Big Ed Is Taking HEAT & Adele & PewDiePie - H3 Podcast #189

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welcome everybody to the h3 podcast experience we have a fantastic show here for you today we've got PewDiePie Adele big Edie Skippy butter pecan pie is not here but we are traveling by by freight boat he'll be here in 30 days today's episode is sponsored by Adam and Eve Ridge wallets and hims all right thank you everybody for joining us how's everybody doing today dan and Zach ela how is everybody who goes first chillin yeah you dressed all of us at once I'm dead everybody say oh they're doing three you know one okay when I come in Cedar Rapids all right when I count down I'm gonna say five four three two one and oh one everybody tell me how they're doing at once ready 5 4 3 2 1 how's everyone doing we got to rehearse that so when I asked everybody guys on Twitter I'm giving away a ton of money we're on day 26 of help I'm giving away $1,500 every single day on Twitter to help define people of the h3 nation so there's still 74 days left so get on that we've given away like thirty five thousand dollars so far also on Teddy fresh we got some classics back and stocked the Bubblegum hoodie TF hoodie and joggers and the embroidered t-shirt a fresh calm I would like to get today started by talking about tick tock now tick tock you know tick tocks been around and arising for a long time but to me is I see a lot of dancing and a lot of nonsense but what I'm starting to see more and more that I'm loving is this print culture they found a new place right it's like all these pranksters find the lowest common denominator [ __ ] where their content can spread like cancer and people just consume without asking anything and so and so tick-tock has really become a place where this kind of absolute trash flourishes and I just saw this video recently they just just took my breath away frankly by how bad it is if you guys know of any other tick-tock videos and you guys - uh in the cast keep an eye out because I love this oh this was removed from trashy it was too trashy for the trashy subreddit it says moderators removed this post for a variety of reasons including keeping the community safe civil and true to their purpose how do you get to trick your true trashy for tragedy bro that's crazy alright I'm gonna play it through and you guys so a guy approaches two friends sitting at a table he grabs one of their phones smashes it on the table breaks it then they're like what the [ __ ] dude and he's like sorry man here's a new phone it's just a prank that's it for your iPhone's I'm so sorry but we're over praise what the but you literally shattered my phone yeah we saw is this the worst video ever made it's the worst video there's a good chance it's fake and if it's fake it's still the worst video ever made it's even worse because they could have made it better because it's fake you planned that and it's like his reaction is so pathetic sorry bro a bit of video where it break your phone give you a new one but I do think there's a good chance it's real actually as well because the reaction is just [Music] that guy how quickly it decides to open the lid of the coffee and spill coffee on him is that confuses me if it's real or fake I'm gonna tell you I actually I used to think this was real but I'm changing my verdict and let me tell you he's so rehearsed on that he's like first of all who throws coffee at somebody it's such a like girl thing to do in a movie like take the lid off it's a roll of coffee on somebody how is that your first impulse it's crazy I don't think that would break the foam here's necessary if you really want to break funny able to smash it on the ground as hard right also notice the box were were scrutinizing this video way too much but notice the box look super light as well look how light the box looks you can kind of tell us that like when he hits it it sounds Hollow that thoughts what do you guys think I'm leaning towards fake but I'm a little on the fence the guy's reaction when he calls him a weirdo it's so good it's pretty it's pretty good acting of its fake which you don't usually see in these videos I mean the way he says it sounds pretty authentic but but elements that you pointed out to make me lean towards fake well because it's such a word that to me is the only thing real about it you're such a weirdo bro we should sound bite that sack would you think the throw coffee on somebody in response to I mean the lid off thing like Yili said yeah that seems waiting there do that I got a counter-argument oh we thought well what about the fitly offensive we thought for a minute he was real - I know and I totally screwed up on that one I learned my lesson you're right Zack sometimes you just don't know and that's why we need to screw nice the worst video ever made for like 20 minutes I wish we had a fairly offensive here to tell us cuz he would probably know but ultimately I'm gonna cast my vote on this once and for all you really shattered my phone and the way who's respond is so pathetic like how could that be rehearsed oh sorry why would you rehearse that bro I'm so sorry I just I'm doing a tip-top video I break your phone and give you a new one it's so hard to tell it's so hard to tell nobody acknowledges the cameraman either right I mean you have to acknowledge that I can't decide hey vote fake gotta tell ya it's probably fake which is so sad it's so sad that it's fake well there you go guys uh if you have more tip top videos like that I'd love to I love to watch more of them another clip that I thought I would enjoy here with everybody today is you know everybody's doing the news from home yeah which looks so pathetic cuz when they're in their studios with all the cool green screens and these amazing studios and their crazy cameras they look so slick and professional but from home the news / zoom it took it it doesn't impress me it doesn't feel like it's just lost its luster everything I mean like the nightly news we're some dude because I found in a weird way that I enjoyed them more know their late nights mm-hm hi found that too because there's no laugh track the audience ruins everything live audience sorry guys let's watch this anyway do you trip a little bit take some of your profits because what is it you never go broke by taking profit you never go broke by taking profit homie is just sitting upright dead asleep but apparently my comma Sigma left guy speechless watched you get my target and he's so much money in the name if you voted they turn him off yeah they must there's someone like Dan in the back because they term up about trading and I'm sure he's not wearing pants you know they may I could just tell by the way his jacket said something that he's not wearing pants see this is where they failed they should have left the sleeping guy up yeah and then we would have gold so there you go obviously we bring you the greatest entertainment on the planet and we will continue to next story is about PewDiePie he's in the news everywhere I don't know why people are making such a big deal about this I guess it's just PewDiePie I think what it is PewDiePie signed an exclusive live streaming deal with YouTube I think what it is is that it's like a reconciliation between YouTube and PewDiePie that they've written they've they've reimbursed PewDiePie into the fold and I think that's why people are loving this headline they also put him in the recent YouTube rewind so I think that maybe this beef is squashed finally between YouTube and and YouTube's darling PewDiePie I don't remember but they did do you remember what they did they did like they just did stats I never liked this [ __ ] is so boring right hello shredder oh god nobody breathe we'll just do a cut of course when the media recorded it will there ever be a time when the media can cover anything PewDiePie related and not say like give a laundry list of his race races history look at these headlines Forbes PewDiePie signs deal with YouTube despite history of races anti-semitic comments yeah I just I do feel bad for him it's like damn how long ago was that at this point Washington Post PewDiePie YouTube's controversial but popular creator signs exclusives for me deal yeah I don't know but I actually have to say I'm happy that PewDiePie decided to do it with YouTube and not twitch because I've personally just in my experience streaming on both of them I found YouTube to be a better partner and I think the competition is good too you know there's a lot of shenanigans on Twitch and and I think the competition is good you got to keep twitch on their toes so congratulations to my my what what does pewdiepie he's I don't hesitate to I mean to my good dude PewDiePie on his exclusive streaming deal alright anything else my friend I think I could call him a friend but I mean the frankly we don't talk that much we do talk occasionally and we are definitely friendly but I would hesitate to call him a friend just in that I don't want to overstate necessarily like closeness or anything yeah cuz I think a friend denotes like regular contact right sure the term become friendly we're definitely friendly what Zach call a confidant would that be this a confidante hell no no no unfriend yeah call phone is someone you tell your deepest darkest secrets to no never mind that's like a deep that's like a war buddy what I find interesting about this story about PewDiePie is someone you can fight in that's where it comes from the guts I'm just so sorry down the story about PewDiePie this comes on the heels of remember like a year ago he started streaming on that weird-ass d-line thing yes and nobody seems to be like talking about that at all I'm still so confused by that and that whole thing remember it was like a blockchain base yes screaming service with like you're so right cryptocurrency