12 Horror Stories Animated (Compilation Of January 2020)

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I was 20 at the time when this happened I still remember this as a vivid memory in my brain that would never get erased one day I was at a club with a few friends I saw a cute girl which was totally my type at first glance she had blond hair and deep brown eyes her nose was tiny and cute her lips were red like a rose I approached her and I asked if she wanted a drink or something she said yeah and we drank a lot she told me to come by her place I hesitated at first but soon I agreed I told my friends that I was leaving early and we booked at that we got in the cab in 15 minutes later we arrived at her house her apartment had a two floor nothing special but just normal we stepped inside and all of a sudden I smelled something rotten but got a bit nauseous and asked her if I could use the bathroom she smiled and said yes I rushed in and as they did the smell got stronger that's where the smell was coming from at first I didn't pay attention and puked into the sink I thought that I had drunk a bit too much but it was not just then I heard a splash of water right beside the bathtub I turned and opened a shower curtain and then what I saw it made my heart drown a dead body of a boy around my age mutilated was lying in the bathtub obliquely as I got closer I realized that his right leg was cut off too I was freaked out I wanted to scream but it didn't come out but I decided not to go outside because she might be a psychopath killer and could kill me too I tried to find an escape then I spotted something that I wasn't expecting a small pocket knife stuck out from his jean pocket I cautiously took the knife and flicked the door open there was no one outside and only that girl was sitting on the steps I asked her what was in the bathtub and suddenly her expression got different she flashed a maniac grin and then she took out something from her back a knife all of a sudden she lunged toward me but I dodged it I took out my knife and swung around as soon as she came to me and kicked her she let out a scream as she fell to the ground I heard some noise upstairs but I wasn't going to check that out I sprinted out the door and ran two blocks straight without stopping and then called the cops the cops searched the lil house and arrested three people all charged for murdering innocent young boys then I took a cab back to my house I called and told my parents about this incident I wasn't able to sleep that night at all this was the scariest I've ever experienced and who knew what would have happened if I didn't find that night my mommy's to work as a taxi driver and she started to go out with one of her coworkers let's call him Larry for the sake of the story he seemed like a nice guy at first finally they got married and had a daughter and we will call her Ruby but once they got married things started to change immediately he was not a nice guy after all if something didn't go his way he always ran to his mom's house because in her mind he was still her baby even though he was a 50-year old man he was such a mama's boy mom and Larry would break up and make up a lot so that was just normal behavior but when he got drunk sometimes we didn't let him inside the house and it's he could become a violent person he'd break in by smashing a window to get in on occasion no he would not hurt us but both things like a TV or a family member's computer which meet us terrified the final straw was when he came into our house one day he kidnapped Ruby and ran away for two days until the police arrested him and brought Ruby back home even though Larry was her dad mom was literally traumatized by this incident we decided to move out of our house and it was a great idea to move away from him at a safe distance we had none of his belongings so he had no reason to come crawling back to us so we moved out and his time went by we settled into the new house we all started school and I always woke up extra early to shower and play video games before I went to school but this one day when I woke up at 4 a.m. and finished taking a shower I came out of the bathroom and looked out of the window unintentionally it was still dark and there was a man who was walking up and down the path by the side of our house suddenly he looked up and stared at me he realized that I saw him I stood there and did nothing then he walked away and stood under the streetlight it was Larry he had the most malevolent smile I've ever seen he came over to the mailbox seeing that he was sorry he said that he wanted to talk to my mom so they could start over again I ran to mom and woke her up but we decided to call the police instead of letting him inside about 10 minutes later the police came to arrest him they found out that he drove a car while drunk and left it halfway up the road and when they searched him he had a surgical scalpel in his pocket he told the police that it was just a joke but no one believed him when I was a kid I was really into paranormal things such as ghosts and spirits so I always got really excited for Halloween on one Halloween my parents took me and my brother to a ghost tour in the city during the tour we would visit real haunted houses which were said to have some really violent ghosts I couldn't be more excited we arrived at the location for the tour Meetup an empty parking lot but we were a bit early and nobody else had arrived yet it was a chilly October night so my parents decided that we should find a building to wait in until more people arrived we walked over to the building that the parking lot was meant for an old hotel and entered the vestibule we tried to fully enter the building but we found that the doors leading to the lobby inside were locked after a few minutes of standing around I started to feel strange a nauseous feeling had swept my stomach goosebumps ran up and down