TERRIFYING ENGINE BLOW UP & 3 Snapped Winch ropes - Our NEW Favourite 4WD Track

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the sketchiest drive i've ever seen building up a dream full drive is a rider passage for any passionate football driver and suri is no exception this weapon of a four-wheel drive has never let me down but the time comes and you've got to say goodbye right now we're back on the tracks where swooty's journey began how much money's coming out it's insane but this trip might just prove to be one too many for this old rig i've just had something happen that's never happened before and i could have potentially catastrophically damaged the engine i'm not sure yet get something uh nice and cold and enjoy this one because this is proper balls to the wall action [Music] for this adventure we're pointing the rigs at some tough wheeling spots around the mid north coast and revisiting the first tracks i ever drove in suri it's a well-known fact that jock hates driving his hilux through mud so for this trip he swapped the luxie for graham's d-max and should be in for a blast in this tidy rig [Music] hey choco coffee mate i sure do mate tonight a nice d-max it's so nice to be driving this vehicle again i stole it off graham for another trip how good to be back on the mid-north coast mate certainly is my look this one's a bit bittersweet for me i'm i'm super excited to be here of course but this is going to be sooty's last trip in this form at least i've started the build of the new one mate and this is its last hurrah out the tracks yep after over five years of tough relentless wheeling swordy is starting to look a little worse for wear busted panels broken body mounts little bit of rust and a few cracks where they don't belong i reckon she might be ready to hang up a hat joining us for this adventure is pete from ultimate 9 wheeling one of the more capable 3-liter patrols you'll see in this country next up is tim from mitts alloy and he's 79 who for this trip is joined by another legend from the mitz team as afri's first adventure with four drive 24 7. isaac joins us from talking wheeling one good looking 200 series closing out the convoy is another new face of the four wheel drive 24 7 convoy tony from gme steering an absolutely mint looking 80 series complete with all the good fruit for our first track of the trip we're heading to possum brush where we're going to be hitting up a little number called slipperies and judging by conditions at the start of the track we could be in for one heck of an adventure right tim i reckon you do better mate yeah i think so too these uh springy boys old sparky strikes again bit of left right good night maybe mate left right good night yeah a bit of that when you come up just just drive up it [Laughter] and go right back and um get a little bit more momentum i think yes it's the first bit of mud on the people and on the trucks it's gonna be a good day mudslinger i have a feeling the big talker 200 might surprise us on this trip and so far isaac is absolutely sending it easy didn't even struggle didn't even need the noise the cleanest 80 ever walks up is that like 500 rpm i reckon you're at about 20 there that's all you needed to get through that yeah breathe on the throttle man it's just so good to have another 80 in the convoy and you notice a bit of a strategy of mine to have you obviously the most capable vehicle in the in the front and the back of the convoy it just keeps everyone safe and all the boys honest this is the bread that makes the sandwich mate slipperies is one of those tracks that just gets harder the further along it you get and up ahead is a challenge that looks pretty darn gnarly with a very suspicious looking bog hole at the start of it mate this bog hole looks pretty boggy it looks like one of those ones see how it's kind of shallow there i feel like once you get a vehicle in there it'll just go it will it will i think the next one's even worse yeah part of me wants to drive this one but if you get this one wrong you'll fall into the deep one well good news is mate the first vehicle to go through is and if there's one thing she loves it's mud bogging oh there's a bottom i'm gonna ram the stick into the bottom and it's fine well jock's giving it the tick of approval but then again he's not going first this is very exciting such a challenging little mud bog when it's when it's been raining like it has been down here go on to it show us how it's done old girl [Music] no straight ended that was a little bit uneventful yeah it just kind of went in and just went no just sunk oh it smells a bit funky yeah i don't think you're going anywhere very stuck yeah yep i just sunk in there like a stone through that mud and there's no choice but to get on the runway beautiful out she comes even once i clear this bog hole things are going to be a little hectic because right up ahead is an even deeper bog all right here goes nothing yeah that's what i sort of thought ah there's nothing like a bit of fresh mud in the morning hey hole stinks once again it's out with the winch but there's a lot of mud shaun is going to have to clear out on the way through slowly but surely we're making progress but is putting a huge amount of pressure on the winch as the chassis is being dragged through the mud in times like these it pays to reset the winch often to make sure you've always got the best angle to your anchor point something we soon regret not doing huh your left hand down a bit well that's a bit of a rookie mistake for sure near the end of the winch rope it was rubbing hard on the left side and trying to pull both forward and sideways at the same time massively increasing the load pressure on the rope that's why you should always use a safety blanket at the heaviest part of the winch equation when you're pushing your gear as hard as we do it's important to slow down and put your safety first so i've made a little bit of a mistake here of winching when i probably shouldn't have because i was on a wrong angle i should have taken the time to reset that winch unfortunately broken the rope now that rope's done a lot of hard work so what we're going to do because it's right at the drum it's really hard to get the end of the rope out and try to join it the other bit so we're going to cut a couple of rings of rope off so we can find the end reattach it and hopefully we'll get somebody out of his bog for now we're reattaching the rope using a bow line this is never going to be as strong as an unbroken rope but hopefully it'll be enough to get us through for now that's another winche we're using the snatch winch extension strap here giving us enough length to reach a tree that will give us a much better winch angle but the mud well it's just getting deeper pretty much the mud is coming out it's insane there's nothing like hindsight in a situation like this and on reflection this would have been a good point to switch to a double line pool is buried up to the chassis rails in mud now and the rope is broken at the same point where he tied the first knot this time jocko is the one checking on the knots but with every break that rope's becoming more and more compromised just going to try and make it a little bit easier so to run run out of options a little bit if it breaks again not be in straw so just get some of this mud out make it a bit easier [Music] oh that's heartbreaking with the rope getting weaker with every break it's time to look for a plan b and peter's soon up into the rescue well i think um forward might not be an option for two reasons i think we might be able to you know persist at a dig and get me up front but once i'm up front with a broken winch rope obviously pretty sure i'm gonna have to winch up here so i might need somebody or a pete with a winch up in front big gu yeah yeah there's sort of here can sneak around me i think my best option is to go back because i've already dug yeah you've cleared the wrench yeah so hopefully the pullback will be easy hopefully hopefully team you got a big job mate you got to pull a very very bog backwards i always like camping on tracks though right no