Vsauce (Michael Stevens) - H3 Podcast #101

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This is awesome! I hope folks around him give him the support he needs, he's going to get some massive hit-back from fans presumably, so we should be there to send positive vibes. I've shot over an email thanking him with a few links.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 24 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/davidvanbeveren πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 26 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

"I'm doing it for health reasons and it's been three days and I'm still fat, so." πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

I really hope he keeps up with this. I love seeing big, influential YouTubers like Jenna/Julian and Fantano embracing the light.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 16 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/vldsa πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 26 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 22 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/sweetfuckingjesus πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 26 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Time stamp?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Winterscape πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 26 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

is the fupa vegan?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 13 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/harmlessgui πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 26 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Michael of all people making fun of vegans made me feel sick.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/WeedInMyGarden6 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 26 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I came here to post this. I hope he sticks with it and consults a good nutritionist so he doesn’t stop because he feels ill.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TheGamingNimbus πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 26 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Eathan is shitting all over veganism, props to his guest though, who is that?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Friedcuauhtli πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 26 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TheTittyBurglar πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 26 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
welcome back everybody the season 2 episode 101 of the h3 we are joined here by my lovely and beautifully pregnant wife and co-host buick liners stand up and shout it from the rooftop show it off show it off huh more than half way more than half way yeah shit's getting real and of course we are joined by the Alicia's bodacious Vsauce one of my favorite people here on the show a wonderful dude beautiful beard as well it's getting big do you use beard oils I need to start it's getting a bit dry now after a shower it's just really hard to eat right yeah do you ever catch some crumbs or flavors in your mouth and does that disgust you or intrigue you when though I love it but if others are around it's embarrassing to do today is Jake ropers birthday oh hey and we had a big cake covered in frosting and I could not eat it without the tips of my mustache and covered in frosting little flavor savors stick them right in your mouth mm-hmm now do you ever have a piece of chicken that's perhaps been in your beard for too long and you're like well I did enjoy that I wonder about this you know what's the word help me out Michael you're smart guy I don't know what you're getting at except it's rotting is the chicken rotting in your beard and you eat it oh no no no it's just kind of getting more flavor oh it's airing out if it's getting the sort of beard and the skin cell and all that kind of mess fermenting yeah I don't eat a lot of chicken though to be totally honest I'm more saving crumbs and liquid residues right okay well those are safe and those will not spoil as far as I'm aware so observe the beard so I want also first of all thank you to our sponsors ring honey and me aunties and I want to say Michael thanks for coming on here to promote your show season 3 of mine feel the season 3 and that is super exciting perhaps the longest-running YouTube red show of all time and I want to say the most successful and I don't care about stats or anything too combat that because I think and believe that's true no one knows the stats yeah like Netflix you know YouTube premium they kind of keep it secret 'iv but so all I have to go off is like people's reaction well you heard it here it's the most popular show by phone I'm gonna quote you on that by far yeah yeah by far so well first before we get into that because there's a lot I want to ask you about the new season but before we get into that I want to ask you Michael because you're a man of science maybe you can explain to me what the hell is this look on the screen yeah the Raiders owner Mark Davis Deadpool and John Denver so that I get it I see it so this is Mark Davis he's the owner of the Raiders yeah all team he's worth a court he's worth half a billion dollars yeah and this is his haircut he looks like Tweedledee from Alice in Wonderland I find it pretty cool you are if you're worth that much money mm-hmm look at the confidence you can have right you know Marc Davis is not thinking oops he's thinking this isn't a mistake this is the new trend right Martin's gonna start doing this Elon Musk well so that's so great I like your analysis okay my computers but here he is without that and I think it looks like half birthday that's is that the same person I believe so Marc Davis looks the same Marc Davis is also a pitcher wait but it looks like the same dude I mean that's the same deal look at his face right the fact is I think the noses in his pointy hmm Dan confirmed this but regardless this is factual this is his girl right so he's really that looks so similar there's probably just a lot of Marc Davis's but you think that there would be at least a little variance in the way they look well he's committed he would never cut this beauty apparently he drives 400 miles from the North Bay to Palm Springs to get this haircut no kid he's just he has a barber he loves it and he drives there every time he needs a haircut and he rocks it every time and look at that's awesome cuz look if he had yeah a normal haircut we would not be talking about him right now absolutely not and as we all know he is going after the fame he's a clout he's chasing that clout with this haircut but anyway so I thought that would be an interesting start Mark Davis shout out to you and your wonderful I wonder if I could do a bowl cut on my beard like an upside down bowl cut put a bowl around the beard and cut everything that's sticking out and just have a bowl shaped you would need it somehow to defy gravity because yeah it go I have a like layup but that would be fantastic I would do it what could you if you ever do a video about gravity on Vsauce that could potentially be interesting it could be I wish my hair was longer and more flowing mmm I mean touch my beard if you want its Bungie it's a dick yeah where are you going with that is there a goal my goal my goal is to I want to look like shel silverstein it turns out he never had a beard that was quite this big really for real um I remember him as a bearded - gentleman I know but it wasn't like this I mean that's just beautiful that's formidable as it gets look come on guys it's a great look you know and I loved his work as a kid and I still do now now here's the other thing I want to do I'm gonna go full moustache and goatee so you guys kind of look like I'm gonna cut everything here back I have some big sideburns and there's a huge goatee buy a bike I don't know if I approve exactly I'm pulling the Mark Davis you're going people Mark David do something everyone goes why and then like the other half the population goes I guess I have to look like that tune what would be the most extreme thing you could do with your facial hair now because I see with like a with like a soul patch yeah and a mustache only but that's not enough I think your idea is much more extreme yeah my identity is free while yeah with because that's not an end right now either no yeah that is how you set trends you do things that are terrible first what does your wife think about that oh she hates it yeah but I keep telling her look everyone who hates it will just go oh it must be a joke but those who like it will be like I like it right so it's a win-win yeah nobody judges you and I'll never mention it all just all of a sudden you mentioned it you already meant uh and this is life isn't it the cat all right so there's gonna be a an inner circle of people who understand what I'm doing but everyone else would be like does he know what he looks like I'll just never mention it yeah I got a beard and they're like no no but you you you have a goatee and you're like a mustache and I'll be like yeah you know what's fast I've always looked like this when I was young goatee was in people were all walking around with goatees and it was just like normal go tease I'm like remember Starbucks was really new and like sushi was this new thing in the Midwest that was around the same time like men with ponytails and goatee yes I think that was like so certain like character the goat that someone who rocks a goatee is someone who like he's a drinker he's a partier he's a little bit of a heck I want to say until now he's now hoping that all the way I look side down everyone goes oh I thought you were smart I thought you were curious but yet you have no goatees well the goatee becomes the smart man's beard maybe I should grow a goatee no yeah yeah come on this we're talking about Ethan's career I've tried I've tried so many times to do something interesting with my facial hair when I grow it out by the way I cannot grow to that length because all I end up with is pubes I have pubes on my is it kind of it's an oily and it's pubie do you shower it snow is that part of the problem that is part of the problem any years to figure that out why am I so oil why do I smell why is this chicken fermenting in my beard right oh yeah yeah I notice you have a piece of corn in your pocket is that part of the hygiene this is all part of it yeah it keeps the bad spirits away right know you provided this yes we did it is raw corn it is and guys we discovered raw corn is good you discovered I already knew this rock horn I was we were posing for a picture because Michael has a raw corn memes actually have a I have here some photos that I can show you it's usually cooked corn in my pictures but what we have no way to know that but this was so sweet and creamy it absolutely blew my mind I've never had rock corn before I'm not gonna bite into it because I know you guys hate to here meet you you guys can munch away but I specifically have a problem I'm allowed I'll limit my munching but Michael what is with the corn gags is that a what's what that what tell me about the genesis of the corn gags and while you're explaining yourself because you owe us an explanation flying yourself nothing is more funny than joke explained is that you saying you don't want to explain it because I will accept that I feel like it'll ruin the magic you know so much of it is wait is there a deeper meaning here all right here's a collage at the tongue but there's this and so so much more corn magic I loved this picture in the upper left that's that's yeah we shot in my hometown on the on the football field we built a neural network out of people and one of the participants his mom was like just across the street and she brought a bunch of corn for me mm-hmm and it was raw corn because she was aware of the meme well he was and he like texted mom bring the horn he's like I love you I'll do whatever you say and then boom we corned out together and that's awesome memories were made well I you have a so many corn pose let me find my favorite one if I can if I can choose it's so hard to decide but my favorite one if I hop on over your Instagram has got to be and I know this makes for entertaining searching through Instagram but I thought it was near the top but now I'm losing I'm losing hope that's my least favorite that one there with