H3H3 Breaks Down Leaving Neverland

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Ethan is good for doing this. He has a large following and I hope it causes some of them to think about what he's saying here and use some common sense.

👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Mar 11 2019 🗫︎ replies

Fuck, that pic of Jackson on the still of the video is pure horror. That isn’t a real photograph is it?

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/zenpop 📅︎︎ Mar 11 2019 🗫︎ replies

So many people dragged Ethan for speaking about this. It was absolute bullshit. I can’t believe the amount of defensive crybabies on their sub.

I’m proud of him for bringing it up and I hope he doesn’t apologise.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/rvssia 📅︎︎ Mar 11 2019 🗫︎ replies

He makes a really good point about, a young boy would never want to hold hands with anyone.

The way he has his head on Michael's shoulder, they look like a romantic couple.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/pinkfluff82 📅︎︎ Mar 11 2019 🗫︎ replies

I love his last point about the “He’s dead he can’t defend himself” argument.

Are these people saying that we can’t hold dead people accountable for horrible things they did ? Imagine if we thought like that about political leaders of the past ....

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Mar 11 2019 🗫︎ replies

I know the picture above may be altered but MJ looked horrific at the end of his life. I always felt uncomfortable looking at him. As much as I detest him, body dysmorphia is a mofo! His surgeon should have been stopped by someone. I can't imagine the madness and chaos that surrounded him from the sycophant's in his orbit.

I thought the h2h2 podcast was very well done .... the R Kelly songs were hilarious though I think this stuff weighs heavily on us all and a bit of lightheartedness is well placed at times otherwise i'd spiral when I think of the horrendous crimes committed on these poor children.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/agirlwillbequeen 📅︎︎ Mar 11 2019 🗫︎ replies

Fair play to Ethan (I am not a fan of H3H3 at all) for saying this. I saw the heat he got on Twitter.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/pinkfluff82 📅︎︎ Mar 11 2019 🗫︎ replies
we're entering the michael jackson yeah that's basically and Jeckle yeah yeah so for those of you that cannot handle it who are in protests who will be triggered or otherwise offended by this I hope that you keep watching actually because I do enjoy a good amount of viewership on my episodes flow so I encourage you to keep watching but listen also closely because I think that I have in some compelling arguments to make to you and I'm not done again if you're if you're someone that thinks that the documentary is BS and anyone who believes that Michael Jackson did these crimes is like a Looney tune like listen to me and I I don't blame you for thinking that way because and the documentary explores this concept so good because the documentary is about is the best I've seen about the Sun and not about Michael Jackson not about the survivors but about abuse and how it happens about the grooming products or the grooming process and what was so magnificent about Michael Jackson as we've said there's never been a pop star like him ever he was like the Beatles squeezed all into one person so I know it being a victim and just loved by the whole work like seriously everywhere so he in a sense had this hat or one of the victims said we were already grooms when we met him right because he is this God on this planet earth and he in a in a way he has groomed the world and I'm gonna talk about that if you think I'm crazy and you think I'm [ __ ] that's fine you can hate me just least listen let's say there we go Saunders let's introduce what we're talking about yeah the HBO documentary that came out leaving Neverland leaving Neverland if you want anywhere to watch it it's on HBO HBO which i think is a little bit unfortunate because not everyone has HBO I think a lot more people would watch it hey either you had the hook-up though if you got Amazon Prime you can get a free week trial that's all yeah and it's immediate you just organize you know it's funny everybody watch Game of Thrones but somehow when it comes to something that's anything else nobody has HBO legally I know this hilarious okay I just wanted to give the details mm-hmm not caught up you're done I'm nursing the it's it's a two-parter and then there's a third part following up it's an interview that Oprah Winfrey interviews the two victims and the director of the documentary yes I I thought all three were so good mm-hmm so there's another documentary that was that I watched on Netflix called abducted in plain sight yes and and you know I had watched that recently and it's about a man who befriended a family and gradually built up this relationship with this young girl he had fallen in love with but he had groomed the family he had groomed the child to the point over a long period of time that he was able to just take the girl and run off like there was no checks and balances and the way that it happened was so similar it was so and it was so similar to what I heard in this documentary and again that's what I thought was so important and compelling it's about as a whole child abuse and about the grooming process so you know I feel like I was in crazy world seeing all this like when I first saw this documentary I was so outraged I mean I was like my goodness this is absolutely insane and I go online to read the conversation about it and it's not only do I see first of all not a lot of people talking about it but those that are talking about it are brutally brutally brutally viciously attacking anyone who's speaking in support of the documentary and just decrying the the two dudes the two victims the host Oprah anyone just absolutely decrying them and I thought like man I'm in crazy world but I quickly realized that all the people who were doing that haven't watched the documentary it's so plainly obvious because a lot of their talking points are things that are addressed widely in the documentary but I was just surprised bike that he had so much sway and pull people cared so deeply about him still to this day so it is a first it almost is a testament to the fact that the world has been groomed because now even ten years after his death and long after he had an active career I think she goes to show that even now the he has this army of people that can see no wrong in him going to war war with these