you blows like yeah it's a great spot for swag that's a good spot for swags around here not let's get moving all right let's do it pete's the first one to tackle this hill out of the bog hole but boy it doesn't look easy [Music] so we're just watching pete try and go up now and he has made it nowhere and his car is unbelievably capable the sun he started to dip it's not good [Applause] oh backwards going to be a big ask but the only saving grace is i've made it that far forward so i'd like to feel that i push a lot of the mud forward that backwards is going to be easier that's the theory i really need this to work though yeah i'm good tim whenever you are mate all right come on this is exciting i'm moving yeah it's looking hot wow they're stuck and then there's this didn't think it was gonna be this boggy this is unreal just see up in front no wonder why i wasn't going anywhere it's like a vertical wall and my radius arm got stuck under the mud everything was stuck oh would you just look at that mud there was no way this bog hole was ever going to let us through but after a massive winch the 80 is coming free insane that's insane lovely it's been hours now since we first hit this bog hole but at long last we're back where we started and sean is out of trouble well done mate thanks team that's a monumental effort there's a lot of cars involved in that recovery and uh houses okay time for my second attempt and this time i reckon i might opt for another line [Music] i'm soon up on the main climb but with that broken rope i'm not going to be able to winch myself up that's alright though because we've got another plan and that's to hook up to peach gu with a snatch rope and then pete can winch both of us up the hill at once it's a long tough winch but slowly and surely with a fair few resets we're making it to the top oh dear just gonna have a drive [Music] [Applause] oh wow that gets you excited after a winch fest [Music] thanks for your help mate for the rest of the convoy it's a pretty similar experience with this climb proving to be just a little bit too much of a challenge in the current conditions and jocko also has to opt for the winch it is my turn and i will be needing this the romper there's gonna be a lot of noise and a lot of winching i reckon spring hangers are no place for a truck like this just as we suspected tim can't pull any miracles out here and has to winch just like the rest of us needless to say these are big long winch runs and there's plenty of work for the whole crew to drag the forbids to the top that's a drive oh that thing sounds so good what a weapon doing all the best sounding 79s i have ever heard she sounds so good but the undercarriage is just too hung up in the mud and it takes one last winch to get the big mitts rigged through if you ever find yourself driving muddy ruts like these ones have a good look at the rut if you get stuck this will tell quite a story you can see here tim's diff there's been a few dips and this and dips are on this side the toilet dips are on this side that's where they're hitting on the rut but you'll see this one right here this is a spring hanger we talk about spring hangers getting stuck a fair bit but that's obviously where the leaf spring is now they sit down quite low on the vehicle even though it's got 35s this is usually the point that hits the dirt and stops the vehicle once you do that you kill all your momentum and that's how the vehicle gets stuck that's why those coil sprung vehicles go probably a little bit better in places like this and even the big ifs vehicles they have a lot more clearance again so in saying that the big 200 is up next so hopefully you'll make this look easy on it why zach's actually had a pretty good crack at this and got the 200 up as far as any of us but once again it's the winch to the rescue something tells me though that the 200 is going to surprise us as we're going to give isaac a crack and take it on the top half of the climb oh you know what you know what you know what you know what that's it that's it drop it hard drive it harder yeah you drive right right right [Music] smile from here to here i could see the white knuckles there's all smiles what a beast tony's the last one to take on the climb and the big 80 seems to really want it that's it oh so close very close this hill has really gotten the best of us but we're a well-oiled recovery team at this point and soon have tony's rig heading up the climb [Music] ah it's good to see another a series on the tracks always smile when i see that thing they're so similar tony's truck in mind that when we get to camp and it's dark i won't be accidentally pinching beers at the back of this ridge not even knowing they look so similar [Laughter] just like the 200 before him tony is able to send this one under his own steam from a fair way down the climb and puts in a killer drive to the top that's it mate that's it loves it yeah buddy oh you put those rear scrub bars to work what a rig ellie gave it to her when she needed it let him eat baby the day is all but dumb by the time we get on to the next section of track and it turns out this track has a lot more in store for us pete's now leading the convoy and makes this little climb look like nothing but can't quite do the same sean's giving you the berries but he slipped off his line and now he's going nowhere [Applause] a little bit of a weird spot now yep i've well and truly cooked this one and now i'm half off the track and pretty much beached it's so nice to see the nissan upfront after all these trips once again it's pete to the rescuers we line up to snatch to the top but suddenly things take a huge turn for the worse yep sweetie's done something that's never happened before and run on its own oil that's not good i i just stall it yeah that's good great thinking though man hell that was pretty scary oh sorry just started running on which is um a bit odd i've never had a diesel do that they call it oiling where it's running on its own oil um i was lucky to be quite quick i stalled it out run on happens when oil starts to enter the air intake and it actually runs on its own oil it revs out and you can't even turn the vehicle off which can really quickly destroy a motor first things first we want to get onto level ground but as i can't turn the engine on a snatch is not going to be possible and we're going to have to opt for using pete's winch once again to drag both four wheel drives up at once for all we know sodi's engine could be absolutely launched right now and this could quite possibly be the end of my trip but we won't know until i can get to the top i'm going to say in these sort of times testing moments when you've got good mates on side makes all the difference perfect mate well mate i think i'll keep this uh this strap challenge to ultimate let's uh have a bit of a look obviously i've got oil everywhere and i just want to make sure i can start the engine without trying to compress oil in my cylinders and potentially bending a conrod that wouldn't be fun it would not be fun mate we might have to see if we can try and turn the engine over by hand potentially we don't know for certain if there's oil in the cylinders but the problem is to test that we'd have to remove the glow plugs or the injectors and crank the vehicle over to get any excess oil out of the combustion chamber it's quite a time consuming job soon we've come to a tough decision and that's the fact we're probably just gonna have to risk turning it over to find out yeah all right well this is where we stand at the moment we're in two mines i the engine's already buggered number one or number two i'm about to bugger it by turning it on but i'll know for sure it's buggered that way as well the third option which is unlikely but it might happen is we're fine and i'll drive out of here and have a beer tonight at camp and we'll be laughing about this around the campfire um we're gonna shut the bottom up now give it a go if it runs on again i'll stall it and um that'll be the end of that if it really knocks it'll turn it off and that'll be into that if it idles like a little kitten off we go