Gus Johnson - H3 Podcast #112

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It was good. Gus seems like a super nice guy, hope they get him again.

👍︎︎ 20 👤︎︎ u/Dusty_surveyor 📅︎︎ Apr 13 2019 🗫︎ replies

Papa bless

👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Apr 11 2019 🗫︎ replies

Gus seems like a good dude. I like that he's coming up without doing a lot of the ridiculous shit other people do to get popular.

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Apr 13 2019 🗫︎ replies

This was a good one, felt old school and natural

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/dexfagcasul 📅︎︎ Apr 13 2019 🗫︎ replies

What the frick Gus, my first name is Emil :(

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/sssemil 📅︎︎ Apr 13 2019 🗫︎ replies

I'd tell Ethan to sack up and share a pepperoni pizza with me

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Lightn1ng 📅︎︎ Apr 12 2019 🗫︎ replies

I used to go to the same college as this guy and actually lived in one of the houses he filmed a video in. So crazy to see him getting so big

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Raccoon12 📅︎︎ Apr 17 2019 🗫︎ replies

in this clip:

i cant find the actual instagram page. i tried searching for it but i just found a bunch of fakes and people trying to use similar @'s.

does anyone know the actual page?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/rreighe2 📅︎︎ Apr 12 2019 🗫︎ replies

