MUD-FEST! Insane 50km of bog holes and winching - Tasmania's best 4x4 track

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[Music] [Music] if you note as you like we do then you'll know it's rugged untamed four-wheel drive country that's sure to get the adrenaline pumping for any outdoor enthusiast that's why we love it and that's why we keep coming back for more I don't know two pairs on that is one I reckon that view is one of the greatest using four-wheel drive big time eyes it's my favorite track in Australia happy call folks if you haven't realized where we are this is a climbers track in it has main yellow walls where skies mynheer mate and we're gonna do on this trip particularly probably the most iconic tracks in Tasmania some of them and some of them that people don't even know be it should be our Connie because it's a bloody good so bloody good Tasmania turning it on for assayer's or whether I shouldn't say that because it could change Barney having a ball but lover this is all to do this that's the literally can't waste you this day see my folks my advice to you is grab something out of the fridge right now crack because it's got to be cold and fizzy sit down in your favorite chair and enjoy the very best of Tasmania all right Stuart you are up sir we've got a plan and we're gonna try our best to stick to it we're starting out on the climbers track and in making our way out to the pieman heads area before returning on the infamous inland loop track all this with some cracking tasmanian camping I am absolutely pumped we've got some familiar faces on this trip which consists of myself Shaun Oh Barney from Legend X and of course stood up from wholesale automatics this is one team I know will get us through which guys the Tazi I get a sore neck around here because they're constantly looking at the view it's just staggering today the ocean though right for beginners I have a look at those waves whoop but down here the west coast of Tasmania and this here is a start of the climb each track I am so excited my words are not going to do this justice because I absolutely love this track to drive so close to the wild west coast see the waves crashing up against a cliff line that you drive across gets the blood pumpin the climbers track links Granville Harbor to trial Harbor the word on the street is that takes approximately four hours to complete depending on the conditions we're taking it on from north to south so really all we've got to do is keep the ocean on our ride it's September now and the river systems around here are still raging with plenty of water in the rivers I'm sure things could get a bit sloppy out on the tracks and I guess we'll find out soon enough buddy little cranky first little challenging Tazzy and it's a bit of a doozy like a lot of things in tezi yeah first look at them doesn't always indicate exactly how hard it's gonna be but as you can see your nose made it look easy ooh dog has picked a slightly harder line there he's come unstuck I think he's gonna have to reverse and have another crack at this [Music] a better line it's too straight through it's all about picking a perfect line in four-wheel driving having seen the line that Stu talk I tried to straddle that rut but the rear end got caught and slid into it no problems though mighty d-max up and out Barney water weapon just walks on through right up ahead it looks as if we're gonna get a bit muddy but on it though is actually getting up to the start of the challenge and then I can get it started at Allen's put slippery I'd only be staying in that water so long big rock sean is actually trying to get around an extremely deep mud hole on the left-hand side in fact if you look closely you can see a stick we've placed that there so that we know not to go any further left than that stick because it's about a meter drop off or once he's through there it's a sequence of massive bot holes that we've got to get through baby absolute animal that's why you make a diesel nice and powerful so you can do stuff like that that is that is exactly what it's supposed to do Wow that is awesome yeah that was that was a committed drive I'm really impressed with that that's Julie yeah hang on I can do this you go do the same thing right now my super casual I'm a little 33 you know the line there yeah just fall in a hole and dry good damn yep go for it up dad Sean oh okay sure you've seen how it's done time to step up mate once again we've got to get you around the right-hand side of that bog hole before he can even attempt to tackle those massive rutted yes juice fallen into that first rut if he'd stayed a little bit higher to the right and then gone in he might have avoided the worst of it Hey yep cuddly like uh Ron I these through the words to the bogey section and now he's gonna have a run at the rest my lady okay it's my turn in the d-max beyond the gallery rock on the track yeah any other likes to have the same disadvantages small tires and much less clearance anything's gonna catch me out that's going to be it I think I found every Rock on that track then you can see I stayed a little higher on the right-hand side on that line and avoided jumping into that first load of ruts and I so close to making it through that second line now a week sir there well when winching in situations like this