people so it kind of proves the point that he has this like mystical attraction this mystical pull now I was always on the fence about Michael Jackson me too you know I really didn't want to believe it it's like what the [ __ ] Oh Jackson and I'm a huge fan of his music as I'm sure most of us are I mean the guy's a phenomenal talent I mean the guy's like he's oh he's a one who's ever the one a one in a thousand year Talent we would put out videos of him dancing and just like stare at it like this is perfection I mean he had it all he was incredible singer he was an incredible dancer the guy invented like pop dance for Christ's sake I mean he really did he's incredible songwriter that guy was phenomenal and I was always on the fence but you know I have a thought experiment that I would always pose to myself that always you know edged me towards he did it and that thought experiment is very simple imagine a man any man sleeping in bed with a young child a young boy every night for 30 days straight with no parent what are the chances I ask you what are the percent chances that he didn't touch that little boy in an appropriate way and I would think hard on that and I would say you know I have to say in all honesty using my brain in my common sense forgetting about all the mysticism everything it's zero it's zero percent that is just not something that you do okay so again this is just the beginning of the rabbit hole I've got a lot of things to share so that was a thought experiment always kind of pushed me towards you know what I think he probably did do it and that was an idea that came from him like it's not like the kid said I want to sleep with you he would tell the kid yeah you should come sleep with me mm-hmm he put that idea well here actually since we're I'm gonna skip ahead because I have a really compelling video that support that literally some shows Michaels saying that and here what I what I like to talk about here is undeniable undisputed facts okay I'm not going to tell us about conjecture I'm not gonna make assumptions I'm not gonna say stuff hasn't proven I'm just gonna show you an undisputed fact here's a video of Michael with one of the his his childhood friends okay like no no no no and then he finally said okay if you love me to see one of it so here you can hear the kid saying I didn't want to sleep on the bed oh man Michael Jackson here is shown manipulating this kid and saying right if you love me exactly pressuring him if you love me the god that you look up to you'll sleep in my bed and this is the beginning of the grooming process that's like so step one you get him to sleep in his bed and then the next night it's obvious it's gonna sleep all that yeah exactly and then they both sleep in the bed for thirty nights right now here if you skip to the end it is there's a fascinating another detail I'll sleep on them but haven't you got a spare room or a spare house here where he could have stayed no yes we have guest units but whenever kids come here they always want to stay with me really because literally that was disputed in the first second of this book five seconds so Michael is saying oh well that guy the kid sleep with me because they always want to so what happens he puts this thought in the kid and then the kid goes to his mom and like mom can I sleep with Michael right so it seems like the kid wanted it but it starts from and one of the hallmarks of child abuse is convincing the kid that they want it and that they like it that's why victims of child abuse carries so much guilt and remorse because they're so completely and shamed because in their mind on it they're so conflicted because when they think back they remember enjoying it they remember haunting it they remember that it was fun and exciting and so it's hard to reconcile as a grown person those feelings that you know you had when you were a kid because those feelings last right and when you think back as yourself as a little five-year-old you as a 20 year old you sometimes would put it in your tawny old brain and that five year old kid it's hard to make sense of how you felt then so this is what Michaels doing to this kid he's going he on one hand the kid kind of ratted him out and said hmm Michael said if you love me you'll stay in my bed and then a mere two minutes later Michael saying oh well kids only sleep in my bed and I don't always learn because they want to mm-hmm again so and I have never invited them in my room really they always just wanna stay what about if you love me you'll sleep in my bed I stay with you tonight I know if it's okay with your parents yes you can did your parents happy that you were here that's all I mean guys that's a lot that's right we can all I think agree on that because happy come with you you must have tired with I wasn't really move Affairs I was with you Michael most of the time but they were happy that you were here yeah no now why they were happy they got to hang out at the ranch and get wined and dined yeah wait they were still Mars come one more thing here from this clip yeah watch this this part here very unsettling people here that children from other families have come and they've stayed in your house look at them holding hands stayed in your bedroom okay and look how his head is on his photos I mean what the that's not how you act with a friend let's say Michael is has the mentality of a little boy and I read a child honey so that that's why he likes hanging out with friends what the how do you explain this even as a young boy I would never do that with a grown man or for our way to another young boy I wouldn't do that with anyone that's just like as a young kid I would be horrified to do that with anyone yeah even my whatever anyone a girl friend a boy my mom my dad my brother I wouldn't do that to anybody right but here he is doing it in plain sight and that's what I lean by Michael Jackson Karuma he's holding hands with kids they're cuddling with him on camera and he would always say on camera like I just love kids you know all this everything you know about him is things that he would put out there basically yeah that is he's been a victim himself and he loves kids and kids are like it's his guiding kids you would say all this stuff that see Godsey I just want to help kids think about that and so you've your whole life you're you're absorbing this without even realizing right so when someone comes and tells you the opposite about him you already have like sorry yeah or no way or as a parent when you bring your kids over to come hang out with them and Michael's like well