Seems like a cool guy, enjoyed this. I like when people speak frankly about YT and making content etc.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/TerryBouchon 📅︎︎ Apr 17 2019 🗫︎ replies
coming to you in five four three two welcome everybody to the h3 podcast live remember everybody you never helped Bob Barker used to say remember new to your dog so I want to point raised here because I just came from the bathroom oh yeah remember everybody wash your hand because every time I'm in the bathroom there's some nasty I swear to god people have taking dumps next to me in that bathroom and not wash their hand so I'm pointing this new phrase but remember everybody wash your hands you big germaphobe boy I'm a low tier I'm half time germaphobe I think I I'm sneezing a hand [ __ ] that's a dead no for me though like even just a little or little coughing your hands like I'm not I'm not touching you you know well I don't blame me because when I sneeze and when I sneeze that's like a waterfall I mean there's so much yeah I'm out of me yeah but I'm not I'm not totally I mean I am a germ guy but I also think that if you take a [ __ ] and the public stall you should wash your hands you got it even if you go pee in there like as soon as you walk through the threshold you have the obligation visually to wash or at least do if there's visitors in there with you do them the courtesy of the theatre of Washington yes you know what I don't do though for public bathrooms if I'm alone and if I go to the urinal I don't wash my hands because they say logically if I'm well if I'm alone and no one's in there I don't wash my hands in the public bathroom because my rationale is like if I'm flushing with my foot you know so the only thing I'm touching is like my zipper what about your and it falls out get urine on your fiber if I pee on my finger then I'll wash it was I that happens a lot to me really I don't know what I don't know I have a pretty good aim my hands all over the place yeah because I'm kind of I'm like neurotic and I forced the urine out of my dick oh yeah like I'll pee more than I have to because I hate the feeling of having to pee that's true do you ever get like gun-shy and [ __ ] though like oh yeah I can't go if anyone else is in there I've gotten better and my older age but as like pretty much up until recently and even sometimes recently if there's someone next to me yeah I'm going to I'm waiting for this doll yeah I can't do it can't do it isn't that interesting I don't know why cuz it doesn't tie into any other areas of confidence like no matter how confident you get just like [ __ ] I don't know and they're just like they know I'm not peeing right now right it's been five seconds like I don't loud here goddamn but I had a real complex about it and like when I was in high school mm-hm or yeah well when you're in a setting and there's lots of people there and it's like real quiet yeah and you can definitely hear if they're paying or not that drives me crazy yeah see the thing is though too I think a tweeted about this last week one of my greatest assets now as I became an adult was like the ability to poop wherever like I can just take a [ __ ] wherever any public baths really 20 people in there I don't care but like looking at a urinal I can't do it because you've got privacy in the [ __ ] at least ya do unless they're you know unless it's sometimes you may get a little bit of pekin action going on people not figure that out I don't know it's some countries they have the stalls figured out you could engineer it beautifully or you could just get some bris Brussels that's it just some Brussels that cover the crack courtesy Brussels yeah Curtis they have those in Brussels actually you know like a paintbrush the Brussels the bristles it just covers it like it's on the bottom of doors and [ __ ] yeah you can't see through the Brussels it's not a big investment no standard practice yeah but I'll still [ __ ] you're right yeah I think I think that's an interesting conversation I think we should explore that mm-hmm but first I'd like to first of all introduce you oh yeah our guest today is if you haven't yet guess Gus Johnson all scooo stuff is your phone number yes Swedish Norwegian boy okay and your brother's name is Sven yeah so are you guys like fresh off the boat or what this is a strong no my parents want to do some deep cuts because I've got I've got my other brothers name is Thor Johnson you have a sword in your family got a Thor off Johnson which lets that a badass how does he how has he developed in life as a Thor he's a strong presence blonde hell he's big athlete guy yeah and Sven is fen Iver Johnson which is dope I really got the short end of the stick on the name game my the Gustav school it's like a regal King kind of thing but my middle name is it spelled EMI L how would you assume that's pretty mi l yeah like ml or a meal or something right it's pronounced a Mille so it looks like email and it sounds like anal and it's like who the [ __ ] is naming anal yeah whenever that's why my I've kind of outed myself now on Twitter and stuff like I'm cost danger Johnson and stuff and whenever people would ask me grown-up like what's your middle name I just feel like danger and they go haha and not ask again cuz I was like I'm gonna tell kids that my name is anal I'd be dead on the playground if I do that [ __ ] that'd be stupid yeah you want to keep that a secret yeah let me out let me let me say something to you what would you think about a child whose actual middle name was danger was danger oh that's a good point I'd probably hate him more because and I'm sure he's not listening so I'm not worried but I have a cousin I shouldn't even say I should have said I know the information is so it's a specific that you could never possibly know I have a cousin who named his first son his middle name is danger okay it's not it's not as terrible well I'm setting you up clearly but I have a strong opinion about it I mean like you don't even know the guys you know if to work but I think it's awful that's true you have to seem it like Thanksgiving or something he doesn't listen okay he doesn't [ __ ] danger I mean it's like damn because if my middle name was danger I'd almost want to keep that a secret as anal I don't know the thing is though my mentality was like playground kid thing like if you're danger kids would probably be like whoa you know but for really you know you're dead in the water yeah that's a good point you're so dead in the water then also want to thank our sponsors cut away from us Robin Hood hems and audible give it up I also want to observe want to observe that Gus Johnson here funny man comedian gives their gaffe sir musician heck of a fungi oh you I'm on the brink is on the brink of 1 million subscribers if you look at the screen here we're at nine hundred ninety five thousand four hundred and eighty two now 1 million is a that's the big one that's the big one that's kind of the last milestone for a while honestly all the millions are kind of the same ten is the only other one that I'm yeah why mailing it to you know it's like oh oh well the million dumbass yeah so you know what's gonna happen this is gonna go one of either way either the community's gonna go like let's get him there or there'd be like a [ __ ] bees live let's take the numbers well now that you said that yeah what are you gonna do right no I wanted to I wanted to offer Gus the h3 bump okay we want to give him the h3 bump that is the endorsement that is the gold seal if you do not know who Gus is if you're not a fan here now there it is see the people respond to the call we're bumping we're about getting high on h3 so everyone who's watching if you're not subscribed to Gus first of all let me just tell you you'll be doing yourself a huge favor by subscribing to this guy okay and even if you don't like him no see you just went back down goddamnit you guys what the hell how did it go up and then down something like how did they collude oh they pranked me there do yourself a favor for Christ's sake okay and subscribe to Gus let's get them to bump guys let's get them to 1 million oh all right thanks for the bump fellas appreciate it yeah we'll check back in on that so you had your first anxiety attack you mentioned to me is that something you've talked about publicly um I can't remember if I mention it on my own podcast the Gus and Eddie podcast it was like a month ago or so I haven't really talked on it too publicly I've never really had like a bunch of anxiety [ __ ] to my knowledge before but like stuff has been so stressed last few months and I know I have super high blood pressure and I eat pizza for like every [ __ ] meal mmm that's some good [ __ ] but getting there yeah I don't know I know my diets not super good and I had a lot like my first live show stuff was coming up but I just got hit like a [ __ ] ton of bricks like a month ago we were driving to go see spider-verse with some buddies and I just all of a sudden I couldn't breathe and my chest was all tight and I couldn't feel my face and like my speech was really slowed down like that I was like what the [ __ ] is going on I thought I was having a heart attack or something so into the emergency room and chest x-ray and everything they're like yeah you had an anxiety attack yes and then like the two weeks after that you kept feel it come on a little bit like oh [ __ ] it's coming on it's going on so I don't know what that's all about but luckily no less I don't think I mean interesting here's the thing I've been through that yeah it's not it probably has nothing to do with the food you know you think no because I eat some higher let's hang out we'll both be dead by the age of 40 it's everything that's my thing either goes to me she goes be just boring pizza beat she goes pizzas boring I'm like I don't even know you it's not though if how are you human that's inhuman thing to say it's so that is literally you are not you are a reptilian it's pretty like crickets yeah what do you mean crafted there's so many little variations on the theme it's like a Mozart symphony like well if you say okie today maybe some Gabriella's today you know and then you put Tapatio on it when it starts getting a little cooler like what you do oh really oh hell yeah you got a few I just dip it in ranch I can't do that see yeah let's not hang yeah yeah oh yeah oh yeah you got to find your spot yeah he'd say okay that's my groove see you have better options cuz you're you're in the city we're in the valley and the valley there's just a lot of scammers really get your top hundred dollars for some shitty pieces but let me ask you what your well I want to talk more about the anxiety but let's get to really the you know what's important here what do you what do you put on your PI put on the PI here are you pepperoni boy I'm a pepperoni boy for the most part I had a feeling yeah locked you ready do I drink Coca Cola classic not diet right um I do diet no but yeah well I switch to diet more after the anxiety attacks and I'm healthiest shits though right yeah fixed it I do pepperoni and jalapeno for the most part that's that good stuff okay so what I find the pepperoni to be a little too heavy and greasy for me although I love it what I like to do is black all of is my pepperoni you'll ya lost me suck okay we agreed on the pizza but when you get down to it we are just completely we can not we have to walk separate ways it is fun because for me I think black olives black black olives mushrooms like most classic combo Oh fertile and I'm feeling like really adventurous I want black olives I want jalapenos we agree there but if I really am feeling like if I'm ordering a Pete if I'm by myself yeah this is the pizza I'm getting because I know nobody else wants yeah black olives jalapeno and pineapple oh my god that's like scientifically designed Turing everybody else protection that's my [ __ ] I don't have to tell you I love it I dip it in rain you know it's crazy I don't mind that one so I know because it's delicious because your your your you know your gut reaction was like oh oh I only eat pepperoni yeah but that you don't right though I don't know if I had my way the perfect relaxation thing and this ties back into like calm and anxiety [ __ ] if I had my way every single night of my life if it had no health repercussions I would have a few beers I would just just destroy my body on pizza watch the office and fall asleep with 20 minutes after I got done eating it it's my groove you know it's perfectly calming that should so unhealthy for you though so I got that a shame I wish so much danced saying I'm a psycho yeah well at least I like pizza honestly I don't want to scare you guys but i would probably enjoy more just eating a cucumber like what I'm just a rock you comfort eat it like an you know it's [ __ ] up I would leave her it's no I'm fine cucumber too by itself pretty offensive yeah like just says something to eat on like a pickle like a just a cucumber I find that to be pretty offensive yeah that's some bad [ __ ] I love it about it I mean good for you I wish I love cucumber more than pizza being a lot my life would be in a lot I mean yeah but I dream of a future my utopian future is when they scientifically engineer pizza to be like healthy they could so easily pieces there you got cheese and whole grain and veggies and [ __ ] but somehow government's holding us back yeah it's the government [ __ ] loved ones that you know what I when I really want to go crazy those bait out put bacon on it yeah bacon and black olives that's see I could screaming we get together I'll go bacon and we can go jalapeno alright that's our mid that's our treaty like that's a solid pie right that's a solid pie you definitely be hurt in the next morning but it's solid pepperoni I mean that's just as bad at anything yeah that's like drinking a Duracell battery for you much yeah I mean [ __ ] when you get pepperoni you got to get out like a paper towel and dab that [ __ ] yeah that's nasty I need a shower after 8:00 anyway yeah so when I first start having my anxiety attacks I was like oh it's cuz I'm its you know the food and I don't exercise so I start like running and changing my diet and everything but it's really it's not you know in my opinion because I've been through this it's uh thirst there's its other issues mm-hmm it's psychological issues that cause that not if it's not food and stuff you know as I understand it ya know I think I just got to lock down my schedule stuff the thing is like for years I've always just sort of barely made it by stuff you know like I barely got out of high school I barely graduated college and I got like a 2.5 when I graduated like just trip my way out the door so now that like I have this built-up barely making it mentality but I'm taking on new projects with like other people that really rely on me it's just stress on the outer so much more yeah it was just so much easier like when you when I was just kind of [ __ ] around back in small town Wisconsin just like y'all make a meme this week I'll do that but now it's like should I have people to answer to and people rely on me and stuff like yeah [ __ ] I hate that so much but it takes time really more oh yeah yeah I I've had a pretty rough week because I'm like Teddy fresh has grown a lot and I'm super happy and proud but it comes with so much work and like like you said I'm working with people now so I gotta respond and I gotta be there and like I was thinking to this week just when we first started it was just awesome like we wasn't a product manager yeah we had one employee there wasn't really any stress and I'm like how did we even do stuff back then oh it's so complicated now we have four full-time employees and we're like more stressed about it Jesus but but I I think I went through kind of the same thing it's like I always see my there's like mental barriers that I kind of hit mm-hmm there's like new walls that I'm always hitting and then you got it just push through it and get over it mm-hmm yeah totally yeah I think therapy is good because it's hard to figure out what is actually what actually is it you know what I'm saying that's a good point I think back I was gonna ask you to like what were some things that you guys did what like earlier on to make money and stuff cuz I was thinking or like dude well I know you talked about what I saw literally I sucked it yeah a lot of them oh gee fire festival mode there I didn't hell yeah dude you know this because I was just thinking like back to like what I was talking about the easier early days I went to just a small College in Wisconsin UW Stout and I used to just I felt like I appreciated little things more and like a little bits of money and in projects as people stuff you know what I used to do was it was a few years ago early on is I'd get some buddies together for a weekend and I figured out that through break calm you remember break that's just old video sharing website for you to be stuff mm-hmm a dude I've reached out to me from break comm like four years ago I was just like hey I'd like to buy this clip or whatever for like a hundred dollars or so ya know what I'm super like oh boy my stuff so I did that and then I I circled back then I was like hey you guys I could just sell you [ __ ] eclipse like I can just pump stuff out he's like yeah okay we'll do that you go he's what the big thing for them was like they would always do these prank compilations and scare videos and stuff like that and he's like yeah you know you send us any of those we'll give you like 50 100 bucks to the video so what I would I would I would get some buddies together for a weekend we get like four or five guys get a couple different cameras like an old shitty cell phone at DSLR or like a Sony flip cam so everything looks different I would we everyone would trade out being like the person getting scared the guy scaring and the person behind the camera so we would rotate every variation of these and it would always