9 Days in the North FULL MOVIE | Catching and Cooking all the WILD BIRDS!

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the action's more condensed so i hope you like this version of it i would really appreciate if you watched that video all the way through even if you don't sit there and watch it watch it if you just let it play out that's super helpful for me it'll get that bumped up in the algorithm if you guys have been looking at my channel you know the numbers are down so i could really use the help a lot of effort into this and i think i did good we got we got into a lot of birds a lot of action a lot of things going on so i really hope you guys enjoy this new cut so let's get right into it oh good day guys we're uh in the boone's boone i'm i'm up north jeremy's here with me i'm here with jeremy i should say probably the right way to put it but we're up here doing the trap course yeah so we're gonna be here i'm gonna be here for what eight more days nine more days so it's gonna be nine days in the north we don't know what we're getting up to so i'm just gonna vlog it but every evening for four hours doing the trap course and then we have the whole day free and then we have a whole few days where we don't have anything at all so we're probably gonna do a trip up north we're gonna do something that i have never done before we're gonna try to trap some pigeons so i got a new trap from a company called bird be gone so situation is got a big barn here and there's a bunch of pigeons that they want gone some sparrows just pump pump a couple pumps breaking barrel brake barrel i don't know anything about these things he's got a nice air gun but the problem with the air gun is it's going to punch a whole bunch of holes in the roof a pre-charged amount a pcp air rifle that's too powerful edge we're gonna try to shoot a pigeon now so we can eat something i can see one up on the roof right now kind of taunting us a little bit two up there but we'll set the trap today shoot one hopefully for dinner today if not we have to come back property owners here have been nice enough to be able to check this every day to make sure if we have one or don't i show this trap off for a second here so bird be gone sent me this we're gonna try to test it out we've got uh this is mostly for if you're gonna set it on top of a roof because they're gonna be in hot sun all day long you don't want the birds to be dead when you show up because that's not very humane all right so we got an access port here with a waterer and then we got a food tray down here these all open with springs we got a top opening lid here and that'll access the food tray will drop some food inside there these are all gravity opening then they're going to be stuck so they'll be able to come in but they won't get out and the ideal situation is we'll get one bird in there and all the other birds will think it's cool to go in there too and we'll catch the whole clock and we'll have a bunch of food to eat let's see if jarrah's aims any good and we have something to eat today let's get this trap where it needs to be got some whole kernel corn jeremy's been feeding to his chickens the bait tray down in the middle here and you're gonna sprinkle some around all around the trap make a big mess all kernel will stand out a little bit more probably watching us right now thinking oh these guys are making a big mess and we're gonna get a good feed of stuff and the owners actually volunteered to spread some oats around here they had a tray and a waterer down here before i think probably trying to get them down here here's the picture of the setup here we got a tray on the outside we got tray on the inside there's corn splashed all over the place and we got those doors i just used a little bit of tape to prop those doors up what's going to happen is the owner is gonna close those up in a couple of days jerry's been eyeballing the spot yeah i'm ready you're ready he's chomping at the bit can't hold him down i do like to hide up in the rafters so what we're hoping happens is those birds actually will feel comfortable enough to come down on the floor which may happen in the evenings one in the corner that you can hardly see is five you're gonna be able to shoot up against the roof there joe one right there which is six i'm gonna line them up with uh where there's no tin i think you're only gonna get one shot and they're gonna freak out you might get lucky you might get two shots well they got nowhere to go in here it's not like when we were hunting them before and they uh were just um going outside after yeah i'm set whenever you're set i thought there we go juan pigeon here we go we got dinner is there any more coming back here that we can shoot no no they're they cluelet in after the fourth shot see if we can't get to the other side and see if we can't get another one we need two for dinner jer oh i think jerry's pretty sure he got it he ain't aim for the same bird three times four times whatever the count was you gotta get up here on the ladder oh it's not too too bad look like it might maim your nuts though ninja parkour pigeon edition you shooting a sparrow there yeah chair what there goes our food again jared is aiming for this freaking sparrow this is where you need two people with a gun because now i have to go back to the other side at least i got a pigeon to eat almost wiped out there ah yeah they're pretty hearty bird come back back to the other side yeah let's get one more for dinner plan is jerry's going to go to the far side and he's going to take another shot and i'm going to wait over here and i'm going to be the the man who scares them back if they happen to go back that way we want to catch one more and then after that we can work on the wild edibles there's a couple apple trees we'll go over here on the way back we saw and then maybe some mushrooms what happened there hop in there one down catch them there you go got them yeah nice how many are left there you think there's three three right four one two three four wait there's one dropping down if in the corner there if you want to get that one too it's oh forget it not very big though not as big as the other ones yeah you think the southern ones were bigger yeah i think they were definitely fatter yeah these guys are not as fat let's get on to uh some wild edibles joe's got some ideas so i'm confident you are that shot ah not super confident not with this gun oh there's there's uh one two three four five six seven eight nine ten ten wow ten well it's only aiming at one we should have been sitting there with the 12 gauge for backup i think you uh i saw some feathers i did yeah so you hit it somewhere so there's ten outside and four four in size fourteen close that door i think that'd be pretty cool don't you think if i set the camera up when we actually see how the birds interact with the cam with the trap not just the camera so i got a spec ops this is the only one i recommend anymore this is browning spec ops because it uh actually does not emit any light or sound or anything that i can tell the animals aren't affected by eating coyote which are the super super spooky animal they are not affected by this camera in one bit if you guys want to see how this turns out we got the camera set up over here and the trap over here we'll see how those pigeons interact with it and we'll let the owners know not to worry too much about the camera but that's nine days in the north you guys have to turn in because that stuff will come out not until near the end so i already got our meal today but i want to see how that shop works and i think you guys do too all right let's see if we can't go get some more wild things to add to our meal if you're ever on landowner property farmer property always make sure that you leave it exactly like you found it so we've got the door all closed up make sure we don't lose any farm animals not that there's any in there but most important part is not to invite any more pigeons in the jeer's spotted an apple tree so wild what dude apples are way up top i know you know what i have at home is a uh a part of those picking baskets that you put on a people why don't we have it because it's at home well there's some on the ground the ground ones are always iffy and you go for a wild apple it's got some chew marks on it you want that one maybe not maybe not lots of wild apples around and this is the season so we'll grab uh enough we make an apple sauce or something else applesauce all right you go oh it's wet if you shake them you won't know which ones are on the ground and which ones came from the tree i'm gonna jump on your shoulders yeah yeah come on limber give me two minutes limber man i thought you could uh well i don't want to break the tree i thought you could climb it no no this one i might this one might be flexible enough to pull down oh keep going keep going oh yeah got one oh go get hold on i don't want to drop this one and get it bruised two oh the other one fell where did it go i don't know i fell in the clump with the other ones that was a good one that's good this one looks good all right there we go enough almost okay that's good enough for me all right half of these on the drive home well okay so we'll get a bit more we got uh i don't know if the guys reminds you of the willis living challenge when uh jerry came up oh dude oh i got one on the head you should have let me know i would have watched which ones are fresh maybe you got to get rid of the unfresh ones you know we should keep some of these for the bear bait pile there you go that's what a wild apple looks like pretty much like that one's got some goop inside we won't eat that one you're making fun of your own self with your own basket it's got sparkles on it yeah it's my kids i just stole it looks pretty official now i think the plan is we're gonna take uh our apples and uh pigeon take the apple and shove it up the keister of meester pigeonster first you gotta pluck them because i think that's the best way to slow cook it and we're gonna wrap it up in some bacon too so the tedious job of plucking a bird birds over there that don't want to be plucked be thankful that they're not ending their cycle of life and continuing mine i'm very thankful for that let's get plucking and let's get stuffing because i'm getting hungry they're both pretty small it's like a mouthful yeah after the feathers are off them probably won't be so fussy about which one i get they're not even peeling them gotta have the funk wow it was actually kind of funny that i didn't bring any adobo it's one thing i did forget but thankfully we have uh the original prototype adobo spice this was made with love by woodbeard's wife wadobo says right on the package so jeremy still has it this is going back a few years how many can we fit one or two apples yeah maybe a half an apple half an apple each and if you uh notice when uh deer is putting this together that he um did some more plucking he wasn't happy with the amount of plucking i did like if you're not a carnivore if you're not eating hair and fur and jeremy's like no they carefully no they don't they just wolf it down literally and then they poop it out because it just takes off enough feathers that you can see some skin and there's like there it's blocked so yeah bacon wrapped pigeon poppers pigeon poppers poppers pretty much a popper all right this is about enough for one bite all right let's get this thing cooking we got some errands to run because this is a whole wild business so we got to go check the bear bait and the bushcraft camp yeah so we got the kitchen scraps to go along for the ride what happened there missed the bag so we're on uh jeremy's family property here he's got a bear bait set up with uh zero activity par for the course for this property uh sadly we are going to go double check we have to hunt bears here they're going to end up in somebody's backyard