Jake Paul Arrested For Looting & The Karen Invasion - H3 Podcast #193

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did this video die for any one else? i was in the middle of watching it and it just got an error "this video is not available on your device"

👍︎︎ 59 👤︎︎ u/TONKAHANAH 📅︎︎ Jun 14 2020 🗫︎ replies

Lol did someone forget to cut that bit about the woman having a good point about funerals?

👍︎︎ 49 👤︎︎ u/horizontalcelery 📅︎︎ Jun 13 2020 🗫︎ replies

Ian’s sleepwalking story was so interesting

👍︎︎ 39 👤︎︎ u/twistygoldring 📅︎︎ Jun 13 2020 🗫︎ replies

I know people on this sub have a 2inch hate boner for the podcast but this was a bomb episode. Had me cackling🦄

👍︎︎ 23 👤︎︎ u/sambarlien 📅︎︎ Jun 14 2020 🗫︎ replies

I can’t believe people exist that believe this whole mask/corona virus thing is some conspiracy.

I found it funny when the lady started calling the polices ‘Chinese communist’ when I doubt she even knows what the definition of communism is.

👍︎︎ 22 👤︎︎ u/Groovy_Doggo 📅︎︎ Jun 13 2020 🗫︎ replies

I celebrate every fragile "fan" that leaves because Ethan and Hila stand on the side of basic humanity and decency. Glad they've really started to shed off all the chuds they've accrued during the SJW phase.

👍︎︎ 104 👤︎︎ u/teddyrexx 📅︎︎ Jun 13 2020 🗫︎ replies

As a black man I have to say I’m so honored that my favorite youtubers are not only down with the cause but did so much to educate themselves on this topic & on a separate note for the first time I have hope and feel like this time BLM is going to stick. It shouldn’t take a pandemic and a broken system that couldn’t save everyone’s job to make everyone who give a shit but couldn’t afford to lose work to live, literally nothing to lose and all the free time to march. I have hope that my parent’s dream of leaving me in a world where I a 6’8 huge black guy can leave the house each day and not have this fear in the back of my mind that I could be murdered by a cop by just going out to get groceries, will be a reality.

This episode is going to be sick.

EDIT: Thanks for the love and apparently starting The Tall Lives Matter movement? Lol didn’t expect two movements that affected me in my life time. It’s a living but yeah as you can see I somehow managed to stay alive. But the four I had a run in with the cops two where pleasant and two I honestly was afraid that this could be it.

The first one was in Bakersfield, CA you can guess what kind of town it was I was driving home from high school at the end of a rough day and a cop pulled me over and I did the basics of what I was taught wallet out already hands clearly on the steering wheel. Officer comes up to my window and taps/ knocks on it with his baton. I start to roll down the window and that’s when he used his hands to try to force down the window with his hands aggressively and at this point he hasn’t spoken a word yet. Which spooked me dudes. So I did the stupidest thing I could of done I popped off on him. I told him he was doing an unwarranted search and seizure. Then that’s when the cop said “excuse me?” And that’s when I went of gentlemanly explain how it’s an unwarranted search and seizure and I know this because I was in forensics team at my school (speech & debate) and had to turn down We The People (a competitive constitution study thing) and I know my rights and if he keeps going I will make sure I give him no possible outs to kill me with and I will have his badge number at the end of it and will be making some noise and cause a legal nightmare for him. (Which again very stupid of me to do but teenager having a rough day already.) Luckily he didn’t shoot my ass instead he just said “stay out of trouble” walked back to his car and drove off. The drive to my school and home was 1.5 miles, never told my parents about this to this day because they would flip out but because of the movement I’m going to tell em since it been years now and more stories like this need to come out.

The second time was in college in Monterey Bay I was dressed in all jogging get up shorts, shoes, and white shirt. Ran to Target near by to get into health. Made it and decided to buy some Yu Gi Oh cards for the walk home. So bought em put them in a target bag and kept the receipt so it was obvious I didn’t steal them the usual precautions. I walk outside the store and go to tie my shoes on the red ball thing. Clearly I’m not running away from the store or remotely look like I’m stealing anything. Two cops approach me and ask me what’s in the bag. I tell em it’s Yu Gi Oh cards and start geeking out about it, they interrupt me and ask me for a receipt, showed it. But despite all of that proceeded to interrogate me for 5 minutes as if they were fishing for something like asking if did drugs, was I selling drugs, and not letting up despite that fact I clearly was not doing anything wrong. Then after those long five minutes they told the classic “stay out of trouble and shoved past me.” This happened in a very liberal and progressive city.

I’m a 6’8 huge black dude that wears size 18 sneakers. I also am apparently super chill, not a dick, got like 3.5 GPA in high school. In undergrad got the same GPA while getting my film degree. The worst thing I ever done was two fix it tickets not because my registration was expired but because the stickers from the new ones arrived late and the good cops “had to ticket me”. All they saw was the big black guy part. I tell you right now Ethan is one percent right if I did what he did I’d probably be another George Floyd or Eric Garner and you saw up there I could’ve still been one for literally doing nothing like they were especially on the first one.

I don’t know if you all saw the new Dave Chappelle special but I got the chance to meet him years ago and got to tell him how he got me inspired to do filmmaking and art to express myself and how I thought he was not only one of the best comedians period but even a great modern philosopher and yesterday proved what I simp so hard for Dave. To quote the GOAT “You shouldn’t have to be Dave Chappelle to survive a police encounter.” And that’s one of the main reason we all out here marching and not letting people forget.

👍︎︎ 55 👤︎︎ u/MegaAwesomeNerd 📅︎︎ Jun 13 2020 🗫︎ replies

i’m so glad that this is a long one!

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/twistygoldring 📅︎︎ Jun 13 2020 🗫︎ replies

When I was a kid I did a sleep walk, went down stairs, opened the fridge and peed into a bowl of salad. Lol

