Catch And Cook Lobster A LOT OF LOBSTER Day 5 of 8 Maine W.L.C. /Catch And Cook Survival

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(Zachary sighing) - Does that work with the bucket or no? - No. I mean, if this is, (laughing) I feel like I'm sitting at the adult table and I'm a kid, you know? - Can you pull your face up to the food bar? - Yeah. - Here you go. - I'm Zachary Fowler. - And I'm the Wooded Beardsman. - And this is the Wilderness Living Challenge Maine. Yeah, woohoo. (upbeat music) The point of the challenge is to gain or maintain our body weight while eating nothing but wild foods for seven days. Last time we did it in Canada. This time, he's come down to join me in the coastal state of Maine. This season of the Wilderness Living Challenge has been brought to you in part by Bath Subaru in Woolwich, Maine; LP Aventure for making the adventure mobile a reality; Hidden Woodsmen Backpacks, the best backpacks made on Earth, out of the best materials; IUNIO Survival Shovel; Gerber Knives and Multi-Tools, made right here in the U.S.; Outdoor Vitals, the maker of my favorite jacket, sleeping bag and this really cool pillow; and Hoo-Rag, have Hoo-Rag make you a custom company Hoo-Rag today. (laughs) Links in the description below. - (yawns) Good morning. I slept in 'til nine. (grunts) I think I'm finally recovering. This has been rough. Started out, day one, waking up with just like, like felt like strep throat. And uh, finally turned the corner, four days. And I think it has a lot to do with fish head soup. (laughs) The fish head soup and the lobster porcupine bisque, it totally fixed me. I probably would've been sick for another week if it wasn't for all that. I hear the guys out there, let's go see what they're up to and get on with our day. We've got lobster traps to haul, we got a new turkey spot to set out on, and uh before we get this turkey nailed down, or nailed, I'm looking forward to a smoked turkey. (lively string music) ♪ I wake up in the morning ♪ ♪ In this great blue state ♪ ♪ Golden fingers caress my face ♪ ♪ Slips through the window on a silky breeze ♪ ♪ A dreamers land to plant some seeds ♪ ♪ She's my believer, healing all my doubts ♪ ♪ A lighted mirror, reflecting out ♪ ♪ Every true potential ♪ - [Zachary] We'll give it a check, see how you did. Always test it-- - Back and forth? - [Zachary] Here. To test it on your fingernail, put it on your fingernail, and you can feel that difference when it's really good. You feel it catch, or it'll just slide off like it's not doing much. I would say this needs, you got a really good sharp spot right there, and the rest of it still needs a little bit of work. It's best to do it that way 'cause then you'll cut yourself. Oh that's cool. Let's see what we got going on here. Got some cattail root stew, fire is goin'. ♪ My body is singing ♪ - [Chris] There we go get this coffee on. ♪ All the sirens calling, the crows leave their trees ♪ ♪ But a peace pervades us and the dreamers dream ♪ ♪ From every element of past, every color that's attached ♪ ♪ She paints pictures blue and green ♪ ♪ And I release them to the sea ♪ ♪ All the ancient memories, just as fleeting as the breeze ♪ ♪ She paint pictures blue and green ♪ ♪ And I release them to the sea ♪ - Get that smoke back onto the fish. They're lookin' good, they tasted great last night. If you haven't seen that yet you can go back and watch yesterday's video, smoked alewife. They turned out awesome. They were so hard to eat with all the bones in 'em. But then when we smoked 'em like this, and then seared 'em on a rock, they're so oily and stuff, they taste so much better. Then what we did the first day by blending 'em to try to get past the bones. The bones at this point don't even matter anymore, you don't even taste 'em, they're just little feathery bits that go down with the rest of the crunchy delicious fish. So that's the way to do it, you smoke your alewifes. This'll be four days, four days of smoking them, and then searing 'em on a hot rock or a pan. And boom, Bob's your uncle, and fish is good. Let's see if I can heat up my fish rock and have some fish for breakfast. Here we go, I have my little quiet time corner here. To sit and have my quiet time, and then I will definitely be ready to meet the rest of this day. Seat's not quite at the right angle, makes my butt wanna scooch over to the side. I do love that saw edge, it's no good for sawing wood but for sawing roots and topsoil so that you can get in there and shovel things. Works awesome. (laughing) It's the simple things in life, right? You know, when you get your seat at just the right angle, it's gotta incline just a little bit, you don't wanna sit on something and