what I try and do is let the winch do 90% of the work yeah the 10% of course is done by the four-wheel drive but it's by listening to the winch and learning when that winch is at full stretch and then just giving a small amount of Drive that you get maximum efficiency oh very close to driving that it's just such a fine line yep I'll go back rattle okay I'm through now it's Barney's turn this should be entertaining easy peasy lemon squeezy this mud is seriously greasy and Barney being the last one through may find this the hardest rough on the key today might you're gonna do probably no better thank you thank somebody that cleat from you guys [Music] [Music] there we go he's made that look easy I got time to get a move on very nice the next few sections of Mart are fun to drive but don't really present us with any problems the base is pretty firm and we've got the traction we need to pull through I'll tell you what right now probably get me excited because soon we should be up on a challenge that isn't for the faint-hearted it involves a creek crossing and a waterfall that's all I'm gonna say back on higher ground and we have a brief moment to take in this spectacular bit of coastline a bit high country this one children it's amazing this scenery just opens right up you've got rocks means a little creek crossing down here what what a bloody place I guess if our size is the most like spectacular scenery wise track you could possibly do it I don't know everyone maybe blue rag that might be up there yeah this is just spectacular it's all different to like one moment you're on the edge of a cliff it's the Wild West Coast passion up against it and then the next moment you just drive atop every line and I'm here mountains all around here it is the one we've been waiting for the waterfall challenge before we commit we're gonna walk it and check it out first this is the famous waterfall cross again this is it right that's the track to get out of here that's insane yeah so you got to stick hard right hard right yep Lalah yes yawn oh you're spot on mate you do not want to get it wrong and where it feels horrible of course is the natural lie of the land is to push your vehicle lean your vehicle toward the cliff edge you just got to hang on and ride it out keep it smooth you get away from that edge this is going to be fun I've done this climb twice now I won't lie do its proper scary distracted how's it look super hard when you're driving it it's another thing and it's so spectacular it's my favorite part of track of any track in Australia this is one serious challenge because make a wrong move here and it's all over there's a cliff straight down there I'm driving across a waterfall right now holy heck I don't know what this for it is a size scary it's at ridiculous there's actually a significant amount of flow across that waterfall and if it was any wider I really think it would be quite sketchy that's a good Drive Shawn I feel good to get at the top of this this is the most spectacular full drive track in Australia look at Yahoo if you can see when I can see close me away every time I come and drive this track the climbers track from the west coast of Tasmania scared the heck out of me Stu's big advantage here of course is the auto he can take this super slow and still have a lot of control that looks horrible from an absolute Leopold hung up one of the more sketchy things I've done ever to look at that right on the edge of a cliff or a waterfall in Tasmania left-hand turn and you back up and out but water crossing you ever get a chance honestly after having done it you've got to try that that's uh you do not want to go down there that's not where you want to be look at that view though nice spectacular view you'll ever say in a pool would rival the most spectacular left-handed turn you'll ever take now Barney this is very different inside the car are you mad what they're doing are you crazy that trucker he's does Lane a lot that's what you get when you get a lot of flex let's see how he goes all right he's across the water crossing no doubt about it that is a sketchy piece of four-wheel driving and we've all done really well good stuff Barney that's amazing yeah oh my god how good is this place with that challenge done and dusted we've got camp on our minds you vote some let's get a little bit late in the day what do you reckon I was just uh thinking the same thing make that sun's almost gone down yeah it's actually like seven o'clock at night you know tasmania style so it means they probably got about an hour of light people we're lucky early Byzantine art concern to be always do what's your plan might just another another trackside can't hear it yeah I'll have to maybe because the kwame tracks certainly isn't done at the moment there's a few heartbeats a few big ruts or remember I've been front and tackle eyes I'd know it so directly there's look at the beer store for an open patch and Webster like first though we've got quite a challenging little climb at the face of this climb is a massive rutted sea well Sean Tuohy makes it look like it's just a dimple have a look it's true though he's right deep down into there oh did you hear that it had to be air coming out of the B reckon that's driver-side beat off we have to fix that is true LD max didn't even notice it was