Belle Delphine Has A Surprise For Us, Dr. DisRespect Update, Jake Paul Fail - H3 Podcast #200

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Hila's highschool pic looks it was taken yesterday

👍︎︎ 42 👤︎︎ u/sp4ce 📅︎︎ Jul 25 2020 🗫︎ replies

Dan FINALLY told Ethan to stop touching his mic. What a gift to the listeners for the 200th pod.

👍︎︎ 42 👤︎︎ u/rmajor86 📅︎︎ Jul 25 2020 🗫︎ replies

Here's the Imgur album of the crews old photos if anyone wants a closer look.

👍︎︎ 37 👤︎︎ u/Neon_Jam 📅︎︎ Jul 25 2020 🗫︎ replies

They definitely should move it up to twice a week again. Not only is it more profitable, it gives them a chance to try random things. Instead of having "this is the news of the past week or so" they can just have weird ideas to throw out and see what sticks

👍︎︎ 27 👤︎︎ u/appleparkfive 📅︎︎ Jul 26 2020 🗫︎ replies

Hey, I made that design on that shirt a while back lol!


👍︎︎ 39 👤︎︎ u/The_Stephen 📅︎︎ Jul 25 2020 🗫︎ replies

I don't think Jimmy is funny, and honestly he's hard to watch for me. However, I think the whole interaction with him, Ethan and Hila was really wholesome. It was nice to see Jimmy thanking them for helping him get started, and them giving him some honest advice on how to improve his comedy.

👍︎︎ 37 👤︎︎ u/gephiltafish 📅︎︎ Jul 26 2020 🗫︎ replies

It feels like Jimmy is becoming more self aware, it was nice to get some serious answers from him.

👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/Bitentili 📅︎︎ Jul 26 2020 🗫︎ replies

can we get Ethan’s parents on the show again pls?

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/Groovy_Doggo 📅︎︎ Jul 25 2020 🗫︎ replies

Anyone notice Ethan’s hand twitching? I’ve never seen him do this. I wonder if his ticks are getting worse. I’m curious if he takes any medication for them. Hopefully it’s not something he finds to be a nuisance.

