Ovens 30 Day Survival Challenge: THE MOVIE (Canadian Rockies)

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[Music] all right we are here at our destination oh i see the fish yeah you can see them right now i see a little fish there there's like uh fingerlings yep well they're like six to eight inches long but they're easy to catch nice well see got one ah oh no oh i got him oh you did yeah oh thanks i thought well that's one maybe i'll have three before you get back isn't it a contest a three oh look at that oh a blooper oh come on yeah i got one that time one this size i'm gonna let him go he's just they're not very big at all got another one i'm getting hungry so i'll keep this guy it's the third one i've got but i let the other two go but kind of getting hungry so got to keep it it's just a little pan fry but one more like that at least i don't go to bed hungry we've already let two go so can't just keep letting them go we're all go hungry but got my first one here in canada not the size of a dollar bill oh got a second one but i'm gonna let him go he's kind of tiny there you go buddy oh that's it four four little fish so i'm going to uh attempt to start a fire with a wazoo necklace but it basically has a little striker and ferrocerium a little piece of ferro rod right here but i'm gonna zoom in on the fire here and attempt to make a fire with this the first fire of our 30-day survival challenge me and zach he's down fishing right now but i figured i'd try to get the fire going there we go wazoo fire starter bull zach and i caught four each they're just little guys he's uh setting up our bedding for the night because it looks like it's gonna rain so that's a good thing about having a partner with you when you're doing these kind of adventures too because you one guy can do one thing another guy can do the other thing some of these fish are pretty tiny but i'll tell you in a survival situation you wouldn't care well i mean we got eight we caught more nut you let some go well your idea is probably better because mine usually fall on the rocks and then they pick them up and get burned perfect you could probably eat some raw but i prefer them so things happen in fishing i got another one there we go they're not huge but it's a brookie the morning fish i'm gonna make a smoker that's the ticket worms for the win one more for the smoking not a bad looking fish they are beautiful we bet they're so tiny in here this is maple i like maple for certain things [Applause] long as the fire's not too big my coat's wet anyways and so i can kill two birds with one stone i can smoke my fish and dry my coat i don't want my coat to catch on fire because i need it but my fire's not too hot that'll work just fine so we got our limit of fish smoking somebody has to babysit them a bit though so i'm gonna have to make sure that we're getting the smoke proper heat for a while you can always restart over again tomorrow if they're not done huh how's your coat dry out well well the coat's dry but fish are pretty much done too i think oh yeah longer take advantage of that pizza tin huh oh yeah they look just like these most delicious smoked yummy treats all the moisture we got overnight that's these clouds around us but i can it's it's bright in so many spots i think that it's blue sky above it just has to burn off it's still pretty early so all right a little trout are finally ready smoked all night and we haven't really had any wow we haven't had any plants yet we nibbled on a little bit of strawberry blight strawberry tasting little berry heads on it this is a plant that up here you don't see too often strawberry blate and it's very tasty i haven't seen a big one like this for a while those aren't bad eh it's very mellow yeah very good for you as well but we have to start and collect some plants and get some bigger fish because it's going to be 30 days so we have to start eating some plants or we're going to suffer for it sure if they're done but um if they're not we'll just put them closer to the fire for a while now you can see even the oils are coming out of it yeah yeah so i don't know i mean i i they need a a couple hours where's my toasting stick there we go got my toasted stick i want to eat it right from the head to the tail the only thing i'll be left is that little bit of spinal cord oh yeah she's done see the color of that meat it's so orange that's all that's left over [Music] [Music] so i brought zach here to this other little lake i know a lot of locals do come here as a matter of fact um somebody's even left a boat here now we're and we're off oh yeah they're jumping everywhere we're gonna we'll get our limit then we can go and get plants okay is this nice to come all the way up here and he chauffeurs me all around a lot of fishing right away second half oh i had a bite already got one it's a little better than those minnows hey yeah oh he pulled the hook through man beautiful that's a nice pan fry and see how silver they are so we get our limit of these we're styling ah stole my worm oh come on that time i got you that's a decent one got off all right all right yep that's a keeper that's a nice one right there that's a nice one but it's whatever they're bigger than the ones we've been getting so like i mean yeah i know it's not it's not the big way like always tell people that they don't believe you there it is okay i got off again oh there's a really nice one okay he didn't get off that time yeah another nice one okay i'll let you have this side well we're gonna dig up some burdock root also what i notice is we're gonna pick for tea some of the pineapple weed because it's rare to find along roads is where you usually find it where we're going we're not going to have this and the other thing is there is cow parsnip down here but i do see a nice bulb down there but it's probably steep and everything but let's see good maybe we get a good blooper reel yeah well these ones are good we want them to go with our uh we cook these the cow parsnip you can eat the inner peel here too but it's like a strong celery tape this is what we want yeah so we got a few of those cool but lots of stinging nettle in here too i mean you can just take the leaves off and make tea too but um or just the little tops if you want to pot herb we'll be eating stinging nettle too nice people think we're idiots but what the heck are those guys doing we're eating yeah fat tail head and we'll cook that up okay so we got a few little cattail heads for corn on the cob so it's not every day you get a feast like this pineapple weed burdock root we got cow parsnip bulbs we got the stalks from the cow parsnip which we'll make into a stew we even got cattail heads and the fish so if nothing else even if we don't like the taste of the vegetables we're getting the nutrients in just the broth