AUSTRALIA'S MUDDIEST TRACKS! Bogged, Picture Perfect Campsites & The Wild West Coast of Tasmania

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you just Sun straight down yeah that happens a little bit they fart a little bit more money than I expected a lot water coming in [Music] yeah good easiest we're down on the west coast of Tasmania and I'm driving down a really deep and fast flowing river top tracks heaps of mud heaps of cry this is absolutely insane and to make matters even more interesting proper for drive action style I'm actually in three wheel drive because I broke a bunch of axle studs I've certainly got a lot cut out for me and of course I didn't start right here in the middle of a river on the west coast of Tears you better buckle up hold on the account because things ever get really wild in this trip let's get our adventure begins down the coast and it's the wind and waves of Granville Harbor this is the west coast of Tazi at its absolute wildest we're gonna be tackling some serious challenges as we push up the coast to the heads of the pieman River now you might remember that Graham broke his arm a while ago and is still recovering so once again Jaakko stolen the keys and he's wheeling his D max around Tazzy but don't worry Graham I'm pretty sure that he'll keep it in good need mate hey joko you got a copy mate yeah that's right have you fought in the d-max my year at home and that thing I am made it's actually kind of nice to have a comfortable vehicle to drive in with aircon and a radio that works it's it's really good I'm just trying my best to keep it nice and clean for going off I don't think it's working that well the smells I need to go bye buddy look like you're on the west coast at Ozzy and it's your first time out of the West Coast in my opinion there's no better track to do this Arthur pieman region or Eggen is probably the best taste of the West guys you can possibly get sounds good might bring it off pretty soon the track is starting to get a bit more serious so it stolen off a bit of air out of the tires and joining us on this trip is our mate Kaito from drifter camping and four-wheel drive really in a trick looking 76 series complete with one of the best custom-fit outs you'll ever see next up we've got robbed from ultimate diesel turning the boys of treaty out there rigged with a range of performance products and are putting on some serious power but more on that later every convoy needs a practical joker and Stu from wholesale automatics is giving Joc a run for his money on this one wheeling his usual weapon of choice @ju patrol fitted with a custom auto conversion rounding out the convoy is Dean from Goodyear tires who's got a new set of 35 strapped to his dual cab that he's itching to test out in the tracks but I that's enough the introductions let's get right into it here we go bring it on West Coast Eddie here we go bug whole time the track up to the pieman heads hugs the coast there are several beach sections to navigate this is absolutely one of the more wild and spectacular bits of the coast you'll ever drive down but you've got to keep your eyes open because the challenges are never too far away [Music] hey you and sand might have another go right around to second gear good thanks up we go [Music] easy done [Music] [Music] access up to the heads is dictated by the tides and the next beach entry is already starting to disappear we've got a long way to go and waiting the tide out would cost us a whole day so we're gonna try and sneak through the entry is getting completely submerged with each big wave so timing this right is going to be critical there's so much water in that right now you wouldn't want to be getting your timing wrong are you gonna couple a lot of salt water so I think the plans that go down try and straddle those rocks as best I can and just try and pick a good gap there's a bit of a lull between the bigger waves that lets us use this narrow channel to get through and Jaques out the front keeping an eye on the next big wave will hit unfortunately things don't go entirely to plan your wive's that's how about they're sort of on the rocks a bit yeah that's good Tom and jock guy thinks that might good spot yeah now I might well David it's hot water it's a bit of a ride bad anyway so I used to get a good spot Oh though and um that's on quite have one Oh okay here we go I wasn't too bad saltwater really is bad news for any vehicle and unless if it you get up under the chassis the better so we'll try and get the rest of the boys through it without a salt bath we've clearly only got a small window between waves though that's what happened before and then just a wave just came in and it might get over slightly better spot of the new mate years of experience learn lessons didn't got inside oh by the way there's a big wave coming go back really but if they go he said it was receding get up yeah there you go there you go finally and steady mate that's your ticket you just feed that wave in well we've given it a bit wolf pups clothes stuff feed that wave look at that had it been over five seconds longer had more episode of his vehicle but this one come and throw it out you don't want to surf that one little water this ripping through there you don't want that up the side of your vehicle I mean salt water and four drawers just shouldn't ever be in the same sentence it'll just eat all your electrons your breaks me buggin it's just not good for a full draws Coney hey you reckon yeah I'll get ready to go after this one light very good bike very good what am I we've got the timing worked out now and even with the tide pushing in we're getting the boys through relatively unscathed the other big draw well there you go all part of the fun of wheeling on the wild west coast don't forget folks if you do happen to get salt water on your for be easy done make sure you give it a really good underbody wash as soon as you get the chance or it'll cost you later it's one thing you're gonna really be concerned about on some of these Tasmanian Western beaches especially is quicksand they get it down here quite a lot and dump some of these beaches are really quite remote they come across a Patrick Weekes and your vehicle just sinks right down and you lose it for good so you really do have to be super careful in driving on the beach lucky for us we've got quite the convoy we do get into trouble we've probably be able to recover the vehicle but sorry it's just a wild places west coast speaking of wild the challenges up ahead have got to provide the perfect chance to rinse off the 4bc as my newest famous verse bottomless black mud and pretty soon the track is full of suspicious-looking baubles sure did Mike yes ding-dong suckers oh that was Maui