4 HOURS WINCHING IN MUD & SNOW! Three 4WDs FLOATED downstream... Who got towed home?

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get it get it if there's one bucket list dream for Aussie four-wheel drivers it's a chance to go wheeling in the snow doesn't get much better than this if you ask me right now we're in the midst of a High Country adventure and sure enough things are getting wild no I'm stuck hey 30 out of five I don't think it has been that long before deep snow huge clones and car swallowing Crossings oh my god dude I can see a tree out through my windscreen this is only up to be an adventure we'll never forget it's getting really cold up here the snow's getting thicker but get the recovery gear ready because one of the four-wheel drives is not gonna make it well obviously this is less than ideal what a song it's like a song foreign [Music] country trip without a quick stop over at the Jamison Pub only a few hours north of Melbourne Jamison is a sleepy little town and offers the perfect place to warm yourself up for what will be a chilly trip ahead and after we sink a few cold ones in a feed we get to bed and rest up for what's going to be an epic adventure ahead [Music] oh oh oh how cold is it oh [Music] is that ADA was working Australia is not exactly known for its cold climate and it's rare you'll get the opportunity to drive in the snow but mounts game provides you the best chance in summer this place is literally a two-wheel drive Road in Winter the road becomes four-wheel drive access only if the weather gods are smiling this place can turn into a hectic winter Adventure [Music] joining Sean and I is golden ticket winner Kane who's come all the way from the Northern Territory for the trip [Music] I sure do and I haven't been able to wipe the smile off my face this whole time because we're finally back in the High Country mate how exciting all right I was thinking the same thing the foxes started to uh come in and get up the mountain a little bit and if we're lucky maybe might even see some of that white stuff oh mate I am so Keen to hook into it it's been a hot minute since I've done some snow wheeling and I know Kane's just as excited to uh hook in and give it a go with a cold front having just blasted through the region we're hoping to find a good dump of snow on Mount skane hopefully soon we'll just start seeing little specks of snow on the side of the track and then you know you're getting close and before we even made it through to the main climb sure enough it looks like we're in luck and how good is this it's a pretty weird feeling you know it doesn't happen in Australia seeing snow under your tires all right first little side track of the day [Applause] it's a bit slippery how good is this let's drive up here mate flexor up oh there we go that's it oh that's fine snow just feels different under your tires isn't it there's something strange about it in Australia mate it's just awesome when you get to drive on snow we've got a fantastic mix of vehicles on this trip and first up is Aaron from mits alloy Wheeling a rig which has seen plenty of action in all corners of this country proving time and time again that the mid 79 is up for any Adventure following up next in the Convoy is a legend that you guys haven't seen before Steve ripping the mighty redarc Hilux I can tell you now that the setup that Steve's got in this rig is going to come in bloody handy in this type of weather and last but not least is paid with his ultimate 9ju this thing is a weapon and Pete is a local around these parts so he's an absolute asset to have on this trip and can't wait to show us around his backyard [Music] well this track gets so tied up here trees actually growing in the track something tells me it doesn't get driven and give a lot [Music] yeah she snug as a bug this one velocity paint job this is not the truck for you it's not long before the track starts to get pretty sketchy and the fresh powder in front of us means that it's only going to get trickier the mountain has had a good dump overnight meaning we're going to face some pretty wild conditions all fun aside we need to keep pushing up the mountain as there are reports of heavy snow coming which could mean some pretty deep powder and make for a tricky ascent snow driving provides many challenges one of which is not knowing What Lies Beneath the powder and in this case it's some pretty deep and muddy ruts all right it's gonna be a little bit wild anytime we need to go uphill in the snow it's usually a bit of a challenge oh he just like that [Music] off we go into this track no one's driven this in a while the snow is all over it with full noise the 30 is up and clear of the climb let's see how the rest of the Convoy manages come on baby let's go we're clearing a path we're yeah we're snow plowing we started to push a bit of snow out of the way [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] doesn't get much better than this if you ask me have a look at this what do you reckon why unreal how cool is this super special you don't see this and of course no snow trip is complete without a snowball fight and let's just say some came off better than others [Music] I just constantly seem to be spoiling from ear to ear on this trip I mean sometimes you just gotta pinch yourself because it's an absolute privilege to be here on Mount skiing driving through the scenario the Convoy is up the first part of this mountain but as we continue to climb the clouds in the distance seem to be getting closer and darker and before you know it it begins to dump snow I guess it's as good a time as any to stop off for a quick lunch stop and enjoy the