12 Horror Stories Animated Compilation

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growing up my mother told me a story about an Aswang or witch in the Philippines our songs are known to live in rural areas and have the ability to appear like any other human being at night they shift into predators and stalk their prey they hunt for human flesh and their preference is children my family can be quite superstitious so my mom told me the story not to scare me but as a warning for me to not trust strangers so easily and so that I wouldn't go to sleepovers this Aswang lived in a provincial village near the mountains he had a daughter who he loved very much however he had a secret he kept hidden from her he was a monster he gave his daughter a pair of earrings as protection from him she was mortal and was raised like any other young girl one day his daughter came home from school and asked him for permission to allow her friend to sleep over at their place later that week he agreed but told her that she had to keep her earrings on he was looking forward to it the day finally arrived the friend came over after school and they had a fun-filled evening the Aswad made sure he fed them both really well after dinner they went to the girl's bedroom and played games the friend saw the daughter wearing the earrings and admired them she asked if she could borrow them and the daughter agreed she told her to make sure she gave them back before they fell asleep after playing with their dolls and she forgot to return the earrings during the night the Aswan came into their room it was pitch black and he trusted that his daughter obeyed his command and kept the earrings on he quietly checked each girl and knew that the girl without the earrings would be the guest so without hesitation he began to eat her the plan was to make it look like she left in the middle of the night because of an emergency at home he enjoyed his feast especially since it had been a while since he had fresh meat when the Sun began to rise he realized that he made a terrible mistake and had actually eaten his daughter he looked over to the other girl and saw the friend was still asleep and wearing the earrings it was too late he was full of outrage and devastation he didn't know what to do and was disgusted and disappointed at himself the friend heard is crying and woke up she saw what had happened and let out a scream the Aswan looked at her eyes full of tears and blood stained on his face in a split second he got up and grabbed the friend luckily she was still wearing the earrings so he couldn't hurt her she managed to escape and ran outside yelling for help all the townspeople heard what happened gathered up some weapons and stormed into the Osmonds home the Aswan was still in his daughter's room holding what was left of her body and sobbing everyone started beating him and tied him up where as soon reached the whole village as punishment the Aswan was to be executed that day but before hand had to walk around the village with a sign that read I am a witch who ate his daughter following the execution it was said that sometimes at night villagers could see the us1 standing on the rooftop of the homes of those with children my family and I would spend summers in the Hamptons no it wasn't because we were rich or anything like that we did however have a family friend who was a millionaire unfortunately she was a widow and lived alone the mansion we see that cost about seven million dollars it was in a very secluded area I remember being shocked when I could actually see the stars and hear the crickets at night we lived in the city so it took about three hours to get there by car I remember being really excited to see the place where all the rich city folks but their summers as soon as I enter the mansion I felt a weird energy in the air but didn't say anything about it there were more than 10 bedrooms the place was massive I think the creepiest part about it was just how vacant it was there were also expensive paintings on the walls and smaller portraits in some of the bedrooms I remember thinking this was weird we were given a house tour and my brother and my friend Kat and I stayed on the third floor which was pretty much the Attic one night everyone was hanging out on the third floor we turned on the television pull it out monopoly from the shelf and started setting up the game we had just started playing the game when suddenly all the lights went off quickly we all tried to find each other and held on to one another for dear life my dad told us all to form a line and my dad tried to lead us outside I was scared what if we saw or felt something out of the ordinary we kept bumping into furniture and walls I feared going down the stairs thank goodness my friend spoke up and said that she would take the lead her memory saved us because she had memorized the layout of the place we made it outside safely and always saw when we stepped outside where the Stars once we were outside the lights came back on we had no idea what caused the sudden blackout in another situation we were all hanging around the pool my brother and I were playing Marco Polo I'm a pretty decent swimmer but when I got to the other end of the pool I felt like something was pulling me in so my dad had to come to the rescue I didn't tell anyone what I felt in another instance a few family friends joined us for a couple of days some of us were hanging out in one of the bedrooms I was seeing on the bed minding my own business when I suddenly fell off it caught me off guard but I never told anyone that it felt like someone had pushed me the family friend who stayed in that bedroom was also locked inside the bathroom the odd part about this was that everyone was hanging out at the pool which was right outside of the bathrooms window she was screaming and banging on the window for help but no one heard her