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/Egrollin 📅︎︎ Jul 25 2020 🗫︎ replies
you welcome everybody to episode 200 of the h3 podcast thank you to ring and ridge the two r's we love our sponsors there's not many of them left folks so we love them a lot uh today we commemorate episode 200 with these beautiful uh shirts which instead of it's my fupa shot but instead of my fupa it's the earth episode 200. it's you looking down and reflecting reflecting on everything we've achieved over these past 200 episodes show the back too that's pretty cool the back shows our transitions of the at logo hopefully the improvements the like oh is that what it is i didn't realize it's my favorite first version i was like i don't know why there's three logos but that's amazing and the three numbers are the three uh color schemes that is very cool that's the whole history of the show a genius design from a genius mind that belongs to ian ian slater you do have a genius mindy and i hope you know that i want to go that far but i'll take it thank you well you don't have to go that far i'm saying it and frankly i'm sick of you correcting me uh available at for two weeks only and the money will be shared with our crew this is not me hoarding gold like scrooge mcduck you guys will get most of it all right um you know many people would say ethan you know over 200 episodes i'm surprised that you're even uh still care about this show after um you know the show has gone downhill everybody's uh made videos eviscerating you on the internet i mean how do you still care how do you still go on and to those people i say i love this show i love you guys i love the crew and i will never quit this h3 podcast while there's breath in my lungs nobody will stop me and i'll tell and i'll go one step further we are going to be stepping it back what is today monday it's friday that was so far well i knew it was the beginning or the end the end ela you know it is the end for me for me it's big because when friday hits it means the weekend comes and that's when we're alone with theodore there's no help yeah so it means i wake up at 6 a.m so it's a bit it's something that i cannot ignore i'm dreading the whole wing yes yes so it's friday big time big time friday okay thank you but my point of saying that is that this is our second episode of the week okay now that signifies the 200 episodes but guess what i'm i'm starting to think maybe it's time for three episodes a week cross it out baby you know what i'm saying maybe it's time for five episodes over here okay okay every week dude monday through friday who's going for that who's ready zach zack everyone nobody wants nobody's excited i'm stoked i'm in thank you zach no but we're definitely gonna be stepping back up to two episodes a week so we're all very happy to be here and we thank you guys so much for sticking with us on this toad's wild ride through 200 episodes also a milestone is our help campaign in which we pledge to give out 100 000 of our own cash which we've done i told elo the bleeding is finally over because here's the thing there's a couple of things i realized over the course of this help campaign um you know look i'll admit that in the past couple of years my perception of money has definitely changed when me and ela were young bucks 500 was a godsend you know and so when you're giving out every day so we had another 50 000 from brendan green he's the creator of uh pubg he pledged he generously donated 50 000 so we gave out 150 000 total three winners every day 500 when you're giving out 1500 every day that's a lot of money like i don't ever spend 1500 on a single item like very rarely while i spend that kind of money but then you're doing it every day for a hundred days i mean you really get a grasp for how much money that is you know and and for how just how long 100 days i mean that's over three months this is what surprised me the most actually how long is 100 days so it's kind of i mean it's kind of incredible how you know it's both a lot of money and not a lot in a weird way because i it's like when you think about it it was three times 100 300 people doesn't seem like that many well yeah when you see the comments it feels like not a lot because so many people are like i really wish it was me but uh nice but yeah because there was like 15 to 20 000 people entering every day and only 300 people won over the whole course yeah so i don't know you know the other thing that struck me was like when i started when we started this i have a bad habit of saying i when i mean we true right when we started this 100 days ago i fully i was like you know 100 days i was like that seems kind of long like we'll probably be this will be behind us by then i really thought so like we had a serious conversation and we that was really what we thought we're like maybe we should lower it too yeah like 60 days like is it going to seem irrelevant by then i the last thing i expected was that we would be in in a worse position yeah a pretty much a worse position than we were when we started it so and then the the other thing that struck me was really the amount of conspiracy that i actually i did that not surprise you i have to say not only did it surprise me um they almost convinced me that we're doing something wrong like it's crazy it almost feels like we didn't just do something good it's so weird like it's actually making me really reflect about how you take in things from online and social media how you really let it affect you because this is something that is undeniable to me you know there's no like there's no question here we're just donating money it's a good thing out of my bank account that should hurt that's a lot of money it's a good thing period and then the fact that people actually manage to make you feel bad about it or i don't know it's weird but that but it did get to me so there was immediately conspiracy where every winner would be like there was a problem i mean in the scope of the amount of people entering a very small amount of people but dedicated where they would comb through the history of every winner trying to prove that they were either bots or a fake account the two the conspiracy was that it wasn't a real giveaway and that we had we had made tons of fake accounts to fake giving away the money which seems like a lot of work why yeah what do you stand to gain from it so you just like free retweets do you think you just want those no i want the i want the good will that i gave away a hundred thousand dollars but this way i don't have to give away anything but you know that's like fraud i feel like that would be a really stupid thing but look there's no logic but like the people the actual winners uh many of them had to turn their accounts private because they were getting harassed yeah by these [ __ ] weirdos who are convinced that it was all a weird conspiracy so either people were accusing the winners of just have being bots and like scamming or they were accusing us of faking the giveaway i'm sure it was a small amount of people but it was surprising and it just is really representative of the amount of conspiracy and just how the negativity rises you know how well there's people conspiratorial about everything these days and it's interesting because it doesn't come from you know there's definitely some foundation to it there have been people that have done fraudulent gofundme pages and fraudulent you know donation things and they actually just stole the money so it's fine to be critical of things but i don't know i found it interesting too that uh the the origin of a lot of these conspiracy theories was that the service that we were using to do the drawing um you know uh it automates all of it so people would enter and then um i was the one that was doing the drawing so you know i'd run the draw and it would pick three people and then i would go through and manually inspect their accounts just to double check that basically to address what those people were concerned about make sure that it's a real person and that it's not a bot or something and if it did seem like it was a bot i would redraw manually and then give it to somebody else instead and then because i was doing that people thought you know we weren't on the up and up and were accusing us of giving it to bots when really it was the exact opposite of that like we were our action of trying to make sure that real people were getting the money is what fueled the conspiracy theory so it just well because in the beginning people were saying oh you're not vetting these people you're giving all the money away to bots so we said okay we're going to vet we're like that's fair i'm sure there are people who are just botting it trying to win and right so i said okay let's vet the winners just look at them over and make sure that they're real people as best as you you know as reasonably as you can and so a few times dan would as he said acts one and then they go oh these are the three winners you originally picked so something's you know yeah anyway you know i wish we could help more people i mean but i'm happy we're able to help in some small way and um it was a it was a it was a interesting ex uh you know experiment i i want to keep finding ways to help because i feel like yeah i mean it's a drop in the bucket 300 people and now here we are it's like 20 unemployment and god knows man i don't even know i really wonder now what's gonna start happening because evictions are starting to happen right and i haven't heard but i know there was like a a freeze on evictions and there was basically people who are unemployed are getting an extra 600 on top and that's helping a lot of people and i know that was slated to end at the end of this month so i don't know what's gonna happen i know i don't have enough money to give all those people 500 i'll be on unemployment myself um anyway the good news is that through helping people and caring about coronavirus i have made it to a trump supporter stock liberal meme i don't know i made it to this so you know how on twitter people go these are the people in the replies and they post like um you know i think it started with people goofing on trump supporters because it just shows a bunch of dudes with huge glasses sitting in a truck yeah like the sunglasses they're all like q and on and whatever so here is that the version of that for libtards and i don't know why i made it what did i do why did i go lip tight dude that's why damn i i don't know why i'm being classified as a libtard i accept the title though i guess that's pretty funny i mean i don't really fit the bill because all these people are kind of candid photos and here i am that's like a from a video you know so how do you feel being married to a lib tart dealer i have no problem with that oh thanks for saying that i don't like it like why what what is it do you like it or do you not like it were any of the other people recognizable no no well actually one oh yeah they're steven universe rebecca sugar the creator of steven universe wanted the greatest show of all time okay that's her but like you're in good company whatever yeah i think it's a compliment i don't i just why did i get this title why am i being derided as a libtard you just uh look great in that photo with a beanie i gotta start wearing glasses and just drive a pickup truck i'm over as [ __ ] nobody can nobody can stereotype me well let's wait for my cyber truck to all right that is a libtar card i'm sad to say okay also exciting news belle delfin a friend of the show is back can i is there any personal info in this picture i'm it's all pretty fuzzy you can cut you can blur it if you know i looked at it though and it's totally so belle you know friend of the show um she just out of the blue we've been working on this for like a month she's like hey i'm coming back to the internet i want to send you a package to celebrate for you to open on the show this was like a month ago and then last week she's like i was like man i i wonder if she forgot about us because i hadn't heard from her in a while then a couple days ago she's like all right here they are i want you to open them in this order one two three these are like big ass packages one of them is here it's like basically as tall as i am but the third one is so this one is caught in customs and i really pray that it's not something so weird that they just like send or trash it so we cannot open them because there's an order yeah she says don't open them if customs open it make sure your guys like keep it a secret you have to order it in this specific you have to open it in this specific order we have two of them i i mean what could it be these are huge packages and by the way she must have cost her a fortune to see yeah i mean the red one is like as tall as a person yes it's a solid five feet tall for sure i love her and she she shipped them like two day or something from the uk to los angeles it's got to be stupid someone someone guessed maybe she's in the box yeah no way i said zach would love that talk to me baby vin diesel would love that if that was in the box van diesel would totally creep on bell why why did i end up in beautiful world so i really have no guess honestly this one's a painting i predict this one is like she was selling paintings where she put like paint on her vag and [ __ ] and sat so i'm thinking that's what this is but i could that's what it is how are we gonna ever explain that to theodore when he's i'll say theodore there's a girl named belle who put paint on her vag and sat on a canvas and sent it to you your dad is so good this one i have no idea yeah uh is maybe it's like a full-size cutout of her the tall one yeah maybe do you think she's that short she could be yeah yeah it's like five feet tall i mean i think ian uh ran into her at the pornhub awards she was really short right i'm not like super short okay yeah you know not normal girls yeah normally no it's like five feet i think that's reasonable i'm saying it's a real doll it's too thin how could it be a real doll a real doll can press maybe you have to inflate it's very light it's too light to be real though ela if bell sent us a real doll would you allow me to [ __ ] it absolutely not no okay just curious is that cheating it's not but i just disapprove not that i would want to i'm just well it sounds like you want i know like it's a good question here we go i think it's a good question okay well the answer is no okay good to know i won't do it i wouldn't do it anyway zach's like so you you throw it out right who gets it what time does your garbage collect so do we keep it in the prop room would you be offended if zack had sex with the real doll no and then but but then she's like well it's yours you've got to keep it so zach [ __ ] it but then we have to keep it at our house i mean she's sending it for the show right it's not to you personally it should be on set not in zach's closet you're saying it's a communal real doll [ __ ] it i don't want to handle it i don't know we bought for one of my friends in college uh his girlfriend was like lived in france or whatever so we thought it'd be funny to buy him a fleshlight for his birthday and um wait for it this gets good and um this was like when flashlights were new and it was like the weirdest thing right so we went to a six store together and we we each chipped in we bought him at we thought it'd be specifically funny to buy him an [ __ ] flesh because you got like the mouth the veg and the [ __ ] okay i think the mouth might be the funnier one debatably because you're just like pounding a mouth like a disembodied mouth regardless of which one's on there we decided on the [ __ ] so we brought it home we wrapped it up for him we gave him the gift he thought it was funny yada yada flash forward a month later we're all drunk drinking so it was three of us that pitched in for the flash the fleshlight one of my friends admitted while he was drunk that he [ __ ] the fleshlight before giving it to him what i swear to god he test drove the fleshlight before giving it to him how the how about that [ __ ] and he like washed it out put it back in the package crazy i can't do that i know but it happened the eskimo brother that's nasty i've i have kind of a similar story to that um my buddy bought one and he used it a couple times and he thought he could sell it he did some kid at our high school bought it a used [ __ ] fleshlight bro this isn't a car or a bike you can't sell a used flashlight did he clean it at least he just put it under water he just put it underwater i mean can you even watch this stuff properly like i better than with water yeah you'll get in there with some soap and a brush like you clean up a baby bottle yeah just like it well this was not that thorough i'll tell you that did he sell it marked down or was it like like how was the deal for him do you remember he sold it for half price half price wow that's disgusting did the guy know it was used yeah he did and he didn't give a [ __ ] okay so at least he knew what he was getting damn kids are so horny they'll do that's disgusting they are they really are you have any other i i i i remember a story it's not really sexual but it's disgusting when i was in middle school uh two of my f i won't say friends but acquaintances were beefing they didn't like each other so he get one