14 Horror Stories Animated (Compilation Of April 2020)

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my name is Pascal I'm 22 years old now but this event happened three years ago when I was 19 it happened in the middle of the night when my parents were away for an important company meeting the company was kind of far away from where we lived so I stayed home by myself while they were gone one time while I was at home alone I looked out the window randomly and froze there was a tall man almost dressed entirely in black he was wearing a tuxedo and holding a kitchen knife this guy was standing right outside of the door looking at me he wasn't laughing at all and his head was twitching continuously sir please get off our property otherwise I'll call the police I opened the window had told him then the man replied oh you can do that if you want as long as you don't look away because of this strange attitude I felt anxious so I grabbed my cellphone and called the police but when I looked out the window again he was gone at that very moment I heard footsteps coming from downstairs I suddenly remembered that I forgot to lock my garden door so it was still open I thought I was gonna die at first then I pulled myself together I got my bat and looked down the stairs slowly trying not to make a sound there he was was just staring at me he didn't move but said I told you not to look away a few moments later who heard sirens the man still did not move but then he suddenly changed his mind and walked over to me I tried to swing my bat towards him but I was so scared I couldn't do anything except scream the police broke down the door one policeman tried to arrest him and the other one tried to take the knife away from him but the man resisted he was strong even though he was outnumbered they couldn't stop him they threatened to shoot him in the foot but he didn't care furthermore he attacked the two policemen and they tumbled down to the ground I ran to one of the rooms and slam the door shut but he kicked in the door when the door opened I could see his face and I will never ever forget that moment however at that very moment the police caught up to him and shot his foot the guy started screaming and pained shortly after that he managed to jump outside of a window and disappeared the police been chased after him but unfortunately they failed to arrest him I never saw that guy again I'm glad that I survived that incident but I also feel nervous that he'll come to my house again from that day on I always made sure I locked all the doors and windows you [Music] when I was a teenager I would often explored the Deep Web with my friends specifically weird stuff on hidden wiki there were definitely a lot of links to choose from I never clicked on the viola links because I'm not into that our friend letrease told me to click on one that says new best friend after doing so it takes you to a page where you have to make a profile I put the name Lisa on Marco file my real name is Susan once I made the profile you are directed to a main page that has categories that were silly serious smart and smothering we clicked smothering I thought it was funny after choosing there was a list of people with their pictures male and female I clicked on a profile of a guy that had the name 5 like the number 5 I entered and it didn't seem like someone who would be a smothering friend when I was searching through his profile I received a message from him asking if I were looking for a friend I looked at Latrice and she laughs but also told me to respond yes so were messaging back and forth for maybe 30 minutes and then Latrice had to go I told him I'll be back on tomorrow and he said okay maybe a week went by where I would talk to him every night he seemed very nice so we exchanged numbers so we could talk more everything seemed fine until I clicked on another profile and someone else messaged me I started talking with this other person but still was texting the guy 5 which I knew his real name now it's William the new guy had the name bill on his profile a day went by and he seemed food but then William randomly asked me while I was talking with bill I didn't know what to say so I never responded he kept texting with angry messages swap blocked I didn't receive any text only a single message on that site and it said soon one day after school my friend letrease came over to have a sleepover we got comfortable went to my room and did our usual of surfing through the way of being nosy I brought up that guy then I received a text message that said why'd you block me from a random number I reply with a question mark then it replied it's me William he texts me from another number after I blocked him I told the trees how creepy this guy is then Latrice stopped me from talking because she thought she heard something then I heard a voice I'm not that creepy we both responded by screaming and looking around I saw someone coming from under my bed so we ran screaming out of my room and my mother called the cops they didn't get him because he left with no window and nothing could be traced back to him I'm starting to think that he was both for the people I was talking to that definitely opened my eyes to the dangers of the Internet I will never visit the dark web begin a few years ago me and my family went on our yearly holiday to Madeira which is the birthplace of my parents it was pretty normal for us to go annually as our grandparents were living there we would sleep in one of our grandparents only and during the day we would go to festivals if you do not know much about Madeira then this story will probably give you a better idea it's not that a physical thing occurred that holiday it was just