CARNAGE on Victoria’s SCARIEST tracks! 4 of us nearly ROLL it! D-MAX FLOODED!

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wow the outside was a mess just commit what would they'll do whoa that's pretty hectic oh wow we're on the side of a mountain in victoria at the moment it's super steep super slippery it just started raining the winters have been out the wheel lifts or some of the biggest wheelies i've ever seen i'm like this is one of them and oh yeah he's on he wants to get out of this situation he's gonna drive it i don't know you better tune in and find out because this is gonna be one wild episode a lot of victorians did it pretty tough last year with strict lockdown due to covert making it hard for even the locals to get out on their favorite tracks with restrictions easing and borders reopening we wasted no time at all getting some mates together and going out to check some of the tough tracks on offer and we're starting right here at mount disappointment well jocko looks like you're the keys to the d-max still mate you didn't give them back to graham wait i didn't and i'm pretty stoked to be honest i'm still driving his nice car and i think he's forgotten i've still got it to be honest i don't reckon he has mate because over here you've got those keys off your heartbeat i reckon definitely definitely and mate back in victoria i know it's been way too long between beers down here mate they've had it pretty tough for a long time now um just want to get to the top of this hill and that's where we meeting damien mate there's so many tracks to discover in this part of the world it really pays to have some local knowledge on hand and damien knows exactly where to find pretty much every hard track in the state and you've got the perfect rig to tackle them a defender 90 nicknamed orkney built to take on the hardest tracks victoria can throw at it if the dents on this beast are anything to go by i reckon we're in for a wild few days damo wastes no time in pointing our convoy towards the toughest tracks in this area starting with a little number the locals call the bump with big climbs and deep water crossings being a staple of wheeling in victoria the tracks have been cut by big tyres and really do suit big clearances tell you what's fun is coming to a place where you've never been full or driving before this is my disappointment never been here before and heard a lot about it we've got some good mates along with us for this ride starting with reuben from dmw industries he's beast of a chop 200 peak from ultimate nine in a capable three liter patrol and stu from wholesale autos in his auto converted gu and sam from spares box back behind the wheel of their beefed up 200 series as we get stuck into our very first water crossing you already see just how deep these ruts are and for those rigs on smaller tyres well it could present a bit of a challenge the d-max is a little weapon but graham prefers to run it in touring spec and on 30 ones jock literally dips out between the ruts on this one [Music] well track one already got graham's nice shiny d-max stuck in the mud choco mate parking it in a bog hole was probably not what graham had in mind when he lent you the keys mate around the recovery point or the bottom hose of the radiator one or two for this recovery a snatch is a go and we've quickly hooked up the d-max to with a kinetic rope so we can get him out of trouble easily [Music] you've had graham's keys for well i see how long to be made about oh look at the inside yeah wow you thought the outside was a mess no oh that's good no look i'm sure graham's gonna completely understand and look there's nothing 20 bucks at a self-service car wash can't fix it's true next challenger in the bog hole is judo who's running slightly bigger 33-inch tyres oh jocko and stewart just joined an exclusive team to have wet interiors on day one same thing has happened the diff pumpkin can't clear the mud and it's out with the recovery gear hey stewdog but it's been a while since we caught up off road mate but good to see things haven't changed i was channeling what you're doing he did well as is often the case in this part of the world there's been plenty of rain about about the last few days and the tracks are super slippery it takes a fair bit of concentration if you want to avoid panel damage easy come on mate there we go there we go mate good job are you up next yes i'm up there yes i want to see this well i gave the canopy a little bit of a love tap on the tree but didn't do any damage now it's the long dog 200s it's a big rig with a chassis extension and a full-size canopy so he's got quite the challenge on his hands through the wheelbase just looking a little fit i have a fit well it made it easy i had more doubts about it that is close but that's a good bit of wheeling right only just but we did it pizza local and so is stew and both of them know exactly how to wheel these tracks keep an eye on these boys over the next few days because i reckon we're going to see some killer drives ah stop it stew that is full mark over there easy easy stop it stop it how good yo we're soon flexing our way further into the forest and getting closer to the main challenge of this track and let me tell you it's an absolute doozy there we go if in doubt power out that is my little motto yeah well done mate well done oh my starting to get pretty serious here this is a technical little hill climb this is what the locals call v rock i just wanted to make sure you blow me here the bump it's called the bump the bump yeah that comes a bit further it's just an early little track though this sets itself up it's all off cam but big ruts wheel placement is key here i reckon yep i reckon damo will make this look pretty easy we're gonna make it look pretty hard yep and yes we'll give it a go let's see how damien goes yeah right i don't know mate take it away mate the boys are keen to watch damien's got the landy up and over the first section with little fuss he's soon lining up for the bump there's a couple of line choices here and the most committing is up on the right ah the old bonus line that thing's a weapon right it's like a little goat