a funny corn that was taken at a smokehouse in LA it's a hairy corn Oh what is that your least favorite I think that one is it's not a gallery it doesn't have the same action you need blurry corn action well I'm looking like an idiot and I'm not finding I think you're out already like literally the first corn pic you've already passed it's that one on the left here there okay we're coming back season two very strong what what sort of features are you remembering it was a close-up and maybe it was this one I think it was this one this is my favorite corn pic yes it's so blurry there's so much emotion going on really almost you can't even make out the face let it yeah corn and the eye is really distorted and big yeah but yet everyone knew yeah well you'll see that you know what it is corn fascinating why wasn't there an episode about this and your new season well the problem is if I say too much it loses its mystique mm-hmm right it all began with my father if I can get deep here for a second he would like just say weird stuff out of nowhere sometimes like he'd be in the bathroom and you just hear like corn dog Willy was a friend of man and I'm like I don't know maybe that's a real song I don't think it is I don't think I don't know who it is but it kind of became a ear worm for me like still it gets stuck in my head like corn dogs and and so then my wife and I got a cat and I was like let's call it corn many money and she like was into it mmm we have a cat named corn and then I just started to be consumed by the corn and now I can't stop do you really like corn stop that's good a stretch but I'm on the page ie I've tweeted that pun before so clever yeah that's one you've thought of and consider me let me also clarify I I'm a corn the vegetable I think it's okay I really support it but is this really the kind of corn I'm talking about because corn is also my Catholic amenity sauce is also a word for small things like corned beef right oh the corn refers to a believe the the salt like the you've put corn in process according process and also a band as well and that's what the K yeah that is completely different I have not associated with you're not promoting the you're endorsing corn corn with a see okay what the K is the band that you worried or either name you were endorsing the band corn the band corn with the seat yeah but you know what to be look I'm just gonna I'm just gonna go go into this like I think it's time to move on I think that the corn thing mmm I don't want it to become oversaturated it's time to move on we're hanging up the corn right now I'm not hanging it up right now you can't just hang up something that's taken over your soul what you can do is evolve so I think a few days ago I tweeted cat burp huh what was that about there was no corn there was there uh I'd have a cat named corn you see how it wall uh-huh but I don't know where this is gonna take me I cannot really explain I did that tweet perform do you look at performance and does that it does that fuel kind of you're intrigued like the corn thing people were kind of responding to it probably right and that's what fueled your curiosity I wasn't surprised as I was responding to it hmm if I share my passions the likes will come it's the genuineness it's again people respond to the genuineness so how did cat burp respond for you oh really well and you know and it's always this weird mental thing where like I've been making a lot of videos this year and they get a certain amount of attention but then I tweet cat burp and it gets ten times more interactions there of course and I'm like well and so again yeah it's real I'm like hey everyone support Alzheimer's research and blah blah blah go to this link and like five people are like hate you yeah but then I tweet cat burp and everyone's like I'm gonna die someday it becomes this deep meaningful thing and they love it and I'm glad for that it's cat burping a thing - cats burp I can't find a definitive answer okay and just alright it's not in some of the major veterinarian textbooks of shredder burp right have you I don't know is it a bird off like I think he actually burped I don't think he's burped boy they won't lock him out a dog yeah they have different digestive yams and their diets or maybe more similar but like they must have the ability to burp I think it can't happen but everything I found was if your cat is legitimately burping that's weird it needs something that is medical attention right a human burping is just a normal part of how we work digest I'm not a doctor definitely on a cat dr. ok do cats burp I got a feeling we got a new Vsauce video coming yeah that's true sophisticated but sometimes we're afraid to acknowledge that we treat it like it's you know just oh it's just deep fry just Bubba no it is the beginning and end of humanity mmm right that's that's great I mean I just post pictures of me being fat but do you Gandhi's that really all it is well I think so it is shattering the norms I mean no one I have ever fallen on social media did that that's true of an incident image Oh quite rare in cats dan has done some research here he says while common in humans thank you for that burping coming humans burping is quite rare and cats in fact according to dr. Anna hosen has yeah right not real doctor a staff doctor at New York City Animal Medical Center who specializes in small animal internal medicine and ok come on it's uncommon that it even appears in two major veterinary attacks she regularly consults I swear I've heard my cat burp but the lack of information out there indicates that if cats do burp it's very important to their overall health yeah it's not very important to their overall but that's the same resource I was reading the other day and that's not much as it was so mysterious I had to tweet it so you see the cat burp didn't come from me going what's gonna be weird something deeper being like do they burp or not I can't believe I can't find out I'm gonna just tweet it out there get the conversation started let's get social in other words let's break the internet guys conversation begins there you go I am vegan mm-hmm how about three days for three days you've been vegan yeah that's awesome for three days today's the third day I'm tired I'm confused I'm disoriented I'm scared are you doing it right I mean not just eating like french fries oh no I haven't had anything unhealthy yet yeah no I'm vegan I'm all out and I'm doing it for health reasons and it's been three days and I'm still fat so I don't know if I'm doing anything wrong look you can be really bad and vegan I mean I then can get zoom a lot of calories I think it takes extra work to be super fat and vegan because you basically just have to eat like tons of bread basically french fries I mean that dairy I'm already noticing in these three days the cream the cheese the dairy that [ __ ] I eat so much of that shape it's in the Seine and that [ __ ] is just like poison so do you feel better for not having that for three days I feel tired interesting now look this what I always feel tired this whole bread and potatoes thing that'll get can trip you up but you're in the right City to eat well vegan I mean you guys know the cafe gratitudes the but now I can only name one cross for all the other ones takis Madre I work with a whole bunch of vegans so the the Vsauce office primarily this office to kind of they're not vegan register I become fully conscious by the way I went for the diet and it's been three days and I saw like ela eating like a sandwich and I was like excuse me see I was on the sandwich excuse me it had I don't know some kind of animal product I said excuse me ela Meat Is Murder Wow I don't you have a conscious you know that the conditions that animals suffer and to produce animal products there's a holocaust going on every day in this country billions of chickens and cows being murdered every day Meat Is Murder I'm a vegan for three days how do you feel how how do you sleep at night yeah that animal Nadia had plans for the future ambition excuse me but I I shake her away every 20 minutes I was vegetarian and Ethan was the one who because of him I stopped what I'm been hearing is excuses now to be fair she's eating for two right okay the health of the babies fair about that Nami I I'm I want her to you mean with the we got a little baby inside her you don't have to eat meat when you're pregnant but you know you shouldn't like eat the wrong things or skip things Yeah right she'd worry about the baby I heard about people vegans who forced they're like animals to be vegan and obviously like dogs our current current if carnivores they eat meat and so they were like killing their dogs and malnourished sharing their dogs from giving them a vegan diet we should fact check this cuz I've heard Dan fact-check that dogs can't eat vegan diets I think cats dogs can kind of get away with the cats definitely can't catch [ __ ] and I really heard of people doing that to their cats and that that's unacceptable doing that to their newborn babies and they just [ __ ] like kill their baby talk to a doctor please yeah I'm vegan so um by the way there's ongoing debate I always hear people asking is semen vegan I think it would certainly be vegan and it is and here's why right I've researched a lot of reasons I know you know a lot you don't need to research this well just think about it I've done a lot of extensive research on and off the field in and out of the lab yeah now semen is vegan because a human can consent to give you their camel product animals cannot consent and so if you're wondering HeLa yes semen is vegan is it now I've heard it's not always um that consent is required because for instance and animals placenta might be okay for a vegan because it's abandoned by the and it's abandoned so you can eat their [ __ ] you could definitely get out what I would be there might be however the question is there might be you know if they're a carnivorous animal who has outputted the feces there might be meet bye-bye you in you didn't make any choice and because the animal was existing in its natural habitat well I almost don't need permission but the [ __ ] is way so I would say if you're vegan you can happily feast on an animal's poop and good clear on that man yeah I'd and I don't think you're not on my way the animals wealthy nor any of its rights by eating its poop so according to this council we all agree that you can feast on poop as a v8 but can you can hold on hold on if I cooked poop to the right temperature would it be safe to eat that is a something for you you two to explore in your next Vsauce video guess what I already have explored it as it turns out yeah oh really you can cook I mean if you cook it to a temperature that kills all the organisms then you know you could eat it hmm but you don't even need to cook poop to eat it and be fine if it's your own poop for real apparently eating your own union is not that bad other people's poop don't do it huh you're just putting the same you know microbes that are already in yourself so now some what I should probably walk this back a bit okay right and I'm sure everyone's gonna go uh actual like I just ate my own poop Hospital and so don't eat your own poop but if you have to eat poop make sure go with your own and microwave it first if you can well I'd say like pan fry with a little you know some shallots and have you tried little cream sauce I've never tried it hold on now I do think that would be intriguing to cook your own poop and eat it but it is such a good question it really gets well part of like why can't we eat some things and not others what is poop what is hygiene well you go too far with our hygiene well I was watching a really fascinating documentary about you've probably heard about this poop transfusions yeah there's really diseases of the of like a speck terrier corne you know test test an old bacteria and people with healthy good gut bacteria and intestinal bacteria they suck all the [ __ ] out of the [ __ ] of the unhealthy person it's it's you can really want a fecal donation yeah sure I mean if you want to be they [ __ ] in another dude's ass holes really you want to get down to brass tacks no but they take all that ass out and then they like pump all the ass end of a healthy person and it heals is really rare it completely heals them it's like a miracle treatment it's fascinating yeah right Michael it's fascinating and it really has improved a lot of people's lives a poop transplant