this nightmare that became very real for me as a child as I said before I was staying at my grandparents house while in Madeira I had a room to myself on the upper floor it was pretty creepy since my grandmother loved to victorian-styled dolls once I was able to fall asleep I had a creepy dream that I can't forget I woke up and from my bed I could hear movement on the floor I looked down to see that the floor was covered in black insects just crawling around I could not see the almond brown wood floorboards all began to yell for help someone opened my door and I saw my little brother come in but behind him was a woman in a hideous purple dress I never saw this woman before but before my brother even came closer to me I saw the woman forced her hand into his back his heart I remember screaming in the dream and all the woman said was your parents aren't here and I woke up I was so scared that I went into the next room where my brother should have been asleep but because it was dark I couldn't see him well I was a dump kid my anxiety level rose even higher I ran out went downstairs and my parents were around I started to panic more because of what that lady in my dream said and I started to cry even more then I heard my older brother call my name from up the stairs the stairs I just ran down I told him I had a bad dream and he stayed in my room after showing me that my little brother was snoring away in his bed the next morning my brother told my parents how I behaved so my mother asked me what happened I told her about the dream with the lady in the hideous purple dress my mother's face became serious and she looked worried I didn't know why since that was unusual for her about two years later I was going through my parents wedding album in her home in Madeira while I was sorting out the top floor of the house with my younger brother I noticed that one of the pictures was ripped in half I thought it was unusual so I began looking through to see where the other half was it wasn't in the album I brushed it off about an hour later I was going through one of the drawers in the living room cabinet I saw this picture of a woman in a purple dress she looked almost identical to the woman in my dream it was the same dress I began get goosebumps so I put the album on top of the table and opened it to the page with a tear duct picture I began to shiver once the tear of both pictures fit perfectly well together with worry I began to ask my mother who was in the image all I know to this day is that she is perceived as a witch and fled with my maternal uncle from Madeira soon after the whole community began to believe it this is possibly all just a coincidence but it does send a shiver down my spine I've never met this woman but she appeared in my dreams I have no idea on whether or not I will forget the specific details of that dream especially since I found out more about this woman who is my aunt in-law [Music] this happened about five years ago I was 11 years old and it was pretty early in the morning I was in the backyard playing basketball with my younger brother before I headed to school we had a basketball hoop in our backyard our backyard was located next to an alley and our gate was pretty short so anyone who walked through that alley could see right into our backyard after playing for a bit we noticed that two strange men in the alley were checking out our neighbor's backyard I didn't feel safe around them so I led my brother back into the house we were going to ignore them but after eyeing them a little longer my suspicions about them turned out to be right watching them from the window I saw one of them hop right over our tiny gate and was now in our backyard then we rushed to go tell our mom my mom went straight outside to see two strangers standing in our backyard she yelled at them angrily and told them to go away she called 911 order and didn't leave one of the men just stared at us all of a sudden he went into the shed we had in the backyard and pulled out a lawn mower that was inside at first we were all confused we thought they might be trying to steal it then my sister started to record the incident thinking it might scare them make them run away but it didn't work my mom called 9-1-1 and the men weren't saying anything to us but one of them seemed to have changed his mind and was trying to convince the other man that they should just leave then the man who pulled the lawn mower out of the shed turned the lawnmower on we were totally confused at that moment a random stranger just comes into our backyard and completely ignores everything we say to him why would he go into our shed pull out a lawn mower and turn it on I mean it doesn't make any sense however his next move made even less sense and was even more insane he flipped the lawnmower upside down and just stood there looking at it a few seconds later our confusion soon turned to horror after watching what happened next he dived headfirst into the spinning blade of the lawnmower which cut his neck wider and ended his life all this happened in the blink of an eye my mom screamed at the top of her lungs which frightened the 9-1-1 operator I couldn't believe what I just saw I was only 11 years old at the time but it must have been even harder for my younger siblings to watch that happen a few minutes though logs on the pots were knocked on the police came by to ask a few questions but the video my sister took had the whole incident on video so the cops knew the story was legit I couldn't help but feel bad for the other man that was with him when the incident happened he screamed too started crying and begged us to call for help but it was already too late I didn't go to school that day because I