just keeps on climbing right oh you're an expert i'm next all right a little bit of locker this is a nice big steep track but what makes this track a little bit more difficult is the massive rats and also it's got that typical sort of victorian terrain where you've got massive big boulders everywhere where you can lose traction really quite easily i just walked up here we go look at that this is a crazy little got my drink aired right down for this one as well about 16 psi so you might be built for tough wheeling but it's also a rig for living and working out for weeks at a time so i've got a little bit more weight in the back and it makes it a bit harder to stick to the higher line man this is a wild bit of track yes he's got a key on it thoughts attracting somewhere i think i use the whole track i used every square inch of the track now this is a big rig track and josh mike he's picked it like a dirty nose but he's got the d-max up to the top of the v-section with ease once he gets into those deep ruts though you can see that the rear diff is just digging into the bank i think i can get out of this rut you can go back where we were and just go straight and floor it from there gives it a couple of good cracks but you can't dig your way to the top but fortunately we've got another option on hand there's just so many different uses for max tracks obviously you know how to use them on the beach but when you get into big ruts like this especially when you're diffing out there's a lot of pressure when you're winching the vehicle up so sometimes you actually use them to lessen the load on the winch and that's exactly doing here building inside of the road so the vehicle sits up therefore the diff is going to set up as well it's going to be an easier winch and look at that it's working like a charm lifting up the undercarriage up and over those ruts joko's soon back under his own steam and pointing his way to the top with a few love taps to graham's canopy for good luck that's a go mate getting him over the bump is going to take some good spotting unfortunately he's just got me sorry mate good spot in shawnee yeah that's that's what made the fool with the canopy leaning hard into those trees jumping on the run is definitely the best option here and by placing the winch up high on the right bank jocko can winch up with ease without further panel damage good drive well done outside well done well coming up that last section just then the back of the d-max slid into a bank and i've just given the undertray toolbox a bit of a love tap fortunately though still opens and shuts got to be happy with that i don't even reckon graham will notice reuben's coming up and one thing is for certain he's not going to slow down he's going to drive this and um he will not use the win she will refuse to that's it mate that's it now i mentioned weight before and the dmw rig is gvm upgraded to handle four and a half tons there's a lot of truck here and she likes to lift the wheel have a go the back slipped in a bit there mate i reckon you could go back and drive out of that yeah you're cool reuben is going to be able to wield the absolute heck out of it right you ready yeah that's it holy heck that bounce on the how did it not break a cv that was insane one of the more wild things i've seen off road the whole 200 4.2 tons is where it both off the bank i had that front cv didn't break i'm amazed well he drove it well though he got through it like he got it and got through it that was a good drive the next bit's going to be off pat 100 before we take the 200 over the bump we're going to get the rest of the convoy past this v section and next up it's pete all right good luck it's nice and wet up here mate just out of interest actually what a throttle control setting you're running i'm running u7 so i'm going to try and get a little bit of acceleration quicker down when i need it as per usual pete's making light work for this challenge and sends it straight to the top that's the problem that he's got a nice roll control there that thing's just beautifully that's what you'll want especially the tracks like this is a nice lightweight vehicle twin lockers and good foot on the throttle makes all the difference so slippery yep yep yep yep there we go stu's dipping down a bit here but doesn't want to take no for an answer he's made it through there we go there we go that's a that's a ticket oh yeah how good is that what a drive for a tourer on 33. that's pretty good well sam's up next to the big 200 from spares box now this thing sounds angry and i guarantee he's going to use a fair bit of horsepower to get up here come on mobile settings all right you have to give it a little bit here sam maybe you won't big tires this is actually only sam's second time wheeling the big 200 and he's really getting the measure of the vehicle using a great line and some good total control there you go beautiful graceful big two as this day has turned to night and um it's still raining now the tracks have really got quite sloppy the boys are still gonna come up here this is the hardest challenge of the track and um something tells me we're in for a bit of a night because we're gonna keep going out of here all the vehicles need to get up it's show time would you look at that that's a whole lot of truck leading into that canopy but reuben builds them tough and just puncture 200 up and through didn't expect you'd make it up there neither did i yes yes yes yes yes i thought we'd be absolutely kidding me i did not think for a second he was gonna get up there that is one of the more committed drives i've ever seen that's not something i'd do yeah definitely like that's probably four ton of vehicle it's wet i jumped down in the bushes i thought i thought the thing was going to come on its side and he just held it straight that's commitment dedication oh perfect line yep hang on it's way too soon pete's gone for the high line here and he can't quite stick it whoa slippery this is the first time i've seen pete's struggle oh he's he's rocked his confidence his confidence is gone this is actually the first time i've seen him do this jocko's right after a few hours of rain and