snowfall let's check something here boys is this what I think it is mate so he's out in the bush he's got to be absolute kidding me all the boys were congregating around this vehicle I thought I better go investigate for myself that's right toast is getting cooked up for lunch today but goes to show and you've got an awesome 12-v system nothing is out of the equation Steve has got a kettle a sandwich press he's got an electric blanket all of the you know convenience of home out here in the scrub ham cheese tomato I'm all in it's crazy what you can run off a good lithium battery and big inverter these days but with the day getting on we need to keep pushing up and with the snow dumping and the weather turning the track ahead looks like it'll be a bit of a challenge oh I start to get real slippery now how Wild is this guys you're wondering I've got those goodies the end of about 18p or so I just like drag on Sand there's no sort of stuff you've got to get those tire pressures down the dirty 30 is looking more like a snow plower than a super tourer right now but so far it's getting the job done and clearing a pass for the rest of the Convoy it's pretty wild it's just no traction whatsoever but the higher we climb the deeper the snow gets in the 30s using every lug on its tires to fight its way forward it's going to be a matter of going back and forth to actually clear some of the snow it's getting thicker up ahead as well so you're a bit of a snow player when you get to this position with the Convoy up front so when I saw you disappear into the trees I could just see snow flicking up and uh I could hear the 30 on song mate you having fun over there oh just you said that I got to actually speed off the track coming for kilo range and standing on it because you sort of make it a couple of meters every time and traffic's pretty hard to get around here at least you're having fun once you go through it'll probably be easier for us tonight hopefully we'll just be able to glide through in the D-Max oh well we'll see about that Jocko but I like your positivity yeah certainly they have a work cut out foreign it's actually getting a little bit warm at the moment not too but warm but considering we're in the snow um it's just all that high RPM it's sort of over 3000 RPM four gear low range just really trying to flick as much snow off this track as possible we're making a pretty good goal but once you sort of clear the path it's pretty smooth sailing but upper hand it just gets harder and harder this is so much fun all right mate well Sean's drivers anything to go by it's gonna be fun that's cool noise go on there we go there it is come on old girl so far I'm just managing to get the D-Max up this super slippery climb but I reckon I'm gonna need full noise to get it up properly come on I thought I cleared a track for you mate surprisingly still so slippery it is I think you might even have to go back further and just get up in the gears get some momentum going yeah Roger that momentum's your friend on these tracks I'll go down and have another goat give it everything mate that stole her off a bit come on have a real go D-Max come on come on that's it now the D-Max is running smaller tires than the 30 and it's got a lot less clearance but you know what it's making a damn good goal of it for a pretty standard dual cab ute come on like you lose momentum nearly all over all right mate put your foot down and get it done come on that's it that's it momentum [Music] oh no this is about as good as it gets oh I'm so close boys the good news is I think I've cleared the track for the rest of you but uh just couldn't quite make it as this last little pinch I can't quite get up probably the best thing you've got to take the 30 down on there to run up myself to get through the next bit but then Docker can just win straight off the back and make you can continue playing on a track up you know it just gets harder and harder all right Sean good for a winch yeah when you're ready mate shouldn't need much [ __ ] much oh that's about as far as I can go but I don't think I'm unstuck maybe you can disconnect me and you can have a run then we'll reset yeah copy I'll come back the problem with this type of Wheeling is that without momentum you've got absolutely no chance of clearing the snow but the snow is what's stopping the momentum in the first place I've had to put my foot down and use a 30 has to offer and full noise reverse and do it all over again you may only be making meter by meter gains but slowly we're making our way forward yeah she's loaded right up it's giving it just about everything look how much snow there is here this is what I'm driving through insane I think I might get the reach out because I'm really stressing out the 30 year it's in and out of Gears reverse forward you know going through the gears pretty hard and doing about four or five thousand RPM so maximum vickies and I'm still not making it up there remember you never ever pick on someone who's helping you out in a recovery situation and last you're in the snow fun and friendship while Sean continues his snowplow duties at the front we're going to get the rest of the Convoy up to him the big mid 79ers showed us what she's made of more times than we can count there we go but it's yet to be tested in this sort of terrain but with those eight cylinders of tickle Toyota Fury under the Bonnet she's cruising through with minimal dramas yes and Steve well he's just stoked to be here good on you mate I'm gonna dial up the throttle control of the ultimate six make sure I'm nice and sharp on the accelerator this is pretty wild I'll just put the old snatch beanie on because it's