6ix9ine Released Early, Joji Cancelled, Doja Cat Lies To The World - H3 Podcast #190

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Man I really hope they dont have Geoffrey on. Dudes a piece of a shit and a known liar, arrest records and incarcerations aren't "rumors and lies". Who cares what he has to say when hes known to lie about everything? EDIT: Thank god ethan read the charges and realized the same thing lol.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 47 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/TheAtami ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 16 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies


๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 14 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/TheGhostOfHanni ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 17 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I thought it was so funny when they were trying to figure out what bachata is and Ethanโ€™s pronunciation too lol

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 14 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/[deleted] ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 16 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Ian saying โ€œlittle buttholeโ€ will now haunt my dreams

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 11 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/jaybels141414 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 16 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I feel FilthyFrank should be cancelled because of Joji.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 10 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Lucifers_Friend ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 16 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I would love if Ethan can make a series on all the pranksters from back in the day; SoFlo, Joey salads, etc. Maybe call it like Where are they now? Kinda curious where are they at now most of them and if they have gotten into more goofs.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 13 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/My_Names_Jefff ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 17 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I'm waiting for the "Hila rating tattoos" to be fixed part of the show

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 4 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/olaveiras ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 17 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

That was a very very slow pacing podcast. I really enjoyed the last ones, but this time it was not my thing. You can talk little things to death. And this video stopping and talking....just show the video of some meme at the whole and then discuss!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 5 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Stimming ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 17 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I am NOT one of those people who think Ethan is secretly an alt-right operative but I wish he still wouldnโ€™t cozy up with the human garbage that is Joey Salads. I think a big part he gets so much backlash is because heโ€™s gotten a little too comfortable with giving people who are very unsavory a platform.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 9 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/RossGress ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 16 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
welcome everybody to the h3 podcast the world's premiere podcast is that truth when we say that now people are talking about it on the streets if you ask people on the street hey have you heard they shoot podcast 99.9% of them will say not 5.0 1% of the world's population is probably a really big number I mean technically speaking today's episode is sponsored by nutri full and stamps com Evo welcome to the show how are you doing today good especially now that my hair is covered I'm doing way better I noticed that your work you think you're having a bad hair day yeah that what's going on uh-huh I don't think your hair is bad I think your hair always look I you know what's interesting about you when you think you're having bad hair days are some of the days I think your hair looks the back doesn't that interesting I don't know if it's a worse you know does it make things worse for me know what it just means is that like the way that we see ourselves in the mirror is has absolutely no relation whatsoever to how people see us in the world maybe I feel like that's that that's just that's just plainly true I found that to be true in my own life right a book can start a cult whoa okay Cole I mean I recall that be fantastic air cool air cult firm in no but it's true like when you look in the mirror everybody has these little quarks right they they're just used to seeing themselves a certain way so when it's off you're like oh I look awful but really everybody in the world sees you the same way do just think about everybody you know you don't look at them and be like oh he looks like [ __ ] today they're like no that's the same person I said yesterday there is a variance yeah but usually it's based on the range it's a small range and it's based on really like clothing and mood more than anything it's not like oh they look like [ __ ] today you know what I mean like how harsh do you judge yourself when you look in the mirror like when I see any of these guys or you it's like that's ela that's Dan that's that's in don't like oh dude you know I know but you're an enlightened guru no that's good I'm spearhead movement no you saying start to call it yeah are you signing up I did that was consent to my cult at the merit and do you mind if I [ __ ] other women because that's kind of a big deal about being a glass not not the hair cult but we don't do that oh we don't but what's the point having a cult if I can [ __ ] other all my everyone else's wife in session light and people how some how every call no matter what it's about or who it is the head of the cult is somehow [ __ ] everybody's wife that has nothing to do with it of course they're like listen to it God told me to [ __ ] your wife bro every cool it's crazy it's awesome it's an awesome thing about colds and the dudes are like cool I mean God said [ __ ] my wife so just go for it bro it's an honor it's an honor you honor me yeah Vin Diesel what are we doing here why are we here today on this gracious Friday Saturday for you watching it I hope everybody's staying safe I hope everybody is uh what do we do you know I don't know what to do I'm talking about the covet thing I'm not gonna talking to I'm just talking spiritually I just feel so bad for everyone you know like all these protesters like here in California in New York everything's locked down but all around the country people just wanna get back to work cuz they're broke and they have nothing no option so I feel so I just feel badly for everybody you know I just I don't know I just wish everyone the best that's it and we are and remember if you want $500 for free on Twitter every day we are giving out $500 of cash to three people every day like they are we on now 32 I think yeah yeah there's crazy house like long 100 days yeah but there you go you still there's a still a lot of cash up for grabs so congratulations to all the winners now you know what speaking of kovat we had done a segment about so Flo Antonio about how he's in South Korea in the bars livin it up I know and let me should pull up this clip to refresh everybody's memory is that we saw him in the bar and we're like how is this [ __ ] that was just last week I was like wait did it how like they're sharing bottles peek pandemic let me show I need to mute it you took no fun anymore it's like oh do I need to mute this guy breathing but anyway he's in these clubs sharing bottles with people apparently they're wearing masks but they're all around there now people are not I mean they have masks on but they're not wearing them properly you know but so Flo let me ask you why would you record you sharing a bottle with somebody during a pandemic I mean in South Korea too that just seems that just seems over-the-top what about it's so crowded it's you know it's like a nightclub yelling is shoulder to shoulder I'm surprised that that this is going on in South Korea but they're way ahead of this pandemic way more than we are but okay against South Korea knows what they're doing and then sure enough I saw this headline and I was like holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] listen to this headline spike in South Korea infections linked to one man's night out I was like holy [ __ ] so flows the super spreader this hole has once again closed down its bars and nightclubs after an increase in corona virus infection was linked back to one South Korean capitals entertainment district most new cases have been traced back to one man holy [ __ ] so close [ __ ] it not only not only the place America that he had to bounce to South Korea now he's super spreading in South Korea where is he gonna go next isn't that so funny jeez if I mean damn if I'm on just on Instagram being like ooh that doesn't look safe yeah I hope that South Korea government would be more