3 Days Camping in NORTHERN Canada! | Catch, Clean, Cook Football Sized Trout in the Forest!

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she want to show you something real quick as it really isn't a camping trip unless you pick up some roadkill so we got ourselves a little spruce grouse II I got hit in the wing it looks like so we're gonna lead him up later we're just stuff fighting the smog smog zuv life lice not the smog black flies so I think Jeremy's just down here at the lake we're fighting a couple of different environmental conditions first there's a heat wave and you might wonder why I've got a hoodie on if there's a heat wave because it's so freakin hot and I'm sweating like a pig in a pig in the broiler like it's that bad really is because the black flies are terrible right now there's a cloud of them all around me and we've got a thunderstorm rolling in but we're not gonna fish this lake we might fish this lake today because we're close by and then we'll just eat in the dark or something but we do plan on doing some exploring which is something I wasn't able to do last time I came up we're split between the lake trout or brook trout but I think the best bet is probably gonna be to go for the brook trout we might get skunked we may get completely skunked here it's a distinct possibility because you don't know anything about these lakes here's Jeremy don't get skunked we have we have guns comfort has they never got skunked so here's Jeremy he's on his big wild year it's back you see that it came back yeah so we had a bet we had a wager that I'd be like about a couple months yeah I was playing right yeah I was I probably put on thirty pounds within within two months anyway I think 15 pounds a month yeah half a pound a day pretty much modern foods dudes I'll do it to you yeah so you're gonna go back on the wild diet just this weekend no not this weekend at all this is car camping not exactly car camping we've got enough food where it's pretty much gonna be a very relaxing açaí mosquitoes yeah black flies yeah but we're gonna go from Lake to Lake to Lake hopefully maybe we'll find the lake and we'll just be happy there and we'll stay there yeah but this is a lake so I don't know we might throw that one or throw the canoe in right now hey I saw some surfacing okay let's just go fish check it out there's I think it's pumpkin seed on a nest here I saw that little mast yeah it looks like a pumpkin seed yeah pumpkin seed sunfish you guys can probably make that look a little light area there is a nesting sunfish not a bass it looks like a bass nest but it's not well anyway we both throw the GoPro on and we'll take a zip around this little tiny tiny tiny tiny lake drag a worm around see if we can't catch them some additional dinner aside from that Ruffy its brucey spruce grouse yeah we're that far north for seven hours north of where I live yeah three hours north of where Jeremy lives so we're we're in the north of Canada this video is sponsored by mr. tackle box you're gonna use the code beardsman as well as the link i'm gonna put down in description below and that's gonna get your first box for as little as $10 best part about mr. toggle box is you're gonna get all the lures in the box for up to 40% off the store price so you're basically getting twice as many lures for the price Jerris got the trout box says trope box on the bottom you're gonna rifle through there you're gonna figure out what we can use on this trip so I've got some big spoons in here I've got some some crank baits and some jigs so there's a big fat jig I would use for lake trout obviously it's out of date so I'm gonna combine it with some of the things that we have in here if we end up going after lake trout brookies yeah and we've got some jigs we can combine as well for some walleye forget it into wall I've certainly got crank bait out of the Lakers maybe yeah that'll be a big Laker well these are more like things we can combine with the jigs to get down for Lakers remember those oh yeah right so we can combine that with a jig that's all plastic so Gerry's made his selection what did you pick for this adventure this adventure maybe this guy here for deep trolling I like these these look good axial swims with big jig on there yeah that's a big foreign swim bait they gotta work digging deep for Lakers yeah Lakers I think for sure I got a couple of these little worm hooks cuz I'm short on these things well you're like the right size is nice number four is those are actually my favorite favorite lure yeah it's funny right we bought worms for this trip use a sharp and ya know like put a worm on there and we'll probably drag it around for icky well I bought some hooks for this trip I didn't realize but the eyes on them are like twice the size of those eyes and it's a real pain but these are like the right proportion all right guys I think that covers it let's get back going cuz we got a ton of fish to stick in our bellies and the only way we're gonna make that happen is if we actually get out there and start fishing maybe the black flies won't follow us out on the water that would be a treat keep dreaming I'm just gonna bring a cloud of moat there and then somehow we're gonna forget out a drown them this is a very very small lake it should be easy enough to find a rainbow trout to ignore our lures we're gonna pass this because one is biting my eyeball all right let's fish fish on oh it's a nice one too dude oh use yours Oh can't believe that I was almost falling asleep if we can land this guy I'm gonna make sure he's good and tired oh did you see this jumps halt my heart's racing so bad right now a few fish but not not from a lake way up north I'm not I'm not gonna rush this fishing at all is he you know he's gonna have a ton of whoa he's gonna have a ton of energy when he gets him still never underestimate rainbow I'm gonna have to loosen that drag off a little bit not liking the boat at all this is a good freaking rainbow to stay down stay down no I want him to come up in the air he's getting close no he's got one more jump Oh stay down we're gonna we're gonna no beach in the sky nope nope I don't really want to land them on this side cuz I don't really have leverage on this side um shoot how is my chance there I really can't control this guy in the boat here at all one more one more around here let's ride what a nice fish yes that is a beautiful rainbow holy smokes that's a big fish fish has a freaking slab of a rainbow dude dude we don't need to catch any more fish look at that beast that was just just a worm Jerez like how do we catch these fish I'm like dude if you got your worm in the water and you're dragging it around you're fishing that's proof right there no I got to catch my breath here oh I don't even have my knife on me oh that's all not not in the bush I am yeah hey give me a second you have a strainer in here oh that's a big fish for this lake that is freaking amazing for any lake yeah that's a big frickin slab of rainbow I know that we both can't finish eating this fish tonight maybe it's LA Beach maybe I go along with the gross so light colored weird so now that we got one fish in we decided we're gonna do a long line well a set line kind of thing so we do is these a little I think they're egg imitators