yeah the poop they poop they [ __ ] in another dudes [ __ ] no they're also synthetic poops that can be put into your body if you need that infusion of good bacteria it doesn't have to be another person's there's even an artist who like a decade ago created a machine that you would put like a hamburger in and it had all the right mechanisms and all the right chemicals mm-hmm and it would turn food into robot made artificial poop could you eat it if you cooked it and it could eat its own poop have you really like a bit there's like a who's on first base can you poop can you eat the poop or if you cook it but if it's your own you can eat it that's the point of every story we're gonna tell today welcome back to season 2 nothing's changed it's the same season as it ever was do you guys edit these down no I know it's live but do you then put out oh you put out the whole thing there's no way not to because on YouTube it'll be it's like out anyway and we were on tour alive oh we had opportunity to edit so now when you stop putting this out when you stop what's the word yeah then it's just saved and that's the episode that's up on your back right right it's like a tweet it cannot be edited it is history and it will forever be encapsulated for all eternity like a healthy poop in the intestines of a healthy person but it can be transferred into another intestines for a healthy poop that's what happens when you watch it mm-hmm that many fans alright Wow we blossom through the first 30 seconds quick Oh Julius so guys we're gonna throw it over to a quick break do not go away because we have a lot more to uncover a lot more to discover a lot more to learn and to grow together on this journey of feasting on poop so we'll see you soon and do not go anywhere dah now rings mission is to make your neighborhood safer you might already know about their smart video doorbells and cameras that protect millions of people everywhere but ring helps you stay connected to your home anywhere in the world so there if there's a package delivered or a surprise visitor you'll get an alert and be able to see hear and speak to them all from your phone that's thanks to the HD video and two-way audio feature of ring devices now let me tell you something me Neela we don't live in the best neighborhood it's not the worst neighborhood it's not that bad but I mean like it's a little shady sometimes at night and I would not feel safe at home if we did not have these rings I'm reeling you six of them they are a life changing now you can get started right with the doorbell ok so if anyone approaches the door you get a notification of motion notification on your phone you could 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heard that's a lot of people you think buying themselves Valentine's Day underwear oh by feel special tonight baby lighting candles for yourself that me yes yes yes but why stop at undies this year's Mandy's is launching their v-day prints and lounge pants and onesies as well both are made from the same micro modal fabric that is coveted around the world me undies has a great offer for my listeners for any first-time purchase when you order me undies you get 15% off and free shipping that's a no-brainer get 15% off a pair of the most comfortable underwear you will ever put on so to get 15% off your first pair of free shipping and a 100% satisfaction guaranteed go to me undies comm /h 3 that's Mandy's comm slashing welcome back everybody I hope your buttholes are well kept and clumped and clean and dried back here with the wonderfully not very family-friendly show I try to be but what I just said poop oh you hated a word stop it oh the a word yeah I was like damn was so but yeah I heard Michael they first of all happy birthday your birthday was on Wednesday am i right that's right Jen we're here the same age as me 33 years old is that the best applause sound effect you guys can get I think it's fine it sounds like we're really clapping thank you you're 33 years old same age as me have you noticed the effects of aging because I'm starting to notice like some things but tell me what's your experience about being an old 33 year old I mean I think physically yeah especially with this big beard there's like a lot of gray in it mm-hmm right and I always had a gray hairs there not a lot but I think mentally it's really interesting because I don't know you're kind of reaching this point where the the things I was nostalgic for like Rugrats and Doug and salute your shorts and that and always set me apart from lame adults but now it defines me as a lame adult because the young people now are like oh my gosh um what's what's a show that's like way not old now I'm like Carly I car there's all these Disney shows people knowing that I Drake and Josh yeah and it's all and they're like that oh my gosh that was so long ago and I'm just like yeah what about David the gnome remember that I don't like um no and I'm like oh my gosh this is like when my parents would say you know Howdy Doody and I'd be like wow just die already you know right so you realize that oh my gosh like I'm just becoming an adult like there's now I'm me and my peers are like running the world there there is no one above us who's like they know what's going on they're in charge now it's like we are and it's huge no we're lame we're lame I don't think you feel like I didn't make a judgement about yeah I don't think a judgement was packed I don't think it's I think it's too early to say much about Millennials like weird those lame adults weird some adults are cool all right I don't want to like I don't wanna get my adult sponsorship canceled I support adults but like watching history documentaries and you realize that all these people that are like have been such a big part of where we are today and they're all like our age when they were doing these things and you're like I'm in that face I had that similar epiphany where I was like almost everyone around me now is younger than me right I'm the old guy now right and I'm not interact like I'm so used to being the young guy right where everyone is older than me around me and so it's coming to the point where we're gonna be the old dude right and lame yeah okay well I'm trying to we're trying to be a little more optimistic here yeah why do you microwave some poop and eat it why are you fear roast if you mug if you're gonna cook poop and eat it you might as well microwave it and that seems soothing it already comes out quite warm 98 apparently is not enough warm iced poop could you get it cold enough that all the organisms inside die flash freeze yeah we can't we're trying to get off this we're gonna get off this so we blast poop into space and somehow propel it back in to atmosphere and can you eat it then I just don't know if I want it to be exposed to cosmic rays and the radiation that's for real you think that would be a danger it could mutate the bacteria indolent super poop bacteria and now don't look at sorry another thing is the I compare things a lot like when I was a child music from the 50s was like oldies and it's still called oldies but in the 80s music from the 50s was 30 years old now music from the 80s the 80s is 30 years old so two children born now music from the 80s is like what Elvis was to me as a kid and it felt like Elvis was from this different world yeah it was so far in the past yeah that's amazing and it's a little strange now what about like frequent urinating that was kind of more what I was asking you about I I'm urinating the same amount which is actually a lot I really love urinating you knowing I'm like urinating so much more than I used to I don't worry having to go and then going and then feeling relief what about in the middle of the night no that's fun what is fun about you should be pregnant I don't think so I like waking up in the middle of the night you're all alone and you know there's a couple of app games I played you got chest to open up really you open up your phone when you yeah and I'm like while I'm peeing on you take it take it to make a special and I go to bed and I feel like I've accomplished a few things so I deserve to sleep again I try to keep even my eyes closed wow wow yeah well because a lot of because I don't want to wake up and once I wake up it's so hard to go back to bed if it's the middle of the night and you can [ __ ] around on your mobile game and then just be like okay end up I'm not like focusing I'm just like ah I need to open that chest and start unlocking that one what game are you playing you're embarrassed to say what is it well I mean I think they should sponsor me before I start talking out of it made without but I mean what kind of game I'm Carrie it's a golf it's a golf game called golf clash by play Dimmick is that them guys who make clash of Clan or people just you know I dish I literally don't know it could be that they're the same company it could be the clash is just like I don't know clash of golf Michael do you play golf I've never played golf I went to a driving range one time how'd you do I don't even remember I was like oh seven yes but but golf on an app no you've got the ball guide you can be a lot more you know mathematical about it or it's not so much like getting into physical shape it's about mental shape physical shape is so important though your brain is part of your physical body you need to stay in shape but right but when you play real golf you don't unlock a platinum chest because you want a ture game no absolutely not what would you find in those chests that would be so valuable to you oh jeez like I'd really like to finally unlock Cataclysm right what is that only the best wood in the game when it's at a high enough level Oh see you unlock clubs are you guys also not obsessed with this game I don't even know I've been playing balloons td6 which is one of these oh that's the [ __ ] right that's uh I have to I have a little bit of a bone to pick with this game to be frank with you it's a tower defense game dan you've played the number six by what I don't know if I've played six I am familiar with the series the series it's a yeah me too I love it I've been in love with them since broodwar Starcraft back in the day we're the same age isn't that great when's your birthday June 25 same things so you're like six months old 24th some water regardless we've been talking mile minute I mean there's so much to cover regardless there's this game you defend balloons as monkeys with darts okay it's great it's a great game but here's in light where I get really frustrated you have to buy the game I think I paid $5.00 for the game we need to buy it just to play just for the game and so you expect well I'm buying the game so I'm gonna get a whole game a wholesome game and but what you end up getting is you have to still buy a bunch of like [ __ ] do you join well you're at such a disadvantage that it's all it's the unsatisfying display and I'm like dude I what the hell like this game should be free at least if you're gonna you know why golf class really hit thanks and you go back and bleep the f-bomb it's live golf clash is a game where you can definitely pay to get special balls and extra cards all those clubs exactly but you know you don't have to I haven't spent a single dime I don't mind if people do sure but I kind of like the challenge of can I just through what you get without pain and be competitive and it means I've had to be better I've had to study more I've got to have all the spreadsheets and the notes I got a really like plan out do you really have spreadsheets and notes or yeah being I could show you my notes that are in my bag I gotta have them with me in case I get like a free minute and I'm like ooh time to complete the two or opening rounds are gonna in soon you're being theatrical Am I yes because they're not selling well anyway Michael I appreciate the anecdote what are you talking about who's not selling I don't I don't believe a golf game is gonna be that complicated they're trying to sell to Moe I mean there's kids playing golf games you don't have to crunch numbers you're not doing Pythagorean theorem and crunching MC equals MC talk and just push the button and then probably time it with a ring um there is some timing there's also topspin sidespin curl wind adjustments yeah Joe should I do the rough bump here do I have enough facts pinta just go right to the green yeah that's something that you have to learn this may ruin a theory meanwhile this is what the game looks