NASTY ROLLOVER… then the winch rope snapped! Plus Dirty 30 in limp mode – Epic SE QLD weekender!

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when you point your four be towards the hills of south east queensland there's one thing you can guarantee you're in for one heck of an seen adventure right now we're fighting it out with the toughest tracks of the imbel kennel worth region and right on cue things are getting loose is happening and just as we thought things were heating up the situation is about to get a whole lot worse please start please start and one rig is never gonna be the same again you guys right how on earth did that happen [Music] our journey begins in the hills behind the little town of kenilworth as we point the rigs towards a day of flat out tough wheeling shoulder i'll be up there mate i sure do mate now i don't want you to take this wrong way nor think of it in the wrong manner but it's not often you get to say to your mate i'm loving the look of your rear end it's not too bad is it big 30. she's back on the tracks mate pretty pumped to be here to be honest as long as we can keep her on the tracks but how's this place look how green it is out there i know i know a few locals said there's been a bit of rain for the last week or so you know what this place is like you get a bit of moisture mate yeah the kennel worth imbel region a bit of moisture and she can be off tap simple tracks become almost impassable mate but i'm keen to get stuck into it i know the boys are frothing they're right behind me let's find them spot stuff here air down get into it the tracks in this part of the world include steep rocky climbs slippery clay hills and plenty of sharp rocks so i'm going for a medium tire pressure on the d-max of around 23 psi the dirty 30 mark ii is taking on its first hard wheeling trip and we've got a great bunch of mates along to join us for this adventure probably wondering what i'm doing right here actually can i admit i let this trick off jocko just take your mud flaps off it takes you two seconds here because timbo from mitts of course has just got him joined on real simply up in there like that two seconds to get them off and then when i get back on the road later on just whack them back on again it means i don't run over them and knock them off i've got some spares in there but it just makes it nice and easy get them off so thank you jocko you finally taught me something you might remember that on our last trip sammy borrowed the keys to pete from ultimate 9's gu now sami's not with us for this trip and pete is stuck on the other side of a closed border but the camera crew couldn't resist the chance to have an extra vehicle to work out of and have called dibs on this capable rig our plan for the day is to head towards a challenging clay run at the back of kenilworth taking in a stack of tough climbs along the way let me tell you at this point we have no idea what a dramatic turn this day is going to take well it's been a little while since i've actually driven the 30 in some like hard low range sort of stuff the last time i drove it was actually in the kimberley and i was driving it on some you know it was sort of hard tracks but more remote than tough and here in southeast queensland we've got big steep hills and all the rest of it and i've just noticed something you know hopefully it's just a one-off thing but it did go into limp mode before and i'll turn it off and then turn it back on again and we're good to go so hopefully that's not a sign of things to come that's just a little hiccup but so far this thing compresses the heck out of me like a little mountain goat brewman's wheeling his usual weapon of choice for hard forward driving a twin locked cruiser fitted with a dmw new alloy canopy jeremy also joins us from direction plus and even though he's only got a rear lsd in his rig i reckon he'll be pretty competitive on those tracks bryce also joins us in the fulcrum suspension rig and it looks like he's having a blast already [Music] holy heck with that little introduction to the tracks it's time to head to our main challenge of the day where we're going to be swapping out the rocks for some slippery clay further into the bush [Music] soon enough we're up on the start of the track in question hidden in the deep undergrowth this section of track never truly dries out and underneath that top layer is a bedrock of clay that offers about as much traction as a skating rink wow mate last time we were here yeah it was a dinner night it was it was night time um it looked i just remember after the first car went up it got really slippery it's really greasy yeah i think that could be the case there's a heaps of water still on here yeah i'm not going to take this too lightly in the sense that i think maybe you and i will get up here okay yep ah sucks to be anyone else though i'd hate to be going last in the convoy i wouldn't like to be going last second last third last but let's get you up yeah see what happens if you could do us a favor and just idle up no okay all right look there's a piece of old recovery board there we're not even on the track that tells the story it does mate all right i'm gonna unrip in see what this is like okay give it a go mate [Music] oh here we go manual mode second gear and let's feed it alrighty [Music] slowly dust in the eye that's got dust in the eye stop it stop it stop it this thing's an animal 800 newton meters at about 16 rpm that'll do it oh god dodged you've seen big tyres big power and big noise do it and i got none of those but i reckon the d-max could still surprise us look at that oh that's a bit that's the bit oh great why don't you get your sister have a go mate [Music] get out of this let's give it a proper go nah good stuff mate good drive i might need to have another go at this you might have to go right back hey start to get a bit slippery now from there give it a hit can't see out of one eye that's a go that is the go well i'm gonna say little d-max made that look a lot easier than sure full noise shawn high whale still it's getting slippery see how the other boys go well we've seen sean and graham give it a crack tell you that that's going to be really really slippery oh hang on hang on it is getting slippery all right give me a shot oh here we go come on mate it's it's the right pedal that one yeah yeah that's the one yeah there you go have you got any low range what's going on are you mate it is getting remarkably slippery this is where it starts to turn into a good track yep second is the game [Laughter] i think you just need to actually put a bit of effort in ruby not i don't see you committing properly you know you're kidding me i reckon you've got to go right back to the like almost the back to the bitumen there and just get a bit of a run-up get go back to the bakery in kennel grab me a pie what was that noise i've never seen a rear tyre lift up i thought it was gonna hit the truck we've gone up a hill and a rear somehow lifted i don't know how that happens i've never seen it before unless you're a horse it's difficult to do you're kicking them bucking the whole way up yeah we got it we've made the track ruben hasn't exactly made this climb look easy so let's see how jeremy fares four cars down in the convoy you just got to find that right line of giving it heaps and not breaking anything that's the key oh you've got it you've got it he's got it he's got it the lightweight vehicles i'll tell you what [Applause] the bouncing going on that right there that's a damn good drive and as per usual jeremy