and if you think about it a bear bait is pretty much getting the garbage bears out of the way call it uh natural selection it's getting rid of the the nuisance bears i look for some mushrooms on the wrong way maybe we'll spot a gross who knows yeah you see it it's nice and orange over there well i can see if you tell me there's a chanterelle and i go to the bright orange thing i could probably find it zach so they were good uh i actually was okay with them the honey mushrooms definitely bothered me but it also could have been like they have to be cooked well yeah and that's something that steve told me about some people just aren't tolerant to certain mushrooms i'm sure some people are intolerant to certain mushrooms i just tell mushrooms by smell yeah yeah yeah does it so people say they and i find that they smell like apricots okay i didn't you didn't notice no i didn't actually like a dried apricot i don't know i'm not really that interested in mushrooms i guess it's one of those things i just don't really care that much about maybe i would be more spurred on if i didn't sit on the toilet for a day after eating them every time you guys know i did all kinds of experiments i ate uh may apples which were supposed to be toxic to people i ate 30 30 of them so it could just be me i have superhuman my apple skills so like we're out we're a fair ways in the bush here a couple kilometers back and he's got the tire on top of the bait and obviously has not been touched so what's the status of the bait though some good some gross poor jer i don't think you're the best baiter you're not the i was a bear i wouldn't come in for that crap it's all wet well dude you should show people the picture of the pigeons that you were going to eat i did half block and then tell me you're as discerning as a bear well bears bears bears [Music] an interesting spot because this is an old collapsed building where people homesteaded once upon a time these would be untreated rough cut boards because when this place was built there was no treated lumber there are hundreds of puffballs here and they seem to be in good condition so we'll uh add a few of those in the winter i came up here and we spent two days building a bushcraft camp you might have seen that video we put a lot of work and effort into it jeremy said um well we're coming near it that's why i'm talking about it he said uh it wasn't faring so so well after the snow melted there's a little bit of sinkage whoops oh frick uh yeah we gotta we got at least at least a day's work here whoops we had a little bit of a snow load issue here because the roof completely collapsed we lost our wall here as well the the bed's fine besides it's getting wet and the tarp looks to be in decent shape so that's salvageable and the back wall here kicked out as well i'm not sure if jair saw it this bad or not and all the pieces are still here right i mean those aren't going anywhere we just have to rebuild it got the back wall it's really actually still really nice place even in the spring or the summer fall it's kind of messy where did we go wrong i don't know if we went wrong wrong but the fact that we had it all set on snow and then the snow disappeared is probably what caused it all the shift right you can kind of see where that wall probably because they were just sitting on snow they sunk and tipped over and that's what pushed all the roof down our main support is still strong and our roof is still all laced together keep watching that's gonna be nine days in the north right here nah we're gonna get this banged up in one day no lobsters no they were all super soggy and i don't like lobster mushrooms that much oh just up here at the garden it's got a huge garden jeremy really started to focus on this him and his family got a whole bunch of potato plants tomato plants carrots some root vegetables so that's going to go along nicely with our meal it's got a combination of wild and farmed i don't know whatever you call it so we're going to grab a handful of potatoes a handful of carrots that'll round out our meal this is the this is the future maybe of the channel it's more homesteading and exactly what humans were intended to do as well alrighty so no bears um no bear activity we still have another spot to check but now we have plenty of stuff to eat oh so there's your catching toy pigeon looks good to me how does that look looks like it's fit for a king it's all fresh fresh mushrooms fresh apple is there anything that's not fresh the butter yeah we drizzled a pile of butter on there and then uh we got some extra adobo caramelized right isn't it no it's super interesting it's really savory oh really yeah i wonder why i'm gonna try the mushrooms first and you'll have to watch for um day two of yeah the 90s in the north the toilet version yeah to see if i uh react to these ones perfectly cooked it's nice and tender this is the manual we're working through the fur harvesters fur management and conservation course manual it is a giant giant book we've got to get through 340 pages as boring as calculus no it's actually not no interesting it is interesting we're going to talk about biology and ecology the critters yeah and ways to catch them and all the different traps and the trapped sets can i see that there we go so yeah and then we'll do we'll do a practical maybe i'll take you guys along for the practical if you guys want to come it's uh two days in field so you might be interested i might get some cool things going to show you right now it's just we're sitting in class and we're kind of reading this and yeah the instructor ryan interpreting the information for us yeah and then we do a little bit of reading on our own yeah when we want to well good morning guys we're on day two of nine days in the north we got jeremy back here bright and early in the morning so early that uh we're narnia we're a little lost we're looking for a sand bar in the middle of the lake here because we're gonna try to sneak up on some geese because that's what jeremy thinks that we're doing so that's what we're doing i think we're just going to probably wait an hour or two until the fog lifts meanwhile spinning around in circles because i can't see anything and jeremy put his head down a little bit to get set for the shooting action and uh we spun a little bit we could be totally going where are we now yeah where are we we don't know where we are the idea is to get a duck or a goose it's pretty foggy here jer you got the gps out now i got the google maps he's got google maps well there's another shoreline here jerry popping up will you wear that okay yeah where's the geese so that big weed bed is kind of just a head and to the right so we're getting close to the action now okay it's not a perfect goose duck setup this is it's like more like pursuit we're gonna come out of that fog light ninjas ninjas it's ninja ing we've got a big red canoe i know if you guys can tell big red canoe so we're not exactly stealth mode we've got lots of camo on but we're still a red canoe all right i'm gonna switch over to gopro we're gonna see if we can get something done here oh i have one shot so far this is warming the gun up it's been cold all winter now we're set yeah we jumped a couple more four more maybe five more six more anybody who thinks this isn't sporting because you're well you're jumping the duck so it's the same as anything else and it's legal because uh jeremy's not a motor acting like one but he's not a motor i'm mostly at the ready at the front nice morning freezing cold it was uh frost too far yeah is it gonna come back this way nope it's too smart i think this is the uh one of the hardest ways to duck hunt but kind of the most versatile because you just go where you want to go right yeah it's more like uh chances of the least patient way to do it probably that it's probably the most difficult i think your success rate on this is uh maybe zero maybe zero i don't i've never shot one like this you have maybe yeah i've done this solo a lot and the biggest hang up is like the time it takes you to drop your paddle get your gun out yeah uses up precious time right yeah keep on top of the pigeon traps we have set we haven't heard anything back from the owners yet but they're they wouldn't know either way the camera's on the trail camera's on them so we'll know try to stay productive as much as possible all right i gotta i gotta get ready here are you gonna shoot where'd he go ah here here jesus more coming where those ones i was hoping for someone's closer oh we got some showing in there they're oh [ __ ] i wasn't expecting like 30 of them shapers all right guns warmed up we should if we would have just forgot those two stupid ones we could have just kept going in we would have been all over them there was only two two flushed and then there was like 30 came out oh there was our shot jeremy blew it three shots each yeah three shots we didn't get a chance to reload but we almost could have there's uh two flushed up which i tried to shoot and then about 30 came up so and we missed all of them and jeremy almost tipped the boat over but uh it's only a foot of water but it's going to be cold it's probably warmer than the air maybe that's why it's foggy it's wetter though but we'll see what else happens here there's so many ducks we gotta come back and set up in the morning here maybe before i go where it's just like we gotta do it nope one more no yeah shoot or yeah too far there you go there's your chance nope one more no [Applause] ah uh did you get your feet wet oh yeah did you shoot a bunch with your silencer on yeah i actually just walked up and clubbed him oh what's that a bird of bread bird of prey delicious that's a big one though i want that one oh we just pulled the canoe up here and we're gonna go to the pond the back we hunted it before and it's always well not always sometimes ducks hanging out there during the day so if we sneak up on them we might actually be able to get some food today because i don't know i'm pretty hungry i think jeremy's getting pretty hungry i think i got him [Laughter] i might be able to get it just with my boots off there's a duck after a whole day's work stalking ducks we're stalking ducks with our big fat red canoe jerry's gonna bring a stick out so i don't have to go swimming i would go swimming it's not so bad up to my waist or so here yeah but to go past me and looked up and i'm expecting him to be to the right a little bit and he was right in front but i can't tell perspective-wise how far he was oh yeah oh like he was only what 15 feet straight yeah so you lose a perspective when you're crouched 11 30. how long was that four or five hours yeah well it should be clean in the the food business here yeah because mostly up here in the neck a wood duck another one another wood duck didn't fly when the first one got shot so you wait here and then if i scare it up just try and shoot it when it's right about there so it lands at your feet okay oh i completely missed that one jerry snuck over here and he shot and i didn't even see any of it i was ready but i didn't think he got that close you gonna make it i couldn't see it at all from here i'll see if you can't grab it oh no we don't have to share your birds yeah it worked out one piece one each i'll get some cranberries on the way out that'll go nice with the duck duck and wild cranberry wild duck wild cranberry what do you think yeah yours is longer and skinnier mine's shorter and fatter there we go guys effort rewarded well there's a big reward from a big effort or very little reward from big effort we just spotted a cranberry bush over here so we got to do a ue get enough to make a sauce to go with her duck you gotta hang on are you gonna paddle around this is uh it's a high bush cranberry right yeah i gotta get these off stupid things to protect my ears though so jerry wants me to try do i try like bite right off