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jun 13 2020 🗫︎ replies
welcome everybody we are back the h3 podcast we were not here last week because we are making an h3 video about all the protests going on so we are back and I am very happy to be back today's episode is sponsored by me undies stamps.com add teddy fresh calm got a couple of reefs stocks in including this shirt and several others William Osmond was meant to be a last week he's going to be next week and Oliver tree is going to be on July 17th so with that being said ela you are co vid free I know that because I went to with you to get tested we are all Nova 219 free yeah we all got tested and it was really easy to do which I was so surprised and we got the results the next day was it the next day yeah Wow la is doing a really good job it's crazy so Dodger Stadium which is in like the heart of Los Angeles has this massive parking lot and because of the sports are shut down currently they turned it into this massive massive testing mm-hm site where you drive through with your car and I was afraid I was gonna get the straw the the scooper the brain scoop there's a swab they swab out a piece of your brain mm-hmm but actually they they leveled up and all they do is give you a little swab you like walk off and slam in your mouth and you just swab parts of your mouth and that's it yeah it's awesome I uh recommend everyone to go get it done if they can I think it's awesome though it's available finally I think in LA I don't know if it's true of the rest of the world or the rest of the country in LA for sure you can get that test done and everybody I know got it done so it was awesome so I am I got nervous though when I saw that email they're like Ethan your kovat test is end yeah it's like that STD test when you're in college like oh baby here we go yeah I mean you know everybody gets STD tests right you ever got one I don't even know you might have I'm sure okay [Laughter] Wow you uh we gotta get you tested no I think I would have noticed by now probably so let's talk about the protests I have a lot to say about this yeah and I'm glad I gave it some time to breathe I made a video on h3 our main channel a straight reproductions talking about my experience with the police which some of you probably saw and my my anecdote was simply that I have been stopped by the police to what Ivan had to counters with the police in my life and both times ended without any incident at all and just totally letting me off one of the times I had weed and a bong in my truck and I drove off the freeway because I was nervous and I didn't want to pull over on the side of the freeway because I didn't know what to do I was a early driver and it was so shady you know and I'm and I'm thinking back on those times and I'm like man if I was black those probably would have turned out differently and not only that if I would have gone to jail my whole life would have been [ __ ] up or if you just Dan or if I was killed yeah which is obviously even worse which happened which is what happened to George Floyd yeah and this whole black lives matter movement I'm glad to see that it's actually gaining ground now because previously it was oh it was even a controversial statement to say black lives matter it was like goes like write a call yeah was radical for some reason right but I I think though the experience that someone like me and most and us here in this office have like coming from like white suburbs it's hard to even honestly fully empathize with with what the experience of being black in America you know but I think it's starting to come into view for people just like it's the whole system right from policing police brutality and the criminal justice system where States states have contracts from private prisons and the states have to guarantee to keep the prisons full it's mental I don't know if you guys have seen the Netflix documentary 13th about the Thirteenth Amendment when slavery was abolished the 13th amendment they added one exception for prisoners all men are free except prisoners can be slaves and ever since that amendment was passed they've been people black people have been incarcerated mm-hmm right and painted as criminals and it's really extraordinary documentary this is a show it upsetting to watch yeah they make it very clear how people have used this they've used all this different terminology to basically still say underlying messages of racism like we're gonna fight this criminals and then they stay criminal is black people for nothing they they're not criminals you know they'll portray them as criminals and put them in prison and then would seem scary and and then also the whole war on drugs the underlying tone was black people yeah going after black people right and Mexican as I guess to yeah minorities you know yeah but it showed like after the Civil War ended in the 13th amendment was passed it was really interesting because they showed how there was immediately propaganda to paint African Americans as violent criminals has like rapists that will go after white women which is ironic they point out because it was actually the the white slave owners who were raping and victimizing black man since you know for 250 years and afterwards I think about this you know you have to understand that it hasn't been that long you know like this country people there was about 250 years of slave Trading bringing Africans on a boat over two of the Americas to be slaves and then after the Civil War there was like another hundred years of of actual legal discrimination Jim Jim Crow laws which is like you can't drink from the same fountain you get used the same hotels you can't use the same bathrooms this kind of [ __ ] my dad was born in 1950 those laws were still in the books in 1950 that's crazy yeah it wasn't that long ago so when you think about systemic racism and you go like well sure there's nothing on the penal code that is racist but think about this 250 years of slavery a hundred years of Jim Crow laws which is actual legal discrimination and then that's the stuff ended in like 1960 the 1960s was when the civil rights movement was so that was like 60 years ago now so you have 350 years of oppression and 60 years and you and people expect black people who have accumulated the same amount of wealth and then another part so this is this is another part of systemic racism that I think kind of shows the problem here a large part of public schools are funded in large part by property taxes so you live in a middle class upper middle class or rich suburb the class the school is gonna be much better funded because the property value is much higher if you go to a poor neighborhood they're getting way less funding simply by the way that property tax works it so to that end you have more poverty you have worst schools that alone is proven to increase crime lower education so you have in a way this systemic racism because you have this people that were brought here were enslaved and discriminated against for hundreds of years and now people expect them to just they're at an incredible disadvantage there's just no way about it and then the system of oppression about like you know the privatizing our jails and then states guarantee to keep these jails full and so they make laws like three-strikes-you're-out and the war on drugs and what was the one and so they're keeping the prisons full and they're there they're painting black people as criminals and thugs and drug users and they're filling the prisons up with black prisoners the stats on black prisoners is is a astounding it's astounding 25 percent of all prisoners in the world are in America yeah at this time is insane and then what what's the percentage of prisoners are black it's damn it can you look that up I think it's like 40 percent even though yeah I think it's 40 even though it's looking so black Americans make up 12% of the population and forty percent of the prison population and by the way they statistically use drugs as much as white people but they get arrested for it like six times more often so that just looked it up it's a thirty seven thirty seven percent that's way off I mean they commit crime at the same rate as by white people but the whole justice system is just so corrupt I've been saying that for a long time I mean we need to empty these [ __ ] jails this is a travesty this is a absolute human travesty that we have so many millions of people in our prison system right now for nonviolent offenses and then not to mention what conditions they're in when they're in prison and not to mention what happens when they get out I always think about that moment when they get out they have nothing to have to readjust to whatever happened with society like everything's different they have no career and it starts from zero and it's actually worse than that because when you're a felon or even if you have a criminal history it's stacked against you because it's harder to get a job you have to disclose that you have a criminal record and you can vote and felons can't even vote and the thing is like you people think of prison has like rehabilitation centers it's not the way I mean that's true in other countries I think you know technically speaking you think of prison it should be for rehabilitating but actually our prison system is so brutal so overpopulated so so inhuman it's not a rehabilitation center it's just a slavery right and actually they used this human resource that they have there to work they do slave labor and a lot of companies depend on this slave labor they get paid like eight cents an hour or something you know what I mean and then they charge them like two dollars a minute for phone calls so anyway to go back to the whole reason reason that we're here having these protests is that black people keep getting killed by by police the stat is that black people on black people get killed by the police 2.5 times more than white people mm-hmm the truth is the stats are fuzzy because police this is shocked police aren't even required to report it there's only there's only been an aggregate by a third party journalists who started putting this together because they were trying to figure out okay well are black people being killed more than white people about police and there's no national database nobody requires the police to report it to a national database when they kill people I then they're aggregating gun deaths right well when you shoot people George Floyd wasn't killed by a gun neither was Eric Gardner they're both choked out I think those are the two biggest problems facing our country right now as priests police brutality and our whole criminal justice system is just so any human it's inhuman I don't know I feel like this this is a real wakening awakening moment for everyone I agree I feel myself that I was not aware of so much yeah that is going on and deep problems and where they come from that it really it's crazy I just it's so heavy and um sad and I feel like people will make a change now I think I hope so because you know the truth is that it's been often said that nobody's free till everybody's free mm-hmm and you know of course they say the original sin of America is that that slavery that our founding fathers would write that all men are created equal Wow Wow having slaves is like the ultimate irony and then it brings me to this other point of like the Confederate flag like people in the south and people people are flying the Confederate flag and trying to write it off like it's just history dude the Confederates were a bunch of [ __ ] traitors they were anti-american I love how these people are proud Americans flying the Confederate flag there's nothing more unamerican than the Confederate flag these are a bunch of [ __ ] traitors that wanted to ruin America they waged war on America I'm still learning about that and I don't understand how is it even something that is allowed like that companies have to ban it why is it even an issue isn't it obvious that it should be banned from everything there's been like a incredible effort to rewrite history it's funny when the war during the Civil War the north and the south [ __ ] hated each other like hey you think our country's divided now I mean well clearly they were dying by the by the hundreds of thousands but if you try to fly Confederate in America after the Civil War you were to [ __ ] they would have burned that [ __ ] down because they knew that that was the flag of traitors and white supremacy right and so during the 1950's during like the height of the KKK and white supremacy and Jim Crow they started rewriting the history of the Confederacy like it was about states rights and it was about our great heritage and they that's when they started putting up all these Confederate statutes because America would never tolerate Confederate statues back when the wounds of that war was was fresh they waited for all the veterans of the Civil War to die and for people to forget what that war actually was about to the point where you could actually create this propaganda of course many people know the truth but you convince enough people that it's about states rights and our beautiful heritage then they start putting up statues to Confederate heroes in the south where a bunch of black Americans live and of course what do you think of black American things when we fly Confederate flag that's not that's the flag of white supremacy that's not a flag for you it's your heritage you're an American if you're if you are identifying with the Confederacy then you're identifying with [ __ ] traitors that wanted the waged war on America that's just that's just I mean you could you could feign ignorance but I don't know you can't fly a Nazi flag and just feign ignorance I mean the Confederacy was a country founded on white supremacy and slavery they're awful people you know just straight up how is he not nationally banned well America you could fly in a Nazi flag too you know it's a freedom - a freedom of expression so we believe in here but I love when people say Abraham Lincoln was a Republican the same people who go Abraham Lincoln was a Republican how can Republicans be racist are the same people that are flying Confederate flags you understand that Abraham Lincoln fought and died fighting the Confederacy to free slaves you can't have it both ways it's crazy it's just so stupid so on the Confederate statue thing those things absolutely should be taken down those guys are traitors bro and white supremacist always tought if there is some historic if it's worth to you something historic put it in a museum sure you know don't put in this and it's not a it yeah yeah I mean look if you want like sure there's a lot of great Americans from the south but if if they're known for being Confederate General or someone who championed the Confederacy that's that's not a good reason to honor them those are traitors and losers and white supremacist that's just the fact anyway I keep seeing [ __ ] coming you know I have to admit to like you you it's occurred to me recently where it's like you think back during slavery and you like to think I would have been on the side of ablution abolition and you think back during the Civil Rights and you're like I would have definitely marched with Martin Luther King everybody even the Republicans I saw Glenn back on oh I respect Martin Luther King more than any of these liberals and then the ironic part is like if you realize it we are in right now a second civil rights movement for this very same people with our prison system and with our policing system so so you we are in that time and this is that time it's that bad mm-hmm you know african-americans were putting in their art and their literature and they were saying over and over in every single way that could possibly say it and people people didn't listen they didn't really understand so there's some there's some points here like whenever I see people saying all live matter all lives matter this is a horrible thing to say and I'll tell you why well I painted an analogy in our video on h3h3 productions that's like saying if you if you call if your house is if there's a house on fire and there's 20 houses you call the fire department the fire department comes and they start start squirting water in all 20 houses and you go why are you squirting water on all the houses this house is on fire and then the firefighter goes well all houses matter it's like yeah all houses matter but this one's on fire you know when you say all lives matter you're basically saying yeah you know we all got problems right you're basically saying hey your problems ain't your problems ain't nothing more than anyone's that's not true far from true yeah but also you could have problems and they can have problems your what you're doing is completely dismissing anything they're trying to say right it's fine you have problems but they have bigger problems they have different you wait you got problems they got problems let's talk about both problems what's your problem well if they had if they can have their basic rights as human beings they have bigger problems you know what I mean this is it needs to be addressed your regular problems they have that - yeah you know but they have more problems on top of that I totally agree with you I'm just I'm trying to frame it in a way where it's like if you think as a white person you have issues we can talk about those but we can also talk about the black Oh like why do you refuse to set yourself aside for a minute right and understand that you're not the center of everything and that someone else is actually having it worse than you I think I think these people are like well I