was in shock after that I couldn't sleep at all I had nightmares for a while I wished we'd never saw that and wondered what happened to that man to make him want to end his life I also couldn't stop thinking about our lawnmower it was old and worn-out you needed to pull the cord multiple times and with some luck it might turn on but he pulled that thing once and it started right up everything was odd that day [Music] this happened to me when I was 17 years old I live in Canada and this situation took place during a snowstorm at around 9 p.m. it was extremely dark outside and I was waiting inside a bus stop shelter after my part-time job to get home although I live in a crowded city in Toronto it was very quiet that night and there were barely any cars on the road due to hazardous weather conditions I was waiting all by myself for about 10 minutes until one man who looked like he was in his 50s entered the shelter he had a disgusting smirk on his face which made him a bit creepy looking and that pretty large guy started making small talk with me he had a creepy low voice and he kept asking me what I was doing out in this weather and where I was going I was feeling anxious but there was only me and that man so I told him I was going home after work he smiled and said to me that the busses are going to be delayed because of the weather and won't be coming in for a really long time I took out my phone to check the bus times however due to the deadly cold weather my phone died completely then he came closer to me he smelled awfully disgusting hey you want to come with me for five minutes he said I said I'm sorry sir what do you mean he said let's go hang out for a bit don't worry you won't miss your bus I will bring you back safely come on I wasn't stupid and was aware of pedophiles so I stepped back and refused but he kept insisting that I should go with him I was so afraid that he would do something bad to me however luckily one lady came into the shelter and the man immediately closed his mouth after waiting for some time the bus finally arrived it was me the lady that creepy man and two other people on the bus he sat all the way at the back of the bus where he could watch me clearly and I noticed that he kept staring and staring I was so nervous and when it was my stop I got off alone with a lady and as I kept walking I saw that the man got off with us and was right behind me I freaked out and thought there was no choice at all so I grabbed the lady's arm and asked her if she could walk me home because a man was following me she also noticed that the guy was acting strangely so she whispered that she would take me home I walked with a lady and when I looked back he stared at me for a while and disappeared when I arrived home my parents and I thanked that lady repeatedly and after that I never saw him again in my life I work at a nurse in a hospital although I can't reveal exactly where because of privacy reasons recently a fairly popular celebrity came to be treated here although I can't reveal who due to the aforementioned privacy reasons honestly I was pretty surprised he was coming here not to [ __ ] top my place of employment but this place was a bit of a record of being really bad in caring for people now that I'm a bad nurse or anything it's just that a lot of the surgeons seem to [ __ ] up their job and not get fired for some reason it's made it all the more confusing to me that this celebrity came here for surgery to remove a late-stage brain tumor speaking of my friend Patricia was a huge fan and really wanted to be the one assigned to him post-surgery she was even thinking of asking him for an autograph which seemed unprofessional to me anyway he was flying in for treatment tomorrow but my current job was to assist a surgeon with the surgery of a little boy who swallowed a bunch of his toy marbles our surprise I decided to opt for surgery though because they were previously recommended to wait for him to pass them it was me the anesthesiologist and the surgeon in the room I was staying nearby to the site of the surgery and everything seemed to be going well then the surgeon slipped and cut the kid's stomach lining open it was horrific the smell of stomach acid almost made me vomit as it began to dissolve his intestines despite our best efforts he was dead within 10 minutes what disturbed me was how unfazed the surgeon was after we failed to save him the surgeon left to break the news to the parents almost immediately after I thought I heard the anesthesiologist mumble something under her breath but I couldn't understand clearly it was something about food my shift was over though and I walked to the subway to grab some dinner then caught the brush home I was pretty tired so I watched some Netflix in bed until I fell asleep that night I had a dream or more accurately a nightmare I was in the hospital and that kid was there in front of me only his whole body was hollow and his chest cavity was open and bloody his eyes were gone too but still he stared at me and the entire time he pointed straight down I finally woke up and we've relieved from being free of that dream and more guilt from the failed surgery I started my day I got to work and Patricia was fairly bubbly she spent almost the whole morning talking my ear off about the celebrity when he finally came in she started freaking out and tried to walk up and talk to him his bodyguards pushed her away and she returned to her duties dejectedly just before my lunch break I was called in to my supervisors office he said he had something very important for me to do and I needed to be done ASAP he told me to go to the transplant center and get ten hats then go to the basement I was pretty confused