of it maybe i won't goober because of you know communicable diseases yeah i don't have any i'm only only get one only one ready okay one two three it's on the bottom of the boat where the giardia is what is it we're ready it's good that's what they look like so we're gonna try to get uh maybe a liter of them that'll be enough a leader all right there we go that's about a liter you ready sure one two why you wouldn't put the top on it through it but he's moving dangerously we're in a rush balancing beam that was close i almost wiped out a little precarious here right this is we're in just tucked up on a log game here you know there's definitely not a bear no no no bear well like all the apples weren't eaten on the ground smells bad yeah which is good but uh if it draws a bear in just the nasty smell does it tell you any activations in there no no it's got nothing that's a pretty basic one well we're not gonna we need to set gear up with a better camera go for it and go for it all right so that's the bear thing so i don't think we're gonna be hunting bears no point if there's no bear we're not gonna sit here and waste our time we'll do something else teleport in time to when our dinner's ready you're not gonna do the door closing the ignition going nope the dash lighting up no the wipers [Laughter] the seat belt click nope oh come on shoot the sequence you're going gotta get the the shifter oh my shifter forgot the shifter okay we're gonna spin out of here you all ready for this [Music] let's uh strain this out get the seeds out of it i did mash it earlier with a potato masher just to break up the fruits a bit so that that cranberry is looking pretty good cheers to straining it out right now and then we're gonna cut up a bunch of apples throw it in there so we can have the apple cranberry reduction nine days day two nine days in the north i got uh lots of days left still tomorrow we're gonna be on site for the trap course we're doing skinning tomorrow so i don't know if i'm gonna be able to film anything tomorrow so it might not be nine episodes in this series but i did contact adam craig who may be able to take us out on uh duck goose hunt at the end of the course because we're done at four oh well it's nice and tender it is stuck by itself stuck with the cranberry oh it's like jam actually that complements it perfectly that front foot usually on the pan when they when the trap goes off they try and swim away well guys good day it's day three of nine days in the north today i'm actually starting off with my education but i'm learning how to trap so i'm doing my trappers course every day we got a little bit of that to do doing beaver muskrat and a raccoon so i'm gonna jump in there and get some of that done and then later today we're actually gonna go on a duck hunt with uh buddy adam who's also a trapper well here we are in the uh we're going to call it ryan's skin shack i guess we've got a you can't call it ryan's i can call it whatever i want he doesn't mind he's like go ahead so we got everybody out here got the whole crew uh we're on our lunch break as you can tell ryan's skin check why not perfect he'll like that maybe he'll put a placard so it's just basically i ty's we're being run out of this house so we got a bunch of muskrats we haven't done a muskrat yep but uh jeremy's got some bears too yeah we brought lunch wild lunch in style everybody else has eaten sandwiches this could need some salt though this would double that's better is there enough one is there not enough i can put more that's a lot throw some scraps in there too some beaver scraps and some raccoon fats and throw it in hind quarters and throw it right in there why not so we just finished up the beaver uh where'd the raccoon go it's over here the kind of the running theme here is i get to do the southern ontario animals unfortunately jeremy's kind of paired up with me we're going to do the raccoon it's over here and the other fellas are going to do a beaver and we might team up on a muskrat next tomorrow we actually have to set traps so that's going to be interesting i might film myself making some kind of set and he's kind of hinted at that i probably have to do a coyote set because that's more common in my neck of the woods most of the people are local guys so if you guys want to take the course i would highly recommend ryan tamlin and i'll put that information uh down below if you guys decide that that's something that you want to do so ryan made up some uh sets for us so how these work it's a snare uh this is fruit that's set for beaver so you put it up in the in the uh grommet clip here and that'll hold it and then when the animal goes through it pulls tight and now it's set the animal can't it can't back it up at all but obviously we can't because we're smarter than animals and again if it's really muddy uh when i catch it or if i catch a creek what i'll usually do is i throw it back in the creek sort of rinse it off pull it out it's not going to hurt any cut around so what i do now it's all in preference i know where the knuckle is there i'm going to cut that one tendon now when you're pulling the pelt off it's easier if the legs off you've actually got the weight of carcass or trying to pull it over too my first muskrat yeah yeah there you go there you go one for the memory book it's almost done just gotta get some more food off of it and then we can sell the sell the fur yeah for five bucks what's that worth five bucks five bucks just stand them up over here did everybody pass oh i think so everybody did a good job yeah we're actually learning things i was kind of surprised that i would actually i mean that's totally surprised that i would learn things but i i've learned more things than i thought it would put it that way we've been around this stuff for a while but we're all you always see picking up little finer details when you when you do it who's the last trapper you never heard that no it's a very no really so the last trapper is uh it's a movie right and it's the story of a guy who made a living trapping and but he was the last guy you know because it's a dying art or lifestyle i suppose yeah well the price the economics of it all yeah you can make money trapping it's a losing proposition oh there we go guys there's a a raccoon i've already skinned it out put jarrah jeremiah on the raccoon so we gotta we still gotta flush it out it's obviously taken all apart the other crew is working on a beaver right now throw it on the flushing board here ferris is studying the beaver flushing beam flushing beam so we're turning it inside out combination with some wood shavings you want to do that right now or no i'm gonna do a bit first a little trick to sawdust because they're so fatty so it's gonna soak up some of that and if it was any warmer out here all that fat would be dripping on your legs so you want to do that so it doesn't rot they're the ones we scraped with a knife the muskrats with a knife so the feet get cut off here open the ears off because there's there's no value to that unless a unless somebody's going to do a mount with it where they're going to mount the whole thing oh guys that's it now we get to go over we're gonna go meet up with adam see if we can't get ourselves a goose i want a goose i already got a dog got uh adam craig outdoors you still doing the channel no not as much huh i'll put the link down below you guys can go check it out or whatever but he's doing a lot of woodworking now so i'll link that up below if you guys want to buy uh what cutting boards is the mainstage chicoutery boards and spatulas pretty much anything fish cleaning boards yeah fish tables and they're really nice really nice boards i actually have one i showed it off a while ago maybe i could find some b-roll of that but still use it all the time yeah yeah it's at the cabin if not at the cabinets at my house ready to go yeah we're all set ready jeremy jeremy jeremy's riding princess ready not quite princess no there's another word for where i'm riding what is it uh it's not really coming to mind right now it is a little bit of a bumpy ride so hang on let's get down to the pond they've got like a i call it a beaver smell you ever been to science north where they have that pet beaver yeah or that porcupine i remember that one it smells like a beaver yeah well like it smells like a porcupine because it's a porcupine but so anytime i come through here if i get a whiff of that i know he's around and there's always it seems like there's always one here i've killed probably three or four they smell like armpit yeah b.o yeah yeah okay yeah well they can't really wash themselves too easily yeah it's hard on them you guys see that blob there that's the porcupine right there so we could have some porcupine for dinner yep we'll save him let's save him for later it's gonna be back-up plan [Laughter] yeah but we know where he is roughly we can always [Music] adam actually built this uh trap cabin family trap cabin call it the situation is there's the ponds down here and there might be some ducks sitting in there but if not we'll definitely sit out here so we got a chance to kind of regroup get our gear together and see what's up we'll do a sneak down and we'll see what happens all right guys i'm gonna put my face covering on here in a second let's set uh camera up here we get the gopro rocking i'll get the attack to cam on the gun mount we'll see if everything works and get a shot from everything it's uh jerry's gonna go to the far bank case they decide to skirt us and i think adam's going to either come over back over here i think he's going to come over here because he's got a gun too let's get yourself some dinner shooting uh x bolt browning expo a5 semi i got some bb duck load but i'm not going to start with that because it's mostly going to be ducks here all right did i say duck load i might goose load i need some big heavy shot shell stuff let him get over here i'll do a bit of calling he's got a spread out here i don't know if you can tell but there's a bunch of decoys here geese and duck so should draw us in but they can land anywhere in here never know what's gonna happen here's that bb load three inch uh bb big shot knocked down big geese well no luck with the docks so we're gonna throw in some goose decoys in the mix for when uh well last light because there's a good chance that the geese are gonna come in here at the end so god i'm just gonna go grab a bunch of field decoys that are turned into floaters the only luck we had so far is when adam was out in the boat twice setting up the second time they set up the geese decoys and then the first time when he was fixing them and nothing's been back since ah i didn't like the look of the pond i don't think they saw anything and uh maybe we'll get another hunt and maybe we'll come back out we'll see what adam's up to he wants to have us back out here we'll get up to some kind of shenanigans in this whole series stick around there's more to come well good morning guys we're here for a soggy day four we're just here at ryan tamlins doing the second portion of the practical course so this is all gonna be hands-on trap setting hopefully it doesn't rain too much we've got a little bit of work to do inside the garage before we move out and do our own saturday mindset probably gonna do a leg hold trap for a coyote or something like that and then right now we have a beaver to finish up that we didn't get done yesterday and then we're going to dye some of the traps so the trap to dye them is to take a little bit of the the color out of it from the machine process and the oils obviously an animal is going to be able to smell that and then after that we're going to go a little bit over the lures the scent lures once we get that beaver down then we can jump back outside and get busy with some actual set and then we're going to go over our sets and get kind of graded on them