4 Start - only 2 4WDs FINISH! The Tasmania track SO tough we had to turn around!

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tasmania the home of the toughest four-wheel drive tracks in the world and we may have found the biggest baddest one of them all oh this is nice after a monster wet winter there's more mud than ever spirit of drive the tracks haven't been driven this is relentless every 50 meters the chainsaw is coming out and all this leads to absolute chaos on the tracks just got hole and the old lady has gone on blink that's barely driving hey four rigs start the track but only two finish what have i caused today can't believe this you thought our last adventure here was wild you ain't seen nothing yet i don't know what we're gonna do next i honestly don't know you guys know as much as us at this point our adventure begins on a wet and wild winter's evening in the northeast of tassie where we found the perfect place to wait out the rain the weld bra hotel this classic watering hole has everything you could ask for on a wet tasmanian night with beer on tap a roaring fire and most importantly a pool table you might recall that shawno recently lost the keys to a g60 to me on just such a table and i reckon he's still smarting from it because he's got his game face on but folks i tell you a master is hard to beat bad luck mate shake everyone's hand [Laughter] i might have lost this one but the trip we've got planned ahead is an absolute winner with a couple of iconic tracks on our hit list including one that very nearly got the best of us last time we tried it but that's something that can wait until the morning [Music] the overnight rain is going to make our first track of the trip pretty damn interesting but tassie is known as the home of mud and round here you can't let a bit of water stop you just a few clicks down from the pub is the start of the day's challenge the pine garment jeep track this titan technical trail winds steeply up from the valley floor and with its big off-cambered ruts and slippery clay it's one of the toughest tracks in the region with that in mind we're going to be letting a lot of air out of our tyres for this one right oh plan's pretty simple for this one there's been a stack of rain in tasmania at the moment i reckon it's gonna be stacked and mud as well so i'm not taking any chances straight down to about 12 to 14 psi that's even extremely low on bead lock so i just want to try and use every bit of traction possible get those tyres down big footprint and even then i still think i'm going to winch in a fair bit today [Music] right up ahead is the start of the jeep track and if the entry is anything to go by we're in for one heck of a day you should never just trust a bog hole in this part of the world and sean's doing the sensible thing and checking his line options before he goes and throws in the deep end there's tazzy mud tell you what you don't know mud until you've been a tassie second gear [Music] he's not stopping though and that's a smart move joining us for this trip is our good mate reuben from dmw who's back behind the wheel of his brand new 79 series and as you'd expect he's taking a few extra precautions with his new rig seeing that we're going to be attacking a lot of deep water crossings and mud i didn't want too much getting into my radiator and i'm trying to save the alternator a bit so i've got this little canvas cover made up that goes down onto my bash plate comes up behind the bull bar up over the grill you can see i just fixed it off with a couple of fixings and we'll be good to go and of course i'm behind the wheel of the trusty d-max and i'm going to be having a crack at showing up the big trucks in a lightweight ifs vehicle the pine garment track runs pretty steeply uphill from the get-go and with a lot of water around the track it's got to be pretty darn slippery and sure enough we're soon having to get into it [Applause] up ahead is our first big obstacle of the track and boy it's a doozy oh wow oh my god yeah she's off tap up here it doesn't stop either look at this better to the left yeah look how big the rats are yep this one looks like a heck of a challenge and even once you clear that big left rut there's plenty more slippery clay to follow well i'm glad not to be going first on this one shawno take it away mate okay all locker's going to be needed every single one is going to be a challenge all right here's my line see what happens here he's done it easily stop he's paused this next bit's gonna be hard though are you are you gonna stay in the rut yeah no you can't whatever you can't i gotta get to that other right what up there yeah golden extremely committing [Music] that's your dip honor yeah log oh you're in the bank in trying to nose up to the right line sean has landed himself in a bit of an awkward spot ah i've made an indecision he might be he zig zagged should have stayed on the right keep going you've got the peanut gallery here just pointing a few orders i thought i'd get out to have i think i need to log in there maybe a couple of rocks [Laughter] holy heck oh god straight eye shot i got one up the nose [Applause] oh it's right in the eye now i know what it's like the issue here is that passenger side is just swallowing sean's 35s and still leaving him hung up so we're going to try a bit of track building with logs well some of us anyways [Music] whenever you're ready yeah let's give it a go all right keep her in the guts maxie up you get time is money i don't know where the where are the keys mate where are the keys i haven't got your keys maneuver rub's done i've got a microphone and that's it i just heard a jingle i just wanna usually got brass balls all right on to serious business now let's see if those logs offer any help can you go back you might have coached it you're hard on your dip boy your dips under the mud well that hasn't worked out as well as i would have liked and now i'm pretty much hung up on my diffs oh i really wanted to have a go this i think i think that's him i think he's out of the game officially that's winching [Music] it takes just a short pull on the runner to drag out of that big rut but up ahead is another 50 meters plus a very slippery clay [Music] yes i think it'll pop over that the combination of clay and that passenger side bank dragging on the bar work is making it really hard to get any momentum going and it's all i can do to leapfrog forward more than a meter at a time getting zero traction all tyres they're in something that's not letting it move i'm trying to use a bit of momentum to get me through but even with a bit of a run up and getting a tiny bit of traction you just fall into a hole and then come to a stop in situations like this it's important to know when to call it and opt for the winch and it's absolutely the right call on this one but suri is no light weight and even under which this is a real struggle and a fair few resets are needed as we go [Applause] that's incredible [Music] i don't know i only struggled right from there would you look at that i've just dragged my rear bar and