she ended up escaping through that window she said that when she was locked inside the bathroom the window wouldn't open and she heard the movement in the bedroom later when we told the owner of the house what happened she apologized and told us that that bedroom was a known spot for paranormal activity the owner also told us that many years ago one of the women who lived in the house drowned in the pool she told us that the bedroom our friend got locked inside was her bedroom and said that the portrait on the wall was of her after hearing this we were all freaked out so we decided that we would never return to that mansion I think it's safe to say that we were unwelcome guests when I was younger my mom told me the story of her relatives possession this happened in the Philippines and my mother witnessed this in person this woman was a cousin from my lolo or grandfather's side of the family my mom wasn't close to her but my Lolo insisted that she help out during her possession she was experiencing toothaches and during this time seeing a doctor was very pensive so out of desperation she settled for a visiting faith healer who gave her herbal medicine that she concocted herself she was instructed to take it after her meals for those who are unaware of the practice of faith healers they are religious Christian heals who lose the power of prayer to evoke divine intervention in the physical or spiritual healing of those who are sick she followed the faith healers instructions and took a pill that night shortly after she got really sick no one could explain it but after seeing the faith healer she changed and something otherworldly took over her body and soul she was possessed by something full of malice she would curse and say very hurtful things to her family members the children were scared to go near her she tried to go back to the faith healer and everyone in town tried to locate her but she was long gone everyone knew that the faith healer wasn't working under light and Christian faith but out of Darkness and the devil they were going to accuse her of being a witch everyone knew that she was cursed and told her to get rid of the pills but it was too late she was no longer herself she spoke in tongues and would scratch the walls they had to tie her up to her bed and she fought back she was strong her husband and two grown sons had to use all their strength to push her death my mom was a nursing student at the time so my little will forced her to help out he told her to clean her up while she was bedridden but when my mom tried to give her a sponge bath she tried to bite her and then laughed they tried to call the local priest and to see what he could do to save her soul but he refused to see her priests wouldn't go near her because they didn't study exorcism they feared that the bad spirit would enter their bodies all her relatives just prayed around her with rosaries led by male ola or grandmother the prayers helped before the bad spirit left her body when one said she'd vomited gallons of the blackness once the bad spirit left her body she passed away luckily the bad spirit didn't enter anyone's body after my guess prayers do help to this day I am still uncertain about whether or not possessions are real but I believe my mom because of this I refuse to see a psychic or faith healer you never know who they are working under and I don't want to be cursed I went to college in a small town and lived in a dormitory freshman year it was a rumor to be haunted but I didn't believe it at first it was said the dormitory used to house only female students and one of the girls who live there fell in love with a professor entered a relationship with him and got pregnant when the rumor spread everyone judged endless sister she was also going to be expelled and the professor would be fired the professor broke up with her she felt like she had ruined her life and didn't have support from family or friends so she went up to the fourth floor of the dormitory and hung herself over the years students would claim the dormitory was haunted and would have their belongings thrown at them at an or where if they locked the ghosts I didn't believe it could be possible but during my freshman year odd things would happen like random cold spots in the building and the elevator opening and closing on its own which I saw a few times but blamed on the building being old some nights while studying or trying to go to bed I would hear furniture being moved around I didn't know where it was but it was pretty loud I would always wonder why someone would move furniture only at night usually around midnight this would happen maybe once or twice a week eventually I was fed up because it was distracting studying for my exam so I stormed upstairs which was the guy section of the dormitory and knocked on the door of the person who lived directly above me he answered the door half-asleep and confused while I yelled at him to stop making noise and moving furniture around because I was trying to study he had no idea what I was talking about and I stormed away this continued happening and I eventually just accepted it in a much explanation one night while hanging out in my ex's room the guy stopped by and I asked again why he moves furniture around at night I thought he was weird he denied it again so I reported the issue and was told that no one was moving furniture around apparently it's something the ghost does some nights and no one can explain it because it comes from the fourth floor which has been closed off for decades I was a bit freaked out and no longer wanted to sleep by myself shortly after that I walked up the staircase that was also rumored to be a place of paranormal activity because it was the quickest way to my ex's room I felt a sudden - it felt like something or someone had pushed me and I had a bruise on my knee I quickly ran up the stairs and tried to