built into it or something it's like so weird yeah that must have been I'm just taking a wild stab in the dark here deal I've ever met that [ __ ] is so weird yeah it doesn't make any I think that must have been during a time when he couldn't get sponsors from anyone and then the Bitcoin people companies yeah the crypto comes in they're like what's want to you know okay that makes some sense that's the only feasible explanation because he would have definitely worked with twitch are you two dealer yeah d-dad more like alive and see if anyone's on that it is here it looks exactly like twitch like how do you know that's the smallest detail anytime someone offers payment crypto I'm like oh I'm being scammed right like immediately I mean there's not a ton of people on this but chatting 19,000 watching I don't know is it true well D live if you uh whoo well hey I'll take some Bitcoin anyway yeah they just they just lost their biggest person so do you live I don't think they can compete with YouTube that must've been a nice juicy deal for him though so congratulations to Felix translations on his huge deal and and and really [ __ ] Rican selling reconciliate in with youtube I think it's about time that these two powers come back together I mean it is the biggest channel on YouTube you can click on it's kind of funny to ignore ela are you is the second-biggest channel yeah are you really is that racism i [Laughter] [Music] individual driven personality driven channel what would be fair to say that would be fair what was the name of my channel again the Indian media company yeah these series bro yes wait how many subs as T series have no more than beauty by oh yeah but I wonder if how they took it away oh how far it's gone yeah let me see whoa you never shot 138 million subscribers these guys don't quit man T series is going for like when you're old pumping out quality content like that all the time is you're bound to find success well I'm not allowed to talk about Indian people or Bollywood anymore I was revoked my Bollywood card was revoked yes it is sorry go ahead did we ever talk about that controversy on the podcast no we shouldn't and it's in its sponsor time okay Adam and Eve Adam and Eve is sponsored our episode today it's the number one adult toy superstore Adam and Eve says the best part of staying at home is playing at home if you know what I mean they've got toys for men toys for women couple have any one have only you guys ever used a flashlight no so gonna set Zach yes yeah which one did you get a mouth or a butthole or a badge was a vagina it's just the ones with the mouths I've seen photos it's just so funny cuz it's like just a detached mouth in a flashlight and you're just like Adam and Eve but they've got those if you like them I don't know if they do maybe they do but they have toys for men toys for women couples toys every kind of Lube and lotion a man or one we could dream of lingerie and so many other sexy gifts take advantage of the downtime and choose almost any one item and get 50% off at Adam and Eve calm when you do you'll also get 10 free boredom busting gifts including 6 spicy 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picture on Instagram of an incredible weight loss transformation and she looks fantastic she looks happy she looks healthy you know let me show before and after here you know just being specific so the internet knows what I want like yeah she was pretty chubby right I mean so so here she is and then here she comes out and I'm like wow she must I mean so everyone would be like wow Adele you look fantastic everyone's so happy for you and the reaction that some people had was just was just incredible people were upset that people were happy that she lost weight because they're saying you're implying that she wasn't beautiful and happy but while she was chubby and I don't know why we have to pretend like on the whole let's say let's put this let's put this Adela kitty on the whole people who are chubby are less attractive generally speaking to most people can we say that can I say that do it does everyone agree with how I phrased that I mean sure yeah yes man when a yes people let me speak for myself okay let me address these people I'm I'm fairly chubby now when I was skinny and fit I felt better more confident more attractive you just feel better it's better it's just it's for me and my experience that's just better and so complimenting and encourage people to be healthy and feel good it's just it's strange but okay let me read some of these tweets please stop saying Adele had a glow up we have no idea what her health was is like and this is just reinforcing the skinny ideal or the concept that skinnier you get the prettier if you go I mean generally speaking invited by this is 8 mm mics I just I don't get it I just find the whole thing so funny because she's already proven that she can do anything she wanted before she's super successful she made it while being overweight so that stereotype she already proven wrong like it's not like people told her okay you want to be a singer you got to lose 30 months which is what it used to be right and that's why people do have a problem with you know that's a weight issue but she's already lived through it and made it she's huge like famous why physically no you say that she was chubby I wouldn't say she was huge [Laughter] she goes we have no idea what our health is was like I know what our health was it's not good when you're chubby it's not there's no there's no such thing as healthy fat people I'm sorry the skinny ideal our concept is skinnier you get the prettier get I mean generally speaking the skinnier you get the prettier you got now there's a difference of course between being anorexic and healthy she's clearly healthy what the [ __ ] are we debating this is self-evident I don't get this let's continue can we please not celebrate Adele for losing weight like it's the ultimate achievement it's very difficult to lose weight when you're fat yeah it's super it is a great achievement it takes a ton of work and dedication to do that she goes the news and articles and tweets are disgusting seventy five thousand likes why why are people endorsing this I think it should be celebrated it is a huge achievement to lose that much weight it's so difficult have you watched my 600 pound life losing weight is like an addiction I mean these people are it's like [ __ ] it is why are you demeaning her achievement it is it's so hard to lose weight as a fat person it what the [ __ ] what the why is she demeaning her achievement why I feel like this tweet is very rude to Adele my whole she continues my whole entire platform is about positivity self upset acceptance inequality I refuse to let my words be twisted ruin all my hard work as someone who has constantly had their worth defined by the looks I was born disfigured but but I don't wasn't she she is successful despite whatever figure it's not like you know she decided she wanted to lose weight and she did it she was already successful to me that I think that's a fantastic point it wasn't such a society societal pressure she decided on her own after having been a successful female performer that she wanted to get healthy I see that at Delos training because people are saying how gorgeous she is since she lost weight y'all been over this y'all we've been over this I decided this for everybody your weight doesn't determine your beauty your parents doesn't determine your beauty the number on the scale doesn't make you worthy or unworthy anyway that's it I was just shocked i I thought she looked fantastic I was very happy for her I just think it's and I found and also you think it's so such an overreaction because she posted the picture she is happy for herself and then people will have before her like that's all there is Darren and it doesn't need to be anything more than that well apparently she didn't even comment on the weight loss she disappeared from social media she said thank you for the birthday level I hope you're all staying safe and saying during this crazy time I'd like to thank all of our first responders and essential workers who are keeping us safe so she didn't even comment on it but clearly she cares about it if she's doing it and it's hard despite what these people want you to believe very difficult so there you have it her personal trainer also made a post he's like what is wrong with you all in short um god man I think that part of the negative reaction I suspect has to do with the fact that she was one of the most sort a is one of a successful musical artists in the world and is a bigger girl and was probably you know a hero to a lot of people that are overweight because of that you know what I mean that it's probably part of her not necessarily her appeal but it's just part of our identity and it's part of you know her story of success and everything right exactly and you know I could see that some people maybe feel even if they don't admit it betrayed on the level you know because it doesn't that so that that insinuates that people should be happy being obese and i don't think people should be happy or satisfied being obese and i don't think you are happier satisfied man i think people who are obese know that it's unhealthy and it's brutal because the to maintain that level of fat you need to be you need to be just every day making bad decisions with food and and and you feel like [ __ ] she was yeah i think she was obese I mean I mean yeah by the medical definition of it probably she was I mean here she here's a pic really when you think of a PC look of people that are like huge but she's obese bro look at that she was she when she lost like a hundred pounds it looks like I know obviously it's a good thing and and you know you know that she just had a kid too and I think that's what B's