so that's what generally good that is so good yeah we nailed it yeah we did that's good a big handful of pineapple wheat here i'm going to put in my tea make a tea for my water bottle so i have water everything's done at once yeah it's done oh yeah you got a fish head i guess three gophers a day would get pretty tiresome if that's all we ate kind of like eating nine raccoons during a 30-day survival challenge in texas i came around the corner into a shadier spot and there still is some cow person that hasn't flowered yet so this will be good grizzlies love these two so when you're in a patch of cow parsnip uh you can expect to see bears i didn't see the bear but it was just trampled down bear scott and grizzly because black bear is black and uh grizzly is brown so big pile of brown scat that's grizzly i know he's in here somewhere eating the same thing we're after and dinner tonight is go for stew we have some nettles to add to it wild onions so nodding wild onions all right you got those onions yeah i got it all right toss them in here i just cut them up oh you're gonna cut them all right sounds good in your wig oh they fit in there i was gonna say just fit in but they fit in there more than easily there we go he's trying to get out there's our gophers let's see how they are yes i went out of there by the tail yeah well they're getting soft now oh yeah yeah they're falling apart now all right there it is pretty good trying to think about what it tastes like but it's like a beef stew or something just not much on them do you already polish yours off yep yeah the whole thing i think a large grasshopper has more meat on it than these one more cast got one just little but i need breakfast one more and i'd have breakfast i guess time to go time to adioso big lightning bolt just above us here oh hi that's scary that was so close now we're getting a hailstorm you hear it pretty big hey it's blowing over pretty quickly oh that's really good gophers do yeehaw and everything right there for you some onions onions you want a head no no you don't want to go oh yeah these guys are so delicious they're just you know just like rabbit and squirrel same thing i just love birch working with birch for almost anything i just like it [Music] not quite as tall as me a little less than six foot this one but that's tall enough it's a lot more rigid for the bigger fish but i think it'll still cast pretty good and it will ratchet it will cast and you'll so you're gonna have to watch and see how i make this thing all right we didn't make it far no well because we spotted something we got something that actually i haven't tried is the bulbs of the wood ladies and the natives used to cook them up so look at that yeah that's beautiful look in the bulb it's so white i know they say you can eat it raw how is it i couldn't really tell because i had that oh that's good yeah it tastes just like the flour i like that sorry i ate it all making another little stop along our way the dock is getting pretty old though but what you do is you take some of the smaller leaves and then if you look down in here sometimes you don't find some but it's it's almost getting too old it's a little better but when you cook it it gets good what else i see though that is in here down low it's a big old dandelions what do you think that one's big oh nice we got a good amount yep that's not bad we'll give her a go yeah all right here's our home for the night look at the scenery all right now i'm hungry for a gopher me too yeah dang it they're everywhere the whole forest full of them all right there's some more firewood wow and look at the view i'll have out of my hammock when i climb out in the morning well i got four gophers today this guy is a big one it's got a lot of fat on it this one so we've been lacking fat this is what we need you're so greasy and fatty look at look at that wow that is not nice fattiest one we've had so far i know i don't want that fat to go to wasteman gotta wash the hands i'm not going to bed smelling like a greasy gopher oh come on you said you wanted to see grizzlies yeah i want to see grizzlies but not snuggle with them they see you can use horsetail as a toothbrush so i guess i got no choice it works clean them right off you gotta spit the little pieces out but it is working actually worked well ah we just keep hiking and hiking and the mountains are just all around us getting taller and taller and we're not getting any closer it feels like because we're just so it's so far it's getting closer i can hear the waterfall it's a long hike it is well we're more than three quarters of the way it hasn't been the hard part yet the steep part is going straight up rock slides like in behind where i am it's this way we can't quite see it yet but when we get to the waterfall i'll show you the rock slide that we have to go up it's just brutal but we really want to get there because it's just 300 feet up that rock slide is our lakes so and i know the fishing will be good so but it packing the pack and everything has taken some energy out of us we haven't been eating great great so i'm hoping if we can get to these lakes and maybe of course that'll be a problem too then we'll have a bunch of fish to pack down but it'll be a problem but a blessing right behind me i'll get out of the way but that log in the back there we just had a grizzly bear cup that came across the log i saw it come this way and then zach saw it go back the other way so we know mama's in here somewhere so we got to be careful oh i think it's just on the other side of that tree tree line we're almost there oh that's good oh it looks magical it looks magical there it is wow and there's even another lake beyond this one up there we made it to the hike in lake but it was a lot further than i remember partly because we couldn't drive nearly as close as uh i was able two years ago but that just killed us that hiking we're not even gonna hike back out tonight we're gonna make do we didn't bring any bedding um so we're not really prepared we have a raincoat each no food and we're just gonna have to make do i think zach has a little bit of coffee but we're going to have to hunker down and hope that it doesn't rain another one don't want them to get off i don't know if you can see the color but it's like pink pink like fluorescent pink has never seen anything like it i might let it go just because it's an oddity of nature moss comes off these rocks pretty easily so i'm gonna try to put moss like this and then at least i can get under here hope it doesn't rain but it's been raining a lot [Music] oh boy so tired what a day it might have been a mistake to come up here but we got to make the best of it we're stranded at least you get to see our outdoor survival skills because this is real [Music] i need some warm off still see you