off we go i'm taking a bit of a precaution here instead of turning the engine on straight away i'm just bumping the key a few times to see if the engine will rotate just hopefully then it might move a little bit of oil without starting the engine to me it seems like you might be in lucky all right here goes nothing that is unbelievable is purring like a cranky noisy kitten he's gonna blow a little bit of smoke from the dead it was knocking and running away and that's just gone yeah i'm all right yes [Applause] yeah she's a little bit of a drama queen yes and just like that i'm back in the game [Music] as expected jock gets his line pretty much perfect but like me the d-max can't quite make the climb and tim is really going to have to give it the berries to make it through perhaps a wee send is in order right there chaps give it some jandal tim's on the loud pedal but it's a no-go i just crashed into the tree i'm in a great spot to winch now isaac and the talker 200 have been quietly impressive all day and he's about to put in a drive that'll put us all the shame you've got this you've got it yes you don't follow me so tim that's how you drive it yeah did you watch with the light almost gone it's tony's turn hopefully he can put in a good effort for team 80. [Applause] nope that was unlucky yeah that's you that's good better that's better it seems like this little bit of track is not for big rigs and tony's struggling a little bit just like i did yeah once you're on that side very hard yeah i think she's switched up as so often has the case been today it's necessary to get the winch out again but soon everyone is at the top and ready for an even bigger challenge around the corner with night well and truly fallen we found ourselves on a challenge that looks like it could offer a world of hurt with deep mud leading into a massive slippery climb we'll get a load of this one another bog hold out 50 meters up from the last and it's obviously gotten dark now i think if you drive this one it'll be a short miracle but right it's just like it gets real deep and off camber before the exit of the bog go up there and straight up some slippery rocks and they're big ruts as well they're gonna be there's gonna be winches out we're gonna be here for a while why don't we get in get pete he's up front now oh that stinks hang on don't i get another go or you have another guy it's a reverse that's minus 30 points mate [Applause] that'll do it boys these bog holes have been absolutely relentless and right up on the exit climb is not looking any easier there's no option here but to winch pete's rig all the way to the top which takes several winch resets and a whole lot of hard yakka shaun is really gonna struggle with that damaged winch rope but luckily a regular guardian angel has come out to the tracks to help him out well talk about a bit of a change of luck this is zach zak's from mitch and now we made the call before if you could bring a winch rope up now you just jump to the opportunity you come straight out in the bush you've got a patrol all built up and delivered a wintrope out in the bush motor big thank you that's amazing and look folks if you do bring up mitch jensen you will be speaking to zack zack lives and breathes his lifestyle and um and mate you are the new hero of the night you just give me a wintrope and something tells me i might need a knife i may have my winch rope back out but old city is really showing its age and now my left headlights have stopped working i'm opting for a slightly different line here to see if i can make it a little further than pete it's a tad risky but hopefully it pays off oh wow he wasn't kidding if in doubt power out yeah it's the same spot though yeah he got to the same spot really so you can basically just do whatever you want here get through you're always going to end up that was well done the runway is out and soon working in earnest as i skull drag at this huge climb as usual the cameras don't really do this effort justice but it's a huge task for the whole crew to get the 80 up to the top new south wales might be renowned for its muddy tracks but this stuff really is next level it's already well past 10 p.m by the time our third vehicle lines up for the challenge doc's done a great drive and gotten the d-max a fair way through the bog hole pretty impressive given its low clearance and smaller tyres [Applause] making winching easier is all about the right angles and now we've got the perfect anchor point available in old soot so we've anchored soot to a tree at the top of the hill here and then we've run down the extension and we're going to get a straight line pull on the d-max with uh big jockey boy in there so as is just hooking it all up the snatch gear and away we go one of my favorite things about the snatch recovery bag is the addition of a strap to stop the bag from sliding down the rope perfect for winching on steep angles and jock is soon inching his way to the top with a nice safe winch a few resets later and the d-max is up and out well it's getting wild it's 20 to 11 we've got about half the convoy through this took a little bit more to go godspeed the big 79 has been using that winching anger all day and the track is not getting easier with each passing vehicle but now there's a new problem and it looks like tim's second battery is running out of juice winching takes a lot of power and can drain a battery pretty quickly we're just hopeful at this point of the night that the problem isn't the alternator the first option is to just see if the battery has enough power left to get tim to the top but it seems the track has other ideas you know that 14 winch attempts you had down to that last bugger yeah that wouldn't have helped you didn't cook it down there ladies and gentlemen yeah exactly what i'm gonna be about to do though is i'm gonna go get the battery out of so we'll go put it in here you can have a go on that one we've had to use this trick a few times before down in tassie and that's to swap batteries out with a donor vehicle and charge the dead battery in another rig we've soon got the new battery in and the 79 now has enough juice to struggle to the top [Music] it's after midnight by the time the 200 hits the fog hole and isaac puts in another great drive rig is looking a little less than showroom spec after that effort although in my books the new paint job is pretty sweet probably a good thing you put that sealed alternator in i reckon yep the guys at talkit went to the effort of sourcing a sealed alternator for the 200 which are prone to alternator failures from factory given the low position of the unit just like the 79s and just like that isaac is up and out i've never seen a camel sandy talk colored 200 series before mate and it looks like an absolute darling all right tony send it home mate tony has very nearly made it up and out but slippery's is not letting us off easy one hd power that's what that is we're soon set up for what we hope is our last winch of the night with the clock well past one in the am we're just stoked to have all the rigs through yeah yeah yeah well done all right boys what do you say we get up there and find a flat spot noodles noodles what was supposed to be a little taster to the tracks has turned out to an epic run and now we're grateful to find just a bit of flat ground near the top of the track to roll out some canvas trips like this really go to plan but you know what those are the best kind of adventures and soon enough an exhausted convoy is rolling out some pretty basic setups and tucking into some two-minute noodles that never tasted better and you guessed it there's plenty more action to come [Music] our number one goal with the snatch recovery kit was to develop the best kit on the market at the most affordable price and i believe we've done that the main thing you'll notice about this kit it contains everything you need and nothing you don't many companies put things like gloves cheap shovels into their recovery kit with huge markups the fact is you don't really need them for most recoveries especially when you're using synthetic ropes inside our kit