and wanted to ask some questions but he cut me off and yelled easy you can do this [ __ ] right now or you can walk here and kiss your job goodbye I was pretty pissed he would fire me daring to ask a question but the management would avoid firing the incompetent surgeons even though they should I left in the earth to go collect the organs and found them waiting in a case they're all ready with a note signed by the doctor that gave me access to a restricted room in the basement simply called room 60 I didn't have the slightest clue what was in there and matched on was to the elevator and went down to the basement I walked to room 60 and showed the security guard my note looked me over and said oh this is your first time doing this huh feel sorry for you try not to panic if you know what's good for you he then unlocked the door and I stepped in immediately I was hit with a smell I would describe as rotten eggs pennies and a corpse the ground was slick with something it was dark in there too with only one dim overhead lights the room was pretty big and in the middle I saw some nondescript blob then I heard what sounded like a deep breath in and a blob started moving the thing which I now started to realize was a body was walking towards me with stumpy fat legs I screamed and tried to run away but I slipped on the ground as my face got smeared and I realized the stuff on the floor was blood and as I turned onto my back I was face to face with the thing was it like a very pale morbidly obese man although it was much taller and much fatter than any human could be it had large killed horns as well as no mouth instead where its mouth should be there was just a row of pitch-black pointing needle-like teeth surrounding a hole it paid me no heed and reached out to pick up the box of organs its open the box and ate all the hats and handfuls stiffly three at the time and its mouth I was terrified and ran out the door slamming it shut behind me the security guard looked me in the eyes and put a reaffirming hand on my shoulder looked like he wanted to say something but couldn't he told me that he would walk me out of the building and I could have the rest of the day off no I'm at home still shaking and typing this up I got a text from Patricia and apparently the celebrity surgery was a massive success I'm wondering what I even do now is this a type of thing I can report would anyone believe me this happened when I was about 11 my two friends and I all of us male were swimming in my friend's backyard one night around 10 p.m. my friend's house borders the junior high school property and is separated by a chain-link fence as we were swimming I look over and I see a tall man dressed in black and a baseball cap just standing there like a zombie just watching us for some reason I didn't get scared I just thought he was weird I mentioned him to my friends who both look over and immediately starts screaming their heads off and starts swimming away to get out of the pool their reaction woke me up to the situation and I started swimming out of the pool too we are one by one trying to use the ladder and I was in the rear so as I'm waiting I look over and the guy is scrambling up the fence as fast as he can we made it to the house and managed to slam the door and lock it just as he reaches the door this was the back door which was like 80% clear glass so he just stood there looking at us as we screamed our heads off and I even noticed he was holding a baseball bat we were runnin hide behind the living room couch and he keeps jiggling with the doorknob but luckily he never used that bad to break the glass which would have been really easy he walks away and my friend runs and turns to security alarm on and cause his dad who was off running errands my friend's dad said he was almost home and to stay inside we turned the TV on and start to calm down and all of the sudden with your lung goes off I almost [ __ ] my swimming suit for the second time and are a stupid 11 year old minds beside just standing there screaming was the best option my friend's dad happened to get home while this is happening it gives the operator the secret password that everything is okay grabs his gun and searches the property but he didn't find anyone we still swam a night after that and we never met that crazy guy again also on 25 now and I don't know why we didn't just call the cops or while my friend's dad didn't call the cops this happened around the year 2011 when I was 13 one day my friend was planning on throwing a party at his place so my older cousin drove me there he took about four hours to get there and when I finally arrived it was around a p.m. a few hours later we were having fun but out of nowhere I had to use the bathroom really badly about five minutes had passed and while I was in the bathroom I heard a crunching noise coming from the woods at first I thought it was someone who arrived late to the party but all of a sudden I heard loud banging on the glass I started to think it might be my friend just looking for me so I told him that I was inside the bathroom it wasn't my friend it was a guy who looked like he was in his late 50s he said that his car broke down he then asked me to help him but I was already paranoid about strangers so I simply told him that I couldn't help him he nodded his head and walked away when I was done using the bathroom I went back to the room where my friend was I told him what I saw and what the man said to me my friend looked like he just saw a ghost then he finally said that for almost two months this man was stocking his entire family and also saw him from the bathroom window tons of times they asked the police to check their area several times but they couldn't