Greg's First Time on the Atlantic Ocean - Catch & Cook LOBSTER

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never been to the ocean hi I'm Greg ovens and this is ovens Rocky Mountain bushcraft [Music] what we got going on okay hey oh yeah doing good just owns mortars hey Don yes they're nice to finally meet you yeah you bet nice to meet you great knocking some weird old boy oh yeah so I trying to meet my other girl in here yeah he's right around the corner there's no Meetup finally in person huh you must be drawn yes Barry is good to meet you nice oh thank you yeah that's we got another video out today ah yes so I'm gonna get the get Zak the final edits here I think in a couple hours and working on day 12 and 13 yeah no I love what you guys are doing so yeah just keep up the good work I appreciate it Thanks I think we kicked a breaker downstairs so maybe we have to go talk to Zach about that so I'm rebooting things technical issues I'm glad I just have to deal with the filming yeah okay I'll let you get back to work nice meeting you nice to meet you too talk to you soon yesterday I thought you might find this interesting there's the net Zach made when we were on the 30-day challenge cut it down to bring it back but that's interesting so Jon's hard at work on the video that's gonna come out tonight on the photo cover there and then Zach over here I heard him giggle he's fine-tuning these guys are putting a lot of effort into this I shouldn't film too long you get a sneak preview well no series would be also be like yeah but this is a interesting behind the scenes of the operation I'll stay out of their way they're busy doing their editing and I don't want to interfere as much as I like work I am no idea the plan today is to go and check lobster traps I'm looking forward to that I've never been to the Atlantic Ocean devaron oceans bail 4c Pacific obviously South Pacific but lobster I love my lobster so I'm hoping he's got some Lobster in those traps make sure if you haven't checked the 30-day survival challenge that you go back and check right from day 1 to day 30 it was an exciting series now here we are over in Maine make sure to share like and subscribe so off to check the lobster traps raw Charlie where we're going we don't need roads long as we get lobster I'll be happy okay okay hasn't started in a little while I think three weeks since last time we came out here me and the girls and baited the trap so hopefully there's some lobsters in there for Gregg and I had a feast on needs cleaner lungs out so we're here in Rockport Harbor is this your first time lobster and Greg yep never been to the loins of ocean oh really Oh oh my goodness Wow right on your first time in Atlantic Ocean and you get to go Lobster it yeah unfortunately he's not allowed to pull up the traps or handle the trap it's a personal license that took me a whole bunch of paperwork to stop just to get this as a resident of Maine but he can definitely eat them so that's the good part he gets to watch me do all the hard work to pull these things off the bottom 60 feet down long as I get to eat them I don't care about pulling the drops in [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so what's your prediction well I don't know I hate to bet on things I hope we got nothing huh couple of key participation telling you we're gonna have all kinds of lobster when you visit it better be something plastic bucket Hey here we go got some pig hide we're gonna bait the traps with its lasts a lot longer than fish and so it'll be perfect for checking them every three weeks they're in the winter time kind of thing until I get sick of it and pull them in all those hot dogs french fries before this feeling weighing me down it's always hard to get off the bottom that first pull let me go down here five you have five on my personal personal license Oh seem like you got heavy here maybe it's bobster no there's nothing huh is it nothing too soon you jinxed us there's a crab that's about their usual yeah or a little bit bigger Oh keep him look you need them yeah he's got some nice meat right there and there see when you lift it up all of them slide through here and through here at the end up all the way the bottom so in your first haul it up you won't see enough until you get it all the way up and you're like oh yeah a clove hitch it's good to go baby now that to anything law wise will ship it out his way a little bit haploid clunker back in I've got stronger it's so easy now we're getting good shallower here more of the line stuck in the mud nothing well that's our baton them and come back in three days four days five days have something in here with your help forbade in there before I think these were actually baited with mackerel that's why they were able to strip it and leave so quickly oh very efficient there yeah we got a couple fish I kind of sculpin a couple of them there's a little one it's free bait [Applause] [Applause] all of these traps it's hard work these guys are going in here is baked and we'll Heaton and draw in lobsters [Applause] and I'll put a face pig in there too oh we got one girl one walk when it looks like taxes it's too small it probably is we'll check it go check it oh it's just too small because it goes over the back once that goes over the back here done you can't keep her actually what is it it's a boy it's a boy Mazel Tov hard swim fins and says soft swim fins like the feathery ones that look like this up here means that other boy appendages goodbye hey get bigger so we can catch you in a week and eat you colors on that thing pretty beautiful oh we got some big one oh good that's a male 2 that'll be a keeper that'll be a keeper oh that guy's our keeper that's up oh yeah look at that male so we don't have to worry about it because if it's a female will have a notch or it might have aches we have to throw it back so this is definitely boom keeper it doesn't go over the back right that's a that's a feast nice look at that one one Lobster a giant feast see what else we got - that's a female no not no eggs and she is no she's a keeper she's in the limit it doesn't snap over the back your love the females - yeah yep as long as they don't have eggs or somebody hasn't cut a notch here because she had eggs before so she's a breeder this one's not a breeder and it doesn't snap over the back sorry that's - that guy if it's