and get some tips and pointers on what we can improve upon you want to knock any of the loose stuff off see what this one you can see there's a little bit of scale there so there's black there's brown um white green yeah these ones were done last year they're not very rusty a couple of catches uh ryan's catches we've got a timberwolf i've seen too many weasels they're more than nocturnal i don't see that many on the trail camera down south and this was a remind me uh pine martin uh special color what do you call it canary so the other guys are finished up they throw they just threw their beaver up and that's uh the one ryan did yesterday as a demo well we got to find the one with the hole in it that's our raccoon but they look pretty similar and then our muskrats over here they're drying up nicely so he just showed off a drowning set where it's hooked up on a tree and then the foothold catch and then the animal would have to would swim down to find deeper water and then get stuck down in the deeper water and drown so you might you know wonder whether that's ethical enough but they've done tests these animals are aquatic animals they're used to holding their breath so they're going to basically expire what was the definition the textbook definition of that one so apparently they can't get water in their lungs so they um succumb to carbon dioxide build up in their bloodstream not to actually technical drowning i'll put it just back like that and when he walks into his bank and he'll swim the deeper water oh i can't get back up yeah because of the lock right if he swims out he can keep going if he pulls up he's not all righty so we're off to the races i got to do two sets got to do a raccoon cubby set right here with the white bucket it's like a live trap but not a live trap and i'm going to reset the coyote trap so let's do the coyote trap first and then ryan's going to come over and grade us i can't leave the coyote set when i'm finished it because there's a dog running around and not the kind of dog that we actually want to catch so let's get that thing done and we'll see if we pass basically it's just a white pail that you can get for free at most convenience stores not well the safeties are all on normally you would remove this over here and also the set safety but we got some pets and kids around here so we're not going to do that obviously bait that at the back with something sweet savory and stinky and the most important thing is you want to anchor off your snare or uh trap for the biggest animal you will you can possibly catch and in this case could potentially be a fox or coyote yeah stick your hand in there and find out no it's safe yeah it's all safety yeah it's all safety 100 safety so that's it cool i think we're good well i think do you think i'm just learning i think you're good yeah but because i think maybe that's a 160. um paul's got a measuring tape so you could measure it and then you would know yeah i don't think the 160 is okay you think a 160 is fine for a raccoon so i'm not going to fail certified as long as it's also the right brand of 160. that's true i didn't really you can't really check on those you're kind of old to try hard you can't really see the labels on there obviously if i buy my own stuff i'm going to know and you'll know it's going to double check see if there's anything that i could have used instead of that one it's kind of like the cheat note well it's not this one because that's for uh what did he say mink nice grab all right sorry american i think we had some second thoughts about the size of the trap so that beaver set looks really good that's a 330. so that's the biggest i think you can get i don't think they make anything bigger than the 330. what did you do a drowned set for uh mink no from my scratch muskrat right foot hole one and a half inch is that what it is yeah picture one and a half and uh he's just going to put it down there in the swamp you pick you pick the most awkwardest spot to do it but it looks like it's gonna work and then so i'm pretending that there's a muskrat house here and that would be his landing pad gotcha right so the traps underwater and then i've got a slide pole i don't even know where it is here so i could tell like when you hit that one jaw you could tell the trap actually moved a little bit a little bit so what i would recommend is when you put that trap in there make sure that bed is firm okay so pound the dirt around it even if you got to use your uh like your fist and just pound it down so that's a pass on both sets i just got to get a stick here because we're going to set this one off i didn't film that it was a little awkward to film but uh yeah the buckets that work so we get to trigger the trap and see what happens ready oh that's so violent that thing's freaking dead we're gonna go check our pigeon trap and see if it's producing i want to check the trail camera right now and see if i can improve it and then after that we're going to make a trip way up north for some growth well we haven't decided yet but probably something like that and do some actual off-gridding and camping so i'll meet you guys over at the pigeon traps oh welcome to the farm well let's go check out the camera what's it doing down here why isn't it in the trap pigeon right there you guys see that missed well it was down there in the feed wasn't it oh and they ate everything around the whole thing but it didn't go in why not well they're getting low on the outside food but they're still maybe there's too much food on the outside playback oh 186 impressions they're all around the thing birds birds birds birds birds birds birds it looks like there's some inside the trap but i don't know maybe they're just on the outside birds birds not big birds small birds i hear the pigeons up top there birds all over the place oh there's a pigeon i don't see any pigeons work in this area it's just all the other birds well hmm now that's a little bit of dilemma there well it looks like we've got lots of activity here it's mostly those house sparrows and they've kind of cleaned up the mess here so what we're gonna do is gonna clean everything up around here because now they know there's a source of food in here the birds the small birds can actually come in and out of the trap so the hope is like once it gets down to uh just pigeons left or just the stuff on the inside then pigeons actually go in who knows i don't know if the pigeons are as desperate as the other birds because there's a lot more activity from the sparrows and we'll check it back in a couple more days huh geese you got another one [Music] well good morning guys today uh i don't know anymore five of nine days in the north got uh adam craig back behind me jerry's up on the other side he's uh he's the hot gun this morning oh he's coming in here see if we can't call him in well no luck there the geese have been tough they uh we don't have any goose decoys out right now lots of ducks so far chair knocked down uh four or five just as we were setting up we got here a little bit late just a little bit past shooting light threw everything out and uh just got a small pawn same pawn as we had before a lot more action this morning so adam came up with a pretty good plan to move on the other side here and we're going to do a short hunt this morning or whatever we decide to do and then we're going to head up north to do some growth hunting because it's open glad jeremy's on the board i was gonna wait for them to come in a bit let them come in jail i want to see you get them circled around and come in cup call them they can't shoot that far jeremy's over there somewhere i don't even know where he is he's pretty well hidden adam's trying to call some of the ducks from the other side of the pond over here but uh jared got another shot and it kind of landed over on the other side so probably gather up the canoe at some point get up all the birds and see if we can't recover that last one that would make five for jeremy he did a lot more shooting than i did though than all of us i don't think adam even got a shot off he's been mostly calling it's tricky for him jeremy had the advantage because they're actually going up that little channel there so he's got a perfect view of them coming down the pond where some of ours are landing they're trying to land over top of our backs we're not seeing them till the last second then you try to move and they're facing away from you and that's not the best way to shoot them well that was a little more successful eh yeah that was a day glad we could uh squeeze it in yeah that was fun i think that's the best way to do it is a couple hours in the morning that's normally what i do yeah and i cut a couple winter green berries a lot of people don't know that the berries are actually edible too they're in season in the fall those aren't particularly very good and they're not sweet most people know them by the leaves it smells like wintergreen like the gum not very sweet though what we're doing is we're going to go up north and set up a camp today with tents and see if we can't bang off some gross because it's open and i love gross hunting it's a lot of walking that's the lump that i was stuck on how much end up with two two all that for two all that shoot we must have lost something one yeah yeah even this one we had to chase him on chore there kind of really yeah he was hiding we got a mallard there i know yeah is it a melody or a black it's a small one that's you that's yours that's that's how big they are is that that's pretty much uh you're taking advice from adam i know it's just just like if his wife wants to oh my wife got the mushrooms from the other dishes i'm not eating those oh she's like well i'm gonna die i'm like no jerry said they're good i'm like he's seen them he went over and grabbed them it's not like he was like well well try these out on your wife that's what i told her i'm like i just said what do we got to lose i ate like partially cooked mushrooms a couple times and i was on the can all day and i'm not exaggerating like starting from 12 p.m the day before until 10 no tell 10 p.m the next day i think that just having them something to draw their attention to although those ones wanted to land so i think if we weren't moving around and maybe gave an odd quack they would have been picture perfect did you hear them in the air too quacking at each other and then the and then the geese too and the geese don't really want to land here but like it was everything you wanted except for bang bang bang bang well i got a whole box full of empties here you got empties to show for every time that's the second time you've been on this side and it seems like this is where we need to be it's hard to pick one spot it's almost like if you have the whole pond you want just multiple spots and then set one guy up everywhere and then they're like whoa we got it he's gonna get shooting right yeah lots of shooting one more two two heard six shots so that's about right was that the was it an injured one yeah yeah yeah no there was one he shot and then it was true well there's two more for the pot so now we got four we got enough to eat now these are uh scopping another little baby one bluebells well they don't get big oh okay this is a young of the year though i think yeah feathers just coming in yeah they're barely in it's always interesting to see like where we don't need all of this stuff we are just gonna we're gonna go explore a new area we don't we can't rely on the food there and we don't want to so this is all catchy cook style so we're just uh getting a little bit more air in the tires we're still at adam's place here grapes uh homemade banana bread pepperettes i got two varieties hummus and uh we got some guacamole we thought we'd give that a try and we're just gonna be snacking with some chips pretty much set to go snacks are locked and loaded i got the guns at