Eating Only What We Catch for 48 Hours Winter Survival Challenge (day 2)!

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oh good morning guys the fire going again it went out kind of anyway i'm excited to check the trap because i'm excited to eat we kind of just puttered around all night mostly the ice is or the ice the water we moved we had to move the tripod away from the fire because uh how much sparks it was making but thankfully the water is just there's just a little bit of crust on top so it didn't get super cold last night of course this went to bed warm but i did notice that i'm super dehydrated i have a kind of a light headache it's an early sign for me of dehydration so i'm definitely going to have to get on the water a lot more today and drink more periodically yesterday was you know we didn't get water till the end and i'm definitely feeling it you can make a fire to keep warm in the morning but i find it's just as easy to go for a walk yeah like for all the effort it's going to take you to make a fire you might as well just suit up go for a run yeah and uh you know this will keep you warmer longer but it's more cooking i feel it's more cooking if you're afraid of wolves and getting attacked and you know keep chip cobra away and uh yeah loch ness well chupacabra because we're invoking the spirits of the hair i don't know if you felt the presence last night or not but the ghosts of the hair hovering i would have spent more time pulling like these some of these tops that are easy to get these bushy tops i think i would have maybe done a bit of a windbreak around our campsite because the wind did pick up a little bit in the night and the wind chill makes a big difference and also blowing embers around is kind of a hazard i think maybe making a bit of a longer we talked about it but we didn't do it making a bit of a longer lower fire instead of just adding all kinds of wood on a tall fire i think that might have made a difference too some better clothes oh yeah like 100 yeah especially you can keep your legs warm by being active but in cotton like when you stop moving your legs are one of the first parts you to get cold like those big muscle groups yeah what do you have you just have car hearts on right like car type denim or yeah a little bit of waterproofing on it no no no they don't have that wax none no and then there's just like a plaid flannel kind of a liner in them so you're a legit lost hunter then yeah yeah yeah because you're not not perfectly dressed like no cotton hoodie so but it's this is kind of what i would have worn on a day like yesterday if i was just planning to go out for the day well we'll go check the traps to see what's going on maybe we're having hair stew maybe we're having snow stew pine needles too if we could find a pine or a spruce or something we'll move that tripod over right now i think warm it up out i need some more i need some water i'm thirsty i don't want to drink that cold stuff too cold too close the thing with the snow this nose is good keeps you dry but it compresses it's like having a warm duvet inside a garbage bag sleeping on an ice rink it was like once you compress you could feel you could definitely feel and and it was wet too damp we have some other things planned yeah uh if we don't get hair we have to upper hair game you checked out the last one where we got to get food fire water and shelter and we're uh three for four so we're only 75 percent that's i i don't like to lose so we got to make sure this is 100 but uh we still got all our snares to check so we'll see what's up didn't watch the last video you have no idea what's going on but we're we're snaring air so this is kind of man versus man on this one we're gonna do a little bit of competition it was unofficial because it wasn't declared maybe we should have declared it yesterday so so far jared is offer oh for one this is a really good trail though and it could still produce so everything that's out here now we're gonna leave out here oh there's a oh you got two here you're all for two so he's got a double run he's got a branch hanging over top he's got two sticks on the other side that's a good set i like that set it's a little too narrow though i think you know you got to go fatter on that so the whiskers don't touch i'll move that one out of the way how many did you set out here for yeah so you're already down fifty percent yeah are you worried uh yeah worried about your snares like because you can also just have like you know they're not moving one night or something and none of them pay out i don't know i think they always move what happens they got to eat every day their hair we'll see what happens all they do is eat yeah eat poop make babies babies for us to eat between all of us we've got a total of 10 snares by my math if we we'd had time which we didn't we would have got another 10 out we would add 100 chance of a hair uh with just 10 we might we might slip through the cracks of probability coming up on snare number three for jeremy over here oh for three jeremy oh for three it's not looking good we're gonna have to eat tree bark pine resin like like real survivalists does that count as a food i don't think so but maybe you guys think if i eat some kind of wild edible account well jerry's getting nervous because he checked his fourth one he done he skunked ode i'm now i'm getting nervous