sorry you know but that's obese sorry good thing she had a kid and you know a lot of people when they have kids they wake up to their their own health because they want to be around for a long time for kids and it has a direct impact on that so yellow obese okay I'm just I'm trying to get you to admit she's obese but obese to the technical right that's true that's amazing though anyway congratulations to her and and anyone who's offended by the fact that people are happy for for losing weight I don't know what to say to you but I hate but I don't like you okay moving on next it's a pretty sad reality when you can't even be happy for someone for something you know I think that's why it's so frustrating what are they what do we know just happy for her are we not supposed to acknowledge it like oh cool hi like how shitty would she feel did they not even notice that I lost hundred pounds what Dan I was gonna say we're uh probably a second ad return okay well that's great because I'm happy to talk to you guys about the ridge wallet folks look at this I'm a guy I hate the bulky wallet and put put in my pocket I wear elastic waist pants and it was always pulling my pants down it's just chunky I don't like it it's the Costanza wallet I don't like it that's why the ridge wallet is the genius wallet that is revolutionizing how we carry our [ __ ] around money clip boom there's your cash the bills firmly secured inside watch this boom there's the credit cards pop right out pop right in did I show my cars I don't think yeah make sure you show this yeah my credit cards that's it it's super lightweight it's super durable um it's it's just Fenton this is a fantastic wall what can I say it's light sleek industrial it doesn't fold or awkwardly budge bulge in your pocket and it's seriously changing the whole pocket situation most people are still using walls designed in the 90s carrying around old receipts gift cards hotel keys that's true hotel Keys is the worst look I like ten of them in my wallet and unorganized mess so let me tell you about the ridge that holds up to twelve cards plus room for cash there's over 30 colors and styles including carbon fiber and burnt titanium I prefer my titanium burn it's just a funny don't you think that's a funny name 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friend of the show Big Ed is getting crushed and social media now I got a iíve spoken very fondly about this show before the 90 days I love it and poor Big Ed he's getting creamed on social media man you know his his plotline is good and we met Big Ed before I even knew anything about him all I knew is that the dude put mayonnaise in his hair and we put mayonnaise in Zach's hair and it was a it was a great moment I loved having him and I hope we can have him on again soon we're trying to get did you hear back from uh TLC the publicist not yet you know he's got these handlers man they're stay keep they keep heed on its short leash bro yeah Zach reached out to ed directly he texted him and apparently the publicist got angry we're not supposed to go direct to the end yeah he you know last week said it was fine you know had a great conversation and then I text them and he's Allah everything sir TLC now yeah Ted it must be it must be a wild card for them you know he's a little out there but but so there's this there's this one specific video all everybody's talking about ed on the internet millions and millions of it even PewDiePie made a video about the mayonnaise [ __ ] but there's this one specific video that was trending was like number two or three trending on YouTube what were you gonna say about bigoted Eddard I I wonder if this show has ever been so viral before this it seems like more than ever yeah I think this specific season just has so much phenomenal yeah story arcs oh and then I saw another headline the guy who's going when to Ukraine to get the girl he got kicked off the show he got and I just saw the headline and I was super excited to read it but I got distracted and I forgot to read it so I don't know what happened but apparently they would the tell all episode they do at the end of the season he's not allowed on it oh I was I remember he he's married he's what what what read what yeah so we went to meet this girl and Ukraine no and he was like he he was all about her cuz she was talking to other American dudes on this whatever dating site and it turns out not only is he a ex-con for selling drugs he's married he's actually married how does that make sense Zack can you look that up for me type mug I think he might be David no David yeah and by the way this guy has these nipple tats that are next-level you guys got to see these where are you talking about that guy yeah yeah okay okay wait I thought you're talking about the guy in Vegas no no no no that guy's married yeah he's married that doesn't make sense look at this look at this [ __ ] look at his tats bro he is he is like tribal or flame what is that what do you call that is that the worst tattoo ever I mean that's gotta be one of the worst tattoos ever he's got tattoos around his nipples that look like wait you're talking about the not the guy that got catfished right yeah I went to Ukraine to the guy who who was the ex-con oh okay what okay what's happened to him he got kicked off the show tell me what happened look that up anyway here to feast your eyes on his nibs either tell me does that do anything for you sounds like you don't hate it though I'm saying well I don't wanna I mean compared to the stuff we've seen here on this show you really you're not gonna disparage nipple tats I don't like it you want to suck on his nipples oh hey I didn't realize I better get some nipple tats quite please don I just learned either likes nipple tats his name's Jeffrey Jeffrey yes so so was he kicked off the show that's what I saw in the headline hold on anyway let's what let's let's watch so big edie big head has been through a lot of controversies on the show I'm sad to say first concert merci was he asked rose to shave her legs very he's insensitive he said he goes your legs look like mine and I'd like you to shave them and then they're doing you know they do the confessionals away from the partner he goes it's gross so I think that rubbed people the wrong way then a separate incident he told her she had bad breath and he gave her mouthwash and she's like I also have a condition but also you presented it as a gift like he was like I got you all this gifts well it was all mouth related it was toothbrush toothpaste and mouthwash like I got you a really nice gift and so he's he's constantly embarrassing her the other one there's so many great moments with Big Ed if I'm being honest there was another great moment where they want to see monkeys they went on a vacation this this one I have I have to admit this this was a little effed up she's there with her son and she wants him to spend time with her and her son but he wants to spend time without the Sun and so he kind of he kind of makes her leave her son to go on this vacation okay they go on the vacation and then they toured this island with monkeys on it and the monk and the monkeys start freaking him out he gets so scared of the monkeys I guess one of the monkeys like took ice cream from him and he got all scared it was funny and then finally the the big moment comes when edy who is in his 40s I believe he's 54 54 so ed is 54 yet he's dating a like 22 year old and she is she's been very upfront with as she says I want two kids that's my dream is to have two kids and Edie says you know I don't want to have any kids well at first he didn't say anything even though she said that she wants more kids and only Danny confronted her at the very end of the trip at the end of the trip he says I was planning to get a vasectomy and I don't want kids she goes well maybe that's something you can think about he says I have nothing to think about I don't want kids now also he describes it as a little snip-snip yeah even though he understands English I found yeah yeah so 90-day fiance that rumors claim Geoffrey was banned from tell or Union Telus ODEs around the corner apparently spores have been revealed current season and a fiance many aren't happy with the casting here we go he failed the I guess the production didn't know of his criminal records severe there were I've tried to remove Geoffrey from the show due to his lengthy criminal record but it's lengthy TLC didn't catch wind of the charges until they already filmed the season wait so it's lengthy because so I know he went to jail for selling drugs he admits to her it's not kind of effed up though they used the footage of him and then they kick him off the towel how kind of crap is that what's why bad did at that point he can be in the last episode if he's already in the show right there's something else he like killed someone apparently he sorry he's been accused of raping and attacking one of his ex-wives Levi's bloodied in their home fans already questioned how he passed the background chips checks aren't able to grant it Ibiza oh my god bro I would I wouldn't I think that's probably a little more severe than dealing drugs that's pretty sad because they actually sound like they were really bonding as a real couple I was like I was like why is this dude going to Ukraine to find a bride now I know why yeah so he's accused of keeps going I'm reading about it too this just like keeps going this is the nipple task by the way go ahead Dan right yeah I guess he was also he's been married four times it sounds like and yeah most recently in 2014 it would appear and there's some stuff with that and then in June of 2019 so just last summer he was arrested for assaulting his then-girlfriend match these two up how are they airing this because the mom did like he's up there and she's like you gotta tell my mom