Catch'n Cook Steak and Brook Trout Ice Fishing !!! First Video of 2021

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[Music] oh yeah [Applause] [Music] i'm zachary fowler and you're watching fowler's makery and mischief got em fish homeboys [Music] i can't stop right up to your hole and then you go over the hole nice little chain pickerel yes sir looks like all the actions in the shallows huh pretty much right now i mean i got i think this is the same fish i just caught really like first flag i got was a pickerel i think in this hole as well dang them fish y'all oh my slime darts so he's probably just getting free breakfast ouch we are on the ice chris already beat me here i got busy making some little things i'll show you that in a little bit but i want to get set up and do some fishing we're on norton's pond beautiful state of maine not too far from home and the ice is finally thick enough i don't have to fall through it hopefully how deep is it four inches uh good ice here and 30 foot of water out there we can try for trout here and then maybe jump around for some crappie yeah i like that specialty let's do that let's get on i'm gonna need to find something to eat peter patter that's good at it papa's got a good appetite and of course i brought the titanic with uh bacon they always take it [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] forgetting the pliers another one just a bruiser gold snot rocket big delivery for mr fowler it is not 96 feet i think my deucers fit the dust i guess we're going primitive today boys and girls no no fancy equipment except for the drones and the cameras and all the other stuff uh well that's a bummer hopefully i even have a weight in here i do i have to catch them the old-fashioned way just not even knowing if they're down there just poking hope use a weight to set the depth putting a worm on this one you just gotta put a little weight on there then you drop it down find out how deep it is and set it a foot off the bottom that'll work fine for right here but if we're going to go out and jig for crappy later or something like that you know not having with a fish finder to be able to see him coming in and and decide you're in the right spot find a little bit of a different depth and a shelf and something where they're pushing up to feed on minnows or something keep on keeping on keep putting my eyeball right near that [Music] [Music] [Music] took my bait and took it down into the weeds darn it it's got to be another pickerel here or something [Music] [Applause] all right i got three tip ups out and the uh hta hook setter strike master whatever they call that thing my grab a couple rods here and go and do some hole jigging whole hop and see if i can't turn something up got my new little jig i made [Music] [Music] check that out so i can put a rod right in there made this this morning just a couple minutes on my laser full spectrum sent me their muse laser last week and i have hardly slept i just keep making stuff i can't stop check out the link in the description below if you'd like to know more about them so now when i'm not uh running a rod and i want to go walk around whole hop jig with two different rods two different setups on them i put one down without laying it in the slush and ice jig the other one swap them out try to throw a wax worm on both of those and ring the [Music] bell [Music] so [Music] ah [Music] oh yeah oh oh what's going on oh come on there's no ah tensioner's wrong i got nothing ah no reeling there we go yeah all right here we go that was ridiculous i just had the i went around the thing in the wrong direction nice job i think i got it on the aqua view too that was nice awesome that was nice that was just foolishness i'm like you got to be kidding me this is all like the most ridiculous stuff that could happen in a day frostbite jig head and a wax worm nice job ah has he choked it no it was right there on the edge of his lip barely had him hooked it was enough though that's a good the tiniest look at that thing there we go the tiniest tiny hook but it's sexy nice good hook i just i started cranking on it and every direction i was turning i'll show you on the rod the uh the tension wasn't coming was it frozen no no it's just everything on these you turn this to tension it right right and the drag yeah and the drag and everywhere it's direction i pushed it just wasn't i wasn't getting any drag out of it huh and it was my fault because i was just going in the wrong direction continually oh you kind of got a little excited yeah and like so but i was so i was so far i was so in the middle of the tension and setting the drag that like when i went one direction i felt nothing and when i went the other direction i felt nothing but i didn't commit to either one so i just kept i got fish fever and uh almost lost that you landed them though nice job though but i hope i think i got that on the aqua view for everybody to see because that was cool he came in i go to mess with the i was like hey maybe i should actually check the drag on this thing and right when i went to do that he comes like dodging in and i like go to check the drag and he misses it and i yanked it out of his way what's that what's that fish that's kind of a big fish because it's the oh wait that is yeah the first fish of of 20. it's a better year already all right that's not the okay and so the thing is too that's not my dream in my dream you can see this drawing here i did this morning i had a dream i