we're gonna just sleep in my bedroom at night okay they're having a sleepover and then it's important to mention and what they show in the documentary when the parents come with the kid he shows the parents a good time too oh he grew and it's like the bedtime it's like a dream for the parent to you meet him Michael Jackson and he loves you and he talks to you and he calls you and gives you gifts right and he bought one of them a house he bought one he just paid just straight-up paid them and one of the things that is an undisputable about this documentary if you watch it is how he groomed not only the kids but the parents he one of these main kids Wade Robinson Wade now Wade is super interesting because he was with Michael Jackson and I say with because they were in a relationship for seven years now he would call and talk to the mom every day and this is corroborated because he sent faxes to the family he sent video messages to the family he sent drawings he sent letters he did left messages they have all of this evidence of him talking best friends connecting so powerfully with the mom he would call dr. mom he will call and talk to the kid and wait is the guy that people keep bringing up is so uncredible because he testified again he testified that nothing happened with Michael twice but his story was so crazy and they explained it so detailed in the documentary like Wade was one of these star kids that was so good at imitating the Michael Jackson dance moves mm-hmm and he was a super fan of Michael he was actually somewhat famous as a kid because his dancing was so phenomenal and so Michael Jackson like look how he got to contests and with adults and he they met him when he was seven and the abuse started when he was seven yeah and and so these guys the both of these guys in the video they both had sons and they both started having mental breakdowns when they when their son started to reach the age that they were when the abuse started and because they were able to actually see what they were like at that age because that when they saw their beautiful innocent pure son at seven who they know full well is incapable of entering a romantic relationship of any kind or having sexual relations with somebody you know what I mean and you could see how easily manipulated and malleable they are so I think well what they both say is they both had sons around there like about to reach that age you know a few years before maybe but and so they could finally connect with that younger themselves and understand where they were mentally and that's when they started to understand that they were truly abused and a lot of and both of them were having like extraordinary mental issues yeah impression and anxiety and self-loathing that they didn't understand and so and and they never told anyone about their abuse because Michael according to their account from the very beginning first of all they had this intense passionate love and Michael would always say to them repeat to them if we if you ever tell anyone about this where we ever get caught I'm gonna go to jail for life I'm going to be over ever my whole careers and you're gonna go to jail for luck hmm and so they're like he was like this is our secret this is our love we love each other and if anyone ever finds out I will be I will go to jail and you will go to jail and he kept repeating that to them throughout the whole duration of the relationship and that's you hearing this when you're seven and like and which is so important the most famous magical person that's lived in recent history okay so for them they were both fully convinced until they had like sons and started having mental breakdown that they were gonna take this to the grave yes also they didn't really know for a long time that what happened was wrong right which is my because kids are run over the problem with child abuse something I've learned from therapy is that we all take things for granted that are we take normal things for granted that we think are normal until you meet other people or talk to other people and until you can compare your experience to them you don't then you can all of a sudden realize oh that was not normal at all right yeah and so that's very much what happened with these guys they had an experience that was so unusual that was so powerful that was so transformative by someone who was so powerful and so magical they didn't have the context they didn't have the comparison to they didn't have the tools and I mean got my god it's unimaginable and you've seen by the way the visceral and the hate that accusers of Michael Jackson received and the disbelief that they always get so all of these things combined and also they never stopped loving Michael Jackson that's what you learn in the documentary too they still love him right because still so many emotions for them they still like right they don't know how to break it down still one of the compelling things for me to was like so as they aged they kind of grew out of favor with him and in favor of other young boys and they would see him with other young boys kind of with the same body language and they felt like rejected like they were no longer the favorite because I mean they were in love they weren't literally in love right and so they felt rejected and slowly over time as they aged they grew apart from him they would see him occasionally and talk to him occasion they were still friendly but they grew apart and I and a lot of them they said that they were going to trial to testify on Michaels behalf and all the parents and the whole family did it because they were they were Michael's soldiers they were going to war for Michael they were winning his favor back they thought you know I just want Michael to love me again and I'll do anything to please him to defend him they were his warriors in this battle and so even though one hand they knew that that had happened to them that was a secret love that they shared and they loved Michael dearly and they wanted that love back and so they went to war with him again this is all corroborated it's very compelling it's very it's just as a fascinating look at child abuse and grooming and it's so so so compelling and I have other things I want to talk about here now that's a little bit of an overview of the documentary now here's something interesting to happen yesterday corey feldman who was one of michael jackson's staunch worth staunch worthy supporters who himself was just on staunch thank you Dan because he himself was a victim of child abuse and so a lot of his fans and supporters have been looking