there good stuff and Barney's through - I'm always stoked when Barney makes it through something and doesn't break anything beers on you tonight mate well I reckon there's one in every group in our group we've got a stew I'm going to be done you've taken the top off the wheel that's not supposed to be like that well we wanted to claim the beta anyway and needed to clean the whole thirsty he's getting down you're trying to just basically make sure we don't drive anymore when we can so I'm never dissolve or not yeah or not I reckon this is a good spot mate oricon this is fight as a fool Drive fight talking to us right in the other this is a good spot for camp so I don't reckon just on the grass there maybe now whilst that's not a recognised technique in a 4-wheel drivers handbook it certainly is effective nearby we find a little spot to camp so it's all hands on deck getting everything set up I'm pretty excited tonight because tonight marks the first time believe it or not that I'm staying in a rooftop tent and um I'm always a bit like to get on the things I've always been in swags and looked angry wrong they're super comfortable I do love swags but I can't wait to experience Bruce our tent [Music] well if that setup can't be a song that really didn't take that long at all my bed's ready I've already up my sleeping bag is pillow in there do that before I left home yep nice and warm night crack and die I have good is his track and the weather so no rain superb I'm starvin what'd you go to plan the oven I'm actually pretty hungry yeah yeah I did say I would cook but I was in the car before what are you thinking I'm thinking barbecue seemed luck strikes seem luck yep look not nothing we're all okay I'm thinking something that's gonna warm us from the inside out you're gonna back something Chili's yeah couple of different types of chilies I've even had a chat with you and the Saudis think of the US but we've got weird chili sauces he does he does he does chili master so what are you making welcome chili looking nice nachos nachos idiot I can't fire you better say these to believe it's not chosen we came for nachos around the campfire I was gonna stay here pretty stuck yeah hurry up yeah good is this we're on the kwame's track what are my favorite tracks is we have an unplanned campsite but sometimes the best ones are just like that and when you're on the column you strike as far as I'm concerned it doesn't get much better so tonight I promised the boy something that's gonna warm up from the inside out I'm thinking the old fire-breathing nutjob now that that's that's one of my favorite meals I like a bit of knife that's a good sort of pub feed and around a campfire yeah what is it so first things first I just got this oil nice and hot I've chopped up a couple of onions here you come on the lads near i ratted you a truck night check this out this is this will get you a good idea what we're doing tonight right Perry Perry seizing gonna get is that's about a five out of ten jalapenos get my favorite I want to show you this one first this one lucky or mama we've had this one this is a good good this is the real hot oh this is a bit of a 10 out of 10 a 10 a 10 and then a little one with the key ring the key ring is a skull it's after death sauce after death yeah look look it's got a little that's it that's an 11 m10 we're putting the N for a second what are you doing here what'd you guys do to grab some of that meat yep that's really that's a hot one I said that's a night at a time right bit of um I'm sorry papi to God he ate grubs I mean see it oh right bit more about what's wrong you're really doing here is I'm just breaking up the mints putting them in straight in with the onion and the garlic all I know now he's gonna Chuck a little bit yeah it's a circular gradient Mike what are you late just taco squash me or I can you know you say me use a couple of packets obviously I could write you some strategies knock it out tonight but I am choose to use packets because the campaign makes it easier it was a bit of chili that are wack getting put it Queen let's complain or is it let's have a hot chili commune mister might have a stir what some veins in like yeah a nice first rate now that you guys use a liquid in that the veins has got water in it so you just put the holes in it you can't go to craziness it's like you know so hot yet that takes that's that's a lot pipes that one when you do this one literally a drop could change your life site look listen when we're out so far from hospitals and supplement it is good for the baby's room carefully really cusping like you're a little bit apprehensive no idea how this is gonna work on the camp alright the trick to this is you cook it before a chili con carne bit up first so what I'm gonna do is I'm basing the line the bottom meets the corn chips booter that on our foil on top down in the fire couples will calls she teased you can face will melt that all together that just goes straight on top like that you're gonna sit around the foil with one of these trays trust me you know it's a real little morale booster this one look at it that looks cool look at me like to me it won't look there's a little and because all in the tracking your bikes yet when he got this I've got the old poor cheese milk hey four cheese's thinkin what do you