27 True Horror Stories Animated ( Summer Compilation )

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the scariest night of my entire life was a close encounter with a later confirmed murderer when I was camping with my boyfriend in the mountains it ended with us running for our lives down a mountain in the pitch-black clutching knives and a hammer for self-protection it was the end of 2018 our first getaway together as a couple we went to the Appalachian Trail in Virginia we were naive and we thought it would be more romantic to camp out as far off the beaten track as possible we watched really far into the wilderness and got to a spot where nobody passed us all afternoon we were making s'mores over the campfire after it had just got dark it was Twilight all of a sudden my boyfriend saw a man approaching us slowly he was creeping up on us at first we thought it was a park ranger coming to tell us to put out our campfire I began to hide the weed thinking this was our biggest concern my boyfriend called out to Anna Mae can I help you we thought it was weird that he didn't have any kind of light on Emma she didn't have any camping bag nothing for campaign why was he out here so far with no camping gear at night with no light he sped up after my boyfriend called out and came right at him he had this strange look in his eyes look was absent two blank and weird she didn't answer my boyfriend he just kept walking right out Emma red flags going off at this point when my boyfriend realized that it wasn't a park ranger he quickly put his hand in his pocket where he had a concealed naivet he many clear that he had a weapon it was only after my boyfriend did this that the guy acknowledged us he said something weird oh I was just wondering if y'all were having a party remember we were miles away from a single soul and it was beginning to get dark when he began to approach us slowly without a flashlight he had no camping gear with Emma just a tiny drawstring bag on his back after he asked what we were doing we didn't give him any answers but asked what was going on he didn't answer he just looked past my boyfriend - towards the site it was windy so we had put up a tarp to shoot ourselves this also meant that the guy approaching couldn't see how many people were at our side Heaton he asked how many people you got with you he began to circle our site to check us out he asked again if we had any other people with us and my boyfriend didn't answer he carried on circling around our camp and now bear in mind we had set up our camp on this crazy steep hill it was the only spot from miles that was possible to put a K Appa however he told us that he was going to set up camp nearby he proceeded to walk off in that direction straight up the hill we knew for a fact he could have put a campsite there because of the terrain remember he had no lights and no bag with camp gear nothing we were silent we listened to his footsteps on the leaves as he walked up the hill in the direction and completely off the path he walked for about 30 seconds and then his footsteps stopped completely he was just still silent we knew he was still there but we couldn't see him it was dark at this point I was freaking out I didn't want to seem like a baby in front of my boyfriend we had a talk about so whether we needed to leave my boyfriend hadn't be a knife inside if anything happens to me I should Rana at this point I knew it wasn't just me freaking out necessarily he said that we needed to get out of there and just to grab a central Idaho I was scared that he was about to shoot his dad later on when I told my boyfriend NASA he said no this is the type of guy who would probably prefer to stab his victims to death we began to walk kind of run down the trail in the pitch black with her lights off for at least a mile my boyfriend looked back to see him I staring at one point he ran behind me to protect me this experience is stuck with me I still can't think of a rational or non menacing reason why the guy was out there that night at ride now this was the end of 2018 but my boyfriend and now husband and I were remembering it last night I decided to type in in Google if there'd been any murders in the same place around the same time and there was a few months after our incident on the same trail an unhinged man with crazy eyes approached some hikers at Twilight as it was getting dark he behaved in a deranged and aggressive manner before stabbing a man to death with a 17 inch knife a woman he was with ran for her life down the trail finally she raised her hands and surrender and he began to stab her somehow she managed to get away the killer carried on wandering the trail and shouted out to other campers to give him a flashlight they didn't - thank goodness all of these details of the Santa is the guy who approached us the same age same deranged eyes same lack of flashlight same time to approach us same luck in same place the more articles I read the more I realized this psychopath had been roaming the trails harassing hikers for a while a few different people had reported Alma not just eyes apparently this erratic and violent psychopath was well known to law enforcement along the Appalachian Trail his name is James a sovereign Jordanna we got lucky yet it could have been oz over 10th 1999 was just another ordinary Sunday around our house after the four of us returned from morning services I helped Aaron my beautiful wife finished preparing the last few sides for lunch just before noon the children were called to the table and as usual a great meal was had when we were all satisfied and the kids ran off to do their thing and I assisted Aaron in cleaning the table once I completed my husbandly duties I slipped away to the living room to nap for the few hours around 3:45 I was awakened by a phone call from my grandmother Annie my dad's mother and the only remaining grandparent or parent on either side of my family she had raised myself and my sister after our parents had passed and we were all very close she asked if I knew any young men that needed work as a repair maintenance man her last guy had gotten too old to do the work and she needed someone new to help around the house every once in a while I helped her out as much as I could but between my long hours at work and driving the girls back and forth to their various school related commitments I couldn't be relied on to do as much as she sometimes needed although I had no one in mind at that very moment I told her that I put the word out and get back to her the next day my first stop was to Erin she had nothing for me a few calls were made to various friends but they couldn't think of anyone however they promised to get back with if the situation was to change it was a waiting game now so I plot myself back down in the chair and dozed off again a knock came at the door just as I began to drift off the interruption annoyed me and for a second I considered not answering it I decided to go ahead if just to stop them from banging on the door when I opened it I was met by a smiling young man holding business cards yes if I needed him to mow the yard my declined his offer but just then grandmother Annie's request popped into my mind he was about to walk away and so I caught him and asked him if he could do basic repairs things like fixing broken garbage disposals when I asked this his eyes lit up and he said yes in fact that he had been a mr. Fixit in his last job but unfortunately there was not enough work so he was forced to fall back on lawn mowing to make ends meet I briefly looked him over and thought about it in my head for a moment he seemed like a nice well-mannered kid he said thank you which is more than you can say about most people these days finally I told him to give me a card I might have a steady job for him he did and I promised to let him know in the morning I let him go and I returned to the house to enjoy my lazy afternoon the next morning I called Miss Annie my family's name for her to let her know I may have somebody and I'd be sending him over that morning when I hung up with her I called the young man Marc and gave him the address I told him he'd be doing small repairs and maintenance around my grandmother's house at the end of each week he was to come over to my place and I pay him once the specifics were nailed down he thanked me and went on his way with that out of the way I focused on the task in front of me and put everything else out of my mind when I returned home that day I rang Miss Annie up to see how Marc had done her report of his work was encouraging she spoke on more than one occasion of how eager he was to do well in his great attention to detail this news was very pleasing to hear and assured me I'd made the right decision life would continue as normal that Friday Marc showed up at 6 p.m. to get his money and thanked me once again for the opportunity dinner was just moments from hitting the tables so I had to cut our talk short I told him to come around about the same time next week and he took off with what I assumed was a song in his heart a smile on his face this routine would repeat itself for the next several months however as time went by Marc's smile would fade and his appreciation seemed to become more of an attitude of entitlement he got to the point where he wouldn't even say thank you or anything for that matter to me he just snatched the money from my hand and walk away well this behavior ticked me off I didn't have to like him as long as he did his job I hadn't talked to Miss Annie for a while so one Monday morning I gave her a ring to see how things were going she said all was well but I could tell from her voice something was bothering her after a few minutes of coax and she admitted that mark hadn't been doing his job as well as he had at first once a month or so it passed he began making comments about money and not getting enough work since I was the one paying him she had no idea how much he was making so she said nothing I assured her I was paying him plenty enough money for a full-time employee as a matter of fact he had no reason to complain when she mentioned he would get angry toward her and it scared her I became a little concerned just to calm her fears I told her I would talk to him that Friday even after we hung up with one another her remark about being scared continue to eat at me miss Annie was very special to me and the idea of her being afraid made me mad I was determined to nip his behavior in the bud but it became a problem but I had to make sure I did so with a clear and calm head anger would only serve to exacerbate the situation and breed bitterness between us I'd cooled off by the time Friday came around in fact I was in a pretty good mood spring was just beginning to rear its head and I was looking forward to more sunny and warm days mark arrived at the usual time and had the now common scowl across his face he attempted to snatch the cash from my hand but before he could I stopped him and said we needed to talk he said nothing as I spoke stared with an annoyed look I finished and asked if we had a problem between us and made sure to express how serious I was all he could say was no and assured mean we were cooled before he slowly reached out for the money and pulled it from my hand this time he at least said thank you before walking away quickly I couldn't be positive but things seemed to be clearer if not better I wouldn't know for sure until I spoke to Miss Annie that Monday but I felt optimistic about it things at work were very hectic that Monday so I wasn't able to call Miss Annie until later in the day strangely I got no answer but figured she was out sore busy and I could try again later work got busy again and it was not until I clocked out that I could call her back once again no answer came but I decided to let it go until the next day Tuesday morning was much quieter around the office I had plenty of time to make a call for the third time she didn't answer and now I was becoming scared so I contacted the police and asked if they could do a wellness check miss Annie was almost 80 by then and the chance of Falls were high and people that age I was told they would and to call back in a few hours however it was they who called me back the tone at the officers voice unease me and he seemed to be dragging out things this made me mad I was already on edge from worry although I'm not proud of it now at the time it was understandable I yelled at him to spit it out so he did just that they had done the Wellness and found miss Annie dead this is unexpected but not shocking assuming she died of a heart attack I asked what the causes were when he told me that she had been murdered I blanked out for a minute never in my wildest fears had I expected to hear those words he had to yell out a few more times before I responded and even then I felt like I was in a fog this stuck with me for about an hour but once I had to tell my family