looks calm as a cucumber alright bryce this is uh it's not getting any easier mate the more vehicles drive this track but give it a red hot go i think you've got what it takes all right let's give it a crack was that a what are you doing mike take two take two get out get out of the car shake yourselves up oh that's the ticket here he goes tell you what the ifs's are really showing up the big trucks today and once you've got a head of steam going bryce is up and over this one with ease made it easy that's a good drive for most well done mate cheers [Music] the camera boys are having a blast in the ultimate nine rig and just like it always does the big gu just monsters its way to the top [Applause] up ahead the track gets just a little bit more slippery and once again the big rigs are on the noise trying to make it through with that challenge done it's time to get up and out of this rainforest things have been going pretty smoothly so far but that's all about to change guys i thought i'd just give a little bit of a reminder it's your last opportunity to take advantage of our huge sale up to 25 off basically everything on four-wheel drive get the gear that we use at an absolute bargain price now this is your last chance to take an opportunity of it think about getting a michael and fridge we can save literally hundreds of bucks i'll put a link on here so it makes it real easy for you but um jump onto that one because it's not going to last for long after climbing up out of the rainforest we're soon back into rocky country and dropping back down to the start of the next challenge but those gremlins sean noticed this morning are back and the bonnet is soon up on the dirty 30. it's a bit of an interesting one so i was just driving up a big steep bit of hill like most of the country out here and then i started to lose power dramatically until it stalled out and then every time i try and turn it on it's like there's no fuel going to the motor it feels like that so i'm guessing i'm either it's too is it either a big issue or the fact i'm on such a steep hill and the pickup in the tank it might be quite low and it's just not pumping enough diesel up to get it going so can i throw a third into the mix what's that do you know before we started the trip how i said hey boys i'm going to go and fill up yeah and you said i said i've got plenty of fuel i need to and i also said that my gauge once it reaches zero i've got about 90 litres left and that's why i don't need to fill up any chance your gauge could have reached zero and there are no 90 levers lovely chance of that there's actually a great chance but i there's not because i've still got quite a bit of fuel i think now look you've got to remember the 30 has done a lot of long range touring and sean knows from experience that as the gauge touches empty he's only halfway through his 190 liter tank with the needle only just nearing that empty marker it's possible there's another issue so sean starts by checking the fuel lines into the fuel pump jeremy is a diesel mechanic with a ton of experience and he's already suspicious about shawn's claim to have heaps of fuel but he's given us a bunch of other tests we can do to check if this issue is in the fuel pump soon enough sean i reckons he's found what seems to be an air pocket in the line if the problem is just an air pocket it should be possible to prime the line and get fuel running through it again or at least that's the theory i don't want fuel what we think is happening is there might be a big air lock in the fuel tank so i haven't actually run out of diesel but because of the air lock it's not allowing diesel to pump up through the filter into the fuel pump so we're just manually trying to prime the diaphragm here and try and manually pump some fuel up and if we see fuel come out of the outlet here we're in luck because that means we've got the fuel back up and we're right to go but at the moment no fuel's coming up it's a bit of a mission to pump this fte with a small little tiny hand pump jeremy's about ready to try siphoning the fuel through himself until we remember that the 30 has onboard air and we can use the compressor to force the fuel through the system they're coming out [Music] all right we just got fuel coming out of the um filter there so fingers crossed it should start now come on there you go [Applause] there he goes there he goes well done it's quite a bit of sweet in the way because i'm glad he's got it going i'm also not so glad that he hasn't run out of fuel because that was a good day that was a good day all right well nothing to see here we'll just keep moving on and um yeah just um if you need fuel light i've probably got eight so just keep that in mind probably should get off this slope i reckon that's gonna do something well it seems like the problem might be fixed for now so we keep pushing on further down the track which is starting to get very tight and a lot steeper significant little hill this big clay hill just sort of just goes down into this valley and then straight back up the other side [Applause] big wheeling i reckon you're low on fuel as well that sucks although what's your eyes there what is that a bill that's as custom as this one with parts from every generation of land cruiser is always going to come with some kinks to iron out once you start tough wheeling but i've soon realized that this particular problem is far from over it's not right something's definitely not right definitely that's not ideal we're in the middle of the bush miles from anywhere well good enough spotters any to park i'll just put that hose back on it sean's in a bit of an awkward spot halfway up a climb so now it's rinse and repeat on our earlier solution to try and get into the top [Music] here we go it's pretty clear at this point that whatever is going on with the 30 needs a bit of diagnosis and with the track closing in and getting harder up ahead we decided it might be best to turn around and limp the 30 out to camp but it's right about now that things get complicated and the problems well they just start to get worse shawn's managed to push his way over the hill and found a tiny bit of room to turn around in in the next valley but as he heads back up the hill towards the convoy the problem strikes again now we can't keep forcing fuel through the lines every few meters so it's on to plan b and that's to get reuben's rig in to tow the 30 out but to make matters worse there's no room to turn in front of shaun so reuben is going to have to turn around earlier and try to reverse to sean's position up a gnarly climb i'm just getting reuben turned around this is going to be quite an effort i can't get the dirty 30 started it's a fuel issue we have established that much so i'm on the edge of a hill i tried to go scout ahead and as i was coming up the hill in the worst possible spot it stopped i've winched up the hill a bit but i've almost used the battery we're gonna get reuben to come and tow me it's gonna be hard to reverse him up here you know there are a few moments when you look back and wish you could have done things a little differently and right now this could be shaping up to be one of them right hand down right hand down right yep [Music] oops that was a scary scary moment and demonstration of how quickly tracks like this can catch you out what everyone missed was the passenger front wheel which has caught a small tree stump on the bank and with the lockers in has climbed up almost instantly it sent the 79 series over and leaving in a very sketchy position facing down the hill