lucky for us this one has a pretty hard bottom but up ahead the bunker I'll start to look a lot more difficult as jock I soon discovered I'm gonna go to second gear it's gonna eat into it and then time power out of it here we go [Music] I'm stuck I'm I'm stuck oh sorry right you can get that big boy there's always one mate who doesn't get their rope ready but I have a feeling jock might have stitch me up here I did that on purpose as well yeah there are very few anchor points around here so I'm going to use [ __ ] it's not just convenient it gives the perfect angle for a straight line pull out of the mud right oak I doubt surely you can do better than JA go watch this forward forward backfired on me they're like a hidden brick wall song euni far that's Tazi for you might he choke oh let me give you a hand the other 76 is heavier than the d-max so we've got to attach the d-max to suey to make a solid anchor point tracks like this it really pays to have a decent sized convoy look at the suction of that mud this place is absolutely wild what's your plan of attack light come on sugar poor nice one mate just drivin the Dane played him tack light here you gonna tackle this one I think we might just go in a little bit harder [Music] [Applause] well that's one bog hole done but the next one is looking pretty sinister now of course jocks are taller so it's only fair that we send him in for a recce that's a no-go for the so-called dry lines around it looking that easy either this is black soil country and that means that once a few vehicles go through the line can quickly become a mud trap they look like a lot of good options here it's very very muddy it's like tazzie black soil country you know get stuck in this stuff just go straight the end of the chassis you know there's about 15 different ways that one's way too deep I think this is the best option just give this a bit of a go I really want to get stuck there's absolutely nothing to reach off oh she does nearly went sideways I know he took out a camera even had a killer camera kurz won I won oh wow really got him on nearly killed a cameraman Oh Ronnie let's see how this guy's lets us bouncy legs it come on yes you beauties yeah good is that I you guys that are at all Carrie come on fleek any other toys mouth leaking all right gonna give you a lot of these coming up broad I card I show us what you got Mike sorry Gary there's nothing hanging around [Music] all right you got this I thought you nearly had this would you have a look at that the mothers just eaten up to 76 I reckon the low spring hangers on the rear of the vehicle are probably catching it in the mud so if we can get a bit more clearance under there we should be right I think it's time to bring you up the max tracks now these bad boys come with a handy little lanyard which is worth attaching as it makes it easy to find them once they're buried in sand or mud what's happening soon as he's getting off the max tracks he's gone back into those ruts and those spring hangers getting caught on the mud it doesn't really matter cuz of max tracks just keep getting them back out putting in front of the tires and you go again you want to make a meter or two at a time but our progress is progress you know all right you know it you know it actually only takes a few attempts of Paul Kardos back under his own steam is he done their goods that when a plan works now I've got the job of cleaning the mud out of the max tracks luckily there's no shortage of bog holes ready to strike the enemy for look at that one [Music] one all right it looks bigger up to there was before all right we got this I'm confident all right I'll bring her out let's go [Music] it outside turn on the spool alright let's say if Stewie could pull one end of the bag again in all right no he's down touching the snaps wrap up the ultimate diesel vehicle I've got a stack of power and we'll need every ounce of it because Stu is really stuck he's at the start of the bulk aisle - so there's a lot of we need a lot of pulling power so we'll get this all done up so all the way up with a shackle then half a turn back so we'll be able to under little either you see how far we need to go backwards a snatch strap is great in this situation and acts as a giant rubber band using kinetic energy to help clear the stopped vehicle out of the mud a look at that it's worked like a charm nice one boys [Music] hey Robbie get a copy mate got a copy Shaun you've obviously got a turn in that thing that goes way too good for it to be stock now Shaun it's a it's got our new developed fight/flight turbo upgrade took the PWR front-mount intercooler on it it's got a catch cans got an exhaust system and it's gonna custom tune its pumping at about five hundred eighty newton meters at the rear wheels and just over 150 kilowatts of the wheel so it certainly gets along nice mate that's a huge improvement merci merci de upgrading power you guys do a lot of different upgrades for all the different models of Utes and four-wheel drives out there what can someone expect if they just want to get a bit of a tickle on their vehicle make it go a little bit better what we do I recommend a short I think value for money just doing a custom dyno tune on a vehicle just tide out that throttle response usually see about 25 percent gain in torque on average making it drive a little better off the line getting that low down torque is absolutely the best value for dollars you can get mate and obviously if you want to go a little bit further and really see the full potential of your of your vehicle you guys aren't offer the next stage which is upgraded turbo intercooler and obviously a turn so this is what we call our ultimate tool pack which goes into the the Hilux is Rangers BT 50s and we've just released the 70 series mate which will have to get yours in I'm like that sounds good let's get into it there's plenty more mud puddles coming up ahead and sure enough the next one is just around the bend all right it's one of those classic tasmanian choose your own adventures we've got big ball col one looks really gross that one looks undriveable you just never know done easy done it's about picking the line I reckon if he got it wrong in some of these potholes what would be OPA roof some of them are Saudi picking a line is important but sometimes going first is also an advantage bad luck jack oh I tell you what a bit groin would love to know how you're taking care of the d-max right now like I couldn't help myself I've gotta find a grave oh he won said I have bad it's bogged look John Sarah words like she's got mud all over the day mates all over the bonnet it made it right up onto the canopy yeah the economy's filthy oh I'm sorry Brian grabbing little layers like your name