you get excited when you go to check your traps and then after you don't find anything you start to get more and more concerned but we didn't have i don't have a lot of time yesterday i'm not making excuses it's just the reality you don't have all the time in the world to set all the all the traps and set up your camp and you have to judge things and you don't want to be without a shelter and fire and everything for the potential of a meal that might not return all the calories you put into it well set number one for me a bunny you're probably wondering how we're going to cook this guy up because it can be pretty chewy all wrapped around the branches in here oh i gotta get a good moat it's a pretty standard little white rabbit if we can get two we might have made our calories back no even then does it take two hairs per person per day i think yeah it's at least no it's well you eat the whole thing right yeah and then you need to supplement a little bit of fat yeah there's not enough there's not enough fat in there even if we eat the brains and the feet not that the feet have anything in there but yeah that's a pretty standard white rabbit it's no shoe hair not a cotton tail completely different these uh change color from brown to white ish ish see yeah the underfur is usually not white no so that's how you spot them because they don't look they don't look jet jet white there's a jet black jet black snow white snow white yeah snow white but you can tell the tips of the ears are black and uh and you can see you can sometimes see the outline of the back and and that the eye is really really standard yeah it's like a little black marble just hanging in there yeah when it's not dead it's it's a straight black and it just stares at you with one eye snow black or jet black jet black jet black not snow white but jet black eye so if you're actively hunting them that's what you want to look for they're going to be up under a tree like that yeah just sitting at the base sitting there like that and they're gonna look at you and they're not gonna move they might blink a little bit and then if you startle them then they're gonna dart and they're gonna stop again so you can sometimes catch up with them but they kind of get up on the on the jig gonna get really active the heart gets going the adrenaline gets going so you can't really usually catch up with them but you can catch them hunkered down i don't i feel weird playing with this rabbit let's get them in the bag see if we got another one we're gonna reset this one it's a good spot if we can cool all right i'll get this set up we're gonna eat yes eat food you see it under there under there and then the trail runs from over there down here you're here there should be another snare there where is the other snare there oh i see it it's up here because there is another freaking rabbit on top on top what they do is when they get caught they flip around and they jump to the back and then they get all tangled up unless they get tangled up with a it all gets tight tightened up so there we go we've got two um two for four i get no two for five so far i got we got three left to check anyway we got two bunnies that'll be enough to make a pretty good rabbit stew i'll get this guy untangled and uh we'll head back and check there i have cameras on the other one so i'm hoping there's some on the camera because i want to see what's happening i got two more cameras to set up which we'll do today in the hair pound but i'll get these tied it up and we'll head back to camp there's actually a really cool trick to reuse these snares you have to take it off the tree normally like you would find a branch here this branch will do and what you're going to take the line you're going to wrap it around the branch and you're going to go across the branch a couple of times back and forth and that's going to get a lot of the snags out of it and it's going to make it it's actually going to preload the snare as well so you see how it wants to make that circle again so when you thread it back through then the snare is going to want to close a little bit better on the animal faster it's called loading the snare so you can load it see how now then i push it back here and if you get a little anchor little point anchor knot there you can actually get it to stay there and when the hair comes by you know it went off on its own there which is what you want so you just want the hair to touch it and when it touches it it closes up you see that that's called loaded so when the snare put her hair puts his head in there just puts its head in there touches it and then it closes see how that closed so you can reuse your snares but you want to make sure that there's no kinks in it because the kinks actually weaken the metal you can sometimes get away with using a snare a couple of times and we will with this one for sure put this guy back up well before we get anything else done as far as productivity goes we're definitely going to have to get these hairs in the water they're a very tough animal and they taste so much better as a stew but i want to get some food in me right now i'm starving two greetings we're eating we got food so clean up this hair real quick all i'm gonna do i'm gonna cut the head off i'm gonna cut the feet off and then i'm going to pull uh the front side backside undress it like you would take a sock off it's