3 School Lockdown Horror Stories Animated

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it was sophomore year of high school prom was about two months away I was pretty good at football so I guess you could say I was in the more popular crowd I never really forced relationships and women usually just came to me I had heard from other people that Sarah wanted to go to prom with me Sarah was in the same grade as me she was such a beautiful girl that even seniors wanted to date her I knew that Sarah had just gotten out of a long relationship with another guy named Trent he was a freshman at our high school and was a little off in a way that's hard to describe there was gossip in our school there was something mentally wrong with them because of the recent breakup between Sarah and Trent I didn't really want to ask her to prom all of Sara's friends badgered me relentlessly to go to prom with her they assured me everything would be fine even my guy friends told me I needed to grow a pair and ask her to prom finally one afternoon I intercepted Sarah in the parking lot and asked her to prom she was delighted and I went home feeling like I was on top of the world my feeling of euphoria faded when I opened a snapchat notification on my phone it was Trent he was trying to add me on snapchat I thought I couldn't just ignore him so I added him back immediately I received a snapchat message from him it read so I heard you asked my girlfriend Sarah to prom I quickly replied you guys broke up a month ago he didn't respond back to me I dreaded running into Trent the next day at school I just felt so bad for Trent I started to think that it wasn't even worth going to prom with Sarah over this nonsense the next day at school I didn't see Trent anywhere I usually passed him on the way to a few my classes I thought it was odd not seeing him I asked around he found out that he never made it to school I was relieved that there was no chance of running into him my relief was crushed by a snapchat notification it was Trent this time he sent me a video I didn't even want to watch it I tried to think of what the video could be but nothing came to my mind an hour went by and I finally decided to watch it the video was of a shooting range Trent was recording in and had a pistol in the other the caption said this is you he proceeded to fire multiple shots into the target about 20 feet in front of him I was shocked I thought I was in a movie and that this couldn't be real I told my friends what I had witnessed and eventually word got around to the whole school I was called down to the dean's office multiple teachers and faculty were there I told them everything I had seen after telling them my story my phone buzzed in my pocket I thought to myself oh no here we go again I pulled my phone out it was Trent again I told everyone in the room that Trent sent me another snapchat video they all gathered around in anticipation I opened it the video was of a kroombit or iam the footage showed a body on a conveyor belt on its way to an incinerator the caption said this is you everyone in the room including myself were horrified immediately the principal put the whole school on lockdown and called the police Trent was later arrested by the police Trent was never charged with anything but our high school expelled him I figured out that Trent's grandparents actually owned a crematorium and that's where the footage came from I still ended up taking Sara to prom she was just too beautiful to pass up I never did receive another snapchat from Trent and I hope I never do story - the year was 2011 I was in eighth grade at the time my homeroom class had just finished lunch we're on our way to sixth period math class the cafeteria and the main school building were separated so we always had our homeroom teacher walk with us after lunch we had to walk about a quarter mile outside of the main school building as we were walking I noticed our teacher received a call on his cell phone it was a very brief call after the call I noticed that all the blood rushed away from his face he told us in a frantic voice it's something serious is happening and we need to hurry to a classroom he started to jog with all of us in quick pursuit our homeroom teacher was usually a pretty laid-back guy so I knew something wasn't right he led us to an empty classroom but I had never before he told all of us to get low and high beneath the desks he proceeded to cover up the windows flaunt the doors and turn off the lights I crouched under one of the desks in the back of the room a kid named Michael sat down next to me I thought to myself come on anybody but Michael Michael was a strange kid he was really shy and no one really talked to him he also smelled like rotten eggs which didn't help a lot of my classmates made fun of him my friends often joked around that Michael would be the one to shoot up our school I was always kind to Michael but I never went out of my way to talk to him after a few minutes sitting next to Michael I wanted to gag the smell was so horrid and looked around trying to find any open space to scoot over to was at that moment Michael whispered to me hey you don't have to sit next to me I whispered back I was just looking for more room to spread out my legs that's all he replied I know you were trying to get away from me nobody likes me I didn't respond he continued to whisper but don't worry you've always been kind to me you're not on the list I shuddered in fear the list what did he mean by the list I asked Michael he had anything to do with this he just shrugged and smiled at me Michael was sitting with his legs fully extended this hands pressed against the floor behind his back he moved his legs inward probably to get more comfortable beasts at that moment I saw the butt of a gun slide outwards from his pants pocket Michael quickly caught the gun and pushed it back in he looked around to see if anyone noticed I quickly glanced away pretended I didn't see anything my heart was