reckon salsa on now so it heats up with it yeah so I'm thinking yeah that much great lunch yep and even cut a few calls on top in our continuing its hot time we've got I'm not gonna give it for I'm starvin yeah how many not broke yeah [Music] that's a Pharaoh's way yeah that looks so good it's only like tip like not even ten minutes really I don't know that yeah what are you gonna put never - ever Carlos we if you want what there's that little bit of the ten minutes on the for our make those points it's really crispy everything gets nice and hot you see our cream or its lucky give itself it's not bad is it at all it's open easy meal anyone can do y'all firebreather nachos the big babe it around the boys I just go to the photo is freezing out it might stick my face in a sexy little warm-up it's day two of our West Coast adventure and it looks to be a cracking day at that we've woken up here trackside but I'm gonna get back in the saddle straightaway and complete the climbers track as we were supposed to do last night [Music] the boys about his 20 little arm reach in front of it I say tiny because it's about a Landcruiser width apart I think you want to keep your eyes on that one I'll follow use do if I see one side deep I'll go the other way there's another way oh that was edgy Oh canopy I heard that noise for me might be gothel's that was wrong with me driving out of the bridge looks like a bit of a rap as well to get out of here [Music] how good is this nearly done for the kwame's track but um certainly plenty more in the area the goal is a granular that's why this morning we want to get back to Granville Harbor but then head out to the pieman heads from there this is gonna be a fairly long day behind the wheel but we're all keen as mustard to get at least as far as conical rocks by nightfall one thing tazzie is never short of is water because of the sheer amount of rain they get here particularly on the west coast which receives around 2,000 millimetres annually look at this this is a this is quite tough why looks of it look at that you can see that exit is really steep and quite rough let's call that [Music] such a cool track if you can see out my window just abused the whole coastline one of the big problems I've often encountered with water crossings in Tasmania is the tannins in the water that makes the water go black of course that means you can't see how deep the crossing is the OB writes jus you've got this [Music] Jews not hanging around he straight up and out of it using the right pedal SiC my turn I know what the d-max is capable of I'll walk up there is something else that is that's very cool that's very cool indeed funny have a look at the water on your right inside when you come through there Barney it kind of goes down a puddle look at that so easy I've got time to talk on the UHF as I'm going up it's pretty cool Mike this looks have been aggressive [Music] yeah straight up the hill good work Mike the big locks she does your prayer it's quite a challenging little crossing guards [Music] I might got your memory back to Austria to probably be oh heck four or five years ago now maybe even longer mate I can't remember back that far but after that trip you said to me you'd never thought it as much as a forward Drive destination your mind was pretty firmly set on the top end I reckon if I had to put money on it you've changed your mind yeah you're very odd mate after travelling here a few times now it's one of my favorite places to come in a normal driver yeah mate when we put the year's plans together and we put chassis on the map your eyes always light up with good reason have a look at that view you could be driving through the peaks of New Zealand it just looks so mountainous absolutely it's here in another world out here and it really is the Wild West Coast people say that for a reason it's just wall that hit and no one really comes out here because it stays quite remote so you get my fuel gauge and the reason I'm looking at it is because just waiting for Shawn how to get down what is a pretty gnarly hill here I've used exactly well just under just under two thirds of a tank by the time I get out of here I reckon I'll use half a tank I'm absolutely blown away by how economical this bad boy is it just sits at fuel whereas some of the bigger rigs out here and I sure know for a fact uses significantly more so yeah I'm just blown away by how economical is little d-max is and this is a technical a little bit of driving hence hence me being in low range Oh strewth so he's so much water on these tracks but some pretty rocky though there's heaps of traction you're particularly falling but so much water around those rains a lot down here in Kazi it mustard I suppose when you get water on the tracks you get ruts because if into the track wash away and typically lift tires that's half the fun you know yeah drift it up the hill back wants to step out on that one hello some of these rock faces are completely off camber it's easy to get your wheel placements slightly wrong and lose traction this last part of the climb each track has some really technical sections where you really have to think about where each of those wheels are going let's lost everything off we see out here it's key to have a good suspension setup to try and counteract and absorb the big ruts