inside the Kennedys give me grabbing too Mike yes you crave that love you lots of me though oh what's that joke oh you oh you a case of beer he reckons oh I'm trying to keep it clean like it's gonna cost him about $400 at car lovers I reckon they get easily yeah all right well we vent this together but because um it's gonna start sprouting soon because rain mud all right all right speak soon sorry Graham he's stoked no I bet taco has done a good job here of not bearing the d-max in too deep so we're gonna opt for the winch over a snow strap to get him out of trouble all right Kaido mate dragon you got one hour three and yeah right I just knew you're going to say that I'm all I'm gonna say is this is redemption around and I'm just gonna go in there and I'm just going to show you our star Oh Oh like that attitude mate that's a can-do attitude let's see if you can't do it beep mud that Tozzi male it's a bit different from the modern gosta it's exactly where I got stuck - there's always around for example exactly right what do you reckon you can't if I come down and snatch up that mud is just getting deeper and deeper but at the same time we don't want to open up more ruts on the track so we're just going to keep pushing through the best we can the back end of the 76 is deep in the mud though so I'm going back to the snow strap to pull him up an hour ok take one we've got some movement but he's gonna main a few more cracks [Music] ah so close one more go and I reckon we should have this [Music] the cat's got a man that's the guy sorry oh well that's the four he's well and truly christened and we've still got more vehicles to get across this mud take it away Stu [Music] that's the guideline hold on I thought you had that one mine huh dammit that's good Athy don't proper stock that's actually a really good effort boys jus he's cleared the worst the mud and I reckon a quick snatch we'll have him in well Mike I reckon that's the key in this sort of situation if you do get stuck don't bury those tires down too much because otherwise he's gonna make their recovery a lot harder not to mention a little bit more dangerous I think that's the key though with snatching to make it really safe a lot of people think you just got you've got one go to do it and you don't do it in one go you can't all just take up the tension just see how stuck they are yeah and then you can always work up on that and you can feel it too if they're really stuck and give it a bit more a bit more a little bit more only as much as you need yeah perfect all right hey you reckon he's gonna do all right now yeah yeah it's gonna be the payoff bit why that's I won't fit in our tracks which is cool for it yeah and that also there clear it's got thirty fives on it so true yeah we'll see all right little little bit of advice and you know this yourself don't back off just get right into it put those thirty fives at full speed all right when you're ready [Music] making a look now easy easy that's a difference 34 verse 33 you've said that's the approach to the putting there just say they out of those rats a bit easy tazzie tracks can be a lot of fun but as you've seen they can be pretty challenging if you do venture out this way my advice is to stick to the main track where possible traveling a decent sized convoy and as I mentioned when you do get stuck get off the lab pedal and opt for the recovery gear whatever you do don't go cutting new tracks through the bush to avoid the mud because that's how tracks like this get closed and that would be an absolute tragedy it's getting late in the day we finally make it back towards the coast and in the distance we catch our first glimpse to the mouth of the pieman River this is such a stunning part of the world to wheel in and it makes the challenge of getting here all the more worthwhile oh my god that view holy heck that is insane look look at that I think you'll agree when you see what I'm looking at some of the most scenic tracks in Australia full stop now come on folks is this place on your bucket list or what hit the like button if you agree right by the mouth of the river is a gem of a campsite tucked away in the dunes right next to the beach even in summer you've got to be prepared for all sorts of weather you want to bring everything from boardshorts to your best winter gear and camping is a bit the same it pays to be well set up with protection from the elements speaking of the boys have soon but their best camp setups well underway jock is absolutely loving the new canopy from its alloy and seems to have found how to operate all the buttons and features of Graham's new pride and joy a really meant set up night I'm gonna be cooking up a storm tonight for the boys and I've got this super handy storage spot for my kitchen table thanks to the guys at drift up well what an incredible first day out on the tracks with camp setup done it's time to sit back and relax crack a cold oh and Jack and just soak it all in but get ready folks because there's a storm on the way that's right in my cooking that is yeah good is this a what a campsite on the wild west coast of Tasmania arpa Parmen region you've got the river just down there yeah you got something else nothing then you came real hot I'm so cold I'm trying to keep warm I know it easy Carl we're in the middle of summer mind you more times get dark in Tasmania oh I like ten exactly it's really light so if you want to do a meal in Tazi I suggest is a quick meal have you had 200 rules before I have do you know how to cook those no well luckily I do mate and um this one's a bit of a variation on two minute news it's ten minute noodles think about it it's five times better than two minute and it was right - yeah yeah then that's yeah that's what I'm doing tonight so it's a fancy noodles and what's so good about this is a really cheap meal it's easy to make I've got about two onions diced up straight in look at that noise that noise but you know you're on startup some bacon some garlic bake it that's really good well that's a lot of chili s there's a whole chili that's all the chilies my favourite in there David in there right that's not that much well sorry so much too much that's my shirt oh my gosh bike for the bike and because you're running it you'll bring a bike in outlet well that's not really an Asian thing no I saw it in the fridge and I was like point put that in or it's a good idea actually at the moment either thinking there's not an Asian about this and not yet not yet but give it some time how sharp is that mate - arms up very sharp your Victoria Knox North might day super sharp so I shouldn't even touch no you shouldn't touch that like getting out all this one's when you're doing this sort of stuff oh yes put a lot of adults