3 Horror Stories Animated | Subscriber Submitted ▶3

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when i was 15 years old about two years ago my dad left for a work meeting around 6 pm and i was left in charge to watch my sister she was 10 and we were pretty close we just hung out around the house playing video games and watching movies afterwards i made dinner ate and we went back to our rooms i began to text my boyfriend that i met on an app called yubo his name was luca we were texting on snapchat and sending photos he then snapped a photo that said let me see your bitties i replied with what a bitties he then snapped back your big old boobies i looked down and got insecure because i wouldn't consider my chest to be big the way he was talking was starting to scare me he didn't normally talk like that i snapped back what has gotten into you and he said sorry i'm just horny but can you send them i left him on red he then snapped what if i send first and i was actually thinking about it when he snapped me again it was a mirror selfie of his abs and he looked more tanned than i remembered almost orange he also didn't show his face which was a little suspicious the text read sorry forgot to flex before i could reply he texted your turn and i said i never agreed to sending anything he said why are you scared or screenshot no i said i'm just not comfortable doing things like that it's illegal you know he quickly said please what if i see them in person but how would we even meet i said we live in the same area so we could meet up sometime i replied maybe with no intention of actually meeting up how about tonight he asked what no way it's too late now i said it was already nine o'clock he then said something that made me so scared i had to turn off my phone you never know maybe you'll see me around the area something about that text just wasn't right i had an uneasy feeling in my stomach i then thought you know maybe i was just hungry so i went to the kitchen and started to make a cheesy roll up i popped in my airpods and started listening to sicko mode by travis scott while cooking about 15 minutes later my sister tapped my shoulder and i took out my airpods to her saying [ __ ] someone is at the door we called each other that a lot i must not have heard the knocking because of my music so i went over to the window only to find luca staring straight ahead at the door hey [ __ ] i said go back to your room whatever she replied i opened the door and luca was standing outside creepily what the heck are you doing here and how the hell did you find my house i was now very scared as he reached up to touch my hair snap maps and i told you you'd see me around babe he said i quickly slammed the door of fear and started to panic i locked it and yelled go away you're being creepy and then he said in a clear and loud voice let me in amanda i want to see you i'll call the cops i said and he began to walk away looking back i should have called the cops right then i ran to my room and started breathing heavily because of how scared i was who was that is everything okay my sister asked yeah don't worry about it i told her about five minutes later i heard footsteps on my roof i ran to the living room window to see if luke's car was gone but it was still there i heard a lot of rattling and i didn't know where it was coming from or what to do i then saw the legs touch the ground of my fireplace and realized luca came in through the chimney who are you santa i yelled as he walked up to me and pushed me aside to the kitchen counter luca get out you're scaring me and my sister is here i yelled then she can come out and have fun with us he said with a creepy grin on his face i'm gonna call the cops i screamed and when i turned around to run he threw a glass plate of my head which knocked me down [ __ ] my sister screamed for me through the crack of her bedroom door evie run i yelled luca then calmly said can i see you naked now no i yelled as i tried to sit up at that moment i felt his squishy moist hands wrap around my ankles and he pulled me towards the door i struggled but couldn't escape his grip and he was dragging me pretty fast as he dragged me outside i started to scream in hopes of waking the neighbors so someone could help me shut your bloody mouth he barked he then let me go and as i thought to run he pushed his jacket out of the way to reveal a gun tucked in his pants run and i'll shoot you and then find your sister and shoot her too he said in a low but clear voice i started to cry and asked what do you want from me he replied with calm down miyamoto which was something we would call each other over snap it meant my love and his words made my skin crawl i felt paralyzed as he started to walk towards me again a bunch of police cars started to pull up and he ran i started to smell something burning and i'd read before that that was a sign of a seizure but a female cop came up to me and said she smelled it too we went into the house to find that my cheesy roll-up had caught fire and was spreading on my stove and to my cabinets i didn't even notice the smoke alarms blaring my dad rushed home from his meeting after he found out what happened i didn't sleep at all that night apparently my sister jumped out of her window ran to a neighbor's house and called the cops luca was arrested and i later found out he was actually 22 and lied about his age he had used a ladder to get onto my roof what scared me is that he looked young and i had no clue i have no idea what would have happened if my sister didn't call the cops i deleted yubo and will never ever use it again and now i will never use an online dating app ever again it was 1am at night i abruptly woke to a scratching sound coming from the bedroom