Solo Overnight In The Thatched Reed Winter Survival Shelter During Snowstorm (87 Days episode 25)

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Finally what i thought was a perfect time to do a solo overnight in a snowstorm came. The new said nor'easter was blowing in. And that it was in the snow for a couple days. So i prepared to go spend the night in my Thatched reed winter survival shelter. I packed up my gear and loaded it all into the sled and hike out to the reed shelter. That storm dumped over a foot of snow in places but i was warm and cozy in reed hut. So much for survival i sat by the fire and whittled all night and got a good night sleep on my reed sleeping mat. I cooked and egg in the ashes and coals and roasted an apple for dinner . Woke up my sleeping fire Using my Fire banking method. I had put her to sleep the night before And had a good size fire going before I ever got out of bed. Once I got up I made some coffee And stir-fry from thrive life. They make freeze-dried meals for dinners at home but work great for camping. The weather outside might be frightful but inside my Reed house It's quite delightful!! Almost feel a little guilty i was so Comfortable ;)

👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/ffoowwlleerr 📅︎︎ Mar 20 2018 🗫︎ replies

Awesome video, makes we want to leave this cubicle ASAP

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Beerbeard123 📅︎︎ Mar 20 2018 🗫︎ replies

Been following you cover your 87 days. Appreciate your videos and learning the details. Helped get me into Keto.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/ibitthehedgehog 📅︎︎ Mar 20 2018 🗫︎ replies

Love your videos, thank you.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/qualiawiddershins 📅︎︎ Mar 20 2018 🗫︎ replies

Since you started the 87 Days remake series, I've started to watch you more than I did Robinet, & that's saying something. Personally, shelter building/tool making is my favorite part, I bet that yurt holds heat so well, it looks cozy. Love your content

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/smcqtr23 📅︎︎ Mar 20 2018 🗫︎ replies
(fun bouncy music) - Hi, I am Zachary Fowler. And you're watching 87 days. The complete reenactment of all I did out on History Channel's Alone show. but as if I did it here in Maine and tonight we're going to spend the night out here in the shelter in the middle of a nor'easter. Or, kind of the tail end of it unfortunately. It wasn't kind of a big blow out as far as I'm concerned storm wise. We went from playing in the sun, shooting slingshot in the yard, to all of a sudden, about, I don't know... Up here at the land 12 inches of snow in spots. But, so I'm out here it's still snowin'. It's going to be a great time to play out in the woods. I love headin' out to play here in the snow. And we're going to fire up the fire in here. I got some interesting stuff to cook for you's. Let's do it. Alright, shelter looks like held up really well. The self cleaning roof. By using plastic, it's allowed me some more light in there. Once I, especially once I knock the snow off. But it also means that the snow out here just slid off and piled up around it. And, didn't do too bad. My bed looks like it's nice and dry. And, forgot to hang a coat back up as the doorway. There's a little bit snow around, but nothin' big. Looks good. Looks good. That's kind of the whole point is I wanted to be secure, so that if I'm not around, since I'm not gonna be a living up here, or anything that whenever I come back up, it's ready to go, it's secure. I think I nailed that part at least. (calm guitar music) (plastic thumping) Ah, isn't that beautiful? Let's all the light in. (plastic thumping) See how the cold steel shovel does in the snow, huh? That's the only thing I've never really tested it on. Actually that's not true. I lied I've dug a snow fort with this and it worked, awesome for digging the snow fort. But that's different than trying to move a bunch of snow. (calm music) Not too shabby. Wouldn't wanna shovel the driveway with it or anything but does the job. (calm music) (grunting) Alright. Here we go. (calm music) Before I start the fire. There's a little issue, see the snow, right there built up. there's a little bit of snow up there on all the sticks. So gonna go outside. Gonna go outside and fix that. By throwing snowballs at it, knock as much of it off as possible, because otherwise, when it warms up and the heat's going out through there it's all going to try and dribble down a little bit, couple drinks here and there in different places. And I need to change them and fix that. There's a way to fix it, you can tie strings to that come from the polls, where it comes right through the hole in the roof up here, you tie a string, and then you drape the string down. And so, it drips down the string, and you can make it to the kind of drip down the strings all to one place like right on top of your fire, which is almost the best place because, as the heat comes up from the fire it