first thing he's going to do is secure the vehicle he's got a rear winch and i reckon he might be able to winch himself maybe back over you boys all right yeah yeah the other boys had decided to jump in the 79 rather than walk up to the 30. and right now i'm glad i just decided to walk thankfully though everyone has come away unharmed as for the 79 well we're not so sure holy how on earth did that happen you know i usually have a look at them when they're on the hoist but today i decided to put on a side i just want to have a bit better of a look not having to look up just look straight in honey's unhinged i'm going to put that down to shock that's that's uh well i'm shocked in situations like this there's really no manual for the recovery and we're just going to have to problem solve it as we go our two main concerns though are minimizing any extra damage to the vehicle and more importantly not letting it roll down the hill if and when we get it righted step one is to try and get the wheel lined up with a rut on the left and for that reuben's two winches are an absolute win step two is to get a third winch involved and for that we're using the ultimate nine truck which we're positioning on the bottom of the hill and running to the undercarriage by the way of a wintering we're hoping that ruben's winches will hold the 79 in place while the third winch pulls it back over [Music] [Music] just winching attention that's it three more more yeah a bit more release the front we try a few different anchor positions but the issue is the same all the winches are currently working against each other and all we're achieving is to slide the 79 back and forth on its side just a really awkward spot for room to put his rooftop down up now oh that's going to suck you know some people whinge about angles when you know he's not quite straight and he can't get that perfect night's sleep he's gonna have a bit of a drama in his hands yeah and i don't think he can access his fridge either well all sorts of problems bit of motivation to get it on its tyres as if we needed extra motivation we're about to run out of daylight and the pressure is starting to pile on but after a bit of a head scratch we reckon we might have found a solution and that's to move the ultimate 9 winch up higher and keep the rear winch on the 79 a little slack and ready to catch the vehicle before it runs away it's going go on almost immediately this is looking a lot more promising here we go okay guys okay drinking that's going to come this way when it comes onto its wheels you're right you're right and we'll winch in on the front in a sec you're right keep going now the front end i reckon [Music] that was a little scary moment though yeah boys it was scary it was a sketchy ass but it worked well that's a go and that it also is the most flexed 79 in australia all right we're gonna earn a beer tonight the 79 might be a bit better than bruised but she's on her wheels again mate she's good look at that door still opens all right i'll get that get the rear winch on yeah and uh you'll lower it down on the rear winch we'll take this one off yeah you've no doubt heard us say never celebrate early we're not out of trouble quite yet so now ruben's secured on the rear of his vehicle now he doesn't want to start the car of course because all that oil when it's sitting on the side will be in the wrong places so we'll just basically winch the car down to the flat let it sit on the flat for a bit rest probably half an hour so that oil goes in the right spot then should be able to drive out his own steam then we can worry about recovering my vehicle go to plan b we just try and get it running rather than get on the end of a strap it's been a big afternoon that's all right reuben's front lockers are still engaged and that makes lining up the front wheels a bit of a struggle but it turns out things can get a whole lot worse yep that's good gonna come down to that right terrifying okay stop there stop there just go put in gear yeah hard this way bro i reckon we were just inches from disaster there because right in front of the 79 is a huge drop away off the track come down to me come to me well that was actually got pretty real pretty quick the rear wind rope just snapped and that was the only thing holding the vehicle in place reuben did some really handy work on the steering wheel but it goes to show we take safety pretty serious here i might be wearing thongs but seriously we get it out of the way when all recoveries are happening and um that's one of those examples if we were in front of the vehicle then it took off down the hill it's pretty sketchy but i'll tell you what luckily we take recovery he's pretty serious here the mirror is not even broken sell it tomorrow one on careful owner oh the roof got fed but that's okay how can the canopy still be in one piece it was on the canopy i know and we skull dragged it on the canopy now look i know you wanted to do some testing your canopies reuben but i've got enough all right have you have you tested the structural integrity from the roof down you've only done the sizes for goodness sake it did cop a little bit of brunt here but but to be honest you copped more damage just driving lines and tazzy bro yeah to be honest it's actually quite remarkable the roof racks no good but you're gonna get that when you land on your lid let's go drop some more tracks let's go recover me oh my god about you what is new now i mentioned that jeremy is still of the opinion that low fuel might be at play with the 30. well while we've been rolling trucks he's siphoned fuel out of the camera car and is inbound with 20 litres of diesel seano if this is all it was causing the 30s issues well mate there's going to be some red faces and suddenly sean seems to have remembered some vital information because i have driven from home in whatever track we've done without fueling the last amount of the last time i filled up was in the kimberley yeah it was a kimberley so the last time you fueled this car up could have been the kimberley it was kind of it wouldn't have been kind of nice yeah would have oh no we're in darwin no or somewhere on the way to dartmouth i shouldn't have said that seems like people are judging me now no need for judging right now just let me just the last time shawn i fueled up the dirty 30 was when we did our cunning arrow trip and we're wondering whether or not he's run out of fuel it's pretty economical this truck until it runs out of fuel there's no need to make fun of people in these situations i think as a team we should just all get over this fact and you should be actually stoked i'm honest how many beers how many beers for you folks at home that are watching along as to what we've just found out what we just hang on we haven't even got it started yet but if that is the case how many beers is that put it in the comments down below how many beers do you know us after all this i'll probably owe a reuben a couple in a couple yes can we not tell ruben it was just a fuel i'm going to say we did something massively mechanical already yeah we made a diaphragm out of a gum leaf and got the thing going on there's no need to even we don't even pass this on we'll just keep saying that you're not good mates we'll just take this one okay us and i reckon this will get about a million views well here we go the moment of truth [Music] please start please start please start come home you are out of fuel my friend wow this is embarrassing let's all let's forget this happened and move on we've got to get a camp guys um