a few vehicles through there's not a lot of traction left on this climb but with a bit of determination and right boot pete's threaded his way through very nice very nice that is a crack and drive that's a vehicle that shouldn't have driven up there it's what you want total control but you might have to give it a little bit here straight wow easy loves it the big two doing the do i look so scared sam you've made it my friend baby what happened sorry oh sorry that was the best total control you've ever had i reckon coming up that settled down that was bloody good that's it that's it you're right mate well done awesome he goes yeah nothing's a weapon there's a weapon between lock 35's ah sounds good too mate mount disappointment hey what a track not disappointing either way there's lots of heaps of good drives on this track and that's what's about my coming into places i've never been before here have you driven this one i haven't and it's raining as well just to make it that way and it's going into the night mate that is all the makings of an epic and it's day one as well definitely well mate victoria is known for his great camping what do you reckon get a fire going yeah sounds like a plan oh i hope this rain even clears mate a couple of beers i want that idea well it's been a massive first day on the tracks of mount disappointment and it's well past time we find a spot to park up for the night it might be a cold rainy night but camping in victoria is always a lot of fun if you come prepared and of course with some great mates a fire cranking and of course an iron jack in hand we've ticked all the boxes for a great night in the bush and tomorrow we're taking on the hardest track in the region is right good on you buddy [Music] the hills around melbourne are jammed packed full of tracks to explore and today damien's lining us up for a classic this climb is next level with rock step after rock step on a steep open face with nothing to catch you if you lose momentum mate this is a hill of consequence well we're not sitting at the bottom it looks steep but now you're on it this is yeah the rocks get bigger as well the problem is like it's one of those hills i don't want to stop on no it's i feel i feel like in with the brakes the way it is you want to commit maybe close your eyes and then you'll be at the top but then you've got to contend with this it just keeps going there's a bit on there's even a bit up there i don't want to think about that just yet we've still got to get to here first well there's only one way to find out big defender dog up first see what happens eh damien's up first and showing us exactly what's required to drive this climb he's seeing plenty of mates nearly bennett after taking the wrong line and carefully steers up the right hand line between the trees and the rock then it's a ballsy crossover to the left make no mistake get this one wrong and things could go pretty badly well there's a bit on there there's a there's a little bit to unpack down the bottom that you know there's this act up when he comes back that's scary as i think i was gonna act tough um yeah it's not bad at all i needed to sit down just commit yeah what would daryl do oh come on sweetie this is a big hill i'm not gonna lie with you guys i'm a little bit nervous about it just so steep and um not the sort of hill you wanna stop on you know you wanna really drive this one that's lockers both of them the orkney rig is pretty light nimble which is not exactly how i'd describe so i'm trying to pick the left hand line to start with as it's a little bit more grip that's it i've managed to get up the big rock step but with less momentum after crossing over i can't get the back wheels up and over well sean's going to jump on the winch again there's just no traction on this hill so um and he's in a bit of a rut at the moment so we'll get the winch hooked up further up get him up this next bit and hopefully he should be able to drive the last section i'm not going to lie i'm very happy to be on the winch for this section i roll to the bottom from here to be pretty horrible victoria hey not a place for the faint-hearted um i am scared reuben's up next taking a four ton vehicle up here takes some serious kahunas but reuben's determined to give it a crack holy holy dooley just stole an auto reuben has built this 200 as a tough tourer but of course it's a heavy ifs vehicle and this is the prime place to break a cv we've given that a couple of goes and um the vehicle starts to move sideways on this steep hill now it does feel very comfortable i can confirm that first hand i reckon he gave it a bit more bit more momentum maybe but heck he's not going to give another go and i don't blame him because if it goes wrong there you're on your lead it's simple as that it's a good call to use the winch here and get over that first rock step and then reuben has a crack at the top oh mate that's a heck of an angle that'll lay out have i got wheels in there there's nothing more terrifying than having a wheel in the area on a super steep hill like this one want to know from you guys what do you reckon the most terrifying situation you've ever been off roadies let us know in the comments below reckon for reuben it's a rate in the top five well that was pretty terrifying i can tell you but i can tick that off the bucket list next man up to climb is pete and after watching the last four-wheel drive's head up he's knocking out even more air from the tyres now pete's going for a very committing option here and that's put to the floor and up the guts and we can look at that he's absolutely nailed it what a driver amazing what he'll amazing pete that is plenty of wood that is incredible he just absolutely nailed that oh that is a stunning drive that's how you do it that's how you do it that is champagne full driving at its absolute best strew's up next and he's a hard to find him as he far out what i saw was absolutely magic mate shoes up next so he's never shy to give it a go that's for sure i'm sure he's keen he's revving himself up down there he's playing his rock music and i can't wait to see this god that's a steep hill there he goes he's driving it he's