that you went to jail for selling drugs and then the moms like I don't trust him you know I don't want it but the dude TLC is fit this dude got arrested for beating his girlfriend last summer well they claim they didn't know the criminal charges yeah and apparently they started filming only like a month after that so he was basically arrested but he was talking about his background and it sounded like okay like he's known drugs but he moved on and sounded like it was a long time ago so I was drug selling whatever but yeah and it sounds like he has multiple assaults and domestic evil if they're willing to chaperone this relationship with this poor Ukrainian girl's gonna move to United States she's gonna be fully dependent on him stuck there and he know they're not letting him be part of the reunion they already he's already part of the show you're not saying no but they're probably not gonna continue with the 90 day actual this shows so [ __ ] like they find the most bunch of people is this before the 90 day they broadcast them on the world stage and someone like big Edie is now and like this guy it's just being trashed on the world stage you nothing can prepare you for the amount of [ __ ] you get from God I don't know why anybody goes on this show nobody has come out of this alive big edit like okay I mean I guess let's just watch this video actually we don't even need to wash it let's just read the comments you know because bighead goes because I watch them just they're gonna like block my video they're ruthless I don't know are you guys there's a new thing on YouTube I'm not even gonna claimed they just block your [ __ ] video and I the whole video is just blocked it Kevin watch it I've been complaining to YouTube about this I'm like look I don't even mind getting claimed I have sponsors I don't care about getting claimed and you block and you block it I can't work I can't make a show this is insane I don't know why companies do that she's evil man [ __ ] you TLC I love your content I hate that there could there's evil they have to be they have to be anyway he goes look I don't want kids and she's like basically Edie you embarrassed me you humiliate me you only tell me now after all of this you knew I wanted kids now you're telling me you don't want kids after you slept exactly and basically she's like [ __ ] you I'm done and it was just one of those moments where every one of the theaters like you go girl you know what I mean um so big ad is is on this let's read some comments here it's okay Rose I believe you'll find better next next time there's a lot of comments about of the neck and I have to say that I don't approve of those it has the maturity of a five-year-old and we just not going to talk about that neck boy every cut I didn't expect the next [ __ ] I'm only reading what's here you can only imagine yes please leave her he's so freakin disgusting and not just physically he's even uglier on the inside shake my head I don't know how they edit this show though it to be I mean just to speak at least devil's advocate on behalf of Edie you know I don't know how they edit it cuz they've always at every turn edits just look like the biggest Duke this and I'm sure he must have had some good moments that's true make it seem like there's no not even one good moment yeah like he went to visit her dad's pig farm and he was just like such a buffoon he was like slipping in the mud and ever you know I feel like the guy must have had a good moment Wow I want so badly to call him a disgusting Pig but then I would feel bad for pigs I can't get over this story about Geoffrey yeah I know I was starting to get really invested in their relationship and also I thought like her mom was overreacting right I did too and everyone was overreacting he doesn't strike me as a as a spousal abuse er but I guess you never know he strikes me as an unpredictable person he seems like he's crazy he also said I come with baggage and I was like I wasn't sure what he must flame tattoos on his nipples he's very soft-spoken and feminine so I honestly thought he was gay at first but I guess I don't know man that was dude you got a watch you just have to watch this show I can't even get it to Hugo I want to watch this clip so bad and what do I do I'm afraid we get blocked should I just watch it it will it will definitely get blocked like a test fit it's so unfair I could have talked to you about it this oh and finally thank you to hims for sponsoring us you've heard me talk about him stand how they're helping guys look their very best and if you haven't yet it's time to see what they're all about hymns did you guys know that 66% of men's start to lose their hair by age 35 66 % Pam once you've noticed hair thinning it's already too late is that hair line slowly starting to move backwards do you have any bald spots yet well the best way to prevent more hair loss is to do something about it dagnabbit what is dagnabbit was it meant is it like a it's like a parody of good like what Yosemite Sam would say what is it a meme was dag nagged a bit nag dab nag at me I don't know what that is the best way to prevent more hair loss is to do something about it while you still have it so why do you guys turn to weird solutions or do nothing when you can turn them science and medicine introducing for hemes calm the one-stop-shop for hair 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prescribed 3 month minimum subscription additional restrictions apply see website for full detail and important safety information remember that's for hems com / h3 thank you for hims like to know the entomology of DAG nabbit now yeah please apparently is a it's just a censored way of saying god dammit it's like the word Nats cramp because people were afraid you said god damnit that's you know you get cursed yeah yeah exactly it's dag well it's not the same but it's like it's it's got the same backwards within hey instead of oh oh yeah exactly rabbit dagnab use that a damn it dagnab you I've been putting this video off for so long we have to watch it Skippy Scott bless Skippy the virgin still a virgin by the way it still doesn't masturbate the guy doesn't have got him on a call though to watch this but so it is so life is he went to Cannes Film Festival no he did he said it every time Bush won Sundance what's the difference you can't assign France was in Utah he went a Sundance Film Festival and he got a bunch of celebrities you know he's like obsessed with celebrities and this is his thing as he goes to Sundance and just stalks them it's awesome and he got a bunch of them to give a shout out to our show so without further ado I give me skip man harassing celebrities for seven minutes straight for our show to promote Oh shucks so from from Always Sunny okay would you say hi this is Kaitlyn and like subscribe to the there's some deep cuts james Van Der Beek Oh II didn't realize that was two words Van Der Beek bro how you get four words in your name james van der beek dirt that's a word derp I'm guess I'm late to the I'm late on this one everybody knew that is that not funny to you list he's got a word in his name this dirt van hey Dan back me up third all right moving on thanks James English Skippy Podcast they've got six million subscribers No would you say that tougher tree there this video makes me feel very very not it's at all in perspective yeah he burns a shoe buggers no no oh by the way skip you such a legend he he uh he did a whole printout of things he wanted them to say laminated it and so he gives them dislike menu what looks like a diner menu of talking points thank you thank you his publicist sorry about that Audrey Audrey Blondo seen you play basketball I was watching my friends no nude friends and so I watched you with the pistol shrimps good small talks oh I know thank you Joe no filming and I was here when you had mystery team to miss the shut up my friend Oh lin-manuel Miranda [Music] with the flames my friends on the h3 podcast thank you I'm actually I'm surprised people so willing to give shout outs the shows they don't know cuz I could be a white nationalist for all they know gonna be a show about yeah I think we left it in there's a couple that that have that they're like no I don't know who that is I'm not saying that yeah if somebody asked me to endorse something I didn't know right some people actually say watch the h3 podcast and then I mean look I'm not you know I mean I guess if it's meant to you ask but I don't think I am oh this guy actually knows who we are Marcus Wright I'm sorry I don't know who he is though does anyone know who Marcus tribe shrubner is to see a picture of him not a Greek he's from a show called black-ish a blackish fantastic what up Marcus that we get to see people say no well Farrell here's a big shot let's see how he responds that's it and will you say hi to my friends I h3h oh yeah dude it's [ __ ] strider h3h3 their podcast with 6 million subscribers well what is it about okay thanks see ya smart you don't want to adorn somebody I wish we had double shopping Jesse and bonus a hug my friends a free podcast there there a podcast with a few million let me just say like it's so humiliating tough to do this like I actually podcast you know what I mean don't you feel 2 million for them yeah no okay heist 3 podcast how are you thank you so much Jude Law podcast Jude Law I would totally take his dick in my but uh look how pale he mean he's dressed till we got a shut up from Jude Law podcast Jerry Juhl Akkad spitting tomorrow Jerry minor right I'm Skippy we met in LA when I first moved there you were like the first one I met I love it old friend oh I got you guys yo you remember me we met in LA and he says I've never been that way did he say you're not Jerry did he mistake him for someone else Ian cuz you edited this right because he said you're not