the ready in case you never know never know what happened i might ride into a road kill on the side of the side of the road i got my slingshot ready to go there's my uh there's my video title what's that this trip is for the birds just a thumbnail with all ducks and grows and what's your plan oh crap there's lots of turtle quarter in age not neutral but ripping it yeah so we are pretty far up in the bushes oh get some gasoline and get back on the road three hours north of north bay we're in a town called gogama not yet almost oh we still have to go down this road too and then take another turn off oh gamma's that way we're going west okay we'll gamble's a bit to the east well we're not going to go gambling no i'm just going down the dirt road okay so we're going to go back about 20 kilometers or so that's a good number yeah we got about 180 if you go 80 this will end up in some place new place different place if you travel all the way to the end of it you end up at shop low i worked up here for a whole summer actually pretty much uh on this and off this road working in um surveying for hawks uh in the cut-over areas and um so we would camp out for five days at a time you know we mostly were on the side roads but we did often commute in and out on this road and there's always log trucks and it's all gravel quick 20 kilometers and we ended up in a pretty major clear cut but we are actually looking for a bear too i see a bear we'll take a bear we've got some good hanging weather pretty typical of what we're going to kind of get into so they'll cut all the trees most of them and they all get it all gets replanted and it's on a cycle they'll pick a spot they'll make a road harvest everything and then they'll come back in the following season plant it all and then it rejuvenates this will grow back and actually the wildlife really like these and they're drawn to these areas because berries will grow in here blueberries the moose hook use the cuts the bears will use the cuts too it's just more edge habitat and animals love that kind of stuff well let's get up on that ridge you see that ridge over there maybe we'll see something cool from up there we gotta put our seat belts on figure out where we want to be and if we want to be at this cut or not if we want to find something a little bit more grown in and we get something that's like you know five six seven up to ten years growing in we might get some more mature habitat there are like huge swaths of jackpot up this way yeah i mean it's going to be mixed bush we just got to figure out how we want to spend our time we want to poke around here and maybe kick one up or two this one looks a little bit better it's more uh mature forest here and then the gravel uh path i wouldn't be too surprised if we don't come up on a grouse on the pathway here i like to see that a little bit of water a little bit of swamp i'd hunt this all day wow we're trying to figure out what to do so we'll probably just we're gonna go for a while we got about an hour to make a decision before we camp we could camp here whether it's a good spot we don't know be careful on these uh cuts because there's lots of trippy hazards might flush a grouse here or who knows what um a couple more logs and i'm back into the freaking mature forest get my freaking legs caught up in here up in here these are all game trails i'll probably be able to find some there we go see that there it's a snowshoe hair pellet just rabbits in here look at this thing big red squirrel cash look at this been working hard grabbing all these what he's doing is he's waiting for these to hatch hatch to spread open so you can collect the seed on the inside no trails you gotta hop over everything this is pretty typical of the streams and brooks you'll get in this area tea colored tea stained it's what we'd call it this is very likely to be a brook trout creek oh mushrooms yeah lots of mushrooms a little beaver dam there not much lots of rabbit trails oh yeah all through here and you can tell where uh they're hanging out and the blow downs and coming out so i would expect we'd start to see them around dusk if we were down here yeah just hanging out i don't know what do you think about this it all seems kind of good to me yeah it's like whether you want a bushwhack all day or not i'm going to say you keep this one in mind yeah you wanted to look at another spot yeah i thought you might why'd you take that is that a feeling we only have really one more one more chance to look at something else before we have to decide well we found a little lake over here and we're expecting to come over the hill and be able to find a spot to camp on this lake over here but nothing we're on the worst trail of the whole bunch so far and this guy's got a whole freaking rv attempt set up wood piled up for weeks i don't know if you saw that or not but it's a whole set up in the whole rv maybe it's just a kovic proper for god's sakes man i can't win i wanted to be out in the bush by myself what happened what's happening well we've been driving for 80 kilometers and we haven't seen one grows yeah which is bizarre it's it's madness we actually uh we found a place to camp which was was a struggle even before we're in a sand pit we didn't plan to like set up shop anywhere so it's good we're going to be pretty nomadic so he's like just operate out of the vehicle hunt go hunt go yeah we don't have to cut firewood for an hour yeah that's the thing you guys maybe appreciate seeing it but uh it's a heck of a lot of work that goes into cooking on a fire and then we can get cooking eat some dinner i found a pretty sweet spot talked here i'm actually up on top of the gravel mound i'll show you perspective wise but there's actually it looks like a little bit of a tent pad actually i cleared some of the sticks out here already but it's perfectly flat and i always have to make sure that i'm far enough away from jeremy that i can't hear him snore because i won't sleep at all so he's down kind of on the other side of the car there so what we're gonna do is get this tent set up all right he's gotta clear a couple of branches out of the way hasn't been much maintenance on this campsite probably no one likes to really camp up here so way up here see the car down there they would have used the gravel from here to build the roads that are out here all right so jerry's got the stove running we gotta decide we're gonna eat hamburgers hamburgers unanimous then hamburgers it is we do have our docks here but they're not uh processed or not cleaned and we have run out of time so we aren't going to do that we got some lettuce and uh we have a tomato too but we don't have any condiments we need we need a grouse in camp here more woodpeckers than anything gross in camp would be good maybe this morning or tomorrow morning there'll be one just wander through camp [Applause] ruger 22. we'll see if i use that for gross or not it's going to be tricky it's going to be all head shots and a gross has a very small head you should have brought condiments whatever i can't bring everything we're already car camping i suppose caesar dressing yeah we could we could have brought everything yeah well i guess so we're kind of short on space actually yeah like guns and camera gear here i got a challenge for you what's that you have to kill gross with a duck it's like that is that trading up whack quack is that what you do when you throw it you quack there's my my version of a bush burger that was a delicious delicious dinner get a couple piles of wood together it's gonna get dark at 7 30. now i can't go to bed at 7 30. go to bed like 9 30 since we're getting up pretty early we're up by 4 30 this morning to go duck hunting it's got a big we're gonna make a bonfire i think why i feel the chill coming in 100 chance of growth i don't know about your chances but i'm going to get some how many uh we're hunting all day yeah got nothing else to do dawn until dusk uh 40 chance of limiting out but how many are you going to get five 40 but it's only 40 chance of five yeah well it's 100 for me 100 chance of five but it's like six percent for you so i'm doing our average i wanted to see at least one gross today and i didn't so my confidence is not super high i'm gonna say we get two tomorrow like we're gonna hunt hard and get two maybe we'll get surprised you guys have to keep watching that's the beauty of this we don't know and you don't know [Music] i slept like this let's go hunting well it's the morning it's not a good morning right there yeah is it good or not good i don't know you got some stuff on the screen could be worse could it could be better what time is it eight o'clock quarter past eight yeah so we slept in a little bit like this is you can hunt in this this is just like a drizzle now yeah so we might be through the thick of it we're supposed to be only partly cloudy today yeah this is like solid gray that's my coffee ready to go yeah did you bring a raincoat i did i don't like wearing the raincoat too much though because just my legs get wet car camping i'm gonna go with the tostitos and the leftover guacamole a banana and a pepperette not very good guacamole i'm not gonna advertise for it then slimy lemon yeah yeah way too smooth too smooth that's it it doesn't have the chunks yeah they're kind of they're not the greatest but they make my teeth for some reason they make your teeth hurt yeah they're i don't know they're um they're weird a pepper who makes a pepperoni that does that those are extra long so they're extra but they're they're not they're not dried out enough or something i'm gonna advertise for those guys either there you go camera's on me yeah you're gonna we're gonna drive around today oh yeah that'll keep us dry just road hunt all day madness absolute madness who has a thunderstorm in september in the middle of the north that's insanity chairs running inside the car now that wu town [Laughter] why don't we just start a fire and start bushcrafting jeremy i'm getting gassed out i'm gonna put a banana in my pocket to get out of here oh i think i made it were you thinking jared what am i thinking thinking be optimistic means your most optimistic sentence you can think of right now i'm really excited for the opportunity to catch up on more sleep in the car are you gonna go back to the tent you know i'm gonna be too wet to sleep in my tent now i'm recalculating our chances today like i have a new estimate i pre i pre-computed all this yeah yeah well we're gonna make a bit of tracks because uh see somebody drove by they're probably looking for birds who knows they blew past our camp so we're gonna head up the way here and pick a nice spot where we can jump off and poke around in the woods a little bit looks very very grossy here one thing that i find is it's very common to look at something and you see as far as the first branches or the first trees they're like a fence or a building right but you as you ease into it you learn to look through everything yeah so instead of just seeing the edge of the road you start to look in sometimes you can see 50 meters into the bush but your lazy eyes from the city only look as far as the first stuff right yeah yeah and you really have to work your dap and you have to work on obviously your prey identification too and gross look a certain way deer look a certain way bear look a certain way all right now it's time to dress up a little bit like a pumpkin see what we can wrestle out of the woods just on the top of the hill here now keep the car nearby and running how to make the most of it that's for sure i'm rocking the same gun i use for waterfowl browning a5 wicked wing actually not going to bring the camera along too far into the woods here we'll switch over to the tacticam then i'll give you guys a first person perspective here we go there's a nice nice roughy probably young of the year there was actually a group of five in here