you're going to find two of these soft shackles now they're a little bit more expensive to make than the traditional shackles but in my opinion they're a must-have bit of the kit because they're super safe and also lightweight um another thing you'll notice that it comes with a winch ring now these can be sold for up to 200 on their own we think that they're a must-have if you want to change the direction of the pool or you want to double line pull because you're really stuck you're going to need one of these so if you're after the ultimate recovery kit in my opinion you can get it right now on fulldrive247.com [Music] this morning we can clearly see the carnage of yesterday's wheeling and i reckon the rigs have enough mud on them to last a lifetime [Music] that's embarrassing to say that i left my window down went through a bog hole of course i've just sprayed the dash so just thought i'd treat myself give it a bit of a clean up that's the worst thing i need to do this morning it's not bad eh [Music] it was a late one last night there's a few blurry eyes this morning but everyone had better get some coffee into them because we've got another big day ahead well you know you had a good night run when the best spot to camp is just on the side of the track it's not the prettiest campsite in the world but it'll do early start again this morning so we're going to hit some more tracks boys just getting packed up now we'll head into the bush over there and have a bit of fun our plan for the trip is to make our way towards the tracks of buladila where it took wheeling on its first off-road adventure over five years ago but first we got a bit more exploring to do around possum brush and a specky camp spot planned later in the day if the boys behave there might even be a chef whale special on the cards to boot [Music] first though the mince boys have got to see what they can do about that battery situation so we are about to leave camp and i found that my alternator may not be working as well after last night's big pull i was a bit sketchy on it because we had to do a battery swap on the hill um this is my trick for washing dishes so saves good water i'm going to spray some of that in the alternator and hopefully it'll just start to get the gunk out of it it's literally 12 hours old that alternator and a sealed one is on order that's for sure when it comes to mud driving alternators are always one of the first things to go but it's a good tip to try and flush some of the mud out of the alternator before resorting to changing it to see if you can get it to just hang on a little bit longer another big day as dirty and muddy as is she's running like an absolute dream she's purring like a kitten and today we're gonna go hit some hard tracks out again i can't wait to get into this one it's gonna be a fun old day yep there's a few walking wounded today but we're still in the game our track for today is a little hidden gem out the back of possum brush known locally as a fence line track these parts of the country don't see a lot of traffic and conditions change hugely from year to year in fact even finding the track can be a huge challenge as tracks can get overgrown or a fire can pass through which is why i like to use the vms to pin tracks as we drive them and save them for later use the vms comes of course with a full suite of off-road maps that work offline with no reception but you can also log and load personal tracks and routes and that means you'll never forget a wheeling spot again and sure enough fence line is up ahead [Music] the fence line track is short sharp and hectic with huge ruts and a chalky rock base that'll see you scrabbling for traction oh yep it doesn't change much jocko big ruts rocks and steep oh that's actually got harder if anything yeah i think it's a bit more washed out than last time well the good news is i'll be able to see how you go through it and make a decision from there all right there's two distinct lines here i'm gonna look i'm gonna go for the challenge in line doesn't look that bad but i've got a feeling once i get up there it's gonna look a lot worse that's it mate ride that wall beautiful smidge you're right mate just a little bit that's it beautiful the old d-max is a little different to joko's usual weapon of choice but the boy knows how to steer and he's right up on the perfect entry line well done well done mate you've done this before i take it that's your line too perfect perfect that's it that's it that's it that's it that's it so close it was i really thought i had that one but the ground here is pretty slippery and i can't quite get the momentum to bump over i've got to be honest and i said it to jocko just before it's one of the better drives i've seen and to take a vehicle like this on a track like that i'm twin locker 35s with a stack of flex sorties built for that sort of stuff this is a family tourer with one factory locker in it and 31 inch tyres so for it to come this far and almost drive it just be caught with a little bit of clearance i mean is a remarkable effort a quick winch with a couple of treads to help smooth the way and the d-max is up and out three well we've left the treads in here for pete but somehow i don't think he's gonna need him but at least they're there for extra traction if he needs it oregon has probably dampened his throttle down a fair bit here maybe economy will have to get through here just nice easy throttle be perfect for this i reckon that's it mate look how control he is okay right that clutch baby well done mate well he used the treads after all lucky we left him there well mate if there's one vehicle that's going to lift a spectacular wheel it's a big 79 i reckon uh careful wheel placement he should be all right i think so with two lockers mate even with a big wheel in the air he'll still drive this yeah just constant momentum nice and smooth and slow nice one nice one well done good line not good line not good line a bad line was going good until it wasn't where am i going keep going i think you'll be fine if not we'll reverse you out you'll be right 79s aren't the flexiest of rigs and now that tim's got his passenger tyre in the rut the angles are looking pretty sketchy it's a vinegary stroke guy i'm a bit of right hand down tim just come forward i just want to see what she does when you steer towards us so you get on that it's gonna drop down there though like oh yeah yeah smidge is left now mate in these moments you really just have to trust your spotter and luckily jock's got a plan to get the big rig through smidge you're right mate speed your right smidge right right right right that's it that's it now left left that's it drive through it beautiful way oh the sketchiest drum i've ever seen yes i love that that's awesome so good juice the boys are good they just spot you through when you're not feeling super confident man hot the next vehicle up this one is the talker 200. that's it mate mid you're right yeah yeah that's it mate a little bit all right a little bit more 200 are a big vehicle but in this case it's worked to isaac's advantage and he's able to straddle that rut and put the vehicle on a perfect line give it a bit give it a bit give it a bit give it a bit that's it there we go there we are trads earn their money today [Music] with a bit of spotting tony's got the line dialed in as well and makes this one look like a walk in the park higher on the bank a bit higher on the bank a bit higher on the bank yep well done mate easy so easy it's like it's nothing that's 80 series life for you up ahead is the main climber fence line and it's about here that things can get a little spicy as you'll notice about this track there's just heaps of big boulders and loose rocks it means that traction's really hard i'm gonna get those tyres down nice and low you need a good aggressive tyre it's got a grip and these good gears work really well on the rocks they work good in all off-road terrains but i find on rocks they really come into their own there's just so much grip that i don't even have my lockers on and i'm just crawling up here i thought he's going to make this one look