next to mine i lived in a two-bedroom apartment and my roommate was staying over at her boyfriend's house this particular night her bedroom was on the other side of my wall the scratching continued but i just passed it off with some rusty pipes in the walls as i was about to fall asleep i heard someone call my name serena serena serena i yelled to the creepy voice and asked what it wanted there was no response just dead silence all of the scratching stopped my whole body was shaking in fear what was that was i just in some dream like state hearing my name i walked over to my bedroom door to make sure that it was locked i sat straight up in my bed for about 30 minutes during those 30 minutes i didn't hear a thing outside my room i thought i had to be making all this up in my head i must have been dreaming finally i was able to fall asleep the next morning i woke up at about 8 a.m my mind was fresh and the weird occurrences from the previous night didn't seem so scary anymore i reassured myself that what i had heard had happened in one of my dream-like states after checking my phone i got out of bed unlocked my door and went to the bathroom as i was putting on some eyeliner and mascara i heard the front door open i thought this has to be darla my roommate i yelled dalla i received no response i yelled her name again darla still no response the next thing i heard was so horrifying cold and clinical down the hallway i heard the same dark and creepy voice i thought i heard in my dream serena you are so beautiful come with me and i can show you this beautiful place out back behind my house and in the woods i quickly locked the bathroom door my heart was pounding out of my chest i was silent for about two minutes then i heard him approach the door he screamed serena hilton opened the door right now i felt like i was going to faint from behind the door i heard the man laugh he said sweetheart don't try anything stupid no need to call 911 either i see your cell phone is here on the dresser i silently screamed in my head i sat there thinking to myself okay serena breathe in and breathe out a light bulb went off in my head i realized the landlord had an old-fashioned landline connected on the bathroom counter i picked it up and pressed talk praying to god i would get a dial tone i got a dial tone now i had hope i asked the man on the other side what his name was trying to buy time he was hesitant and finally said his name was carter smith i knew he was most definitely lying this distraction gave me enough time to pick up the phone and call i put the phone on 911 hoping this would be enough to scare carter out of here as soon as the phone started ringing carter raised his voice and said serena stop playing these games don't make me break down this door after five rings an operator finally answered 9-1-1 what is your emergency i yelled please help me and proceeded to give the operator my address i heard carter bolt out of the house a wave of relief came through my body long story short the police came and told me i was very lucky the man was simon carter he had just gotten released from prison for rape and sex trafficking charges if that phone wasn't in the bathroom there's a good chance i would have been dead when i was about six i was outside in my backyard with my two female cousins and my older brother in my backyard there's a very old fence separating our house from the house in front of ours at that time it had a very large hole that gave you a clear view of the other house's backyard we played hide and seek for about one hour and during the last round of hide and seek we heard someone ask if they could play with us we turned around and to our surprise there was a little girl in a white dress sitting behind the fence in front of the large hole we approached her and we saw what looked like a broken plate on our side of the fence we sat down on the ground and asked who she was but she ignored the question all she said was my grandma doesn't let me have friends so can i play with you we were about to answer when all of a sudden she said my grandma is calling me i have to go and she left we were all very confused but thought that it wasn't that big of a deal we remembered the broken plate on the ground and decided to inspect it it was rather vintage something we've never seen before nor did we ever own any plates like these before we tried to put them together and read what it said but it seemed to be in some kind of foreign language we gathered up the pieces and put them in the hole of a cylinder block then we decided to go back inside and check it out in the morning since it was getting dark outside that very morning we went to go inspect it some more but the plates were gone from that day forward we never saw that little girl again or the plates later it was brought to our attention that no one had lived in that house for a couple of months now it's been a couple of years and my older brother doesn't remember anything from that day as for my cousins and i we remember everything till this day i still think about that little girl and where she could have gone or who she was you
Channel: Dr. NoSleep
Views: 118,042
Rating: 4.901762 out of 5
Keywords: Dr. NoSleep, dr nosleep, doctor nosleep, scary stories animated, horror stories animated, animated horror stories, scary animated stories, dr no sleep, animated stories, horror animated stories, scary animations, scary stories, horror stories, 3 subscriber horror stories, subscriber horror stories animated, 3 horror stories animated subscriber submitted
Id: s4C6By-wJeI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 14sec (734 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 28 2020
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