Alone in the Wild - A 5 Day Solo Excursion.

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Joes channel. I think Joe has a reddit account but I dont know what his username is.

I think this is a good video for the community. It was perfect to watch while eating some dinner.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ๏ธŽ 17 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ๏ธŽ u/ahotdogonwheels ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ๏ธŽ May 16 2017 ๐Ÿ—ซ๏ธŽ replies

Yep. Long, but worth it.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ๏ธŽ 15 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ๏ธŽ u/katrob2006 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ๏ธŽ May 16 2017 ๐Ÿ—ซ๏ธŽ replies

Joe is how I got into this stuff. Before I ever found this subreddit, youtube randomly presented one of his videos in my feed, despite my never showing an interest in anything related to the outdoors. I was hooked from there. Not on him specifically, but on this whole bushcraft/hiking/camping thing in general.

I learned a lot from his videos, I've watched them all at this point. I was introduced to many other similar youtubers, via this sub and various other sources. Over time, I've found the good and bad parts (IMO) of all the various ones I've gotten into.

My current opinion of Joe, as objectively as I can be, is that he's FINE. Not on the pedestal I had him on at the beginning, not a waste of time either. I think the comments around here about how he acts with his wife are silly and presumptive, occasionally bordering on witchhunt-like, based only on a few minutes of youtube footage. That's not cool, IMO, but to each their own. I think stories like how he got the black eye in this video are probably a bit of oversharing on his part, and give me too much of a glimpse into his "real life", that I could honestly do without. (Saying nothing of the believability of that story...) I don't mind him promoting products in the videos, like others said he has to make money somehow, good for him.

Finally, it's videos like THIS ONE that are why I want to keep watching. The shorter ones are OK, but longer ones really are like a movie that sucks me in, it's so fascinating to me. I don't know of many other youtubers doing 2+ hour multi-day trip videos, but would sure take your recommendations!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ๏ธŽ 10 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ๏ธŽ u/CheesyItalian ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ๏ธŽ May 17 2017 ๐Ÿ—ซ๏ธŽ replies


๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ๏ธŽ 25 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ๏ธŽ u/Swolebrah ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ๏ธŽ May 16 2017 ๐Ÿ—ซ๏ธŽ replies

Joe is a wealth of knowledge but he is young and rammy. He took unnecessary risks and when goes to woodland Caribou will get him killed. I am not bothered at all by his promotion of gear, I don't pay for his videos and he needs to get paid somehow. The products he does promote are not shit. He will stand behind the quality without fear.

The cost of the pack is in line with similar products. I have a canoe pack that was $468. Quality non production packs are not inexpensive.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ๏ธŽ 10 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ๏ธŽ u/red_langford ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ๏ธŽ May 17 2017 ๐Ÿ—ซ๏ธŽ replies

I've learned that a lot of people on this sub aren't fans of Joe.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ๏ธŽ 10 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ๏ธŽ u/young_jerm ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ๏ธŽ May 16 2017 ๐Ÿ—ซ๏ธŽ replies

I asked Joe from a super chat on Youtube why he quit, and a lot of comments on this topic refer to him losing his firesteel from Alone. I asked the same question and he said his mindset wasn't there to continue. I thought about it, and had to agree.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ๏ธŽ 5 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ๏ธŽ u/Y0STER ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ๏ธŽ May 17 2017 ๐Ÿ—ซ๏ธŽ replies

I love his videos, but I don't think I would buy the products, I bit to expensive ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ๏ธŽ 4 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ๏ธŽ u/DopeDopeGaming ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ๏ธŽ May 17 2017 ๐Ÿ—ซ๏ธŽ replies

I know this post is 5 days old but I just wanted to point something out here given that a lot of people have an issue with Joe mentioning and repping gear and brands in his videos.

Read the comments in any bushcraft youtube video... the vast vast vast majority of comments are "what axe is that? what knife is that? what jacket is that? what pot is that? what socks are those? what cup is that? what hat is that? what bag is that? what log is that? who makes that grass?"

Same goes for youtuber photography channels, graphic design channels... thousands and thousands of questions wanting to know what the gear is and who makes it. That is why so many youtubers just started stating in their videos what their gear is so they don't have to answer the same questions over and over. Obviously, eventually, these companies realize this is great exposure and start sending these people shit in hopes they will use it in a video.