be for me I was like I don't want my [ __ ] face out there on these horrible ass Frank video so wasn't ironic or funny you were literally taking beat yeah just like oh I'm gonna crank these out so it's always made a great channel with that right that's where blowing up he doesn't own that contact yep exclusive rights get good that's awesome so there's probably like dozens of stuff out there that like you guys are anybody else might have seen like a prank and shitty little scare video in a compilation and it's like me from far away with a ball cap on or something I was undercover with that that's awesome so I would sell him off and then split it with my buddies you know I that beats selling drugs what we were doing ya know when we were starting to make videos on YouTube and then we had like a small following I started to I would for example sell a sticker pack that I made and good we were hustle like cars ela was basically Chinese sweat factor and I don't know if you have seen the Jeff [ __ ] dolls oh yeah those little pink so those things supported us back in their day yeah yellow and now that I think back about it it's like I mean we charge $40 a dude and it took me a lot of water was spending and then we would we would take a bunch of them we would walk to the post office sit there for hours yeah it was like I swear that I would I would sit there editing and he'll be on the couch behind me sewing Jeff Dunham [ __ ] but I loved it and just the fact that I could make money any amount of money doing that and not like wait working as a waitress or as a babysitter anything miracle than that was amazing to me so I was oh yeah I was like we were at home together we won't go at working with some other [ __ ] I had a date I worked at a day job for five years in a desk job so for me the same I was making like $1,000 a month and I was just like cuz before I quit my job I was working on YouTube events I was making like $1,000 a month when I quit my job but I was just like hmm that's my rent yeah yeah I missed that stuff like going through high school in college like I just worked in food service a lot I was a pizza guy for a while he's the guy he's never do it act yeah it's see that's why it's its genetic at this point I was a pizza delivery guy in the meth producing capital of the entire United States what they order on their pies they ordered well I don't remember what they ordered but they tipped like goddamn kings did I genuinely all the time I would deliver to like meth dens did you ever get crystals and I was I was offered drugs a couple times as tips yeah like little bags of crisps I smoked some meth yeah I was like oh my boss no dude it was it was rough I one time I delivered to a house that had just been broken into and it was clearly the guys that broke into the house that ordered the pizza to because I'm from a town of like a thousand a people oh that's next level yeah it was [ __ ] scary so they went out there and the the girl that was doing the phones when she took the delivery she goes like oh that's weird they asked for your full name I was like really it was it like a relative I don't know so I just gave it to him hold on stay away hold on oh look they ordered the pie yeah then asked for the delivery guys full name or yes that's what they did they said what's the delivery guys full name that's Johnson so but I mean I wasn't tipped off yet this was way out of town so I'm going out there and it was one of the only houses on this road it was January and I Drive up and there's a running like pickup truck in the front yard the front door was busted off its hinges so I was like what the [ __ ] is going on so I walk up to the front door and it's like they look like the two dudes in home alone there's a guy with like with a jacket on and the fingerless gloves and he was hacking up dining-room tables and like starting a fire in the in the fireplace was like furniture and [ __ ] so I like walk up tonight old yeah I was [ __ ] freezing so he just was like starting a fire in this cabin and like I walk up and I stockers it Hey pizza's here and he stands up hey hey what's going on what's going on got the pizza oh okay hey Dan pizza whatever the dude's name was this guy comes around he goes hey and the total was like I don't know fifteen dollars and he's like what I oh yeah fifteen bucks he goes okay he pulls open a backpack and he pulls open a big like gallon ziplock bag of just crumpled hundred-dollar bills oh my god and he reaches in there and he pulls out like a fifty which is you know like thirty five dollar tip or whatever that's huge and he goes like here you go keep the change Gus Johnson oh my so it's just like your [ __ ] like and rat me out I would they even bother like yeah like bring your love for a minute yeah Jesus Wow but you're probably so you're probably equal parts stoked and scared yeah I was like hey money but also they know my own name and location yeah cuz it's like what if they get found out they're gonna blame it on the pizza guy what an easy scapegoat like but also man that's a wild scene I wonder if that's their plan B just to blame it on the pizza guy it could be I mean if you're looking for someone to kill it's easy to offer pizza kid so it wasn't us it was Gus he's got some of the money check the serial code yeah but that should happen all the time you know like you'd go up and there were times we delivered a little shacks that didn't even have a fire number and like dudes would come out and there was honestly it looked like Breaking Bad like they had full hazmat suits hanging outside the door they come to the door and a wife beater and a cigarette and it smelled like chemical fireable Rottweilers in the background like that should happen all the time it was really good there those are the good days that's what I miss no but I think I agree that everyone's got the good days yeah and I'll tell you even your fans they look back on there was the golden days actually we have several golden day faces for different fans and even I look back in I reminisce but you know you know sometimes you just got to have a slice and enjoy the present moment yeah just be nice it's a doobie no I used to are you feeling are you feeling like you're missing what is it like the content is it the vibe but what is it that you're missing about the old days the thing is I and I think a lot of people might agree hopefully that in the last six months to a year especially I have felt the proudest of my content I think it's the best that it's been in the four years that I've been doing this kind of full-time ish but I just I missed I missed the peace of mind and the simplicity and stuff you know it was so every it was [ __ ] no expectations yeah like even like going through college like right I had about a year and a half of college left when that first big ad pocalypse hit you know and I was maybe off of youtube and patreon insured stuff so maybe making like seven hundred bucks a month but then it cost me $200 for rent everything included in my college house I was like I get a few hundred dollars like I can go buy ten Romo pizzas for eight bucks you know among friends you're probably the richest hey guys I got this round of $2 shots yeah you know like everybody says everything was dope you know I used to I used to when we moved out for the college end of the semester [ __ ] you know the dorms all have these donation bins at my college and all the building managers would tell people they said hey if you want anything out of here you just dig in you go for it you know but I felt embarrassed like going in like taking the food and electronics and stuff so what I used to do is I would I would go to sleep at 8:00 p.m. and I would wake up at 3 in the morning I'd grab my roller blades go down to campus with a duffel bag and a backpack and I would be listening to just like podcasts and [ __ ] and I would I would fill up my duffel bag full of food and electronics and stuff and then I would flip the electronics in the daytime be like hey someone want a box fan five bucks or like and then I had like a year's worth of food and [ __ ] you know like that was that was pure bliss for me dumpster diving and stuff like that and just making memes whenever making twenty five dollars on a video or something like I love that let me ask you this because I often think this to myself yeah there's a time like when mean either were living back in Santa Cruz that we think back and we have that vibe of like oh man that was just the best most carefree vibe but then I have specific memories then I remember and I'm like oh wait we were miserable then you know it's it's easier to romanticize to when you look at a situation that seems like it has fewer consequences because you're like what happened if I messed up then you know I'll just go wash dishes again at the campus cafe stuff you know but also I was [ __ ] miserable I was waking up at 5 a.m. making omelets for shitty college kids and you know failing all my classes having to beg professors for grades and stuff like good I want to told her professor this is I once told someone that I my god did this was Isaac's idea by the way I was gonna flunk out of college for the second time yeah and I'm gonna flunk I mean fail out of university and I told them I just found out that my this is so [ __ ] up that I did this I just remember this I told them that I just found out my girlfriend has HIV oh my god yeah he said to me never cross my mind he goes you know I have a friend who did this and they got an extension and I was like oh my god so I went and I sat in front of the council or whatever and I was like yeah I know I'm feeling all my classes but oh my god I found out my girlfriend has HIV that's a rough one you know again the middle ground or something yeah that was I that's the awful thing I like just remember yeah yeah I want fall cucumber I had a couple of shameful ones though were like that so I'm embarrassed to admit that story I like the biggest thing for me was like I I knew going through college I was so [ __ ] terrible that stuff especially like getting an art degree I can't draw I can't paint nothing that you've studied yeah like they they hung it in her line well it was when I went there there was like I'll come to this this is the only dude film degree in Wisconsin that you can get this not at the uw-madison like yeah you be the next Spielberg and [ __ ] but then they go oh 80% of your classes are going to be drawing and painting I was like I went to my first audio engineering class like audio design when I was a junior in college and we sit down the first day the professor goes okay so we're gonna be working primarily with audacity in this class the [ __ ] audacity of him to suggest that [ __ ] but like it's just it was a it was a joke of a film degree met so many wonderful people I was solely responsible for my shitty grades take full responsibility but I just like I didn't want to draw and paint I couldn't do that [ __ ] yeah so there were so many times where it's the end of the semester and it's like in one of my like drawing classes or something I go to the professor and I hadn't turned in a single thing all year and just like I don't have to tell you like I [ __ ] up I have AIDS like you can owe to tell you like don't want to sound like an ultimatum at all the reality is if I fail this class I don't know when I can fit it in again I might have to drop out of college I'm sorry to put that on you whoa like January yeah I'd had to do that once and I wasn't even doing it manipulatively like genuinely I was like I can't take this class again I fully [ __ ] up and they passed me huh they just gave you a pity a b-plus I turned out that's a cucumber move but there was he mine that was full cuke no it was uh the the man was wonderfully nice he said if you can really like power out this next week and turn in some stuff then I will evaluate your situation so like I did something you know wow you just FLC that's the difference brutal honesty and and brutal brutal lie yeah that hurt his [ __ ] like a shitload cuz again it's like I'm not pretending to be good at any of this stuff but I feel so embarrassed you know cuz I'm a proud person to some extent but you have to just crawl on your hands and knees and be like I [ __ ] up please have mercy I guess is you know yeah I I had the same college experience man it was like I had to do what I had to do to survive yeah but I had to like crushing my anxiety was like I was I was barely upper I could barely operate through college so it's a miracle that I as you say stumbled come due and by the way I went to UC Santa Cruz not exactly the most illustrious of the schools but it's as equally shitty as you describe really yours to be man ours was not yeah I like the people there you know I think the people are what makes any situation and one thing that I really benefited from was the copious amount of like free gear and stuff that you could check out from the library yeah like I did three years of a YouTube channel and I didn't buy camera I didn't buy a mic nothing cuz I just go to the library and we started to I used to borrow yeah we didn't know how to use it and our for all of our first videos hella crazy interlace the cameras they had were like the complicated ones nothing small and simple and we had no idea so it was all wrong yeah everything yeah that's mine too because like I wasn't learning to [ __ ] in my camera class I probably have like at least five older videos that I shot as a sketch and I didn't know about like manual and auto focus where I would check out a camera come on baby I hope this blends isn't blurry oh [ __ ] well guess I got a shoot on it I didn't know what focus you know yeah so I guess we had like the white balance on auto and I didn't know and we would record inside the house and made like sin it would start changing completely all the colors and we were like why is it doing that why is it it went from orange to blue like because of course everything you're making is a masterpiece do you think you're like oh dude I was gonna be so famous from this yeah the worst thing ever with each step up to you notice one thing in disregard the blatant bad [ __ ] so once I figured out the focus stuff was like wow professional and it's like the white bounce was on like cloudy yeah but it's Chris audios like so back yeah yeah alright let's throw to a quick break I am going to go eat a bunch of bagels and cream cheese mm-hmm and we will be right back so guys do not go anywhere oh that's what we're working on the substitutes though right yeah make sure to keep that going are we bump in yeah we'll be right back we'll check in on that I'll just break thank you guys Robin Hood is an investing app that lets you buy and sell stocks ETFs options and cryptos all commission free while other brokers charge up to $10 for every trade Robin Hood doesn't charge any 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just the one time I will sometimes not wash my hands but I feel like you should always if you're at a situation where there's no door like at a theater sometimes they don't do the door they just have the wall yeah that's my favorite bathroom situation you just go out and and you know you'll have a clean pee and you're back in putting your penis Hansel back in that communal popcorn bed so well sometimes you can maneuver it so you don't even touch the old wean you know just cool you just do the arrest the penis on the Beltline yes and and trust that the repercussions don't make it be like an open hose I think I love that and you know what really grinds my gears who got a sit back for this one okay so sometimes at even at fancy restaurants you'll see this ah a bathroom with the door no paper towels to open the door they'll just have an air dryer it's like hello I'm at a nice restaurant and you think I am gonna touch that door handle there's no way I don't I ever use an air dryer ah Cobell probably for [ __ ] years I haven't used an air dryer it's a hair dryer their journey and your you still get wet me a [ __ ] paper towel if there's a door plus in LA you know if they don't have the clean paper towel dispensers you guys have a good one but most the restaurants are like let's just throw a bunch of paper towels so it's just like that'd be a good sketch for you I don't get it cuz that's LA so eco-friendly they're like oh we can't do straws but if you go take a [ __ ] you're gonna use ten paper towels to wipe because you separate ten of them you know hey is this thing [Laughter] oh we were we were discussing at the beginning of the show yeah that link Gus here is here we're making some probably bumping we're bumping things out that [ __ ] no [ __ ] you dude so guys we are trying to give Gus here the h3 bump come on there's enough you watching let's show Gus what the h3 army is all about let's lock and load baby Oh me later and I'll walk towards public buildings with our weapons let's walk to YouTube subscribe button not headquarters subscribe button yeah that's on your page in your house not a physical location that's okay the guns out hit that subscribe button show them at the age for the army is all about right you endorsed that I endorsed that I think my legal team picked through that step let me ask you a question here yeah between Chris Brown Michael Jackson and our Cali [ __ ] Mary well I'm in so heavy to Chris Brown already you know like what the [ __ ] Chris Brown thing I did a video on him god I don't know I might have to go kill Chris Brown just cuz I have such a history built up on him and like even before the video I made a few months ago like four years still I was like talking about that [ __ ] publicly it just it baffles me so much how he has alluded any like public punishment or even like corporate punishment that that's what bugs me the most regardless of the severity of each of those people's crimes arguably are Kelly's seems to be the most like heinous crime [ __ ] but like I'm just in so deep for Chris Brown well Chris Brown I agree because his