3 Scary Horror Stories Animated ▶1

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i never remember feeling sick just a sudden headache and my dog barking as i collapsed to the ground the world had vanished beneath my feet and my consciousness was trapped in darkness disconnected from my body for what felt like an eternity i floated through the emptiness of the void uncaring and at peace then i heard a voice he sounded stressed speaking in a language i couldn't understand to my uneducated mind it sounded russian but for all i knew it could have been polish or serbian as i focused in on the strange words i started to awake i could feel vibrations all around me accompanied by the sound of a running engine it didn't take much more to realize we were in a car driving somewhere where am i i groaned two men loomed above me both wearing surgical masks despite their obscured faces i could tell they were in shock from seeing me awake without hesitation one of the men jammed a syringe into my chest jolting me back to sleep though heavily sedated i could hear people talking eventually the car stopped and they brought me inside a cold dry room then i felt a steel blade cut through my abdomen digging into my flesh it was an oddly warm excruciating sensation with that i suddenly awoke i winced in agony as i tried to get an idea of my surroundings i was outside face down in the mud it had felt like an instant but hours had gone by since i passed out trenton street a sign said i was lying on the ground on the street in my own neighborhood help i weekly called out i pulled open my shirt and noticed a massive surgical scar covering the majority of my belly just by pure luck a neighbor arrived home and promptly called an ambulance the doctors were baffled though i'd clearly undergone some kind of surgery none could figure out its purpose after a thorough examination and a scan i was met by some nervous looking physicians what happened to me i asked horrified to know the answer they explained that chunks of my internal organs had gone missing the scan had revealed tiny holes throughout my entire abdomen but despite the bizarre findings my organ functions remained mostly intact against all odds i was more or less fine after a few days of tests and observation i was sent home to rest the police dropped by a couple times to ask questions but i couldn't remember anything substantial in the end it felt more like a nightmare than reality if not for the scar i wouldn't have believed it it wasn't until a month later before i suddenly took a turn for the worse at first it just tingled then it felt like something was moving inside my stomach it bulged out leaving me unable to eat or drink i scheduled a doctor's appointment that was only two days away but i couldn't wait i basically crawled over next door and begged my neighbor to drive me to the hospital as i rang the doorbell i puked onto his doorstep the vomit was bright red with chunks of undigested food i couldn't keep down but something moved in the mess i created they looked like large worms squirming on the ground with that he rushed me to the emergency room on the way i noticed a bulge appearing on my arm just like the worms in my vomit it squirmed around digging its way under my skin before long it burst out falling onto my chest several other bulges appeared on my limbs and abdomen i was delirious from the pain rather than being afraid i just felt guilty about messing up my neighbor's car we quickly reached the hospital my neighbor grabbed me and basically carried me in through the front door one of the worms bit him in the process causing him to drop to the floor luckily there were doctors and nurses there ready to assist they brought me inside and immediately prepared me for surgery unfortunately it didn't take long before they realized i was a lost cause hundreds of worms had made their home inside my body cavities feasting on my internal organs it has been five hours since i arrived at the hospital the doctors promised to keep me comfortable while i await my inevitable demise before the night ends i'll be dead little is known about the worms that are eating my guts but apparently i'm not the first victim the first worm needs to be planted into someone but each subsequent generation spreads through bites injecting their larvae into the bloodstream because of their slow development is hard to diagnose infected individuals until it's too late hopefully they can contain the situation after all i haven't been around many people lately only my neighbor as he drove me to the hospital didn't fight him did they i'm too tired to remember it's getting hard to think i guess this is it for me if you get bitten please seek help immediately my friends and i used to wander into the dark woods at night wielding little more than our flashlights and overactive imaginations it was the surge of adrenaline we needed gained from harmless non-existent horror lucky for us there was a forest bordering our neighborhood it was full of ancient trees that creaked in the wind our parents had often warned us about entering the woods claiming the trees would fall due to the weakest gust of wind of course their warnings fell on deaf ears we were young and felt invincible though we pretended to be brave we usually didn't get far into the darkness of the woods before cowering in fear each time we'd mark how far we'd gotten before giving up and each time we set out on new adventure we promised each other to break the record our last journey occurred on the 29th of october 2012 liam and frank were my best friends together we ventured deeper into the woods than we ever had before liam being a year older always pretended to have all the experience in the world he'd hide in the bushes a few yards ahead and jump out in pathetic attempts at scaring us before long we reached the furthest point we previously reached 9th of april 2012 it read we kept walking proud that we'd reached a new milestone shortly after we noticed something in the darkness contrasting starkly to the trees around it hey what's that liam