the news the weight of it knocked me back into reality the only information the officer could give me at the time was that she appeared to have been attacked by one or more people with hammer sir blunt objects if I would have my wits about me then the second I heard the word hammer I could have told him who it was but that didn't turn out to be required I give the cop credit for being kind with his words even after I'd screamed at him they could tell from my hemming and hawing what I wanted to ask and assured me that there were no science that she had been messed with if you catch my drift and I thanked him later for this the rest of the family took the news almost as hard as I did miss Annie had become like a second mother to my wife and my kids loved her greatly we've become very dependent on her after we relocated here and the thought of her not being around was agonizing it took a day or two before I remembered mark and gave him a call I didn't answer but after I left a message to contact me ASAP the longer I thought about it however it struck me as odd that he hadn't called me the first day he received no answer at the door he should have called me my confusion would grow into full-blown suspicions once I discovered two important things the pathologist determined Miss Annie had died sometime before noon on Monday and perhaps the more scary of the two Mark was still unreachable the results came in that Friday morning and the cops had been to his home twice and called him every day since I mentioned him to them on Wednesday afternoon I expected to see him that evening to get his pay but he never showed this all but cemented his guilt in my mind I told the police as much and over the following weeks they would come to agree with me other than having his fingerprints and blood at the scene everything pointed to him all they had to do was get him in a room alone and hopefully he would confess but just locating him to do this would be a five-year struggle countless tips were sent in but none would pan out finally on a rainy and cold morning in January of 2006 an arrests would take place across the country in Arizona that would put the search to an end the Tucson Police would be led on a high-speed chase after attempting to pull a man over for expired plates at the end of the chase Marco Xavier Robles would be apprehended and our search would finally be over marco was quickly extradited back east and the trial was soon to begin what we feared would be a long and drawn-out affair ended within the week the district attorney had offered him a very generous plea and after a strong recommendation from his attorney he agreed he'll have to do at least 25 years but after that it's up to the parole board if I have any sway in the matter I'll do my best to see that he dies in there we were left with only one question some would say the most important one perhaps why as a stipulation to his plea Marc was required to tell why he committed the crime and in full according to him miss Annie had become very demanding and he felt he wasn't being paid enough to put up with it he had been planning on hitting me up for more money once summer came along however when he found out she had told me that he was unhappy with his pay in his eyes his chance for a raise was ruined that Monday morning he was angry about this and confronted Miss Annie about what she had said and a fight broke out he claims she grabbed a poker from the fire set and hit him in self-defense he struck her with his hammer but only did so once his intent was never to end her life only to make her stop unfortunately it did just that and more and my family will never be the same because of it a less rational man than myself would probably put some if not all the blame onto myself for hiring the guy I however am NOT that man no one else but Marc is responsible for Miss Annie's death any other conclusion would be foolish and a desecration to her memory if there is anything I would say I feel guilty about it would be that my children weren't able to spend as much time with her as I did growing up a better example of selfless love and kindness never existed and I save her every memory I have of her I hope I can live up to her example and teach my children to be half the human being she was [Music] I'm originally from Arizona but I grew up in Nebraska in a small town about an hour south of the South Dakota border my life leading up to my living in Nebraska was riddled with abuse and a lot of childhood trauma my biological father was abusive and my mother was absent for part of my childhood I am also bipolar and take daily medication to make my quality of life better because of what happened to me as a child I currently reside in Oklahoma to start I never really experienced anything paranormal growing up that is until my mom's boyfriend whom she is still with to this day came into our lives he was a good man and ran a small hardware store at which my mom also worked before meeting him she was married to an awful man that did terrible things to me many of which I still go to therapy for to this day after the divorce we spent a lot more time at her boyfriend's house the house was built in the early 1900s and it was absolutely huge and beautiful she never told us at first that it used to be an old mortuary her boyfriend's father who moonlighted as a mortician ran the hardware store in town which was passed down to his son upon his death even after telling my brother and I my brother being 12 and I 15 at the time that the house was an old mortuary it never really bothered us we spent our summers there swimming and playing PlayStation 3 and genuinely having a good time quite honestly the best summers of my teen years I enjoyed it the home was warm and inviting that is until you got to the basement the steps leading down to the basement were steep about 10 of them before you reached the bottom the basement had flooded many times before so there was no carpet just cold cement immediately to the right was a refrigerator the washer and dryer and the cubicle shower which was flush against the wall and was positioned so it was directly behind you when you came down the stairs if you walked forward there were two couches positioned in an l-shape to the right the longest one pushed against the west wall to the left or to brick pillars that acted as support beams for the house spaced five feet apart with a dirty old blanket hanging between them as a shield behind the blanket was a vertical rectangle of a room one half was a wooden work bench of old tools and trinkets a random toilet that actually worked and in the far left corner of the rectangle was a small pile of remnants from when the house was an acting mortuary there was a bathtub no longer operational piles of wood shelving and a small metal table on wheels I always felt anxious going into the basement I never could figure out why but the atmosphere down there made me feel uneasy I would sometimes come down to the basement to get a soda from the refrigerator and I always had the feeling of static across my back my neck and my shoulders it would make my hair stand on end and I never walked up the stairs like normal people do I walked backwards because there was always the feeling of someone right behind you making your fight or flight response kick in it was definitely not my favorite place to be my first encounter happened when I saw a shadow dart across the wall as I came down to get a soda I knew the shadow wasn't my own and I even tried to duplicate it but I couldn't the shadow passed along the ground-level window almost eight feet up there's no way it was mine I left quickly and slammed at the door shut behind me but the main incident that cemented my belief in the paranormal happened when I was 15 I had just gotten back from swimming all day and I was sunburned and looking forward to rinsing off but of course the only shower in the house was you guessed it in the basement I grabbed some clothes and headed down to get it over with I didn't want to be down there longer than I had to I grabbed a towel from the wire rack above the washer and dryer turned on the water got undressed and hopped in the glass and the little shower was tempered meaning you could see blobs of shapes and colors but no real definition I was rinsing off and proceeded to close my eyes and put my head under the stream of water I moved out of the way wiped my eyes and opened them I froze through the glass I could see someone standing there to the left my mom was upstairs taking a nap and my brother was on the second floor playing PlayStation there would be no reason for either of them to be down there especially standing still looking at me I stared at the shape through the glass that feeling of unease came over me again but stronger this time I stood there for a moment gathering up the courage to open the door slowly I pushed it open never taking my eyes off of the figure but when I opened the door there was nothing no one was there I looked around surveying the area and when I was satisfied that I was alone I closed the door and the figure was gone I hurriedly finished my shower threw on a towel and started to back up up the stairs every step I took I could feel the sense of unease growing like an unseen mass filling the room this happened many more times over the next few years but I continued to see the shadow I did my best to ignore it but the feeling of unease never wavered I never showered with either the basement door or the shower door closed again water on the floor beat and when I was little like six or seven I had dreams that I would wake up late at night and see my mom smiling and standing in the darkness in my bedroom watching me sleep I would call out to her but she couldn't hear me she would just smile and look at me this was a recurring dream for years and it was beyond terrifying when I was about 11 my parents separated and I went to live with my dad although I had told my friends about these dreams for some reason I never talked about it with my dad until this one random night that we were eating dinner I asked my dad what he thought the dreams meant he stopped eating and sat there for a minute and then finally said you weren't dreaming buddy your mom has had mental problems her entire life she loves you very much but you weren't dreaming she would go into your room and watch you sleep sometimes this sent a shiver down my spine and after a minute or two we resumed eating that night while laying in bed I realized something why did my mom not respond when I called out to her she would just stand there and smile at me the time this story happened was only a year ago me being 15 and living with at the time just my mom and my 10 year old brother my dad was staying somewhere else for the time being at this time in the story we were moving from house to house financially not very stable but getting by we had found a house conveniently right next to one of the largest cemeteries in town and I didn't mind it but both my brother and my mom found it creepy the house had three storeys if you included the basement something about that basement scared me it always felt like something or someone was down there and that whole year we lived there I never stepped foot down there not once to give some context my room was upstairs there were three rooms up there and I'll tell you how it looked for the sake of the story there was the staircase that went up to a landing and then a smaller staircase leading to the second floor my room was the first thing that you saw my brother's room was to the right of it and the extra room was to the left my mom kept the extra room locked saying that it was unsafe to be in there everything about this house felt wrong according to both of my parents the house was extremely old being built in the 1800s it was freaky all the doors had those creepy old keyholes and the way that the house was structured seemed unnatural and weird the turns and placement of rooms was odd only making the house seem creepier I never minded it until this happened I had been texting my friend Chloe before deciding to set my phone down and finally get some sleep I don't remember what time it was but it was late I fell asleep rather quickly being worn out from school and stress however I'm a light sleeper any noise could wake me up I was turned on my side facing the wall when I heard the loud creaks of the stairs the steps stopped at the landing creaking ever so slightly as if someone was rocking on their feet I ignored it but it did make my heart race as I heard the steps begin again stopping at the top of the stairs it was probably my brother no big deal closing my eyes I heard my door creaked open and footsteps come into my room stopping at the edge of my bed someone was standing over me just watching a bit freaked out I did a side glance and out of the corner of my eye I saw my brother standing over me and letting out an annoying grunt I asked what