little wedding nails a bit low get a be excited I start to get a little bit a little bit going it it all they honestly I'm gonna throw some sauces in since we say it all how am I sure that we're talking ah it was a it annoys any of the shakes this a bit of soy sauce with a dark soy Oh Tabasco just beyond that yeah that's not really Asian oyster sauce a couple of slaps of that one is that probably two and a half a bit of hoisin it's wrong jugs the the flavors you'd be better this amazed yeah yeah are you gonna shake it a bit there's a lot of soy sauce in there I look at it absolutely awesome and it smells even better mate that doesn't smell you want I actually don't know what smell you want but that's good that is about right this is where it all turns the magic probably that much mm-hmm seems like a lot of water to put in the meal there's a lot of water it's I'm putting the noodles fry cooking I'm cooking the noodles and and to show you how Gore met this meal is three-minute noodles like top a trainer knows these are way better I'm just gonna cut them straight and now this is where it gets exciting because the noodles cook in that water the starch that is released out of the nerves will actually thicken the sauce so that's very tactful mmm exactly right my not as pretty face yeah more need more water right there where that that's quite a spray what are you doing sleep that's water spray no really I'm give that two minutes flip the noodles they'll start to break up mm-hmm stir it all through and I'll actually after three minutes just read the packet and yeah three minutes we're on we're on yeah so well it's wise doing that yep I'm actually gonna pull a special ops out of the fridge yep they go right at the end that's how you make him go mad yeah it's that little [ __ ] like that we have teams like that every bloke every woman has one recipe then I don't cook around the campfire yep what is your go-to what is your go-to recipe around the campfire I'd love to know put in the comments below because we check the comments out and down be honest in that Bay a lot of inspiration am I gonna feel tips on I was like right as a as a cook you might get Fantastic Four driver you really do thanks might I appreciate that yeah there's been good at me on this trip your um you like Graham but just not quite as good enough what's it like actually looking up to someone for long you know that you are a baby doll that yeah for my last row here we go what I'm gonna do that with that kneel or a big old handful of these in look at it so you didn't cut this one door find that out but you might not know the recipes and the technicalities behind cook and food that you can toss a pot of beef I [Laughter] mean like you're bombers are draining me show me what to do is I'm just watch every no good smell even better tell you what boys gallery on and um just do me first what do you write put a little bit in that yes yum yum sprinkle it from a heart that helps he's on to it this is amazing right this is the the solo millionaire on the west coast of Tassie but a big day tomorrow avoid a lot of tracks that the boys a koi that that's always a good sign when we go grab annoying jack yep sit around the fall on here my 10-minute meal that is sensational did you learn how to make at new technology I don't remember any of it a lot five ingredients bro that's what camping is all about good food good mates and some good tales by the fire two out of three ain't bad I suppose [Music] right coming out one of my favorite times of the year we start the show circuit with absolutely make the National 4x4 outdoor show fishing and boating Expo down in Brisbane now one of my favorite shows the year and this year to be bigger and better than ever into my huge over that we've got everyone from the industries coming well I especially like is we're taking snaps on the road again that's a huge hit and we're gonna be inside this year it's gonna be massive in there we got here to discounts plus a new Queensland of t-shirt this is the first time ever there to be red hot I hope you have an ordered many of them he's not gonna sell me we also know that you're gonna be bringing a couple of your vehicles down exactly right might open up the seven or series down there and the dirty thirty yeah that's gonna be all done registered and ready to rumble so you're gonna lay it down there what I like about that plan is you can use a 79 to tow the dirty thirty down there all to save a bit of money folks in to do that go to the website use the code word action and check out save some coin when you spend that coin night just do the full drive show because that's we're going to have all the bargains this year do it into anything fully driving camping fishing or even boating related get on down there and I tell you what there's gonna be an absolutely cracking shout and speaking of cooking shows Mike why don't we get back to the action and see where we left off [Music] the four B's are showing a few battle scars this morning and the boys are looking a little bit rough too after a massive first day on the tracks everyone's gonna need to get some coffee into them though as we've got an even bigger day planned ahead we'll be tackling the coastal route back to Granville Harbor and then heading inland to the forest around Montezuma falls first though we better take a few moments to appreciate this wild bit of coast all right yeah this is one of the most beautiful places I think I've ever can't that mind it's just rugged that's what's like cool about it and all these logs everywhere what do you reckon that was back from the logging guys absolutely absolutely there's there's hundreds of logs down this Beach I reckon they would have used this a bit of a left like them down I reckon lob this or the area fly them all down I just loved it easy we're camping just over there and you walk onto the beach and there's just a massive pile of history just lying here that's its own remote this area that's the thing about this West Coast at Ozzie you don't think Tazi is that remote because it's a little island but we're really remote here this that's so beautiful I reckon maybe we get back the other camp caught oh he's pretty fast a little nudge before you look down there for a walk he should have ready a little oil already sure enough back at camp quad eyes got the kitchen in full swing might something smells good doing over here omelet yeah what a breaky for a big day oh yeah you're set up Mike just it's absolutely [ __ ] blowing this is the snow fake why Jay tell you right yeah all incorporated into the drawers it's modular obviously yeah and you can customize it to suit what you want so yeah so this is the mainframe here yeah this one got our stove in now this stove and