like it looks a lot like this because you always play against a real opponent oh that's cool so you're spending half the time watching him oh it's my turn and there we go that's fun okay cool now you try I will say one of my favorite games of all time was a golf game it was Tiger Woods golf and it's so cool because you can upgrade your guy you get the club's like you said you get you're all over the place you're hitting your hitting drives that real people would only dream of driving that far and you're feeling the rush Mario Golf on gameboy color was my favorite game and so you know a few months ago I was like there's got to be another golf game out there that's good mmm downloaded a bunch don't you stay in mario kart mario golf Oh Mario go yeah on gameboy color I played that version and I loved it and also I I get really into the whole like ooh if I play a little bit more I'll have a few more rewards you know and they get you on that kind of like I'm making progress mmm but you can see the results of it like ooh ooh I know how to play this shootout mmm I know that you but you you have to curl a bit more than you might think and really the way to go is through the left don't go straight at the hole that looks easier but watch this and then your opponent's like oh and you're like can you talk [ __ ] to the other person you you can only use the preset emojis they provide but people find a way to still be mean with them they can it really that people always find a way to really aggravate each other with those yeah so like when you [ __ ] up and they say like good game good game good game good game or something like that well got a nice shot there cast nice shot well played here good and you're like I just fell in the bunker me they're both spam emojis when you're trying to line up a shot when it really matters you're running out of time so then I'm the opposite I'm terrified that people will take what I'm saying the wrong way so I only say good game if I've lost interesting if I win sometimes I feel like they might interpret it as I'm gloating right so I'll say something like good luck but even that kind of sounds like a Liam they need a little because you're bad good luck idiot what you do you're sweet guy man you got to go heart of gold I don't want anyone to like discover my account or a kiss epic involve questioning me like this guy's Michael's a jerk because people love those stories I'm like who's actually really what that'd be great if there was an expose on Michael from his golf talking yeah now Michael season three has just come out yeah all the episode all eight episodes are up available to view YouTube red they don't call it YouTube red anymore they call it YouTube premium you can help me not what happened they just love rebranding things because it's confusing right they want to be confusing as possible it's apparently edit strategy right but yeah YouTube premium is what it's called now I just focus on its mind field right and who knows what'll happen in the in the far future but it's been it's been an awesome ride and season three is my favorite season cuz as I've become more confident like working with a larger team with like you know deadlines and a bigger budget and a lot more on the line I've gotten better and I've also gotten more confident and kind of being a big part of the process and the team this year really understood what made minefield great we've got an expert from a university or a research team in everything they're always there so you don't just feel like it's you know this unqualified guy Michael being like a is this a reality show you feel like oh I can see how pilot studies are made how you develop an experiment and how you kind of try out variables to make sure that you're ready when you actually start mmm so well there was two episodes that stood up to me the first one was the chimpanzee one that was like freakin phenomenal that was a see such dude you guys this one's free so like this episode was so amazing you went out to China Japan or Japan yeah whoa whoa you went up to Japan and you hooked up with this Reacher's researcher who studies chimpanzees and there's this huge natural habitat yeah were they the chimpanzees come in on their own exactly that is crazy so right like this huge open and KL encampment yeah yeah so I went knowing that other people had talked about his research obviously has been published for you know more than a decade but I didn't know as much about how he runs the experiment it's not like all right you know get the tasers out and wrangle the chimps into the rooms they've got these treetop laboratories so - the chimp it feels like they're just foraging and instead of reaching out and grabbing a berry and eating it they reach out and they touch numerals in order and then they get the same type of food they would normally forage same amount and then that's all calculated so that they're there the meals that they're given by the the keepers all add up to the right amount of food in a day mmm so they get their whole day's food from these experiments no they don't oh they don't even have to go and do the experiment they don't want to right if they don't then they'll just be fed a little bit more later right but there's even facial recognition cameras that that can tell which chimpanzee is walked in so they know what difficulty to give they know who's eating the food they don't get over fed and it's just wonderful now that also made it hard to film because that you can't just be like all right bring in the chimps they're like we have to wait we don't know who's gonna come it could be one of the geniuses that's gonna be amazing or it could be one of the Dumbo's it was really well shot thank you I did none of the shooting it was fascinated because in Japan do you fly with a crew yeah we flew with the with a smaller crew and then we had people there in Japan fixers and and locals who could help us you know navigate faster how did you even set up with this guy I was curious you know what really helped is seasons 1 & 2 we can say look we're really interested we reach out to like Kyoto University's you know Press Group and we say hey this is the show and they watch and they go oh yeah this is like not sensationalizing they're really honestly kind of like promoting what's happening and please come out well the experiment was about memory yeah and so these chimpanzees was mind blowing they have a almost what seems to be slightly some of them have to have like a picture-perfect memory where all these numbers will flash quickly on the screen and all these different grids and the monkeys can do it all or the chimpanzees can do it all and and remember it immediately yeah whereas you competed at one point against one of these chimpanzees and ah and I mean obviously you didn't have to - no but like we are just on such a lower level in terms of memory yeah our our memory is so much less photographic now I was at a huge disadvantage in that I'd never done it before if I did it every single day for years I would get really good but they found that a human just cannot reach the same average ability that a chimpanzee can we just need a little bit longer I think we're we're thinking about it a little bit too much the chimpanzee is just going I need to react to what's given to me whereas we're going oh shapes and thoughts and primarily though they found that it could be language that theory that the fact that we can talk that we have language is what makes our memories so bad is controversial in some circles but I don't need to have a perfectly photographic memory if I can tell stories to remember things right if you asked me what did you have for lunch I don't have to go pick the picture out I can go well let's see it's Jake's birthday he likes tile we had Taco Bell we had a pineapple cake because he loves pineapples but it wasn't banana flavored and I'm telling a story even if I didn't have language even if I didn't speak my brain might still remember in that sort of way not with English words but with grammar whereas the chimpanzee is just in that moment now so this is the theory of the cognitive trade-off that in order to develop language we trade it off memory I mean there's only so much space in your brain for stuff but what I thought about is I don't know if you've seen this there's this very very rare condition called superior autobiographical memory familiar with that yeah this is so I watched this 60 minutes report there's only 10 people so far in the world discovered with this ability and they have this ability to recall any moment any day every single thing that's happened in their life with perfect recall yeah I've heard of it but I don't know enough about it so I'm a little skeptical air-five yeah well let me show you a clip can they test they don't kind of test so this was a 60 minutes report they remember exactly like on a certain date what day of the week it was how old they were what they were doing like if a current event happened tested and proved to have superior autobiographical memory October 1st a total recall of every day of their lives extremely impressive Delta Airlines flight 191 crashes near Dallas Texas oh I know exactly when that happened because it was August the 2nd of 1985 it was a Friday such a gift has never been documented before and scientists like Professor James McCord are excited about where it may lead one of them said it's like a Google search that you put it in and and it just sort of there it is and it it's the huge Minister month and it's a day and it sort of narrows in and it goes bang and they've got it and this all happens very quickly it just actually I have another timestamp where they conducting some kind of experiment this is kind of blowing my mind I one of my best friends Mary Lou as this for really I mean I didn't know what it was called but yeah he has like this ridiculous ability to recall like down to the hour of the day events so you want to get in touch with these they've only found 10 people in the world really yeah it's genuinely blowing my mind because my buddy I've known him for years and we always just chalked him up to being kind of a weirdo for having disability but yeah that's that's actually kind of crazy here Oh hoping this is the right time stamp for others like Jewel Price who was the first person to be diagnosed with this remarkable condition it's a burden is it driving you crazy on the inside yeah sometimes it does yeah I mean I really just want to be screaming at the top of my lungs most of the time and I can't do that so I have to keep everything in check when did you realize you had this ability about five weeks after I turned 14 and I don't really know why on this day exactly February 5th 1980 but from that day until now it's every day and so you know you pull a jet out boom it's like I'm right there every moment of every day ever I have nothing to add yeah I want to show there's just one part I want to show you where they recur where they say specific days got it yeah that's very telling yeah don't believe it well let's do it it reads out Android January 28 1986 days old that that anniversary of the week was it she just said it was a Wednesday you were five days old I was five days old and probably not murmuring it maybe was a Tuesday but it's also my grandmother's birthday the 28th of January so there's a lot intersecting there a lot of reasons why I would remember the Challenger disaster right I guess it's a lot of v6 and the Super Bowl was the Sunday before John Lennon's assassination that was December 8th 1980 do you remember what day of the week it was Monday I was in tenth grade it blows my mind that you can remember that that crash killed 274 people the Chicago plane crash the one in May 25th 1979 that is the one yeah I was in the 8th grade I had just come back that week from having the chickenpox remembering historical events is one thing but these scars a whole lot further what may 8th my grandmother had imagine having instant recall of what you ate for breakfast exactly 20 years ago today what if I flip it around I don't give you an Advent but a date the 28th of February 97 that was a Friday and I was leaving that day to go up to San Francisco we sort of got sidetracked by a bank robbery in North Hollywood she's right they have it so there seems to be some people that have both brains yep and one side both it's I don't know a lot about it but you can see how much how important it would be to learn like first of all like knowing the