should layer it like this so that the bottom one the top one goes over top just like shingles it's the way you want to do it heat up some hot rocks this one here is pretty warm i could bring it inside to keep warm if i have to like a hot water bottle those tastes really different from the other ones they do every species tastes different i don't know all the rainbows and the cuddies are my favorite i think yeah yep they're good yeah but now i feel a little better got a spot to hide out of the rain if i have to zach's building a shelter over there as well so we really did not plan on this situation it just was too far and too difficult neither one of us had the energy to even go back and we didn't bring anything with us really but we will make it this is what we do he's alive barely barely hurting still got the fire going well i didn't even sleep it's kind of just trying to keep warm yeah sucks so that was a terrible night sat by the fire all night didn't get any sleep i didn't have to use the shelter though because the stars were out and it didn't rain so that was good but otherwise didn't get any sleep basically heated up rocks to put in my pockets um just kept the fire going all night and i tried dozing off but it wasn't comfortable enough to get any sleep so we're gonna try to head back to uh the other camp that's enough of this hiking lake it was a brutal experience but it's an interesting experience too there's the mountain goats anyways can't really see much of them but look at how far away they are and how crazy up that up on that flip there [Music] them [Music] no i know because it's been sitting in the heat yeah we don't have curry to like kill the flavor of rotten gopher flies all on the top of the water so yeah it's just kind of not it's a lot it's a loss yeah i know things happen we yeah we're planning on a day trip but it turned into two days so yeah let's chuck it and start over that's that's shameful i was really looking forward to those gophers but that's too bad basically dinner we uh have four little fish still to cook but we're doing cow parsnip and believe it or not we're in july and we found our morels i was going to say shaggy means but morels don't see greys too often but i mean to find morels this time of year they're usually out in may but we found some and then i'll cook up the rest of our dock as well so we got lots of veggies for tonight look like a little like brains or something [Music] yummy nutrients that cow parsnip looks exactly like we have like store-bought broccoli in there it tastes very different from broccoli greg's saying the uh stuff's pretty bitter all of it pretty much all of it yeah well it's just you know the mushrooms are delicious that's good um the mushrooms are definitely the treat in this whole feast yeah like they're the period in which wild plants can be eaten is such a shorter period and they all have some sort of a thing like a hint of fragrance of like floweriness or oh i think it was like fragrance to it eating perfume yeah yeah yeah that's it would you like to try this oh what but it's still good for you regardless we got to start making some good teas i like the pineapple wheat tea yeah that's like one of my favorites what other teas we got out here that we could be making i see purely everlasting and yarrow horse tail and you know at least the teas taste a little better well we're doing good we survived our hike made it back had a nap oh i do miss pizza and wings [Music] hurt on the back yeah [Music] it's hard on the stomach well we'll get some more i'm hungry [Music] so [Music] that's a nice one [Music] well we're getting a little bit of gold oh he came off [Music] [Music] hey this one's not a trout i'm not ready to quit yet everywhere look there's something edible fireweed look we're not really going hungry yet we did well with the plants today whole bunch of nodding onions nodding wild onions purple flowers and a bonus my favorite edible plant for spinach type plant lamb quarters got a whole bunch of that that's just like there's another one delicious salad yeah another one there another uh little trick see this stuff goat's beard the seed pods one spark the quickest fire you've ever seen with one spark oh except it went out don't doubt me it's not burning maybe it's them okay i'm a liar froggy it took more than one spark okay they're done here we go i haven't tried lamb quarters get on it i can't think of any wild plant that i like more in lamb's burgers lake for taste for a green so one more plant i want to talk about is plantain a very very good antiseptic plant like for cuts and as a matter of fact i did get a cut and so it could be getting infected so i kind of pulled it open a bit now so then what i do is you take the plantain you chew it up first and then you get it right in there and i mean it's better if you can wrap it with something just wrap it with something to hold hold it on overnight or whatever great for uh preventing infection and stuff i survived a week alone on in patagonia just on plantain tea when the fish weren't biting this is a paracord paracord yeah when you bend over at the back the two strands of rope stick up and it looks like it looks like you got a thong oh i'm controlling the edit so you can make me look real bad if you want it's not a thong guys it's just paracord working on my slingshot or slingshot working on my fishing rod i drill two holes through this y-stick for my pin anyways when i get i'll keep showing progress we'll see how it all goes together making out in this thick bush not bad probably the hardest setup i've ever had to do but that's not that hard it's just being tired and hungry warning bearing area we know our location now it's just up here we have to work at the road a bit because we can't really get across the creek we ran into problems we worked for quite a while getting across the creek and went another 100 yards and a big wash out again same creek different washout so we're making a bridge i'll show you the bridge i don't know i hope there's no more of these hopefully our bridge will hold yes i think it's looking good now yeah you have to go this way there's smidgen yeah well but you just gotta straighten out and yeah and drive this way a smidge yeah keep going this way yeah yeah looking good perfect now you go that way go for it oh my goodness yeah yeah woulda coulda shoulda but we nailed it high five we got her that's how we do it on the 30-day survival challenge rockies probably going to spend the rest of our time on the challenge up here the one thing i'm not liking right off the bat is there's just clouds of mosquitoes so that's what we're going to have to deal with there better be fish in that lake we're not sure how this is going to go might be struggling it out but we made it that was quite the uh adventure on that road it's all