ahead of it than me on instagrams the stories but there you have it so so so Flo has shut down all nightlife in South Korea it's awesome just a prank bro I mean listen they add up it says a 20 year old man tested positive for the corona but how it is so fun maybe that's older than I looked at that leaf not ages don't match I like knows it so Flo yeah I want to believe it too but 29 year old man tested positive for the corona virus after visiting several clubs and bars there that weekend it's crazy 25 I think he's 29 he's 25 he's 29 no I'm just kidding so that was that was funny that was very funny you know that's right how funny all right how funny was that I will get that like I mean they'd be funny big funny my initial reaction to the headline was like that's funny so I don't know how you rate that on a scale of one to ten but pretty high funny no medium high funny about a way funnier than this conversational funny it is how do we get mobility marry back on the radar because this we found him a new mobility marry video we haven't seen Zack just came up with this clip out of nowhere you know it's on my channel a youtube channel called the ghost of Mobile named Harry she's awesome it was on the subreddit Zak you gonna have to comb through this channel and find find other ones we haven't seen I was so happy to see to see her again I miss her she just stopped posting videos and I hope she's okay you know the the crazy thing about mobility Mary is that she's in Santa Monica so like the the chance of us hunting her down there or pretty high yeah like if I took my scooter down there and just cruised around there's a good chance we cross paths in can you watch every video on this channel you pick out the goldies sure thing that was Ian I said oh I'm sorry I thought I said Zach okay great so I don't have to do that no Ian is yeah I have an on some top-secret work I didn't even want to say anything more or not so Zach can you what can you blitz splurge on the mobility marry thank you I wouldn't be happy to thank you so much all right listen listen joy I mean this is a treasure like I feel like when you're a treasure hunter goes and finds a shipwreck and brings up these like rare Spanish coins you know that's what we have here so without further ado my friends I bring you Whole Foods parking lot idiot and handicapped area by mobility Mary ability Mary is just cruising up the whole foods and there's people chit-chatting and this blue area what's huge by the way he's a whole food employee I'm pretty sure to parking lot is wide open doesn't miss Abby how about if I call the police you're insane welcome to mobile bet you're in mobility Mary's world now [ __ ] by the way this conversation is taking place in a huge empty parking lot yeah she has no trouble going any there I know there's like 30 feet wide handicapped crossing and it's completely empty oh really yeah you're insane I'm out here doing my job no but you're doing it illegally good okay let's just see so then she charges in and it ends abruptly but it looks like she was about to jihad the whole foods she's a true she's a national treasure and we miss her dearly ability marry man you know my fit is just great that he's actually he's an employee like take a look at the guy oh yeah yeah it's awesome he's really barely in the you know you know maybe that maybe she Paris did you did a suicide bombing the Whole Foods there cuz she at the end she's like let's see what happens and she charges in hey what's this man she's gonna drive him to all the water that's what I thought she wouldn't put herself in risk no mobility marry where are you why would you leave us at a time like this when we need you most it's like bat the bat signals up and nobody's coming for home the scooter signal is up mobility what would I wonder what moat what god I would love to just give her reality show I mean seriously just bring some cameras follow her around that put that on TLC call it like my mobile my my mobility life you know oh [ __ ] guys I bring you good news the Colombians have invented a bed that turns into a coffin this [ __ ] is just so dark and I just found myself laughing at just how about what a [ __ ] mess we're in here and just how dark to imagine just imagine if you would for a second that you go to the hospital and they put your ass on a [ __ ] cardboard bed that doubles as a coffin you're like oh dude I do not like my odds right now I don't like what this says about my stay here in this hospital [Music] bro here it is watch this it's great Columbian design companies making cardboard hospital beds cardboard coffin like your ass is being shipped FedEx can easily be turned into a coffin if the patient dies sweet you just push down lower that there's a live person there dead these cardboard beds are made for people with coronavirus just remember to fold the lip and that means that if the patient dies medics good enough to move the body I mean it put the FedEx label on top right prepaid envelope it's awesome able to hold up to 150 kilograms of body weight that's impressive hospital beds and coffin during short supply in the state of the Amazon there you have it we are it's impressive we've got 3000 of these babies coming a day and there goes one poor soul he's being shipped off to so crazy he's being returned to Amazon I want a refund on my life I love this shot I found myself just giggling about this image because it's just so like this dude's dead right apparently and they're like all right peace that's a good idea I'm not gonna hate on the idea it's just a little [ __ ] up no but it's funny you know but I just love when your ass hits the hospital make sure you if you get that cardboard bed boy you better plug in you better say your prayers because your ass is getting FedExed overnight into the earth you are getting a priority shipping ground at UPS underground you fia's underground no signature required straight into the earth overnight thank you race come think it's time for your first read well thank you to a new sponsor of ours nutri full nutri full baby it's a pill you take every day that strengthens your beautiful hair 80 million men and women in 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was like I cannot believe this is happening I was like I can't believe this is happening again thank yo you're such a douche and I like how he thinks he's an app is sort of like a rest of development you know no dude you're just on the subway car and everybody hates you you know but just imagine like you did let me tell you something the people who work for the subway system in New York City people die people who work for the subway system have died okay they're literally putting their lives on the line and they're frontline workers and for them to go in there and have to sanitize the this cart and clean up your [ __ ] bro you should be [ __ ] what do we do with him what's bad enough for him what do we do I'm gonna put you know what I'm gonna do I'm gonna put his ass in a [ __ ] cardboard coffin and send his ass Express underground overnight what do we do to this guy what's bad enough to do this guy dan what do we do with him should have to you should have to clean it up you should have to eat it he's going on it that's a fair punishment that's a good fair punishment I think he's asking needs to be put to work sanitizing subway carts at the reality yeah I really hope that the authorities I mean he's clearly identified himself he is a [ __ ] Joshi on tick tock appropriately named so the authorities should be able to track him down for a why why would you do this man and by the way he got it and let me just let's watch and he got it on homie shoes yeah let's go back to the beginning and do a play-by-play watching the podcast back last year and I clear my throat a lot and its really annoying so apologies just one I need to turn away you can't drink yeah I know the coffee's does bad for me okay so homies on the subway drop dude he gets it all he gets it he gets it all over their pants and shoes look at that splash zone homies jeans has milk and cereal on it now this guy needs to get his ass beat I feel like somebody on the train needs to be it just slap him can we get behind violence physical violence or no no physical violence if somebody slapped him would you still post the video oh yeah dan can I can somebody slap him or is that a no just a bitch-slap not like not like it can somebody slapping I've been saying is it wrong is it wrong to wish somebody to bitch-slap this guy no thank you I think it's maybe wrong for you to say it on the I'm not saying one of our fans to go hunt him down I mean on the subway if somebody was like dude you deserve a bitch-slap for that who got milk on their shoes like I'm the tough guy I wouldn't do that I want a bitch-slap anybody okay I'm just saying it sounds like you're saying someone should go home no I'm not saying that no no no no no no no no no that's not what I'm saying let me make that explicitly clear physical violence is never the answer and let me also say that I'm a [ __ ] and I cower away from physical violence at any every opportunity that it's presented to me I am a coward and a [ __ ] and I definitely want to bitch-slap this kid I'd probably just feel like I'd probably just walk silently off like they did to be honest I look on the New York subway [ __ ] happens and like you don't even want to