dates of a John Lennon's assassination and plane crashes there are plenty people who know all of those but imagine being burdened in that way mm-hmm by every detail being there it almost makes you feel less bad about how the past in your memories keep fading away I only live in a kind of clear but I I wonder if that's some kind of defense mechanism you know because it is a like this little one lady that they interviewed and this was like I love having this ability right as you can imagine the utility of that is insane I mean yeah you'd be able to excel at anything like way more yeah level yeah but this lady says that it's a bird it's a I could see are you both yeah I can see it and I don't know what they've found since I you know what's going on yeah what are the limits of this and what might be the cause and what are some of the the bad side effects yeah but you can also see how difficult psychology is if you do physics and you want to talk about like the mass of a proton they all have the same mass mm-hmm but memory all of our memories are different when you think of being five what is it like do you see through your eyes do you see yourself from outside it's a what is it what's the fidelity of it is it like a visit like 4k is it like 1080 we still don't really know and and everyone might be so different it might be really hard to pin it down mm-hm mathematics and physics it's kind of like look the speed of light is what it is we've literally defined it to be something but what is happiness yeah I would like to get her in there to challenge that chimpanzee do you think she would win that is maybe a different skill different one though cuz that's a day yeah that's a very different way I think she would win she's got that we gotta get her out there to Japan she has amazing episodic memory she remembers episodes from her life she doesn't have that photographic like instant a scene we got but there are people who do there are people who can look at a deck of cards all laid out and then and then it's called an eidetic memory because it's not quite like a photograph if you if you show them 52 cards laid out in order and then you tell them like what card was in the corner which one was here they'll they'll know but if you tell them which card had a tiny black dot somewhere they won't remember if they didn't commit that to memory it's not like they are pulling up a photo they tore and they can look for details that they didn't see or or attend to at first mmm so it's not quite a photographic memory they call it eidetic no so I mean what was your kind of takeaway from that whole experience in Japan I mean how long were you there how long did it take to shoot that we were there well we were there for like two weeks because we also did the episode on recording your dreams mm-hmm that was done in a different part of Japan but it was all underneath Kyoto University right and so we were we were at the primate research institute for like four or five days and every morning we had to get there for like the chimps breakfast because that's when the two really famous ones might come in and we had to do like four morning's just to capture like oh my gosh you know I has come what time are we talking about I think it was like you know 7:30 a.m. but you're already so jet-lagged you're not like that's not it's not early you just we were on a very early to get up and early you go to bed skit now were these chimp these superstar chimps were they was it the result of just like good good genetics or were these the monkeys the chimps that were there practicing all the time well they have trained for a long time because imagine like they don't just come out of the trees and go oh I can do that yeah they have to learn what numerals are they have to learn how a touchscreen works it takes a long time so but there's nothing special about them otherwise it's not like we found some chimps that can do this well you know there's a varying level of intelligence among humans I wonder how's that variance among Jim I'm sure and there's also variation by age you know as they get older there's cognitive decline and so I who was born in the seventies she's now getting slower and that's who I went up against so I had a bit of an advantage but it's not it's not that these chimpanzees were like you know way above norm they're they're what a chimpanzee can do and we used to be able to do the theory the hypothesis is that as as we split from chimpanzees through evolution we needed language to survive we didn't have the safety of the trees we need to be able to say you watch out while I get those scavenged remains and you have to trust that I will give some to you I'm near it you're having to do look out or you're having to do something else mm-hmm but we have to communicate because we can't just be safe in the trees and grab berries all day all right but you can't develop language like you can't just go all right guys let's just build a new lobe on our brain instead you have to take the cells and the structures already there and sacrifice some of them to you're doing language now right and the hypothesis is that we gave away some of that eidetic memory some of that short-term memory ability a good trade-off evolutionarily probably a probably yeah probably but I don't want to judge but who know doesn't mean it like we're better than chimps it just means we're different we were forced to be different to still be here today the other one the Stanford Prison Experiment also free also free yeah this I always confuse with this the original experiment yeah this original experiment was very famous this guy set up a guards and prisoners dynamic and just to still tell a long story short the guards became very cruel right yeah oversimplify it but well I guess well I I'm confused about what there he was driving that we are inherently more like evil or manipulatable or capable of evil I guess I just didn't really see the point of the experiment and I've always doubted this this kind of theory that humans are born with a capacity of evil but the Stanford Prison Experiment is often given as evidence that see at our root core you just can't help it people turn bad and the Stanford Prison Experiment has been told as a story of it's not just bad apples it's the bad barrel if you put anyone in the wrong circumstance they will behave badly right if you give people power and you D personalize the others they have control over and all these things then they'll just become bad dude Abu Ghraib oh I mean do you think that that was proven through their experiment no yeah I don't I think that that it is very true that the situation can have a lot more power than we might think but I don't think that it's the simple story of oh well of course these terrible things happen because they just do yeah you know even nice people can go eat go bad right that can't happen but I think it's way more complicated and where the the people and their own personalities in the situations overlap and and have feedback loops with each other it becomes really gray hmm well the one detail that actually I learned from watching this episode I didn't know is that the researchers where we're encouraging the guards yeah off the record to be more cruel right which is something that they didn't disclose that part of the story is a rarely told yeah that's a that's a that modifies the results a lot yeah there was one guy apparently who wasn't being cruel enough and there's a recording of the of the researchers being like hey dude you're gonna have to be more you're gonna have to be more dominating you have to be more forceful with them otherwise this experiments not going to work yeah and urging cruelty in the episode I got to talk with one of the guards from the experiment right and he explained that he thought he was working with the experimenters he thought the whole point was we're gonna be cruel and see what people do we're going to show that prisons are all bad and need to be reformed so he thought he knew what the experiment was about and so he behaved in a certain way and he was getting feedback from the research team he couldn't he knew that the cameras were recording them and that when he did creatively cruel things they would like get a close-up and they'd all go ooh and so he was encouraged in his mind to be mean right so that kind of throws into question what did we really learn from the Stanford Prison Experiment I don't think that the whole thing should be called a hoax and written off I think first of all it's incredibly important as a example of why you need to ethically study people you can't just be like let's get some young people and I don't know give them power over each other and over the some of the things the guards did just for people who are listening who aren't familiar with that experiment well you know it devolved into like making the prisoners hump each other in order to you know get bathroom breaks it was um hey you prisoner are going to be you know locked in this closet until you eat because some hunger strikes happened and then yeah I think the guards would come up with like scenarios like okay if you all don't choose a person to be punished then you all lose your blankets so the prisoners had to go against each other stuff like that these were all volunteers so they were paid yeah they were paid per day yeah a pretty good amount more than what you would get for like a just a job the college job you know at that time but it had to be ended early because it got so bad now there was also like a whole nervous breakdown one of the prisoners had but since then he said that he was just acting hmm cuz he just he was wanting to study for his upcoming tests and they weren't let he do want to get out cuz I saw it was this the guy who was like yeah just started freaking out I mean they were like okay this guy's like office yeah he's gone he's gotten out of control but really he was just doing that cuz he knew that they would have no choice but to like get him at it well that's interesting yeah but I mean I get well so at any rate you think that this experiment what does it prove if not that that humans are capable of not all humans are I'm not sure what it proves but it it's a great example in the textbooks especially of like this is why we have ethics review boards mmm-hmm you know this is why we need be careful if you want to know what's in a proton smash them together and look at what comes out you can't take someone's brain scoop a piece out and be like now it's different oh that right in the part that allows you to answer my questions shoot you know you have to be really careful and and there are times in the history of psychology where that line has been crossed and we've we've I think become better but I also think that the Stanford Prison Experiment like the Milgram experiment the one with the electric shocks shows us that people will do quite cruel things in the name of something bigger and in Milgram and in Stanford I think that was scientific progress hmm they said well this university is doing this and it must be important so I don't feel so bad I'm being told to do this by you know someone whose work I think is important mm-hmm so I think that's what we really learned from the Stanford Prison Experiment well we still need to do a lot of work on where that balance is between what makes someone do evil there or what makes someone become a hero all right so you're the experiment you did in the video or in that episode when they're in the dark room that was based on the Milgram well that was that was our attempt to play around with how would you run something like the Stanford Prison Experiment but have absolutely no demand characteristics meaning no expectations on the part of the participants that they were supposed to behave in any way because everything we kept hearing was that the participants in the Prison Experiment all thought they had to take on this role oh I'm a prisoner so I guess like what a prisoners do well they're obedient or they riot I'll do one of those too we said what if I don't give them what we just give them numbers we don't tell them that we're recording certain data and we just see if given the opportunity to hurt someone knowing that you would never get caught for it mm-hmm would you do it and we really struggled we also cast the most like benevolent people we're there were all sweethearts because all we wanted to show is that there's a point where you just will not get the results that you saw at