6 Horror Stories Animated - Compilation of May 2020

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this encounter happened 13 years ago and at the time I was 14 years old my then best friend lived just down the street from me and my cousin was dating her older brother so I basically spent every day at her place she lived on the fifth floor of a block of flats it had 18 floors so more often than not I just get on the elevator on this particular day I was waiting on the elevator and it was taking a while not so unusual as I said this building had 18 floors so sometimes you had to wait a while what other people were using it while I was waiting a man entered the building and stood beside me waiting to get on the elevator as well not so odd but something about this guy had me very creeped out I can't say what about him made me so uneasy looking back as he seemed like just a normal guy he looked to be in his late 30s or early 40s with short dark hair medium height and build sure beard and dress well enough but something about him just seemed off I could feel his eyes on me as I continued to wait for the elevator I'm a girl and I've always been small and looked younger than I was back then I was lucky if I was even 5 feet and I looked about 11 or 12 I've had stranger danger and how dangerous people can be drilled into my head since I was little and while it seemed silly to be this terrified of a random man just waiting on an elevator same as me I decided to still listen to my instincts it was the best decision I have ever made I casually walked to the stairwell which is around the corner from the elevator I'll walk in and the second amount of sight and the door closed I began to run up those stairs as fast as I can now back then I was fairly athletic I did a lot of sports in my free time so it didn't win me too bad to run up those stairs about halfway up I hear the stairwell door slam open and footsteps running up the stairs I pause for a second terrified and look down the stairwell seeing the face of the guy staring up at me from the two fours below before he begins to run up there I'll run as fast as I can up the remaining fourths my legs burning from how fast I was running barely able to catch a breath I finally get to my friends for and exit the stairwell I get to her door and begin to pound on her door crying and begging her to let me in she opens the door pretty confused and I run inside slamming the door behind me so there I am crying and shaking as she gets the story out of me her older brother who was a twenty year old guy and built really big heard all of this and he came out of his room to find out what the commotion was he charged out of the flats and began to hunt the building for the guy but he couldn't find him anywhere I never saw that man from the elevator ever again I don't know what he wanted me for or what he planned to do if he caught me but I'm really glad I never found out I recently moved out of home and a couple towns away into a new home who are best friends there's four of us and I'm an unfortunate soul that what's the second shift all the other three worked the first shift so I really only seen him during the week while they're sleeping the first day of unpacking I looked outside the kitchen window at the house across the street from us it seemed like a family with a teenage girl for my views she looked no more than 16 or 17 when she stepped outside she looked fairly normal she had very fair skin and dark hair I continued on packing not thinking anything until I looked back outside she was sitting there on her porch on her knees and her posture was perfectly straight she had her hair pushed to the front of her face and was sitting there perfectly still as creepy as it was to see I still tried to think nothing of it as I was pretty weird as a kid myself I hadn't seen anyone outside that house in the few weeks since then until one night I was coming home from work the other three in my home park in the driveway spots and I park in the street on days when they have to work so I don't have to move for anyone early in the morning the house however sits on a curb part of the street and an extra neighbor drives the utility truck forward and he parks it on the side the street is blow so it takes me a while to get my car park when I come across the corner I saw the man who I assume was the dad of the family across the street he's standing out in the driveway staring out into the trees I thought to myself it's 11:00 at night so what can he possibly looking at in the trees that couldn't wait until tomorrow it means summer time I had my windows down so I could hear talking but wasn't sure where it was coming from and no one was outside on the street except me and him it seemed he didn't seem to be on the phone as he was just standing there with his arms crossed looking straight up then I heard it loud laughter and I just laughter full-on cackling laughter it starts out of nowhere he didn't slowly start it started very suddenly and loudly then I realized she was in the tree the girl from before was in their tree at eleven o'clock at night full-on Billy laughing on God knows what I watched the dad walked back to the house open the door and look in so not talk to anyone but over his shoulder it looked like the walls were stripped out to their studs she stopped when he walked away but as I closed my windows and locked my doors in my car he walked back to the tree and she started right back out but she had never stopped I walked straight up my driveway into my house and didn't look back every night when I pull up now I'm not sure what else I will see but all I could say to the neighbors across the street is let's not officially you about four years ago when I was fifteen years old me and my parents had moved into a brand new apartment and we decided to get a puppy will would walk him about four or five times a day but we still struggled a lot with my dog separation anxiety so I imagined for the first few weeks being there it must have been hell from our neighbors because he would always bark and cry whenever we left him all alone however every time we talked to my neighbors they would just tell us not to worry about it because they hardly ever heard him and everyone was fine with it that is except for Tony one Saturday I was home alone and someone knocked on my door it was Tony at first he