getting really cold up here the snow's getting thicker all right we're looking at the bottom of the hill we thought oh there won't be much snow around it's a little bit early in the season we were wrong [Music] well the snow's just getting thicker as we get further up the hill so I reckon if we maybe went from all the way up there I think so one of these extensions down here there at least you've got a nice straight winch pool hopefully I can just plant as much of this out of the way as possible and the rest of the crew can get through easy it's pretty wild still winching you can drive a little bit on and off the gas and you'll get through it but it's pretty hard on the gear I'll tell you what otterena worked a winch as hard as this for such a long time the long continuous winching with a car that's proper stuck really tests the winch but the Ruger is doing it easy what a beast you can see the 30 is struggling for any sort of traction and even with the winch pool it's still working hard just to make a few meters each time all right time to give it the old right boot method again and simply back where we started well I went off winch that sort of 20 meters up I thought maybe I'd be able to drive from there on or at least go back to where I've winch and have another go but as I went I didn't actually compact any of the snow down so it's still real hard going you're gonna have to have a few goes for a clear enough snow if we can make a bit of Headway it's going to take a lot of revving and a lot of back and forth I think it's PSI Pete had a good idea but some PSI out of the tires and I'm down at 18 but it's getting thicker than snow so we're going to go down to something pretty crazy probably down around eight to start with we'll see how that works all right listen to The Victorian local go down to five I don't think I've ever been that low before well it might sound drastic but with barely any traction in the snow just getting deeper I'll try just about anything to get the 30 moving including chucking some Max tracks down to give it that extra push of momentum come on baby little kiss people bit ing we're in the play we're up on top there's a lot less thick off here if we're not going off a big hill as well so that is a win shouldn't do that of a cold ah a [Music] well that's absolutely insane this is some of the thickest snow I've driven but it's so much ice which makes it really hard but the max tracks involved with um tire pressures down and just jump on that right pedal made all the difference toko's up next and um this bit will be his toughest bit where I've got stuck I was here for a good hour and a half I reckon at least [Music] see what happens come on I know that'll be us I reckon well we gave it a proper good night should we mate we almost got to the top but uh after a couple of guys it was just not really getting any further than this the last thing I want to do is damage the track all the vehicle so Sean's going to hook up the snatch snap strap and uh we'll be out in your quick smart all right good to go [Music] that felt like that kind of a complete stop and you didn't move nah I'm stuck hey [Music] well I'm out of the stock bit yeah where it's coming tight we're going over the hard bit which is a bit of pain but if I could have a few guys it sort of clears it up a bit I got another tug from there will be us uh clear and ready when you are yeah I'm up baby yeah good sometimes that's all I might need a little pull [Music] with the first two rigs up off the climb and clear it's time for the boys in the back of the Convoy to see if they can send it up too there we go interaction although with the path cleared by the 30 snowplow it's a relatively straightforward climb to the top and just in time because the light is fading quickly Mount skin is a must-do track for any four-wheel driver and what a day it's been if you're Keen to get out here though it's important to note that access to mount skin in the winter months is via special permission only the Legends at four wheel drive Victoria have made it possible for four-wheel drive clubs to keep accessing this closed row by putting in a simple permit system which limits the number of vehicles across the mountain each day and keeps local police and rescue in a loop you can find more info at four wheel drivevictoria.org.iu and trust me it's worth the effort mate what an epic day on the tracks eh I was thinking the same thing like it's not very often we get to drive inside but when we do and what we came across today is this Sensational right [ __ ] the winch out I've had lockers going or full noise I mean that's pretty happy if you asked me it's so different to any other type of Wheeling you'd think something looks easy you give it a go in the snow on the tracking you just can't get through I can't feel my toes anymore but I've been smiling all day and I know Kane has as well oh mate sounds unreal I think we're gonna need to keep warm tonight it's gonna be a cold one Bring It On [Music] there are plenty of places to camp at the base of the mountain and we found a Specky little spot by a river which will serve us perfectly for the night as usual the boys get straight into Camp setup but I've got a feeling that a big fire and a couple of cold ones after the day we've just had is the main thing on everybody's mind when you're camping in a place like this with extreme temperatures it's equally important to have the right gear for your Camp setup just as much as it is to have the right accessories on your vehicle the knights can often drop below zero and the wind chill can push it well further so making sure you've got the right camping gear goes a long way to