know like you don't want to go down you don't know this is just some corny Viner like this could be you want to go into their world on the New York subway [ __ ] gets weird and all of a sudden you you know I mean this guy's got a grenade in his pocket and he's talking about trying to kill toucan sam what's the name of the guy from fruity pebbles yeah that's Duke and Sam yeah he's talking about jihad Angie Kenton if we're all pissed about - Ken Sam they redesigned him this past week oh oh well let's look into that you want to see new take a look at new toucan sam - kids - can't Sam is our Froot Loops yeah didn't you say Froot Loops yeah pretty used to fruity pebble Oh huge difference big difference and to all my homies with hairy backs this one struck out to me this one's actually not from tik-tok I found this just casually browsing Instagram and I was like there's like a whole new genre on Instagram videos of barbers doing like crazy fades and stuff so I expected to see the dude get his back shaved or something but what I did see shocked me we're gonna have to remove the audio from this but here and what I found was a was the dude was just getting like blow-dried his back I was just getting blow-dried this really like I was too insane to be real what the back air the blow dryer back her that's real back hair and blowdry the blow John I'm not sure if people go and get their back hair done you know they look good is bleached tips that's definitely real back here though where's the shoulder I guess so clean he shaved that you know so this nut doesn't show over the hairline Dan barbers put up with a lot of [ __ ] like I can't imagine I can't imagine blow-drying a dude's back hair like so casually as he is you know I guess we got that much back hair you better you better glow up you know it's crazy yeah salt Bay insult Bay keeps coming up on my feet I've talked about him a lot he's obsessed with when he he's obsessed when he comes out with the steak and it went anytime some girl with like big titties comes to his restaurant he insists on putting the meat on the edge of a knife and feeding them and what seems to be like a forced sexual act but that but the girls seem down but this one struck out to me because this one's a little kid he's forced eating and I'm just I'm kind of so over sulfate like first of all can we all agree that this is no way to season your food especially if you've got a nice steak I mean this is just no way to season your food he just dumped a pound of salt on it right and so he's gonna he's not using the knife but his dirty ass meat gloves is going right into the kid's mouth and of course she doesn't want it you're a weird dude and his knife is pointing at her too like isn't that etiquette not to point your knife of people imagine the strange man is trying to force me into her mouth with a dirty glove and his knife is pointing at you I'm not enjoying this I don't like that the parents are so excited about it though take the meat look at me with the knife yeah I can't get enough assault bay but I do not recommend seasoning your food like that goddamn it it's starting to piss me off with the shoulder sprinkle enough salt Bay next eel I've got new bad tattoos free drape this one's been showing up in my feet a lot and I just need to get your take on it the two it has like honestly a really impressive so bad it's impressive so the guy's got like a black hole on his dome and it's really impressively done from a 3d point of view although if you look at it from my other angle what it know only from this one angle so that I'd like to see it from any other angle it probably looks quite quite weird you don't like that one you wouldn't approve well the good news about the dome just grow your hair you can just grow your hair out Sam I'd hate to run either back on the New York subway with a with a tub of cereal I'd be like holy [ __ ] what is he gonna do it that cereal okay so how does this fit is this worse than Ben's is this the worst I don't know who the guy is he's just like it's actually Kevin Costner you can't tell me that I really hate it when I actually see a worse tattoo because it runs the magic but this is kind of the worst what do you guys think do you think it's kind of cool you can't see it god damn it well you know I have a pulled up I see it so what every night is it cool or is it the worst tattoo ever like it's good execution from mean obviously like you said it only works from one particular angle like if you were to rotate around the back of this guy's head a little bit it would beyond that it's just such a visual nightmare all these black on your head yeah it's kind of like scary it makes you feel uncomfortable it's like body [ __ ] yeah like a skull has been like smashed in it just is like how [ __ ] up and you dude that you're willing to put that on your home but like yeah again I mean I guess credit to the artist for successfully you know getting the optical illusion to work absolutely right I mean the shading is good it scrape the lines are all there you know yeah if we ever get divorced to ela this is what I'm gonna do no more can do yeah you don't control me anymore and then there was another phenomenon I noticed people are getting covet 19 tattoos and I don't get it are we are we memorializing how do you say it when they saw those like commemorative coins commemorative yeah commemorative kovin 19 tattoos but it's like well as you'll see I guess we should look at them first but they're they're all they're all just honoring like the first week of the pandemic really right I mean you guys can't you can't commemorate something that isn't over yet right so people are getting Korona night toilet paper so I guess that's funny but golly why would you want and toilet paper tattoo on you well and as you'll see this is what I was hinting out there and they're almost all toilet paper thing that was only like the first week like there's toilet paper now it's it's it's not hard to find some other paper anymore this one is the toilet paper tattoo well never forget never forget man you ever gone a week without wiping your ass dance I don't think so did anyone really have a full week of no toilet paper probably somewhere this guy might have you got a tattoo about it I don't think people really got to that point did you guys ever get dangerously low on toilet paper oh yeah I don't use it so I wouldn't know I need to revisit you wash your ass I use baby still after everything we've learned on the show yeah monstering the sewage monster I don't care you are destroying their plumbing no no the truth is that yeah it doesn't destroy the houses plumbing it just destroys the city its plumbing oh okay what were those things called like the giant fat bird bird balls the fat bird or whatever fat burger so we have got some of your [ __ ] building up in the city fatberg bro that's [ __ ] up we've we've come so I thought we have come further than yeah I thought like the arc of this lesson I thought as a show there was a learning curve here yeah at paradigm shift no I'm not actually don't use anything I am zero I'm just all bad a good day man I mean how much Ethan has grown remember what this all started yes Scott you were discussion not even a soul journey yeah ol sickle and cyclical dream the bidet I have even dries my ass yeah yeah yeah looks my fiancee and I just come all over my knees it puts in a pro about my ass I feel like I don't have time to dry I go it takes too long it's still long anything is there for like 30 minutes it doesn't you get over the tickle on your butthole like yeah maybe at first at the first like a couple times you're like oh my favorite thing about it is the warm seat warm seat warm water Wow but it's funny cuz we got we do we got it just before the pandemic and like such a crazy timing cuz we actually I should get a tattoo with a Madonna 19 so anyway this guy said to is a corona beer with a lime on top and viruses inside of the bottle with a Corona 19 this kind of looks like a dagger I think it's supposed meant to be like a parody of like the dagger tattoo that you sometimes see coronavirus survivor with a roll of toilet paper well it's a little immature yeah I don't wanna cry nobody you can't call yourself a survivor you got plenty of time to drop I can't think of a worse item to want to be tattooed on me forever than toilet paper like it's just the worst it's visually boring reminds me of poop I would imagine that these people aren't too concerned about the real-estate value like they probably have a shitload of tats you just get smelted in there you know here is a very intricate drawing of a virus looking like a Disney style holding a toilet paper here is kovat 19 on toilet paper survived you didn't survive bro it says survive with a virus with a mask that says kovin 19 bro you did not survive you cannot get that how'd you even get the tattoo I thought businesses are not open like non-essential you you specifically didn't survive because you're out getting tattoos I mean your ass is gonna be in a cardboard box before the end of the year I'm sure of it UPS underground this one is just a really colorful purple yellow and red virus an ass one looks like it says Kobe thirteen wait which one the nine looks like a three I think they're that far yet say oh yeah this one is another Corona golly you got you guys got to stop doing this stop doing