dries the drips, and there's a minimal little drip that almost evaporates if you got a good fire going before it ever even comes into your shelter completely. That's how you fix a drippy TP type roof, right there. (calm music) Alright, well... My aim of the snowball is not nearly as good as with a slingshot, maybe stick. (tapping) Toy from Survival Frog. They make this cool machete with the... It's got a cool strap on it, too. So, you can sling it on you like this, with a machete, with a saw on the back. So, let's cut a nice long stick and get the top of the roof cleaned off, so I can get the fire going. Make some dinner. (chopping) (calm music) (sawing) Sweet, that works good, thing's slick, got a machete and a saw all in one. And, I kind of like this whole chest harness thing. Or, I could use it over my back, slip it in there, snap it up, throw it around behind you. I feel like a Samaria. (calm music) (snapping) (calm music) (sawing) (calm music) Made a little bit of a mess in here. (scraping) Good enough. Got some new stuff to play with today, from 5Col. It's They sent me this great little gas masks bag. But the water bottle goes in it, and to get some inner pockets. Rugged little, just a rugged little satchel bag. Nice little water bottle, simple, flask type. And I think it's actually insulated. What I was really excited about is out there in Patagonia I had made a blower. And they had this little like telescoping blower here that you could use for your fire. And, you blow into the big end, it compresses it and have a little air jet. Great for firing up a dead fire. I like it. They sent me this. And this is a all you need for fire starter. It's got one of those same fire starters, that you can get, the one hand and fire starters, that come with-- that I use last week from go prepared survival that come with a seared strips if you're order them like that for a couple extra bucks. But, these have... these little, zoom it in for ya, it comes to these little tenders inside. And they're like, lashed up. And basically, we're just going to take it and kind of pull on it a bit, and their little strings that hold it all together kind of come apart. And you can fluff it up. And then you got yourself something to spark up. And there. There's something to something to protect them. Make them a little more flammable than just a plain old cotton ball. Let's go back. I'm gonna put this one away, and do the whole thing one handed as if I broke my hand out in the woods. And, see how well I can do it one handed. I can't even put it back together two handed. One hand behind my back. Open it up. Sparker comes out. Tinder, one of their little tinders. It's hard to get that... There's some little strings on it, it's hard to get that first one. First little bit of it free. Coulda sliced down it with my knife, I suppose. Well, it's not a quick process that's for sure. There we go! Once you got the tender bundle broken open. Alright, so I just realized something while I'm sitting here editing this. I think I got way too carried away. You only need to probably fluff the end up I got one right here. (lighter sparking) Oh, yeah, it... (blowing) There we go. It sparks right up if you the fluff just a teeniest bit of the end of it, you don't have to unbundle it. Not easy to fluff up one handed but I did it, in a minimal amount of time. Alright, I got my one hand sparker. And I got my little kindling pile here already to go and my other sized sticks. See if I get the whole fire going up to acceptable warmth, one handed. (sparker sparking) Hey, look at that, that didn't take much. That stuff burns great. (fire crackling) Some of this stuff is damp. I'ma get my little blower out. (blowing on flames) Alright, nailed it. Nailed it. One handed with the blower and the spark wheel. Which is somethin' I think the military uses. (snapping) Alright, I gotta go it's more firewood to replenish what I've already got. So I don't have to get out of bed in the morning go far. Got dark quick, got dark quick. Got dark like, an hour early, so I decided not to do tonight's dinner. I'll do that for breakfast 'cause I really want you guys to be able to see it what it looks like finished. I've joined forces with Thrive Life. And these are some of the snacks. They're a freeze dried food, and awesome stuff. They're meant to be just your everyday meal at home. That you have the freeze dried food. Like, instead of going to the grocery store, you have the stuff in your cupboards, boom, you bang out a meal. They come with a full meal kit. Awesome. They taste so good the kids... Parents tested kids approved loved it. They're not a prepper thing, and they're not a camping food, but they work in all aspects of that, and they're meant to be. You sign up for it. You start getting your meal plans, and you get your food. The link is below that you can go to and if you buy it through the link in my channel it supports my channel and you get a discount, so... they have nothing else in them, except what it says