these infields can come straight out you can take a chopping board in there a charcoal cooker hundreds of different products you can go in there then we've got the extension bench here which it goes in on top of the drawers here and the other thing is - we've got mounts on the end here so you can chuck another extension bench on the end of its own or you can chuck a 90 degree bank so it's really endless where you can do this you might get six out of our benches you can fit in the drawers so that's what's cool about it though you've integrated this setup in via drawers so when it comes to packing this away these just slides straight in there yeah you don't even realize yeah so cuz we custom-make all our drawers we can make this to suit whatever so you want my this is obviously a custom setup you know built this design and exactly what you guys want yeah but you obviously do you know standard sort of setups as well yeah it's like one size fits all so you've got like a 200 series or something like that you could just order a set a drawl that fits perfectly just go straight in few mounts in there and you're done you got your drawer set up already ready to go there we go all right I'll let you get out on the boil I'm gonna bring a plate over so I can that's TMI for you than your own all right gonna get into it a sounds good yeah cool The pieman heads is a perfect spot to set up for a few days as a base to explore the area but of course we've got more tracks to tackle so we're gonna pack up camp even though the weather in Tazi can be a bit cold and wet at the best of times it really is one of our favorite places to camp in Australia there's so many free campsites hidden away in pristine places just like this and even on the weekend you can usually get a campsite all to yourself yeah how good's that look at all so di think it's just about as muddy as all the vehicles send-up look one thing I like about the Raptor Cody on here when it does come time to clean this place I don't clean it that much but it actually does scroll okay give it a bit of water bit of soap give it a clean and have a look at that it actually cleans up probably a lot easier than normal paintwork that's one of the advantages are like if you got a forward drive that's used a lot to get out and this sort of stuff gets covered in mud every weekend you know you go down tight tracks where you gotta scratch it a heck of a lot we're up the coating protects it really well and if you do decide to clean it up well cleans up pretty easy [Music] just five minutes from camp well if hit our first bunghole there we go you cool going everywhere I was mad [Applause] the rent we're taking today hugs the coast then takes in some amazing rocky coastline but you've got to keep an eye on the tracks because there's plenty of challenges to keep you busy [Music] picking the right lawn through the many bow calls on the track can be a bit of a challenge and sometimes it doesn't got a plan oh it's just something straight down yeah that happened a little bit deeper a little bit more money than I expected got water inside the vehicle Tazi mud it's the best that real thing starts that really good sort of stuff that just bonds its way into everything 80 series door sills aren't exactly the best when they're about 30 years old so the boys are hustling to get sri hooked up and out of trouble there we go would you look at that mud it smells a bit average beautiful well the good news is that I'll get take home apart in Tasmania that'll be in the car for the rest of time so wherever I go taxis with me damn I boot after all that Honda good way to clean the carpet so we know it's going up got a slightly different one [Music] yep that Lauren's hey spit up the joys of galley first I thought you guys through the same way Sean just did and I'm not gonna hold back let's go get into it Gretchen go through that right side first so I can say which way not to go even with the better line these boat holes need a fair bit of momentum to get through but the rest of the convoy makes it through no drivers that was it Hey [Music] with that we're back onto the beach and enroute to Granville Harbor where will pump up the tires and get ready for our next destination inland goods that fireman's jacket never fails disappoint thought I'd take a second to pop the bonnet have a quick look inside and just go over it because I've done a lot of my work and I want to see where that muds gotten to firstly I'm looking at the alternator there's fair bit of mud in that but I'm also looking at the radiator to see how much mods got stuck in the radiator I think I've got off pretty lightly to be honest with you but one of the things when you do a lot of mud work mud will clog your radiator up and then you go to drive in the highway or something like your vehicles start overheating or not working properly it's a really good idea while that mud is still nice and wet like it is now he's get a hose in clean the radiator clean your alternator or things like that and just a quick I usually go quick clean right through the engine bay here as well at the same time well the boys are erring up and I'm gonna do the same because we've got a little bit of highway driving before we get down to the next location and trust me when I say this fight he's gonna be off tap it's gonna be a lot more in close plenty of mud plenty of tough little driving can't wait after a few caves in the blacktop we arrived into the deep forest on the way to Montezuma Falls hey Jeff oh you caught me mate yeah you got your mate that's ego here's a train difference on this track here this is the ring river track and I'll tell you what it's just got real jungle dense heaps of mud a bit different from the coast I might that's one of the things I'm loving about Tazzy is you drive almost like a kilometre in one direction the terrain completely changes and now we're just in some dense rainforest I regularly have a bit of a tough time but it's been raining a fair bit so these tracks are don't reckon they're gonna give us a ticket yeah you're not wrong you're not wrong fortunately there's a couple of vehicles and convoy is plenty of power so I imagine these play hills won't be too much trouble but we'll find out I reckon either way Mike she's gonna be fun will you lead the way man let's get into it [Music] the water is everywhere as he had deeper into the forest if the descent is this slippery and just imagine the climbs out on the other side they're going nothing short of hectic it wouldn't be Tasmania without a nasty bulk hole around every Bend and this one looks like an absolute doozy alright here we go [Music] on it down a little a little bit sticky I'm giving it a real nudge but this book just doesn't seem to want to let me out