like with our Kelly and Michael Jackson people debate it yeah with our Cal or with Chris Brown we all agree he beat the [ __ ] out of Rihanna right it's not so I mean we've all seen the pictures he [ __ ] like choked her did that nearly to death yeah and even if it again just to say oh just that one thing that is the worst possible thing that should be a career ender but he has had now 10 years during his professional career where he has repeatedly been like assaulting people right like you can look up it's [ __ ] public records right but all this it's it's it's sickening how many fans he still has and and just add a quick pass over it seems like most of the social media accounts they're like [ __ ] you breezy for life stream undecided it seems like most of them seem to be women like what the [ __ ] is going on like I don't get it at all pretty much right after it happened on Twitter there was people like Chris Brown could beat me and I wouldn't say anything yeah I what there's so many feet again I and I outline in the video angers there the thing is yeah he's a hottie with the body good see dance if I could only sing I can dance yeah I could sing oh you could wrap them got that going for you but ya know though he's [ __ ] hot he can dance and he's a good singer and he just gets a pass because of that I don't get it do if you're if you've got the triple threat you can beat up people yeah and even diddle little penises too if that's what you're into it yeah yeah I'm sick I wish I had it no but I hear you I agree with you about Chris Brown that guy's been a scumbag for so long it's just I think more than anything even if you're a die-hard fan of Chris you got to step back and go holy [ __ ] how did he survive me too and not even survive it but how did like no one talk about him here right there is it in collabs all the time when other people and dude he's collabing with everybody he's winning awards he's performing he's selling albums and well he's like me to he's like I didn't do anything sexually I just beat the [ __ ] out of you how many of his own fans do like they have a plethora of defenses for him to you know like you just you just hate him or like you just being racist or like you're just Regulus and stuff to yell it yeah that's the [ __ ] but one of them one of them do is for the Rihanna situation I've seen so many people defend him and go like you don't know she had a death grip on his balls oh okay he was defending himself kidding me come on I love that that she had a death grip on his balls where did that originate from is that just a rumor um people are extracting different things from the published police report you know like it's pretty in-depth about her like fighting back you know and there's just like people like bro there was fighting on both sides it's like yes she was getting killed let me ask you this what somebody grabs your balls and squeezes as hard as they can what do you do probably hit him in the face once oh you do see I would think that you would go for the hand oh that's true be like oh [ __ ] yeah and he's much stronger than she is with my luck though I'd go for like full hand punch I just knocked myself but I think instinctively it would be one of those oh one of the republic's and then you know then he would choke her to death yeah that's true it's just too calculated to be like oh you have a death grip on my balls I'm gonna beat the [ __ ] out of you it doesn't make sense I love the gripping balls ya know so okay so we're killing Chris Brown so now you have a Michael Jackson RK when you have to [ __ ] it when you have to Mary oh boy talk about a lose lose lose situation here for all well win lose lose if you're killing one of them I think you probably [ __ ] Chris or [ __ ] R Kelly he's got that sexual energy yeah Mary Michael I feel like if it came down that's exactly yeah if it came down to fisticuffs at the very least I could defend myself against Michael I feel like Michael is huge by the way he's a big guy oh no I saw him because he's he's transformed his body and you wouldn't expect it I saw him in a video he's got like massive hands really he's like a huge guy how tall is he he's tall it's not huge No with his he had like he's built like a big-ass black dude he's I don't think so Michael Michael Jackson height I just looked it up he's a five nine you just sign next to kids though he's like Bruce Lee he's like a little ninja yeah I can dance that's on your grave he's probably gonna press knuckle under the gloves too man I'm looking at pictures of his hands it's the platform shoes he seems someone fuller I'm sure you know Plus what the gloves your hands look bigger in the gloves like everything's going for him image wise for making him look to be a big fella this might be the weirdest thing I've done I'm looking at pictures of Michael Jeff his hands do look pretty big I saw them and I was like that guy could you know are they d glove well yeah Big Love you want to see his hands yeah don't search degloved hand though they do look pretty large like I mean is he doing the ball gazer right there this fun boom gotcha original that's where it came from yeah yeah they look pretty big but also his face is tiny margin no they look normal here I don't know what I saw they were like bulging when I saw them well what I thought was like you know what I want I thought was like dude he probably liked that thought it looked bigger yeah that's a big that's like a big hand what's those vitiligo hands down there are those his or is that just another person with vitiligo that's not him that's not him no way cuz that's why he dyed his skin right it's because you're starting to get that or I mean yes yes what he says yeah I don't know yeah I don't [ __ ] know yeah but anyway how do you bleach your entire body to like that's a new procedure is it a tub like you just get in a tub or something I don't know I think they must have scrubbed his skin ooh sounds painful yeah I wouldn't do it guys Gus we're at war at 997 come on h3 army load up those shotguns we're getting there HD army load up those that what are the weapon that everyone's contentious about the M's they are load up those ar-15 get HP army little h3 bump stock let's get a HD bump stock over here load up those guns let's get those Arsenal's and march on that YouTube yeah we shouldn't joke about that's s oh yeah I like that and I think that Michael Jackson would be more of a tender manag as if you've watched this documentary you know he favored monogamy even with small children oh yeah that's what a weird sauce up of like yeah just things I'm gonna check down the truck that was good that was a good choice and then our Kelly got that sexual energy you'd [ __ ] like crazy yeah he would be a mad lover he chained you up he'd [ __ ] on you he'd piss on you all this stuff I know you're into I don't know I could survive that right we're bumping now boys hey yeah would you rather a watch bo he a ridiculousness every episode of ridiculousness forever yeah we're Bohemian Rhapsody reaction videos forever that's I hate them both [ __ ] probably ridiculousness there's a little moment yeah there's more parity I you know it shocks me is there's still people doing that bohemian rhapsody' stuff to like yeah it's recent stuff and it is so weird like I just don't understand but they're getting clicks cuz a lot of the ones I'm seeing now are like I got 600 subs there's 20k views like that's getting pushed to people incredible yeah but I think that there's just a demand people want to watch people but so what I've what you've pointed out and I've since also notice is that it's mostly black people it is yeah so I wonder is it possible that the black folks never got the memo about Queen I don't know what it is maybe it's maybe it's a pop culture divide maybe it's just other maybe a few like black youtubers started doing that they saw success and then other people copied it I really don't know what the with and I should know because clearly I'm very equipped to talk about black culture I don't [ __ ] know what it is but people are still getting clicks like mad so that was a that was a fantastic video for people who don't know you made a video you notice a trend on YouTube of people reacting to Bohemian Rhapsody yeah and acting as if they had never heard of queen or Bohemian Rhapsody yeah reacting it for the first time they're doing [ __ ] where they're like this is from this band called like read - yeah I the thing is like - I always get pissed like one when friends and stuff do the [ __ ] where you mention a movie and you say I haven't seen it you haven't seen that like that is that is reserved for so few things you know like maybe like you haven't seen Star Wars you haven't seen Back to the Future like that kind of [ __ ] but and Queen is one of those things we're like I haven't heard of Queen you haven't heard of Queen like I don't care if you can list a song that's almost impossible yeah like come on every department store especially bohemian rap you probably that song might even be more famous than they are honestly yeah even just the title of it and yeah it's just [ __ ] Stu but I love so even if they let's just give them the benefit of doubt and say okay you don't know who Queen is and you don't know what Bohemian Rhapsody is the way they react to it it's two minutes go by and they don't say anything - it's just them and they'll switch to different part okay okay are you doing they're not able to monetize that right I can't getin claimed the license holders just like I love this [ __ ] dump I just got claimed on a video yesterday for a song that wasn't even in the video just like it's [ __ ] UMG again so yeah YouTube dude they're so annoying so they have a problem yeah was their song at the time stamp there was it was a different song but it was but it was because it was in my video did s and I'll steal my idea and I used a couple chunked up segments and during the part it was Jonah Hill singing like Go Go Go Joseph from Jesus Christ Superstar so it was the wrong song wrong a strong publisher and they claimed it and it wasn't the timestamp didn't even line up with the part that he was singing a song in the video so just like in every way it was inaccurate like what the [ __ ] is still on it I talked to my guy about this yeah apparently it is a real claim he goes I'm like I'm like I disputed this it's the wrong claim everything's wrong about this and he's like oh well there's a song in the video so obviously you should just use your brain to know that yeah written wrong yeah I was like sorry your whole system tells like I don't get it but I will tell you this yeah if you had a song appear in a clip that you were using and that should be fair use yeah it should be did you dispute it I haven't yet it happened a few hours ago oh just happened yeah it just happened but I'm doing it half those [ __ ] it wasn't even like NBC that claimed it was UMG again so you guys are the best love them loving a lot yeah UMG it's down it's almost sounds for oh my god there you go that was probably their business model it's like I know how to give people I hate ridiculousness I hate his giant laptop set I can't yeah makes me want to die I want to I want to take the laptop as far as I'm concerned clip shows ended as soon as Tom Bergeron walked out the door of AFV drop the mic it should have been done wait who Tom Bergeron guy come on AFV host he now does Dancing with the Stars he had a line Bob saggy boy the SAG Pound was my one and only I suppose that's his name Tom Bergeron that's quite a name bird I don't even know how to spell that there it is there he goes thank you Google true oh gee look at that look at that man I have something to do with like the catch a predator or something he does look like Chris Hansen yeah Chris Hansen is back now by the way and I have cuz I find I think Chris Hansen must be one of the most evil dudes in the world why like I know because first of all the guy first of all I always kind of crazy it is crazy if that show is just like the bottom of society everything society has to offer yes I mean Mike well first of all Chris Hanson acts like it's like dude you're not a [ __ ] Saint that's true like what he's hiding in plain sight and also he got in trouble for adultery he treated on his wife and I know that's not the same as [ __ ] an underage person but it's like if you're gonna act like the moral arbiter like oh don't [ __ ] kids like that's such a big deal then don't cheat on your wife mm-hmm just [ __ ] women yeah I think he kick-started his show and it's coming back online now yeah yeah because he he's a Golden Goose baby yeah crazy that they can make a show out of this moment of that person like losing his life yeah that's that's how we put it on YouTube and it's trending or whatever it's it's so weird cause it's like obviously I buy into too I watch that [ __ ] like crazy it's very much it's phenomenal way fascinating it's like phenomenal even knowing that these people did some of the most heinous acts in society that they potentially have ruined other people's lives before this and stuff you can't help but see them in that hot seat and then just feel horrible that like a life is ending again no pity but you're just like watching it's just that's the end of your life because this shouldn't be a show this it shouldn't be for my entertainment and like losing his life in front of me and you have like little girl actors there who are like hey come in did you bring the beer and the condoms I don't know how anyone believes that they're like they're like this 12 year old girl and it's just like this Lani there's 25 year old theatre student now the recent episode I saw it was a little girl they actually got a little girl oh really and the guy tried to hug her oh I don't like that yeah I didn't like they got cameras afterwards in the police station sorry not it they were interrogating him and there was [ __ ] cameras on the Tara geisha room that's got to be something I always yeah I don't know where asking you my boys see him how did you approve this show but I feel like there's some cases that on the fringe okay mm-hmm and I'm not a nut first of all I'm not trying to defend people I'm not trying to defend these predators but what is wrong with having sex with kids come on back to you but like let's say sometimes they show like a really awkward let's say 25 year old yeah he's like super autistic super the guy's never [ __ ] he's never had a kiss he's never interacted with a girl and then he's going to meet a sixteen year old who is flirting with him like cope like ridiculous over-the-top flirting this guy has never received attention like this before mm-hmm and he shows up to her house this is probably a fringe example but I'm sure stuff like this has happened on that show and then he shows up to this house this desperate pathetic soul and then it's like you know then the whole song and dance happens and I'm just not sure that it's deserving he's deserving of all of that I think that I can see how that situation would happen I don't think it makes it like right I could see how that could happen definitely not right but it's good that I think it's good that he gets chastised like that the - and even though it's extraordinarily uncomfortable like it sets the tone it sets the message you know especially if we're able to like hear backstory from him and like realize like oh [ __ ] you know maybe this guy is like kind of on the spectrum maybe he's just very socially awkward you know maybe that might resonate with other people that were even kind of considering something similar like so I just there's so much gross it's just lying to me the whole thing is climbing yeah I still think that guy's deserving of yeah of getting [ __ ] nabbed though cuz that's gross and regardless of like where he's at in his headspace bad take the only thing makes me feel icky it does because my problem is that there shouldn't be a show from this moment this isn't entertainment yeah I'm so glad that I'm not like surrounded with that kind of media thing too because like that's kind of Chris Anson's thing that's just gotta be stressful even he's being associated with that kind of [ __ ] no he's not stress he's way too comfortable well he loves it he flourishes he does seem to yeah I've seen you know I love the way he talks oh boy first of all why don't you tell me what you're doing I love that when he has his like superhero quotes that he comes in with you know it's always as soon as he emerges you know like you know he's back they're like really cool today so I was gonna say I think the the people that get caught had to like sign off on it to give oh that's what I thought because I believe that's how it works on shows like costs but I just looked it up and apparently they get away with it because To Catch a Predator it's considered a news show it's not an entertainment and they don't have to follow the same rules but it's like it clearly is because who would sign that's how they kind of skirt that rule and they can show these peoples well they know whatever suit that so yeah I'm curious well how are you gonna sue when your life is already ruined it's like well you get a lawyer who sees gosh yeah you some of your commissary money at the prison yeah I got 20 bucks on it yeah look if Matt Haas can get someone to sue us his was personally hired though right no imagine wait his was like a public defender no it wasn't anybody we get up you get a lot of times you'll say hey let's go after them and you get 50% of the settlement oh that happens a lot when you're suing big corporations yeah people don't have money whoa so this is pretty dark when I googled lawsuit related to catch a predator the first thing comes up is that NBC had to settle with a woman who sued them for 105 million dollars because her brother was caught on the show and committed suicide because of it oh can we agree this shows a little yeah that she went in or they settled so so yes yeah there you go god what a mess of everything