my arms and a piercing feeling of being watched was stabbing almost burning my back looking around it was obvious that me and my family were the only ones inside the vestibule the lobby of the building was also devoid of people once we saw people enter the parking lot we left and I felt better and after that I was shocked to see the first place we stopped on the tour was the building my family had been waiting in now this building we won't enter because the spirit inside here is more violent than the others we'll encounter the guide stated in here we have the shadow man he doesn't terrorize the whole building just the area that you enter through he's been known to slap and scratch people coming inside a few pictures were passed around all of a sudden I don't know how and why but I recognize that an inky black figure stood against the doors windows its eyes were glowing white and it had long fingers and pointed nails it was freaky to think that I might have been targeted by the shadow man but I didn't think much of it until after the tour when my family went back home I started to complain to my mom that my back was itching and burning so she grabbed some ointment and told me she would look at it we thought it was just a bug bite we had been walking around outside at night after all when she lifted my shirt she asked when I had scratched my back I told her I hadn't she took a picture on her phone and showed it to me I was met with a long red scratch bleeding from my shoulder to the middle of my back the skin on my back was a shade of red like a rash me and all of my family couldn't say anything but just turn back straight to our house the shadow man had got me this is not about my story but someone from my church and he wanted to share his experience with anyone else he's a 32 year old man and his pseudo name is mark he's a fairly big guy and this situation took place when he was on his way home from work he said that he had lost his phone one week before this whole situation happened so he couldn't call and get any help during this story it was quite late around 11 p.m. he had finished work and was walking to a taxi stop location and when he got there a few people were standing around waiting as well after about two minutes he noticed that there was a minivan approaching usually minivans are cheaper than taxis and he felt tired that day so he decided to take the minivan he sat on a seat and there was a young boy seated in the passenger side next to the driver who was collecting the fare and then two other boys who looked like teenagers also boarded the minivan and sat in the seats in front of him once the minivan took off after about five minutes the boy asked if they would like to drink some coke the boys accepted and started drinking and they also gave it to mark mark was also feeling thirsty so he took it but only a sip not much later he started feeling drowsy just before he about laid his head on the seat beside him he noticed that those two boys were already knocked out after he laid his head down he heard noises coming from the back seats two people were talking in a different language the car was passing a big signboard that showed crest chicken farm and then he finally passed out when he got up he found himself inside a big shed like barn and there were some tools on a big table he was on the floor and the other two teenage boys were laying next to him he still felt a bit drowsy but he managed to get himself up as he was looking for an escape he saw that the two boys were still passed out so he tried waking them but they wouldn't budge as Mark was kind of a big man he tried to see if he could carry one of them but it was hard to do because even mark was having a hard time to stand properly and then he heard voices he took a peek from the door and three people were walking toward the big shed coming from a house on the hill which was quite close to the shed mark panicked and tried to look for another exit he was looking around the place and he found one at the end of the shed luckily he approached quietly and escaped as fast as he could at this point his vision was all blurry but he managed to find a fence door and unlocked it he heard the people shouting but he ignored he just kept on running when he finally reached his house it was early morning around 5 a.m. his wife was up all night waiting for him and ran out the front door as soon as she saw him he collapsed and slept for almost the whole day when he woke up and finally got a chance to explain to his wife what had transpired that night he remembered about the other two boys who were still there then he contacted the police immediately he told the police about the road signs and a big billboard for crest chicken farm and other things that he could remember about two weeks after there was a police report about how they found two teenage boys bodies in a lake and advised that when they examined the bodies all their organs were missing mark just stood in fear and as the event was too traumatic for him Mark had to quit a job for a while [Music] this happened when it was our schools camping day all the grades went to each other's places and our teacher had taken the six students to this large site that was quite cheap it started off all right I got a room with some of my friends at the time and my closer friends were in the next room the first incident started when I was the only one in my room still packing mine and the other people's stuff away I was on the bottom bunk letting my mate take the top when I looked up was some sentence and it said below you are going next with a creepy smile on the second day we all went outside there were teepee tents next to a field I hung out in one with one of my friends some others hung out in a second tent but in the third tent I saw a shadow with a knife I told the teacher and another student who went in but didn't come out but nobody believed me and there