kind of a weird thing maybe take your pants take your pants off and then your shirt off that seems kind of weird too but if you have small kids also a weird way to put it but that's how it's done that's the easiest way i've found to do it and you get well very little hair and it happens really fast the rest of it you're just pulling the middle parts out and discarding them well you can eat the heart the liver you can eat the lungs if you want you could eat i mean you could eat the whole thing i just personally i would stay away from that stuff there's some good stuff that's good the the main organs are fine but uh you know you could probably stuff the intestines full of all kinds of things and make some hair sausages i just it's not gonna happen on this trip and then we're gonna throw it in the pot and let it stew for the rest of the afternoon we'll come back and have some nice tender straight up hair but i have some adobo so i'll dump some adobo in there i'm not gonna lie that's the worst freaking job in the world that's only second to ice fishing without a proper ice shack and you get your hands full of slime um i got to heat them up now well i got to wash them first because i can't put them in gloves same thing as ice fishing catch a big freaking slimy pike or something like that pull it out of the water slime sticks to your hands that hurts so bad that's just pain yeah that's sticking your hands in pain all right that's enough i gotta go back to the fire wow that's lovely that's money so from hell to heaven and you'd think it would be the reverse hell is supposed to be hot isn't it this feels much much more like the other department beauty grabbed some water to drink i forgot to drink again i had really full intentions to get to keep on top of my hydration and then i forgot so before i put the rabbit in there which you know will be good to drink in a little bit more stew-like i need to get at least a couple me in here and then we're probably gonna have to add some more snow actually it might it might take up quite a bit of space with those two hair just like that it's not too hot though oh hot enough it's not it's almost drink hot it's just straight water we that's part of the challenge right i'm gonna slam this down and then we'll throw that rabbit in there throw some adobo spices in there get that cooking and uh it's gonna take a long long time to be tenderized to the point where we're gonna want to eat it well we want to eat it right now but it's not going to be edible for a long long time do you want some more water jared before i dump it not dump it that's not what we want to do we just want to put some of these leggies in there hey a little leggy uh i guess we're not i thought that might cave man cook it but since we got the billy can rabbit is just so much better as a stew it's just a thing um there are ways to make it better like you can all boil it and or soak it in salt water let it sit and you can do marinades and all these other fancy things but good luck doing that out here in the bush but also put it on a stick we've done that before it just doesn't just doesn't work jerry's getting started on the hair pound i'm gonna flatten out a little spot here we've got a runway here runway here and we've actually come up to the same spot where we were snaring before so we actually have a double a double snare coming in on this run and what we're hoping is they're going to run up and down this runway and then kind of we're going to kind of veer them off over here but the idea is we're going to put a bait pile here with uh birch tips and uh i think jeremy says they're into some nanny berries and whatnot so i'm just flattening this spot out here now because um there's not gonna be any snow in here it's all gonna be birch tips in the middle and then we're gonna square it off like a like a dog pound call it hair pound and then we're gonna put as many snares as we want around it usually four if we make a square square is the easiest shape to make and then each of the gates they're going to be little gates where rabbit can hair can squeeze through and we're going to put snares there so what we're doing is attracting the animals in and it's hopefully it's going to increase our chances of actually being successful rather than count on them just randomly coming through the forest on the normal trails this is we're just making it a lot more accessible so jeremy is cutting we need four decent spruce trees to make the square and then after that it's just a matter of boxing it in and then building our gates we want to make it pretty inviting for the hair to move in like any animal they don't prefer to stand on uneven ground and how we have it set up there's a box here and we're trying to make four openings to the box with to put the bait inside and we want to make it so that there's really obvious places for the hair to travel so one of the spots here we actually we walked on it all the way down here but what i'm doing is i'm following my trail back up and i'm smoothing it out all the way so that every chance a rabbit gets it's going to be stepping on a really smooth spot it's kind of like a slide you know when your kids outside building a really cool loose track but it's going to be really obvious that the hair should travel down here and then we're going to put a gate one gate on this one horizontal spot and another gate down