do you want there was no response sighing and closing my eyes I rolled onto my side I opened my eyes to look at him again and my heart stopped he wasn't there standing up I trudged to his room but he wasn't there no one was there after that I felt uneasy as I turned to go back to my room but I froze that door that was always locked was open did he go in there I remember going in and grabbing my phone turning on the flashlight and just standing there staring at my floor something felt so wrong my gut told me that I wasn't alone there was someone in there with me and they were not good slowly I went to shine my light into the room to see if my brother was there there was nothing at this point I heard my heart pounding in my ears as I shut the door quietly going back to my room I told myself that was my imagination as I layed back in bed and closed my eyes I fell asleep eventually silently muttering prayers under my breath to put my mind at ease I did question my brother the next morning if he had gone upstairs but he just told me no ever since that night every night I hear footsteps coming from upstairs and they stopped at my door I began to have nightmares of a very tall man coming up from the basement and to my door peering his pale face inside to look at me with his unnaturally wide and terrifying smile not only that but the door that my mom kept locked since then would be found wide open almost every morning I woke up something was wrong with that house and I'm just glad we don't live there anymore when I was 14 I was sent to a mental institution here's why I don't have any friends and I kept to myself I loved to look at pictures of dead people and to be honest I still do my parents struggled with trying to make me act normal and I have no explanation for you or for them I didn't like other kids I didn't like anyone not even my parents the only person that I did like was my little brother Harold who was just like me he was quiet and he didn't have any friends either we would play outside and hang out all the time and everything was great until this one night Harold and I got into an argument and he told me that he wished he could kill our parents I wasn't close with our parents and like I said before I didn't even like them but I never felt like hurting them Harold told me that not only did he want to hurt them he wanted to cut them open with the pocket knife in the garage he wanted to take the knife and slit them open this made me cry I ran to my parents room probably like two o'clock in the morning screaming and crying Harold followed me and was screaming that I was lying over and over I screamed and told my parents what Harold said and what he wanted to do my mom started crying uncontrollably and my dad started breathing really heavy obviously what I told them was scaring them and Harold was crying too at this point the next day my dad took me to the mental institution for the longest time I was in that hospital angry not understanding why I had to live there and Harold didn't it wasn't until seven years later that I learned why my dad came to visit me one day and when I asked about Harold as I always did he finally said it Harold didn't exist I ran into their room that night screaming and arguing with myself about how I wanted to kill them but I didn't want to this was out of this world insanely scary please forgive the short length not much happened I was 11 years old living in Boston with my dad I woke up one night super late for an unknown reason you know how sometimes you just wake up look around your room and then fall back asleep yep that's what happened I woke up not sure what time but sometime in the middle of the night I was looking around the room and sitting in the darkness of my open closet I saw a face a face I had never seen before someone was sitting in my closet looking at me the ability to move my limbs completely left me I was frozen I stared at this person for what felt like an hour trying to remember now I'd say it was really only about 20 seconds whoever it was reached their arm out of the darkness in front of them and slid the closet door closed looking into my eyes the entire time the door closed and I lay there frozen for probably another 20 seconds and then I realized I had to leave this room obviously there was no way I was going to go back to sleep I got up as silently as I could and walked out of my bedroom which the door was cracked open I ran to my dad's room and went inside I woke him up and naturally he was shocked when I told him that someone was in my closet he told me to stay in his room and he went to check the thought of something happening to my dad scared the hell out of me so I was crying waiting for him to come back after a minute or two he finally came back and told me that no one was there cliche ending I know I will say this I do not care if people believe me or not it really happened I was not dreaming when I left my room whoever it was in the closet left as well the front door the back door and most of our windows were all unlocked stupid I know but we were ignorant this happened six years ago and when I try to remember the face I can't visualize the details except one thing one thing I have always been sure of it was a man and he was missing teeth how do I know because he was smiling at me the whole time this incident took place around six months ago on an overnight trip into the Superstition Mountains which are about an hour drive east of Phoenix I'm not gonna specify the exact trail because I've been doing this stuff long enough to realize what happens when you say too much whether it's a good trail abandoned mine ghosts or whatever it might be people come flocking and usually with a lot of trash and loud music this particular trail I was taking was an 8 mile loop through a canyon a pretty simple overnight trip I had planned to go with my friend but at last minute he cancelled and he left me on my own so with a packed bag in a car ready to go I decided to go on my own not leaving the house on time and some trouble navigating rough forest roads I didn't arrive to the trailhead until around 5:45 which for those of you who don't backpack this is a very big no-no I had about a 4 mile hike until I arrived at my planned camping spot and it was getting dark fast so I figured if I moved quick enough I could get at least 2 to 3 miles in before I had to find a spot this strategy left me hiking a very dark trail on my own with about 15 miles of dirt road between me and anyone else hiking in the dark by itself is scary especially for where I was and being on my own eventually it got so dark that I could only see where my headlamp was pointing and that's when I figured I needed to stop and get a camp set up with only using the headlamp as my light source and trying to move fast I ended up in a less than ideal spot but there were some burnt pieces of wood and the remains of a fire Circle so it looked like people had been there before but it didn't look recent my first priority was to get a fire going I scanned the area around me and was able to find some dry wood and I got the fire going I got my tarp set up and cracked an open can of chili mac I had brought for myself and was very much looking forward to eating I was feeling good my camp was set up and my food was on the fire the feeling of uneasiness from the hike had almost gone away but it was still there the side effect of camping alone in a remote area to fully understand what happened I have to explain to you how my camp was set up the site I had picked was a small clearing surrounded by large pine trees with the trail about 30 feet to my left when you're in the woods and have a fire going the fire casts a circle of light around it and everything in the edge of that circle and past it are pitch black I was sitting on the ground near my fire eating my dinner when a small rock about the size of a marble was thrown into my camp I looked in shock as I was positive that I was the only person on this trail that night I immediately turned my light on and towards the area where I had seen the rock come from but due to the density of the pines and the brush I could only see about 10 feet I spent the next 15 minutes in disbelief as I scanned in the treeline that surrounded me searching for whoever had thrown the rock not daring to stray too far from my fire that in hindsight offered me a false sense of security after sitting back down and spending the rest of my time on high alert I was able to convince myself that I had somehow kicked the rock or it had fallen from a tree or something I went to sleep that night not expecting the pure terror that was about to unfold I woke to the sound of rustling leaves barely an audible if you weren't listening for them but they were there still in a sleepy daze I listened as the rustling of leaves got harder to hear I assumed they were moving away from me I went to grab my handheld flashlight that I had left next to me when I had fallen asleep but the more I looked the more scared I got as I came to realize that it was no longer there I stood up in my sleeping bag and ducked out of my tarp and looked around I was able to see a light off in the woods it couldn't have been more than 15 feet away it was my flashlight laying on the ground in a pile of leaves this is one of those few moments in my life where I've almost crapped my pants the flashlight that I had left sitting right next to me when I had fallen asleep a few hours ago was now 15 feet away in the tree line of the woods I hurriedly slipped my boots on clutching my knife in my other hand and keeping my head on a swivel I weighed my options stay here and wait out the night or attempt the three-mile hike back to the car in the dark I figured that whoever was out there with me was definitely gonna have a better advantage if I was out on the trail without a light so I decided to stay at the camp and wait out the night eventually whoever it was came back I could hear them walking around the woods it was far off but I could hear them it sounded like someone leisurely walking by like they were on a stroll without a care in the world sometimes they would walk so far away and I would lose the sound of their steps but then an hour later maybe two they would return still faint this went on for three or four hours until I listened to the steps get closer and closer until they were about seven feet away from me at this point the fire had gotten very small as I had run out of wood in my pile the footsteps stopped and everything went totally silent i sat there still for two hours clutching a knife in my hand and prayed that I wouldn't hear anything else I stayed like that until the Sun cast enough light that I could see that I was alone in my site I packed my things and speed walked the three miles back down the trail I had taken I arrived at the empty dirt road where my car was parked and nearly sprinted to it as I unlocked my Subaru jumped in and drove and didn't stop until I had put at least 20 miles between me and that place I stopped at a gas station to buy a Red Bull but mostly just to see her talk to another person as I exited the store I was able to read what someone had written in the dust of my back window sleep well a lot of weird things have happened to me on my various adventures through Arizona but this is the weirdest and the scariest by far there was somebody seriously deranged in the woods that night do yourself a favor and stay as far away from those mountains as you can I've heard a lot of stories here which individuals have discussed some of the most scary and horrible things that happen to them in their lives a lot of them have sounded like they were very traumatic at the time in which they occurred but a small amount wasn't even half as bad as the person thought it was I'm sorry but if you have to get therapy for the rest of your life because your boyfriend slapped you you have much bigger problems than your choice of men I don't want to be mean but many people make things into being far bigger than they really are half of the things I've heard recently have been the textbook definition of firstworldproblems if you want to hear a recounting of a real horrible event in which I was involved pay close attention at 16 I was emancipated from my parents because of repeated abuse suffered by me and my sister while my sister who was only 12 at the time was sent to live with our aunt I moved into an apartment with my boyfriend despite it being terribly hard to find a job at that age to pay my bills I did it and I don't mean by selling myself like many of the Runaways in the street girl as I admit even though it meant we didn't get to see much of each other my boyfriend's job at his family's company allowed us to live a stable and happy life a life far better than I had ever known growing up my 17th birthday was the first year I'd ever received an actual present that wasn't purchased at a dollar store or shop lifted from Goodwill