you know when like your sittin' at the base of a tree and you feel like your constantly scooching down and it's tryina' like pull your pants up through your crack and stuff. But like, get that rock at just the right angle, because they dug it down in, I sit there and I don't feel like I'm sliding away or I'm trying to like lean to compensate. So cozy, so awesome. What was it, The Beatles, I don't like The Beatles, I'm sorry, if you just unsubscribed because I said I don't like The Beatles, I don't like The Beatles. - I don't know I used to watch it all the time, and I didn't like The Beatles, I can't stand their songs. Didn't they say once, the simple things in life are free, but I want the money, you know. All right so I'm tryin' the turkey call for the first time, let's see how long it takes me to get it. (both laughing) (imitating turkey call) (both laughing) - That's a little better. (imitating turkey call) - Keep your tongue, yeah, keep your tongue pressed up. And then drop your tongue when you... Better. - You got a different one then I did too, and you bought it at the store. - Mine's just raspier that's-- - Here try mine and I'll try yours. - No, no, no, no, no, no. (Zachary laughing) Here I'll show you the rasp. - Okay. - So... (imitating turkey call) Hear the rasp a little bit? - Yeah. I feel like I can do it better without the turkey call. See I can do it better without the turkey call. (imitating turkey call) Okay. - [Man] You sound like Donald Duck. (muffled singing) (crowd booing) (laughs) (imitating turkey call) - I get it. (both laughing) - That's like a seal. - Hours of practice, hours of practice. - I got seagull calling down, I got seagull calling down, now I just gotta work on turkeys. - So your funnel, your rasp is up top-- - And use the tip of your tongue right on the tip of the rasp? - Yeah, you gotta get, I mean it's muscle memory right, so you gotta kind of get your tongue up, and just get it to roll between the two. - Yep. - Right? - Yep. - Just right, it's like whistling. - You know how to whistle, don't you, Steve? You just put your lips together, and blow. (both laughing) (Zachary whistling) - So keep your tongue pressed up, see if you can make this note. (Wooded Beardsman chirping) - What is that... What's the most annoying noise in the world? - Ah! Yeah yeah, keep doing that. - My turkey's... My turkey's asthmatic (laughs). - Keep that note. (imitating turkey call) Now drop it. Get it sharp. That's it. There you go. Look, there's the diaphragm. Now drop it, at the end. Drop, no, you got it. - I drop it. - You're real close. (imitating turkey call) I feel like if I keep it really quiet, then they'll just think it's a turkey way far away, you know, and they're like, instead of trying to be like one that's coming close. - Yeah I can do a whole range of 'em right. Like real excited to just like lonely. Like lonely you'll go. - Let's hear lonely. (chirps sadly) Aw that is lonely. All right happy. - Happy, well excited. Happy is um, I don't know, I don't think I can do it very well, but... (rapid chirping) - Oh. - That's a purr. - Hmm. - So that, they only hear that if you get real close, you can actually, I've heard turkeys make that sound. It's kinda cool, like a hen, just rootin' around. (chirping) It's not, that's not super good, but I mean whatever. Close enough, that would work. I know people can do it with the call, and it sounds really, I couldn't master that, it was really tricky, but (mumbles). (imitating turkey call) (Zachary laughs) - I'm feelin' light headed. - I think we called every turkey in. Now get the guns ready. Here they come guys! - No they're like because you were doing your thing they're coming in, and then I started doing my thing, and they were like, "Whoa, hell no whatever!" - I had a guy who taught me that who was like an expert. He was like a turkey hunting expert, he was a Pro Staff, and he took out, he like did 300 hunts a year. - Geez. - So that's where I learned it from. - And I'm stuck learning it from you. - Yeah you're second hand, second hand garbage man here. - Yeah. - Second hand. But yeah you gotta learn by doing it. - You got skills that's good. - Yeah whatever. - That sounds exactly like what they sound like, all the time to me, when I'm out here. Gonna cook my breakfast. And then gonna hit the road. Woo, nice hot smoked alewife for breakfast. I'm not all that hungry 'cause I don't do breakfast. Oh wow, you just give 'em a tug. And there goes all the bone right there, and there's the rest of the fish without the spinal cord, and everything. That was, wow, that was awesome, a little bit of meat behind the head here. Oh. This is amazing. It tasted so good last night, and it wasn't