driving that look at that momentum that's all you need that was incredible right oh sam does not tell strew that he'll get a big head he doesn't need to be here he'll fall over yeah pretty good come on mate you've got to get at least one toyota up here well i see him here you are mate the fate of toyotas are on you because if you drive this mate you can save face i'm gonna i'm gonna give it everything for the for the sake of the name and the brand all right good luck mate good luck give it a big go so far sam's got the measure of it but suddenly it all goes pear-shaped back off oh there it goes oh my goodness oh wow that was a pretty wild drive and obviously you saw what happened then we saw it the cv spat out bugger bugger he had that the right line right amount of throttle in my opinion it's got a bit unlucky we've seen before that those passenger cvs are a bit of a weak point on the 200 especially when you're fitting with big tyres a lot of lift and a lot of power good little tip as well when you do break something on the track just go and check that if you leave a bit of a mess of course just come back and pick it up a lot of people forget to do that and it's um it's not a good look for the track so i'm just going to make sure it's all picked up that's ours in one more wall bearing and that is about half a cv yep 200 cv brakes are always impressive but they're also reasonably easy to remove if you bring the right tools and of course spares box have the right kit for the job well got the old cv out it's time to chuck the new one in but the good thing about sam coming along and the guys from spares boxes he's brought not one not two but three spare cvs he came prepared another good thing is the boys from spares box hooked short and i up with some spare parts as well got a little box for the d-max and a big box for sean in old city that said though it's time to get new cv in be good to go we've done a fair few of these track site changes and it isn't long before a brand new cv is in and everything is coming back together it really pays to carry the spares and tools needed for your particular rig especially if you plan to wield tracks like this [Music] the top sections of triton hill are chock-a-block full of steps and jailey climbs and soon we're stuck back into it having an absolute blast with tires spinning wheels in the air and some great drives from the boys i'll tell you what if you're a victorian there's no chance you're scared of heights these hill climbs just go into the sky steepest terrain i've been driving in some time you think this conquer my fear of heights but no way just just keeps going there's going to be snow soon it has to be i just want to try and stay on that high side out of that rut there we go there you go up we get come on nailed it how good is that holy whoa whoa that wasn't that wasn't part of the script just nice and slow now come left hand down that's it that's a big wheel lift yeah that's about the biggest one you can get before you do a lid skid brick yep wow yeah that's it you drives through it last one roman balls of steel mate well here comes the king of making things look harder than they need to be stew dog slippery oh what's going on here oh wow well well let's have a go this wheel lift have a go at this those slighter than his vietnamese lid what the wheel is yeah you got a little bit of a wheel there there we go that's it [Music] like bloody good drives today awesome view as well at the top which is pretty nice for a steep track i reckon i've seen more wheels today in my entire full driving career it's been on fire mate well i don't know about you and i reckon the boys are probably the same it's time to head to camp and have a couple of years already a couple of beers and might wanna cook up a bit of a treat as well not giving away any secrets mate but it's gonna be one of the best things you've ever put in your mouth damien's been leading the convoy like a boss for the last few days but unfortunately he's going to head back to work and he's going to miss out on the chance to try the latest chef whale special maybe that was planned well damn i reckon that was some of the best fun i've had in victoria mate that was wild yeah i hope you enjoyed the tracks sadly i've gotta head home uh but yeah thanks for having me along it's been a lot of fun yeah you're a legend daymo we'll catch up next time mate thanks shawno it was an absolute blast having him along and showing the tracks of mount disappointment better yet he's left a few pins for us tomorrow for tonight's camp we've got a spot lined up further into the state forest and soon enough we're getting set up for another cracking night under canvas well as you know it can get quite cold down here so the fire pit's coming out now the cool thing with the fire pit as well is you can cook on it ruben's been working on some new additions to his canopy design including a fold out kitchen that sets up in just a few seconds how nifty is that [Music] cheers cheers mate far out what a big day on the track so big big tracks now the only thing that could top that mate is a big meal and reuben if it's okay you make your kitchen's all set up and i haven't actually got mine out so you can use it as long as you make something really special well that's the plan man look i'm not going to give the game away yet but it is going to be special just i'll give you one hint i'll give you one here about this round it'll be about that long that's all unbelievable we're here in victoria and um you know it's a cold little campsite you know for the back end of summer it's a little bit colder than usual paint i'm freezing i've got a beanie i know it's a little bit colder than normal mate i'm gonna cook up a big feed nice warm one for the boys what are we having tonight well big sausage pasta is the go so yeah imagine that involves you and sausages what is the fascination well it's not even a fascination mate it's just easy to cook with um actually this one's a little bit of a handful just wait there a second ah yes what's this what do you got i've also just quietly how insane is this sound i know i know when i saw this mate have a look at this have a