7 Animated Horror Stories | Compilation #5

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a bit of a preface here now I was around 10 to 11 years old when this happened old enough to stay home alone but not old enough to recognize some red flags I attended camp over the summer the typical 8 to 3 routine my house sits close to the end of my street which forms a you but for some reason the bus driver would never just drop me off at my house I would always get dropped off at the end of my street where I would toddle myself along back home both my parents worked late hours sometimes not getting home until 8:00 p.m. and it would be very expensive to hire a babysitter for 4 to 5 hours a day 5 days a week so starting in sixth grade when the bus dropped me off at home I would be all by myself I'd do the usual middle school routine play games online and watch TV occasionally my neighbor's cat would come into my backyard and I would feed and pet her as a way to get outside the only computer in the house was in my dad's work room which has a window overlooking the deck and a window overlooking the side of the house we have large bay windows in the living room dining room and kitchen of my house and since we sit on a hill you can pretty much see the entire backyard from a nice vantage point most days when I got home I had toss off my backpack and go right to that room you could see me walk from my front door and pop up by the computer from outside unfortunately this would lead to something that I had forgotten about until now when I got off the bus that day I did as expected I went into my dad's work room and played some computer games about 30 minutes into this I could hear a faint meowing coming from the outside window I paused the game to take a look outside thinking maybe my neighbor's cat had wandered over once again but there was nothing I just sat back down and resumed playing I need to hear the meowing once again it was quiet but still noticeable and so I checked the other window nothing again this routine happened for a good 10 minutes eventually I got frustrated and went into the living room to watch TV not even two minutes later Maui started coming from the window I was sitting right beside now I was confused and more than a little creeped out so I shut the blinds tied and kept trying to watch TV the meows continued but only when they came from the window right behind me did I jump and leave the living room officially skeeved now I went into my bathroom where the blinds were down but still cracked a little for some sunlight I tried to read a book only to hear a meow come from outside my bedroom window this was enough for me to call my dad concerned that maybe the cat was hurt but I couldn't see it to be sure he said he would have the neighbor to come check it out right away and call me back later ten minutes go by and I could have called from my dad saying that he was coming home from work nothing urgent in his voice just that his job had gotten cancelled for the day and he would come home early and I thought nothing of it when he got home I realized that the cat noises had stopped fast-forward to the present and I asked my dad about that strange incident thinking it was funny because the cat had followed me around what he told me next made my blood run cold after I had cold him my neighbour did indeed come to check on the house what he found were large footprints leading in circles all around the house clustered close to the walls so that even if I looked outside I wouldn't be able to see anything someone have been stalking me through my house seeing where I was through the large windows and making cat noises to try and get me to come outside they must have known I was home alone since it was easy to see me walk by myself down the street and let myself in my neighbor immediately called my dad and searched the whole property but he found no one the police weren't called since there was nothing but footprints that let off into the woods and got lost and I never saw anyone my dad stayed home with me for the rest of the week it sickens me to know that there are people who would use these tactics to try and lure kids from their homes and from there do whatever they wanted with them when I was 15 I'm female my mom older sister younger brother myself and our dog Betty only lived in a rural area to give you an idea of how rural the local school had a roll of 12 kids from a surrounding 150 kilometer radius it's a long story how we ended up living out there and thankfully we weren't staying there for long not far from us was the turnoff to a long dead-end road into the hills at the end of the road was the regional base for our notorious gang who held a lot of power in the area we had been told by locals that they never had any trouble with them because they didn't [ __ ] in their own backyard the night it happened it was dark and it was snowing I had changed for bed with my lights on and curtains open never imagining that there would be anyone around to see me I switched off the light got into bed and then it started a slow deep raspy breathe in a pause then a deep slow raspy breath out I froze then little tap