this please covert 13 yeah so is this a joke what am I did they really get a tattoo and sake ovid 13 they got the number wrong so the mask and it just as close I mean maybe it was intentional like that looks like the leg the back of the leg bro you have covered 13 and everybody who sees me like dude over 13 you're so dog I'll have to fix that you could like finish the social distancing butterfly a roll of toilet paper Wow a fall out this one is somewhat original we've got a fall out a character with half skeleton and a toilet paper roll covered 19 and so he's [ __ ] blood and a bat hanging on his arm kovat 19 does not make you [ __ ] blood as I'm aware but don't tell what I think that's just a trail oh okay okay okay apologies for misinterpreting more toilet paper more corona more staying alive at least he didn't claim to survive it I mean these are getting exhausting there's way too many of these are so awful okay well I'm getting a tattoo on my forehead that says Cova 19 survivor that's the best way to make sure you die from this we are we are past time for our second break well then the other let's give a big warm thank you to stamps.com and what a better time to use stamps calm then now let's avoid crowds but we need to mail stuff right so if you need to send postage and letters and packages out use stamps calm 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tell you Jeffery okay the guy that we spoke about in our last show who went to Russia to find a bride in the newest episode she rejected his engagement yeah which was pretty epic because we found out that he has a rich criminal history that she didn't know at the time but Jeffery it's this is so epic you guys we are coming we are becoming so entangled with the cast of this show Jeffrey addressed us on Instagram live video sort of that's sort of but I'm thinking maybe we can get Jeffery we got to reach out to Jeffery mm-hmm because I feel like you they can't control Jeffery he's off the rails big Edie Big Ed scared alright Big Ed cares he wants to be a part of the of the show because Jeffrey he's already been banned from the reunion mm-hmm they've already kicked Jeffery out of the club so they've got nothing on Jeff we have to get Jeffery to call him Zach figure that out you're the guy to do that I will get on if you need me to follow him are you gonna watch it yeah he's gonna do with the nipple tats if you need me to follow him on my account message him I'll do that too we're come at at all angles okay but here he is on livestream addressing all the allegations because people were saying he was a spousal abuse er we we had said that that's what I heard and Jeffery is attempting to correct the record here on the livestream so holy smokes all these people ripped up all these views and all these clicks that you clicked on for money that they made because you read it and you looked at it and you questioned me and it was small based on rumors and lies isn't that amazing how that works just think about that for my my life right now okay a lot of what you're reading is based on lies and rumors made fictitional BS and rumors it made me happy and I'm watching the show who was sad in a sense but it also made me happy it's kind of crazy I heard a story he seems like a little loose little easier I don't mind I don't want to call the guy crazy but he seemed a little or maybe drunk or something he might be drunk and but he's the ezel but let's hear the guy see all this smack out there is such [ __ ] realize that you know everything you're reading it just well it's just it's just meant for my money it's fake news you know it is fake news well a date another Russian everyone makes mistakes I did pay my mother you still have those nipple tests I do still have the nipple tat so that's not so Geoffrey is obviously upset about the allegations the thing is that the nipple tats offend me more than the spousal abuse and that's not fake news but I looked into acquisition oh well Jeffrey the last thing I want to do is accuse or insinuate in any way that that he's guilty of any kind of crime that I mean obviously I was reporting on something else someone else had reported on so we looked into it let's see he he confessed on the show to serving time in prison more than 20 years ago that's a long time for dealing drugs and frankly that didn't offend me that much that the guy got I could have gone to jail for selling drugs that sound like much at all yeah I was actually really rooting for him on the show yeah I was like man this is [ __ ] everyone's making a crime seem like such a big deal but that's not the only legal trouble he's been in he's also been indicted by a grand jury late last year for aggravated kidnapping domestic assault interference with emergency call vandalism after a girlfriend alleged that he had violently grabbed her by the neck and slammed her head into the wall according to court documents obtained by oxygen.com so I'm not making this up I mean I don't know if the claims are true or not but I'm not just making [ __ ] up out of thin air but I'd love to hear Jeffrey's side of the story the reality stars criminal past and the current allegations against him even prompted some TLC fans to start a change.org petition see I'm not I'm not signing any petitions Jeffery I just want you to know that remove him from TLC shows well they did boot him but hey I'm not I'm not signing this petition I ain't got all the facts here Jeff well look at the signatures going up this thing is active you guys well serving time he was arrested in 1990 in Tennessee for possession of a scheduled six is their scheduled six controlled substance how many schedules are there yeah what the [ __ ] is the schedule six six are drugs that have a relatively low potential for abuse oh so the guy was selling weed probably or something even weed is Schedule one which is insane it is well maybe I'm wrong about that it's like way higher than it should be so schedule six what is says yo six Advil threatening he pleaded guilty to the charges against him most sentenced to 11 months man they threw the book at him for sewing a bunch yeah no here it is marijuana is also a class 1 ok Schedule one drug despite it being legal in some states that's crazy so schedule ones like heroin cocaine and all that crazy [ __ ] heroin LSD cocaine and and bro so what the [ __ ] is a schedule six yeah alright well here's the thing as scheduled I just go get scheduled six includes marijuana which is a lower risk of physical dependency in contracts with many other drugs I love that it's you they're looking at I love that marijuana it's either one or six well you I think is it a state-by-state thing or is it a federal that's a federal talk about the way marijuana and salvia that's what I'm reading aside yeah well you got to remember this is also in Tennessee to so wait what's the schedule six and salvia salvia you can buy that [ __ ] at a headshot but that's no not anymore they got rid of that oh okay wait hold up where I wouldn't recommend it either to anybody I fit it straight up that [ __ ] is really still sell salvia and [ __ ] head jobs dude haven't been a headshot in a decade I don't know it's been a while for me too but that's great Anya so that should is that head shop is so cringy it's like the rite of passage of any teenager when you walk in you're like oh [ __ ] it smells like nan choppa what is that [ __ ] they always burn knock knock Champa I always mix up incest in incense once [ __ ] your brother and one's a nice pleasant smelling aroma very different and one is what mean ela do alright which is the nice aroma no my brothers and sisters and one smells like Zach burns it in his room do you burn incense and incense do you burn incense yeah I do not know I do oh I got a box of nog chomp at home you gotta bro bro let's hit some salvia that trick so [ __ ] up so what the hell this guy went to jail for a year for selling Advil scheduled sick dude I'm still confused I'm on the DEA what DEA gov on this drug scheduling and there is no schedules so look for Tennessee must be Tennessee look up Tennessee scheduled six controlled substance it says marijuana and salvia any including poppers ro he was selling poppers brother [ __ ] year he must have had a lot right like why would they charge him for that I mean I don't know if Tennessee's crazy why didn't I just wish because in the show he's always like I've changed I'm different why don't you just say I was selling popper like I wasn't even hard drug didn't year prison twenty years ago I wouldn't hold that against the guy okay alright let's move on Marion O'Bryant public information officer declined to provide details about the arrest all right fascinating so this is that this is the allegation that troubles me the drug selling I don't care about in fact I feel bad for him victim of the war on drugs as they say but what hasn't been addressed on the show is his domestic violence arrest in 2019 his girlfriend at the time called 9-1-1 to report that she had allegedly been attacked by him the woman told authorities that he was intoxicated grabbed her by the neck and slammed her head against the wall several times that sounds horribly violent and a later petition filed to seek an order of protection she said he repeatedly bashed slammed her head into the hardwood floor Jesus here's an article about it that I guess happened at the time