grown in and we had to build bridges and all kinds of things it was a lot of work to get up here so hopefully things work out for us up here these mosquitoes are just insane up here you almost got to carry a stick and just keep whacking yourself every two seconds look what look what greg found when he was setting his shelter up two giant puffballs nice like those are huge beauties size of my hand cut our mushrooms up into slices like little steaks this is a bonus for us roasted puff balls it's amazing when you get hungry out here after so long that something like this is a treat to find it is good it's like french toast unique that's a pretty big flame just let it die down maybe a bit will it die down no no it burns better if i roll it really tight [ __ ] it won't that's better i could hear that singing off i hate these nose hairs when they get long they're irritating all right gophers are on woohoo go for stew again again oh well i was gonna use this setup you see and then the idea is this is my ratchet okay and then of course like i mean basically i'll turn it like this but it's not it's not complete yet so i have to figure out a different one of these i gotta find a one that's gonna work with this setup and having some issues with this big heavy reel the wooden one it was a good idea i suppose but um it seems too bulky it's not going to cast very good i had this idea of putting it for casting pulling the pin out and then putting the spool here for casting jamming it on for casting but it's not spinning right i think what i'm going to do is go back to my original idea that i had in patagonia even though i didn't actually make it while i was there it was towards the end and i'm just going to use the spool itself you see i'm just going to use the spool and cut notches in the spool instead so it's the same principle it's going to be the same principle but this will be lighter so it's going to cast i think it'll cast just properly just leaving the spool i just got to take the wedge out i have to use a wedge here because when i'm trying to cast i pull the wedge out and then i cast then i put the wedge back for reeling in made it to the lake so you can see the lake behind good fishing in here i fished it before years ago and i know the fishing's good i'm getting bites every time but oh see ya just about had a big one again i'm not hitting it there's a nice one see as soon as i put a piece of worm on i got it got one right away i found one yup so he's putting up a fight i can't seem to get him i'm having troubles here i'm just gonna have to play him out he's too big okay got you that time gotcha that time that's a big cuddy boy he wasn't hooked by very much either those are a bit bigger i would say three pounders nice fish are too big to put on sticks oh yeah big fish cooking so neither had eggs though no they were both males you didn't save the milk not into that really why are you i like the milk yeah it's all food to eat i'll keep it for you it eats good there's some horsetail i have to have some horsetail tea that's what it looks like there scouring rush horse tail so we're gonna go in here try to look for a suitable spot to put our shelters up everywhere before this is all sloped downhill and kind of cliffy and after this is the same looks like we got a flat spot in here that goes down to a gorge and and a river maybe we even have a little pathway down to the stream or a river down there it's a little thick all right okay i'm in so drawbridge boom lands here we can bring it up at night we'll be down there over the embankment a little bit but higher up so you're thinking this group and this group yeah right i think we can put from that tree there so that won't put like our main pole and then we can make the drawbridge come down from that tree corner to right here pointing oh wait which one what are you pointing that thing pointing with us in this headache okay well i'm not sure if we're gonna get on it today or tomorrow i'm getting on right now i think right now it's gonna start raining yeah we're halfway back all right so we're gonna get on it now i guess boom pole one and one table top one good leaning post okay well that's enough work for today down a bit yeah about there yeah that's good that's one pole we have about 20. [Music] [Music] so i did complete my fishing rod i'll show you my stick for my ratchet i've got the notches in this reel so that i can ratchet it um what i do for casting is i pull it this way and then it free reel reels then i push it back to where it's stiffer for ratcheting so have a good look holes through there show you from different angles [Music] [Applause] [Music] perfect timing all rigged up and a little rain shower moves through and now the breeze is picking up this will be interesting meandering around at a slow leisurely pace not a care in the world not in great the kids they're using our time just wasting our time yeah just teasing just teasing just lined right up too like they're like queued up for something that one two three in a row four just waiting for something to happen in the morning maybe yeah early in the morning it's rather disheartening to see them just swim around swim around and not take any interest unless you land them they don't do us no good no no we just got to figure out their feeding what what time is feeding time at the zoo that's right oh you got one don't pull too hard oh oh my goodness once again i'm doing better on free lures that i've found pulled up on sticks that i've snagged accidentally than i have anything else well because the people know what to use yeah that is that's true all right ah i just gotta dry out my boots right in the flames get any more oh nice you made a chair and everything oh i got to do something just to try to dry out here yeah yeah i had one another one on the line you know and uh the hook broke off the lure the hook broke yeah hook somehow broke and uh the fish got away with it and we got away with that and he got away with that this morning i did see a cougar huh red just saw cougar he just came down the trail and past camp and down through this other trail right over here but cougars are elusive it just caught a little bit of a glimpse maybe two or three seconds and then he was gone it seems like our smoker's caught on fire all right it's got little spruce needles all over it oh they all bring almost like this like a like a spruce rosemary thing going on very good and then look at that that is good you cooked it with the eggs inside of it the spruce was a good idea [Music] almost backfired on us as the smoker caught on fire but it finished smoke cooking the uh the whole fish just before just before the kitchen caught on fire yeah just before the kitchen caught on fire well we definitely would have lost this fish without that net because it came off as soon as