help his family when he said that I thought he was overreacting until I heard the same banging he's now coming from the door it was more violent everybody paused what he were doing he looked at the door in shock one guess broke the silence and said it was probably only the pizza delivery man but my friend told me not to answer the door at all costs I looked through the people and there he was the same guy I saw through the bathroom's window he had a psychotic looking face and was licking his lips non-stop we all just stood there in silence and hoped that the man would go away but after a few minutes the loud noise came from the bait the guy threw a brick at the basements window and crawled through it suddenly it sounded as if a gunshot echoed through the entire house my friend and most of the partygoers screamed and ran out of the house I stayed behind along with a few others one of the older kids was trained in martial arts so I saw him assault and attacked a man until he was shot afterward the man escaped and ran into the woods the whole scene was chaotic now an ambulance and police car arrived soon after unfortunately the kid that was shot survived after a few days of intense investigation the police went to my friends house and told him that they caught the guy it turns out that he was living in the woods he also kidnapped three kids but luckily they were found in time and set free but they also found out that he had already killed a few kids already so after that he was condemned to death for murder this happened a while back when I was 11 we used to live in a two-story house with the second floor being a wooden floor there's a slight crack on the floor so if anyone steps on it it creaks and one night I woke up at around 1:00 a.m. the moment I opened my eyes I heard heavy footsteps behind me as my body was facing the wall my bed was next to the wall and my computer was by my head my door was always open since I never closed it when I go to bed at first I was confused about why there were heavy footsteps with chains dragging on the floor the heavy step sounded as if it's stepped on the floors crack I heard the floor creak the footsteps seemed to fade away to the end of the hallway to my uncle's room it creeped me out and I couldn't move my body I just stared at the wall in fear then closed in my eyes soon after that noise came back to my room slowly I heard the creak again and all of a sudden the chains whipped the floor door that sound was so loud so I opened my eyes for a few seconds in front but closed it again I said to myself that it was all a dream and it was nothing it became silent until I heard a loud smash on the keyboard that's right by my head I screamed but kept closing my eyes forcefully suddenly one of the deep voices started murmuring loudly just above my head its sound was so low beyond recognition so I couldn't understand what the thing was then I started to pray to God I was not honest and trustworthy back then but praying was the only way to erase my fear so I kept praying and surprisingly the voice faded away the next day I told my family about what happened and they were surprised I was given a rosary by a relative as protection and she told me not to take it off so ever since then I've been wearing it however just a month after that around 3 a.m. I was sleeping and suddenly my rosary fell and shattered into pieces on the floor I jumped out of my bed immediately when it happened I was so confused but I didn't want to check on what could have caused it so I decided to go back to sleep and just collect the scattered pieces of the rosary when I woke up the next morning I told my family about it again and they got really scared because it was really unusual but they couldn't do anything about it so they just tried to cheer me up nothing has really happened since then but I always wonder what would have happened if I opened my eyes to look right above my head to see who or what that deep voice was [Music] this happened a couple of years ago one night my mama decided to hang out with her friends at a casino and my dad was at work so my two older sisters and I were home by ourselves my sisters were 14 and 15 at the time and I was 11 after my mom left it was very exciting to be home by ourselves but an hour later it got boring so we decided to play a game we ended up playing hide-and-seek at that point I was a bit scared because it was 11:00 p.m. almost midnight but then I kind of brushed it off since I thought my dad would come home soon I didn't want to admit that I was scared also I don't want to be removed so I decided to play let's just play hide and seek in the backyard I suggested but she refused there are no hiding spots back there let's go to the forest my sister said after my sister said that shivers went down my spine but anyway we stepped into the forest that's nearby go count my second older sister said to me I decided that I had to be brave my other sister gave me a blindfold what is this for I asked put it on and try to find us my sister said while my sisters used flashlights to find a place to hide I put the blindfold on and then counted to 30 when it was time I said ready or not here I come after walking around touching every tree I walked by ten minutes had already passed and I still hadn't found my sisters even while I was walking on this trail I could barely see anything so I tripped on a twig and fell my clothes got dirty and my knees started bleeding but I had no choice I got up and walked around some more I came across a tree and you I finally found something it felt like a person haha found you I said I then heard my sister's walking by behind me saying hey how did you not find us yet that moment I froze I