oh it's just old news just kind of the same [ __ ] we just read he dragged me through the house by the hair and continued throwing my body until walls and furniture cheese's I know this because of blood on the walls furniture etc she also told authorities that he disabled her phone so she couldn't call for help paramedic who arrived at the scene determined that the woman exhibited common signs of a concussion was taken to a local hospital by her neighbor for further medical evaluation over said the scene also noted that he had scratch marks on his stomach and chest which appeared to be self-inflicted how could you tell if they were self-inflicted or not I think they can tell he appeared at an arraignment on the charges in January and told the Knoxville News Sentinel that he was not guilty he believed his ex-girlfriend had pursued the charges because of a pending child custody case involving another woman he also addressed the allegations against him in a recent Instagram post that we have since wash so what do you make of that it sounds like the professionals who showed up on the scene the forensic evidence did not support his claim seems like the forensic evidence supported the woman's claim that he had violently harmed her the self-inflicted wounds is weird because that does that imply that he had like DNA under his nails that they could that like I mean super crazy if he actually self-inflicted wounds on his chest and stomach to make it look like she yeah that doesn't sound good Jeffrey I got to tell you man I'm I read that open do hoping to exonerate you because I wanted to see the best but boy that actually made me more scared of you and actually I don't really want to talk to him on the shell anymore after reading that so what do you think's when you said that I was like I hope he's not serious well I well I thought well you you know yeah no I don't I this sounds really bad this sounds really bad capsule they call it answer the call damn that sounds crazy my boy Jeff I mean look how Saint can you be when you have nipple tats ultimately look no I'm serious you listen he's got full flame nipple tax like I mean who do you believe the guy with nipple tats I haven't seen her no good point we haven't seen judgment yes the girl because on well from what was presented on the show it seemed like they were having a great time and he was just being nice you know and everything so when he proposed and she was like I'm not ready I was surprised but we know more than she knew at the time right and if I don't know if she read between the lines if she saw stuff they don't show you know in that it's but such an interesting the season is just insane it's it's like the best television right now it's the best reality season of any show I've ever seen and it's not over yet I agree with you because at first my first impression was like oh she's such a she's just trying to get to America she's on the site dating specifically for American guys and then you find out before all this that she's talking to other American guys right and you're like oh men you're on his side all the way but I think what happened was probably that she just she wanted to be nice and nots they were she didn't want to spoil the time together but I think she probably would immediately it was like this guy's [ __ ] crazy you know I guess so fascinating I mean guys you got to watch before the 90 day but Jeffrey's off the chain right now he's handles his handlers of lost control don't you know this now in I want specifically you to weigh in on this because you are our pop culture you're dialed in so in tell me what you think about DoDEA cat promising that she will show her boobs if her song say so reached number one her song reached number one and Sherine it it would I don't want to what's the word REE net to renegotiate renege right renege yeah and then she reneged on her promise now in what D what is your let me let me bring everyone up to date here first okay before you weigh in she tweeted out if say so hit someone I'll show you guys my boobs really hard 400,000 likes fifty thousand retweets people go crazy trying to get it number one I gotta mute this real fast but ela take note of this this guy goes on it and he's playing it on what can only be described as 50/50 phones and computers and televisions this guy wants to see those titties real bad song did reach number one Nicki Minaj saying thank you and asking when are you showing them titties girl because Nicki Minaj is a girl of the streets and frankly word is bond where the she comes from and if you're not if your word isn't your bomb then then what is exactly um what is your bond right and so here's her video saying that no she will not be making good on her prom so titties I just realized I have to show my boobs real hard I'm just gonna be honest with you guys I did play you I'm not showing my boobs real hard man you [ __ ] played you got [ __ ] played look at yourself well I have to say that it's I frankly just think it's not right that she would make such a claim and took and to just clearly read renege on on an agreement when people rode for her Nicki Minaj who's a girl of the street by the way looks like a fool now and and really I just feel like doja cat whoever she I'm not even familiar with her has lost all credibility and the next time people are gonna think twice about any promises she makes Ian what is your take on this uh I mean you know if she promises to show him again and you're still giving her credibility I think you kind of goofed a little bit it seems people that believed her kind of deserve to get played why what do you say that did you do this before is this a no but I mean come on why come on you would expect to see some titties I would expect a Twitter post of just titties to assume - why would people it's just what would people think that that was a disingenuous offer cuz it wasn't like I'll show my it wasn't that crazy like I'll show my boobs like that seems reasonable it wasn't like I was that's what is crazy to you like oh I'll do I'll do a DP video I mean I don't know titties ain't that crazy I mean then if she said if she said I'm gonna post a DP you'll go no that's awesome stop calling for that yeah but titties is very believable that's like being it's a very it's a very reasonable thing to offer for a number one hit I think but you you you are defending dojo can you think that people were foolish to believe that she would show her titties I think people were a little foolish yeah I think people got played in her words yeah so Ian's take is it seems like people keep getting playing like with Belle Delphine they got played and they got upset that was you know what that wasn't a lot she was doing a good good doja Kat lied I'm gonna defend I'm gonna defend Belle Delphine here real quick she said I'm gonna do horns and she put up all the eyes she says I look like videos on pornhub and she she you riding for Belle Delphine what is what a shocker yeah but don't you can't just straight-up lied are you simple right now I've never paid dolt bailed everything in dollar because you're Belle Delphine subscription so active what's going on over there Zak is a mom's the word Zak will keep it we'll keep it quiet just between us that's between us boys talk to me baby listen I like just show it I don't think she play it I know I frankly think it's not right I think she owes the world a titty shine it's not like putting out fredo sauce up your butt exactly that's what I mean it's not that far-fetched she owes the world a titty shot and in this day and age you have these pop stars they're basically just like they show everything yeah I mean they're almost naked anyway already I demand to see them titties people didn't get played like that one guy with all those cranes yeah I mean that guy deserves titties like there's a bunch of articles about she lied let's see Nicki Minaj asked doe Jacquet to deliver on her breasts showing challenge oof she admits she lied Daily Mail toad you can't reveal she lied Wow tough Nicki Minaj wants to see them titties does you kind of miss she played fans about showing boobs damn don't you count lied about showing her titties mmm she admit it while everybody picked up the story huh horny men are upset that doja cat trolled them with the promise of boobs listen I'm not horny I'm not trying to jerk off I just think that promises made promises kept do you know what I mean I'm surprised I'm surprised by your take but I respect it and it's a I think we should boycott doja cat until we see the titties okay Dan you haven't chimed in and Zach I want to know what everyone thinks what that if we rode titties or not yes well I didn't i'm not owed anything because i neither I didn't listen to the song people who listen to the song Dan or are they owed no I'm kind of with the in like if you really believe that you're kind of a here you're a doofus let's be real I just don't find a claim to be down believable Zach I know where you fall I mean of course it's unbelievable what what popstar would ever do that dude a ton of pop says hey what's the precedent for pop star showing titties well that's what was so incredible about it but no there's a lot of pop star to show titties when you talking about I could like them I mean anyone Miley Cyrus just exposed ready she's like straight-up veggie ah yeah Lady Gaga like she's butt ass naked