or something like that for like salmon fishing but they float so we're gonna put that on and then we're gonna add the hook at the end and what's going to happen is the float will go up against the hook and float it up and then what we'll do is add a split shot down a few feet and we'll drop it in the water and then when we paddle back to shore we can leave it out here in the productive area and that'll maybe catch us a fish while we're doing other things so essentially what happens is it floats up like this with the worm on it and then we attach a split shot you know 10 15 feet or whatever we want it to be off the bottom and I've done this many many times with a success after that we just paddle back to shore and we let them sit and listen for a line neither drag loose a little bit see if you don't catch ourselves another fish but that's plenty of food plenty of food for us right now we're not going to eat a couple pounds of fish tonight seems that we just got here even we've been here an hour if that fishing anyway we'll just thread our warm-up as much as we can just to keep it a little tail on it but I caught that fish just dragging it in the water just like that we'll just add a little split shot that'll float up so I caught that fish somewhere around here although I don't think really matters where we fish the only thing I the line in the water do you like to go 20 feet deep yeah we can drop it anywhere here and we can always real it in if we don't like it check it I'm going I'll go this side if you want to go that side I'm just gonna drop her down there and let the let the tools do the work for us you can go get some firewood get this fish cooking the grouse cooking not a bad start turtle it's too fast get him a cute little pink turtle baby nice so we'll leave the lines up and then we're gonna go start cooking did you want them maybe just to hold him for a second oh he wants to go for a run you go buddy I just ran up here grab my knife and we'll head back down and clean her up and yourselves a fire going I think those black flies are probably gonna dissipate as the Sun Goes Down and they kind of trade off for the mosquitoes but mosquitoes at least you can deter them with a fire the black flies really don't care about fire that's kinda like when a plan comes together like that I mean they was not expecting that to happen at all I was sure that we were gonna probably start the adventure off tomorrow tonight was gonna be a little bit of write off but now we've got a nice fish that we can smoke get some alders and there's all those around there's some boulders around we could smoke it yeah I don't know if you guys could see the black flies in here oh oh one just flew in my eye Oh I'm gonna have to get my bug jacket on like I don't even know if I can have any exposed skin at all or even clean this fish like these are terrible this is the bugs are not supposed to be like this for June or July not like June this makes sense July no like the black flies are supposed to be done not supposed to be doing this like I got flies in my pants right now crawling up my leg jeromy's one of my mouse up there making a fire but if you can't laugh at this trick you won't make it out in the nature man try to do a dirty job on this get everything out here all in one shot this is that this is a test of your strength if anything is a test of your strength this is a test of your strength in character if you can't make a goal unless well if you can make it put up this way if you can make it go with this you can make a go of anything okay what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna finish this clean job off for the most part there's no way I'm Dee bowling this in these conditions I just want to I want to check this stomach real quick just to see what they've been eating because it'll give us an idea of how to catch them moving forward is basically it's a mesh mesh mash of minnows it's basically what they've been eating so they're on to bigger things besides insects which means moving forward a worm will work be better if we could longline I know but a normal work Oh black flies are so bad okay I'm gonna go put my bug jacket on I'm done with this how do I look it's still me I hate wearing these things they're so freaking hot oh it's like almost 100 degrees out here so no me sweating now but I'm free from fruit from the bugs Hey and a tents looking really promising right now okay I'm gonna finish this fish up oh you guys want to watch me finish this fish up or not this is gonna be kind of like a slow deal here guys sorry this is don't expect any really fancy shots this time or anything like that it's gonna be raw you guys are gonna be hanging out with me and I'm gonna be doing the thing you guys can relax and watch it I'm gonna be thankful you're not here maybe you want to be here I don't know what you guys want to be here all right so we're not gonna keep any of this nonsense we'll keep an eye out for a turtle but this is pretty much Donna he's gotta rinse it off the bug zone is bad up by the out of the way from the water so there's that but not not that much better up there all right here we go I figured out a way to cut through the ribs and then split that rib meat off that gets rid of 90% of the bones in the fish and then the rest you can just pick out as you eat so you're not picking around bones the entire time and you're getting all that seasoning because you've cut out the rib cage best way to do it smoke like this best fish you'll ever have all right you guys there's a job done rinse off my hands now cuz they're full of fish group isn't it it's like really personal what we're doing right here me you and the screen and the screen sure you can really appreciate her dialog and interpersonal communication that's going on here sure you can have both eyes with how much sweating is going on inside underneath all this no no I think when it gets dark maybe those spies are going that fish is gonna cook up nice and good that's the reward for being out here beautiful nature and get that grouse going next and I got to get some water me because I am sweating perfu silly it's beautiful out here it's nice and calm although this point I'm probably a nice to have a little bit of wind check these lines here in a second too just to make sure we don't have a fish on nothing's moving I don't see no lines moving but usually you'll get official and you'll know you have a fish on because it'll actually start rising and splashing because it's trying to get free of the line it feels not resistance more so than you actually getting the rod tip moving or anything like that well check these definitely before dark and if we get a fish we'll just leave it in the water I'll have some breakfast Jeremy net net man number two yeah nobody can see our faces anymore Oh anonymous one an anonymous one not us do it could be anybody it could be the Blue Man Group okay we're just impersonating the woody beardsman and one wildcraft just putting some alder branches on there yeah a little bit of smoke worked up around this fish I'm waiting for better coals so we can rake them closer and then you know better it's hot and it's hot down there though yeah like it's yeah it's maybe it was hotter before it's not quite that cooking temperature but