30 Day Survival Challenge - Texas: THE MOVIE (Catch & Cook)

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i'm zachary fowler and that's chris thorne and this is the 30 day survival challenge texas there's only one rule if you want to eat you got to catch and cook it and we are off and away not sure the full distance but we're out there we're out there you won't hear cars you might hear planes because there's planes that fly over everywhere so as you can see the light is pretty dusky we definitely did not get an early start today i had a lot of last minute preparations those things hurt there we go there's a nice couple of trees right here i can set up my hammock tied to there to there there's a stream and it's beautiful nice little open spot right here yeah i don't know i just i feel like i'm just going out camping not the beginning of 30 dramatic days of surviving this will have to do for tonight i picked two trees that were a little on the close side maybe tomorrow i'll get it set up better i want a little bit higher so i can have a little build a little bushcraft desk area to keep my other stuff and uh shelving unit you know me i love to build stuff yeehaw time to make another run and get the rest of the camp set up packing our way back to camp making our own trail all right we made it there's your hammock there's you and mine's over there through the bushes all right we got all of our stuff down here now we've got dog food to bait the crayfish traps got my haversack we're gonna head on down to the water or at least i am chris is joining me i got some uh catfish stink baby stuff here got a power bait version some 30 pound test got my gloves and i got my water filtration system i want to fill that up you got the inner liner and that pulls up like a french press so i fill it here put that in and press that down and boom i got clean water look at this place we've got a little lights all set up in here we got some little at the copa copa cabana yeah we're gonna see you can catch some catfish let's do let's do it catfish and uh crawfish for breakfast yeah i'm down yeah for crawdads dog food works really really well cheapest stuff you can find works really really amazing all right that's the simple second one's going out right here here here here we have smurf crap what uh it's basically uh diesel fuel and dragon's breath realistically one shot and it's up that's a nice one now that's what i'm talking about that's there's a nice looking crawdad right there there's like four of them in there that size that'll make us a tasty meal hey where do you think you're going the big one's trying to get out that's a good there's no it's a good-sized pot i like the size the most of them the size of my finger not exactly huge but that will be dinner let's go put this on to cook look at you you got fancy tongs yeah man these are my sprongs i love these things i think they taste like a main lobster but tiny probably not boy there is not a lot on these guys there we go first bite that's good never heading all righty freshwater shrimp yeah that's good that's like freshwater lobster that's quite the bounty for what three and a half hours yeah it's not bad oh speaking of which we got sidetracked thank you lord for this first bountiful feast of crawfish amen thank you jesus throw some of my wood dobo here and dip my so we didn't bring food we did bring our spices though um all right just like when i make a fish head soup making crawdad head soup breaking the bodies down a little bit ripping them apart so that they will cook better like that break it down oh rich broth all right turn your bowls aside so i don't hit the handle there we go let me know if i seasoned it to flavor properly yes nailed it yes this is incredibly hot i should have waited i should have waited a minute i was like oh it burns it burns so good oh that's good just seasoned it to just the right amount and the crawfish soup that's so good it tastes like tastes like ramen noodles to me for some reason it's like it's so good oh yeah it tastes like shrimp shrimp flavored ramen noodles the shrimp packet ramen noodles those but this is like like the legit kind like good put my socks over the tops of my boots because there are critters around here you do not want to find in your boots in the morning like black widows scorpions any other creepy crawlies you gotta get the knives on found this one to be very useful from fiddleback boards the machete that was great for hacking a path last night okay see knives hopefully we get something good to be skinning out with that what you got going on over here gear guy look at all that kit you got a little bit of all of his stuff is in the nice little organizer i like it because it's easy to see everything yeah totally oh man these things are full would you look at that oh there's a good pound there of crawdads that'll make a nice lunch we'll leave them in here for now keep them fresh there we go we're going to be boiling it so i probably don't need to do this but uh thing works pretty good pretty quickly so one for the stew pot and one for me to drink some may consider this a cheat but i got my favorite coffee we didn't bring calories but we did i did at least bring coffee and get our soup on all right got some building materials sitting on the ground was nice enough last night but i want a nice cozy chair so we're gonna build a bushcraft adirondack chair not really it's just gonna be a chair but it's gonna be nice and i even found a few good on some of these i see i got a nice little slingshot yeah there done no it's not done i gotta add two pieces going back nice every glass drop there we go cozy seat i was worried about sinking in because this texas soil is so soft i need a cup holder for my a table need an end table for my for my chair have an end table do a little journaling have my coffee and a cup of crawdad soup and get at it dear diary it's only day two and we're learning so much about each other like chris isn't a morning person he should drink coffee i wonder if he'd notice if i slip some into his breakfast yeah it wouldn't go well with the crawdad soup wham want a nice haul look at that that's even more than i was in there earlier today all right so my bobber just went under i've seen something i think we got something here i definitely got something oh what is it got a turtle no way there we go oh he took the bait he took it amazing i got it i got a turtle look at that beautiful i think that these if i'm right it's like a red-eared slider all right turtle it was all processed up looks just like meat sound like the wooded beardsmen when i say that we got it in there with some water supercopper seasoning and we saved the livers i'm going to use those to catch catfish let's put it on to cook all right wow you look at that bounty of crawfish there's got to be i don't even know how many pounds of crawfish in there today that's a good four or five pounds yeah that's a good pile of crawfish it's like the only thing that'll make this better is just a big bowl of butter that these were just drowned in all right turtle is done cooked up nice and good a little bit of super out there at the bottom i will definitely not be wasting that i'll be drinking that down for sure in fact i already started some soup broth here with the crawfish so i'll just add that to it just make it all the richer eating like kings out in the woods crawfish turtle i'm loving it that just tastes like meat found a witch bone in the turtle there's a turtle wishbone all right so we got our water set up instead of just the water filters that filter things now we got the hydro boot hydro he said not to say it but i'm gonna try and say it hydro blue go flow water gravity bag so basically you got your bag you fill it with your dirty pond water got your filter and out comes clean water i move my chair back into the shade all this sun it's not good for a maner feeling old today feeling creaky dear diary i'm turning 39 in a couple days on days like this i can almost believe it i have to say the most annoying part about getting older is this incessant desire to give those younger than me unwanted advice what's going on bud that you got there well i can't let you be the only person i have a chair that's right somebody's got chair envy and so they're gonna do something about it oh forgot about this tasty treats that i harvested yesterday got the tunas from the cactus and a whole bunch of these red when you cut it off a lot of red there that's the ones you want the green ones can be cooked like green beans so to process these you take it in your hand like this and you cut the head of it off look at that oh beautiful red it's kind of like a kiwi the way it's but it's like a half kiwi half pair but because of the glock heads you don't want to just eat it with the skin on here so you cut the head off and then you make a slice down it like this you peel the skin back on both sides and all the way around you don't waste it and you till you got your full fruit as you can see these little tiny tiny seeds in the middle your body doesn't have the ability to adjust them if you eat a pound of these a day or something like that because you're surviving you can get backed up from too much too many seeds i'm gonna stain your fingers pretty good too basically tastes like a pear mixed with raspberries maybe a slight kiwi-ish thing but that might just be the consistency so juicy so good i learned my lesson the hard way yesterday whenever i put down my backpack always put it down with the part that goes on your back up because the pokey stuff here gets onto things you throw that thing on the back on your back with a bunch of pokey things stuck to it oh it's like you're being scourged there's a goodly number oh and there's some minnows in there this time oh that's catfish in a garbage look at this one here's a monster i think this one's part lobster look at the size of that guy like ah so we're moving the traps up a little ways then we're down here we're moving up about 20 feet just keep working the whole river there we go but i'm all in the holding cage there's a feisty one there's some minnows mixed in with them see if we can't use those to catch a gar this is the next pool beyond where we set our crawfish traps and they're isolated by little thin spots like this where it comes through in tiny channels so when the water dries to epic levels bigger fish get trapped in these separate pools possibly a giant catfish big