damn short hoodie grabbing that after a few more attempts I've got the feeling there might be something going on the front end of [ __ ] that's holding me up that one spinning no yeah drive on it there's a locker in yeah yeah the hubs is turning serious yeah it's a shame that's a three wheel drive action yeah um I just run a winch then yeah cubby okay from you it's a bit of a mission to find a suitable winch anchor point but soon we've got [ __ ] hooked up and winching out of trouble so on to take a closer look at this hub it's pretty obviously the problem they're not supposed to just being like that and you engage it the problem is engage it it gets slightly better it does lock but then we'll talk a little just spin this thing anyway it doesn't actually bolt it in with any of these bowls of all snapped so I'm gonna have to run around in that two-wheel drive essentially but because I got lockers I can go to three little Drive which is better than up in anyway should get me through movie right well if it picks out when we get back into town drones make through that bog hole which you know I don't have 35 I do have a real locker but it's not working it hasn't been working most of the trip so I'm pretty much done locked in in the rear but I'll give it a go anyway there's quite a drop in the start of this challenge so you can't enter it with too much speed Oh and as it turns out the poke hole is a perfect fit for a d-max that's you make out of the winch I'm sitting very deep in mind I do not want to get mud in very max look at that Jocko span of a mentos four Grahame have a go of that hey guy that was a quick recovering from the boys so I didn't get any water in the cabbage that's good the line I get the line give it more though [Music] well to be honest I thought Kyle I would have had that this bug hole is proven to be quite a challenge just sort of come down and check these boxes because I was fully underwater back there and I keep all my recovery gear in here and there's not even a drop of water inside which gives you an idea of how good these heals up you can see where the mud finishes on the seal which means no water's getting in what do we have over that Rob see what happened to the rest of us and he's getting the recovery gear out and ready get into a Mike good luck more revs [Music] then I do it that's a pretty good effort you've got that front up which is half the work done I think you do the right thing why just knock you do it too much that's where your tender breaks v's if your colleague getting to it really hard it's that shock wave when the front tire spins then grips and then ifs vehicle that will break those see these in this case it's a quick winch and you'll be out on his way thanks no no good approach fight good approach boy that's a rocket three silver knives me Dane's give it a real crack but once again the mud wins and it's out with the winch yeah I shouldn't put this away because I might need it again Dominator extreme it's better for my vehicle about 18 months then I'll tell you what it has saved my bacon a number of times and now it's free wheel drive I reckon we'll be relying on this winch to get meself out of strife on this track because I reckon this put judging how much client her terrain we've got now it's got to be one heck of a Drive you know all of always using their winters and it's just goes to really reinforce that whenever you come out foolish in place like this you need to be self-sufficient you need to have your summer working winch and a good fall you honor that and like I said I've been on the dominate extreme for some time now let's never let me down and I reckon today I'm gonna give it another hiding because it against a series out and three wheel drive or I'm gonna have to drive hard and winch even harder yeah check this out mate this is a pretty gnarly water crossing and you've actually got to drive down the creek it's a it's a bit of a doozy that's good because I guess we'll get a free car wash out of it at least yeah we go this high cruising down a really deep fast boiling creek or river if you big rocks down the bottom here boys going to love this one yeah mate this is absolutely awesome I hate anything locket there good as a tight when you're going to drive down a river to get the other side of the track King on the mud toe you laid behind when you're driving drunk are you a spot on Mike this is a free car wash yes what goes down usually goes up again and up next we're into some tough little climbs just reading that was all tires in that well that is a big line Jacko's loving the new d-max set up and i reckon the new fulcrum suspension fitted underneath is having a big impact those shocks have been designed specifically to handle the extra weight in the rear and it shows the d-max is just eating up these climbs [Music] just a sort of Pacific I usually the first vehicle gets the best chance it's tough the top sort of gets taken off Joker with into that and you drive that really well that's a good Drive this is quite O's first trip to Terzi and I can tell you is having an absolute blast the 76 seems to be absolutely loving it - Rob's making good use of all that extra power it is up and over that section of climb with ease no it's not the rocks tip I got it for me put the front locker room for that even though he's in a heavy old rig that auto conversion really lets to drive in a controlled fashion and after a few goes he finds the right momentum to take him over the rock step or pedal up next is treacherous clay climb the traction here is going to be pretty much non-existent definitely a challenge in three wheel drive but I go this one looks pretty slippery my lots of clay let's give it a little bit of spice I'll go out first just in case it comes sliding back at around or not freak little tangled up my bits a bit of sideways action alright I'm all go oh sliding back [Music] oh I'm slow whoa that's slippery I want to come back I'll let it get a bit more momentum that's me my friend Eric and the issue here of course is that with each pass the clay gets that little bit slicker I'm gonna reverse back as far as I can and try and get up in one motion here we go [Music] I've got nothing man this is slippery foot would rather be helpful but even then I reckon this is the closest wild the boys jump to it and soon of what the winch in free spool and are looking for an anchor point there on this climb the best anchor is a long way up so we're gonna run out of rope quite quickly so one of the things when you're spooling out a win trophies you never want to get too much off the drum otherwise it can start spinning and the rope actually won't find on itself and pull in so it's good to leave at least one full wrap in this case we've left a little