we can we will build red coals over yeah commenting about how how personal this is this relationship we have yeah this camera you can't see somebody's face hey everybody I'm a person this is a person - yeah people I think these are bugs are gonna go away oh so after dark cuz I know black flies don't like to be out after dark that's my experience anyway yeah the mosquitos are come out but the mosquitoes are now gonna be like this hopefully not now with the fire hopefully not with the fire oh they're crawling up my bug jacket inside I got my pants tucked in though cuz look look how bad that is you see that oh yeah that's that's just from them crawling up my leg yeah anyway now I look like an old man officially well let's see if there's any fish on the line there's lots of frogs or something in the edge of the trail Srila prolines and we'll see if we got breakfast or not nothing skunked well not quite scone no far from it far from it alright well let's go up to the fire and we'll go get some food I think that fish is ready gross I don't know is it gross ready maybe not yet maybe not okay since we've started cooking we've been dodging all of the storms sorry I'm itching itching my head cuz it's very Scratchy looking forward to going in my tent put it that way weeds got weeds and junk all right I'm gonna go back up get situated fire and relax a little bit hopefully be able to eat our meal and peace well your fish-and-chip yeah all right sounds good to me he's gonna be fancier but bugs yeah put a damper on all that yeah so still even fishing tips though yep we didn't think was I did it to me I didn't think we'd be eating fish so no we're a step up yeah we really lucked out when's the last time you were noble long ago should be enough on there did you got a fork to you yeah let me get me a fork I was prepared but not that prepared oh I'm just gonna take a chunk I look so good though it should be mostly boneless but there's gonna be probably like a line of bones in there not smoked overnight but can't ask for girls having flashbacks to the wilderness living challenge season two yeah that was a good rainbow trout who was the other that was like just cooking it overnight mm-hmm made all the difference in the world this one's a little bit a little bit dry on the top because we tried to cook it faster so that's to be expected but it's still really good it's like it's like his boat his tenures a frog leg it's a grouse leg by the way that's not so bad I don't think it's completely cooked no the best is really the breast the best is the breast leg man or breast man that's gonna be hot though yeah poo yeah I had it right on the coals they're pretty close yeah see if I can't she's tough though now oh yeah real tough Oh smells good smells like chicken see if I can't get a piece off here I didn't forgot to season it too right oh yeah those tends to be fairly dry on its own - but it's the flavor there yeah what the best well we mistreated it note after the rainbow okay well yeah I know definitely not we actually cook this like as if it was a rainbow trout mmm it should have been cut up and fried and oil yeah yeah but we don't have any oil ahead of those legs look bites just the boat my socks so I got a 100% talk my socks in took my pants into my socks Moss all over at the top of the tent but thankfully I don't think there's too many bugs inside the tent I got only brought one or two mosquitos in with me and I killed them already so she'd get a pretty good night's sleep there's a it's pretty warm out but it could be all right actually the moths sound like raindrops pitter pattering on the roof for some reason they're all attracted to the the tent and any like they were attacked attracted to the jacket to my bug jacket when I took it off and anything artificial that we had laying around they're attracted to kind of weird no wanna go to bed and I'm gonna try to get all the goopy stuff out of my beard before I fall asleep I mean bug like do I got oh my gosh probably really reread well good morning I don't you guys hear that but it's raining a little bit in here nuttin here out there and got lots of guests up here spent the night with me freakin African safari out there going on is it raining drizzling is there any black flies out there so they don't like the rain that might be a good thing I guess we're gonna be getting wet today because it sounds like it's gonna be drizzling all day well I'm going to get dressed and we're gonna figure out what we're gonna do waster good helping out him oh there's the first look at the day did you hear somebody hollering down there no I was probably sasquatch then must've been there's a couple times there's like a hoot I think it was maybe the Loon maybe when I went down to the lake it just took off there they're always funny when they take off cuz they have to run and flap watch before they get off the water I was half sleeping so every time I would hear was a GU never saw squats can do this thing yeah well I'm sleeping I don't care well we might be in for a pretty good brook trout weather if it was full Sun it would be a lot more challenging to catch them we're actually working off on Google maths so we did this print it off these lip old logging roads and on the way in last night we actually found the destination we're gonna say the name of the lake probably not because it might be really good you guys have to do your own research go out google map it check your locations of course we're in Canada we've got lots of lakes to choose from and this is something we did to find puddle Lake yeah but we're not anywhere near puddle lake so that's a clue if you know where puddle a kiss but the idea was to just find lakes that were a little bit off fleet off the beaten path so we're down a logging road and then there's log there's tertiary roads off the logging road and a lot of them will skirt some of these back lakes to make it a little bit more accessible but not right to the lake so a lot of times there's just a little foot trail off of another small ATV trail so how they work is there's main logging roads and then there's secondary roads and then there's foot trails foot trails you usually go to the lake and that's how a lot of these lakes became more accessible at first they were not accessible by full flow plane even then they're a little too small and then the likes off the roads that got really accessible ended up being stalking Lakes and so that takes the pressure off the lakes that we're going after which is the natural brookie Lakes which typically will hold bigger brook trout or fewer of them [Music] all righty here we are you guys can figure out where this spot is you can maybe have the potential to catch some fish so we're gonna go down there does that look like a trail somebody marked it a little bit uh yeah we're gonna we're gonna get a little bit wet getting down there I think so I don't know what I'm gonna film getting in here maybe I'll film once we get down through there Jerry's gonna take the canoe off here so far we haven't been attacked by bugs which is good I gotta be careful with that stuff though okay Sarah listening sniffing sniffing for people sniffing for victims oh yeah here comes the mosquitos get you guys set up on the tripod here could I talk my shirt in today