cheering Ian what is this you mistook him for someone else yeah I cut off pretty quick that's awesome how long was the original video cuz this one seven minutes in 20 minutes I think it was about maybe an hour 15 wait was it just not edited at all just a whole yeah just be him walking for like ten minutes then but it was edited it was edited yeah I was about to say now it there was a lot of just like extra [ __ ] in there too but that hour and a half was already cut down so though so but can we just appreciate that he just mistook this random black dude for another black dude Jerry minor and he says you're not sure there you met and then thank you thank you do that my friends on the h3 how do your friends at age three podcast thank you thank you see ya Thank You publicist I appreciate you Crawford thank you is that the guy they make a bunch of creams videos and stuff like that I'm the real like 40 year old virgin they make my video sombrio we skip you out here enough times people are gonna start to remember us for not the right reason people remember the h3 is stuck in their head man then all the sudden Alison Brie gets a message from publicist h3 she's like I'm average three where have I heard that before Skippy the virgin yada yada yada our show's huge again you guys I'm not gonna harass you just gonna say hi he does they think it's a photo but the video okay well you say how you my friends on the h3h3 podcast hi to your friends on the h3 what is it h3 podcast how do your friends at the eight-three party thank you I'll let you go I have to say I didn't say yeah you are last time you were here you were at the Operation Smile ski race and that was last time I saw you so thank you for something and will you say hi to my friends from h3 h3 I too will your friends from h3 h3 he's praying this if he does have a knife on him I could tell Paul Bettany I love when it goes I've met you before okay you have a knife on you doing Jim Gaffigan looks like Skippy but like Jim looks like Skippy dad or like it's uncle or some [ __ ] and Jim goes how many times have we met here like they're old friends say hi to my friends at the h3 h3 podcast and you say go watch hit or go watch the h3 h3 podcast podcast Anne Hathaway he starts by saying I owe you an apology what can be done - Hannah hey sweater does anyone ever call your lawyer like I should be watching too bad for her we're white nationalists and she does endorse no Nazis hey Zack can I get a good one with you who's I get a good one with you oh he's running up to the car window and the window is not going down he's thank you I didn't get a good perfect thank you thanks guys bye sorry woods I love he doesn't know that are you from okay okay thank you Carrie Brownstein who did the names was it you you nor Skippy I did the ones I knew and then Skippy gave us some more okay well that was fantastic reporting from Skippy at the at the river dance why do you call it the river dance yeah that's it Riverdance thank you - Skippy that was a fantastic reporting I'd love to send Skippy you know be the best the sense get me to like a porn convention wouldn't that be the greatest on field reporting ever I don't think he'd be up for it though something tells me like someone bad depraved of sexual like stimulus you know congratulations to Elon Musk and Grimes the arrival of their new baby boy named X a X ie a 12 now I know it's ash but saying ash doesn't do justice now where'd it is congratulations to their baby boy ex ash a 12 who will definitely be super stoked that they named him that throughout his entire life I think they'll probably just call him ash though or I'll go by ex Professor X X is it kind of a dope name ax yeah I like X that's a weird one man Ilan this she was tweeting from the hospital the explanation for the baby's name X the unknown variable AE ash my elven spelling of AI love or artificial intelligence what's Elvan about it is that an Elvin character okay a 12 Knowles aren't real so no try telling that to a X ash a 12 a 12 is the precursor to the SR 17 our favorite aircraft why not just do use SR 17 if that's your favorite aircraft y 812 no weapons no defense just speed great in battle but nonviolent and the a of course stands for arc angel and then Elon a corrector he says sr-71 but yes and she responded I am recovering from surgery and barely alive so may my typos be forgiven but damn it that was meant to be profound I couldn't tell if they were if this was they must have just been goofing around right yeah I have to let's assume that for the sake of young X ash a 12 let's see on Joe Rogan Elon was recently on Brogan man I gotta turn my adblock home the [ __ ] is this [ __ ] trying to do a show here yeah how do you say the name first of all my partner's the one that actually mostly came up with the name congratulations to her yeah yeah she's very named so I mean it's just X the letter X and then the AE is like pronounced ash well a12 is my contribution oh ye 12 Archangel 12 the precursor to the sr-71 coolest plane ever I appreciate the show I mean it's fun it's a little kooky so I appreciate you just being upfront about that but anyway congratulations to them that was and all the news X is kind of a dope nape and so is ash though so I have a feeling he's not gonna go by X ash a 12 so probably should they'll probably abbreviate that oh did you guys monk monkeys are brazii out here boy this videos been making its rounds in this is some nightmare fuel because well first of all Gila I didn't know that monkeys were this powerful you can see it's a small monkey you haven't watched enough joe rogan then hey you're talking about he always talks about gorillas right or knows you talk about monkeys I guess it is mostly gorillas but no it's just monkeys in general this little monkey comes charging down the street and Facebook kidnaps I was gonna bike - it's a [ __ ] crazy any pulled up and then he takes this girl like why does the monkey have bicycle and why was this guy filming this guy this monkey comes bombing down the street on a bike okay then he grabs the girl tries to take off with that oh what the [ __ ] [Music] he's so strong cuz cuz the girls bigger than the monkey that the girls probably like maybe three years old I don't know maybe older what she was staying by surprised no but once she hit the ground was in surprise me that he took her out because he took her out and she hit the ground but then he grabbed her and dragged her ass like 20 feet that's what shocked me you know [ __ ] you let's suggest that we skip that video but I insisted we watch it I didn't like it he was like we need to watch this I was like are you crazy it's one of those videos that if you're not if you're like only listening you won't get it but I was wrong well your prop well the people listening are like no you weren't wrong the unites this is a good one the United States quarter Twenty twenty quarter has on the back of it bats nice timing on that one be how do I get one it's kind of cool actually no that's a collectible remember the coronavirus collectible quarters minted by the US government in memory of the coronavirus coronavirus apparently it was put in honor to to honor the Americans Pacific island territory which features a cheerful looking mama fruit bat and her pup now that's the bat to start a coronavirus that's funny where do you buy quad which is a cross-border so is this just in circulation this is just the quarter you just asked how much it costs to buy a quarter well I don't know if it's like a collectible or if this is just like general circulation this is just the new quarter yeah well they do because they sell dollar coins like on TV you can buy this one dollar coin for twenty dollars right okay they put them in sets threw them in so like the of sterling silver ones and stuff like that so you could pay upwards of twenty-five dollars for a quarter there you go you see I'm not I'm not stupid Thank You Zack well apparently if you just go anybody who's paying $25 for a quarter his stupid though can we agree on that I don't know I'd collect coins dan what are you trying to say what you say Zack I said I collect coins and then you don't really maybe yeah oh look I'm the mint what's your most valuable quarter worth how much would you pay for this coin I don't know I don't have valuable coins I have valuable dollar bills like I have a 19 1934 $10 bill but back when they had like the silver so you get silver and gold for it when they stuff the gold standard that was the yeah I know about that because in 1934 was the last year they actually made them out of silver I remember well the 1933 Double Gold Eagle coin which they made illegal and I think FDR made of me legal there's something like that so back in the day a dollar was worth so much that they actually made them out of silver and the value was equal now obviously the silver is worth way more than a dollar and I remember I went to the bank I still always go to the bank as a kid and get silver dollars in the hope that I got one of these older air ones and lo and behold it's so crazy I actually got one from the bank that was from 1934 that was made of silver oh and my dad my dad couldn't believe it because my dad was somewhat of a coin collector was a very rare coin was worth like a couple hundred bucks and my dad goes he get he's like I'll give you five bucks for a box I kept the money for himself all right just another great story of my dad ripping his own son off but how crazy is that that the bank actually gave me a silver dollar that's pretty cool how about that for a story huh fantastic next week on coin facts the podcast a year [Laughter] this headline kind of shipped me to my core Tom Cruise is collaborating with NASA to shoot a movie in space Tom Cruise is going to space to shoot a movie does this not incredible to you guys and NASA is excited to work