the one friend has a half drinking bottle of coke and he decides to go in the bathroom and piss in it why and then he gives that bottle to the other guy he's beefing with oh and you know what's funny about kids he goes hey you want this coke bottle and the other kid's like yeah sure thanks like just out of nowhere for no reason hey you want this coke bottle yeah he's like yeah of course i want coke and then he he drinks it gross and he spits it out he says it tastes like piss go to the hospital or the hospital go to the principal the police get involved and it was this whole crazy thing where the police were interrogating us and uh it was this whole crazy thing to be honest with you but the moral the story really is that um you had some bad influence around you this is like this wasn't a daily occurrence these are the story that pops out but the the moral of the story really is that um kids are [ __ ] stupid and disgusting yeah right you don't have any stories like that girls putting used tampons and stuff oh that sounds like guys stories i don't know yeah no me girl [ __ ] no honestly i have like almost zero memories from anything i feel like i have real memories i feel like it's all been blocked yeah it could be the medicine i slip in uh i give you i give you amnesia medicine so you don't leave me it could be that that might explain a couple of things um so i'm a stock liberal we got belt you know i just watched watchmen you finished oh right yeah and i love it and you just reminded me that i wish that i could take those memory appeals maybe you forget for a reason yeah probably i don't want to relive those horrible i'm so glad i'm not in high school yeah i'm glad i'm not like in puberty and all that i mean that sucks i hated all that so probably probably chose not to remember well they they say the brain has perfect memory but that forgetting things is a survival tactic so that you can you know move past trauma and mature and grow and um and that that it's that it's a critical for for our well-being to forget things so maybe you're just more evolved highly doubt it you know what i've been trying to do recently is i've been trying to get lots of sleep recently as in the past two days but i feel like i just i walk around and i feel so bad all the time i don't understand why and you know i feel like i'm super sleep deprived and so why are you shaking your head and so what i've been trying to do is go to bed earlier and make sure i'm getting eight hours of sleep every night and i woke up this morning feeling good now ela go ahead and tell me why you're disappointed in me because i don't know you wake up at like 11 to 1 sometimes yeah i agree but not lately so just hearing that you think that you're sleep deprived it's just a little bit of it well because i'm up to like five so just start there don't be up till five that's what i'm that's what i'm saying why are you trying to that's what i'm saying geez let me have a w for once yeah i went to bed last night at like 12. really i mean the same time as you was in bed same time as you okay yeah cool cool because you slept until 11 00. yeah i'm catching up okay okay but do you get sleepy also are you talking to yourself zack that's a strange sound bite to have it was strangely appropriate though it was anthony can i bring something up yes i can't just not talk about the fact that you have a mustache all of a sudden oh yeah we can i mean that'd be weird to just not address it right well i've had this we had an episode with idubbbz yeah complimented his mustache and then we come back two days later and you have a mustache well it wasn't i i don't think it was directly related although the timing is suspicious so who knows but i have had i have had this this look before yeah and i saw pictures of myself back then and i thought it looked pretty good my beard was getting long so i was shaving last night before the show and i just decided to leave this part and i thought hey you know what let's leave the mustache but it's different i feel like then if you shave all this and just leave the mustache i don't think i could pull that off i think you need all this to kind of blur what's going on here and it kind of works as a full picture and does it work though because it feels almost like undecisive uh yes it does work okay thank you for asking no i like it i think it's cool because it's like i like that it's undecisive okay i like it and i got the uh escobar kind of like yeah like like like craig escobar craig oh who is craig the brother is that the only one on the phone his uncle or something but his name is actually craig no i'm just saying that's the vibe i'm just making yeah you guys are dumping on me i get it so what's the process how did you trim it did you just use like a bigger guard sides and i have a beard trimmer and then basically i just i cut everything but i do like a five here i do like a four down here i bring the guard on the neckline and then here i just cleaned up i just cleaned it up a little bit i didn't really cut it at all you know i think it looks dope i think you see zach you know i should be married to zach we might have to throw up a twitter poll this weekend mustache ethan oh you could throw it up i'm not saying that i don't like it so i'm not like to quote you directly you said does it work though i'm just wondering if it's a look like can this be a look the mustache i think it is a lot and beard like halfway because it almost feels like make up your mind cool right yeah i think it's cool i'm not saying that i don't like it i think it is a look and if it's not one it will be one i like it what do you think ian uh i'm pro i'm pro mustache bro mustache yeah but what about like the the stubble stash think that's yeah you got to do this double stash because i don't want a bare face i mean that's a nightmare yeah i kind of agree with you i preferred this over the traditional yeah yeah ela's disgusted by me when i shave not by you i don't like in general i shave those he goes really i walk out with a clean [ __ ] and face she goes do you really expect me to look at you like that not true disgusted by me um you know what i found out an open book maybe it's too open sometimes uh you know what we were looking i don't know what was the genesis for this but what was the genesis for this we have everybody's high school yearbook photo the whole gangs i don't know where it came from oh i think it was just i we started with i showed dan my yearbook photo i forgot about it and somebody from the subreddit went to my high school and i guess they have like an archive of everyone that went there and they posted a photo this is my high school graduation senior picture pokemon pokemon shirt because everyone else was in a suit you know and they not have a like requirement no they don't know it's just i guess you know everyone wants to look nice because it's their senior picture but i i they look so lame because you're like in puberty your body's weird you don't fill in a suit nicely and these are not like tailored suits these are like rented suits that don't even fit you well i think this was a really smart choice and ahead of its time thank you thank you very much for saying that iconic yeah i did i knew i didn't want to wear a suit because it's just you look like such a phony lame-o it's like dude you know i'm gonna you know come on stop fronting did your parents give you [ __ ] for not wearing the suit um actually not they don't care i don't think they even my parents were so uninvolved in my life i don't even think they knew that it was taking place because i had to go somewhere specifically it wasn't on campus to get the photo so i was just like hey we're doing photos you know i need to check whatever they didn't even know that that's this was what it was so i think my mom just saw the yearbook it was like oh ethan something like that and that was it my parents were very uninvolved in my uh my mom jokingly calls me a feral child i'm like funny to you i was the loveless child that nobody cared about she goes my sister goes oh they were so hands off with you they allowed you to do anything i was like yeah they didn't [ __ ] care about me they didn't do [ __ ] maybe it's for the best yeah it is for the best anyway here's ela who looks exactly the same um was this uh this was your senior year i guess so high school i guess so you pretty much no idea but i think that is it i asked my mom it almost became a fight just trying to get her to get a picture she's the first picture she said was all blurred or it was super far away she took a picture of the whole page i was like can you could she not get a closer photo and it's like moms do this thing where they just talk and you keep asking and they just ignore and they just keep talking right and i kept asking like did you tap to get it to focus on right i had to ask it like five times in a row it's really exhausting yeah mom's mom brain um but she got it so i look fuller in the face but um i don't know what happened you look hot dude you look [ __ ] good as [ __ ] my hair is the same i mean you look no no yeah you look very similar that's kind of how i remember you back when i first met you because when i first met you you were 19. yeah we were young kids when we first met but you didn't look like your yearbook picture so oh i guess because you were older right well that you were like photo of my name i was 18. yeah you were 21. and when i met you i must have been yeah 21 exactly so three years difference college you've been yeah i went through i was through dan did you look like straight out of uh freaking cakes bro totally you know what i mean totally such a sweet kid the outfit is pretty crazy yeah i think i picked all that up at a at a thrift shop like a couple days before the shoot because is this corduroy yeah it was quarter wow yeah epic that's actually i kept that i kept that jacket for a while because i thought it was pretty cool do you fit into it still no i doubt it yeah no way actually you look nice you look sweet yeah you look like a sweet kid stylish young zach looks exactly literally the same this was not like a month ago yesterday yeah no but seriously how long ago was this photo zach i've been out of high school four years oh it's four years old yeah i guess you've aged gracefully well thank you ian's is my favorite here we go bring on the jokes here we go this is the [ __ ] best i don't want to say anything but god damn so ian how long ago was this photo uh that was eight years ago oh the hair is very smosh yeah it's very uh i picked up a skunk roadkill and duct taped it to my forehead as your hair dyed you dyed your hair black right uh yeah there was a phase that's awesome but you look so sweet and nice were you emo at this period is this an emo phase it was kind of like a rebrand because i i just i just got my braces off and i ordered some contacts and then i was like mom we're dying the hair today this is a new ian that's crazy i was never really my parents actually never let me do anything like if i wanted to color my hair or do anything they didn't allow me to lie insane did they think because they're provocative or something i don't even know yeah probably i don't know because you're psychological your dad was like a tyrant also very conservative so it's almost like so this is just making me think like i wonder what i would have done with my hair but um i wasn't allowed to you want to do something with your hair now you're ceo now you do whatever you want purple i don't like purple hair green i don't like no red i only like gray gray dye your hair white that'd be so weird don't do that don't worry you got plenty of time you want to try the the swoopy bowl cut i don't know how you would even achieve that yeah how did you get a fishbowl hair or helmet hair ah that'd be a question for my mom oh your mom's not a hairdryer so she would do it yeah you got the biebs look going on dude right it's the biebs look that's what it is yeah that was very in at the time that's everyone it was did you get chicks back then with this look dude in high school you clean up move on clap those cheeks just like jimmy lee huh oh that was a sound bite see i'm getting messed with wait were you saying move on or they used to clean up high school i wasn't that successful no you were i didn't well to be uh to i mean i didn't lose my virginity until i was in college so until i was 19. not to heal that was yeah we didn't have sex for a while until actually when we met so like blew your mind actually we met when we were 21 i don't think we had sex until like many years later when you came to stay with me during that summer um it's not many years several years right i think it's one oh really because it felt like a longer many years this is awesome though elo my folks were the same way i couldn't do like i had to be yeah yeah like i didn't grow my hair graduated high school that's why i look the same so boring i love this stuff i love these pictures man anyway let's move on everybody looks beautiful everyone's beautiful we should uh do our break we're over okay let's do a uh ad break guys we'll be right back when we come back jake paul you know that's the mayor of l.a uh chastised jake paul he moved to calabasas in shame now the mayor of calabasas is shaming jake paul for throwing parties during covid with no social distancing or masks find out all about it when we come back from this commercial break ring is a product that i recommend without reservation to anybody on this planet you know this time of year we're coming up on the holidays kind of but we're all at home we're ordering lots of stuff people are stealing packages right off the porch ring lets you see what actually happened that's just one reason of a billion i'm talking about home security i'm talking about a two-way camera that tells you when there's motion on your phone anywhere in the world i'm talking about the technology to talk to them and say hey dude get off my porch that video gets recorded and beamed up to the cloud so even if some slick wet bandits that's a home alone thing right the wet bandits i don't know yeah that was what they called themselves because they flood i don't know they flooded the house anyway if some slick wet bandits come and try to clip your power guess what the video is already beamed up to the cloud where our consciousness will soon follow uh i recommend ring i mean it's it's the 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pockets and they can stand next to you and scan your card i don't know because a lot of people have like that chip that sends like a little wi-fi that you slide and so this actually protects against digital pip pockets um if it wasn't enough to win you over yet check out their 30 000 5 star reviews boom everybody loves the ridge wallet the durable material means each wallet comes with a lifetime warranty you could buy this one wallet and carry it for life the ridge team is so confident that you'll like it they'll let you try it for 45 days you can send it back for a full refund if you don't love it wow that's pretty incredible and today get 10 off with free worldwide shipping and returns by going to h3 and use code h3 when you check out the ridge wallet give it a shot i mean you got 45 days to try it and see if you like it give a kiss we love you ridge welcome back as promised now we will discuss jake paul are you ready ela so ready so it where where logan paul i have to say seems to have matured a bit since filming a corpse in the forest uh jake paul has has only receded almost yeah they're almost like going in the opposite directions now completely i mean this should this story is really something jake paul moved to calabasas he's got this big house there and well here's the clip they got the mayor and the city super upset this just happened oh is this going to get us planned shows a scene that will have local health officials pounding their heads against the wall look at this show young people crowded together at youtube personality jake paul's calabasas mansion on saturday partying away in the middle of a panda this is awful as our neighbor hanging out no math no no all the neighbors are like wow outside and outside day and night and two days after this we went right back into stricter lockdowns yet again as gatherings like this spread of the virus according to officials you think whoever's operating that crane is has a proper license calabasas mayor alicia says she got a barrage of phone calls from angry residents and she shares in their frustration they're having this large party but to show it with no social distancing no mask it's just a big huge disregard for everything that everybody's trying to do to get things back to functioning it's really just a part is being the mayor of calabasas like just being the hoa president it's like just such a small little town outside l.a acting like covid does not exist it's acting that businesses aren't closed not far from the mansion this row of calabasas small businesses are now shut down again that includes a hair salon a nail salon and several others the mayor says they pay the price for behavior like this our businesses are not going to be able to reopen our children are not going to be able to go back to school and we all have to do our part as a result of this party mayor weintraub says she got [ __ ] up she saw