a guy and it's not a girl with that's a guy we're getting some keepers that's number three right there on this one looks like it's a keeper that hasn't have any claws it's a female oh she's got a mutilated second pin in so we got the thrower back that may have been part of a notch that got broke off and she's a breeder but either way normally would be a clear notch and we can't tell yeah sure since it's gotten old claws I'm not afraid of it all right well let it go then goodbye honey best of luck to you got a good chance you can make it just mine oh yeah doing some slingshot shooting in Zach's house here we were never allowed to shoot the slingshots as kids in the house but we're big kids now I got a lot of practicing to do but Zach will show me how to shoot properly it's pretty cool sitting out with coffee sit on a chair and shoot slingshots in Oh Seth got a good wait technique down I guess I haven't quite got the hang of it mmm that was close Oh your honor that's funny shooting range in the kitchen oh boy Oh nailed that one good nailed that one good well at least I'm consistent consistently missing don't see see how I hammered that one that was good wonder if that showed up on the camera they cook up my fish from Vermont first fish I've caught in Vermont or anywhere in the East Coast my brookie didn't kind of came off a bit see this is Brooke he's any good probably similar the ones we get rookies of rookie it's good this was white meat on this a lot of the ones we get back home or pink meat on the brookies but it's good I don't get sick of fish Patagonia I caught 64 on the survival challenge I caught 44 and one of the first things I did was go fishing when I got back from Patagonia I just don't get sick of fish I love it how can you get sector with this some people don't even like fish I don't get that one mmm very good very good I could almost live on fish I have many times thumbs up for the rookie from Vermont [Music] keep going perfect so this is my first time in mean we spent the first few days down at Zach's parents in Vermont caught my first fish there I haven't caught one here in Maine yet be nice to catch a fish here and mean but I'm not sure if that's going to happen or not CL goes us an adventure though you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you know not baby crab you only got one oh no you cut boys they don't move like octopuses or anything they're all slow and CEO see how slowly news it's Gary there he goes Zak's original property go look at the yurt right there okay it's attached to the camper it's kind of uh kind of gnarly it's not very big nope 12-foot spent two years was the kids bunk beds when they're in little have I built them and this thing folded out into the bed in the coffee table that's at my house now yeah there was one more question that set up here and it came down and her blankets came down it was a full-size bed with the wood stove there mm-hmm it was so tiny in here we had a piece of tin that hung on the front of the wood stove to vent the heat straight up a little bit to let some spill out the roof root some batteries and stuff so we could have some solar power some shelves they made things for the yurt with the rounded backs to him so they fit against the wall and then this was home for it was clean and nice when we lived here now it's kind of gross decorated and people are living in here is one thing but man now it's gotten pretty uh yeah I got to strip it down take the yurt parts and then we get a new cover building to cover it started all over maybe I do want to save that I mean that don't waste the yurt frame at least yeah we bought the house and just been so busy working on the YouTube that everything is just it's mostly just still up here and we haven't done anything with it [Music] awesome my solar barn you know it's that's like five years old now shrink-wrap class is like a greenhouse in there and I could be in there in a warm sunny day in the winter and it's that's nice ghost over in there too yep yeah fire up the stove if it was freezing and fire at my stove until be not warm enough in there to work and Whittle and play around stuff this used to be all gardens and all kinds of fun stuff in a little fire pit area there yeah this is part of my 87 a series so it's like everything I did in Patagonia but as if I did it here remain how I'd do it differently so instead of bamboo yeah yeah yeah well because we did this wilderness living challenge and then I packed it right up and did a little bit of editing and headed off to go see him and they were all done smoked and fairly dried you forgot about and I forgot all about I was thinking about coming back in a couple weeks just to if they didn't look gnarly like just really cooking one to death and seeing if I get sick you know No yeah where's our lobsters gonna cook them without them in the fridge for a few days what amazes me is their stole life it's been like three days yeah well these are hardshell they'll last for longer that's why when they ship them across the country people ship hard cells you ever drop one in before yeah well I have but I mean not live ones that we've caught I mean I buy them live from the stores and stuff after those get homeless don't scream for like an elk is he so good what the crowd wants to see neither wife yeah oh yeah he's still wiggling yeah all right okay they don't appreciate hey Google set timer for 11 minutes 11 minutes and we're starting now make sure we have enough three lobsters after all so how about a half a pound of butter should be good they want to run out mid lobster us it's not right I grabbed it by the end antenna and see if the antenna pops off and that's how you know for sure if they're done done yep she's done good into it yeah no you can eat it I just thought we'd get better reception if we kept is it like the efficient eyeball to beat the eyeballs because Ebert size of that guy's claw Monster claw like click that's like the size of my hand Phoebe nice Lobster yeah we did they almost look bigger now that they've cooked this guy's this big no no he's missing a clod you fell off yeah okay oh yeah forgot about mr. crabby we're not gonna be able to just tear those apart with our fingertips well if I go to Troy go you can when you'll be able to break the arms and legs off but you won't you won't be able to crunch up the shell I don't think so much the