go to sleep that night there was a storm raging outside the lights kept flickering and the floors were creaking I eventually went to bed and I dreamt of the ghosts in the staircase asking for help she didn't seem angry but sad and alone she was just looking at me when I woke up I felt uneasy and as if it were real the rest of the year I accepted her but I heard something being or an unusual sound I just acknowledge that she was there and everything seemed to be okay I realized that all she wanted and needed was a friend years ago on my morning commute to school I witnessed something that left me traumatized that morning just like any other morning my alarm woke me up at 6:00 and after some hair makeup and toast I left by 7:00 even though first period wasn't until ade and my commute only 30 minutes any New Yorker knows that the trains always deliver the unexpected I hopped onto the D train which was always a bit sketchy once the train doors opened I rushed inside there was a seat calling my name it was across from a guy who was asleep his hoodie was covering his face I sat down and pulled out a book to study for my biology exam I was halfway through my commute when the train came to a sudden stop I looked up and saw that the guy sitting across from me slid and was almost off his seat he was leaning on the woman sitting next to him so she pushed him away from her and when she did this he fell to the ground the train started moving again the guy was laying on the floor he was right next to my feet a few people got up from their seats to check on him as he didn't get up and wasn't moving one man while trying not to lose his balance walked over and leaned down to check on him he was a nurse he asked if anyone had a bottle of water I reached into my book bag and handed him mine the man poured a little water onto his face to try to wake him up no response he then unzipped the guy's heavy jacket to check his breathing still nothing someone pulled the emergency brake and another person walked between the train cars to get to the train conductor they tried to look for his phone or wallet to find his ID and emergency contact information but his pockets were empty I couldn't help but look down at the guy now I recognized him we usually rode the train together every morning the only interaction we've ever had was the occasional eye contact I used to catch him from the corner of my eye glancing at me what happened to him he had a black eye I felt so bad and sick to my stomach and then his eye suddenly opened and we're looking right at me so lifeless we finally reached the next stop I got off the train along with a few other passengers the paramedics came quickly they carried his body off of the train and we all watched hoping that there was a small chance he could be okay they placed him down and checked his vitals nothing they confirmed that he was dead I was late for school already so I called my dad he told me to calm down and that I could take the day off from school if I wanted a few days later I found a short article about the train incident along with a guy's name I looked him up on Facebook and found his profile his mom posted on his page saying that he died of a drug overdose he also got into a fight with a few teenagers the night before and they jumped and mugged him afterward the teenagers placed him inside one of the empty train cars and left it was past midnight on a weekday so no one saw for the rest of the year my morning commutes weren't the same I was traumatized that was the first dead body I saw I tried to kill my son ever since I can see things that others can't I know cliche right believe me I've rolled my eyes over at plenty of times the best way to describe them so you understand is by telling you that everyone has one some people figure out how to deal with them and some people don't I was the last kind of person I still am that weight on your shoulders after a long day the voice in your head telling you things are terrible and they won't get any better that is them you can call them what you want personal demons shadows I call mine Toby because a scary thing with an unscary name is less scary right you're going to want to know what they look like and I've seen enough to say that they defer they shape based on how much they are affecting you are you a happy person not generally speaking maybe a colorless wisp just floating along with you waiting to be fed the scraps it can get are things hard right now you're struggling but for the most part you know that you are going to make it and you can still see the bright side guess who has a dark shadow with a creature shape clinging to their back when they're more solid and hanging on your shoulders so they can whisper in your ear you're really having a tough time and when they walk along behind you fully solid and in your shape mimicking your movements I'm sorry I hate to see those I hate to see people with sad smiles faking their way through the day while the darkness behind them is I don't know mocking stop mimicry I wish I could help everyone but I can only see them I've tried to talk to their creatures like I do with Toby but they can't seem to hear me I mean you can tell a person that things will get better and not listen to what their creatures are telling them but you'll get some crazy looks now I don't know exactly what these creatures want or why they manipulate us but they are feeding off our negativity honestly they seem to really enjoy when we are cruel to each other on top of meeting our sickness I can't quite figure out what the end game is to make us kill ourselves do they get to move on or do they just find someone else to bother toby was sure pissed off that I kept on breathing but he wouldn't tell me why he wants me to die just spouted off some nonsense about how I wasn't supposed to come back it was my turn whatever the hell that meant and yeah I know I