entering the box so we're actually going to get a couple extra ones here so what you're doing there well just kind of filling in some of the gaps with dead dead twigs yep not live ones that the rabbits might be tempted to uh eat yeah we want the live ones in the inside yeah so i don't know how they know there's birch tips in here i suspect they have a nose for it oh i find they taste like winter green they get bitter after hard for a hair to get the tips because they're so short and they don't know how to build ladders anytime a tree gets knocked down they it's dinner time we're hoping that they can smell it so we're going to shave these up a little bit maybe me chewing them up and spitting them out's going to help i ain't food that's rabbit food we want we want the food that eats the food so there we go we got our finished pound we got a trail camera here which overlooks the two snares at the far side and then we have another camera over here on this snare run so there's another snare up here the main trail comes through here we make when they slides on both sides it's going to come down into those entry ways the gateways we've cut up all of that birch tree the tips and we shaved them all so they smell good actually smell like wintergreen which is pretty crazy so that's going to hopefully draw the hair in and then you put spruce on top of all of the the tops so that we make sure that we don't get too much snow on top of the the uh where the hairs are going to come through here so it's kind of like a little house and that will make sure that they don't get buried because we are expected to get a pile of pile of snow it's not very strong but it must have good noses oh it smells like wintergreen yeah yeah it tastes like wintergreen so there you go well spent some time to chop this up and yeah that's a gum nice well that's what they're after in the mess of everything i completely forgot to check a couple of the other uh sets here the one we had the camera on too and i didn't check it silly to have a quick look over here to see what's going on uh it's still set nothing touched it you could check the camera real quick just to see if anything's happened here you never know if there's a hair there and dodged it went by nothing happened let's just do a quick check no nothing came through that set looks fine we'll leave it we won't touch it and we actually have one more with the camera on hit that one on the way back let you guys know if there's anything in that one some fresh rabbit chew marks there that's what they do and they walk through and they'll eat and see the teeth marks all the way up breaking down grabbing big chunks of bark off right here too and i was actually a tree way back there too they're always hungry for food and if you make it easy for them that temptation is hard for them to resist oh yeah i see what you did there so actually you might think nothing of this the hair or think nothing of this but the snare you see that it's uh it's been moved 100 percent that's not the shape i left it in so i have to have to fix it again a hair 100 percent came through here and we got the camera on so we can check the camera but uh yeah 100 that got moved nothing nothing went through there like it might have came from the other side and didn't activate the camera so well reset it and check back tomorrow don't be shy now enough adobo soup with rabbit with hair two hours maybe two more hours i don't know man the longer the better is it falling apart at least i don't think so i didn't really poke around at it give it a poke i'm hungry oh yeah wow it's been freaking too long since your last meal yeah oh come more hours like i said and eventually we're gonna have to top that water up a little bit too i think yeah that hair is nowhere near tender if you guys want to buy some elbow go to shop it pose good on everything does it go good on everything jer i haven't actually found anything that it doesn't go good on you can put it on toast i put it on rice i don't know about toast but i put it on vegetables vegetables yeah steamed vegetables i put it on like pretty much every kind of meat i'm just trying to wall this off a little bit the snow doesn't keep blowing inside the shelter it's jeremy is fine his is oriented kind of crosswind so it's not blowing inside mine is just accumulating on there you should be able to make a wall and then keep a little bit of an opening so that i can still get some of that warm air but uh we gotta we gotta get ready for the snow now it's now it's a problem i think there's probably enough cool oh spooky over here there's a super shelter now there we go simple solution here's the resources we already have now i got to move out of here it's too smoky that works that looks pretty good you guys can have a look at that we can make a bench there and we can actually sit sit inside there kind of maybe we'll be a little little tight there but maybe if we continue the roof idea here we might have our place to sit jeremy's getting ambitious he's gonna build a super shelter wall you guys watched survival lily do that in the joel robinette of the world who's that the joe there's only one joe look at this oh like dude we're getting carried away maybe we're we're getting way past survival this is this is like this is thriving now we can just tuck right up inside here grab ourselves a little log out of the freaking snow