noises and more breathing I thought it was coming from my bedroom cupboard and was completely paralysed with fear Betty started barking and growling from the lounge room and at that point I screamed mom came running in and I told her about the noises she told me I was being ridiculous and that there was probably a possum outside that they made all kinds of strange noises she said she would take Betty out and scare it away and two things to know before the next part first bet he was a very gentle medium sized dog who is about as terrifying as her name she barely barked and before that night I had never heard a growl secondly my mom never swears and normally finds it incredibly offensive so I heard her put Betty on the lead and opened the back door then I heard simultaneously Betty making the most aggressive noises I've ever heard from an animal and my mom screaming who the [ __ ] are you there was a scuffle and then a loud slam I ran into the corridor and could see my mum pale and terrified Betty with her teeth bared snarling and trying to get to a man on the other side of the glass door a huge man covered in blood with a disfigured face and a look in his eyes that was just I'm trying to think of the right word evil is close I guess you could say that it was just obvious that he meant us all harm he started lunging against the door even though betty was making it pretty damn clear he would have to get through her to get to us I started screaming to call the police which was ridiculous given our location mum passed Betty's lead to my sister and ran for the phone screaming out I'm calling Jack I'm calling Jack Jack was the nearest farmer to us suddenly the man turned around and loked off Jack turned up an hour later he had come across the man who was clearly on some sort of drugs in retrospect on guessing meth he crashed his car into the ditch by the turnoff because the guy was apparently affiliated with the gang and Jack valued his life he had to help the guy get his car out and send him on his merry way we moved in with friends the next day and left the area within weeks there are so many fortunate things about that night firstly Betty for sure saved our lives mum is a small lady and if Betty hadn't reacted the way she did he would have gotten into our house right away secondly he didn't keep trying to get in there was a flimsy door and I know dog attacks are nothing to snip at but the guy was bloody ginormous and probably in a drug-induced psychosis so I don't like to think about what could have happened if he got in thirdly he either wasn't armed or somehow didn't think to use a weapon finally if he had gone back to his car to get one Jack had found him first I've been fishing ever since I can remember and it's a real passion of mine I'd like to go fishing whenever I have spare time which is scarce these days this story happened several years ago when I was fifteen I live in the middle of nowhere and there's a creek that runs through the woods beside my house I went one afternoon after school had ended to fish in the creek the creek is about a mile and a half walk through semi dense forests the walk began pretty normally I have a path cut through the forest that leads straight to the creek so I have no problems getting there once I arrived at the creek I sat down on the bank and began fishing after 30 minutes I began hearing sticks break on the other side of the creek I didn't move a muscle and strained my eyes looking for the source of the noise I saw turkeys walking through the low-hanging branches I sat and just watched them for a minute being careful not to spook them all of a sudden they flew into the air and towards me they went over my head which was weird because I knew they wouldn't usually fly towards something that had spooked them I figured that maybe they had seen a coyote or wild dog and the opposite side of the creek I'm also an avid hunter and I was carrying a 22 caliber pistol on my hip in case I came in contact with a predatory animal I unholstered my pistol and stood up being very wary of my surroundings then I saw a man standing behind a tree probably 50 yards away from the opposite side of the creek I could see his left eye and scraggly long brown hair sticking out from behind a pine tree my heart dropped down in my stomach as I said I live in the middle of nowhere so nobody should have been that far back in the woods I began to sweat thinking of what do I didn't think that the man knew I had seen him so I bent down grab my tackle box and fishing pole and began walking away at a normal pace I had a pistol but I didn't want to have an altercation with the man because I was unsure if he was armed I looked behind me about every 10 steps trying to see if I was being followed then I began to hear loud almost thunderous footsteps he was running and gaining on me I began to sprint I'm a pretty athletic guy and I managed to maintain my lead on him I only had about a quarter of a mile left to go when I heard the footsteps begin getting closer I had no idea how the man was gaining speed after running almost a mile I knew that I had to do something I unroll stirred my pistol turned around and fired