look at this grab that so this is um i found these at a butcher recently down in melbourne different butchers down here no we don't have these in queens yeah they do these these ones here are a return oh this is a turkish sausage do you know how to say that it's a it's a sock it's it's s-u-c-u-k i think it's pronounced or suck depends it depends if you handle the turkey sausage it's quite a sausage now look obviously obviously you could use any type of sausage but we just found a turkish one like choco have you ever been to turkey's bath yes i've been to um turkey actually i have yeah i had a delicious balak there it was pretty good will you be familiar with my open yours open yours up now the first thing you want to do there any chorizo would work a treat it just happened that we had turkey tossing something special they know how to do it don't i know it's quite like a fig so what we want to do is rip the skin off it because it's like a well yeah obviously jocko it's like a big salami name and the skin you can't you're not supposed to have so just basically start with a tiny little slit like that you just want to rip the skin off simple as that so try yours try yours can i just get in there and just you just think you're good did you cut the tip off there we go yeah there we go don't cut too much off no i just got the little tip if you're really good you pull off in one motion pulled a bit hard i i have had that problem before last when we're in the cape remember i had those sausages that had balls of skin off them you're doing quite well i've i've uh stuffed up a toy oh did you cut it in half did you no i didn't cut it [Music] all right how you going with that jocko i've been in similar situations like this before it's kind of stuck halfway and there we go that's it it's quite some thick skin it is i'm surprised you wouldn't want to eat that obviously so you just that's why you're ripping it off look at that bang just like that [Music] [Laughter] so what are we actually making with this big sausage pasta so it's basically a quick together like one pot one that little pasta meal look at that get that going a little bit of olive oil mate so you just kind of cut them up like this mate just and then if you just chuck them straight just chuck them straight in the pan mate yeah i can do that we're basically just going to brown them up oh yeah better heat a bit of heat oh yeah would you say that's the biggest sausage you've ever come across well i've come yeah i think it'd be close too you're right the german sausages are pretty big too the germans have nothing to south african sausage well i didn't know you could get a turkey sausage this big to be honest no well i didn't know it existed that's the bloke has probably been in a few turns bath houses i have mate i have you'd have seen some stuff yep all right mate these are coming along pretty good all right i'm just gonna cut this onion up taco how is that looking mate mate it's looking real good couple of them a little bit firm for that so you can smell that is here that'll be a tasty looking sausage two kitchens are better than how good is that i'm excited to jump over there and give it a go all right take that on if you can just spice those up a little bit over there yeah i'm gonna do the pasta we're gonna get this going so got that on high heat a little bit of uh chicken stock so yeah the next thing we're gonna do is just crush tomatoes there always keep these in the back of your forward drive these come in handy so many times they're just going straight in give that a little bit of a stir if you've got a bit of water yeah put a bit of water in there mate um how much we're talking yeah all that at least all of it yeah yeah yeah that chopped out easier no it will hang on hang on let's put it all in let's just get some more water get some more water so that is that is looking good i'm gonna get on the boil and then i'm pretty much going to put that down to a simmer okay it's about 10 minutes to get that pasta cooked in you give that a stir and then we mix it all together and then the magic happens all right let's whack the lid on that one let the lid sit on there bang grab an iron jack sit around the fire for about 10 minutes let that cook up and that'll just um reduce and obviously be absolutely amazing it's going to be so good it'll be really good ultimately all right i'm going to get another one of these and we'll check in a bit eh 10 minutes later sounds good oh my god that smells good how is that i'm going to just pull this off now obviously i set this to simmer yeah that smells like pasta and tomato doesn't it doesn't give that a little stir i want to grab some stuff out of the my coolman just real quick tuck that in tuck that in so now i'm just gonna cut all these tomatoes i think all these jocko they're not big tomatoes those ones we're going to cut them all in half chuck them straight yeah that's it stir that all up let's stir that up mate a little bit of leftover spinach yeah put it down chuck that in yeah basically all that yum that's go oh put it all in that's the greens for tonight that is quite a healthy little meal in there well i wouldn't say it's real healthy but all right you're gonna stir that through literally in about a minute that is ready i wanna call the boys up they're gonna even bowl myself right so you keep stirring that okay i'm sure you ready to have some yummy boys yeah go on like call the boys in boys boys get ready yeah like any chef you always serve yourself first that's how that works in chef school and just basically look at that look at that you want to get some sausages i just want to make sure it's not it's all going to have some more look at that look at that there's a fair bit here boy's going to turn that heat right off give me lots of sausage please that is that there you go i'm getting a bit of protein i'm a growing boy yeah that has that fate is it good i'm sorry you're lucky you're lucky boys what do you reckon honestly this has turned out all right i was a bit concerned with big sausage pasta but mate i mean on a cold night like this big tracks big meal big flavors that's all you can ask for i reckon oh no big sausage