on it. This one's grapes, freeze dried grapes. And that's all that's on the back for ingredients grapes, seedless grapes, boom, no GMOs, no nothing. They're just straight up exactly what it says on the front of the package is what's on the ingredients in the back of the package. Good stuff. I really like it. And the cool thing was, that kids eat it. So this one that I got is of South Pacific Stir Fry. And, see that's why I want to wait till tomorrow. So I'm going to have this for breakfast. I got eggs, and sausage and an apple, to cook in the fire for dessert. So we'll do those for dinner. And then for breakfast, I can do this. Somebody told me about this the other day. I said, "Now I gotta try that, an ashing." Huh. Go ahead and get the shovel. So, what I'm gonna do is... Take some of this coals... Ohp. You take your egg, put a little hole right in the top. Otherwise, it'll blow up. need somewhere to let the pressure out. So that it can blow off some steam as it were. And we're gonna cook it as if we're hard boiling it but in the ashes. So I'm gonna take and with my shovel... Move... Some of these ashes over to the side or the coals and stuff. Heat up this little area over here. And then, see if I can get some ashes to tuck it into. (soft guitar music) Egg is done, apple's done, coolin' off by the fire. Crack her open. See what I got going on. I managed to more or less, cook it in the coals. Anything else, didn't have enough ashes to quite do a ash cooking that I was hoping for. (calm guitar music) The little bits that bubbled out made it kind of funky shaped, like a half chewed on apple. But it's perfectly cooked, perfectly cooked just like a hard boiled egg. Little bit of salt here. Have myself an egg. Mmm. Good stuff, egg over a fire. I'll have to try it again when I've built up some more ashes. It took a while to come this way. If I had a bunch of hot ashes, and then you bury it over in hot ashes, and I actually think it would have been done in like three minutes. And it would have been perfect. Very good anyway. Pretty good. I got my little plate. I have my apple. Roasted apple over the fire it's like basically like apple sauce, peel the skin back in the ashes and all that stuff off. Here we go. Hot apple sauce. Mmm, That is good. Just playing apple roasted by the fire. It's like having fresh, hot applesauce. I don't do sugar. Even though I'm breaking my kit, and I drank that, I'm not doing any white sugars or maple syrups or anything like that. So... but I do... I used to with apples, they're the best if you take it and you core it, peel it roll it and cinnamon and sugar, and then put a bit of butter and cinnamon sugar inside the middle of the apple and rap it in foil like that. And, or and if you're really fancy you wrap it in pie dough as well so you got like a little apple pie thing, put in foil. Bury that in the hot ashes or coals of your fire when you're out there doing doing your thing in the wild. And man, it's like, it's good. Bushcraft apple pie. little spoon to add to my... my stuff here for being able to eat out here and stuff. My utensils, my chopsticks. I usually bring my chopsticks every three meals, the spoon... I kind of let sit around, never had a problem. I just tuck them into the reed wall and leave them hanging up there. The only other utensil at Patagonia was my chopsticks, and I made a little like a rakish type thing that was like a stick with a little zigzag on it. I called it fish rake. And I'd using chopsticks to hold the fish down and fish rake to rake the meat off of the bones. Made another slingshot. Out of those forks I cut the other day. And, I think it's time for bed. I'm tired. (wood shuffling) So, I've got my fire all stacked, and ready to be banked. I got the fresh one that was already burning all stacked close together, tight. So, you can see that there's like, very little gaps for air. So the fires kind of roaring nature has now milded out. And then, some fresh stuff on top of here. And I'm gonna bury it over and leave the end open here, and possibly, depending on how I feel I'll leave either both ends open, so it'll burn in from both ends and kind of like smother as it burns in. (slow somber music) Alright, there we go. Dirt buried over what I just showed you there. I left it a little open right in here, and open on this end with the coals it'll burn in. This dirt, which I just dug from here so I have better foot space in front of the fire. Is now burying the fire all the way up and over the top. So, in the morning. I'll be able to just take my shovel, which I'll keep over here next to my bed. And I'll just be able to reach over and shuffle that away. Just reach over without even getting out of bed and get the fire going. And get up when it's all nice and warm and comfy in here. Sleeping bag all set up on my reed mat. That is the... It's about... I don't know... About that thick. Insulates me from the frozen ground. The old Slumber Jack, the one I had out there and Patagonia. So, it's kind of a cheap sleeping bag but it's really, really thick. Ah. Well the snow stopped outside. Unfortunately I was hoping to come out and be out here in the middle of a snowstorm, but it wasn't much of a snowstorm. I thought it was supposed to go right on through and be like a 24 hour storm. Nothin'. It was, it didn't start till, I don't know, sometime around midnight or two in the morning. And then, it was you know, by noon was getting ready to come back up, come out here, it was tapering off. Blew itself out real quick. That's okay. It's just nice bein' out here. Brings back all kinds of memories. 