TEETERING ON A CLIFF EDGE! What happens next? Shauno shakes on camera... Wild Tasmania 4WD tracks!

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/trsam 📅︎︎ Dec 22 2022 🗫︎ replies
so that's a clip roll straight to your day probably the scariest thing I've ever been involved in obviously stop songs enjoyed it our first episode Tassie was wild you haven't you haven't seen anything join us as we take on the second part of our wild west coast adventure and Tackle two of tazzy's most iconic tracks I'll get a load of this I'm not moving and just when you thought and couldn't get any Wilder it's not very good yeah I think I'm gonna need a minute this is going to be one of my favorite tracks in Tasmania it really gives meaning to what the locals call the wild west coast it really is that it's really untouched it's rugged it's harsh and it's just downright beautiful as well an awesome track the climbies track mate it's on every four driver's bucket list none of you guys have done this one are you excited yeah it's definitely on my bike at least I can't wait mate from what you told me it's gonna be unreal other than a few love marks and a whole lot of mud the rigs are patched up and ready to face a huge week of Wheeling we've got a massive Journey that lies ahead with well over 50 kilometers of Hardcore low range Wheeling bug holes Beach runs and slippery Rocky climbs but it's not all in vain because I've got a spotty mine that I want to get to which is arguably one of the best campsites you'll ever see off the back of one of our wildest tassy episodes yet is still running smooth after some pretty major hiccups to the engine and I think she's gonna need all the horsepower she's got for this one Jesse's still willing Graham's D-Max and having the time of his life [Music] continuing this adventure is our good mate Reuben in the big boy 62. Pistol Pete any three liter weapon and of course big tones in one of the neatest 80s I've ever seen and the big FTE engine to boot [Music] it doesn't take long before we get straight into it and it's looking very wet first bulk hole mate first real bog hold Consequence the problem is with this one of course there's not many trees as you can see they're all shrubs if you do get stuck winching is limited yeah you're just gonna have to have a go and drive it I think I was thinking look I was going to do the same with you but I might get a heavy vehicle behind me someone like Peak he's going to have his winch in free spool all driving if I do get stuck you'll be able to winch me back out and we can reconsider I'm thinking this line here though boys because this is not even sloppy yeah Roger that I was just thinking I've seem to spend a lot of time attached to your car only it's not for long all right ah well done good effort mate good effort that wasn't too bad that wasn't too bad at all thank you for that so you want to give you confidence when you've got a winch hooked up to the back yeah now what I'll do is I'll wait here if Pete does go down which I doubt he will I'll be ready to reverse back and pull him out of strife foreign [Music] with a little bit of confidence installed in the boys Foghorn one of well many many more he's conquered no match but something tells me that there'll be plenty more to come and some might not be so easy [Music] the climbish track sits on the west coast of Tasmania and runs between Granville and trial Harbor which are remote fishing villages that span Nine Months of the Year battered by harsh conditions the track itself is a modest 17 kilometer run but the conditions on the west coast are often very treacherous and of course very wet in recent months the coastline has been drenched with rain and cold weather making the track conditions the worst we've ever seen it and making 17 kilometers seem so much longer the track is tricky trick to navigate often with moldable lines at each challenge it's always a gamble which line to take but sometimes you gotta just go with your gut this looks like a festive bulk hole you never know if you're going to make it or not I've got mud everywhere but I just made that all right Jesse's up next something tells me he's gonna find the limit of that day max he's not gonna be hanging around what was that what was he thinking that brought himself on being in a good line I've seen it all well I've seen some things in my time but that is definitely a first Jesse you're a Madman what is going on mate I said he's sick there as I'll try and Scuttle that side but that must have been I was like how they got him I must adopted all right I've seen some things but I don't think I've seen an Airborne D-Max for some time but you know he's a young bike having a bit of fun good to see with whatever just happened aside the mudding Tassie is a different breed and once you go down well you're down so he wastes no time in getting Jesse hooked up to to pull him free thank you mate thank you very much you're welcome right well the blood coming through next hardly needs any encouragement he's seen Jesse with one or two wheels in the air I reckon room's gonna try and beat that a uh Rubes all the boys are saying that so far Jesse's got the wildest Drive of the whole trip I've just put it out there mate that's all but you're up next Walmart Sandy I don't know where to stand probably just in in here it's like just in here now Reuben's big y62 is carrying a lot of weight and with those ruts Jesse's just dug out this will be nothing short of spectacular you told me oh one hz30 just out drive the big girl Orange we're going to do it here because Reuben weighs a lot we're going to use the D-Max as an anchor point but obviously as well get two vehicles rather than once you just pull the D-Max poor mate back with a big rig safely hooked up and the D-Max anchored the sort it's a pretty straightforward winch to get Reuben out I think in this instant I don't have the power that Reuben has so oh I don't really know what I'm going to do I think I'm just going to flick all my buttons on dial up my throttle controller send a little prayer to the four wheel driving gods and hopefully it's a magical happen but I give it a 50 50 chance [Music] don't take the reuben and Jeffy live no with Pete sailing through in usual fashion all that's left is the big GMA 80. come on tones everybody [Music] before he's painted in a nice coat of brown we're through that bog hole and continue our way along the climbish track now one of the things people often forget is the unsung hero of