are you saying like their outfits are extremely Nate or but there's like a trillion images of Miley Cyrus naked I've seen them Lady Gaga's definitely been there good arguments are very valid here because on one hand you gotta love that there's this horny kids that are upset well people who are genuinely upset I think are ridiculous exactly so you gotta love that yeah like the people were genuinely upset at Bell Delphian was was quite funny so that's that Zak it could give my take I mean I'm not a fan of doja cat or know her music but I promise something your promises made promises kept it's simple it's simple mathematics here folks it's just a human condition that we all live in the Golden Rule it wasn't the promise wasn't so outrageous that it was would be interpreted as unbelievable that's my problem with it show some teddy number one song and outrageous wrote an outrageous achievement for N and outrageous reward let's move on though Jacquet lied to the world and she must be we need to do a change.org to suspend to to boycott all of her music from now on Joey salads was banned from Twitter now my heart goes out to poor Joey but I was laughing quite a bit Joey salads if anyone spent any time on Twitter in the past six months or something you've seen that Joey salads has been spamming the mother living God out of any political posts Trump tweets AOC tweets whatever it is Joey salad leaves like a really corny obvious pandering comment that gets just like likes from you know it's like the most obvious comment you can leave when you're pandering to one political side right and then under that he would go subscribe to my podcast the dude must have been posting like a thousand times a day and here here's an example of some what's up I love Joe he's always scheming oh yeah when he got banned Joey salads was trending under food it's [ __ ] hilarious rip Joey salads try to blow job with a gas station tire inflator but gotta dip stuck exploding his balls and dick what the [ __ ] was this copypasta Dan I saw them just somebody posted it up so and then another one Society now that Joey salads is banned from Twitter it's a perfect utopia very happy I can stop seeing Joshua for Congress and Joey salads under every vaguely political tweet that's apparently there's someone else who got banned too but I will attain a that dude that dude was like some guy who was running he was like a left-wing dude who was supposed to be running for Congress and he's constantly asking for money and I think he just likes Twitter yeah but the funny thing is that well Joey I guess Joey texted me when this happen and he didn't want me to think that he died giving himself a [ __ ] with a gas station later I got stuck so he texted me to let me know that whatever I was hearing wasn't true they could look good he just got he got banned for spamming he wanted me to know that thank you and I asked him do you think it was politically motivated he said no he didn't so that was refreshing said he didn't think it was politically motivated think it was just for spamming maybe about the text he doesn't believe it is that really what he's saying publicly I feel like there's no yeah he was showing me how pissed drinking Nazi was number one trending which was so funny because every time Joey solids would leave one of his comments there was always other people that followed him around and posted pictures of him in the Nazi or him drinking his own pee yeah there was a collage of him in a Nazi flair and drinking his own pee my background right now yeah right let's see here I wanted to do the p1 but I feel like actually okay so so I don't want to misquote him he said they banned me for spam I assume it's because I replied to all the tweets saying to follow me and sup to my podcast but I've been doing this for six months and those two you always get reportable Twitter was never he was saying they never warned him so he was salt he was upset that they didn't ever warn him and I said do you think it's a conspiracy he said [ __ ] to do right why don't they well how about just don't spam I kind of agreed that it was pretty spammy but then he said I don't think it's a conspiracy that's what he said I just think it's not transparent the way they banned me out of nowhere but the good news for Joe six months the good news for Joey is that he has an appeal pending so we eagerly await to see the result of that will he work his way back onto the platform I doubt it go the way of so many other Trump reply guys oh there's a long rich history of them being banned yeah there was like I don't know if you remember a few years ago there was these two brothers they're like identical twins that would reply to every Trump tweet but like sir you're gonna go to jail soon sir you know what I'm talking about Ian you would know it doesn't ring a bell uh they have some like weird name the the crass brothers or something like this so across those political lines of the banner right there since teens the crash and that's the craz enstein brothers these two dopes that were like total like Robert Mueller is coming for you bro like just spamming Trump every you know within ten seconds of him posting and then they eventually they both got banned for like vote manipulation oh we're buying likes and all kinds of slow that's embarrassing though Joe no and up going up to heaven to meet the crescents dude anyone that Wade's into the respond responses to Trump tweets is asking to to ruin their own day I mean that is just such a cesspool it's the worst like there's a whole there's a whole like cast of characters you see the same people all the time there's that stupid like NPR looking dude like Jeff Jeff Tish I mean Joey somehow like the top reply every single time yeah Joey was always every single time the top ones you know what I love I agree it's cuz you follow him but I would see that all the same character he was that I I fall I think I follow but I muted him because I can't stand his political well you don't have to worry about him anymore yeah thank you I'd love to see a Broadway musical about Trump look the whole Trump reply squad like the Conservatives the Liberals and then Daddy trauma do dr. goo yeah yeah how dare you sir how dare you sir I will say - Joey's defense I do have to just speak in honor of the truth with the hashtag pissed drinking Nazi now I will say that this image of jewelry with the swastika on his arm first of all if you plan on running for political office don't go in public wearing a swastika in your arm for any reason it's a hilarious image but at any rate he would what his experiment was is like i'ma go I'm gonna go to a trump rally dressed as Nazis as a Nazi and see if they accept me or or rebuke me and the Trump so that his experiment right so just to give context support goe he's not a Nazi but it is hilarious image and the experiment wasn't that great to begin with oh no that's the other half of that hashtag is true piss drinking is irrefutable and that is the main part here not to just up his drink his own pee how many people because on all those Trump tweets he would reply them people replied to him with that gif of himself this is so funny now how many random people in the United States have seen Joey P Andrew millions I would say I love this tip girl who tweeted this goodbye Joey salads history cannot see she links to my video about how he faked the Trump cart car prank and then people get angry apparently because I'm I'm not like politically were also anymore yeah I'm a Nazi - so then she has to quantify her original post by saying I used this video because I remembered it showed the behind the scenes of the social experiment I am NOT saying H 3 is the top tier of sources he just happened to use the clip I was looking for so she is not endorsing me to be clear I just had the she's already cancelled though oh here's a link here's a link of Joey talking about being banned on his podcast the raging Patriot according this I got banned from Twitter and I was using Twitter for the growth and the left got so happy that I got banned they actually started trending pissed drinking Nazi and I got all the way up to number two beloved it's awesome Wow is that so fun Twitter from I just I just love this pit I mean this is a totally unexpected pivot to go into political commentary this is not trying to sell and 95 non-existing mask oh yeah yeah dude no it's come on Joey's trying to make an honest living even if there's colleagues well I guess it's really well yes some some of his contemporaries I have committed one much worse transgressions am I the left rate by trending me number two within the real Times the Left doesn't work because yes behind I greatly appreciate Rhea Pappas and it's gonna be hard for me to grow my podcast now without having any Twitter audience so if you guys can please help me out you can share my podcast rate of 5 stars and like it do whatever you can do to help me get the word out there because orange anyway grow is if you guys I love that his only growth strategy was spamming Twitter he's like I'm so [ __ ] now keep on doing my show so today Twitter ban me and this they said hello Joey salads has been suspended for violating Twitter rules specifically for violating our rules against platform manipulation in spans sounds about right now use Twitter services in a matter intended to artificially amplify or suppress