3 Quarantine Horror Stories Animated

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the doorbell rang three times all in a row spaced out in perfect two second intervals i thought to myself this is either a morbid prank or pandemic pete is at my door here's some backstory the government promised us everything would be okay they said they would protect us well that clearly didn't happen during the first couple weeks in lockdown everything was fine but after the first month things got bad really bad the virus continued to spread and supplies ran dry luckily my family and i were stocked up we currently have enough food on hand to last us months it's not really the pandemic that scares my family and i a quarter mile down from our house there's a high security prison in technical terms it's referred to as a super max this is where the worst of society ends up the murderers terrorists and overall horrible human beings for whatever reason state officials released about half the prison population their reasoning was to contain the spread of the virus now how does releasing murderers on the street help contain the spread of the virus yeah i don't know what they're smoking but it's certainly not weed anyways there must have been break-ins and killings all over my neighborhood no surprise here it is highly likely that all the killings are by the same person they call him pandemic pete they say he rings your doorbell three times and waits if you don't answer he comes straight in and kills everyone in the house he thinks it's impolite if you ignore him now if you answer you've got a 50 50 shot he either stares at you with his knife drawn and slowly walks away or he proceeds to kill you and your entire family according to survivors of pandemic pete eye contact is a must if you show fear he will just kill you on the spot now back to the present situation i just heard my doorbell ring three times and i am scared shitless i'm about 20 feet from the front door and it might as well feel like a million miles i know pandemic and pete is there but i am frozen in terror i glance at the door and see a huge shadow i can't make any details out through the tempered glass but the man is at least six foot six i look at the clock not even a minute went by but it feels like an eternity i can't move a muscle in my body i am paralyzed in shock the giant shadow slowly fades away from my door a huge sense of relief flows over me like a tidal wave i can finally move my muscles now slowly i walk to my front door and open it nobody's there i glance down at my welcome mat my blood instantly drains from my face there's a handwritten note my name's on the front it reads you took way too long to answer the door i will be back to kill you and your entire family sincerely pandemic pete ps take your fate like a man tomorrow i believe that everything was going to be okay until it wasn't as fear spread across the nation people began to take action to protect themselves and their loved ones shops and restaurants closed their doors large events and gatherings were cancelled grocery stores ran out of stock individuals were urged to stay indoors and remain distant from those who were presumed to be sick it didn't take long before anxieties rose and the belief grew that everyone who could possibly be in proximity was either infected or couldn't affect them in some way weeks became months and human socialization became a thing of the past birthdays and holidays became individual celebrations families spent time in separate rooms to avoid contact and contamination it was only a matter of time before the end times reared their ugly face i hadn't heard a person speak in weeks when the voices started at first i blew it off as nothing it was barely audible i told myself it was just the wind brushing against the siding of my apartment complex weeks passed and the whispers continued still they were barely audible and i brushed them off as nothing a month after the voices started i felt a cold gust of air against my cheek and ear and heard the whisper vividly jason i jolted up into a sitting position at the sound of my name and looked around my room frantically hello who's there there was no response i shook the fear and uncertainty out of my mind laughed and said to myself you're going nuts jason obviously nobody said your name there's no one here jason i'm here why won't you talk to me jason we just want to help you we're your friends jason voices came from all around my room in louder whispers all talking to me and saying my name i jumped out of bed and ran for my living room you can't run jason it'll get you soon enough i buried myself in the corner of my living room behind the couch putting my head between my knees and covering my ears that's not going to help jason no i shouted you're not real this isn't happening oh we're real jason we are as real as realized virus swirling above your head just waiting to attack that's impossible i replied i've been safe the virus can't be here i've done everything not safe enough it's going to infect you and slowly it will take you over you're not safe you need to save yourself jason go to the woods and find the stream you'll see a large stone near some bushes by the stream walk into the water until you are covered and don't come back up that's the only way you'll survive you have to do it the voice replied in a guttural tone the sound penetrating my mind and chilling me to the bones i shivered at the sound i sat quietly for a moment one part of me knew this couldn't be happening but the louder part was shouting at me to listen to the voice and do what it said a few hours later i stood at the shore of the stream hidden deep in the woods the trees were like walls around me the woods were dark except for a few slivers of light coming through cracks in the leaves foundation i stood staring at the water rippling in the slight breeze everything was silent around me there was no one around i found the heaviest rock i could find in a pile by the stream exactly where the voice said it would be carefully and slowly i waded into the water a voice inside my head told me to turn around this was a bad idea but the other voices were louder and more convincing i gave into the voices ignoring my own consciousness you're doing the right thing jason the virus can't get you now you're safe on the third week of the coronavirus outbreak i had an unbelievably rude awakening my wife and i had been on lockdown ever since the governor ordered everyone to shelter in place which meant we kept inside our house and only received visitors when our online shipments of groceries arrived it was around midnight i could feel the bed move like it always does when sarah climbs out of it usually she climbs back in after using the bathroom but this time there was no follow-up disturbance and it awoke me completely i could hear some activity down in the kitchen curious i got into my robe and slippers and headed downstairs i found her at the stove making a grilled cheese sandwich sarah what's this sudden craving she spun toward me and nearly jumped out of her slippers i'd never seen her so spooked she waved me closer the grilled cheese isn't for me she whispered is it for me no it's for our new house guest my heart began thumping faster what new house guest sarah peeked over my shoulder scanning the dark dining room at my back the third floor the third floor was our son's old room he was a freshman at college now during thomas's high school years we rarely went up there it was such a stench-ridden pigsty as was the attached bathroom we both avoided the third floor is it thomas i thought the university told everyone to shelter in place it's not thomas would you grab the pickles and pour some milk i opened the fridge sarah you're freaking me the hell out is this a joke no she handed me her phone this came 10 minutes ago it was a text from an unknown person i'm a stranger to these parts please bring the following to the third floor grilled cheese dill pickle glass of milk don't call for help my throat locked up a hay stammered trying to catch a breath this came from someone in thomas's room who sarah shrugged she readied the plate and poured the milk now my phone dinged another text have your wife bring it up alone i never felt such fear my body electrified with goosebumps sarah let's call ding another text i'll gut you both before police arrive bring me my midnight snack now my shaky hands gave the plate to sarah i accompanied her upstairs and then waited on her at the landing she set the plate down and hurried back to me we retreated to our bed and sat pensively listening for sounds overhead the upstairs door squeaked open and then clicked shut then nothing not even a peep from a loose floorboard the sound of the incoming text made us both spasm and terror we read it together breakfast at nine french toast bacon orange juice sleep well thanks for watching don't forget to subscribe and turn notifications on to stay tuned for new videos and check us out on spotify by clicking the link in the channel art
Channel: Dr. NoSleep
Views: 180,889
Rating: 4.8094206 out of 5
Keywords: Dr. NoSleep, dr nosleep, doctor nosleep, dr nosleep animations, scary stories animated, horror stories animated, pandemic horror stories, quarantine horror stories, scary quarantine story, scary quarantine stories, scary narration story, quarantine horror story, scary story narration, quarantine story, true scary stories, scary stories, horror, dr no sleep, dr. no sleep, quarantine stories, horror stories, dr no sleep animations, 3 quarantine horror stories animated
Id: jEfGyJsP5vo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 41sec (701 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 22 2020
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