I'm so glad that that's not my brand it's just like [ __ ] right even even though these people are like clearly pretty goddamn desert see good Christmas I'd kewlabah saying I would do I would be you know be funny to do is like watching tic toc videos with Chris Hansen I do it up as I do with Chris Hansen you could almost just I would almost just want to take him out in public and have him ask people to take a seat I can't walk around with the chair and gonna sit down cuz everyone else watching knows it's him and knows what's happening he has like that mystical power like him when he Chris Hansen tells us to have a seat you have a seat yeah dude it's that full dad energy on the seat you know I'm cultivating disappointed dad like anything else dan I'm curious because there's like even more at feeling most of the articles are about this one cuz I guess this was pretty this is actually a while back to is this 2006 is when he committed suicide Dan's oh yeah I guess that shows been running for a long time hasn't it Tom Bergeron is as tall as Michael Jackson let me look up pictures of his hands really exposing myself as a weirdo today Jesus that's fine yeah what do you do what else we got here what else we got here that's my new thing that everyone laughs at me for saying catchphrase put on a shirt Kelly so I was gonna there's a couple things here I got mmm-hmm YouTube haiku is also where I started really I did not know that yeah that one but how when was that it was a long long very our channel in fact I can show you a couple of examples but I think we I think we had the same came to the same conclusion cuz I was on reddit a lot yes and I was trying so hard to get you know people watch my videos and I you gotta almost when I figured out was like find niche and then make content for those people yes you definitely do reddit is is just such a toss-up I was looking at the question thread in your subreddit too and I noticed one dudes question actually that and he had said like Gus how does it feel like with the creation process on reddit and like especially like you being kind of a controversial creator on reddit and I [ __ ] controversial I was I started to think did I miss something yeah yeah I just thought the thing is that I've noticed with reddit and it's been personally comforting to its shitty that it happens but it's it's personally comforting to notice that it is not unique to me but I noticed with any creator that starts getting regularly featured on reddit you know I mean there dozens of people there turning on you that go through not yet is the thing but I mean it's the same thing because I went in those those peaks and valleys too with YouTube haiku for a while where it's like oh [ __ ] they like me oh my god people don't wait I'm out of my [ __ ] life yeah yeah I know it's like well they like me again and then no I'm like man wish I could break on to our videos while they like me they don't they like me it's [ __ ] up and down yeah and the thing is like you'll see this if you if you go to the bottom of any reddit thread you'll see it with everyone doesn't matter how awesome how wonderful they are you know you're out of the bottom don't [ __ ] go to the bottom to stay away from the bottom it's hard not to look and again it like guys to bump me up boys what are you doing Vercetti Jeremy I where's that harvest let's march on Washington we're not firing our weapons we're only getting them locked and loaded which is our constitutional right there's Mac that subscribe button airsoft weapon right you endorse that message the airsoft weapons no a ours are the only logical motive with backup ammo yeah hashtag AR AR s for Gus car no but you see it with like it doesn't matter how wholesome a person is you know the people that are regularly featured currently a batch of that I would say is like me pro ZD Ian kung binging with babish you casually explained you look at any of these guys like all the people I listed are so [ __ ] overwhelmingly positive and wholesome and stuff and all the [ __ ] that they do but regardless there is such a like a thread of belief on reddit for so many people to think like well each piece of content should be made for me this was made for me and I'm hiding behind a faceless nameless username so if I didn't like this [ __ ] you I'm adding my opinion in it's so much more impersonal you know and you're always gonna have the [ __ ] that just resent you because you are seen on there you know I mean it's still oh it's an indication of overwhelming public opinion if you're still able to get top links and stuff if people speak positively about you overwhelmingly but like oh goddamn some of the most negative [ __ ] has come out of Reddit like we shoot down don't understand me and you have been through we basically had the same exact trajectory yeah it's crazy I didn't even know about the Haiku stuff either too so I started on YouTube haiku and I had the same exact thing I mean that was a great way to get people just watching my videos to start like that this is one of four seconds good thing this is a gift for my think so there you have it and but then people started liking us in our videos and we even one like youtuber of the year of our videos one year like they loved me there yeah and now well now sometimes we'll do okay there but for the most part people are like h3 mmm get that my [ __ ] thing don't have a lot of people it's just really yeah it's civil it's simple people people on reddit are [ __ ] and because on the exterior you look around like oh good guys yeah but Dan they are [ __ ] a lot of there's a lot of jerks there I've seen the highest concentration of like Internet negativity from reddit stuff like separate from Twitter YouTube comments all that [ __ ] and I think part of it is just because you know again you're so fully anonymous and then another part of it is I just think that that it's so easy to get that group mentality with reddit we're like I was watching [ __ ] who was it it was on it was on Joe Rogan experience I was Kevin Hart actually did you watch that one recently I [ __ ] blip yeah where he was talking about like it's it's so like nowadays it's cool to be negative to go against the grain would be like oh I [ __ ] hated that that's what it is it's not what it is it's like I've been thinking about that so much it's contrary 'n ism people it's cool to be like a contrarian but also even further it's to be like nihilistic yes like it's it's it's cool to not care about anything yeah I did not take anything seriously that's so [ __ ] true and I think that somehow it's developed with these people that would go in and be like [ __ ] hate Gus I [ __ ] hate Bros Edie that kind of [ __ ] I it seems like that point of view is not only unique and contrary in' it seems like when they're saying it they think oh I'm on a higher mental plane you know because like I don't buy into all that I think that you should be like this dumb stuff you know I don't know what it is because also probably I would be willing to wager 85% of my audience at least has come from reddit over the years you know I've had a I'm proud of this [ __ ] I've been working for four years to get to this no and it's been grinding and stuff it's been me even not doing shitty scare videos me swapping out cameras jumping behind the camera and stuff so that oh I don't want you to buy CUDA see me so much so maybe if I'm shooting it they won't know it's me and I'll just sneak a little meme in for that day get 20 subs and work day by day you know bro like that's the kind of when we got 10 subscribers a day that was a big achievement I would look at every single individual subscriber yeah bro we had the same I'm telling you did you ever have like who are some of the very first early on like people that like swoop like swept in and maybe gave you a boost or something yeah I don't know if you remember cuz these guys are all kind of like ancient history you know but um there was the MLG montage guys they were the first to discover my channel do you remember snipers um just like oh oh like sni p ARS yeah yeah dude I remember them so he was like my snipers was like my guy he discovered our channel and then Ice tweet like he invited me to his group chat and what he was like gonna click with all the other MLG montage guys and they started like I would make him like green screens yeah for it to put in their MLG's cuz they would make this crazy edits yeah and they're like can you just record fry something on a green screen and we're like sure elio that was everything yeah so it was actually a really fun time yeah I do yeah but it was like man I remember I remember one of my first bumps was I used to make these video edits easy xes yeah I remember those and I made one yeah exactly Ainsley Harriott yeah and filthy Frank posted on his Facebook page yeah and I gained like 3,000 subscribers in a day and I was bro I was I was you for your [ __ ] through the roof yes like oh I can use it playing I was dancing when I was in Israel I was you for it uh-huh dude I love that [ __ ] yeah early on I think the very first one that was my first boost I think I must have been at maybe like it was definitely under 20k subs on YouTube hmm and I started getting a couple notifications from Twitter or like oh I'm here because of Jericho like Jericho sent me over Tucker he's a big twitch stream guy and he was like maybe five hours into just some stream where he was looking at videos or whatever and someone linked me to his stream and someone had recommended one of my videos and just him on screens on his stream he goes Gus [ __ ] Johnson this [ __ ] right here so funny like go check him out guys go give him a sub I got like 1200 subs that day I was maybe getting 3 subs a day dude that made my month I was like oh my god like that kind of [ __ ] I need to be better about doing that to more people because I know how valuable that is and that [ __ ] there's another one i Tubbs actually really early on it was like I was again maybe under like 50k sobs and I was just relying on going from like haiku post a haiku post to hopefully get views and stuff and he came in on one of my way old videos I was doing this do-it-yourself good thing and he just said hell yeah good vid in the comments hello and of course all the comments were like bro are those is he really makes such a difference and is so important when you just sign up sweetheart about stuff like that he yeah he's he's very proactive about support in the first time I saw you was in that video you guys made together yeah I have got so much [ __ ] respect for him he's been nothing but nice to me and he reached out to me and fully was just like I would love to shoot something with you when I was like maybe around a hundred thousand subs which is what a [ __ ] nice unnecessary though people don't know in is that he is a [ __ ] such a sweetheart he's a very wholesome sweet guy yeah he's got a big beautiful heart and head and and he's probably got his AR loaded right now he's marching guys we're come on listen work out we're doing really good here we're we're bumpin we're close we're almost 2,000 away so I'm willing to venture that there's probably 2,000 be watching this right now that are not subscribed okay I'm definitely flat edged right now so you're a time edge you mean like you're on the edge I'm on the edge so close to climax right now dammit there's some bug because it drops out for like 500 at times yes unnatural but load up those ARS those aks get a good vantage point where you can enjoy the celebrations maybe I should stop talking about subscribing what did I say there you go slime that bun I got something for ya I don't know if you recognize this shirt at all you can see by the back right here little peep little peep I wanted to thank you and post when he was on the show for showing me little peep it's honestly been kind of a meme on my channel it like for a while now but I just so on ironically [ __ ] love little peep and I caught the episode where it was like shortly after peeps death and most was on here talking about yeah and I was like I'll check him out oh my god like Europe you're peeping in I'm peeping in [ __ ] hard I love little peep so much that's cool that's always happening way too much it's happening a lot well I think it'll relate it I have to tell you I think it's related to what we've been talking about is that people online now get so much [ __ ] it's so overwhelming and it's so hard as a human being we're not equipped to deal with that kind of of feedback and I think a lot of people especially like rappers and these guys who have like a hard exterior they don't like I'm giant [ __ ] I ain't got no problem complaining that I'm depressed and that I you know that I'm on antidepressants and all this [ __ ] but these guys with hard exteriors they are nodding not often times allowing themselves to even come to terms to be vulnerable even with themselves yeah and so it will to damage their image in and then it imposes upon their own self-image point oh stop when you did boy we'd lost though somebody just locked and loaded no I think yeah that's [ __ ] right it's I think it is having so much - it's just nuts yeah that one's some sad [ __ ] it's always [ __ ] when you find out about somebody after they die - cuz like I had no clue about him but like goddamn he just had a new single or the new music video dropped today for his thing Oh for real man feels weird yeah there's a lot of you know there's drama in any music community and [ __ ] - but a lot of people are really taking issue with the fact that it seemed like especially a lot for people is existing vocal tracks are kind of being like just I don't know what the right word is cannibalized they're they're they're releasing so much there let's say they're taking full advantage yeah and I don't know what kind of contracts were signed I don't know what kind of intentions - his latest single was like it's him and it's Makonnen who was a friend of his for years and Fall Out Boy's on the track which is like I know people talked about like being a fan of Fall Out Boy I think they had wanted to work on something but it's it's so weird cause like the single it's called I've been waiting now they've released two music videos for it like to fully shot music videos which is [ __ ] weird a lot yeah for any situation but it's like in the song there is like maybe one loop of peeps vocals that they had and it seems so clear that it was like a lower quality like this chunk and they're like oh we got this chunk yeah what do we just [ __ ] looped it at four times and brought in Makonnen and then through follow up boy on the track that's a that's a song and it's like it's two years after he died you know like it feels weird to a lot of people I don't know what the right moral answer is maybe this is what he would have wanted feels really [ __ ] bizarre though you know and a lot of people are kind of voice and were like dude [ __ ] stop doing this [ __ ] the tough yeah this whole like Amy Winehouse or someone like a holographic door yeah what did she do that the danger weren't we talking about someone who's gone on a holographic tour who's past that is either Tupac or Michael Jackson on saying well they did it with Tupac a couple years back yeah yeah I think it's becoming you know you know maybe they're doing one for Amy Winehouse too but I know that they're doing a Frank Zappa one that is Frank Zappa you probably be down with that yeah he was actually super down with it to the extent that he predicted it would become a thing and before he died recorded a concert with the intent of it being a hologram some day and this was in like 1990 or something oh that's cool that's some progressive yeah it Frank yeah he was on another plane of existence of a wine house hologram tour who's that's just the weird thing is like who's making money oh yeah yeah it's like these it's like the record company's own your soul now they're like when you die we will continue to tour your ass yeah they're doing that same [ __ ] with even like traditional acting stuff too like like artists are starting or actors are starting to sign off say like you do not have permission to use my likeness or my voice in future projects Wow they say that within the next five to ten years they could take existing audio clips of people as far back as from like even the 40s and [ __ ] and piece together bits of audio scrub them up and make it sound like yeah Marilyn Monroe is she recorded this stuff and it sounds like her and it looks like her you know I hope somebody makes all again with me doing this podcast when I die that we don't do you think this podcast will be entered into the National Archives as being significant enough culturally to be preserved for generations the show will definitely not be entered into the but no but somebody's gonna want to do a hologram yeah this episode is sponsored by I'll be all doing spots a copy reads is all again yeah that'd be sick for all the companies that don't even exist anymore it's like 200 you know would they be doing future [ __ ] like like you could pee you can pee in this bottle and drink it is that a future yeah I feel like that's a real thing that's the direction honey's going in these days I think honey yeah piss bottles good I'm all over that Debbi adult the dopest hiking companion yeah that would be great piss in your bottle I definitely pissing bottles way more off in the night should almost any car trip I gotta [ __ ] pee in a bottle with people in the car I've done a couple times with my girlfriend in the car she [ __ ] hates it it's like don't do that because I'm afraid that I well so my two fears are mm-hmm one I'm paying too much and the bottles for overfilling yeah that's a that's like terrifying yeah and then two I'm almost guaranteed that I'm gonna get pissed somewhere you know for you guys it's already so easy to pee and you know just make a stop anywhere you know what I did one time no it's so easy we take that [ __ ] for granted that's what you'd have