got a shitty job and I'm broke and everyone i knows bro and they are - yeah and on top of that they have to be afraid of walking in the street and getting shot by a police guy for no reason mm-hmm and dying you know it's like yeah we all got problems but you're you can drive you can call the freeway and yeah you can call the police black people feel like a lot of black people feel like they can't call the police I bet you they have to think about it twice you know before they do what is it worth it there's so many of you I was watching this video shot block shop owner calls the police to report a robbery and then they show up and beat the [ __ ] out of the shop owner and arrest him that's why black people don't call the police yeah it was even worse than that right they walk past the dude oh that actually was yeah and he was like on his way out and they like rush past him so all lives matter is honestly I would say at best it's a extremely ignorant rude and dismissive and that worse is just straight-up racist mm-hmm so that's what people that's what it really means all lives matter it's just ignorant don't come at me and tell me say all lives matter that has nothing to do with what they're saying anyway yeah okay all lives matter that's that has nothing to do with that they're saying they're not saying all lives don't matter they're saying we as buyers laughs problems that we need to talk about they're saying they would like to get to the point that we're all lives matter but we're not there it's just like it's just it's such a it's just so really it's just a awful argument and then you have people like Candace Owen for example who are taking the angle of trying to assassinate the character of George Floyd and this happens very much is the worst this really is in my opinion the absolute pits absolute yes of just toxicity you're talking about a person who died and has a a mourning family right now yeah you want to go on about his character now what does it matter it doesn't so Candice Owen is a right she's she's a black female she's very articulate but she's like a very conservative I don't even know how to describe her but she made a video on Facebook Harel show a little bit of it that went like mega viral on Facebook and all over the place she's known for for making these kinds of statements so it doesn't come as a surprise to anyone obviously but this to me is the absolute most terrible inhuman argument to make I'll just play the beginning part for you hello Facebook family I have decided to do this video it has been weighing very heavily on my heart and on my mind as well and it was something that I wanted to say early on but there were so many emotions and so much pressure for me to go with the popular opinion about who George Floyd was and sometimes it can be difficult when there were just so many external pressures to say what you believe and this was an instance where I felt like my silence would have been better in the beginning but the more that I think about it I realized that we are being sold a lot of Lies and at the detriment to the black community at the detriment to the white community and at the detriment to America as a whole so I want to come out and say that I do not support George Floyd and the media depiction of him as a martyr for black America I'm going to explain why and I hope that some of you guys will understand where I'm coming from I have spent a considerable amount of so she goes on from here for 18 minutes to talk about everything she just a totally assassinators character that he went to prison for armed robbery 18 or 13 years ago what that he shouldn't be the hero of yeah he's not a martyr she says but here's the thing she says she goes on and on about all these terrible things he's done but here's the thing nobody is saying he's a great his character is not in question you're not mad his care it could have been you know it could have been uh it could have been anyone it doesn't matter who it was the fact of the matter is that a cop kneeled on his neck for nine minutes straight until he literally died right there on the street in front of people he wasn't resisting he wasn't doing anything to warrant that he did barely even committed a crime and it doesn't nobody's making him a martyr that's best again that's like a straw man argument same as same as the whole lives matter nobody's making that argument so instead of actually dressing the issue of police brutality she's destroying his character assassinating his character to change the argument into oh don't make him a martyr he was a bad guy the police didn't know anything about him when they killed him actually that's not true the guy the cop who murdered him worked with him the guy who kneeled on his neck for nine minutes worked with him at a nightclub and they apparent reportedly they had beef because the cop was using excessive force on people and George Floyd did not like him and was often telling him to ease up on people so this cop knew George Floyd has history with him and then he comes kills him when he's on duty so he might change to first degree first-degree murder if you ask me and by the way this cop that killed George Floyd has a long history of violent abuse and reports and yada yada yada yada yada and guess what this guy's just he's just out there terrorizing the community and he stays on the force it reminds me a lot of how the church just shuffled around pedophiles this is same [ __ ] bad-apple they go which is a couple of bad apples so we'll just shuffle them around okay bad apples don't usually kill people you know so anyway she goes on and actually Dave Chappelle put out this 30-minute speech with a couple of punchlines yeah that's a good way to put it it's on YouTube actually on the Netflix YouTube channel and he says he responds to Candace Owen by saying we didn't choose him the cops chose him and killed him so he's the guy mm-hmm it's got nothing to do with this character as just another deflection you know and then the other argument so people are saying let's defund the police I gotta say I'm for Minneapolis where this crime originally happened the the City Council voted to defund the police now what does it mean to defund the police what that means is to move the budget around the police budget is enormous for example here in Los Angeles the proposed budget out of a 10 billion general fund 3.1 billion is going to the LAPD Los Angeles one-year yeah that's the year it was proposed for next year of course now because of all of the not anymore right exactly so so people are asking and rightfully so why are we do we keep investing and heavily and policing we are militarizing the police we are arming our place to the teeth why are we putting money here and not putting money in communities and schools and social services and housing for the poor if you invest there then you don't need the police they're saying they're saying there's a better different way to do this and you and I have to agree with them yeah I have to agree also once you start to look into the origin of how the police started and how things have happened historically like watching the 13 documentary they showed that the Democrats kept losing to Republicans because they weren't pushing the agenda of like hard on crime hard on crime we got a basically you say hard on crime underlying tone of it is that you're gonna go after black people that's what it was and the Republicans kept pushing for that and they want and then when Bill Clinton wanted to win he had to do this whole policy of going really hard on police funding I'm not that well informed on what exactly it did but he yeah bill clinton actually he kind of made it way worse yeah bill clinton and you know who the architect of that bill was yeah Alec or or Hillary was it Hillary go ahead down you Joe Biden Oh Joe Biden Joe Budden recurrent solomon ii i will say that to bills credit he has come out since then and said that that was the greatest mistake of his presidency and it's hard to you know these guys are just playing this game right they're playing this political game and like they don't like imagine like they're playing the oh i want to be President and then they're and then they don't think about or maybe they do maybe there's just that cynical and evil but they're I think they're just playing their house of cards right but Bill Clinton invented this term of super predator and that these people are just evil and they need to go to jail and I believe it was it Bill Clinton that invented the three strikes you're out well you didn't invent it but but you're right that the three strikes is for any crime no matter how small on the third one you get locked up for a long time or life I don't remember but extremely punitive anyway that I think the reason I brought it up is because they show in that documentary how how much the police was really a way of going after black people after slavery was ended because they still couldn't just be okay with black people being free and so they wanted to go after them for crime and for being criminals right and they weren't but so the police is consistently being heavily funded in those ways to go for those reasons after black people for being I don't know it's just it's just been like racist in the beginning and now this is the result so it was like they were saying that the police establishment is deeply wiped supremacist from the onset like in the south their economy was heavily reliant on slavery and so when slavery was abolished they took a major hit economically and then as a way to to kind of trying to bring back the black people into the fold of slave labor they were arresting them for like minor crimes and they're making laws to target them and so that they could just keep them a perpetual state of being prisoners so they could use them as slave labor but the question of D from the police is why do we continue to increase it goes back to that great adage right it's like an ounce of an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of go ahead and correct me quickly I don't know I don't know we're on so prevention is better than a pound of fixing it I feel like George Bush right now get fooled up fool me twice I can't filming again don't get fooled again but past the 30-minute mark just to give you a heads up it's an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure there you go who said that Zachary very wise I just googled who said that I bet you as a slave owner Benjamin Franklin I'm not saying just think it was a founding father tributed oh it's unattributed okay but that's that that that in principle is what this is right it's like we keep we keep attacking the symptom which is like let's say crime and poverty and what really you just want to get people in jail so we're investing in the police please but we're not addressing the actual cause which is that we have poor people poor neighborhoods bad schooling bad social services no support for the mentally ill shitty schools shitty housing options for the homeless it's like instead of supporting and it's just not humane we have to support our community but instead we're investing in the police that are punishing them so instead of uplifting them the same money that could up with them is going to money to punish and police them it's crazy I'm not saying get rid of the police entirely you keep a force that's dedicated to violent crimes shootings Violent Crimes etc etc that's where the police should be what they should be doing but if you get a call about someone who's doing drugs or making lots of noise or a non-violent offense or yadda-yadda-yadda you don't need armed police storm troopers showing up ready with their finger on the trigger that's how George Floyd and Eric garner were killed dudes who are doing nothing and so that that in principle is is what defund the police means and I actually fully support it I think it's so important that we change the system John Oliver episode also pointed out how there's just too much that is being put under the police umbrella like they're they just have to take care of everything everything everyone yeah they're not even equipped for it I don't even know how yeah he showed up he showed a speech from a police chief I forget what city and who said it but he's like look frankly you guys the police are doing way too much mm-hmm they're just doing way too much we you you instead of having the police do it have people who are better trained for that their specific task you can't expect a police offer who's trained to deal with violence they're violent they deal with violence and they take on risks and they're trained for that so it's only it's almost hard for example to even like it's better for them to just put them in this places where they're trained to be because when they're all on edge and they're trained to use their weapon and they're thinking like that when they show up to something that doesn't really require that level of force of course they're gonna go there more often I mean it's just like any other field in the world or any in a business you you have specialized people doing specialized things definitely you just need to separate and have people specialize in specific things yes their duty I mean the cops just wear too many hats they're required to do too many things and they're really not good at all those things and and and the police training by nature is um they're not trained to do those things they're trained to be police this is by the way the budget for LA of the discretionary ten billion that the mayor has this is how much he's putting into LAPD versus housing a community transportation recs and parks Cultural Affairs emergency management that just to give you an idea I mean that's [ __ ] outrageous you know and then imagine a black person you work you pay taxes and all and like this huge vast majority of the taxes you're paying is going to a people that you don't even feel comfortable calling you're that you're afraid of you know so that's that's what defund the police means let's throw it to a quick break and we will 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you get really deep in the hole of weird counter-arguments you've got queueing on who try to untangle this one yo oh yeah this is my [ __ ] right here so we've got what we've got like six seven eight ten question marks four circles 20 arrows now here is their theory and you can draw your conclusion from this why do we see lines on the dark pavement but do not on the light pavement Oh so here's a line like the answer lies within the question why do we see lines in the dark but not on the light because it's easier to see on the dark but here but you look you would think that why don't you see a line here there's a line it actually looks like the line is like I kind of did see there right here right wait no which one are you talking about so this is apparently the same here's the line which line these lines this line yeah well in this picture it's too close yeah it's too close I think your line is right here yeah so I don't know why circling right here is no they're talking about that line that is next to his head I think this line is next to his head yeah the seven that I do see it versus you can't see his head in this one where did the line go that's the point ela go ahead unpack it for me you see the line there you go Wow is this a joke disoriented Joe dan says it's real Oh unfortunately it is very real is this the same Street the police car move why are the lines different why are the lines different why are the lies that robbed their friend that's what you think but how do you know where did the lines go you look big Eric go hold on no white line on the black pavement visible white line where is the white line now I love that they make all this hysteria over the white line but I still don't understand what's the implication or even the point of this conspiracy you know what I mean like okay we have it on video what does it mean what does the white line there's something else going on here I'm how fake do you understand okay to fake this video you would need there was like a ton of people gather around so you need a bunch of actors you need a closed set you need to close off the stress of that registry ins walking by weren't able to capture this fake event you would need the police to not the but but how did you so then the police are on it because he obviously murdered George Floyd so you need these police to take the fall and not say it's fake it's it's like oh I think I I could be wrong but I think that he in in in cue and on world he didn't actually die they faked his death he's still alive but what he but the guy kneeled on his neck for nine minutes yeah but he was you know as a stunt it's like a movie so everybody is in on it everybody's in on it wow that is that is an impressive conspiracy I mean these people have no problem stretching their imagine remember that Alex Jones thought that Sandy Hook was an entire like faked event with tons of actors that yeah I mean it's not unprecedented right well that one practice at this Sandy Hook would be way harder to coordinate than this this is small potatoes compared to that right exactly exactly imagine faking the death of like dozens of kids so anyway that's my whole spiel you know look I I'm trying to avoid politics in general but I do personally feel like this is very important this is a defining issue of our time and I don't want to I feel like it'd be a little bit cowardly of me to just not speak up on something like this because I know it's going to upset people I feel like in this case this is different and this is a time that there's a real movement right now that I think is really important to