was nobody inside the tent I thought something was really weird on the third day three of my roommates were out on a day trip with some others which I was going to do the next day I had done a mud course and after that I decided to have a shower the water was black and disgusting which added to this horrible week all of a sudden when I was still in the shower booth the doorknob was shaking I screamed and when I got out I saw a handwriting you won't leave alive on the wall then I saw a shadow in the window my room's door was locked while I was having a shower so no one could enter in our room the fourth day I was taking a walk someplace that no one knew and then I found a huge knife and blood-soaked clothes I just hope that this stupid and terrible camp would finish soon then the last night I woke up in the middle of the night because I saw the same shadow leaving my room and there was a knife on the floor again I couldn't sleep the rest of that night the last day I was left to clean the room and set the beds for the students whoever would use it next when I was about to finish I saw the door and it said you are lucky you survived I didn't have enough time but next I will not let you go I panicked so I ran from that creepy room I told my teacher however by the time we got back it was gone as I got onto the bus I looked in the window of that room and the shadow stared back at me with a decapitated head in one hand and in the other hand the same knife I had seen twice later when I came back from the camp I heard about that place was an orphanage and a mental institution that had many mysterious deaths to this day I wondered what would have happened if I had spent longer than five days at that place [Music] this happened pretty recent about three weeks ago myself and three friends were hanging out at a shopping center one evening we're messing around posting clips on tick-tock then one of my friends started laughing and I asked her what she was laughing at she told me that guy behind us kept staring at me when I turned around it was some older guy just watching me he had black sunglasses a cap and old Adidas tracksuit with scuffed up shoes and had a disgusting looking beard my friends thought it was hilarious but I found it really weird then another one of my friend said she thinks that guy lives on her Street about a few houses down from her she said that he actually follows her own tick-tock at that point I quickly got my phone out to check if he was following me and he was I had to block him because he seemed a bit creepy we wanted to get McDonald's before we went home and I received the messages on the tick-tock from someone it was that guy who had been following this his name was Greg and he wrote why did you block me of two emojis one was a crying face and the other one was an angry face it actually created another account that day in the shopping center I blocked that account as well hoping that would be the end of it I didn't mention it to my friends this time knowing they would just laugh that night I was up late and had Netflix someone in the background as I was chatting with my friends on Facebook while scrolling through tick-tock I got up to use the bathroom and when I returned I had three messages from my friends all saying the same thing all over things like who's in your room and what's up with your last post I asked him what they were talking about and they told me to check my tick-tock so I did it was a clip of my bedroom there's a clip of someone picking up my phone and recording the inside of my room at that point I heard it creaking then I heard a man's voice say sorry please don't scream intern to see my closet door slightly open I started to scream when the same guy who had been following us burst out of my closet and tried to cover my mouth thank God I screamed and it was enough with my parents to hear they came upstairs and my dad tackled the guy to the floor the police were called and he was arrested we will inform that the guy has straight-up admitted to stalking and breaking and entering one of my friends pointed out if I go back and look at the post on the tic-tock from when we were in the shopping center you can see Greg is in almost all of those pictures somewhere in the background I haven't heard what's going to happen to Greg to it I just hope he won't ever come near us again [Music] you it happened about six months ago I was in a scouting group and at the end of the semester with the last group meeting we always did something special but this time was a little different instead of going indoor climbing our Scout leaders decided to go canoeing I was really excited about it because I'd never canoed before as always with every trip we should have to be an hour earlier as we were riding our bikes to the destination I noticed something it was a creepy looking old man staring at us with an almost psychopathic like grin on his face his clothes looked old and dirty but I shook it off thinking that even if the guy was some kind of creep it still wouldn't matter because we were with a group as we arrived at our destination the guy from the canoe company told us how to row and that we had to choose our buddy to canoe with I chose my friend Noah that we've been friends since elementary we got to go first and it was sort of a race so we were happy to go first but within 10 minutes we got passed by my little brother and his friend it went pretty normal after that we saw this guy in the middle of the stream in a boat just fishing and sipping a beer 10 minutes after I saw the same guy I saw on the way here he was just standing on the ground next to the stream with that same awful grin on his face I thought of it as being a cliche as this always happens in the movies Noah also said it's probably just a coincidence he said this place is a popular camping place especially at this time of the year to be honest he wasn't that scary that time