pretty easy oh i said that because i nearly got hung up oh look at that bit of power that's the only thing that got me through there bitter right foot that's hard on the vehicles knows with less appearance oh they're gonna struggle a bit as expected pete's doing this one with a fair amount of control and frankly just breezes on up [Music] this climb really is pretty hectic in the upper sections and tim is having his work cut out to make it through soon he's in a bit of trouble i think i just broke a cd yeah it didn't sound good so yeah we've just um turned off onto the hubs just to see what happened and clicking stop so we think it might just be a hub which is good um tones has got a spare one but what we're going to do is uh turn pete around at the top of the hill run his big long winch out the hubs on the 79 have given tim a bit of grief recently but we're best to diagnose this one at the top the worst thing about all of this is my alternator is not working right now because of some mud bogging so um i'm going to run out of battery pretty quick so hopefully pete can just drag me the top gotta love it don't you yeah we'll get you out of it mate yeah yep sometimes when it rains it pours but with the ultimate nine rig secured up the top we should soon have team out of trouble a bit of rope pro is always a good idea if there's a possibility of cable rub and in this case a tarp does the job perfectly [Music] this has worked out even better than we could have hoped for and the 79 is sailing up to the top no alternator no problem you've just got to keep a pete with you big winch not there in the end though i love this car i have a real affection for it but it's testing my patience every trip with the 79 up the top we can take a better look at the breakage and the jury's out to what the problem is we'll be concerned when you get that metal on metal noise from the front end now we're hoping it's a hub but if it is a hub we've got spares we can hopefully get it back in order um so really easy to find out as well you just pull that top cap off don't even need to take the tire off please be broken this is the bit we actually hoped it's broken yeah it's broken yep it's good news tim's just saying that it is actually broken that engagement gear so let's just take the hub off fix it and you'll have to probably fix before the other boys can get at the top of the hill tim's just recently broke the hub on the other side of the vehicle and he's already used his spare which could make this little repair a bit more tricky everything that's a bigger break than last time while we're figuring out the fix the rest of the convoy is making its way up and the 200 is doing it in style come on big girl the gme 80 is built for tough wheeling and just like that tony monsters his way up to the top with zero hassles even better he's got a part that might just help the 79 big tones has got an 80 series hub so we know the internals are the same but we're not too sure if the externals will fit so we're just going to save it if not we'll rebuild the old um the old housing with all the new internals out of this and i owe you beers yeah a couple of beers and a hub and we're good to go okay all right thank you what a g unfortunately it's close but no cigar the donor hub is just not gonna quite work for this one because 79 and 80 series freewheeling hubs are slightly different that's just annoyingly different isn't it yeah so close yet so far town's not far away we're going into camp now anyway so we'll duck back i'll slap it all back together as a free wheel and hub it'll drive perfect and we'll pick up a part first thing in the morning and boogie [Music] after a pretty basic last minute campsite last night what i reckon we need now is to roll into a nice camp and set up a bit early and i've got just the place out the back of watton this awesome little spot is actually a horse farm by the name what in arab stud that offers you casual camping on their property and a pretty ideal spot to roll out some canvas there's even a dam to swim in in case you want to wash off a bit of that track dust see what the last couple of days of wheeling first thing i do when i get to camp crack the top off one of these and just take a second to take it all in the sun is out we're not at midnight i'm not in a bog hole i've got a cold beer in my hand so you know what how things turn around they pretty soon everyone's getting set up for the night and of course gearing up for the highlight of any four wheel drive 24 7 trip shawno's cookie [Music] pretty excited running graham's d-max he's chucked one of these drifter stockton 270 awnings on i've never actually set one up before so let's have a go [Music] straps four knobs all right let's put that out oh wow that's sick all right let's hook him in oh and then there's this little daughter look at that get out of town cool as this i've never set one of these up before you know what i've actually ordered one for my 200. really i can see why the waiting police are coming out for a long time these are the brand new ones from drifter yeah they don't have legs either so like you can just try it down there to keep rain off and stuff and that's mint this is cool well i'm going to put my swag on here nicely get my fridge out get the table out i could get used to this super during life it's pretty good all right let me get another coldy mate i might even go for a bit of a wash because yeah there's a dent in there there's a dam down there i'm pretty gross and i'm going to be cooking up something pretty mean tonight so i'm excited let's go for a swim we need to stretch this one out mate it's going to take a fair work aquarium [Music] uh how good hey not a bad way to finish a day we really rate this campsite but you know what we'd like to hear about your favorite spot let us know in the comments below and maybe we'll come check it out [Music] foreign [Music] what a day what a day what a couple of days unreal couple of days i think right now i'm gonna cook up a meal i've one for the ages because i can't just well i feel like i've just let the team down a couple of times later i'm not gonna lie i love you cam cooking but the last couple slipped i've slipped yeah i sticked up a little bit tonight tonight it's a bit of a redemption yeah you might need to come up mike because tonight it's going to get a little out of hand bring it on mate let's do it [Music] well how good is this i mean we've been driving tough tracks for a couple of days now last night we got into camp so late we had two minute noodles at about i think it was close to about 12 40 1 o'clock in the morning it was a big big night lots of winching lots of driving and i thought tonight i'm gonna go all out i was gonna do fajitas so mexican the boys loved mexicans i thought you know what i've got just the recipe in mind oh mate it's time for some yummy food how much meat do you want because i got it all so what are we doing steaks are we well no we're not we're doing mexican mate it's really easy these days you've got the little mixers yeah it's everything i'm going to do a couple of little things that'll just make that a little bit better i want small little fillets of steak though yeah so like yeah yeah cut the fat off i'm going to do what doco cuts that up a couple of um ziploc bags jocko you're going to have to sit down when i tell you this mate because this is going to change the way you cook meat for now or yeah when you're doing stir fries and things like that i want to show you a process called velveting velvetine yeah it's like what a deer goes through when it comes through to being a buck and it gets all the antlers going on it was called puberty well some people aren't through that yet but not me i only hit it a week ago but velveteen steak is a process to make any cut of meat so much more tender okay and just chuck them straight in there mate yep we've got a few steaks on the go don't we yeah well i mean you never could have enough meat in your hands well mate we've got a big old meat sack now exactly right mate and look who doesn't love a good old meat sack there's bicarb soda sitting on the table here so