two shots in the Middle's direction he stopped as fast as he could and began sprinting the opposite direction I felt one more shot just in case then I kept running I finally got to my house locked all of my doors and ran to my bedroom I was home alone so that meant I had to defend myself or call the police I didn't call the police because I wasn't sure if they would believe me so I took my 12-gauge shotgun out of the gun safe and sat at the kitchen table I waited for what felt like forever waiting for something to happen I finally heard my dad's car coming down the driveway I ran outside to tell him what had happened my dad insisted that we should go look for the man so that's what we did I never saw the man again but I haven't been to that Creek since oftentimes I wonder where he came from and what he planned on doing if he ever caught me I'm 15 years old and I prefer my full name was not revealed but my name is Luke this happened to me about two weeks ago while I was quarantined because of the corona virus Terra's been no school I've been able to stay home a lot more on a Friday night my parents went to go visit my with a brother who was 25 in the city to check on him while I stayed at home because I wasn't feeling well at around 10 o'clock my mom texted me that they will be staying the night at my brother's house and will be back in the morning I started to feel better and stayed up late a couple more hours playing video games then I heard my backyard gate open my window was right by the back yard but I thought it couldn't be my dad but then I heard a voice I didn't recognize by my window I couldn't understand what they were saying but I immediately got scared I started searching for my phone but I couldn't find it and since we didn't have a house phone my iPhone was the only way to contact my parents I started hearing pounding on my backdoor which gave me goose bumps I turned off my computer and crawled under my bed I heard three more pounds on the door until it finally burst open and I heard the intruders in my house I knew I had to arm myself in case they found me so I grabbed a screwdriver about my nightstand as I did this I heard the voices of three men speaking Spanish as I went to crawl back under my bed I'm knocked down to my book on my dresser in the middle out thud they're not hurt more Spanish and someone walking they were walking towards my bedroom I hid under my bed as I saw someone enter my room I was afraid I covered my mouth as I watched a figure searching around my room for about 30 seconds until giving up and leaving put my ear down to the floor and I heard rustling going on in the basement and allowed yells in Spanish as if two men were arguing I then finally found my phone on the floor under my sweatshirt and informed the police of my situation and whispered as much as I could I operator if I should run but the lady told me to stay hidden in like five minutes I heard the police sirens move toward my house and the three Spanish men began scurrying up the stairs I heard all of them exit the back door and towards the bad date after hearing that I hung up and got from my little bed and went towards the living room as I heard an officer knocking on the door calling out police I ran towards the door until from behind I was tackled by someone I let out a scream at someone's hand covering my mouth and began choking me with their arm the officer kicked down the front door it hanged his gonna at me and yelled at the man choking me to let me go the man let me go and almost threw up another officer entered and escorted me outside where I explained everything the officer from earlier brought in the guy who choked me who was bought had a black goatee and tattoos all over his neck he cursed me out and told me that if the cops didn't show up he will kill me I finally called my parents who came home in less than an hour but officer explained to my dad that they entered the backyard because the bad gate was not locked and they bust through my door because I didn't use the chain lock as the police checked out the house they saw that the kitchen and basement pantry had been raided along with some valuables like some of my mom's jewelry unfortunately the two other men still have not been caught and I haven't heard anything since I spoke with my dad afterwards and he believed that they were stealing food because of the virus but the part that puzzled me is why they were robbed houses people were at home my dad has become a lot more paranoid since that situation locking every door in a sentence stalling security alarms and cameras and I'm very glad that he did that because I'm afraid that the one guy who was arrested we'll come back and fulfill his a wish to kill me this took place in Rhode Island when I was much younger back in my college days this was on the local Rhode Island News so if you tried hunting I'm sure you could find it I was dating a girl that went to school in a town I won't name he it was the summer and everyone was back home my girlfriend's best friend had an internship back in that town and this girl had a 4-bedroom multi-family home to herself and the other three roommates were paying for