the Stanford Prison Experiment so it's not an either/or people are either good or you put them in the rotten barrel and they all turn into rotten apples I was wondering were you wanting to do something more extreme was there ever a point when YouTube was like ah let's not do it that way that it was though it was a weird episode because we developed that one after season 3 already been approved right and so I was busy making all the other seven episodes and still having to come up with well what's the Stanford Prison thing and the more we looked into it we talked to a lot of psychologists and they were all like you know if you do it today it's just a reality show the BBC did a fantastic version that was much more rigorous and they were looking at sort of group cohesion and it was very cool but you know they had a huge facility and they had a lot of time it's all they did you know we were only able to spend an eighth of our time and resources on this right because we had seven other episodes so you know I think when you say Stanford Prison Experiment people get a little scared and they think it's gonna go too far so we were even proposing stuff like there's this really fantastic experiment involving hot sauce mmm and and you you as a participant have to measure out an amount of hot sauce - for someone else to drink hmm and YouTube was like too far and I was like yeah but I mean we've electrically shocked people in previous seasons and hot sauce there's like a popular show on you yeah of all people do you know and they think they were just so scared that Stanford Prison Experiment that's it was gonna violate ethical rules that we the the hot sauce could not be hotter than Tabasco stuff like that Rome like I had a feeling that they that they had their hands in the but I appreciate some of those challenges because it forced us to be better and to be like you know what maybe we don't need maybe the punishing can be something that's not quite so cartoony but the hot sauce has actually worked in like serious studies so we used the noise and I think it was almost more insidious because we were able to say we've played it off like we didn't really know how loud it was or what was safe we just said anything below a seven should be safe your meaning should be safe so if you crank that dial up secretly it's like a you could be really hurting someone right but no one would know that it was you who did it will people be that cruel and in the end they were not really were they no they only ever responded in kind it was I'm surprised by that never they never cranked it up you could easily find people who would sure but it's not quite as easy as anyone you want into a room yeah yeah yeah now Michael are you a tits or an ass man in the end because we did never get an answer on that I asked myself that every day really and did you ever find resolve within your soul on that issue yeah which is the answer you're a corner coordinated how can you not love that I think I'm personally it's a tough call between tits and ass but I respect the that you dodged it and so I won't press you much much harder on that did i dodge it or horn is not aid is unless you're rubbing your dick on that corn later you're thinking too small oh that's I see you so you liked it well corn for me when I see you eat corn reminds me more of like are you saying that you like vagina the best because eating you're like eating corn dude raw corn yeah like when cuz when you eat corn it is kind of like the coital we're not quite oh what's it called what's the technical name when a man eats out of a woman yeah kind of lingo it's quite kind of really what you're talking about I'm just trying to eat my raw piece of corn he's a vagina man I want to go to questions from the fans we've got some great ones yeah sure but guys if you've got YouTube bred or not get it head on over to vsauce channel watch mine field season 3 is therefore in the works is 3 the final season mm-hmm I creamy and and uh dan has correct premium YouTube premium sorry I can't say too much I can't say too much but you know what there's a lot of really awesome things on the horizon a lot of opportunity I'm making choking on corn right here let me just take a little sip people here in this analogy that I've painted Ethan you're really trying to connect some things here and I'm really glad you are but corn has has gained a new depth unless that's what you originally meant but you know minefield season for like it all comes back to that doesn't it yes um I've been doing I've been doing a video every single week on the dong Channel yeah Vsauce one will get a lot of fresh free videos this year I'm very excited I bit off way more than I could chew last year and I remember it was literally December of last year wait that's not very long ago December of 2010 I was working on an episode about torques and rotation and it became the leaning tower of liar that I put on dogs I didn't really have time to like make it as as kind of like complete as I wanted mm-hm and I needed to promote brain candy in Australia and then I realized how little I knew about physics and classical mechanics and I and calculus and I was like I need to get back to basics and I need to learn a lot so I have been reading oh and learning that's I think I've become a better person and it's why I'm grateful that people are patient absolutely in the meantime I've done more videos than I ever have dong is out there yeah one should be quite cute name oh great cool well Michael you're one of the hardest working people on YouTube you are out there shaking your dick and people you don't they're not on the court are in corn boy Pam lucky lady we cook it first no your wife is a lucky lady dude I'm a lucky man but the way you chomp corn I'm gonna stop chewing on corn during this all right let's go to the questions gap please number one on the list we've got two other aks s if you can do any experiment in the world without moral value stopping you what would you do how would how would it not how would it not stop me well let's say ethical questions aside is there an experiment you'd like to conduct the ethics would normally stop you from doing yeah I mean let's say we're able like drinking hot sauce god forbid right let's say let's say we're able to create like artificial minds boy even then I might think that it should have rights but let's let's worry about that question a little bit later I would really love to watch a human mind grow in isolation never learn a language never meet another human there was a case of that the wolf girl right or spirit there's some really unfortunate cases when it's it's I mean it's child abuse yeah of course and so I mean yeah they're even ancient experiments where they were like oh we took these newborn babies and put them in a room and never did anything because we wanted to see what language they would speak what is the like the true first language of humans and you know everyone's like oh it was Greek it was Hebrew or whatever but obviously they never learned language right obviously yeah but their brains were still you know wired for grammar for thinking in the way that language works but we don't know a lot because it's really hard to develop experiments on it so I would love to get artificial muscle great answer maybe minds that run it faster speed so we can really see like seven years of learning in a day but but that still raises problems like look if you've got an artificial mind it's that close to a human mind it don't unplug it because yeah it's gonna have dreams and ambitions and hopes and fears yeah now I now in the case of these children who are like raised in captivity are their brain development is stunted by never having learned language I wonder I honestly don't know enough I know that it's incredibly detrimental oh yeah our brains are sponges and learn and it's hard to learn language if you don't learn it within the right period of time when you're younger the most famous case is genie and last I heard I think she is still alive she's very old she's um a ward of the state of California no one can find her or interview her but yes she was raised like locked in an attic and never learned to speak I think she is capable of some things now mm but yeah that's when we really realize like how do you even frame your thoughts when you don't have language right well you can it's not like people who don't speak don't think right well who don't have any language because you can have people who have sign language or people who communicate in ways yeah if you're grown in isolation you didn't communicate with people would you do how would you yeah how do you form thought you know I act for inner dialogue actually asked Terrence deacon at Berkeley this that very question mm-hmm for the chimpanzee episode and it turned into a bonus clip and I literally cannot remember what his answer was he may have said I don't wanna put words in his mouth but he he I think hazarded a guess about what is it like are you conscious if you don't have language like are they were like in our dialogue I think remember there's a great book called things I believe but cannot prove and it's just tiny short little like paragraph answers written by some really smart people and I believe one of them I could be misremembering but one of them was like I believe that you need language to be conscious mmm and it and I was like jeez it's full of crazy things like I look I'm like the director of this big Institute and I can't prove this but here's my personal belief that's great that's cool thought-provoking yeah you know what I love I would love to clone human beings I want to take a dude yeah clone them five times just much like the movie duplicity or whatever was called with Michael Keaton do they get Dumber every time are they how much like the original are they these are in fascinating questions I want to make duplicity multiplicity thank you Dan in real life the problem is that when you clone a person awesome now you have a little like cell and it'll become whatever the plasti cyst and fetus and whatever it it doesn't come out of a machine fully-grown yeah I'd like at the age of 30 or something right baby did it has the same DNA as the adult what happens if you raise yourself though like wouldn't that be wild but you're not new you said yourself you're raising is totally dis asked you mean right with the same ma what do we do but so much is not from we gotta cook we have to circumvent that somehow that would be a great experiment on environmental verse verse nurture though create the exact same literally army same person put the same fingerprints for instance don't come from your DNA identical twins have the same DNA but different fingerprints because these just form through random motions in the womb so I've even heard I think I've heard this from Adam Savage who has twins he was like identical twins raised together are more different than identical twins separated at Birth mmm because of that pressure to be different right if you don't have someone to be different from you just follow your nature more this is all hypothetical it's the other thing we don't have a lot of data on is like what is it like when twins are separated at birth because we just don't do that mmm ever since mine field began I've been like find me twins separated at birth and our teams have looked at you know adoption agencies and they've gone and looked at other countries where there's a little bit less paperwork done on in the week this happens more often and we have not found there's not later II though every clue came out in like well now now it's been done I don't know if this is like a true but or this is some fantastical like thing but I swear to god I've seen a show about this then an identical twin separated at Birth ended up marrying the same identical twins separately so two dudes separate at Birth ended up marrying identical twins separately right Michael I feel like you know the real story I don't know the real story but I've heard so many of these Leah ripley's believe it but I've seen it twins separated at birth never knew each other existed and then they both have dogs named Bob and they both work as plumbers and they both married women named Amy and they you know I don't know how much of that is true the Minnesota Twins study is the only one I can think of that's like a really classic rigorous but a lot of work is still being done it's just hard to find twins separated at bran next up we've got what is