to corey feldman as evidence that Michael Jackson did nothing well yesterday night after Corey watched the documentary surprise surprise Corey Feldman came out and did an interview and said he can no longer defend Michael Jackson after horrendous abuse allegations Corey Feldman is dramatically pulling back his support for embattled friend Michael Jackson in light of the horrendous child sexual abuse allegations he said after watching and processing leaving Neverland uh he said he could no longer support him so again people keep banking a kind of a meme out of like oh you watch the documentary you think you know everything ok so let's go down the line Corey Feldman best friend Michael Jackson victim of abuse he watched the documentary he found something compelling in it also the fact that that didn't happen with Corey Feldman doesn't mean that Michael Guerin abuse right right that's the big one him and him in Macaulay Culkin yeah I've both always said nothing happened between them which fair enough and do it to everybody so again Michael Jackson was a very cunning predator and as many child predators are they are very selective about who they choose Michael Jackson has shown throughout the documentary was very particularly he found weak families he found families with weak bonds who are easy manipulated parents who wanted the limelight who wanted the money who wanted to be associated with someone like Michael Jackson and he would prey on these families and use them against each other I mean it's not every mom who will leave their child with Michael Jackson alone for 30 days I mean that guy Wade Robson he was in Australia and Michael would called them to their house every day and he would talk to the mom too for a long time and eventually he got her to move here with Wade and the sister and basically this whole family broke up over this whole drawing absolutely destroy the family the dad was left back they all abandon him and he later committed suicide which was that I mean the story of the dad was absolutely tragic the guy was totally blameless I mean and they left their brother there in Australia - yeah and so actually now later on you see that this family is so fractured today the the the child says that he has no feelings for his mom that he can't forgive her what for what she did is trying but you see the pain and this family is a hundred percent real it is broke that that is dead you see the whole family ended up they all give their perspective oh yeah Michael called us every night for two hours Michael was sending us faxes every day here's the fax I mean the siblings knew that he was calling they would talk to him too so it's all there it's yet a little sister who would go there to Neverland who moved to California with them guess who he didn't have sleeping in his room every night the little girl never loaded their whole family knew that it was about Wade which is the boy mm-hmm which was interesting yes he was obsessed with Wade so again just because the popular misconception is just because someone wasn't abused doesn't mean that others weren't he was very particular and he's very smart about who he did it with he did it with people he could get away with and families he could manipulate and groom and moms had parents who were like who could put themselves in a state of denial and exchange for the benefits of all the great things he bought them a house mm-hmm okay so this by the way I have to wash this several times a day just to take take myself at a crazy world this is the best thing I've ever seen this guy Kyle Dunnigan follow him on Twitter he's the funniest mother effort and the whole freaking world and I just I'm so thankful this video exists because when I feel I'm I just put this on and I'm like I'll thank god there's people out there that are still saying I'd like to address this horrible HBO documentary about me it's filled with lies and ignorance I would never hurt children I love sleeping with little boys that's all just a grown man sleeping that is of course I [ __ ] them kids come on it's so obvious I was a good pedophile too huh I felt a whole amusement park and candy store and I say your kids are candy maybe like yeah yeah we like yeah but yeah you like it yeah okay yeah well tell your mama get the [ __ ] out then they did she did y'all notice how I sleep with little cute boys not little girl that is so little ugly ruins just cute little brother [ __ ] ty as boys well better get back to heaven I got in because I apologize right before I died damn the rules if you guys ever feel like doing crazy world with this video on Kyle Dunnigan is just a genius but again he actually makes some really fantastic points guys he never slept with all of the boys he befriended were like really handsome models one was a TV commercial one was a dad like these were really handsome beautiful young boys right not fat boys not ugly boys not little girls it's very frickin true why explain that yeah the other time if he why why why do you have a type exactly I love how he goes of course I [ __ ] them kids it's so obvious it is it's so obvious I feel like what did the little what did it uh Michael Jackson say to little kids in the middle of the night in his bedroom the crazy thing is do I just got to say it's like even if you accept nothing happen which obviously is far-fetched but nothing sexual happened but things that are overt the things we know about those are abused like you know having a seven-year-old sleep in your bed with them 30 days in a row right like that even if nothing sexual happened that's Arielle abusing that kid yes so we were suppose not the kids not in school he's not doing anything he's just spending time with Michael Jackson yeah sue lives as are who they just play video games all day that's cool I mean if you really cared about a kid you would be like dude go to school and come hang out with me on the weekends no here Michael wanted the kid to immediately move in for a year yes the mum to live the kid wouldn't years buted fact by the way now what I want to go into right now are unjust facts about michael jackson these are facts that whether you support Michael Jackson or not these are facts that we all can agree are undisputed so here's number one these are all facts okay this is not conjecture this is facts the hallway leading to Jackson's bedroom was a serious security zone covered by video and wired for sound so that the steps of anyone approaching would make dingdong sounds now this was well done vented by the police and it was covered a lot extensively in the documentary as well