the show the camera car the camera car gu is a Workhorse and is often tackling challenges at the front of the Convoy to get set up for shots ahead but sometimes things don't go as well as the boys would have hoped well this tassy mod can be treacherous I mean the camera car usually goes first and tries to pick one of the easier lines so I can get out the front film us coming through problem is they've taken the easy line and got stuck so that means that another vehicle has to come in front which is me and I can't take the easy line anymore I've got a feeling this could be one of those situations where we're gonna have five or six Vehicles bogged at the same time so you're the person that tells them where to go I think that's going to happen yeah right I reckon there's nothing to winch off we just have to get another vehicle around so I've got to make it there's no two ways about it if I get stuck you've got to make it yep here we go to save the day with the camera car or get real stuck that wasn't the line I meant to take well the good news is I made it but the bad news well I might have painted the camera car with a bit of mud I'm so sorry it looks like a zipper now foreign as you can see the window is open so the seat that everything has just caught the stack of mud sorry boys but you know you do have good seat covers so you should be okay well it's a tough lesson to learn but I think the camera crew will have to do some pretty rigorous cleaning of the gu G but for now it's out with a Rumba to see if we can get this vehicle unstuck all right really really stuck yeah um we might need another car through well I think Jesse will do it right assuming he doesn't get airborne any time soon if he keeps all the tires on the ground he might get a bit of traction give it another guy you'll be right well he's kept all these wheels on the ground but the rear is just getting hung up same again you like this a few cracks at this and he should be through here you go yes that's it right Rock one more guy you got it one more excited Desi one more no more got it through how good is this D Max oh big ju was stuck it was just pulling the 80 backwards so Jesse's come across the D-Max very spirited Drive we've got two vehicles over here now hopefully that's enough to get the camera vehicle out and the other boys can have a go okay watching it man yeah we're going back man that thing is stuck the leaf springs on the rear of the vehicle just act as an anchor in this type of mud and it's made for all Mighty recovery effort [Music] it's actually pulling the 80 series it's full of soot and the D-Max Mario oh it's gonna get worse that's pretty wild [Music] well we're lucky we've got out of that one with the camera crew out of the way the rest of the boys have picked a slightly better line along the right hand side and with a bit more Gusto it looks like they're through with no dramas on your boys but we're not out of the woods yet with the rain just about holding off we try and make some K's but the track is just Relentless it is not long before I've gotten myself stuck sure no it's going first and he's just slipped between two ruts just trying to straddle it and um you know he's fully dipped out we have to give him a quick little stink doctor at that mud it's something else down here in Tassie crazy I don't know what's wrong I know it's wrong I've got mud all over you know what I'm calling does not matter these are pretty tough anyways when you're ready mate I'm gonna back off from the mud hole if you don't mind well that's not my finest moment but with the rest of the crew through it's onwards and upwards now believe it or not this track doesn't just offer mud but also a stack of tough Rocky climbs and slippery rut to navigate and with the amount of rain they've had down here everything is pretty washed out making for some pretty solid challenges Wow have a go with the exit out of this Creek it's a vertical ramps I don't even remember this way in here foreign but I reckon some of the other vehicles will have their work cut out for him hmm try this line I don't know how we're gonna go oh he's going for a straddle that's a Bald Move it's gonna be a big angle oh fell off I thought I had that for a second then yeah I don't know I was like I can't believe this go go right back because now your ears over the radio I'm gonna try out the guts Jesse had a good crack but the smaller tires mean that there's just not enough clearance to get the rear over 's up next and he's also trying the same line to straddle up [Music] Reuben you're mad bugger those are some pretty wild angles same problem was the day max it's not gonna work Reuben's tried the middle line but the longer wheelbase of the y62 means that he's getting caught up on the belly before the back has a chance to climb up so we're gonna pack some rocks and see if we can get the back to climb up before he bellies out just creep up like that move up creep up save up keep coming keep coming keep coming get down and beautiful beautiful [Music] wow that's a pretty committing drive but still no luck damn it a lot of commitment but that was so close you want to pack them rocks I'll just hit her up the gut foreign big tires and stuff which is helpful but the length that wheelbase means the sliders are sort of grabbing before the back has had a chance to really grab [Music] so we got somebody you want a little bit of rough back in your doorway all right big Pete's up and if I know Pete he's gonna nail this one with no fuss come on mate too easy mate all right Tony bring up the 80. that's good yeah rather than a full launch but that was you made it you made it the head of it still lies caves of treacherous mud as well as arguably one of the sketchiest challenges in Australia but with the sun setting it's probably best we tackle these with a bit more light tomorrow so for now it's time to enjoy the sunset it's just about gotten dark but have a look there's a perfect Tasmanian girl on the West Coast it's about as good as it gets and guys we've said this before it's almost a cliche if you don't have a four-wheel drive do yourself a favor foreign [Music] it's a real tough one as you can't half tell but I want to do this interrupt for two seconds because we've got an awesome giveaway that's right it is competition time now we've got a full Raptor kit to give away it includes all the goodies you'll need to make your next project Raptor proof now to win put in the comments below what you're working on in the