as well get around the foyer let's go enjoy this [Music] one well that's another awesome day done out in the tracks of victoria and tomorrow damo's sending us up a little number called the steep track doesn't sound hard at all [Music] the sun is shining this morning and the conditions couldn't be better for our last day out in the tracks [Music] but it's still cold enough to warrant a fire and a hot brekkie well i'll tell you what you've got to love when you wake up to the sound of sizzling ribbons or your kitchen out so i reckon lamb cutlets i want a bit of a fry up in reuben's kitchen really treat ourselves this morning big tracks today big cook up wow smells good mate oh yeah when you got on the go chicken chicken have a rationale a bit of cheese cutlets oh that would imagine a couple of colors for breakfast why not mate sorry this has come together so good isn't it the kitchen when you go forward driving you got a proper kitchen and it's so simple to pull out it seems to have lasted with all the stuff you put me through in the last couple of days that's the key isn't it mate if you can get it out easy that means you use it a lot more that's exactly what we're doing this morning i suppose you've got the microwave got the cooker you've got the pantry and it all folds up pretty neat that's yeah it's prototype at the moment but look this is what we do it for yeah we're going to refine it iron out any of the kinks that we can find on the market very soon that's really good to hear mate good quality too i reckon i'll call the boys up we'll get these on the boil when that's done and then um big breakfast big tracks what do you reckon oh let's do it [Music] with a good break in coffee or two on board it's time to make tracks today we'll be heading a little further north to another local hot spot for tough forward driving with that in mind everyone's soon got their camps packed up and we're ready to get back into it [Music] well today we're leaving me at this appointment and heading towards tallarook now teller rook have been there before heaps of steep country big rocks uh not much traction i reckon with all this rain we've had it'll be a fair bit of mud too so boys are pretty pumped i reckon it's gonna be a big day out the tracks pretty excited for this one we might not be in the high country proper but even this close to melbourne the country is absolutely stunning and the only thing better than the views is it tracks on offer and up ahead is an absolute doozy here we go jocko this must be the track here mate yeah steep track i think it's called one thing these victorians do well mate is they name and signpost the tracks really well and i can see why they've called this one steep track it's right at the side of that mountain mate um yep steep it is i reckon this one's going to be a corker and today i'm up first i think traction's going to be the hardest thing to find up here it's gonna require a fair bit of commitment i reckon ah perfect go go go snap second go this is a big rock step anything could happen here [Applause] wow up she goes big soot making it look easy so far that's awesome something tells me though we've hardly even begun this track well the d-max is a capable little rig these ruts are cut out for 35 inch tyres so we're going to empty some of the max tracks in the deeper sections to give jock the clearance he needs to have a crack at the climb and they've done just that getting the d-max a fair way until the brush becomes just a bit too deep and the diff buries itself in the mud with jock on the run there's no mistaking that these tracks are pretty relentless and on this track i reckon reuben's in for a pretty wild climb himself there we go upper mate that's a go that's right the combination of rock step and low traction at this section means you've got to give it a big bump to get up and ruben decides for one more crack oh man that was a lot of bangs that horrible medal of metal sound of course the cv went but if you listen really closely i think something else broke too which one that was rear why i think that was rear it came from the back foot hey that's an immediate shaft is it right axle sorry boys well that noise usually means one thing something is broken something metallic and in this case it's a rear axle or 200 so good news is it's the start of the track we're going to try and reverse it well slide it back down the best we can do is to get it to a workshop because actually you've got a pressed bearing on that axle so you need to really do it in a workshop you can't do it inside the track reuben's got a couple of spares though i think it's going to be admission just getting down the hill to be honest if it was just a cv we'd have reuben up and running in no time but this one really needs a hoist and a press stu jumps on the blower to the boys at wholesale auto and frees up a bit of workshop space and after changing the cv reuben starts to link to 200 back to the shop and will hopefully rejoin us later there's a wild one from reuben he's up next let's see how it goes i reckon you'll go all right come on pete we believe in you mate that's it tell you what if there was ever a full drive built for tracks in victoria i reckon it's this one right here nice driving pete mate that's insane drive absolute weapon it did make that look way too easy speaking of making things look hard stew's up rudolph mate come on stewie we're ready for you big fella here he comes here he comes oh he's not holding back to find out there goes he's not back at all up he goes oh well wow yep yep i might go spotting yeah probably a good idea look at that once again stu's managed to put his truck on an insane angle it's like he's allergic to having four wheels on the ground [Music] that's it drive it drive it drive it yeah well done what a drive well i wanted to be taking off that's the gallery it was to be able to come back to that position when you've got a wheel in the air just a slight reposition and committed to it that's a bloody good dry shoe oh definitely having that auto really helps you could just be nice it's just a nice stable imagine suit you'd have to drop the clutch and have a go smoke you'd be scared be