is that he had like several doors leading into his bedroom they were all wired for sounds had video cameras had bells so okay so now we so now we have a place in time we have Michael Jackson sleeping in bed with a young boy in his bed for 30 days straight and now let's add this element of that there's three doorways between and it's a serious security zone with video and wired for sound so that anyone approaching makes a dingdong so let's add that to the mix are you still let me do a thought experiment with yourself anybody else you know I mean I'm serious so let's continue with undisputed facts so far five boys Michael Jackson has shared a bed with have accused him of abuse Jordie Chandler Jason French Francia Gavin Arvizo Wade Robinson and Jimmy safe Chuck that's five separate abuse allegations Jackson paid 25 million dollars to settle the Chandler lawsuit with 18 million going to Jordi 2.5 million going to each of the parents and the rest to the lawyers Jackson said he paid that sum to avoid something long and drawn-out Francie also received 2.4 million from Jackson now a lot of the defenders of Michael Jackson point to this as proof that these people are just after my after money and so that supports the fact that that they're Liars but you know that's what our Kelly says too right well it was just one money it's such a easy way to dismiss yeah it's the easiest way to say but what remedy first okay first of all this is such a genius play by Michaels lawyers and for the whole propaganda machine because first of all Michael Jackson could never risk being found guilty mm-hmm I mean any amount if there if there's a pot if there's a possibility you could be found guilty there's just no there's no chance so paying them off first of all removes that risk and it gives them the ability to just characterize anybody as only in for for the money so in well false one fell swoop they are able to discredit the the plaintiffs as money hungry and to protecting his reputation by saying oh well we were never found guilty we settled out of court because we just wanted them to go away alright but you don't really pay twenty five million dollars when you're not guilty I wouldn't I mean I'm not Michael Jackson though but I mean I guess it makes sense I could see that he's like you know what and he would I read that he was on tour at the time and his tours are worth like hundreds of millions of dollars so they were you know it's like he just went he didn't want to deal with they didn't want to jeopardize his tour mm-hmm make it go away and this you're talking about the ninety three case right original first one but the one that he did that was settled for twenty five right it was an interesting detail about it do you know who his lawyer was in that case no Cochran right Ani Cochran yes that guy who represented the other man who was acquitted of crimes do we all agree that OJ Simpson is guilty I love how everyone points to the justice system as the end-all be-all yeah he was acquitted well the fundamental misunderstanding when when you're acquitted it doesn't mean you're innocent that's why they call it not guilty it can't prove beyond a reasonable doubt to the jury not this person guilty but it does not being convicted doesn't mean it didn't happen they're not magical they don't know they just can't fully prove it in court of law and also abuse is one of the hardest things to prove because specifically said she said right because at the end of the day it's Michael and a child in a room I love themselves unless you have pictures or videos or something extraordinary I would do it really no way to prove that it happened first of all there were no it's not like today when every kid has a cell phone smartphone yeah today but even not even today I don't know that every seven-year-old could access evidence if something happens it's extraordinarily difficult to to prove so yeah exact the documentary is one-sided it's like yeah that's kinda like the only option well in that argument that for me doesn't make any sense because and also what would it help if what they asked her and Michael's family would I think we already know what they he's not guilty but but ultimately again they were not in the bed we all agree that he slept in the bed with them right so right who was it who was in that room the kid he's the only one Michael Jackson's passed away if anyone was closest to them was their parents like sleeping next door in a room movie and the parents are in the movie and by the way agreeing on all the details I mean and the parents are basically forced to admit that they're the worst people on the whole planet yeah and they're owning like almost the real villains of all these mothers yeah they have more to gain by lying about it and saying like oh he's my son's not telling the truth right yeah I was open-minded to give the parents a chance as far as starting the documentary but like the longer it went on just how could you just let all this happen and be there and just let it happen honey mommy I see that a lot of them were just like kind of at a midlife crisis rest satisfied with their life and they saw there an opportunity for a adventure of their boring mundane life and both of them kept calling it's a it's a like a fairy tale yeah like a fairy tale yeah it's charming came they were they were at my feet they were perfectly susceptible to his charms you know and he knew that he absolutely knew that you know the kids that that guy who sued him or no he so Chandler wasn't in the in the documentary it was the one guy that sued him that it was dismissed Wade Wade so people so Oprah asked him well why did you sue him you know like like well how isn't it isn't that proof that it's about money and he says well it's the only way I could get them to listen to me I felt like there was this great injustice I wasn't thinking about mine I wanted to put it in front of a core and I wanted people to have to listen to me and to what happened to me what I have to say also using the same platform that he used before to defend my so powerful this guy went on trial twice defending Michael mm-hmm when he was brainwashed and he didn't understand the whole picture he didn't understand he's been abused and he was the super fan of Michael and he couldn't imagine Michael go into prison he was like I gotta save him I mean you gotta hear him explain it obviously I'm doing it justice but no you're doing good to him once he had this breakdown an understanding of what happened to him and he wanted to you wanted to correct the record it kind of makes sense that he would