their rooms but chose to stay home I guess they could only get this place if they started paying the rent two to three months prior to school starting but whatever one weekend my girlfriend asks me to go to that town with her to spend some time with her friend she's lonely and has nothing to do on the weekends we're only like an hour away so it sounds like a plan we head down and we just chill for the night we walk by a guy on our way home from the gas station and he's just staring at us kind of creepy but no big deal this wasn't the best of areas but certainly not the worst we eventually all pass out and me and my girlfriend head home the next day the end of the week comes yeah my girlfriend asks if I want to go and visit her friend again but I have to work all weekend so I decline she heads down there alone and her friend's boyfriend is coming over to stay as well pretty much a repeat of the weekend before they all drink but end up going out and partying a little bit and they're walking back after a night of drinking when they enter the mud room at around 2:00 a.m. the mud room door had been left on locked they closer behind them and there's a really raggedy looking dude in there waiting for them he says out loud to them get in the [ __ ] house they all turn around and he has a gun my girlfriend's friend has already unlocked the door to the house and it's partially opened who everyone is frozen in place and the guy repeats himself get in the [ __ ] house the boyfriend then steps forward with his hands up a little bit trying not to seem confrontational hey man calm down it's all good I don't know how the [ __ ] this dude was brave enough to do any of this as he says that the intruder shoots him my girlfriend and her friend run into the house and hide under a bed they can't hear this but the assailant took off and didn't follow them back in they don't know this though and they're terrified hiding under a bed while the boyfriend is screaming for help they think the psychos in the house and is looking for them my girlfriend told me they were both silently crying under the bed while the boyfriend screamed for help the worst part was that he was yelling help me I'm dying the neighbors heard the gunshot and screaming and they called the police they ended up catching the dude he'd been watching the girl for weeks yet was the guy we had seen watching us the week prior worst part was the girl's boyfriend didn't make it this older man has lived in a corner basement unit in my girlfriend's apartment complex for many years I noticed when we walked down to the basement hall to go do laundry that I could always hear there's loud music coming from his apartment it was loud but not enough that you hear it in your own place he also always had sheets covering his window even on the nicest sunny days we would always make jokes that he played loud music 24/7 because he probably had a hostage in there fast beau-word up until last week we had just gotten back from getting some groceries when we noticed cop cars surrounding the outside of the apartment a dead body being brought out and him outside a good friend lives in the unit across from him and could hear everything going on and with the cops were saying so she filled the sin on the info she could get it turns out he had coned about his girlfriend dying of covent 19 and they came over to get the body and asked questions he had supposedly moved the body from the bedroom to the living room and kept changing the time she had died he would say this morning or also last night but when the cops looked they said it looked like the body had been there for at least a few days when we speculate that he called when it started the smell and used colvett it as an excuse so they would stay out of the apartment as much as they could he also apparently lied about her name multiple times and they couldn't find any ID on her she was so severely malnourished and had bedsores all over her body so bad the cop said she probably couldn't even have walked the cop who was on the scene saw a lot of unmarked pill bottles and decided to take a look around when he found a thirteen-year-old girl hiding in the bedroom she was completely mute malnourished and missing huge chunks of her hair he never mentioned the little girl even went as far as to tell them nobody else was in the house let me make it known this is a small one-bedroom apartment he never even told the landlord he had two people living with him my girlfriend had also never heard or seen these people the cops said there was no type of ID or birth certificate for the little girl and the apartment was completely riddled with black mold no edible food anywhere they also found several guns this man turns out to be in his early 60s and the woman who died was 30 it turns out he never got arrested for God knows why I'm sure they're building a case against him the girl got taken away we called the landlord the next day to see if she knew what was going on and she said she was evicting him and he would be gone in a few weeks over this period the music has stopped and we've seen him taking out a large cage to the dumpster he also told the landlord the woman