what you want to do is about a teaspoon for every about 250 grams of steak do you know how many shakers put in there that's about that's at least two and a half two and a half kilos so what's the weak mass on that oh yeah what about this much i'm just basically coating the steak so i'm going to get that i'm going to seal it off and i'm going to put it in the mic almond now the more budget cut in your meat so the more tough the meat is the longer you want to keep that sort of tenderising this is rump and i got it on special the way i was cutting it it actually feels quite too bad i'm gonna go about 20 minutes and while i'm in there mate yeah a couple of a couple of cups a couple of caps you can yeah just cut away from yourself okay hey always yeah i learned that the hard way also don't put dishwashing liquid into your dishwasher oh yeah don't have you done that no i've never done that it's one of those things that you only ever do once it's been about sort of 20 minutes we're just mucking around having a few beers obviously while we do this what i better say next we'll probably blow your mind because you're thinking shawn are you actually going to ruin this meal i've actually got a bit of water in here you need to wash the bicarb soda off we're going to wet the meat dropping and you know you're going to cook in with bike upside out a bit of this bit of that or washing the steak this is this is goes against just about everything you ever learned so what am i doing is i'm pouring the salt in your home gonna yeah just that's a lot of meat there's a lot of meat there that's so red in there what's happened to that it's supposed to be light is it yeah it goes really rare i don't know anything so like i'm just trusting your judgment here now we need to dry the steak off you can get some paper towels out there shake some of that yeah some of the moisture off give it a try and you know what your mum taught me this what tend to meat i thought you would have taught that yourself tenderizing your own meat oh ten rice enough meat in my time i just find this is a more efficient way of doing it yeah there's ways you can do it you don't bruise the meat this way yeah it's good when you have a mate to help you we've got the bicarb sort of off and what you'll notice when it starts cooking as well it's going to start spitting and carrying on you're going to think what's going on here yeah that's the bicarb deal it's thing it's tenderizing that let me start this one up slippery hands oh you're bastard yeah i'm gonna put all the fujita mix into here yeah do that do that do that knead that through okay put it all in sometimes you do it bit by bit but tonight we're just going all in tend it yeah i think we need it's all going on i can smell that burning for me there's a lot going on i don't know if i can serve this fast enough perfect hey man yeah let me stir this you saw that you've been hot in the kitchen you need to keep that going there's a little hand chocolate chocolate chili's up i'm gonna start just putting some fistfuls yeah shove it in timmy you'll like this fresh vegemite it's from harrah's farm [Laughter] i'm just gonna grab that don't chop them yeah i'll try to give you a little chop chop chocolate chop chop chop chop yeah they are soft mate they're tender i moisturize them with mud and wintry look at that look at that you start putting the onion and the capsicum the chilis it's all starting to come together i've stirred enough pot boys on here he does two minutes of hard work and he goes to hazard now come on this is your tennis elbow it's actually looking good tim the oh you've got plenty oh watch this queensland's finest mate you've always put a deposit in a house in sydney with all these avocados mate these people's going fast that was going to be my yum you know that one i'm going to do one in mine [Laughter] you're really squeezing this i like limes there's a couple of big bits in there i think one of the avo's in there he's gonna have a little bit more what's about euphoria yeah well let me use my right hand then i'll use my left hand you're gonna heat up the fajitas exactly right so get a cup of tortillas i think they're called cotijas bitter oil hot in the pan i've got a couple of them to go yeah dragon we get the boys in to have a little record that one's ready hey boys dinner time you got a little bit of guac hanging let me serve up hang on hang on before we get too excited yeah it can't do fajitas we're happy to see our cream mate put that in look at that oh man that meat is so tender that's what you want it is really good actually outstanding what do you reckon boys it's all right it's real it's a redemption meal if i've seen it i can taste that chili funnily enough velvety in the steak making it tenderize and you can taste it you know what i mean you've got yourself proper mexican feed unreal right i'm gonna get a winch out mate let's uh take me to camp yeah [Music] how you going guys hope you're enjoying this episode i've got to be honest with you it's one of my favorite episodes of all time we send off an absolute stolen just like in fashion that car does not do things by halves anyway just wanted to interrupt for just two seconds to let you know about an awesome competition we've got this is we need to listen up because you could win yourself a talking exhaust if you haven't half told already by this far on the show the big 200 is on song it sounds awesome so does timbo 79 and you can win the same exhaust all you need to do in the comments below is let us know what vehicle you drive and your favorite memory of i'll be going through all the comments and pick out the best one and you'll win a brand new talk he's also your read so your make and model of your vehicle and also your favorite memory of suri good luck [Music] it's a gorgeous morning up here in the farm today we've got an epic track lined up to close up the trip but today is a little bit bittersweet because it's going to be sooty's final hurrah well i thought i'd get up a little bit early and have a little brew with this morning you know you've heard me say that i've got another build on the way which is going to be sweetie mark too you're probably wondering why is this old girl retiring it's done over 100 hard shows i mean this car has been around the country quite a few times done some of the hardest tracks in australia and it keeps on going it just never ceases to amaze me this old rig but there's a couple things you probably can't see all the body mounts getting to the point where not a lot of metal left there's lots of cracks in the body it's starting to fall apart just from metal fatigue and a lot of years of abuse it's just time to really give this old girl a bit of refreshing up to make sure it's safe to keep driving me around this country but sort of gets me a little bit sad as well because this car i mean it's probably got the most personality out of any vehicle i've ever owned i've got a real strong attachment with old soot and um in you guys too i know you guys love old suit as well the good thing is the new build of sodium is going to be exactly the same i'm just basically getting a new chassis and a new body the heart and soul is going to go straight into with a bit of a rebuild a bit of a freshen up gonna go into the new build the dash the wiring loom all of the mods are basically going straight onto the next build so it's not over for for this vehicle and i can't wait to show you guys the new build it will film the whole thing for youtube as well so you can see it but for now let's sit back finish a brew get it packed up and uh get ready to hit the last tracks for old [Music] before we hit the tracks today we've got a few mechanical issues to get sorted and timbo soon back on the tools again so just another day in the life of a 79 owner i am changing the second alternator for this week which is very fun but at least i never seized all the nuts and bolts last time so it's coming out reasonably quick we'll get that out get the new one in and we'll be on the way [Music] with the alternator in it's time to make a move and get ready for another ripper of a track blackgate road