I don't get up my shirt under my shirt I think they're here yeah those are black flies we were safe for about an hour this morning that's it good thing we were gonna camp here it's a good thing we didn't look like our luck ran out on the bugs they're home that's pretty hard but hopefully once we get out in the middle of the lake they'll stop I just got a short walk down to the water might as well get all packed up this makes everything easier not too many people take the effort to come out to these Lakes so hopefully we get rewarded hard part about carrying stuff can't swap the flies out of your face and there's not as bad in here primarily because we're walking so it's a little bit of a trail here it's not much it's definitely not a high-traffic area and there's not a lot of tracks near that like it wasn't any tracks but first got here so thinkin we should be good I mean it's good news and bad news to not have access to a lake the good news is nobody fishes it that much the bad news is nobody fishes them out that much which means it may not be worthwhile to come back here but I suspect with some of the lakes back here having twenty thousand fish stocked in them means that you know you just want to come out and have a good time they don't really care about fishing natural fish or stocked fish and you're probably not gonna care too much and so you're probably just gonna hit those lakes that are easy to get to chairs a little bit better a little bit better down here because beavers been using it I'm just gonna split off over here we're almost at the lake but be surprised about how little work people will do to get to a fish we are they say seven hours from where I live and three hours from where Jeremy lives so we're way up north you hope you give me a second I can get my hands-free that should be slide my camera case up I'll finish these champ you're not yeah I might see a moonstone yeah that's the lake that's a lake yeah we're gonna get wet there I'm not sure yet I think we can get right to the edge without getting wet all right okay so far no soccer amazing get to see all the beautiful stuff up ahead princess see all the work got to do all the paddling up here whenever you ready no no we're fishing so three pound Brookings we want like that six inch Williams on there Oh drag it I think just the worm yeah or spinner spinner worm combo you don't need a big worm on there just something to tip it a little bit of an enticing hey guys we're gonna get away from the shore here because black flies are still swarming us I'm pretty much a mud bottom here you're shallow on this side and you could tell on the other side way over there there's a big rock face cliff it's probably a drop off in the water there yeah like goop sink up to your neck in their mud well we got the rain in here now but we're spotting some little small fish surface just around here it's unusual in the rain it's a bit hard for them to even see any insects up at the top so it's a good sign that there's fish in here they look to be about six inch smaller size one so it's real shallow in this little Bay here little drift across and see what happens if we don't get a hit no bites so far I may need to get rid of all the black flies though I'll trade the black flies for piss rain along pretty much soaked now I've got a low cloud I don't think that's gonna blow over Oh probably what we're gonna get for the day oh look at that beautiful beach you'll meet it you're too fat I'm gonna get my seat over here so doesn't get wet too wet or too much watch her yeah she's a boat oh there's a campsite here a couple boats come I don't know is the ATV trail anyway oh there's a moose stand to an old moose stand up here somebody was crafty you guys see that up there I don't think I would trust that one anymore the last step broke it looks like somebody spent a lot more time maintaining this side of the trail I imagine it goes somewhere obviously the way we came in and probably comes back to a main road or what I'm thinking is maybe the other Chain of Lakes no actually looks like it's a proper Road it might be a what a better way to get in here Jer well we don't know about we could we could figure out where this goes we could come back here and actually set up our tents down by the lake we want to fish on rather than be at the other lake but at this point in time it might not matter so obviously the main main part of the road system oh and it's gonna stop raining now - they'll be able to see those fish rise and see all the ones that just don't want to bite our stuff aw it'll be nice and calm and clear we found a nice spot we come back here we can go swimming and then we can also maybe plan to do a grouse hunting trip over here I'll be kind of cool maybe bring some bear bait back here we got lots of things we can do Jer everything come back here with a carload full of bait set up a bear stand back in there mountain bikes do some grouse hunting on a mountain bike I'd be really cool all right now we got to catch a book trout ice and I see me beat you at all it's pretty quiet out here dear something over there it sounds like a beaver song beaver pups is that a river coming in or is that wind there's gonna be a moose around the corner here it looks very juicy the whole Lake to ourselves nobody else brave enough to tolerate the black flies in the rain you gotta have some grit to do it my legs are a little bit wet so as I've gotten smarter in my life got this fish pond thermometer and it's actually well let's just say it's 78 degrees Fahrenheit Oh 25 degrees outside air temperature so try to catch a brook trout which is 100 percent temperature dependent and since I dropped it down and actually the water temperature at the surface here is actually warmer than the air so I mean I knew on this trip it probably would be running into some problems with temperature is trying to catch a cold water fish but you never know you might find a good lake where it has good you know underwater Springs or whatever but this lake doesn't seem to be the one so we're plugging a head back for lunch I think we're not gonna waste our time out here though and I'm not just trying to get a brook trout we'll go try to catch a rainbow trout and then we can switch gears and try to catch a lake trout cuz lake trout are smart well based on the characteristics they like to go nice and deep so they can feed all year long so we've got some options so we're gonna head back and grab some lunch right now we're gonna find the right place when we came in which i think is over over this way a little bit more I think this spots very well marked thoughts okay you're hungry that's it eat some burgers my other thought was we should have stuck a stick in here somewhere so we knew where we came into the lake you know at this bar I thought it was over the helping water no there's a beaver run right there which i think is that beaver trail that are we gonna get really wet trying to find it I don't see anything knocked over though I don't think that's the spot because we would have got we would have got wet coming in that spot it's it's not exactly where we are but it's not far off we'll get out of here two men stuck in the wilderness because they can't find the small trail they came in on looking for a blaze that's