bit more than that just to be safe so when the boy is gonna grab a winch extension strap we're gonna use that essentially as a big tree trunk protector the winch after passing the winch extension strap through itself is a good way to double its length and it's given us enough to get the winch attached this clay can be pretty deceptive you think you've got traction but then it just disappears again and slides you offline we've got to reset the winch to get me to the top but at last I've made it over this climb well that was a big wench it's lost momentum couldn't get it back in that track soon as it gets a couple of tires on it it's just that great clients so slippery I reckon the boys going to have their work cut out evening four-wheel drive I reckon it's going to be real hard fiery if you a connoisseur of the mud well comment as me because you're gonna say every type it and you're gonna get bogged in every type of might as well and saying alright Jocko what have you got mate the bottom section is quite flat time actually got to try and stay out of the rats if I can because they're just like big racing slick track so monitor I keep some steady momentum on the high side and try not to slip in and then crossover up the top that's a great play in theory but this mud has other ideas my plan didn't work so you know I mean the rats not gonna get out of them so I think I'm just gonna have to put the old right boot down you know give it a guy close Thanks made out so give it a win token there we go this this track is so slippery you can't even get traction to walk up here that red case hoon as it gets moist then gets a couple of tires on it absolutely insane so I reckon a lot of the boys got the fight of this winching because look at it it doesn't stop here and this piece got up and around the corner to Tasmania you muddy place I love it it's a long hard winter up this climb and once again we're gonna reset the winch to go again and get the d-max up to the next spot where there's enough traction so Jocko can give it another go don't hold back Senna big fella yes whoo oh that's slippery off the top do good day max that's how to do it get those tire spinning don't hold back well that might good drive make good driving for any lifting wheels now Cardos got a point to prove after a tough day yesterday in the Marty Unleashed that big v8 might yeah well done exactly they did that one too why don't you mad man you married right that was it I Drive wow they want jocks shaker than those that send oh yeah ah the Cruz is back we've got unit let's go back side he's back on any of this Hilux well that's a hard act to follow but I reckon Rob would give us a red-hot go [Music] Robb's almost over it but that edge is just spat the front of the cart into the bush go back and right hand down tight to and the same thing happened but you need to steer left as he come up or up my third time's a charm [Applause] okay that's it yeah nothing's got some power yeah that's insane inside she was up next night he's gonna have to control your dough Bruce Lee on tap from low RPM with that auto and I'm starting to us he's gonna send there's no doubt about it yeah oh that's it oh he's got a tie that's one heck of a draw but the white in the back of the patrol just held Stu you back yeah oh she's not one to give up easily but this is a fair old task for the big rig and this time he's up and over live world unlike okay [Music] the widget for me that little right-hand turn at the end just as he popped up and then hard left hand down throw my pair the Dinos up next and I tell you what he's got a very cable vehicle it doesn't have a front lock a lot of some of the other vehicles in the convoy but he's here to test tires a track like this is gonna test tires what he's looking for essentially is enough momentum to get up here but also keep in to enough so it flicks smart out of the side grips of those tires and soon as you start to clear the tread of it and those self-cleaning properties on one tire when they're good will actually clear them right out get you more grip and help them get further up this track so that's the theory anyway let's bring you up and see if that works out I make I think you're ready [Music] we were not holding back his no hold back that was month looking everywhere what drive hey Jane put it there buddy oh my that was insane huh look like you're running the same toys I am you got the Wrangler arm empty ours on what do you think what are you thinking about those there's a lot of technology that make those toys work the way they're doing so he'll coming up that hill there was mud flick in it everywhere and obviously you need a struggle the traction line a little bit yeah but it's a beautiful deep tread and like the sidewall strength from that that Kevlar layer that's inner makes he's absolutely phenomenal and to have an office like this for a little while absolutely perfect that's what makes better tires mate getting guys like you out here and testing them these conditions talk about testing conditions might only three wheel drive likely the tires going to help me out here I'm sorry gonna need every little bit of help I can get so let's get into it because we're not done just yet beautiful plenty that can go yeah that's good advice sure enough there's plenty of challenges left on this track and it's taken a lot of effort to get Sui through as for the rest of the convoy well they're working pretty hard too there's so much fun to be had on this track and soon we're stuck right into the mud ruts and climbs as we make our way towards the finish now there's actually a pretty spectacular waterfall at the end of this track but the last bridge to the falls is actually blocked off with fallen trees so we'll have to save that one for next time with that in mind I reckon it's high time we find a local watering hole of a different kind what do you reckon my quest Costa Tarzi gets a big tick oh absolutely mate there's been some insane tracks and cracking views and I reckon the boys are just as much fun as I have but I think we put a lot of dick out of mud in the d-max I reckon great you quite Oh what do you think mate but I've absolutely loved house eat it's been awesome the view is it just body spectacular any and it might be great fun and I was slipping up the star that I know but today I've really brought it back and yeah awesome day my that creepy old sounds like an absolute base is perfect for those that attracts I think about you Rob speaking of um some who's not afraid to jump in the lab pedal you bum eight meters back up today oh sure man it's been unreal tazzie first time for driving down in Tazzy and it's ticked every single box it's jus dog well you've just faints do dog like that's what I'm doing right