asked i don't know let's check it out i yelled in response as we got closer we realized it was an old bunker while it was a cool discovery it wasn't that uncommon in our country there were thousands of concrete bunkers remaining after world war ii still we were excited to explore our new finding inside it was rid of any equipment all it contained was a hole in the middle with a spiral staircase stretching deep into the ground let's climb down liam suggested uh i i don't know frank stuttered it doesn't seem like a good idea the stairs might break and trap us inside you're just scared admit it liam teased back not willing to admit our nervousness frank and i agreed to follow him down the stairs the stairs themselves were made from metal though they felt solid enough they produced loud echoing sounds with each step down towards the bottom after a minute without the end in sight i started to get scared how deep down does this go i asked in response liam took frank's flashlight and dropped it down the middle of the staircase it fell deep into the darkness holy crap i can't even see it anymore we need to go back it's too far down frank said nervously no way we need to see where this leads a short argument ensued after some pushing frank gave in and we kept going down it took us more than 10 minutes just to descend the staircase as we got further down it progressively kept getting warmer and more humid i could feel the sweat form on my face as we reach the bottom once down we found a large room it contained little more than a locked door mold covered floors and the broken flashlight liam had dropped down it's locked i guess we have to go back i weekly insisted but liam had already set out on a search to open the door before long he found a metal panel on the wall he pried it open to reveal a lever i'm going to pull it he said without first consulting us it produced a loud click slid open liam and i entered first while frank trailed us without a flashlight he had no choice but to follow us closely inside we found a narrow hallway filled with open prison cells each door to each cell was marked with a date 7th of july 1954 9th of august 1954 13th of september 1954. the first few rooms didn't seem to contain anything other than dust but once we got to the end we noticed something lying in the corner there on the floor lay completely emaciated people they looked like skeletons covered in a thin layer of pale skin according to the dates on the cells they'd been there for more than 50 years yet they hadn't rotted are are they are they dead i asked as i uttered those words one of them twitched to life we jumped at the site and prepared to run only then did we realize that some of these creatures had been attached to the ceiling they drop down in front of us and block the way their limbs were all deformed too long to fit their small body still they moved abnormally fast almost twitching as they took their steps closer to us their eyes had been sewn shut and they had far too many ribs they weren't human run frank yelled we tried to move towards the exit ducking under their long arms and spurting for the door frank and i made it easily enough but liam got stuck behind one of the creatures don't leave me he yelled as he tried to maneuver past the sickly thin monster with that it reached out its thin arm and pierced liam's abdomen unable to speak he simply fell limp where he stood only held up by the creature that had killed him knowing we could do nothing to save him frank and i made a run for it our footsteps were dampened by the fungus and mold covering the floor the things didn't even notice us until we reached the metal staircase there our steps rang loud through the metal alerting the creatures to our location without looking behind us we ran up the stairs only listening as they got closer i was only a few steps ahead of frank but that was all it took for them to get him i didn't even notice he was gone until i got halfway up the staircase then a scream of agony echoed through the room it was frank and though i wasn't sure how far he'd gotten i knew i couldn't help him i just kept running up the stairs and into the woods i didn't stop to breathe before i finally reached the comfort of the street lights surrounding my neighborhood exhausted from the escape i collapsed on my own doorstep and passed out safe but broken once i regained consciousness i told my parents everything at first they didn't believe me but once the news of two missing children spread around our town the police were alerted still they couldn't confirm my story they initiated a search and rescue operation though they found the bunker i mentioned there was no trace of any malformed creatures nor any proof that my two best friends died there to this day the case remains unsolved however since we opened the cages in the bunker there have been a lot of reported cases of missing children unsolvable mysteries only i know the truth i'm sorry we never should have opened the bunker as a journalist i get to travel the country a lot a part of my job includes a column regarding small town myths and legends it's not the most factual part of my work but i still enjoy it at least i did until i found a town called silver woods according to my anonymous source it was a place that hadn't changed since the late 50s a remnant of a bygone era suffering from a horrible curse as the myth would have it nothing there was allowed to die mind you this was before the time of google maps i had to rely on my source's instruction when searching for the town i fully expected it to be a prank but my job was exactly that to prove or disprove information i set out on my journey after a few hours of driving i pulled onto a well-hidden dirt road it had been poorly maintained and it would take me another three hours before i even found a hint of civilization old wooden sign silver woods turn around now it read in the distance i saw what looked like an old farming community just a small town with a few buildings that had partially fallen apart and trucks that had rusted beyond repair at a first