know I should work on myself so Toby gets weaker but I'd rather be miserable and spite him by not killing myself I may be depressed but Toby is trapped and that's a perk I guess if anyone does believe me stop listening to them and try not to be so negative and they don't seem to like animals I have four cats and a dog and Toby will go all the way into another room when I have them around me he doesn't like Pleasant things in general when he runs his mouth more when I'm with friends or family I don't know enough to help anyone get rid of their creature I mean he'll even right now Toby it's telling me not to post this that I'm all wrong and that this won't help anyone but him it can't hurt right this story happened when I was about six years old I have a pretty big family and we were all sleeping over at my grandparents house it was me three cousins one uncle and three auntie's we all decided to play hide-and-seek so we turned off all the lights and only left the TV with a static screen on as our only light source they paired me and my cousin each because we were both really young and would have trouble finding people by ourselves we passed through the living room and walked down the hall that had a room on each side as we walk to the room on the right we saw a faint shadow of something crawling under the bed it was rather scrawny butt looked hunched over so we thought it was our uncle T we laughed as we blow that would enhance and squatting to look under the bed while saying uncle T we found you but it wasn't him there was this really pale face that you could see through the darkness that had cuts and scars all over it but the worst thing was how it smelled it wreaked of rotting meat and let out this banshee blood-curdling scream my cousin and I stumbled backwards and hugs each other while screaming I don't remember this part but my aunties and uncles and flip the light switch on to see us huddled in the corner we weren't crying just sitting in the corner of the room hiding our faces into each other's shoulders it was almost as if our souls left our body and we were stuck like that they eventually got through to us and we each took a huge gasp of air apparently everyone heard the scream of whatever was in the room with us and they ran past the living room where the TV was flickering uncontrollably they turned on the lights only to see something quickly crawl out through the door that led to the backyard I don't remember what happened after I blacked out but I'll never forget that terrifying scream and that rotting disgusting stench it gave off Alice was the most beautiful girl I ever laid eyes on she had the most amazing personality she was sweet and kind with confidence that shined brighter than the stars in the night sky she had the mill keas Twite skin her hair was jet black with emeralds green eyes and naturally blood-red lips the day she walked into my life I knew we were meant to be together forever it took me months to work up the courage to say hi to her hey there and when she flashed those pearly whites at me I was hooked I did everything to make sure she knew how much I loved her when she was sick I would watch over her all night to make sure she was all right I would spend hours just stroking her hair she loved it I could tell by the way she smiled in her sleep as I was bird I loved you in her ear I made sure she started every week with a smile with a fresh bouquet of flowers sent to where she worked she was loved and she loved me back she didn't have to say it because I saw it in her eyes but then things began to change she started becoming withdrawn she stopped leaving the house wouldn't go to work she wasn't going to tell me what was wrong so I had to find out for myself it didn't take me long to find out she was getting unwanted calls from a guy claiming to be madly in love with her he was bombarding her day and night with phone calls sending her creepy letters seeing if he couldn't have her no one could I love him I couldn't bear seeing the fear in her eyes it was my job to keep Alice safe and I promised her I would protect her so I decided to stalk her stalker and it didn't take me long to find out where he lived he lived in a dingy apartment in a place known as Skid Row I watched his movements I watched as he watched Alice as I watched him I became slightly empathic to his plight he clearly thought he loved her and as I watched his obsession grow I knew I needed to strike I broke into his apartment knowing he was busy watching Alice as I looked around his apartment his obsession was a lot greater than I expected he had pictures of her all over the place her every movement was captured and displayed on his wall like some trophy kill I hid out of sight as he came home and went to bed not knowing I was lurking in the shadows watching Ellis must be tiring work I thought to myself as he passed out on his bed I crept out from the shadows I stood over him as his chest heaved in and out I picked up a pillow and place it over his head by the time he knew what was happening it was already too late as he struggled for air he fought hard for his life but he was no match for me and before I knew it his body went limp it didn't take long for Alice to get her life back on track she was back to her bubbly happy self again back at work and living life to the fullest as I watched over her as she slept I couldn't help but think did she know how lucky she was that I was keeping her safe I stroked her hair as I leaned in to whisper in her ear the Philippines is home to many mythical creatures are the stories true I want to see us because my family has encountered some of them one of the most infamous creatures of the Philippines it's called the manananggal one day my great aunt who was a healer was walking home from work she had a third eye and was known to make herbal medicine and take care of the sick in her town but her specialty