horrible ah rydo who's next sam is the safest spot between lockers we've got the clearance 80 psi in the tyres slow and steady i think did you get some grip on that rod that's a top drive mate well done beautiful that was textbook easy wow oh my god doesn't get less scary i can tell you that much for free wow that was just absolute textbook nice and slow throttle control when he lifted a wheel just steady momentum that was very well done sand that was awesome mate up ahead the ruts don't get any easier and the track is full of that deceptive soft clay that offers zero traction once you take the top layer off and that means plenty of mumbo is going to be required oh mate it's not quite not even second thought automate that in second gear yeah maybe if you go back down and don't drive it like your mum you might get up wow i had to give that a little bit well as a combination a lot of right foot and uh luckily for me those tyres really did their job got them down to about 15 psi at the moment they're just flicking mud everywhere that was the only way i got that hill i reckon let's give this a go put sled in your pencil that one wow what an insane drive he was industry the whole way up there's just no traction you can see it's this like leaf litter stuff with mud as well so it's just super slippery he'll soot everywhere his foot was to the floor that was epic well pete's coming up next i reckon he's not going to hold back he's seen us have a goal at it and we're in second gear just into it and i reckon he's going to be putting that throttle controller right up to number nine and giving it everything that three liters got come on all right not just flicking everywhere come on peter that's the go oh that's how you wheel as well ryder who's next now you've got to remember that shoe dog is running smaller tires than most of us and doesn't have a heap of clearance he's making up for that by committing to the loud pedal and sticking into it wow all right wow that was a drive stop there if again there's a good spot to go from stop there [Music] there you go [Applause] oh but our winch is getting hot yeah yep there's no traction left here while stu is doing his best to carve a new run out with his dip pumpkin there's only so far he can go with a land anchor sam's got good clearance in the 200 but of course he doesn't want to shock load the cv if he comes to a stop so some careful wheeling is in order he's got all the power in the world doesn't it does it's walking up it's walking up oh yep there we go easy easy done easy done it's got so much power that thing look at that big tires going where it was piece of power oh you gotta love them mate that was unreal thanks mate it's a sort of thing yeah plenty of power twin locked it just sort of it didn't even struggle really i was just i didn't want to break it here no that's true that's so gentle you've got one more section full faith in your mate yeah fingers crossed we'll see how we go cool without damaging anything i think with this soft stuff you shouldn't really have the grip to damage anything i don't think after you guys it's like a highway you're trying to climb a tree that's it that's it that's it now that's it there you go there we go very nice well done holy hell did a little bit of a fish call up there oh my god didn't even break anything well then we go oh this track just gets better and better big rock steps now to contend with [Music] man this is hectic all right one more no more oh my god that you're almost up hey nah it's not the best spot well that was close laying on my lid very close i think i might opt for the b line on this one i think i better check the seat covers after that drive that was definitely one of the most sketchy drives i've ever done i was about this close to landing on my side and it would have been a pretty ugly little rollover too it gets me thinking though i've actually got a couple of razorback seat covers to give away now this is what i'm gonna do actually i want you to let us know what is the sketchiest situation you've ever been off-road and also make sure you subscribe to our youtube channel i want to go through the comments pick a couple of the best answers and those guys well you're going to be winning some razorback seat covers for your rig pretty good seat covers and like i said better check mine for stains because that was absolutely insane are you gonna have a go at this mate yeah the light dog yeah this is the bonus line and nothing's ever gone bad for me personally on a bonus line so i reckon you'll be fine we've got one more candidate for the big rock step and that of course is pete that's it that's it that's it that's the guy yeah cracker of a drive oh just committed when he needed to commit straight up what a rig oh stew maybe go around mate yeah there we go well mate victoria goes from mild to wild like that that's always steve it's always muddy big rocks i love this place mate it's been way too long since i've been here and i started to remember why i have so much fun every time i come here well like for now i reckon we go to the next track when you're ready it's good bring it on get into it well we've been making our way up the steep track reuben wasted no time down at the workshop and has the broken pieces out of the diff center a new axle in and the bearing pressed and everything is coming back together before long the repair is done and he rushes straight back to join us for one last track well according to gps reuben should be right around this corner yep there he is he's fixed it he's fixed the big beast hey reuben you call me mike yeah mate i'll tell you what that's a good sign mate seeing you you've obviously fixed the axle yeah yeah made good time with that too oh mate well i reckon don't even hang around let's go drive another track yeah great let's go for our last track we're continuing to explore around tallarook and soon we're right back into it [Music] [Music] up ahead another tough rock step is across the track oh that's a big it's a big step there's two distinct lines you can take through here i'm gonna go the top one of course just to see what happens there we go to find a bit of traction there he bounces