old alligator gar something like that could be up here and so i'm gonna reset one line on this pool and one line this pool and hopefully we get something bigger and better fishing wise tonight these are accordion traps pull them out like that and they have just like our other one they have little entrances and no exits so the crawfish will go in there we'll drop the end of the stick down into the water and lay them into the water like this we can control the angle and jab this into the bank and keeps it there on the on the side she's got the dog food now let's set her out there all right there's our haul from today we've doubled our amount of traps and uh we've doubled we got the uh have a heart traps out for a bigger game and we've moved to a different area where we might actually catch fish there is a giant spider oh just shaved a few hairs off of that hairy spider god oh dear diary it's been a few days since i've gone number two i hope it's okay and i haven't eaten too many of those cactus fruit good sources of fiber and toilet paper are kind of at a minimum this time of year in texas i'm glad i always brought the toilet paper all right we're down at the river got the slingbow got some fishing hooks got some minnows come on ready oh right over his back i know i saw him he was nibbling at it yes oh what the heck finally got one that was the closest hit the past close hit it was a hit i know but it didn't go in tinker they were all about the minnows but uh i couldn't seem to set the hook into them they just keeps coming right out of their mouth i had crawfish for dinner again oh dear diary if a mosquito bit spider-man then bit you would you turn into spider-man or mosquito man and what would mosquito man's powers be i guess he'd basically be a vampire that would kind of suck all right taking some minnows whoo crazy little guy down to the river and try my hand at fishing again hopefully if i'm patient less hungry the way i was yesterday i get one all right they it is hot and muggy out today and tomorrow's supposed to be even hotter i've not seen a rattlesnake so i'm kind of disappointed but there is all this delicious food just everywhere look at these cactus tunas and just stop and have a snack pick up some of those to eat while i'm down there fishing of course the the ripe ones are all in there with their most prickly part of the cactus look at that i found myself a wild pecan cool looks like i found a little grove of wild pecan trees i'm gonna see if i can't hunt around find some stuff to take back forage wise that's not bad for just like two minutes see if i can't film my pack okay tastes like it was on its way out now i'll sort the rest of those back i can't oh wow that's cool i put the turtle shell on an open ant hilly thing and since i put it there this morning they've like filled right in i put it there so that the ants would clean it out for me so i could take it home to my girls as a present so looks like they're busy at work making that happen all the ones i harvested it seems like 50 of them are nasty in the middle rotten rotten nope there's a good one all right so sweet there's a couple that i opened down there they were like all full like almost like they had just turned to juice it was really gross all right well i wait for my coffee before i go out on my evening hunt and my crawdad soup to heat up i need to do some repairs see that that hole right there i'm going to stitch that bad boy up with this needle thankfully i know what i'm doing when it comes to sewing i used to actually be a make clothes make dresses for girls in my high school year of high school there i like all my stuff to be useful useful useful the grim cards are very useful and always have multiple uses on each card then i can sharpen it with my wazoo necklace there we go and we're off and away boom and done i also put a hole in my crotch my fall ravens i didn't have my pants all the way up and i stretched to put one knee down when i was trying to bow hunt all right would you look at those beautiful stitches all repaired awesome not that i hadn't been enjoying that extra breeze here because it's hot as act today on my way down to do some night fishing and just gonna rebait the trap hold it in it's yours is it still on there yeah all right yes good job buddy nice catch look at that oh my goodness oh my goodness look at the size of that catfish gonna cook our catfish right up here that way we can hear if we catch some more boom so before i start gutting it i need something to put the fish eggs in i believe it has fish eggs so i'm gonna make a cactus hot pocket and stick the eggs in there and i can stick this like a little pot in the fire and it'll burn these off and it'll hold the eggs inside of here as a little cooking pouch for me and there's the eggs not as many as i was hoping for drop them in the old cactus hot pocket and we'll put that on the fire another thing we can eat in here which is all fat is what i'm cutting out right now the air bladder but it's a just a big white air bladder it's all fat and it's kind of chewy but it's uh food that's what we need all right look at that got a second one now we're definitely eating really good tonight they look like little sharks yeah they do all right so you want to grab a catfish grab them behind these spikes right here that spike on that spike and that spike have a little bit of poison in it like a bee sting so grab them behind those and finger up into the gills to lock it in place we're going to take them over give them a thump i think we'll probably save it for tomorrow yeah that way we can cook them with the wadobo and do it real nice we'll eat one down here and then bring this by guy back gut have a big old breakfast tomorrow down catfish for breakfast yes boom and throw the head on there boom cook those bad boys up we got our cactus hot pocket with the eggs we set out our beautiful little tablecloth here for our dinner like that our sham egg look at the hot coal oh look at that meat look at that meat oh oh that looks good oh i can just pick it right up chopsticks just so juicy first bite y'all that is good oh my goodness oh my lanta oh yeah our catfish skin is good oh that's a chunk look at that that's a big old piece yeah that's like half the size of snickers bar all right looks like a chicken nugget oh this crispy skin i'm eating that you want this piece the other side is kind of ruined it's kind of we cooked this just right i feel like i can feel my brain cells re-inflating after the right of having food i'm not even halfway through it yet this is by far the tasty thing i've had oh there's a whole other half oh savage is just tearing into ah i like a couple of raccoons yep we pretty much polished that bad boy off still some bones for the soup pot all right now our cactus hot pocket with the eggs and stuff oh look at that look at that so call that a texas river sushi and there's the fish eggs this reminds me of poaching grits they do they do taste like grits we got something else on the line i don't know if i lost her if it's not here to help all right get her yeah smaller catfish they get smaller each time here we go third catfish of the night almost a pound maybe a pound yeehaw is that called a grand slam when you get three it is so hot and muggy right now and it's my birthday 39 years old today day six 30 day survival challenge yeehaw there's my clothes from yesterday what a mess i use that to carry the fish and my clothes are all ugh and let's see how our fish is doing oh chris is already up we've got some firewood all right fish has been on to smoke all night fire died down with the fish head soup and crawdad soup in there they look pretty good they uh smoke protected them so far from the elements but we got to get a fire going and get these guys cooked before the flies look at how rich that broth is oh that tastes really good adding the catfish to it the crawfish soup was good but this is so much better it's so hot out here there you go oh yeah that's a birthday birthday feast right there for this meal thank you god thank you jesus for a beautiful catfish hmm oh big old chunk this is so good and the rest of it goes in the soup pot and the other three bones from all the fish and their heads are in there put the soup on to simmer so when we come back later we got food here's the creek time to get some uh clothes washed the day is just starting to cool off as you can see the sun is not overhead anymore and oh this will be nice get rinsed off in the river wife bless her in the river oh does that feel good oh nothing like a bath for your birthday i'll have to do this again next year something touched my foot some touched my foot oh that feels good oh it's so nice i might have to come down to this every other day or something that was it's been so hot oh yeah look at that rich rich broth that's got the life energy in it right there dear diary why do hot dogs come in packages of ten but hot dog buns just come in packages of eight and whose default i seriously doubt the bun baker's ovens aren't big enough to do more than eight buns at a time it can't be helping their sales because a thrifty person would just buy a loaf of bread and then they'd still have plenty of bread left for sandwiches when they're done so i thought this is kind of neat i had to show you i just had my bowl of fish head soup here and it's got all kinds of fish head soupy scum in there i don't want my coffee to taste like that well these leaves are like sandpaper here not good for toilet paper make a great sls pad for scrubbing your your pots and utensils boom there you go clean as can be ready for coffee all right well i think it's time to try and get the turtle out of there see it's been like three days i want to see if they've uh eaten it this is gonna take off the fire ants to no end i don't doubt oh yeah here they come whoa they're not happy getting all over me coming out of the shell yikes there you are a couple of them biting me not so bad but oh down to my foot man these little miserable little cusses not quite cleaned out yet i'll leave it in there and let them do their thing close got a lot of it cleaned out oh ow yeah they're doing their job cleaning the shell out oh trap paid off look at that a water snake one wait i see two heads there there's two water snakes yikes i better better plug this up before they get out of there uh there we go stuck some weeds in one end gotta work quick it comes out the end of there that's it there