diff pumpkin up the entire section and given the old raptor coating a bit of a workout but hopefully from here i can get out under my own steam [Music] [Applause] he jumped out of there i told him to stop if he got up there he's keeping on going hallelujah at least i drove that bit so i pretty much drove it all like yeah just go with the middle i didn't but get that one up there do something that could actually help us hey rob's got a coffee mate certainly do mate all right warmer up and uh do your best mate good luck well after seeing you go up there i'm gonna need all the luck i can get here goes nothing bring him up go for it son yeah it's good good drive i wouldn't like you driving this up nah i'll drink from there you might have to bunty the locals around here tend to wheel on some pretty big tyres and those ruts are making the 79 look damn small ruben doesn't want to take any risks in that shiny new rig so he's opting for the winch a little earlier winches that's it [Music] a lot of forces to play here [Music] oh he's done it's well done well that's the first rut done but with the 79's big spring hangers catching the edge of the ruts we're gonna have to winch the whole way with this one with a big rig and a lot of forces dragging at the vehicle it's important to choose your winch position carefully and try and keep the winch right pulling as straight as possible and of course keep pulling the weight away from the bank come on big girl we're going to keep resetting the winch every few meters to keep the best angle possible and chuck in some max tracks to help the 79 through the bigger ruts that one was so much force there oh all right stay here i'm gonna need you rear winch is gonna get a workout all right it's my turn rocking let's give this a go well graham's up next i'm excited to see this ifs means no big front diff pumpkin to get in the way he said he's going to give it a little bit of mumbo as well so i want to say this if he gets to where you got i reckon that's a pretty good drive all right i'm gonna i'm gonna come up with a little bit of vigor not too much but just a bit of bunty i knew you would you saw that look in your eye and you're walking down the hill in a lower slung rig momentum is key and so i'm not hanging back on this one i'll take that exactly that reuben got two that's pretty good before we opt for the winch we're gonna see if we can give the d-max a helping hand to get up into that big rut and you know what every meter counts for now though it's back to the winch perfect well i think you can see it doesn't really matter what car you drive here you know you've got sort of a pretty capable sort of a beast big 79 and then a little max at the back here and i'm getting stuck in all the same places so let us know in the comments down below if you've driven this particular track never winched on it from bottom to top i want to see it i'm very keen to see it [Music] [Applause] just like the first two vehicles it's a pretty long winch up this climb with a lot of resets but slowly and steadily we're getting to the top it's going well much easier to recover than a 79 mate at times my 33s are literally off the ground in these ruts i'll tell you tassie tracks don't do things by halves [Music] just so close [Applause] [Music] oh that's crazy what a track but we're not there yet more to come well boys are just um packing up all the recovery gear and there's a fair bit out on the tracks at the moment so i thought i'd just take a second jump on the vms here and see if i can't find a campsite i'm looking for one that i haven't been to the cool thing about the vms is i've got stacks of different campsites on here and i'm trying to i might pick one it's a little bit of a drive but i wouldn't want to go and check this out that's the beauty i suppose with it you can really sort of pinpoint little camps you might not have known about and go check them out that's after fun of exploring i reckon all right let's mark that one let's get into it [Music] well boys i don't know about you but it feels good to be able to drive on my own steam yes i uh i am very very happy about that that was a pretty hard slog of a winch for me it goes to show how the tracks sort of change as well like i've driven that twice in a 30 30 and somebody's driven it before then i winch probably the majority of that hill just the conditions mate they've got a really wet winter it's that clay soil big rocks it's fairly steep rutted i mean it's got every ingredient to make a nasty fight speaking of around the corner things are starting to get tough again [Music] was built for tracks just like this with a good set of muddies on it i've gotta say she's absolutely loving it [Applause] feels like i'm just carrying that front left-hand wheel graham's having to try more of an unorthodox method to get over this one but you know what he's making it work what a drive [Music] the jeep track just throws right after rut and i reckon this rut right here has to be one of the most impressive wheel lifts i've ever seen on four wheel drive 24 7. the reuben mate you're a weapon hi aria browsers mate i must have been pretty hard on that bank [Laughter] look at that we're soon nearing the top of the climb but that's just bringing us closer to the next challenges you know for a fact that no tassie track is complete without a few bog holes and sure enough they're up ahead [Music] oh i remember this yeah my left hand line from memory is a shocker absolutely do we need to stick it with a smile give it a little depth test check the bottom it's the dodgiest stick in the world but it'll do much dude [Applause] [Music] that wasn't too bad the big footmaster oh got it oh hey the reverse lights are on what's that about you flick the switch well that one there was pretty easy but the next one looks a lot more challenging well that's proper deep butt but the good news is sean's going first i'm stoked with that it's true as long as you're nice and quick on the winch oh yeah are you real quick hey reuben i trust reuben you trust me give me the puddle yeah oh he's got good taste obviously like get in your car come here it's one of those ones if you do get stuck it's gonna be an absolute drama you know water everywhere probably up to your seats in this one it's really deep come on big fella he goes nothing i don't know whether to creep forward or really give it a go second gear whatever get that witch i'm not walking look at this [Music] yes yes holy heck all of the noise that's proper date there's like a big step in there so it's just got to be it's just going to be full don't even attempt to just idle into it just second gear pin yeah windows up so we've got the recovery rope here ready around the tree and uh i'll be ready to hook up the winch if need be but i reckon he's gonna drive look at that [Laughter] this right here is the last challenge between me and a cold beer back at camp let's see how it goes okay i'll be honest there i did hit that one with a bit too much pace and it was a little risky for the fan blades but no one wants to be stuck with beer o'clock around the corner