want to do it again in front of court and have the word hear it too so that is not he doesn't have to live with that guilt yeah game he wants to redo it that that actually that point was struck recording me because it's so it makes so much sense I want to get back on the stand and tell the truth this time I just keep saying people always saying it's just soon so so you know like they can't trust him because he changed his story basically they just can't find him trustworthy but it's just you got to understand child abuse well that's why to those people always say you should watch the documentary because that's pretty much the main thrust of it is explaining how that's possible yeah and if they were if it was just one person you know I'd maybe be a little bit more sympathetic to that attitude that you know maybe they're just trying this is a scam or whatever but I mean these allegations been around forever yes it was he was never put in jail for it but eventually you know when I think it's five people have come out mm-hmm saying that this happened to them and there's five in total yeah you know when there's that much smoke there's usually fire especially when there's tons of footage of the guy being a creep with children like well let's watch that the volume doesn't even matter you just look just I mean come on we're look we're looking at just use your brain but also with the way the responds they're getting from the whole word discourage it's really discouraging out of people to come out how that that's why I kind of entered the fray to begin with is because I had made a tweet saying that you know I Michael Jackson is a child predator and I wanted I I didn't see anyone voicing support for these victims that I saw as dudes whose life was and family was torn apart by this heinous crime and now hated by the world and I was at I was expecting to see more support for them and I just I felt so awful I felt like I wanted to voice public support for for the film and for these guys and that's why I entered the fray on social media now also something there's a another misconception the guy who sued Michael Jackson the case was thrown out people show that as evidence that Michael Jackson is innocence the truth is that the case was thrown out not on its merits but on the statute of limitation it was a it was a technicality the court said Michael Jackson passed on we can't hold his estate his business liable for this crime and so they threw it out on on technicality making no judgment of the merits of his claims okay because it's like if you're saying child abuse happening at school you're gonna sue the school right we're like yes he's some part of it a company's not yeah it's like Walt Disney abused me so I'm suing Disney yeah well he's that he it's a different whatever and the first trial yet you have to remember that settling is not doesn't mean you're okay we've talked about enough the other big one that you see constantly posted is a the thing about the FBI right yeah he was investigated for 10 years yes like that's the go-to that I keep seeing over and over and over again which you know I'll get surface-mount Allah pilling let me pull up the no but but go on then cuz you know you've researched this week yes so I mean with a lot of these claims you know you you see there's all these memes that get reposted over and over again that have like kind of bullet points of like this is why it's [ __ ] this is why these guys are incredible and on its surface it's like oh wow yeah I mean that sounds that sounds fishy but almost every single one of them if you dig into it it's like so weirdly deceptive what they're saying and yeah the the go-to is well he's investigated by the FBI for 10 years thoroughly and they never found anything not a single thing which like first of all they were only the FBI was only involved in so far as providing technical support to local law enforcement so we're not talking about like tapping his phone lines 24-hour monitoring by the FBI kind of thing we're talking about local law enforcement sending magazines and tapes to the FBI for analysis you know what I mean like and this wasn't happening continuously this was happening once in the early 90s with the first suit and again in the mid-2000s for the second suit so it's over the course of 10 years but that's very different than 10 years continuously you know what I mean like it's two instances of being looked into and so that's not really you know that's not really being fully honest by saying he was being monitored by the FBI for 10 years yeah so this is like the copypasta that you see all over social media first of all I was honored to be a guest on Tim's office hours podcast and he made the most hilarious observation about this which is so true I wish I thought of it grandpa Simpson is the raving delusional lunatic of the show why is he the one whole thing besides I don't understand he's the conspiracy theory Simpson me it's more reputable it's almost like this was used ironically yeah they use it actually yeah that's a very funny point and the funny thing is that these guys are saying oh we did our reason Ethan didn't know not eat but you didn't whenever someone speaks they washed you didn't do your research all you did was watch a documentary and now you're an expert but these people are just sharing a meme of grandpa Simpson who's the crazy delusional character in the show holding up a sign it says Michael Jackson was monitored by the FBI for 13 years at his house was searched two times by more than 70 officers not true I mean highly exaggerated by monetary 4:13 that's that's flat-out false hundreds of kids were interviewed somewhere offered money I don't know if that's a very vague claim I didn't I tried to investigate that I tried to investigate every single thing on this and some of it is so outlandish something like I don't even know how to find out about this so nothing was found I mean that's just flat-out yeah I mean somebody says some suspect stuff was definitely found well enough as you said to bring it to criminal court and I mean they did prosecute him it's not like there was no evidence again it's not like logistics justice system is perfect like soon as y know we all yeah exactly oh and it's all just we don't we don't convict we convict people when it's beyond a reasonable doubt okay so it's entirely possible that you can be guilty but you can't convince a jury beyond a reasonable doubt and so especially when the person is a super loved hero for everyone even you even find a jury that doesn't know yeah and all of his alleged victims