and boulders bonnie's picked a great line through here and you can see that suspension setup working really well for him he's got power suspension lift tires it's all working as it should and Barney's making that look easy [Applause] hey too bad not too bad good girl good girl they're boys we've got some big ruts in front of us these ones look really big actually the clothes are a drive up to the make bigger they get ya look a bit serious from a gear oh wow that's an angle [Music] they flick their buddy Oh to fall in is the key a lot of these ruts are created by a combination of two things of course one of which is use there's a lot of forward drives that come up through here gets stuck and use a bit of wheelspin to get out and a second of course and probably most importantly is erosion ya just want to get your line pretty perfect in there I slicked up and work real well for me at all have a go this this is the line I took I mean closely you'd actually see where the side biters of the general grabbers are actually biting into the side of this rut and gave me enough traction to drive this pretty committing line now I wouldn't have tried it if I didn't have a tie that had those aggressive sort of side why does it give me a lot of traction and I'm confidence to drive tough tracks like this and if you follow it all the way up you can see that even though there's a lot of clay on this track and it's really slippery sort of stuff with no attraction that it actually ejects some of these quite out of the out of the side biters and out of the tread and that gives me a lot more traction now we're at an absolute treat this thing is a sketchy as all heck mate yeah it's a proper track mate you've got to commit to this one a little bit you know either try the hard right hand line or the one where you got your left hand driver's side half way on the right that's the one I did with a little I don't know a little feathering of determination yes ahead a little right a little left little right and lots of pedal okay god I think we should be encouraging him like that there's a go forth and left oh this is all about careful wheel placement and calm calculated blaster throttle Barney's concentrating hard here and it's paid off by the looks of things that's a good Drive mate that's one big ol it's really big all there you have it fellas that pretty much boxy into the kwame's track I don't care what you got in store next huzzah that's it I'm not gonna say the pinnacle but that is one of the best tracks I've ever driven anywhere in Australia sketch in a few places but very scenic fellas I cannot believe how good that was yeah it's pretty epic night thanks plane is here you like so you see what I've got in store next night because few tracks are in this West Coast area that I'll test you in for our that's for sure on we go towards Granville Harbor which is where the start of the track is to reach the pieman heads I believe this is one of your favorite little tracks make the old Granville Harbor deployment heads track yeah I've done I think it's been at the third or fourth time I've done it and I rate it just like you did the kalam he's tracking for good reason - I rate this as being my favorite track in Tasmania I can probably see why it's pretty scenic well looks of it if this is the first hundred meters the track mate it gets better than this you have to pinche mate because I'm of keep on dreaming it's another world we've got the conical rocks up there that just look fantastic you got the coast all the way some bowls some hill climbs and then we've got a massive beach run that we've got to do great big long beach run but you've got to sort of pick your areas cuz if the tides up and the waves are up but actually I cut your progress it's quicksand on it too which can be quite deadly and I'm not gonna not going to spoil it just yet or wrong it just yet but wait till you see the air won't you see the campsite at the end of all this just like the climbers track this one has a lot of water about [Music] this track has got its fair share of sandy sections and fairly steep genes to negotiate but with recent rains the sand is wet compacted pretty easy to drive my ad versus boys straight down onto the beach [Music] head north the tires get wet go north more hi this is cool look at this is a massive beta big turns it looks like something out of Mad Max that is awesome this is pretty sick game no tracks is a quad track just here but there's no tire tracks anywhere as nice as this is we've still got to be careful because the beach has been known to have some sections of sinking sand or quicksand beats driving I love it I mean I write beats driving different disciplines in the four-wheel driving world I love beats driving grew up doing it's actually where I learnt to drive a vehicle in this day and age when I get on a beach I still just love the feeling of being able just to drive four miles down a big windswept open beach with the ocean on one side June's or whatever it is on the other I think it's the ultimate expression of freedom and four-wheel drive beats driving I love it to pieces the beach soon turns back into track and we're on course to reach the conical rocks before dark as planned all right you guys it is a slippery right there that's exactly where a good sort of mud tires will separate