woke up this morning that i caught a like a desiccated like spawned out trout that was extra thin and uh there was a hook in its back let's check just check real quick you think you got something here i don't know is it just is there a hook in the back no there's not a hook in its back oh it's a nice good it was a good perfect just a nice well proportioned definitely stocked though you can see the little worn off fins on her nevertheless or him a nice stroke but in my dream the fish was uh was desiccated thin and it had a hook in its back that was bent out and rusted with a short piece of uh braided line still on it and i removed that and i was like this is the first fish of the year i'm putting it back that's not a good sign and it reminded me of oh man of that bible story of uh the lean years and the fat years that joseph predicted to the king and i was like oh no is this a prediction of this year that we're gonna have another lean year and the vaccine's not gonna work because this hook the earlier catch didn't work and i started like over analyzing it i was like oh [Music] oh man i missed my chance at a beautiful rainbow trout some people are always telling me in the comments coffee's bad for you man and this time i think they were actually right you want these for lobster bait sure give it one more cup of coffee and then i'm calling it i'll go eat my one fish be happy something else went by so i was probably on the footage of like me ah missed him a second time they make a patch for coffee drinkers that's when my doctor told me about fresh products a new drug to help coffee addicts like me manage their coffee addiction consult your doctor before taking fresh products side effects may include but not limited to violent fits of rage towards left-handed people it's a little iced up i'm doing the fish in if i wanted to [Music] lots of ice in my hole lots of ice lots of ice [Applause] nice nice you had more of you than this one she's slime all right another beautiful brookie all right i only need one to eat so i'm gonna send this guy back [Laughter] worst release ever i don't know what that's gonna look like in slow-mo but uh real professional fishing that's what we call the belly flop release i'm just gonna start doing that on purpose just to annoy people from now on i'm gonna tail first release all of my fish that's going to be my thing like i put it into the water and it's like a slap a little bit tail first dive headed in that's it i'm done i'm good i caught one for fun and one for food and i'm out of here i think i'm gonna go cook it [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] so [Music] so i get this crazy idea i've never tried it before i'm thinking about cutting the steak into like a circular pattern and wrap it around the stick and then wrap that in bacon and then put that guy on a stick and wrap him and bacon is it crazy i don't know but we'll find out i'm pretty sure it's going to taste good no matter what and we got our adobo we'll definitely powder it with that and the chipotle sauce so maybe we'll put a little bit of that on there too [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] oh yeah she's done i believe we're up here a little seat for a second whew what a nice long day good day good clean adventuring catching fish oh almost put me in a bad mood though the fish finder not working but managing to achieve a fish catch and on the aqua view that was pretty cool yeah sometimes things not working can uh work out to teach you new things as long as you don't give up since we didn't have more fish and chris decided to join me i thought i was gonna come up here alone just had to grab that steak and wrap that in some bacon and that looks so good i think he's off looking for a light so we can get a good shot of that before we consume it i haven't had anything to eat all day i thought we're going to cook on the ice earlier and then we're just having too much fun trying different things and messing around with stuff and uh no food till now that's why it's good to have the reserves especially if i go on a loan again i'll need those reserves it's just what the doctor ordered i've been in my office for so many days and then the work being done around my house that'll be in the following video and then playing around with the laser all that stuff's really fun and we've got all kinds of little things i've been filming and working at but uh getting out here and doing this this is just what the doctor ordered right chris it is it's nice to be in the woods take that off the fire all right let's test her out see if it's done oh big wiggly bit of fat right there at the end i saved that special just for myself my favorite mmm oh stripping it's dripping everywhere lord thank you for this food blessing us with this steak and the trout and the adventure and keeping us safe on the new ice and thank you for the ice lord jesus name amen um that's good oh perfect bacon and steak yeah nice hot saucy wadoboey smelling it it's very spicy it's like so good cooked through it's still still a touch rare i bet down here where it's a little more charred that's probably well done but up here is like medium rare rare which is my favorite hey i don't hear it moving oh there we go oh my goodness look at that steak that was a what was it a chuck that i grabbed it's like oh it's prime cut i think yeah that is some good fatty steak oh man every piece of it that's the best one i've ever done good smoky flavor right hmm i don't you can have