Alone in the Wild - A 5 Day Solo Excursion.
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Joe Robinet
Views: 3,973,353
Rating: 4.8488016 out of 5
Keywords: Bushcraft, Survival, Backpacking, Canoe, Dog Training, Ontario, Canada, Fire, Bowdrill, HD, Nikon, Gopro, wilderness, explore, familyfriendly
Id: yx7wOxtf80E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 159min 21sec (9561 seconds)
Published: Fri May 12 2017
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Joes channel. I think Joe has a reddit account but I dont know what his username is.
I think this is a good video for the community. It was perfect to watch while eating some dinner.
Yep. Long, but worth it.
Joe is how I got into this stuff. Before I ever found this subreddit, youtube randomly presented one of his videos in my feed, despite my never showing an interest in anything related to the outdoors. I was hooked from there. Not on him specifically, but on this whole bushcraft/hiking/camping thing in general.
I learned a lot from his videos, I've watched them all at this point. I was introduced to many other similar youtubers, via this sub and various other sources. Over time, I've found the good and bad parts (IMO) of all the various ones I've gotten into.
My current opinion of Joe, as objectively as I can be, is that he's FINE. Not on the pedestal I had him on at the beginning, not a waste of time either. I think the comments around here about how he acts with his wife are silly and presumptive, occasionally bordering on witchhunt-like, based only on a few minutes of youtube footage. That's not cool, IMO, but to each their own. I think stories like how he got the black eye in this video are probably a bit of oversharing on his part, and give me too much of a glimpse into his "real life", that I could honestly do without. (Saying nothing of the believability of that story...) I don't mind him promoting products in the videos, like others said he has to make money somehow, good for him.
Finally, it's videos like THIS ONE that are why I want to keep watching. The shorter ones are OK, but longer ones really are like a movie that sucks me in, it's so fascinating to me. I don't know of many other youtubers doing 2+ hour multi-day trip videos, but would sure take your recommendations!
Joe is a wealth of knowledge but he is young and rammy. He took unnecessary risks and when goes to woodland Caribou will get him killed. I am not bothered at all by his promotion of gear, I don't pay for his videos and he needs to get paid somehow. The products he does promote are not shit. He will stand behind the quality without fear.
The cost of the pack is in line with similar products. I have a canoe pack that was $468. Quality non production packs are not inexpensive.
I've learned that a lot of people on this sub aren't fans of Joe.
I asked Joe from a super chat on Youtube why he quit, and a lot of comments on this topic refer to him losing his firesteel from Alone. I asked the same question and he said his mindset wasn't there to continue. I thought about it, and had to agree.
I love his videos, but I don't think I would buy the products, I bit to expensive ๐ ๐
I know this post is 5 days old but I just wanted to point something out here given that a lot of people have an issue with Joe mentioning and repping gear and brands in his videos.
Read the comments in any bushcraft youtube video... the vast vast vast majority of comments are "what axe is that? what knife is that? what jacket is that? what pot is that? what socks are those? what cup is that? what hat is that? what bag is that? what log is that? who makes that grass?"
Same goes for youtuber photography channels, graphic design channels... thousands and thousands of questions wanting to know what the gear is and who makes it. That is why so many youtubers just started stating in their videos what their gear is so they don't have to answer the same questions over and over. Obviously, eventually, these companies realize this is great exposure and start sending these people shit in hopes they will use it in a video.
I made a youtube video back in college showing my illustration process just to share with my class for a project. My inbox was bombarded over the next few weeks with "what pencil is that? what notebook are you using? which tablet do you use? what ink is that? who makes that pen? where did you get that texture? what font is that?" I didn't even bother to answer because I wasn't trying to be a youtuber but if I was going to make a channel I would definitely mention what I am using just to avoid having to constantly answer those questions.