just seemed kind of somewhat surprised to see me open the door but then he just smiled politely and then said hey can you tell your parents to come see me when they get home please I said yes and then he left I thought nothing of it when my parents came home I told him about my encounter with Tony and my dad went to his apartment suspecting that it has something to do with my dog barking Tony told my dad that my dog was a real Barker and that he worked during the night and needed to get sleep during the day so he would really appreciate it if we could find a way to make less noise although he did say that he understood then he knows that it was hard to control a dog's bark he also apologized for showing up at our door saying that he didn't know I was alone in there according to my dad they had a pretty nice polite conversation my father had apologized for the inconvenience and then came home and we did our absolute best to try and deal with my puppy's anxiety and it worked my dog of course did still bark but wasn't so agitated as it used to be flash forward a few weeks every time my dog was since Tony going down the stairs of our apartment building my dog would always go nuts he was a fairly friendly dog towards people but for some reason he just absolutely hated this guy and Tony and stopped talking to us pretty much ignoring us every time we ran into him or he would simply just stare at us one day however me and my mother came home and on her apartment door were six holes it was like someone had punched the door with like a key or something sharp my mother was pretty naive about it she thought that maybe we had done the damage ourselves throughout the months that we'd been there that's when Martha one of our other neighbors then call my mother really worried about me then questioning her if I had been home alone during that afternoon my mom said no and that's when Martha tells us that someone had apparently been banging and kicking at our door while also screaming a ton of insults making a scene that was so terrifying that her eleven-year-old son got so scared that he hid under his bed for like four hours until Martha came home because he thought someone was breaking into our house a few weeks later there was a City Fair at night and my parents and I + Martha and her family headed out to the building to go to the fair we came back earlier around 11:00 p.m. it was almost 12 a.m. at this point and someone had rang our doorbell my dad went to see who it was but no one responded usually when this happens we either go to the window to try and see who it is or we go downstairs because it's usually the mailman but since it was midnight my dad found it very strange and he didn't go downstairs he pretty much just ignored it and we all went to bed well the next morning my mother runs into Martha and she tells my mom that when they got back from the fair they found Tony hidden in the dark under the stairs with a freaking baseball bat in his hands he looked really nervous but said someone had rang the doorbell and he found it really weird that someone would do that so late at night so he apparently came downstairs to see who it was and with a baseball bat my mom pretty much immediately knew exactly what happened he had rang our doorbell expecting my dad to come downstairs and see who it was I honestly don't really know if his plan was to attack my dad or not but my father obviously worrying about me and my mother safety since he wasn't home during the week then went upstairs absolutely fuming and knocked on Tony's door when Tony saw my father I kid you not it looked like he was about to pass out my father had confronted him and Tony widget started crying he told my dad that and he sometimes did drugs and he really didn't know what he was doing he then went on to apologize for actually damaging our door with a damn pocketknife and for what happened the night before as well he didn't even lie about it as it turns out the reason my dog freaked out every time since Damon barked so much was well because Tony waited into what everyone in the building had left for work and then he would go to my door and kick it making my dog more furious every time and not so much because of his anxiety my dad then said very calmly this is the last time I'm gonna talk to you next time you come near me or even look in the direction of my family again I'm gonna make my point very clear do you understand the guy kept crying and trying to hug my dad we went to the police and filed a report but we finally stopped seeing Tony turns out his wife actually kicked him out and filed a restraining order for her and their daughter because apparently one morning she actually woke up with him staring at her and their daughter while they were sleeping and the entire house smelled like gas because apparently he left the stove on we moved shortly afterwards and we never saw Antonio Yen after that [Music] my husband and I really love to go driving we prefer road trips but on the weekends or nights whenever we have nothing better to do we usually just go cruising in just drive around we prefer smooth and not busy roads on this particular night we were really bored and decided to go cruising we went up north to a small town about a half an hour from the city where the roads are really curvy and smooth this town is pretty close to the mountains and if you follow this particular Main Street all the way up north it starts driving up to a mountain it's about 9:00 p.m. and there are very few cars in the road already since it's a small nice little cute town but we keep going north away from all of the houses and stores and eventually where the roads start curving uphill we drive for about 15 minutes more and it's pitch black when we see some blinking lights as we get closer we see that there's a truck on the side of the road facing us I'm getting the chills thinking about being all the way out here in the middle of nowhere and there's a stranded truck on the side of the road as they slowly approaches closer I tell my husband that it's probably for the best to just turn back and that I had a really bad feeling but at this point were pretty much wrong next to the truck as he pulls up next to the truck a young blonde guy maybe in his late 20s comes around and gets next to our window I get such a bad vibe by this and I tell my husband not to put the window down I