making your trip more enjoyable but it turned the inverter on extension cord now you're probably wondering why I'd need this out in the bush now I'm not too proud to admit I come from Queensland and cold is not exactly my forte so upstairs in the old Shangri-La we've got the electric blanket now I'm keeping that pretty quiet to the front of the boys but I can run up with this system pretty easy they don't draw much so I think why not foreign [Music] from the very limited camping setup I've got with the luxys it sure is nice to have a mitz canopy and a luxurious camping setup on the D-Max oh boys you know I'm not gonna copy gray right now but this honestly is as good as it gets 100. hey boys cheers mate you know we're in the snow today wet feet wet socks that's why the boots are around the campfire just trying to dry out rid our socks right now and the smiles are ear to ear because you know just because of Linda doesn't mean you should stay indoors you should get out and go camping and this is a good proof you're well prepared your gun plays like this and guess how many people are around none mate unreal got the whole place to ourselves beautiful yeah it's an epic drive today by all and Jocko I'm thinking mate the only thing that can make this better a delicious hearty winter meal that's exactly what I got planned man outstanding well High Country in Winter and I've said this before and I'll say it again you shouldn't let the fact that it's winter really cold outside stop you from going camping if you've got if you're prepared essentially you are in one of the best places in Australia to go camping mate what a magical part of the world and I'm so excited for cooking tonight it's going to be awesome I'm making like a a chicken creamy pasta it's more of a High Country creamy special yeah I love a High Country cream so what we're going to do is turn that one on this is the best thing about this you've got two different sides so it's really easy to do and you can control the heat that's mad I'll turn that up a little bit I'm gonna put like a little bit of olive oil in there yeah I'm just gonna get a bunch of chicken out a bit of thigh fillet so I feel it now a lot of people would use breasts for this recipe but I I like thigh the key is basically is to cut these up into basically bite size pieces you can go a little bit bigger than bite size big expectations tonight because I've been talking this one up a little bit this is a real comfort food yeah especially when you've been driving in the snow you've got cold toes and wet socks that is is chopped up now nicely basically it's got a salt and pepper this on the board there we go try not to cross paths if you know yeah don't cross the streams Ray I'm gonna go some Italian herbs mate and try them to get chicken fingers on everything straight in I'll give them a Cersei we're Browning the chicken off we're basically cooking the chicken almost to completion right now you know I I have a secret I have an Ace in the Hole so obviously Kane's been riding in the D-Max with me he's actually a cook he's that what do you say actually he's a trained qualified cook he's a chef yeah so so makes Couple of chefs on this um trip he's got a better beard than me and he's a medical Fisher there's a bit of cane show coming up you know what though I had a couple of words with him and you know we we try any different spots in France I was down in the South and he was up north and we never crossed paths you know hopefully you can learn a couple things tonight so that might need to go into those tins drop off you can do that and I'm just gonna start cutting this bacon out that is hot get the juice in the pan bacon goes in oh look how much bacon we got we've got so much bacon you can be careful too much of these here mate don't even go there that's a gray I'm joking it's not here to defend himself put a couple of mushies in just gotta basically put a couple of chilies in here because Graham's not here we can put Eve's chili in exactly right for a bloke who likes chili he whinges a lot he never like he'll you'll know about it put a little bit of chili in he's like oh that's hot grow up Graham you know what we're gonna keep the seeds in it I don't normally do that but we're in the High Country so they're cut quite chunkily chunkily you know what I'm not making any efforts to try and conceal the chilies you know what oh goodness hang on a sec we're not done yet do you want some help I've got this somehow that sometimes are quiet but you know what I have this are you left-handed no I'm right-handed this is about as good as it gets me yeah we're not purposely trying to make this hot by the time we put it all together cook it out it actually won't be that hot except this is the actual hot bit okay okay that's probably more than I actually expected but we'll put a fair bit in okay that is starting to cook up nicely as soon as that water is ready then I reckon we protect the pasta in a little bit of salt in there yep I've salted it I'm gonna do an Al Dente check how did they check how's that looking Jocko oh dead tape Al Dente I've got a light inclusion a bunch of garlic over that it's got It's Gonna be a fair bit of gut that's a whole tube of garlic okay I'm gonna stir this around let that garlic just seep through the Bacon's all crispy we've got mushrooms chili if you could smell what we could smell right now there's a lot going on what I want you to do Jocko if you could drain a little bit of pasta water into here bit more a bit more that's a little trade secret it is a little bit of trade so you've got it's a salty little Briny pasta water all right if you could drain that out Docker because we're