there we go there we go there ain't coming out of that now a bit thicker than my thumb at least the one of them is they're they're not at half as big as i thought they would be i feel silly for being slightly afraid to swim in the river with them the other day all right time to get our snake cook on get the fire going chris must not be back yet he's gonna be so happy when he gets back yeah he's out setting trap somewhere else yeah snake i see it hey buddy we got water snakes yeah and crawfish dude this is gonna be in his same meal tonight all right got our turtle that we caught last night on the fishing line put him in the have a heart trap and into the water we're gonna have him for dinner with the snakes all right turtle meat's all processed up put that in the stew pot it just looks like regular old meat it actually tastes pretty good too there's two well that was easy boom just zip zip and it's all cleaned out just like a fish not a lot to them barely a handful of meat and toss that into the pot with the turtle we'll put that whole thing that's creepy still wriggling it'll taste good put that in the pot put that on cook how'd you do the creek has blessed us once again man wow oh yeah hold up with your light behind it there look at the size of that water snake he is a beast that is a double cage unlike the other one yeah so he's like twice the size three four times the size he's about four feet right now yeah he's a big boy wow oh yeah awesome our pot just got way bigger all right let's deal with this guy hey hello fella the other guys were easy to deal with he's huge yes now you got gloves for fun got it get my knife uh go for it there we go all right whoo he is stinky man he's strong whoo that is one stinky snake big boy in me whoo plantains are huge all right so our smorgasbord jambalaya just got even better wait wait got the uh crawdads too is there room for them apparently oh they're out they're escaping oh get in there ooh that was close full color well there's the crawdads and the snake put them in there they got little ashes on them some of it fell out of the fire that's okay let me eat the outsides of them oh that's starting to fall apart that one's ready for sure the little ones here some of that don't forget some turtle there we go a wooded beardsman with double on it the lord thank you for this food bless this food do our bodies thank you for the bountiful feast you've given us today help us get something big though just name amen well this snake is all bones i'm not sure how to eat that and i thought rainbow trout had a lot of bones but that thing mm-hmm that turtle is so good that is so oh so yummy i'm gonna go for a small walk about before bed and i had to tuck everything in before i leave because it's supposed to rain see if i can't find that rabbit and take him down to hunt while i'm being out here put my ammo in like this pinch it and then pinch the slingshot so i can carry it like this ready ready to go i just go boom and i'm locked loaded ready to go and that way i can carry the camera with the other hand here while i'm doing my thing found my first rattlesnake wow holy cow that about stopped my heart i was three feet from him and he started rattling and i stepped back like oh i'm like good thing i got like ninja reflexes oh my goodness he didn't strike but uh i took him out with a slingshot there we go thank you god for keeping me safe from that one and blessing me with this meal that was uh i get too close but pretty sure yeah look at that right in the top of the head here's the piece of lead ammo that did it right there what a beautiful snake take off the head just thank god i wasn't bit i mean he was cold so he wasn't going far and he didn't really start making any noise until i was right up on him and he was okay because he was cold not to strike out at me so i got myself some more food i got myself some more food and i'm not taking uh skin it out and i will be able to make myself a rattlesnake skin something or other oh there it is as a lucky piece of lead i'm gonna keep that night is where it's happening when i go back or keep going that's not enough to feed us both chris and i for all that long i better keep going darn big old miss on the rabbit wouldn't have that been epic if i had a rattlesnake and a rabbit all in one go all there's right meal right there nice sized possum oh there he is all right here we go big old possum with a slingshot they took me two shots and then uh chris showed up and it doesn't smell bad chris showed up and yeah he was stuck up in the tree so i had to use the snake grabber to snag him and now we can eat some something bigger and more substantial wonder what possum tastes like all right so rattlesnake and possum are on the cooks gunned out ready to go this guy is only about the size of a rabbit but a good healthy like farm-raised rabbit he's got a lot of fat on him so that should make really good trying to decide whether i leave him over the fire to smoke or if i got to put him in a pot because it's supposed to rain and i got a skin from the snake and i want to save that so i can do something with it don't know what i'm just gonna stretch it and roll it up on this so it stays stretched out that is gonna be epic that's gonna make a great something maybe i'll make my crocodile dundee vest but this goes down the center of the back the snake's at the bottom i filled it with a bunch of water oh does that look good or what oh my goodness it just means just falling off the bone oh mmm that is so good look at that there's a lot of meat holy cow there's a lot of fat there's more fat than i thought there was there's just big old globs of fat floating around in here like that holy cow thank you lord for the epic hunt in providing us with the opossum and rattlesnake oh thank you jesus thank you for this bountiful feast amen oh this is so good just look at that look at that big ol blobs of fat it just melts in your mouth this is so good i'm getting like that corned beef feel to it but how fatty it is like you know like a corned beef in a pot and that is pretty epic nice piece of snake there i think there's definitely a rattlesnake in here that i'm grabbing because if there's a very definitive like uh that white meat oh that broth is like butter soup that's an unbelievable fiddleback forged machete axes are not hammers there we go my little bench is all set just sit on it put my gear on it got everything got the satchel the pack basket and the camera bag and still room to sit and then i made it so that my hammock pull out part can clip onto these little lines here in the morning feeling makey today that awesome possum was awesome i just have so much energy one meal today guess who i am what man this fat gives me so much energy i feel like i do push-ups right now who am i oh all right you he's making fun of me because after breakfast i was like i got so much energy i gotta do some push-ups just add this at dark got a place to hang my axe my machete slingshot fishing pole then i got all my bags bring my coverings down oh i'm gonna sleep well tonight i don't have to worry about anything getting wet me getting wet let it rain ah this is a mainers weather like this right cold and wet beautiful what uh it puts a smile on my face and my beanie on my head i am happy now ah get that fire going get that raccoon warmed up i am hungry oh yeah that storm gave me a powerful appetite that's a powerful apple tight how did your shelter do oh did really well actually having it uh one side that was the most exposed down it kind of off to be more of a shelter for the rain yeah that was the side the rain was coming from so but um the wind was blowing so hard that it would push into this shelter and actually knock me around a little bit but all in all everything held up really really well i checked the stakes checked the lines no torque no tears no cracks no shredding anywhere yeah the war bonnet hammock did very very well checking the river here which is now wherever it was a stream but now it's a river look at that so this is where we walk along and there was like a four foot bank and now it's like blasting down through here with some serious current whereas before it was just laying there stagnant our traps are gone wow uh that's a problem this is normally where we come down to get water and there's a like four foot down or three or four foot down to a spot where we stand our keeper trap is somewhere down there and i think the string is actually tied to a branch down underneath the water right now wild in texas lesson learned need to pull all the traps when there is a threat of rain a little looser than it was i came out here is that better yeah all right i put a little firewood underneath here before the rain a couple days back but the rain blew all in so hopefully this still works i put uh some dirt along the inside of the hurdle waddle fencing they built here around the fire as a windbreak and looks pretty cool hopefully it lasts a little while i think it will because of the dirt that i packed in there on the inside yeah i could even find some clay and really fancier up now it's time to get some food on woo it is cold out i'm gonna strip down and put some more layers underneath what a beautiful day what a beautiful day all right so i'm just making it down to the stream here where i took a bath there on my birthday a couple days ago and it is raging this is further down from our camp about a mile around the bends and uh chris is down here resetting a raccoon trap that one rainstorm really did a number on it look at that here's now here's a couple days ago wow i just came up out of the river i didn't see anything i was hoping for a displaced animal of some sort that could be another dinner but we're out here such a beautiful place what a beautiful place the cactus the river oh just something about being outdoors doesn't matter where you are being outdoors spending time in the wild all right we're down here at the big river and whoa it's bigger it's bigger we don't need to climb down the bank to get the edge anymore and it's full of floating debris coming down look at that massive debris out there floating by look at that that was the little stream that was down here coming in that was blocked up by some stuff there now it's just as wide as the river was before unreal look at all that debris coming down through your garbage half a tree floating by we may have uh lost all of our crawfish traps and all that most likely