shed and why you need Raptor the best comment is going to win themselves Raptor kit good luck [Music] with the New Day Dawning and the Sun out we've got arguably the sketchiest challenge on this track not far ahead the infamous waterfall Crossing and with the conditions the way they've been so far it might be pretty wild this year but first things first in true chassis fashion there's a few ruts and a fair bit of mud to navigate between us and the waterfall time to get stuck in boys a little bit that way yep all right JC got a copy yeah mate I got a copy what else is weather mate it's raining overcast one moment it's almost bright and sunny the next yeah the sun looks like it's popping out I think I can see a bit of blue sky and it's just in time too because one of my favorite challenges not just in Tasmania but probably in Australia is coming up and you've got to see it to believe it mate I'm so stoked the sun has come out of this one yeah that must be the famous waterfall you've been telling me about the whole track I'm very keen to have a look at it and have a drive of it that's for sure what's that like a broken record but for good reason when you see it you'll get it all right mate let's keep flying along and um hopefully um it doesn't scare the heck out of anyone too bad because it's a pretty convenient little line the track follows the coastline about a k off the coast Inland but this is the point where you've got to turn in and it takes you on a run right down to the Cliff's Edge but before we get there I've managed to get myself stuck again well it's not the first time I've had to do this Sean's going to get stuck but I think he wants my help to get him out wants to go down there mate you know the handle yeah I wouldn't believe it but uh I didn't actually mean to park here it's gonna just come on the right stop it's going downhill but it couldn't be too bad but actually it's just full of black soil it's really simple um just letting you know you can't actually park there oh yeah there's no parking zone I'll just I'll just I'll just move out yeah well look Shawn's been banging on about this waterfall coming out for a long time and to be honest I think he's actually getting a little bit nervous so he's just trying to stall the Convoy and make us get there a bit slower so he's got more time to Hype himself up for it alrighty I don't take it away it's not often to get this stuck going downhill but the boys are suit onto it and we're just about moving yeah that's pretty stuff how's that did not say that coming usually when you're going downhill you don't get stuck that's my findings but does he well you never know with the rest of the Convoy clever enough to avoid the line I took we're through and have made our way down to the crossing and it looks like there's a fair bit of water flowing through this year well this is my favorite out of the track it's the waterfall section of climbies and as you can see you drive through the waterfall you've got a big Cliff Edge on one side and you've got a rock step to sort of navigate the problem is the vehicle wants to lean towards the cliff Edge I mean it's not a super hard climb but it gets your heart racing every single time you come here today is no different the boys are looking at it they're loving life I reckon uh we'll see you sortie through and see what happens I love these tracks so much it's you can see why as well it's absolutely stunning but it still makes me nervous every time I come here because I'm not a great fan of heights you might have worked out by now and oh it's just one of those tracks where just stunning but he doesn't feel like being first down yeah look even though I've driven this a bunch of times it's still you look at that you look at that drop off and it doesn't get any easier right yeah I think it's one of those tracks at the same every time you do it isn't it yep exactly right crossing the waterfall this climb really does put the wind up here there's little margin for error and one tire roll can really be the difference between a good day and a bad one and that's to say it lightly [Music] have a look at that view this feels sketchy the challenge here is navigating these big rock steps while also trying to swing the vehicle to the left on probably one of the scariest off-camber climbs there is and I've never seen it this challenging before I unlock this at all oh her out is giving little drop and see if it'll break off get a beautiful man that was very committing well done and I saw your hands to your left oh Stick It To You Right a little bit right peace I think it's gotten harder I've gotten softer I don't know even if you can roll back a tiny bit and straighten up there's just a little step after getting up before you can turn oh that yeah that's good then come forward just getting a little bit more right yeah that's good come forward to that little ramp there if you brought me on here yeah beautiful man here hard left here hard left deep driving keep driving one Motion One motion gone on there I don't want that it's going real quiet you know should we drop should we get a feeling something trying to roll it rolling back the end of the hole wait boys what's going on it's not very good boy put them white on that side of the car are you are you happy to roll back a bit if we hold the car you want you want to winch oh no I don't like this at all yep if you just creep back yep perfect that's all you need yep I don't like that at all well you're gonna yeah that was holy what are you gonna have to do here it's like there's a big rock here so we're gonna have to shuffle to get your front on that side of the rock this has never been like this yeah that I I thought you would go on there that was wild we got a good boy so what you're gonna have to do there's like a rocket slipped down so yeah basically there's a big rocker your front wheel and you just have to bring them to keep swimming you to get get you on that side of it so you have to go hard hard right and down and back and then the good thing is when you go back the car will have a lot more oh I don't like this at all no this is not good so hard right in down the back a couple more centimeters of wheel lift was a difference between and myself getting out of this one unscathed and I'm counting my blessings but it's far from over yet oh oh write it down if you can it's gonna that wheel dropped in this will come up so it's gonna feel better as you go back so all the right you got if you can yeah keep