this one is an absolute classic and it's going to provide a pretty challenging last day for the trip all right [Music] black gay road is located up on the hills behind bullet dealer a hop skip and a jump from our campsite this part of the world is known for some pretty tough wheeling but the drive in is pretty specky [Music] hey you came here to help me mate yeah buddy what's up i noticed that i'm putting the trades back on the roof itself looks real similar to the internal frame you got it in the canopy i was actually wondering follow the same design principle how do you work that out yeah mate so the roof rack strut is one we've had milled up it's our own extrusion and we've made it so that it bolts in with channel nuts much like we do within the canopies it's a nice wide plank and you can mount awnings solar panels the tread mounts that you got on there at the moment and uh rooftop tens gas bottles and a lot of other roof rack manufacturers accessories fit on there as well it's all modular and uh that's that's the beauty of it all of our external and internal accessories uh are just molding bolt out that's sick it's really thinking outside the square hey because not only obviously you can use roof rank as a roof rack but just making it easy to mount accessories for drips depending on what you're doing thanks to the next level i reckon we're soon getting close to the start of the track but suddenly so he's decided that enough is enough to be big enough you know um i was just driving down the road here i told the boys to woo up and um something i thought my wheel had fallen off like that's how it sort of fell without dropping down it was like something has come to a complete you know i thought a bit of suspension had fallen out something like that but i think under a bit of a close examination might be a bearing just look good it happened here and not on the highway yeah is the other one oh i banned it it's not a wheel bearing my maintenance is a little bit better than that a busted pan art could spell the end for me on this trip unless we can find a way to get a replacement or do a temporary bush fix i don't have any spares but i'm going to try and basically take one side of the panhard off so i can see if the thread is completely buggered maybe there's some thread left on it i can um you know give myself some poor wheel alignment bring it in closer and just get this little limp out of the bush um at this stage it's not looking great because i know it's probably happened it's probably just stripped all that that threat in there using tony's cell booster rover get a phone call into a part shop down the coast in newcastle where we've been lucky enough to source a new panhard rod jocks offered to put the posty hat on and go and collect it while we get on with taking out the old one [Music] a few hours later we've got the new part in hand and once again defies the odds and lives to fight another day [Music] at long last we're lining up for the start of the track and the mud has come up to meet us [Music] after a bit of rain black gay road can get pretty wild and new south wales has seen a long wet summer that's brewed up some pretty challenging driving conditions okay there's a lot of water on these tracks mate yeah it looks pretty boggy i'm getting to see how old stoop goes now i know she loves a bit of mud but i think he might have to give it a bit mate that's the plan second blow and go go you want to get into that one boys all right go on big d-max see what you got mate oh come on there we go yeah rick well dmx loved it boys you're gonna have fun through there [Music] oh tracks like these don't get any easier with each vehicle and tony's giving it the berries in the 80 to make it through this thing is off its head what a drive what a drive i'm absolutely in love with this rig mate i'll tell you what it's just like except so he's probably a little bit cleaner than this one i don't know i reckon it might be and i'll tell you a little secret mate the inspiration to build this was when i first saw it oh true true i think on some of these tracks maybe well this is like a city on steroids it's got everything i mean the bar work on this tell us about this rig because you've got some custom bar work you've got a whole stack of stuff going on a full touring setup but also can drive tough tracks it's a touring rig that got a little bit out of hand let's just say that so she's twin lock 35s and obviously we've got the full bar work to try and keep the panel straight yep and match up front you've got the roof rack even on the ladder all the little things i've noticed even when you're in camp out of this thing you've got all the drawers you've got the fridge it's just set up really comfortable yeah mate yeah you've got all the tough gear to make it work well off road yeah well we like camping in places where people other people can't get to so um yeah we don't like getting stuck and man the misses usually camp by ourselves and we often wheel by ourselves so we've got to make sure we can be self-sufficient and recover ourselves that's the name of the game i reckon yeah you're running two aerials up front one's obviously uhf yep what's the second one that's for a cellular booster so i've got a cell fire go repeater in the car so if you've got a little bit of patchy reception that'll boost the signal up and obviously having a high quality antenna will make all the difference absolutely we've also got another little sneaky antenna up on the roof rack there that you might notice i didn't even notice that that's for our second uhf so we run one on our working channel with the convoy and then we've got another one that scans there you go well i'll tell you what she's one heck of a rig mate i like the way you've set this up it's giving me some ideas from my mark ii build mate i don't want to worry about idea i just like how you've kept everything so neat on this vehicle you take a lot of pride on it and i love that about that i reckon we get stuck in this track and you're gonna love it have you done this one before i have not oh you're in for a good time mate [Music] it seems like not a lot of vehicles have been up this way recently and up ahead is a tree across the track it's always a smart idea to travel with a chainsaw if you can and protip when you cut some timber like this try and cut it as wide as possible to help out any larger vehicles that might have to get through later [Music] [Applause] how good is this place i mean these beautiful little creeks right through here it's just unexplored sort of territory it looks like not a heavy people come down here a bit of a hidden hot spot if you ask me i've been down to this neck of the woods in a long time still as beautiful as i ever remember it just great there's so many fire trails through here so many football drive tracks you could spend literally days exploring them all the month so far has just been a tiny taster of what's ahead and not far up as a bog hole that looks pretty darn hectic well the slippery clay hill climbs have well and truly started big soot's up now and something tells me sean is gonna need to give it everything she's got to smash it up this hill let's see how he goes mate right big sword straight through baby almost a bit more poor [Music] you driven a manual before that champion come on soot i know you got it in you we can do this just need to get a bit of wheel speed go sorry [Music] well jocko um best of luck mate i can all i can say is give it plenty mate this a plan don't know how i'll go on these little tires i'm going to get it give it a red hot crack anyway hey let's go that's it that's it so close maybe one more for good luck all right hardly any convincing that that was in reverse before i finish my sentence yeah one more no more have a go [Music] i think you're just getting hung on the rear diff just as you're about to go into the clear yeah right at the crest i can feel it just dragging the rear diff i don't know if i'll get through this smidge more clearance i'd probably have it that was a pretty epic effort from jocko but like a lot of blokes his age he's gonna need a quick tug