where people strip off part of the bark of a tree to mark off port ology should be pretty obvious where we came in there's a spot that's example there though see that spot I think that's more in line where with the opening is this spot here it's yeah right here and it's in line with the blaze there we go we found our spot so they did blazed that trail there just show you the blaze in a second you get up it's pretty obvious that we trampled this spot Oh - gotta always be careful when you do this adventuring that you don't get carried away and start going further and further to where you need to be because you get yourself a real big trouble then start just going through the forest thinking you'll get closer to there just stopping and thinking white spot right on the trees the blaze drag up here and say goodbye for now come back a little bit cooler fissure bitin [Applause] well Jared's gonna have to do two trips he's gonna come back from the Canadian I get the paddles and everything else you just admitted that the whole world I said it on my camera - you need those ideas you need those things they tried to design it like the person who designed it made it for the wrong shoulders yeah like this is perfect everybody's gonna love this yeah like dude not everybody's shoulders are like yours yeah all right let's get out of here so we can enjoy the black flies out of camp yeah what way the birchbark sweat to you yeah so the trick with this it's just basically to get it going and then try to get all the other stuff to dry out if this stuff's not going to burn straight away till the outside of the dries so we're just gonna load her up put a bunch of these little ones whose help is they're dry on the inside yep exterior of everything's wet why it's not burning very well right now doesn't heat stuff dries off we'll be good to go well people we're not roughing it and we didn't count on bringing food bringing food finding food this isn't the Willis living challenge I've already done that there's more of like exploration trip so we did plan to bring a bunch of different foods with us and that's what we did we didn't bring any the grading here that's just something you find because other people are as prepared as we are all right we got them all laid out let's see how many we lose in the fire hopefully none of course you know there's one smart guy out there saying that you should wait well it's calls and you should but I'm hungry so I'm not gonna wait I'm gonna cook it faster quicker right away far away for Colts you don't know that because you don't know how hungry I am it's noon I'm hungry something to eat quick another way for Kohl's not doing it and they're gonna taste delicious no matter what well something amazing just happened I mean there's still black flies but not the swarm anymore so I don't know what happened they just hatched all of a sudden yesterday but like I don't need to wear my bug net anymore this was how it's supposed to be black flecks hatched in June not July so I don't know if something freaky deaky happened I'm super glad that they're gone away maybe the rain knocked him down I don't know but dealing with the mosquitoes is one thing dealing with two at the same time no go I'll avoid the all avoid the woods need you in June May is fine before things start to heat up June forget it and in May it's kind of sketchy to July gets better August it's good September October those of them those are the money times August September October it's what I like to really come out in camp because you don't have to deal with all the mosquitoes I don't mind mosquitoes and stuff but this gets to be a bit much burgers are almost done my mouth is watering we're set to go we didn't catch a fish today but hey this is this was this was exactly what we had planned for this trip is just to chill out not to go to too hard not to starve ourselves to bring some amenities because it's more about exploration if you guys watch the Willis living challenge was Zach when we did it out here we had no idea what was out here so we wandered around and we tried to find things and we're on the clock when cuz we got to get food but here you know we can mess around if we don't get food it's not a big deal this isn't even wild food at all go Joel burger in the wilderness Jer just spill his pees all over the place I'm gonna do we didn't bring any condiments this is actually pretty much how I used to camp I don't know how I used to camp you didn't have everything when you went camping you brought you had some stuff but not everything yeah was that for a condiment when you guys started watching this I'm not sure if you knew what you were getting into but today's living challenge differents different style different pace peas and carrots from a can this is probably more in line with how you guys camp not roughing up all right dudes let's see if we can't catch another fish for dinner that would go really good glad we switched over from brookie to rainbow I think that's the right decision canoe down here already jump in twofer paddle and see what we can't draw them up tomorrow be a new adventure I think we're definitely gonna go off to lake trout try to find a new lake see what's up but I'm happy to just chill out take it easy here that's what this trip is about exploration and also taking a break much-needed break is to be out here away from the people away from the crowds away from the problems if you catch three fish out of the same hole you keep fishing the same all tell you stop catching fish for a significant amount of time all right guarantee you there's more 15 that whole driftin set drifting the worm through the fish hole come on now this was a sleeper yeah well no cuz it was going with the boat I don't think this fish knows it's hooked yet wait wait for it to jump here get ready for it it's gonna wake up any second now there there there yeah this thing is like right sleeping there it's awake now yep she's awake it's a big one too hey Brady Jerry's coming too just like that we hit the jackpot here we will that's freaking to me now he knows he's hooked this one slept all the way in geez man for the size of this late wow it's awake and grab that net back Jer I try to get one factor out here Oh jeepers fell down there Jimmy well we only caught three fish this trip what we got fifteen pounds of fish give or take this one's got minnow is coming out of it two little sunfish it looks like see those oh yeah little son fish minnows it looks like that's how they're getting so fat well now that we got to fish to smoke we're gonna make a actual smoker we've got some Aspen yeah trembling Aspen that's the only way I remember if they call it trembling there we shake the leaves so I'll just mount four stakes in the ground couple crossers be nice if we had more fish but two fish we'll have to do cuz that's all we got they invest some time and energy into making this they will get a big fat lake trip tomorrow and it'll be all ready to go for us about that well there we go there's a primitive smoker more or less you can make it pretty real pretty by making parallel sticks all the way across make it nice and neat and beautiful and then put your fish down it looks great but the beauty of disorder is right here when nature so it's just weaved top and