going back keep going back keep going back keep going back he going back you reckon Rio slide he has to get full full left I don't wanna now all right I'm gonna call it that's too sketchy for me that's that I think so just to be sure I don't wanna you know it shook me man I'm turning her off I'm getting out having a walk [Music] yeah oh tell me about it oh yeah and that that's that struck me man I'm I'm gonna get a winch yeah don't blame you it's live [Music] I can't I think without me in it that was sketchy as what happened there just got like slipped towards this rock and then this rock just stopped yet and all your torque went to that yeah so you should be like over here I think yeah we're just trying to get you there like yeah but I think I think you got to come up up here though not not where I went I think foreign just hold it down I needed a bit of weight on that side if I'm to be completely honest with you guys this is probably the scariest moment I've ever had behind the wheel of a four-wheel drive while I can usually laugh off most of my stuff UPS this one has definitely shook me are you gonna see pretty quickly how it can all go pear-shaped just one that are online and I know really what happened happened so quick but we've got somebody on the end of a winch right now and I can only further first breath of air I can't even talk it's um that was pretty wild that's probably the scariest thing I've ever been involved in I think I'm gonna need a minute we're soot now safely on the end of a winch rope it should be right to try and get her out of this wanna go for a winch Jesse also important to note here folks that leaning on the side of the 4B isn't a great idea we are well aware of the dangers of this and In the Heat of the Moment it seemed like the only option but we don't recommend you do this lovely little guy sleep don't want that one [Music] that was the scariest thing I've ever seen before driving that was that was messed up it's not dead about it that was a pretty serious thing and um still a little bit shaken to be honest with you it was the wrong line but at the time it didn't really feel like it I trusted the spotters um but again you can't blame anyone in this situation because it's not until you sometimes get a vehicle in that line do you know it's the wrong one but it's too late at that stage so at least though if there's anything to take out of this this is a section of track not to muck around with this is there's a bypass around here you can go around and I suggest if you're not confident to tackle this it's not harming just coming here to take a photo and cruising around but the boys will be right I got him up a different line we've learned our lesson we should be okay well there's no doubt about it that wasn't the right line and a pretty scary lesson was learned now Jesse's up in the D-Max and with some careful spotting and Jesse's expertise behind the wheel we should be able to navigate him up safely it's probably one of the wildest views you'll ever get in before we drop truck you're driving straight into the ocean something I've never experienced that's for sure does it look it's not the line I'd take you on I'd probably have you up over a bit with your ass over a bit more I just don't have to drive up that that's all you're confident but don't do any wild drives no no not not going to at all just if you're gonna do it just take it real easy I can go over if you want all right you got this it's real slow a little bit this is the part where it starts to feel really sketchy and the vehicle starts to lean to the right showing you An Almighty drop off the Cliff's Edge gonna start to feel a bit uneasy eye you've got to go up there it's not that's a better line the back's got to call him now so far Jesse's really light on the throttle and we're spotting him up well [Music] you're up a little bit more that way we're coming for me sorry can't be coming that way keep it going there are hold that mate thank you very much into the auto and the D-Max that made that so much easier to hate to do that and running and trying to control the clutch and plus foot would be shaking I reckon so that's definitely the right line car this side a little bit of trial and error that's not a real place to do trial and error but that's uh that's definitely the one to do I'm gonna try and drive with the patrol we don't wanna push it right to the edge though because it's now coming back from this spot I mean that's one of the most scariest experiences I've had Sean nearly going over that Cliff then whatever you don't want to go that far now Reuben has by far the heaviest rig in the Convoy and with all that weight the water 62 is going to want to lean hard over that cliff just a little bit that way just a little bit that's it a little bit less a little bit less bite yep yep yep yeah so far it's been a pretty good drive but the rig just wants to keep slipping into the hole on the edge of the track which as we saw is not where you want to end up stop just put the winch on yeah you're happy with that it's just but the car wants to do what I did and keep going that way yeah right let's get a winch it's a good call Mate it's better to be safe than sorry so we're just putting the winch on because I'm slipping into the same rut that Sean did and um over right there I don't know if you can see but that's a cliff but I'll strike you there just a little bit more tones until you get into that little hole you get the Ring's about going to yeah that's you mate if you just jump on the brake there for us we'll win this just um robes just so you can see mate there's a big rock here and you want to be on this side of that rock okay just tell me um where to steer if you can yeah we'll do mate on that line is perfect as you're driving which same time drive better driver yeah back off yeah if you just go reverse a fraction mate some rocks in there for you with Reuben's long wheelbase the 4B is just trying to climb two things at once and even with the winch on it's just slipping on the rocks so we're gonna pack it up the front and rear and it should give the patrol enough momentum to get up and over that lip a little bit brought on that mate it's nice but you gotta drive I think he goes by the left I don't know keep going on that line that's it and just like that you can see what a bit of rock packing can do both for the drive and getting the driver a bit of confidence as well that way mate went out it's just it might talk up if the back