am i right okay come on keep going i think we're pretty good yep no water coming into yep have a week looking pretty good crack force team here we go we're almost out boys have done a good job right forward i'll call that just about driven well i'm gonna say even though you'd get stuck that was one of the fastest recoveries i've seen winch was ready rumor was ready to jump in his vehicle just one little step in there i think he sort of hit it a little bit too fast and just actually that went against him slightly momentum down that's pretty good effort though i'm okay with that absolutely spectacular i didn't get any water in the vehicle either so i'm happy with that too do you still have a fan and radiator don't need them in tessie mate it's cold enough with that the pine yarmouth jeep drack is done and dusted but with a cracking track deserves an equally stunning campsite well that track never fails disappoint that was epic absolutely epic yeah mate jeep track she's a doozy well you guys are packing in a recovery gear away i've picked out a couple of campsites there's one that's look it's a little bit of a drive but if we get there um it might give us enough time at camp to uh do a little secret cook up mate are you cooking tonight mate yeah i hope you hope you're hungry mate because uh this one's gonna be epic actually it's actually from my grandmother mate so you know it's gonna be good from granny why oh that's yeah absolutely i'll be keen on that one mate but just in case i've got a bit of a uh plan b mate up my sleeve well hopefully it's a hearty feed sean because we've certainly worked hard today just as i promised the spot i've got picked out for camp today is pretty darn perfect an awesome spot on a private property on the north coast would you check that out for a campsite view it's getting set up down here a beautiful campsite hey we've been getting a lot of questions from you folks as to how we all carry our fire extinguishers on these trips because you know not to be a nerd or anything but safety never takes a holiday i've got mine mounted down here it's next to the passenger seat i can grab it really easily and quickly it's got a little bracket down here that actually uses the the isuzu's seat mounts so it's in there really firmly you can get to it real quick and easy and bracket comes from cap industries takes about five seconds to install grab yourself one [Music] for us mainland aussies winter camping this far south can be a little frosty but i've always said that the key to comfortable camping is preparation and i've got the awning out to keep the rain off and the heat in reuben's no slouch either when it comes to camping and he's got a wicked setup going on the back of that 79 to keep him mighty comfortable but as for the third member of our group well he's not so organized a little bit concerned it does rain a lot in tassie i don't have my usual drifter awning i love that thing um really gutted it's not with me right now so i found a little tarp which i usually use underneath the vehicle when i'm not trying to lay in the mud i'll try and make you a bit of a shelter [Music] what was it i said ah yeah preparation mate what are you doing just setting up my uh super tourer [Music] so how important is the head bit probably pretty important i might do that again with a bit of help from some wiser heads shawna is finally getting himself sorted soon enough we've got the fire cranking a few cold ones on the go and what's needed now is a good feed have a go at this folks how good is it don't you just want to be here what do you reckon you got to rate this spot right sean i might i tell you you'd better have a meal to match [Music] well how good is this i mean tasmania is good any time of year but even now there's not so many tourists down here we've got the whole place to ourself and check out this stunning campsite apologies for my camp though it's looking a little bit secondhand at the moment but after a big day out on the tracks i mean to come back to a camp like this i think it needs one of those meals though they're gonna warm you up from the inside out because that's the sort of night is nice and cold and tasty this time of year i'm basically doing a simple casserole you basically just spend about 15 minutes worth of preparing all the goodies chuck them into the camp oven put them on some hot coals for quite some time and you're going to have one of the best meals you'll ever get in your guts mate someone say one pot wonder oh no make one pot wonder like a one trick wonder over here one second wonder what are we doing here let's still live in that one this is the ultimate castle roll this is probably odd go as far to say as the best camping casserole you'll ever make i've already helped me solve the refrigerator but um this one here look at that that's nice this is lamb four quarter chops whose recipe is this mate this is actually my grandmother's so jj thank you for this one she taught me this one a long time ago i've cooked it many times it looks easy it is real easy you can see that the ingredients obviously take the orange actually out of the equation but that's that's what that's what we're dealing with right they actually do help the whole process but what you want to do with the landfill photoshop is quite a fatty sort of cut oh yes look at that and the fat's good but too much fat in this in this meal i'll just sort of take the fat out oh yeah if there's a dog here and just just big chunks like that and you'll notice there's bones obviously in the four quarter chops now these are a really tasty cut of meat but a lot of people don't like them because there's quite a bit of bone in there um they're a little bit tough normally but they're a nice cheap easy cut and i reckon they taste sensational mate so do you want me to do these while you do the veggies yeah okay we can do that so what i'm doing here with all the veggies which there's not many mind you yeah cutting the onions into quarters no need to go fancy just put them straight in i'm going to go big yeah what'll happen is when it all comes together the bones will should just fall apart from the meat and as you're serving it out you just get these big beautiful chunks of meat that's chunks fall apart okay carrots you're gonna jump on them don't jump on them yeah i've got some peeled tomatoes probably a few of these i'm gonna go probably all of them to be honest here i guess the magic of this meal because it's quite simple at the moment as you can see it'll stand up on end but now the magic comes down to a little bit of gravy so you got the old gray box this is the brown onion gravy you got to use this one don't use be careful i reckon it's hard to know exactly that the fullest aren't you supposed to put that in water first yeah you are i'm going to get some water i can see something in the back of yours yeah we need some i just want to remember how much do you want to put too much no go nuts mate what's the worst that can happen uh don't taste real good oh right sure yeah yep okay so that's probably that's half of that's a lot for four heaped