3 Ghost Hunting Horror Stories Animated

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my hands began to sweat as i gripped on tightly to my wife sarah is there a walter thompson here gloria led the ritual she was an older woman who had years of specialized experience in this type of work her husband tom was her business partner and joined us in the ritual today my wife and i originally reached out to gloria because we had noticed some strange occurrences happening in our newly purchased home doors would creak and close randomly objects would move slightly throughout the house eventually it started scaring my wife so here we are seated at our kitchen table with the lights dimmed i felt like i was in a plot for an insidious sequel to me this was a bit much walter are you here with us right now gloria pleaded with someone who didn't respond with my eyes closed i smiled at how bizarre this felt i didn't know who walter was but supposedly gloria did her research on our house and found that an old man named walter thompson owned this house in the late 1800s i on the other hand didn't do my research and simply bought the house because the price was unbeatable walter can you give us a sign to let us know you're here her words echoed throughout the large dining room our hands remained clinched together walter give us a sign moments later a creek from the old wooden floor got our attention i peeked out of one eye at my wife who continued to keep her eyes shut walter was that you gloria continued to question another creak echoed from the wooden floorboard but this time longer and louder walter my name is gloria i want to know why you remain here in this house gloria waited for a response but got none walter are you here because of what happened to your wife our large chandelier above our table began to rock back and forth at this point everyone even gloria opened her eyes walter i want you to know that what went on that night happened a very long time ago she continued these people have nothing to do with what happened these are good people the lights began to flicker walter do you understand that without a response gloria continued walter i want you to be free from this house your wife is no longer here you are free to go i was in shock i looked at my wife who no longer had her eyes shut she was near tears walter in the front room the piercing sound of a television turning on grabbed all of our attention as it loudly switched from channel to channel do not break the circle leave it on gloria yelled to us gloria continued the ritual walter i demand that you leave this house right now you have no business being here any longer the chandelier above rocked ferociously back and forth as stomping from upstairs filled the room ignore it gloria demanded i stared at my wife in amazement and disbelief as she wept walter she's gone your wife is gone she cannot hurt you anymore with that silence the chandelier stopped the television flicked off the stomping subsided i looked at my wife and questioned what do you know what the hell happened in this house gloria finally opened her eyes and stared at me there was a man who lived in this house named walter thompson he was murdered by his wife he had an affair and she was never able to forgive him so she brutally killed him what i said out of confusion gloria let go of my hand and stood up from the table breaking the circle honey the circle her husband tom quickly exclaimed but gloria stood up and walked over to the window her name was evelyn thompson she killed her husband the chandelier began to lightly swing again she did everything for her husband but he was infatuated with the woman living next door gloria's husband tried stopping her gloria please come back to the circle he didn't realize all that she did for him again gloria's husband spoke damn it gloria get back to the table the table began to shake uncontrollably gloria turned around and stared with dead eyes at her husband her face was changed isn't that right walter gloria ran over to her husband and grabbed him and started choking him by the throat his face grew blue as he begged the best he could my wife screamed i jumped from the table and ran over to gloria i pulled at her until she let go of her husband who dropped lifelessly to the floor she made me gloria screamed she's here she she made me break the circle gloria looked at her husband's cold body my god what have i done she weeped i tried to make sense of everything i grabbed on to gloria and held her as she cried i looked around sarah i called for my wife still sitting at the table baby come here my wife stared at me are you okay sarah i cried out to her she stood up her movements were stiff sarah honey we need help over here what's wrong with you she looked at me with dead eyes she spoke in a demonic voice nothing walter [Music] the old mackinac hotel isn't like anything you've really seen before in 1908 bernard mcinac purchased the hotel and soon after married his longtime love janice the couple had two children both of which would die in the hotel before their third birthday in room 214 prior to the purchase the hotel was an old preliminary school that was shut down after the schoolmaster martha sandoval took her own life for years many have said it is too haunted to even visit i'm about to prove that theory wrong i'm what they call an outdated ghost hunter i use equipment that many ghost hunter companies would laugh at because it's so old-fashioned it's the only equipment that i believe works and i've had great success with it the old mackinac hotel has always been one of my most sought after hunts i arrived around dusk to find the old hotel sitting on the corner of a quiet empty street i always take my assistant delma with me regardless of the fact that she speaks little english she is quite good at following instructions the main lobby is cluttered with antique furniture and light fixtures portraits of family members line the dust