think that he also gets a weird feeling so he actually listens to me he kinda just loudly asked what's wrong and the guy says something along the lines of something's wrong with this truck and that he might need a hand with it his phone is also dead my husband asks what happened but the guy just insists on showing him and to come take a look he says a very friendly hand he even calls him bro and he says that he's really glad we pulled up my husband tells him you know what man I really won't be much help I don't really know anything about cars but let me call someone to see if they can help you with this the guy is insisting and he gets visibly upset I'm looking back at the truck and I thought that I caught some movement inside of the truck I tell my husband that's I really think we need to go like now he probably saw the look of fear that was all over my face because he didn't put the car in reverse but as he did that the guys now right behind our car is acting really stressed out and rubbing his face and kind of pacing so my husband decides to go forward instead we drive up firm maybe about two minutes trying to find a place to turn around since the road is so narrow the road turns to a doe Road and there's a little more space on the side so he's able to turn the car now I'm absolutely dreading going back that way now and our phones have no signal at all in my mind I mean I know that this could all really be someone with car problems maybe there's a friend in the truck too I mean he never said he was alone buts I just can't help the really bad feeling that was in my gut we soon reached the area where the truck had been but there's no truck at all we then drive down maybe another five minutes but no trace of the truck and were absolutely sure that we passed the place where it would have been like I said we didn't drive up too far to begin with I'm both relieved and absolutely terrified that the truck was no longer there I mean if it really had broken down how did they get it to work again in such a short time calming myself down I'm telling my husband hey maybe they really did get it to work maybe it turned on all of a sudden and they were able to drive off I mean it's suspicious but not impossible as we keep driving though and the roads are straightening out we notice far off the truck with all of the lights off and it's parked to the side again and we noticed some movement in the bed of the truck I say out loud why did they turn off all the lights I think that we're still way too far away to see them but we see two figures get on the other side of the truck and then crouched down as if they're trying to hide Wiggy closer and my husband floors it as we drive past the two men get up one of them the guy he had spoken to and the other someone else with a very surprised look on both of their faces one of them runs behind us for a bit and we see them getting tinier in the back I keep looking back absolutely terrified but it's dark back there now when all of a sudden I didn't see the headlights turn on in the truck they then start driving in our direction in very fast my husband keeps going fast and eventually the father moves the headlights I keep looking back the rest of the way so scared that there's somehow still following us maybe they turned off their lights again and we just can't see them anyway after driving for a very long time back to the city we try to convince ourselves that no one's following us we decide they call the non-emergency line and give them a description of what we saw no we didn't get the plates of the truck it was all so fast and in all over the fear I just really didn't think to get them we give a description of the guy we saw and the type of truck it was but there was really nothing else that could really be done now I realized that all of this could probably be rationalized but in the moment we were absolutely filled with terror I mean being out there in the middle of nowhere ends all the possibilities they could have been armed they could have put their truck sideways in the road and left us with nowhere to go they could have put something out on the road to rip up our tires and even though it could all have some sort of explanation there's still so many questions why couldn't he tell us what was wrong how did the truck work again so fast why did they turn off all of their lights and why did they hide it's been about a year and it's just a creepy experience now with still go cruising but we usually just stick to a little more civilized areas now that is at least for nighttime cruises [Music] my mom and dad went out they do me home alone I had a lot of homework to do so I spent the whole evening sitting at my desk in my bedroom my parents left the house around 6:00 p.m. while I was doing homework I put my headphones on and listen to loud music there was a storm that night my desk was facing the window so I could see the rain the Lightning outside my parents came home around 11:00 p.m. when I saw their car drive up I took off my headphones as soon as my mom opened the front door and came inside I heard her shout my name what on earth happened here she demanded in an angry voice confused I ran downstairs my mom was standing in the hallway with a furious look on her face she pointed at the floor and yelled was this you I looked down and saw the carpet was covered in muddy footprints I have no idea how those got there I spent the whole night on my desk doing my homework I watched as her face changed from anger to confusion and then to fear we both realized at the same time someone must have been in the house we followed the trail of footprints trying to make sense of the whole situation they started out the back door which we usually leave unlocked then we noticed something else the footprints started at the back door but there is no trail the footprints going back through that door all of a sudden we hear a loud pounding noise that echoed throughout the house then the sound of the front door being wrenched open and slamming shut we all ran into the garage and locked the door behind us my mom took out her cell phone and called the police please come quickly there's someone in our house after what seemed like hours a patrol car arrived with two police officers a male and a fool now one of the officers stayed with us in the garage while his partner went through the house searching at