teaspoons yep yep yeah i see what you're doing this really is quite easy really is super easy and the taste i'm gonna make some mashed potato as well yeah let's try that for a second and see where it's stand there really hard to stir with a knife mate that is looking well it's looking well big chunks of everything meat big chunks of veggie but the best thing the best thing is going to be is how this is going to taste and look after three hours i see it going really brown and gelatinous and yeah and all the meat will fall off the bones with some mashed potato sort of now you sort of want to be able to check it sort of every sort of half an hour to an hour so normally i'd do this on the coals and what happens is i get a shovel load of coals sit on the top and all the rest of it we've done it a million times before it gets a bit annoying when you're trying to lift the coals off to be able to stir it yep so got the fire pit and um rumors are stocking that up right now so that's perfect he's a thinker it's going to be good i'm so excited about this one run up get it on the fire oh look it's a lot of weight in there want me to help you look at that there's a big boy so there might be a bit of a wait for this meal to be ready but i promise you it'll be absolutely worth it and hey it just means a bit more time to enjoy and on jack by the campfire right oh look at that that is look at that once that meat starts to fall from the bone oh that's not fun probably an hour and a half hour and a bit well i've got something for you boys i'm going to give you that mate some beef jerky beef cheep juice honey soy mate charge chili barbecue for you i have it have you got the cracked pepper as well that's damn good that is amazing well you got eyes but i have them too absolute bum i love it i need another beer i'll have to road your fridge while the stew's finishing off reuben whips out the fold-out kitchen to get some mash on and once again he's calling the whole hog [Music] now the secret ingredient green pepper tabasco oh that's looking absolutely sensational what you'll we want to find is the meat falling off the bone just like that when you start finding bones just by themselves just like this one here inside there you know it's coming along really nicely i've just got the lid off now to let it thicken up a fraction i reckon about 10 to 15 minutes that is done what do you reckon rooms about 10 15 minutes yep all right i'm gonna have a bit of jerky then that's nice oh is that hot yeah this wasn't glide ropes what's your guide right it did not look like when it went in that's for sure my goodness how good is that boy superb that is absolutely so fabulous i know it's so basic it's so basic that's what's so cool about it a couple of really simple ingredients yep you don't even have to use any finesse just chuck them all in the pot and that suits you so it's me doing absolute tea and it's cheap how am i suggesting that's it using the lamp for a quarter chops it's a budget meal and it just comes together so done and it warms you for now i reckon get around that fire i am freezing cold shawna you've done yourself a that's a oh cheers [Laughter] i gotta say that's the perfect meal for a cold tassie night and of course for some even bigger tracks tomorrow g'day folks look i just wanted to introduce you to a range of beef jerky that i stumbled upon a little while ago and has blown me away this is the original beef chief beef jerky there's a whole leaf of flavors in the range this one here trust me when i say i've never had anything like it it's called the loaded gunpowder and it's actually got activated charcoal on the outside there's a holy spice levels from sort of zero three eight right through to the creeping reaper which i tell you what if you can handle that you're a bigger man than me i suggest you check them out yourself and if you want to use the code four wheel drive 24 7 to save 15 but trust me when i say this stuff is next level the whole crew are onto it and sean oh well he's addicted to it original beef chief check it out for yourselves g'day folks we're camped on the side of the track tonight shawna is cooking up an absolute feast in the old baduri we've got the drifter stockton fire pit out i'll tell you what these bad boys in conjunction together have saved our bacon more times than we care to admit you too can carry these in your four-wheel drive for a limited time because they're going to run out for a very special price but where you're going to get them very very quickly at fulldrive247.com [Music] seanan come on mate you need to check that [Music] now tessie might be known for its tough wheeling and its deep mud but there's something else that makes this place pretty damn special and that's the camping i mean come on just look at this spot it's nothing short of spectacular we've only been a single day on the tracks and already the rigs looking pretty battle worn the mud in these parts gets absolutely everywhere and where we're headed today is just going to add to it right now though it's time to take a breather and enjoy this magical morning [Music] if you ask me cold weather camping is just about as good as life gets and if you're well prepared and do your research you can nab yourself an amazing little hideaway just like this better yet you'll get it entirely to yourself the only way to make this morning better is a good feed and you know when it comes to that reuben's always got you covered despite its small land area tassie is jam-packed with great camping just like this folks if this place isn't on your list of places to bring the forby well let me tell you it really should be reuben's fold-out kitchen makes whipping up a hot meal an absolute breeze and soon we're tucking in and just like a magic trick the whole thing quickly packs up and slides away ready for another day of punishment out on the tracks all right this is an absolute work of art i get excited every time you bring another dmw build on one of our trips so i get excited just to have a bit of a look around because it's always got everything that opens and chats yeah we just try and think about what most people are going to be doing when they're touring the country and you know we're doing some tough tracks and you still want to be fairly comfortable when you're doing that so obviously you've got the kitchen that slides away here this is the cooking side obviously our pantry and kitchen and the cooker in there yep i've got the mike hulman fridge on the clearview slide our new xtr canopy design and we've got you know the the fridge box i suppose so nothing else can fall in when you know yeah yeah and what size can we talking about here this is only 1 500 yes this xtr tray here it's on the short version so this is a non-extended 79 yeah so we've got 7 800 tray with a 1 500 canopy seems like the perfect size of this vehicle because even though it's carrying a lot of gear it's not really holding it back on the tracks it's doing these tough tracks and as he even fully loaded um let's go around the other side mate see this side tell me what that is a microwave isn't