maybe when the water goes down they'll still be there so this whole storm produced a whole nother like change to our complete ecosystem and hunting capabilities all right some nice rich broth i don't really miss conveniences so much it's just you know friends family and food well those are those i call those like essentials as far as like you know love support you know friendship all that good stuff yeah it keeps to keep someone's spirits high i couldn't get the camera out in time i just saw a big old buck they come along and he's i think maybe because he started to smell our camp from the wind going the right direction and collect some firewood but i want to check on the stream before i do that get the fire going looks like it's down look at all the debris that washed up this was all water up to here and now it's back down never experienced flooding like this at home streams go up a little bit but it is better to be lucky than good hit that the crawdad keeper trap is still full of crawdads that is good this really is good i mean it might seem hard to believe some people that raccoon like oh gross but um it feels like i'm eating turkey it really does yeah it has a turkeyish texture my favorite meat though is catfish catfish is definitely a winner my favorite favorite meat like if not not necessarily survivally uh hunting in the wild meat you know what it is bacon nope pizza no no it could be anything see if you can guess it think about what i used to do rabbit nope getting closer grouse go goat goat yeah yeah canned or stewed goat meat oh i love goat i like it better than steak like good steak and stuff one of my favorite guilty players i hate admitting it though because i actually think it's gross but i love the way it tastes well i don't really like to eat processed food i'd rather go fresh if i can no matter what it is but um have you ever had that um if you go to the grocery store they have like that deviled like the canned there's like deviled ham and then there's like the the chicken spread and all those little cans that are next to each other like yeah yeah i like the chicken spread because it has like a chicken stock gravy patty kind of salty vibe i don't know why deer here everywhere can't seem to get a good shot of them jumped though many deer coming down towards the river already oh my goodness there's a big old buck right there ah this camera just doesn't do it justice look at that raging torrent of silent death would not want to get swept away in that holy cow holy cow ah man if i can get down here without sinking out of sight or falling in that'll be a miracle oh man we got a monster soft-shelled turtle here oh wow look at that look at the size of that guy wow that's gonna be some good eatin this is a large large soft shelled turtle look at him compared to the size of my head i get my head too close to him here these guys are a mean can be one mean turtle here beautiful look at the size of him shoo that's one heavy turtle now i'm even more thankful that i made this little bench area it's raining out there i think my tarp right here make a little fire just outside of that so i'm safe i don't know how much more it's gonna rain i might even grab some sticks and throw some crust here so i can sit here and process up my dinner and get it on to cook and i'll be safe no matter what comes for tonight so i just split my stick and i'm pushing it down this thing here to split the push the split but it's getting thinner on this side so if you want to make a nice even split you need to bend the thicker side so the split travels over to that side so with this leverage i can do that pushing it in and push and push and now it's starting to get thin on this side so i switch it and go the other way it's easier with thinner stuff because you can just do it by hand and go bend this side a little more than this side you'll get a nice even split down the center depending upon how many knots you have there we go it turned out fairly even on both ends so solid oh wow look at the size of this monster turtle all right there is the turtle all processed up there's some turtle eggs and that's all meat that one turtle this entire like two and a half three quarter whatever it is pot is jacked full of meat that's a good meal and for dinner though we got more raccoon soup when you're out doing this there's not a lot of resting until you're into your bed at night so after all of that work now i got to collect some grass and still keep going clean my table off so yeah i decided to come over to zack's house tonight eat a meal i think we're gonna play yahtzee afterwards oh wait we forgot to bushcraft that yeah whoops no dice what we can have that we should make a chess set or something so that we can actually that's really complicated you know how to play chess yeah oh really yeah hey we should do that then oh oh look donkey kong up and down mc's like a moe in the lawn i've heard this same song for 11 days that's the only song i know the the little snippet of beastie boys from back in the day when i used to or the whole let it go from like what is it uh the ice queen movie or whatever yeah let it go whenever he gets moody i say let it go let it go today is gonna be a little something more i've got a plan in mind a special thing in store the light bulb inside my head get up and play cause you never feel this way it's my lucky day is what can i do instead it's my lucky day is is dear diary why is it that so many of the animals we've eaten out here tastes like chicken when i got that possum with the slingshot it tasted like chicken and the rattlesnake definitely tasted like chicken maybe who's to say what came first maybe everything just tastes like possum the victorious hunter returns what do you got there i got a raccoon bud all right this one is much much bigger they look beat long walk from the traps huh that was two mile walk with a 35 pound raccoon hell yeah it is huge it's got to be oh i don't know 35 and 40 pounds 35 40 pounds yeah that's a lot i'm going for the turtle eggs and they're left i like those super immature to her legs just at the beginning so they're just basically they have a consistency of a like sand but they're not like hard like sand you know like they break apart like a compacted grit ball and the turtle to me just tastes like rabbit white stringy meat that tries it's hardest to get stuck between your teeth this is true all right the wind's kind of getting to us it's been blowing and blowing we're gonna try and make a way to save ourselves from all the wind blowing we're gonna try and make a little bit of a windbreak bushcraft a little windbreak that comes right along through here alright oh i hear the drone you hear that oh all yeah thank you i got my air rifle wow that's heavy i can't believe that drone brought this in i am so excited i hope you are too this is my 50 caliber dragon claw air rifle and the arrows and all of the stuff that this entails let's open it up let's get the uh all the stuff goodies out first what's this one arrows the air bolts for the air rifle all right and the moment you've all been waiting for let's open up the air rifle look at that dragon claw 50 caliber air rifle wow this is exciting i've been waiting so long for this tomorrow my love tomorrow tomorrow we'll get up to a whole bunch of fun i promise i'll take you out and shoot you that's what you said to me last night that is crazy all right our raccoon is on to smoke and we're going to go for a walkabout and see if we can't find some stones it's going to be down in like 29 today so with our 30 degree under quilt because we're planning on the lowest being 40s as it said projected outcast we kind of dropped the ball but we have a bushcraft way to solve that and that is happy rock that's our mission now rock hunting in texas that's real rock that'll do normal rock the mighty hunter of rocks has returned i brought happy rocks we can heat them up and keep ourselves warm tonight awesome dude here we go i had a hankering for bacon so i'm making some raccoon cracklins just the raccoon fat fried up and now they're gone they didn't last long they were way better than i thought they were gonna be yeah they're i mean that almost that's like takes the place of bacon for me for now like it was a solid stuff i think i'm going to be doing that for breakfast you know oh that was weird chunk i don't know what that was it's going to be 29 degrees tonight yikes i put the uh hot rocks i rolled some up in my chamog and then i tied the ends off and i put the ones in the chimag the bigger ones in my under quilt so i'm not laying on them but they're directly underneath me and then i took another pair of smaller ones and i rolled them up in my t-shirt and those are down there at my feet tied all up and i can feel it radiating out warmth keeping my feet warm man oh man i have got to get that air right bullshitted i mean we're joking about this this uh windbreak being a blind but here i am sitting here reading my bible drinking my coffee and i look over and there's a big old book like 70 feet away and he's still grazing right along here i could be right behind the blind air rifle beautiful place beautiful place texas oh love it love it make us some fry up some crawdads next i'll eat the whole thing i'm gonna eat the whole little tail and shelling it actually works i don't know if i try it with a really big one but the softer ones tinier ones and crunch it right up with the shell oh one that hit the spot not having to pick at it dude this is actually like popcorn shrimp now yeah very good our smoked raccoon is pretty smoked and pretty dry this is going to make it even easier for me to cut them up and get them into the pots nicely cut off look at that beautiful red meat we have those for dinner big old raccoon drumsticks there we go there's a raccoon tenderloin get one more of those out toss it in there with the legs and all that fat and let those pieces stew up dear diary i'm not really an introvert but if they had a club i think i'd join nah that'd never work the first rule of introvert club would be there is no introvert club oh look what i got oh dude yes look at that there's a big one that's not a lizard that's like a british dragon or something beautiful he's so rough his scales are like so sharp feeling on the gloves all right come on he's on one of the weak hooks we got to get him where he is i mean you take the rope go behind me all right you got him yeah i tore my uh my net huh