we got it in the net that's one of the things watching um alone and watching these other guys one after the next people at some point pulling their fish out and losing them right on the shore i'm like oh my goodness you know i was like what else do you got to do in the evening why not build a net oh he broke my line and that was a big one oh why oh he snapped the line if i would have had a net maybe i would have got him yeah in texas we um had a net and it saved us you know some big catfish that we pulled in look at the size of him well one time we got it close and it kind of snagged on something we lost one because of it yeah oh we got off sound of a brisket got a little break in the weather gonna head to the final location where the uh where we're building our shelter in the trees follow my spot anything we clear out is uh firewood i like this spot actually this is beauty yeah you you couldn't get a better spot well we're in better spirits now just being somewhere finally for the rest of the journey get a big windstorm and i'll pull my tarp off the weather keeps bombarding us sun wants to come out but it's snowing i'll show you over here snowing on the mountains and you can see it fresh snow on the mountains and it's snowing right now past the middle of july and fresh snow we're adapting we're making things more comfortable now we hung the fish up in a tree we don't need a bear coming into camp i mean cranky that could be bad and get a bear coming into camp that could be curtains zach's already busy he's been building chairs and we got our tarps out and it's turning into a real park lake setting he cleared all the underbrush and got lots of firewood in this location so that's good [Music] [Applause] [Music] is well zach's fish is a bit bigger [Music] well all the hiking has made my legs sore i warmed up some rocks here and just put them on the sore spot there it feels good we've done a lot of hiking i'm going to cut some saplings like this i'm going to cut some stakes some posts some trigger systems and show you my favorite set line for fishing it sets the hook catches the fish i just have to find a spot to set the traps up where the fish when it gets caught when the trap sets the hook the fish is on there can't get tangled around there's a lot of debris in this uh lake that we're fishing a lot of dead falls and sticks and stumps and so i'll have to find a spot that once the fish is on the line it can't get snagged around uh any of the debris that's along the edge i have to find a couple of clear spots to set these lines like these fish are 25 to 30 inches long some of them so four pounders i'm gonna have to have these pretty solid stakes i just never underestimate the beauty of uh a set line trap went for a big long walk in the rain good time to wash my hair i guess i have to use the camera because i got no mirror i can't see what's going on unless i feel myself doing this at least i can see on the screen what's going on i think it's time for a haircut there a million bucks just show you the shirt zach got me 30 day survival challenge that's cute i like this shirt nice [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now i'm gonna go set this up [Music] like that there nothing to it and these big fish it won't take nothing to set this trap off so i'll be taking this one with me and making one more to set at the lake tomorrow day 19 finally a beautiful sunny day i don't see a cloud in the sky perfect we're liking this we really need fish today we haven't had fish for a couple days that's a bit better there's one had a nibble but a nibble doesn't feed you does it i got one now i hope he doesn't get away he's not huge but he's not bad either ah i'm glad i got that on film but i had to jump in he came off and i jumped in the lake and i got him oh i got soaked but i jumped right on him and i got him he was just flying he was just heading out hook came off and he was just starting to head out and i trapped him i trapped them between the rocks by jumping in but because it's sunny i can dry out so i'm not even worried man not even worried ha that's how you do it when you're hungry he's not as big i got him this is a nice one here this guy's i don't know three pounds this guy's maybe two but in our situation we need these fish like people don't understand like we're living off the land for the last 20 days now well if we don't have these fish you got no energy and we've been sitting for the in the rain for a week getting wet drying clothes constantly so it just wore us out too look at the eggs in this thing they're just spewing out unbelievable but i don't really have any way of keeping them i'd like to but they're just falling all over the place here my hair here starting to look like robert plant off of led zeppelin time to get a haircut you don't want to wrap it in there very toxic very poisonous plant a few feet of line i got these tiny hooks it's hard to get this hook through see that though it's working so i mean if you get an injury in the bush you can sew yourself up like this too if you have fishing line on the hook and you have a very serious injury that's absolutely bleeding out then you do this just like that on the mountains in the back there that's all from all the rain we've been having has been snow up high well i think it's time to try my homemade fishing rod every one of these fish we've caught in here has had shrimp in them they're just little is are they dead already no whatever i don't think this is gonna cast very good either i think i'm going to have to to be honest take this off and then to cast i think i'm going to have to don't like this monofilament oh didn't even cast see that oh i had my finger in it i had my finger it's awkward but if i can get it to cast then reeling won't be a problem no it's not it's just it's just catching on stuff i gotta figure something different out i guess so we'll go back to my original idea this here see i got to perfect a way of casting this thing that's what i have to do i still want to catch something with it because i know the ratchet system will work probably my shrimp has come off by now all right i see it hooked on everything gotta find more shrimp already those shrimp they don't like to stay on there so i'll have to find some more shrimp i just went with a worm like i say oh boss lost my balance probably won't cast very well but it doesn't have to go out far they're swimming right here anyway so i just want to catch something with it i didn't hardly go anywhere well that's no good i'll try again maybe i'll have to throw it out i will figure out a different design for casting see i was thinking that if i just as long as it doesn't get tangled that's a bit better oh i see it's wrapped around the fishing rod that's part of the problem okay we'll hand line it still wrapped around there