then you can just drop the fish right on there and then after it starts to harden it'll it'll get some rigidity and they won't want to fall through and can always add more sticks to make it more more basghetti but I think that's that's plenty basket II for what we need check it out two big slabs well the breeze picked up a little bit but not enough to knock the black flies down oh I thought they were gonna go away maybe today will be the last day because they were not so strong this morning I'm so itchy my face is all puffy I'm just setting up a makeshift slingshot target you guys can buy these at wooded beardsman calm slash shop I think it is anyway I'll link it up you can also buy the spices there too with no Bo spice and there's some other good things so Jeremy how to shoot this next I think if I can actually shoot it myself we'll see choose them close all right we'll see if J see if Jeremy can hit any so I gave Jeremy two-second lessons we'll see if he can't hit that can on the first time he's ever shot one of these simple shot slingshots some modern it's a modern one it's like these are fur for hunting I'm gonna say they're for hunting it's not just for fun guys but it is for fun you should grab them for fun it's fun all right go for shot buy yourself a slingshot set it up in your backyard practice get good at it and then shoot whatever is in season I'm gonna come back here and I shoot some grouse with it hundred percent I'm gonna back up now yeah okay hold on I gotta get you in frame Jeremy backed up two steps oh yeah when you're a kid you just you actually aim through the forks no no like shooting traditional archery I just instinctive shooting well you didn't aim my students to aim you just shot through the forks basically because you were you were this way you were never this way yeah when you were when we were kids anyway like this right so you'd never know where he's gonna go really he's got some velocity like you can you can hunt rabbits I'm gonna hunt rabbits squirrel gross should I try it on a fish I think I can hunt a fish with that Jer I think so I can kid I can get a fish a thing they're getting the right spot though what else can I do red-winged blackbird that's why I brought it today or this trip because no we haven't seen one but they're invasive crow what else if I got my chopped place two kids ooh red squirrel hot cocktails [Music] yeah yep you can do whatever you want with whatever you want you could shoot a beaver you can shoot whatever so that's the yeah we're supposed to be taking the course soon we are I just talked to Ryan shoutout to Ryan he's gonna do the course with us but it delayed with the closures so Jeremy hasn't missed yet go by slingshot it's fun it's the best-selling item on the website yeah just-just-just behind this place yeah yeah do you have a package deal well maybe we have this spice and spice and slingshot yeah so usually you can you can season what you kill some bearings yeah right ready to go through the metal it helps it's inside the can it helps that Jimmy and I both have some archery experience because that it's very very similar to archery there we go Jimmy's gonna do gross a gross slingshot hunt up here in the fall count on it oh boy look at bad she even got char lines oh I need it okay stage one and then we gotta get this back in here separate it all I heard oh yeah I did it looks it looks like be in good shape it's not cooked all the way oh yeah under there I don't know what we can do about that take that out I guess the other one did a lot better what you got potatoes and carrots we can find them bug bites I picked them we found an old homestead garden here that's gone for all and when you dig under the weeds you could find the carrots there and while we're pulling carrots up we found some of the potatoes get him to be a really good woodsman yeah and find food anywhere a BS woodsman yeah dude yeah note this is twice as much food as we had yesterday it is and we almost couldn't eat it yesterday I actually put some adobo on that more okay gonna complain you know where to get more if you run out anyway add some in there too a little bit yeah yeah I think it goes with everything everything potatoes and carrots included yep I think it does yep should we try this first of the fish first is that disgracing the fishing pole I don't know anymore no no I want to know if it goes on potatoes and carrots yeah before you ruin your taste buds with it mm-hmm all the bugs are still bad Lulu Hawk in the wall mmm those are the carrots I almost died the potatoes that are hot oh I definitely burnt my tongue there Oh wasn't expecting that right off the fire no you hope you all the taste the travel them well the black flies are still here yeah big time we tried to move it into the causeway here we got a little bit of air flow then the breeze dried died down yeah then no nose - no breeze anymore yeah I'm getting spoiled on this trip of fish yeah for sure watch good well you guys weren't looking we Bush crafted this picnic table God made boards there's a lot of work did some joinery oh man that's good the only questions left is whether we can get ourselves electro I don't think we're gonna be able to eat all this baby no between the four burgers we ate for lunch with no breakfast I'm still not super hungry five burgers to do five yeah I think I didn't finish mine so four for bagel buns we've been working non-stop oh well there's not too much left there's the spine on either fish and one half one side of the fish so we made a did a pretty good job on fishing that off it's funny how the best part of the day all the nighttime I guess it's the one that why the mosquitoes aren't out so bad and the black flies aren't out so bad but too bad we can't get that the whole time so we'll let that stuff smoke overnight we'll grab it and I think we we came up with a plan for tomorrow it's gonna go to go down to the lake to enjoy the sunset although it kind of missed it just relaxing a little bit eating join the nature save this for breakfast that's my leftovers some potatoes and some carrot a little bit of fish it should be preserved overnight good night I'll see you in the morning oh good morning guys tents are all taken down Jerry stands down light tents down Jeremy still eating fish that he left on the smoker overnight how is it tastes are so good it's not rotten nope did you the rest of it yep the whole rest of it that was on my plate yeah I met smoker to know there's something for all the picnic tip oh okay it's concern there there's a Lala I saved you something yeah I wasn't gonna eat it well maybe I will eat a little bit of it seems like it well it's more than all night yeah well that's good yeah no it's good it's not rotten nope we're just burning off the rest of her smoking stuff cuz we're not gonna we might fish here I don't know we're up in the air as far as whether we're gonna stay here we're not gonna stay here all day but we may try to get another rainbow trout out of this lake for the road that would be kind of cool and if we don't catch anything in an hour I'm probably caught the last few fish out of here so whether we go for lake trout or brook trout I don't know well let's trying to figure out what to do for breakfast as you know you got bagels I got butter and