information or engage in behavior that manipulates oh yeah yeah I'm gonna skip this but if you want more if you want Joey salads political commentary the raging Patriot you will not be seeing Joey salad spam on Twitter anymore unfortunately but we do wish him the best because why do we wish oh he sells the best because he took pepper spray in the face for charity god damn it and we cherished that moment forever [Music] we will always have that listen that finally a little bit relieved to not have to say those stuff on Twitter all the time yes we are stood too far he pushed it way too far he had to know that this day was coming he can't sit there an act shocked too much dude there's so many there's a limit to the cringe bro there's so many stories what the [ __ ] I'm like not haha I don't know where to go from here because I'm kind of done talking like I reach a certain point where yeah I feel like we have to talk about 6:9 mad let's book QB on offer next time QB I'm never gonna talk about it cuz I'll get so I'll get so I'll get so [ __ ] I get so worked up about QB we be we be whatever you qui be maybe these would be these morons that spend a billion dollars on the dumbest thing ever and it's totally failing I'm not gonna get into that that's a whole black hole okay also the name sucks qui be everything it's short for quick bite qui be wipe I just call it quick bite hmmm quick bite I'd be better than qui be probably sounds more like a food delivery service but at least it means something and you can remember it maybe sounds like a I don't know Takashi okay Ian listen carefully because you are definitely the resident expert here on all this [ __ ] Takashi 6-9 was released out of jail because of CO vid 19 now Takashi 69 went to jail for what was it what was his original crime but he snitched on all of his gang members and they the racketeering right yeah yeah I think yeah I was like a RICO charge with all these guys all gang affiliations multiple things so he got he just kind of got swept up in some general gang charges it sounds like or was he explicitly involved in it was it was rude by a good amount if this didn't happen he was supposed to be let out in August holy [ __ ] so he ratted out all of his gang members and the DEA was like cool dude six months you're good anyway original sentence was two years that's a huge difference he was looking at 35 to life man man I'd snitch out my own [ __ ] grandma to go from 35 to life to two years I'd snitchy loud I'd be like yeah she did it you did it we go to jail for life reveal of course I would say I'm not saying nothing to you Pig I tell you or write or die yeah but luckily we don't sell weapons and [ __ ] my point being first of all you all would never sell you out I would never sell you out and I hope you would know that I was kidding but the point being is that presented with two years versus 35 to life boy that's a good deal yeah so he snitched everyone out and then because of co vid 19 is ravaging prisons because of people are just packed in like sardines perfect place for kovat to spread they've been letting out a lot of row low risk offenders with what their sentence is almost up a lot of people have been getting out early on house arrest some people for example are Kelly Bill Cosby they tried their best even Harvey they did not get out judge said uh-uh but Takashi did get out and I'm sure that a lot of people want to kill him and that's gonna be really interesting to follow I wonder how long he'll survive do you think he'll be killed Ian I mean I'm sure he's being watched over very carefully I mean I don't know but I think he'll be being very safe yeah I think he's gonna be murdered so anyway he dropped he dropped a music video called Guba which I didn't think was a very good track to be honest in what did you think about Guba I did yeah I mean he's doesn't seem it doesn't seem like much of a talent if I'm just maybe I'm being obtuse but I don't I didn't really I don't see the appeal the lyrics are just so dumb that it's funny oh let me read the lyrics cuz obviously I can't play the song for you but let me read some some of the lyrics from Guba and you guys can tell me what you think but I was confused how do you release a music video under house arrest cuz there's a music video yeah that's a good question you know now we now we also noticed that 6-9 gets the n-word pass we were I mean he's Hispanic but he says that n-word now this is an interesting phenomenon what is your comment on that in I mean I can't really speak on that I don't know it's not do you find it interesting though that this guy gets the n-word pass I mean like I said I don't know I can't it's not my call to even to make in any way one way or the other I don't know I find it interesting from an outsider perspective that he gets the pass but I'm assuming it's just because of his gang affiliation but now that he's ratted out his gang gang members I wonder if the n-word pass as being is should be revoked at this point in time I don't know it's not my pass to give or take away or good answer I was testing it well it's hard to read the lyrics because there's a lot of n words but let's say I tell he starts by saying I tell a n-word don't dick ride don't blick ride what is blick riding Ian I think a blick is like a gun okay leave it to the double thick thighs twin sisters drop it down and wobble wobble up mummy booted up she get down and gobble gobble up cuz my money up slide slide in the Bentley truck a the rat the Wraith truck a your bestie is a dick-sucker i big dub her can I tell you a salami llama I Luke him oh he's seeing you big hater you nothing but a hater cloud chaser Caligula are you dumb stupid or dumb huh oh right I right I saw that lyric was trending yeah yeah I saw I saw dumb stupid or dumb on Twitter I was like what is that yeah he asked are you dumb stupid or dumb it's like well haha [ __ ] I'm laughing cuz you big mad big mad see it in your face crybaby [ __ ] you big sad so now the big mad and the big sad is just been stuck with me big man are you dumb stupid or dumb huh yeah you got some money but you still [ __ ] ugly stupid listen when I talk you better listen we can make them dance but cata what spicata slide over do the cha-cha and gotcha is a type of Italian bread it usually has like some kata no but kata here a genius defined it for me but kata is a style of social dance from the Dominican Republic oh you better correct that then they got it they got it wrong you just mixed up achacha and baccata don't play that off I telli and where's big dumb wow dude stupid or dumb stupid and then he ends very powerfully by saying haha [ __ ] I'm laughing cuz you big mad see it in your face crybaby [ __ ] you big sad and words tweeting about me got me trending [ __ ] you big sad tell me how I ratted came home to a big bag ooh I think people want him dead and we will continue on our I want someone to take your reading of the lyrics and then put it over the beat I'm gonna be like that mom was offended by the I love that the good state yeah he says he did a live stream that broke instagram records by racking and more than two million concurrent viewers damn that's amazing he was responding to accusations of him being a rat he said I want to apologize to my fans because you know what it wasn't worth it if there was a street code and there's something called no loyalty and snitching and all that I get it but where was the loyalty when you were sleeping with my baby mother he said hinting at rumors evolving former manager shouty and his baby mama where was the loyalty when you were caught on the wiretap trying to kill me Oh doesn't sound like well it's at all where's a loyalty when you tried to kidnap my mother that didn't sound like loyalty where was the low two when you stole millions of dollars I ask you this good questions I get it don't fire don't fight fire with fire he went on I'm sorry but what did I do wrong be loyal to a n-word that was my effing my baby moms be loyal to an n-word that kidnapped me beat the [ __ ] out of me on video and everything did that happen he got his ass beat on video maybe we don't have access to that I'm supposed to be loyal to that you know what it is you don't want to accept the fact that those is all true facts you understand why I snitched you don't want to understand I understand why you said she didn't want to be 35 years in prison you wanted to be 2 years in prison I [ __ ] get that people who are after this dude for being a snitch now this so he actually had to be relocated after he was making ah he was on his balcony it is I guess as secret location he took this photo on his balcony not a discreet outfit by the way just absurdly bright on baby blue and holding what looks to be probably $20,000 in cash and then a girl posted this video on Twitter which is just hilarious [Music] so this she reported him taking that photo I posted on Twitter and then he was like oh [ __ ] I got a move now because people are gonna come kill me Takashi's attorney wouldn't that be crazy if he got murdered because of that girl's video I wonder how she I'm posting it on Instagram that's a good point it's not really on her to uh to know better his attorney said that he was located because of the leak for security reasons we're told that the feds were made aware of the move it's quite a predicament technically he is not violating his