I made a youtube video back in college showing my illustration process just to share with my class for a project. My inbox was bombarded over the next few weeks with "what pencil is that? what notebook are you using? which tablet do you use? what ink is that? who makes that pen? where did you get that texture? what font is that?" I didn't even bother to answer because I wasn't trying to be a youtuber but if I was going to make a channel I would definitely mention what I am using just to avoid having to constantly answer those questions.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ๏ธŽ 4 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ๏ธŽ u/smallbatchb ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ๏ธŽ May 22 2017 ๐Ÿ—ซ๏ธŽ replies
well this is what I've been waiting for whoa a great big win hey guys thanks for tuning in I'm up north by myself I'm getting ready to venture out on a six day solo wilderness trek I'm going to be covering 125 kilometers over the course of six days roughly 20 klicks a day some days are a little bit shorter some days a little bit longer but that's the average I'll be canoeing all day we portaging we setting up camp under a tarp I'll be fishing for trout for my dinner some of you guys might be wondering why I have a green boat my normal boat my red one is in the shop just getting some finishing touches done up so they give me a loaner this is a Swift pack boat just like mine and Adirondack thirteen six Kevlar fusion 26 pounds maneuver very easy - I gotta get my boat all set up for my six day trip and head on out because it is storming it's been storming all morning I have a tiny break in the weather right now but there's a hundred percent chance of thunderstorms today well we have to start today all right the rain is starting to come down I got to put this DSLR away pack up the rest of my boat and get in the boat I'll should be shooting with my GoPro probably for the rest of the day and if you want to find out about my eye my black eye stay tuned I'll tell you about it one night around the fire it's four degrees right now it's cold today but such is life the beginning of every new trip especially the beginning of the season you really don't have your sea legs you have all that energy muscle memory at the end of last year's season but I'm looking forward for the challenge paddling every day catching trow it's a little wet maybe a little rain go wet today oh man I've seen any thunder or heard any lightning or vice versa if that does happen you bet on getting off the water tucking up into the shore somewhere well I have pulled off to the side here there's a hungry and thirsty and I'm bout to run this bend and go into the wind again and if I tried to do this out there I'd get blown all around so I gotta get my my water filtration system out which is in my pocket the filter itself basically this allows me to not have to carry water with me I can keep my water in here drink it as I go refill it as I go getting these gloves back on it's difficult and they're very tight and wet been going for just over an hour it was the first time I stopped for any reason putting good timing I've got like six hours this is potentially a dangerous situation here by myself I have to paddle all day to get to the campsite in order to keep my track for the rest of the week I don't want to get off track and start falling behind it's raining four degrees Celsius it's going to rain all day what I have done to ensure that I'll be alright is that I've packed on the clothes underneath my my rain gear here long johns pants been rain pants long underwear shirt wool and then my rain jacket the only thing I haven't put on you and then I have neoprene socks neoprene gloves and shoes the only thing I haven't put on yet is my too because I do want to save that for camp and my ears are fine right now this foot is protecting me but if I start to shiver if I start to not be able to control myself then I'll have to stop I'll have to stop for the day and set up my tarp and hunker down private some wood alright we'll leave you alone I thought it was dead anyways and then I've got clean clothes to draw in to clean dry clothes to change into when I do get to camp another set of long johns a thin thin pair of pants and I have my print off jacket and then a Down Vest I don't have an extra shirt my shirt gets wet it's fine I'll just wear my jacket and my pimp my best hit my win shirt so the only piece is covered fine [Music] this porridge is very small less than 200 meters so I'm not gonna single carry I'm going to double Gary hello upside down hopefully I can fix that in post there we go come back for all my gear and then I'm gonna do some fishing I am set up for single carry but it's just not necessary right now tons of moose poop on this trail obsession with moose poop continues I swear to god I just had a beautiful brook trout on shore I lost them kicks spit out my line and flopped back into the water it was the most ungraceful thing I've ever done I feel like a dummy it was a gorgeous big speckled trout brook trout and now if he won't bite again I only got two bites I got him on the third he bought bit twice didn't get him on got him on the third and now he won't bite again he sees he's on to me I'm very bummed out first time fishing here in this spot for the trip and I got one I didn't get it on film and he got away then you don't believe me do you first Beaver Dam crossing I'm gonna fish here too oh it's not so dark oh right now the rain has stopped for a minute at least see my poor Tosh up a couple hundred meters in front of me is a 1,300 meter for Tosh one kilometre 300 meters so it's nothing short not the longest one either but I will be single carrying so I'll have to rig up my boat to carry everything at once hello can you see me okay here we go 1,300 kilometer 1,300 meter for Tosh not 1,300 kilometers Oh Joan it up and pulled the job there we go okay you guys ready for this so the way the weather is played out by two real crappy days to begin with two really nice days in the middle and two crappy days to end with and so I'm fine with that those two nice things in the middle are going to be glorious even more shock well why would I have filmed this why would I have put the camera on for this right there's nothing special here didn't just catch a trout this guy's tiny probably one-eighth the size of the first one I caught what I'm happy I'm happy I got a speck it's pretty well it was cool the next time I will be able to get it on film the actual catching of the trophies I let that guy go he's just a touch too small he wouldn't have been a meal on his own I tried casting a few more times and didn't get another bite so threw them back and yeah it's no big deal I have six days to catch them and eat them I think I will be I'll be doing all right this is just like gonna breathe here I didn't even fish this isn't a rapid yet I'm at camp finally I couldn't film when I got here is raining I had to get stuff all squared away this fire is taking quite some time to get ready as well it's gonna be dark any minute I'm gonna cook my food on the fire tonight and I have some rehydrated spaghetti I need to get dry get warm by the fire and go to sleep it was lucky I found a huge sheet of birch bark laying on the trail I was able to use that to start the fire I still have this much left save that in case I need it I've made the fire just on the outside of my tarp so I can sit here try to get warm oh man I am exhausted today was a nine-hour travel day and probably seven hours of that was indecent rain oh it's hard to think right now I already got some river water in there do up my spaghetti maybe I'll be able to think after that got one and a half servings spaghetti I'm going to eat it all so I just fill it up actually that's probably about perfect all that water is going to absorb and evaporate starting to feel like a human again a human being these pants are soaked I had my long johns underneath them and my rain pants over top and everything is soaked all the way through my crotch my underwear everything so I'm gonna sit here try and dry up a little bit by the fire and change before it gets too dark and eat up my homemade dehydrated spaghetti oh good that looks look how good that looks right now hmm I've been putting my pieces of wood because I don't have many let them by the fire to dry as the fire burns I'm going to have to go and try to get try and get more wood when I walked quite a ways couldn't find much it's all older and spruce here and the alder is garbage and the spruce is soaked through I was able to find one decent spruce that wasn't and that's how I got the fire started sitting this close to the fire I'm able to get fire warming me and driving my clothes and here you can see just how much steam is coming off my pants right now I think if I sit by the fire for a while I'll be able to dry these out glad I brought this sleeping bag liner the sleeping bag is a negative 1 Celsius rating and tomorrow night it's gonna get down to negative 1 so it's okay but with this extra little poly sheet in there I'll be golden this is a Marmot Clark quar okay there's my second time using it camp next to this awesome waterfall bunch of rapid very scenic and he would expect rope to be in there I would expect throat to be in here I've been casting every now and then since I've gone to this campsite I haven't got a bite not even nibble it is pretty shallow I keep bringing up weeds when I pull it in but I thought for sure I'd get some fish here it's surprising that I didn't Oh I'll show you what I'm using for a lure was what I caught both those trout on today it's a egb lure it's a small one actually some one size up from the smallest I have smaller and a half bigger these things are the jam for trout the jam I brought the original blue foam pad the old beast this has been used as a yoke pad before that's why there's tape on it but this thing does a better job and anything else for Fanning the fire has to be blue that's part of it part of its magic blue foam pad the origin of the blue foam pad was a to use for a seat for backpacking and I cut it out of a puzzle piece like a kid's foam puzzle piece floor I got a bunch of them I got a bunch of smoke um I - ah I'm a freaking sight man look at me guy and all all right so I want to go through my map just so I have an idea of tomorrow maybe I'll give you guys an idea of what I've done today here we are this is the Western map from Algonquin alright so today I paddled from here I put in here and paddled all the way to here to the second campsite the second black campsite so I traveled that distance today and that was here that was 20 kilometers tomorrow and for the first paddle of the year tomorrow I don't have that far I think I only have 12 kilometers to go towards my shortest day so I'll be I'll be able to fish tomorrow quite a bit more so from here to here tomorrow is my distance so you can really see from here to here is like not even half as much as from what I did today but in this this is a meandering creeks meandering river it just goes back and forth back forth back forth back and forth back and forth instead of going a straight line I'm literally zigzagging the whole way so like I said I'm in Algonquin Park I'm in the West harsh Persian the west person of the PERT barbed West portion of the park to do fishing this is the reason I've come here because this is the fishing trip that I've wanted to do so yeah day 1 day 1 was a nine-hour day it was rough day but I'm glad it was day 1 now everything should be on the up go through the rough stuff at first right Kyle tomorrow is gonna rain again but it's ok it's me a little bit colder tomorrow if I'm being totally honest with you it's warmed up right now I'm not cold at all everything's drying out I haven't switched those any clothes