gonna have to use that pot in a second oh there's a drain on the side of this lid dude is it actually yeah oh that's makes it easy the thought of everything look at that I'm just gonna lift that up Chuck that straight on there bingo that is going all into them chocolate you're gonna give a stir yep look at that in we go coming back with a bit of a thickened cream my friend yum yum this is where things get really exciting and quite decadent it's a boy we've all been there haven't we yeah basically put that straight into here all of it oh that's a lot of cream I'm gonna Chuck a bit of Greens in we're being healthy and we're keeping warm what else do you need oh just gonna mix that around that'll that'll sweat and go down yep I've got cream all over me and you shouldn't have that you've been creamed can happen when you're working with mates this is the bit where I'd normally add a bit of white wine but I don't have white wine tonight so a little bit of chicken get Doc is going in that's actually looking pretty good to be honest we are symbols of Health he has a looking job it is looking Sensational it looks like it's reduced down a bit it has reduced a lot and it's smelling so good the cream is thickened right up and now is the time to add the pasta mate it's a full pot that one oh yum yum yum move it around pasta look at that oh that is absolutely Sensational oh boys grab a plate yeah we're on here jump in boys come over here close next to Papa okay needs to try it first being the actual qualified cook straight up feel all right mate put that straight in my bowl I'll tell you what you know what I can Dash the chili we put in I know I know they come back to butcher doesn't it oh you forgot about that this has got the right amount to warm here from the inside it's warming me up warming up my throat it's making me cry a little bit it's good I reckon folks that is about what As Good As It Gets in a cold climate the spicy from the inside and it tastes absolutely sensational or I can maybe get something cold sit around the fire and there's enough for seconds as well standing mate I'll be coming back for more [Music] hey young folks hope you're enjoying this week's Vic snow episode looks damn cold to me but something that's red hot is this week's deal at four wheel drive 24 7.com when you bundle a set of Max tracks and a snatch recovery kit You're Gonna Save Yourself 150 bucks if you bundle a set of Max tracks extremes with the same recovery kit You're Gonna Save nearly 250 bucks it ain't gonna last it's only this week and where do you get it balldrive247.com mornings are always spectacular in the High Country and whilst it's as cold as anything there are a few places I'd rather wake up in and what's better is that as has got An Almighty cook-up going which should warm us up for another cold day ahead [Music] well the boys are getting packed up so I just thought I'd jump on VMS and have a look at where we're going today so what's cool about this is I've got 25k Vic toppo Maps which are real good it's a handy tip if you're doing lots of Wheeling around places where lots of tracks 25k maps are real good for detail but coming along here today we're just camped down by this River we're going to run along here up these switchbacks onto the top of this Ridge line and then make our way out but what's cool if I jump in here I can change the Contours a little bit so you can kind of see what will be climbing in elevation so we're down here by the creek we're gonna run all the way up there pretty cool little bit of kit well yesterday I had a little bit of a mishap the old mirror came off and um just reverse back and hit a tree now I can't see much with these mirrors but without them is absolute nightmare so a bit of race tape to the rescue bit of running repairs I think that'll get us out of strife but it is no set of clear views let's have a chat with Uncle Mark and see what can happen in that you serious space but I'll tell you what it's a little bit low but let's not be picky at the moment that'll that'll get me out of survive for today I reckon whilst we've had a good run until now it seems as we go to leave Pete's Mighty gu has given up The Ghost and refuses to kick over we're just about to leave camp this morning and Pete's vehicle won't start now we just thought it was nice and cold and that's maybe like won't start but we're gonna have a look at we think it might be something related to fuel um hopefully it's not too difficult because these are common rail diesels and could be out of my pay grade well we might just go back to basics to start with I think try and diagnose that we're getting fuel from the filter to the pump uh if we if we know that then that's actually a bad thing if we're getting fuel to the pump that means that it's something that could be electronical it could be um something more catastrophic which which wouldn't be great like most modern diesels the engine in Pace gu is quite complex with a lot of electronics running it we aren't 100 sure what the problem is but we reckon it might be fuel related it could be something to do with common rail itself or in the worst case may be something to do with a fuel pump so let's trial an error until we uncover the issue but so far it's not looking great so this is what's called a mass sensor or a mass airflow sensor super important for these modern common rails because it essentially reads how much air is coming in and then tells the ECU I've got this much air I had this much fuel so this is dirty then it can be doing all sorts of things your engineer could be running using extra Fuel and stuff like that it's super important to keep them clean this may not be