beauty check it out it's not it's like an awning in here be tempted just to snooze the rest of the day but we really should make continue to make some improvements here this blizzard can be trying now we've got it so that i've got a nice nest back in here i don't know if you can tell i'm gonna swing you guys in here but uh i can tuck up inside here like it's it's hollow all the way through here in the back it's all all nice and dry now the snow's not blowing into it and uh jere and i can both kind of sit underneath here and just chill we're expected to get a winter blizzard 25 centimeters of snow is coming in so basically how it's snowing now it's going to get heavier and heavier throughout the night and evening which is a little bit concerning for our snares because they can get buried in and we only got two rabbits and that's not enough to replace all our calories we need at least two complete rabbits per day and that was it that's if you're resting if you're doing a lot of work like we are you'd probably need three rabbit jeremy's trying to engineer some kind of uh fire or not fire break but a windbreak so that the wind is blowing straight at us when we first got here it wasn't windy at all so it wasn't an issue but the more time has gone on the more the weather is becoming a factor here although you know all those like shoulder when it's like not quite cold enough to snow uh that's that's hypothermia can set in real quick there so but uh we're not so worried about the shelter situation but the snow situation like it's coming down now like it's freaking white out conditions here yeah we might have to start hunkering down or thinking about it anyway make sure we have enough wood that we're not going to be running out it could get dicey real quick and that's what happens to people gets dicey real quick cut a couple more or trim in a couple more branches i should say to finish the wall i don't know if it's blocking any snow a little bit it's like maybe well 50 percent given the gaps that are in here we could wall it all in but we don't it's we don't need to it's more dual purpose so let's uh dry firewood too i don't know how the hair is doing but it's uh she's going if it gets tender or not i'll probably have to pull it off in a bit in there and check a couple more just to finish the wall up and that's that have no idea what time it is it feels darker than it probably is i mean later i mean earlier i don't know what the heck i'm talking about i need a rabbit in my belly you got to let it sit in the juices and break the muscle fibers down or else you're just going to be not enjoying it look at how much the shelter is filling in like pretty soon it's going to be completely camouflaged actually maybe that's where the snow is coming in back here jerry's got a little hole at the back of his shelter so it could be where it's uh coming in the front of mine but you tell it's going to turn into a snow fort pretty soon you can throw this together real quick and then you can throw snow on top of it too then it holds that structure but you have some alternate designs with snow it's no trench and quincy and if you guys are interested in seeing a survival challenge when we do that let me know put that together and we can live in a snow fort out of snow actual snow fort well we've been itching for this bunny for a while now what are you oh jeremy's already eating it can't even see me i'm way back here look there's no snow landing on me really no smoke blowing in my eyes unlike you yeah um it's not bad my side wall needs more work you can see there's snow drifting into my uh bed a little bit but yours is uh not accumulating snow now seems to be pretty good how's that rabbit that's really good i'm hiding in the fort don't give it away it's like night in here you know what that makes it no i don't know oh jeez so listen put some more adobo on it yeah and then you'll like it better it's like more roast it's like roast beef right now why is there butter in your winobo no a little bit of salt though lamb no it's like it's the consistency of it it's more roast beefy it's not fall off the bone that's for sure but it doesn't matter this is good yeah it's not tough that's the thing no it's like uh it's on the uh non-tough side of texture it is super lean though yeah but you taste the leanness of it i think jer scale one to ten not compared to other animals but compared to rabbit this hair compared to every other hair you've eaten oh well it cooks some pretty good snowshoe here yeah i know but just have as far as ones that we've cooked outside this one's probably an eight yeah now i probably it's the weather conditions and the fact that we haven't eaten since we started this challenge when you eat at home you be as polite as you want and when i'm as hungry as i am i'll be as impolite as i want to be if you guys were here you wouldn't enjoy this as much as i'm enjoying it right now we're going to take all the bones clean them off as much as we can then we're going to put them back in the drink and i get it it's not sanitary but you know what it's not i don't know some people might think it was weird because you know jeremy's gonna pull some stuff out of there and eat it too well we just went for a walk we tried to actively get a hair by shooting it so you didn't see any fresh tracks nothing so listen to this okay so i did i did circles in the thick