we got fish leftover fish so naturally we're gonna have a fish sandwich that work generous amounts of water on there and then we're gonna grab fish mash and make ourselves a fish which Oh doubled up pretty good we're just missing some mayonnaise no just a bit of mayonnaise or some tartar sauce it's all set to go well that sandwich was freakin delicious and we got barely any fish left so we decide we're gonna go actually get another rainbow you guys want to take a trip up to Canada probably steer you in the right direction is shoot me a message you guys can we gotta head north toll you gotta head north you got to be willing to drive it's gonna be a long drive for you guys it's a long drive for us to get to off the beaten path there's lots of crying man that you can use can you a special permit if you're a US citizen but you can take advantage of Crown land camping and we have a lot of Crown land crown man is public land actually most of the land in Canada is Crown land is it not would I be right yeah the majority majority of it yeah not private but I'm completely public owned but not around the southern portion that's all owned that's the most desirable by temperature I suppose a lot of people not to me give you guys a good look at the setup here it's basically just the worm on a j-hook and I got that attached to a swivel because I was getting a lot of line twist as I was trolling so the line twists up more and more as the worm rolls over and aside from that I just got to split shot I found one was getting me fairly high in the water column could be the difference between one or two or even just a small one but you don't to be too high up I don't think although I think these rainbow or kind of probably mid water column but it sounds of things so on a faster if that worm will go up and then a slow drift and it go down so you're kind of working the water column I start from having a fish finder you don't really know where the fish are so he's kind of guessing all the time so you get the variations with the wind when you going fast down the water the worm will rise up as you get the boat speed up and then will drop back down as the boat slows down so I think they're probably near the bottom on the edges of this pond and then up in the water column in the middle and I think they're probably just feeding opportunistically not hitting very hard he just basically feels like there's a weight and it doesn't feel like there's bottom and then you get a little bit of pull and then the fight comes after the fish really knows that it's hooked got a fish on finally we're just about to give up this is the last drift up a little bit you're not the Nedim okay untangle after if he's in your line yeah okay we're in the boat we're in the boat hey that worked out real good fish scale in my beard well that's a sign of success isn't it wouldn't you say pretty proud of myself guess that's what you get for hanging around rainbow trout with the pond and just learning about the habitats and habits got a big stick in there that's a nice-sized rainbow it's gonna eat good the good souvenir of the trip we're gonna clean it up real quick here and we're gonna keep it up on shore because if we don't it's gonna spoil last time yesterday should say we drag we drugged the two fish around for a couple hours the water temperature is 25 degrees Celsius which is seven degrees warmer than the current air temperature so it actually was cooking in the water and spoil and turning into mush so Jerry's up taking a leak I be able to see him in the background actually and we're all throw them in a bag and keep them up on shore here I'll stay cooler that way try to find another Lake we have one in mind we have lots of options so we'll see where we end up I think this this think we're gonna go to is gonna have brook and lake trout it's gonna widen the possibilities of catching a fish Lake Show it's gonna be hard that's going to be the pinnacle pinnacle of fish to get today in a canoe with the wind brook toad yeah it's gonna be possible but mostly this is about adventure and exploring this new area exploring the pinnacle adventure so on we go ready dude we're all packed up ready to go lake trout brook trout is their only options for pumpkin seed and I think there's too many of those around here suppose I should buckle up where the car gets me in trouble well we'll see what we decide because we got it more than a few options to choose from out here according to the Google Maps some wolf tracks here and see the toolmarks a in the pod yeah it's a double imprint there's one track here it's all logging roads opening up the fishing access look at optimistically that way you can look at it oh there's some moose tracks it's pretty cool we did see a bear I had the camera in the back seat though so I did not get it was this a little probably year old bear here thinks there's a creek up here which means we're be kind of on the right track because the lake were actually looking for ends up in the creek and he's right well we might kill to catch a brook he out of here there's a little tiny creek system that feeds the three lakes that we're looking at originally we got here but this like I said was this big scouting mission it's a pretty little creek here yes I don't know if we're gonna get right down there though I'm gonna get some muddy boots when your shoes I didn't bring my rubber boots either this is definitely a rookie Creek though on a percent I wanna have a peek yeah no risk getting my feet wet these are the the gems we're looking for it's off the beaten path very little pressure Oh crystal clear well I'd see it crystal clear I'll say tea-stained cuz that's cobble bottom rookies are spawning in this river and loving it it's not a very deep river though a creek but your guarantee if you find those little deep spots you will find fish a little colder you get the thermometer in there and check it now it's definitely heated up it's not super super cold but that running cool clear water that'll feed those brookie lakes and streams all the way up here you can you can bat there's not hardly anybody that fishes these oh we found some gross and I think we found another lake sort of guess in any way probably those gross wouldn't be here if there wasn't a lake so we might have found another target lake I don't know fall would be Fisher okay we've got like no plans then we had no plans this entire trip so not surprisingly you get to get a good sense of reading maps if we're going on Google Mouse you don't have GPS so we're guessing we're doing distances and stuff like that we're measuring my fingers and we actually did find this lake so this would be probably the second lake in a chain of lakes connected to that Creek that word just that and this would be another potential spot that we can come back make a nice base camp at and hang out a little a little cuddle Lake here let's go down here and have a peek there's a boat cache as things go up in the north yeah oh it's so nice down here like this no foot tracks no footprints nobody's been here for a long time to fish it but this would be another natural brook trout lake so we're just gonna stand here enjoy the view and we're gonna watch to see if any fish rice because it's calm enough we would be able to see some of