keep keep it going until there's real change because it just can't happen again it's just not there can't be another George Floyd it cannot happen again it happens like every week unfortunately that's unacceptable and I think that any especially as being not being black we have a responsibility to take part in this and do whatever we can and educate ourselves which is something I personally been trying to do try to educate ourselves and try to understand why are things the way our and where are the points where change can actually happen mm-hmm like they're saying with voting I don't know beyond just the presidential candidate like all day the more local election yeah local elections hmm voting for your da that's a big one that most people ignored well the Minneapolis City Council are the ones who are able to abolish the police mm-hmm defund the police rather so I feel like this isn't really a political issue it's like a human's right yes it's you I don't know how it became political I really don't really it's just some people refused to accept me not that alcove it became a political issue here I don't know how yeah that I think ovid becoming a political issue is truly mind-bending to me at speaking of and and again I have to I don't like talking about Trump here because people get upset but I have to bring this one up because Trump tweeted about the 70 year old guy we all saw the video of the 75 year old guy who got pushed over by the police cracked his head open on the sidewalk that was bleeding out of his ears we all saw that video and had like a trillion gazillion views and we all saw it and were like wow this is [ __ ] crazy Donald Trump tweets out everybody hold on to that G or seat Buffalo protester shoved by police could be an Tifa provocateur 75 year old martin Gugino was pushed away after appearing to scan police communications in order to black out the equipment so this guy the 75 year old man over this video we all saw was attempting to black out all their communications by I don't know he had his phone in his hand and then they say I watched he felt harder than pushed was aiming scanner could be a setup he felt harder than he pushed this is a 75 year old man that was able to catapult himself to the concrete and crack his dome and intentionally give himself permanent brain damage right oh this is the tweet that oh that there was a I was like wow this is peak insanity like this has got to be too far for like everybody right not for 200,000 people no I think a lot of people like Trump's tweets maybe ironically I don't know what or really that's real you think so yeah I think so would you like ironically well they're like dude look at this crazy ass tweet I might retweet it for that yeah maybe right like but I mean like I mean a lot of that is like peak insanity garbage right glad you agree team hmm game start what do you think about the that's that 75 year old really crossed the line he crossed the line well I don't I disagree with you sir I think that's just an awful thing to say you're a [ __ ] hypocrite hey don't talk about not God that guy did not deserve any of that out there you said keep sorry you were way over the line to speak about him like that guy's garbage hey come on have some respect for the man good luck Ethan cuz you're gonna [ __ ] all right she's worth thing get heated about his friend tweeted this out he goes kind of surreal when the president starts accusing your 75 year old friend of being an agent of an tyfa my friends george Gugino is an old man with cancer was now in the hospital with brain damage after being pushed to the ground by police officer he was trying to talk to there you have um George Oh Martin Martin's Eugene or joy George came from did I say George that's what Zach he said George Oh Yugi no Martin Gigi no that video was kind of traumatizing I can't watch it I watched it already so many times because it was over the news and everything and I can't but it's like so that was like one of the most horrible things I've seen and then Trump yeah why would you say I'd you notice the consequence though because you have all these crazy queueing on people and all these wild conspiracy actors who are now gonna pick that up and target this poor guy and his family it's just crazy oh and then the NYPD makes a statement because they're upset about all the [ __ ] they're getting from protesters and this this here's a little excerpt from their their meeting new york police boss mike O'Meara went off on the media today by someone in Minneapolis it's still got a shine on it by the way they killed Eric garner and so nothing like it so do this stop treating us like animals and thugs and start treating us with some respect isn't that what black people say you treat them like forever how could you take it for a week and you're out there crying like a little [ __ ] how can you be son not self-aware because the police state they don't get [ __ ] they don't take [ __ ] they give [ __ ] let's end this little [ __ ] baby he thinks he's in a movie or same thing so do this we still got shine on our badge damn it the talks like that we ain't never killed nobody here in New York City this guy's like a caricature I know and start treating us with some respec how about you take shift for one week not fall apart like a little baby mud birds still got shine on it okay Scorsese that's what we're here today to say we've been left out of the conversation we've been good maybe it's not your time to talk maybe sure time to listen right hmm maybe you get to talk you've been talking for decades maybe just shut the [ __ ] up and actually listen to what people are saying I mean it's kinda just proves the whole point of the movement it's like falling on deaf ears hostile ears disgusting it's disgusting trying to make us embarrassed about profession 375 million interactions so with the George Floyd video yeah you would you have you know that well no he says oh that happened in Minneapolis my badge still got shine on it but obviously he and I cannot build me oh yeah of course positive nobody talks about all the police officers that were killed in the last week in the United States of America and there were a number of them yeah well police officers haven't have an expectation that it's a dangerous job that they signed up for it's tragic whenever an officer loses its life but black people don't are not expecting to be murdered by the police like that's that's not something that's expected to happen I mean it's it's a it's a very bad comparison to say well police are murdered in the line of duty which is a dangerous job that we all signed up for and it's expected to happen in the course of our duty you know to some of us tragic as it may be that's what makes you a hero right you want to be a hero you want to be a hero he wants to be treated like a hero but George Floyd was murdered yes this is why we're all here talking it's got nothing to do with cops there's nothing to lie do with any of that but sometimes no one is saying that every single one of these people in this group are evil you know what I mean I feel like it's such a a lot of people are saying that there is a there's a big movement right now I see it everywhere it's all cops are bastards ACAB so there are a lot of people saying all cops are bastards and I think what they mean is that look at how weapon and George would you have one guy killing a dude and three guys sitting there protecting him right so it's the whole it's the fraternity it's the cult eNOS it's the whole system it's the whole thing or the police apparatus is a problem yeah and I mean this kind of proves their point I got defensive these I'm also adding a solidary like it the guy to 75 year old when the cop was punished then they all so decided to resign whatever that means there was really a resign two cops got arrested for shoving that 75 year old man over and all of the other cops like 60 something of them resigned in protest in support of the two cops yeah did they get arrested yeah they got charged for assault oh okay I hadn't heard that yeah they'd the two officers got charged for assault well and then the officers one point that I do know is that they didn't actually resign from being police writers they just resigned from the task force oh yeah they still get they're still getting paid by the way there's no what I saw that I was like it'd be nice to have a job where I can just resign from [ __ ] that I don't feel like doing anymore right Ethan I resign from doing the highlights actually I like channel I'm just like damn I gotta hire someone else down yeah well you still have to pay me for everything else by the way I noticed how all the more wearing masks but just this one guy's like I'm not gonna [ __ ] wear masks he had a [ __ ] I'm not normal maybe he was also speaking or something I don't know yeah that's probably true we don't get though Minneapolis we roundly reject what he did and roll your Police Department does the same things what the [ __ ] disgusting it's disgusting it's not what we do Salwa police officers do well on the plate I just lay there's a big reading off the press is vilifying us well you know what guys I'll probably be a cop and I'm gonna continue to be proud to be okay you know what guys we rule this is this isn't about you personally like he's taking it personal like you said how about just listen yeah and they're all there in solidarity like totally missing the point why you guys being so brutal yeah I know and then of course people are protesting police brutality and the police respond with police brutality yeah beautiful thank you for proving everything they the police have been doing has totally been proving their point over and over and over again NASCAR bans the Confederate flag which i think is a huge move people should not be flying the Confederate [ __ ] flag people are not happy by the way the Komets are gold this is this is ridiculous you can't erase history argument is what wait what history are they erasing yeah put it in a book it is in a book so what do you want I'm sorry I hate you more and more I will support local tracks more than I will support NASCAR I hate you you have become political all of a sudden you will lose more fans just like the NFL did now just put this in perspective these are the kind same kind of messages people were getting schools we're getting restaurants public places we're getting when they allowed black people to come share the same space as white people it's the same [ __ ] messages and everybody likes to think back then and be like oh I wouldn't support that it's people were sending the same messages okay it's the same [ __ ] different [ __ ] day let's see pretty soon we will all have radios in the car playing rap music okay interesting oh here we go all its ever meant is heritage my Southern roots run deep I'm proud of that and I always will be you shouldn't be your son bro these are guys these are traitors to America I mean that's like a German by the way and the Confederacy was short-lived it's not like deep Southern roots the Confederacy they existed for like five years and they were defeated and abolished the Confederacy has nothing to do with Southern roots yeah the flag isn't even that wasn't even the flag of the Confederacy is literally the flag of one of the armies like it's explicitly just the flag of people that actively fought America look at this why must we always have to give in destroy our history's uncivil and embarrassing I mean it's literally the same person from a person in Germany being like hey dude I'm gonna fly I swear to god this I'm not being hyperbolic it's a German person flying a Nazi five million a dog is my history it's not it's got nothing to do with Nazism it's just my history bro my deep my deep Nazi history there is some of that sentiment and because many but it's a the Confederacy only existed for five years it's got nothing to do with southern identity nothing the Confederacy was about white supremacy and slavery it's crazy and it shouldn't be flown [ __ ] them [ __ ] the Confederacy [ __ ] the Confederate [ __ ] traitor asked losers so that's great I mean NASCAR is pretty much middle America so you know there's lots of pushback but changes inevitable and people will get over it and then in 20 years all their kids will be like that was [ __ ] up you know what I mean like us looking back on Jim Crow and segregation and we were like that was so [ __ ] up mm-hmm that'll be 20 years to this website's awesome this website is called one angry gamer you could say that again this is one angry gamer traders of America I love that he's a gamer and he's just angry he's got a list of traitors to America which is very comprehensive adidas for example let's see what they did it's a very comprehensive website so adidas tweeted up one three together is how we move forward together is how we make change so this was their traitorous tweet so I just think looks like it was just supporting something Nike tweeted yeah it was a Nike must be really in the [ __ ] you know let's see I'll be part of the same changed Nike says it's a black lives matter thing I think so so they's are traitors to America Amazon's a double traitor Oh sounds bad Amazon donates ten million dollars to organizations supporting justice equity traders Adult Swim traitors we stand with our black colleagues black lives matter so standing your way to black colleagues is the traitor tumor a traitor to white America which is what it means which is what the Confederacy was all about so these are all companies that are traitors and if you're not on this list you should be you should be wondering why you're not on this list basically you should be on this list you should be worried let's eat celebrities Andrew yang god bless you glad to see what did he do traitor I like how it just takes one Italy so reference I mean this is a really good he's very thorough website yeah black lives matter mayor grief lead us traitor you [ __ ] traitor uh let's see here there's so many just like Andy Miller what did he do that traitor deal wait wait Anita sarkeesian destroyed the entire gaming industry do you see that I'll click that Andy said after having a tweet that blew up worldwide and seeing the trash and honest racists in the comments made me a little jaded I'll do a charity Twitter stream for Minnesota freedom fund because I think it's the right thing to do and more effective than a Twitter post with my feelings you traitor you traitor to white America yeah the entire game there are no video games and wait you guys realize but there just there is in video games over I love that people get their own titles to awesome this website's really cool right now we are seeing so many folks generously give however much they can to help the people and organizations doing more important work today I gave to two very different NACA yada-yada-yada who cares about your traitor how dare you Oh ariana grande war a micro skirt to a funeral I love how conservative is what did she wear by the way can you pull up whatever she wore to a funeral she just she she tweeted about black lives matter so obviously she's a traitor you know this website so fun and I love how it's just so well sourced Britney Spears the first one funeral we know but they have the proof they have the receipts of everybody every traitor it's one tweet it's awesome though like it's so easy to reference Chris Reagan is an insincere traitor Oh what what interesting oh I love Twitter oh one angry gamer has a has a Twitter account he said we've updated the list why is that insincere oh because he doesn't love Twitter okay critical mmm sorry well I'm glad to see critical on the list congratulations former world's best slap fight did you find the skirt yeah I said it was a wreath of Franklin's funeral hey that doesn't look that bad a micro skirt Bill Clinton has kept his köppen look isn't he did Bill such a horndog Billy Boy old Billy Boy but you know black people generally really like the Clintons isn't that true they really like Bill Clinton despite the fact that it was like hard on crime and it's a complicated history I mean yeah it was very complicated and even black people he's a southern didn't really realized what they were voting for and then we're voting I don't want to speak out of turn I don't understand the complexion of that I know I mean I'm just all of my research is basically watching the 13th documentary but it was very informative game grumps or traders h3h3 disgraced now is I it's just a disgrace does that worse is that worse or better than traitor well I think it's interesting because it's not instead of traitor it's instead of your occupation you see how everybody else it's like what they do I'm just oh I just disgraced that's my that's my occupation title huh interesting black lives matter this was when I became a traitor well I'm glad I'm on this list I think I took too long to get on it to be honest I think it was a problem that I only now I'm on this list so I'm glad to be on it I'm glad to be a traitor to America Justin Bieber congratulations ksi is a traitor beat the snot out of Logan Paul wait that sounds like a good thing well again that's his um that's just his title that's what he's known for he's a traitor though he's not a youtuber he's mainly known for beating up Logan Paul but you get the idea you can you can really dig in here it's it's fantastic it really is so shout out to one angry gamer which is true to name the Beatles mmm are you gonna call the Beatles traitors are not even Americans black lives matter The Beatles didn't have anything to do with this none of them are dead yeah are you gonna post are you are you gonna play him like that how dare you put up for 50 