stuff and jared did the main trail yep okay so i did a loop and then i came back and ended up at the hair pound okay and i see fresh tracks i'm like sweet because the rabbit went right like that runway yep it took the runway oh and then i looked the snare was going i'm like jared probably wouldn't have taken the hair he probably would have waited for me to come get it yeah right yeah that's the case you didn't grab a hair did you no so it's gone huh so i checked the camera to see what happened like and i saw me leave and then i saw you come in yeah and you walked by and you just kind of kicked yeah was the snare there yeah i just was making the trail so in between all that happening a hair went by i pushed it probably scared it out and there were hair tracks there and the snare was gone the snare is gone huh yeah we should go follow those tracks well we could i did and i lost them oh um i didn't lose them losing but it got into some really thick not like i had the gopro with me but the gopro died it's probably been long enough now that they would be covered up again yeah but they were haunted like so between that's great the two of us yeah so they popped the snare off yeah so i don't know if that was the one i'd reset or or just busted the stick out or what it might have busted the stick what happened is is probably because the stick i used it and it was startled it was probably running full tilt yeah yeah it's still gonna survive it's gonna pull the it'll pull the snare out um unless it runs into another one of our snares because that's one of the ones that is in that kind of neighborhood there so yeah that's the problem with using that really thin gauge wire and they want you to use it for that reason because if you catch like something bigger a dog yeah okay somebody's cat yeah well probably cat wouldn't make it but no but you know somebody's dogs license for yeah so that i mean it's meant to it's designed to break and it will lose the the hair it kept going it didn't even slow down it looked like it was on a full trot yeah that's crazy and then it went up the hill and then there's some thick stuff and it ended up in the thick stuff and i climbed up on top of it and i looked around and i couldn't see where it came out of so it might have went up underneath and never came out chances are really good that it's going to come back like if it's in that neighborhood it'll probably come back to feed down there yeah so we might the hit that pound might not be caught the same one it's like shark shark fishing when you got to put two things in it yeah or maybe that's just jaws [Laughter] he's like get it we got to get another one in them and then it's got like six blue or whatever harpoons yeah with loads with the floats on it he's still going under [Laughter] that's a that's a scene you'll never forget if you watch that one too early when it's you remember the scene when it falls down the guy's falling down on the ship because the ship's falling over and then the jaws comes up and just like it just like right through the sternum of the guy and then he's just like and there's blood coming out of his mouth i watched that scene way too early oh come on in guys oh yeah they don't get any smoke in my eyes they'll be all good snares work they work they don't work they don't work we should be able to find our way out of this mess by tomorrow yeah just follow our tracks out just make shovel this is incidentally this is exactly how people get lost because their tracks get buried in the snow yeah you know maybe they don't check the forecast the forecast is no good yeah and nothing looks the same after it's got six inches of snow on it no you can't see the sun yeah i had a hard time trying to figure out where the snares were yeah well you need a mug full jared's clothes are garbage yeah you're uh you're gonna have a rough night there dude you're gonna have to bake yourself over the fire build a big survival fire well you should uh just really got the one mug you should probably drink that you need it cheers being the baby now crying about how cold he is i asked him before we started this if he was sure he wanted to wear this clothes you have wool stuff right this broth is really really good yeah is it yeah look at that big chunk look at that the focus there that big chunk of meat there gotta wait for it to cool down a touch but not too much yeah it's like salty and warm whew it's pretty fairly thick now i can imagine like a couple days with the hair in there break it all down the pot of ever hair stew over here oh this meat's good you know i can feel the heat there's heat coming through i can feel the heat here it is coming it's coming back in without the smoke yeah like out to here i can feel that oh yeah on my hand yeah yeah so i might be in good shape there yeah i think more is better more more bought more bows oh yeah and you can never have too many and then having like your fire the distance just the right distance where it's not going to burn you but it warms up your shelter hitting the spot oh yeah yeah that is really good i'd eat that again that's all right you could still use more spice like i can't really taste the spice maybe you can on the broth yeah i can taste it in the broth yeah just take here on the back real quick to look at it's blocking some of the snow this fire wall look at our shelters is getting completely covered