are testifying in his favor yes okay so nothing was found that's false he was tried for four months and found not guilty that's true but it doesn't mean he's innocent he was found exactly not couldn't even get him on a misdemeanor well he wasn't tried for a misdemeanor idiot even out of the law works like that's such a weird point it's not like whoa he's not guilty of abuse let's try him for a petty theft it's gonna for jaywalking yeah the reason why we defend him is not because we are fans okay sure we are fans because we have studied the deposition testimonies and court documents instead of tabloid headlines I'm sure that everybody sharing this grandpa Simpson meme has studied the testimonies depositions and court documents first accuser was caught on tape saying he wants money that was the dad actually right yeah and I mean we the other day we listened to the tape of the dad and you know it you could easily interpret it as being somebody that's greedy and after money but if you listen to it you can very much equally interpret it as a furious parent who wants to destroy the person that did this to their kid you really it's all in you might beat you however you interpret it this is a flat-out lie first accuser was caught on tape saying he wants money false it was his father not the accuser right the boy emancipated himself from his family never spoke to them again that's true but imagine when if your parents sell you into a child abuse you would want to do that as well second case was filed with Timeline contradiction and gaps okay Sherlock Holmes they had scammed other celebs like Jay Leno I don't know what that means I am I tried to find that I I'm lost on that if anybody wants to send info on that I'm happy to look at it but that that was a weird one I was like what the [ __ ] Wade Robinson and James safe chuck are proven liars who sued Michael Jackson has stayed for money but when their case were thrown out of court they decided to make a movie know your facts fam okay autumn so Wade Robinson was the dancer he was suing Michael Jackson as we discussed because he wanted to go back on the stand and correct the record James safe chuck was a child actor he had a relationship with Michael Jackson for a long time as far as I could tell never sued Jackson never sought money never sought any monetary damages or compensation in fact he burned hundreds of thousands of dollars of Michael Jackson memorabilia that was given to him and his family to be fair he did at a late stage in the lawsuit join wait that's what I so that's what sued that's what I'm getting to is that so Wade Robinson was suing him and I think when they met and collaboration for this what happened is that James was living and still in denial you know not knowing what happened but he was going through a mental breakdown and he saw Wade Robson talk about it on TV and that kind of triggered him you come to terms with what happened and right and so they just they added him to the lawsuit as a they just they just they just added him basically to - so yeah so they they they say their cases were thrown out it wasn't thrown out on the merits again it was a technicality passed the statute of limitation and they were not compensated by HBO in any way shape or form and a document to be in the documentary so know your facts fam and again please recall when you see this on social media that grandpa Simpson the raving lunatic delusional conspiracy theory who's lost his marbles is the one holding the sign I don't understand this whole movement of like oh you're just gonna believe a documentary it's like sorry about document really trust HBO I love it everything they made well HBO is dating like credible they have to go through so many lawyers absolutely so many approval ago they they're putting the whole company on the line you know they say I always hear them saying it's unvetted unproven yeah right yeah I don't know huge Hoops hurdles to jump through to get cleared I can look into stuff and I did and nothing changed my mind but I'm also not gonna pretend to really a person qualified to look at FBI reports and like analyze a lawyer stuff like sorry I'm just not qualified well when when the dog when I got to see a doctor and he tells me something I trust him you know I believe what he's saying you only heard one side dealer from that doctor well and what's wrong with the documentary I mean a documentary is a source information as much as a book a movie a magazine I mean it's a it's up it's a collection of knowledge it's anecdotes it's stories a documentary and that is a movie made for the purpose of spreading knowledge and this one happens to be a good one it's the first-hand account you can well people that were in the room with this sometimes there are bad documentaries and you're in town and you know I have some intuition that I can trust HBO was not a network that puts out some tabloids let's put let's put I just don't understand this it's like a movement now where and you just believe where you what people tell you or will know it's it's a movement of like oh oh that's cute you actually believe that yeah I don't know well again I mean I think it all comes down to this sort of smearing of the of the subjects of the documentary and in questioning of their credibility which again I mean I won't go point by point through it right now because it's really arduous but you know if all those people are saying oh do some research I encourage them you need to do some research actually follow up on these statements that you're seeing that are trying to counter the narrative because almost every single one of them are highly deceptive in darnay that they're worth and and a lot of the facts are so much in dispute so much that nobody has like there's one claim that I always hear and that supports my claim that Michael Michael was a child abuser by the way before I get too deep in that come one of you guys find out what was originally on the sign I'm really curious I feel like that could be really religion Allah so I actually I've a glee remember the original picture yeah what I was saying is that there's one claim that the child that the F or the police took pictures of Michael's penis and that the child was correctly able to identify a marking on his penis now we were not able in any way to corroborate or there's a lot of claims like that that it's just how you can't possibly know if it's right or wrong so I'm not I'm not bringing that up that's not an undisputed fact but there's enough yeah I think to try very very clear picture I'd love to see what was originally written