that went better though it's not working it's a nuisance more than anything towards the lake that's probably enough now see there we go the important part is getting enough line and hopefully not tangling it it's not bad i guess i don't want it as hair triggers what i have oh so i know that's a hair trigger at least okay well i'm gonna set the trigger more solid while i tie it and then i'll set it to hair trigger i just touched it and it went off i mean it's good to have a hair trigger too within reason okay now see i've got the tension out that's about where i want it that'll do her cross my fingers check her in the morning gotta get my energy back get this shelter finished why i tell you when the sun's out here it's gorgeous man these mountains just speak of power just speak of power just towering up there the weight of those rocks and and the size and the grandeur is just unbelievable i'm just making a salt brine we did bring salt because we we knew we wanted to smoke some fish so we got some nice big you can see zach's fish in the background we're getting nice big fish out of this lake so we're gonna fillet a couple put them in a brine and then start smoking them tomorrow now our brine is a little dirty but it's what we have [Music] a little further right there so confident [Laughter] oh rapid and precise hand movements a lovely routine that draws a smile from the man himself and plenty from around the room and his hair was perfect i don't think so tim well that's up i just gotta cut poles tomorrow try to get the rest of it done that would be good get our shelters up there he's done it looks like he had a little bit a little bit of momentum left to burn at the end for that dismount be careful play safe i want this smoker to be about four feet tall i think i'm gonna enclose it with spruce boughs to try to keep more of the smoke in yeah so i sure like my shirt proud of that shirt anyways remember guys the girls don't find you handsome they should at least find you handy it doesn't have to be exact and i'll keep some of this wood for the smoker because for proper smoke you want green wood to throw on a bed of coals because it'll burn longer and it produces more smoke you want green wood for that all accidents are avoidable or when you get tired it can be a problem that's one thing about zach there he um he likes building stuff he's good at it he's good at carving and you see that chess that he made that's you know the hours that he put into carving each one of those 32 pieces of men and the detail like fantastic job he did on that got my grill my smoking grill all tied in notch tied in it's just a matter of finding where they fit the best you know have to trim the bottoms off so it doesn't catch on fire there the sun is out almost every day my job is glorified child's play most parts are working in my brain i can't complain i can't [Music] [Applause] [Music] we can find some good everyone some will make us harm but be glad we're not numb we're the fortunate ones i'll take the tough times i'll learn my lessons from the pain it isn't always fair but at least i'm playing the game i can't complain [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] well we're not we're not having any success fishing so far so i'm going to collect some stuff for tea again i'm going to collect some fireweed so i'll collect some euro some horse tail there's not many but amongst the twin berry and the fireweed there's a few nettles here so these uh thistles are edible too they actually taste pretty good what i do is they just towards the top break it like this and then peel it it doesn't matter i just peel it like this and the inner this inner part is actually quite sweet it's actually not bad and it's good cook too i have to rely on plants we're not getting any fish today done just gotta put the fish on put it on the fire put the skin down to start with oh it's taking a lot of calories building this she wants to roll but oh it's running out of energy it's getting tough bloody mosquitoes even up here in the trees they find you yeah this bloody hair time to get a haircut did you just a trim don't buzz me all right drives me nuts there's zach's platform over there he's working on his trees down there contemplating something well just a couple more pieces here that's all i got left well let's uh we're getting a big thunderstorm here hear the wind lightning there's a flash it's moving the trees around zach's up in this uh tree fort i didn't move up there last night but i don't know how it's blowing up there where he is up higher but oh well trying to get some sleep i guess i just got to thinking like zach he set his um his tarp and his hammock up in his platform last night and then sure enough this morning 600 yards across the slide here we see a humongous grizzly bear just oh wow oh wow he's looking right at me probably smells our fish yeah oh my goodness he's like that guy is huge we didn't build those hammock things high enough that we didn't build our platforms high enough for this guy well i better get moved up in there maybe this is the night he's gonna show up here he he could reach right up to the platforms easily you see the hump on the shoulder oh yeah it's a grizzly that's a big grizzly it is isn't it yeah he's huge i bet you that's probably 800 pounds if i had seen him before we started these platforms i think i would have gone another three feet higher you know it's hard to stop looking at him isn't he's just so well you can see the power in his shoulders yeah just you know his arms are so thick that's a big bear man like i'm thinking seven 800 pounds come closer oh now he's coming out in the open a bit you know what when you whistled he heard you oh yeah he lifted his head up and looked this way gee that's a big grizzly here you look you know i'll get his attention because he did he looked over here when you whistled [Music] oh yeah he looked this time he's looking and sniffing oh he might show up here you know yeah he's like who the heck can they write mine and whistle at me oh you're so good-looking i think it's a male 1 yeah that's quite a size oh cat calling me and that's a big disney if he shows up in the camp he'll both be trapping herself that'd be awesome maybe tonight i'm going to try to get mine set up in the trees because i'm the only guy on the ground with that big grizzly hanging around so i mean they're obviously not done they need another day or two to be properly done but i'm going to cook one up anyway how was yours very salty very salty you're coming off you can't really eat it all at once i'm saving some because it's pretty salty pretty healthy i should have had it just in one date one day of the brine oh well but hey i don't have to worry about salt intake yeah it's like eating salt like eating salt you'll see you'll see you'll see wow wow