to do like in college too when you're like walking around from bar to bar sometimes if it's like [ __ ] was full you just had the technique that you do is you take out your cell phone and you lean against a wall and then puts your dick controlling hand over here and it just looks like you're leaning against the wall like babe I'll call you back and so you pretend you're on a phone call and then you just kind of silently pee along the side of the building or something like that you would do that call it allegedly not the statute of limitations are aids but I never peed on a wall that's true well walking well sometimes if you really need to sell it if someone walks by you take a couple steps back season am i right what we try to like ricochet off the wall so that was silently likes creeps down I got to sit down into class you know how they're doing uh what's that Skillshare they should I take that sign me up piss 101 no I almost every car trip it's just it's just easier to just pee in the car and keep going so what but the thing is it's way easier to do it if you're the passenger so I would usually hop in the back and you can't just like open up and let let your member out because then you got all that spill potential on your jeans so you have to literally like a little kid pull your pants all the way down so that you got a clean zone down there oh when you're in the car you go you know I'm girls do it and do that no yeah girls suck and boys rule duh boys rule got'em when I pee and this is another thing we bears to admit yeah this isn't something I've done my whole life it's a recent development [Music] I pull my my pants like all the way down currently yeah in public because I no not in public no no I'm not a man yeah well but at home I'll drop trou fully yeah because so many times so many times like because I'm a fat guy in I wear elastic waist shorts and like the drawstring yeah show us yeah I do that [ __ ] pull it down and then like it will catch like a fold on the pants and then you end up pissing all over yourself yeah that's what's happening to me way to us dropping trou all the way down is it being a guy that convenient now illa again that's a [ __ ] spectrum pizza - cucumbers well see well I I mostly when I'm at home I almost exclusively pee sitting down so that's a different way it's just comfy you need a little break you know I've what about wiping wiping my urethra when I'm sitting down oh now I get in there you're you're wiping how do you watch our back I go I think I go alternating you know sorry yeah I don't want a flex on you guys but yeah cuz you know you got the little butthole folds and if you wipe all in this direction then you got the little sleeper poops that are hiding out there you got to be sorry how cavernous is your [ __ ] I get in there dog full well I don't know you got to be thorough so wait you're talking about I got it from the side no I'll go front to back and back to front and what always bothers on hold on all your showing back you come from here oh my arm is always back there that's all you're saying oh no how do you do that lift my talking balls in one hand and I slide under that just gets too close to the bone zone there like you can well yeah that's why I come and I lift I'm not and I'm it's an art form that you learn over a decade okay I got a hone that skill but from the back is not is not something that is compatible with my lifestyle I would I would try it out it's no I'm well I've converted people I'll tell I'll have you know a lot of people try to my way me like this is much better that's - maybe you should but also how would you know they're not telling the truth unless you give a little peep unless I had a video that's true that's unless they had a time-lapse of them doing it several times yeah yeah sending that video evidence for Dan to watch please don't do this day daily I still get multiple emails about people's wiping today well you know it's one of those things that I really enjoy talking about but then a whole conversation you got a [ __ ] they're there to wipe from the front I don't know it's the only way I know can I teach him connect can you teach a man to fish when you don't know how yes yeah oh and you that I don't know how to fish you know I can only teach I can only teach what I know and only know what he knows that the true I swear 1,700 away I mean for Christ's sake come on come on Gus Johnson 1 million subscribers h3 bump right now what is the HB 3 bump mean to you we started a little over 5,000 away so I mean we've made good progress we're getting there we're bumping in guys I work for four years do you want me to go back to making anonymous scare videos I don't [ __ ] think so give me 20 bucks come on I'll do it oh yeah break is out now too because they were defined media so oh where they guys I'm out on the street you're the only one that got ahead yeah the only guy that was just whittling away 50 dollars at a time I got some videos I want to show you yeah let's see them this is the fun part quick enough hell yeah business now I know I saw you tweet recently about Lance Stewart yeah I know you've seen this video so they made a video where they broke they break up and then they made a video saying are we getting back together now let me they act like they are just randomly at his house these [ __ ] are wearing the Sam ultra-rare red hue said Lego that's bro that's the exact same shade of like I want to say what kind of burgundy yeah they're yeah I was I was joking that because of Teddy fresh we got these really big beautiful Pantone books which like little cloth swabs thousands of them the exact color and all the colors have these really wonderful names yeah so now I don't I no longer will say green it's like seafoam green vector I'm here an hour what well no it's a beauty it's a really beautiful burgundy red but that is not something you just find on the racks that's a rare Rhett and somehow these [ __ ] match like they just got out of like they're like they're gonna drink kool-aid together in a weekend at all you know yeah I don't buy it that's all I wanted to say about it Lance always looks like he just got done sobbing in his car oh and there but have one ear plugin that's definitely like that's definitely a death cult where they eat one earbud in they're all wearing burgundy yeah you see your old gold outfit no I didn't see that one that's the one where they're breaking up hit me with that hit me with that sound effects axe yeah Thank You Lance Stewart were breaking what's my saddest outfit looks like she's about to go on a spacewalk yeah she looks like a diva here and he looks like the bouncer for her show whose voice was that already I like in green sound like Kermit only right here only a it's wonderful here let me play it for you looks like she looks like the lining of a satellite I don't know what her name is but I bet a 10,000 that her name was either Cindy or Miranda mmm is it fun yeah she looks like the mom that looks to see the manager at every restaurant you know how old is she it's like an insulation layer I think she's like I think she's like 20 going on that doesn't sometimes Lizzy worst Lizzy worse he's though she's that strong brand their last names worse that's the last name first hey what's the 210 a woman looking in Lance's thing with area no he I think he had like a he was trying to make a crew I don't like team ten yeah here's just a reed is it number that stumped I waited worse doesn't that mean sausage I think so like like brought first no urs I saw this thing with Lance Stewart a couple months ago I don't know the dynamic of him I don't watch him a lot but it seemed like his grandma was like super sick and had this big health scare sorry I'm trying to put that's good and then he was like taking pictures of her with like the breathing tubes and and super sick and he was she just was draped in his merch I was like yo swipe up swipe up for new merch like it'll make granny like feel better yeah bro why did I not hear about that I love her dad it's important there was one clever cop had a great thing where his dad was like dying in the hospital yeah Logs with them I don't remember that I don't remember that I dunno clever though though isn't he from like Sweden like yes yeah like that like hey guys my dad is dying yeah and I'm here in the hospital and his dad was like just all [ __ ] time and look at my level coppers I don't want to find that that's during video looking it's okay you know I'm not gonna do not fine thank you well if he had put it on video that would have been like what the [ __ ] are you doing did he do that I don't know I don't want to touch this I'm too insensitive to deal with this stuff right he'll either stop me she's right yeah let's watch our Kelly we can all enjoy he sings wait is that recent that he's singing paid up to a hundred oh yeah this just happened because he can't get a gig and he's like desperate to make money yeah so and I don't think he can leave his city either really he's from Chicago right and this was in Chicago because I was thinking yeah I think he's renting and Trump Trump's Tower oh that's amazing whole area is such a great evil hideout you know at the top floor [ __ ] brooding so fantastic so you can't get a gig so they hired him to come sing at some local nightclub or well Chicago's not locally yeah some mama yeah ticket to watch him sing for 28 seconds the [ __ ] are Versace da I love you lyrics of his hit song bump and grind the appearance was at a club in downstate Springfield Saturday night after singing Kelly with fans dancing and taking selfies the 52 year old faces a wait so we sang for 28 seconds and then stayed for an hour and didn't sing bumped and grinded that's what you got to do you got to be efficient his outfit sick good he's all Versace doe he looks like the entire discount rack at forever 21 just ran through the whole thing that's true the card it's probably $20,000 outfit honestly it's amazing how much some people pay to look so bad the clothing as an interesting phenomenon because it's like when you become so rich to a point you don't get a thrill from spending money like I when I was really poor I will get the biggest thrill from buying it you know a 12-pack and some sausages yeah dude well that's that's becomes meaningless so you have to buy $10,000 shirt really to get any joy of spending money that's crazy I hope I never get to that level my outfit right now the most expensive thing I'm wearing is this t-shirts 25 bucks that I got on a little TV shot Wow I know Steve Hobbes my own clothes anymore eally just make [ __ ] for me to wear no that's the way to do I got to get Eddie on that Eddie whip me up some hoodies by the time I get back that's great Teddy fresh is just a conspiracy for you o to get me to dress nicer that's a good that's a good plan these videos aren't that good this one is good these ones are awful that we just showed you so but this one is good now have you been following the whole phenomenon of the Ethiopia do you have your shots oh yeah you have your passport yeah okay good so this is a continuation around the same time I'm not gonna pause I got to not pause the video here I go I'm pushing play and I'm only pushing a 1 why people give you [ __ ] because it's so hard like okay everybody buckle up yeah there's one-minute clip coming your way and here we go I'm starting it now [Applause] really he's probably have Mickey values at and living color [Applause] that's ridiculous how did that not trigger any red flags even back to end he's just been sexy we got his whole crew for exactly yeah I like those colors do [Music] - go fast [ __ ] do oh my god they got a prob support you gotta be 18 but were flexible [Music] he probably owns the patent on this song - like it's registered trademark somewhere as are Kelly's like recruitment yeah gotta be 18 boom oh look at your your own recommendation already has enough fantastic that's some dope [ __ ] yeah I like that it's also dark with him once you have the full content yeah I don't know who on his [ __ ] press team thought that that was a good idea that interview to like oh where he just mine him you know everyone's just like Robert I'm an entertainer love me put me in coach I think of the people that defend him you know grasped on to it there's not many these days anymore is everyone well enough people who pay honor bucks a ticket and get selfies and [ __ ] people gone crazy man imagine imagine people wanting to like actually have sex with you that's just nuts that is such a critter you know the proverbial in the proverbial sense yeah I've just been like there's this one clip we watched recently of him all that audience members grabbing his dick I was like what wipe me off wipe my crotch off but I was like damn yeah that's not so buddy wants to wipe my crotch off yeah I wonder is how did you ask I mean pays us to do it yeah Dan doesn't like to do it but we pay him I wonder like how much this [ __ ] happened in like the 60s and 70s and 80s at concerts and stuff but just like phones in the internet wasn't around or groupies groupies yeah right I mean across classic rock world men do yeah how many of our favorite artists today like the legends and stuff of that classic rock would just be tanked for today if they were from you know they had women who would follow them around on tour buses for the opportunity to have someone piss on them yeah who knows what the hell was happening you know damn its damn are they sad and and and those have you heard of this instrument preachers and sneakers no creatures and sneakers so these are all super high-level preachers but they go up on stage to do their preaching and they're wearing the most obscene designer clothing so here we've got this is like like modern-day Joel Osteen [ __ ] forget the kids hi bees priests oh my god this one's not that bad there's some of these are just like let's see like how can you on one hand be a preacher a Christian man of God and be wearing $1100 Gucci slippers I mean I don't understand how you can hold those two are they others not like he's wearing a Gucci belt like that's not even the $500 bail people know that that's guti looking at it like a hide ya know everything all these stuff that they're wearing those aren't hard flexes like yeah it's not sleepers with the fur and no confusing of what that shoe is dude I this is the kind of [ __ ] like to an accelerated level that I grew up with like again from a town of a thousand people in Wisconsin Bible Belt USA you know like the examples of just like these [ __ ] oh my god that's ridiculous this guy is wearing were these evangelical followed that's funny Red October super rare super hype bees $6,000 mother-effing shoe that doesn't even look good - yeah I like that a lot of these high-end sneakers - are like BAM you're gonna look at this but they just look like garbage that looks like when nature is telling you like don't eat this yeah I don't know yeah I grew up around the stuff I grew up around this kind of [ __ ] not at the Gucci level you know but it was just like the in a small town it's there's so many goods and Bad's it's nice that you have that good support structure for people I care about you and then there's the central things like the church you know people come together in potluck and [ __ ] in the school all the events everyone knows what's going on but like everybody knows each other's business and just the amount of just [ __ ] shitty hypocritical Christians and power that I experienced growing up was just overwhelming you know pastors that are just like bashing gay kids and trying to do like conversion therapy and [ __ ] and then they get busted for cheating on two wives you know unbeliev tribulation that God gave me is [ __ ] you dude yeah there's always a there's always a loophole for the Christians well that the Christianity is built in with the with a loophole yeah and that's the whole thing is that no matter you can be a serial child rapist but as long as you asked Jesus for forgiveness before you died you all good yeah it's just stupid as hell it's just a bunch of people picking and choosing and stuff especially at the small town level you know you hear the sermons and [ __ ] and like there's some [ __ ] I shouldn't get into but like we had the year before I graduated we have this night called like Baccalaureate I think and it's where it's more of a religious themed ceremony that's optional for the kids that are gonna graduate the next day so they had a guest preacher come in and he was genuinely like like Bible Belt doom and gloom going to hell like if you were gay if you are practicing homosexual you are perfect you're going to hell and there are people in this room that I know right now that are gay and you're going to help it's like [ __ ] these kids are graduating tomorrow like they almost made it out of this congratulations thanks but it's just like that's that's I mean it feels evil doesn't it it does feel you become with that level of like wick I mean it just feels like so wicked yeah it's stupid and then it's like you got people like I had a mentor or a coach of mine who was like forcing kids to pray before matches and stuff like that and hold held really like really you know closed-minded shitty thoughts and stuff like that and he gets [ __ ] fired because he had porn on his computer for years you know like that kind of [ __ ] where it's just like I did I hate it one of my favorite quotes I think is Gandhi said I like your Christ I do not like your Christians you know and I have just seen a swathe a [ __ ] yeah topical Gandhi reference this I've seen so many of these people in power just in in just a personal small-town community that it's just so turnoff were you grown in a religious household yeah very religious one thing I appreciated though is my parents it's such a huge commendations to them they were a beacon of acceptance and forward-thinking in this really really close minded community my parents don't really hang out with other people in the community