racing I didn't know what to do I thought of tackling Michael or even texting for help on my phone I also wondered if there were more people other than Michael involved the answer to my question was answered I heard the sound of an exterior Dillon to the school being forced out footsteps started charging down the hall sounded like multiple people my heart dropped I thought these had to be the other students involved in the plot the footsteps were getting closer they stomped right outside our door I tried turning it off every which way I thought this is it the end of my short life the door was kicked open in a full SWAT team rushed in I looked at Michael and he had a surprised look on his face as if this wasn't what he was expecting long story short a student had made a threat to the school the authorities found out it was Michael by tracing an email he sent to one of our teachers the email talked about a plot to shoot up the school Michael went to a juvenile detention center and I have no idea what happened to him our principal told everyone that Michael had a fake gun on him I thought there was no way it was fake I believe the principal knew the truth but didn't want the public to know to this day I still wonder if there were more students involved in the plot I guess I'll never know story three it was the middle of third period math I had just finished my test I was done before anyone else so I decided to use the restroom the bathroom was right across the hall but it was closed for repairs the next closest bathroom was on the second floor on my way there the bell rang I thought that was on it's there was still about 20 minutes of class left the bell never rang in the middle of class like this after the bell rang an announcement came on over the PA system we are entering lockdown this is not a drill please follow all procedures my heart nearly stopped I froze and I didn't know what to do I could hear the faint sound of sirens in the background I knew that going back to my classroom wasn't an option because the doors would be locked I decided to continue to the second-floor bathroom I arrived at the bathroom but I realized the main door didn't have a lock I left and ran further down the hall I could see the classrooms turning off their lights and covering their windows at the end of the hallway I turned the corner and saw a janitor's closet now the sirens were much louder I decided the janitor's closet was my only off I pulled the handle inside in relief as it was unlocked I closed the door behind me and made sure it was locked I turned the lights off and crouched down in the far corner of the room the only light I could see was from the bottom of the door sirens were loud now it seemed to be right outside the school suddenly the sirens turned off then I heard footsteps a lot of footsteps the footsteps led up the stairs and stomped in a hallway right outside my hiding spot I heard the sound of radio chatter and figure these had to be police officers one guy in particular sounded like he was in charge he said okay are we in position another guy responded yes sir the suspect is here in the building see team is in position on the other side of campus as instructed and b-team is covering all the exterior exits there's no way he'll be able to escape this building the guy in charge said good he must not escape it's my fault he's here and it's my duty to deal with them over the next couple minutes I heard the muffled chatter of police officers talking to each other I thought maybe the situation died down and I could leave the closet and go back to class that's when it all happened I heard one of the officers yell don't move and put your hands in the air a moment later I heard what sounded like guns being drawn about 10 seconds of silence went by and then I heard a loud scream that came from the end of the hallway it wasn't a normal scream I had never heard anything like it before and hope to never hear that sound again I pressed my ear against the closet door and heard a distant whimpering sound there was the sound of a crying man I then heard him saying please don't take me back there I don't want to go back you guys won't get away with this what you guys are doing to us is illegal and everyone will find out about it the man in charge said now now Jim you sign the contract that was the deal for your early prison release you need to come back to the facility and finish up your treatments I thought to myself deal for your prison release finish up your treatments what the heck I heard the footsteps leaving they won't past my hiding spot I cracked open the door just to check out what was happening I saw the backs of five men the two men in the middle were carrying a man in a hospital gown I assumed that was Jim all five men were wearing black suits they certainly didn't look like police officers I peeked outside the window and saw five blacked-out SUVs I ran back to my classroom until my classmates what I saw and heard they thought I was crazy our teacher told us that the lawn town was just a false alarm and nothing had happened when I got home later that day there was nothing about it on the news I have no idea what happened or what I saw that day thanks for watching don't forget to subscribe to stay tuned for more true scary stories
Channel: Dr. NoSleep
Views: 299,142
Rating: 4.8891912 out of 5
Keywords: 3 school lockdown horror stories animated, 3 school lockdown horror stories, 3 school lockdown stories animated, school lockdown stories animated, school lockdown horror stories animated, lockdown stories animated, lockdown horror stories animated, dr. nosleep, dr nosleep, scary stories animated, animated horror stories, horror stories animated, scary animated stories, horror stories, lockdown horror stories, lockdown stories, school lockdown stories
Id: DXNlso99fn8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 20sec (680 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 29 2020
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