here help me yeah there we go good yeah wow is that a monster look at the size of him he is huge and maybe pregnant full of eggs and if i can get it out i got it on like this tiny hook i switched out these broken giant hooks there we go that is the hook that caught the catfish very small hook all right teamwork makes the dream work that's how you do it look what we got civic cap look at this thing he's the full size of our table remember for something this big they break the ribs down the spine scared the crazy out of me i whack it and it jumps see if it goes again hammered there we go got past the bigger ribs now i can cut it it's so hardcore i have to baton the uh fish all right there it is things like a shark they're so it feels like a process like a giant freshwater shark look at the size of that fillet i mean it's bigger than my hand and like inch and a half almost two inches thick right there underneath and flip oh yeah nailed it nailed the flip wow where to even start where the fish is yeah let's say grace lord thank you for this food bless this giant catfish to our bodies in jesus name amen get the coals off first oh man is it good it's so good like raccoons pretty easy overall catfish i mean it's no it's just the best food ever it's it's it's the most i mean it's just we sprinkled some adobo on it what was cooking and oh that's good big old catfish back on the smoke trying to get it close to the fire but not in the flames just want to smoke it for now to add some more flavor yet another raccoon raccoon all right guys we've decided we have enough food and that is kind of the beauty of a have a heart trap we don't need this raccoon right now we still have that giant catfish there you go yeah there you go all right have a good life buddy oops sorry let me just scare you closing the trap you're all right i think that worked really good oh magic catfish fried up and raccoon fat all right catfish that's left is on to smoke i'm packing up head out and do some laundry this has to be one of the most beautiful spots on the property and it's what a treat coming down here and having a spot like this oh i have always wanted to live on a river or a place with a river or stream or a uh or a lake wow and it's clear it's been muddy since we got here what a gorgeous location well that was lucky i'm glad i came back to this exact spot tonight there's my journal sitting here yesterday when we were in the bell ring for the catfish i went and ran off over the hill dear diary i wonder if they'll ever make a final season of the walking dead i hope they do i can't stand the show anymore and yet i still tune in to see if they're all still alive and despite the fact that every time one in their party is bit they let him turn and bite one more person there's still enough cast members to have a show so yes yes all right rabbit with a 50 cal let's see what's the best way in here look at that oh beautiful shot beautiful rabbit got him right through the upper right through the neck here we got ourselves a rabbit beautiful rabbit oh awesome thank you lord gotta dress this guy out that nice sharp that's nice really not a lot there on this little rabbit all dressed out but uh it'll make a tasty little meal so i took and i got some of this broth here from the raccoon stew i'm just gonna get them right into there and we'll stew them right up for some dinner have something different so we got all that like a half an inch of raccoon fat stew water on top and the rabbit get him in there and get him on cooking that'll make a tasty little meal that's neat so i got the loop coming this way and that one went through that one and then this one came through this one then i could just tie it the sock and then i just need some sort of a tie that will go on this end diving in the first bite oh this is like all meat right here leave a little sauce in mine just so it doesn't doesn't cool off too quickly yeah it's it's the chicken yeah what'd you think it was gonna taste like no clue maybe not all that attractive on camera in the dark um and all but it's attractive um oh there's a joke in there i'm not gonna say it's attractive in your mouth wow that's nice that's just that hits the spot like not being not being raccoon our soup was better when it was just crowded but maybe i'm kind of liking the fatty soup though i am too it's just there's just you can't drink as much liquids you know cause it's just all fat oh this is i'm gonna buy the fireworks warmer i don't hear much moving around so i think i'm doing good slip into my spot catfish look at that on the biggest hook ever look at the size of that hook doesn't make an excellent breakfast oh there goes some ducks oh man that's something new ever since this rainstorm and that turned into a big pond over here appears to be ducks down there all right guys i got myself some sticks some nightshade vine i believe a little bit of wire i'm gonna make a primitive crawdad trap go um all right it's done you got a little hole at this end for them to go in it's a lot bigger around this way there's some holes that some smaller ones might be able to slip through i don't know maybe not my little baggie for my bait piece of sun dried raccoon liver toss that in there see if that'll do the job all right let's try it good luck buddy i remembered it when i was up there but i forgot the most important thing it's made out of wood it's gonna float i need a rock all right let's see if this works maybe just two oh well it fit oh it just fits all right here we go do your thing there we go four rocks did it oh what's that all right let's see it's been about four hours i went out and did some other stuff in the back all right look at that nice that's awesome there is way more in there than i thought there'd be well let's get ourselves a cactus pad we're gonna make a crawfish hot pocket with a cactus pad to cook them over the fire have ourselves some lunch there we go ow that burns some of these glockheads there we go burn the glockets the thorns off so it's easier to deal with i'm gonna take this put my knife into it slice it down the middle and stick all the crawfish in there and then cook it right on the coals it is going to be awesome look at them all there we go there we go look at that full of my crawfish i think i'm gonna stick and stitch it closed hey back in there there we go let's throw that on the fire wait five minutes and serve before cold all right it's done oh don't lose it yowza that smells good it smells like green beans right now because of the cactus oh look at that let's see how they are it comes right apart oh i made a little stick here to push the meat out then i'd start with the smallest one and work my way up to the bigger juicier ones mmm that is good that is good i'm going to just break the rest of them all down and then eat them all at once throw a little bit of my wadobo on there look at that one it's like a tiny perfect lobster tail last one that was excuse me talking my mouthful that was so good got another rabbit all right back to camp processed up the rabbit got them in the stew pot for tomorrow with the raccoon and the ever stew rabbit that'll be good for breakfast we'll be able to pull it off the top without it being all mixed in and eat it separately i think i hear turkeys like just outside our camp all that traipsing around i hear turkeys i gotta get up go after him in my long johns oh oh well dear diary i would give anything for a salad right now i hope chris doesn't bring back another raccoon if i could go back in time and tell six-year-old me how awesome vegetables are and how you're totally missing out and you have no idea what it's like to eat raccoon for two weeks straight i wonder if i'd believe myself our victorious blow gun slash trapper chris he has managed to get us another raccoon what's up man hey that was the hunt uh unsuccessful very close very very close like i stocked i had my sights on one deer but they were just weren't quite 13 inches and the next one was big and then we like played hide and seek for a little bit i got it i got it on film i think most of it nice man all these titles are like reverse star wars doug and into the grayish brownish world of the early 80s oh god you know i could totally binge watch this guy not the right sound i could have been a clown uh they should have called it sad or things damn right i'm the fairest of them all i've never been so happy to see someone finish getting dressed yeah whoosh going queef i can't tell the set decorator didn't show up for work or is a genius is that a mashed potato sculpture oh uh you know those fold out right all right and i'm off and chris is still sleeping i don't know how i missed that if i missed it i know why i missed i wouldn't have missed if i had the right settings on the scope because i heard the turkeys coming in i pulled the arrow out and i put in a slug and i wanted to get a turkey with a bullet from there and i didn't change the settings on the scope i have two different settings ah that's frustrating that's frustrating dear diary hey look at that and we just found some treasure what did we find tell them what we won oh this is the most amazing plant in all of texas these are wild agave they are native to texas you find a really big one of these i'm talking about two or three times as big just a big massive plant you can actually harvest these by stripping off off the leaves thinking like an artichoke heart oh it's all the way underground mostly nice so they're very fibery and you see that needle at the end i've been told too that if you play your cards right you got those fibery strands and they stay attached right the needle if you keep working it down you can stop and you have several fibers strands attached right to your sewing needle and you can stitch with it that's kind of neat you have this natural needle and thread built into a plant naturally it's pretty cool yeah all right i got my dinner what are you gonna get i'll take this back to camp i'm gonna start wearing them like this it's gonna be all the rage in paris you watch six months from now everybody's gonna be doing it oh man this thing's heavy i don't know how far to take it exactly i feel like i'm chopping a giant pineapple or something this thing is huge this is one of those uh hold my uh hold my beer moment okay here we go in one shot what what do i get if i get it in one shot i'll extract the first bite i get the first bite oh that was easier than i thought it was oh hey