was helping women give birth in a village that didn't have access to Western medicine or hospitals because she preferred the quiet recluse life she lived in a very small suburban area in Iloilo she was walking home in the middle of the night and enjoying the glow of the full moon then suddenly she heard a strange noise coming from up above but didn't see anything it was a very loud sound that pierced her ears she immediately knew what it was as a rumors of missing people had been circulating through the village especially pregnant women she didn't want to believe it the stories her mother and ancestors passed down to her she knew that it was the mononym though she continued her walk as she had faith and knew she would be protected she also remembered to apply a special oil she concocted herself that would protect her from the manananggal as she continued her walk the strange noise grew fainter until it was only a whisper she stopped in fear because she knew what that meant the life-saving fact many people fail to learn the quieter it is the closer it is to you the noise came from inside a small house back then houses were built of bamboo so one could easily look inside someone's home she could sense that something was off so she looked in between the wall made of bamboo she witnessed something unforgiving she saw a creature with a face of a woman it had long black hair wings a long tongue and sharp teeth but the most shocking part was that its body was split in half its upper half was detached from its lower half she saw the manananggal and upon further glance she saw that it was eating a woman the creature looked up at her but was too busy with her meal so she ignored my great-aunt my great-aunt immediately ran away and went straight into town to tell everyone a group of people stormed into the tiny house armed with garlic salt and the tail of a stingray because the creature hates garlic and salt and applying it to the wound where the lower torso separates will kill it it can also be killed by the whip of a stingrays tail the group of people were also planning on burning the creature but the manananggal was gone all that remained were the stains of blood shortly after migrate on to move to a bigger town she always feared coming across the creature again so she made sure her home was covered with herbs and that strings of garlic hung on the roof and windows she always had her special coconut oil with her too that was full of spices and would bubble anytime a mana manga was near her it's hard to identify them during the day since they look like ordinary women and cover their wounds supposedly they no longer exist and were all burned off but you can never be too sure Lenox my best friend and I were playing outside on the big school Hill when this happened we liked sliding down the hill and fighting on top of it and yeah we were kinda stupid one day we saw a man who looks kind of old passed by our Hill he had dark brown hair wore a light blue jacket had a huge bald spot right on the very top of his head and a few wrinkles on his face and yeah Lenox said hi to the guy for some reason oh the man just replied with a whoo-whoo in a weird and tricky to understand way the man then walked away Lenox and I kept playing until the same guy passed our hill again Lenox said hi again and the man replied with the same response but then he turned around and walked towards a different path I was creeped out but Lenox seemed fine so I told Lennox to go take a peep and see what the man was doing Lenox walked closer to him and reported back to me he said that when he looked over the guy the man swung his body backwards and looked at Lenox his hand was waving at him and with a creepy smile on his face he once again said hello Lennox and I ran after him quietly and hid Lenox went to check if he was gone and after a few minutes we saw the name again we decided to start recording this moment as proof for my mom when I was recording Linux said to the man hello oh where are you going and the man replied I'm going home now then he took a path nobody ever took without hesitation we followed him along the way we saw white blue flashes right before our very eyes and it looks like he was sonic for some reason then he continued down the path when we followed him he was gone so we headed back to the house it was getting dark in Linux grabbed a stick ended at the wall and said if this man is a serial killer this stick will break he flung the stick at a house and it broke we ran to Lennox's house and told his mother everything then I was left all alone and had to walk to my house in the scary darkness thankfully nothing happened when I was at Lennox's house his dad told me that near farm flows in Bolton there was a kidnapper on the loose we were thinking that that guy was him farm villages close to our school so it must have been him but we don't know to this day Lennox and I are still searching for him to get evidence Lennox has his weapon ready a stick as far as I can remember I've always been a girly girl growing up I used to be obsessed with Barbies and collecting stuffed animals at the age of nine I went through a phase where all he collected were porcelain dolls it all started when a relative gifted me with a porcelain doll on my birthday I don't remember who this relative was and neither does my mom the doll had skin white as snow curly black perfectly pin curled hair brown eyes and a light beige dress on its face was very realistic I hardly ever took it outside of the box because honestly I was also creeped out by it but I still admired its beauty from afar I named her rosemary I had a weird relationship with this doll I would love the doll one month and take her outside of her box to play with the next month I would despise and be terrified of her I decided to leave rosemary on the top of a bookshelf which was in the living room I would never want