you from the rest of the crew what's going on with outrigger yours have you done something secret you haven't told me about it I've got a spring in it Stefan you've noticed have you mate yeah I've actually arm just put a new of turbo in it's a CT 26 why floater bye bye Tim take you and it's um yeah give me a stack more power mate filth that's a certainly made a noticeable improvement to what I could see from behind before yeah it's but it's so much more enjoyable to drive that's for sure suddenly and we're into some slop we're gonna need a bit of momentum to carry us through mud driving is one of those things where you do need a bit of right food of course momentum is your friend you can carry speed through you've got a good chance of getting out a little bit more taozi mad for a change looks pretty pretty wild so you know what little bit of fun I think this is the where mud is born and then it distributes around the rest of Australia well as promised none of expecting more words you got to everybody on the road [Applause] just Barney to come through now he's done it and we've made it to chronicle rocks I love it when a plan comes together everything's awesome I write this section of the track here from sort of conical rocks right through to the heads it's my favorite section of track it's just bloody spectacular on a day like today with the Sun setting as it is oh can you sing it about as good a condition to gather wood just outside the pieman heads is a little camp spot that will be ideal for all of us tonight [Music] this is an unreal place I gotta say I absolutely love my crash pad swag it's one of the most comfortable swags I've ever slept in and you're getting a good night's sleep it means tomorrow is gonna be even better and today they are good is this fire goin we've got a beer in hand there's a feed on the way and we're in a remote location The pieman heads which is absolutely beautiful this is why we own 4-wheel drives for this moment right here it honestly doesn't get any better [Music] it's time to get packed up because today is our final day and we're taking on the rugged inland loop track Oh boys that was a great little campsite weather turned it on time oh we've got a bit of protection from the wind perfect part of the world challenge now boys is getting out of here we're not going to take the beach run back because that'll be too darn easy I think we take the inland track back so we're going to be on there there's more mud mud mud mud I had a changes so much from year to year I don't really know what to expect but last time I was out here it was bone-dry time before that traps on thirty-sevens we're getting stuck mate lots of big rocks and the scoops for shyly I this attraction a it's actually L what staple when you're up here tapes attraction but I'm yeah you want to pick your own pretty good good god you're dumb then I've given it some good idea false truths Juke picking up wheels bouncing up the hip I tell you what that just shows how steep that hill really is oh you wouldn't well if you go to we live all right it's my turn in the d-max you know what steep hills like this are really easy in the d-max it's got that low center of gravity good traction control and it just manages to climb up anything we pointed at all right Barney's up he loves this stuff look at him go he's not old and back the concentration on the face it's something else something else hey boys some mud up ahead it's hard to know where to go I can see some tire tracks I'm just gonna try and follow those there you go I knew it wouldn't be too long until we find mud again there's no avoiding this one it's right across the track yeah I flicked it vbeaute about that's not too bad actually it's not too deep this one's all about momentum it's not a deep mud hole so that means you can go in with a bit of ripe food stop in the middle you will get stuck dude don't stop you got this one nail yep there you go it's easy done with the right momentum and of course Barney I ain't getting hung up for anybody he's straight through there with a smile on his face that's good work mate bit more my boys in fact this one looks a bit more like a lake than a bowl College hits quite big [Music] thank yourself happy being first Shawn went in nice and easy but he's still got movement he's coming back for another shot nothing is big enough make it a bit bigger [Music] I see soot everywhere it's like Snyder's gonna push white sir looks like there's one thing for it my that's right give it the berries [Applause] their goods at that was a lot of rot pedal to get through that one screws up learning from Shawn who's not holding back but it doesn't look like he's that as much like he's gonna need a winch II know that he's really stuck I all right come County [Music] oh there's Jack I'm gonna go over the side of that over here oh you're using any winching situation it's important you choose a good strong winch anchor you don't want that letting go [Music] yeah guys this is how pro does it second gear manual and we go yeah honey then now while watching the others there I noticed a slightly different line and hopefully it works in my favor I ran this way that's sick all right Barney's up this is gonna be entertaining come on buddy look at him cheering on look at him guy he knows that he is the layout pedal let's