that there will now go back upstairs not going to be able to go back to school and they have literal helicopters peeping on his house there's a giant panda on his roof jesus dude how immature can this guy be i'm just thinking mayor weintraub says she got into like the only person um i can think of that would think this is cool is theodore theodore loves tractors that's like his dream i was like why are you why are you insulting our poor son he's one year older he would love this party yeah he loves tractors we should get a tractor at his next birthday party um sheriff's station and there will now be a zero tolerance policy on house parties no more warnings straight enforcement no gatherings will be tolerated like this something like this will not happen again your message to jake paul jake paul has actually done a lot of really good things in our community before with the youth and i just hope that he can continue to have different actions and show that everyone should be wearing a mask and social distancing and not throwing parties jesus gonna kill someone with that crane bro so jake paul single-handedly changed the policy straight enforcement brah but it gets better um let's see here is a bunch of videos let's let's show some perspective from the neighbors oh this is in the party so my favorite part about this is there's another youtuber tanner fox okay tanner fox was at that party and he was filming videos with all of jake and his crew without masks without social distancing now a few days after that party tanner fox calls jake paul to tell him he has kovid and he films him candidly which is pretty epic i don't know why he did it like this but i enjoyed it you know these guys are they're like hey content first bro i mean this is amazing and jake doesn't give a [ __ ] i love how this guy turns in him having coveted into content he's just calling everybody and recording their reaction like bro mm-hmm like just what the [ __ ] hello hello yo nice to meet you where is this yo man hey jake hello hey bro um so i have some i have some bad news oh man so we filmed a video about two days ago and this morning i woke up and i felt a little bit off so i went and got a kobe 19 test and it actually came back positive you're tripping i'm really not lying demon nah you're tripping that couldn't be it couldn't be possible that any of us have covered we've been totally safe i'm being honest bro so i know i was around you and your in your team and again i i just started showing very small symptoms of it today but i wanted to call you and i had to let you know i really just got tested for it you just got tested did you get your results back no so just to tell you guys if he got so if you're around someone who's positive you're supposed to quarantine for two weeks because if you get tested right afterwards it may not show you because if let's say that tanf box infected jake paul and he got tested the same day or the next day it's useless uh yeah i i don't know what to tell you i'm joking i'm really not joking right now man i swear i swear to god i am however filming this without telling you are you are you worried about it not really okay well that's good but i had to call you and just let you know um i just started showing symptoms of it today so i don't know how how long it's been contagious but um i i just i'm glad you guys all got tested then already it's crazy how like you literally called as i closed the door on the doctor too you literally just took a test yeah like five minutes ago oh my god okay well when you guys get your test results back let me know all right so jake paul goes not really i don't care and then you know what's interesting so so this guy was like hey i'm positive i was at your party i've been with you and then jake paul if you go to his channel he's still living his life like like he's still out and about um which is obviously concerning i mean that party could potentially spread it to so many super spreading event they call it yeah um he posted a video one day ago he's like yo he's like hey bro i have covid they're like all right cool well we're gonna head down to the beach and interview people hey can you put down your mask for this by the way that's cool i can breathe crazy right now that he knows he was in contact with someone who's positive he's supposed to quarantine for two weeks this is work this is so much worse than filming a dead body this is maybe the worst thing he's done because his actions could actually kill yeah yeah it's awesome how much of a [ __ ] he is like i mean this is crazy look what is so hard for people to understand that it's not yeah he's like hey lady he's like hey breathing in their face heavy like if you're not being safe it doesn't show that you're more manly or anything like that or more courageous or i don't know what it just shows that you don't care for other people and potentially i mean your actions could end up with someone dying of course not direct that's the thing to understand it's like no you're you're not gonna like you're gonna get all your friends sick and then one of their grandmas is gonna get sick or their parents are gonna you can get it and have no symptoms but that's fine but while you do that you're gonna give it to 20 other people he's going to kill this porn starbuilder by the way so he's hanging out with a porn star and they obviously have sex for a living so that's not going to be good for her career i think unless they put not good for anything unless they [ __ ] through a hole in the wall like the government suggested ethan stop stop touching your micron people doing wholesome things by the way the new thing on youtube is just get a porn star in your video uh that's something the paul brothers are both doing uh logan got um what's the name of that girl very famous porn star what's her name lana rhodes what's her name lana rhodes yeah and then he got you got this girl what's her name emily willis so there you go and of course tana sex tape jake is pretty much just producing soft core pornography at this point so there you have it that that to me is probably the worst thing he's ever done mm-hmm i mean this is so [ __ ] up but the the cream on top is the guy calling him and saying i'm covered positive and he's like it's chill i don't care we don't care his friend screams love it what is that mentality yeah it's pretty wild oh there's another youtuber called pretty boy fredo i don't know who this guy is but he had a fan meet up in new york city during covid this was just recently when was this posted let's see this was from july 19th so only a few days ago what are they doing why do you have to do this now in new york i'm surprised the mayor of a lot of this isn't even allowed so here's here's pretty boy fredo in new york city july 19th is this not illegal and they're all screaming and jumping damn people are hyped about pretty boy fredo though do any of you guys know anything about this guy [ __ ] told me whoa all right pause it if you want to hear what they say i don't i mean he's just screaming no the guys yeah does anyone know anything about pretty boy fredo nothing nada it says it's a oh no dude he's doing a coven 19 this is dude he's doing a he's doing a fundraiser for coven19 on this video we turned off comments too i noticed bro you know how you can help not do this video wait is twitter private too because i think he got a lot of heat so he probably turned this on only after you got a lot of [ __ ] wonderful someone else's uh doesn't have many dislikes though yeah the did the like ratio is really good interesting i bet you this is someone else's campaign well yeah probably what a good guy doing uh what a good guy he's doing a charity for covid19 well even the video it does say ssh charity basketball event or something bro what the [ __ ] couldn't you figure out a way to raise money for kova that doesn't include whatever this is oh we got music here's a video from from the outside let's see what this is oh my god look at these people so many people like statistically speaking i would assume that at least a couple of people will die as a result of this i mean that's crazy you know what i mean right same with jake's party like st just just from probability i think they indirectly are killing people it's so wild damn so wild i just i really don't understand what's so hard to understand you're not just showing that you're a macho by not caring and oh i don't care if i get sick i can't handle it it's not about that yeah i mean we understand but they don't but what's so hard to understand that's what i that's what drives me crazy it's so simple i think for young people like that it's cool to not care about anything apathy is like taken over apathy is the like caring about stuff is uncool anything that's kind of like the counterculture with with people his age i find that on youtube too like if you care about anything uh you're sticking your neck out apathy is the only cool way to go through the world um crazy huh i don't know why he's not getting more [ __ ] for this because this is actually the worst thing he's ever done in his career in my opinion i mean logan paul could film a dozen dead bodies and it wouldn't be as bad as this he could go dig up corpses out of the grave and film it and it wouldn't be as bad as this you want to see something weird i've been noticing on instagram this is phenomenon where you cut they cut the woman's hair with a butcher knife on a cutting board they just go medieval on her hair and at first you're like this looks really interesting um because i think we've all wondered hey what's the deal with all the cutting and [ __ ] just do a straight cut and be done with it but what's funny is when they stand up it always looks like really like dog [ __ ] like here we got music that already doesn't look perfect but so then they somehow they think that whatever that is they're doing yeah he's mincing he's like a chef he's like i'm not a barber look at this it looks [ __ ] good it looks crazy yeah is that supposed to be it or does it then go no that's it that's it so i have a bunch of these but her hair looks dog [ __ ] yeah so here let's there's a bunch of them this one's got music too dan warning yeah so here we go you're done this is i love that that makes it all better just chopping the end up it's not straight at all no it looks horrible i mean i don't get it it's super uneven yeah maybe it's a meme i mean it seems like serious people are doing it and getting it done they all look like the it's somewhere in asia right oh what is this what in god's name am i watching is that a joke about it what an axe it's so close to her head and there's wood flying everywhere this looks like a murderer russian stylist this is real look how scared she is whoa this is for real just use scissors at this point yo this is like caveman [ __ ] oh he's in a parlor look is this not a parody no they're in a they're in a salon who found this one bro you're cutting her bangs with that axe that looks like a parody dude get that axe away from my head they call this through the siberian sweeney todd well to be more spray her hair looks better than the other people's but i'm he did put a little bit more effort into that i find this terrifying like there's wood flying everywhere like bro look it looks like he's killing her there's wood that is way too close to her head no she's so aggressive about it why does he lift it so much oh she looks scared this is not right this is so dumb you could definitely use a scissor in that case that looks painful wow that i didn't expect at all i don't like crap i don't like it i don't like it i don't i do i do not like that for sure oh is this a different guy there's another dude with the axe and hammer this is cutting hair with an ax and a hammer wait what he's what oh [ __ ] he's like going down to the scalp with an ax and a hammer this guy is way too calm for this that is crazy see in this case i feel like the tools that we have are sufficient the advancements we've made in hair cutting technology is sufficient that's a nice spray though i haven't seen the green look decent that was a really good looking fade wow that is shocking i didn't know you could cut hair with an acid really sharp that's a really good looking fade i have to agree careful not to cut off the ear i know whoops and i oop what was that from and i oop oh dr phil dr phil oh no and i oop i i do like it i do like the fame i like it is it worth losing an ear for it was a nice fade not gonna lie so with covet 19 sports are coming back people are trying to figure out how to do this and there's a lot of excitement baseball for example mlb they have replaced the crowd with cardboard cutouts and they have fans booing and cheering to influence the stadium look at these cardboard cutouts dantila they're filling the whole stadium with these oh this guy's got a dog i feel like it's more distracting doesn't it they're raising money they sell it it's kind of a nice way to for the people to be engaged with it it's kind of it's not a bad idea not a bad idea i can't help it like it looks so weird i just i just had a friend of a friend his aunt passed away who was a big dodger fan and they put a cardboard cut out of her to like honor her so i thought that was like a nice thing to do you can get a cardboard cutout for 300 bucks wow actually the price varies by location uh the dugout pavilion is 300 that's the premium ship field level or loge is only 150. excuse me a field level or what loge no that's pronounced oh geez right yeah dan what the [ __ ] really load yeah it's lit load yeah oh it stands correct i thought it was lodge and yeah you tried to come at me you better you come for the gig you better aim high i'm sorry there's a precedent of you yeah well maybe the president just got broke maybe now the president is on your hands okay it's the loge i'm sorry yeah the load the load i don't know are we gonna do the pronunciation game if someone makes it i'll play it okay i can't make it because then your game's ruined you know it'd be funny if we had call-ins and people could compete and then they can win a prize we should do that the loge is 150 the oh you can get your dog for 150. so we were thinking maybe you guys have ideas we wanted we're thinking of funny cardboards to submit like o.j simpson or affiliate goes through an approval system so they won't probably approve yeah i was looking at the terms and conditions last night and they they have a line about um infringement on people's uh copyright or image so i think you know okay celebrity let me ask you a question if oj wanted to buy himself a cutout would he be able to that's a good question they're like nah oj he's a private citizen yeah but but maybe they're like ah we don't want you o.j but if you guys have i mean the world is yours this is yours truly uh if you guys have ideas i think we could slip some stuff past the sensors though didn't you have a good idea what was yours i wanted to do ben affleck from the back oh yeah that's hilarious i feel like they did filter that one though unfortunately we could try that's so funny maybe it's a ben affleck wearing a shirt of his back you know but if you guys have good ideas email to us at podcasts at i want to start buying cutouts and seeing if we could get on screen here's the uh whoops here's the guidelines you tell me what you think they show you the do's and the don'ts right here um oh so you can get like pretty much the whole upper body from waist up that's pretty epic yeah definitely a lot of maybe ian's high school picture just could buy like 100 of them we don't need to subject the baseball fans i think that's cute that you can get your pup in yeah that is really here's a clip there was a dodger game a few nights ago and you can see the uh cutouts and hear the cheering uh can you can you give me some sound turns on it lifts it down the line to the right back towards you so these i guess they haven't sold these but you can see the cut outs so those are all fake sounds and i gotta say it sounds pretty good and so weird to a level of comfort where the lights turn on another team they are doing i can't decide if it's better than silence i think silence would be so awkward so behind home plate they have a bunch of cutouts where are they they're apparently not selling a lot of these because that's an empty ass stadium where's the cutouts well i i don't know i'm not sure it's a timeline this might have been before no no they're there oh you're right i just saw it yeah yeah there's plenty of inventory available well i looked you see right there yeah these are all cut out that's all they've sold they've only sold like 100. well i looked and um the the two sections directly behind home plate and then all of the sections behind the two the dugouts those are all sold out already unfortunately yeah so we gotta try to get some good real estate i think without audio would be just super awkward but you know what i don't know everyone's trying their best in these in these weird times yeah i was watching the game last night it was super awkward oh because the cheers were super low you could barely hear them and the national anthem was kind of weird did they do fake booing like right now they only have cheering would be so cruel yeah it's just bizarre it's an interesting thing though like so it's only cheering because the