reverend's a mess they've got to comfort him pick your inch up put it away put the cherry can in the back and let's get out of here i might get a fuel stop before i go to camp that's already that's embarrassing but i'm stoked to start it i think that's a lesson though for a lot of people but it is a lesson look this is the lesson to take away from this never doubt a toyota user error on the other hand shout the driver down the driver that's a real thing and just like that the 30s driving like a charm and this little mystery might finally be solved see look i'm on the gauge if i've got fuel on the gauge i should have this solid 90 liters in there but but it might be that bottom 90 liters is not gonna work on the hill yeah yeah exactly exactly you've never done that before yeah so how would you know [Music] it's all well and good to have found a solution but there's someone in particular that might not be all that impressed with how things have panned out sure not mate time to face the music i think it's um safe to say the problem with 30 will probably never know what happened [Laughter] i think it's probably like a mix of like user error machinery error just electrical stuff that diaphragm do you lacquer has actually glued itself back together i think it's good to have a restaurant so obviously graham and i did some pretty magical mechanical stuff to get it going um i don't even know i could repeat what we did to be honest he ran out of fuel he's 100 run out of fuel unbelievable well everyone's safe yes and it's a joke for later obviously it's all right i'll just i'll cook tonight i'll troll my car how much you're gonna do well wreck i'm sure the canopy's going to be buffed out quite expensive it is look we'll never know who to blame to be honest i reckon we just get up over this hill and see if we can't find a campsite because i reckon i reckon you should go to the bottle shop and get some fuel well i got in that order oh definitely the fuel station just a coincidence really and um yeah i want stuff in the bottle shop on the way yep good call you do that mate we'll get to camp well we haven't started this though oh yes right are you ready yeah moment of truth the aerial's coming up magical it's actually running better if anything you guys can thank me later you know why because he's got fuel in it he puts fuel in it that really helps i get in your car well i reckon that's about enough excitement for one day it's more than past time we make it to camp look at that lifting wheels again a big shout out has to go to jeremy for his expertise on this one he's a diesel filtration guru who had a hunch of the problem from the start i'm guessing i owes him a beer or two tonight as well that was my first rollover so there's one ticked off the bucket list well that was a wild experience having passengers in the car putting it on its side i think i deserve an iron jack tonight [Music] luckily for the boys we've got a camp spot lined up literally minutes from the track overlooking the valley at bluff creek campground and we're soon rolling into camp with both fuel and some apology beers [Music] kevin soon's springing up and reuben gets his first good look at the internals of the canopy after his roll have haven't got that it's laid down on this sword i haven't even opened this yet and look yeah a bit of stuff's moved around but still all good [Music] [Applause] [Music] now i reckon i owe the boys big time today so i'm going to make it up to them with a fire and a good feed and when they see the meal i've got in store for them tonight i reckon all will be forgiven yeah because this is got a bit of water on the boil we're just starting the boiler up i'm doing a bit of chicken pasta tonight we're down here at kennelworth and the trucks have been tough and the the meal tonight's going to be even tougher to be honest we are i'm thinking i'm thinking i want to rename this one it's just a normal chicken pasta but i'm thinking about roll over chicken pasta if you know what i'm talking it's been a big trip oh yeah thank you mate that's your beer first time you've bought me a beer in a while no that's yours out of my fridge cheers cheers buddy nice one what do you what's this rollover chicken pasta roll over chicken pasta in honor of it's like it's like a normal chicken pasta but um tastes like diesel this is exactly right we're gonna serve it on a lid that's how we do that i've got a bit of water on the boil obviously the pasta's gone in there i'm actually gonna i'll do a couple of little shortcuts right you're going to do some shortcuts believe it or not because yeah when you get established like me i've done a bit of chevrolet before and when you get to a certain stage you can take a couple of shortcuts so i'm balling in water i can see that that bit you're doing well that is an easy step yes now the next part i want to jump in here now normally a lot of people would go um and sauce their chickens they'd be raw and they'd have to cut it and then have to cook it and all that that's how chickens usually work not me yeah if you're like me you don't have the time to do the proper cooking and you want to you want to do it quickly shortcut a couple of steps i get it wait i get what you're saying you're a toyota driver you've got it at camp late because you couldn't drive the traffic broke down and maybe ran out of fuel i don't know but i do know that if you're going to woolies or coles you've got these barbecue chickens on the go they're like they're bloody good they're all right they're all right and there's so many things you can do with them normally you chuck them in a roll and that'll do you but not tonight i'm making a little bit more fancy than that right a little bit gourmet if you're gorgeous check this out so i'll grab liberty grab that oh yeah look at that bad boy what are we doing with these chickens well we're gonna basically pull a bit of chicken if you know what i mean trust me when i say what uh so we're taking the meat off this and putting it on what ripped a big it's how i operate baby okay you want to spread the drummies this is it you see you ruined yours already look at mine if you spread them open someone get the stuffing out obviously so clean hand i'm just going to spread those right open we're putting the meat in there yeah no bones though if you can yep yep yep no my bones about it mate geez where's your you're not you're pretty quick like i'm very efficient skin get rid of it i don't have that problem there's a 70s top the water is now in a rolling boil before we tuck the pasta in you've got to have salt you've got to have some it's supposed to be as salty as the andean sea that's what i always say i don't even know if that's true and you're supposed to throw the pasta at something to see if it sticks salty that is not cooked the salty is your first ex-girlfriend that you want that's how salty it needs to be that is a salty bit of water holy heck all right so we're going to put the pasta straight in give it a stir captain oh what's going on there that is not mine i borrow them we uh use that for the fire that'll be fine while that is doing that i'm going to reach into my corbin for a second what are you getting we're going to pull this to the side sure and um the chicken skin you can do it you like that few peas yep so first up what we're gonna do here oh crikey watch yourself mate here's why you're gonna wear safety glasses what we're gonna do is cut we've got to cut the ends off and we're gonna basically cook the vegetables in the boiling pasta now this is the this is a tricky bit it takes