87 days of setting this very same Canon camera up. You know, every night before bed. And, thinking about what I did that day. What I could do better tomorrow how to, you know, how I could better capture, catch more food what I could, you know, kinda set-- a fish trap I could make Where I could launch the duck hunter in a different spot. Could I set more efficient lines out here and there to catch more fish better that way or this way. There's something I'm missing you know, there isn't any animals to trap. There's some way I could attract the geese that are on the other side of the lake to come over to my side so I could get them with the slingshot or a net trap of some sort. What was I screwing up that day? What did I need to work harder on tomorrow? Every night I'd think about what I did that day, and how I could do better at it. It's something you tend not to do with the speed in everything that... Everything moves at in the world when you're plugged in to your devices. Something should make more of an effort to focus on. You know I go to bed at night and ya check your Facebook one more time and check your Instagram me and your, how many likes and how many, comments and reaffirm that everything's okay in your digital world and put the phone plugged in and put it down, turn my fan on. Say goodnight to the Lord, and thank him for another good day and go to bed. I was out there for 87 days without the devices without all that other stuff. I spent so much more time reflecting and thinking about... What could I do better? What did I do... What did I do today that I shouldn't do tomorrow? What did I, how can I better get more food? Or, you know, when I get home what am I gonna do better? How am I gonna spend my time with my girls to, you know, to its best advantage? Where am I going to take 'em? Where am I gonna take, you know, take my family out to dinner, and what hikes and... And I'd think about every road at times, too. I thought about every road that I'd go up. And I imagine that road. And I'd imagine going down the road. Okay, we're going to stop at the rock store, and the girls will pick out a cool little gem or something like that. Out of the, like this little gem bin, if you pick out like three of these, like, shiny stones or something like that it's like four bucks or something. And we'd go for a-- up to Fort Knox down the road a little further and we'll explore with our flashlights. And then, we'll continue on up the road to that place that does for us fried whole belly clams. We'll sit in the truck and we'll do that. And then we'll go to the Book Barn, and we'll dig through all the old books while the girls run around all crazy gotten that... It's like a giant chicken barn. Or something like that, I think that's what it's called, like the Chicken Barn. It's got antiques downstairs books upstairs. I'd think about all the different things I would do my family when I got home... And at some point in the middle of all that, I'd be... I'd be asleep. And I get up in the morning, wake up in the morning. I reach over, wake up my fire and... And then I put some firewood on it without getting out of bed. And, maybe move the pot of fish head soup over close to the edge of the fire and start it warming. Or break out some coals and put it on that. And I'd lay there, and I'd start all over again. Thinking about what I would do, when I got home, what to do with the family. What would, what can I do that day. what were my... What did I need to do that day to make sure that I did better, got more food. All right, well, I'm going to do just that now. Think on gun things and get some sleep. I'll see you in the mornin'. Mornin'. (yawning) (upbeat music) I'm gonna get a fire goin'. I have to wake it up. Time to wake that fire up. Nice and cozy in here. Reed mat insulated me from the... Kept me good and insulated from the frozen ground. Gonna wake that up fire up, get some coffee on. (scraping) Oh, yeah! That worked well, I can feel the heat coming off of it still. Need to bring my fire chopsticks over here. This'll do. (coals shuffling) Nice hot coals. Get a rock outa there... Literally so hot... So many coals... don't even need to put little tinder on here and start again, kindlin' bundle. Move, stir this all right up, and go right to big logs if I want to. I'm go to about half inch size stuff first, though, 'cause that way it gets it going quicker. Oh, yeah, get some air to it all. Look