my only regret at the time was that I couldn't bring my sister along with me but the judge felt I was too young to handle such a large responsibility I've been raising her for as long as I could remember but he didn't want to hear it August 14th of 2005 was my sister's 13th birthday and I wanted to buy her something really special a few days before her party Brendan my boyfriend and I had a rare day off together and he volunteered to drive me to the mall to get her a gift since he was the one doing the driving we had to take his beloved bmw m3 that his dad had bought him for his 16th birthday there are many times I truly believe that he loved that car more than me but the pettiness of thinking that made me ashamed he dreamed this whole life of owning one of those cars and had been working any job he could get since he was 12 to save money for one he'd no doubt earned it but this fact was sometimes lost on me any of you ladies out there who has a man that seems to love his car more than life itself will hopefully understand the petty jealousy I often felt towards his it was now the ordinary to have guys approach him and tell him how cool the car was I think he liked the attention the car got and it got him in a second we parked I could tell the two men were lusting over the m3 it became very obvious quickly that I wasn't what they were eyeballing I continued to watch their focus and I never broke from that car for a second unfortunately the two stores I checked didn't have what I needed Brendan and I stopped to have a slice and then headed back to the car as soon as we exited the mall we saw the two guys I'd noticed earlier standing around the car like they were waiting for us to return the time was approaching 9:00 p.m. and it was already getting dark the parking lot was almost completely empty as it got closer to the guys I started to get a weird vibe from the to their body language was tense and unnatural and as I spoke to each other they would laugh in an obviously uncomfortable manner almost like they were attempting to soothe their nerves I assumed this was because they were a little younger than Brendan and nervous about talking to him when I got to the car I went around to the passenger door to get in like normally Brendan said hi to them and asked if he could help in a friendly manner the taller of the two asked him if the car was for sale none of the guys came off as aggressive in any way at this point and Brendan was never anything other than respectful to them he didn't have to think about the offer his answer was a brief matter-of-fact no thinking it ended right there he began to turn his back and get in the car but apparently that wasn't good enough for the guy and he must have felt Brendan rethink the offer he grabbed Brendan as he turned he don't turn your back on me I wasn't finished talking to you the rich boy thinks he's too good to talk to us I said the last parts he was facing his friend being no stranger to people with aggressive attitudes a sick feeling grew in my stomach Brendan did his best to defuse the situation but it quickly became clear that the dude wanted the confrontation once more this time around in a far more aggressive manner he asked Brendan if he wanted to sell the car and once again he did his best to decline the offer in a friendly way then the guy changed tactics and demanded that Brendan give him the car when he said this I started to feel very scared this idea must have struck him as insane because when Brendan heard it he began laughing uncontrollably in the guy's face his expressions showed just how angry Brennan's reaction made him this was when he pulled the gun and stuck it in Brendan's face my body began shaking the second I saw it now it seemed we were getting to the actual goal of this exchange we were going to be robbed I glanced over at the other a-holes standing at the back of the car his rotten teeth filled smile made the bile rise up from my stomach and into my mouth just the taste almost caused me to vomit but I managed to stifle it back his buddy with the gun told Brendan through gritted teeth to laugh in his face again wisely he didn't he attempted to de-escalate again by trying to reason with the guy he told him that the car wasn't actually as great as it looked the fact was is that it costs a lot of money to maintain but the guy said nothing I saw Brendan's expression change at this point it was so look I don't never seen once he was terrified and knew he was in trouble this desperation caused him to do something very foolish when the guy looked back toward his partner Brendan grabbed for the gun and they began fighting for control of it and soon fell on the ground out of my sight I was afraid the guy's partner would rush to help him so I rushed him and said it didn't take long for him to throw me off just as I landed I heard the shot it made me jump I had to see if anyone had been hurt when the guy with the gun ran past me to his car followed by the other a horrible feeling came over me even before I had seen him I knew Brendan had been shot honestly I was too terrified to look but I knew I had to what I saw would take away my will to live for many years to come he was lying flat on his back writhing silently in pain and staring hopelessly into the starless sky I shuffled over to him as fast as possible in a vain attempt to stop the blood pouring from his stomach doing my best to make his end as peaceful as possible I held him and sang quietly to him as he slowly bled out of my arms I'm not really sure how long we stayed there does it really matter I'm sure he'd already been dead for some time when the ambulance and police showed up those monsters ended his life for the stupid car in the end didn't even bother to take it with them when they left what a waste if anybody reading this cares about what happened to the two guys I have two words for you not much the shooter was able to cut a deal on a lesser charge in his schedule to be released sometime next year as for his little buddy his age at the time and it being his first conviction was taken into consideration the yuck mouth sleazoid only served five years with an additional ten of probation if you've done the math you realize he'll be free and clear himself soon no two men in the history of crime got off so easily if I would have been born a man I would have committed a crime just in the hopes I'd be put in the same place as one or both of them so I could break a shank off into their guts and watch them bleed just so that I had to watch the only man in my life who has ever treated me with respect or love it's painfully clear that I still have a long way to go before I'm able to put this behind me if I ever can if you made it this far then maybe you can now understand even a little well I have criticized some of the other submitters to these stories however maybe due to my stubborn determination to deal with Brendan's death myself I've ruined my chance to move beyond it perhaps then getting to the place in my life where I'm able to share this story with another person was assisted by those very same people I criticized I'm still not sure the last 14 years have been a long series of ups and downs and I'm still very confused about much of it regardless of my petty sniping I thank everyone who's had the bravery to publish their terrible times I'm only here because of you hey friends thanks for listening be sure to subscribe and click that notification belt of the alerted of all future narrations if you got a story be sure to submit them to my subreddit our let's read official and give and receive feedback from the community and maybe even hear your story featured on the next video my friend and I both planned on watching our high school basketball team playing a really big tournament game he lived literally less than a mile from the arena or a tournament was being held we both agreed that five o'clock was a good time to go walk over there together as we both didn't have a car and that was a good time to get good seats as the arena would be packed around 6:30 around four o'clock that day I was at the shopping center that is about two blocks away from his house 4:35 rolled around and I started to leave the shopping center and walk my way over to Shane's house on the way there I had to sudden urge the piste and I didn't know how much longer I could hold it it felt like an eternity but I arrived at his Street at 4:45 and I felt like my bladder was about to explode as I got there I realized how spaced out the houses are from one another so finding a private place to urinate seemed impossible however I finally found a very large bush in front of a house that was for rent around half a mile down from Shane's house and I looked around for anyone that would be standing around nobody was there relieved I began to use the bathroom I hear someone from a short distance walking embarrassed I'll quickly zip my pants up and looked back it was an older man probably around mid 50s early 60s about five foot eight and a hundred fifty pounds wearing an outdated style pair of overalls and a red baseball cap he was staring at me intensely as if he were mad at me for some reason while walking in my direction I began to walk in the direction of Shane's house which was a direction that the man was coming from and I was passing him I realized that he had two little boys with him both around the ages of 10 to 12 along with a dog that was attached to a leash I didn't think much of them until I heard a door swing open aggressively and someone yelling hey come back here I looked back and saw that the man was on with a rifle he started running toward me and I instantly started running faster they're not thought humanly possible he was about two car lengths behind me and I could see Shane's howl coming up I look back and saw my life flash before my eyes when I saw him starting to point the rifle at me and fire a shot that barely missed my left side I yank Shane's door open and slammed it shut knocking get in the process Shane came running from his room asking if I was okay and what happened I told him everything while out of breath from running so much and he was freaking out Chaney ended up reporting the incident and when the police came back they found no one the man was gone it turns out the house was up for rent for the past six months at the time it has been vacated since then I gave them a description of the man again and I was then surprisingly Shane wanted to go to the basketball game anyway but I didn't want to go anymore however I didn't want to just leave him there by himself so I reluctantly went Shane and I ended up needing to get a ride as we both knew it wasn't safe to go outside and walk over there it was getting a little late out there and friends were waiting for us to show up at their arena but we were there I had a hard time enjoying the game as I couldn't shake off the fact that I could have lost my life back there and if it wasn't for Shane's front door being a lot I probably wouldn't be here my name is Nicole and I'm 16 years old during my freshman year I would walk to and from school I didn't take the bus because I got bullied a lot so I walked to help clear my mind and just relax I took the same path every day which was passing by some old buildings a day care in an empty parking lot I did that a lot for about five months I was leaving my apartment and walking towards the back of the buildings as it was faster when I ran into this man he looked to be in his late 20s had a white shirt on and was bald he said hi and be careful it was pretty random but I blew him off I kept walking for about five minutes and I got to the old buildings and the white truck pulled up next to me I turned and I saw it was the same man he asked me if I needed a ride and I said no he said are you sure I know you go to that school down the road and then in tenth grade it won't be about it in my heart sink I've never seen this man in my life and he knew what school I went to and went great I was in I declined again and he drove off I didn't tell my mom about the incident I just caught walking to him from school a week pass and I saw him again again by the old buildings it was foggy and raining outside and he pulled up next to me in the same white truck he rolled down the window and asked her you need a ride sweetheart he's gonna get all wet and I said no thanks and continued to walk faster he started to follow me and kept saying things like come on it's cold but I know you don't want to walk out there it's just a two-minute drive you'll be fine I turned and told him to leave me alone and that I had to get to school I guess me raised my voice and saying what I had to say made him mad he put the vehicle in park and opened the door my heart sinking I froze I couldn't run I couldn't speak I was in shock he started walking toward me but then an old man walked out of nowhere and said hey Cassie I didn't see you all day yesterday you didn't