to stay by myself because her eyes would always follow me around the room not to mention the light beige dress I used to imagine that the doll was buried underground with a wedding dress and that was the reason behind its discoloration in one instance I was home alone and watching TV when the living room lights started flickering uncontrollably I was scared so I turned off the TV and ran to my room when I was hiding in my bedroom I heard the TV turn on by itself then turned back off luckily my mom came home shortly after occasionally the doll would also go missing but I assumed my brother was just trying to mess with me sometimes I would find her in my bedroom with all of my other dolls still inside of her box I used to suffer from nightmares I would dream about rosemary in these dreams she would talk to me from the inside of her box and tell me that she wanted to come outside and play with me her mouth would never move she said that she would never hurt me and that she loved me and one particular nightmare I went to bed after a long day at school I woke up in the middle of the night to the sound of rustling I went to the living room and the box was on the floor and was left open rosemary was an inside of the box I looked around and heard singing it came from the kitchen and when I peeped inside rosemary was near the sink holding a knife still singing I ran to my parents they followed me into the kitchen we grabbed a baseball bat and lighter because we were going to break the doll and set it on fire rosemary was walking toward the living room to get back inside of the box my dad got his slipper and threw it at the doll it fell back and let go of the knife she was still and I was horrified but also angry the doll was throwing a tantrum on the floor crying hysterically and screaming at me this time with a demonic voice that's a Yap yes did I die Wow I grabbed the bat and started smashing her really hard until she shattered into pieces afterward we collected the remnants of the doll and set it on fire when I woke up from the dream I was crying I went into the living room and the box was on the floor but rosemary was still inside her cheeks were damn I wanted to throw the doll away but my mom said that we could donate it I agreed to send Rosemarie away when we got to Goodwill and open the donation box we saw that the doll was shattered so they just threw her box away after rosemary left to my house the nightmares stopped shortly after I stopped playing the dolls I was also 11 years old so it was time for me to stop and grow up I wish I could stop shaking my teeth haven't stopped chattering for hours and my toes are starting to turn blue now a light fog is coming from under the door I'm hiding behind which means it's out there waiting for me to succumb all i can think of is how warm my bed was two hours ago I remember coming home from work another miserable day and taking a blisteringly hot shower the hotter it is the easier the bribe comes off after emerging from a steamy bathroom clean and ready for bed I locked to the house up tight and got comfy in my queen mattress just as I was ready to start the office a draught of cold air came down the hall and into my bedroom annoyed and lethargic I reluctantly got out of bed only to find the window at the top of the stairs wide open immediately I slammed the window shut locked it and withdrew to the bedroom to get a weapon obviously someone had broken in and was now in the house with me all right I yelled you've got 30 seconds to get out of here or my machete will make you get out as I said that I noticed that it still felt like there was pulled air circulating through the house I waited listening for the sound of the intruder leaving then began to search the rooms once the second floor had been cleared I moved to the stairs to check out the ground floor approaching the stairs I saw frosty footprints leaving down the stairs stupid [ __ ] I'm mumbles as I followed the trail towards my kitchen as I drew closer the draught grew stronger and colder this is their last chance to get out of here I exclaimed nervously I waited for any response only to receive silence and a chill up my spine I slowly pushed the door open only to be hit with a freezing fog that knocked me back and disoriented me the fall sent the machete sliding to the other end of the hallway then a sound like cracking ice began to move towards me growing louder and louder it was slow and heavy crunching like heavy boots trekking through virgin frost to my horror the kitchen door began to slowly open and pour the icy fog into the hall with me I jumped up and ran into the coat closet next to me there was no lock on the inside so I tied a jacket around the knob to get a better hold on the door with legs locked against the frame I prepared to hold on for my life the crunching came closer and closer as the cold Frog began to sneak under the door when the noise stopped I braced for the tug-of-war but the struggle never came the being simply stopped and waited on the other side of the door now I wait praying for a miracle but expecting to soon slip into the freezing darkness that surrounds me you
Channel: Merrily Mary VO
Views: 178,831
Rating: 4.8573303 out of 5
Keywords: animated horror stories compilation, animated creepy stories compilation, animated scary stories compilation, animated filipino horror stories compilation, Aswang animated horror story, Aswang story, aswang, pinoy horror, filipino horror, animated horror, animated horror story, horror story, ghost stories, horror stories, shapeshifter stories, creepy stories, manananggal, merrilymaryvo, merrilymary, animated horror stories, scary stories, horror stories animated, merrily mary
Id: vURUmdxHdGc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 34sec (2854 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 06 2020
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