at all really I've just taken off a couple layers and let the fire and the air dry myself myself out it looks a lot later than it is in the tarp in the camera the tarp is uh pretty light behind me here but I've got my canoe right there it's my wind block against the river I got my tarp here with the overhang and this is what I'll be sleeping in for the six days I'm out here maybe different configurations but I didn't bring a tent there's no need for a tent there's no bugs so yeah tarp is more versatile and I do like to use a tarp when I can so at that time a little airplane jack the annuals courtesy a buddy stand thanks man Cheers okay it's like Jack Daniels fire flames spit a flaw sticks for the wind I brought a small toothbrush and toothpaste as well but like on-the-go my crappy teeth have holes in them stick these were reusable I'll have this for the whole week this one if I don't lose it I've lost things before so I've got my pants off dance off pants off sitting here my long johns these are my wet long johns that I wore all day they're almost dry by the fire my pants are 90% dry which is awesome that means I don't have to put on cold wet pants tomorrow morning and I don't have to pack these because these are my bigger pair of pants my other pair of pants is super small nylon so I was worried that I might have to pack these away where my other pants because he's a bigger and I don't want to carry them but I have dried them out very well so I'm not too concerned just near the the pant legs where the cuffs are because they have this elastic in them or a little bit dampened in the butt because it has this double material here is a little damp nobody wants a cold damp but so I think I'll continue to dry out the bum bum [Music] yeah I don't think I need to change in my other long johns I want to sleep with these on and then dry them out with my body heat in the tent in the sleeping bag because it's only supposed to get done like what four or five tonight so that seam bag will be more than sufficient fires dying down I'm just laying in my sleeping bag here I think when I hit the hay just close my eyes and relax I'll probably get up really early and start on my day two tomorrow day two we'll have more fishing day two we'll be eating fish good night guys morning folks I had a great night's sleep I slept for eight hours it started to thunderstorm in the middle of the night so I had to get up and set the tarp up and a little bit better configuration pull it down almost like an a-frame which works fine and then what actually woke me up this morning I was laying here sleeping and I heard grunting like two big loud grunts and I didn't know what it was I whipped my head around and literally three feet from my head to baby otter we're playing with each other rolling around on the ground and grunting literally like wrestling it was really really cool I unfortunately did not know what it was at first and I was walking up and startled and kind of wah it scared them off but I still got to see them and it was very cool I wish I hadn't have been startled and could watch them longer but was so startled I don't we'll see about day two it's not looking promising right now it's uh it's windy and it's colder than it was yesterday but that's okay I gotta get up I gotta get some wood split up I kept some dry wood underneath my tarp here last night I've just got to cut it into very small pieces to use my uh a stove [Laughter] I'm not leaving my hand there anytime I'm not chopping with my hand there I'm trying to avoid accidents as much as possible on this trip being so low for so long these will burn really well in my twig stove I got some birch bark saved up from yesterday as well slugs everywhere I found a bunch of wolf poop yesterday and there was a ton of slugs all over it I guarantee when I lift up my sleeping bag and pad and all that there's me slugs all in the bottom slugs so got my birch bark from yesterday and my snow-peak 900 pot it's titanium and I also have my Bush buddy ultra which is very thin stainless steel and a fantastic stove this is a gasifier it burns the smoke twice flush Cryer well for breakfast on this trip I'm just doing oatmeal I don't like to do just bars in the morning I actually like to have like a hot meal and anything else is too much weight too much effort in my opinion for what I want to do so opal in its own packet with a spoon super easy super sluggy and chilled I am chilled I love waking up to that sound I'm not sure what kind of bird that is I don't know what it is tears mmm jhope meal nice and sticky to the ribs well I packed mostly everything up I just got a couple things I'm a tripod I'm a camera but it's starting to sprinkle so again I'm gonna put this DSLR away use my GoPro for when I'm in the canoe I'm hoping tomorrow I'll be able to use my DSLR in the in the canoe - here we go they should have been there catching some throwed there I hope I'm not going to regret letting that trope go that second stroke it's hard because like yesterday for example it was raining I knew I had to do a few more Portage's and it was small it'd have been a different story if I kept if I was able to hold on to that big first one I caught it it was worth portaging with or stop being cooking the small one just wasn't and I tried to catch other ones when I caught the small one to like make the meal out of it and I couldn't but if I get skunked now it's gonna be it's gonna be familiar territory here comes the rain I was hoping there for a minute was gonna pass no such luck these neoprene gloves are a lifesaver they're very cold right now but they will warm up [Music] okay there's some Rapids right here I have to put in there's Rapids right away should be fun now we fish I've come to a portage there's blowdown everywhere it's hard to get to it but I think I might be able to run it run these Rapids it's only a small like hundred meter portage and I think I'm going to scope it out I don't want to get myself in any kind of danger break my boat or anything like that but I think I can run them from what I can see here it's definitely doable I just want to make sure at the end I'm not gonna get into some Rapids or some waterfall or something well there's nowhere to fish at the end I can't get down to the actual river because it's so swollen up so it's coming out into the woods what I am going to run it so I'm gonna strap everything in and wish me luck I'm excited got my fishing rod strapped in my yoke is tied in I'll be wearing my gloves holding my paddle my bag will float my paddle will float I can float thanks to the PFD but I'm not going in let's do this well that was a lot T more than I had thought a little bit tamer than I had hoped as well what's still fun nonetheless I just checked my map and seems like I'll be coming up to a campsite on my left so I think what I'm gonna do if it's not occupied is I'm going to stop for a little bit have a lunch maybe go poop and just hang out there for a little bit because I'm cruising today I'm going with the current and I'm only doing half of what just a little over half what I did yesterday so I'm almost done for the day I think that maybe that's an overstatement what I'm almost halfway there so I'm not in any kind of rush the fishing was not hot today I have I did a bunch of research before cone here it seems like trout are very susceptible to weather so maybe it's the rain I don't know man maybe it's just the overcast two days in a row what really sucks is I'm on this river right now and this is the hot spot for the trout and I'm getting off of it tomorrow there's still opportunities to catch fish just not as good as this River and nothing today I've been getting skunked such as long as such his chose life I'm stopped at this campsite I had a glorious poop I fished have got a bunch and then I was about to eat my lunch and I said screw it I'll try again so I got a little brookie but I want to try to get a couple more because this is not going to be a full meal but regardless I'm eating this guy I'm not letting it go to chance again so nice little brookie and yeah hopefully I've already dispatched them hopefully I can get another one cross your fingers guys just got tiny tiny tiny again on the egb lure third third row third fish egb lure it was a the Sun had come out for a minute there was some blue sky that's when I got the bite the trout so I'm wondering if there is a huge correlation to sunlight and trout in this time of year just spring I know in the summer time they're hiding from it but maybe right now they're looking for it maybe right now they're only active when it comes out I'm really not sure huh well I'm gonna get this guy gut it out get a probably fire in my twig stove going and grill them up well I'm doing that I'll still continue to fish Mayon focus am I in focus [Music] hello I am excited I'm very excited for this got a big chunk she's toasty still toasty okay I ended up cutting it up a little bit just so it cooked even but I got some fish crisp on there I'm leaving the skin on because it stroked she's hot Wow I could handle that I could handle that oh my goodness success as small as it may be you owe me more fish more fish on this trip that was super good very happy to have that trout in my belly and it's been holding off the weather's been pretty decent actually the whole time I've been at this campsite this campsite is a is very nice and I'm glad I stayed here but now it's getting super dark again I know it's just how it is today it's gonna continue doing this but I think I'm gonna get going move I'm gonna get going here my my campsite for tonight is maybe only a couple hours off or I'm going the same way as the current it's fun kind of really get some momentum going make up for that time that I spent to that camp it must have been in a camp for an hour and a half that's a really nice spot if it wasn't so close to my previous camp where I started out today I would have liked to stay there fishing from shore decent-sized site my site last night was garbage there's no getting around it it was on the side of a river I had to switch over to the other side because it had flooded where the normal site was huh but it's springtime lots of rains so that's expected there's just an impenetrable jungle of alders all next to me in front of me so I hate me think behind me it's crazy to think of just on this one stretch of this one River in Ontario there's probably a billion owners imagine the rest of the world imagine the rest of Canada there's lots of trees folks a spot of water right on my lips I hear some Rapids finding my way over to them you know I'm gonna completely the opposite way that I was going before now I'm into the wind because the river just so winding the river so swollen but it's kind of difficult to navigate there's all these offshoots now and things that would normally be under water over the water are under water so it's gotta be really careful picking my way through here making sure I'm staying with the current making sure I'm looking for landmarks and read my map I do I'm a compass too but I want to break it up it'll have two single carry time go around a set of Rapids I went up to check if I could run them but they look way too dangerous way to reagent to try out my own 800 meter portage thought I'd cast the line in ain't got a tiny little brookie this guy's definitely going back this is even smaller and the one I got earlier so I'm glad I'm catching them though that's okay I'm happy with catching them that's number four I hope myself number four if that counts hello I am on a twenty seven hundred meter portage when I got to the start of the portage I really really needed to walk again like I was saying my toes are numb I literally couldn't feel them so I loaded up my just my backpack and ran with it for probably a kilometer and then I came back I