it's like a straight up sardine maybe one of the bigger pieces oh no it's all salty it's too much wow salt i still i still want to eat it it's like so good wow got all set up there there was barely enough room basically the hammock is stretched right from tight to that pole and right tight to the other tree see barely any room to work with but a lot safer up there to be honest with you we both want to see this bear like we want to see the bear it was really nice to see him across the slide there about five six hundred yards away he was just eating cow parsnip and wandering around it was nice to see him but it'd be nice to get a close-up shot and video of him go back finish my shelter off i have to fix it up a bit oh i just didn't even get any sleep last night with that stupid thing uh first of all i had the hammock on the wrong angle my head was up too hot and i kept sliding down just like a toboggan right to the bottom i didn't have enough length for the tarp kept flapping and then the screen material to keep the mosquitoes out was right in my face because i didn't have it stretched out enough because i didn't have the length so i have to fix all these problems with that that was just a miserable miserable night the only night that i've had that was worse than that night last night was the night we hiked into those two other um hiking lakes and i had to spend the night lying beside the fire without blankets or anything else that was the only worst night but oh i forgot to mention once again my set line didn't have anything on it when i pulled it in the worm was gone off the hook and it looks like the line was stretched and curled so i'm thinking i did have one on and it got off oh boy windbreak jack's been working on a table while i was hit the lake and now we can play chess on there i like it i like it a lot yeah this is nice you hear that didn't you home sweet home i feel nice and safe up there and that big grizzly we gonna catch some fish yep nice one you're trying to survive off the land you got to take what you can get cast backwards those are nice fish yeah keep them in the smoker for the night it's not always fun when you don't eat but we've maintained our energy pretty good and i i know we've lost some weight but it's when we get back and weigh ourselves we'll figure out how much weight we've lost in the 30 days so we just got a grin and barrett i don't know i think i might have lost 20 pounds i'm just guessing be interesting to know back to check my set line well it looks like it went off now i mean it could be just the wind that sets it off too okay so the trigger's gone off you see line's still going into the water the trap went off whether it was the wind because it's been windy lately too so you know it doesn't mean it wasn't the wind that set the trigger i'm not sure what's going on yet i don't know if it's caught on a stick or what well it's coming slowly up there you know what we'd have a fish on it i can see the fish the fish was snagged on something down the fish was snagged on like uh some sticks over there where i couldn't see hardly there see ah fish on my set line that makes me happy okay like i know these traps work because i've used them and i've caught lots of fish with these set lines um it's a good thing uh there's an eagle and an osprey hanging around that they didn't grab my fish from the bottom where it was snagged on those logs or them sticks but anyways right on my set line worked i'm happy now we got another fish hey that made my day day 26 set line catches its uh fish beauty ah that water's cold boy oh yeah it's getting there so just a few more rocks i know it wouldn't even take that many more rocks just we don't have a block and tackle i don't feel like whittling a block and tackle no i mean i do but oh you don't have time for all that man yeah yeah and then that that should hold more rocks easily that's a grand idea waiting for zach jeremiah johnson made his way into the mountains betting on forgetting all the troubles that he knew the trail was wide and narrow but the eagle and the sparrow showed him the path he was to follow as they flew mountain man's a lonely man he leaves a life behind now how does it go oh yeah the story doesn't always go the way you had in mind jeremiah's story was that kind yes jeremiah's story was that kind okay it works good morning good morning another fine day in the rocky mountain yes sir yes sir i'm getting coffee ready right on oh so i guess we're gonna launch half of our raft we'll see how it floats ready yeah there you go there you go oh wait we forgot to christen it oh we don't have anything to smash on the front of it the ss trout effort ss effort i like it there we go watch it roll well right now all it's gonna do is tip over that's for sure seems like with two one person could do it you think yeah i'm just down getting water and happen to notice some wood sorel so that's a nice sour treat for us and collect some of that and always tell it by the seed pods is very similar to sheep sorel but the leaves are different the sheep sorel has like two wings on the bottom and then an arrow-shaped leaf these are just round but but it's got the same uh sour lemony taste that the sheep sorel has so we're gonna collect a bit of it there a nice treat i like it i like it a lot well you got enough for yourself i'm not sharing mine you got more in me you must have hit a hot spot oh pulled the hook right into my finger just about while you did nice big one boy is he ever active that's a nice big one holy crow man once you break their neck they don't fight the blood all over me but whatever this but a scratch what are you gonna do bleed on me funny thing is when you pick nettles with your bare hands your hand goes numb uh it's a good plant if you get an injury to swat yourself with and it numbs the pain like the numbness will last sometimes two days in your hand from picking them just by hand so it's a good um painkiller see if we can get it in the water what did we call it too forget it yes fortitude or the ss effort ss effort i like it we're gonna rechristen her i don't know what i don't know whatever you call it ss fortitude all right ready okay all right here we go all right you know how to swim do you yep okay it's uh definitely one man it is definitely a one-man raft she steers like a pig yeah if that if you can even call it steering my feet are dry everything is dry i started the fire got the coffee going and according to him there was two moose right near camp one just over here and one just down over here after seeing that moves in front of the camp i assumed the one that was down behind making all that noise was another moose i was wrong when we checked the trail cam this is what we found i don't think it's the same grizzly from earlier on that we saw across the valley he just doesn't