your favorite unsolved scientific question / phenomenon by buttholes with a Z at the end Oh dr. buttholes yes he's always got the greatest question yeah my favorite unsolved unsolved or unsolvable whatever you like I mean I'm really I love fundamentals so I'm thinking the the the the multiverse theory how can we develop an experiment or can we to really test how big our universe is if it's infinite and extent then because there's only a finite number of quantum states you can have in a certain region it's been calculated that like a googolplex light-years away just odds are there's another you hmm because if we have if matter is all kind of the same everywhere then you know we only live in this observable universe that is its size depends on how fast light has traveled to us but if there's there's no edge - as long as there's a wall there's just more so we can't see it we can't observe it it can't affect us it's always growing but I guess what I'm trying to get at here is I heard in max tegmark some mathematical universe book just recently the idea that the laws of physics themselves could be different right because space itself can have maybe different states just like water can be ice and liquid and gas there could be other parts of the universe like all of it not just the part we can see where space is different where it's permeability to electromagnetic radiation is different and light it operates I don't know but the constants the the concepts of conservation of momentum like these could literally be different and we could try to replicate that if we had enough energy here but basically it sounds very sci-fi but I'm just troubled by the fact that it's like yep yep light travels at that speed and oh my god but well what I've heard about that is like multiverses like different universes could have different properties but you're saying it's possible the same universe we have to define universe so universally early hustle reality every thought University of everything yeah okay so then what would you call a parallel different space to like what we occupy I guess with different properties of matter right so I forget how what the diameter of our observable universe is it's billions of light years right and it keeps getting bigger as light from further back reaches us finally but like way over here there's another you know so it's of the circle region that could also have you know galaxies and earth and but there are there there different levels of multiverse like level-1 level-2 these are different theories and one theory allows for the possibility for the laws of physics themselves to be different from one to the other mm-hmm and this leads to the whole question of like well of course the laws of physics are what they are because lead the ones we have are conductive to things existing like us that can ask why they exist right but in a universe where I don't know energy isn't conserved the same way or something you might just not be able to get complex life forms that can ever go now what's this energy thing about mmm-hmm so experimenting discovering what's going on with all traveling faster than right yeah I'd also like to do would you if you could go on a one trip journey around the universe yes Peter light would you do it because if you travel the known universe at the speed of light I remember Carl Sagan saying something like it would take you like 50 years but by the time you got back to earth like a billion years would have passed or something would you take that spaceship right uh well as I get older I feel less like I would yeah because I'm not as alone I've got a wife yeah want to have kids but I was like totally single I'd be like now come back in ten years of my time to an earth that's a million years older yes I'll be a celebrity but now I'm like I kind of need to be here for the people in my life and now by the time you get back they may have already been like dude we already our science is crazy we already figured all this [ __ ] out there there's a name for that problem we're like I could get start on my journey and like two seconds in people show up there or five thousand and they're like hey man like we're already like way ahead of you yeah your whole trip that's mine yeah what's the point - it's like you come back you know I mean what could really did it to you right you're probably I goes to a lot of cosmic rays and radiation yeah you you were a living piece of history yeah you'll come back and they'll be like ah do you remember this band the beats list and you're like it's pronounced Beatles and they're like we never knew because no recordings exist and you're able to like Br imagine if we had an ancient Egyptian it could be like here's how we built them like I was there here's what my day-to-day life was here's and here's what my cognitive processes are like here's how I think and feel and how I described that we'd be like wow dude but we'll probably be able to upload brains for like in the next hundred years and that whole trip will be like way more difficult to make when we can do that we can just you know build a copy of my brain and I don't die I'm this consciousness that lives in a comedian near old Adam signing up for sculpture what is why I'm here let me say this on that topic I would not choose to live forever as a 3d printed neural connectome I don't want to be 3d printed I just want to be in the cloud st. yeah fine yeah cloud yeah I want to die you do I think it's important for me to be like all right I'm done mm-hmm not soon yeah but it's time for its yeah it's time for someone else to be the adults I want to be in the cloud that's fine that's per want to be in the cloud eating burgers and not getting fat forever it's very personal but see if you're in the cloud you kind of already moved on it's like the not abuse dude in the matrix I there's a scene that guy he's eating the steak he's like I know the steaks real just put me back in the matrix cuz the steak is delicious yeah that's me it doesn't have to be a real state I identified more with him than Neil I wasn't putting me back maybe the deliciousness yeah I want a steak it's real in a way yeah mine I'd kill all my friends for a steak that's what he did basically well the vegan yeah that's true maybe it's getting in my head what is what this is finally here we've got what is one question you would want to be answered in your lifetime oh jeez oh well easy for me it's are we alone in the universe yeah this is there okay I mean just finding well some dope of what's out there right just finding like bacteria yeah that clearly did not come from Earth contamination like it developed on its own hmm that alone would that be great change what are the chances you think that there's a little something on Mars for us to discover I think it seems love based on that little squeak I I think it's gonna be a bit low to be honest what are the chances that there's intelligent life out there unmarked out there I'd say a hundred percent yeah me too I'm just yeah I'm convinced will we ever be able to contact them space is too big I think zero percent the thing is what like what is like there's just it's so it's just such a shame right it's just such a shame I feel like there's gotta be a way like a hundred years ago two hundred a thousand years ago people couldn't fathom what it's like to be alive today what it's like to use the internet what is like the fly what it's like to walk on the moon I feel like it's just such a shame that if there is other intelligent life out there we're gonna eventually we're gonna shake their hand and have a hamburger and it's so limited but we don't know how light but that's the thing maybe you been maybe you don't actually have to go the speed of light maybe you just have to bend space toss sure sure compress the space in between us because space can mean that who did who knows standing right who knows what the mechanism there's a thing called like the Alcubierre drive is just a hypothetical idea for a spacecraft that curves and bends and stretches space behind and in front of it and can travel faster than light because it's just the space that it inhabits there if we could do that then I we've reached a point where we need to start naming the years differently mmm you know we say like bc-ad that's like this big thing that like separates humanity into two halves if we develop faster than light travel or discovered intelligent life and and like made contact that's another one of those moments where it's like okay there was a before and there now there's an after but also another scenario is like let's say that humanity can live an additional ten million years like we go the long haul yeah we go interplanetary we can spread so slowly but so inevitably if we can just get to a new solar system somehow that's we're going all the way I mean it's just a matter of time right yeah and like how close is the next solar system like a Lightyear more than that the nearest one that's like habitable I don't know not even yeah I mean we don't we don't totally know but maybe we can hibernate right hibernate get in there hundred years maybe you know sure it's nerdi light-years away 300 I think they're even closer than that Michael I think there's one that's like three like in single digits light-years away we don't probably know everything but the planets there but you may as well go might as well send some [ __ ] hamsters out and then cuz we're are we already erased ethics in our hypothetical anyway yeah we're not concerned about the ethics no I'd rather send people than Walt's also robot a lot of people say robots are gonna be the ones in they inhabit I know I'm the Borg but I should the robots get to have all that but it makes sense because they don't even need to breathe the goddamn air you don't need the air they don't need anything yep a little squirt of oil presumably yeah I need to get greased up yeah what were you guys doing when I got here everyone was like really greasy oh we just I don't know why he had this small Commission oh thank you guys were kidding cuz Michael came in is like no one would listen Michael these are a good bunch of people I resent you calling them but your smoke machines are using oil not like whatever liquid or whatever the what smoke machines what are we talking about boiling some upcoming like big vape no we have an old smoke machine that was just in one of the bins with blankets and stuff I was just going through it and found a bunch of the liquid on everything you got all Gouda like it spilled out yeah yeah that'll do it it felt oil e so we said well yeah that's don't know don't introduce yourself that way sorry I'm a crazy right now I'm a mess hi Jean well unfortunately I think that most likely computers the robots are gonna are gonna be the ones to get all the fun but will they enjoy it no probably not and another philosophical question if we send a bunch of robots out to space and they end up colonizing the whole Milky Way do we even how do we even know like even if they pass the Turing test or whatever and they're like self-aware how do we even know that there is anything inside those tin boxes and you could just be sending out a bunch of tin boxes to colonize all of the Milky Way and they're just acting out of programming and impulse but truly they're just empty boxes I could say the same about you know you cannot how do I know the Box how do I know that you're not a philosophical zombie you act like a human but you have no internal self awareness or consciousness I'm telling you this I know listen robot with we took a picture of corn together yeah made of really blurry I told you about the flavor of the corn did you really feel that flavor or are lonely horn taste good and creamy yeah I said I'm just being really yeah you're already a robot racing it's safer to just assume by the way that's gonna be super insensitive 100 years beep boop boop boop yeah you're gonna be canceling everyone connected Michael was such a [ __ ] back then they will it'll be robots being like I can't believe this my theory is doing his robot impression robot beep boop I have no soul robot wow wow wow wow oh send me out to outer space with oil yeah how rude but in my defense robots now are very different than robots in the future that said it's probably safest just always assume that's something some has consciousness and a mind like even a cockroach just you know what I don't yes he convinced that you don't have a hope for tomorrow so I'm not gonna kill you