the surface it's been pretty warm I don't know if there'll be much surface activity it's got a gravel bottom fine a birch bolete let China let unum good eatin my dashboard cook it up tomorrow today that's a blue staining sad just make a fire right here and eat it I got butter yeah frying pan without fish to catch not last time you fed me mushrooms you made me sick so yeah I do not have a good track record of eating Jeremy's mushrooms last time I drove home and had to pull over five times to have some runny poops no I didn't I bear meat and mushrooms and I eat bear meat before so it wasn't the bear meat any bear meat sense to apparently have to cook them well maybe that was the problem the mushrooms yeah yeah you got a really really hammer them so and I don't think we did that at all this nice little camp spot up here away from the lake it's not my preferred way to camp dude there's an outhouse oh my god what's going on here this isn't as remote as we thought quite a bit ah see that's those are moose hunters this would be like yeah let's take this out this would be their moose hunting spot if you got bugs humping on your camera here well anybody can see that no now you just said bug something for no reason yeah it could be moved so could and and grouse hunters to like grouse is like become a big thing now because people can't get moose tags anymore so yeah if they come out here in September and you know they maybe hunt they bear and shoot a bunch of grouse and go home and that's their good fun so we'll see what we decide I think we're gonna go back to the lake trout lake actually and give that a go Jer and I are talking about going further and further and further north so that's gonna be the goal I'm explaining my territory as age you young you have a small territory it's your house your neighborhood as you get older I believe you have to expand it bigger and bigger and bigger so your your predator or growing predator who needs more territory to do his thing so before I get going I'm gonna eat my banana so we don't jinx ourselves you guys know the joke banana on the boat I've got skunked a few times from a banana on the boat so I'm gonna eat this before we go we're gonna out there we're gonna check catch a brook trout an electro that's the goal brookey and electro so we could do a three species slam three trout species slam the user mystery tackle box oh yeah it smells minty fresh so what's a call to the vile vile bug bio scented I think he mostly would use this for bass but I can see no reason why this wouldn't work really really good for a lake trout so we're just gonna thread it up and this jig head didn't come with mystery toggle box but doesn't matter it's big 3/8 ounce well hello there pleased to see you at the front of the boat feels like we're sitting pretty high now yeah something happen [Music] now I'm gonna be thinking like I was hiring this end so maybe you gained some weight down there eatin snacks in the car see if we can't drum up a brookie get a good look at the contours of this lake here so I'm just dragging my worm way dragging I don't know I spinner some spinner from the mr. jock box yeah yeah okay and then we'll we'll cuddle often the deeper water soon enough see if we can't find that drop-off point try to drum up a lake trout well we found our deeper water so now we're gonna go for lake trout we're in about 40 feet 40 50 60 feet something like that so we're just gonna drop this guy straight down as best that we can and just hop it up working the water column till we figure out where boats they are got some really old depth finder technology Jeremy's running I'm like 50 years ago here says he's marking so fish we know it's ancient technology like I said it could be fish slime I think when it marks fish on bottom it's a log a lot of the time you got suspended fish suspended ones that are like halfway down 30 feet down that seems likely to have them around 30 feet try to duck out of the wind thanks pushing is down super fast and that'll bring our lure up higher water call me wanting state deep so for ripping we don't want it up here I'm gonna try to tuck in behind the island here get on the wind and the other option is to pedal all the way back so you decide a lake where the trees are stopping the wind a little bit on the other side so it'll be a bit calmer try behind the island here because this water is definitely too fast we need to do it to do this is why most people don't fish the lake throw it out of the canoe get a little bit of a wind break a couple of trees here and finish the rest of the drift and we'll go back up a start might have a bite earlier but can't be for certain might also just run off edge of a rock no bites or gonna paddle back in brook trout fish along the bank we're on the windy windy windy side of everything gonna do a lot of work to get back [Music] [Music] if you guys can use that code beardsman and the link down below with mr. Taco box it'll help me continue to do these adventures I want to go further and further and further north and J night I've been talking but bunch of different options if you use this code it tracks the code and then mr. talk box is much more likely to continue the sponsorship for any fishing videos I'd like to do a bushcraft fishing extravaganza maybe floatplane involved maybe a private float plane to get back in the bush and set up a bushcraft camp and from scratch like fly the canoe in do the whole deal but in order to do that we're gonna get I'm gonna need funding I could probably get enough connections to keep the cost down it's not gonna be like woodland caribou it's gonna be more bushcraft you put it that way and maybe something that we just sit there and we made me camp and we catch tons and tons and tons of fish and just make a whole setup and go out there for a whole week so use that code beardsman and if you followed all the way along you watch this whole video thanks I really appreciate that because that's the best thing you can do if you if you can't use the mystery tackle box you can just watch the whole video and the ad sponsorship will help me continue to make movies and videos and adventures and film them and share them with you guys so I really appreciate it especially if you watch this whole thing that's awesome so leave your comments down below and if you have a question to make sure you put a question I'll answer it if you want to connect that way let me know I've got Instagram to Facebook you guys send me PM's I'll do my best to get back to you Oh cut down the next one
Channel: The Wooded Beardsman
Views: 341,463
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: catch and cook, wild foods, cooking, fire, bushcraft, outdoors, camping, fishing, fire cooking, bushcraft cooking, wild diet, survival skills, nature, wild game, eating wild foods, camp, public land camping, tent, tenting, tarp camp, canoeing, canoe, fish, fishing trout, secret lake, rainbow trout, trout smoker, cooking trout, car camping, fishing canada, camp tarp, axe, saw, paddle, fishing rod, lures, fish net, canoe fishing, bait fishing, worm fishing
Id: C1kfpc8ztgQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 1sec (5581 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 24 2020
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