had the safety on for the first one so that doesn't always work out and uh the other ones just kind of kept going took off on me how was your walk chair uneventful wet yeah i should have put those big boots on before i went in there yeah well here we go we're not skunked nope groceries from the woods yep there we go there we go back to camp check to make sure nothing's missing stove's still here that's the most important part i think i'm gonna do a gross wrap we'll call it a partridge wrap your own product well i asked zach for a bunch of it and he carries it all in his store in maine so he has to ship everything to me modern conveniences yeah is it cheating no no why because we're park camping yeah uh we got a bunch of ducks and they're just hanging we're uh aging them right now oh shoot i shouldn't have shake the tree i forgot it's wet still one mushroom yeah what kind of thing birch bowl eat oh it's electric you find that offensive that you won't learn mushrooms if i hang around you so much mushroom expert and i don't learn them no everybody's got their thing right like i love wild berries and things like that but mushrooms i just maybe if i could like for sure identify them every time and they weren't like so risky and i didn't have so many bad experiences with them so that there is more or less what you get from a gross now you have plucked them before you can pluck them you're not going to get a whole lot of fat or anything like that off of it so i would say it's questionable whether i would bother to pluck them over again you're more than welcome to do it i don't find it valuable and there's a little bit more uh meat on the legs not much don't waste them so i'm gonna do is i'm gonna carve out the muscle part this is a small bird you can probably get twice the size on a mature bird and that'll be our chicken tender strips partridge tender strips for a wrap i just dropped it in the dirt too much yammering with my fingers just put rocks all in it now it is like roadkill only thankfully it's not uh embedded right inside the breast and you don't realize it you get a chunk in your mouth your teeth you really notice that headshot 100 yeah it's a tight load on that too right the choke's tight not much room for air but that's good because then you don't get any in your meat [Music] oh that's got to be one of the schmanciest things i ever made out of busch food what do you think cyprus little squirt isn't it look how much color's in there i harv i harvested the tomatoes from the store they let us from the store this but that's what it takes to make a fancy schmancy meal this looks really good doesn't it are you jealous a had little bit good burger hmm my shoes are dressing we got to get more growth yep that one looks very poisonous maybe we'll grab we'll grab it and watch look at it looks like it looks like if i eat it i'll get really high that's textbook out of super mario on a mushroom can i eat it yeah i can actually eat this once once what is it that's the amanita will it make any superpowers like on super mario uh no you will hallucinate and then your organs might fail that's what i was thinking i'm like this is textbook super mario yeah yeah i thought it would get me like get going real fast so there's a red variety right which is more textbook super mario look at that thing but that's that's an amanita some of them in that group are edible but like that's the advanced mushroomers it'll make me hallucinate yeah so this one is um reputed to be like a shamanic mushroom i was right yeah but it also like if you don't know what you're doing it also can kill you well just a sliver see let's see where it takes this campfire tonight yeah that looks so cool though there's some super interesting accounts of people who've used it and had experiences like you can you can find that stuff online or i feel like i might reach the next level of something yeah my life all right we'll save it for tonight yeah okay i'll watch let's do this all right grouse beware welcome to nine days in the north we are actually north this time we're about uh seven hours drive from my house in southern ontario today we're gonna try to get ourselves some food from the bush get up in the bushes be with the animals in here there's gotta be a gross in here somewhere or a cotton tail i mean a snowshoe here no cottontails here so the trick with this is to basically spot them on the ground we're not flushing birds out of here this is not what you see on tv yeah i think this is the nicest one right here maybe yeah this one oh that's gross no thanks alrighty so we got a bit of a creek system here which will help us not get lost there's usually birds down near the water nice spot it's got lots of cover i might even find a snowshoe hair in this stuff spruce trees they like to hide in i might kick one the alarm up a side one go ahead too far not for you well take one no i'll go up and take one after you take one then you're deadly with the full joke it opened up quite a bit though yeah jared thinks it might have gone up in the tree here oh no he's hoping that i would stay on the ground and he would get to sneak up a little bit more oh we're here right here back up you got him or i go don't go for it okay i'll back up i'll back you up [Laughter] chair that's not how that was supposed to be no i don't know what happened there you shoot under them uh i don't know we'll see if maybe it's on camera we'll have to check that out not these ribbons here trying to figure out what's up and we finally found something that matches the purpose it's like a old box but probably still workable solid enough so according to our trap course you just put your trap in there you're all set to go oh here's an interesting little discovery here i would say that could be any kind of hole but probably i don't know maybe a small porcupine hole don't got it you get them no so i saw that bird or a different bird from the road and we came up here uh the one i saw seemed to be on the run but this one when i saw it was just still and it was pecking out the ground i missed though i think when it flew flew up and kept going instead of just hopping into a tree you know i thought it might just have landed here but did not how many have we seen today now nine well one more for the pot so we saw only two and uh we shot one one flew up in the tree and sure missed it no offer i always give the first one of the season a warning shot that's a warning shot yeah it's another little guy some more groceries one [Applause] so nice shot check how tight that pattern is yeah whoa i don't know if you can show that on youtube that's hilarious that's as clean as you get there dude yep no that's like exactly what you want to do right in the right in the thinker i'm gonna get a replacement sock for my suitcase didn't want my socks to fall down anymore so i jacked my sock and uh i blew the whole freaking bottom out of it now my foot's killing me because it keeps rubbing so that's a little trick for you get lost in the woods gotta poop use your sock one two three are you ready to drive did you miss again nope young of the year again oh a little short tail on him first one of the season jay gross congratulations thanks oh jerry got the monkey off his back one for two three three one for three the clouds are starting to break up not quite broken up yet but we're getting better probably tomorrow morning should be nice weather and continue the adventure nine days in the north we wanted to be fancy this time around we thought you know maybe you guys want to see what we can actually make if we don't use just wild foods are we cooking on the fire are we just having a fire we're just gonna have a fire it's sopping wet the secret weapon from the north birch bark get a big see if you can't dry out yeah that big fire we talked about last night the kind you need when you're like wet and you need to dry out birch bark on the bottom uh dry twigs uh what's that from spruce or no awesome awesome uh this might be some balsam and some spruce yeah i love butter chicken not gonna be chicken but it's gonna be cartridge partridge chicken how about that it's the quick way you can pluck them if you want i don't recommend plucking we're gonna do this super quick and step on the wings and just gonna reef well don't reef just pull post low slow pull these wings make good fox bait we're learning from the trap course ouch that's the crude way of doing it gourmet bush cooking i think that's already been done this channel is about keeping it raw so you guys half raw on this this isn't this one's half baked fighting the world right now with this this fire he's on his second go around here hear that fire going beautifully to dry off her clothes been soaked all day long wonder the rice is done correctly oh it was perfect we made freaking perfect rice perfect perfect perfect dude that's like perfect freaking perfect yeah that doesn't happen every time no are you hungry so much how good does that look veggies but they're not ready yet those are the only things i don't think these are cooked yet or warmed up yet so i'll leave these on that is freaking perfect the rice is perfect partridge is perfect no that's good yeah how good is that jeremy's just gonna throw the gross legs on there because uh he keeps reminding me that they shouldn't go to waste you start chewing on the calf try to get every piece of meat off there it ends up in your teeth and you're pulling it out and it's just like why am i doing this to myself but truthfully most people waste some part of some animal like you cut the skin off and you could eat it right and you could cook boil the heads down to make fish soup but nobody does that except for us we lost all our daylight left we got a little bit of fire going not too much though it's kind of a it's a warm night though i don't think i'm gonna be able to film on the way to the tent so i'll meet you up there i am tired see if we can get this place lit up a little bit i'll see you guys bright and early tomorrow for the next part of nine days in the this north six of nine days in the north i don't really want to get up this morning because it's still cloudy it's not too cold but it's damp but we're gonna pack out here yep still cloudy oh well ready now just for the soggy tent well that works welcome to the sandpit camp sounds like the band camp jeremy's avoiding putting his tent up he thinks it's going to dry before he puts it away no i'm just going to shove it all in here good man wherever and we don't have to come back yeah no just packed up there's no way the tank yeah i'm done i brought my simple shot slingshot i think you were going to get into a huge numbers of grouse and we saw i think 10 yesterday which is pretty good day but in the rain and the conditions and us wanting to find make sure we got food we didn't mess around with any of the weird weapons i brought i also brought primitive bow and i'd still like to try it if i can make that a possibility so this is on the bucket list of things to do use that slingshot to get some gross i'll carry around today who knows maybe the weather will improve and we'll get lots of birds if i don't use this today watch for a squirrel hunt video back home we got lots of squirrels and lots of time to mess around with this equipment bush groceries put them yeah our uh plug-in cooler and away we go yeah 12 degrees outside yeah and that's about the right temperature for the mosquitoes they're still trying to bite us in september this is insane it's a little much yeah they never got the memo no it's over it's over for you guys we got the ear protection on as always gopro i don't know if you should go full choke but you do two head shots it'll be all right and then the long distance shots would be no problem you can use whatever you want it's 20 wicked wind because he farts all the time we could wing wicked wind take it back well he spotted that guy on the road he