at all that, all that would coalified, just kept on burnin'. All of it, all burnin' underneath of all this dirt. I bet... Let's consider how many coals are here, and how much is still glowin'. I probably could have gotten another 10 hours out of it like this. And then, still been able to open it up. Normally I'd climb back to my sleeping bag, zip up a little bit and just hang out. But, I want to play with my fire blower again, I love this thing. (blowing) (calm music) Little bit on the smoky side as the fire really gets crankin'. But, that's okay. Stay below the smoke. (Zachary chuckling) Gotta get that fix. Brand new... Shemagh here from... came with the... This thing from 5Col and that fire starter there. They asked me like, "Is there anything that you need?" And I'm like, "Well, I burnt up my last one of these "in Patagonia," not completely but it was pretty damaged, took some serious damage from... From putting hot rocks, happy rocks in it, and putting it in my sleeping bag, so it has a bunch of burn holes in it. Gotta be careful with them happy rocks. You take a happy rock, you heat it up in the fire you wrap it up in your sock or your Shemagh. If it's too hot... You got yourself a holey sock. The trick is gonna be to make coffee without burning the handle. And, not to do the age old... Let it burn and then flops over as your logs start to come apart. Watch her close. (blowing) Love this thing. Gonna have South Pacific Stir Fry for breakfast. Now the bright light out, and you can see it. That's what it looks like right there. South Pacific Stir Fry. Not too shabby. And I made this recipe already once before in my home for me and the kids, and it really does... It does come out look pretty close to that, you know, it's not like McDonald's or one of those places you know these beautiful burgers. and then you purchase 'em, and you're like, "Oh what is that in there?" This is exactly what it says it says on the package all these ingredients are literally like just, boom, freeze dried vegetables, all just what's in here, look for ingredients vegetables, broccoli, peppers, Onions. Boom. Seasoning packets. It's all right here let's get to it. The sooner I cook it, the sooner I can eat it. Got my little pot here from Patagonia. (clanging) (calm music) Put some new sticks down. Need a recipe... recipe holder... Little recipe stand... In my shelter. I was just kidding, but now that said I want one. I want my own recipe stand. How am I gonna do this? Last night's slingshot turned out pretty cool. It's a little bean flipper. It's like... (oral gunshots) Awesome. Put that up here to dry some more. Somehow. There. (sawing) (Zachary laughing) There we go. I got my little recipes stand. I'm good to go. You know, it's the little things in life that just make it so wonderful. My new recipe card stand. (Zachary laughing) Mix water with the pulled pork, to let it to soak up the broth. And it says put like in a canning jar and shake it up, don't have a canning jar. But we do have the bag that I brought all of this in probably not gonna go over this whole thing with you, but keepin' it simple. What's thi-- I think this one says it takes like 20 minutes might take longer to come out here over the fire but... Three cups of water... Eh, I'm just gonna guess. Uh, now I gotta figure-- Oopsy daisy, tipped it over a little bit. I just lost my water. That's a bummer, alright. If at first you don't succeed, find another way, uh? Gonna warm up some snow. (metallic clanging) (percolating) Alright, coffee is served, yeah. Coffee's done. Yesterday's gas station coffee cup, everybody. So many people like the comments like, "Oh, what a fruit cake, "goes out in the woods and brings his own coffee," but what you don't realize is after spending 87 days alone, those interactions at the local store with the people that I know there, and the "Hey how's it going," and those things are just so much more meaningful now. I don't have to go to the store to get coffee, I go to the store to get to get coffee, 'cause I like the people there. And to say hi to people I know and I can get myself a Green Mountain coffee. 'Cause I do like their coffee, too. And you can't buy Lake and Lodge outside of buying it in bulk. You know, which I can do. There's no reason I couldn't do it but I just like the paper cup, and the people at my local corner store. Does seem like the fire, the more I get it back against that big back draft the more it wraps up and goes away and chimneys out and so the smoke level goes from here to there. What I need is get a breathing tube in here this summer when the ground thaws. Soon as that ground thaws I'm digging and breathing line, and bringing some air in. That'll make a big difference. And build like a little rocket stove off to the side for cooking just with the pans that you feed some sticks into it and really bring a pan to a boil real quick safely without ever have it tipping over and having put it on logs on the fire. It's gonna be awesome. I intend to continue to