players will get pissed because you know it's just some dude pushing a button and having the whole stadium boo your ass now the nba is actually really interesting what they have gone all out to protect nba players and the and the uh the season so basketball is attempting to restart july 30th and they've created an entire covid free zone at walt disney world called the bubble the entire nba team and all of its associates is locked in this bubble this quarantine zone for three months press will live in a separate hotel they're not allowed near the player's bubble anyone entering the bubble is required to quarantine for up to 48 hours until they register two negative covid tests any player who leaves the bubble will undergo quarantine of up to 10 days upon their return and they will need to register two negative tests there is more than a thousand people in the bubble currently players coaches executives medical staff media partners and they're using tens of thousands of tests if not hundreds of thousands of tests over the course the next three months wow to get this done the restrictions of the quarantine situation are a major issue for many players they're being isolated from their families but they have like barbers manicurists they've got lounges dj sets movie screens all this kinds of [ __ ] inside the bubble um they're all wearing these titanium rings inside the bubble look at this [ __ ] that if you stand within six feet of somebody for more than five seconds it vibrates oh they don't want you to stay near each other no huh they're so hardcore inside this bubble that's um so everybody on the side of the bubble has to wear this ring i like how seriously it's making it yeah and they say it measures temperature pulse respiratory rate and other physiological data that could theoretically be helpful for detecting if somebody has covid19 before they even exhibit symptoms that's crazy players will also have the option to wear a proximity alarm that will notify player if he spends more than five seconds within six feet of another person wearing the ring i wonder what uh jake paul would think about all this he's like i don't care he's like it's chill still he's like my house is is a bubble of uh coveted apathy we don't ask we don't tell rings remind me of uh is this the sci-fi movie where everybody's got the crystal in their hand that vibrates when they're when their time's up the logan's run it reminds me of what was that video we made well i am no no no we made about the the ring the o-ring oh yeah was it the o-ring um speaking of the a-ring i honestly don't remember it speaking of the nba so a lot of players want to get involved with the black lives matter and all these social issues so the nba released an approved list of slogans they can use on their jersey or that they can say so here's a list of approved these are the only ones they're allowed to say okay black lives matter that's what's going on say their names you can't say their names you can only say say their names that's funny vote you can say vote i can't breathe justice peace equality freedom enough power to the people justice now say her name uh there's a little spanish yes we can little spanish lesson for you guys liberation see us hear us respect us love us listen listen to us stand up ally anti-racist i am a man i don't get what's what is i am a man so i think it's a anti-slavery thing really are we yeah because i saw i am a man and uh something that i was watching they were they had footage of um when when black people were um you know fighting for their freedom they had signs that i saw there oh one like i saw a few people yeah holding a sign that said i am a man interesting i guess it uh i just googled it i guess its origins are uh you know it's very common for white people to talk down to black people and call them boy and so it was sort of like i'm not a boy i'm a man okay good i am a man speak up how many more group economics what the hell is that what that was that's just that doesn't really roll off the tongue group up into economics education reform and what is the social justice message here mentor you gotta read between the lines i love that they crunch the numbers and they're like okay these are the ones okay yeah so [ __ ] 12 didn't make it huh to make the cut [ __ ] 12. what's 12. it's one of those it's an anti-cop chant that people oh no no no no no i'm surprised white devil wasn't on those troops uh i'm also surprised like you know we need to sound bite you now wasn't on there white devil death to america death to america should be on there for sure osama was right you know jihad now wake up sheeple the jews are in control holocaust never happened oh zach how could you say that's not funny we don't joke about that the truth zach it happened the numbers are just greatly exaggerated oh okay parody parody oh this was horrible some players inside the bubble were posting pictures of their meals and i just felt awful i mean these are professional players these guys need to eat and these guys are all rich dudes i mean like food is probably one of their their prides and joys so here is one of their meals i mean that looks [ __ ] horrible one scoop of mashed potatoes these guys burn like these guys need like a lot of food this is like school lunch [ __ ] one scoop this is prison food i was kind of imagining like it gets worse utopia inside the bubble this is just ruined my image of the bubble well here what does this do oh oh wait this isn't one of those here's another yeah look at this one was even worse uh troy daniels shares his first meal inside the bubble look at this it's like every like airplane food yeah that's like there's no calories there these guys are these guys need to eat like 5 000 calories a day these are professional athletes how are you going to serve them this like professional note with it with the logo this is embarrassing this is how it came right this is what was inside yeah that's the worst i mean that is a travesty you better get some better food in that bubble quick yeah so one player actually here i'll read you the statement he ordered food because it was such a nightmare he ordered ubereats and they when they found out they made them quarantined for 10 days how are they supposed to eat he says after the initial quarantine period i briefly and accidentally crossed the nba campus line to pick up a food delivery i'm currently in quarantine and have eight days left i apologize for my action look forward to rejoining my team for a playoff push bro you better give them better food if you don't want them going out to uber eats man that sounds difficult um this is what it's going to look like when they come back i have to say they did a nice job they just covered the there you go yeah that looks really good the nba i think they're really they got it together well yeah they'll probably fix that they better [ __ ] i mean i feel like that's the easiest fix if they already got everything else like this sort of there's like plexiglas they're they're really crushing it i mean they are not risking anything i have to give props like honestly it may look like onerous like over the top but you have to imagine that if one of these players gets it the level of contact they have it's gonna it's gonna swim through the league someone might die i mean how awful if even one of these players died how what i mean what a tragedy would be but also for the benefit of everyone if they want to keep this sport going it would shut down if everybody started getting it they would have to shut down so this is actually allowing for all of them to continue yeah it's pretty it is pretty epic i gotta give it up to the nba uh pretty cool meanwhile the major league soccer league does not give a single [ __ ] they're just doing it they just said no audience and everyone else is just all good they're not i guess they have no precautions going on except there's no audience the crowd i think they've got a kind of a pseudo bubble going on as well oh they do yeah it's down in florida which that's the same place the nba is doing it right oh because here in the document somebody said they just said [ __ ] it that's the official note i have i i think in regards to the um uh having fake audience cheering oh for the fake cutouts and this one has no fake cheering which if you watch it again actually it doesn't seem like a big deal in this case actually the interesting thing is that you can hear the players yeah which is which is and they could be pretty cool actually to hear the players yeah you can actually yeah um it's like when people edit music videos or or non-music videos um tv shows when they edit out the canned laughs yeah just they edit in like smacking this is our life now yeah you guys probably saw this huge twitter hack that happened last week so bizarre i've never seen anything like this in my life so many people got hacked and they were tweeting out a bitcoin address elon musk for example this is kind of the gist of all of them happy wednesday i'm giving back bitcoins to all my followers i am doubling all payments sent to the bitcoin address below you send one bitcoin i send two back only going on for 30 minutes you know i don't know who needs to hear this but any time somebody asks you to send them money so you can get more money back you're being scammed just use your [ __ ] brain people why would you need to send him money right why why people oh that was another thing i didn't talk about with our giveaway so many people were getting scammed and i i couldn't say it enough i mean i would tweet every once in a while like hey you know don't send money like why would i ask you for money yeah so they were getting this message like i need you to send me five dollars so that i can yeah why why would i need you to do that you know but it's not their fault they're desperate they want the money they want to believe they want and i mean these people are just sick [ __ ] freaks to take advantage of that but anyway these guys hacked twitter and hijacked elon musk bill gates what are these ones what are we looking at these are a bunch of uh bitcoin um oh yeah they all they all got hit too their message was a little different but uh apple jeff bezos it was wild we were watching in real time yeah i just like kept crushing my feed and was seeing more and more joe biden mike bloomberg bloomberg wiz khalifa barack obama i think i said that mr beast got hit floyd mayweather uh warren buffett you know and then of course tenacious x who passed away uh who said smoking a fat okay i don't know you got me on the loge one but it is definitely not tenacious temptation i mean i feel like it's a weird name i feel like i'm reading it correctly temptation temptation that's better that's closer that's closer okay tentacion i mean okay so how does he say his name xxx tentace tentacion right yeah so anyway he passed away he was murdered or something recently smoking a fat blonde on my private island giving out bitcoin to all my supporters i mean these guys are [ __ ] crazy to do that kim kardashian and finally idubbbz which is unrelated well that was so part of the uh twitter's response to all of this is they they locked all check marked accounts but you could still retweet and so idubbbz in 2017 had said if you're unverified you are superior so he retweeted himself to get that message back out there because in that in that moment if you were verified you couldn't use twitter yeah it was frustrating i felt like that kid from the meme with his his veins bulging in his forehead like i couldn't do it yeah so that was that was crazy yeah and the the bitcoin account through all of that i think they they actually i mean they've made what like 120 000 uh something like that yeah because with bitcoin all the transactions are public so you can see but i think they were probably expecting to make more than that you know like a major felony and hacking scheme i feel like somebody's almost certainly going to go to jail for this over 120 000 i think they were expecting more money so there's no leads right now um from what i heard they suspect that somebody within the company helped facilitate this they'll definitely gonna find out who it was yeah but as far as i understand it there's no uh definitive lead twitter said we are aware of a security incident impacting accounts on twitter and they're taking steps to fix it jack dorsey the ceo said we had a tough day at twitter we all feel terrible this happened we're diagnosing and we'll share everything we can when we have more complete understanding of what exactly happened our team is working hard to make this right they believe 36 of the 130 targeted accounts the attackers were able to access dms dms i wonder what like bill gates dms looks like you think he gets nudes in his dms bill gates i don't get that vibe from him absolutely baby yeah i bet you elon's got some wild dms so that's that i thought it was pretty interesting that jeff bezos jeff bezos you got some weird [ __ ] it's just i find it interesting like that twitter has become such an official channel of communication it really makes you raise your eyebrow like terrifying i was waiting for donald trump to get to to spam out bitcoin and when you think about like donald trump uses twitter as an official form of communication and when a hacker is able to hijack an official channel of communication of a leader of a world leader um it makes you scratch your head and wonder if maybe we haven't created a monster oh it's definitely a monster twitter is all social media but twitter especially is like i feel like it's taken over everyone but it's you know it's it's it's kind of messed up that we are putting so much into this what what is an insecure mode of communication essentially is what it proved and and i was i had some concern you know what if donald trump goes and tweets out like hey the nukes are on the way at iran you know what i mean um would it start a nuclear war probably not but it's still weird to think that that that could happen yeah yes shredder can we help you can you guys see you can see shredder he's climbing yeah he's poking through better what's up you want to come say hi come here sweetie bye sweetie i'm such a good boy you want to walk on the table first hi dr disrespect has made a statement and done a bunch of interviews we've been following this story he was mysteriously banned off twitch nobody knows what happened um he posted a comeback video let's watch that oh yeah what do you get here probably theodore i don't know what dropped something good on him i wonder if this music is copyrighted but it's basically just him standing in a in a in a alley and some kind of dramatic uh you know 80s music i probably shouldn't play the music but so there's really not much to see it's a song by him yeah but you still never know nah yeah i was just pointing that out yeah that is interesting so there you go um he did a bunch of interviews like the wall street journal and this and that he's coming back did he already stream on youtube or is that just something he's planning do you guys know uh last last i heard he doesn't string no so he's moving to youtube but apparently it's not in partnership with youtube he's just streaming on youtube like anybody can do there was one interesting excerpt from his interview they asked him this specific question i'll read it to you they say one facet of this story is that and i'm sure you're aware of this there are people coming forward and saying they know the reason you're banned for example slasher was on stream just yesterday saying he knows why you were banned but he doesn't want to save because he fears it could make him target of a defamation lawsuit what do you make of that he said listen again i'm not interested in engaging in any of this stuff or crazy speculation i'll say it again i have a great community of loyal fans and i'm totally focused on just getting back to the champions club and delivering great entertaining content they said okay buddy have you made any attempt to understand what he's talking about like if someone had dirt on me even if i knew it was total [ __ ] i would at least want to know what they thought they knew have you tried to contact him or any of the affiliated parties he just said no i mean he keeps letting he keeps letting on like he doesn't know why and i just don't believe that yeah me too because if you really don't know you would be you would be really loud about that that's outrageous you know like yeah that's crazy so that's it i guess we don't really know anything more i mean he did this whole i mean it's kind of interesting he did this whole kind of a puff piece with washington post without really saying or addressing anything about the ban um strange whole situation is just so bizarre we're gonna find out eventually right wouldn't that be the biggest like that would be the biggest disappointment of all time if nobody ever found out why can you imagine it has to be it has to be yeah i don't know so there you go doctor disrespect still shrouded in mystery up next we've got gamer girl possibly the weirdest video game ever developed let's watch the trailer hey everybody abba cake 69. oh my god so you're a monitor so this is basically it it's a simp simulator where you're a moderator for this uh twitter or twitch streamer and you're white knighting her as she gets