years I mean Jesus yeah come on dude show some respect spread the anger that somebody says when he's promoting his as social this is not love it love love love and then of course finally the celebrities wouldn't be much and without embarrassing themselves and making another collaborative video apologizing for white privilege now you have to you after the last time this happened with imagine you would think that people would be wiser cuz they all did that imagine thing by gal gadot and everybody got clowned on so hard and so they says you know what we should do let's all collab and make a video about our white privilege you know that imagine thing yeah yep from our perspective everybody clowned on them but I'm pretty sure in like norm a Facebook world that was a hit yeah really I mean like you said I mean why would they do something like that again if it was all negative reaction I thought see that yeah when you're not on Facebook you kind of man I know there's two types of people in the world people on Facebook and people not disdain age Twitter I'm on Twitter unfortunately Twitter is just a place that come feel bad I've been I've been feeling really bad since all this happened I had to part you've been on your phone like and every minute that I see you basically you know there's a lot going on you have to you're on your how could you even criticize always on your phone well if I am it's like work I'm talking to me to do an important [ __ ] what do you think I'm doing Twitter Twitter's part of my work changing the world baby every tweet every time I retweet police brutality I changed the world don't you understand the importance of my work I also donated $10,000 just so everybody doesn't clown on me we thank you you're right I should have said we I don't know why I said I well I was the what I was the one taking heat for making this were you trying to donation shame either yeah no I was trying to not give her any credit different that's a different activation but we donated thank you yes we did I do do that sometimes ela and I should say we instead of I it's just rude Ethan where are your manners parents my parents they obviously didn't teach me any quick aside are you wearing the necklace from Titanic yes okay that too is it actually like a replica of that yeah that's sick what's it called the heart of the ocean thanks no and how much was that was it 100 million no 75 was it expensive my necklace yeah expensive but not like real stones or any things no no not expensive like that okay so anyway here's the celebs are back we regret to inform you the subs are back at it again here we go now I every time I hear black people talking about they're in Kreuzberg again I look I'm a white dude so Who am I to to lecture them but they always say don't apologize for white for all this [ __ ] just [ __ ] donate and help you know we don't want your crocodile tears why is this black and white which is embarrassing it's just it's just so corny but here we go let's watch I take responsibility I take responsibility I'm what that's right Oh am I gonna get claim for this sad-ass music do we know I don't know what is I take responsibility org by the way to them they will website let's just dispute it if it claiming responsibility I take responsibility for being oh my god for every time it was easier than to call it out for what it was every not so funny joke every unfair stereotype every blatant injustice no matter how big or small every time I remain silent every time I explained away police brutality or turned a blind eye I take responsibility black people are being slaughtered in the streets killed in their own homes these are Lauder distance I thought people say like it's kind of salah dirt in the streets Rollo's and sisters our friends our family we are done watching them die we are no longer bystanders we will not be idle enough is enough I will no longer allow and unchecked a moment I will no longer allow racist hurtful words jokes stereotypes no matter how big or small the minute implication is that they've been doing that allowing racist jokes and stuff they understand take responsibility dot-org coming from and I think that at least they're trying to do something nice okay I feel that and why I think they're saying it like that because so they're speaking for all white phial didn't really understand what was happening they speak are all white people I take responsibilities for white people that come sign up and pledge to never let another racist joke slide listen I will not turn a blind eye going for a jog should not be a death sentence sleeping in your own home should not be a death sentence playing video games with your nephew should not be a death sentence shopping in a store should not be a death sentence business as usual should not be life threatening I stand against hate I stand against hate I stand against hate I stand against hate I will stand against you I do I will make my presence known and killer cops must be prosecuted they are murderers we can turn the tide it is time to take responsibility call out hate step up and take action so I heard I heard I saw some black people saying it's like the white Savior thing or it's like all the white people come in and then they save the day but it's like a black people's movement you should let them take the lead why is this so cringy can you unpack this I think it's a black and white the music and some of them try to talk like do dramatic acting yeah they're delivering a line like some of them talked like themselves and the people were okay but it's the ones I'm like people are me the streets Matthew McConaughey yes Aaron Paul in particular was auditioning chill but worse imagine by gal gadot or dis how do they Calvados is worse why's this one I mean their intentions is good obviously it's just a little corny the guy adult one was just a weird crazy that one was just bizarre that one was just me wrong feels a bit that it's a bit odd that they didn't say racism at any point then why didn't they just talked about hate talk about hate exactly that way it's like I guess those are somewhat interchangeable but is he in here by the way did he arrive he is yes actually Ian how are you my on yes hello I'm doing as good as I could Ian slept walked and kicked the wall or some [ __ ] what happened you uh yeah I have a sleepwalking problem and normally it's pretty pretty relaxed I wake up with pants on that I didn't fall asleep wearing or I like I'm hugging my bookshelf or something oh my god that's normal but it went to another level last night and I punched a hole in the wall and I fractured my foot Wow how's your hand it's all right I mean it's all bandaged up right now it's okay I luckily I didn't hit a stud in the wall so you slammed through the white the drywall that's pretty impressive yeah you know I had to flex on them a little bit did that wake you up just and then you're like what yeah yeah I was around that time usually I it's because I have these really vivid dreams and then I feel compelled to act them out and and especially if they are very intense or scary so do you remember what you are dreaming yeah I was dreaming that that the the ceiling was like slowly lowering and I was gonna die I was gonna like wish me like in Episode four of star wars when they're in the trash chute and so in my in my sleepwalking brain if I didn't try and get out of there I something would have been I would have been squashed so I punched a hole in the wall and did you wait do you know if you woke up after punching the wall or did the dream continue how does that work do you wake up when you all right yeah I didn't really realize what was happening at first but then I remember going to the window and looking out and thence I I expected to see the roof lowering and like the the sky disappearing and then once I realized wait nothing's happening I kind of had a realization that that I was fine and that's usually what happens is I'm aware that I'm doing these things but I'm not in my room I see a whole other place and then slowly it shifts to where I actually am Jesus yeah that sounds dangerous what if you jumped out the [ __ ] window yeah that's weird me because I currently live on a third floor and there's been two instances where I've gone to sleep with my balcony door closed and then woken up and it was wide open how often does this happen steel maybe what I mean times that I'm aware where I'm actually waking up and realizing that's happening maybe once or twice a month maybe oh but wood like how often it's like when you wake up and the doors are open so it's happening you're not even aware of it that's that's very rare that's happened maybe twice in life so that's more rare it's usually I'm very contained in my bedroom when this happens and then I snap out of it fairly quickly and your girlfriend was there right she was there last night yeah what was her reaction I mean she thought I was gonna like go [ __ ] The Shining god girl she was she was terrified understandably yeah so tell wait tell me what happened when you when you kind of snapped out of it what was the conversation like well she was trying to calm me down but then I think nor normally when I do this it's so kind of low-key in kind of goofy I actually did it two nights ago and she said she woke up and I was looking around the room kind of picking things up and she was like what are you doing and I was like don't you hear the animals don't you hear about the don't you hear they're animals in here she's like just come back to bed it's finally and I got I like got closed I like squatted down I was like animals are in here and she was like just go to sleep it's fine and then I did and we laughed about it this one was a lot more intense so in my mind as well because she was talking to me she was in my dream where I could feel her distress and I think that pushed me even more because I was like oh we're both gonna get washed by this thing I need to get us out of here hmm and yeah so I I went to Urgent Care this morning and they're connecting me with the sleep sleep specialist to finally kind of figure out what's going on I wonder what do you have to do because like what you have to strap yourself when you sleep I mean there do you know like Mike Birbiglia the comedian have you heard of him I don't know what he's a stand-up comic but anyways he had he had he has really bad sleepwalking to where he threw himself out of a second-story window at like a Hilton once he just smashed through the glass and woke up on the lawn and they had to take him to the hospital he he has to go to sleep in a sleeping bag and his wife zips him up and he puts on oven mitts holy [ __ ] I'm hoping that that's not the case with me oh [ __ ] well your girlfriend at least hey she got she got a trial by fire up here I mean she's ready for anything now right yeah I mean she was so supportive she was she was really incredible she's been you know helping me all this morning because I had to go the doctor and just just being incredible in every sense so she's been great good job there well well well I look forward to I look forward to pictures of you strapped in a suitcase with mom with men's yeah you need a sleeping sack it's like you do that with babies what if it's too hot can you get a sec that look what are you doing the summer we got to get a summer sack like a breathable mesh mesh sack amen we gotta get a mess oh you got to get a sack for every season no but I look forward to you getting treatment for that that sounds really scary so yeah yeah but you know it's a it could have been worse so I'm scared about you jumping out of window though I don't want that to happen well like I said well you know I'm moving in two weeks and I'm not gonna be up that you'll be on the ground floor yes so you can jump out the window that just wait two weeks yeah it'll be for the next two weeks you know it apparently is like a family thing my dad was a kid would uh I don't think it actually I don't know but it would happen to him - when he was a kid where he would wake up in a neighbor's shed like five oh that's [ __ ] crazy he would go walk around the neighborhood oh you know I had a friend in college who had something similar and I did not I didn't really understand what it was but I think it sounds like something similar to you and I remember one day he we were drinking and he woke up and started peeing on he was in college so he had roommates they were in a small room two beds and he started peeing on his roommates bed well the other dude was in it [ __ ] damn yeah I can use that now mark my territory and go oh I was sleepwalking okay what's about Wow well we wish you well thank you yeah it's all good my foot hurts but it's fine it's it's not too bad well it's good I mean in a way it's really a compliment to Sam that you were trying so desperately to save her life you punched him hole in the wall that's awesome I was trying so hard I I beat myself up I fought the wall and lost I fought the wall in the wall won yeah I also heard something about you in you were out cleaning up garbage after uh the writing is that right yeah I mean I don't want to cut myself on the back or anything I do that's a great thing you did how does that work is that organized or you just show up a start cleaning [ __ ] up no I just just Sam and I cruised over there cuz and no one really cared cuz it was just so chaotic over there you know right right near where I live that neighborhood was was hit pretty hard I think like the second night so we a lot of people are just showing up with stuff trash bags and window cleaners and there's some good people out there yeah that's right I wouldn't even think to do that it's just like good ass that's just like a good ass thing to do good job again that's a really nice thing to do thank you and everybody just drove out there I was like I'm gonna help clean up a lot of good people out there yeah that's really there's really good people in the world I wish I was one of them but you contributed you you did your thing speaking of good people we've got Jake Paul who was spotted among the looters in an Arizona mall of course he was I've got videos here let's see here he is spotted during a looting someone else's in stories there you can see they're outside a PF Changs mob then I guess they stole from the restaurant there so people are saying he did yeah yeah yeah they're doing or why I feel like he's inside the mall breaking [ __ ] and Jake is there cuz why not you know of course here he is standing next to someone firing fireworks at the mall let's see he was number one trending people were hating on him so bad they're trying to light them all on fire with fireworks okay and finally let's see here here he is calling the cops [ __ ] idiot I'm trying to get the whole perspective here before I make a judgment call [ __ ] idiot walked right here I walked right up to them these [ __ ] idiots teargas me I'm doing [ __ ] bro looking on pointing guns on me pointing guns at me right now swear to god no cat that's teargas bro [ __ ] you guys recipes George bored [ __ ] y'all okay so he was getting slammed and he actually got charred would he get charged for just trespassing I think criminal trespassing cuz he was in the mall and he released a video about it here we go I'm not reading that's too much text here's what he says about the vodka bottle which is apparently the thing exploding someone comes up to me while I'm filming just hands me something I didn't even know what it was at the time to later find out that someone handed me a bottle of vodka for what reason I don't know seconds later I set the bottle on the ground still not even know I would actually have to I have to say I totally believed that Jake Paul was not looting right I think in his mind he's there he's a vlogger he just wants to capture what's going on that I totally get and I I I'm sure that he wasn't out there looting the part about this story that I find hilarious is that in that Paula G video you just saw which I'll reopen he links a fundraiser brings things on the side which you'll see is was organized by this guy that [ __ ] Asian and I don't think we're allowed to say [ __ ] anymore is that right uh well it's his name you think his name is [ __ ] Asian I'm kidding it's raised $43,000 okay and he put this fundraiser here but what's funny is that Jake Paul didn't actually make that fundraiser here we go so this is the guy who made that fundraiser and here's his response to Jake Paul I want you guys to imagine something real quick okay imagine make a video about black lives matter and you put a fundraiser and it raises around 32,000 dollars within the first three days now imagine Jake Paul makes a video three days later and puts your fundraiser that's me the organizer and then you go to Jake Paul's Twitter and you see that he's taken all the crap so there's that this person says Jake has raised thirty two thousand dollars in 20 minutes and he says with y'all's help Lowell and then you've got people saying I love you so much for doing this I don't know how does Jake keep [ __ ] up it's like why would you use someone else's fundraiser and then take all the credit you know you didn't raise $30,000 in 20 minutes oh really just like not even stopping to think for a second like what that has to be the only explanation honestly but why did you link this guy's fundraiser to begin with I think probably here's the tweet with y'all's help he didn't raise any of that money dude uh it's awesome why would he do it who knows probably just carelessness easier lazy easy lazy add it up yeah exactly he doesn't have to do anything gotta say lately Logan is showing a lot of character and growth saying some good things on the other