with Tom Cruise on a film aboard the space T he's actually going on the space station it's pretty badass the reason being they said we need popular media to inspire a new generation of engineers and scientists to make NASA ambitious plans a reality that's actually a really good cause but what what I wonder is I feel like filming and space probably is gonna be more difficult than just and probably look weirder than just filming it in a in a studio like they've gotten so good at it now when I see movies that are supposed to be in space like there was that recent one with Christopher Nolan [Music] inner stone yeah interstellar it's gotten so good that it's like I wonder it's gonna be this has to be really challenging to actually shoot in space thoughts Danny yeah yeah I I'm very curious what exactly this is gonna be I imagine it it it's not gonna be a whole movie that they shoot up there it's probably just a few scenes from it or something but what's interesting is it's like I know it costs an immense amount of money to send some lay to space so are they just sending Tom and if so does that mean like the astronauts on the space station are going to be the cameramen for these are they sending up a felt route I I would guess this gonna send one one cameraman be the director it's gonna be really interesting because it's so real and you're gonna feel it however it's gonna be eyes impressed yeah I actually I disagree a little bit with wait like a certainly the technology has come to such an extent that in movies like interstellar it's quite believable but when you look at footage of people actually floating around in space it it's it's impossible to actually reproduce the effect of zero-gravity like what that looks like with people's limbs kind of floating off in weird directions it's still I haven't seen it simulated to a hundred percent yet so you know I mean is it worth it to go through all this trouble to do it maybe maybe not like you're right it's you can get it in a studio close enough that it's fine but it sounds like there's ulterior motive here it is to you know promote the space program and everything so well that's it if that's the goal then yeah yeah certainly it's cool I'm I'm I'm super looking forward to seeing how that comes out yeah that's super cool it's feels exciting like in a way that you don't really see anymore where something is like whoa like that's unthinkable baby Tom Cruise we're gonna this is the this is how this meeting went in Hollywood we're gonna take Tom Cruise and we're gonna put him in space actual space I'm in who's how we gonna watch this though nobody the movie theaters are done straight to Netflix I guess this is probably a long ways out if they're just announcing it now I mean these space missions get planned a years in advance right so in space on the International Space Station that's so cool anyway congratulations Tom Cruise Scientology made this happen you know it is mine everything like this just justifies his I hope not man that's is you got to put your foot down on that [ __ ] we get sin Scientologist to space we have to keep all the Scientologists with that with Tom Cruise being the one exception out of space shredder you know what confused me I kept seeing this story about the UFOs but we had a whole segment talking about this this the whole video was going viral recently yeah it's it's it's become viral again because now it was officially released by the military whereas before I believe it was leaked and like sort of pseudo confirmed by the military that it was authentic but now now it's been like officially I guess and so it's kind of doing a second round so I'm confused because here it says the following video clips were Declassified by the Navy the Defense Department said the video show unidentified aerial phenomena but when we interviewed Mick West he claimed that it was like really just ordinary [ __ ] like lens flares or whatever or the reflection of a plane or some some mundane explanation but the Navy is saying that it was aerial phenomena so for them to say that kind of gives credence to the theory that this yeah that's pretty insulting yeah yeah I mean yeah Mick when he was breaking it down I mean he's doing it as a lay person that just sort of has a skeptical mind when they're trying to come up with other explanations but yeah I mean with them coming out and outright saying they don't know what it is hard to argue with that it's really interesting with the dialogue in a statement the Defense Department said it was releasing the video in order to clear up any misconceptions by the public on whether or not the footage that has been circulating was real I really don't know I love that they say it's it I love that they say it's to clear up confusion and their way of clearing up confusion is coming out and confirming that it is indeed a UFO without any other like follow-up statement I feel like that creates more confusion right I am confused it's saying Harry Potter Day aerial phenomenon them calling it an aerial phenomena definitely doesn't it sounds like it that's them saying this is something we that we can't explain what it is for sure yeah I mean yes in essence I mean it doesn't mean that it's alien laughs it just it means that they don't know what it is what if aliens are just cruising around a little but if they really like traveling some kind of aircraft don't you think we'll have like real actual footage that is just so clear yes I do I just wonder why it's always this little dot that's my problem with this every time there's a UFO or alien or an unexplainable thing it's always some blurry ass dot and you know why is because once it becomes into focus you know what it is and it doesn't become an issue it's only when it's a blurry little dot that it's interesting right it's not a blurry dot then you don't even hear about it because it's not interesting or it could just be that they're using advanced covenant cloaking technology like in the video game series halo halo we heard a halo I have heard of halo but this one's a little out but that's a thermal imaging so maybe they're just seeing the thermal signature but it's in fact using some sort of cloaking device which is why it can't be seen by the naked eye you think about that yes are you mind blown yeah my I played a lot I played a lot of healing so I know a thing or two about cloaking devices that's what it looks like watch Star Trek though oh so much Star Trek yeah nice yeah it's a Romulan cloaking device but I would get if it is aliens I would say it's a little robot probably unmanned you know sending out explorers but some people say that the the grey aliens you know some people say that the grey aliens are just sort of biological drones that are being remotely controlled by beings in another star system or whatever sorry what do we talk about you know what greys are no what is a grey alien the grazier it's the name for just those stereotypical aliens that you always see with the big eyes there yes exactly I comb grays oh yeah that's right so they're being remote controlled by other more L am looking aliens all right let's wrap it's just that's what I've read that's what I've read how long we've been going because we because it's hard I have no I started so many times probably about an hour and a half today was a very messy episode and I keep going I got more [ __ ] I think corn thing is getting in our heads is that are you guys starting to feel really tired all the time yes it's the quarantine I think I think it's a lack of sunshine at least in my case so I've been trying to force myself outside to walk the dogs or something but I feel like that doesn't help it's just the being at home all the time yeah yeah I went one day to the office this week to review some 35 samples and it felt so good just getting dressed while doing something see other people I think you gotta force yourself to we kept social distancing in a man but it's securing and getting to me yeah the other day I just went for a drive for like an hour which is actually really nice to do now because there's no traffic in LA which is not normal and so I was able to I drove like all the way across town and back without really a destination in mind in about an hour yeah that circuit would take like four hours on a normal day so he started out loving drives and then he started to hate them and now he's going back to loving the drives maybe you should I feel like I just it made me so much lazier because like I'm so I'm the less active I am make the more lazy I become lethargic I become actually was really getting into exercising before quarantine started that's right all right ice a week and it made me feel better my back pain was getting less frequent and now I'm just my body just feels like it's about to break I need to do the bike I want to do it every morning but I can't every morning then I've have trouble sleeping lately you know it's a whole mess I mean God you really don't help yourself when it's like 1:30 and instead of going to sleep you're like okay I'm going to play video games yeah but I'm not tired what's your problem it doesn't help to go and play it's like 1025 I'm ranked like 116 oh yeah what's going on without freedo good he's so fluffy because I surgery alright now we can we need this kid job but no he is unrecognizable are there dog groomers over right now my dog that's so bad it could be opening soon right aren't they supposed to be lifting the some of the restrictions today yeah although today dog groomers probably weren't uh yeah that's some some clothing stores okay they need their anal glands expressed did I tell the story how I got you to say milk no I said you gotta call the back you say Express but it milks and will you milk my anal gland Adam Eve uh calm she's caught h3 so much I wasn't sure about rescuing a dog or adopting a dog I never