jogged back to get my canoe I haven't seen any moose or bear plenty of moose sign and normally when I'm here in Algonquin I do see moose last year saw 12 and 3 days something along those lines I wouldn't mind seeing a bear on the for Tosh trail here but I think with all the talking I'm doing its price limb to know Oh some guy some oh there is the cold reminder man ice so I have to cross a river this sucks that water is a foot deep easy try and go on this fallen log here with loot systems okay okay we got this yep took a couple hours and at the end there it was so wet on the port house shell that I literally paddled through the board Ostrow craziness back at the river now welcome to show you why moose poop moose poop moose poop moose poop moose poop moose poop right where I wanted to put my tarp blows poop whose poop I don't think I need to keep saying it but that's a big pile no look and if you look you can see that this is all moose browse here on these ball soms they've been stripped so it's getting pretty windy I'm gonna set up my tarp shelter I have to get firewood yeah hope it doesn't rain anymore it's a good sight though and I'm right next to the river well here it is it's a little bit different than last night's setup the ground is super uneven there's rocks everywhere but that's the case or here I can't find one flat spot so I'm gonna have a little bit more protection from the wind and the rain with this setup the only problem is now I'm kind of out in the elements for my fire tonight I do have a secondary tarp that 5x7 that I've been using for my floor that was last night I did but I could probably swing that up but it is raining now I can hear it I gotta get a move on we got a score on some birch bark tons of it and then I got about five or six spruce trees I have the camera underneath the tarp right now I strung up my five by seven so I can sit under it and have a fire tonight we're gonna cut up this wood obviously broke my saw dry that's good I've spent some time splitting up the driest wood that I could find making some feathers on there and also collecting damp twigs there's my birch bark knot you don't need to mess around the fire steel there's no plain bushcraft out here in the rain this is real life later every time obviously if that lighter fails I do have my fire steel as a backup I have to fire steels actually as a backup birds barking not too shabby boys and girls I'm happy with that man take about 20 20 minutes a half an hour to prepare and then less than a minute tonight and have a sustainable player I'm very happy with that one we're doing chili tonight mix it up you know another read meals miss spaghetti all read all the time this is a one and a half serving as well wanting to have Joe servings lots of water in that one she'll have to sit for a while I got a little table no peasant life for Joe what up Mike let me know if Mike watches my videos anymore although the shiners dwindling she's dwindling okay good food cheers guys yes star I'll drop the gun it's a reoccurring theme so I'm gonna mean the memory I didn't see anyone today at all yesterday I saw a couple like a man and wife and then I saw solo guy at a real remote site but we didn't talk he was at his site I paddled by just wave he waved back I was kind of thinking I would see him today somewhere but I haven't haven't seen anyone today at all raining again it's like this light drizzle but it won't stop I'm really hoping tomorrow is gonna be a nice like clear day no more rain no more rain for a couple days and get into the throat a little bit more hopefully I fished a lot today I didn't film it at all I fetched a whole lot yeah in places because I know I didn't have to travel far so I took me a little bit longer to get here to the site because I was fishing so often but yeah man I don't know if it's the weather or if it's my Jolla or the combination of the two but you saw what I got today I eat that one for lunch that little tiny guy I got two today both small the second one was super small still a lump there you guys want to know what happened to my face why I have a black eye I have a neighbor let's just call this neighbor person so person's teenage daughter was yelling at my five-year-old daughter I took my niece my two nieces and my daughter to the ice cream store to get ice cream we walked there with Saturday night 7 o'clock at night and we're walking there the same walk that I do all the time and all of a sudden I hear shut the hell up I'm like what they can't be talking to us I was coming from the backyard of a house and it was like a teenage girl so again I just keep walking or whatever I look and then I they can't be talking to us like I keep walking and then it they say yeah that's right keep walking stop looking keep her get your dog and go I say what they go you heard me stop looking here get your dog and go I said I look because you said shut the hell up I said you're telling three girls under the age of ten to shut the hell up so get real exact words get real fast-forward two days later Monday we walk him over to the bus stop my wife and I and as we're walking home we're walking past said house and person opens the door and I say to person person your teenage daughter was yelling at my five-year-old and two nieces - shut the hell up for no reason and person says why didn't you come tell me when it happened all like super aggressive angry my wife could not believe it I could not believe it so I'm like excuse me I wasn't trying to provoke the situation I was trying to let it go I had three little girls with me I didn't want to knock on your door I saw you so I'm mentioning it I am NOT angry I just as a parent would like to know if emerald did that so I here you go and person was not happy about that and person called my wifeรญs and said that person was going to beat my wife with a bat and person lives three or four doors down for me I could not let that happen so I walked up to person I said you do not threaten my wife like that person says leave or I'm going to hit you with a baseball bat I said no you're not person swings at me through four times I block it three times with my arm I block the baseball bat for the fourth time with my face I called the police on person I did not raise my hand to person I did not do anything else to person I called the police and person that's it I don't know I haven't talked to the police I haven't talked to person I haven't I've seen person person is still around yeah so assault with a deadly weapon though straight-up hit me here or you can see it the the lump and then why I got black it was like well up into here all green and everything what's concerning me is I never want to go to this checked out because I feel fine but this bump is not going away I feel like I have some scar tissue or something there but whatever we're moving I'm done dealing with this garbage I'm done traveling five to ten hours for camping trips I'm done dealing with get old bullcrap from people's and persons we're moving that's the story of the black eye I'm not letting it affect the way that I live where I live now but I couldn't I can't lie I can't say that it wasn't the last straw it wasn't the icing on the cake all right guys it's almost 9 o'clock I got nothing else to do it's raining out there so I think I'm just going to turn in nice and comfortable in my sleeping bag in here I got everything dry myself all covered up myselfs all covered up could make guys pray for Sun in the morning please I love a sunrise oh good morning well that was a cold wet night I had to have gotten down past negative 1 degrees Celsius I had to put on all my layers inside my sleeping bag it rained it stormed all night I was really really really hoping to wake up to a sunrise but no such luck the wind is howling it's been still drizzly skies gray so my two days of good weather in the middle may not be two days in good weather I really really hope things turn around it'd be nice to see some sunlight I really I really want to see some Sun on this trip so I'm just huddled in my shelter here it's about 609 so I slept last night from 9 o'clock and and I got up at 5:00 but I did not sleep all the way through it was very broken sleep so just gonna make up some oatmeal before I get going for the day I think on the house of tea is well have some korean ginseng tea I'll try that never tried that before that's from Buddy Stan what's that I see is there some blue sky out there let's go check her out guys ah well that blue skies there but the the winds there - oh man - cruisin look at those clouds there's black clouds and white clouds cruising getting along harmoniously black and white all right I gotta get out of here all right I start my day my feet are pretty numb I have to keep putting these wet neoprene socks on and then obviously my shoes are soaked as well but blue skies those guys are always good see I switched up my shelter last night before I went to bed I stretched out the tarp over top of the canoe and I got a lot more room that way and then the water shed down off the canoe stretching it back here pegged it down and this corner instead of being pegged to the ground got stretched way over there and I just got so much more room in there this is a really good setup oh it was definitely cold laughs right this is ice so my tarp is way more wet than it was yesterday and it probably weighs 2 times the it literally weighs 2 times the ammonia does when it's dry lots of water weight is soaking wet my ground tarp is soaking wet as well I don't want to get all my stuff in my dry bag wet hence the dry vac so I packed a small garbage bag with me I'm just going to use it as a buffer or a liner between my wet stuff and my dry stuff I don't even have to put my wet stuff in this just just put it as a layer in between and we're off this is the first time I've been able to have the DSLR in the in the boat Oh glorious Sun oh man she's out she's out boys and girls thank God finally they want to try and fish in here a little bit I couldn't fish from my boat last night because I had to use my paddles for my shelter but yeah let's get some fishing dude let's get some fishing doing I've switched to a black fury number one mainly because I lost my egb I have a bigger one but figure we'll try this guy out I did try it I was switching up all all day yesterday but no luck except for the eg bees and with sunglasses today that's not not a bad thing I was told that if it's too cold in the morning it might not be a good time to fish for the trout I need to wait till later on in the day and the sun's warmed up a little bit but it can't hurt I'm clipping along here pretty good not even paddling there's so much current right there little spruce trees they've been heavenly behind me the birds are saying it's gonna be a good day I have a really big poritosh to do yeah really soon like two kilometer poor Tosh so we're kind of looking forward to it my feet are numb from putting these frozen neoprene socks on like I was saying today's by far the coldest day I'm super happy it's not raining this temperature mixed with rain you horrible I'm freezing as it is you see this logjam in the middle of a river on a log standing on these floating logs I gotta get all my canoe and all my gear [Music] [Applause] [Music] feel alive like a log roll okay 90% through it it's gotta get past this one little last bit this is crazy different story early spring one more lift [Music] oh man it's rolling she's just so sketchy oh no no no [Music] [Applause] yeah I'm so glad I didn't have to do that in the rain oh I mean if this would have been yesterday the day before that would be a hundred times worse that she's a rough one man I think I might have gone through that one with Kyle I got making fun of for how uncoordinated he was oh I'm super glad to have that over with I thought I was