hand Jake is just like Jake is honestly just the family reject I think like and it wasn't even a fundraising video and you know he just put it on the side for good optics I think it is a certain point when is he gonna start to understand the consequences of the things he's doing this is a slowdown you know even if you're not looting yourself why are you hanging out again around people or looting showing it to your followers maybe think that it's not a good idea and actually he wasn't really filming he was just kind of just hanging out there you have it so dick Poe was it a lot of [ __ ] I have to say a hundred percent I don't think he was looting but I do find it hilarious the fundraiser scheme yeah it's just stupid man we've got a lot to talk about today how long we been going there's another phenomenon going on in our country regarding the corona virus people refusing to wear masks I've read a report that if people actually wore masks when the outside we could reduce the transmission of the virus to one which means one person on average infects one other person which would basically stop it from exponentially spreading completely but people again I don't know how this became a political issue but people are straight up refusing to wear masks and there's a Karen invasion if you guys probably know about the Karen invasion I mean this is a this up Karen strikes again cuz I got a whole Twitter account dedicated to this but I think this needs to be a presidential platform about what are we can do about all these Karen's here's a Karen outside a Gelson's shopping grocery store who is refusing to wear a mask and making it the world's problem wait the music yeah there's Michael Jackson in the background but we can't I can't hear the video yeah I mean there's no point if you're pulling out the audio I think it stops at this point stop it oh here go ahead lift it how's that helping when you're gonna do shopping for me I'm gonna give you my bank information how do i do how do I do the transaction go away Michael knows at the time policies which state that they will shop for me take mine my money that sounds great like a fantastic service I know it she's bitching because they won't let it so that's a private property still going on about how my rights are being violated [ __ ] it's girl sins but they're offering this job for you that's awesome love at IU cream there's more I work for Costco and I'm asking this member to put on a mask because that is our company policy so either wear the mask and I'm not doing exciting every classroom winner man that's the type of dude right there boy listen to him he goes because I woke up in a free country it's Costco its Costco there's a pandemic going on if you're down here it's their private business they can tell you they could keep you from coming in just because they don't like the way that you look actually I don't think that's discriminatory but they could definitely stop you from not wearing a mask you know you can't go in a store if you're going to store not wearing a shirt they can ask you to leave no shoes no shirt no service you know the slogan done oh you don't know that I guess it's a beach thing you can't Cruise in the stores they say if you come in without a shirt we will remove you mm-hmm so homie you're not gonna go could think that you have a constitutional right to cruise around Costco shirtless right you know yes so you're gonna take this car for me I have a cooler star I'll give you my card he's gonna take the card away - yeah you just got [ __ ] own get boiler paper in there - yeah the gold mine nope not today [ __ ] love it this one is uploaded by a channel put on a mask this one is uploaded by a channel called First Amendment defenders by the way when you wear a mask you are protecting other people when you go into a public space and don't wear a mask you are saying I don't give a [ __ ] about all you other people yes people are wearing masks to protect you that's how it works and you are not extending that same courtesy I cannot enter the store without a much longer Walmart if I if I have a medical condition that prevents me from wearing a mask like you what is all this like hypotheticals what medical condition prohibits someone from wearing a mask is that even a thing I don't think it is a thing actually because I keep seeing that coming up and people are saying that is not even a thing yeah what would what private I mean sick people where I'm actually if you do have a medical condition then you should wear the man you should be what you really shouldn't get coving yeah I can't think of a medical addition we're like sorry I need to make sure I don't breathe in viruses Mike medical condition wants me to breathe in deadly viruses medical condition that prevents tomorrow addition yeah don't a stupidity yeah what law does that refer to only just to rats the employees it's like dude I'm not I'd have nothing to do with this bro my job is to prevent idiots like you from entering the store I'm asking you what you're the one telling me that I'm not theirs there is just a ton of people in the world who are this dumb you need to learn the laws it's imagine my well I can't go in there then sup guy look at the scene of a medical condition I can't wear Matt what is that medical condition sir just you can't to be uncomfortable for I can't be uncomfortable my skin is sensitive okay so you're gonna spread Kove it to everybody in Walmart fantastic there you go you think you have the right to ask me that when you own a new I'm a right to ask me that I get I love this you don't have a right to ask me that but I have a right to go in your store without a mask do you think if I have a disability you have any right to talk to me about the California state law it's not I want to see this guy's reflection I wanna know if he looked like 70 minutes this you guys yeah these poor mothers and it keeps going I'll tell you what there's there's a lot of this stuff there settled upon male equivalent of Karen yeah I think they're called Chad Chad Chad surgeon I heard somebody I saw some yeah you're right Chad is the Alpha right well what can it be the same guy like Chad I feel like whining about a mask you know it doesn't seem like a very alpha move to me a Ralph Ralph I just googled it it's Kevin or a Todd Oh Kevin oh poor Todd that's your brother's name it's my dad's name oh yeah your dad's my dad's middle name is Kevin - does your dad wear a mask Zach yes he does he's a Todd Anna Kevin hey what was your brother's name I remember we were Jeff Jarrett produce enough names in your family I know I'm the only good one so this is a Karen so what is it Todd or Kevin Todd er I mean it's this reddit thread what do you think which one I like both of those yeah actually like God sighs I like apologies to your that your father on that so with this this is my favorite she's going full Karen over not wearing a mask so and also bringing black lives matter into it as well good guy at Karen take the mic come on sweater refresh the page where the world is yours truly all right so mid market basket and they tell me I need a mask but we're in a free country and I'm not wearing a mask because it's a private proper you dumb dumb idiot stupid broad you have no constitutional right to go inside a private property medical issues that I can't wear a mask I refuse to put a mask wine I'm in a free country I refused to put a mask on I'm a freak out you have a medical condition don't go there stay at home there is a no Mac there's no medical condition that prevents you from wearing a mask none if you're that sick you should be in a hospital I'm healthy make up your mind Garrard are you healthier do you have a medical condition just throwing everything at the wall man this woman is not used to being cold no not to wear a mask I have civil liberty rights she's making it some weird race issue like she's doing everything at the wall no goddamn mask I'm not the manager Americans need to speak up what do you think about it this is tyranny this is this is fascism wearing a master in a pant dammit this is outrageous this is white privilege when she's so outraged when requested aware a mass during a pandemic and she's the victim right she this is our this is the most outrageous ever encountered in her life as a white female this is the civil right this is our civil rights movement whose protection urge is sick and you feel comfortable wearing a mask you should we it's okay good job be careful for your freedom that's being taken away for you because you have it for your standing them it's okay to be uncomfortable for one hour why freedom it's really not the end of the world this is definitely the Karen apocalypse this is the ultimate Karen video black lives me Adam you have a black live Lunada protests all lives matter why'd you get all races about it just black lives very healthy I get the cult you gets like it's like a cult allottee but I'm standing here wait for the manager and I don't care hi guys because this is a real fight because they're taken away yes for a woman she actually thinks she's having like a civil liberties battle right now she's Rosa Parks of the Rev the new world but this is the disinformation that goes on like all so what does it mean I'm healthy you could have it and not know nobody she said it to people for two weeks she says it's just a common cold she said that that's what she thinks so she's smarter than everybody do you understand that if she got it it's just a common cold but she also has pre-existing conditions apparently so for someone like her it will not be just like a common cold she's like I'm lying about that obvious I'm lying about our amendment rights they have taken away a tremendous I don't wait in line to come into short and amass like this I'm healthy I want the manager want the store manager yeah yeah I'm really upset because I love that it's not your fault you're doing it you this young man has to do his job but I feel is about healthy I do not know why Karen you could disagree with me but you know what people died in nursing homes in my family because you could see them no funerals but they haven't a funeral for the black guy that's okay some people did die nice man but my ass like me I did too and all the people that I know that was parents these lives mattered but those are just a common flaw huh so her family members who died of Kovac didn't create a few no but George Floyd got a funeral hmm twisted world but why was George Floyd allowed to have a funeral but not her family members I'm serious Oh I mean why was her why was George Floyd allowed to have a public funeral and not her family members she raises a good point actually what's the point there weren't a lot of common Colvard still around George Floyd had covered I'm just sorry I'm trying to understand why is that a bad point I mean assuming she's not making it up which is highly likely if she had a family member that died in the midst of the lockdown from kovin that's a very there's a completely different set of circumstances and timeline okay let's cut this yeah cut that I just generally curious that's okay Maddy but my ass like me attitude and all the people that I know most parents fear we just don't I wasn't yeah it's okay we're gonna cut that yeah you can cut it yeah that [ __ ] hell it's hot as a mother we should just wrap it up after this no yes five and just that's it no Kim team names man so home [Music] [ __ ] you ready damn yeah okay I'm gonna proceed okay so that is the Karen apocalypse and then there's actually one other good one here the Orange County Council meeting which is phenomenal frankly a bunch of people stormed City Council and Orange County asks how disgusting how shameful to protest today they have in in the greater LA area in California a lot of places they say that if you're in public you have to wear a mask they've mandated it so these people are here to protest this outrageous outrageous violation breathing freely building your immune systems without masks how disgusting how shameful how criminal how corrupt this is a this is a hoax it's a fraud there's nobody dying in excess of any other year in the last few are you aware of that stop listening to absolute charlatan doctors like this dr. Chow who I wouldn't go your time is up thank you dr. Chow hammer on her hundred people showed up to [ __ ] out the board to speak out against masks where I have to breathe in co2 when God gave this body the ability to extract that from my body and now you want me to put it back in so that's crazy I never heard that so they say that by wearing a mask there rebreathing co2 and in violation of God of course somehow they don't think they're breathing fresh air because they're wearing a mask wow that's crazy I mean you can't that's just that doesn't make any sense I mean you can't live on co2 you will get lightheaded you would eventually pass out people wear these masks all day every day doctors wear them for 15 hours straight they're not passing out and dying you get your breathing the same air lady you're not you're not in there at home then no wear a mask you know this is all Facebook this is fate Facebook was responsible for this I swear to God Facebook didn't exist this would not be happening only on Facebook and people get together and agree that wearing mask results in you breathing an increased amount of co2 my body I have natural rights as a sovereign citizen of a thank you it's your timing so it's a rumor kneeling on the necks of the people all you are continuing making people wear masks to the police kneeling at George Floyd oh by the way and I love how there's no relation to the two incidents they're just hijacking yeah brutal losing a metaphor you know yeah I know but it'll work yeah I understand but they're using this unrelated police brutality yeah yeah to try to make their point about see wearing masks during a pandemic okay that's this is a caring collective this is like the board of Karen's was that Rick and Morty thing with all the Rick's the Rick consortium what do they call it nobody Wow sure yes Wow is there the Council of Rick yes the Council of Rick the Council of Karen thank you this is the she imposed the mandatory mask order god bless her soul she resigned after receiving death threats he's the new chief health officer go ahead and with the sound from sight I begin with the question are you smarter than a 5th grader I remember teaching my own 5th graders about the respiratory system these 10 year olds understood the most basic important element needed by the human body is oxygen so I asked you why in the name of science and health would you require people especially children to wear a mask only to rebreathe the waste product the body wants to get rid of can you point to one person that hasn't that died from why are you talking about guys a teacher yeah surprise name the one person on the whole earth that has dropped dead from not getting oxygen because they're wearing a mask making our children wear Mouse is contrary to the medical experts and it's fundamental they need to be exposed to bacteria in the air playing on jungle gyms kids need sunlight exercise interaction asks if you deny them now at 20 years you're gonna have a population of MU immunosuppressed antisocial adults who can only interact by a zoom in face time and need gloves to shake your hand very light it is a pandemic it's just one year ideal they can't deal with this it's not fun just one [ __ ] year we asked you to wear a mask and be responsible this is Facebook discriminated five times in the last two days I have been actually turned away not going these businesses without a mask although I have a health condition where a maza be back on the field not in two weeks now as you can see Taylor's got a soccer uniform on and we're still not playing soccer like really like you know I mean are we still talking about this like it's over you know this lockdown I mean you're looking at none of it mark my words that lady's good it's over based on what that you're tired of being yes how are we we are so doomed kovat is coming back we are just gonna be I'm telling you dude when the fall starts coming and the weather starts calling we are gonna be decimated this is gonna be a nightmare kovat is going to ravage this country new zealand by the way that of a single coating their back and loving life same thing with China for the most part but here in America land to the Freak free to be ignorant is a there's just so much disinformation we are gonna be coveted out of our minds covet Marty the president is not wearing a mask so why do you think the president doesn't wear a mask I think it's because of the spray tan rubs off his face but people say he likes to politicize them well anyway he's gonna start having rallies soon and he's not gonna require people to wear masks or social distance that's gonna be [ __ ] fantastic you see that to go though you have to sign a yeah memorandum yeah so if you go to a trump rally you have to sign this agreement registering below you acknowledge that an inherent risk of exposure cover 19 exists by attending the rally you and any guests will entirely assume all risks and agree not to old Donald J Trump for president incorporated or any of their affiliates director office employees agents yada yada yada liable for any illness or injury supporters square the circle I don't get it like they think it's [ __ ] they think it's a hoax they think it's not that dangerous but then they're going to a rally and they have to agree not to sue and the chance that they get it well they just they say well it's just a legal thing what good dude these these rallies because first of all people like to compare it to the protests