room by room when she came back the FEMA officer told us that there was no one in the house and it was safe to go back in as we're all breathing a sigh of relief she asked whose bedroom is upstairs on the left my parents looked at me it's mine I told the officer she asked me to follow her as we walked through the house we could see the trail of the muddy footprints leading from the back door through the living room through the hallway and up the stairs he took my parents bedroom and towards my room they stopped at my doorway the FEMA officer pointed at the door which had been opened the whole night scrawled on it and blue marker was the following 847 ICU 853 you forgot to lock your back door 859 you seemed focused 927 turn around 947 look at me 10:15 look at me 10:37 look at me 10:49 look at me for more than two hours someone had been standing in my doorway watching me to this day I still shudder to think of what would have happened if I would have turned around okay so this happened about a year ago I'm in a long-distance relationship and I often fly to visit I didn't have a ride arrange to come and pick me up so I usually just use a lyft or uber to get to and from the airport this particular ride started off fine it was the guy from Hadean he had a very thick accent that was often hard to understand the beginning of the ride was just him making small talk like most drivers do where are you flying from are you in college do you have family here and so on we get on the freeway and there's a lot of traffic I had a layover flight and of course all about what's we're in use so I couldn't charge my phone I'm really hoping that this traffic lightens up soon because I really need to keep in contact with the people I'm gonna be staying with of course with my luck the app crashes and then says you have arrived while we're literally in the middle of the freeway near no houses at all I get kind of annoyed and the driver says it'll pull over at this Walmart that's nearby so we can try and figure out what's wrong apparently he had a very old phone and it wasn't giving proper directions so I said that we could use mine but that I needed to charge it he asked me to sit up front so that it was easier and I thought nothing of it so I decided to go up front he tells me that he'll take me the rest of the way for free without using the lift app I put the address in my phone and we're back on our way as we're pulling out of the Walmart parking lot he then decides to ask me how old I am I told him that I just turned 18 and that's when things got kind of weird he seemed to lighten up at how young I was which was a bit odd but whatever he then asked me a series of questions like why don't you live here you should move here you should go to college here so why don't you I'm a doctor and lyft is just a side job for me so I have a lot of money this man was at least in his mid-40s I told him that I had no money to just randomly move states and start college seeing as I had just become a legal adult he then told me I can take care of you I'll buy you a little apartment in a nice corner and I can take you out and pay for your college I thought that he was joking so I kind of just awkwardly laughed and then said that's okay you don't need to do that but he just kept insisting on attends I was starting to get really creeped out I really didn't want to jump to conclusions I thought that maybe he's just not sure how to hold proper conversations since he's foreign or something about 20 minutes later we're about five minutes away from my destination my phone kept doing that annoying thing where it's charging than not charging that phones do whenever the charger wires are loose I had this phone for a really long time so it did this sometimes and apparently it hadn't really been charging much at all and then it died since we were so close to the destination though I told him that I knew the rest of the way but I'd tell him to turn right and he'd say okay and then purposely turn left or keep going straight would early anything but what I told him to do now we're lost because he's literally ignoring everything I'm saying and playing in office some sort of an accident and I'm not super familiar with the entire area I really only knew a small portion of the streets he tells me that he lives nearby and I start getting really scared because I think he's gonna kidnap me or something I've been let out a single tear I tell myself to keep it together because usually in the movies whenever they see fear they usually get mad or something so I try really hard to try and make it seem like I'm not totally losing my crap he finally turns back around and when we're almost there again he then starts purposely going the wrong way yet again at this point I got my phone to about 5% he reaches over while at a red light grabs my phone and then he rates himself five stars on lift and also friends me on Facebook he also puts his phone number in my phone and tells me to call him if I ever need anything and that we should go out sometime I give a little fake smile so he doesn't know that I'm about to crap myself from all of the fear I eventually get so fed up that I just jump out at another red light and then tell him thanks but you're really scaring me by Ivan call my boyfriend on my 5% battery life and I tell him where I am because I'm really scared and I need him to pick me up the lyft driver is now shouting out the window for me to get back in the car but there's no way in hell I was going back in there to be some man sugar baby and was also a total stranger I then decide to go somewhere with a lot of people and wait for my boyfriend now this whole ordeal actually made the ride last about two and a half hours and it should have only taken about 45 minutes even with all of the traffic later I called lyft and I told them everything he was supposedly fired so I guess that's good anyway to the random lyft driver looking for a young sugar baby to try and kidnap if you happen to see me again whenever I visit please just stay away from me [Music]
Channel: Denny Animations
Views: 475,871
Rating: 4.8358974 out of 5
Keywords: horror, animation, story, animated, creepy, Scary Story
Id: AdT3dqE-Y7k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 47sec (1607 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 04 2020
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