their coaches and teachers and stuff and they were always like from a young age so like hey you know if you're gay or trans or anything like we're cool just tell us you know that kind of stuff like like just be open-minded for stuff and we went to church every Sunday and I go to youth group on Wednesdays and stuff but it was never crammed down our throats it was just like yeah we're going you know and I argue are you really just to this day do you really sort of super religious I am just kind of I think I'm so secular minded with everything I'm trying to do right now you know I really try to work as hard as I can to be mindful of others and seek out other people that you know need just a little bit of attention and now that I'm in an in a position where I have a platform and I have the ability to you know just do little easy things it's so easy to just you know acknowledge people say hi to the guy at the grocery store talk about stuff and but I mean I don't do it because God says I should you know I know I'm trying to just stay as grounded as I can because I'm just a small town kid from Ohio you know but yeah I don't do things like through a religious lens I don't really think of we go to church anymore no I don't go to church anymore you ever feel like it you ever say prayers no yeah when I'm gonna die you know the anxiety attack II there's no house pray like you know second wind here boy I don't know I just don't think about it a lot for the truthfully for the most part but that's good I'm just curious you know I think it's important to have a set of beliefs not even like non-secular but just like [ __ ] that you decide for yourself like I'm gonna be this kind of person you don't have to tie it to something I try to live like that mm-hmm but well it's interesting because I'm from SoCal yeah it's always kind of like there is that typical archetypal kind of SoCal it's like everyone's super secular nobody's religious and yeah everyone's Jewish every person I've known is like Jewish for some reason so I am curious about what the experience is out there yeah it's weird I'm it's so shitty like in small towns too because everything's an open secret too so like we've had a number of suicides in just the last couple years for a town of a thousand you know to have even like a few severe edibles like that [ __ ] is that's enormous you know that's a percentage of the community like killers like kids killing themselves you know and I just know that like so many so much of the church is tied to like school [ __ ] you know and it's just like it's a really poisonous environment I can't imagine being like a gay kid growing up in my small town well how do you make it out right everyone's telling you you're wrong [ __ ] you you know that's sad I mean I hear a lot of gay people who came from those backgrounds talking about it and it's hard to empathize with them completely and how hard it must be for them but it seems like really just like hell yeah yeah it's so weird to us it's like the people that I even think highly of in the community for like other things it's like oh I know they have shitty thoughts or like oh they have like a gay son that no one they don't talk to their family [ __ ] excommunicate about can you but it's just like what do I accept you he's [ __ ] the males he's [ __ ] females if you like the smell of your butthole he's going in that's good don't hold you back buddy yeah I love how the Christians say that homosexuality is not naturally occurring I'm like bro you have you been to the dog park yeah like you don't have to go far honestly I mean that's a that's a literal fact is in every known species of mammal there have been multiple observed cases of homosexuality like what why wouldn't there be how do you just look past time yeah you're just choosing that Oh what was that where they said the Ray was his name the raywilliamjohnson no the the classic one where he's like the banana it's evidence that God exists perfectly perfectly appeal it ray site let me let me find this but I saw such a great rebuttal to that yeah he's like okay the banana perfectly made to fit in your [ __ ] Ray Comfort yeah I think it looks like a penis it's a perfect shape to go in your anus the banana yeah yeah Ray Comfort I love that wasn't the best refute of that that a banana isn't natural you know that is it like a man-made thing Kirk Kirk Cameron the legend himself and Ray Comfort what a name Ray Comfort man what's the chance that guy doesn't touch little penis dude what did last name like comfort sorry name like comfort it has to look at me and there why they singer from a Bob Ross painting it's inspiration it takes more faith listen to these devious than it does to believe in God you've really got to ignore the fact it's funny how we equate the would atheism are they on a rug yeah keep it clean it's my theory of where the soda can may have come from startling from the Big Bang to explain soda cans from this bank issued this huge rock on top of the rock was found a sweet brown bubbly substance and over millions of years of luminol crept up the side formed itself in a can then a lid and then a tab music and so I am because we know if the can is made itself spangled cans like that they blocked out some of Pepsi just the pepper part this is just C it's for proof you know don't tell me what to do Dan that was kind of rude I missed wrong I thought I promise not to pause love how he handed the can't occur I was editing this video to believe the soda can happen by chance well we don't have to guess we know that we made yeah lies a coffee right on the can hold this cut this Kurt thank you he says nightmare the atheists nightmare nightmare if you go in first you'll find on the far side there are three grooves on the close side two groups the banana and the Almighty God has made it with a non-slip surface what about a banana if it's true for the banana it should be true for every single fruit that exists on the planet yeah otherwise your theory doesn't work you'll finance with a soda can makers placed a tab at the top so God has placed a tab at the top this is one of the dumbest things I think anyone's ever recorded yeah so we cut it that way with the [ __ ] tab that's right right literally any other fruit would have been a better yeah literally anything but a man is he gonna suck that ready easy to digest Fred it's even curved toward the face to make the whole process you're fine so much easier seriously cook the whole cream what is this [ __ ] thesis here is this a gay thing it has 40,000 nerve endings and focusing muscles that give it more than a hundred thousand times of this ain't because we made a can yeah God made a banana with the same engineering that we did philosophies I don't know God seems like we made a doper product dude I'd rather have a [ __ ] can of Pepsi a nice banana hell is smarter yeah yeah tell me that about like tell me that about a pineapple what am I gonna do with the pineapple God job on that one idiot it's got a built-in security system guys I'm not joking I'm not [ __ ] around anymore we're getting low on time where's my bump guys we are getting low on time and we are 1,300 away guys I'm not privileged come on please you guys please this we have we this is so important thank you I love that video good you know I love that I don't think he clears the counter on a single bag of chips I don't get no we were looking at them yeah I wanted to show you a couple more of these preachers with sneakers oh really good examples but man these guys how are you gonna stand in front of your people like look at this [ __ ] guy yeah preacher and these are a Saint Laurent class yuck look at this guy man dude this is from like his own Instagram or something but it looks like it you think he put the deep in thought caption on himself oh my goodness you I think he did I think he did do that it's thinking about God dude he'll do it you're showing you're showing but you know what these guys say they say that financial success they sow it into their into their theory yeah and and they sell it back to them because they say favor and God is represented by financial success and all of these poor people that donate money they want to make money is really a get-rich-quick scheme kind of this whole god thing dude it is Leah's a lot of them say donate money and you're planning a seed with God and then by giving us money you're more likely to get rich dude yeah I'm calling my shot here again cuz the next like kind of longer commentary buddy I'm doing is on Steve Harvey oh I know he's right he's doing is that Bruce Springsteen that looks just like it looks like Bono too but no he's a preacher he's wearing full he is this is so height beast out like it's a [ __ ] joke yeah off white shirt there's like a $600 shirt they should probably like $2,000 pants with the off-white mudflap and then these were like Air Jordans or some crazy fear of God collabs I mean this is like a $10,000 outfit that's ridiculous but off-white it's like not for your age Paul's closet anyway sorry you're going in on Harvey the creationist yeah Steve Harvey why we still got monkeys door he went on TV and actually said that here we go final stretch were getting there um I just think that I made a video about super Harvey a while ago did you really yeah what would you do what angle just take just that he's an [ __ ] he's a sex oh you the moral barometer yes moral barometer the the thing that he's doing now is he's got this new series called his motivation series that he shoots on his sets of his talk shows it's like between shits you see like guys with tech guys walking around and he's just preaching to people and it's that same [ __ ] brain-dead shaming Christian shed like there's like multiple videos of him just giving these lessons that are just so [ __ ] ish like he's saying like you know a lot of people I'm not gonna do a Steve Harvey voice you know take too much time you see a speaker he's like a lot of people you know they're always asking like dear God like let me get this car like give me a car that can get me to work help me make next month's rent and that's stupid you're not asking enough don't you think that God can do this don't you have faith in Him ask for the sports car ask for ask for the down payment on the house like this is on you you doubt God that he can do this start asking I did all this [ __ ] and now I'm in this position I just I hate this [ __ ] underlying thing there's a lot of like celebrities Wow that I think are like overwhelmingly like good people though - you know I'm thinking - the big people that like get up on a hill and they're the motivators and stuff you know the rock is hard into that Kevin Hart's heart into that kind of [ __ ] but so many of these people never seem to acknowledge the gross repetitive amounts of luck that they've had in their career you know they're just like Steve Harvey's the perfect example that he's like you guys I did this this will work for you but you're too [ __ ] lazy and you're not trusting God go and do this it's just like well it's true you're lucky as [ __ ] the belief in God is almost like is super narcissistic and think him like I am the chill I was chosen by God to be here and that's why I'm here yeah it is very narcissistic because you have to I mean you know success is the culmination of you know or they say that luck is the combination of time and hard work yeah that's just stupid and then I I hate that they never acknowledged you know how [ __ ] lucky they are and they they act as if you know you a shredder bitin [ __ ] he's a good guy never do anything wrong you see this that this is an epic [ __ ] party pop oh yeah we don't know what we don't know what's gonna happen but we bought this for you okay and I don't know how you read the instruction okay and tell us what to do fill that bag up instruction tear down the seal along the direction of the arrow aim at the angle of of 80 degrees not your [ __ ] all right between sky and ground then troll it what the [ __ ] I don't know warning not suitable for children under three years that's a pretty long view for yeah that's not me boys I don't even know which end is up Tarrance guys we need 800 this thing might explode what the [ __ ] does troll I mean that's like the better blind roll it I don't know you mad bro Oh [ __ ] pop off there yeah Peters for sneakers oh there's one more video well you guys all make multiple accounts and subscribe do what you have to do there's one more video I want to watch before we celebrate yes sure subscribe ten times I made accounts for him Staples announced their new logo and it's the most dystopian hilarious thing I've ever seen okay imagine you're just a Staples employee and you get called into a conference and then they want you to watch this alright I'm not gonna talk and I'm not gonna sponsor all you guys subscribe you can pause likewise down the trachea [Music] [ __ ] motivational dude holy [ __ ] Lion King music dude [ __ ] Office Depot OfficeMax all that nothing on this okay oh my god that's like the [ __ ] mind-expanding me goddamn the light show and everything yeah the chairs the conference chairs back then whoa dude did they just tell them to stand up yeah yeah baby I'm still not gonna get paid minimum wage yeah I'm just here for the time and a half Wow that was a so epic wasn't it what is there celebrate their stuff just went up a thousand percent goddamn logo like what who [ __ ] cares about a logo redesigned no variety no not that stockholders not the community anybody the Staples community whatever this guy's not even wearing all off light that's simple is it yeah how much are his poor voters if you're on stage and you're not all off way it's awful actually I hate it it's just a staple and now just take the spacing bugs me you know is half a square this staple takes up so much space mm-hmm it could be like it could be like under the staples or something and I like that the old owner it was subtle like hey Harrell's a little staple your old one now I'm confused so L was like that bent staple and they're named up again and then it got the boner on stage it reached staple perfection see yeah that's a cool logo that's so much better it's a good font and it's just a little like good it takes so much more it's a more complex this is dumb they're all done this is worse and it's the colors worse and they went from our that's like what is the difference between the art TM I don't know oh man they went they went are on us there was nothing with you oh they want TM on us you know I stood holy SH a much to handle this boy look they got little staple desks damn mine if their stocks down and this is the answer man don't dump your staple stock now hell yeah I'm a sucker for a good brand name or logo though but this is just not doing it for me you know I was pissed when Pepsi changed their logo I loved that scene that old Pepsi can that got me going with that big gaudy font I like that oh yeah Pepsi oh that's the old logo yeah dude look see that Ultra even that clash up on a thing yeah I don't like this the new [ __ ] that's the new thing is that swoopy one is that the Obama font from the whole campaign those new swoopy one that old [ __ ] right there that mid-2000s this one crisp that's good all that old stuff is good that's me squeaking so worse the new worse the worse which one's the new one new one is that stupid novel oh yeah oh man they looks like a yacht club or something what is this font just lame it looks like a it honestly looks like a premier preset I'm not about that do you guys ever get like sponsorship offers from Pepsi after all the like Pepsi Max stuff that you guys about Papa John sponsors ever well I reached out to them how did they not what did [ __ ] [ __ ] dropped about you know what happened what stoppage on got [ __ ] hit yeah he got out from his company's in the [ __ ] because he's like oh I'm gonna give Tom Brady money Tom Brady makes out those kids that was Papa's rationale I had we even had our people reach out and they connected really and they said no not right for a brand room why yeah but meanwhile our guys gonna go drop some hard arse at the conference meeting and stuff you know yeah because he what the time he was sponsoring the NFL yeah and then he said no kneeling he said kneeling is affecting our pizza sales really if he would have and then that's when it all went downhill for the Papa if he would have got on the h3 train we'd be selling pies in pizza heaven who the [ __ ] doesn't like millenials have got to be the main consumer of pizza [ __ ] it's like it just seems like such a slam-dunk home run for so stupid come on you Millennials I described with our agents not pitching it right or what because I'm like dude I have a lifetime history mm-hmm I have weekend pictures every day of fans not anymore like what not anymore it's I wonder why the stocks down yeah it's literally one of your most favorite catch phrases [ __ ] Papa blasting yeah that [ __ ] like coupon code Papa bless if that actually were redic I would so so many [ __ ] it might be worth another show Papa Shaq yeah Papa Shaq Shaquille O'Neal yeah you see the CEO know he's the face of it yes they need it a bit yeah damn well let's celebrate let's do a five I get away I'm gonna hit it we're gonna hit it unless everyone takes me on how the hell do I do this let's get off this big boy popper and just at an 80-degree please yes sorry I would never do a 90 rotate by arrow I just don't even know how to [ __ ] do just remember to uh what tear down the seal the whole goddamn packaging is a seal is this just a bomb that you got what if I died on the [ __ ] AC and where did we get it what's the story you asked for poppers and I was like I think there's some in the closet yeah when we celebrated for something in the past maybe it was a last episode of the year or something but were these purchase from a reputable source I mean judging from the instruction that's a question tree do you twist it I assume that you [ __ ] twist it like it was trolling