comes up Mr Hollow just drop it forward and then you've got to come towards me tell you what right there just like that Reuben's up great work mate that was good helps having the winch on to start with that why it gives you a little bit more confidence when it does start to unload its suspension you're caught from the wind so it keeps that side of the vehicle down from hindsight I wish I had a winter on from the start just seeing Shauna go up the boys have gone up under winch cable this is one of those tracks very Scenic and it's been on my bucket list as a four-wheel driver but when you get here the view is surreal but you just can't underestimate this climb and how serious the consequences can be if you don't do it safely so I'm going to err on the side of caution um it's not one of those hero drives and I've got to say I'm pretty nervous so fingers crossed beats up in the big gu and if there's a 4B you want to drive this challenge in it's probably the one and Pete really wasn't hanging around for that one he picked a line committed and he's made it look quite easy well I've got aside here I was nervous I was nervous and anyway we got a good line and just walked it up so I'm relieved well after seeing what just went down and in a pretty similar setup to sweetie but a bit taller and a bit heavier and with a lot less experience I'm going to take the bypass track it's pretty gnarly uh set of consequences if you if you get it wrong so I just don't have a confidence to do it I'll uh I'll take the safe option I don't blame you in the smartest mate nothing wrong with that mate we'll scoot around we'll meet you [Music] and with that it's another year we can cross off the waterfall Crossing but I've got to say with one of the more memorable ones and not for the right reasons with the boys pretty worn out from the day's events we point our noses toward the end of the climbish track s to navigate through and those huge ruttered sections just show how bad the conditions are this year the climbies is usually a medium graded track with some challenging spots but this year it's been Relentless with deep mud and washed out rock climbs that require maximum Focus to navigate hey Jessie you got a copy mate yeah sure I got a copy mate what do you reckon The Climb his track the tick the boxes for you big fella oh definitely mate it was Unreal drug had a bit of everything a bit of rocks bit of mud a few hill climbs and refuse the whole way mate that was mind-blowing yeah it really is it's a special track light and I reckon it's um probably the most challenging I've ever seen it as well so I reckon it's getting a little bit late in the day what do you reckon fellas that you head to a campsite and um you're lucky I might even pull your cookware out dad in the great day sure no can I ask what you're cooking us if you decide to cook mate I'm gonna think of what I'm cooking first how about you Tony you came for cold beer yeah sure that was a cracking day mate uh and yes I am definitely Keen for a cold beer after a little bit of excitement today so um you're looking forward to it [Music] yeah no worries all right [Music] I think it's fair to say that a few coldies are needed tonight so it's high time we found a good spot to pitch our swags for the night and if you know Tassie you know there's no shortage of Specky spots to do just that we found ourselves the perfect little spot just north of Granville Harbor to call home for the night there's a heap of amazing spots to Camp along this area of Coast but always make sure you check with the local Council to see if they've opened and you've got the right permits after the day that's unfolded the boys aren't slowing getting their Camp setups going well first off for me Wheeling down and tazzy with the boys and I've got the keys to Graham's D-Max tell you what it's pretty flash living out of this thing got fridge drop down slide the full mitt set up in here it's probably a bit different to the milk crabs got in the back of my GQ I'm absolutely frothing the setup in the car it's actually really surprising me some of the places it's going it's um it's unreal now when you're camping in Tassie you really need to be prepared for all kinds of weather especially when you're camping right on the coast as the wind can be something fierce but lucky for us the conditions aren't too bad today [Music] well it is that time of day I reckon enjoy a couple of beers sit around camp for a little bit and start to think of what I can cook because I've got sort of limited supplies tonight but that's not going to hold me back from cooking up something absolutely spectacular I'm gonna start thinking [Music] with the sun setting it's high time we sit back relax and enjoy a few coldies and look back on the adventure so far but there's still plenty more to come [Music] well how good is this I mean the west coast of tazzy never disappoints but we've been so lucky with the weather we've had a bit of rain but the camps have been absolutely phenomenal on this one almost takes a cake if you ask me tonight's recipe I sort of I didn't have much in the in the way of stocking the old at the moment so I went to seeing I'd normally say mango mix but this is not this is going to be like a bit of a chicken stew I don't have a name for it yet first things first we're going to get the old uh Genesis gallon yeah I must have come on an off day because it wasn't there wasn't a stack of options and I need to use this chicken quickly split because used by date I won't tell the rest of the boys this but it's best before tomorrow so you got a bit of a little bit of leeway here okay first things get a bit of pepper you notice I'm not even taking them out of the pack and I'm trying to make less mess that's my new rule as a chef a little bit of salt it's coming out in big chunks so I think I've got a bit of water in the drawers at some stage today yeah the whole plan is we're not cooking the chicken all the way through I always like to serve it medium rare no I'm just joking what we're going to do is we're just going to Brown it off tuck those straight in don't even muck around that's starting to look pretty good can you smell that mate that smells pretty good but you haven't got much going on over here he wants to go I'll just gonna start chopping some other bits and pieces what's the secret is they don't cry mate uh it's very tough breathe through your mouth breathe through your mouth yeah okay it also helps have a sharp knife and oh no let's go