took off my blindfold slowly and saw an old man sitting there smiling at me can't I play with the OL he asked with a cracking voice he wore a dirty shirt and his hair seemed like he didn't shower for a long time my sisters and I screamed and started running out of the forest as quickly as we could while running I looked back and noticed the man chasing after us while holding the knife swinging it in the air [Music] but after running for a while the old man couldn't keep up he stopped running and stared at us and then he turned around and went back into the forest we got closer to our house and then we saw our dad pulling into the driveway we ran to him and told him what just happened he was shocked so he called the police immediately the police went to the forest and they searched those areas for a few hours after a while they found and arrested the old man the next day we learned that the old man killed four female children and dumped their bodies in the woods all the local news stations were covering the incident when I heard that I felt sick to my stomach I am glad that we are safe but now I pray for the four souls of the children may they rest in peace I have a sister who got married when she was 18 she had a daughter named Suzy her husband was unemployed she had work two jobs to support herself her daughter and her husband every day she left the house at 8:00 a.m. and she only returned around a p.m. every night around this time Suzy had an imaginary friend she told my sister it was a little girl named Jessica Suzie would talk about her all the time my sister even overheard her talking to disco it creeped her out and after a while she told Suzie she was forbidden to talk about the girl we weren't allowed to mention dis occur when we came over to visit one day Suzie taught her mom dis guys mad at you because you don't believe she's real she comes to play with me when daddy closes the closet door after you leave he lets us out before you come home my sister had no idea this was happening her husband was supposed to be watching Suzie during the day instead he would lock her in the closet with a box of cereal and leave her there all day but my sister discovered what was going on she kicked her husband out the poor little girl spent so much time all alone locked in a closet bed she had conjured up an imaginary playmate for herself my sister divorced her husband and got custody of Susie she decided to move out of the house they were renting when a moving van came the old man who owned the house came over to help him he was talking to my sister and said I was always worried about your little girl and those basement stairs my granddaughter fell down those basement stairs and broke her neck she died in front of the closet down there when she heard that my sister got the chills what was her name she asked it wasn't difficult it was it the old man looked at her and said her name was Jessica she was only four years old she couldn't say it properly and how did you know that's how she said her name dis occurred how did you know my sister was in denial she told him she didn't know what he was talking about she refused to talk about it grab the last of her things and left the house for good even today we're still not allowed to talk about Susie and her imaginary friend dis occur my sister remarried a few years later and Susie got us a great new stepdad but Susie when we speak alone she always brings up that little girl and what she looked like and it still creeps me out to this day because I don't really believe in that type of stuff was ghost in paranormal but there's no way that Susie could have known about that little girl but who knows maybe they are real and maybe not [Music] every night I hear my mother through the walls but she never talks during the day only at night like clockwork she begins at midnight and abruptly stops at 6:00 a.m. I've heard everything from harsh whispers playful talking cackling and even screaming some of the things I hear her say frighten me it's about dark and dreadful things whenever I enter her room to check on her the silence is there she just rocks in her chair this is enough I can't take it anymore my mom has been suffering from seizures for the past few years and they're getting worse the doctor told me that she needed full-time care so I volunteered even though she has always been estranged and I hadn't seen her in a decade I knew she needed me so I kind of thought it might be my last chance to stay with her but it's gotten too much she scares me she doesn't even eat I've tried and tried but she doesn't open her mouth I've tried to get her out of her bedroom or at least out of her chair but she gets aggressive so whenever she needs a bath I bathe her right where she sits she just rocks in her chair mindlessly smiling at her closet she does this all day I have a no idea what I have to do next I'm about to go insane I can handle caring for her during the day but at night I can't anymore so I finally went to the doctor for some help I told him that she's been keeping me up at night with her whispering and talking and I also told him that it's getting too much and she's starting to scare me but his facial expression while looking towards me was weird he stared at me like he didn't understand what I was talking about and what the doctor said next scared me even more well I think you had a bad dream your mother bit her tongue off a few years ago she can't talk at all [Music] it happened when I was around 11 years old one day I was at my friend Kenzie's house my other friend Emma joined us - it was a lazy weekend so we decided to kill some time by baking cookies and doing other things we all gathered in Candy's room and did our geometry