stalked by creepy fans oh come on moderate what do i do like moderators what do i do become part of her life ah like everyone fantasizes from moderator to become part of life you know you're playing role-playing as the real creep i'd be more worried about you why is it specifically a female gamer i just don't get that part gamer girl yeah maybe yeah i know what do you guys think you got that guys dude this is the most pathetic i've ever heard again what's it to you boyfriend's angry she's streaming what should i do choose the story wow i'm sure some of them are being like god i love her what do you think about this game vin diesel look how beautiful she is she is beautiful would you send for vin diesel right vin diesel would be a good moderator oh no what is she doing someone is there she got into some weird [ __ ] how do you end up here oh dude her moderators failed her man crazy right crazy simp simulator how could anyone think that's a good idea i don't know we i mean all of us immediately thought this must be a joke right when we first saw it yeah i think everyone did but it's actually going to be really good i think we ought to play it i'm done yeah i'm not going to play it and um you know what i was thinking is if the moderator who's the simp you're playing has ends up actually being the one to kill her in the end oh what a twist i mean it kind of did seem like that right i don't know but why is it specifically a girl what do you mean because that that's what it all is you're you're a female all these you know who sims for guy streamers no there's a lot there is a whole environment about female twitch streamers for sure yeah and i mean things like this have happened right i mean there there's been female streamers that fan you know some fan gets obsessive and oh yeah there's not where they live and shows up at their house and stuff it's there's a kind of a basis in reality here there's a one streamer uh sweet anita right right i know of her because she has tourette's like me and it's kind of uh anyway that's how i know of her but she's a popular streamer and she's got this stalker she's been he's been like threatening and [ __ ] and the police don't do anything and it's just somebody's tweets and video in the doc oh you did anyway developers it allows you to play as a chat moderator for a female streamer you make decisions about the post in her chat respond to dms from her and work to help her make and help her succeed so she can fire you if you mess up apparently it's also up to you to protect her from a predator in the chat room who will attempt to hurt her in real life that is so weird i can't say it's not an original idea i mean it's it's different at least it's just weird to me that it's like come here be the guy that is to save her yeah white knight simulator yeah since its release the trailer has been pulled from youtube after facing widespread backlash they made a statement they said game of girls about the impact user comments and actions have on a streamer's mental health and well-being the reason why uh we created the game was to raise the issue of toxic environments which can often appear online behind the anonymity of a user without giving away too much gamergirl is an empowering story of a female streamer who with the help of her moderator friends battle the trolls and overcome the toxic characters in her stream and also i've been donating tens of thousands of dollars to my favorite streamer and she doesn't pay attention to me i really desperately want to be her moderator or i will trick her into one of my sheds and murder her your choice assigned the developers which is your own adventure yeah uh yeah so here sweet anita who i was discussing uh describes her encounter from with a stalker the stalker was caught and detained last night he had a knife on him after taking my screenshots recording a witness statement of the assault for me and a friend and having his confession to arrest me he's been released with a caution so this guy keeps harassing her she's been showing like dms of him threatening her i mean it's horrible i i feel so bad for her here's a video of her discussing she's in the uk so apparently yeah so here she is i am at a stalker they have been stalking me for quite a few months actually um they've been coming to my house they've been sleeping pretty much in my backyard watching the house oh my god sleeping in the backyard the other day sir some shopkeepers had to intervene and kind of hold him back while he chased after me um because he waited outside my house followed me into a shop music waiting for me outside the shop and when i told him to leave me alone and asked if he had a knife he didn't respond and when i said are you gonna let me walk home alone he said yes and then when i went across the road he started chasing and two guys right out of the shop and grabbed him and then grabbed hold of the gate to um another area of of town and i so i went through the gate and they held it closed so that he couldn't pass them and continue to follow me it's not the worst thing he's done he has actually physically assaulted me what yeah yeah so the police apparently can't do anything i don't know i feel right it's really horrible so obviously this kind of thing does happen but putting it in a video game format i'm not quite sure what that's supposed to do um but anyway i do feel bad for her i i don't know what what quite i can do but um i do look forward to playing gamer girl oh gamer girl i wonder if you get to i wonder if you get to like [ __ ] her game or girl no not like rape but i mean like you you successfully white knighter and then she's like i love you moderator because that's the fantasy right vin diesel would you what would you think would you be her moderator she's so [ __ ] beautiful yeah totally that's why you want a mod for her how am i supposed to sit over here when i'm looking at such beauty well you are you need to focus on your task i know she is beautiful but you do have a job to do god i love her yeah i know that's why we're all here but you need to focus on moderating the chat otherwise the stalkers are going to get through talk to me baby something tells me vin diesel taking very seriously yeah that's what i was going to say too vin diesel are you taking this seriously he's out of control we need to fire him we need to fire him and finally our final story is johnny depp you know last last week we had a headline of the year i believe it was something about um uh amy schumer's husband is not circumcised right according to jake according to jake gyllenhaal now here we have another headline and you tell me if this tops aguila johnny depp and amber heard accuse each other of peeing and pooping all over their house i think it does it does johnny depp and amber hurt are going through a really messy divorce as many of you probably have heard is making big headlines one of the stories is that amber hurd apparently used to take big steamy dumps in their bed according to him and she just says no he does well they have the fact that they're both accusing each other one of them listen to that i believe johnny depp in this case because they have text messages to prove it here they go the court heard arguments over whether depp was angry or amused when fifa sees were found in the couple's bed after a fight by the way as if it matters they're like listen he was amused by the dump so technically it doesn't according to the daily mail he wrote in a text message to a friend quote my wife left a whopper poo on my bed and he dubbed her as amber as her as amber turd instead of amber hurd amber turd papa liked that one did papa just laugh at that yeah like that one that one let's see johnny depp's libel trial against her has taken a turn for the scatological depp is suing over a 2008 headline that called him a wife beater and wasn't the court her arguments over hers testimony that depp attempted to spell her name in urine after a violent fight and depp alleged that her took a whopper poo in the couple's bed somebody tells me this was not a healthy uh relationship it really sounded like did you say that uh that he's saying that she tried to spell something with her pee no he spelled something and pee and then she took a dump in the bed got it uh eli if you took a dump in the bed i would not appreciate that no matter how bad our fight was yeah i can't imagine coming to that like what what has to happen for the both of them to come to that point i don't know man i've never been that angry in my life heard has alleged that during the fight depp slapped and shoved her leaving cuts and bruises estate manager ben king testified he saw cuts on herd's arms after their fight king also testified he oversaw the cleanup of the home a process that took more than 12 hours he said he was quite sure that there was no urine in the home daily mail reports i did not see any signs of urine and i did not smell it as i would have had someone urinate around the house if i would have smelled it if someone urinated around the house that meanwhile has denied that he would have been able to do such a thing with his finger severed so apparently depp claims his finger was severed when heard through a vodka bottle at him heard said he did not he did it to himself during an attack that made her fear for her life man these people are [ __ ] wacky yeah if you're so if your relationship is so toxic you're sitting in the bed maybe it's fine to just break up probably i think they're working on that it's like you know what when i come in the bed and i find a [ __ ] in there i'm like you know what maybe this isn't working right by the way our dogs did poop in the bat no no but not inside and also you could tell the difference between a dog [ __ ] and a human [ __ ] i'm sorry yeah there's a big difference alrighty well um we have a surprise here today at the end of our episode an interview with one of the most i would say uh influential the the quick wettest quickest wittiest uh insult comedians to ever grace our planet we have with us jimmy lee the jersey outlaw for an exclusive interview he's just been featured in hollywood magazine and we're here to celebrate uh none other than jimmy lee so with that being said let's throw it on over to jimmy with us today is the jersey outlaw and who who we're today celebrating being on the cover of hollywood monthly which is um what is hollywood monthly magazine jimmy you have not heard of this magazine although to be fair i don't read a lot of magazines so what is this it's a magazine for entertainment you know for the arts and entertainment and we got lucky enough through uh a connection out in california to get the cover and a very nice article in the june edition uh thanks to prather uh jackson who's the uh publisher of the magazine did you have to pay for this feature jimmy no oh that's nice that they give you a really good spread it's like when you open up it's all about you yeah it's like all jimmy elaine well i mean that's love and respect yeah that's through the agent's relationship not mine but in in in business it's relationships with people so my agent who knows the guy asked for a favor there you go i got i got kind of got lucky i've never seen that it's like the jamie law jimmy jimmy lee magazine there is other stories actually the following lady is uh ganja the witch i don't know if you read her spread the gondja you see around halloween she's the one with the mask on but it's not from covid right yeah right of course let me read an excerpt here about um because they they wrote a really nicely says jimmy lee comedy is all too easy for jimmy lee it's like inhaling and exhaling air it's how he communicates that is to say jimmy lee is a wise guy you're never going to get a straight answer from jimmy lee you're going to get a funny answer sprinkled with brutal honesty if he's telling you the truth you can't get mad at him kavish well i wish that was true maybe i would have got on tv by now i did notice that i did well according to this magazine you have a tv show it says comedy realities tv star jimmy lee the jersey outline is hit comedy tv show dangerously funny is one of the best rated comedy tv shows so i wasn't sure well that's according to me oh okay okay good you didn't understand ethan and i have two fans they happen to be in the attic right next to the air conditioning units you see right yeah of course yeah so just so wait what are they referring to the tv show though the tv show according to me okay but what is it your life or your like your youtube channel dangers there you go yeah polite light and polite so jim so what's your youtube channel so the people know it's the jersey outlaw jimmy lee jimmy lee the jersey outlaw so jimmy tell me um well congratulations what's wrong with me no i would never ask you that hillary was thinking that what happened did the doctor cut the cord your mother hung herself what happened jesus no i would never say that the doctor slapped me and the nurse slapped me a couple of times something must have went bad i'll tell you one way i did eat i looked up my family tree four dogs were using it things aren't easy ethan it's rough yeah no for sure i get that i'll tell you nothing's going well my kids are nuts they go to private school they won't tell me where it is you think it's easy jimmy i happen to know your your son is holding the phone yes he is my son is holding up how do you know well i happen to be trivia to the uh the pre-interview portion where your son was helping you uh get the internet going i got two kids ethan two good looking kids i got two ugly kids i don't talk about the ugly ones hillary's not interested in hearing about them and your son holding the phone is he the ugly one or the beautiful one he's the good looking one otherwise you don't hold the phone right yeah that's an honor you know the place of honor and the jimmy lee family correct yes your honor know your honor that's why i'm in court a lot i got to say that lawyer you know my lawyer the guy works for that law firm do we treat him in house you know him no i don't do he he works for that law firm do we treat him in hell do them cheat him and how right yeah that's good that's all yeah the biggest law firm in the world as i understand it correct so jimmy how about the jokes are going to get worse the jokes will get worse jimmy how is the uh career going at this point in time i know you're ma you're you are um primarily a dentist and you kind of do the comedy you know whenever you can you also are a musician so how how is it balancing those two worlds being a dentist and being uh dangerously funny at the same time it's it's difficult and you know we just came back from the uh coven and the business is is tough some staff didn't come back they're starting to come back the revenues aren't quite where they need to be but uh i'm hanging in i'm working a lot of hours and you know i'm still doing through pandemic i wrote a lot of jokes i think you saw some of the uh the videos on uh you know some of the uh covert jokes and the trump jokes i was doing a lot of writing and comedy doing that and you know of course the comedy tv show has a lot of subscribers and followers and uh good hits on some of the videos on the dangerously funny street comedy stuff that seems to be my uh my vehicle that most people know me from is street comedy street yeah do you ever do you tell jokes to your patients when they're on the dentist table actually it's funny because today there was a patient miguel and i had him dying for about 10 minutes i started with the famous quotes and he was spanish i threw a couple spanish one-liners in you know i said i had a spanish girlfriend but every time i made love she took my wallet i had to break up with her wow once you go wreaking a job you'll be seeking and he was dying and that when he came up for air i just kept going and he said to me he said to me you're a funny guy he said wait a minute he says that yeah he's like you know that's why you too it was kind of funny um but it just happened today wow let me ask you this maybe if i i wonder if some people who are going to the dentist maybe don't expect a routine i wonder if maybe some people i i do i wonder if maybe you've lost patience from from that or maybe you think that you've gaining retaining um i would say may have lost a few that don't get me and uh and possibly the ones that know me love me and they come right so maybe a mix and match but i say overall i don't think it hurt me too much i think it hurt me a little bit more hiring dentists that saw the channel and got offended i lost a couple of stocks for interviews because of that not so much patience wait how do they find it it's weird i think they google my name and then it cross links to my stage name and they find a video and i i insult someone i got the faculty i saw you in the casino buffet stop doing that they get offended because they don't know me as a person well i do understand that that they would yeah right and i mean i've seen you go up to big girl or big girls to use your words you say you're you're a big girl you say that to them i can see why exactly they might find that offensive but you know yeah but hey what can you do forget about it huh you gotta forget about that's what uh you you heard about nikki pompanis you know nikki papanisilla no nikki pompanisi had a rape charge