3 Airbnb Horror Stories Animated

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back in January of 2019 I went on a skiing trip in the Swiss Alps with three of my good friends from college we booked a large four-bedroom cabin in the mountains about a month in advance on Airbnb when we booked it the listing said that the basement was off-limits for some reason the host didn't want us going down there I didn't think anything out of the ordinary because some people like to keep part of their home private when we arrived the cabin looked much larger from what the pictures on Airbnb showed the place was awesome it was massive it had a huge open porch area with a fire pit now back was an elevated balcony with a huge outdoor hot tub that had an amazing view of the Swiss Alps inside they had a brick fireplace and a large kitchen area right around the corner from the kitchen was a door that led down to the basement I tried opening it but it was locked and then I quickly remembered what the Airbnb listing said about it being off-limits it didn't matter though because the rest of the cabin was incredible they even had ping-pong air hockey and a pool table in their separate entertainment room my three friends and I were so exhausted from the long two-day trip out there so we ended up going straight to bed the first night the bedroom I stayed in was right next to the door to the basement at around 2:00 in the morning on the first night I was woken up from a sound sleep by a strange scratching sound followed by soft groaning I had never heard anything like it I heard the sound coming from behind the basement door but as soon as I stood next to the door the sound stopped I decided to shut all the lights off and stood at the side of the door waiting for it to start up again it must have been about 15 minutes before something chilling happened all of a sudden I began to hear the same disturbing scratching noise again this time the soft groaning turned into weeping and crying it sounded as if someone was trying to escape from the basement I didn't know what to think because we were just guests in this Airbnb but at the same time we thought we were alone this was new information to me and I had to let my friends know about what I heard the next morning I told them what had happened they didn't believe me at first until the next night when they decided to get up at 2:00 a.m. with me to hear what was going on it was happening again the same exact sounds of scratching and weeping from the night before now my friends believe me after hearing it for themselves one of my friends Trevor suggested that we knock on the door to see what happens I thought this was a terrible idea because we had absolutely no idea what was down there and judging by the sounds it was not good we couldn't think of another way of finding out what it was we still had four more nights at this place so we needed a solution or else we wouldn't be able to sleep the rest of the trip knowing some thing is in the basement we decided to go with Trevor's plan of knocking on the door but beforehand we found objects around the cabin that we could use as weapons just in case something bad happened we brace ourselves for the worst as Trevor loudly knocked immediately we heard footsteps racing down the basement stairs and then complete silence now we knew something strange was going on we waited about five minutes and nothing couldn't hear anything Trevor went ahead and knocked a second time but this time instead of racing down the staircase something was racing up it the footsteps weren't so fast they got louder and louder with every step we all step back from the door just in time as the door flew open right in front of our faces all the lights were off so we could hardly see anything right after the door flew open we saw a dark long-haired vigor scurry quickly through the cabin right in front of us it bolted towards the front door I yelled hey what are you doing just as the dark figure opened the door into the frigid cold it looked back at me this time the porch lights allowed us to see everything behind its long dark hair we saw its face about the same color as the snow outside its eyes were bloodshot and I saw a stream of blood running down the side of its mouth and then we noticed it was carrying something in its arms it appeared to be a small child maybe only a year old the child's eyes were also bloodshot and before we could get another word out it bolted out the door with the child into the freezing cold leaving the door wide open letting the freezing air come inside we immediately slammed it shut locked it and then threw as much furniture in front of the door as we could whatever that thing was we did not want it coming back Trevor started calling the police and as he was dialing he saw it staring directly at him through the window at the side of the cabin Trevor dropped the phone out of shock and we all ran to the upstairs bedroom and slammed the door shut the only working phone we could call the police with was now on the downstairs floor we were stuck inside the upstairs bedroom and none of us were willing to make a run for the phone we decided to stay together in there until the morning none of us wanted to sleep because of what we just witnessed it seemed as if we just interrupted a witch in the middle of performing one of her witchcraft rituals the next morning we slowly walked downstairs together to check if anything was out of place it looked as if everything was okay none of us dared to walk down in the basement we were too afraid of what we might find we grabbed the phone and called the police to have them inspect the cabin and the basement we told the officers what had happened the night before they had a hard time believing us at first until they went down into the basement we could not believe what they found the entire basement was covered in witchcraft symbols and the carpet was all torn up it seemed as if the kid had been trying to escape the police also found multiple syringes covered in blood it was clearly some sort of witchcraft ritual that we had intervened upon the police called the host of the Airbnb to inform him about what had happened in his property the host claims I have no idea about what was going on in the basement then we let the cops know about what the Airbnb listing said about the basement being off-limits because we had a hard time believing it was all a coincidence to this day we still don't know what exactly happened that night in the Swiss Alps after this experience my friends and I never booked another Airbnb with something off-limits this experience scarred us for life in the summer of 2018 a couple of my friends from college Jack and Andrew went with me on a weekend trip to the Oregon coast we went to college at UCLA so it was about a 10-hour drive from where we lived we heard the Oregon coast was very beautiful during the summer months and that there was some great nightlife as well all three of us split and Airbnb right on the beach it was a three-bedroom two-bath Victorian house all to ourselves for the weekend it had a huge backyard garden that led right into a thick evergreen forest kind of reminded me of the movie Twilight after settling in we went out to a local bar and nightclub the first night to have some fun we all ended up drinking too much that night Jack and Andrew both brought girls back with them to the Airbnb they're both really good with the ladies so this was