like going in a couple times there's nowhere to pull over for a long time and all it's next to me is these alders as you can see super hungry so I undid my backpack in the boat got my food out and made a sandwich all well move dripping down the river it was uh yeah it was a finesse hard to talk the brain is going to mush for some reason over here only three days this happens canoe brain portaging and going going going you kind of dumb when you try to talk and since I've already had that problem since I already have that problem I can imagine this is going down really good cheese mustard German salami and flatbread Cheers what's up big guy you don't got to go anywhere I'm not gonna hurt you somebody had to put it here whose skull must be a portage marker because this is the portage here big animals well it's heavy - holy stuck on there good okay I gotta gotta get on my boat now I guess whoever's getting a bit mundane I'll be excited to get on some open water big ol bird trick you vulture we excited get on the open water and some lakes every camp said I've been at has been well both campsites I've been on it's been on a rapid or a waterfall so it's really noisy I'm looking forward to some silence to an open lake we've got a still night where I can go paddle around the lake on a still night you should be off this river today today or tomorrow depending I just do the thirteen hundred meter portage around high falls and his rough goes up and down in lots of blowdown lots of trees in the way I'm running on empty here I I can't why I hit a brick wall today my guts are acting up he's draining me mentally and physically I'm almost at camp they said hey he's gonna 30 almost a 30 kilometer day I have a nineteen hundred meter port hush did you know like any second so I just did a thirteen hundred meter now I have a 1900 and then I'm on I'm off the river onto a lake for the night which is nice hope to get there with enough time to still dry out some stuff in the sunlight all a house over there now the keepers this is the first time I've heard them on this trip it's getting super loud now but some feels nice man I'm very warm this is brutal on behalf way through a head drop my bag it's all uphill I'm out of water go in my out of water there's no water around so I drop my bag I'm gonna finish the rest of this uphill poritosh chug some water at the end come back for my bag but this is definitely adding time which doesn't really matter too much as long as I get there by 5:00 or so I do want to try to dry out my gear it's super heavy in my backpack and my sleeping bags a little wet be nice to hang it up your air dried and sundry oh man she's rough she's a rough one bud [Music] finally I met up with a fellow canoeist he's doing a solo 12 2 weeks 14 days that's what two weeks is 14 days if you didn't know yeah so I stopped to talk to him for about a half an hour he had some cool stories and maybe I'll talk about it after but right now I really need to try stuff out because it's almost 6 o'clock it's windy I'm losing light I love my stuff if you dry it out by the time look somebody left me a present how nice batteries and all the bottom part I'll be packing a note with now we are completely dry in like five minutes so I'm gonna set up back up in here there's a local spot right there on that level spot go from that tree that stump there we go that's not too shabby not too shabby at all thank you have you have you a look inside nice and flat probably the flattest spot that I've had so far and at the back you can see I tucked in the corners there's only that tiny little gap at the end as opposed to an a-frame and then I can use that to lay on as well part of my ground sheet ooh okay I'm a starving him my brain is dead I could get some wood I can't see if I'm gonna frame I can't tell us too bright I got pretty lucky with wood collection this is a big little fat fat wood from a stump I got a bunch of them it's all red pine here I feel like ta outdoors here but I figure because I'm pretty warm because it's a nice night I think that I will eat my food cook my rice I'm just having rice tonight I was planning on having rice and fish like I'll cook my rice real quick eat it up and then go out and fish and then if I do catch something I can I can have that fish for a later snack but yeah rice tonight anyway other than that where's my lid where's my lid so this is probably the easiest wood collection so far at this site okay so I haven't used this yet I've been just using my soror squeeze but my pristine drops to put five and five Part A five and Part B you let it sit for five minutes until it turns yellow like Gatorade pour it in I like to give a little safety rinse I do this carefully so you don't spill it and now that's got to sit for half an hour it takes a little bit but my Sawyer I'll have to have to back flush it I have them back flushed it yet I brought to this syringe haven't had time shake okay so half an hour my rice is good I wish I had fish to go with it but maybe I can do that after so I um I mentioned that I stopped and talked with the gentleman what's going on sorry there we are I stopped and talked with the spoke of the gentleman right after the nineteen hundred meter portage I actually saw his bags on the trail I left my canoe there to go back to meet him up and by the time I got back he was gone he says he comes and does this trip every year or he's done it a bunch of years and this is the least amount of fish that he's caught trout we're talking trout I'm not going for bass or anything like that so he came in on Friday I came in on Monday so he's a full three days ahead of me we came in the same spot he's doing we came excessed at the same spot he's doing two weeks and I already caught up to him but that's because he's going slow we're just two different kinds of paddlers not that one's cooler or better than the other he's taking his time he's living life out here slow two weeks which I envy but to do my loop the one that I wanted to do to get on to get on the fish see in the rivers and get on the fish I had to do this six-day loop where I'm just putting in tons of kilometres every day I can't be gone for two weeks I just can't it was so hot I tried to get him to say it on film but he didn't want to be on film he says that this year is the least productive for a trout that it's been so as soon as he said that I was like ah thank God like I'm so happy to hear you say that he was saying the same thing there's just so much water so much swelling of the rivers that they're just not it's impossible to fish one I got the ends of the rapids the water is just rushing by the fish aren't biting it's just swollen up he says we're even too early for the lake trout he he said next week will be when the lake trout come up who knows he's just guessing obviously but he's been here since Friday and yes he's only caught 11 fish normally he catches like 20 fish a day but no Lakers so yeah unseasonally cold right now anyways I'm glad to hear him say that because coming from him my older dude who obviously knows what he's doing he's up for to go here for two weeks does this all the time I like makes sense that what he says make man I can't talk guy that comes here all the time he's doing poorly at fishing so it's a little bit more of a relief knowing that I'm not just sucking horribly I'm sure that's still the case I've only caught I caught four fish in the first two days he caught 11 since Friday so he's like three days up on me he said human kit can didn't didn't catch anything yesterday he was dealing with all the rain and everything - oh excuse me anyways who knows this is a lake now instead of the river so I'm going to fish this after I'm done eating and maybe I'll get some luck here hopefully the wind dies down - okay supper was awesome actually just that rice was really good I found this old deer bone or moose bone and I'm going I need to hang up my bear my food my bear bag before I go fishing so I'm going to hook this over a tree I'm gonna hock it I'll get real good bit close to the tree you want to get it away from the trunk as much as possible yeah I should probably do well that'll work it's not an ideal hang there from being honest there's limbs near it but it'll be all right anything has to walk past me to get next to the water so I'll fight anything off this is a peaceful night man listen no wind no rain no Rapids as much as I like those Rapids man they get loud after a while especially in trying to film I'm just trolling now with the big X rap they see me trollin day 18 this is what I wanted this heard that this is what I was waiting for this is the first time I can relax in three days love and life right now guys you know make this better you know the whole trout there's something swimming I think it's a loon I can't see the Sun is so bright okay well I guess I'll check back in if I get something fingers crossed that's probably the size of fish I caught the other day just in case the wind kicks up tonight just precautionary there's that fat what I was talking about got it of a stump just reeks of resin so this is solid very heavy-duty very heavy split this down do my fire going with it oh yeah don't that fatwood was really good it's going like crazy seem very orange flames and black smoke I got to dry out my feet oh yeah this is what I'm talking about folks this is what I've been waiting for those two first days were challenging and disheartening to say the least oh so no trout today a little bit of an explanation why though from that guy and also it's already two more trow this trip that I caught all year last year and last year was the first year I had caught any trout I can catch bass and pie ache and perch but they say you're not a real fisherman until you until you can catch trout so yeah tomorrow's another day tomorrow supposed to be a nice day by the looks of it it will be it's crazy I was looking at my map and I'm really in the thick of it I can't get out of here for our three-day travel regardless if I go back the way I came or out the way I'm trying to go I'm three days travel deep in the wilderness by myself here indeed I'm in the middle of nowhere really I'm the right smack-dab in the middle so I traveled east this whole time I traveled east until today so two and a half days traveling east and probably the last half of the day today I travel no not even not even for only for a couple hours I traveled so and then tomorrow I continue south and then start heading west and then that'll create my loop on my sixth day I have a ton of work I have to go upstream and against the wind and the current in these rivers are crazy right now like I was saying from all the rains and the snowmelt so that's gonna be fun looking forward to that when I told the guy that I saw over there we're exchanging route info and just the normal things you do when you see somebody you haven't you ever talked to so many a few days he said oh oh when I told him my route going out he said that's gonna be rough man I said why because the the current he said yeah but not only that the wind always goes that way so we going against current against wind but I don't have to worry about that for another two days well I'm super glad I got over that hump it was a who's a rough day and today was the nicest day by far just like I said my guts were messed up which makes my blood hurt no butt hurt but yeah it drains me physically and mentally too but just goes to show you and it's a lesson that I've learned before pain is relative if you just put your mind to something then a lot of the times you can do it obviously there's exceptions if you break a leg or sever a limb walk it off doesn't really work right but I did over seven kilometres of portage today a lot of those I did double carry so I worked it out it was like sixty two hundred sixty two hundred