the issue but it can't hurt just to check it and clean it while we're going to it so what we ended up doing we changed the MAF sensor still wasn't that happy the thinking potentially it's a little pressure sensor on the back of the common rail what I ended up doing it's a little bit dodgy but it got the engine started I just pulled this intercooler hose off and sprayed a bit of uh mass airflow sensor cleaner into it which was just enough to get it started then after that if that pressure sensor is the issue it's got enough pressure now to keep running that's our Theory anyway we're probably wrong but it's running and that's the start so hopefully if we don't turn it off for the rest of the day it should be gold now whilst Pete might be up and running for now we're pretty sure that what we've done is just a Band-Aid fix and for what could be a much more Sinister issue but we need to keep pushing on because we're really deep in the High Country and the only way out is up here we go eight let's give it a little go wow you've got to give it a little bit don't you I thought I'll just get I was on what this time unbelievable that is so true nothing like that nice little exit out of Camp to get you excited and warmed up in the morning the driveway good drive good drive might have to give it a little bit more jandal got it forward momentum going backwards just needed a bit of heat in the tires okay what happened here I've never seen the front go up and the back up here on purpose we thought we might go sideways he made that look easy and then Thor rise on this bit oh I did a bathe all right well 15 meters away from camp and as I've done a bead there's been a lot of spectacular drives good start of the day today's gonna be fantastic Jocko all right okay this is a little bit worse than we probably suspected as a bottle Rim but because it is a Steely we should be able to give it a good old love tap and maybe just get that close enough because that's actually nearly sealed if I just put a bit of pressure on it it's not too bad we'll give that a bit of a hit and just sort of beat that back into shape this will be fine it's better than a new one get the job done now go oh that's it easy I thought he backed off just a bit too early then yeah but that's starting control not right into that fun little way to start the morning with PhD you seemingly running smooth for now it's his turn up the hill and as a local he's as cool as a cucumber cruising up this one there he goes but just as suspected the issues Pete's been having her back and Pete's come over the radio telling us the GU has died again we're going to try the same fixes last time and see if we can at least kick it over to get us off this mountain and a bit closer to the road here's one for you when the car went to Morton has it had a fuel filter since it was underwater probably not I think it's important to start with a basic so this might not fix it but we're just going to change the fuel filter out Modoc Ops and bad fuel maybe a fair bit of water might be all blocked up so let's just eliminate all the easy stuff first if it gets beyond that there might be a center or something we might be push a patrol up here or quite literally foreign well it's not sounding great but once again our Band-Aid fixes worked so we're going to push on and see if we can limp this vehicle to the top let's drive it unlimited the whole way a little bit slippery and we're down the bottom of a gully so we'll need to go up a long way at the top of this Ridge line something tells me we're gonna have a work cut out today now I know we say this time and time again but the camera does no justice to just how steep this climb is and with all the moisture around it's really hard on the Mouse stuff well up we go a little bit of moisture on the track so hopefully we've got enough traction I'd hate to be going backwards good luck with it mate [Music] oh it's slippery already hey that is straight up isn't it fortunately I actually got plenty of cylinders under that corner the rocks and stick to it says something about this big mid-79 starting to love this car the key to a steep pinch like this is that you don't want to stop halfway otherwise you'll end up sliding backwards at a pace which is going to make things tricky for Pete let's hope the ultimate 9gu can make it up here in one go as always Pizza Smooth Operator and makes it up in one piece just and that's it there she stops she's not happy today mate not well obviously this is less than ideal we just need to get it back to the road now we can put it on the truck but the problem is now she's decided to spit the dummy halfway up the side of a very steep track and we're only just at the start it just keeps going up and up and up so I reckon we've got our work cut out for us we've still got a good couple of cases of this climb ahead of us so it looks like at our current rate we're in for a massive day we're gonna need to get Pete running under his own Steam oh there ready hello that's so good what a song it's like a song our next Port of Call to try and fix this issue is to use a code breaker to see if the GU is spitting any error codes that might be causing the fuel problem [Music] and would you look at that it seems that clearing the codes has worked and that gu has kicked over with no dramas boy something simple with Blacklist like let's pull the transmission out yeah yeah yeah let's do an engine swap filter and code breaker hopefully the code break is what it needed but Pete's not convinced that it's fully done the job and as we cruise through a couple of switchbacks and make our way to the top of the climb he's still feeling some problems with the