tried to do a little stock on him he was not interested in playing around too much so he'd put it up in the bushes and then never never saw him again find some new places new grounds to hunt here so we're just driving on to the next spot and we spotted him so i'd give him a shot but he did not want to play we just spotted some birds that jumped up in the field there are throat field road they jumped up in here jeremy spotted one of them so i'm gonna go pursue it see if i can't find one it's not kind of in between two swamps left side right side it's really good habitat for them my gopro is not working anymore it ran out of card space but i still have the tacticam so should be able to get the action on the gun mounted tacticam if anything appears club so there we go that's four down i had to spend a little bit of time looking for them uh two popped up in the tree one was on the ground and there was actually a fourth one so i could have almost got my limit which is five and j j headed off on the other direction and we got four birds so that's a really nice way to finish off the gross hunt yeah we almost got two limits right between the four that we ate in two days yeah yeah and all that massive action in just one little spot this is a really nice draw though if we remember this spot yeah sweet way to end this grouse hunting trip we still have about a three hour drive to get home we'll meet you guys back in civilization i still have the trap course we're in class today from 5 30 till nine and if there's any anything interesting there i'll make sure we add it to the series they look good so here was i showed you guys that weasel the other day uh that i had tan so there's a picture of it i caught it in a rink box there well good morning guys welcome to today's adventure it's day i don't know what uh nine days in the wild as you know i've been doing my trap course in the evenings and then during the day and on our two-way two-day break we've been taking part of a massive adventures today i'm headed to the bushcraft shelter we're gonna do a cook and we're gonna fix up our shelter it's in badly needed amounts of repair so we're gonna do that cook up some food and on the way i'm gonna try to find some more food let's see if we can't get some fresh meat they got the gopro hop on the noggin here the gopro and we also got the tacticam that's a gun mount system been really loving the tacticam because uh i get all the action not have to worry too much about anything else just flick the camera on and you guys are getting first person perspective so this is uh jeremy's family's homestead and jeremy is talking about possibly taking it over little food plot area up here but it's all overgrown not being used his dad used to farm all this used to have cows i still have chickens well here we are i managed to flush two but neither one of them offered me a shot they're super skittish in the bush here uh in the near north the far north they like to sit a little bit more for you i found the first one was kind of an opening i should have been able to spot it before it flushed but i was looking the wrong way and it didn't let me get closer than about 25 yards maybe 30 yards and it's it's thick in here right you don't really know where to look and the second one was in like a evergreen a shrub business and i actually walked past it and it flushed behind me but it was thick thick evergreen shrubs it was just ducking in there anyway here we are here's the bush aircraft shelter you guys want to sleep in here it's a half torn down i don't think we screwed up too badly on the construction of it it's just we built it in the middle of the winter and so what happened was a lot of the uh well all the snow melted underneath this side here which shrank the wall down and destabilized it it's a chilly morning so it's gonna be actually nice to have a fire to cook do some bush crafting nothing really broke surprisingly i guess or maybe not surprisingly like everything's holding up probably a little bit more sag back here than you would want uh but we could add an extra bracing on the back that back wall is holding a lot more than the front uh or maybe we just need a cross member back there but it's holding up fine we'll probably leave it until it becomes a more of an issue why don't we shove it try to shove it back yeah well i was gonna shove it back well okay why don't uh we work our way from this side jay okay might be makes sense to throw them all up more than you want them and then push them back it's going to be outpost for trap camp trap camp outpost yes no yes cook flesh beaver beavers yeah we can set a uh an aquatic funnel here for muskrat yeah maybe do some float sets there's lots of different things to try right yeah well that would be the idea is if like we can set traps here in the pond uh there's actually two pawns we can duck hunt here there's not quite enough water for that grouse we can hear snare there's a whole bunch of things we can do now which has opened been opened up by doing the trap course it's a 40 hour course so we've been in class every night just trying to get a more level front here so that the tarp doesn't want to sag and we get too many drips and we get a nice overhang so when we're sitting down on the bench here some overhead cover we already fixed that back wall that went pretty easily we got one wall left on this side this one should go pretty easily as well they just uh fell over from gravity right chair uh yep not engineering issues more environmental yes we should check the bear bait too yes while we're gross hunting see if anything's been there i've got it with a bear bit everybody's just around the corner yeah it's not far we want some coals so we'll need a big enough fire to get a bed we're gonna have to fight everything so like we want to get we want to clear a little bit of a trip hazard out here it's just ridiculous like when we came and we cut everything we we have sticks i mean it's good to have sticks around but we don't want them where you're kind of unsure of your footing all the time so we can clean up like all the brush we have over here just from all the stuff we cut in the winter look at our stack of wood fell over too and then we had a blanket that we left here uh to put down on the shelter to keep ourselves dry and it's pretty much ruined because the roof fell off of it yeah let's have a big brush fire uh let's try and do them kind of in order yeah that one's the last one that's the i'm gonna get that one stuck this one here um this one's tall we have some boards here for food prep oh this is tippy how come oh no it fell down that looks better i need a couple more nails in there but it's looking pretty good i'm gonna push up and you're just gonna pull the top straight you're gonna leave the bottom where it is okay a little more more more are we bushcrafters today we're bushcrafters we're hunters pretending to be bushcrafters today so i thought i would point out one of the key differences of oh jared's manhandling it himself really keen on getting the pressure off the rope so we've got these cross members out which worked really well until the snow melted yeah as it's the theme of today and the same on this side here so that's meant to uh take all the pressure off the rope you can see the roof rope here is slack dude on the fly just the one birch oh not even ready it wasn't even a one two three ready one two three did nothing no it was too well just adding that little bit under here has made it pretty freaking close to level it can always be more level no it can't be eventually it becomes 100 level but this is livable i like how this is high enough off the ground that you kind of have a good knee flex not too neat flexy but any flexi enough i like this and the fire is a perfect distance from the shelter here jared's wrestling a big tree over here looks like he's trying to cut down a firewood tree because it's a dead standing there's already a tree that had broken top on it so i'm going to use it to fill in that back wall oh cause it's a little bit of a bigger tree right ambitious yeah i thought you were looking at firewood yeah it's a dead top right yeah yeah all right not firewood i guess wrong if you do too much then you're just cleaning up the forest which obviously makes no sense either it's nice to have good football spots and uh nice trails too like when we were here earlier on in the nine-day series nine days in the north i actually fixed up this trail a little bit too it's not perfect so you can probably expect us to come back out here once we're all ready for trap season get a nice better call out of that sure it is keep going [Laughter] if you hang on a second force equals mass times acceleration whoa uh one more [Music] oh those salmon are cooking up nicely if you haven't watched that video we actually um well according to the authorities they tried to nail us on like trespass uh we got them from the ghana alaska river in port hope after they tried to quote unquote shut down the river although on a technicality we managed to figure out how to get in there it's a very popular video it's resonating really well with the fishing community and to anybody who wants to exercise their civil disobedience against authority and the lockdowns that obviously we believe are unjust i'm not going to encourage you to go break the law but i'm encouraging you to be armed with your rights and push back a little bit where necessary we're going to enjoy a nice meal a little bit too fresh cut salmon bushcraft style under cooking is sometimes better to be honest keep the juiciness and if it's fresh you're not going to get sick it's not like it's been sitting in the grocery for uh three weeks or four weeks before eating it oh look at that it's nice and fatty too dude we never had so much color except for the other time on this trip oh salmon's so good hurry up i want my turn i'm hungry hmm delicious yup it turned out good job smells pretty good this is the way to go from now on yeah so we're definitely gonna come back out here chop a beaver and eat it got the orange back on i'm gonna go for a walk see if i can't drum up another grouse check out the bear stand i think uh jerry's uh gonna split ways because he's got some other obligations yeah for today so you're just gonna do with me that's okay too right see the chop course yep yeah that's the plan more trap coursing yep two more nights we're just gonna come up on the bear bait down over here and see if it's been disturbed so if the tire gets moved off you know that a bear has been here but uh obviously that's not the case and we'll get back on the main trail and there's a couple more trails we can hit on the way back see if we can't still get a growth today we got him oh we got ourselves a freaking growth roughy gossip love bird hunting that's a uh a mature one it's got a full tail hopefully you guys got to see that on the tacticam happy with that and it was kind of funny because i put the gun up on my shoulder and i've got my backpack on there so i didn't get a proper uh shoulder mount uh i gotta go to trap course and you guys don't want to watch shop course it's not that exciting so i'll catch the next one nine days in the north the series continues we got at least two more hunts to go stick around well good morning guys it's day uh eight i think of nine days in the north one day after the next after the next jeremy's showing off his juggling steel switch over the gopro we're getting it walking yeah less talking more shooting yeah hopefully and we're gonna make lunch we got some kebabs we just have to match it up with uh some gross it's gonna happen we're gonna make it happen yeah otherwise we're having peppers on the stick peppers on the stick okay i see him still okay stone cold drop that bad boy donzo what's my score right now chair eight for eight or something eight for eight no misses there's rafi number two slaying them we