it it is mate that is for our nice cold nights you know we're gonna you know cook up some nice little yummy boys unbelievable like i can see ourselves you know maybe with the track i've got planned today that we might be out there into the night who knows we were certainly last time we tried it ready to keep bunch of camping gear this massive big draw here yeah i've got some electrical tools and all that sort of stuff heaps of room in here yeah it comes right out yeah and you guys at dmw obviously come up with all the sort of drawers and all this sort of stuff this is all our internal fit out stuff we make all in here yeah all that sort of jazz and i like our electrical box there as well run all the redarc gear nice mate all right we'll let you get packed up let's uh i think make a bit of a move because we've got a couple of k's to drive before we hit the tracks today and um if you thought the introductory tassie so far has been tough you've seen nothing let's get into it awesome now the track we've got in mind today is one that we haven't attempted in a number of years and last time we barely made it out in one piece one thing's for certain today is going to be one heck of an adventure i've always got to say that was a stunning little campsite i'd have a look at that nothing like getting your swag and just going to sleep to the sound of a river sublime mate sublime what do you got in store for us all right thank goodness we've got good weather because on the track we're gonna try and attempt and i say attempt is an absolute doozy mate do you remember the coal river track i remember the night mate i remember the night there was recovery gear strewn for about 100 meters down the track we all just had to fend for ourselves it was a memorable night on many accounts i reckon mate we'll give it a go it's only about eight kilometers so it shouldn't take us too long in theory oh that's eight kilometers we always walk to the pub and leave the trucks there come back [Music] our destination for the day is hidden away deep in the bush south of bernie now we've got a personal nickname for this one the mile of mud and it's a name that we don't give lightly as we approach the start of the track it becomes clear that winter storms have been wreaking some havoc and the road ahead is looking pretty closed in but hey that's why you bring a chainsaw right [Music] [Applause] like i bought one there you go not even like 10 meters into the track and there's a tree already down something tells you mate keep that close at hand it's time to lock the hubs i reckon it really is and might let a bit of air out too and i've already done that not out of the car we're soon on our way into the forest and as the bush closes in the track gets tighter and around the corner are more trees that need to be cleared but with everyone on the tools we've soon got things reopened up ahead the camera cars got itself wedged up between some big logs now the gu is not exactly what you'd call a lightweight and needs a bit of a helping hand to squeeze on through we're half a k in we've had three or four trees down already if you do the math on that it's tree down every 150 100 meters or so it's about an eight kilometer track i'm going to let you do the sums on that but i reckon whoa my chainsaw but i reckon i reckon we've got our work cut out for us [Music] we're soon following the camera boys into the start of the track proper and right on cue the mud is coming up to meet us [Music] soon enough though we've come up to even more trees that need clearing just one look at this track and you can tell it hasn't been driven in months and given the amount of trees we need to clear in the first 50 meters it could be years since it's been driven i hope i bought enough chainsaw fuel with some track clearing done we finally get stuck into some serious wheeling and up ahead well serious is the word for it there's few things more suspicious than a tassie mud hole that hasn't seen a vehicle through it recently and this one well it's no exception well mate a lot of mud a lot of gold yep all right i reckon i'm gonna have to send it there's no other way around that looks ten times worse reuben you're betting man uh i reckon you make it to there yeah i second yeah yeah see my accelerator pedals through the floor flintstone car i'm not trying hard enough hey can you get windshield ready please careful last time we came here our camera car ended up flooded with water over the seats so we're not taking any chances and shawn's got the winch pre-spooled out ready for a quick recovery give it another go come on looks like the bog hole has come out the winner on this one twin lockers big muddies but shawn's going nowhere in situations like this it really does pay to have as much of your recovery already planned out as possible and in a few seconds we've got city hooked up and ready to go but some things you just can't prepare for bad news just got in this bog hole and the ultimate has gone on the blink that's not a great noise yeah the old motors just stopped oh dazzy martin's room an alternator for every vehicle is a spare we always pack for tassie but for now the main thing is we've got sean more or less out of trouble how's that hopefully it starts working again holy heck that didn't do much at all he's just going in just a little bit too hard that's what i thought would happen it sort of all that momentum comes to an abrupt stop when you get water up over the bonnet so better but something's not going right it's not getting very far at all is that those spring hangers i remember my first time mud bogging as well mate reuben's barely made it into the bog hole before the 79 got caught up and he's got a fair old winch ahead of him yep far away but once again we've got as much gear prepped as possible to limit the time he's underwater it's just so stuck this vehicle so it's right there there's a lot of pressure on that winch um he's just plowing through something tells me underneath this vehicle's gonna be completely caked in mud because he's pushing through so much mud really taking the top off it there's no doubt this is a hard winch but the 79 seems to be struggling more than you'd expect and i've got a suspicion that there's something a bit more sinister going on no i'm like oh and i had to get me foot underneath the button did i go down yeah but it sort of must have not yeah a clutch is not something you want to have let go in the middle of a track but hopefully this is just a gremlin we can keep an eye on it right now though reuben is back on the move that's an indication of what mud holes we're going to be uh experiencing today holy moly that was hard to win through it was so sticky i'm opting for a slower approach here and honestly it's worked pretty well i've made it the same spot as the big rigs and backed off immediately before my tyres dig down even so this is still a hectic winch i'm real gentle of the drive sometimes you put too much drive all it does is just dig you down further into the mud if you let the winch do the work you can actually rise up above the mud it's one of those