just a dream, it really does taste good. A little extra fat by eating the top of the head there where the brains are. The color from the smoking and hmm. Oh I forgot to say grace. I always do this, I'm always like so hungry by the time I do it that, or so into the food, and then... Lord, thank you for this fish, and this adventure. Protect and watch over us as we go out lobster today, and give us a turkey please. In Jesus' name, amen. See all those bones, but still very edible. After four days of smoking, and then cooking it on the hot rock, this is the fin on the back, and all the bones. Chews right up. Ribcage. All the bones. See 'em sticking out all over the place but... Well if I don't have to eat them I don't have to, but they chew right up. If I was smart, I would've cooked up like five of these. Brought 'em with me in my pocket, snack on 'em later. All right let's go guys. There we go, banked my fire so it's good to go. When we get back I should be able to unbury that, that'll stay asleep for the most part, or it'll just completely go out. So you always want to leave your fire safe, if you're leaving it, you don't want to leave an open fire. I always put my fires out, or I don't go out of sight of the fire for more than like five minutes. The conditions we have right here now, it's spring, it's wet, it's fairly safe. You could probably leave it just fine, but I don't trust to leave it, you know, more than an hour on wet conditions 'cause spark lands on my shelter my shelter's gone, and that'd be a bummer. - [Man] And also you were eating it out of the bottom of the pan I think. - Ready? - I'm ready, let's go. - [Zachary] I was waitin' on you. (both laughing) - [Man] For today. - All right so we saw him, turkey out in the field. He's fair game, I know that this trail here goes out past this old foundation up here, and we go out that way a couple 100 yards up from him, then down around the stone wall behind him and sneak up on him. So we're gonna gear up, head out there, and see if we can get that turkey, that we got permission to hunt yesterday. So I think I'm gonna let Chris run point on this one, 'cause he came all the way down here for this. I can always go out for a turkey at another time. Yeah yeah I'll film you. - Do you wanna film... - I'll film you. - Does that make sense? - I'll film you. - Film me hunt. - Yeah, I'll film him doing the hunt. - And then we'll just put it together. - It's so hard to do this if you're trying to film yourself and do the hunt without just being already in a blind and just hunting from inside the blind. - If this doesn't work out today, we're setting up a blind right now. - Yes. - And then we'll be set up for when it comes out in the field. - Which, the blind came from the shovel people, IUN, IUNIO, IUNIO, IUNIO, IU, whatever. Just gonna keep calling 'em IONA, I like that, like I just call things whatever I wanna call 'em. Like the survival zippo. Everybody's like "Oh I want one of those survival zippos." It's called something else, but I have no idea what. So, this is IONA, they're the ones with the shovels I've been using. And they provide this camo netting where I set up a blind, and we'll come back if we don't get this one now. Here we go off into the woods. Let's see if we can get ourselves a turkey. All right turkey moved off, we snuck our way over. We're pretty quiet and pretty good, but whether he heard us or whatever, moved on. Not bad, that'll do. (imitating turkey call) Oh, I hear one. I hear one. (imitating turkey call) Pew. All right we're all set up. Now it's time to go lobstering. We gotta get those lobsters in. Coming up on one o'clock, we still have to get the boat and get down there. This is, I mean unlike in Canada, we were able to like go to a place and work the area. We have a bigger area that we're traipsing around. You know everything's 30 minutes away, 30 minutes, 35 minutes down the road here, 30 minutes, 40 minutes up to Gardener, you know to get the alewives. - Ain't this place a geographical oddity? Two weeks from everywhere. - It definitely chews up more of your time every time we have to get in the car to travel to do something, and stuff. - It's those fractured natural habitats that used to be all one habitat. Now they're broken up into zones. - All right lobsters, here we come. - Hopefully. - Hopefully, hopefully, last time we had six. Leave in the comments below, what's your prediction for today's lobster count? I'm sayin' (sighs) I want to just say six again. - I wanna say eight, 'cause I want to be optimistic. - You wanna get more? - I wanna get more, I want four each. - Yeah. - 'Cause three was the right amount, but four is like I'll save some for breakfast, right? - Well