show up for work and I was worried can you help me with something really quick it was the man from the store I understood what he was doing I turned in the man with the white truck ran back to his truck and took off I started crying as the old man told me he had saw what happened and had the spring in action I think tell me call my friend they dropped me off at school later on that day I forgotten about the incident until my teacher pulled me out of class he told me that when he was driving into work he saw what had happened and how the man had been following me he took me to the front office and had to make a report and call my mom to inform her what happened the police said they would look into it but they never found a man I would have given him the plate number but at the moment when it all happened I haven't thought of that I'm a sophomore now but I don't walk to school anymore after that in fact I don't really go outside of my apartment at all often think about what would have happened if that old man never came out to store and what the guy in the truck would have done to me I'm 25 now but this story happened when I was 16 I was camping with my dad and my twin sister across Lake Alberta we will call my sister Mary and me Tilly Mary and I are not identical she is taller blonde has dark blue eyes and tan skin I'm shorter with icy green eyes fit and not his tan it was midnight when Mary and I went looking for an outhouse to use before going to bed we were walking down a path with a lantern when we saw another light heading toward us we walked past a guy to look to be in his late twenties giving us a smirk we chuckled as we continued down a path when Mary decided to look one more time once she looked back she saw him still standing there was the same smirk on his face but this time it was more sinister she froze in her steps pulling my arm to get me to stop with her stare down between us three was so intense that I just wanted to go back to our campsite just so I can pee in the trees what happened next made my heart stop the strange man slowly started walking toward us he then turned off his lantern so we couldn't see him this made Mary and I run as fast as we could we can hear the man's footsteps getting closer as he was letting out crazy laughs the path we were on split off in two different directions may return right with the lantern not turn left nothing but a fear the path ended up taking me near the beach of the lake I kept running until I can see an outdoor change room where I ended up hiding it didn't have doors but I could see through the holes through the wooden walls by using the light from the moon I set on a silence for what felt like forever and was convinced that he must have stopped chasing me a while ago I took one more glance through the hole in the wall when I heard the man's voice behind me say don't be scared of me Tillie I just want to keep your eyes I screamed and ran out of that room but he caught me and threw me onto the floor I was doing my best to fight him off I was kicking him scratching and crying unexpectedly I had dirt in my mouth the man was trying to muffle my cries by shoving dirt in my mouth he was then suddenly tackled off of me and began to gasp for air while being choked I didn't know who was fighting off my attacker but I didn't want to stick around to find out I ran out of the change room and seen a few flashlights heading in my direction I came to a halt when I saw Mary running out of the group towards me Mary and I kept our distance while we seen the mob of people screaming attempting to peel off the hero for my attacker there all the moving lights I managed to see my hero and it ended up me and my father I can't tell you the rage my dad had on his face his determination that killed my attacker was so strong the small group of people struggled to stop them from fighting finally the camp security came and detained my attacker until the police arrived three days later my dad sits me down and tells me the information he got from the officers it turns out my attacker confessed to stalking me for two months and he wouldn't stop talking about my eyes he's been known to stalk teen girls and there's been some reports of him being a peeping tom I've never seen or heard anything else about this person and I hope it stays that way forever this happened in 1996 I was in my mid-20s for a quick background and setting I am a female and I was living with my parents at the time this was prior to smartphones and I did not have a cell phone of my own my parents home was on a residential street in New York State blue-collar neighborhood commuting distance to New York City we lived down the street from an industrial area a few old factory buildings that blend it in with the houses and ultimately led to the town park and swimming pool with the town dump beyond that a strange mix of comforting suburbia and desolation if you left my front door went left down the block and then hung a left at the first corner you would be at the small gated entrance to the high school football field the field was completely surrounded by a very tall chain-link fence with a few gated entrances this small entrance was the only way to get into the field unless there was an event happening the field was adjacent to the first of the factory building parking lots I felt very lucky to be so close to the field because it had a track around it the track ran directly around the field and separated it from the two large sets of bleachers this was an old Stadium even in the 90s and while the home bleachers had been updated to metal years before the visitor bleachers nearest the entrance were still wood the track was dirt it was softer on the knees than concrete so I liked to nip down there in the morning before heading to my train and do a quick two or three mile run for exercise I usually had the track to myself in the mornings of course lots of days I didn't make the morning run so if I got home before sundown I would head down and run in the evening the evenings were different usually more populated this particular evening I was really pushing the daylight but I wanted the exercise it was summer so I want to say it was around 7:30 or 8:00 but getting more toward dusk there are the usual neighborhood guys playing soccer on the field and three other folks on the track walking or running a middle-aged man an older woman and a woman a little older than me in a pink running suit or maybe just pink sweats and hoody I was feeling annoyed because it had rained and the track was not in great shape so there were still muddy patches and uneven parts it was hard to keep your pace when you had to dodge them along with watching for other people I was wondering if the other people on the track had been there a while maybe they would finish up so I could have the track to myself that would be perfect I was getting into it listening to my music and after three or four laps I looked around to see that the older woman in the middle-aged man were gone yes just the soccer guys and the pink lady now I was doing my best to keep away from her on the track the soccer guys started to gather up their stuff and walk off the field toward the gate at the corner by the old bleachers dispersing back to their homes it's just me and her now I glanced back over my shoulder to see where she was she was closer to me than I had thought she should be so I picked up the pace she can't have much longer maybe I'll get my last mile in in peace I think then I see she is gaining on me she's picking up her pace and I noticed she is looking at me she's looking at me expectantly like she wants something from me do I know her I really don't want to get into a conversation right now I go a little faster as I'm passing the home side bleachers she breaks into a full-on sprint and is suddenly on my left reaching out to grab my arm I'm startled we both stopped in our tracks and I pull off my headphones she leans in close and says low and slow I was going to leave earlier but you were still here and I didn't want to leave you alone oh great I back up and start to cut her off and tell her that I'm fine no problem but then she says it there's a man under the bleachers at that point I looked past her across the field and I see him sitting under the old wooden bleachers all the way at the back against the cement wall kind of blending in I can make out the grayish hair beard and white tank top he's just sitting there on something a bucket maybe watching I can't stay any later she said quietly I have to go be careful she starts to walk away thanks I said I'll walk out with you because I have nothing to prove and I'm gonna cut my run short tonight as we headed out of the gate keeping an eye on the bleachers she said something that's stuck with me she looked up with the tall fence around the narrow opening and said one way in one way out she got in her car we waved and I headed down the block to my house as she drove off I told my mom about it and we decided he may have just been a homeless man sheltering under there I would still use the track while I lived there but only if there were other people I always looked under the bleachers I never saw the man again and I never saw the pink lady again either I did see the soccer guys in the older woman and middle-aged man and lots of other folks but not her when I think back on it it still freaks me out that I ran past him several times that night and did not notice him and I wouldn't have noticed him if it wasn't for that nice woman she purposely stayed with me and made me painfully aware of how often I was running and what amounted to a cage with just one way in and one way out when I was growing up I lived in rural Alabama about 30 miles north of a place called Mount Pinson there really wasn't anything around just houses nothing like a neighborhood in the traditional sense no stores nothing we had one police officer and he was pretty friendly he was my best friend's uncle he would often let us ride around with him because nothing really ever happened there wasn't a recorded murder or anything beyond someone being drunk and a public nuisance he didn't even arrest people for that he would just ferry them home we had this lady who was all alone her husband had died a few years earlier and she was very lonely she called this one cop over everything if some kids were in her yard playing she would call this cop saying she was being harassed she did it because she was lonely and just wanted the company no one could figure out why she wasn't just nicer to the kids or anyone around the neighborhood one day there was this new kid kicking around near this little spot that we liked to hang out it had a nice climbing tree and a rope swing my friend and I being interested in this kid introduced ourselves he told us stories of living in a big city and how fun it was we were mesmerised at the time he taught us some new games to play we generally had a good time unfortunately his father was a real jerk it turned out this kid was the mean old lady's grandson and his father had lost his job and went back to stay with his mom while he recuperated since the kid was around she had warmed up a little to us and would invite us over for snacks and stuff we obliged being kids because we were always down for some free treats one day the new kid never showed up to our little spot again we figured he was busy with his grandma and was just doing other things a couple of days went by and my friend told his uncle his uncle said that he would take a look he let us tag along because he never imagined anything weird happening it took about ten minutes to make it up the windy dirt road to her house it was quicker just a walk through the field it took maybe two minutes to do well we got up there and he instructed us to stay by the car and we obliged he knocks and knocks no answer their car is there he knocked again this time louder no answer so he circled around to look in the back my friend and I decided to try knocking ourselves it didn't seem like a bad idea at the time we went up to the door and knocked nothing my friend grabbed the doorknob and turned it and I asked him what he was doing and he pushed the door open we both almost threw up instantly it was like the smell was a physical force and pushed up against us it was so vile you can't even imagine my friends uncle made his way around and when he got to the porch by the smell he knew immediately what had happened he instructed us to go to the car and wait he went inside to look around and then came bolting out of the house and threw up on the grass he had tears in his eyes not like he was crying but because he had just seen something that nobody is supposed to see he went to his car to contact someone my friend took off and I went after him he was intrigued and so was I I felt a little more bolder following him in we tiptoed inside and the first room was completely clean nothing to see but then we walked