around a bit doesn't she the old girl that was a safe little climb big rocks up there now doc goes up he's decided to take the big boy line um yeah that guy has got absolute balls of steel he loves trying to wheel where the big trucks go i reckon he'll do it you have to pick the perfect line to get up here let's see how he goes jocko have you picked your line yet mate i have i'm gonna try and come up the ride a little bit and then i'm trying to keep my car in that hole that's a lovely plan big rock oh that was something in the background no now this is not the place you'd ordinarily take a tour on 30 ones and a two inch lift but jocko likes to push the limits and give it a real crack there's just a bit too much going on here and a chance of another breakage so jock backs the d-max down and goes to the other line that's a go jocko it's like you've done that before mate hold on actually that was a technical little section there that is a good little drive you have to really steer that track big rocks there i mean clearance isn't the strong point of the d-max and he's just done well to get those tyres on the high side and maneuver around that's a good drive you're up next big fella yes i am here he comes this is going to be a tough one for ruben he's going to want to pick this line right look at that look at that that's it that's it that's the ticket look at that reuben's back stay right that's beautiful start to steer left mate touch your right mate there we go beautiful whoa i think josh just got a bit of bumstead there mate that's it that's it that's it that's a ticket that is it mate big rig that was hectic that was a bit nerve-wracking here comes big dog he could probably close his eyes that's it that's it beautiful straight up on that mate we're gonna go such a capable little breezy what a ring pete that was a sensational driving thank you appreciate it yeah i've given the boys a real master class there just a bottle of control it was technical i um i made a change on the setting did you actually yeah i just i want a little bit uh sharper response on the accelerator so i've dropped it up to uh u6 and u6 yeah just enough to get me up and over well mate you made it look real easy as you always um all right let's see how the other boys go i suppose thank you mate here we go there you go there we go there we go nice drive there you go nice that's all right now you're going that way there's a big uh tree stump there mate it's not long before stu is waving at the sky again and he's caught up on a big rut i think it just went by itself that's it oh yeah there we go that's a tick that's a ticket the thing i like about stu when you say feed it he feeds it he will feed it yeah he'll feed it you'll find that third gear on the auto and and up he goes he goes all right very good who's that next hole the big spares box 200. last challenge last car take it away sam go no that's it he's got it he's got this that's it mate beautiful yes falling in love with this car that is unbelievable well folks that's tallarook and mount disappointment done for this trip two cracking areas that should absolutely be on your visit list with plenty of scenic options along with wild tracks to explore for us though it's time to find a nice country pub to settle back into for a few frothies and i adjust the place and it's not very far off this little classic is flowerdale hotel about 30 minutes from the tracks to tallarook and today we're in luck the band's playing the beer is cold and we're more than happy for the chance to put a few dollars across the bar to support a local watering hole we hope you've enjoyed our victorian adventure and if you did please give it a like and subscribe so you don't miss a second of the action well how good is it back in victoria i mean these guys that aren't pretty tough since cove and it's good to be back and these tough guys stoked to be back down and give them some of these tracks to go i love how well their sign posted how easy it is to make your way around the forest so many tracks down here we did uh taller rook and mount disappointment um a couple places i haven't been as well few new tracks definitely it's always nice to see nearly rolled it at least once i can remember i mean some big drives big country down here yeah stunning part of the world as well and like to finish it off at a pub like this the flowerdale hotel an absolute little cracker if you get a chance get yourself down here this is one of those pubs i could see myself getting bogged here for a little while i think we might be so far i might have got a couple more in me and then we'll see where tonight takes us so big thanks for tuning into this one guys and um stay around because the outtakes are up next boys [Laughter] the electric [Applause] oh come up when you're ready mate i'm keen to see you come through this track so i'm usually better than that as well hang on hold on i'll give you a hint if you like it's about that round and about that long [Laughter] no [Laughter] i can't do this oh my god hey mom okay get one save the camera graham and his comfy isuzu i've actually put a couple of official complaints in recently played against you showing me up every trip we do i'm just thinking today i'm getting real over it two months kid [Music] [Laughter] well really good drives i mean i've been to turkey mate and i've had actually i've had a big turkey sausage [Music] oh you can't use that it's just touching the bank there this is the rear bar it'll be okay yeah [Music] oh [Music] let me play your tune [Music] so [Applause] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: 4WD 24-7
Views: 1,044,086
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 4wd, action, 4x4, offroad, outdoors, travel, overlanding, toyota, nissan, hilux, patrol, landcruiser, adventure, camping, fishing, diesel, petrol, surf, shaun whale, graham cahill, australia, dirty 30, shorty, gq, gu, 80 series, 40 series, 60 series, 79 series, troopy, 4wd action, 4wd 247, 4wd 24/7
Id: LQDowt4-Sw0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 46sec (4066 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 14 2021
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