if you're gonna say eight, I'm gonna say seven. - All right. - That's my Final Jeopardy. (dramatic music) Something sticky all over my hand. Whew! I think the cooler is totally ruined. That poor cooler, that was a garage sale cooler. It'll never be the same again. All right so we're doing somethin' different, since we already showed the lobstering before I'm not gonna show it this time. There's an unlisted link below, I have a 360 camera, and I'm gonna take you out there on a 360 adventure, the link is below in the description for the 360 lobstering adventure. You'll be able to like take your phone, if you're watching on a phone, or if your computer use your mouse you'll be able to look in all directions see everything that's going on while we're driving out of the harbor, hauling the lobsters for a full 360 lobstering adventure, the unlisted link is below, you can get an early sneak peak at watching it early, and then it will be live two days later. Goodbye main camera, I'll miss you. (boat horn blasting) All right so you don't feel completely cheated, here's a little glimpse of the lobstering that's not in the 360 video. They're keepers in this trap. - [Chris] I want, come on. - [Zachary] I'll check him but... - No? - No. - [Chris] I can't see him. - [Zachary] Bait the trap all around. There we go. (Zachary grunts) Last trap. It's just like the other ones. Oh, we got a piece of seaweed. At least we got a snack. Too small. No this one looks big. Oh yeah, just right, no notch, male, no eggs. - Woo! - We got him. Look at 'em all in there, that's so many. There we go. Can't see anything, I hope we're goin' the right direction. - [Both] You're going the wrong way! - He said we're going the wrong way. - Oh he's drunk, how would he know where we're going? - Reckoning by the sun. - You got a piece of seaweed in your teeth. - [Zachary] Oh. - You got it. - I got it? - [Chris] Oh no, it's on the bottom. - Did I get it? - No. - Leave in the comments below how much seaweed do I got in my teeth? How 'bout now? Still no? - You gotta use your fingers. Your fingernail. - After touching all that bait, use my fingernail? How's it goin'? (man mumbles) Nice. He looked awful relaxed, just like reclined chillin', toolin' around in the harbor with his sailboat. - It's very peaceful. - So it's been a number of years, look at that fancy boat, but I think I revetted the windows, and calked the windows in this one at one point. I first moved to Maine, when I first moved to Maine, I moved up here to build the Schooner Lynx, see a picture of it here. It's kind of like a pirate ship-y thing, partially you know. And it was a fun project. I did all of that, and worked here for over a year and a half. I helped build the mast for the boat, I did a bunch of custom work in the galley, making the knobs for the drawers to match the period and style of the boat, turning them on a lathe, doing the cabinetry in the galley, some of the welding and metalwork around the range that they had in there. And then when that project was over, I was 21 years old, and so I was kind of dumb, I was makin' more money some nights playin' pool than I was coming to work, and I ended up not showing up to work enough on time that I got fired, so. That's not good, don't do that. Go to work, be at work on time, be responsible. To be early is to be on time, to be late is unforgivable. Okay I'll grab the car. Not a bad day's work, that was an easy haul 'cause it wasn't choppy. And man, I am excited to eat, whew, four lobsters each, wow. I don't know when the last time I did that was, I went to a wedding once on an island out here, one of the guys who worked at Rockport Marine, and I think I ate like eight of 'em. We gorged ourselves all afternoon though, it wasn't just a couple minute thing. There we go, put the cord up. There it is. That'll do pig, that'll do. But look at, look at the size of that guy right there. His claw is the size of my hand, that's insane, right? It's like that one claw is as much, if you were to eat my hand you'd probably get as much meat off of it as this claw. We gotta see what, look at that thing! All right well let's go put the boat back and eat some lobster, are you hungry? - Dude I'm starving. (both laughing) - [Zachary] Oh yeah he's out there. - [Chris] The gobbler and four hens. - Uh, I can't zoom that far with this lens. It's a wide angle lens. They're out, they're out there, they're out there and they're almost in front of his deer cam, so we probably have some photos of that, video of that or whatever, what do you have it on, photo or video mode? - Video always. - Always on video? - Always, always. So yeah, there should be some action there. - Well we'll let them