a bit of time you gotta you gotta skin your peas you just that's what you're after this is the difference between my culture and the culture today when i grew up that little hairy bit you left it on these days yeah they take the hairy bit off how are you gonna drain it this is i'm not sure yet but this is why this meal is such a good meal that's super simple it's super sweet it's healthy and it's really cheap but it's quite healthy as well be honest we are and when you've just done a big day on the tracks and you just want a quick camp meal that's going to go the distance yep this is the one to do all right mate that is looking oh i'm going to turn that right down now the pasta's done the veggies are done yes at the same time yes sort of staggered them off a little bit now i need to try and work it out i don't want to drain the water i've been waiting for this moment i forgot how to well you need some gloves you've got a video is it a corner is it one the pasta can't get out i'm gonna drop it it's really hot okay okay go down get use your core strength stop being such a okay go go go yep yep you'll drown it really well because asparagus juice don't pick up go back up you don't want to be eating asparagus juice just be careful because if you lose this no it's all over never i've never actually lost a meal i know i know we're nearly there don't no proper roll over wait you're on the side you're doing a reuben right here wait wait wait but reuben came back from this okay and attached winch right on just wait make sure all the water's out it's steamy unbelievable that's it that's how you do that i'm sure they do this a little bit kitchen and i put some chicken in now all the chicken yep ah you don't have to use all the ingredients to be honest that's too much we'll put them back then back in there we don't need them what goes on top of that well now now we're basically doing the condiments the sauces now you can do this any any which way to be honest i've got a couple of the sauces i want to try this one here is the old uh this is my yeah so you don't want to go crazy on this obviously you just want to well it's a lot of people got to get through actually it's got it's quite a big thing so i find sometimes when you do the slow jerks it works a little bit better not for me tiger i like to get that out of there as quick as i can okay this is a little secret here right you've used fair bit so we're going to use this is the lemon herb um peri-peri sauce lemon herb periphery and lemon herb so you could make your own but when you're camping you just sometimes you just want ease yeah i agree probably a whole lot not just about about 200 mils 250 mil container whole bloody long 360 mate so sorry let's not over 10 mil i never have salt and pepper always there you go that's a t hang on i can't go above you you go for it it's not hardly any going in all right damn i am spicing her up mate absolutely so i'll see you've got some other condiments yup what's this one i don't know i reckon that one's not doesn't have enough go well you've tasted it we've got the old carolina reaper here ah reuben ah that would be silly you would want to put that in obviously because that would ruin it [Music] how much of that how hard is that firstly it's not that hot come a bit then reuben don't do that i know you very well you know something it's hmm tasty is it okay is it not too bad very very good i don't miss it holy very very yummy well i'll let you guys do that put too much in the spice is up to your personal preference ah shivers you just trying to burn your esophagus while you're at it i'm just gonna stir that up yes stir it really good make sure that's all taken care of it's not even that hot boys this is a nice little uh old one i call this one the rollover chicken pasta for good reason too i dare not roll over i'll have an accident that is the normal chicken pasta reuben give us your plate mate i want to put yours upside down it might have been easier for you to deal with it i want to say that is unbelievable it actually has a lot of taste i don't know it's a beautiful little smell if you're really getting unbelievable i reckon we sit by the fire and really just just really enjoy this because i've got a couple of big tracks to do tomorrow someone tells me i'm going to enjoy this two or three times once a night a couple times tomorrow it's a nice cheap meal as well it is real simple and great and healthy and easy to cook yeah super easy definitely you can do it folks just go easy on the chili really there's a bit of a big gun on it there's been a bit going on right cheers folks how good is that it is nice it tastes good hope you're enjoying the episode folks now look in the shed here i've got a brand spanking new run but winch that i want to give away i was trying to think of who's the most deserving person out there to give a winch to then i've gotten on to an idea i want to see your biggest fails i want to see when you have totally cooped it i mean have you ever i don't know run out of fuel and caused your mic to roll over as a consequence put your kook moments in the comments down below i'm going to go through them the best cook moment the best fail is going to win themselves a brand new run for winch now in other news 18th to the 20th of march australia we are getting back on board and the brizzy four-wheel drive show is on finally sean and i are going to be there all three days come on down and say good day to us we've got our rigs down there it's a huge show now back in the olden days you get your tickets by walking up the door and saying hey can i have a ticket they'd give you one if you gave them some cash now the only way to get your tickets is online so if you're gonna buy your tickets online you might as well use the code 4wd247 that means you're going to get the day you want in the time slot you want but more importantly you're also going to save yourself some money brizzy show 18 to the 20th we'll see you there but for now let's head back to kennelworth [Music] you couldn't ask for a better day for wheeling in this stunning little corner of the world and we've got another big day lined up ahead in the hills above kennel worth [Music] bluff creek campground is one of the few great private property camping options in the region and well worth a look if you're after a base to explore the area but speaking of adventures i reckon ruben will be hoping for just a little less excitement today well this is incredible i just want to show you guys around the canopy obviously yesterday reuben did park on his side for a fair bit and i was a bit worried that you know he's running an alloy tray in canopy that the damage would be very very significant but we were actually surprised on how little damage the vehicle got in particular train canopy now you can see here where it's laid over there's dirt all over it he's taking some of the paint off as well the canopy cropped a lot of the brunt of this rollover yet it is still not just functional but still a hundred percent fine you take the dirt off that and might have a few scratches but i just think that's amazing and real testimony to the r d that goes on behind the scenes at bmw they make a really quality product i mean it's a pretty insane way to go and test your gear but i don't suggest he does it again but you know the fact that can handle this sort of treatment gives me a lot of confidence i run the same train canopy on the dirty 30 and the big 200 series the fact that they're lightweight but super super tough well that's a real credit to the dmw and the team now