gently gently does it type operations and just like that i'm through yeah nice work mate well done mate well done all right guys hope you're enjoying our tassie adventure i've got to say this has been one of the toughest tracks i've ever tried in old city here but just wanted to pause the show just for two seconds because it is competition time your chance to win some really cool redarc gear now what we're offering right now is a redarc 40 amp dc to dc charger now that's a really cool bit of kit also you're going to get yourself a 60 amp fuse kit so you can install it properly as well as a dual battery gauge so you can keep an eye on what your both batteries are doing plus a hall current sensor that's a great way of monitoring how much charge is going back into your second battery now all that that's a really cool 12 volt kit that'll change the way you can now to win it really is super easy for your chance all you need to do is comment below and let us know why that setup would be perfect for your vehicle and where you take it if you're lucky enough to win it let us know and i'll let you get back to this tassie adventure because i tell you what this is one not to be missed with our first real challenge of the day under our belts we're soon pushing on down the track and the forest is getting pretty darn thick the camera boys are doing a great job up front but soon the track is closed in again [Applause] this is just relentless every sort of 50 meters the chainsaw is coming out according to the vms so far we've made it less than 2ks into this eight kilometer track and some of the biggest challenges are still ahead of us the day is already getting on but all we can do is keep pushing [Music] look at this mud it's just it just keeps going super soft i can feel sort of sort of going down but those tyres i mean they're just flooring me through they're making actually light work of this and you've got to give it to them as well because you know these tires are not exactly new they've done about 50 000 k's and 50 000 k's in my world is hacking a lot of tough case and they're still going really good he's a tread and you know the longer a money lasts like the more traction you're going to get simple as that my good year wranglers right now and just absolutely making short work of this tassie mud holy ghooly [Music] wow holy moly hard on the vehicles we've done it i'm happy with that as the light gets lower the chainsaw is back out for another section of blocked track just as we're ready to move again though we've hit a new problem the 79 has barely got any drive and is getting bogged down in the ruts off the track my clutch went a bit funny when i went into the real big bog hole and it's it's just hasn't got the right feel on the pedal and it's coming right out and it feels like it's slipping so i've got to get underneath just see if i can adjust the rod check out why it's done this because we don't want the clutch to be blown up in the middle of this track i can tell you because there's no getting here i've got heaps of travel on the slide so i'm not moving about that fast she's full bugger well it's not exactly a workshop concrete floor down here we're in a rut and we can't actually reach across to the back of the box here to even see where we can adjust um the throw of the arm on the slave master cylinder because at the moment it seems like the clutch is grabbing on that last sort of like five percent it's a really soft pedal as well and we're just hoping that the clutch is not completely buggered and we can't exactly adjust from here we need to get this to a better spot i think reuben yeah when it rains it pours and now it looks like i've got my own issues going on i've been hearing a bit of a noise under the bonnet for about the last maybe five minutes not that long it's the rear serpentine belt of which there's two belts the rear serpentine belt has disintegrated and disappeared on me and i guess we've got some grit under there and she's just worn away at it and she's just disintegrated now it's the alternator belt so i can keep driving i can do everything it's not getting charged that battery which is problematic to say the least but what we can do is just keep pushing on old stop the car every time we get through a challenge um and we'll just go until that battery's you know just about worn out then i'll swap it out with one of these boys that'll hopefully fit in there so it's not too big a deal not ideal but we'll get out of here for now with two vehicles on the fritz and plenty more tough wheeling ahead before we can even make it to the exit it's time to make a tough call absolutely covered in tassie mud obviously we've got a lot of problems on our hand 79's not working that well the d-max is not charging um even if you wanted to turn around now you're in these ruts and you just got thick forest either side of you so there's no turning around to go backwards really trying to reverse the whole way out which is not going to work their only option really is to keep going forward as we push on down the track it's clear the 79 is gonna struggle reuben is giving it everything but even the easiest sections of track are really proving to be a challenge i haven't seen anything like this before it's just these spring hangers are just not built for these tracks they're just getting stuck on the side of the rats and just stop him sort of idle through here and at least something like struggling a bit so i'm just going to get a snatchy and just pull him up here hopefully it'll work we'll both get stuck who knows the thing is you don't need a steer coming back in these ruts this can't go anywhere else no you can't go wrong can you when you're out the tracks you've got to brainstorm solutions as you go and our next idea is hook the 79 up to on a kinetic strap and try and make some headway hopefully this is going to let us keep moving i love this stuff things don't exactly go to plan you figure out a way how to get yourself out got a leak in my air locker you want me to start driving sean yeah mate i'll hit it on three three two one let's go [Music] lots of noise [Music] the 79 is moving again but that clutch well i reckon it's on its last legs well done that's a go that's barely driving a yeah you're just a huge weight on the back of me then you weren't driving at all oh no that's all right we'll alarm get up here just leave that strap on and um and just figure a way out even if we can get the 79 along the length of this track with my dying battery we're on something of a time limit turning around won't be easy in these deep ruts but now it's looking like it might be the best option well things are taking a little bit of a slide south because now reuben's got almost zero driver i say almost zero number it's gonna be about one percent worth of drive which is not enough to get through this track not even close we're what twenty percent if you're lucky for lucky the other thing is we don't know what's up there could be a it could be a tree over this track that we just can't get through that's true and we we have big bigger bog holes to