tails yeah what are we gonna put like the inner jitter that's what those holes are for holes open it on the show so that or penniless praise or you know waters yeah to Biggers there we go better lobster picking tools and I lobster cracking tools they're probably hot as heck - yeah there is some meat in the back yeah that's a pain in the neck I know what it is like don't worry about it right during the survival challenge kind of stuff like that's I got into it and I started to do tearing it apart and sucking out all the juice from the head and stuff but like this time also good that's a Grayson okay lord thank you for these lobsters bless this food to our body just name he meant and ha ok fresh lobster this time hmm man I could live here for that yeah you like that who in their right mind wouldn't like well sure I know three men I don't know a couple people heard people would say oh I don't like seafood old and was that right a couple of people they're like yeah I'm not too into it but never like it's not okay it's not good much meats in those big claws because they're there sometimes they're not as much no sometimes they're not stopped at all yeah and other times they're stuff great for the kills like this is this one it's really soft so that one if it's harder something that's packed yeah that's a nice piece on the fact it's been almost a month since I had lobster myself you know no it's been like three gonna have three half weeks in that good door doesn't break so I guess I need these there's a big one though sounds hollow let's see Halla wish sound meter that's a good one oh yeah that's me that's a nice PC yeah bet you're jealous no the hard shells people say doesn't taste as good oh now I not eggs oh yeah a little strip of egg in there it doesn't taste bad but I'm not not nearly as good as like fish eggs so I don't bother eating it yeah that was least cool yeah the soft shells taste so much better and we were talking about that this summer and a lady that I gave some to have suggested that the reason soft-shells take tastes better is because their shells are thinner and the salt water has a chance to pur me so they're like basically they're live brined the though that they taste they taste more like the sea and fresh and and juicy whereas the hard shells are just a little bit I don't like saying a sirloin steak is gamey but you know what I mean because they're all so good no matter which way but there is it it's it's like the difference between the trout they're spawning trout versus the right like they're all really good but the ones that aren't spawning or are water better yeah just stick your finger in the in the butt and clear yeah it pushed that piece of meat through all the other types root yep yep instead of trying to break the shoulder yeah yeah yep nice job nice advice muted race there with a missing piece I have it too soft they're easy enough to um you know just like mm-hmm man I hope we have some more in the chops that's good oh yeah it's been three days we'll be able to go back out see how the pig heart is mm-hmm lobster feed once more before you go mm-hmm Robbie good man there's that better and fro for me oh yeah yeah even I've boiled some and I set some aside and and I tried to do other stuff with it and it just doesn't never as good as fresh no no easy the way I like it although butter just like this I should make you a lobster roll yeah it's just basically Lobster in a couple spices and Manny like we're making tuna salad or chicken salad mm-hmm so good and all for your Lobster fans this doesn't seem fair us sitting here and eating lobster in front of you if they really argued trust me this is the best just the best it's worth I've never done it before I had a lot of people when I did start doing lobster stuff in my videos you know I've never had lobster Kyle if he you know where it's kind of expensive at the restaurant is it worth doing like yeah but fresh like just yeah yeah I mean we put them in the pot they were still alive from three days ago mm-hmm it's not like buying frozen lobster no it's not the same at all no well anyway so I don't want to sit and eat all this beautiful lobster in front of the audience here so me and Zach health plans we're gonna do some more videos well in here and make sure that you watch ovens Rocky Mountain bushcraft and Fowler's Makery and mischief if you haven't seen the 30 day challenge make sure you tune in and check that out go back and watch it again even but we got more videos coming up so if you stayed tuned to our channels we got lots of adventures coming up look at the size of that oh my goodness oh my goodness this is the biggest this is the biggest catch I've ever had right here oh holy cow look at that as a record for me that's unreal I don't even know what it'll be like to eat a lobster that big let's check it window to big boy look it's too big it's too big it has to be between here and here and here and here so we cannot keep this Lobster has to go back and it is let me see is it a watch out sparrow it's a boy yep oh my goodness man I can't believe oh we go get oh my goodness why I wish we're not allowed to ask in sloth there's another one in there yeah and it's gonna be too small I can already tell what are the size of that Lobster girls what do you think of it awesome but also so bad small the only other one we caught it's too small we got some big crabs though that was not but this guy I'm gonna sign that crab that's huge you know one it breached my heart to let you so thanks for watching and don't forget to hit the like button and subscribe and share
Channel: Ovens Rocky Mountain Bushcraft
Views: 593,676
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: survival, rocky mountain, greg alone, ovens alone, greg ovens alone, greg ovens alone season 3, alone season 3, hunting, bush, catch n cook, catch and cook, catch clean cook, wild game, wild game cooking, funny, funny videos, greg ovens rocky mountain bushcraft, greg ovens, bushcraft, canadian, rockies, rocky mountain bushcraft, maine, lobster, 87 days, boating, lighthouse, first time atlantic ocean, big lobster catch, lobsterman, fowler, maine coast, seafood cooking, wild seafood catch
Id: fkfX2plIIqE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 41sec (2201 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 11 2020
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