i reckon we'd all be happier keeping our four bees the right way up today but the tracks we've got planned are definitely going to test us and i got a feeling there's going to be some hectic drives ahead [Music] our tracks for today are just a stone's throw from camp and soon enough we're ready to get into it alrighty beautiful place like kennel worth of course you leave all your stuff here a bit of a base camp if you will i've left me swag and chair down there and we've left the fire pit over here a couple of swags down here come back to them tonight we're all set up we're good to go don't have to do a thing so you can be back out on the tracks i mean it's literally 7 30 in the morning and we're about to hit the tracks again straight away fantastic [Music] the track i'm taking the boys to today is locally known as the armchair track and let me tell you this is not one for the faint-hearted all the tracks around here are steep but this one is pretty next level full of intense angles shailey rock and big step-ups i reckon we're gonna see our fair share of wheel lifts and white knuckle moments but before we even get to the start of the track some more mechanical dramas have hit the convoy jerry has been noticing some pretty wild sounds coming from the undercarriage of his rig and a quick inspection shows that the rear diff has been leaking fluid stop oh they're trying to find a noise and it's definitely in the drivetrain somewhere it seems to be coming from the front left so maybe cv you know it could be maybe front drive shaft see the well we pinpointed the source of the noise cv don't know when he did it but spare one in there back on the tracks matter of minutes crack team of mechanics we've got here except him and graham [Laughter] one thing we've always said is carry spares for your rig even if you don't know how to change them yourself that big old floppy boy in this case jeremy's got both the parts he needs and the knowledge to install them and with reuben's help the cv is out in no time well that was fairly painless to be fair it's good to always carry a bit of a pit crew with you when you're out on the tracks broken cv out new cv in big hill coming up on top of replacing the cv jeremy's also gone and topped up the rear diff with fluid we'll keep an eye on it across the day but for now we're back on the move here's a fun fact for you this model d-max we've currently got right now never touch wood touch wood of course never have we done a cv on this vehicle not one now i attribute that to a couple of factors good driving no but seriously a couple of factors and i think one of the big factors is the way in which the fulcrum boys have got the suspension sorted out on this current vehicle diff drop kit in there everything just lines up those cvs are never really on a really terribly drastic angle at any one time i think that really does play a huge role get your suspension set up right g was the difference it makes it's chalk and cheese soon enough we're at the start of the track and the closer you get the steeper it seems to become and if you want an idea of just how serious this is our resident queenslander here has taken the drastic measure of swapping the pluggers out for boots get your line wrong on big straight climbs like this can lead to disaster and the old gu camera car up the front shows just how sketchy things can get if you lose momentum hey sean how are you feeling you're a bit scared in the old undies here mate yeah i'm not gonna lie to you mate every time i sit there looking at a hill it just grows and grows and grows as you sort of nudge up to it i'm just contemplating left to the right line and i've really made me mined up yet it's always a bit exciting driving your pride and joy up a big hill sean has put a lot of love into that build and i don't blame him for being a bit cautious wow it's steep it's really steep big crawly boy this trip really is the first time i've got to experience a 30 capability on technical tracks and i've got to say i'm loving the control of the auto and the torque of the engine momentum is still key here and backing off is just not an option probably not the greatest of lions but got the job done that was a good drive but that lifted a wheel a lot higher than i thought it was going to do so that has made me so so nervous about what i'm going to be doing in the 79. i think i'm going to try and follow that line i think ifs i'm a bit low i'm not making excuses i just got to take all these things into account i think i'm going to follow that exact line try and cross over and then just slowly commit to the crawl up then turn right see you at the top all right graeme good luck mate i'll be here for moral support and hopefully i'll be able to high five you on your way up thank you thank you here we go ground control to major tom that's the goal nice and cool the d-max never ceases to surprise us with his capability but graeme is about to put in a drive that's hard to beat me that's the ticket that's kick it keep going keep driving it leave it that's it that's it well done well done that's hectic i want to say that's probably the best drive ever seen graham do no joke i just i'm constantly amazed at what this thing can do it shouldn't do that it shouldn't do that yes he's stoked and he should be that is an insane drive he wield that perfectly big trucks oh you got a big truck have you oh that's cute let's see what the little trucks can do a little bit nervous after yesterday having a bit of a lay down this one's a bit off camber i'm going to be lifting wheels a lot might as well just you know when you fall off the bike you've got to get back on it to be fair i'm more nervous to watch remember than i was to drop it i might go get the recovery gear out now the only reason i say that is because you had a very decent wheel lift like so that high it yeah 79 will be touching the side mirrors on the dirt when it lifts through here yeah and on a reuben he doesn't back off just in case rydo give him a red hot shot oh no he's he's on the limit oh oh wow i'm not going to say it's pretty to watch but perfectly though i'll tell you what i'm i'm a little bit flustered i was actually quite nervous for him to be honest yeah he did that really well [Laughter] yeah yes yes like i said fall off a bike you just got to get back on anything down rev it out i don't like either one of those rules this looks far more daunting from the driver's seat i reckon if we hadn't changed that cv out right now this would be the hill to finish her off once and for all now it turns out jeremy's not just a gun on the tools he's also pretty handy on the wheel and he's nailed this line so far beautifully done beautifully done [Music] there we go that was interesting weird we might have checked that out first up though let's see how bryce fares up this one right away let's give it a crack yep god that way lovely it's a good ride that's a good ride great well done totally different line to everyone else just committed drive up the hill that's unreal that's absolutely unreal [Music] well that's every vehicle up except of course the big nissan the ultimate 9 truck now we're using it as a camera car at the moment but i want to give it a drive you're not going to drive up yeah i'm going to drive it because it's a stupidly capable vehicle pete's obviously a good driver but i want to really establish if it's a vehicle or paint that makes that all the nine trucks in i feel like i need like a little clipboard so i can take notes yeah well i might need some hand i've never really driven anything too