the protests are outdoors I have to say a lot of the protests I've seen them wearing masks and being very responsible with the mask wearing mask wearing helps a lot being outdoors the virus is is the cut down on transmission is is cut down a lot when you're outdoors it's mostly spread indoors in close proximity without masks that's the happy place for this virus to spread I understand a lot of people say well the protests are out there during a pandemic and you're not giving them [ __ ] well frankly look what are they protesting they have to now's the time what can you do you know they didn't choose to depict it down there didn't you think they I think a lot of people would rather not be there during the pandemic I mean they're going while risking their lives to i think there'd be a lot more people there if there wasn't a pandemic mmm yes but that being said they are being very responsible and it's outdoors Trump's rallies are going to be indoors populated by people that don't believe this is a real issue not requiring people to wear masks or social distance these are gonna be super spreading events that are gonna I'm just do it it's gonna be [ __ ] epic the whole world is gonna be recovered from kovat and the United States is going to be devastated this pandemic alone may unseat us from our place of power in the world forever forever this is our undoing that's my prediction we will be so devastated unemployment numbers on stock market crashing deaths [ __ ] it's just we are losing it we are losing it I mean meanwhile China's back to work you know percent data and you know I go to a resort nobody's wearing a mask then I come here everybody's wearing a mask I hope nobody thank you you time it said he went and fought where yeah where did you fight okay let's bring your old dad out here in his fight was for your freedom my freedom here today I don't know he fought for your right to not wear a mask and guess it's dammit as our robots or what not so please stop imposing Chinese communism tactic this is America these we need our essential bread I think she's trended chime into like essential services I need my essential breath please join you on must on his trip to Mars and let us vote for our breath please let us breath from what do you how do you even argue with that level of stupidity you know it's crazy ps5 was announced y'all ps5 the world is hyped the memes have started the porn I have to say the way it looks is not that impressive I don't like it I don't like the asymmetrical CD why is there even CD slot it looks to me like if someone rendered like 10 years ago what a ps5 would look like in 2020 that's funny because it was probably developed was exactly idem years ago that's what it looks like dude why is there a CD drive seriously just I think like let's get over that well there's there's two versions oh the deluxe edition doesn't have the CD drive no digital edition oh I can get it with or without the CD Drive yeah I'm skipping this [ __ ] some people have you live in a place with shitty internet you still need to buy the hard disk because it's downloading a giant game takes forever what is this that's the cube this isn't a real thing is it yes Xbox that's next book oh I thought that was a mean this is really what it looks like yes yeah I like this one better I came by like away but it's way better it in a way it's a lot more modern than that or this is way better what do I need this for I'm all about that Xbox cube yes I mean sure but I'm down the way what do we see here these are memes Oh free yeah I tried that fridge I would not buy the PlayStation water cooler oh it's an espresso kind of thing let's see PS 5 first Xbox series x-man xbox needs to name their [ __ ] better I'm just like there's like just slightly off with their design and branding and everything like that cube is almost there they could make it they could take that same cube but make it look a lot more slick just called the Xbox cube then I'm in Xbox Series X Y I don't know they are out of control and then the act the X the latest Xbox was what was it called Xbox one yeah xbox one Xbox Xbox 360 Xbox one and now Xbox really sucks I hate them I might buy PS 5 just because I hate the name of the Xbox so much fridge vs. router that's true the PS 5 is the eye of Mordor I just heard that all the PS 5 a whole long was just a fan oh I get that way what I really don't get how did you get this manual thank you thank you I have uh something to say about that meme actually it was posted to our subreddit yeah last night when I woke up this morning I went on our sub just to check it out and that meme had about I don't know 900 up votes or something and about 50 reports and then I went into the comments and every comment was like what the [ __ ] is this this is the stupidest thing I've ever seen this isn't funny this [ __ ] sucks really is extremely divisive really the most divisive post I have ever seen why is it really console war [ __ ] like because you have like fanboys who are actually like I'm Pro PlayStation and I'm Pro Xbox which you think Wow if you think while people are so divisive if people can really get hostile and divided over that then we are truly [ __ ] as a if I could write a meme and I'm really not the person to do it but I really thought this one was funny yeah I'll officially give my stamp oh maybe I call undeleted then although I do not understand the relation to h3 although we make fun we made allow it wait would you remove the den well again it was it was causing like a meltdown ever seen a post with this many repair does that mean don't get it a villain from DBZ I have to say that to both companies that they could do so much better with the design I really don't get it what's the problem what's so hard to design a cool located Oh what the [ __ ] people been up all night with this [ __ ] yeah you know who did really well then intend to switch yes which they've Nintendo always does it man they always get it right you know actually that's not true the breed boy what was the one before the switch the Wii U Wii U yeah I think their big mistake was branding it as a Wii you got to move on and the Wii U yeah yeah so how much is the playstation 5 they announced oh give a prize oh wow it's gonna be bad I bet you'll be like a thousand bucks no no way it says here Sony hasn't confirmed the price yet but analysts predict it will be 500 that's how much the last one was that seems fine I'm surprised that Xbox didn't go more like the GameCube style GameCube that's a callback thank you you yeah oh you mean the noon here I don't know what do you know about GameCube this fuel yeah this this looks epic the Gamecube was awesome this still looks better than both of those that just came did the game it was like the best console look man one of the best I never had it I'm just talking from make the cube just talking about a design right perspective so anyway it's been so long since a new console came out I'm ready I want it I want it I need it and then the thing is like I have a really old PlayStation 4 because then they they upgrade it with like the PlayStation 4 X or the PlayStation 4 X plus extreme the places you're for 4k X double D black comm and I'm like I don't want to buy any of these new consoles just so it goes faster I want the new console I don't want to buy three of the same console you know what I'm saying anyone feel me out there mmm-hmm I don't buy consoles because I'm not a pleb I don't play video games I don't play video games yeah back me up but I wouldn't buy it if it look cooler I probably good yeah you would buy the Xbox three acts seven no not the PlayStation boy get the router the neck here Sony here Wi-Fi extender yeah and for our final story I have to talk about we have not talked yet talked about on the podcast the keemstar beef drama that took place over the past month how long ago was that first video come out holy [ __ ] let me see keemstar content nuke Wow when did this released May 19th it's almost been a month wow that's crazy I mean the video where you threatened his life with a nuclear exactly yeah cuz we all got nukes in our house don't [ __ ] with me I'll drop a nuke read on you boy guard [ __ ] oh by the way so I haven't talked about it but now's the time because there's been a lot of developments now let me let me preface this part by saying for the last three years I have tried my best to just take what everybody's been saying try to parse out the reasonable stuff and dismiss the unreasonable stuff and take the criticism the best way that I can and just ignore the rest I mean for anyone that's been paying attention there's always been a huge influx of videos critical about me I think in part because people are either disappointed that my views I think a lot of it stems from either people who disagree with me politically who sees me as someone who's not what they thought I was people who miss our old videos and people who just generally think I'm a hypocrite and don't come whatever yeah oh yeah and that that's fine and then and then part I do think that there's been like a whole economy of h3 videos so a lot of people are trying to cash in on that as well and it's all fine I mean hey I do that too you know what I'm saying we all do that here on YouTube do you do to stay afloat and stay relevant on YouTube so there's nothing wrong with any of those things to do per se but the stuff that is wrong is when for example some ordinary gamer made that whole video about me about donation shaming Jeff Bezos and how I was a hypocrite and I'm like dude this guy this is this is getting out of control this guy's the whole premise of his videos long and he's using it to draw all these conclusions about me that are just horrible his video was getting was like blowing up it had over a million views 99% like people had no problem accepting the fact that I was pretty much just the biggest piece of [ __ ] that ever lived basically and it's just basically taken for granted at this point so I saw that video I said man I I I don't think I could ignore this anymore I think I need to start correcting the record on some of these things because for three years I sat back and I just cried to accept it and I let it happen and I was in a bad place frankly emotionally and and not in a good place to kind of take this stuff on anyway but I think I've learned that if I as much as I want to can't just let people say whatever they want about me because it just perpetuates fake [ __ ] and somehow on YouTube or the people who who continue making videos about me they take my silence as an admission of guilt and so it's important for me to now when I see people lying about me or distorting things about me to actually come out and correct the record because it just snowballs out of control and that's how you ended up with this video like go kanaru because I was silent silent silent everybody has all these crazy conspiracies about what this means that means that this means and then all of a sudden you've got a video like coca narrows which that thesis is basically that I'm a terrible human being well as thesis was that I'm a hypocrite attack can't take criticism but you get what I'm trying to say so to address the keemstar controversy there's been a new conspiracy theory being afforded by leafy and keemstar that I am let's see I'll pull up leaf he's if he's tweet here he just tweets out uh none unprompted I believe h3h3 productions is trying to get my channel deleted what had to private all my videos just got second channel strike for harassment on my new videos another strike and my channel gets deleted he says the videos received strikes where the h3h3 productions went into I'm Alex one nearly at the same time again I don't know if it's a seriously but yeah that's my current situation so here you say I believe you open with that I believe H how what youtuber has the power to get video channels deleted I mean the whole premise is weird I feel like I feel like I'm become the George Soros of YouTube with just a lightning rod for conspiracies that because I know all goes back of course to uh but also if it gets removed for harassment it's just you don't have to report it it's just YouTube's their own policy being in forest yeah it doesn't mean that you personally ask them to remove it because of harassment I think in their minds they think that I called Susan Wojcicki and said hey this videos harassing me can I get some water it's so hot here ice do we have ice-cold water dying our AC is broken anyway I truly think that they just think that Thank You Zack that I have Susan on speed dial because I took a picture with her once and then of course I've never even seen the video he made it but I don't know what he's even referencing what video about me because he's made several and I said nothing of value was lost you know obviously when you come at me saying a street she's trying to get my channel deleted like what obligation do I have to feel sorry for you I don't [ __ ] care about I find it so funny to that leafy Thank You Zack Lisa leaf he gives using clips of me going uh I'd love to see him succeed in today's climate and it only took like a month before his channel is almost removed and I was right exactly what you were talking about course cuz their policies has changed so much you just can't get away with the same [ __ ] you used to and and hello I mean the reason we said it is because we're doing with YouTube all the time with the podcast with everything you have to adjust there's certain things we could do a while go that we can't do anymore you can't talk about anything you want you can't show anything you want right you can't you just can't you have to Gerald it's all I wasn't even saying that to be like rude or to leafy I was just saying I leafy I know what kind of content you make what kind of content made you famous I'd love to see if you can do that today and I think the answer was a resounding no but instead I'm I'm perpetuating a conspiracy to get his channel removed so let's go down this meme hole oh by the way I do want to point out one thing that I thought was hilarious so leafy who's tweeting out I believe a street reproduction is trying to get my channel at the same time he's telling his friends to message me and get his channel reinstated so do you believe it or not he says I'm reaching out because I still talked to leafy his shelves one strike away from termination and one of the videos is about you I know for a fact that you personally didn't take it down but I also know that maybe you can help him in a way if you even want to I said he asked you to reach out he said yeah I told him I don't think you took it down his video and that if he got I told him I don't think you took down his video and that he got in touch with you perhaps you could help him bro I can't help you and I can't remove your video what can I do for you can't do anything it was [ __ ] youtuber the same as you it's weird why would you help him while he's like publicly bashing you exactly so crazy the whole thing like dude what the [ __ ] people don't understand what they're saying anymore you just put out in the world that I am trying to get your channel suspended but I'm the [ __ ] for saying basically [ __ ] off right like it's so crazy how I just can't win in the eyes of some of these people and then all these little commentary channels are scrambling just to prove what an [ __ ] I am or to prove that it was me because I said nothing of value was lost anyway which is funny like come on yeah this is obviously just making a joke yeah I don't have to like leafies content I mean what the [ __ ] and then of course I I said of course I'll spell it out I had not because I know that I'm living the conspiracy theory world now I had nothing to do with that I never reported his videos it's very bizarre that he thinks I will some godlike power to remove his videos but no it's not me sorry keemstar responds with a picture of me and Susan that's it that's all me and Susan that's the source of the whole conspiracy is that we met with her 20 minutes here at the play by the way I changed my Twitter banner to commemorate that meeting I hope you guys enjoy it this is my new banner on YouTube high-res by the way so anyway so this is Kent I think this is Kim stars basically his way of trying to get revenge is to fuel all these crazy conspiracies about me but know I had nothing to do with that I mean I don't even know video he's referring to and then this is the best part right Team YouTube tweets out to leafy if they respond to him the tweet of him saying I believe HD is trying to get my channel deleted they say yo our policy team confirmed that your videos were removed by mistake both of your videos are backup and you should no longer see the strikes on your channel thanks for bearing with us so YouTube says it was a mistake on their end does anybody correct the record or apologize to me no well they only said that because they got caught what that he says it in a way that he's just saying like maybe you know but he still puts it out there so it's still he said I believe H he's trying to get my channel deleted what's even parsing words about that by the way what is his evidence okay what is his evidence like really what's his evidence that I'm trying to get his channel deleted what what is it what is it it's crazy people will believe anything about me on YouTube it's [ __ ] crazy just blows my mind so YouTube admits that it was a mistake and then keemstar this is when keemstar really goes off the rails he starts tweeting pictures of horses to me tweeting pictures of horses yes so with the horses pictures this has been an ongoing thing maybe for like two years or something I don't know