meters of poritosh which some of them my single carried so my double carried some I did half way I can't there's no way of knowing but I did well over seven kilometers today of port ocean the first two days I don't even think I did that combined so but I'm fine I'm here I'm having the best night I have have had so far finally get to relax yesterday I was in bed by now it's after 9:00 now so yeah I probably stay up till about 10:00 or 11th and I think maybe I'll try and sleep in tomorrow a little bit I had a big day tomorrow actually maybe I won't sleep hit check it over here I really hope you guys could hear that owl who cooks for you who cooks for you I think some barn owl my wife cooks for me you guys know the who looks for you who cooks for you trivia I came to the realization today that the color blue it when I'm out here is a sign of like relief or like a good sign whether it be the blue sky after two days of cold rain or especially the blue of the lake after like a two and a half kilometer poritosh the old color blue wasn't there a song called blue I'm I'm not gonna sing it I'm not gonna sing it great now I have in my head who even knows what are those words what are those words to that song some of you know what I mean and who sang that I'm headed up to my tarp I'm going to attach my secondary tarp on it has a door just because I feel like it today I don't really know why how they do all right good night folks well I wanted to sleep in but there's an awesome sunrise starting to go away by the time I got out of bed it was a lot more pink but very nice night in six in the morning yet what a beauty morning already that's really weird that goal was grabbing grass from the from the water and it's bill and he took it off somewhere obviously to build a nest oh I would seem to go the nest I'm nursing a goal do that before they're gonna light a proper fire this morning hang out here for a little bit instead of using my bush buddy stove depending if you can get dry enough twigs actually just like them break the ends no I guess you can't see that break the ends so that they're exposed and put a bunch of them together Wow filming and trying to do things sometimes doesn't work these uh down times where I start to really think about the family at home I'm ones getting up and getting ready for school right now Will's getting ready for work I'm always thinking I actually say it out loud I hope you had a good day honey today is day four I'm starting to feel it I woke up this morning pretty sore I've got I don't know what I did but right here on the other side on my left side something's pulled every time I cough or move a certain direction there's a guy now pulling it's a weird weird feeling the only way you can describe it as a pulling making up a tee Tim Hortons honey to you and then I shot a piece of wood underneath my lip my middle finger nail yesterday and the thing it opened my fingernail up like it's there's a gap now it's super painful so I put a bandaid on that and then I got it no cut there right where I paddle away my elbow my old was jacked I noticed that last night when I was coming to the site here so nothing nothing a little work can't handle they'll get up insert paddle and I won't think about any of it start portage and paddling for the day is chilly it got cold again last night actually the sun's gone it's clouding up I don't want if another full three days of rain I have uh yeah I don't want another few days rain I'm freezing as it is now sleeping bag sucks Marmot that moment Clark what the Clark is right man that thing is a piece of crap I do not recommend that at all it's rated for negative one and I'm getting caught there's no way I got down to negative one last night and I'm like having to layer up and I'm shivering I bought that sleeping bag because I had a plus three Celsius bag that I was using for shoulder seasons like this and was getting too cold and that plus three Celsius bag is warmer than that negative one so sheรญs Marmot and marmots supposed to maybe Marmot has a couple different styles like you know how North Face has like hipster urban crap and then it has actual camping stuff maybe that's what that is but it's a sleeping bag why would they make a crappy quality sleeping it's not like it was cheap you know what I mean yeah Marmot get your act together on that one guys and like I know what it's like to be a cold sleeper I am a cold sleeper and I I adjust for it but if that plus three Celsius bag can keep me warm and stuff like this and I used that bag for like three no like six years or more I bought that went to Lake Superior yeah like six years ago Oh here we go again so I've got a short paddle over here and then I have 75 meter for touch which is good that's not much I'll be just enough to warm me up all the snow yesterday on one of the porters trails there's still a good half a foot of snow I took a big old poo we all healthy food and I'm starving right away it's like food is completely just fuel here okay I've been carrying these around for a couple trips now cactus candy prickly pear cactus made in the US my mom got them she visited the Grand Canyon like a few months ago water sugar corn syrup solids prickly pear cactus juice pectin citric acid sodium's so a little bit of a cactus candy let's try this out oh this is strange-looking wow that's good oh my goodness thanks mommy energy energy I feel so slow right now like past two past three days for the most part of those I was on going with the current on a fast flowing river I feel like I'm paddling for pudding right now it's gonna take me a lot longer to do the same amount of kilometres just almost done this 1200 meter portage and I saw I looked up in front of me by the water there's a stream running there I saw like what I think is a fissure it could be wrong but it's a large size of a large cat light brown and tan colors he bound it away very much very nimble I guess not majestic nimble and then he went up onto the hill and I saw again it's super early still it's 10 o'clock in the morning I'm gonna eat my lunch and I have a 6 kilometer paddle across the probably the largest lake that I have I think I've reached my stride and getting in tune I'm literally just there's something about knowing that I don't have to get out of this boat for 6 kilometres I can just paddle straight on the unto this big lake I'm not pressed for time I don't feel rushed I don't feel like I have to power through anything I'm literally closing my eyes it's like meditation almost like a very meditative state I could honestly close my eyes and paddle at this pace and just keep going there's wind in my face my hands are cold puts a good feeling pay for they say that if you want to experience canoe tripping is really a boat you need to go longer than four days and you need to go by yourself so you can really get into the groove of things that start to work your way the world works out here at its pace it helps when there's no room oh man how Joe got his groove back you gotta love that man the family of loons it's all echoing on this huge lake it's glass there's no one around there's not a sound except for those loans said I'm hitting it I'm hitting it oh this is why I'm here to be in the moment I'm cold but I'm not uncomfortable at all I feel very good and thirsty I am 3/4 through this part of the lake then it opens up into like a still the same length but a different big bay okay huddled the six and a half K or 6.3 whatever it is to the narrow channel I still got more to go but I have to pee so very bad after two liters I'll drink one liter you can just pop liter drink one liter of water and my little girl bladder cannot hold it anymore so there's a small island here I want to pull up and go pee and maybe grab something Wow that was a glorious I don't think I'm gonna stay here and cook a lunch I was gonna cook some rice have a hot lunch here but it's super windy I'm on an island and the wind is actually kicking up pretty good but this is a really cool Island red pine everywhere and then check this out there's a sweet fire pit so you can sit here these rocks or logs or that rock and then it's tucked right in here trying to stay away from the wind I imagine but the wind comes from that way so it's hard but very cool and see there's been tons of fire here from the rocks car some wood left over there shade from all the red pine - if this is summertime this would be an ideal spot an ideal campsite the wind would keep the bugs down very nice rock formation you can swim big league for swimming ah oh man that wind she's chilly but she's chilly [Music] okay so I'm gonna get out of here get away from this wind or paddle into the wind rather okay this is rough the poritosh sign is way up there I already went the other way because I didn't think there was any way I had to paddle into this I literally have to paddle up these Rapids to get to the dam for Taj this is gonna be rock you how am I supposed to do this how the hell am I supposed to do this oh my goodness oh my goodness this is sketchy sketchy sketchy come on my elbow is Jack oh my god I had to switch the GoPro come at it from a different angle but I still have to cross it to get to the portage the waters way too high right now this is crazy oh man how am I gonna do this Oh [Applause] okay oh my god I gotta walk in oh man oh I thought that was it for old Joe oh man oh my god I didn't even see this here well I the hell is the poritosh sign not here oh oh my god nope too much that was not fun I like a little excitement but holy oh my god oh man and this isn't a poor Tosh trail at all this is just somewhere that has a little bit of clearing there is a fire pit there so I assume this is I don't know man what this is but I gotta try to find my way to a port hush chill now Oh oh my god oh my god oh man oh I was too much I thought that was it my camera wasn't strapped in or anything my DSLR was just up there I thought I was losing that I thought it was dipping for sure oh man okay let's go try and find a trail that's what I mean man it's the same thing that guy was saying these waters are up so high it's absolutely ridiculous you know what really scares me is that I have to go upstream tomorrow and the last day maybe just the last day for 30 kilometers this point is they would have put the poritosh sign here if this was not if this was normal if this was the way that the river acted normally the port tires will be here not 100 meters up that way I actually got to just sit here and regroup for a minute I'm uh I'm shook up I'm all shook up I was stupid I was a dumb thing but I thought if i skirt it on that side I saw the poritosh sign way up there why would they put the courthouse on air if you're not supposed to go up there no wonder I'm not catching any trout and put put my lure in there they're freaking gets washed downstream in a matter of seconds it's moving too fast oh no I'm second-guessing the route getting back home after I know it's not gonna be like this every spot and when it is bad like this there will be a portage but I'm just saying this is a reality check of how much how strong the current is because of the rains and because of all the melt just the high waters right now I gotta check things out on my map here I have to uh I'm gonna have to reroute which means a whole lot of port ocean so right now I'm here I'm supposed to go down camp around here then tomorrow come up and then I hit the Tim which is going to be flowing this way the Tim River flows that way and I'll have to paddle either paddle all the way down the Tim River camp on Roseberry I know it the next day or half to which is up upstream against the current or my other option is see how it is until I get to Tim all right on the Tim River until I get to the first port are these are black poor Taj's which means they're not maintained and their