much pressing questions okay that worked before we get going it's got air con what are you gonna set the ultimate nine throttle controller to that's a good question what would pete do what would pete do what would pete do probably economy four economy four it's been said you'll get the feel for it wow it's a language pete wouldn't do that you never have two longer lanyards that's first one mark against your feet doesn't get spooked if you are watching this show i suggest you tune out now for the next three and a half minutes it's got some power actually it does yes it does which line do you want me to take oh look sorry nice vehicle ridiculously cave i didn't even lift the wheel oh and trust me i was trying to as the official adjudicator pete i love you like a brother you're one of the nicest blokes i know you're a gentleman but mate seriously if i can make it look that easy and trust me i don't make tracks look easy this vehicle is a weapon it is a beast and just dampening that throttle on the way up i know on the way out i was like no actually that's a little bit too speedy for me down and that was the best control drive i've probably ever done that's why you get them buddies i've never seen sean drive that well in my entire life so that patrol is off tap i could have driven any of those lines i wanted to on that close your eyes at this point of the garden you didn't you didn't have to help me try and change gears on the way up though i'll tell you about the stubby lever it's a lot smaller than mine but we got up here [Applause] [Music] with everyone up it's time to check out that issue with jeremy's rig well we heard a noise on the hill i think you folks don't probably heard it too because it was quite a definitive sound and it is it is a uni joint just stuck my head underneath there and just poked around i thought it might have been a mud flap bouncing off the wall but it was not a mud flap bouncing off the wall i was hoping but no it's broken one of the ears off the uni joint so get out underneath there and rip it out and try second repair for the day now i'm no mechanic might surprise you to hear this that this is not an easy repair it's not the hardest but it's not the easiest that's for sure we'll put it in the middle right no time not the present i'll get a drink of cold water you get stuck into it [Music] really quickly [Music] [Music] the damage uni is soon out once again jeremy's got the spares on hand to get the job done but of course track side fixes are never as straight forward as you'd like and the guys are having a little trouble getting the uni back in cleanly still i reckon there's no better time to get your shaft out than when you're among friends and so the guys remove the whole tail shaft to make access easier we've gone to plan b pull the whole thing out because in that incidence the actual tail shaft here has got a little bit of a kick in it so trying to do it under the car it's making everything a bit skew with so pull it out we're going to do it the other way on the back of the ute here and hopefully we've got a bit more control and get this sorted [Music] hopefully we haven't done too much damage but i'll probably need to replace the drive shaft when i get back to civilization again so yeah get cleaned up and get back on the track [Laughter] now the first part of this track is pretty challenging in itself but it turns out that was only an intro to what's in store up ahead the track is climbing again and this time oh heck the climb is massive there's another big hill mate just keeps going this reminds me the high country just big off cambered rocks yeah and ruts and it just goes goes goes shaylee country i think i've picked about 12 different lines yeah i've yet to commit to one i don't know what i'm gonna do yeah i've had i've changed my mind a few times yep we'll give it a go i might take it in stages yeah we get past this bit um might be able to stop up there and have another go fingers crossed i'll get all of them all right here we go this is a hill of consequence this is a proper big boy hill we've got i could count one two three four and then another five and six major obstacles on this hill as you go up it probably the biggest is this one down here at the beginning but the thing at the top is if you get the straddle wrong right at the very very top very scary moment very scary moment and this is where it begins straight up guts [Applause] i'll tell you what this 30 she's proven to be a bit of a rig yeah that was well done i guess a perfect line you've just got to be over that right hand driver's side quite a bit pointless still gives me the wheelies even though i've got a very capable vehicle it's just so steep and i always just freak out a little bit i think that's part of what we're driving he just drove straight up the rut which was not what i was planning on doing that is a seriously cool hill just really steep and really technical too you got to sort of pick your right line there's big ruts and stuff and it's off cambered you've got to zigzag your way out until you find a bit of traction and always try and keep those tyres on the high spots and that way you don't drop into a hole and lift a big wheel that's a good drive i'm sweating a little bit more than normal though all right ryder graham how you feeling big fella mate we're gonna do a crawly boy and see how we go if that last or i was eating a judge bite you have got this all right let's give it a go shall we so far so good mate that's it that's it yeah yeah perfect line yep yep yep yep that's you in a little bit that was scary this is the line here where you want to come up but go back so you re you really need to follow obviously in front great right yep yep that's you that's you two let's go back just go back a bit and you might need to use a little bit more long momentum yeah you just went from drawing one of the better lines i've ever seen you drive in 15 years to uh all of this big up yeah coming away yep yep perfect i still think you maintain this line here you drive up this just keeping just straight up there and if you just have a little bit of rolling momentum so the rear comes up i think you'll uh you'll drive it that's a ticket it was just one inch over hang on we gotta spot him again i've fallen in behold yep hang on let him go rogue the problem with these hills is once you lose your initial momentum you start to find yourself in awkward positions and getting rolling again becomes a whole lot harder now on the perfect sort of line just see if you just wheel it you just drove that like an absolute boss wheel lift didn't care just drive through it that's that's a drive it's getting that right line though it's everything well done mate you're on your own now speaking of momentum i've had to pull up while the camera boys jump up ahead and as i go to take off again i've slipped into the ruts and gotten hung up does not want to do it now we've mentioned already how shaley these tracks are and the d-max is just slipping on the rocks and going nowhere wow what is happening we try slipping in some max tracks to make a ramp but in the end this hill has gotten the better of us and it's out with the rumba [Applause] so we found that the problem it didn't look like there was anything particularly holding back but as soon as you move you can tell that the rear diff is actually on the middle of that rut so it was just dragging his pumpkin the whole way through that's why he lost some momentum after winching myself back onto a better line i'm able to get rolling again and this time it looks like we