and say good too there you go that's that's what we're after a bit of garlic chopped up that's starting to smell real good I'm just going to quickly dice some celery some carrots a little bit of prep work but while they're cooking you've got a bit of time you know what I mean you get some of that chicken in put in this little pan here yeah yeah the heat turned down on this one yeah so that there they're nice and brown as well that's the ticket that's look at that one beautiful there you go you know you're doing oh you know what you do it's like my first time oh what happened there onions are going straight in you gotta stir those little buggers around celery is going to go in just you know what we're putting all that in I should just pick up pick up the old chopping board that's what the hole is foreign spices this really is this is a bit of time not to be confused with time maybe a quarter of a handful after that didn't make it tonight and you might need to go again go another sort of third of a handful I want to put a little vanilla chicken I don't want to go too much though that's okay don't get too much not too much on that bit of chicken but heaps in that bit eh yeah well that's okay put a little bit of Tabasco habanero that's going in this is actually really spicy this one do you like spicy food do we have enough toilet paper for everyone if we can honestly if you want you tell me where to stop oh yeah like I love what food oh yeah like okay just empty the bottle no worries I think oh you can smell that one key ingredient now Jesse ah I remember when you got that the other day a little bit of red wine now this is a zean special tazzy local Dropbox I'm probably gonna put about half a glass and the rule really is whatever you put in the pot you should double it for yourself what we're going to do there is just basically cook the alcohol off and while you're cooking the alcohol off that one you don't have to mash it all together mate you can just give it the odd stir every now and again if you like no no here you mash it down no don't mash it there's no mashing no you're going to ruin it what I'm going to do here I'm going to put a bit of chicken stock in all of that fair bit of it you know what I mean give that a little bit of a stir actually you know what you're right Jesse I'm gonna go all of it and I'll tell you why I might even put a bit more in later because I'm going to cook the pasta in the same a little bit more liquid wouldn't go astray you're always going to basically straight in shovel those straight are you gonna help me if you like I thought you're going to Splash it straight on me put all those straight in you could turn the heat down we've got to dial that down a little bit I'll put the lid on that we're gonna let that simmer for probably about 45 minutes maybe even an hour we'll uh have a couple of glasses of red I reckon maybe a couple of beers who knows it's good to me foreign [Music] exactly right mate so I put extra stock in there it's got a bit of moisture absorb a bit of the liquid in there I love a lot of it I reckon give it a mix around and what we'll do once that all goes in there you don't want the pasta on the surface you want that under the water no you got to Pat it down mate basically and we're gonna give it another sort of 15 minutes at least and that'll soak all that juice up open it up mate open her up there we go look at that get it all in because that is looking absolutely very hot boys smells gather around and get your fighting gear a bit of chicken in there Jesse bit of chicken mate you'll get a couple of bits there it's got a bit of spice mate I won't lie to you I have a little bit more you know that's got some rally about it exactly right you're here in Tasmania you're not just driving hard tracks you're eating hard meals too it's all about fellas oh and the key is when you've got a cold night sometimes it's nice and warm from the inside out in my opinion fellas I reckon we are two on the Fire get warm from the outside and inside what do you reckon Jesse yeah let's do it that's good that's not bad actually it's really nice [Music] foreign [Music] W had the biggest competition I think I've ever seen in the four-wheel drive industry that could literally change your life now it's your last chance to enter Reuben what is the prize mate you can choose our silver 79 I call it moto moto or you can choose our big green 200 dual cab which I call Gloria or you can take 150 Grand cash all you've got to do is go to our website and get yourself a gift voucher is that simple and you are in the draw it really is a small price to pay for an amazing opportunity at one of the best prizes you can literally walk away with guys this is your last chance so make sure you jump onto this one quick smart so you don't miss out and best of luck to you guys as the morning breaks it seems that conditions are holding out for us but there's some dark clouds looming in the distance the west coast is known for its harsh conditions and is quite often wet and barrage with wind if these conditions pick up it might make for an interesting day as usual Reuben's got his chef hat on With An Almighty feed going on in the DMW kitchen and I reckon we're gonna need it because today's track is going to be a tough one foreign s are looking a little bit worse for wear after a few weeks in Tassie so it always pays to give them a check over in the morning before tackling the tracks well when the car's getting worked as hard as they are down here in Tasmania a little bit of preventative maintenance goes a long way each morning I just like to sort of get a few tools out and I walk around and I know in my car and normally do it so I'm just doing it same on the D-Max check them out your main suspension bolts wheel nuts and obviously under Bonnet check you know all your fluids checked they're all good for the day and that'll save you a lot of time on the side of the tracks thank you so that still three quarters full after a big night of using all my Camp lights fridges things like that I haven't had much to do with the go block to be honest but after using it for the last couple of weeks in Tassie it's really grown on me just because how simple it is it just gets the job done super simple I've set it in there forget and when I drive the vehicle well it begins to charge and speaking of driving we've got some epic stuff on the cars today a really cool beach run that'll take us right down to the Arthur River boys have never been here