you made agave rings like yeah they come off like onions look at that the heart of the heart of what i just chopped off it doesn't taste sweet it just tastes like a that's why we have to cook it that's what brings it out oh look at all the carnage that poor thing i need water chris you okay chris oh i didn't hear him moving around this morning i suppose i could have slept with him maybe he bailed chris you okay get all that puking out of your system chris he's not in there huh hope he's okay he's just i heard him puking but i didn't know he would uh huh well until i do the very next thing i'll uh get dressed and get on with the day hey you're back hey bud how you feeling how you feeling you're right you're doing pretty good man you're right yeah come on in have a seat yeah early this morning really early i had a just started feeling really funny and i got out of my hammock and i went to go get a drink of water and out of nowhere just my stomach got all funky i was dry heaving and throwing up so uh i ended up having to leave for a little while to get checked out i threw up a bunch more times had some projectile vomiting felt really weird and uh the only thing i could think of is it might have been like a mild case of food poisoning of some type all in all um i'm hungry but all in that i'm feeling a lot that's good then hungry is very good we'll have some food and we'll pack it up and we're moving to our other camp we're still keeping on with all of our plans never give up never surrender right absolutely we'll do it we got 10 more days we'll do it let's do it let's do it come on all right it's been 24 hours hopefully it's not overcooked dude that looks sounds a little crispy let's see it doesn't look like it tastes good that's for sure but man if this works this would be quite the sugary treat oh it cuts very nicely almost looks like vegetable catfish yeah it looks like artichoke heart to me like the way it's all those different layers all right there you go i cut it you get to put well i say you get to pick half but i just gave you the bigger half what do you think what do you think let's try it so far it smells good i don't know what part we're supposed to eat just going for it does it taste good ooh i just pulled like a big strip out of this oh my goodness it's not bad it looks like a big old piece of flesh like a fish flesh or something i taste kind of like a sweeter like a kind of like almost like how like caramelized onions they definitely not sweet but once you get them cooked you're pretty good to go that's not as sweet as i thought it would be i thought there'd be like a whole bunch of something going on no but we definitely pulled a lot of the carbs and complex sugars and stuff out of there looks just like artichoke heart oh that was the best part yeah yeah it tastes very it was the heart yeah it tastes very smoky this is starting to help i feel that you feel the brain cells reinflating already well it's uh your body's like oh there's something going in my body that's foodish like okay ah not gonna be easy but i think i can get it in one load all right i got it all one load now i just got to get the camera here we go it is getting dark the moon is up my hat's getting all knocked around goodbye beautiful camp we're changing lodgings or changing lodgings tired already all right we made it oh my goodness what a trek butter truck we're at our new location chris's tactical top secret location for our last 10 days now we got to set up again i just want to go to bed all right you get the fire and i'll get our hammock set up how about that sounds good all right let's do it all kinds of new noises at the spot coyotes are a little closer it's a new location there's new treasures to find new adventures to have it's awesome how's that song go about texas i was like deep in the heart of texas deep in the heart of texas don't tell me you never heard of it lots of westerns growing up my new home sweet home for the next 10 days oh yeah look at that how do i get down in there that looks beautiful look at this river it's almost crystal clear oh what's up bud hey uh huh got the water got the water i got the fire i even got two lines in the water let's see if we can't catch some minnows to catch up some bigger fish raccoon soup i wish you were some vegetables dear diary i think i finally understand why floridians put on winter jackets and scarves when it's 50 degrees outside and yet while i'm at home in maine and it warms up above 50 degrees i start taking off clothes it's just so darn hot in the lower states more often than not that when it does go below 50 your body's like no no no no no no and while at home in maine and the temperature goes above 50 during the winter time your body's all made it lord bless this little worm when you do his thing take a fish well no luck so far the only thing i've gotten a nibble on is this i'll show you i busted out the grim cards and i put a swivel on there and then put one of these grim card hooks and a little grim card spoon i'll show you the action this thing is crazy the way it spins in the water and it comes off of one of these grim cards like this i took that off the fishing card and it's got the spoon spoon and a hook there's another spoon and smaller hooks and this is even a casting card so you can cast off of it and i have my own custom grim card coming with some of these same items and some of the things that come up myself right here you can see it should be here like tomorrow or the next day by drone and we can give that a try too and so the only thing i've gotten a little bit of a nibble on and had a couple hits like two hits on is this and i can't seem to get anything else to even hit got another trap to set here it's got the dog food in it oh the filtered water tastes so much better here than it did our last location is just so much fresher it tastes like i just need loosely filtered spring water or something like that that's good rock with a nice little spot where it could tie in little clove hitch and a backup nut you got yourself a good sinker right at the end well that stinks a whole lot of nothing guess there's no crayfish or minnows in here hopefully we do better than the catfish yikes nothing nothing i'm just so tired i miss my girls i had dreams about them last night oh god watch over keep them safe while i'm gone give me the strength to go on i'd like to be a dad that's all i ever wanted to have a family be like my parents take my kids on adventures oh jeez i remember what i dreamt last night i dreamt i had him for the three day four days it was my turn this that week to have him for the four days and i had him for four days and i hadn't paid attention to him and i had to give him back which is ridiculous i've never done that but did not make me wake up feeling good about today you guys ever watched this i love you it hurts my heart so much every time i have to leave you guys protect and watch over them all gone now let's catch us some fish jesus can i have a fish please lord or squirrel you gotta just keep going you keep going there's never a give up there's just do that's it there's no try you just do you do the next thing the next thing that's all it is you know cry out to god trust that he's got you and got you in his hands and you do the next thing you if it's bait some more fish lines so you can catch more fish that's the only thing that's working then do that if it set a trap and catch another raccoon you eat it you do that you do what you got to do you never give up never surrender so that's what i'm doing onward and upward just came up from the river and came like face to face with a big old buck and they're legal here but because of some neighbor shooting a bunch recently in the last couple years just saying to protect his crops i was asked to leave it be so i have to let him go and after all that time at the other property trying to get that close and get that good of a an angle on it and that one just strolls right in front of me and just stood there ah beautiful maybe next time i get dead dead grasshopper but fish might not know that might be a good lure well i got seven of them now the only question is how do i get them back out of here to get them on the hook without them all getting out mine seems to be wiggling is that the current or is that a fish is that a fish i can't tell i think it was the current oh there's a fish on a little one a little one a little cat no wonder it was only a little wiggle only a little wiggle that's okay we'll take what we can get there we go one little catfish it's food she's food get the lime bait and get it back out there if there's one there's gotta be more i'm gonna stay here and see if i can't make the most of this and try out those grasshoppers for anything that might be down there wants to hit something on the surface so i'm gonna pop out my grim card pop off one of these hooks and see pop off that little guy there and put the grasshopper on see if i can't make that work grasshopper gills from the catfish for scent and i'm gonna toss it out there's if i can't get something got something catfish on guilt a lot bigger than the last one yes yes ooh that was a light hooking too look at that look at that there we go oh look at that that's a good that's like the size of a rainbow trout kind of thing you would normally catch yeah try again and i can pull a bunch out of here there we go all right fresh catfish fresh gills and all else fails gills and small hooks got a second one oh she's a fighter what do we got please don't be a turtle oh you're a booger you better not yeah you come out of that good girl good girl come on come to daddy come to daddy you're bigger than the last one oh i knew it was a good idea set that thing deeper yes sir yes sir tell me come to daddy come today i got you i got you i got you this one's even bigger than the last one look at that that little hook and that gill that did the job yes sir all right all right see how i'm holding it fish never gets away from you you're holding it like this whew that's a good that's a good pound and a half right there maybe two pounder i don't know i'm horrible judging things like that yeah this is hard stuff there's the vine that almost took me out the first time i came down here ah chris grace chris chris chris chris chris no he's not at camp oh wow looks like they're eating a lot of wild pecans that fall into the water look what chris brought in he brought in these tiny little orange