3 Dark Web Horror Stories Animated (Vol. 2)

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I've always had a morbid sense of curiosity and while that's not a fact I'm particularly proud of I've always just jotted it down to teenage curiosity to be honest it probably started back in middle school when people thought it was fun to send around horrible videos of executions and bizarre porn fetishes to each other on the MSN messaging site just mentioning it makes me feel old these days there's an overabundance of these sites places to watch people die flurry videos of car crashes beheadings and animal abuse of course is not something I actively seek out but when I stumble across it I feel compelled to just watch to prove to myself that nothing can affect me though for the truly gruesome stuff one needs to visit the so-called dark web as a guy who has fallen far behind in the advancement of technology it absolutely baffled my mind that only a tiny fragment of the Internet is available through a Google search the rest which makes up approximately 99.9% is hidden and requires a special browser for access with the help of a handy-dandy youtube tutorial I quickly downloaded the tor browser and went on my way to search for the hidden aspects of the Internet as one naturally does it couldn't have taken more than half an hour of clicking on shared onion links before he stumbled across something that quenched my thirst for the obscene forever the website itself was rather plain just a black background with a video player in the center and a chat box beneath within a few seconds of entering the web site the video itself had loaded and automatically started playing what was depicted before me was a scrawny looking man in his early 20s strapped to a chair and covered in wounds in the upper left corner of the video a timer ran counting up each second 24 minutes and 14 seconds please stop please it was an accident I swear he yelled a large man entered the picture a large needle in his hand connected to an empty syringe without speaking a word he stuck the needle as far as it could go into the victims abdomen he let a little out scream as the man removed the kneel and plunged it back in after a few stabs the man grabbed a hammer and hit the victim strained his job shattering his mandible leaving him unable to form any coherent speech he let out a garbled whimper before passing out I tried to forward the video sure it had to be faked but that's when I realized that it wasn't pre-recorded footage but a live stream 26 minutes and 12 seconds were the words that lit up the screen the chat beneath the video but wild calling out the victim has a pathetic excuse of a human being demanding the man to continue the torture a few seconds passed and the chat was replaced by a voting form containing only two options life or death the votes were quickly counting the bar for death rising rapidly as much as I could stomach I wouldn't be part of an active murder so I quickly voted for life in the end the results were displayed on the screen out of 200 people the results were 95% for death 4% for life 1% did not vote 10 people had tried to save the poor kid but it wasn't enough without further warning the man grabbed the hammer and started repeatedly hitting him starting from the legs and working his way up until all that remained was a bloody pile of broken flesh i sat speechless staring helplessly at the screen as I noticed that my camera light had lit up the video player vanished and in its place 10 smaller boxes popped while displaying people from various places around the world all being unknowingly filmed by their own webcams to my absolute horror one of the boxes showed my bedroom and myself wearing a terrified expression it quickly dawned on me that these were the people who voted to save the poor kid who will be next a message said as a timer counted down toward zero a few boxes turned black to which the chat responded with laughter a hopeless attempt at escape three two one nine of the ten pictures disappeared from the screen including my own leaving the screen occupied by a middle-aged Asian man frozen in fear we'll see you soon good luck I led Avice I have both relief and panic I had escaped unharmed but not everyone was that lucky of course I called the police but by the time they could even look into it the link had long since expired I don't know what else I could have done but it taught me not to look too deep into the depths of the dark web I'm lucky to still be alive and it's safe to say that I've stuck to YouTube videos and read it ever since when I say drugs are fantastic I'm not talking about the designer substances you find in a dark alley no I mean the fantastic medications invented to cure anything from infections to psychological problems the only problem is the excessive restriction on legal drugs the amount of research work and potential that gets lost with each denial from the FDA just because something doesn't work exactly as intended doesn't mean it's useless I say this as a person who's always had trouble sleeping none the sentence that I can't fall asleep but rather that I need a whole 11 hours just to feel barely rested a fact that absolutely does not fly in my line of work after trying conventional drugs that were aimed at people with narcolepsy none proved to be an adequate solution I had no choice but to turn into the illegal side of things think about all the drugs that never reach the shelves at your local pharmacy due to failing to get FDA approval it's not like their recipes and research just get thrown out no there's a whole market for them buried in the depths of the dark web available to anyone who knows where to look of course it has its risks and it isn't something I'd recommend for your average Joe I however was desperate months passed and I tried numerous different substances some which helped a little while others just made it worse in the end I landed on product simply called Knox using a Pio box the medication arrived within a week to my surprise rather than finding a bottle filled with colorful pills I had just received the one wrapped in a high-quality expensive looking package based on the form I founded on no one had experienced any adverse effects so I stupidly ingested it with little hesitation impatiently awaiting its results on any given day I'd be tired around 11 but with the pill making its way through my digestive tract I realized that midnight had come and gone leaving me wide awake morning came and yet I didn't need any sleep it was great I got all my work done at a record pace and still had plenty of leftover leisure time it caused some jealousy at the office but considering my competitive nature it didn't bother me in the slightest days turned to weeks then week's turned to months and I had successfully eluded the need to