pretty excited to show them around [Music] the track we're tackling today is known as the Arthur pyman track and runs north from Granville Harbor roughly 25 kilometers to the Arthur pyman River foreign get a load of this in the mud one minute and down on a beach the next yeah this is the Arthur pyman region been here a few times and it's absolutely stunning we've picked a perfect day too we've got calm seas which is a rarity around here it's actually a nice-ish day it's just awesome to get a bit of sand under those tires yeah it's pretty treacherous Little Beach you've got to watch out for a few different challenges obviously Tides play a huge part around here but also quicksand that's the thing that you get in Tassie a fair bit you get that wrong um you will sink your vehicle no two ways about it don't forget what they say [Music] hey Jessie got me mate yeah mate I got a copy that's the guy look it's a beautiful beach this one and um very soon we're gonna get into a stack of mud so enjoy this while at last but I do want to put a little carrot at the end mate because what I have planned tonight if we make it is I'm gonna say it the best campsite I've ever been to well that's a bloody big coal for you reckon you've been through a lot of dance but um if it's going to be the best I'm super game to get there and have a look in true Tassie form it doesn't take long before the poor weather sets in and as we leave the beach it's not long before we hit the first bog Hall of many oh I just made a throw with the rain continuing to fall it's not going to make these bog holes any easier Oh I thought we'd go through most of the deep and hard ones but this one here it's a bit mysterious I've had a bit of a check it does feel a little bit soft but they could be hardness under that Sean's up first so let's see how he goes well he just made that I thought he was stuck for a second there worked the wheel and he got out what a drive well Jesse's up next so I've actually left near the boghole just in case he gets stuck which I think he might I can be quite quick to get the vehicle back and I've got the recovery gear in here as well so fingers crossed I don't have to get these bait wet that's all I'm open radio seems deep soft [Music] well Jesse I think you might have just missed your line there nearly what was that nearly nearly made it what a drive I'll just learned something new about Jesse one of them he's a fella can steer a vehicle up nearly any line in Australia when it comes to Mud he's out of his death [Music] I'll hand it to him he fully not given up the oven all right just like just pick usually one rut and go with it like so close to us but we are very very close as they say in Tassie one more no more [Applause] that was cool I used all three rats that's you know that counts are driving it twice for a second I'll be getting them with you that was really good that was third low and all that well mate hats off what a drive tell you what this D-Max is a ton of fun doesn't matter what format you got get out there and have a go live rooms up next you can hear me mate um something tells me well I don't even know there's a chance of a Reuben rib I reckon it's a fire chance yeah I'm out of the way [Music] don't go in yourself he did ah easy stupid always just makes everything look easy this is no excuses to me now right yep birthday or not like you know the real character of me now because when the going gets tougher every man for himself yeah we're getting closer and closer to one of the speckiest campsites you'll ever see but between us and the campsite lies some of the thickest mud the Arthur pyman region has an offer from memory I have flooded my car in one of these I can't remember which one I'm not I'm gonna go this one go that one yeah I think and I'll send it through we'll see what happens as well multiple lines you could do this one's got grass growing up not sure about it it's every man for himself that looks deep but I can't really test it but so it's going to come to the rescue let's go let's get this cancel all right let's do it yeah I spot a line over the left I'm hoping the rats aren't as big but we'll see how we go eh [Music] I get it I get it that's great off the demons should make a rule everyone's gonna pick a different line through the Boggle I thought that's what it was yeah so you take that one so that's all around they're gone they're taken I'm not there anymore hey Reuben um I'm not sure if you're aware of this but this set of mud holes is a game as someone drives a line the line is gone you can't drive that line anymore so that Line's gone and that Line's gone now you have to pick another one it goes that's your life do we make him reverse back that was your life yeah that was not that's that's actually technically I think that's cheating but I'd like to see the replay of that so I'm going to make a really stupid decision here and I'm going to take that what looks to be the wettest line and possibly the hardest line so I reckon what I'm going to do is sharpen me throttle I'm going straight to u9 I've got all my lockers on I'm on Research so hopefully all things go well and if worse comes to worst I've got some bilge pumps ready to go so flick of the switch and we'll be on Radio Action boys wait back on back home once again the winch truck boys are straight into it they've got Pete on his way out of the mud but not everything is going to plan oh no oh no oh okay right can you see though you should get one again never need it [Music] wow that's pretty wild this is one of the Early times in boggles where going last doesn't go to your advantage Tony's last we've taken all the good lines I reckon he's got this middle one here that's the only one really left so good luck to him I reckon that's all we can say at the point of the day Tony good luck mate [Music] he probably drove that the easiest yet it's blockhole rule that folks play with your mates good fun It's always important to have a bit of fun when you're out in the tracks even when it's just mud for miles I think we've got about what five ten meters yeah a couple of car lengths and there's another bog hole this one's pretty treacherous now unfortunately we have to go to the rule book and there was a bit of a dnf yeah Reuben got disqualified in the last hole because he used the line it was already used so that means he's up first for this one and we've managed to pick their worst looking bug hole and he's up first so that's what you get that's what that's