that's what I do love coming back here but still looking forward to getting back over the East Coast was nice and sunny anyway yeah Roger that and Dane might holy heck you've had some good drives on your belt yeah made it so it's all been very very much fun I'm loving the west coast of Tazi and I think it's a perfect spot to be testing out these Wranglers yeah you're not wrong day night look I reckon this tracks just about done but I do know of a nice little pub we could probably go into and maybe even camp here at the back what do you reckon boys okay you read my mind mate considering you did my sister can throw your driver I can I owe you a beer right there you go that was that was easy Oh mom I'm definitely I might let's get down there and go check it out alright sounds good Mike just down the road pulled up in the little town of rosebery not a bad backdrop for a country pub what do you reckon what an absolute cracker oh this trip has been it has had everything I mean we've done every single color of mud most of it on me still is you less so man were you inside the 80 though is another story it's a war zone in it okay I've got a boot print up on the done in our spot up in the - what happens in there mate although cavalry straps all muddy sitting on the front say I mean three wheel drive that is the whole mark than ever trip in my opinion definitely definitely to what I was frothing driving the d-max ooh but I think Graham will be stoked at me with the condition and what you've done inside that canopy is a brand new canopy my yeah yeah I tried to keep a claim but sorry right little surprises anyway the west coast of Tasmania I tell you what an amazing place and you've got to get down do yourself a favor get down to the west coast of Tassie they call it the Wild West for a very good reason it is super wild from the coastline we Arthur pom and region it's one of the most remote places in Australia some of the best camping some of the best tracks this place has absolutely everything it all right you'll be back oh definitely I've actually marked a couple of spots that I'm going to check out next time this place is so awesome right cheer for that is right doing the boys for a couple of beers what are you reckons that's good stick around folks because coming up next year they get a sneak peek into our next a Z adventure but first a little bit on some of the gear we use and rely on to make these troops happen well doctor I gotta say that's been an absolute really present I'll tell you what and this is the part of the trip where we want to talk about a couple of products that have really helped us along the way in one product in particular might and mainly to give God's to you I've been on the JMA a fair bit just Communications is an essential thing you come down at as man you've got a big convoy of vehicles communication is the essence you know the dollar bonk holes and a lot of ones that were really deep you can just warn other vehicles to take the right line left line and in my case just don't take my line yeah I'll tell you what they really helped so the UHF I'm running in [ __ ] and all my vehicles in fact is the XRS from GMA I'm also running a range of five watt handhelds and I reckon a handheld out of the vehicle so great the spawning people throat it's just a must advocate definitely I can also being a lead vehicle as well it's important to have something reliable the other thing I'm actually really enjoying the new canopy is that cleave you've dropped down to cut down floor hair go today but I have one of them in the highlights so it's actually pretty nice to pull the fridge up and drop it down you can get in and makes a life so every pair designed to like it just everything works and locked away it's beautiful bit of kit one of the big things I like about those cleaver you drop down slides make these even I can reach a beard and the bottom of the fridge yeah definitely been a shock like like yourself right it's making a beer of course the keeper cold I found a new little product that just does exactly that now it's got two main purposes I'm talking about the Stanley with all pictures now you use those double insulated little cups yeah we start yours at one I know I saw that that's what what you use them for coffees in the morning and it keeps your coffee super warm for ages and all so you be in the evening case it really calls writer that double insulated technology in the wall of those cups is just where it's at I reckon well there you go there's a few products that have helped us along this trip and I tell you what they're cracking products and now II should check them out don't on the websites and have a look at them don't go anywhere just yet because right now we've got one of the five favorite let me show that I was voted by you guys the outtakes it's gonna be a lot of silly stuff on this one all right yeah enjoy you guys hold hands on that tree line [Laughter] when you're snacking I reckon McKay is just a 90 the first one does not suck it is fell over alright that's not good profit is it that's not good Oracle e best to walk this one and when I say way walk it probably draw a short straw we get back to the action and see where we left off I'm not there [Music] certainly it's just different as well from what J now biscuit but now they're all life [Laughter] Oh wasn't wrong with this guy now for mentally get up here but also keep into an upside if licks my tender side scripts to those toys and sooner you start to leave the tread of it no-selfie tell you what when you get on the top holy heck I'm off the track of this oh that's so exotic [Music] he's such a widow [Music] by next Tom and for drive action we take on one of the hardest tracks in Tasmania this bad boy is a thousand buck track [Music] you are recovery man from full Drive swallowing mud to broken-down vehicles this will be one of the most challenging adventures we've ever undertaken don't miss our latest adventure current soon to YouTube [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: 4WD 24-7
Views: 1,435,341
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 4wd, action, 4x4, offroad, outdoors, travel, overlanding, toyota, nissan, hilux, patrol, landcruiser, adventure, camping, fishing, diesel, petrol, surf, shaun whale, graham cahill, australia, dirty 30, shorty, gq, gu, 80 series, 40 series, 60 series, 79 series, troopy, 4wd 24/7, 4wd action, 4x4 action, 4 wheel drive action, 4wd action full episodes, 4x4 24/7, 4x4 247, Jocko, Shauno, Four wheel drive, 4 wheel drive, 4wd cars, car, 4WD Fails, 4WD build, 4x4 fails
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 40sec (4060 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 11 2020
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