i don't know how many inches of snow we got but it used to be green this morning and it is not green now i think i should take you up on top of the hill just to kind of look at what it actually looks like because we are sheltered down here we're down in a little bit of a gully but there's an open field up here this is where we've been traveling to and from white out almost it's kind of stuff that gets in your eyes and you try to see it's not super windy it's coming straight down but still look at behind me like you would get lost in this stuff trying to navigate through here actually it's freaking cold out here but wind oh it cuts through my hands my hands are wet okay that hurts that's enough back down on the gully we took we chose a wise spot for this for sure just wanted to show you what the conditions would be like if we were out here exposed let's see for perspective our camp is down there you can't even see it's all blended in to come around the corner here a little bit and you'll see it right down here right down in here there we are right here the snow is really starting to accumulate everywhere and it's becoming impossible to stay dry or keep dry or get dry even being on the run the fire all it does is melt everything on top of you so what i'm going to do now is i need to stop it from accumulating on top of me so i need to kind of commit to getting inside but i want to get most of this out because i'm near the fire it wants to melt and it's going to get in my hood and this is the only defense i have really keeping myself dry anymore this is all soaked now all wet and the last line of defense of course when you're sleeping in the snow wet beyond the fire is activity activity if you have you don't have a fire you gotta work all night you gotta keep up every hour you gotta get up and you gotta do some exercise and you gotta burn those fat reserves that you got on your body until all those things run out and then you're gonna switch over to your muscle reserves hopefully you're gonna get out of your survival situation sooner than that [Music] oh koopa a hand warmer i showed it in the last video but i just hold the button down and you got three settings one two three three lights and uh i saved quite a bit of it yesterday knowing that we were gonna do a two day challenge well three-day including tomorrow and uh it's still got a lot of battery power left in it but the best thing about this is you can charge a phone so if you want to get rescued you don't run out of battery sometimes you lose your phone on right or you can back feed it with the usb but i'm warm now and i'm not moving snowsuit's doing this job uh i'll probably make it and then where jared went he's going to look for some more wood there's a blizzard out here well that's it i'm going to get hunkered down and well for now anyway as long as i can and probably every hour i'm gonna be up to feed that fire it's all we can do right now i might not even lay down i don't know try to i'll lay down a little bit and then i'll wake up probably uh i gotta get this camera put away it's getting soaked everything's soaked the mic soaked i gotta dry it off put it away and hopefully the snow has stopped by tomorrow and uh you guys will tune in and find out find out how our hair pounded whether we were successful at uh enticing those hairs to come in the biggest impediment of course is gonna be the conditions whether those hair or the snares whether those snares are gonna get buried or not we'll have to find out we'll have to see so i just sleep last night jer like i was in my own bed it was so comfortable yep so uh we won the challenge food fire water shelter not the end of the video guys because there's more stick around we gotta go check the hair pound we gotta check all our snares yep but uh i got real cold last night yeah i don't know about you and uh i went for a walk checked i wanted to clear some of the snares out yeah and uh because we got like that much snow by the time i went to bed maybe that much snow yeah so i called it all out got some choke i didn't bring the camera there's too dark but i got some camera footage of me clearing them out okay just to make sure that they're exposed exposed like we were so as you know jer is this the same clothes you're wearing no you changed you changed same pants same pants i came back after my walk well the fire was mostly out by then anyway like we couldn't fight the snow and uh jare's packed up and he's ready to go yeah and so i was going to make i'm going to put gear through it two days is too long for an overnight winter survival challenge with like minimal tools no food and and especially in the conditions with the clothes jeremy was wearing yeah i was good like i wouldn't have had a fun night but i could have been like up and walking and you know because the stuff stays dry it's it's an ice fishing it's a floater suit uh striker if you're curious about it i would highly recommend it i stayed dry the entire time i was not um super comfortable but i was not miserable no so and you were what i would have done better better clothes a mat a sleep two sleeping bags big giant fire over there oh yeah you couldn't back and rest he could have made it he could have made it but jerry's like ah we'll just check the snares in the morning yeah so we had that's why we had to come back anyway we have to pull everything out like we left