just troll it yeah it's just right here all right here we go 1 million crazy degrees not that towards me right that's super wait what's 90 is straight yes 80 also they don't even say in relation to anything just like I love 80 80 would be okay just if you could do it right into your face here we go boys I'm [ __ ] scared dude it smells like come from in the label said there's no gum do you think they have standards over there at the throwing factory that was even try to trap Barry congratulations Bo 1 million subscribers we had a big milestone it's so important are you wanna that's a bear yeah oh good you got a backup troll yeah that's good did you hear it hiss for a second though yeah was it good it's hissing [Applause] 1 million it's such an important milestone thanks dude I've hi I congratulate you I am happy for you I appreciate it can I just say end of the podcast thing to this specifically the million thing has been a goal clearly of like any youtuber stuff there's been a goal of mine and also just being on the podcast has been kind of just like the beacon goal for me for years now that's all I told you I'd go back and forth getting those shitty donation bin like bags and stuff like I'd be listening to every new episode of the podcast I'd be I'd be rollerblading at night and you know sitting on a couple thousand subs like I get on the podcast I want to do that too so I appreciate it very much this is a very nice thank you so much who in one situation so thank you guys thank you for coming I appreciate you I think you're a talent thanks I think you're a star oh you I think there's Bonnie I think you're humble I think you're sweet and a sweet kid that I definitely if you and you are 18 I would definitely get you a shot and a passport so anyway yeah I mean a million for us was like it was we yes just it's weird it's weird yeah I don't want responsibility now though it's official I guess it's official yeah no what is that one and we should celebrate the end of the show at this point in the show nobody's left watching so I can just not Brook here I'm not gonna pause this one's really special I want your hot take on this one of the my friends from my hometown his family somehow Matt Garth Brooks like a decade ago and they spend every summer at his mansion what yeah what do they think about him they say he's nicest [ __ ] he probably is but watch this video anyway you know anyway but but but Trulia and I do want to express that you know Congrats bro thanks Appalachians Thank You Jay it is a he deal I appreciate it yeah and there's that soundboard and it's the first of many to come here's hoping you never know sketch comedy stuff people come people go yeah but you got it all you're the treat you you are the triple threat you got the song you've got the comedy you've got the sketches you've got the reaction videos that's true trying to diversify a little bit so you know yeah yeah a little off-white is my problem so give me give me your heart take on this okay now that you have now that you have oh you don't have a million yet so I'll be equipped to talk about it well soon as I hit a melee but then my word can you have a million subscribers well I guess it's official we're now on Facebook I really wasn't sure about this at the start but then a friend of mine said something they just made all kinds of sense she said think of it more as a conversation oh yeah I like that but I'm already finding out on my own so it's wiping the walls out between you and me and I really like that it allows us to do each others worlds or I guess in my case hotel room it's really good Brett I think about things I want to post I want to post cool stuff slick stuff neat stuff but most of stuff I'm gonna post is gonna be raw stuff like this raw this is just who I am so this is truly a conversation tonight let the conversation begin what the [ __ ] does that even mean so that was the last video he ever posted the first the first and only and last video he ever posted to Facebook oh my god I mean that's just short conversation it's a short conversation there yeah it began in the dance I'll ask my boy about him I got a hookup I'll ask my Brooks guy you guys got a birthday god I'd love to have Garth Brooks as a guest W this weird as hell yeah well those old country guys you know they got to be creepy well they yeah he had kind of has the preacher thing at least because they're like I'm just a good old boy yeah in my job struck but he you know he he has like $10,000 snakeskin boots yeah Ike has a private airplane and he makes songs I'm just a good old boy I can't afford my baby's ring it's so weird like that's the whole theme of it it's just like really humble [ __ ] and all these superstars thing about it you imagine if you made an honest country song just flew on my private jet and [ __ ] the bunch the prostitutes didn't care about it a bunch of blow you can afford to be my friend yeah there you have it that's it so let's sit in silence what are we at listen silence says we wait country boy hit me with that country swing I'm just an old country boy who likes to do blow up hookers butt cracks and I'm and I'm not talking about those dive hookers no I was talking about those $10,000 an hour private escorts the [ __ ] YouTube use music library yes dude I did my my April Fool's Day meme I did a full conway twitty album that I covered mmm yeah clearly dead in the water there was just like dog what do we do with this [ __ ] you know yeah that was a tough [ __ ] yeah that one got I think that one got 79 percent fewer views than all the rest of my ten videos like in those the today algorithms a [ __ ] [ __ ] ass I hate that algorithm it's some [ __ ] I hate it it's some [ __ ] but all right well we're just gonna sit here silently okay me with that country is about like a PBS plug it looks like I just tried the EMT for the first time I tripped major balls on my private plane to Vegas I took a bite out of the pilots neck and wampum balls on DMT the policeman showed up the airport I gave them each a million bucks to forget about it telling me sing now they say you can sing what the [ __ ] oh yeah I don't know you tell you I have the voice of an angel oh dude sleeper hits on me yeah I like that you know how it is then can you imagine Garth Brooks like it's kind of like a new genre like hip hop and yeah it should be a total weird like country flight it's no it is it's called hick hop that's what they call it yeah it's hip-hop yeah it now it was that one that one guy was a part of that got bumped off the Billboard what the little na sex whatever they ki into expert on all that yeah what was that show he was like a re honest an account or some [ __ ] early in at please don't let us say something nicki manaj stan account deep cut dude he did a genius video that has gotten this got like a fuckload of views really I like five million views in a day god damn dude those genius videos get stupid views yeah the backpack kid was my favorite everything yeah uh oh I thought I was thinking of the flossing kid yeah yeah I was blown away with that that video existed I just wonder why that shit's getting pushed so much some channels are killing it like nuts right now and it's like that doesn't make sense like the office YouTube channel and the Kitchen Nightmares YouTube channel are [ __ ] slang TLC - oh my god it's ridiculous so the only thing that matters as far as I can tell is I mean thumbnail and watch them so if you have a great headline dude like these guys have so much to pull from like TLC and all these [ __ ] like yeah this fat [ __ ] this 600-pound man his dad bathes him and yeah whoa and they have like the craziest thumbnails - was like this huge dude with like with like a dude washed him with dishsoap yeah I'm pouring Carl's jr. cup over his head like whoa I have to click that you got you can't not watch it it's the same [ __ ] with the kitchen I'm yourself and half the stuff is just recycled [ __ ] you know all of it and it's like the turnaround time is quick like one month you'll be like Gordon yells at owner for bad pizzas and the next one is like worst pizzas Gordon ever saw totally and the clip itself is ass like it's all live up to the title at all it's horrible I think the Kitchen Nightmares channel has five billion views on it they're on trending all the time and it's like go get on trending for the exact same reloaded content they did a month ago it's not Gordon Ramsay is such a beast that guy's a workhorse man yes like a million shows that would stress me out I couldn't be him look at his [ __ ] face he's still hottie though dude yeah yeah he looks better as he gets older they look better they get money oh I lied 1.8 billion dude Nitin sorry just them just a measly 1.8 billion my bad I'll leave that more views than me that's true same here channel [ __ ] my [ __ ] my open mouth do you guys get a billion views yet yeah we crossed a bill oh yeah when was that was a while ago actually but we haven't we haven't posting that much in our main channel so I think we're at like 1.3 now a bunch of [ __ ] losers but I mean all of our channels I think we're close to 2 Billy really I've had of my [ __ ] that's been stolen over now it's it's probably over 2 billion views total for stolen links yeah you mean like Facebook how they get like oh god leave you yeah which are definitely inflated they're like oh yeah this video has like 200 million bits like Facebook Instagram [ __ ] you know that's a lot of views it's a lot of yous cuz I think on my main channel I don't even have 200 million views total and it's just like all my [ __ ] just get stolen like free oh what's the biggest theft incident that's happened to you um well I've I've had a lot of companies steal [ __ ] WorldStarHipHop is a [ __ ] scummy company with stealing [ __ ] they've still a lot of my big videos 9gag of course no surprises that hang gig big [ __ ] dope pull ahead by was there a specific one that had like like 50 million kids or something I don't what my every cat at three am video got stolen by I saw two different links of it on Facebook with over a hundred million views on each 100 so like yeah but that's the no no credit no credit no one ever got it and even if they do credit it's like people think they're like bro we're helping you out it's like know how many people are like what a great piece of content you know Bob who made that there we go look at that I don't give a [ __ ] by the way they're profiting from depening office well and you two are Facebook's algorithm there's such [ __ ] slimebags that if you put a link to the YouTube channel or to your Facebook page even yeah in the description of the video they they won't share it they won't yeah there you have to only put it on the comment yes I mean that is it's [ __ ] ridiculous and the thing is half the Instagram notifications I get are just people tagging me in seeing my stolen content a while and it's the same thing like now I have I've made 560 videos I think and so many like probably 300 of my videos are under 30 seconds meme [ __ ] perfect I'm not even in most of them it's the most stable [ __ ] ever so it's like I will see different blips where I'll see like oh my TV first video got stolen and then I expect well this next week half my comments are going to be from other meme pages ripping it from that Instagram mean paddle that it gets lesser quality they don't even know who made it like at that point they don't know who made it it's it's it's horizontal flipped there's three water marks on it and it's in like 144 feet at that point I don't it's not even good content for like it's just so [ __ ] compressed you know it's gotta be awesome when people put their own water marks on your videos love it it's the worst ever - cuz like or in the early days I used to hit up those like page admins and stuff and just be like yeah excuse me you can't do that yeah but of course these guys they're like yeah they're immediate things like haha [ __ ] you yeah I had to stop doing that I remember early on like I would I would confront these guys you say like hey I need credit or I'll file a DMCA takedown you know which which again I'm painting myself to be the idiot nerd character here but I like that legal because face basically it's all Facebook and Facebook and Instagram who's owned by Facebook yeah you are they make you the idiot for trying to enforce your copyright yeah they you literally hit a dead end on Facebook and Instagram where it's just like report this video why copyright stuff who's infringed I am what's happening they're using my thing to let it go end an hour yeah billing this out and once you get to the end you can't even submit a report that goes they say um how would you click this guide and learn how to accurately report so it just says it says did this happen this didn't happen honey why don't you just look at this it's like [ __ ] you dude you know YouTube gets a lot of [ __ ] but they're the only ones that are attempting to be fair with this [ __ ] yeah guys can you please lock and load guy want to [ __ ] some subscribers we only need 100 don't be cute and not subscribe as I said that we all need 120 subscribers for [ __ ] sake I have no interest to entertain you guys anymore today I'm not gonna try to entertain you I'm not gonna pretend that there's any resemblance of entertainment going on here I am leaning back at it at 80 degrees saying angle this our this is a mess dan in hand I'm sorry you guys but you not only chose the confetti kind there's straight glitter in this too we have a vacuum down how you guys you guys gonna be okay that's somebody old you don't be funny no because there's an office there's someone from the office that comes in and cleans yeah do you think they go for it slip a fat hundred-dollar bill on the door just like I'll put a 20 in the pile yeah come on we pay we fasten a few [ __ ] I'll go get it I'm gonna go get a bagel if y'all don't get it do you have any plans to celebrate 1 million I think whoa there's heart my heart's fluttering I'm I'm doing more of less of a big bang out video and more of Oh guys guys guys this is it [Applause] [Applause] and it only took me since September 11 2011 there we have it you're blasting right by me so I mean are you doing anything personal to celebrate like a meal no friend out well I'll go out to dinner with my girlfriend I'll I'll toss back a cold one with my boy Eddie Berbick subscribe dad and I got a couple buddies from my hometown coming by tomorrow just some guys I see once a year so it's just I'm gonna upload yeah I put this like thank you video up for the millions just kind of going by thanking different people in my life that helped me get to this point it's not a big are you gonna be able to make a quick edit to add me into that so yeah I'm just gonna do that to spend some good time some good people in actually sounds classic yeah it's a beautiful thing how do you feel right now it's weird honestly like again this is goal one into four years now and it happened the same day like what oh that's very flattering to you yeah absolutely thank you you're sweet guy your real talent subscribe ya'll are hopefully subscribed you know this is we should just call this episode subscribe to go yeah thank you guys i've been watching since the air conditioner is sexist that was my first one oh yeah yeah that was that was a good entry that was back right after we after we moved to Israel really or we moved from is where we're at Isaac O'Neal's house yeah cool it's a deep cut thanks for everything on guys Thank You Man I should the appreciate that you washed our [ __ ] yeah thanks for the bump everybody to actually bump works the armies out there the armies out there they can mobilize quick so to anyone who's thinking of I'm just saying that we've proven here today that we can mobilize and quick and I'm not saying that any of us own ar-fifteens which are completely legal to own emotional states but at what I am saying is that those are metaphorical weapons some of may also have weapons I don't know what they physically have in their house or not but I'm saying that we metaphorically have the operator at capacity and the will to mobilize quick and fast and furiously at the march on any location this is a threat all right oh yeah awesome thank you guys so much for watching that was fun fun fun times a great cherished episode good memes all around yeah fantastic awesome awesome alright well have a great weekend - even though today's went T is Wednesday right it is go eat a bagel I'm gonna go chill at home I'm gonna play blood-borne I'm we should I I just I'm working on stardew valley - I got inspired by Bobby Lee's in there for you - Tareq check it out I'm [ __ ] diving into blood-borne because I want to do that before Sakura or Sakura yeah I'm doing the exact same thing so you haven't started blood haven't started yet started I downloaded it last night I've just been playing for like three days the beginning is is so [ __ ] annoying by the way once you get past that then then ik is my okay I heard I was a boss right in the beginning it just [ __ ] you it's just like stupid so I would just say just just grind out some levels okay yeah don't get this hard just grind out some levels I'll do it you know save up some blood get the starting armor that's big and just grind out those levels you know happy right damn yeah absolutely yeah so we've set it off we set it off subscribe to the Gus and Evie podcast - we do our own podcast there you have it boom there it is that's all boom all right shut her down shut her down thanks guys bye everybody alright [Music]
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 1,413,824
Rating: 4.8458028 out of 5
Keywords: Gus Johnson, Gus, Johnson, h3 podcast, h3h3 podcast, h3h3, h3, h3h3productions, ethan klein, hila klein, ethan and hila, ethan, hila
Id: T72kZUx18Yo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 146min 47sec (8807 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 10 2019
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