come massive we've seen the biggest gap in the trees we've ever seen so far on this track we're thinking maybe if we try and go forward find a way to turn around if we get reuben up a bit and he can winch backwards with his rear winch get himself up into there then he'll be able to sort of turn around and go back down the hill i'll come in front of him and just run the strap all the way just go go go yeah yep and you might have just enough charge to maybe oh you won't be able to have headlights you might have to sit really close you know i can put my little rear lights on for you yeah it's going to be interesting i'll put your head torch no taylor swift for this run out mate no no i could put my phone in i can still have i'm still doing it mate i'm still doing it all right let's do that we should shake it off come on let's go the dmw rig runs winches front and rear and that's going to be a huge help when it comes to getting those tyres out the wheel ruts plus we're going to use some max tracks and lay some good old logs down to encourage those tyres to move well i've got the front winch to this tree i've got the rear winch of that tree up there trying to get the rut to turn this thing around so i'm going to give a red hot shot a bit of reverse as you do it yep yep drive yep that's really good with some careful maneuvering i'll be done it's worked like a charge fire out having two winches certainly helps i don't know how we would have turned it around otherwise yeah to get out of these ruts we just use all the maxtrax in here just a little ramp couple of logs that's it all right you cannot go wrong with two winches they've saved me so many times i can tell you going to need to keep ruben behind another vehicle and preferably two so the rest of us need to scoot up the track and look for another spot to turn around and to save over working the battery we want the d-max behind ruben's rear winch long story short we got some maneuvering to do but soon enough shawno's gone and cooked it i've just sort of gone up to get out of the way so he could juggle a few vehicles around and i've gone just a little bit too far slid down into a bog hole and i've got no rear winch so we have to get the saw out we'll give one more guy i'm not going anywhere graham's gonna have to just give me a slight little pull i think [Applause] [Music] soon enough i've got sean out of trouble and not for the first time either sorry boys the old 79 clutch i found what the problem was that hole that i can see everything moving with the slice cylinder there's supposed to be a rubber bung in there a stick or something has got hold of that and it's flicked it out so what i've gone in that big bog hole it's filled up full of water and mud and silt and it's just fried the clutch and now everybody's got to turn around somehow it's just mayhem unbelievable i cannot believe tasmania you are absolutely awesome a few million point turns and some strong arm steering and the rigs are all turned around and we can form up the convoy for the return trip but as it turns out our adventure is only just getting started we've barely even gone 100 meters before there's another problem and this time it's the camera car which has popped a bead in a deep rug what a dilemma what have i caused today i can't believe this there's not many good places to change a tyre on this track so we're going to try and deal with it right here using a method that i'm just going to go out and say well is a little bit sketchy you know i reckon a hose on that would just about do it yeah i know fighting hang on watch this there's a guppy i think i can get this watch your eyebrows it's going to be it's going to be down here it's going to come out though we need to get it from the base shauna's going to use a deodorant spray to try and reseat the bead and folks really i don't recommend you try this at home woohoo now that's got to go right you've got to get it right around it i know but it's not it smells lovely give me a look [Music] [Laughter] that was insane i might just have a spend a moment in the bush alone now no no that's not that's not all mud because this is a bad place to change the tire by the time we air up the camera car knight has finally fallen and we've still got a fair bit of ground to cover with some stricken rigs we've camped on this track before and we might be in for that again at this rate this is insane now going back the way we came in may be the better option but the plan has one major flaw we've still got to get through that sticky deep and long bog hole that was hard enough with healthy four-wheel drives in the daytime while the boys are struggling their way through up ahead i've got my own battle going on down the back i've got barely any battery left so i'm having to run with minimal electrics i reckon i must have run over a black cat somewhere because now there's a new problem look at that we've cleared the track yeah i think you just keep winching in it's got to come off yeah yeah yeah i was just thinking that has to i've picked up the mother of all logs and there's no power to run the winch i'm going to need the rear windshot for 79. this log though seems to have a mind of its own and it simply refuses to budge from under my it's got to come out some at some stage just at the moment it won't because your whole car's on it [Music] it gets deeper there it's not going to work there either there you go here we go come on in all my time of wheeling i have never seen anything like that how that log stayed there through all of that winching is beyond me so it's time to get serious and that involves a couple of static ropes looped around the log and secured to a nearby tree let's loop this around something here all right oh oh oh there that is the biggest log i've ever seen under a vehicle it's got this big bog hole that we all have to winch through so if i can just get ruben to the start of it wherever that might be we're gonna have to go solo through here i think yeah there's no way sean is going to drag two vehicles through that thick mud so we've unhitched reuben and sean is going to use the same approach as last time priest falling out the winch and then giving it the berries all the lockers very soft coming back out is proving to be even more challenging than the way in and it's going to be a real challenge to get the next two vehicles through even sean has got his work cut out for him yeah and he'll get around the winch reuben's clutch is so cooked that he literally has to winch himself to the start of the bog hole and winching the entire length of that bog with no drive is not ideal so who the plan is now we've got a massive big extension strap connected to a kinetic rope so it's not strap essentially so it's got a favorite of giving it now i'm going to try and just snatch him through this bog hole now it's not something i like to do but we've got our precautions got soft shackles all through here so there's no heavy metal objects we've also got all the winch ropes spooled out so what i think might happen is i'm not getting sort of halfway through he might get stuck and