no surprise when we got back Jack and his lady friend went right up to his room while Andrew and his girl ended up making out on a swing in the backyard garden I had a great girl waiting for me back at UCLA so I spend the night alone just trying to block out the sounds of Jack and his girl down the hall from me finally I was able to fall asleep after about an hour of some deep sleep I was abruptly woken up by a girl screaming at the top of her lungs it was 3:00 in the morning so I was pissed and then I heard someone running up the stairs of the Victorian home it was Andrew he came running down the hall and banged on my door as if he had just witnessed the zombie apocalypse he yelled dude get up you need to come down to the garden right now I had never heard this kind of panic in Andrews voice before I immediately knew something really bad happened I threw some clothes on and ran down to the backyard garden Andrews girl was just standing there in tears hyperventilating and pacing back and forth Andrew slowly led me to a spot behind the swing it was the same swing they were making out on earlier in the night Andrew looked at me and said brace yourself men you need to see what's back there he turned his phone light on to light up at the ground next to me I looked down all I saw were leaves everywhere from the surrounding trees are you messing with me men I asked I really wish I was he replied I took a second look down as Andrew shined the light at what appeared to be a human foot my heart began to race and my hands got all sweaty I was on the brink of freaking out all I could see he was the foot everything else was covered under the leaves as we were standing there in shock staring at what appeared to be a dead corpse we heard something take off running through the forest in the pitch black of night we couldn't see anything out there so we immediately ran back inside the air B&B and called 911 we told the operator exactly what we witnessed and what we heard in the forest right after when the cops showed up they brought all sorts of tools to investigate the crime scene when they began searching the backyard garden ended up finding two more corpses just like the first one covered in leaves the cops gave us very minimal information about what they had found but they told us that these bodies were only about four hours dead which means these three victims were murdered in the backyard of our Airbnb while we were gone at the bar and nightclub Andrew Jack and I were so sketched out about what had happened we all decided to ditch the Airbnb and head on back to UCLA right away apparently there was a murderer on the loose and we didn't want to find out who the next victims would be this was the first trip we ever took to the Oregon coast and after this insane experience it will also be the last trip we ever take there it was the December of 2019 my girlfriend and I took a vacation to Bali Indonesia this has become a very popular vacation spot for people all around the world so we wanted to check it out we reserved an Airbnb a couple months in advance so that there would be no issues when we arrived the Airbnb was located in a town called Kangoo a few miles northwest of Denpasar when we arrived we couldn't help but fall in love with the culture the people were incredibly kind and the scenery was beautiful the Airbnb and being a very close walk to the nearby beaches so we spend most of our first day chillin on the beach drinking beer we walk back to our Airbnb late that night after bar hopping as we were walking up to the Airbnb we noticed someone running down the sidewalk it seemed as if they were running away from our Airbnb this had both of us creeped out after we got back inside I made sure nothing was out of place it seemed as if everything was normal until the next morning when we woke up as I stood up out of bed I looked above the fireplace and saw something out of the ordinary in between two of the flower vases was this black circular object I walked over to check it out and I couldn't believe my eyes it was a tiny video camera hidden behind the vases I immediately showed my girlfriend because this thing was pointed right at our bed the entire night whoever planted this device could have been watching everything we were doing the night before we wanted to find out if our Airbnb hosts knew about this because it was a clear violation of privacy according to Airbnb we messaged him in the app and waited all day for his reply but he never replied to us the app even showed that he read my message but still no reply we thought that maybe he was really busy with something and would reply a little later we waited for hours for his response but still nothing at this point we made sure to take the batteries out of the video camera and pointed it at the wall this was only day two of our five-day trip in Bali so we didn't want this to ruin our vacation we decided to go out to the beach again to take some surfing lessons that afternoon when we got back to the Airbnb that night the video camera was gone we had left it on the ground facing the wall with the batteries removed but both the camera and the batteries were gone we tried to stay calm and assume the hosts got rid of the video camera after reading my message but it didn't make any sense to me why he wouldn't just message me back in the app later that night as we were laying in bed together I heard some movement coming from outside the window I figured it was just people walking home from the beach bars a little while later I heard it again but this time it was an hour after the bars had already closed for the night I decided to quietly walk over to the window to check out what was going on when I got to the window I didn't see anything at first and then I peeked down below the windowsill and spotted someone with a hoodie covering up their head this creep must have been spying on my girlfriend and I in bed for the past few hours I was so disturbed by this I immediately called the local police department in Kangoo about 10 minutes later two cop cars showed up and lit up the side of the house where the creep was standing he immediately bolted to escape the cops until one of the officers chased him down and tackled him I went outside to see who was spying on us it was the host of the Airbnb he planted the video camera on the fireplace himself we ended up getting refunded the entire amount for the Airbnb and then spent the last three nights at a local hotel after this sketchy experience I recommend to all my friends to make sure they meet the host in person on arrival and to keep an eye out for anything abnormal in the Airbnb thanks for watching you can watch a similar video here and don't forget to subscribe and hit that notification bell - stay tuned for more videos
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Views: 633,536
Rating: 4.8795342 out of 5
Keywords: Dr. NoSleep, dr nosleep, doctor nosleep, dr nosleep animations, scary stories animated, horror stories animated, animated horror stories, animated scary stories, 3 airbnb horror stories animated, airbnb horror stories animated, airbnb horror stories, horror stories, scary stories, dr. no sleep, dr no sleep, airbnb stories, scary airbnb story, scary airbnb stories, airbnb horror story
Id: jr0BIiblB_M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 51sec (1251 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 17 2020
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