died of natural causes and the covert wasn't even involved we talked to a woman who lived in a unit above him and she said she had actually called the police multiple times on him for months she had kept hearing a muffled someone screaming for help the cops clearly had done nothing but he must have known she had said something because after she had called he left [ __ ] in front of her apartment door he would scream at her and call her nasty words whenever he saw her around it's all speculation as to what happened in that apartment but it's very clear there was some foul play we've even guessed that he didn't live there full-time and would just hold them there and come whenever he wanted to get off or abused them in some way I've seen the man once and passing but I've never spoken to him a friend finally convinced me to share this story since she's always teasing me with it I'm a 23 year old male in Florida fairly introverted and I hardly get out of the house this encounter happened a few months ago it was about 12 a.m. and I was getting a bit stir-crazy and needed to get out and just chill with someone so I texted a special lady friend of mine we made plans to do a normal routine of hanging out at this nice secluded park I went and picked her up we drove past our spawn and spent a couple of hours just chatting about anything and everything then she got hungry so we decided to hop in the car and drive down the road a bit to McDonald's hooray for 24/7 fast food this is where things started getting weird though we arrived at the McDonald's and one inside instead of through the drive-through she ordered her food while I went to the restroom to wash my hands I'm a bit of a neat freak I really wish I hadn't gone into the restroom that night as soon as I walked in i saw this guy standing at one of those heater dryer things all right not too weird but then I noticed that he was kind of hunched over at it and wasn't moving whatever I chose to ignore him I wash my hands but then I realized that he's standing at the only dryer in the place the damn paper towels are also empty so I awkwardly try to ask the guy if he was done using the dryer he doesn't respond they're only creeped out I just walk out and draw my hands on my shirt and get it out of the restroom and find my friend and we sit down at a table to eat maybe 20 minutes go by and we're headed back out to the car to go back to our spot well my friend has to use the restroom so I figure I might as well also I mean surely that guy had to be gone by now right wrong that guy is still standing at the dryer mumbling something to himself now I go into the stall and take a leak and I can hear him hitting the button on the dryer over and over again I wash my hands again and don't even attempt to get at the dryer but the guy moves just as I'm trying to walk past him he steps back riding my path and just looks at me I noticed he's around my age he just stares at me and says excuse me okay I put my head down and quickly say pardon me and rush around him to get out of the restroom thirty seconds later as I'm waiting for my friend to get out of the ladies restroom and the guy walks out he just sits down at a table near me and just staring straight at me my friend walks out and notices the creep just eyeballing me she jokingly asks make a new friend in there I just shake my head at her and try to lean her out to the car without making it obvious that I'm wanting to run from the guy and then he does the weirdest thing he just starts cackling like a madman I mean straight-up Joker laughs I'm thinking to myself oh [ __ ] this crazy drug Ahdoot is gonna do something bad hey then you stop suddenly looks down on my feet and says nice shoes Osiris Osiris is a brand of shoe by the way I managed to stutter no thanks and I walk away quickly out to the car as my friend and I are getting in we noticed the guy staring at me from inside the McDonald's just straight eyeballing me death stare he then stands up and starting booking it towards us he wasn't running but he was like speed walking he burst through both doors of the McDonald's and starts coming right at us now he looks angry I pulled on the parking lot so fast it's a damn good thing the roads were empty my friend and I went back to our spot and hung out some more every car we saw in the distance I kept freaking out expecting it to be that weird guy following us my friend teased me about it the entire night and still teases me about it to this day about how I made friends with the creeper in the bathroom who liked my shoes you
Channel: MJV Animations
Views: 311,036
Rating: 4.8860254 out of 5
Keywords: scary stories, horror stories, stories, story, animation, scary animations, horror animations, horror shorts, creepy, creepy animated stories, horror, creepy guy story, creep, 2020, stalker, scary movie, true horror story, scary stories to tell at night, scary stories to tell in the dark, bedtime scary stories, bedtime horror stories, compilation
Id: fVzSB_7OtT8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 20sec (1820 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 01 2020
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