then we can just quickly winch off a tree but at least he's halfway through anyway we'll see what happens like we said this wouldn't be our preferred choice for an obstacle like this as the strap is going to be under a huge amount of pressure but options are getting pretty short about now i'm gonna go one more go okay right now something snap just mate we suspected might happen a shackle has broken but at least we've got ruben a fair way into the bog hole for now there's nothing left but to winch but slowly and surely the 79 is coming through yeah that's about it that's about that's good [Music] i gotta hand it to the old d-max you think about what it's been through this year alone i'm talking the kimberley the cape in the wet fraser glass house and the only problem i've had is a belt let go probably because of how hard i went into that last bog hole to be honest it really does blow me away how reliable this thing is and just like that i'm through as well and the exit it's one step closer after an incredible day on the tracks we've almost made it back out to the start of the track we might not have beaten it this time but heck i tell you it's been a whole lot of fun well i'm going to come out and say that's that's you know we've had some epic ones down in tassie it always turns it on but this one i'm going to remember for a long time i reckon that's one of the uh more rugged recovery exits we've ever done it's pretty loose and reuben the fact that your vehicle is out of the hard bit is um nothing short of lazy mate mate that is absolutely astonishing what old soot can do she's uh pulled the 79 through there like a complete anchor luckily we had a couple of winches there i can tell you we've had so many things that happened tonight that i can't even fathom but like to do it a couple of mates i'm not out of the clear just yet but we're almost and you know once we get out of here we can make it to the campfire and i reckon roll a bit of canvas here i'll tell you what tazzy never fails to deliver i reckon i remember this one for a long time to come we're gonna say boys that's gonna go down you know we say it a lot but this one i mean is is proper epic it's just starting to rain a little bit i think it's actually sleepy kind of stuff as we might even be started but it's fun because we made it this far and i'm thinking look i need to get a steak in me yep get a little fire if we can cold beer definitely your order is all mixed up and cold beer fire steak and then we'll roll some canvas out and um see what sort of mess we've got in the morning because this is tassie and anything goes let's hope you enjoyed it we'll catch you next time stick around folks because coming up it's the outtakes but first we take a look at some of the gear that got us out of this one well guys hope you enjoyed that tassie adventure i'm gonna say it's one of the most wild trips we've done in a long long time this place is off tapping i'm gonna be cleaning money out of just about everything for the next six months already without a doubt and i thought would take a second to look through some of the gear we use out of the tracks that just makes adventures like this possible i'm going to go first mate i don't think i could have done this there's no way i've done this without the tjm bar up the front here of course which is holding comms it's got a winch side steps down the side and if you might have noticed they've got to work it i love the fact they use big thick tubing at the top here it just looks tough super strong mate look i want to go for something that you know it's a little unsung hero of the gear we use no i'm talking about our bison boots yeah yeah these things have copped an absolute workout in places like this it's just nice to be able to have dry feet and when you're walking through mud you know all the time day after day just keeping those you know feet nice and dry and also having the grip to get around yep did you know the grip on these shoes actually replicates grip on your tires well that explains i let him down a little bit too before this trip so there's a little bit more traction speaking of traction airing down and all those things suspension mate without that would be stuffed yeah we're both running for suspension on our rigs and um if you're not gonna tassie is a testing ground let's just say that really is and i think we've put the suspension through the desk we haven't done any damage to shocks no and i mean i've seen the way you drive and the cool thing about especially your rebate we're talking about what two inch lift if you're lucky all these and we're out in some of the harder tracks in tasmania and vehicles like this are keeping up yep as you can see the weather here has turned it on for us that's lovely very soon i'm going to put some sunscreen on me and i'm not here little onesie bikini anyway i reckon you stay around because right after this we have the outtakes well as we was coming up there's a lot of force at play and the whole front end was shaking around so you just don't break a cv don't risk it not here on a muddy hill bad spot to change one [Music] i'm going to zoom right in on your face so the punch oh god it's hard to focus there you go so the punters can see what you look like i've got a feeling you've done this like over the pov work before mate yeah a little bit oh he's taking it off me hang on what do you got there matt bone that's not the first time you've got a bone in your mouth well you're next mate i'm gonna be i'm gonna be like a ballerina in comparison to you two yep just going to come through nicely this is how you're going to drive though that was suck i'd reverse out of here okay be serious about this right all the kids out there don't do what i'm doing well it is a lot of fun i was leaning forward when i'm going up a hill that doesn't help help anyone what do you think about this bug bug bug old all right just come close to the edge bay no no more third time's not funny no only funny twice better be prepared than you get stuck out here and you don't know where your winch rope is you know things don't know stuff oh that's embarrassing the best thing about the shot is you do look away [Applause] ain't that something oh yes [Laughter] that makes our lives what happens mate when you're doing all the work [Music] [Applause] so [Music] you
Channel: 4WD 24-7
Views: 1,012,915
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 4wd, action, 4x4, offroad, outdoors, travel, overlanding, toyota, nissan, hilux, patrol, landcruiser, adventure, camping, fishing, diesel, petrol, surf, shaun whale, graham cahill, australia, dirty 30, shorty, gq, gu, 80 series, 40 series, 60 series, 79 series, troopy, 4wd action, 4wd 247, 4wd 24/7, tasmania 4wding, tasmania mud, muddy 4wd, offroad mud, 4wding in tasmania, tasmania 4x4, jeep track tasmania, pyengana, pyengama, coal mine track tas, coal mine 4wd track, bogged 4wd, winching
Id: 2JLgzSIo-uU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 2sec (4382 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 01 2021
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