big gu well fate there was touching guy for a moment there it was sketchy I think we might have been leaving you for a long term camp at some State when you when you're hanging on the side of a hill and and you've developed a fuel issue it's not the place you want to be is it it really isn't like really luckily you've got to clear those codes and sort of Limp it out but what's the situation now it's well it's going which is great but as you know there's some big hills in there or not I don't feel comfortable risking it again and delaying the trip so I think peace of mind I might take it back to the workshop and um just have a good look over it yeah it sounds like a plan mate and if you do get a bit of time maybe extra time at the workshop maybe think about like a Toyota conversion or something like that but I'll leave that to you I'm sure sure you'll make these things all right mate's running and we'll catch up soon yeah good on you thank you buddy it's a damn shame to lose Pete but he's made the right call and we've still had a couple of weeks of willing to do in Victoria so hopefully he can get the issue sorted and we can meet up with him later again for now though we need to push on because I've still got a ways to go on this track including a couple of big water Crossings ahead hey Sean you got a copy I do mate I'm just coming up towards this uh Little Creek Crossing it looks actually is followed pretty hard in the middle yeah it looks like a good bit of fun I can see on the VMS looks like we actually crossed it twice this first one and then there's another crossing a little bit down the way so uh you lead the way in and uh see how cold it is eh all right in we go free car wash up over the Bonnet there [Music] oh yeah it's a real deep Crossing but the bottom seems to be pretty solid but up ahead is the real test and it's hard to gauge just how deep it is which means only one thing doco High Country Creeks that's going to be some of the most fun driving you can do 100 and that water looks freezing especially this time of year all the snow will start melting off the Peaks they actually fill these Creeks up and as you'll see they'll get a lot deeper than they look the other thing as well if you've got a bike of a convoy called Jocko you're sending in first to test the depth oh that's your heart oh just check the depth of that because it's kind of deep in the middle there I think you should just because oh yeah sorry Jocko mate but rules of rules and no matter what the water temperature is it pays to always check before you drive plus you could do with a wash mate it's nearly after the dachshunds that was a bit [Laughter] that looks pretty cold I didn't think it was that David yeah you said you've always got to be sure though not too bad not an innie that's okay you're moving to you mate all right who's the next what do it in the comfort of the old dirty mate [Music] all right so we want to clean the truck righteous Car Wash [Music] let's go j-max remarkably oh easy plenty of traction there hey up over the bottom look at that nice and clean now there we go [Music] how good is that that's the way beautiful hey that's all right nice well done mate I've also brought it out a little section of track looks bit slippery to be honest I won't just hit second just in case we need to give a bit of a point AP second was a bit too much Bunty but nonetheless the 30 is up the high country is full of unrelenting Hills that require spirited drives my belly with the place always covered in a layer of moisture at this time of the year the tracks become unbelievably slippery meaning every drive you do you have to commit otherwise you end up sliding back with no control or Worse on your lid o that was surprisingly come up the mound and then just as you're about to come over you'd have to give it a bit which is a bit instincts telling you to back off never back off so I just have to send it into the status speed power [Music] all right that's a big game beautiful it's not far before we get to the final Crossing of this track and this one looks to be flowing way harder than the last and it's a lot deeper as well but how deep well I reckon Sean's about to find out well you know how we'll say before that you should really walk right across it yeah I disagree with that idea I think sometimes best just to suck it and see because don't try back out of it now mate take your pants off and get in there should we wait until it gets warmer like a couple of months until November or something it's without this is cold oh well what's that saying what goes around comes around [Laughter] head under do it do it do it do it do it yeah it feels six feet taller now oh my God that's cold that's actually like you know this they sound something [Laughter] my words are gone a lot of things are gone you'll feel real good enough despite nice and refreshed unbelievable is the driver put leg in your pencil um I forgot that you know oh my God it's got a lot of flow this is a really deep Crossing and it's something that should only be attempted by an experienced group of four drivers traveling in a convoy it always pays to be cautious in situations like this and send the heaviest vehicle in the Convoy through first which in this case is a camera car where you can see how much power that current has it's just pushed the camera car Downstream and almost off the track luckily for the boys the vehicle weighs a fair bit helping to keep it planted to the ground but for some of the lighter Vehicles this Crossing May pose a bigger problem so we're going to take some precautionary measures the issue we're having is they Max is considerably lighter than the 30. and