into the kitchen and saw that the kid was stuffed into the oven burnt he had clawed at the glass front of the door and actually scratched it you could see his hands his face it looked like he was still alive trying to get out my friend and I just sat there in complete shock for what seemed like eternity it was so surreal my friends uncle snapped us back to reality as he came running in the house and grabbed us screaming yelling telling us never to disobey him again he took us both outside and we just sat there the entire evening we didn't say a word to each other or anyone my friends uncle dropped me off later I never saw my friend again the uncle said that he couldn't handle it and went to live with some family members in the city my family moved a year later I've never been near that house again the uncle ended up drinking himself to death because of depression a farm that was near that house ended up having some sort of infestation and they lost all of their crops this weird circle of death seemed to expand around that house I was ten years old and being wheeled into the hospital late at night once I was inside I remember the doctor telling my parents that I had pneumonia and my mom started to cry those are the only things I remember about my visit up until I was left alone on the first night I have no idea what time it was when this occurred but probably very late everyone else in the rooms around me were sleeping and so was I until I heard something I was facing the center of the room when I opened my eyes I heard someone's shoes squeaking on the floor outside my hospital room I turned over and saw a nurse walk by but she had walked out of my vision past my window before I could see her face about two seconds passed and then I saw her walk by again this is when my heart stopped beating because of what exactly I saw she was walking by at a very fast pace and was looking at me through the window in an exaggerated stare meaning she was walking by but her head turns completely to the right side as she did not able to see in front of her as she walked and just staring at me very quickly she was out of sight again and then suddenly she started walking by again in the opposite direction she was walking back and forth in front of my window this time her head turned completely to the left again staring into my eyes she had brown hair that was messy and she looked insane on this pass I noticed that her eyes were opened very wide at this point I thought my heart would explode because of how it was beating and how scared I was nobody else was in sight when she walked out of my vision two seconds later she was walking by again every time her head turns to the side looking at me I remember thinking even at ten years old that something about her was very wrong I didn't move a muscle and could do nothing except just watch this incredibly scary woman walk back and forth in front of my window one of the times she walked by she was smiling a huge sickening smile the maid tears well up in my eyes every time she walked by she could not see what was in front of her because the only thing she wanted to see was me in my bed through my window it seemed like several minutes had passed until finally finally she did not walk by again she simply walked by one last time and then was gone i sat there in my bed and peered out my window expecting her to walk by again at any moment but she didn't I must have stared out my window for the better part of an hour before my eyes got so heavy that I fell asleep the next morning I awoke with my dad sitting in my chair next to my bed reading a book he smiled when he saw that I was awake and I told him what I saw before I fell asleep that night he didn't seem to be scared or even very alarmed he asked me if I was sure that it wasn't a dream I was 100% sure then and I am 100% sure now the woman was real and it happened she was wearing the same thing as every other nurse that I saw I was in that hospital for three days and didn't see her again I started work as a mailman a few months ago and just last week I had an extremely bad experience there's this one house every time I deliver there I see a person watch me through their window and I mean every single time I had always chucked this up to be an elderly person who has nothing better to do and after a while of it happening it didn't freak me out as much one day though I had to finish delivering mail on another carriers route that had an emergency and had to stop early when I was finished with theirs I had to finish my own as I made it to this one particular house where the person watched me every day I saw that they were not there at the window this made me happy but also kind of made me nervous for some reason I dropped the mail into their slot and continued on I had three more houses before I had to return to my truck to grab all the mail for the next street when I got back to the truck I saw weird-looking ladies standing under the streetlight behind it she looked like she was on drugs she had stains all over her clothing when she smiled at me I noticed that she was missing teeth she then said hello I set it back and started gathering the mail for the next street I couldn't see her as I did this and I felt like she was walking up behind me I turned around and she was indeed closer than she was before standing in the street I asked her if she needed something and she said no I then said back okay well I'm gonna continue on have a good day with all the mail ready to go I closed the back door made sure it was all locked up and started walking I felt relieved to be walking away from this crazy looking woman I delivered to about six houses when I noticed the woman standing next to a truck in the shadows she was following me I'm sure that she thought that I couldn't see her there I continued on and after every other house I saw that she was keeping up and trying to hide and this was so creepy there was nobody else around and I felt like she would attack me at any moment I delivered the mail to another house and sure enough when I walked back to the sidewalk I could see her standing in a shadow by a big tree across the street I decided I could not continue my night like this and walked over to her she stiffened up when I approached her and I said why in the hell are you following me she didn't respond and instead made my heart sink as she let out a noise only a crazy person would make a noise like she was scared of me but it sounded really odd she then ran away she was definitely on some kind of drugs and the next day when I came to that house where I would always see somebody there watching me through the window she was there and I know that it was her this happened to me about 15 years ago I lived near the ocean and I frequented a certain spot on the beach all the time it was a lonely spot and not many people ever really showed up there this one Saturday afternoon I was laying out in the sand in my spot relaxing and tanning like I always did it's not uncommon for me to fall asleep I did sometimes if the Sun wasn't too hot on my skin this one particular day I did I woke up a while later to the Sun now setting and realized I had slept for quite a while I looked to my left and saw a woman sitting near me in the sand but not on a towel she was wearing jean shorts and a bathing suit top and she had really pretty red hair at first I didn't really acknowledge her but after glancing at her a few times I noticed that she was just staring out into the ocean and didn't turn to look at me or anything for that matter I felt a bit of curiosity and said hello to her she said hello right back without turning her head to look at me right after that she sprung to her feet and walked away I thought that was weird but didn't think anything really of it about 30 minutes later I packed up my stuff and left nothing seemed out of the ordinary and I had a great day relaxing at the beach like I always did once I was home I started making myself dinner I heard my phone ring and walked over to my purse on the counter and pulled it out it was my mom and we started talking about the usual things when I noticed a square folded piece of paper sticking out in my purse in the midst of our conversation my mom continued talking and I pulled it out and unfolded it confused because I was pretty sure I didn't put it there I literally dropped the phone when I read what was written it was a note and it said I was going to rob you and stab you in the throat but you just looked so peaceful I picked up the phone and told my mom what happened remembering that girl on the beach we both nearly passed out the following story happened when I was 16 and still to this day I reflect on it from time to time a bit of background I live in Australia and live reasonably close to a Royal National Park where this story takes place if you aren't familiar with the park it is a large area over 100 kilometres in space with winding roads in nothing but brush land that are quite fun to drive through on a night like any other I was doing just that I was a passenger in my friend Ash's car and my brother Lucas was with us it was approximately 1:00 a.m. and we were driving deeper into the park as we had done hundreds of times before as we came quickly around a bend in the route we were face-to-face with a girl standing at the edge of the road close to one of those barriers as we must be near a cliff she looked to be in her teens her age I couldn't be 100% sure though this sounds cliche I swear she was wearing some kind of white dress and was pale faced I am an avid horror movie fan so I understand how this all sounds her immediate appearance wasn't what was concerning to us we had stopped virtually in the middle of the road and the cars headlights were shining directly on her we became uneasy when the girl did not blink flinch or move a muscle despite facing us directly I remember wondering why she would be out here standing in the pitch-black night I can't remember if my brother or our friends suggested it but someone said should we go see if she needs help in that moment so many questions were racing through my mind I think I was the first to speak and said no firmly as much as I wanted to help someone I reasoned with the boys saying that if she was in trouble and needed help she would have indicated it by now I also suggested that it could be some kind of trap used to distract us and someone could be nearby to attack us if we aided her after what felt like hours though really it was only a minute we got the hell out of there we had to drive past her to continue our route and couldn't do a u-turn or a three-point turn because the road was too narrow as we drove past her I was in the backseat and turned my head to watch her I still get chills when I think about this but that girl's head turned slowly and sync with the car's movements and watched us drive away I kept my eyes on her and still she did not blink or move as the light around her started to dim until she was in the darkness once again and I could no longer see her face oddly enough the three of us didn't mention it the next day or for a very long time at least I don't remember having a conversation about it with Lucas it was only a few years later when I had started to question if I had dreamed it when I asked my brother and our friend if they remembered that night to my horror and somewhat relief they did they recalled the details as I had recalled them so I knew it was real over the years I've wondered what became of her I regret not going to the police and you may ask why I would even go to the police if she had done nothing wrong truth be told there are no residents that deep in the park and she was a good hours walk or so from the nearest highway I have gone back to the park several times since specifically to try to find the girl or see if there would be a common occurrence I have researched online for any clues as to who she might have been on one Drive when I was searching I said to a friend of mine Nick who was happy to come along that there could be bodies in the brush and no one would know a week after I said this the dead body of a man was found a few feet away from the road in the brush by a motorist who had stopped to relieve himself it was in the news and it makes me wonder how many people are out there in that part but most of all who was that girl that we saw that night I'm 22 years old and this happened about two years ago when I was still living at my grandparents house this was the only scary experience that has ever happened to me and it was a doozy my cell phone was on the nightstand next to my bed and started ringing it was like 3:00 a.m. to my surprise the number calling me was the house phone as in the phone downstairs I answered thinking that maybe one of my grandparents had hurt themselves but when I said hello I got no response I again said hello grandma grandpa but again nothing that's when fear really hit me I crept down the