put in a lot of kilometers a lot and we're hunting thick brush we don't have a dog doing any work for us right like yeah i know people say it's not sporting to shoot them on the ground but i think it's not sporting to to wing shot birds that are going to get injured and fly away which is what we would more likely than not be doing oh yeah for sure and the thing is everybody around here hunts with atvs yeah you know anybody walks around anymore if you it's a dying breeze you're taking a leak i was uh i took my headphones on just standing there and i could hear the alarm call oh i can't hear them with headphones on though so i'm like yeah i'd just stay in here for a second yeah and even if you've got the phones on you can't hear the direction of the call right a little bit a little bit it's not too too bad okay but it sounds like you're listening to a playback right it's a little guy yeah you got room in your bag still that's a juvenile huh you know it doesn't have the full tail no but it's uh got a more advanced tail than the ones up north that we shot maybe better better diet better food i'm actually just using duck load because that's all i have so it's a three and a quarter steel shot hold up jay where are you where are you okay hold up oh there's a bird in this grass he was right in this grass here oh really yeah well he like i don't know how he got out of here without me seeing him i had him kind of cornered in this area here i i don't know how he got away no luck that guy deserves to live oh jerry flushed a gross up on the other side so that dirty rat ran across the path well so that's not a bad showing uh that's nine grouse for me this trip we're gonna grab uh some ingredients oh freaking dog you met jerry's dog this thing's a freaking wall found where are you right here drinking now this thing gallop away we're gonna grab some tomatoes from the garden for our kabobs and we're going to do a little bit more hunting this is the homestead here i kind of stopped caring about them when none of them turned out to be slicer varieties they're like they're all cherry tomatoes cherry tomatoes are good you put them in put them in salad i know you can throw them on a sandwich they fall off but you know you make do you can fry them up good fried you got enough there now we can hit the road jeremy's gonna show me another spot for gross cause uh obviously they're getting well actually as we were driving out of that spot we actually ran into another guy with the pumpkin orange while we're at jeremy's second spot it's a little bit different than what he remembers it as they've been doing a lot of cutting back in here so let's see if we can't find a couple more birds before lunch make ourselves a fire and relax in the beautiful fall weather no mosquitoes the leaves are all starting to change this is my most favorite time of year by far up in the tree up in the tree here one more one here guys and one on the path and i think there's one flapping its wings i see one here and jerry shot the one that jumped up on the tree oh they're both here so we got all three you see up in that tree if there's one well that's how it's done boys oh yeah i did hear that one well here's two more one back on the trail racking and stacking them there's the third oh it's a good teamwork i guess you better go make our food here jared we're not gonna get out in time 11 411 on this trip love it i only get to gross hunt every once in a while like the spot for cook perfect huh yeah nice little view of the swamp beaver dam over here oh all right where do you want to where do you want to make the fire we'll just scratch out a little spot here right right here so jared's just working on a little fire pit um it's kind of loomy here so you would ordinarily be pretty concerned about lumi is that a not right word lumi potato potato we're gonna go through all of them that's loam nobody says loom i'm saying loom i'm sticking to my guns here hey gosh look at this nice loomy soil very lumi uh yeah back on track so we're not going to cause a forward fire here it's nice and damp does that make any sense so here's our ingredients we have one two three roughed grouse we have a couple of peppers an orange and a red it's a nice color we have a squash that's seen probably better days looks like it's gonna build up frost damage we've got some cherry tomatoes from jeremy's garden and some wild puffball mushrooms and last but not least we got some adobo spice you guys can buy that on woodedbeardsman.com shop so you know we're in canada got moose droppings and a beaver lodge and we're making ourselves at home on the duck pond with the wildlife lots of uh dry wood here on the kebabs already red maple i gotta catch up and get those grubs cleaned up we only have so much time in a day right that's true yeah we don't want to be uh making too much gourmet your 40 minute video is like six hours it's true adventure and work and yeah boiled down to 15 minutes hopefully is that how it's gonna be well who knows most of the time that's about your attention span i'd love to make longer ones that's about what you get for a growth it's the breast so jeremy you heard somewhere that you can uh use hemlock bark for good calls so he's going to try that out see what happens pretty dry oh yeah it's a big dead tree isn't it i didn't notice that just about ready to load up our kebabs eh sticks all fired up ready to go for kabobs just gotta do our peppers mushrooms don't have to do anything with in the well the zucchini or squash squash zinni zucchini zucchini yeah it looks like we didn't have a look it's like it might have got a touch of the frost yeah it's got some frost damage got them all together we can throw them on the fire that is actually working really really exceedingly well like that is the hottest coals i've ever seen thumbs up for that idea like you can't put your hand anywhere near here it's it's yeah put your hand here that's uh cat parts uh wow right have you ever felt anything that hot from that i mean small of a fire no like no dude that's throwing i can't even keep my hand it's good that's the closest i can keep my hand off that i think it's crazy just like 30 inches or 12 inches there's a tip right there oh whoa dude you're so hot there did you cook your hand yet almost it's great all right well let's yeah let's get the rest of them in here yeah here i'll pass them oh you want me to burn myself a little bit all right don't burn yourself a lot just a little i don't know cap art camping of wild crafting wildcraft it's like at 19 teens look it's over 100 years old long lost secret yeah chicken of the woods that's a mushroom they're they're running moss so they they're on like a rhizome here and this this might be one individual this whole patch basically and these are the sporophyte tops they're like a super fine little spore and it can land somewhere and start a new colony and what people have done in the past is you can collect these and you dry them out and you get the spore powder out of them i don't know if this one's dry enough to see the little clouds coming off of it and people use them in like fireworks displays and stuff fireballs stage effects it's a lot more manageable with the gloves i think we made the most of this job course there's an excuse to come up yeah and we have done a lot of stuff did you have a preference no some of them have the puffballs which you may or may not be interested to eat i don't know yeah we're very well cooked i've been okay with the puffballs that's really good actually super good yeah the adobo is you can still taste it it's like a barbecued adobo so zucchini is not even worth eating at all trap course tonight no chop test tonight we have 50 uh question multiple choice fingers crossed we passed the test we've already had the practical test and then after that it's just paperwork and then we're trappers now this is the one that you guys did nice and greasy yeah see how greasy it is that's just natural that's just natural that's what happens so before i take this off the wireframe stretcher what i'm going to do is i'm going to wipe it down with with a rag clean it all up and that's about it but if you guys just wanted to wipe it down and we'll leave it on the stretcher for now um yeah and then again you've got your inspection window here which that's where they look at the fur quality and everything when they uh inspect it over the auction house so you can tell like you see how the tails it's still a little bit limp there but i can tell that it's like there's sections of it that are hard that that did dry so it's fine it's and that's why we have to open it up so run your knife down or a tail stripper uh or splitter open it up let the air get to it when that's two down adam got one and i got one here off my left shoulder he's just gonna go grab him because they're taking off i shot the other one over here a couple of times make sure it's down lots of birds moving well boys and girls that was a lot of activity i'm not sure how much i got on the camera jeremy got to some shooting down at the other end and uh he got one duck and then his gun jammed up so he's he left he went home he had his daughter with him so that seems to be the place to be but we're getting lots of spill over we had some ducks land out in the middle how do you like this camo asat camo [Music] now that was pretty neat i actually ran out of card data on the last one so i don't know if i got i don't think i got the shot on there but uh adam called that goose in perfectly it was going around and going around and going around one to land up the other side of the pawn oh it's right here that's hilarious the tacticam's full the gopro is full but we got ourselves a giant honker that makes the whole trip right there we don't have any goose decoys out there so that he kept he went around probably five six times and then he almost at the far side a couple times the best part is we don't have to go look for them all right we'll settle in see if i can't get at least one shot of a duck or goose on camera here it's hard it's just me and uh i almost need a dedicated film dude oh there's a bunch he's too far zoom out a little bit i just stacked some branches here so it's pretty much diy kind of deal and that goose flew over top of us five times uh before i shot it over in this neck of the woods here so that goose had full view of me in my asap camo and never made me out i ended up shooting that uh goose on the bb that's a heavy load there's fewer uh shots in it as compared to just the regular steel load i've been using we got to use steel we're not allowed to use lead a jar ended up with a duck so i got a big long drive back home before i cook this to wrap up the nine days in the north i'm gonna go full circle well i almost forgot one more thing before i leave the near north and that's my pigeon trap let's have a peek at this trap see what's going on see if we managed to get ourselves a pigeon it looks like there's lots of uh corn feed left none scattered around the outside but we have the benefit of the camera so i can run a few clips now so we're gonna pack this out we're gonna take it with us and continue trying to trap pigeons you
Channel: The Wooded Beardsman
Views: 350,760
Rating: 4.8800735 out of 5
Keywords: catch and cook, survival challenge, survival, survival tips, wild edibles, wild foods, cooking, fire, bushcraft, fishing, wilderness survival, bushcraft cooking, survival skills, living off the land, wild game, primitive living, primitive technology, eating wild foods, pigeon hunt, hunting pigeon, pellet gun, catch and cook pigeon, catch n cook, catch, clean, cook, pigeon trap, trapping pigeons, fall hunting, hunting, air rifle, duck, goose, grouse
Id: -aJ1N_WHBo4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 114min 15sec (6855 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 11 2020
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