when we first it gets even older than the first wave of like commentary channels that started to hate us they they liked to make a joke that I look like a horse yeah I don't know where it comes from or what but that's the so that's the reference but I find it funny that keemstar is not doesn't have the balls to say it directly yeah anyone say directly to me but he's just sending these pictures of a horse yeah he's such a petty little [ __ ] like he just he can't accept ya can't talk about not being able to accept criticism bro you don't own up to anything and you just start tweeting me pictures of what Wars but wait it gets better okay so you tweets pictures a little horse okay by the way Irish first responded I don't get it because I wanted him to be man enough and explain what it is but then I was like I want people to actually know what he's doing so he said obviously is meant for ela all the edgy kids always say she looks like a horse okay either you're beautiful gorgeous you're like everybody knows you're like a queen Cale well obviously it's fine you're someone like King story isn't making fun of how I look okay that's true I mean you can start I know you're gonna listen to this next time just tweet directly at me and say what you have to say mmm it's true I did block him though so yeah he'll block them you know it's actually block and I just don't want to see this [ __ ] anymore and I was like well yeah go go for it man keemstar blocks literally Kim Starr's Twitter it's his safe space like all of his response everyone responds to his sweets are just dick writers cuz he blocks anyone that even descents yeah like I have a friend I have this friend on on YouTube who I've recently made his name is a star killer star killer this guy's a this guy I gotta give a shout-out to star killer he's the only [ __ ] the road for me on YouTube he made a whole rebuttal to go kinnaras video like years ago to defend me and say that Goku knows videos are all points were all bad and he this star killer this guy's a legend he wrote this is a real rider died [ __ ] so anyway he tweeted something at keep start and he has like a couple hundred followers on Twitter he got like a couple of likes and keemstar blocked him like just some random do it on two so he's in the nitty-gritty just blocking anybody so yeah just block him I mean who cares our fault it's done there you go congratulations so he can't tweeted at you so what should he do if he wants to send more horse pictures she just say my name and say exactly what he means say this is ela yeah and what exactly does he not like about my face he's pretending like he's trying to pretend like it's a dead horse meme that's not a dead horse no he's not trying to pretend he said that you like horses and he heard about a friend okay he's not pretending so then he keeps going oh yeah I said obviously it's meant for ela he said I'm simply trying to brighten your meet at a French home mutual friend told me like horses yeah so there you go okay and then a day passes and he keeps tweeted pictures of wars is that B he goes h3 is a bad person I will attempt to change and what a statement yeah I'll attempt to change him into a good person by tweeting a picture of a horse of him every single day for a year I hear he likes horses and it makes him feel good if you want to help me reform Ethan into a good person tweet horses at him unfortunately everybody thought this was the dumbest fight he's trying to create a movement and like yeah harass you maybe I said having people some pigs lawyers nobody [ __ ] day to me not just you well yeah you he really started to get people to harass me yeah any success fully gotten some - I get a lot of hate since the whole camp starting started but it's weirdly racist even responded to a black lives here it is yeah I'm tweeting about all these police brutality and he thinks now is the good times it's a way to fixer-upper hordes to me here's a picture of a reporter getting pepper sprayed in the face on provoked and keemstar goes let's let's send him a horse now's the good time epic it's awesome it keeps going the court the King star there's this there's not enough [ __ ] going on in the world so here's keemstar sending me a horse again on the next day here's the top comment bro cut it out we know you tried but he gave you an L I think he eventually stopped just because it was just it was not well I kind of find it interesting that he stopped around the time that he got punished from uhmm I didn't put that together well let's see we could here's here's this his last horse let's see this was on June 7th a few extra horses today cuz I know you're going through a lot right now have a good day there's good old keemstar basically saying I know you're having a hard time so let me try to get people to harass you and your wife more love him good dude so then the next drama ler comes out and of course he covers the leafy story look how look how desperate he is to try to make this seem like a big deal oh you got exposed big time oh yeah Jay Paul by the way Jake ball who was caught riding and me have you ever seen so animated [Music] he's Channel well we don't know but he's gonna be that you know I called this [ __ ] guy out for putting out false a fraudulent fake stories and he starts off by saying he tried to take that leafy's Channel well we don't know we don't know oh but he's been accused of it but before we get accused of it by who leafy and you and you I love that it's like he's but a cute got like multiple personality yeah he's reporting on himself he's been accused of it by me that's a really good strategy for reporting the news make an accusation on Twitter and then you can report it as news on dramaalert mm-hmm he's been accused of it it's awesome it's that story first we've he's like alright I want to just make sure everyone knows they usually did this and then he talks about Jake Paul looting and then he comes back to the story here let's see h3h3 uploaded a video titled my experience with the police and in this video H 3 H 3 goes on to say that like when he was younger he got pulled over by the cops it was a fine experience he got caught like drinking underage it was a good experience all of his experiences with the police throughout his life had been good he thought police are the good guy but now he's questioning if it literally was the color of his skin and why he received such good treatment from the cops now I think it was a great message so they put out there I applaud him for it you however he started losing subs h3h3 tweeted out first time being happy that I lost subscribers from and by the way I knew that I was gonna lose subscribers when I made that video just there's just a certain level of people out there that either don't want to hear it or disagree with the message or think I'm like what did they call it virtue signaling which is what people call someone nowadays we're just caring about anything is virtue signaling but anyway I knew people were going on some video basically h3h3 is saying that he has some racist fans and they didn't like that he was speaking out so their unsub definitely how whatever it seems to be all the chatter that we're seeing online that it wasn't racist fan sobbing it was people calling h3h3 a hypocrite because the whole basis of this video people were unsub the second I uploaded that video in mass I love how he's taking something that isn't a story and he's trying to blow it up but let's see video is that the police are judging people based on their skin color and a clip came out of judging people jogging maybe lost subscribers because of this video oh no what is the video rolling good that was like I was like like these huge black dudes in there all strapped they were all black there was like 10 I'm just saying they were every single one one was black I don't even if there's eight dudes all in security and they're all black I think that's worth noting I just noticed their suit they're all wearing suits they're all wearing suits ya know they were cement and I mean they were all like 6 5 y dudes yeah yeah that's terrifying as a six five black dude scary more than a six five white do know is it supposed to mean no it's the height maybe that will scare you yeah so by the way I will I don't know the context but I think what I was trying to do is highlight my I was almost trying to admit my how I racially profile like how I I feel like people do that obviously that came off back I mean yeah it's bad but I think I was just trying to own to the fact that I do racially profile just because I don't remember this story yeah I don't remember what we were talking about but I can tell that well we were right away aware that that comment was like waste on my reaction yeah wasn't cool and you kind of I was trying to bounce off yeah but yeah I totally agree that it's not it it was a [ __ ] stupid ignorant thing to say that being said that's definitely not why people were Sun subbing because this do posted on Twitter the biggest hypocrite on the planet way now that video continued of Ethan saying the N word multiple times obviously I'm not gonna play that footage in here but wow wow wow wow wow you know I don't say a tree a tree or Ethan he still could have made this video and said the same exact thing he just added in that he was wrong in the past and that he has been racially profiling people in the past and he shouldn't have done that if you just own that I think you still can make this video so here this is where it came started the news man really shines you see where he's stopped watching the video where he stopped watching the video because if you actually watch my [ __ ] video keep star you pathetic excuse for a newsman this is the saddest [ __ ] I literally put a whole segment in there talking about how because I've done research as somebody who has not always been on the right side of racial issues I've said that n-word on my podcast and I thought I used it in a context that made it okay I look back on those clips with just embarrassment and and shame but sometimes a hypocrite is just a man in the process of changing I mean the guy couldn't even finish the video he's reporting on he can oh and then keemstar actually got a two-week suspension from youtube from the partner program it made this really kind of bizarre all of you hello guys I am making this video to inform you of what Scott was the Underwood 2016 a conscious choice definitely because okay I mean Underwood is definitely not someone you want to identify with going on and - I think guys you know I have been suspended from the YouTube birthdays like a murderer for tumors a couple weeks ago I uploaded re uploaded the gokhan ro documentary on h3h3 this original video was removed off a youtube in 2019 when YouTube uploaded or updated excuse me their policy on bullying and harassment there was a scene in that documentary that was considered simulated violence against the creator that being h3h3 when I reload it this documentary - drama ler we added it out the guns and replace those with toilet plungers and we removed the gun sound effects and replace those with squeaky noises I thought by doing that I was turning this scene into comedy and that I wouldn't be breaking the rules but I was wrong YouTube's still seen that as bullying harassment he's also seen it as a scene letting violence against a creator and that video was taken down I've never had a strike on my yada-yada so he's saying that I wasn't you basically he is saying that mm-hmm because later somewhat that's funny because his messaging is kind of sloppy because yes here in the video he basically says okay I was not aware of the terms but now I am aware and I understand what the terms hello guys I can't control these okay I much better understand the rules but to also spread the message out to the community of what the rules are because when I uploaded that video I didn't think I was breaking the rules but that that is how strict YouTube is on the bullying and harassment guidelines and I understand where they're coming from they're trying to make the platform better for creators and based on talking to them I understand that I broke the rules and that I am sorry Chuck it's funny someone's like why are you apology I won't find that but like why are you apologizing if you're not sorry anyway some ordinary gamer goes as much as I love a good conspiracy theory I don't believe even has a kill switch on YouTube and that came started with horrible take open your eyes watch what's happening which is almost like an ironic and ironically weird cue and on conspiracy comment but apparently he's being serious so for after the video what's that was that before or after I was after his apology video but but you know what I actually never watched the plunging video so I was having a conversation with go kanaru on twitter and he told me we'll go watch the video and he sent me the link so that okay let's see so the video was removed for simulated violence to see how much of an effort they actually made to cover the gun well I can't no I can't show me being murdered but I can show the plunger this is that once like I mean you can clearly see his holding a gun right so I'm sure that you like look so YouTube clearly just saw this as them trying to skirt the guidelines and and and really I'm not surprised I mean anyone just watch this scene out understands the context shouldn't be surprised look at this he's obviously holding a gun yeah I mean so I'm not at all surprised that that this video so anyway I'm not surprised and I'm not surprised YouTube was angry there cuz they're like look we removed this video for having an assassination scene and then keep star I'm really out of spite reuploads this video and skirts the guidelines in a really kind of bad way I said look if you wanted the video to stay up why not reshoot that outro scene and use a plunger instead of a gun it definitely would have stayed up for like a couple of other people cut out the scene at the end with the gun there's three minutes at the end if you cut it out the video stays up everyone who uploaded this video on YouTube and cut out the last three minutes the video is still up I mean there's no conspiracy you guys just [ __ ] like literally you could have just cut out in the last three minutes and that video would still be up on your channel so that's pretty much my than my thing I just want to address this crazy conspiracy that's going around and being perpetuated by keep star really I guess I had a way to get back at me that I have a kill switch on YouTube a Susan is on speed dial and I remove all videos critical of me on YouTube even though to this day is still just that one video and if you cut out the last three minutes it's still up on YouTube mm-hmm so really there's zero videos that have been removed of me for being critical of me so obviously I take nope I don't want to talk about this [ __ ] I'm over it everything that I said about Kim started that I wanted to is in those three videos I made it's out there but I do feel the need to address these conspiracy theories so that at least I'm on the record explaining its [ __ ] and why is it's both [ __ ] gabbi's and evilly you do not for the record resemble a horse you are a beautiful young woman and I think you are Gor and by the way I saw a lot of people this is two horses are majestic is [ __ ] I would say you are just the right height no bucket room fire baby for sure top of the line good [ __ ] everyone was saying how beautiful you are by the way even the haters were like to be honest EAL is beautiful the kids who were like keemstar fans it's fine I don't need anyone to feel bad for me I just find it so petty yeah of course and especially coming from Q star I mean the guys know Brad Pitt you know if you want to talk about so could Brad Pitt's any pictures of horses sure I don't think yeah Brad Pitt yeah if you're out there listening Brad you can send pictures of our steel oh good I'll be mad though I don't rap in flirting with you horses are not right yeah you should be men if Brad Pitt is messaging you better block Brad Pitt buck you start block it I don't like where this is going well that's about our show we did we've talked about it all we've done it all we've said it all isn't that right yes sir so there you have it obviously a little more political little more engaged I do think it's important it's not something we talk about every episode but a just doing the time we're living in it's a weird time and maybe hopefully something good can come out of this like I think it is I think we're gonna see something happen I mean we yeah man I don't want to be I don't want to beat a dead horse I just want to [ __ ] a horse not you I mean you know I mean I'm not they look like I'm just using his joke yeah but I think you're beautiful and I do like having sex with you but you're a human so that's it have a great weekend guys we love we appreciate you will be that we will be back next week with William Osmond very much looking forward to that and until then have a fantastic week stay blessed say safe where those masks and yeah just put on a mask they'll be over soon it will be it's not far I just write it out a little more I mask forever no not forever all right Tata [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 725,475
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: h3 podcast, h3h3 podcast, the h3 podcast, the h3h3 podcast, h3h3productions, h3h3, h3, ethan klein, hila klein, ethan and hila, ethan & hila
Id: MJVM5bWcbgk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 162min 9sec (9729 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 13 2020
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