homework which was the main reason we were all there but soon after we got bored doing it since we were young teenage girls so we jumped on the bed watched YouTube and Netflix and told each other scary stories the one I'll never forget is kensey story she told me a story that kept me paranoid for the rest of my stay at the house she told us the owner of the house was found murdered in this house and she sometimes feels like someone lives in her closet a few hours later Kenzie's parents said that they were going to a party and wouldn't be back until 6 in the morning Kenzie didn't want to spend the night with her grandma and little sister so she suggested that we should have a sleepover it sounded like a great idea so we just called each of our parents and it took a lot of convincing to have the sleepover when we got permission we all changed into Kenzie's pajamas got in bed and watched something scary it was almost 8 p.m. Kenzie's room was so messy it almost looked like a pig's pin so we decided that we would record a time-lapse of us cleaning we were in the middle of cleaning the room when the doorbell suddenly rang it was our pizza delivery we all forgot to turn the camera off and left to eat we just sat in the living room ate and talked for a while after we finish eating the pizza we went back to her room I realized that we left the camera on but as I reached to grab my phone I felt something I was anxious even though her room was very silent so I told my friends to come closer we all stood there and watched the video as soon as we left the window opened slowly there was a man who came inside and then he ran into the bathroom we all froze knowing that someone was in the bathroom which was connected to this room but tried not to make any noise then Kenzie told us that we should all leave this room so we did just that we went to her grandma's room with her little sister we immediately locked the door called the police and Kenzie's parents thankfully the police arrived in less than five minutes when they arrived at the house they went to Candy's room and found the man near the sink was a gun and a pocket knife and they arrested him it turns out that he was put in jail last week for raping young girls and then murdering them but he escaped prison and tried to find another victim I couldn't help but imagine what would have happened if I didn't look at the footage on my camera to this day I hate going to sleepovers now I'm 16 and I heard that the man escaped again after killing the security guards I hope he's not looking for me or of my friends this story takes place in South Africa my home country it happened last year during July right after I turned 18 I had a three week holiday before I had to go back to school and my sister decided to take me and a few friends to kwazulu-natal for a trip to a mountain range it was me my sister called Kate and my three friends Ashleigh Mae antenna the last place we visited before he went to the cold mountain range was called a sandal wanna wear the Shaka Zulu army fought Britain with many fatalities we got to the place at around midnight since there was in no security so we decided to explore the grounds and look at the thousands of graves placed around the land it wasn't until after I asked to give it a rest and find a place to stay for the night that my sister pulled a box out of her bag it was the infamous Ouija board we used to believe in the paranormal side of the world so all five of us decided to play I mean it was such a perfect place to do it so we sat down by one of the bigger graves and started playing but the board wasn't really doing anything until my sister lost her temper and took her fingers off the key started moving around in short circles before going over the letters and spelling out ru n th ey a ar e H e ar e run they are here at first we were all kind of laughing we weren't really scared because we had had a crap ton of alcohol before playing the game and thought it was one of the girls doing it however all of a sudden Ashly stood up cried out in pain and she claimed something was stabbing her help help me she screamed so he immediately stopped playing and went to help her when she lifted up her shirt and we could see a long and deep scratch that went from where her heart is down to her stomach we were all shocked so we left the place in a hurry since the nearest clinic was over an hour away when we arrived our situation only got worse considering we were a group of white girls who only knew how to speak English and a bit of Dutch while everyone inside of the clinic was a Zulu native and didn't know any English we couldn't get my friend any help since neither we nor the nurses understood each other until we lifted up my friend's shirt to show them the wound we felt so stuffy and eventually one nurse sterilized her and bandaged her up however surprisingly the next morning when we woke up inside of my sister's van she was no longer wounded and it was as if the event didn't even in someone later told us that it might be a Zulu trademark to cut their enemies hearts from their gut in respect of the body they had killed preparing them for the afterlife but who knows now over a year later none of us truly know what happened I go to university and they are still my only friends the memory becomes more and more distant over time and I sometimes believe that we all just hallucinating but the one thing for sure is that I will never ever touch the Ouija board again
Channel: Wansee Entertainment
Views: 2,052,893
Rating: 4.8617311 out of 5
Id: JYxlLCqRL5g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 21sec (3021 seconds)
Published: Thu May 14 2020
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