you didn't hear about nikki pump and niece he had a rape george i'm sorry okay we're doing a rape joke jimmy no he had a rape charge downgraded to tailgating he had a good lawyer nikki pompanis yeah how old was the niece 12. holy smokes jimmy you know why no one gets worse ethan i got a i got a i got a buddy of mine a doctor friend of mine he got two years in jail for having sex with one of his patients having sex with one of his patients he's a veterinarian hillary's a veterinarian no no no yeah that's right you know what's funny about that story but it almost had a happier it had a happier ending because like you know [ __ ] an animal is better than like [ __ ] a patient in a way you know what dr phil said if you watch dr phil ethan yes of course he said if you're not sick and you gotta have sex with an animal do with a horse this way you'll have a ride home you got to think smart about things right that's true that's a good point no that's not a joke that's just good advice that's very very sad advice you know what dr ruth said hillary you don't want to talk to your partner during sex don't pick up the phone say that one again i'm sorry you don't want to talk to your partner during sex don't pick up the phone oh right right right right i can't write these out jimmy let me ask you you seem like a ladies man uh through i throughout your career when i see you you seem like a man who appreciates beautiful women am i wrong about that no that is correct and that's kind of been one of my my uh sizzles of the actors the bandito girls which i i did that when i did music and it carried over with comedy and and we mix it with some security guards and notice whenever you do your act you bring some beautiful women along jimmy are you what did you have you had an illustrious uh sex life i have to ask i know you're you are a well you seem like a suave dude i will be honest when i was young i was really good looking like not now but when i was young right and yeah i had i had pretty much a good good run but i'm married and happily married and i'm fine now because i had that when i was a kid so i used the girls as props can you can you tell me how many women you've slept with throughout in your when you were really in your prime in my prime yeah put it like this i grew up down the shore in the summer and two or three a week to rotate wasn't wasn't a bad move and i wasn't the only one doing it i had buddies just as good looking as me and you know you don't kiss and tell but back in the days i didn't the kid didn't do bad now you know you people look at me they look the other way you know what i mean that's kind of what happens when you get old so you said you used the girls as prop do you do you find that i use them as eye candy as i can when i shoot yeah it's the biz it's showbiz and i use security guards too in and in regular cities i'll use the security guards i don't think it's necessary and i i don't think i don't know i wonder i wonder if that's a good thing to do you were wondering if you should drop the girls yeah should i drop them you may be right i get comments from guy oh i like the bandito girls and with security guards people actually think i'm famous you know they go who's he which is a little bit as as an entertainer because you and me both know i'm a big nobody but i gotta you know sometimes you dummy it up a little bit and you pretend you bring your sinatra a little bit once in a while people go for it are these girls able to keep their hands off you if i was your wife i might be a little bit worried they can't wait till the shoot's over oh really and they get their money and they run out the door and they say do me a favor next time you do a shoot don't call no they first of all they're told ahead of time what's going to happen and some girls if they're not confident the coordinator will say you don't want to do this it's offensive comedy and he's going to be he's got a big heart but it's going to be that kind of comedy and if the girls are funny like that they don't do it but they're told so they know they're prefacing you know before we start right and we've had problems in the past so now we tell the girls out of time with the security guards i work with two sets of guards so they know who i am and there's no problem with them um so we're we were getting to the heart of jimmy lee when did you decide to settle down you were such a playboy you were i settled down um in my mid late 30s i i pretty much i've been married a long time same woman yeah same woman as far as i know unless if there's a weirdo fooling around with that you know and i got a blindfold on and i wake up with spring marks on my ass and i played batman in the bat cave but as far as i know it's the same girl okay that's good good for you jimmy you said i know the chinese people look alike but you know let's let's not go there because every time i think about i want to order you know what i mean ella last night i wanted 69 she said it was her birthday last week and gave her 61. and you know what she said to me i'd like to have eight dollars more can you believe that can you do me a favor jimmy ask your son how does he feel about the chinese jokes aimed at his mother how do you feel about the chinese jokes colt ethan wanted me to ask you they're good they're good they're good attiboy he said okay spoken like a real uh lee right yeah he's a true you asked you asked the question and i lost my train of thought i went into a joke you asked me something uh when did you settle down well no yeah i settled down a little bit late because i i i was a peter pan type of guy as a kid and always fun so my actual dental career took off probably when i hit about 38.40 when i made it a business model and decided to do serious you know dental consolidation by offices but before that i had one location and you know made a decent living but we went out a lot and had fun i think i grew up late you know what i mean i know yeah i know i know i know exactly what you mean so how is the dentistry business dentists make a lot of money don't they well they do and i'm blessed to have a business model so i can do very well and you know sometimes be able to do my passion while the officers run because i have about 45 employees nine dentists and managers and great great employees that that work for me and they're loyal and they're good so i'm blessed but i also he'll since the pandemic i've been working 12 14 hour days six five six days a week to catch up so my job is not a light-hearted job where it's easy and i don't think a lot of people could do my job what is your job are you doing dentistry are you just managing the business uh two days clinical ethan and a lot of admin and a lot of paperwork at night everything related to running a business and it's very hard it's getting harder jimmy what are we pulling in are we pulling in like seven figures is that what we're looking at seven figures um um i'm i'm high right right in that area but the company does about six million yeah wow well yeah but he said nobody ever gave me anything in life oh absolutely like a dog i was a waiter as a kid and when i do comedy i work like a dog and no one gave me nothing i never had any kind of entitlement syndrome and felt if i didn't work i was going to get paid and i made sure you know when i work for people i worked hard and was a good guy and and i expect the same for my people and i work alongside them i don't ask them to do something i wouldn't do and you know i work just as hard as them so i lead by example jimmy what what's the how are you guys dealing now with the covet what's the procedure to see people well what we do is we have them wait outside and then when they want to come in we have them wait outside and then we move the uh the dental chair outside and we work on them and we spin on them so there's a chance to catch the covey and when they catch it we say we don't have nothing to do with this though you spit on your patients jimmy oh yeah and by the way i found out the disease is young and asian so now i'm interested in dating so there's a lot about this disease jimmy what's the craziest thing you've seen as a dentist because i'm sure a lot of wild [ __ ] pulls in i'll tell you what happened to me the other we got a lady come and take her clothes off and she said doc i want to have these two pulled this cavity filled two weeks ago and did you and did you oblige no but i had a lady grabbed me in the privates and i was getting ready to number she says we're not going to hurt each other are we i said no we're not that was a very awkward situation too but really you must have some wild mouths pull up into the dentist office i mean in your long illustrious career what have you seen inside someone's mouth that really stands out to you um well i had a lady coming last week hillary you'll appreciate this and uh last week we cleaned we cleaned our teeth and uh when we were done i said you can go over to the sink spit and then you can get dressed and go and she did that's disgusting you asked for a little joke a little side swipe there a little love and uh no wait a minute wait a minute i had a guy come in a month ago he had a brown neck and i said how do i get my teeth white i said go home and get a brown necktie you know what i mean i must not joke up too by the way uh what i guess i don't understand that one the brown necktie can you explain now a guy came in with a brown necktie i forget how to joke quit i forget it but i'll tell you heath and what i did do i figured out a way to hide my bad breath guess what i do hmm what's that hold up hold up my arms hold up your arms mm-hmm i'm afraid that's how i hide that's how i hide my bad breath hold up your arms how does that hide your bad breath body odor body owner under your arms i'm not i can't write them out here i can't write them out right see let me tell you something about jimmy are you saying you put your armpits in your patient's face correct i have to do it excellent i wish you were my dentist jimmy i would be getting spit on raped and uh wait a minute guess what i give some of my patience hillary what jimmy why do you think he's calling out ela what am i chop liver you don't want to give me any jokes no ethan ethan guess guess what i give you my patience i give them gears and guess what else i give them what's that i give them electric too and then they i turn them on you know what i mean gas and electric forget it forget it i thought you're going to say you [ __ ] on them because you say i give them gas no that was the guy in the in the one f that guy passed away about six months ago the guy in the third one f'd up dennis that that shot on the floor he passed is that sad that's true really nice guy st steve whalen from new york it's hard to get right jimmy do you do you find it i find it interesting that in between jokes you kind of just dropped that somebody close to your past also he wasn't he wasn't close to me let's get that straight right now are you glad he's dead no no because you just were like hey i don't know i don't know that guy is not close to me no i met him one time and that was the end of it is your son want to be a comedian jimmy is he inspired by do you want to be a comedian absolutely not he shook his head no no what does he want to do is you want to be a dentist a proctologist it's a job that you start at the bottom and stay there we'll have the top and bottom covered is that true uh does he want a proctologist that's uh what do you want to do dentistry he doesn't know but he's leaning towards dentistry oh good for him he's got a good career lined up for him yeah well this way you could pull out at the right time you know absolutely he wouldn't be here if you did exactly well that was when i was supposed to be a girl he just made a face can he hear us or can he only hear you no but hillary you know my problem hillary clinton may i speak frankly okay i appeal to people ethan and hila they can do me absolutely no good that's been my problem my whole life mm-hmm appeals to people that can i appeal to people that could do me absolutely no good i guess i just being honest with you okay someone at home got that no nobody got that not even not even your people out there in tv land it's a tough crowd dan did you get that no um well jimmy i want to say no need to apologize going through here i feel like you should write a book with your jokes and then at the end there's like the explanations like in case you didn't understand do you even get the joke a footnote yeah jimmy you have really beautiful skins flipping through this magazine i have to say that you have a really beautiful skin regimen like well that is called facetune of photoshop and and and makeup they always say ethan and gila a little powdered little paint makes you what you wait remember that i need to get whatever you're on yeah i got a famous quote gila you ready yeah abraham lincoln he said all men are created equal but you know what he never went to a nude beach abraham lincoln definitely didn't say all men are created even he said all men are created equal but he never went to a nude beach because it's false that that's implying that men who have have different sized penises jimmy jimmy are you packing heat what kind of what what are we looking at downstairs four inches and that's the win wow so you got you got some yeah you've got like a beer but i graduated high school mag to come loudly all right yeah absolutely for sure yeah yeah i told my wife you know you want to puff on a magic dragon tell pinocchio a lie she understands right sure of course excellent i feel like i remember ethan when the air was clean and the girls were dirty back when i was a kid jimmy just like you i think you should try to develop a drinking game where it's just cards with your jokes okay should we do a game with milton bradley and sell it jimmy wait what i don't know who's that jimmy um how do you feel that our president is doing uh right now yeah well i think right now he's got better connections with russia than with melania that i'll tell you that's interesting that's a good observation how do you feel he's um handling covid i think he's doing a wonderful job i mean you ask him he'll tell you he's not shy about it right right i'll tell you i'll tell you that what i figured out about him he puts a bag of doritos on his face he puts it at medium temperature for about eight minutes and look how nice he looks he's doing a really nice job with his makeup in fact he's on matching tinder right now are you excited about sports coming back oh i can't wait i'm such a sports fan i'm a big football fan my wife's my favorite tight end wow he's got a line forever yeah jimmy are you flying on planes right now during covid oh yeah not only do i fly on planes when the pilot makes a left-hand turn now he puts his hand out the window i'm on weird type of planes in fact now the no smoking sign smokes when you go in i i gotta tell you those are weird planes are a little strange yeah i am on the wing looking in sometimes jimmy um are you going i know you're not supposed to be are you sheltering him oh my god are you going off oh no that's not what i asked are you sorry do you all go out in public are you doing things are you staying at home mostly just being safe no i go out in public i'll eat at restaurants outside and i'm i'm working you know we're ppp compliant in the offices and at night i'm you know i'm with the blow up doll you know about my new girl right here the blow up though takes my breath away you know about her yes and does your wife know you have a blow-up doll well she does because i let the air out of her night she flies around a room so you know she plays hard to get my wife hears it yeah so it's a little awkward yeah it is a little it sounds a little awkward and your son is your son making a weird face right now yeah my son's that doesn't care for me very much you know well he cares enough to hold the phone yeah he's holding the song he's been holding the phone very steady for a long time he is holding the phone steady it's the least he could do for you now i want to tell you guys this is being serious for a minute i want to say thanks because you guys believe in me and you help me out on the promotion end and it means a lot to me a comedian going absolutely nowhere with jokes people don't get any more from 1982 that's trying hard to get a little somewhere in the business you know when you get a little love from some people that have a little bit of a following it means a lot from a little guy so i just wanted to thank you oh well thank you that's from my heart well thank you very much i was waiting for a punchline somewhere no no i'm not a cardiologist but i just want to say that because you had me on a podcast you came out to meet me at frescoes a few years back and uh i just for people that believe in you when you're a little guy starting out struggling it means a lot to me so i just wanted to say that well of course jimmy thank you um there was one other question i wanted to ask you um is your son going back to school with the kovid what's your thoughts on that how old is your son i guess i i don't know blake's doing it blake's gonna be home and uh colby's going back what half time called i think he goes back two days and he's home but i think with what's going on with it getting worse it's almost you don't want