on that that somebody said you know I'm gonna race whatever grandpa Simpson has and write this when people accept that as fact I really wanna know is there furthermore don't take my word for it because I am an idiot okay and that is but that is my point you don't need to have a PhD in I don't even know what they expect you to know yeah to form an opinion on this yeah I don't I mean that's hey how would you go on with your life you can't you can't do anything then if you have to question everything well I always found it so rich when people I built my whole career on sharing my opinion I have a very strong opinion and when people agree they get very excited and they laugh and they love it and they feel like they're on the same team but when they disagree all the sudden its ethan stick to comedy he then is always wrong his opinions it's like it's like dude I be thinking stop sharing his opinion and stick to comedy it's like I built my whole career on sharing this is this is what I do this is what I do you know but so don't take my word for it okay for all of the discrediting you see on social media among Michael Jackson fans this movie received 97 percent on Rotten Tomatoes and among top critics it has 100 percent now I'm not saying that to sit to say that critics are correct about everything I'm only merely exemplifying that every movie critic 97% and a hundred of top critics watch this their whole livelihood is critias a judging the merits of a film and they all said there's something credible and compelling about this film that it's worth watching 100 percent of them said that so these are people who is whole livelihood is judging films and they are unanimous decision that there's something compelling worth watching in these documentaries and Louis Theroux recently again thank God because sometimes I feel like I'm living in crazy world here Louis Theroux one of the most brilliant prolific credible documentarians of all time lovely thing he makes he is truly one of my heroes now you can say I'm stupid and that I don't do research and that he thinks I'd watch the documentary over all that minutes try saying that to Louis Theroux if you can't see that Michael Jackson was a pedophile after watching Dan Reid's documentary you are willfully blind and if you are campaigning against it you're actively colluding in the silencing of victims what a brilliant tweet and of course if you go down in the comments the top [ __ ] it's like this ain't it fam yeah I haven't seen the documentary yet but FBI conducted 13 years of investigating wow I wonder where you got that information yourself every time I see it I cringe it's like come on people like to start no comment in response was I usually agree with you Lilly but on this one it's like okay and the the second part what he said about silencing victims is just so true it's so important and that's just what's so painful for me to watch with the way people are just talking [ __ ] about this to guys and in general and the victims it's yeah so they changed their story because they're a victim I mean you maybe you haven't been to any experience like that but this is something that is very common with child abuse well and their main point that they're clinging to is completely dismantled in the documentary they refuse to watch yeah that was kind of what was so heartbreaking and so frustrating about this is like the if you're willing to go out in public and attack and ridicule and discredit people because on the other end what you are defending is potentially one of the most prolific child predators and that ever lived some of them so horrific so if if you're willing to go in public and defend potentially one of the someone who's committed the most heinous crime you can imagine one of the most heinous crimes you can imagine I think you owe it to yourself to do as much research as you can and that unfortunately I hate to tell you includes watching this documentary that has a hundred percent on Rotten Tomatoes and is widely acclaimed by documentarians but it's so true you are campaign you are campaigning against you are actively colluding and silencing victims it's so true imagine you're one of his victims watching this and you're alright come out and this is the response it's like yeah I would never why and so you're already going through so much [ __ ] you don't need the whole world [ __ ] on you - yeah of course Louis Theroux puts so brilliantly and I just such a huge fan of his were you guys able to find the original mean I haven't been able to find it yet the chat has been somewhat helpful I think they've maybe pointed me in the right direction of the right episode yeah so okay good the search continued close I'm closing in good thank you Jeff make sure you guys so that's kind of and then I see this - which I mean it's I hear I see people saying they've been - I was they say to me oh damn they go well I believe that Michael Jackson did the crimes he's accused of but because he's dead and can't defend himself it's wrong to drag him um what are that statement to me is profoundly dumb because you're on one hand saying yes he is committing the most heinous crimes that he never lived the judge he never got taken to justice for destroying so many family and so many kids he never got the justice he deserved and I and and so on one hand you're like he is a heinous criminal but on the other hand he can't defend himself so let's not talk about it how do those two ideas coexist out they don't and the I I don't I don't even know what to say about it so if he was a huge awful child rapist we don't deserve to know let's not talk about it I would like to know so important because one a lot of people say well he's dead what does it matter okay they're survivors of his crimes are very much alive their pain is very much alive that their families that were ripped apart is very much alive and to if we as a world in abled Michael Jackson to commit such heinous crimes if we were collectively groomed and cast under his spell that is something that we as a world need to grapple with and understand and make sure that we don't enable people to do it again [Music]
Channel: H3 Podcast Highlights
Views: 4,419,683
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: h3 podcast, podcast, h3h3, h3h3productions, ethan klein, ethan and hila, michael jackson, michael, jackson, leaving neverland, leaving, neverland
Id: w7TpMVNO-5E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 43sec (3403 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 10 2019
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