sleep by all logical aspects of biology my brain should have deteriorated driving me to the brink of madness but even a year after ingesting the pill I remained sharp as ever the only thing I noticed was my skin seeming thinner peeler as if I had fallen to slay the ill I initially felt suspicious of the pill but my tired looking facade could just as easily be explained by the excessive amount of work it wasn't as if I could stop taking the pills anyway seeing as I had only taken the 1 that's when I noticed the first sore it looked like an ulcer a bed sore but it was situated on my stomach just below the navel it didn't hurt or anything so I just put some cream on and waited but it kept growing during the next week patches of skin started falling off revealing the fat and muscle beneath it didn't particularly hurt but it was growing day by day and it horrified me I quickly tried to find a site I purchased it from but in the ocean of hidden onions that is the dark web it had simply vanished and the link had expired as far as I could tell no one not even the FDA had ever heard about a pill called knocks over the next few weeks my physical state deteriorated and the doctors were baffled yet I remained completely lucid even sedation for procedures had no effect on me eventually after months of my skin melting off my heart nearly stopped yet I couldn't fall unconscious as I type this my body is rotting away and I'm gradually losing function of my arms and legs and my vision is fading the only thing remaining is my mind as wide awake as ever once I'm done here I'm putting a bullet in my brain but I'm worried that even then I'll have some sliver of consciousness to keep me awake as they put me in the ground where I'll lay in darkness forever ever open the door you wished you'd left alone I was ego surfing googling my name to see which parts meant life had somehow leaked onto the web usually it's a letdown that's been my experience in the past you suddenly see the world through a different lens one in which you're not much of a start you're a supporting character at best and the leading man has your name but a much better life this time I clicked on a story that was clearly about me it was the time I had won first place in the Outer Banks big mouth bass tournaments I'd landed a 13 pound whopper and gotten my photo snapped at the end of the pier there I was happy as a soused clam holding my prized fish like a conquering hero but the photo had a strange tag see he ODS curious I clicked on it the link sent me to a betting website called diabolical proposition bets dot onion where the participants for the fishing tournament were listed along with their odds of winning I had been the longest shot 200 to 1 I got shivers who would have made a proposition bet about me the website included a historical index of proposition bets for many other events that bring very personal graduating from Wakefield high school promotion to regional manager at gala sporting goods marriage to high school sweetheart purchaser a new home in Willow Springs new father of twin girls purchaser lavish fishing boats in every proposition bet I had been the longest shot I ran a sweaty hand across my comb-over and poured another Long Island iced tea then I resumed clicking through more beds based on my life's past events not an adulterer with a teenage cashier not experiencing male pattern baldness by age 30 not suffering erectile dysfunction by age 31 not divorced from high school sweetheart by age 32 not losing job by age 33 not losing custody of twin girls by age 33 not bankrupt by age 34 not an alcoholic by age 35 I pushed away from the computer the worst parts of my life had been turned into online wagers and the bets had all been worded in such a way that I was the longest odds every time so that somebody could profit off my series of failures and miseries this had to be a sick joke somebody had put together one very elaborate prank however there were so many details being posted that no single person in my life could possibly have known them all for instance Minnie the cashier with whom I had had an extramarital fling was the only one who knew about the affair nobody knew about this affair except my ex-wife I suspected that Minnie and my ex-wife might have teamed up to put this whole shenanigan together but even they didn't know about my recent alcoholic consumption of Long Island iced teas I rolled my chair back to the computer and drained my glass there were upcoming wagers listed my eyes zeroed in on one in particular dead by age 36 bells went off literally bells were ringing on my computer somebody was trying to Skype me I didn't recognize the incoming number I hover my finger over the mouse could this be the person who'd been wagering and profiting on every one of my life's major events had they discovered that I blundered upon their vast online gambling conspiracy and if that's indeed who was calling me did I really want to know who it was damn right I wanted to know who was I accepted the call the face on the screen hit me like a sidewinder missile my father hey there Sonny Boy a Sonny Boy was his nickname for me dad this is a bad time I'm in the middle of something it's okay you're not a dark horse anymore Sonny Boy dark horse what's that mean it means the dark web has all sorts of interesting little corners corners where somebody can place a prop bet on anything under the Sun he gave me a fatherly wink you've helped me build a splendid nest egg over the years Sonny Boy my mouth was hanging open so big I look like the prize bass mounted on my wall now listen to me Sonny Boy you've got to hang in there while longer understand hanging we're dead hang in life right now the betting odds have you as the favour to die by suicide your life has been trending down and you're basically even odds to off yourself tears running down my cheeks as I stared into my father's face hang in there for another couple years life will rebound you'll see and just when things are looking up and you're the dark horse again then we'll make a killing thanks for watching don't forget to subscribe and turn notifications on to 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Channel: Dr. NoSleep
Views: 371,019
Rating: 4.8864865 out of 5
Keywords: Dr. NoSleep, dr nosleep, doctor nosleep, dr nosleep animations, scary stories animated, horror stories animated, dr no sleep, 3 dark web horror stories animated, dark web horror stories, dark web horror stories animated, dark web horror story, deep web horror stories, deep web horror stories animated, deep web horror story, animated horror stories, dark web animation, dr. no sleep
Id: dv4y9iLPlw8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 32sec (932 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 23 2020
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