thingies that i saw earlier what what do you call them trifoliate oranges trifoliate oranges or dragonfly oranges they're actually native to china and korea to believe it or not the factor here is pretty special there's some acorns so we gotta like triple boil those get the tannins out so they don't make us sick oh shucked a good pile of them good pile of meat i don't know if we want to turn these over and let them loose because they're already starting to leak oh that one's kind of popped yeah i'd say they're done they're like little powdered donuts from dunkin donuts now i bet they're not going to taste like no no definitely not see we can squeeze some of that out oh yeah there's juice coming out of it look at that yeah gillette or something oh wow lots of flavor all right so we're gonna now that we figured out the coal part works now we're going to take a few more of these and i'm going to put on my skillet and we're going to kind of fry them up and you know keep the ashes off of them and pick it up and put it in chris's hammock if i dared to touch it oh it's trying to bite me ah yuck these little orange things just chopped full of seeds but once you get those out the flesh itself after we cooked them is so good they're like half lemon half orange they're like oranges orange the orange oh wow definitely cooking them before you cook them they're just super bittery sweet after you cook them it kind of brings out the sugars that's a treat the orange pull the heads off we'll save those for soup oh i'm super amped right now oh there we go i got the little little juices all over my catfish with the adobo and the seeds apparently but oh well oh yeah oh i'm in heaven oh thank you lord such a hard day such a long day for some reason happy thanksgiving buddy now i gotta line the water let's see if we can't uh make this place more habitable get a rocket stove and some coffee going haha useful useful useful worms shovels best tool ever uh uh so all right it's done my little home away from home for fishing a little spot for my pool to lock in over there and then i got my pack hooked onto a branch there that i made a spot for steps that come up and out the rocket stove with the bear bowl making some delicious coffee for me while i sit here and then in this direction i carved a path down along the side so i can walk up cast work on my fish bringing them in and cleaned up made some steps coming down here oh comfy wow that's what a difference in temperature you come up out of that river basin and it's like 70 something degrees up here it was like 50 and cool and comfortable down there holy cow hey what you got there hey buddy somebody's got another raccoon brought those raccoon liver the raccoon's liver down i'm gonna rebait those catfish lines man that looks so much like a turkey up there especially from over here until i got closer and it's just a not turkey so so all right breakfast is served color me hungry join me for some breakfast how about it let's see oh that's not bad it's not bad at all dude this is like really good check the chicken nugget of the insect kingdom trying to think of what they taste like they taste like i have no idea yeah they don't i don't know they don't have a much of a flavor make sure when you step on the sand steps step right to the inside and put all your weight so you kind of pound them into the ground further oh get a fish yes there you go nightline with gills caught myself i caught myself caught us i uh i don't know good four or five pounder here and i'll re-bait him with the gills again since he's seemed to be the winning strategy for this location right now yeehaw just chopped full of seeds and wild pecans i i gotta make a pecan a wild pecan lure and see if they hit it on the surface that'd just be fun to see and fun to catch one on so so stuff it right to the gills get it literally he's so punny i like just to eat look at that big old piece of catfish man this is a whole plate full of food that is so good so i can feel my brain cells re-inflating there we go there's the air bladder with some adobo on it and that is just a basically a big old bit of fat inside the fish it's a bit on the chewy side that's good thank you lord i thought i was gonna have to eat chris soon was getting powerful hungry try to take it away from him no no zach i thought i'd walk about a little bit see if i can't find myself a rabbit about a half an hour before sunset see what we can do oh i hear something drone i bet that's my new custom grim card welcome all right it's here my first my new i designed before i came out here custom grim card look at that so it's got all the goodies that i wanted on it plus some of the things i started and helped design and come up with the idea for these are the trap triggers i had mentioned that to them i know like four or five months ago and that's what they came up with some spinners which i've tried and you've seen if you've watched the earlier videos you've seen these work really good with the hooks and knife and inside the knife is a tick key for removing ticks for those that live in tick areas and i wanted a fishing spear or a fishing uh frog gig but it won't fit so a fishing spear tip that would definitely pull back on a fish and they are now available fowlersmakereammischef.com all right here's the hole i uh took a shot at him last night in the dark when i came walking around and he ducked into there missed him so maybe the snare can get him wire basically i'm going to wire one up top to a tree and then the other one hooks into it and that wire goes down to anything so that once the two the rabbit goes through the snare loop and the two become wiggled free because the snare is bashed the stick can pull up and that snare loop can set and be solid snare loop itself it's just two turns around and then back up the wire and twisting it on creating a little double loop there so that it can easily easily slide so the rabbit goes through like that and snares him wow that's that easy holy cow that is cool so it's all ready to go gotta add a couple sticks so we can't go through right here and kind of make them funnel to go through there but the trigger setup went so fast it's amazing that took me seconds to set up normally for something like this i would have to whittle sticks that notch together and then because of the way the line pulled up from where it was going it would want to um the notches would have to be honed so they matched up together as soon as there's a little tug from the rabbit boom oh i got my microphone set my snare loop don't try it on my wrist here boom there we go accessible there we go a little snare loop some funneling stick so he goes through the center and the grim triggers ready to rock and it's all attached to a trigger branch that's bent over here the card will also work great for using the same trigger system on a fishing line running down into the water kind of like the ones i've made in the past like this one here all right there it is i got the 60 pound test uh braided monofilament i used to make the lure and then tied that to my line i wonder if this is the first ever pecan catfish lure ever made it's gonna become a thing you're gonna find it in all the stores all the rage if it works not cast very far all right no luck on the pecon 6000 lure got a minnow oh that's all i've got that's all we've got to eat oh look at how tiny he is that's like not even a mouthful just kidding let's see if i can't use this to catch something bigger right all right let's go back and see what chris is up to all right back at camp chris has got a beautiful fire going and wait he's over at the skin injury what you got there what's up dude uh you got some more game yeah i got myself a possum all right and over there on that tree we got a raccoon oh my goodness so here we go i think it's done i put a little broth into mine so it wasn't too dry mmm it tastes so much better this way just eating it like out of the stewpot it's super fatty super rich and it's just like it hits you like oh wow i know i'm like super full and eat but this way the fats all kind of like fried up in into the meat and it's not just super greasy it's pretty good but man i could go for a salad there we go this will fix it the bushcraft sledge right there here you pound it i'll hold i'll move the shovel where i want it let me try boom bushcraft sledge now available on fowler's makers yeah it's it's only 4.99 on fowlersmakerymischief.com but shipping is three easy payments of 59.99 order by checker money order now so nailed it this lower oh i need a water break all right and it's done voila table sturdy too solid sturdy table i'm thirsty time for a cup of fish head soup other than the uh lack of you know refinement of not coming from a furniture store it feels more solid than something i get from ikea i'll tell you that right now go team oh wait yeah i forgot to blow it up name that game on cooking with chef fowler today it almost looks like dried jerky enough that you could just go and but it needs to be cooked fully through very safely so stuff like possum raccoon things like that you don't need to get parasites from them or something and he is in ah dear diary is it possible to have a case of the mondays on a tuesday and if so what would it be called case of the tuesdays there's already too many nice things attached to the word tuesday like taco tuesday and two for tuesday at domino's i'm not sure if that's a good thing though flights are always cheaper on tuesdays and most cinemas charge matinee prices all day long and tuesday is actually named after mars which is pretty darn cool i guess i'll just leave it as a case of the mondays i wouldn't want to taint tuesday with the fact that today feels like a monday not that i don't relish every day in god's beautiful creation i'm just really missing my beautiful days in my beautiful cold tundra of maine but i've had so many adventures in 27 days i i'm like uh you know i i want my adventure to be home with my kids and and uh editing this and and eating salads and and stuff like that right now so they gotta push through it here we go these are gonna be the base of the texas trap i just gotta find the right one the biggest meanest looking one with the most spikes there's mine ow they're sharp ow they got me ow man you gotta be careful it's not just the big ones there's little ones on it there we go i'm good to go now all right slap battle no just going to throw it at him yeah yeah a ninja star