stairs and they were really old stairs they creaked the whole house was dark and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't petrified of what I would find the house phone that called me was in the kitchen and as I reached the bottom step I was still holding my cell phone to my ear and whoever was on the other line was still there I could hear them breathing lightly I walked through the living room and into the kitchen my heart beating out of my chest I switched on the light and to my relief nobody was standing there but at the same time I realized that they must be somewhere else in the house or maybe the phone somehow malfunctioned and called the last number dialed or something no it was someone in my house how did I know because suddenly they started laughing through the phone I could tell it was a woman it was my grandma I ran upstairs to my grandparents room and it was locked I could hear my grandma hysterically laughing through the bedroom door and through the phone panic hit me I kicked the door open and immediately saw my grandpa shaking my grandma as she sat on the edge of the bed holding the phone in her hand and laughing maniacally I have never in my life seen or heard my grandma laugh like that but it was horror movie material she abruptly then stopped as she woke up both of my grandparents completely brushed it off and told me to go back to bed but it was so insanely scary that I almost wanted to scream at them the next morning was like any other my grandma made me pancakes and when I asked her about the sleepwalking or whatever she was doing the night before she just casually said it happens once in a blue moon I told her what happened exactly beat by beat and she responded oh my that sounds so scary yes grandma that's a freaking understatement one time I drove back to college after Christmas but before the winter break was over so I was the first of my roommates to get back to the house that we were renting our house was in a pretty isolated spot on the outskirts of a town in upstate New York I pulled into the driveway behind the house went to the trunk and grabbed one of my bags and then ran inside because I had to use the bathroom so badly I had been on the road for over five hours I was inside the house using the bathroom for maybe five minutes afterwards I went back outside to get the rest of my stuff from the car and there were footprints in the snow all around it now as I said I was alone in the middle of nowhere the only set of footprints should have been mine from where I had gotten out of the car on the driver's side walked to the trunk and then walked to the back door yet now there was another set of footprints circling the car and then leading into the woods at the back of the property it appeared that the footprints had originally come from the woods as well I had left my trunk open while I was inside because I assumed I was alone and nothing had been taken but someone had seen me arrive they came out of the woods circled my car and then returned to the woods I grabbed the rest of my stuff locked my car ran into the house and locked the doors last year the day after fourth of July I went to my favorite lake to go fishing occasionally I would take friends but more often than not I went alone unless you're fishing in the dark nothing creepy really ever happens and you would never expect something creepy to happen either I went to a very specific spot on the lake where I have always had good luck catching fish the Sun was out and it was peaceful nobody else in sight that's what I really love about this lake it wasn't too popular like some others I have been to I was listening to an audible book when suddenly without hearing him at all a man floats by in a little rowboat I looked over at him and he is stereotypically creepy smiling at me and didn't say a word to break the awkward silence I said hey I didn't see you there and then let out a fake little laugh the man said nothing and just floated by I brushed it off as he was leaving my immediate vicinity but was once again taken by surprise when he turned around about twenty yards away and began heading towards me again he was rowing so it was gradual but man I cannot tell you the creepy feeling that came over me I thought for sure that he would say something this time or do something but he floated by and said nothing once again I have a short temper and I got a little pissed off and said do you need something bro he just smiled at me after that I had had enough dude get the hell away from my boat he stood up and continued his disrespectful stare after just standing there looking at me like an idiotic psycho he picked up the small anchor he had on his piece of crap little boat and tossed it behind him into the dark lake I immediately stood up and started reeling in my line a few seconds later I put my pole down and started my motor I looked at him one more time before I blasted away and this guy was still smiling I flipped him off and was gone in seconds well that kind of ruined my mood and I felt pissed off and creeped out so I decided to call it a day I have been to that Lake 100 times since and have never seen that guy again and I better not either I might just punch him in the face I have no idea what his deal was if he was annoyed that I was fishing in a spot that he liked or if he was picking a fight I have no idea thinking back on it though the whole thing was stupid and honestly creepy as hell about five years ago my mom started dating a guy she met on a dating site that part is fine I had recently started dating this woman who would later become my wife and we had met online my wife and I never really liked this guy we didn't think he was mean or anything like that just a little creepy he was quiet he kept his eyes closed a lot and occasionally said odd things like offering my wife a chocolate and then popping one in his mouth closing his eyes and moaning as he let it melt in his mouth one time my wife and I were visiting my mom but she got called into work so we waited at her house her boyfriend was over but he spent the entire several hours just hanging out in her bedroom with the door closed just before Christmas my mom and this guy started having difficulties my wife and I were visiting her for the holidays and she dropped all of her problems on us and we listened carefully and told her our opinions and suggested that she would be better off without him she already had her mind made up though and decided to break up with him on Christmas Eve we spent the night at my mom's and got up early on Christmas morning to visit my dad at his house we didn't plan to spend the night at my dad's but we got snowed in which was actually a nice Christmas surprise the next day we left as soon as we could get through the snow and my wife suggested that we stop by my mom's house on the way so that we could see if she was okay my wife just had a really bad feeling about my mom's now ex-boyfriend my mom's car was in the driveway but that doesn't mean much because she lives close enough to work that she often walks and it hadn't snowed in her town she also never locks her door which drives me crazy so we let ourselves in that's when we see blood oozing out of the refrigerators water dispenser it had filled up the spill container and was leaking onto the floor and had made a puddle my wife screamed and I freaked out I fully expected to see my mom's head in the freezer I'm nervously opened to the freezer to find a bag of frozen cherries that had been opened crammed into the freezer so that it fell onto the ice dispenser and melted I thought my mom was decapitated by her creepy ex-boyfriend a few years back I lived with my mother in German Shepherd in a two-bedroom rented townhome I got home from work one day and went about my daily routine when it came time to eat dinner I knocked on my mom's door to come and eat I smelled cigarette smoke and heard her grunt a response so I went back down and ate alone fast forward to about 2:00 a.m. I am awoken by someone holding my hand and gently shaking it I immediately shoot straight up and look around my dog who is overly protective and sleeps with me every single night isn't in bed she isn't even in the room she most definitely was on my bed when I went to sleep I sleep with the bedroom door shut and locked she is scratching at my closed and locked bedroom door from the hallway frantic I bolt for the door let her in and she is searching the whole room I'm now yelling for my mother no answer I forced my dog to walk down the hallway with me I still smell cigarette smoke I bang on my mom's door no answer so I just open it and she isn't even home the bed is made and her TV is off my dog and I searched the entire house and nothing is out of place all the doors and windows are still locked I was freaked out to say the least the next day I called my mom and she told me she left early the day before to go visit my sick grandfather who was holding my hand that night your guess is as good as mine I used to have a penchant for wandering around abandoned buildings when I was in high school one time a friend and I decided that it would be a good idea to explore a farmstead that hadn't been in use for years the whole experience was really bizarre the farmstead was accessible by a long gravel road that brought you to a cluster of dilapidated buildings around a central barn we parked at the end of the gravel road near the turnoff to the main road so we could walk around the property and just pull out quickly later we went into the barn first and there were deer bones arranged in a circle around the skull and a bunch of blankets and wood stacked in a corner of the room we thought it was really cold fish and weird so we left and started walking back to the car halfway down the gravel road we heard crunching heavy footsteps and someone's screeching behind us blood-curdling screeching we sprinted back to my car and tried to peel out of there as fast as possible but it had snowed the night prior and my back tire was stuck in a puddle of melted snow my friend was screaming because she was so freaked out but wouldn't turn to look at the path behind us by the time I had gotten the car unstuck she turned around to see if there was someone following us and there was no one there it could have been a bird or something but we both swear up and down to this day that someone was following us I really thought I was going to die that day to provide context I'm a registered nurse in a small to mid-sized rural emergency department I've been doing this job for about four years and one of the biggest problems we've had in my time here has been the prevalence of drug abuse and mental illness I don't live in a tiny rinky-dink town nor do I live in a huge metropolitan area but imagine more of a middle ground city and otherwise a highly rural area of farmlands and aforementioned rinky-dink towns given the size of my city we deal with a lot of substance abuse and subsequent mental illness the majority of cases we see our meth induced this is the PSA in my story where I say please for the love of God for your own sake and the people you love do not do meth under any circumstances it will absolutely and irreparably mess your life up in so many ways one thing that many people don't realize is that hard drug use can lead to mental illness a lot of the times however it's a chicken and egg scenario regarding whether the person had mental illness prior to the drug use or whether it was the cause on this night one of our local EMS crews was called for a person having a drug-induced psychosis he was brought into our psychiatric holding area being escorted by both the EMS crew and our local police officers one glance at this guy and I could tell he was legitimately having a psychosis he was in his mid 40s to mid 50s had unkempt gray hair unshaven tattered and dirty clothes imagine a movie's portrayal of the crazy homeless man archetype and he fit the profile well in typical psychosis fashion he was extremely paranoid and was verbally hostile towards staff in fear of what he was perceiving as a threat against his life everyone was patient with him and we were trying to de-escalate him without having to physically restrain him for his in our safety but it was becoming apparent that we wouldn't be able to simply calm him down verbally I talked to the doctor and we agreed to give him a shot of an anti-psychotic I drew it up into a syringe and headed back to the psych area I entered the room and there were still a lot of people in there with him we had a couple of our er staff at least one of our hospital security and at least three or four police officers just trying to keep this guy together admittedly he was doing slightly better than when I had left him a few minutes ago the shouting was at a minimum now and it looked like all he needed was the shot to help him relax I approached him with the syringe and told him I would be giving him a shot and