anybody to do anything right now until it flat the curve flattens down a little bit yeah you got to be a little i mean jimmy i don't know your age exactly but i would be i mean are you concerned about getting coveted um i know you're well double nickels so not quite yet not quite yet but you know getting there getting there what does double nickels mean well what's a nickel five what's double nickels healing knows 55. double nickels that's your ten cents well jimmy who you voting for in november probably truman i don't believe he's on the ticket are you sure i think i'll have to double check maybe barry goldwater because these two guys stink barry okay i'll write him in put barry gold you know who i may vote for zack i mean look at that patriotic vote for that yeah we're voting for zach for zach with that saxophone he played to me i'm i'm putting zach in zach is that uh when did you play was it saxophone or guitar exactly i did yes thank you i appreciate that you want to hear the weird things that stevie wonder didn't even see you when you did it you're right jimmy um yes you're close floating off your face do you notice the glasses don't really sit on your face they kind of float do you know what i mean like like they don't rest on your nose they kind of just jiggle around i didn't notice i just had my nose done oh okay i just found that was interesting is that a do you specifically not put them down all the way for a reason no this is the gynecologist glasses the guy that puts his hands in to the lady says your hands are in the sink doctor she says oh i have the wrong glasses uh-huh wait what's the joke he wore these glasses as a gynecologist and he was with the patient says doctor your hands are in the sink he says oh i'm sorry about him oh because he thought the sink was her vag bingo big mistake that's a big misunderstanding zach was nursing he was the assistant that day yes right yes i was zach forgot don't you feel like you could make a great drinking game from how's the girl how does the drinking game go i don't know i'm not dylan let's get me famous with it with the game man that's that's cool whatever think about it for you this is what's going on jimmy lee the jersey outlaw at hollywood monthly so do what do you want you want people to buy the magazine do you want people to go to your youtube channel what do we want the people to do to support jimmy it's not a youtuber youtube channel uh viewers subscribers um views on videos uh tick tock what are we gonna take there we go we are on tick-tock the jersey outlaws oh that's where we need to be oh get that get that nice crowd of yours on tick tock and youtube and uh may i say something to you uh ethan that probably nobody has ever said to you may i absolutely not no may i want to see yes please please i actually like you well that is nice i have never heard that thank you very much thank you jimmy thank you very much as always on fire on point there he is all over the place tick tock youtube everywhere else hollywood magazine jersey outlaw the jersey outlaw the jersey outlaw people the jersey outlaws in the house he's had sex with many women hundreds would you say many women but no men no man sure i wasn't i didn't asian men are out of the question asian women are all right jimmy the fact that you brought up men makes me think you've had sex with men what about non-asian men no i can't i can't i went on a vacation many years ago a gay case i found out a vacation i found out everybody comes right i didn't want to do that i'm sorry ethan i had i had some problems yeah well that sounds good if everybody's coming well all the gay guys when they go to the supermarket you find them in the fruit section it was a little weird so i didn't want to go to that round that sounds offensive possibly but i get it yeah jimmy are we talking hundreds are we talking thousands what are we talking here thousands i know some may have had that many women yeah a lot over 100 but no more no more oh way over a hundred yeah yeah you see did you see what i did you see how we reacted over 200 are we pushing 500 more whoa we need a [ __ ] ethan pull up my facebook page and look at the picture when i was 25 real quick let's pull it out facebook let's see the young beautiful boss the black and white picture of me let's see the box 25 and you'll see why over 500 yeah i mean yeah but no more spider doesn't work well that much i'm older now do you still now when you um this i'm apologies i'm destroying uh for being crashed but at a certain age i know that like do you still have a libido does anything come out oh yeah yeah no i do but when you get older you change you know my priorities are different i work a lot of hours and you know i love to do comedy and on weekends i relax i like to go to the diner and eat with friends sexes it sounds like you get a little bit older but when you're young you know anybody talks and breathes and moves and you know spider wakes up and your spider wakes up in the summers down the shore think about how many people are down there for three months think about that i grew up down in mar gate down in by atlantic city and the casinos and when you go out at night and you're good-looking and young things happen wow like it was your full-time job no no no because in the winter then what happens is in the wintertime it's different because the unit's not busy down the shore so you got to get get it out when it's busy it wasn't busy in the winter in the summer you ever catch anything find a photo zack's looking you ever catch anything jimmy during those days well you know everybody used to clap when i did my show i said don't do that i had that couple yeah yeah yeah i hear that knock wood i use the uh what do they call it the raincoat what do you call that zach the raincoat i believe it's called a condom yes yes so i was pretty uh what's the word heal is self-conscious safe yes no idea yeah the ringtone called the raincoat are you and your wife still active very active we're in separate bedrooms we barely talk to each other once in a while well we do have sex uh ethan almost every day in a week you know almost monday almost tuesday zach is looking feverishly i can't have like 15 different facebook pages jimmy lee the jersey yeah there's like jimmy jimmy why do you have so many facebook pages there's so many different pages is it under your real name no go jimmy lee public figure jimmy it has a picture with me in the models jimmy why do you have so many facebook pages i have old ones that i don't use i only use the one i don't know why but why are they jimmy um you know what would be interesting to try for a video instead of those models it would be interesting to see your wife just kind of like how he how she reacts to your madness she's oh she she makes faces and walks away that sounds like an interesting video i agree i can't get the wife and the kids to go on that's what would make it great bring your son and your wife to react instead of the models yes would you want to do it colt colby made a face he may but we can't tell mom right cole yeah cub's making a face he can hear us i can you hear what they're saying called oh colby can hear you i don't think i can hear you okay he can't hear you yeah colby what do you think about your dad's um pursuit of comedy do you think he should give it up and or do you think he are you proud of your dad what do you think cole should i give it up or stick with it be honest yeah be honest with us give it up he said give it up hmm how do you uh why do you think he should give it up he clearly cares a lot about it why should he not good because he says i'm not i'm not really relevant and good does that hurt your feelings jimmy a little bit oh oh did you think your son thought you were a good act uh well colby's the one more like me so i guess i did at one point he just says i'm too passe like hope is that what you said i'm not caring well you do do like the offensive kind of comedy which is probably something of the past that yeah especially in 2020 it's the old tiny insult comedy yeah and it doesn't go like but you know what is weird my agent roger he says you know no one does it it's funny that there's not a niche for you because no one does what you do yet people won't bring in because it's so politically correct and there's a metoo movement with women so it's almost like if you touch someone or you insult someone you're going to like end up in jail and get beat up where when rickles would do a roast and he'd say to the black guy to take the show he's done clean the tables up you do that today they want to grab you beat you up so it's kind of like the stuff that i do which is what i remember to be fair jimmy you could own slaves at one point and we don't allow that anymore obviously that's an extreme example but times do change right right right so my problem i think was my age is i'm not as adaptable to change and the style i have i do and my videographer and agent said if you changed and there was a production lady in la sue haber who said if you change like develop you you probably could hit your your clothes you're wearing are outdated your jokes are outdated but you know change that's what you told me really i like your i like your your bit uh your routine i mean i can't how do you tell a singer that sings country you start singing motown i'm who i am as an artist you can't tell tony bennett to sing like uh the one connection band exactly zac is in the matrix trying everything to find this photo i i uploaded three of them to discord and go in my face okay so we've got some we've got some all right let's see find the black and white photo of me wait this isn't young or well well you tell me if this is what you meant jimmy here is this oh can jimmy see what i'm saying no you'd have to screen share okay i'm gonna screen share jimmy and you can tell me if this is it's a black and white picture why don't you send it to me oh it's black and white this isn't an attack it's a modeling shot i did when i was like can you send it to zach 24 zach and you're not seeing anything hold on can you go on my facebook you can't can you call can't leave here can i hold that you gotta jimmy hold on one sec dan go ahead yeah there's uh i'm on his facebook there you have literally thousands of pictures like i've been scrolling for the last five minutes it's not an exaggeration there it's thousands go into albums go ahead and find the black and white house you'll find it so your family doesn't seem i don't know how to i i would i'm a little sad that we it seems like you're you're i don't i don't want to cause a rift or anything but it's got to be difficult to pursue something that maybe everyone i don't have the support of my family with this my wife not really my oldest son doesn't care colby kind of helps me with it with stuff and videos and he kind of gets me but he said if you change you could probably be more successful he was giving me good advice what two months ago cole he was telling me the truth i guess it's hard to change because of my hobby what is it kobe what is it about his act that you think he should give it up i mean just just give us a little more insight because it seems like why should i change it or give it up called what's wrong with you yeah yeah it's too old too old style the comedy bit is too antiquated it's too antiquated the offensive type yeah i kind of have to agree and that's what sue that's what the girl lady said in california she said you're still nice looking for a middle-aged guy if you start wearing john varvatos and you do uh observational comedy you are funny but you have to change your style and your look she said it's not hard to do what's your son's name kobe i found it colby colby colby who's your favorite uh comedian who do you like for comedy called i don't like comedians he likes basketball he doesn't like comedians damn he likes sports he's rejected the art of comedy jimmy yeah he's rejected me it seems like i gotta i gotta pick and uh okay we got the picture oh this will show you why we got the picture jimmy this is the guy that [ __ ] your sister and mom in the same day look at the outlaw chiseled beautiful look at that hair that was the kid in the day that was in like 1990. well i wasn't a lemon drop i wasn't like my loafers zach would be a second choice yeah zach of course everybody wants to [ __ ] that thank you thank you zach would be my second choice dan would be my first choice oh really well jimmy we've learned a lot we've learned a lot uh we've got a lot of insight i wonder if we can develop a new comedy maybe style maybe you can just give it a shot maybe work with your son that's what this girl susan told me to do yeah because you're you're you're a funny guy no pun intended don't piss everybody in the video modern comedy well why don't you just write some material about you know what's something you're passionate about i mean dentistry for example what's a topic you know we can make some observational humor a story i think slow it down a little bit you know right i do think the fact that you're a dentist is very interesting so a combination of a comedian who is also a dentist but modern style comedy look maybe may work i love the dentist comedy connection you know they say they say that dentists are the highest rate of suicide of any profession what's the deal with that oh yeah he just dropped that the big one ethel well they kill themselves why are why are dentists killing themselves well i think they're depressed why why are dentists depressed have you looked at what dentists mostly look like they're ugly so you look at the mirror at yourself every day and you're ugly you you kill yourself i was blessed with uh a receding hair line a five head not a forehead gay glasses a shirt from 1987. jokes from 1977 and uh and a little bit of money and and i'm carrying on zach's tradition where he plays guitar i do gay jokes in las vegas and we're both going absolutely nowhere quick if i may say so even though zach's uncle was a gangster with the mob and i ran the bootlegging [ __ ] and whatever all that and sir duke was a good friend of his and stevie wonder and they played guitar together zach jimmy i gotta i mean i i'm not i haven't been following you for like a fair couple of minutes so yeah i figured i was i haven't been following myself jimmy i do want to see you succeed i do want to see you do well thank you i love that i'd love to have you back on the show and maybe maybe try to develop kind of maybe a more modern yeah more modern kind of stick maybe about race relations or something about about what about race relations black lives matter something like that maybe we could talk about the ball game did your son just whisper something how do you play did your son just whisper end it what did you just say he just said ended he whispered oh come on yeah your son knows how to read the room guys thank you a million times over we'll have you back on let's see yeah we love it we love the outlaw okay all right jimmy thank you for your time thank you let's stay in touch okay thank you colby for holding the uh the phone there for us thank you very much he's got a steady hand too i have to i have to tell him he's doing very well you guys thanks for believing in the little guy i love you guys i mean all right i appreciate you mary take care have a wonderful day you too bye bye bye well as a hell of an episode i had a lot of fun this week with monster episode a monster episode doing two episodes this week next week guess what another two episodes we're back the week after that five no i don't know but i'm like go away two yeah my goal i really do want to do five episodes a week people that's one every weekday that's right well we'll start with two for now and we're really um i guess i maybe don't want to give everything away but we're we're building up towards some some real epic uh upgrades to the h3 podcast in the uh medium term here so i guess we can share that we are going to move to relocate yeah we're relocating well you know with kovid we're not even really capable of being in the office so we're taking this time to find a new space and to build out like a more proper studio yeah because that studio was getting it was always kind of small and um especially now with the virus it's like doesn't really allow for much in there no yeah so i'm excited i think um you know the future is bright for the hd podcast so even if you know everybody on the internet hates it i'm still in baby so those few of you who do like this show fear not because we're not going anywhere right yolo right we're in it until nobody's watching until the only people watching is dan because i'm paying him too that's right they've been fired all right guys have a great weekend we love you we appreciate you we'll see you next week with two juicy fat whoppers of shits in the episodes amber turds all right guys we'll see you next time you
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 795,655
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: h3 podcast, h3h3 podcast, the h3 podcast, the h3h3 podcast, h3h3productions, h3h3, h3, ethan klein, hila klein, ethan and hila, ethan & hila
Id: gCt816XqnQ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 149min 51sec (8991 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 25 2020
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