to get him out of trouble oh i can feel the rear diff just dragging on the ruts that's a shame a little bit more clearance i reckon i'd have that one but probably good go on the dmx recon i got further than i thought pete's up next sorry he's going to be ringing that through later you possibly can i mean i'm actually going to be looking for the foot coming through the floor pan yeah just to make sure he's going to give it a go he'll need to as well you need a lot of momentum to get through there you can usually rely on pete putting in a good drive but this one's about as smooth as they come lightweight big tires and throttle when you need it all right you're up next yeah this is gonna be this is gonna be exciting if you don't get as far as the d-max you owe me a carton of beer really i'll get to there here we go here we go there's the gear change come back and have a real guy now that's about it boys oh no i don't know there's a carton of beer to me i knew he was coming to that well i think i had that one in the bag because the secret little ice in the hole was his rear spring hangers just getting hung up a little bit lower than where the d-maxes were they don't have much clearance on the back which means case of beer to me that was an easy win right oh mate you're up next i reckon i reckon you'll eat this you've been driving so well on these tracks mate i think uh the big 200 you know what to do with it yeah maybe if anything can get through i think she'll be able to um i'm just going to give it the full berries and see how she goes oh here comes a big talk at 200 he's not holding back isaac's coming with plenty of gusto in fact maybe a bit too much two beads at the same time that's no fun losing a tyre off the beads sucks when you're deep in the mud and the best strategy here is to try and get isaac up to some drier ground so we can take a proper look to reseed the bead you're going to need to be able to get a clean seal and that means first cleaning out as much mud as possible from the rim dana look at explosions boys oh just the suspense kills me there you go three two one and just like that isaac's back in the game once he gets off the tracks he's going to want to go and get that rim cleaned properly but for now the 200 is on the move [Music] right oh i can't wait tony's going to come up in the big 80. it already sounds good and he hasn't even got into it all right this is a big dirty dog tony mate what an incredible drive he did that easier than soot oh yeah wow there was a wheel in the air yeah his mud was coming see mate he's in a rush wow a little bit spicy just a little bit spicy choco we've got the old um borneo rainforest stage through here mate it starts to close in and it looks pretty muddy too yeah i can see an orange hanging up there oh wait no we're not born yeah that's cute yeah it looks pretty fun mate so you might have spat the dummy earlier today but man i love driving this rig this might be her final track but we're doing it in style wow [Applause] with the mud out of the way we're on to some more technical wheeling up the track with that our last track of the trip is done and dusted an old soot has made it through by the skin of its teeth now sweetie's first adventure five years ago was a bush to beach run from buladila to the coast and i reckon a wheel on the sand would be the perfect way to send her off for that we're heading down the way to tea gardens and one last drive this weapon of a vehicle [Music] how good this the boys are all lined up [Music] big swords [Music] well jocko i've got to be completely honest with you mate there was a couple of times maybe on this trip that i thought so do you be going home on a tow truck and the fact that she's here right now mate and you know it's in good enough health for standards i'll tell you what it's a very very special four-wheel drive guys i'm so attached as you can after i know you guys are as well this four-wheel drive is a lot more than just a vehicle to me this is well it's its own little personality i love and it's taking me to some amazing places over the years it's got over half a million kilometers on it it has been through hell and back so many times it's not funny the punishment that this car has received but the one thing is is just about every single trip she's always got me home again you know it's kind of sad that it's going to hang up as tyres pretty soon and it's not the end it's not the end it's not the end of one and i think that you know the places you've taken it if uh sooty's soul carries over to the new build that you're about to start i reckon you'll be a force to be reckoned with mate so i don't really know the words yet well mike thank you for such a wicked trip i was stoked that you could be there i wish graham could have been here for this one as well i would have loved it and to do with a bunch of mates like these guys i mean we have not stopped laughing this whole and so we've been watching until one o'clock in the morning we've had probably averaged about four hours sleep every single night i've got so many fantastic memories of this video i mean literally hundreds of great memories i can't pick my favorite but i want to put it out to you guys let us know your favorite memory i want to go through the comments mate and read all those ones because i reckon that would join your memory absolutely it will now i think mate the ties are aired down a couple of cold ones in the fridge oh stop it you see what i'm thinking yeah mate perfect way to send sodium i think so anyway guys we'll see you around next time [Music] don't go anywhere folks because coming up is a full drive 24 7 outtakes [Music] today legends i thought i'd give you a quick walk around on the 80 series here hold suddenly the 80 because i've been doing a fair bit of work on this old girl heaps of power and um it's just an absolute pleasure to drive so so smooth he always runs a bit rough before a coffee in the morning a bit like me really sorry he's a bit scared of doing this track i think i might need a little push go go go go go oh get your foot off the brake i don't have it on the brake but i love yours all right [Music] this is the most amazing four drive experience i've ever probably had oh that's my brakes yeah you got brakes [Music] that's really steep well [Music] come on old girl [Music] oh sorry i love you [Music] [Music] i think you'll nail this i i'm quietly confident oh that's a bit of grass it's okay it's okay it's okay just a false alarm you've got to be on edge though oh high pitch but not not deep yeah i know you got to get the the palm palms sweaty knees weak arms are heavy there's vomit on the sweater already just practicing a couple of moves when you're gonna be nimble on those hills what we need to do get some i wanna i wanna serve the boys up sorry joshua this is yours made of meal the meat is quite thin how do you say how do you say that you'd know about that do not feel like a dining carriage do not encourage me no i will hang around you like a bad smell anyway guys we'll see y'all we're actually looking for another presenter 24 7. so if you would fit the bill and not be as weird as this bike then you've already got the job simple as that all you need to do is put your pans on the morning you'll be better than me because sean does that for me oh hey you know the cream [Laughter] i don't know [Music] [Applause] [Music] me you
Channel: 4WD 24-7
Views: 1,442,873
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 4wd, action, 4x4, offroad, outdoors, travel, overlanding, toyota, nissan, hilux, patrol, landcruiser, adventure, camping, fishing, diesel, petrol, surf, shaun whale, graham cahill, australia, dirty 30, shorty, gq, gu, 80 series, 40 series, 60 series, 79 series, troopy, 4wd action, 4wd 247, 4wd 24/7, NSW, Winch gone wrong, Winch snapping, 4wd gone wrong, winching gone wrong, Australian off-road, Australian offroad, Australian Off-roading, Australian Offroading, 4x4 tracks, Stranded, 4x4 track
Id: npi7CHIHLbw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 39sec (5019 seconds)
Published: Thu May 12 2022
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