obviously he became paranoid because again he was perceiving us as trying to harm him after a little more calming him down I prepared to give him the shot in his right shoulder I lifted up his t-shirt sleeve clean the site and grabbed the muscle while he was talking to one of the police officers I told him that I was going to stick him and gave him the customary one-two-three countdown as I stuck the needle into his shoulder a quick explanation of my shot giving technique is necessary before moving ahead when I give a shot I hold the syringe by the barrel like you would hold a dart before throwing it between my thumb and index finger with the needle pointing towards the patient obviously after the needle is in I make a split-second move where I rotate my hand so that the barrel this arranges between my index and middle fingers much like you would hold a cigarette from there my thumb is free to push the plunger and administer the medication anyway shortly after I stick the needle in this guy he apparently forgot that I would be sticking him despite my warning not seconds before he proceeded to freak out at the worst possible time he turned to look at his arm clearly alarmed by the syringe poking out of him at this point I was getting ready to switch my grip on the syringe from the dart grip to the cigarette grip but his reaction to getting stuck caused him to pull away from me just as my grip was changing he leaned to his left in a syringe stayed in his arm as he moved away from there he pulled the syringe and still attached needle from his arm with his left hand raised it went after me with it as a weapon the officers reacted by this point start to go for the guy to stop him I heard one of them shout needle which I assume was the police way of calling out the weapon present in the room as they're subduing him his momentum continued towards me still shocked I tried my best to get out of the way but still felt an impact as something hit my left thigh the syringe and needle fell to the floor and I saw that the needle was bent by now almost everyone in the room was on the patient who was now screaming at the top of his lungs as staff worked to restrain him to the bed I reach for the needle and syringe simply to get it out of the way for everyone else and to make sure that everyone had everything they needed during the restraint at this point I began to realize exactly what had happened and that I had been attacked oh god please don't tell me that needle hit me I was terrified thinking of what disease is a nasty [ __ ] this guy potentially had that I was exposed to while contemplating my future life with HIV and hepatitis I stepped into the bathroom to inspect the damage to my leg I was so relieved when I found my leg was unscathed the only explanation I can think of is that somehow the needle hit the pack of gum that was in my left pocket at the time Wrigley if you ever need a spokesperson please have your people get in contact with my people after the situation had resolved one of the police officers approached me and asked if I wanted to press charges against the guy I initially said no because I felt sorry for the guy he had psychiatric problems he can't control what he's doing as that shift progressed however my feelings began to change why should I protect this guy because he was mad out of his mind and attacked me why should I let this guy get away with giving me anxiety and making me feel uneasy for the rest of my career with psych patients I later called the officer back and pressed charges against the patient as of about two years ago nothing has come of the charges because the patient wasn't in his right mind again please for everyone's sake don't do meth [Music] this next stories from the same person so consider it a continuation after a couple of years of career development I found myself in a leadership role in the ER I had been given the title of nightshift charge nurse over my department and my confidence was high I finally had the opportunity to show everyone my leadership skills and how well I could run the department I truly thought I could make a difference on this night one of our ambulances got called for a car versus semi collision the patient was the driver of the car and was in his 30s or 40s the medics and the ambulance mentioned that the collision may have been intentional as a suicide attempt there was no obvious injuries that I noted when he first arrived and he appeared to be calm when I saw that the situation was under control I stepped back and looked over the rest of the department I didn't hear anything about him for the rest of the time that he was there I don't remember why but he was going to be admitted to the hospital so the nurse called report to the floor and we arranged for transport to his room upstairs because he could have possibly attempted suicide he was placed in a one to one watch while he was in the ER so the tech that was doing the watch was going to take him upstairs additionally because he was a one-to-one watch they needed to be escorted by a security guard according to the tank he had been asleep for quite some time prior to his transport the security guard arrived in the tech woke the patient up for the transport once he woke up all hell broke loose he immediately got up from the bed and began talking nonsense eventually escalating - yelling nonsense with my workstation being right outside the room I got up and went straight into the room when I entered through the curtain I saw the tech in the security guard standing opposite of the guy trying to talk him down at this point the guy was standing in the middle of the room bare-ass naked and had ripped out his eye be his posturing was threatening and things looked like it would get violent unless the situation diffused the security guard immediately called for backup and calmly tried to approach the patient it was at this point that the guy attacked the guard by punching him in the face the patient continued to go after the guard but the guard managed to get him pinned against some cabinets in the room I stepped up to try to hold the patient's arms back I yelled for the secretary at the nurse's station to call the police not long afterward the other security guard arrived and tried to help to paint a better picture the patient is standing with his back against the counter in some cabinets still yelling nonsensically in his psychotic tangent security guard one is bare hugging him around his chest and abdomen much like a football tackle I'm standing by the patient's side between him and the door doing my best to hold his arms back from hitting anybody else enter the second guard who approached the patient from the front and was trying to see what he could do to help he unfortunately got too close and the patient saw an opportunity he cocked his head back in a split-second and head butted the second guard in the face with full force the patient's head struck the guard right above his brow which immediately split open and began dripping blood that loud dull thought of bare skull on skull contact as a sickening sound that I will never forget immediately following doubt we got the patient's feet out from under him and brought him down to the floor the security guard with his head gashed open was still trying to help us and was dripping blood all over the floor and the patient by this time other people had heard the commotion and came to help the secretary had called 911 were just waiting on the police to get there all we had to do was keep this guy held down granted this was about an average-sized guy but he was still quite the fighter we simply were unable to hold him down on the ground by his limbs so I ended up kneeling with my entire weight onto his back to keep him down again my entire 250-pound frame was kneeling with my entire weight on this guy's back and was barely facing him he kept shouting for his little buddy to come save him so that they could run away to Alaska or something like that when I think back on the situation it was honestly kind of sad this guy was clearly having a psychotic episode and didn't intentionally try to harm us but in that moment all I felt was rage white-hot boiling rage for what he did to my co-workers and friends if I knew there wouldn't be any repercussions for my actions I can't say that I wouldn't have been the absolute piss out of the guy in the after the police arrived we were able to get the patient restrained to the bed and sedated him without any issue once the situation was more under control we registered both of his security guards for treatment the first guard had no injuries and the other guard had his wound stitched up other than the wound on his head and being slightly dazed he was fine no one else was injured during the event shortly after I walked out of the room the gravity of what just happened hit me really hard I quickly made my way to an empty room and closed the door before I absolutely lost it I sobbed as silently as I could as I contemplated what had just happened this guy had just gone full-blown apeshit on us and there was absolutely nothing I could do I was the leader of these people and they were put into a dangerous situation in what is supposed to be one of the safest places in the community what if my responsibilities was to keep things under control and I had just messed that up in a major way maybe I wasn't as capable of doing this job as I thought I took a few minutes to let my emotions run their course and collected myself before heading back out to finish the shift not long after that incident I stepped down for being a charge nurse both for reasons related and unrelated to these events I've since gone back to being a regular staff nurse in the ER and I honestly prefer that I haven't gone back to the charge nurse role again and most likely never will I still get anxious before every shift I work always worrying about what dangerous situation my co-workers and I may face in the ensuing 12-hour shift I'm a nightshift nurse who has been working at a veteran's hospital for the past three years my unit is located at the basement of the hospital I chose to do 12-hour night shifts because it was quiet and relaxing for the most part before the rush begins in the morning after we leave last night I was sitting at the nurse's station at 12:30 a.m. catching up on the walking dead and I had the urge to use the restroom I go into the restroom to my business and everything seemed completely normal this restroom is a unisex restroom so the entire staff uses it as I process to head to the sink to wash my hands and kind of stare my face in the mirror to see if I look tired enough yet I hear a slow sliding sound coming from one of the ceiling tiles above it moves open exposing the roofing and just sits there now I'm not the bravest person in the world but since my curiosity hasn't killed me yet I decided to hide behind the wall that divided the main sink from the stalls and just wait quietly to see what was going on up there in the midst of the silence a man's legs began creeping out from the roof opening this is when I knew I had to officially run I was practically [ __ ] bricks at this point he drops into the restroom as I'm flinging the door open and screaming bloody murder into the hallway of sleeping patients he grabs the back of my scrubs and we both fall to the floor my co-workers who most definitely got startled as hell ran to my rescue they separated us thank God however I had a faint scratch on my right cheek he had a pair of wound care scissors in his hand security was called as my male co-workers detained him I was in a state of hysteria and was ready to go home in the middle of the shift it turned out the young man was a newly admitted psych patient who was trying to escape from the upper hospital floors apparently his family forcefully brought him to the emergency room and they were waiting for him to get cleared to go to psych no one is completely sure how he could get away and end up in the restroom sealing the freaking restroom ceiling currently my nursing supervisor and I have decided to switch me to work morning shifts now but on a different unit unfortunately after this event now I really know what authentic fear feels like
Channel: Martin Animations
Views: 1,229,893
Rating: 4.8613567 out of 5
Keywords: horror stories animated, animated horror stories, horror stories, true scary stories, true horror stories, scary stories, llama art horror stories animated, true horror stories animated, 4 horror stories animated, horror story animated, stories animated, 4 creepy true horror stories, 4 creepy true horro stories mr nightmare, true horror story animated, 12 horror stories animated, horror story animated compilation, horror animation compilation
Id: UmjbJ-x2ifk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 120min 1sec (7201 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 27 2020
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