he might just be an old crazy man trying to scare some of the kids so I just canoed on and half an hour later we were at the end I got wet so I grabbed a towel and we went back to the meeting place after that I was going home alone riding my bike and I saw that same old guy in a car with another man who was sitting backseat and they started slowing down and the man asked me hey kid looks like you need a ride the man behind the wheel said nothing and I tried to say it as polite as possible oh no thanks I'm almost home anyway as I looked at the man again and I noticed fury and madness in his eyes which I didn't know why I just got scared so I pedaled my bike out of fear of being kidnapped but the car started chasing me and they blocked the road it was around 9 p.m. in a suburban neighborhood nobody was out on the street as that guy opened the door he jumped out and pushed me aside from my bike I saw him with a gun in his hand then he finally not to be out unconscious I don't remember how many hours passed however I could hear the sirens dimly two police officers saw this car was speeding so they were chasing him I also heard gunshots which made me so scared and then they shouted shots fired shots fired two minutes later the gunshot stopped and the trunk where I was was opened it was a police officer he took me out and told me it's safe now don't worry later an ambulance arrived soon so I could go to the hospital and met my parents there now six months passed but I still think about what if the police officers didn't see them and they took me to the place where they were heading [Music] when I was nine my father had died I didn't know how and why it was just sad about it I soon got over it and would just look at the pictures I had of him after some time had passed I constantly saw him whenever I saw him I told my mom daddy's home mommy daddy's back from his long trip well she thought those were recurring dreams and maybe a sign that I wasn't handling his death well whenever I told her she would just take me and my sister out to get some ice cream I soon stopped telling her because after we moved across a city where I lived which is Reno Nevada I still saw him sometimes in my sixth-grade class one time when my best friend and I were working during math class I saw my dad sitting beside me then I whispered to my friend that my dad was right next to me and that he constantly followed me around but he was different from how I remembered because there was always a bullet hole on the left side of his forehead near his hairline in the seventh grade he still followed me around and always frowned every time he saw my stepdad either hitting me or screaming at me my stepdad was kind of tough so he did that to me sometimes whenever my stepdad would enter the room he got mad at him I heard my dad gently one time in a dream tell me that he had killed himself because of my mom he said that my mom cheated on him and always yelled at him saying he wasn't good at being a father over the summer between ninth and 10th grade I was in summer school taking the second semester of Algebra one I was sitting at the front by the door when all of a sudden something outside caught my attention my dad was staring in through the window of the door his eyes were empty I was horrified being watched by him he came into the room and sat at the empty desk next to me and I knew that he was not the same I felt something was going wrong I've grown up now but I still see him alone and he's always whispering in my ear and telling me that my mom is the one who should have died not him my name is Jude and I'm 27 years old I've always loved going camping ever since I was a young boy some of my earliest memories were of me sitting around the fire with mom dad and grandfathers singing songs and telling stories whenever we told stories we always ended the night on a scary story right before going to bed and my grandfather stories were always the best his descriptions gave me chills as he described vivid characters and monsters from his imagination I always loved to hear his stories but once when I was 10 years old something happened that scares me to this day one cool autumn day my parents decided to take me camping with my grandfather as we always did around that time of year we arrived at the campsite around 6 o'clock and on the way in I saw that the campsite we were driving into was different than the one we usually camped at the entrance to the campground seemed old and a lichen covered stone sign with the name of the grounds greeted us as we drove in we arrived and set up our tents after eating dinner and cleaning up we sat around the campfire as usual to tell our stories I can't remember all of the stories told except for the last my grandfather story I remember the smell of the burning wood and burnt orange sunlight casting long shadows off into the trees behind us as he began to tell his tale he started by saying that it was a true story from his childhood and he had waited to tell it to me until I was old enough this grabbed my attention as usually my grandfather told fake stories and never about himself he said that he had been camping at the same campsite we were staying at when his story occurred he started by saying the campground had been built back in the 1930s by CCC workers during the Great Depression which looking back explained the old nosov the park but at the time as a kid I really didn't care he said that one night around 1960 something while camping with his father he was fishing at the lake down at the end of the long hiking trail that led back to the campground his dad told him it was time to leave and they started off down the trail as he was walking he began to feel a strange sensation as if he was being followed he turned back but supposedly saw nothing several times he kept walking until he said he was stopped by a long eerie moan rippling out from behind the trees he described