stain corridors the thing about me is that i see ghost hunting as a job not an adrenaline sport it takes quite a bit for me to get scared i immediately take out my emf meter which can detect changes in any type of energy the gauge bounces wildly delma i want you to stay down here in the lobby while i check out the upstairs i noticed the change and expression upon delma's face she didn't want to be here the main staircase is nothing grand or luxurious the poorly constructed steps squeak under my feet as i ascend to the top a cold rush of wind rushes past my face as i reach the top of the staircase the hallway is dark and uninviting again my emf meter dances freely with the change in energy room 214 it was buried into my mind as i begin my journey down the hall footsteps emanate from the staircase behind me and slowly fade away i continue on my way the old walkie-talkie clip to my belt starts humming it has a static tone to it almost as if someone is trying to speak i grab the walkie and hold the talk button delma are you alright i wait for a moment yes i'm okay she reassures me i'm getting a little static on the walkie i'm going to 2 14 i'll be down in a couple minutes once again i begin to creep forward i continue forward with painstakingly slow footsteps i whip my head backwards as hollow sounds of crying emanate in the distance [Music] crying that sounds like children i try to keep my mind focused but i can feel my adrenaline start pumping my flashlight marks the dreary red carpet in front of me carpet that likely hasn't been cleaned in decades finally i reach my destination room 214 i pause for a moment to collect myself i slowly crack open the door the old door hinges that haven't been greased in ages let out a terrible screeching sound inside there's a bed with white sheets i whisper into my walkie-talkie delma no response static [Music] delma are you okay i hear the distant sounds of breathing through the walking i hear a low whisper get out delma i'm coming down now i call into the walkie-talkie again static and then get out the demonic voice loud and screaming almost sends me to the floor in the corner i saw a figure hanging by a rope staring at me through the jet black hair covering her decrepit face just then the door behind me slams shut my whole life i've lived in a small town no it's not rural but it definitely isn't a metropolitan area it's one of those towns if you zoom in a little bit on google maps it'll eventually pop up the funny thing about my town is that it's most well known for a little cemetery that sits at its center when i tell people where i'm from the first thing they ask about is that cemetery and yes it has been described as one of the most haunted places in america and yes it is in fact haunted i've been to that old cemetery many times but only once at night i promised after that night i would never go back one weekend two of my friends and i thought it would be a good idea to go ghost hunting at this specific cemetery we soon learned it was the exact opposite none of us had much experience with the paranormal but i for one was always intrigued we loaded up a camera some cheap evp equipment that we bought on amazon and made our way across town to get to this cemetery there is a long beaten down trail with woods on both sides the walk down that trail seemed like it took forever i began regretting my decision when we finally got to the gate leading into the cemetery this gate is always locked at night to prevent vandals from entering however tonight the gate was wide open almost like it was inviting us in the minute i stepped in i felt a chill crawl down my spine we unloaded our equipment and started randomly filming different areas of the cemetery leaves crunched under our feet as the full moon above guided us through the dark cemetery to be honest i didn't want to be there something felt off we continued to walk aimlessly around looking for anything interesting within moments we found something in front of me was a tombstone rotten with built up dirt on it was the word sun there was something about this specific tombstone no name no dates just that one word next to the grave was a small stuffed teddy bear it too was battered and worn my friends could sense my fear and began joking around calling me a wimp and a baby when i told them i wanted to leave so in a juvenile attempt at impressing them and showing my false bravery i took the teddy bear and threw it deep into the surrounding woods our laughs echoed through the crisp night we decided after another 30 minutes or so without any substantial happenings that it was time to leave we reviewed our footage on the walk home in every video clip there was a white figure standing immediately behind me we thought that maybe it was just an issue with the film but the more we looked we realized that there was something there with us my friends dropped me off that night at my house i felt scared and ashamed for what i had done i walked up to my front door and was immediately stopped in my tracks i looked around scared to death i didn't know what to do sitting on my front porch was a battered and worn teddy bear thanks for watching you can watch a similar video here and don't forget to subscribe and hit that notification bell to stay tuned for more videos
Channel: Dr. NoSleep
Views: 147,357
Rating: 4.8894596 out of 5
Keywords: Dr. NoSleep, dr nosleep, doctor nosleep, scary stories animated, horror stories animated, animated horror stories, scary animated stories, dr no sleep, animated stories, horror animated stories, scary animations, scary stories, horror stories, 3 ghost hunting horror stories, ghost stories, scary ghost stories, ghost stories animated, paranormal stories animated, 3 paranormal stories, paranormal stories
Id: 3jIMjdB7SkE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 59sec (1139 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 15 2020
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