rescue him but he's so nice he's so sweet it's just like the sweetest most loving dog ever I'm so happy that he's part of it makes this cuddle noises oh yeah he's like exhaling loudly out of his nose all right speak in the mic alright we've we've lost the plot here look plot so quarantine yeah guys thank you for watching if you're still with us remember when we used to do the podcast from the office yeah I know I kind of Miss that it's nice to be in there feels so official and you're like there you're working and you guys are there and you can see what the [ __ ] I'm talking about you can't see what I'm talking about now all right yeah I mean I follow along as best I can but yeah it's a it's a little awkward doing a nice but I don't like seeing your faces to be frank either because I don't like seeing your face either well Oh in the podcast room it's just me and Ella and I like it because now when I say something distract and I said oh dude those guys think it was funny yeah and I look at you guys that nobody's even cracking a smile so maybe we should minimize duh I was wondering if we even need to have it open also I find but that if we do talk to her just minimize because I find myself looking here a lot when I should be right you got the camera as well when you're recording why just put it behind another window though put it by another window dance a piece of the truth dance piece to truth to power surge an coronavirus corona corona virus by the way cops are Trump's so pence head of chief of staff got tested positive for Corona I read it the vice president and then Trump's one of trumps chauffeurs got tested positive one of the private drivers and those guys are walking around without masks and [ __ ] I feel like there's a good chance all those guys are gonna catch the corona virus get it real I think they should be more careful it's kind of crazy to see like the president not wearing a mask because I keep hearing about people not wearing masks outside and it's just lame you just put on a mask well actually I will say that so there's a there's a convenience store at the gas station nearby or house and throughout this pandemic I've gone there several times in the beginning middle and end the beginning I went there no it was the Wild West nobody was social distancing the cashier didn't have gloves on I mean it was just it was scary the second time people were wearing some people wearing gloves and masks and the cashier was all gloved and masked up I went there yesterday they have plastic installed at the cashier they have a social distancing like check marks so when you're standing online you're 6 feet apart and every single person in there had a mask on so I will say that here in California in Los Angeles based on just that one location that people are doing very well doing a very good job there I felt much safer there the last time I went that being said with the President and Vice President walking around without max I mean how can they expect anyone to take it seriously when they themselves are not leading by example the president's cruising route thought a mask why should anyone look at him be like well why the [ __ ] should I wear a mask I don't get it I mean I don't understand why him and the Vice President walk around without masks it just it strikes me as so bizarre I don't get it let me Trump toward a mask factory a literal mask factory without a mask and I saw in the news today he was visiting with that was just the other day wasn't it yeah that was like a day or two ago yeah and now a bunch of their staff is testing positive for right exactly so Trump may actually have been maybe infected it's possible and he's going about like when that have contaminated the whole factory like the the people making well I don't think it would be ironic though about breaking a mask factory no wearing a mask cuz if you're not wearing it you're risking the I don't know how you're exactly and dude it's your you're the president right it's your recommendation you're the one that that sponsors the CDC recommendation okay if you don't want people to wear masks they just say that but you have you put out the statement that people need to be wearing masks in public and you're not doing it I saw in the news today he was visiting I [ __ ] you not with World War two veterans without a mask he's visiting at-risk War veterans and he's not wearing a mask that's crazy I don't understand this obsession with just not wearing a mask I don't know what kind of the message he's trying to send I mean clearly it's a it seems I don't know I don't know I just I don't know dude I don't know bro this thing is out of control in the United States and I don't see it getting better I'm sorry like it feels like other countries all have got plans for getting back to normal and it feels like currently here is like just so far behind well they act like okay we did the lockdown now let's reopen that's true you're supposed and during the lockdown you're supposed to ramp up testing so that you can safely reopen we don't have anywhere near enough tests to safely reopen and many of the states that are reopening they have an ongoing a climbing infection rate then you've got misinformation you've got all these documentaries and people coming out saying that the virus is a conspiracy and that it has a lower death rate than the flu and all this nonsense you have people saying the hospitals are empty I mean I don't know what we're gonna do as a country because there's no way that we're on top of this pandemic there's just no way you they people look at they go in South Korea they're open yeah because they have testing per capita out the ass and they can safely test and trace infections we have a huge population we have all these different states the federal government is not stepping up in an organized central way and they're basically passing the buck to the states which means that when when Kansas doesn't shut down and they have a climbing infection rate California where we're only as strong as our weakest link and without a federal organized effort we're all just gonna be [ __ ] and there's still not enough testing it's crazy it's crazy I don't know my prediction right now cuz they keep increased they're saying like 150,000 people gonna be dead by Jim dude I don't know I feel like in the United States short they saying that a vaccine might be out in November that's fantastic that's incredible if that's true we better be amazing we better [ __ ] pray that's what will happen because that's the only thing that's gonna get us here in the United States out of this mess there's some medicine that helps reduce the duration of the illness which is also really good news but ultimately we as a country are not doing anywhere near enough to stop this and I feel like it's just going to be and obviously the economic implications are tremendously damaging I mean it's just it's staggering the economic damage is is is definitely is definitely gonna be worse than than what the virus is doing but you know I don't there's tons of protests about reopen the economy and frankly I don't even blame them because what are they supposed to do they're sitting at home they're not making money they've got bills to pay they lost their insurance it's like yeah these people need to work they need to make money but the government the thing is they're blaming their miss their miss placing their blame the government needs to be doing more to help these people so that they're not in such a dire situation there need to be ramping up testing that you'll be stepping up the social safety net my parents for example they still didn't get their their stimulus check which is crazy I was just casually talking in them and about it because I was like hey do you guys get your stimulus check and they still haven't got it and I was like whoa imagine actually you needing that money I mean you'd be just [ __ ] by now there's just not enough being done so I sympathize tremendously with people protesting but I think they're they're they're really they're kind of miss placing their blame in my opinion I have a tremendous amount of empathy for them you know can only imagine how scary it is to lose your job your health insurance and you got no [ __ ] money and you can't go find a job I mean it's horrifying it's just awful but honestly until that that vaccine comes out I think here in America we're just not doing enough and it's just a it's just gonna ravage us until that vaccine comes out and we're reopening we're either we're gonna re close again in like a month or two or this virus you just gonna it's just gonna kill a million people in the United States bye-bye November by the time the or god forbid even longer November cycle if it comes out November that's like a miracle of God so it could be longer I think I think United States gonna eat [ __ ] big time from this virus it sucks you know it sucks man was totally preventable to United States there was something wrong with the test the test didn't work for the whole like first month or the whole beginning timeframe we were not doing any tests and the virus was just running wild during the first stages of the beginning we could have stopped it we could have mitigated a big time test didn't work we had tests that failed and way to remake the test that's [ __ ] crazy and then China by the way is now reporting zero deaths zero like like almost no new infections and they're all good China's all good I knew this was gonna happen China is all good I mean they say they're all good they're all good they're open I mean if they were if that virus was still rampant you would see the country closed you saw what happened they closed the whole the quarantine 11 million people the country is open everything's running over in China India is about to get fisted by this virus Mexico's about to get fisted