build on this camp as time goes on, making it more and more of a home. Than just a shelter of some sort out in the woods. Will be fun. Replace the water I spilt that in my pork. Fortunately had it pulled my breath into the pork first. That would have been a disaster. Would have been... Wouldn't it just be great if things are like the olden days, you know, we could camp and just hunt, whatever you needed to be able to just keep going, you know, didn't have to pack in food and things like that. I think about it, sometimes. I spent 87 days without spending a cent. How many of you have spent a day, or even four days or five days in a row without spending a single set. And I'm not... Maybe you don't maybe like I've been five days but did your bank account spend money already for you. Did Amazon update and you paid Amazon or your Netflix automatically out of your bank account. How many of you truly gone, a week, even without spending any money. Now that is a challenge that should be like a... an internet challenge right there. Go a week without spending money, one cent. If you gassed up your car. And you... You made sure that there was no automatic bill payments coming out and made it a point to go one week. And you buy groceries go one week, every month, where you didn't spend any money imagine how much money you would have at the end of the year. If one week every month... You didn't spend any money. Brought all your own food to work, or ya... Is it even possible, in this modern world to not spend money for an entire week? There it is rolling boil. Ah, man I forgot my colander. What am I gonna do. Gotta drain my noodles. (Zachary chuckling) This'll be interesting. (water draining) Alright, well that was easier than I thought it would be. That oughta do it. And ta duh. Get outa there. One last noodle hanger onner. Eh, whatever. Alright, there we go, add some butter. Now, if you're trying to saute something over the fire, you ever tried to cook bacon, and you get it like way too hot or an egg, right? And, you get it in all so hot and it's ruining your meal and, you know, which ruins your time. Nothin' like eggs could play too hot you don't get that nice runny yellow when you're cooking over the fire. Well, that's where the shovel comes in handy. Right here, my butter, will be too hot if I just keep cooking it like that. If I had a bigger fire I could move it to different places. Ashes, takes ashes and stuff. And you can dampen down your fire with the ashes. Just like when you dampen down the fire at night. Use the ashes to mild her out. Until you can get a nice stir fry simmer goin' on. Instead of a burns it to the bottom of the pan. I add the pork, the garlic. Oh, this is gonna be scrumptious. I do wish I had the eggs though from last night. I was planning on cooking this last night, and eating half of it last night and then fryin' up and an egg with a runny yellow on it for breakfast and throwing that in there. Oh, that would have been tasty. That woulda been tasty havin' a... Nothing like stir fry with an egg and on top. (sizzling) Mixed vegetables. And, onions. (sizzling) (slow piano music) Add back the broth. (sizzling) (plastic crinkling) (sizzling) Even comes with this cute little bottle of rice vinegar. (pouring) Packets a soy sauce. Oops, just missed the pan with some of that. Oh well. It is done. Just gotta let it rest for a couple minutes. Now that that's done, gonna let it rest. Do my Bible time. Have some devotions here while I drink my coffee. And I'll be able to... I'll be able to have some breakfast. Let that cool off. This is such a nice... so comfy in here, I'm so-- I'm getting a little hot actually. Little shemagh. Oh, what a beautiful, beautiful little setup is turned out to be. It is like super snowy and... and wintery out there, it's colder than it was yesterday. I'm in here with my nice little meal, and my beautiful fire. And What was it some joke there. Hashtag blessed. They were making fun of people sharing pictures of the devotionals on Instagram all the time of stuff. Don't want to drag you along through all that. But if you do care to know what I'm up to, and Devotional Bible time. Spend my little bit of time with the Lord every morning, and I like to use, there's an app for my called our... Our Daily Bread. Which is a devotional thing that you follow along with. And it has a reading plan for reading through the Bible in a year. And my parents, it came in a little paper booklet, and my parents read that to us. Growing up every morning, we'd have devotions together at the table as a family, you read the little bit of a story and verses to go along with it, and inspirational and get to know the Lord more and the man above. So... I'ma do this. And then we'll have some breakfast, exciting. Three hours later. Just kidding. Alright, breakfast time. Ye haw. Refresh my coffee. (pouring) Oh, this is gonna be good. There you go, just looks like any other finished dinner nice color to it, beautiful red peppers and broccoli and nice big