be sure it's not particularly graceful but he made it through hey Bonnie got a copy back there my daughter Jeb might not gonna say that Horlicks of yours been putting out some serious power and a not to mention mind it hasn't been getting hot has it how much is very reliable base this one now you're getting that arm hair and also keeping those temps down well first operative exhaust smoke you get a bit of power out of those and you get those EG tees down those exhaust temperature gas is quite dangerous to the motor that's the first step second step will be putting on into core and that gets those intake temps way down we found we're getting more than three times call intakes which is a massive improvement i engine safety a real great platform for tunability and they don't want to spies what do you get those temperatures down you can put a decent tune into it so you get that safe reliable power that's a big tip a lot of people are forgetting you don't want to just jump out there a hot chew and a blow your engine and a couple of years a lot of damage so if you want to do it safely and get maximum power need to get exhaust and in decor and that just lays that platform now we're getting huge gains with those results what sort of games can you typically expect out of them I say the highlights like yours might we're quite a simple tune and all the rest that we normally do we've got 70% more torque out of this one no Bonnie it's a good thing mate we've got all an extra power on board because you got to need it in this bottle right here but our boys we got another bog hole and it looks like quite a serious run on one stopping just I don't know so many different lines in here I might try and pick er a good way through have a look this one boys yeah yeah yeah I reckon every single line is a potential to get bogged hundred-percent I'm actually gonna try and tap this one okay I'm gonna go straight here yeah well going straight makes sense yeah see what happens i boys big tires lots of power big lift or just made it just made that who are that's quite slippery sort of stuff whoa oh he's not slowing there oh my goodness Stu that is just another one of those bouncing techniques you use I tell you it ain't graceful but it works that's a good Drive mate thank you thank you he drives that thing hard your stuff my turn next now these ruts bhai don't hold out much hope I reckon the d-max is gonna bottom out here but from give it a red-hot go and see where I get to that's you buddy yes good try good weed loin the devil who are you going hey-ho you think I'm up he is a bit easier up this way I think probably one we're clear I'd say I'd say nearly but it wasn't nearly [Music] that's enough well we've got a bit of a pot around with a stick there's about four different well maybe more than four maybe five or six different ways to get back on the main track from over there to over here and we think that this through here is gonna be the best way to go except for this part right here I reckon if Sean is gonna come unstuck it'll be in a big way and it'll be right here let's wait and see I'd if I was a betting man which I'm not I would say you might make it he white make it let's see right I might definitely have our work cut out for us big long ball cold it looks like maybe one of the easier ones this track just isn't letting up and we've got more deep folder hasta face it was that the vehicles completely covered it's what I can either so much mud on the windows and windscreen a little bit buggy I didn't think you had it through there but I just stayed on it they added a suit I think once you get through the mud layer through those 35 inch tires you're fine traction yeah this this bits a bit off cambered so don't go to one yeah it's the kimchi's don't stick too much more because it's pretty deep in there boys that's the worst bit of it here comes - come on get through there he's seen what Sean did and hopes to follow soon that's good work mate when we go all right now it's my turn you know what rough man yes I win for the d-max that was cool man that was cool I might just freaking out of that day max yeah that's the whole plan for me was just to keep my foot down yep and that was it that was that's all that Barney Millay the ending glory or it's gonna get all pear-shaped knees gonna be upside down in there somewhere get this one nice and easy the boys already cleared the track you know much oh wait these are these like this look at the back of the old Ju there and think to myself that's got to be one of the slicker ji Yi's I've seen getting around and then it's sort of triggered my memory and of course it's got a brand new auto conversion you know has it all doing you've done a top-end trip now tells me a couple of times yeah right now the autos be really good news truck tits but huge difference what's the main reason you put one of those in would it be for that sort of a towing sort of thing yeah I think um generally speaking autos are a lot better for towing and make sure that makes it a lot easier we're not too sure the definite is we can't get to in the stick to test italics Dave we've done the old rock-paper-scissors and Barney lost so we're gonna send you in but before he goes in put me Sonny's office look at those links low figure as well you want to get wet obviously doing this