look quite as built up muscly wise but he's a scrapper you can see from his ear right here he's got a little bit of a cut and he seems pretty interested in this tree for some reason let's see if i can give you some reference of just how close this is if you remember from a couple days earlier when we were playing chess we saw the moose just down over the hill because we heard some noise and this tree right here is that tree right there and the deer cameras attached to this tree right here and when i'm standing right here this tree right here is this tree right there about 50 feet right down over the hill from where i'm hammocking is that bear doing his thing oh i just feel like this 30 days out here has really started to age me somewhat yeah feeling a little older this journey has made a difference be good to go have a nice dinner and get cleaned up a bit i have a shave maybe you know on the way to the lake fish from the raft at least even if i don't take it for a voyage what's the chance's first cast we'll see yesterday i got that one on the first cast yeah you can't get them every cast [Music] [Music] am but is [Music] [Music] there we go [Music] [Music] boy he wasn't hooked by very much either [Music] if i gotta walk around this entire lake fishing different spots i will okay we're getting action even though that was a bad [Music] [Music] [Music] hey [Music] this is a nice one here okay this time i had the camera rolling that's one of the biggest ones i've got so far i got one but he's not bad either ah oh i got soaked but i jumped right on him and i got him not even worried ha that's how you do it when you're hungry i'm going to keep going oh didn't even cast seat up oh i had my finger in it no it's not it's just oh i didn't hardly go anywhere i got a couple oh right on a couple gophers oh sling shot yeah these are like the fattest ones too the fattest ones we've had like oh that's good yeah because i'm not catching nothing [Music] [Music] your healthy borer should go first on the edges i'll put some more heli bore to catch any sparks and ashes that's all keep the fire here small fire in the trees cook our gopher on this up here buffers on the menu cook them up in our tree fort should be interesting at least it's not fish for dinner right i have to go get a lot more little wood just to keep it the way the last supper don't have anything for breakfast either the fish weren't biting today but gopher's a nice change again [Music] the gym lips are done [Music] so [Music] do [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Music] our last fire yep the victory fire and i like kind of started it without any big ceremony just like just like i'm done stick a fork in me it's been fun it's been good but i'm done 30 days seems like a long time when you're out trying to live off the land i did find us some breakfast what what there you go come on oh a puff ball yeah one ball one puff one i can only find one oh but those aren't as big as the ones i got no that's not nearly the size of the ones that you found now look at the size of those like those are huge there we go we'll split the one puff ball is we don't have fish for the morning so since we don't have fish we'll split the puffball yeah you can't you can't say we never got we never went one day without getting something there you go we never got skunked just enough beans for the last day oh my goodness that's close we cut it close on the coffee rations actually this isn't even enough for a full pot comes the firewood wow our turf's starting to look like a star map now it's a little ruined so it's bittersweet day 30. it'll be nice to go and get cleaned up and everything but it'll be sad to leave our camp right now i just want to be the heck out of here and i'm like 30 days let's get out but but like within like two weeks i'll be like oh man it was so cool i wish we had gone fishing to the lake one more time or you know like it's like it doesn't take long for the reminiscing to start that's right you know but it's all on film and that's the good thing [Music] we're not starving yet [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] here was perfect the girls don't find you handsome we should at least find you handy [Music] starting to get difficult [Music] i know i look like an animal [Music] perfect [Music] the wind has been great [Music] so [Music] [Applause] we got quite the setup it is yeah i'll be coming back i'll use these platforms again during hunting season maybe yeah you pretty much come and just set up right here yeah and i can watch there'll be a game down in this bottom here too all right our little mushroom is done cooking oh she's warm ugh but her table her table is so dirty she might have thought i was lazy not not uh tying the rest of the table down and finishing it i had a technique i had a reason for that because dirty table becomes clean table well there you go just like reap it under the mat yeah just like your underwear front side back side inside outside good to go it doesn't look as good on this side the boards weren't meant for that but whatever i'm sure we get half each i cut you pick i guess huh all right try to make sure it's nice and even there you go adobo a little bit of there breakfast little puff ball day 30 breakfast how was it it's um small all right mmm pretty good yeah i think that stuff goes really good with the mushrooms i liked the uh big puff balls that we had oh well the giant puffs oh the giant puppy they cut them like steaks that was dynamite they were so juicy imagine if we had had butter to the sea oh burn those in oh they were like giant mushrooms they were really good really good it's too bad there wasn't more of them but so that's the end of our adventure here at this spot heavy pack out to civilization we go sad fact thanks for watching this ovens rocky mountain bushcraft special production of the 30-day survival challenge produced by fowler's maker and mischief if you've enjoyed this check out the links in the description below for the 15 hours of actual videos that came out earlier
Channel: Ovens Rocky Mountain Bushcraft
Views: 2,582,819
Rating: 4.8969955 out of 5
Keywords: survival, greg ovens alone, greg ovens alone season 3, alone season 3, bush, catch n cook, catch and cook, catch clean cook, bush cooking, wild game, wild game cooking, greg ovens rocky mountain bushcraft, greg ovens, bushcraft, canadian, rockies, rocky mountain bushcraft, gopher hunting, trout fishing, survival challenge, 30 day survival challenge, fowlers makery and mischief, wilderness living, bear safe, primitive technology, grizzly country, set traps, 30 days the movie
Id: oB8LlILAo40
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 118min 54sec (7134 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 31 2020
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