glance it looked abandoned i parked my car on the side of the road ready to call the myth then i heard someone call out why did you come here a weak voice said i turned towards the voice it belonged to a frail old man holding himself up with a cane he was bald and his teeth had all but fallen out who are you and why are you here he asked feeling mildly uncomfortable i introduced myself i explained that i had been given directions by an anonymous source and that i was hunting down myths and legends he sighed ignorance is bliss but since you're here i will give you what you came for only then did i notice that his leg was broken he dragged it along as he limped around the weirdest part was that his skin was covered in scratches all looking fresh are you alright i asked nervously he ignored the question and simply gestured for me to follow are you alone here no there are others on the ground i noticed what i assumed was a dead bird its torso had been ripped open exposing the organs within it looked like a cat attacked it yet it tried to move around alive despite its grave injuries the bird it's it's i tried to get out the old man glanced over at it without batting an eye it's not allowed to die nothing here is allowed to die he said he led me inside an old house no sooner had i taken a step through the front door before my nose was assaulted by the stench of rotting flesh there were a dozen people littered around the room in various states of mutilation yet they were all breathing living with impossible injuries the myth had been proven true but i couldn't believe it we need to call for help i said as i looked at a guy whose hands had no skin left on them it would only make things worse the old man said i already had my phone out ready to dial 9-1-1 but out in the middle of nowhere i didn't have a single bar of signal to help me sit down let's talk in shock at the sight i couldn't find the words to argue you came here to learn the history of silver woods and i'm going to tell you he said i sat down and looked at all the suffering people around me most of them were too wounded to speak a single word only letting out groans of agony where they sat every single injury looked fresh it looked like not a single day had passed since acquiring them since our town was founded in 1911 we've been a regular farming community a small town that hardly ever saw any visitors most of us were born and raised here so on the rare occasion that someone passed through it was a big deal a cause for celebration the man took a pause and glanced at his broken leg then in 1956 a man arrived in silver woods with his fancy clothes and expensive car he starkly contrasted our modest surroundings he didn't visit for business nor did he look to settle down in the region all he wanted was to spend a year with us at the end of his visit he promised us a gift never to be forgotten as he finished the sentence i heard faint screams coming from outside they sounded horribly hoarse and emitted a clear message of agony the man never said much he just observed us as we went about our days never shying away from lending a helping hand he was polite helpful and within a month we'd already accepted him as a part of the community still he always wore that damn suit and never seemed affected by anything around him no matter the situation he was calm and looked in pristine shape the screams got louder amid them i could hear faint begs for mercy then once his year in silver woods had ended he asked us a simple question what was it i asked do you want to live forever he paused and sighed the screams in the background felt ever more present as if they knew i was there at first we laughed at the suggestion death wasn't an enemy but we didn't hold it as a friend either after a lengthy discussion it all came down to a vote i guess the outcome is clear i stepped over to the window and tried to figure out where the screaming was coming from i wanted to run but something deep inside me kept from doing so i pitied the people of silver woods and i wanted to help them so you'll live forever he nodded he promised us that our bodies wouldn't age alas without time affecting our bodies we lost the ability to feel hunger thirst and the need for sleep our bodies can't be killed by any injuries disease nor destruction but we can also never heal every injury we sustain no matter how minor or severe it is stays with us until the end of time that is our curse what about the people screaming i asked he sighed it's coming from the barn that's where we keep the people that wanted out out what do you mean some people got the idea that they could elude our curse by destroying their own hearts others attempted to crush their heads but they were all wrong they can't die they're not allowed to how can i help you is there any way to stop this i asked then he laughed it wasn't a cheerful laugh but one filled with malice stop it we don't want it to stop he said ten years ago that same man returned to our town he hadn't aged a day and still smiled cheerfully as he greeted us he offered us death release from our horrific lives why didn't you accept it he paused his smile vanishing from his face because he told us what happens to us after we die and i can promise you it's a far darker fate than the one we've been condemned to [Music] thanks for watching you can watch a similar video here and don't forget to subscribe and hit that notification bell to stay tuned for more videos
Channel: Dr. NoSleep
Views: 172,135
Rating: 4.911129 out of 5
Keywords: Dr. NoSleep, dr nosleep, doctor nosleep, scary stories animated, horror stories animated, animated horror stories, scary animated stories, dr no sleep, animated stories, horror animated stories, scary animations, scary stories, horror stories, 3 horror stories animated, 3 scary horror stories animated, scary story animated, horror story animated, 3 scary horror stories
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 39sec (1659 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 26 2020
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