what happens unfortunately we don't make the rules we're just here to play we're just enforcing them I don't know how deep that is and that looks very treacherous and it doesn't look like anyone's proven that in a very long time I I can I can confirm the first two feet a hard one yeah that's what I can't confirm the rest well we'll find out soon all right good luck good luck well he gave it a good crack in the big 62 but it's gone straight down right hand down and back but reversing has got him even more stuck and there's just no traction in that mud yeah [Laughter] it's he's stuck and we've got no car in front of him is there there's any shrubs around here I'll have to find another line to see I didn't plan for this [Music] yeah that's good news so it's through with no dramas now to hook up Reuben and see if we can't get him out slowly but surely the y62 is coming free and eventually Reuben is out of trouble and I think we know that that line is now off limits wow Pete and Tony are through with no dramas and all that's left is Jesse in the day max so easy don't even think I spun the wheels unbelievable and with that there's one final slippery climb before we reach the coast again and the camp for the night is within sight wow look at this there's a big hill need a bit of rolling momentum what a drive and what a new have a look at that I'm winding the window for you this view is unreal Coastline Jagged rocks nice Beach [Music] well boys how can I say it's been a bloody epic trip in one of the most remote parts of not just Tasmania but Australia one of the most scenics to vote Jesse what do you think make your first time down on the west coast of Tassie try it out mate my first time Danny I didn't know what to expect but I'll tell you what I've had a ball we've done a bit of everything and yeah I'm frothing I'd have gone playing here for a frothing it's a it's a place to crop over that's for sure robes in the Big Y 62 make that thing um holy heck let's make some noises yeah now she gets on the back pretty good but I tell you I love Tasmania what an amazing place it has got everything you know like it's a place I reckon I could live it's just so amazing Pete what do you reckon mate I've had a ball I reckon this place should be on every four wheel drives bucket list it certainly was mine and it hasn't disappointed mate it's been an absolute hoot to uh travel with you guys over this beautiful state 80 series like a boss yeah mate first time willing anywhere in tazzy for me and it's been a really good experience and at a personal level I just want to thank all you guys for all your help and guidance there's um there's been some pretty tough tracks that I'm not really used to driving and it's been a good education for me yeah you could get a pretty big crash course in um in Hardware when you're in chassis it's like nothing else really you've got some some of the craziest mud Rock steps all sorts of stuff and these are just the local tracks down here it's pretty crazy stuff all right boys well follow me we've got one last little treat and uh I've got some cold beers in those bridges of yours him would you look at that mud one minute to Paradise the next what do you reckon mate mate this is bloody unreal like 10 minutes ago we were stuck in a bog hole I was not expecting this campsite yeah been out again mate I've got to jump up my sleeve I've always wanted to Camp here and tonight is the night and a little behind the scenes as well it's Pete's birthday tonight so we've come up with something absolutely special I mean get a load of it this is one of the most scenic places you'll ever get to roll a bit of canvas out the west coast of Tasmania folks if you haven't put it in your Diaries do it right now when are you coming down because this place is off tap it's a four-wheel drive Paradise the camping options are absolutely unlimited the tracks mate the tracks are unreal the quality bit of everything down here there's nothing like it in probably the world so get get down to Tasmania and really really embrace it because this place is off tap mate I reckon it is a couple of cold beers around a fire and if it's okay with you mate we might have a bit of a late start tomorrow and uh just go explore around here yeah I'm fine with that folks just one last thing in the comments please let us know if you've ever seen a more picturesque Camp than this one because because I doubt that we've made any comments about that no one's going to come at night I don't reckon somebody none cheers folks [Music] well a little bit gutted to be honest this morning because I had to sleep over it and um how to sleep over it I slept on it I sleep over the tent we slept together and I'm gonna I thought you're any better than that g'day guys it's Graham Cahill here this is the reason we own a four-wheel drive don't look up oh where's this where is this like oh it's a full moon track I'm called and we're not gonna make it subtraction's starting to go after a couple of vehicles and all right more yeah what's wrong when he does I'm not okay you first have mates on these trips I just go behind my back I did not say the three leader should only come in milk cartons I did not I should have said that'd be funny yeah I know I just thought of it now you picked it what's the big plan big fan I can't hear you whatever you doing I'm just going to cast at night sorry Brian's not working hello my name is mustachio I was trying to get my mirror sorted one more time [Laughter] through my face I don't know what to say every time what am I gonna do just make something up it's really been used on a few cookouts I'm probably just smelling what was that yeah the strike so what about now the boys realize they were getting a pub feed something like that a little bit more no no we're on yeah you just pulled that too early never do that there you guys [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music]
Channel: 4WD 24-7
Views: 958,329
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 4wd, action, 4x4, offroad, outdoors, travel, overlanding, toyota, nissan, hilux, patrol, landcruiser, adventure, camping, fishing, diesel, petrol, surf, shaun whale, graham cahill, australia, dirty 30, shorty, gq, gu, 80 series, 40 series, 60 series, 79 series, troopy, 4wd action, 4wd 247, 4wd 24/7
Id: hek8zWBLReA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 8sec (4268 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 21 2022
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