it as sounding like a ghost or a person being slowly injured he and his dad stopped in their tracks his dad apparently tried to tell him it was a coyote but my grandfather knew better he told me it wasn't a coyote he believed it was something else something more sinister nevertheless after this encounter he returned back to the campsite with his dad and never saw or heard anything else he claimed that this was true and obviously he wouldn't be telling this to us if he hadn't been affected by it but to me it seemed silly scared by a noise come on anyway about two days later I was walking back to the site with my grandfather from a long day of hiking and picking wild berries in the nearby forest both of us were carrying heavy baskets full of berries to bring home the Sun was setting and I noticed the long shadows peering out from behind the trees as it began to grow darker dead darker the trail seemed to grow longer and longer I began to feel a weird sensation in my stomach like I was being watched after about five minutes the feeling began to grow and I looked at my grandfather he looked right back at me with the same fearful eyes I was in shock did he feel the same feeling then I remembered his story about the way he felt the night he heard the noise I began to walk faster and so did my grandfather without saying a word after about 20 minutes it was completely dark and our arms ached for carrying the berries up the trail right as I turned a corner I heard a long eerie moan my heart stopped as I froze in fear my grandfather looked at me and said it's time to go with that we began wailing swiftly down the trail as fast as we could without dropping our berries just as I began to relax I heard it again only this time it was much louder it sounded like someone being murdered it was terrifying it came from directly behind us and I felt a burning sensation in the back of my head I dared not look back i sat in fear wondering of what could have made the noise when suddenly I heard my grandfather scream run I whipped my head around and in the dark foggy light I squinted and I saw a tall slender black shadow dart between the trees about a hundred feet behind us on the trail I instantly dropped my bucket and ran like the wind down the trail as fast as I could my grandfather was behind me I became worried about him as he was an old man and I was afraid he might hurt himself running down the rocky trail but I didn't stop nor did he until we reached the campsite that night I sat in my tent heart racing thinking about what could have made that noise after we came back home we never never returned to the old campsite and to this day that experience still haunts me my name is Danny last year I entered the high school as a freshman one day while I was in PE class the coach allowed us to get water one at a time and I was the first student to go I rushed inside one of the buildings from the courtyard to find the nearest water fountain since the building was pretty old the only two fountains on the first floor were unusable due to rusty pipes the only option was to go down into the unused basement knowing that no one was allowed I was nervous since none of the electricity was working as its only used during the summer however I forced myself and made my way down using the hallway light upstairs to guide me to the fountain as I was drinking water someone grabbed my shoulder roughly he was a tall man to be in his early 30s with a police badge he said seriously I was ordered to take you boy your school is in danger right now just then he started to pull me away my 14 year old head I believed I was going to be saved from this school danger he pulled me through the back door to a black van but all of a sudden I felt uncomfortable in my stomach so I told him that I wanted to use the restroom I came inside to the restroom and he said that he was going to wait outside the door the bathroom was stinky while I was using the restroom thinking hurry to finish I asked him about what's going on or where is everybody else and so on but he didn't answer at all when I came out the man was gone then I heard the back door slam I turned around and there was that man the guy had a knife and he pointed at me across the scarcely visible hall I was terrified I screamed it started to run he also started sprinting toward me at an alarming rate and then I felt burning on my back and finally blacked out when I woke up again to unbearable pain I noticed that I was in the hospital and my parents Big Brother and the principal were standing beside me apparently I was stabbed in the back twice the principal said there was an announcement that someone invaded the school over the intercom however I wasn't able to hear it since the speaker's didn't work because there was no electricity down there fortunately the cops were able to break the wooden basement door down so they could catch that guy if that door held up for only a little while longer I wouldn't be here today he could have done much worse to this day I always thank God that I'm alive when I was in my last year of college I started going to frat parties more often I remember where they would have the frat parties at it was at some creepy abandoned lake there was one cabin around the lake and it was big enough for parties and that night me and my friend Kai were walking to the lake for the party when we got there I saw a beautiful young girl she had blonde hair with pretty blue eyes kai noticed that I was staring at her and of course he made a dumb joke I told him to shut up and he chuckled and then he said go talk to her dude I refused at first but after five minutes Kai convinced me to go over to her so I finally went for it I walked up to her and I said hey are you new around here she then said yeah it's my first year of college and smiled then she told me that her name was Jamie we started talking and about one hour later we decided to go into