could be in for a clear run to the top that felt sketchy that was awesome it was all up the hill that was bad shake myself [Laughter] reuben 79 seems to be allergic to being on all four wheels and he's lifting wheel after wheel on the way up this climb perfect alright perfect drive good drive jeremy good drive mate everyone goes oh that was a really good driver it's like it didn't feel like it was a good drive from the seat [Music] we've got one more rig to get through and bryce has got his game face on as he punts up the climb he's got it very close mate that was a great line though oh that was gross your ears going in the hole a little bit if you're up the bank a bit more you'll have this better right hand get more rod end down more right indian and straighten up straight up straighten up oh the other gear frost did the old after race mode oh my goodness take three now usually getting the winch out is a way to avoid the wheel lifts getting even bigger but not today and bryce is picking up a huge one as he climbs out of trouble soon enough though he's over the rock step and on to the final challenges in style and with that this track is done and dusted well that turned into a that was that's a look at that thing all right what it's so nice to all be at the top here it is actually it's quite lovely [Music] the kennel worth imbue region is one of those spots where you can discover something new to drive every time you come out here we've had a cracking couple of days wheeling just a fraction of what's on offer out here for now though i reckon it's time to make tracks for camp and a few icy cold brewskies [Music] soon enough camp is in view and the fridges are sliding out this has been one heck of a trip and another night under canvas is the perfect way to round it off the boys big cheers because i reckon this trip this trip has been one of those ones i'll remember for a long time thanks to this champion right here i mean old roll over reuben wow i don't know i i think you've got a lot to answer for yourself we're not talking about me right now i just think we've had a such a great time on these tracks i mean we have they've been fantastic there's been you know very little mechanical drums have you got his address postal because you're going to need to send him a bill about that one because the damage is in shoot look we could sit around and point fingers all day but i think we could all agree that was just a triple lifetime yeah the garbage all these hills behind kendall worth places it's just really cool fun tracks incredible place folks if you get a chance head out to kennelworth and you can head north to imbe you can go to amamore yep this whole stretch through here is just littered with tough tracks and some really good camping too some fantastic camping and the great thing about it is that there are fuel stations dotted up and down the east coast so you can fuel up wherever you need to yeah you can don't get your mace to lay down for you that's the basics for now though i'm going to sit back have a quiet beverage get a bit more wood on that fire and i'm going to say here's cheers to reuben yeah cheers cheers coming up folks is all the laughs of the full drive 24 7 outtakes but first let's check on some of the gear we use in a trip just like this well i think you'll agree mate for a number of reasons this has been a trip that you won't forget very quickly absolutely mate and look i love taking the big dirty 30 this is the hardest trip i've done so far in this vehicle and i'm pretty impressed there's a few little teething issues obviously but uh like putting fuel in that's one of them there's a few others as well so i'm going to take it out great and really put it at a test mate agreed well this is the part of the show we go through some of the gear that we've used on this trip that's allowed us to do this trip to be fair and one of them i don't know i'm no expert mate when it comes to mechanics you might know that but one thing you desperately need when it comes to four wheel drives are tires that helps you've got to have them you really do they've got to be around they're going to be black they'll be full of air they've also got to be able to get you up sketchy climbs without letting you down i've been running the bridgestone mts across the d-max across all my patrols back home never let me down they've got good longevity and they just work mate well mate you definitely need to mount your rubber on some wheels and actually i get asked all the time what sort of wheels i'm running on the old dirty 30 here now these ones here are dirty life now dynamic wheels is the company has a huge range they import uh dirty life from the us they've got a whole stack from steelies right through fancy alloys bee locks you name it they're one of the widest range of wheels that's why we love them so much they all look good they're all different and i reckon they work an absolute treat as well speaking of working a treat something we shared between us of course is tj and bar work you've got a you've got you should see the size of the compressor he's got under the bonnet absolutely a brand new twin compressor tjm and you know not just pumping tyres saved down yeah we used it to get a bit of pressure to the fuel tank to pump that last little bit of diesel i had hidden down in my tank up into the fuel pump then of course there's a bar work i just reckon the new bar work on these trucks looks fat yeah it does look good i've got it on the 200 series yep and um just it looks good but also really functional really is i hope you've enjoyed this episode as much as we have i think you can see just how much fun we did have on this trip i hope this guy features a lot in the outtakes because he deserves it on this one a few little elements from the queen scene last night but anyway enjoy catch you next time i've got to turn the car on you got to turn the car on sorry folks at home real big tip here again surely we're going for a little bit of a hay going how you going here you going see you later every time i do one wrap of hill i'm allowed six beers i've got nothing to say to you your electronic box constantly at my face it's what is going on becky [Music] that's right back up i said back up yeah you know what's good for you oh that's better i can see three hills now that was the silliest thing i've ever seen [Laughter] was this your new camera brand new brand new thing that caught it three days ago three days ago i'm sorry let's get in whose idea was that was that wasn't my idea that's really hot that is coming to see you my lips it's just sucking a lot of air i'll borrow that frozen trust me when i say this is a cheap it's easy and it's a delicious meal you go right through here it'll go through like a nice assault oh boy it's a dunny paper handy [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: 4WD 24-7
Views: 1,361,048
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 4wd, 4x4, offroad, travel, toyota, landcruiser, adventure, camping, diesel, petrol, surf, shaun whale, graham cahill, australia, dirty 30, shorty, 80 series, 40 series, 60 series, 79 series, 4wd action, 4wd 247, 4wd 24/7, rolled 79 series, rolled, rolled vehicle, kenilworth, imbil, imbil camping, imbil state forest, kenilworth camping, tough tracks, 4wding kenilworth, kenilworth state forest, imbil 4wd tracks, kenilworth 4wd tracks, epic recovery
Id: OQwZ3wU-qSo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 0sec (4680 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 23 2022
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