sucks so bad that would hurt i would hate you for the rest of the trip i'd hate you for the rest of my life i think all right here we are at the destination when i was here last night coming through here there's some old barns out on this property well they're not really barns are they but uh that we're on and i saw some rats in there we're gonna make a big old trap out here with this and a figure four and the wild pecans underneath of it let's see if i can't get one i need my trapping tools mainly my multi-tool to build a figure four trap there's something there in the wild it's a reflection of me people fight for survival i'm chasing tails i'm surrounded for a second to breathe i know i will shine take me back to the jungle take me back to the jungle the city keeps me distracted but i know where i should be tell my mama i'm leaving just take your mask off and join me i know you're dying to see all the secrets i'm hiding one day soon i will find i know i am close i know i will shine one day soon i will fly take me back to the jungle take me back take me back to the jungle i want to get right off this dress that fields within me i know i am close i know i will shine one day soon i will fly i know i am free i'm feeling in line take me back to the jungle take me back to the jungle take me back to the jungle there we go this should do it don't wait too too much put it away enough there we go now that it's already set and risked my fingers of course and take one of these and crack it open so it creates some good scent there we go parked open get some good scent in there come and eat dinner's ready ding ding dear diary i love coffee i wish i could like tea but i prefer the taste of that dark rich aroma to that of boiled socks with a hint of lawn trimmings and it's not just the taste of it it's all the ceremony that goes into making it grinding the beans and cooking it and smelling that waft throughout your whole house and then pouring that first cup as opposed to just boiling some water which has no scent whatsoever throwing a tea bag in and then forgetting about it until it's too cold to drink and then you gotta remove that soggy tea bag you put it on the counter and it dribbles everywhere it's like choosing to still go down and wash your laundry in the river by beating it against the rocks when something better has already clearly been invented good morning guess what how you feel like pancakes pancakes yeah i have an idea we're gonna take some of those acorns and make meal and i'm gonna try to make some acorn pancakes how's that sound i'm in there but one question what we don't have a maple tree oh i'm here talking to chris and what do i spy through the trees see if the camera can make it that far and digital zoom doesn't look very good area is just eating over there there we go nice and roasted so and to make it into some sort of little cakes i'm gonna try and use some of this broth we just brought this back up to a boil there's still some meat in there for tonight's dinner and bring some of this broth and fatty broth into here to try to make it a little bit of a cake i think it's gonna work all right acorn biscuits let's fry those bad boys up spatula i'm getting a couple cracklins out of this too some little fat snack ones smells like bacon it's just everything smells like food now though even that skunk i smelled yesterday smelled like pizza for some reason and we're gonna put a little biscuit in i'm super excited all right they've been cooking for a little bit going for a flip i'm going for a flip oh there's one flip look at that backwoods nut burgers for vegetarians actually wait i was like don't say that not since they've been cooked in raccoon fat that uh backwoods nut yeah that wouldn't go over well we're going a little nuts here i think we're going we're going a little nuts and we've been out here a long time it's like a whole meal oh this is gonna be interestingly like complete for once all right here let's put the cracklins with you and biscuit for you and two biscuits for you see this looks like one of those things like if you're if i was at your house and your daughters were playing like like like cooking in the backyard and they made mud pies this is what i meant yeah you imagine what it looks like acorn biscuits raccoon stewed meat from yesterday that's been reheated oh they don't really stay together do they that's great that's so different like than anything we've eaten the entire time we've been out here that i'm really enjoying this i mean i would have preferred like maple syrup on it for like agave nectar mm-hmm they're so good they taste awful you don't like them no what does it taste like what does that you don't like um like burnt crap i think i'm also trying i'm trying to my my mind is still going to like biscuits i spent three hours making this for you and you don't even like it are you going to eat those um save me if one cause i'll probably eat one later tonight but i was like if you want the other one for sure you can have i can have one of your biscuits yeah man all right he doesn't want it i'm gonna eat it i'm loving it thank you lord for acorns but until then i'm here i'm here to live i am here here to live full of potential full of life full of joy full of blessing full of grace what there's inside i would shout out um how long i take to get to it all right breakfast i might just burn these yeah that wouldn't go very well laura thank you for this beautiful adventure thank you for beautiful texas man i do love this little clay you know embankment here what i wouldn't give to have this in my backyard at home i just want to say thank you guys for all your support and uh i can't wait to do it again i think you know yikes four pages left i guess this adventure is wrapping up just in time dear diary i feel like a six-year-old on a road trip the only thing that's going through my mind the last couple days is are we there yet and can we stop for ice cream oh this is cold oh this is a bad idea oh oh that feels good this is a bad thing wow oh that bottom is so rocky oh oh that's refreshing oh that was oh it was a lot colder than i thought it would be don't i just feel like a million bucks now on keeping on keep on keeping up you ready for one last treat before the end of it all i made i made pie well pie filling and that's understandable we had we we legitimately got five of the six of them total six raccoons six total raccoons and we ended up letting that one little one go oh okay so that wasn't seven it cooked down to like half of what i thought it was gonna be here we go you ready oh yeah oh look at that there you go nice is that it oh cheers congratulations tomorrow 30 days man we did it tastes even more like raspberry now um definitely a fitting end this is like the first time we've had dessert all right chris come forward for your time in 30 days of survival and for your exemplary efforts in keeping the fire going getting a fire going when it's raining and we had to get a fire going getting it going quickly so we can have food getting a fire going and keeping it going in multiple situations restarting a fire for overnight and just uh exemplary effort in fire uh making and preparation i want to award you with your first match of three that you are now allowed to wear in your hat nice last time down to my special little fishing cove goodbye fishing hole goodbye my fortress of solitude goodbye rocket stove i enjoyed cooking my coffees on you in the morning i'll try to come back and visit we'll see empty my pockets that's back to like 176. 177. let's say 177. split the hairs 228 so that's about 24 pounds in 30 days i said it's pretty good considering how all the stuff that i was doing eating like the ever stew every day and or a meal a day that's pretty good time for the camp tear down say goodbye to the camp and get home part of me wants to go home and string up this uh war bonnet hammock in my bedroom and sleep in that all right goodbye beautiful table goodbye beautiful texas maine here i come goodbye see you in maine thank you film hi guys i miss you i miss you both so much oh uh oh lunch is ready come on in hold hands all right dear lord thank you for this food and this beautiful snow day bless this food to our bodies in jesus name amen salad i almost forgot the best part red pepper that makes it hot we don't make it you don't like it good then you won't be stealing my salad it's mine my own my precious we have if you eat possum and raccoon every day for 30 days you'll you'll want to eat a salad no way someday we're gonna do it together right me and you nope never we're gonna go out and survive right no no raccoon for me oh come on remember we used to eat goat all the time but i don't like raccoon anything how do you know unless you've tried it raccoon you will eat the raccoon and the rattlesnake in the possum all right i got one sparrow season 10 of uh 30-day survival challenge huh where are we gonna do it sparrow where do you want to go um animal place to a wild animal place that sounds like a plan would you eat turtle no not even but but with with some stuff on it um with some stuff on it that would taste good what are we going to put on wild food now i can't even say it can you say adobo well guys i'm at home i got my salad i got my girls i got everything i need in life until the next adventure and i'm done with this film and stuff what do you guys think you two and we're done with we're going out fowler's out we're going sledding i'll see you guys next adventure there you go here we go thanks guys i love you in wintertime you should have some hot cocoa let's say thanks for watching i only sit down oh you didn't say thanks for watching
Channel: Fowler's Makery and Mischief
Views: 7,635,071
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 30 day survival challenge, 30 day survival, survival challenge, survial challenge texas, fowler alone, Into the wild, 30 day survival challenge day 1, 1 day survival challenge, 30 Day Survival Challenge Texas, texas survival, texas survivalist, texas wilderness survival, texas primitive survival, fowler survival, fowler survival challenge, fowler 30 day survival, fowler texas, fowler 30 day challenge, fowler 30 days, survival, fowler 87 days, texas the movie, catch and cook
Id: ome_F9HzPg4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 178min 49sec (10729 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 20 2020
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