heart been difficult so that's at two thousand six hundred ninety five meter then a tiny like one-minute paddle then a two thousand meter so that's already almost five clicks and then a tiny port paddle for tiny paddle five tiny paddle one twenty to thirty two Roseberry but I don't have to go against the current that way but I'm poor toshing a whole hell of a lot in succession I'm gonna have to make that call tomorrow I don't want to do either of those things I don't mind paddling upstream but have you seen this it's like a Temagami thing you know find your floor taj make your own floor taj to find your way to the poor taj to do your poor Taj see poor Taj again Joe portal oh so much for this being a short day it's almost five o'clock now I'm gonna last little pedal selector campsite I have to duck CIO's ducks I have to pick one of the two camp sites on this lake and today I'll have any energy I pushed it my elbow was gone like this left elbow it's throbbing when I was power stroke and like trying to get her stroke but I was trying to get up those Rapids or whatever it was just like the icing on the cake there was already sore and tender I just pulled it so it's looking more and more like I'm going to be doing those big long foreclosures tomorrow because the thought of going upstream into the wind with this elbow I can't paddle this elbow normally like right now and this Lake it hurts it crazy I'm gonna pop a couple I built tonight in hopefully I'd be different in the morning but anyways I'll get back out when we get to I'll get back with you when I get to camera oh my goodness all right we got an a-frame tarp configuration tonight fourth night fourth different tarp configuration let's you bad but this one in my opinion is the most homely feeling the most tent like the most weather resistant winds died down some at least for now something will come settle here at the fire pit which is a lot nicer I'd rather rather do that pretty legit fire pit with some benches for the first time so cop a squat Joe top of squad ultra bushcraft today I I don't see any birch around and there's no real fine pine twigs or hemlock twigs so I'm just using a sawdust fire starter sometimes I like to put it on and put on before I put too much twigs in so that I can tell what could fit in known I mean I could just kind of slide it in now half of them fall out there's that wind again Oh chilly the wind is whipping right through I got this down vest it's the same with is my hardware down jacket the Dino film was just the best oh I'm hungry guys super hungry today kicked my butt man I started at I want to say before 7:00 he didn't get here till 5:30 almost 6:00 pretty long day everything was going really good in the beginning and I was having a great day but the realization of going again against the current and against the wind now it I've gone against the current in the Tim River what I'm trying to go back up I've gone I've done it I did it last year at least once probably I think I did it twice but neither we're in the spring and obviously abnormally high water right now even for the spring so I have some some thinking to do some decisions to make a lot of it's going to depend on how my elbow feels it's it's a it's a hinderance for sure it's a previous injury and yeah man just just aggravated the hell out of it on this trip I guess so even even now when I'm in camp time trying to I was trying to push over a tree to get some firewood any motion it's like the pushing the width right here in the elbow it's all inflamed it's really bad so I don't know if it's at all possible I know it's gonna rain tomorrow and the next day it's coming in my barometers telling me it was in the forecast before I came out here and I could feel it there's something coming in I might try to make the long haul tomorrow and get out of here tomorrow I couldn't paddle the Tim River and get out tomorrow I can't I can't go my original route and go tomorrow I can possibly go the portage route and get out but even that will be a killer on my elbow because at the end I have to do the Tim River regardless another stretch of it so we'll see let's play about here even if I get super close to the car tomorrow and then that just cuts off a bunch of time for the last day I think that'll be alright I just I don't really have any desire to stay two more nights in the in the rain but we'll see we'll see how she goes okay I just did the math still eaten by the way it's super delicious Martin that's one for you if I go my original way if I go my original way not up the black poor poor Taj's but instead up to Tim River against the current it's forty two point three kilometers to the car which is not doable against the current like well the black poor Tosh way it's 30.2 km/h [Music] thirty kilometers is doable I've done it I've done it many times the only thing is those poor Taj's are rough there's a whole lot I think that's that's the road I'm gonna go and I don't have to make it to the car tomorrow night you know I mean look for another day here I can stay another day I just this weather is garbage right now and this dish is supposed to be my second nice day so only got really got one nice day if it comes in I haven't I honestly have no desire to stay with this crappy weather I can't even came relax you know I mean I'm gonna go huddle in my tarp after this it's seven cloth it's all part of it gonna get that I'm just done joining him that's what I say all the time like you done you done so regardless if I can't make it out the whole way tomorrow we'll have put a good chunk I was expecting my last day to be a big 30 30 kilometer day so tomorrow might be my last day it might be but it might be in my last night who knows it all depends on the weather how I'm feeling which are kind of like to its leaves it leaves it up in the open you know I mean more of an adventure I like being by myself I can make those decisions and changes without having to worry about a new partner which is not a big deal but you know I mean oh thanks for the spaghetti honey well I can't say I'm not disappointed about the fish I probably won't even fish tomorrow if I'm doing that a long haul just call another a so to hear the guy I ran into yesterday said that he thinks were a week too early this year it's hard to gauge it because like some years are different right I was trying to beat the black flies and I was trying to get into the fish and it was already booked that's a thing like I booked it months in advance so I you have to worry about ice out because isit was like three or four days before I came so there was a concern that it was gonna be push back anyway and then there's a mad scramble to book your sites and all that fun stuff but yeah it's just I'm not a good trout fishermen yet and a week too early very high waters unfavorable conditions cold water all that stuff so there's only more time to learn more time to practice and other trips to do this year I've already in one trip beat my rope records so I can't be too disappointed with that my real disappointment is not getting that first trout on film and letting him get away before I go out and filming because I swear to god he's the one that got away right legit he was eight times bigger than the other ones I was getting but that's okay again like I said tomorrow I'm not fishing I'm just looking in it's gonna be I'm sure it's gonna be easy to stormy not nice weather anyway so other excuses that make me not sound like such a bad I think I'm gonna head to bed soon [ __ ] windy and cold looks so light in the camera bring my bag with me what I'm gonna do because I've been so cold every night I did this last night - I take my prim loft puffy jacket zip it up tie the sleeves in a loose bow - time to double over and not and then now I had like a sleeve I can slip over my feet and then that goes inside my sleeping bag so I have like a double layer near my feet where usually I'm coldest although in this sleeping bag there seems to be a lot a lot of gaps where there should be down it's 8:50 Phil do you think it'd be good I wonder if I can write mom and it tell them this ridiculous okay oh yeah the zipper doesn't stay shut our on this thing just multiple bad things about the city bag okay I'm gonna turn in I'm gonna probably get up at like 5:00 in the morning I think I work there I think we can do it in 11 hours tomorrow so if I get up and leave by 5:00 I can be done by 4:00 so yeah even if I get up and leave by 6:00 be done by 5:00 that'd be all right that's the plan anyway wish me luck all right good night guys I'll see you in the morning it's 5:20 it rained all night long I gotta get up and have breakfast and get my butt over here got a full day this is gonna be a marathon day so I kept a large advil next to me here so I can take it when I got up it's gone I'm mostly scurrying on my head to us not a head to yell at it so I don't know if mice like advil but this guy might I hope so because I really needed that my only one no I wanted to take it as soon as I got up so I could work on my elbow before I started paddling and it's nowhere to be found so I really hope that frickin Mouse has no pain for a while I just kept a bunch of twigs underneath here last night like I've been doing rain falls lightly on the top as I cook oatmeal in my bed Oh be Boston my huh to get anywhere feeling like this snobby where's my sport there it is losing my mind here's something I didn't read about those poor Taj's last night this is the first one that I would have to do the portage between Stagg Lake and Tim Revere often floods in the middle until late in the season August or so so it's definitely flooded right now you may need to paddle through the portage prior to August the portage is also covered with numerous blowdowns making it extremely hard to follow especially going from stag lake towards the temp which I'm not doing going the other way assuming you're traveling that direction once you travel across the pond follow the creeks downstream pass the blowdowns up into the forest be careful not to accidentally follow the animal trail instead we all know how well I am with direction right okay in the boat 650 let's see how this elbows not too shabby that's awesome super pumped with that okay as you can tell it's raining it's a rainy day I assume it'll be like this all day so we're gonna make the push so today will be like a marathon oh there's the elbow it'll be like a marathon style video shooting day 5 has a very ominous feeling to it the gray of the sky the difficulty of the porridge is the length of the four cars well with jack guys I've not gone far at all it's like I really wish I had that Idol stupid knows we're Sam Barse and when you need them I found the river and she's swollen that extra rain last night doesn't help anything either if I stop paddling I lose moment so I'm gonna start floating backwards immediately aki-nee and follow my poor Tosh trails because a river is so swollen I have to pass them every time I have to go farther than the takeout because if I put in I have to spot I get washed downriver so she's all sorts of [Music] okay well that almost didn't work oh it feels great on the elbow I can't do this anymore I have to do the Portage's this is just trying to get the personal Oh whitens Oh like this it's not so bad actually paddling wise it is bad for navigating but against the current it's not so bad it's making me second-guess my decision once I come to that first portage I'm gonna stop there eat something look at them off a bunch and heavily waiting my decision because once I've done that first poor tires I'm committed you don't I mean there's no going back that's the big one that's the almost three kilometer black four thighs so my mind's racing right now I just kind of think of the best way to do this weighing all my options I'm gonna do it I