he's got a lot more power so what we're thinking you're doing is hooking up remember thanks mate two snap straps so we've got a bit more distance between the vehicles which means Sean will pretty much be exiting the creek while the D-Max is going through the deepest part so if I do start to float he can put the power down and pull me out all right all right for this one no seat belts of white cracked the window down a little bit too just so it does go power shape we have to get out we can yeah this is a very deep Crossing so you shouldn't really tackle something like this unless you're half an idea all right we're good to go yep just go slowly as is holding all the strap but uh I'm ready to go all right come on D-Max that's it mate that's it just as we thought all was going well the D-Max loses traction and the rear begins to float Downstream but luckily I was able to find some traction and get the front of the vehicle back on track and we're up and out that was Unreal nicely done mate nicely done well done that was a little light I was pretty nervous during that one dude I can see a trout through my windscreen that's why you didn't jump out and go get it oh man that's just a textbook example why it's so important to be prepared as soon as I went into the deepest part the water went over the windscreen I could feel the back of the vehicle starting to float that's where Sean took up tension of the strap and just gave him that last little bit of momentum I needed to get through safely oh that was fun after seeing what happened with the D-Max Steve has opted for the same approach and has attached his four-wheel drive to the back of the big mid 79. in my car I'm just going to go second gear I'm going to Twin lock it for all the traction I can possibly get and yeah send it all right as how you feeling big fella mate I'm not gonna lie I am a little bit nervous there may be a little wet patch already I'll get it oh yeah Steve you ready mate yeah let's do it mate all right guys there we go oh my God there we go love it that's crazy that's all it's on put it there buddy we got you through well I gotta say that Crossing was Wild and the boys are relieved to have made it through unscathed Joko copy mate I sure do mate although I keep getting distracted by that spectacular view out my window everywhere we go in this beautiful part of the world it's just stunning I can't get over it yeah yeah absolutely not wrong mate it's a stunning part of the world a lot of people don't really come here in Winter because I think a lot of the tracks are sharp but it goes to show if you know where to go mate you can see some stunning parts of the country in winter exactly right exactly right do the right thing get permits speak to the right people and look after the place and you'll be able to check out this breathtaking place in the colder months and get some cool winter camping in as well which is always a treat yeah right on mate now it's going to turn it on that's an absolute blast I've got one more spot we're going to stop in mate and um you'll be familiar with this one [Music] this trip has had everything but I reckon the boys are pretty Keen to clean a bit of this mud off and also wet their lips and we're not far from Jamison so we point our noses to the pub Where it All Began High Country in Winter a lot of people will tell you when it gets cold go north I reckon the opposite go into the South because how many people do we see on this whole trip just us really yeah we had every campsite to ourselves some of the best camping you'll ever do in Winter now if you're prepared for the cold you can get around at least all snow we drove some epic tracks folks do yourselves a favor get down to the High Country winter summer spring autumn it doesn't matter Pete made it all the way in until we didn't make it and that's the patrol thing at the end of the day folks so he's not into defense but we'll have a beer for him and um into Nissans oh [Laughter] I need you to master power of that beard mate to get us through this you ready yeah I'm ready Good Start okay now this is a little trick as well when you're dealing with pasta oh don't put that in there one trick you don't want to do so our good mate Pete who isn't with us at the end of this trip a lot of the reasons we go to the jumbo pop mates have a beer in his name he might even be there having a scooter already actually it sounds like it sounds like he died before we say it that way yeah he's dead he's supervisor over here yeah mate just throwing around orders making sure everyone is working hard keep turning docker do it harder try harder do more go on a sip while you're cutting yes please thank you mate [Music] not even weird friendship [Music] they got tiny a little head though like me I'm a big head I wonder if this footage will get used handheld GoPro I feel like a blogger a vlogger a vlogger I feel like a vlogger yeah make sure to like And subscribe I'm trying to be snack ers [Applause] see ya [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign
Channel: 4WD 24-7
Views: 626,552
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 4wd, action, 4x4, offroad, outdoors, travel, overlanding, toyota, nissan, hilux, patrol, landcruiser, adventure, camping, fishing, diesel, petrol, surf, shaun whale, graham cahill, australia, dirty 30, shorty, gq, gu, 80 series, 40 series, 60 series, 79 series, troopy, 4wd action, 4wd 247, 4wd 24/7, Victoria, High Country, Snow Wheeling, Snow 4WD, Offroading
Id: k_e53fK6g30
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 27sec (3567 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 19 2022
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