by this virus [Music] Russia is about to get fisted by this virus it's actually people think that we're like people think we're on the way down this virus is just getting started because in the United States in India in Russia and Mexico this virus is about to go ape [ __ ] and I frankly don't think the United States can sustain another lockdown people cannot tolerate another lockdown you see how it's going up right now yeah so what happened if you look at the daily new cases in the United States New York obviously was the epicenter of the corona virus and it spread their way faster than other parts of the country because of the proximity of people what's happening is in New York it's going down a lot every day and then in rural parts of the country where the virus is spreading slower because it's less populated it's starting to rise exponentially there in rural parts and incidentally the rural parts of the country are the ones that are not for the most part taking the necessary steps either to mitigate so what you're gonna see as New York is going to be going down but in the rural areas you're gonna start seeing a really dangerous spike in cases you can see that it's spiking in cases right now and it's it's I don't know - I really don't know what's gonna happen I'm afraid the federal government is not stepping up its duty - to - you need you need a central role here we have 50 states each doing its own thing fighting an open marketplace for protective gear I don't get the approach I don't get it this is what the federal government's for a centralized effort between all states to make a coordinate it's just I don't get it and it's say that the governor of New York yeah he said that now they see less new cases among actually the health work and people first responders and stuff and more outside and you said that's actually a good thing because it means that people who do follow the guidelines I like wearing a mask but protecting actually it works so he said that's a good thing hmm I thought that was interesting but we don't have enough of the protective gear you know on the open market and just being aware and at least I mean being aware of it when you're outside put something on and washing your hands and all that stuff yeah yeah yeah no it I did wearing a mask definitely helps like if everyone's wearing a mask it's got to cut down on the spread a lot yeah and that's what's so messed up is when you go outside without a mask you're endangering other people right so so when the president walks outside and visits people without a mask it's it's you're basically telling the people that you're visiting with that you're fine risking them yeah I mean how do you I don't get it why does he why doesn't he why is he so opposed to wearing a mask I mean I know that he's very particular about like his hair and his makeup and stuff is it just about his hair and makeup that he doesn't want to look ridiculous I don't know somehow in this country coronavirus became a political topic well now well it's not only a political topic now it's just the conspiracy theory the intensity of conspiracy theories has gotten so crazy like there's there it's just it's so intense the the the amount of conspiracy theory talks and and that's all I can say about that really I like I like shoving this at the end because nobody wants to hear me talk about her own advice anymore but I'm very concerned I'm following it closely and gosh I really don't know what's gonna happen here in the United States very concerned and and like it's just starting to really Pete exponentially grow in India and Mexico in Russia and those are just gonna be devastating and North Korea North Korea's I feel so bad for those poor North Koreans North Korea is gonna be ravaged ravaged ravaged by this didn't have running water you know what I mean like how you supposed to be hygienic time gonna running water well it's gonna be a long year guys it really is it's gonna be a long year and the thing is that now wouldn't you've got like 30 percent unemployment rate people still have a little money in their pocket it doesn't feel that bad right now cuz the real depression hasn't hit us yet because people still have a little bit of money they still have a little bit of hope they got this stimulus check most people and but what's gonna happen is in a month or two when those people's money starts running out is when you're gonna see real desperation and I really hope I don't know I really don't know what's gonna happen but we are not out of this yet not even close and and I fear for for our country but I'm hoping for the best I'm not saying right now we're doing like 250,000 tests a day we need to be doing like 5 million I heard to adequately the test to safely reopen and contact trace and all that 5 million damn it's crazy aw there's like a whole nother thing with all these businesses closed then all the states are like going bankrupt because they rely on taxes sales tax property tax all these taxes that people are either deferring or outright people aren't spending money they're not doing this and doing that California I heard for example last year we have like a 30 billion dollar surplus and now California is at a 50 billion dollar deficit just like that cuz you have to buy all the protective gear you have to buy all the tests you have to pay for all the medical stuff and then meanwhile you have no money coming in that's crazy dude I don't know what's gonna happen but the good news is the stock markets going up stock market continues to climb baby we're almost back to where we started explained that [ __ ] to me actually I heard a good explanation finally somebody's cuz I've been wondering what the [ __ ] how was the stock market going up someone said here's the best explanation of hurt 1 where else is people gonna put their money that's number one - someone said there's a big fear of missing out where people don't want to miss the opportunity to get in while on a good deal on stocks and that those are the two best reasons I've heard which actually makes me scared that there's gonna be a huge decline and people are gonna get their [ __ ] I think if we ever have to shut down again the market is gonna crash so hard I'm very caught I don't have any money in the market I'm very cautious of it right now I don't trust it cuz it's like a it's like a it's like one bit when everyone was talking about Bitcoin they're like to just put my in it just goes up and up and up people are getting greedy about it and I think that I I'm saying far away from the stock market right now right now I mean in general the stock market just imaginary [ __ ] but I'm I'm just saying like if we clock down again then the markets gonna crash big-time any other questions anyone want my opinion on anything else no Jesus my mic just literally guys anything else you want me to talk about go ahead well detour made ela her first Mother's Day present it's the outline of his hand and it's a happy Mother's Day cute as [ __ ] yeah it's pretty cute well speaking of Theodore I guess we'll go spend some time with him now it's 3:20 he's gonna leave a couple hours so let's do that mmm-hmm thank you everybody for watching ending on a high note and ding aha I know Otto Trump removed any oversight on all the stimulus money United States government just gave out like two trillion dollars with no oversight at all why is there no oversight on all the true trillion dollars do you know who's gonna get all the money a bunch of rich corporations that already are rich and don't need it and you know who's not gonna get the money dudes in the line at food banks yeah no oversight how the [ __ ] you can get about two trillion dollars and then not have any oversight the [ __ ] destroy the child who's gonna get all that money apples like I'll take a trillion who's gonna get all that cash and then five Pfeifer is that the drug company they're like we'll take it we'll take fifty billion dollars thank you the CEO needs a new yacht Yeah right Yeah right Shake Shack returned their stimulus money yeah they got shamed into it but it's not even the stimulus money they're actually giving out crazy huge loans to big so that the PPP's for small businesses of under five hundred employees but they're actually giving out huge [ __ ] loans to big big big big companies like the airline guy like how much money to the airline's get like goddamn billions and billions right let's protest let's reopen the country goddamn it no test did you guys get your stimulus check yeah I did you out Zach did you get a Simmons check yes they did not yet oh you didn't get it well I care they don't have my routing information okay well that's cool I hope that $1,200 last you during this whole pandemic Apple got a Apple got um 10 trillion dollars they just put it in their bank account it's collecting interest they put it on an offshore bank account so that'll help us hey I'm just I don't know I just I don't know why there's no oh you can end this any time you who's gonna clip this and then say Ethan's a Lib [ __ ] do but touch kids what does the church do a little devil sticks [ __ ] ends Joe no [ __ ] no this is a good [ __ ] sign up for every there's no one smiling at all on zoom' there's no there's no joy on Ian looks like a painting look at okay let's just remain sign if everyone remains silent for one minute we can end it okay dead air for one minute and then the show's over [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 950,511
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: h3 podcast, h3h3 podcast, the h3 podcast, the h3h3 podcast, h3h3productions, h3h3, h3, ethan klein, hila klein, ethan & hila, ethan and hila
Id: ysfYhhM1c0U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 111min 51sec (6711 seconds)
Published: Sat May 09 2020
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