house arrest by being on the balcony it's the neighbors around him that docks him that said he should know better yes of course it's not prudent of him to step out into the public like that Takashi's got a huge problems from across the way took yadda-yadda-yadda he's an he oh he is in witness protection I thought before it said he no he's not violating house arrest he is in witness protection but he really should not be going out onto the balcony with the rainbow hair and the Instagram and all that and I really do think this guy's gonna be murdered I'm gonna I'm just I know it's insensitive and it's dark but I'm willing to put to predict right now and even to bet money with somebody that he will not make it through the end of this year anyone want to take me up on that a death bet death pool anyone there's a little moral yeah the only reason I even bring it up honestly is because on her big mad yeah he was actually moved or they found him again they did yeah I just put it in there they found him again I yeah here's a video his new address has been leaked a second time oh he cuz he's got all these outrageous sports cards I'm sure and he's got a bat he's got like a blue Rolls Royce right a Jeep a bright yellow Ferrari oh my god bro you better get out of there quick takashi attempts to donate two hundred thousand dollars to no kid hungry and it's rejected at first I was like man they should just take the money feed the kids but then I read the rationale they say we are grateful for his generous offer to donate to no kids hungry but we have informed his representatives that we have declined the money as a child focus campaign is our policy declined funding from donors who activity do not align with our mission and values that makes sense you're kind of sending the wrong message you know like yeah we'll take money from gangs he also has a with the note the child thing the no Kid Hungry he also has charges involving a minor right that's not good it wasn't good whatever was ever met I just remember that he videoed like some 16 Earl Bray I was a 13 year old and he was oh wow yeah that guy should be in jail what the [ __ ] I just sent you the Wikipedia thing about it okay let's the sewer last segment here and finally guys I'm sad shredder that's so loud maybe we can have you take them out back and finally I am sad to say that GOG formerly the artist formerly known as filthy Frank is over people have just realized that Joe G is filthy Frank and kpop stands of course were directly on that to cancel him although I will say I kind of think it's a high compliment to Joe G that there's a lot of people that never knew what filthy Frank is or that he is filthy Frank that means that there's a lot of people out there who are just enjoying his music and not thinking anything about his which I think ultimately is what he wanted as a performer so the fact that kpop stands are trying to cancel him for being filthy Frank I think is actually a high compliment to what he's achieved as musical artist that being said it is funny here's a Newsweek article about it Joe G fans have learned the truth about filthy Frank and it isn't pretty we've got this car called garbage is it here's a job when we put together Joe g literally has a song where he says the n-word with a hard ER like you cannot be serious there's more don't come in my mentions talking about is just satire y'all can't take a joke these days man I don't give a [ __ ] this [ __ ] isn't funny at all so get the [ __ ] out of here with that and for you non-blacks non-blacks coming my mentions just get the hell out you don't get to say the n-word I find it offensive you insult still my mentions after two days she looks Asian by the way I mean because well it's a k-pop right it's a cape right it's not the picture of the person right over the past two days Jo jeez over party has been trending on Twitter pulling in over twenty-one thousand tweets an account called Jin's Jin's all be tweeted out they're shocked that Miller had said the N word and I Blake I guess this original tweet which I think she erased probably right because ultimately you see a lot of these such and such as canceled like a it's actually pic subtraction from people just clowning on the original poster and I think that's what happened in this case is that she ended up erasing all of her original tweets about it but what was weird is that this same girl who oh what the hell is this I'm really disgusted right now oh my god you what the f that's him and then the same girl which is really interesting she says as a black person my view is that his lyrics are contextual to the character he was portraying rather not hear it but I'm not mad nor willing to cancel him and then she responded I swear to God she just said [ __ ] which is a derogatory term for a black person it's not crazy I'm not really following this so she says for all you the girl says for all you non-blacks coming into my mansions just get the hell out you don't get to say what I find offensive okay then a black dude said well I'm not offended I would rather not hear it but I'm not mad nor willing to cancel him and she called him a [ __ ] mr. Koontz she quote tweeted him what the that's so racist but that concludes our show ending on a light note thank you everybody for watching I hope you have a fantastic week a glorious weekend I wish that everybody gets gainfully employed that this virus miraculously disappears and either I would never snitch on you don't want to go on record saying that I would serve life and present life in prison for you showed your true colors and I am big sad big Matt but Ella if you go out selling schedule six drugs I can't save you I can't save you if you're doing met big crimes like schedule six Advil street crime anyway guys thank you so much for watching and we will see you next week we are working on HD video I'm not sure when it's gonna drop but there's something to look forward to but I think it's a good one what do you think nada think nothing can't say [Music] all right guitar [Music] you you I had a idea when I was on the toilet earlier and I want to know if it's a good idea go ahead all right it's called die py peas all right it's a diaper and built into the diaper is one baby white so when you go to change the diaper you pull out the wipe and clean in there little good idea you cut out when you got to the climax you you go to change their diaper and there's a wipe inside of it you pull out the wipe you clean their little butthole and then you throw it away so I'll tell you what's wrong with this idea and then you can work on it further usually a baby poops you're gonna need more than one wife I mean there's no world and one in which one wipes enough to clean that okay never I got like three at best at best but and then a lot of the times the baby poop is super messy and you'll have what's called blowouts where it just goes all the way up their back okay but so for those reasons I'm out oh yeah how are you gonna keep the the wipe moist though we'd have to have some sort of seal yeah you you rip it and pull the wipes out well wait the baby's gotta have a wet a moist diaper on them no cuz it's like no it's contained within wait you have to seal them what is this an intervention yeah he's pitching a thing to us I don't like the idea [Music] Thank You Zach I thank you I should really have a point before you start pitching yeah kid brother you want the diaper to be breathable and light too and so this is just gonna add weight to it and we'll make it less breathable because I'm a sir because you want to keep it moist so I'm assuming it's gonna need to be some kind of pouch right it's a sealed pouch yo sure that is not it's not gonna be flexible uncomfortable hmm I mean the wipes are a little you know I don't know they're not really rigid that's true I I get the concept so like when you go to it like a barbecue restaurant they give you those like ones in there right imagine having that pack in your underwear oh man why would you want that's like built like that why why'd why babies build it into your man's box yeah this might be better for Zach actually in one location the diaper you pull it off you don't you don't need an okay you don't understand you still need a clean they need a cleaning station yeah you have a station with both baby wipes and diapers and white mint and all this [ __ ] like as a parent you need to change you still need to carry the clean diapers with you so you might as well carry the wipes - is this a to-go item this isn't every use item yeah it's like a convenience thing I just I'm not terribly inconvenienced by having a pack of baby wipes you kind of need a pack of baby wipes anyway all the time because they get so dirty would you could store them on their shirts and pants and you could hide pouches built in all over yeah where on the diaper with the pouch be I'm not sure do you know the anatomy of a diaper yeah I mean you'd have I'm not a diaper engineer right
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 947,067
Rating: 4.6906905 out of 5
Keywords: h3 podcast, h3h3 podcast, the h3 podcast, the h3h3 podcast, h3h3productions, h3h3, h3, ethan klein, hila klein, ethan and hila, ethan & hila
Id: 6BhJNuIN6rM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 39sec (6339 seconds)
Published: Sat May 16 2020
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