the woods as soon as we were far enough away from the party she looked at me and we started kissing well to tell the truth it was the best moment ever of my life after about 20 minutes of making out she said let's go back to the party but after walking for five miles I heard something and suddenly I realized that Jamie was with me no more she was gone while I was not paying attention to her I called her name but there was no answer then I heard a strange sound again on my left side I went to investigate and I froze in fear it was a man in his late fifties tied up to a tree he had tape on his mouth and he was beaten up badly so I untied him took the tape off and I asked him are you okay sir the man said he was okay and I asked again who did this to him and his answer terrified me he replied that it was the girl with blond hair with blue eyes as soon as he said it I heard rustling noises coming from behind me I turned around Jaime was there and she had an axe in her hand she was smiling again but now it became madness I tried talking to Jaime and told her to put the axe down but she didn't listen she threw the axe right at me luckily the axe missed me and hit a log beside me I had no choice at all I tackled her to the ground and screamed for help kai and two other dudes came to me in a hurry and helped to restrain her I was pissed and also shocked I asked her why did she attack that man she laughed and told me what's the problem you don't have to worry about it there's something like that I told Kai to watch her while I called the cops and the cops showed up within minutes the party was cancelled and everyone had to go back to campus I still think what would have happened if I didn't pay attention to the sounds and just kept walking to the party I hope Jaime never finds me again you a few years ago more like 10 years ago I should be big into visiting weird websites I had a lot of time on my hand due to not playing sports nor did I volunteer for anything at all in high school I told my friend Marc that I was starting to get bored honestly I was bored with what I was experiencing on these websites he said I should go on a Deep Web he not used to go on a Deep Web but never found anything so I decided to search through some more stuff a little deeper I searched for hours every day for about two and a half months still nothing that I hadn't seen already I told mark and of course he said just visit the dark web when I did go in the dark web I saw chat rooms all with different names I came across one named I as in a ye it was all in caps I entered the chat but before any really live chat you are assigned a number mine was piqued three four I confirmed my number and in it there were hundreds of people the comments were coming in quick at first I didn't understand what was going on the screen was black then the name popped up on the screen and said mr. Wiggles the comments immediately stopped and the voice came over my speakers Walton p34 then his name disappeared off of the screen in the comments continued and everyone giving me welcome a few minutes go by then a countdown from 10 pops up on the screen then the chat goes crazy once it reached the number 1 the screen went straight to what looks like a view from a camera just watching someone what looks like at their home I said they're watching this for 20 minutes and nothing happened so I shut down my computer the next day I went to school had a normal day went to Walmart then I went home I decided to go back on the same Chad from before I confirmed my number p34 and again there were hundreds of people commenting misterwiggles popped up and just like before the comment stopped across the screen it said no new members tonight then the countdown started again everyone in the chat started going wild they countdown finished and then it was showing the point of view from a camera again but it was outside of the school my school from earlier that day at that point I was intrigued I couldn't tell if it was focused on a certain person or just watching the school after 30 minutes of watching the video our school bell rang and everyone started to come outside while whoever was recording was positioned across the street in the car once everyone came out the person got off the car and started to follow a crowd of kids everyone started to split from each other and the person recording started to follow someone it was my friend Marc he had to be at least 100 feet behind him I started to call Maude but he didn't answer it I kept calling him as I watched the video but nothing a person following him to his house and sat outside of his house for a few minutes the man behind the camera finally said no parents are home and he began to walk to Marc's house rang the doorbell and waited as he continued to record a few seconds go by and Marc opened the door he looked confused in the guy said III forcing it Martin looked afraid the camera shut off and everyone in the chat left so I did too I caught Marc's house phone instead of his cell phone and his mother answered I asked for Marc and she said that she thought he was with me I panicked I then received a notification on my phone from my gmail account they said the sender was mr. Wiggles the message was I'm getting close to people before Marc says hi I was shocked and didn't know what to do so I called the cops they didn't do anything about it because the email disappeared I haven't been on the dark web since and no one has seen marked still to this day I received messages with pictures of me and random places along with the same written message that said it can happen anytime honestly wish I never went on the dark web
Channel: Wansee Entertainment
Views: 5,506,913
Rating: 4.8203216 out of 5
Id: ryi49QyF2hk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 43sec (2743 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 01 2020
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