be, we'll come back tomorrow morning, if they're there in the morning, they're gonna be in my living room. Cookin' over the fire, woohoo! - Put in my belly. - Yeah, get in my belly. I want that skin, that crackly... - Oh dude. - Roasted turkey skin. - Totally gonna pocket it. - Oh definitely, yep. Let's go eat those lobster. - Yeah. - Everything's still safe and secure here. Looking good. What's the odds? Nope. What he drink a whole pot? My apprentice said he was gonna make a cup of coffee for himself before he left and went back to the house to work on orders and shipping, he's leaving us for the last couple days of the adventure, to work on stuff in the office. Shipping stuff from our website, woodobo in fact if you're purchasing it, he's doing that right now. Shipping it to you, special for you to enjoy on your wild game or even on your steak or your sub at home, whatever you want, tastes good on everything. Except for peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Actually I don't know that for a fact, I haven't tried it, it might taste good. Leave it in the comments below, if you try it on a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, let me know if the woodobo tastes good there as well. But he didn't leave me any coffee, who makes one cup of coffee, and then walks off and leaves the pot empty? I tell ya, good help is hard to find. Coincidentally that's what my dad used to say all the time when he's tryin' to get me to do stuff when I was a teenager. ♪ That's what I'm talkin' bout ♪ (upbeat music) ♪ Wait ♪ ♪ Okay now, from the beginning ♪ ♪ Hey hey ♪ ♪ Hey hey ♪ ♪ Hey hey ♪ ♪ Okay now, from the beginning ♪ ♪ Hey hey ♪ ♪ Hey hey ♪ ♪ Hey hey ♪ ♪ Hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey ♪ ♪ Okay now, are you ready ♪ - Done, time! I just built a table in the some amount of time as it took Chris... - Still, still-- - In less time! - It's almost, it's close. - It's close? I just built a table in less time that it took Chris to start a fire and cook lobsters. Sweet, we'll be eatin' in style. Now I just gotta whip up some stools, some chairs (laughs), maybe tomorrow. Let's check on those lobsters. - [Chris] It's hot. - Lobsters are done, oh look at that. The fog makes it almost dreamlike, oh. - Okay so use the gloves here, go on. (Zachary sighs) - Does that work with the bucket or no? - No. I mean, I feel like I'm sittin' at the adult table, and I'm a kid you know. - You ladies like turtles? - Um, sure, what's your turtle's name? - Shell Silverstein. (audience laughing) If you're six that joke is hilarious. - Here, pull your face up to the food bar, here you go. (exaggerated chomping) - Daddy, can I have another lobster? - There you go, sir, I mean son. - [Zachary] Now he looks big when you line him up next to these little guys like-- - [Chris] Who lost a claw? What do you wanna do with the other lobsters? - [Zachary] I say we save 'em for mornin'. - They'd be okay? - Yeah, throw all the clams in there right now get 'em on the fire. - [Chris] Can the clams go in the seaweed? - [Zachary] Sure, yeah it's just steam that we need. - [Chris] Okay. All right let's do that then. - So I think we're gonna... If they're lookin' in the seaweed, wow. I am fried, and so hungry. There we go. - Oh that's so awesome, thanks. - I got one filming light just for special moments, so you guys can enjoy watching us feast and make you hungry. - How many people got a snack, leave in the comments. Pound woodobo spice, we're gonna do it like kids now. - So yeah, so the thing is, you should get woodobo, and then make woodobo popcorn while you're watching. - Oh dude, that's a good idea. - Yeah, I do it. - I haven't had that yet. - I mean I don't do it while I'm watching your videos, but I do it sometimes. Aubrey wasn't too into it. - To which? - The woodobo popcorn, she was like "Did you put woodobo on that?" I was like "Yeah." - I think you just surprised her. - Probably, 'cause like I do it different every time, like I did a garlic one that was like so garlicky, she was like "Whoa!" - Was the popcorn good? - I loved it, and then she was like "Eh, it grows on you as you keep goin'." The woodobo popcorn, yeah, yeah it was good. Yeah it was buttery and garlicky eatin'. No no, I didn't put garlic, just the woodobo flavor. - If you buy the spice you get the list of all the different things I put it on. - Yep. - Fish, birds, mammals. - Fish birds? - Fish birds. I haven't done a rep, is a snake a reptile? - You know I'm too tired to know, right now. I think a snake is a reptile. - Leave that in the comments, so I've done a reptile then. Uh, snake is a reptile. - Oh. - Uh, all sorts of fowl, fish, gopher. Beaver. Bear. - Bear. All of it. - All of