the trout i'm going to have this i'll take this no we can grab the trout we'll try it that too his head fell off probably actually that would be like a little freaking piece of popcorn whole head i'm gonna try it throw it all back there's no there's no way to get a head in life one bite everybody knows the rules yeah what what the whole thing yeah one bite the giant stuff's not that good his teeth the lower jaw no not a lot to it the jaw the head and the brain there's still a little it hasn't quite cooked long enough yeah it needed to be no i got it i got it it's going down oh so much flavor hmm hmm all right now for the other thing now for the other thing where you eat what is this the trick where you just keep eating the fish i look back and it's just a pile of bones and now for this shot yeah let me get this we got to get the shots in we got to get the shots in hmm good balance to the fats and bacon stuff i i was joking like you could have the fish and i'll take the uh the steak but i i don't know that i'd mind you being stuck with either one right i mean that's good oh so good spine's about to fall right out perfectly cooked and moist as not dry no some people don't like that word moist moist tender [Music] moist and i'm talking with my mouth full we're here we're just breaking the rules here if they don't like that then they're on the wrong channel i've gotten so much grief over the years for talking about awful there's probably over 50 000 comments on me just like i wish you wouldn't talk with your mouth full i'm sorry you should go watch somebody else's channel then because i can't help but tell you mouthful or not i was just good this is so good my mom that was one thing she said when she met you was like man i am so impressed with that chris you said he's a complete bum but he runs so much i go that's just cause you guys are here now i'm teasing good cold day today huh i know right i don't think we got much above freezing hmm cheers is that not too hot to drink mine i i poured it earlier it's too hot to drink first time i've ever seen anybody cut a steak like that it was nice it cooked so evenly yeah and so juicily like there isn't one bit because the bacon protected it not one bit that was good smoke flavor not like overly smoky that's like better than barbecue grilling it yeah oh we gotta finish it i can't do it i still got this wad we got to finish the trout as well we can bag the trout up and bring it home okay what the heck was that the grounds look at the bottom of my car holy i got like had some serious grounds in that that's why i'm spitting it out i'm not being rude oh we're getting a spine release here boys big big spine release oh goodness sub-zero wins flawless victory fatality that's it kicked it she's done what is it about good food like this that you eat it and you're full and you feel like you could you can't do anymore you can't like what i was gonna say the opposite i'm gonna do scratch no no no i'm ready to scrap sure but like i mean like you can't keep stuffing it in oh i see what you you know like you don't want to overdo it yeah like i when it when it's eating pizza like i used to once a week always eat an entire pizza by myself because there's no nutrients in it your body's like uh well we got a lot of calories but not a lot of nutrients but you eat a whole f or half a fish and all that fat and meat i think a fat yeah a lot of nutritious fat and protein it like hits you and you're like yeah you're just satiated like man that was a good bit yeah that was a good bet there we go we finished it we did it good job got your first fish of 20 21. two fish in twenty twenty one two good sized fish and not that creepy one like in my dream so i'm happy about that wasn't a zombie fish but you know what i actually would have felt better if i did catch that weird one because it was like a premonition instead that might be a foretelling of 2021 you know we're gonna have a lean year and things are gonna turn out really bad and we're gonna get a lot of hooks stuck in this rusty hooks i think you're looking into your fish dream a little bit too much i think we may have spoken about fishing the night before and you were just thinking about fishing when you went to bed it might be prophetic fish are gonna die no not the fish we're we're the no we are the fish oh deep we're the fish yeah and the hooks like um the hook that didn't take the fish down the first time is the kovit vaccine all right that's it for us let me know what you think is my dream prophetic or when you watch this next year it can be like holy cow fowler was right the whole time his dream his dream thanks for watching i'll see you guys in the next one fowler and chris ow what was that oh the spinal cord
Channel: Fowler's Makery and Mischief
Views: 355,071
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fowlers makery and mischief, fowler survival, fowler, survival, catch n cook, catch and cook, catch clean cook, 2021, catch and cook brook, catch and cook brook trout, brook trout fishing catch and cook, catch and cook steak, cook steak, catch n cook trout, catch n cook brook trout, ice fishing, ice fishing for brook trout, brook trout fishing, brook trout catch and cook, brook trout ice fishing, ice fishing catch and cook, ice fishing 2021, catch and cook 2021, brook trout
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 35sec (1895 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 15 2021
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