but it's better than getting wet carpets what about now we're sort of three-quarters of the way along the inland loop track and we've got one more substantial bog to get through before we drop back down onto the beach now look when you're waiting any crossing like this don't stick to the middle because of course that's not where the vehicle will be driving it it'll be driving on either edge and that's where the rats will be so I'm actually you get into those ruts so you can really gauge just how deeper crossing is better water rock Shawn's up first he's gonna make this look easy needs attraction paid to graduate he rocks in there and that's rocky bottom rod ice jus give it a go mate whoa straight Judy's gone in hard but it's paying off for him we got law [Music] easy yeah piece of cake and good fun too all right come on Barney look I said fellas it's not very deep [Applause] but it's a bit rough it might not be deep but Barney scores on a splash that's a good Drive mate well done I don't think it really justified me getting my gear off but anyway boys I can see the ocean now and I think grandpa harbors the end of our left yeah it's still a feral hog it might but I think we're over all the major challenge isn't for me running that's just a pretty cruisy sort of around 30 grand viwanda oke blokes and I'm not real keen to get into town just yet Granville Harbor will bust over the hall of the by here this is crazy scenery I'll put it out there mate clemmy's department head my two favourite tracks and tezi and I reckon they're my favorite because of the pure beauty of this part of Tasmania pick the right time of year you'll hardly see anybody the weather can be a little bit challenging but that's what makes this place so special couple that with the views the perfect camping and well as far as I'm concerned this is a place I'll come back to you for the rest of my life [Music] well that is quite a viewing boys I get tired of saying that the way Grand Boulevard look at that cheese and today he's probably a condo the lorries condition well I reckon what we've just done here all that was only two tracks really wasn't it yeah I would be pretty confident to science the best of the West all right all Oregon in terms of scenery yeah certainly too challenging I mean you could get that from weeks if you didn't get it right exactly good look at the air kind of tezi and you only did Kalani's an apartment and that's all you had time for I don't think you'd be disappointed yeah you wouldn't have wasted your trip and as far as I'm gonna said I'm gonna say it parm is my favorite I reckon qualities yeah we're moving no there's not there's absolutely no it's been a draw between us folks so why don't you make the decision not by watching this DVD but by getting it at a Z and do it yourself booth apartment do kwame's camp something around here too because it's absolutely fantastic we'll see you down here maybe we will maybe why we have now what we're able to stop by it I'm gonna carry to qualify my parents got my calendar the outfit on the end of tezi booth at his tracks he gives up a curried scallop pie we might get you Danny we might not we'll get you next time forward or action he did it he did it really well the mood that's how I just jump on the one name will you make some water a regular just sing the egg domina d'emic she just wouldn't have a body Mike no no no Mike do you want it on even though I heard that destruction oh I'm used to worry people do this for me back to walk in sight so he cannibals eating if plan 1 cannibal turns the other and says we're gonna slice funny [Applause] [Music] oh that's a wait I'll get that same wait smell in here or 10 WR it's all deskah konichiwa iOS I must be nice on shi go roku shichi hachi kick that's my story whoops you gotta put the vehicle into drive and then you can go searching through the bush we see them in their natural habitats cameramen holding the tools of their trade really hard work oh I'm Sean whale yeah this is me isn't me eye disease it's a good toy it's a good toilet best of the four drives what it hang on a second photographer wants to talk to me what do you want Matt he's stuck out he talks to take vitamin ring it's real good Jill what set him off either up now here you go all right I'm gonna go down ahead we can all go do some stuff please I need a genius like Nick yeah yeah the wife was IV good writer I'll light the hot sauce or a little little thing up chin the same build something little little ball second you really are a ginger some serious questions about us mainly you know it's not the first time you've any fancy [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: 4WD 24-7
Views: 765,928
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 4wd, action, 4x4, offroad, outdoors, travel, overlanding, toyota, nissan, hilux, patrol, landcruiser, adventure, camping, fishing, diesel, petrol, surf, shaun whale, graham cahill, australia, dirty 30, Four wheel drive, 4 wheel drive, 4wd cars, car, 4WD Fails, 4WD build, 4x4 fails, 4wd action, 4x4 action, 4 wheel drive action, 4wd action full episodes, 4x4 24/7, 4x4 247, Jocko, Shauno
Id: dDOtfBfAa7Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 0sec (3300 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 17 2019
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