ol' chunks of pineapple in there. And what else we got, and wonderful noodles. And, all that pulled pork in there. It is excellent. Let me tell you, it is... Sun just (oral explosion) came out. Lord, thank you for this food and this time out here in the shelter. And just bless this food to me buddy here, Jesus name Amen. Alright, alright, alright, alright. As Matthew McConaughey says, "Alright, alright, alright." Oh yeah, nailed it. Only thing that would make this better, being that breakfast, is a nice fried egg with the runny yoke there all over it, oh. (chewing) I was so surprised when I first did this stuff that there's that much flavor. You know, in freeze dried food like that, it's like, it's so nice. I've tried like, canned food and I mean, the best canned food I ever had was the stuff we did ourself, we canned our own goat meat and stuff. I want to try and get some goats this summer so I can do some, process my own goat, I love goat meat. You'd never know that this pulled pork that's in this was literally like dried, like a half of a gram of weight of dried, you know looked like petrified meat, you know, now it's like the juicy brand new, just like it's been roasted for eight hours pulled pork melt in your mouth. Now, if you gotta do carbs, (Zachary laughing) this is the way to do it. Mmm. (chopsticks scraping) Mmm. After I came back from my 87 days in Patagonia, I didn't even realize it. And one day, Jamie said, "All right, "it's been a month since you've been home. "Can you stop licking your plate clean every time?" And, I was like, "Oh, I didn't know I was doing that." She's like, "It's not so much the licking "the plate clean I don't like, "as all the stuff in your beard after you do it." So I tried to not lick my plate clean so much anymore. And as always, once you're done do your dishes like so. Except for this, I'm probably not gonna toss that one in the fire. Alright time to add to the wizard staff, the story pole. We have two lobster and now there's a slingshot. I forgot that that the last week's video for making the slingshot last week and in the casting videos slash how to make a steam bent slingshot over the fire. And this week, let's see... What I'm gonna add, what am I gonna add, Get myself a charcoal stick. Draw it on with a little charcoal stick. Whoo, this charcoal stick is hot. I'm not actually drawing it on, I'm just drawing lines so I can keep within a spiral pattern coming down with my symbols. Think I'm gonna add a snowflake 'cause I came out here in the snow, and the moon, because I spent one night out here. And, I'm not really gonna add something for what I cooked or anything. That'd just be weird. (upbeat music) Cool. Added a little more to my story here. Little snowflake. I got the slingshot from last time. And then the snowflake. And a moon. So now we got the lobsters over the fire the slingshot. I gotta go back and add some of the other stuff, from here, like the reed boat and some other things. I haven't figured out what to add to the head of it. You know, the one in Patagonia my one for the head was the fish had soup that's kept me alive. And I'm not sure what to add this time. All right. Well that's, it was a good little time out here last night. Working on that with my headlamp getting another slingshot. Wanna let this one dry, I don't want to spring open at all. Let dry for a while at home like this too, before it finally cut it down. Since I don't have any need to finish it for a video right away. That was exciting. What a nice little night now here. Not much of a shelter it's more of a home. It feels like just like out there and Patagonia. It's like I'm perfectly comfortable not roughing it. I was extremely warm. I was able to keep my fire going, bank it, put it to sleep, wake it back up, so I got-- I didn't even have to get out of bed till was nice and warm and cozy in here again. Living it up out in the bush, you know, doesn't get much better than this. Some trout would have been nice, but maybe next time we'll have to do somethin' different. And, yeah if you support this channel and you like the stuff I'm doing. You can support me by hitting up the links below. I will see you guys next time, Fowler out. (chopping of coals) (shovel scraping)
Channel: Fowler's Makery and Mischief
Views: 2,420,239
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fowler alone, winter shelter, thatched shelter, thatched reed roof, thatched reed shelter, thatched reed survival shelter, winter survival shelter, reed hut, winter survival hut, how to build winter survival shelter, how to thatched reed shelter, build a thatched reed, solo overnight camping in blizzard, solo overnight in a snowstorm, solo overnight bushcraft camp, solo overnight in the winter survival shelter, Solo Overnight In The Thatched Reed Winter Survival Shelter
Id: UL6xV_I78cw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 18sec (3318 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 18 2018
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