it. Turtle. Did you go soft shell turtle when you were in Texas? - Yeah I got one, that big one. - How good was that? - That was so good. - Try soup? - Yeah, I stewed it, you know just like everything else, you know for a bit, and it was such a pain in the neck. I found out later that you need to like boil 'em first, and then the skin comes off real quick, and give it a rinse, kind of that way. - I don't remember what we did to be honest. I think, obviously seasoned it. - Yeah it took me forever to clean it and skin it. - Bob Hansler, shout out to Bob, please subscribe to him. Bob Hansler, does really awesome survival videos in Texas. - It's so good. - I know it's good. How many, what's the dollar figure that-- - Did you already eat the tail out of that one? - I did. - Oh I wanted to see how big it was, I didn't think to say anything. - It was the size of my hand. - Oh my gosh. - What's this stuff called, that's inside? - Tomalley. - Tomalley, so let me show you guys the tomalley here. It's green mash-- - [Zachary] There ya go, here's the real definition of tomalley, I had it all wrong when I told Chris. - Do you know what it is? - Yeah, it's everything it's been digesting in it's stomach. - Oh okay, good. - Yeah, it's like, back in the olden days, we'd get a squirrel, people used to take the nuts out of the stomach, and they'd put them on the cakes. - Really? - Yeah. Never heard of that? - No, I've never heard of that. That's awesome, I wanna try that. So they would take a squirrel. - Yep. - No. - Yeah because the tannins are out of the acorns that the squirrel is eating because it's been in its stomach, and so they're clean, you can eat those and you can sprinkle 'em on the top of a cake. - This is so messy. It looks like baby poop, would you agree? - Yeah, but it doesn't taste like baby poop. - No it tastes like baby vomit. - No it doesn't taste. - No I don't know. It's weird, it's a weird consistency. So what do these guys eat? - Uh, junk off the bottom. - Like dead stuff? - Uh, probably. Like I mean they're bottom feeders, so. - In a good way or a bad way? - I don't know. - Are they like crayfish, 'cause crayfish are omnivores, they eat seaweed, they'll eat like-- - I bet ya the same time they're down there like snagging, well you know what they eat 'cause we put the lobster traps full of dead fish, so. - Yeah, we know they eat fish. - They like dead fish. - Oh yeah, I see that. It's pretty cool. Oh right, I don't think we've got to my question about what's the dollar value-- - Oh I have no idea. - Of all of these? - I know it's like... Chris' big lobster there that weighs about three pounds would cost him about 26 bucks at the grocery store, and $80 at a restaurant. - For one? - If you're having it at a restaurant, yeah. - Holy... - Oh man we are pigging out here. - [Chris] This is like an all you can eat lobster buffet. Welcome to this season of the Wilderness Living challenge, season five, I'm in Maine and I'm eating giant claws. (sighs contentedly) Oh I got it! It's pretty big. - Oh my goodness. This is what we do. (Chris belching) - Pretty full. - Mm. - I probably ate three pounds of meat. - Oh, that was a nice one. All right I am in bed, comfy. I managed to open my fire back up. That was the one I had banked, before we went lobstering. And stirred up my coals and put some new wood on it, and boom, just goin' again nice and warm over there, and got a little bit of firewood next to me, put a piece on in the middle of the night. And hopefully all my stuff dries. Keep those fish smokin' up there, so they don't go bad. Those were pretty good last morning for breakfast. I should've ate like six of 'em though. I'll have to do that tomorrow. But tomorrow, first thing, turkey hunt. We got our blind setup. I'm like 97.8% confident that we will have a turkey before eight o'clock. Maybe by six o'clock in the morning, so. I'll see you guys tomorrow. Thanks for watchin', Fowler out.
Channel: Fowler's Makery and Mischief
Views: 843,202
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: maine, survival challenge, fowler survival, wilderness living, fowler alone, 30 day survival challenge, zachary fowler alone season 3, Wilderness Living Challenge, catch and cook, survival, survival fowler, zach fowler survival, fowler, survival catch and cook, maine survival, maine wilderness, maine living, catch and cook challenge, maine lobster catch and cook, lobster catch and cook, lobster, catch and cook lobsters, catch and cook lobster, cook lobster, maine lobster
Id: hLViGYAkaM4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 49sec (2749 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 05 2019
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