think I'm in a for Tosh meeting my food now I'm at the poor Tosh I'm just gonna haul ass it's gonna be rough I had to go first with my backpack to try to find the way this trail is like barely ever used and there's a bunch of game trails around it so you gotta try to not mix them up but they did they didn't put signs on this one every so often there's a yellow sign that's a saving grace for sure but I just hiked straight up the hill back down and up and again do you like to get my canoe i I can't single carry over here I can if it oh I gotta pay attention I can't go there I can if it if it flattens out but just the I'm like up in the hardwoods like this looks like nothing you've seen the whole trip it's all been pine and low-lying stuff I'm super hard what do you know super hard woody oh I am on a canoe trip boys and girls this is what it's all about walking three kilometers up a hill in the rain so that I can avoid paddling upstream in heavy waters all right well even more adventure the trail split off there's a fork in the road I can't see a sign or a real trail and this is what I'm walking through so this is not really easy to navigate or carry a canoe and pack through really oh okay I see a sign I don't even know if this is the trail but I see a sign back for my backpack then make it with my backpack because I can see better when I have my backpack on instead of my canoe I can't say will carry this that's ridiculous there's no way so this is gonna become a seven kilometer port hush or more by the time I keep scoping things out I'm attempting it honest flat spots cross over a bunch of blowdowns and still single carrying as long as I can a five almond it's been mentioned omens my spirits are unusually high which is very good okay [ __ ] bar for the win I'm having fun that's where I am no I can do this I can definitely do this it's only a day can do a day thirty kilometer net a 30 kilometer day Wow plus with all the back-and-forth but I can do it even if it takes me 12 hours I want to do it it's like a challenge now there he goes see yeah I hope so first bear on a poritosh sweet I sure hope that got in the camera he took off you ran I know I know but he's scared of me he doesn't want nothing to do with me where'd you go bud I think I have to go this way anyway so I have to scare him off yeah this is my way this is the port Hofstra where are ya you ran he's a big boy I'm here oh I really hope it showed up in the stupid GoPro big ol black bear all right he was in this like meadow right by that tree well I gotta come back through here with my gear and my boat I just want to make sure I'm aware because my boats on my head I can't see much I was really cool decent-sized bear I'm gonna go make sure this is my path but at first I'm gonna grab my paddle just as a little bit of deterrent I believe I know my paddle might not be a weapon but it would it would be a deterrent for sure I just gotta make sure that this is my path looks that way there you go that's your answer for all your what happens when you see a bear in the woods questions go try to find it no you just stay confident to stay authoritative I never had any kind of fear or fear of my voice I was aware of the situation and I still AM as I'm walking home keep my head on a swivel because I don't want to startle him or her I believe was a him it was very big especially if there's babies but yeah I just keep a cool head that's only like my second or third bear in the wild that I've seen I've seen tons of bears before just not actually in deep wild they've always been on a garbage dumps or side of the road I'm gonna Cooper Island I saw it in the wild there for sure but same reaction just kind of talk to him a little bit this one this one here was a lot more scary it ran away so I tried to go get on film it but it took off so anyways now I'm carrying my my paddle constantly I'm going to go back and get my backpack now before I was carrying my paddle with my uh my boat I'm just gonna keep it on in hand the whole time now just because like if it does charge me I'm gonna like raise us above my head wave around and screamed like this guttural scream which will work part of the part of the portage to get my bag I'm all little water and I've been on this trail for a couple hours now oh man I'm glad I'm glad I got to see that bear I was gonna say like I haven't seen any animals other than like little otters and maybe a Fisher done the first port hush that was the most difficult Algonquin portage I've ever done bar none it doesn't touch him Temagami poritosh but what I was rewarded with the bear and the sense of accomplishment Oh see see how long that lasts though because I literally have a four-minute paddle and then I have to do it again I just did 2,600 meters I have to do 2,000 meters so it's basically the same thing in four or five minutes that took me I started at a o'clock 10:37 two and a half hours I doubled up a few times I bet you I did I don't know six kilometers is that a double back so much white oh and I eat a sandwich two granola bars fruit snack and drank like 2 liters of water our litre of water so liter of Cola don't spit in that cops burger in the water it's this rain is all-day rain there's no no let-up in sight I'm glad I'm doing more portage and got a am paddling today easy to say no spirits aren't that high anymore guys freedom please loaded that 2000 meter for card I single carried like 90% of it only dropped to find out where I was going I found I guarantee nobody's been on that trail this year that's a very rarely used trail and there's no footprints on it I saw footprints on every other trail Port Hodge except for this one and then the long before the big ones I found that in the mud on the way I don't know what kind of booze it is but it's still sealed those attached to something else I'm keeping this thing as a souvenir I'm not drinking it I'm gonna keep it as a souvenir that's gonna go with my freaking camping room whoa sorry folks as a reminder okay I gotta go I think I'm done the big port Lodge is now what time is it I started that one at eleven twelve 22 so much better timing on that one it was shorter anyways now we're good to go I got like a 400 and a couple other ones to do what I can see me carry all those but there is still a ton of paddling to do today I had 30 kilometers today and all I've really done is like six so far in distance life I have daylight in school like I have a turn the camera on in a while it's 2 o'clock now which means I've been going for 8 hours I started at 6:00 this morning I think I have a 14-hour day ahead of me I'm making some crazy progress right now not 14 more hours a 14-hour day total so eight hours another six hours and I make crazy good frost progress flying through these 504 colleges all blackboard charges which means they're not maintained like it's nothing 500 meters in 15 minutes tops so I'm making the progress what might kill me is I'm gonna get onto a long lake and I think the wind direction is miss screwy but really happy with my progress I've been living off of Turkey and mmm peanuts I'm eating in the boat drinking fill enough water in the boat and I'm just stopping to pee in every but the wind is blowing in my favorite I got a chill at a campsite and I asked them if they had any idea how far how long it would take get to the access point where I put in and they said about four hours so that's good I'm not sure if they realize about the current against it at times but when I started paddling away they said at that speed three hours that's a good sign it's almost three o'clock now so I'm making good yeah it's 250 so if that's true all that pans out myself like that powder and all the stake if that's true if I can get that quick go to a freaking steak house get a beer and we go oh man that lifted my spirits quite a bit I thought I still had another five we shall continue I am soaked to the bone everything and I'm being I'm very very chilled just keep going pushing on and my body warming off I'm just accessing the Tim River now I'm roseberry past that lake so for all my map it says I have 11 kilometers to go so I'll see how far or how long that takes upstream now I feel like I made the right call changing my route and doing the portaging instead of paddling the whole day I literally portage for most of the day stave my elbow a little bit and I was with the win for 90% of it which was a huge help of the paddling so yeah anyways now that I'm on the Tim River going upstream I'm still with the wind which is helping yeah so I'm still going with the wind and the wind is relatively strong so it is hoping it's a bonus for sure so for the course of this trip and any other trip I'm by myself my head in my head I constantly sing songs like I can't turn it off almost it kind of gets it but it does get very annoying after a while but the longest time I had this stupid three-day song forever I have no idea why that got into my head maybe because I was thinking of one warm places but like what is it the Beach Boys is that the Beach Boys I'd like to know about the Beach Boys go get there fast take it slow way down and that is what getting off at six o'clock in the morning paddling and pausing Oh your brain I have eaten every single piece of food that I've brought but I don't have to cook I've eaten it all today burn too much the water even looks higher that it did five years ago when I came in this is the same river I accessed from office if going out the same way yeah it's like flooded completely oh man I remember coming here in the summer there's defined waterways now it's just like water everywhere with a little bit of plains blocking it soupy soupy guys do you remember obviously the deep Letterman Show The Late Show with David Letterman whatever it's called so every one they did the Nagano Olympics in Japan [Music] [Applause] but I remember that Paul Shaffer Paul Shaffer hours later Oh stretch start the ship it's gonna be 12 hours right so I like at noon on 14 my feet when I thought my to perfect six it's like 5:30 now should be six ish when I get to put out spot take out spot and that's 12 hours of working I never stopped for lunch I never stopped for a break or anything soft this is the jet ball full solid hour or half the day with floor Tosh literally half the day was porridge ever news six and six oh I really wanted to show you my elation of getting to the car I got to put this down I'm shaking too much my elation of getting to the car my my SD card got full of my my GoPro as I was approaching its can you see that ten after six ten after six I started at six a.m. that's a 12-hour day that was full 12 that was no stopping I ate and drank and everything in the boat I only stopped to pee my elbow was jacked i legit have to go to the doctors and get x-rays done about it I'm shivering I got changed I got the route car on the roof I got a I got a make a call to Shawna and try to get to his house because I can't drive home today I'm freaking done let me yeah I'm fogging up here listen guys I had a good time I'm going to it was a rough trip I wish a lot of things went differently if I could sum the whole trip up with one word the word would be wet I hope you guys enjoyed this this is gonna be some type beef one I'm gonna look back at this and be like wow I did something crazy I think I'm gonna do a follow-up video because I have a lot of things I want to say thank you very much for watching there will be more videos soon
Channel: Joe Robinet
Views: 3,973,353
Rating: 4.8488016 out of 5
Keywords: Bushcraft, Survival, Backpacking, Canoe, Dog Training, Ontario, Canada, Fire, Bowdrill, HD, Nikon, Gopro, wilderness, explore, familyfriendly
Id: yx7wOxtf80E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 159min 21sec (9561 seconds)
Published: Fri May 12 2017
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