuff like that just because of our own and all of it is just because of our own goofiness yeah i will never not put up the tarp if i go out hammock can't be who cares this is a beautiful what was it like 80 degrees yeah 80 sunny beautiful then all of a sudden thunder yeah always be ready i also may have gave one too many one one last cast when the sun was getting awfully close to the horizon right maybe take note of me too but that's when i caught my fish so if i hadn't then we wouldn't be having fish kebabs so a little crispy on the outer edges lord thank you for this food and this adventure and keeping us safe despite our being stupid uh appreciate that lord jesus name amen literally the first half is pickerel so you get to finish with the bones yeah you finish with the bones you start with the bat and you finish with the bones okay so start with the bass oh yeah oh oh oh oh cheers cheers mmm that is good cooked through perfect yeah so i wasn't really watching you hit this with the oh man and the adobo i hit it with the woodobo and then i rolled it in chipotle so let's see nice fresh spring bath for being fairly that is good fairly plain yeah i'm i'm starving dude and not wrapped in bacon i mean it's okay oh i don't want to do it before i taint it though i do want to try the pickerel oh yeah is the pickerel better than the best hmm it has a much smokier how'd that take on the flavor of the wood more i don't know it's got that hardwood smoke flavor oh it also has a little bit of burps but it's delicious yeah that's actually really good that tastes like something you'd buy like a packet of milk yeah like a packet of smoked trout or something or salmon like it tastes it was very good yeah wait a second too long hey i'd rather better shapes than sorry yeah because we stacked them yeah i think you nailed it man chef's always hard on himself yeah well the birch bark going up kind of made them a little bit um they kind of gave it to you you can't always catch and cook right sometimes you got to cook at home so special thanks to our sponsor for this video green chef chris he didn't get to have the meal before we came out no maybe next time he went home that day and we stayed and filmed that uh i thought there's bugs in here drink it drink drink this this is when you drink through your teeth like that you sipped it yes that's what you got the beard for it's like a filter isn't it if i pulled it up and over my lips that would be hilarious all right that's it we've got a bunch of grinds like we're out of here get back to town civilization we got to edit [Music] [Music] post don't [Music] [Music] [Music] whew that about does it for us and the tiny island see you guys later thanks for watching fowler and chris out check out his new channel linked in the description below thanks guys appreciate it see you guys later oh yeah almost forgot something chris's channel is chris taylor mainstream adventures here take the camera i have something i have to do [Music] common house of pizza here we go hello nope nope i'm not ordering pizza in fact i will never order another one of your pizzas again i got something better i'm sorry it was it was nice what lasted take care [Music] bye just in case you thought you'd come out here and find this camera i did come back for that [Music] you
Channel: Fowler's Makery and Mischief
Views: 536,565
Rating: 4.9047823 out of 5
Keywords: fowlers makery and mischief, fowler survival, fowler, survival, fowler survival challenge, survival challenge, catch and cook, survival videos, no food no water survival, survival on an island, survival no food no water, No Food, No Water, no food no water no shelter, no food no shelter survival, no food no water no shelter survival, Island Survival Challenge, Dual Survival Challenge, dual survival, zachary fowler survival, no permission, 18 Acre Island Survival Challenge
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 48sec (2928 seconds)
Published: Sat May 29 2021
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