thank you HeLa doesn't feel that way though you're just like give me that meat sandwich oh [Music] I think the show went off the rails when we stop talking about poop yeah I didn't want to say but it definitely happened it was like was it like the first five minutes no I was like yeah if you get us off poop it's just really bad I'm trying to get there's any other huge things to talk about I mean aliens is it really the other one would be kind of like I would like to see a fully kind of sustainable like if we could harness the sun's energy yeah truly and fully that would be fantastic we'll get there I don't have any just imagine having like basically unlimited free energy yeah I mean that is something in it a space elevator so we can get stuff out there as to much less effort where there any questions people ask that you were like I cannot ask him that what's the worst Quan was and he went one well it's not that it was I can't ask it would just seem kind of dumb was why is the pea stored in the balls no one knows that was like the number two all we know is that it is right so what were you supposed to surprise me today Zack did you assume what some goose what was it the giddy up some Kramer stuff you okay you got me I don't know what you're talking about I told Zack our sound lad I said I want surprised me today hit me with so uh yeah yeah yeah blow me out of the water Diddy oh he hit me with some Kramer's there's one yeah he did good he tried his best those are never get old did you just make that noise by pushing a button no though what all these buttons do they do and the best one I was really enjoying that I always wanted to be in a Curb Your Enthusiasm love you want to take a shot what do these pay what oh wow it's really easy to know what they are yeah it's like a toy it's got gifts listen to this I am a robot I don't have rights the future calling dari Michael your scumbag I'm sorry it's a tension no yeah no that would you're right it's a it's a song for our game shows watch this here watch this thanks for playing [Music] [ __ ] again this is the h3 podcast did it work down channel no okay hold on you looking for you looking for transcendence yeah wait why does it say ring I think it it must have been pointed at the wrong I should be you got a money sound effect in me with it yeah probably not but here's a gazebo here you this one should work or watch the preview so we've got that on the sound board whose idea was over there probably collaborative effort I really want to push this one you ready yeah go ahead you're so close an by a fan of the finer thing I was look I've been a fan I mean you know I don't to say that I like made him yeah but I was so much original content how could come from one person yeah I know he's fantastic why why did I start B sauce so flow yeah inspired me yeah I was like how can I ever attain I won't lie this is me when I'm Vsauce Michael inspired well actually interestingly that was that when I first found Liza Co she and we interviewed her for that video because he stole he was like I won't lie this is me when I'm driving you know and it was her videos yeah unless her video and it went like mega viral on Facebook I got like 50 million views man those are the because those are the good times you know what's at I don't remember the video that comes after his intro right what was the it was just Liza dancing in the car that is so totally sofala when he's driving though yeah no totally so you could tell you can tell he won't lie you can tell he just like snapped that on his phone while he was driving like just on the way to somewhere and threw it up on Facebook just boom it's so genuine it's so in the moment it's so candid yeah you can't build instincts like that born with let's send so flow to Mars I think there's a chance there's something under there though deep down yeah you know what let we deep down where it's warm I think there might be some [ __ ] it'd be cool if we found proof of some kind of life and realized oh man life began on Mars oh when the Sun was I don't know I think it was or more cooler in the past I don't know don't quote me on this stuff but then asteroid hits Mars eject some stuff makes its way to earth lands and then comes back to life all of a sudden now we're here what do you call that same thing with sperm pan sperm yeah I just remember me panspermia isn't that amazing unlike pan poo Pia which is the correct way to cook poop and permeate does make a lot of sense though doesn't is it cut it's kind of like the macro version of pollination yeah you know yeah and it makes it easier to understand how something that would seem unlikely could happen we already have a lot of time universe's old so it's crazy stuff will happen like self-replicating molecules DNA whatever but if you allow it to happen anywhere in the universe and then it can spread almost like a cancer of course we're here almost almost yeah well I'm on a vegan diet and I'm farting and [ __ ] god and so I probably should hit the John I've been having diarrhea since I started this vegan diet what are you eating I don't know if you're eating well well I think I am a lot of lots of beans so from before I had a I had a meal a day of eating so putrid it turned me vegan I had like McDonald's and I ate it and then I made a pizza in heel didn't want any and I ate it all and I was like bro did you have to hit rock bottom sometimes I did I did I hit rock bottom and I was like man I want to see my son turn like 20 at least yeah so um I said went vegan but I'm having diarrhea and I feel sick and tired and scared that's not good you should feel and confute at or you should really check out like good vegan restaurants just want to go to just take what you normally eat and throw out the meat in it yeah like really look at I've been eating like order out Mexican food almost in almost exclusively is often vegan it's definitely vegetarian and delicious mmm the Indian kitchen all I'm not afraid to just shout them out they are the best Indian kitchen yeah they don't deliver - winner my wife and I live now so we just have to drive out and get it oh it's worth the drive where they located what part of the time you don't want to say no Maps it okay you don't know look I'll look it up I was just curious if it's close to us uh probably not so well then it okay I thought you did a little twist I thought you were gonna say it's probably not close but what he ended up doing HeLa the saying is probably not so bad we should end the show yeah cuz I've got a silver chest I want to unlock in kitchen is so West Hollywood that's uh that's okay we're living in an apartment right now as we renovate how are you renovating is it though so it's not the house I visited you won no no well congratulations by the way I think that it's not terrific a huge though yeah is it at uh would you call it your dream home I mean my wife's gonna be living there so yeah oh my gosh this is definitely me when I bought my dream home no we're really happy it's so cute our first like trip together was to that same area oh just like but the point of all of this was the Indian Kitchen we hope I would love to be sponsored by like super local brands not be like hey uh you know Skillshare calm go and use this code I'd rather be like you know the Indian Kitchen 325 Alameda Street they would get their money's worth they would yeah you could look like if we were sponsored by a local restaurant I feel like we would blow them up people would want to go eat there you know what I didn't invent this concept I think the Dana Carvey show did this like every episode had a sponsor and it began with like Mountain Dew Doritos big ones and then the final episode was like you know mr. Lee's Chinese restaurants like across the street from the studio cuz like he just his ratings were so low the only sponsor and it was hilarious but I would love to do that like just shot a thing a great idea we should add like an extra sponsor at the end of every one yeah there's the West Hollywood area and you need thimbles here's this tiny little store it's only open on Sundays yeah and everyone's like wow that is not relevant to 99.999% of your audience but to the 0.1% they're going love it all right well I'm gonna go bank a poop okay drop it off I'm gonna make a nasty diarrhea do you have but I'm vegan so it counts for something great yes guys thank you all for watching season two is off with a bang yeah a bang that sounds like this but Michael first of all thank you so much for coming my congratulations on all your continued success in hard work right back at you congratulations to both of you obviously so excited yeah me too uncle Michael oh sure yeah yeah you don't have to you can be on you shouldn't ha ha but you could I cut you are Uncle Michael now this minefield season 3 is out right effing now not on YouTube read that's not a thing but on YouTube premium YouTube premium get yourself ad free YouTube why they chant what is that what are they doing because they're you know what they're doing they stopped making read series and they're putting on I never liked the name YouTube sounds like porn so maybe that's what they're doing finally changing from the beginning it was so poorly conceived YouTube red ok great so now we're going into the YouTube part of the podcast this is all I guess everyone knows what's going on it's very doable just let us how much time we have on the outro yeah we can we can stop but I'm curious yeah you're right Ethan they're putting the original shows in front of the paywall now yeah because I think YouTube is realizing you know what what makes us wait in my opinion what makes YouTube different from Netflix and Hulu and Amazon and all that is that anyone can be there and like really niche creative people can thrive like someone who just reviews bathrooms can and get a big following and so it's earnest as beautiful but Netflix would never give them a show but YouTube I think they think more of like we have relationship with advertisers we have the biggest global reach the most eyeballs Netflix is huge but YouTube has more people globally right so they're like what's get advertisers to sponsor original shows put it in front of the paywall which is awesome because I want more people to sign so absolutely it's awesome that YouTube's premium YouTube read allowed me to make a show that I'm really proud of but I would rather more people see it yeah it couldn't exist without the paywall maybe someday at some big-ass hands but then we got a brand now it's like what kind of control do they have yeah because YouTube was pretty good like self analysis but we crossed that hurl it was fine but I I don't I want content that's made for the viewer it's not made at the behest of the billionaire corporation I hear you what can I say I am the most perfect purse you are a man of people alright guys thanks for watching next week do we have a guest next week or we going balls out we're gonna ball out next week we may have fouseytube but maybe that might happen to be determined nobody's watching anymore yeah how long do people just watch it till they're like alright we're at that point I don't know what it is but we're there I mean the live viewers numbers not changed that much yeah we're holding steady what do we at like 50 people 15 you should do find a way to like really see if anyone can go the marathon with you like well we would correct that's awesome I'd love to just have that on I didn't watch I'm not I don't support you yeah sure I don't are am i you don't know you won't know well I don't know if you watched all eight hours I mean that'd be insane I wouldn't be surprised if you flipped it on for a moment but just to check in yeah yeah of course alright let's send this looks a mess before we get to eight hours all right so see you next week thanks all for joining god bless get some corn and get some corn this raw corn is really something check it out really sweet that's a good bite good yeah alright bye everybody yeah I'm waiting for you all right goodbye [Music] [Music]
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 1,453,743
Rating: 4.8926616 out of 5
Keywords: vsauce, michael stevens, michael, stevens, h3 podcast, h3, h3h3, h3h3productions, mindfield, mind, field, ethan klein, hila klein, ethan, hila, h3h3 podcast
Id: HU1_KTNSj7k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 113min 41sec (6821 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 25 2019
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