literally it was dark there was no sense of doing anything so we left everything here and now we're coming to collect it all right well let's go check the snares because i i'm curious to see if we actually would have eaten any food today so we're not gonna waste anything the hair stew is coming with us there's still like a half a pot of hair stew because we were planning on drinking it overnight so uh that's your lunch yeah jared's gonna take it with him supper it's a little frozen yeah it must have been cold out last night maybe oh we're at the hair panel now actually we got some tracks coming through here so this last night when that hair we i scared back from there we were hunting and i drove it through here and this is where i kept going all the way clear across it's almost the same path but now it seems to be dodging this we got to get in the hair pound and check things out but it looks like it's pretty snowed in but there are some tracks around here although because of the amount of snow that we have almost everything around the perimeter is buried to make the gates but there's no gate anymore because you it doesn't look like you can get in there although it does look like you could probably jump in there and so i think that's what the hares might have done had they come into this pound situation here and saw those twigs but we have a camera here we can check and i can play any footage that we're seeing on that camera there and like i said there was a hair you can see the tracks over there came around here so it would have 100 noticed that food that was in there i don't see any chew marks on the tree branches but you never know it might have grabbed a couple of the buds one hair came to here yeah and then he went over he probably went over so we're going to try to make it so that we can flatten things down so the hairs want to go through those gates again so we're going to do a little bit of work we still got a couple more to check and we'll give you guys a summary of what it would be like survive in the wild in the winter really cool survival strategy even though it didn't work today i want to show you some clips right now from a trail camera pictures that i set up a pound last year and it worked really really really good i have two angles of the hair coming into the pound and then the reverse angle and we ran it for another week jeremy did and he ended up with three or four rabbit by the end of it before he pulled it and so it is a really effective tool there is the snare all you guys can tell it's way down there in the snow and there's no way a hair will get caught in that we got the camera over here so i'll check that if there's anything interesting on it we're going to clean up all our all of our snares get them out just so that we don't uh catch anything by accident that uh that amount of snow definitely messed up our snaring uh chances on these runs which you can't even tell there was a run here anymore which means the hair can't tell there was a run here anymore either like once your snare is made you can just um just kind of wrap it and then keep it in your pocket or your backpack or your kit or wherever you want to and reuse it you guys wanted me to do this winter survival challenge and here it is this is what it looks like we're fortunate to get some food but getting regular food in this environment would be super tricky all right guys obviously back at work this is the work part of the channel i'm putting the final edit on and jeremy just sent me some clips over from the hair pound he let it run for two more days and he was kind enough to lend me those clips that i can include them in the videos that's going to follow go check out jeremy one wildcrafter it's pretty awesome that he would send these clips over and not like force you guys to go over to check his channel out just give him a sub and check around there he's trying to make a go of this youtube thing just as much as anybody else and we've collaborated a lot so i'm gonna jump into this clip check it out hair pound worked you watch the whole video right full stop if you watch all the way through i really appreciate that so see you later some success here look at that one here two hairs and you can definitely see that a hair made it inside the pound there's all kinds of poop in here which means that they have been feeding inside the pound um but overall that's a pretty good success rate oh there's a broken snare on that one so one broken snare one caught hair one empty snare one caught hair and down on the outside here also an empty snare but there is a track going in there so that one was probably a close call
Channel: The Wooded Beardsman
Views: 833,644
Rating: 4.8154798 out of 5
Keywords: survival challenge, bushcraft shelter, winter camp, bushcraft camp, primitive survival, bushcraft knife, bushcraft canada, survival shelter, friction fire, primitive fire, primitive skills, wilderness technology, primitive living, primitive shelter, shelter building, fire cooking, survival skills, survival, surviving, lean to shelter, shelter, 24 hour survival, wild edibles, wild foods, cooking, fire, bushcraft, wilderness survival, bushcraft cooking, catch and cook
Id: ZTeusfFyT7c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 14sec (2954 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 22 2020
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